Exercises with am for children. Present Simple: to be exercises. List of used literature

To be or not to be? That is not the question... The sea deity Proteus among the ancient Greeks could (like the sea) take any form. Why are we?

To the fact that the verb "to be" is known in the world not only as the most vital and always relevant, but also as the most changeable (protean) in the English language, constantly changing and accepting different forms, sometimes not so noticeable to us.

Considering that it's used so often in English speech, it's rather unfortunate that "to be" has to be the most volatile and slippery verb in the language. Let's get to know him better. C "mon!

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What is the verb to be and why is it needed

The verb To Be (am, is, are) is the basis of grammar in English. If you misunderstood or under-learned this material, then your entire study of English is likely to be of little success. Therefore, if you feel that somewhere there is a gap in this material, then it is better to stay longer on this article.

It is this verb that underlies the construction of approximately 30 percent of all English grammatical structures, and it is with it that you should start studying English grammar.

For example, to say “I am a student”, we must insert the correct form of the linking verb “to be” and the sentence will take on the meaning “I am a student." - "I (am) a student."

We must carefully choose the correct form of the verb for the object, depending on whether it is singular or plural. This is usually easy. After all, we wouldn’t write: “The troops were moving to the border” - “The troops were moving to the border.” Well, where does it fit?

However, some proposals require closer attention. How would you write, for example:

The majority of Facebook users are (or is?) upset about the increase in spam.
Most Facebook users are frustrated by the increase in spam.

In fact, in this sentence, everything depends on your accent - if it is focused on users- put " are", if on group of people— « is».

Plural or singular depends on your choice. If you are at a loss on what exactly to focus on, then choose what sounds best to you. It is unlikely that your chosen form of "to be" will upset someone.

By the way, "majority" is only used with countable nouns: "he ate the majority of cookies", but not "he ate the majority of the pie". instead say: "he ate most of the pie."

Translation into Russian of the verb To Be

“To be” is translated as “to be”, “to be”, “to exist”, “to be” or not translated at all, and can be in Present (am, is, are), Past (was, were) and Future (will ( be)/shall (be)) times. The form of the verb depends on who is performing the action.

Unlike the Russian language, in English the linking verb is never omitted, due to the strictly fixed word order:

Rule To Be: subject ( subject) + predicate ( verb) + complement ( object).
  • As independent verb(to be, to be, to exist or not translated):
I am at home.
I'm at home.
She was at the Institute yesterday.
She was at the institute yesterday.
Not is in New York.
He (is) in New York.
  • IN interrogative form of the verb "to be" is put front subject and does not require auxiliary verb to form an interrogative or negative form. The same thing happens in the continuative (durative) form of the verb (Continuous).
Is he in New York?
Is he (is) in New York?
was she at the Institute yesterday?
Was she at the institute yesterday?
  • negative form is formed by negating " not", which is set after the verb "to be".
She was not (wasn't) at the Institute yesterday.
She was not at the institute yesterday.
Not is not (isn't) in New York.
He is not (located) in New York.

In colloquial speech, "not" usually merges with "to be", forming abbreviations:

is not = isn't
are not = aren't

The verb "to be" is also shortened from personal pronoun:

I am = I "m
We are = we're
He is = he's
  • As auxiliary verb.

Used to form verb forms of continuous tenses ( Continuous) and continuous perfect tenses ( Perfect Continuous).

They are reading a book.
They are reading a book.
He is sleeping now.
He is sleeping now.
We have been working here for 10 years.
We've been here for (already) 10 years.

Auxiliary Verbs, By the way , can also be combined with the basic "to be" form to form simple answers:

Is Jack in class this morning?
Well, he might be.
Is anyone helping Jack with his homework?
I "m not sure. Jane could be.

Also "to be" is used to form the passive voice ( passive Voice):

Active: Didn't buy a new magazine.
He bought a new magazine.
passive: A new magazine was bought.
New magazine bought.
  • As verb-bundles(to be, to be).
I am a doctor.
I am a doctor.
Not is a doctor.
He is a doctor.
Her new hat is red. Her new hat is red.

  • In the design " there is/there are"(to be, to be).
There is a table in the room.
There is a table in the room.

In this proposal " there' is the formal subject. The real subject is the noun that follows the verb "be" (is), i.e. "table".

If this subject is in the plural, then the verb "to be" must also be in the plural.

There are tables in the room.
There are tables in the room.

At time change the form of the verb changes to be»:

There was a table in the room.
There was a table in the room.
There were tables in the room.
There were tables in the room.

The translation of sentences with the construction "there is / there are" begins with the translation circumstances places.

negative the form:

There is no table in the room. (There isn't a table...).
In the room there is no (no) table.
There is no water in the bottle. (There isn't any water in the bottle.)
In the bottle no water.

Interrogative form:

Is there a man in the house?
In the House have a man?
Are there(any) apples in the greengrocers?
In vegetable store have apples?
  • "To be" often works in conjunction with others verbs:
He is playing the piano
She will be arriving this afternoon.
  • And sometimes "to be" will stand myself on yourself. Especially in simple answers to equally simple questions:
Who's going to the movies with me tonight?
I am.
Who's responsible for this mess?
She is.
I am to (not to) / We are to (not to) / You are to (not to);
He/she/it is to (not to) / They are to (not to).
I was to (not to) / We were to (not to) / You were to (not to) You were to (not to);
He/she/it was to (not to) / They were to (not to).
  • to be ( present) is used only from Indefinite Infinitive(indefinite infinitive).
They are to be here.
They must be here.
  • "to be" ( Past) is used with Indefinite Infinitive(indefinite infinitive) and with Perfect Infinitive(perfect infinitive), which means that the action is not performed:
She was(suggested) to be in the cinema.
She should have been in the movies.
  • The modal verb "to be" can be used to express duties, which is based on previous agreements (plan, schedule etc.)
We are to go to the cinema.
We must go to the cinema.
  • We also use this modal verb for expression orders or instructions:
You are to go to school.
You need to go to school.
  • We use "to be" if something categorically forbidden in negative form.
Children are not allowed drink alcohol.
Children are not allowed to drink alcohol.
  • "To be" is used for the imperative advice or wishes:
You are to drive straight.
Drive straight ahead.
  • "To be", in the passive voice (built with the infinitive "to be") and Past Participle3 form irregular verb or adding the ending "- ed» to the correct one), describes possibility:
She was not to be heard.
It was impossible to hear her.
You were to be heard very good at the concert.
You were very well heard at the concert.


We have covered all the major important nuances this tricky verb. For the last time, we draw your attention to the fact that when you say a phrase and doubt whether it is necessary to put the verb be there, you can always check yourself by asking questions to the sentence: am who / what, is where, is what?

If in translation the words “is, is, is” give the sentence a logical meaning, then in English such a sentence will be correct.

We hope this article helped you deal with the verb to be, which is simple at first glance. Cheers!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Use of the verb "to be"

In English, the verb to be is widely used, which translates as "to be, to be." In Russian, the verb "to be" is often omitted, since it does not add important information for Russian speakers, and without it the phrase does not lose its meaning.

For example, according to the rules of the Russian language in the phrase " I am a student"a verb is not needed, but in English the same phrase must contain a verb, and with a literal translation from English into Russian, this phrase would sound" I eat student" or " I am student".

At this stage, remember that in English sentence verb must always be present. Moreover, if there is no verb in the Russian phrase, then in English phrase, most likely, the verb to be will be used.

Conjugation of the verb "to be"

The verb to be is conjugated, i.e. changes its form depending on the person and number of the subject in the sentence. It's like the conjugation of the Russian verb be: I am , you are , is he is an etc. The following are the present tense forms of the verb to be.

In colloquial speech, the forms of the verb to be can be abbreviated: am => "m, is => "s, are => "re.

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Currently, teaching foreign languages ​​is becoming an integral part of the initial stage of language education in the national school. However, teaching English to children of primary school age is not easy. They quickly get tired, get distracted, sometimes it is difficult to attract and keep their attention for the whole lesson only with test tasks and exercises that are offered in the textbooks. Therefore, each teacher faces the question: “How to make the lesson interesting, exciting and ensure that students learn the language material well and firmly?

Considering the age characteristics of elementary school students, I believe that it is necessary to use game moments, competitions, music, color and fairy tales in foreign language lessons. It is desirable that they be amusing for children in rhythm and sound.

Often, in the learning process, teachers are faced with such a situation that students are sure that if they know the alphabet, a lot of English words, then they can speak a foreign language well.

I try to explain to them that knowledge of vocabulary is necessary, it must be learned and expanded their vocabulary, and knowledge of the alphabet will help them when working with a dictionary. However, the language is not limited to the study of vocabulary and letters; they are only the necessary material from which, with the help of various grammatical and syntactic constructions, a sentence is built, that is, a thought is expressed. Obviously, the study of the grammatical aspect is inevitable when mastering a foreign language. But, in turn, the assimilation of grammar causes many difficulties, which are aggravated by grammatical terms, rules and an infinite number of exceptions. All this usually does not delight most students.

Speaking about teaching a foreign language using a game technique, it should be said that it is quite interesting to use a fairy tale as a game situation. The sounding text of a fairy tale is considered as a constant interaction of elements of the linguistic, paralinguistic and kinesthetic systems, in which the averbal component belongs to essential role. In the process of co-telling fairy tales in the lesson, the reaction of students can be expressed in the following:

  1. by choosing a picture (for example, in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, students are asked to choose one of the pictures: the first one shows three pigs, the second one shows three goats, and the third one shows three foals).
  2. in the form of phonation after the corresponding words (for example, after the students hear the word “pig” - “pig”, they should all say “oink-oink”).
  3. through movements (in an oral story, these will be gestural movements that students can repeat after the teacher). Each teacher can come up with their own gestures together with the students. Students are very resourceful in these matters.

By clothing the original teaching in forms, colors, sounds, which evokes a greater number of sensations, we make the teaching more accessible at the same time. Therefore, in such lessons, instead of lexical units and grammatical phenomena inaccessible to the perception of a student of a certain age, he meets with animals, toys and other objects that surround him in everyday life. The character traits and behavioral features of fairy tale images conventionally reflect the patterns of functioning of lexical and grammatical signs in speech. Thanks to this allegorical substitution, the student gets the opportunity not only to observe with his own eyes what cannot be observed in its abstract form, but also to engage in active work with materialized abstractions, comprehending their specifics as if from the inside, involuntarily learning the rules for their use in speech.

However, back to the story. I would like to note that the study of grammar is a great difficulty for students, since many grammatical phenomena are not in mother tongue trainees. It is often difficult to explain to students what the conjugation of a verb is. The verb to be is one of the most frequently used verbs, and it is he who raises a number of questions among the trainees. This problem confronts schoolchildren at the initial stage and then goes through all the years of their schooling. Therefore, it seems that it is necessary to offer new grammatical material in an accessible and understandable form in order to arouse interest and desire to learn what the teacher offers. It is best to do this in the form of a fairy tale, since the comprehension of grammatical material, like any other, is facilitated by a figurative associative basis. If grammar is explained in the classroom in this way, then students will learn it well. They'll be waiting for the next lesson to hear a new fairy tale about the inhabitants of the Planet - Grammar. The grammar of a foreign language is a whole unfamiliar world, full of exciting secrets and unexpected discoveries. Of course, you can comprehend it with the help of a set of rules and a simple memorization of what is in no way amenable to strict logic. And you can “spice up these rules with your imagination, and then the dry lines of a textbook or dictionary will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

The use of a fairy tale in the study of grammatical phenomena, the use of figurative epithets make it possible to visually present abstract linguistic concepts to students, while perception is sharpened, memorization improves.

The game approach is based on the use of intuitive-figurative, metaphorical thinking, where the main technique is the promotion of analogies: figurative, personal, symbolic, fantastic.

It seems that it is necessary to take students to a fairy-tale land so that learning a foreign language is not only useful for them, but also an exciting activity.

Before introducing children into the world of fairy tales and introducing them to the verb TO BE, you can write the forms of the verb on the board: am, is, are and work out their pronunciation using songs or rhymes:


Who Are You?
Who Are You? (Who are you?)
I'm Mike. I am a doctor. We are doctors.
You are Jill. You are a doctor. You are doctors.
She is Kate. He is a doctor too. They are doctors too.
He is Jim. (a driver, a singer, a dancer, etc.)
(introduction to English) (fixing the names of professions)


On a distant planet - Grammar lived was the king of the verb TOBE.He was strong, proud and powerful. He was so proud that he dispensed with assistants and servants in the construction of all proposals. All decisions about the fate of his kingdom were made by himself. On the Planet - Grammar, not many verbs could do it. The king issued decrees, which all the inhabitants of this Kingdom strictly followed.

One of the decrees read: All members of the sentence are in a certain order.

Remember: in Russian TOBE means to be, to be. Let's conjugate it at times: Yesterday we were on the Planet - Grammar. Today we eat on the Planet - Grammar.

Tomorrow we we will on the Planet - Grammar. Was, is, will be- it's all a verb TOBE. We eat on the Planet - Grammar - how strange it sounds, right? In Russian, we omit this verb "IS". We would say We - on the Planet - Grammar. Let's remember: the English have great respect for this verb and never lose it.

At the king of the verb TOBE had three sons, and they were called am,are,IS. The king allowed them to help him in the administration of the kingdom.

royal AM was a braggart and loved himself more than anyone. He was only friends with the pronoun I - I. He was very fond of talking about himself to all the inhabitants of the kingdom.

  • I am nice.
  • I am strong.
  • I am a friend.

Second prince ARE was very sociable, friends of the pronoun often came to visit him W.E.,you,THEY. He spent a lot of time with his friends in games, hunting, and when he told his father the king the verb TOBE about his friends, he always said:

  • We are friends.
  • They are beautiful.

The prince was very proud of his friends and valued their friendship.

Third prince IS was an insecure and capricious boy. He was the youngest of the kings. He did not like to talk about himself, but he liked to talk about his friends - pronouns HE,she,IT.

  • He is smart.
  • She is a pupil.
  • Itisadog.

King TOBE He loved and was very proud of his children, as it was his life today, real life (PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE).

On the Planet - Grammar lived a particle Not, she always disagreed with everyone and was always unhappy, so the inhabitants of the planet did not want to be friends with her.

She really wanted to be friends with the queens Am, Is, Are, but when she was invited to visit, she argued with them and did not agree with anything they said.

The princes tried to talk to her, but they always succeeded:

I am not nice.
You are not brave. We are not nice.
He is not a pupil. You are not nice.
She is not a pupil. They are not nice.
It is not nice.

Remember: Particle not - has a negative meaning and is translated into Russian as " not". She joins the verbs Am, Is, Are and it turns out

I am not (I'm not) We are not (We aren't)
You are not (You're not) You are not (You aren't)
He is not (He isn't) They are not (They aren't)
She isn't (She isn't)
It isn't (It isn't)

Particle Not she was very worried because they didn’t want to be friends with her, but the king of the verb TO BE reassured her and said that there are situations in life when it’s simply impossible to do without her and all the inhabitants - verbs will be happy to invite her to visit.

royals am,is,Are loved to travel around the Planet - Grammar. When they flew to other kingdoms, they were interested in finding out as much information as possible about the inhabitants of this kingdom. They asked them many questions: what is their name, how old are they, and others.

The kings loved to travel in a flying trailer.

Since they were royals, they liked their trailer to always be the first.

Look at our flying train. The queens Am, Is, Are travel with us in the green trailer, other inhabitants of the planet travel in the blue trailer.

When the princes talked with the inhabitants, they began to ask importantly:

Am I nice? Are we friends?
Are you clever? Are you pupils?
Is he a friend? Are they doctors?
Is she a girl?
Is it a dog?

Remember: When asking questions, we start them with Am, Is, Are

(working with the table in the textbook)

On the Planet - Grammar lived Words Why. They were so curious, they were always very interested in everything and the inhabitants gave them names:

Why? What? Who? When? how? When they met with someone, no one had time to say a word, that's why they were the first to start asking questions.

  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • Where are you from?

Remember: Interrogative words come first, before the forms of the verb TO BE, special questions begin with them, and they are called special interrogative words.

(see "Magic Train")

We continue our journey through the Planet - Grammar and today we will meet again with the mighty king of To Be.

Castle To Be is wonderfully beautiful, with many turrets, spiers, transitional galleries, with multi-colored stained-glass windows. It is surrounded by a deep moat, over which rises a drawbridge. Everything is like in a fairy tale! Today it is especially beautiful, as it is decorated with colorful flags. Today is a holiday in the castle. The king's courtiers and guests from other kingdoms gathered.

The whole family of the king of TO BE gathered in the main hall, and the king himself introduced his relatives to the guests. He began his performance with his parents:

"It's mine Past, my dear parents, mother queen of WAS and father king of WERE, - having heard the word "past", the old people started up and started talking in a race: It was so nice in the past.We were so young. Summer was so hot. Winter was so snowy. Days were long.Weweresohappy... They were already old and loved to remember their happy time when they were young and full of strength, but they already had all this in the past ( past simple). However, they assisted their son in the administration of the kingdom, and when it came to past times, they

were always there and helped him with advice. After all, in the past, Was and Were ruled the kingdom. In past times they had the same power and occupied the same place

in the offer, as are their grandchildren AM,IS,ARE at present. (Further work with the table in the textbook)

Then, the king introduced his sons. He was very proud of them, as they are his real helpers. They play a huge role on the planet Grammar, and it is simply indecent to forget about them!

- Here they are, my present, my today!

Am, Is, Are immediately started talking about the current days of their castle:

Our castle is so nice! We are happy in our castle. I'm happy. And I am happy too. So I am.

Our Father is happy too.

Suddenly the king saw the court magician. He talked to him about something and after a while everyone present at the ball ended up in a magical country - the country of the Future ( Future Simple). It was a country one could only dream of. In this magical country of the Future, the king of TO BE saw his grandchildren Shall and Will, who rule in the kingdom of the Future (work with the table in the textbook).

When the time spent in the country of the Future ended, everyone returned to the castle. They chatted for a long time about their future joys, but a servant entered and announced: "Dinner is served!" It was an unforgettable holiday for all those present. Soon everyone went to their kingdoms, but for a long time they remembered this holiday and the mighty king with the verb TO BE.

The story can be continued by introducing new characters. Suppose in the next lesson - the purpose of the lesson is to consolidate the studied grammatical material.

“The court poet composed a poem about three brothers” (Appendix 1).

I'll tell you friends
A fairy tale about my brothers
About English words
You always repeat them
This is “AM”, “IS”, “ARE”
Brothers “AM”, “IS”, “ARE” –
It's all one family.

Another option for introducing the verb TO BE can be the use of support schemes (Appendix 2).

In the first lessons, children remember how people get to know each other. Students are just beginning to read individual words, and support diagrams help to write down the plan of the statement on the board: “ I am Mike. I am seven. I'm from Moscow. In case of skipping a linking verb, it is enough to point to a familiar trailer. After the story, you can ask students to do some tasks:

I am
I am a pupil.
I am a good pupil.
we are
We are pupils.
We are good pupils.
You are
You are a pupil.
You are a good pupil.
you are
You are pupils.
You are good pupils.
He is
He is a pupil.
He is a good pupil.
they are
They are pupils.
They are good pupils.

2. Write the correct pronoun:

…am …are
…are …are
…is …are

3. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of the verb to be.

a) am
b) is
c) are

  1. They…nice rabbits.
  2. I… a pupil.
  3. He…brave and strong.
  4. It… a nice cat.
  5. We...pupils.
  6. You …pupils.
  7. The dog … funny.
  8. She… a good girl.

The tasks that you offer students can be very diverse, including complexity ( Appendix 3).

Another option: hold a KVN competition - give each team cards with tasks.

As can be seen from the examples, the use of games is an effective way to repeat language phenomena.

As homework you can ask the children to draw a magical land of grammar.

List of used literature:

  1. Konysheva A.V. Game method in teaching a foreign language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, MN.: Four Quarters Publishing House, 2008.-192p.
  2. Mironova V.G. English for elementary school. - Rostov n. / D: Phoenix, 2009.-157p.
  3. Popova E.N. English language. 2-4 classes: materials for correctional and developmental classes with students. I start to Love English.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-151p.
  4. Sukhareva N.A. English grammar in icons and symbols: textbook. - M .: Astrel: AST: Keeper, 2008.-96s.
  5. www.masters.donntu.edu.ua/2007/ggeo/shestopalova/ind/index.htm

While working in an elementary school, I faced some challenges as an intern. Some concepts have to be explained to children in an English lesson, before they go through it in Russian. For example, the possessive case of nouns, or why a sentence must have a predicate (for example, I'm in class, the mouse is black). In elementary school, it is difficult for children to understand why the verb to be has 3 forms in the present tense, and even 2 forms in the past tense. Therefore, one has to explain serious grammar at the level of a “fairy tale” or “history”.

I have a poster with a train about the verb "to be" in the present and past tenses. On the train itself, the inscription: verb to be, he pulls trailers: am, is, are. From this poster, the story turned out.



A story about a verb TO BE for elementary school in present tense.

While working in an elementary school, I faced some challenges as an intern. Some concepts have to be explained to children in an English lesson, before they go through it in Russian. For example, the possessive case of nouns, or why a sentence must have a predicate (for example, I'm in class, the mouse is black). In elementary school, it is difficult for children to understand why the verb to be has 3 forms in the present tense, and even 2 forms in the past tense. Therefore, one has to explain serious grammar at the level of a “fairy tale” or “history”.

... There was a cheerful little train. He loved to sing funny songs and ride the kids. And then my birthday came. I asked the train to take me and my guests to a picnic ... All the guests have gathered and we are seated in trailers.

Of course, in the very first trailer I go myself - I’m the main one at my birthday, so I’m going to the trailer AM we plant a pronoun I (attach pronouns above).

Guys, who are we 1st calling for our birthday? Certainly, best friend(pronoun - HE ), or best friend (pronoun - SHE ). And of course, they come with a big and beautiful gift (this is some kind of object, so the pronoun - IT ). Therefore, we put them (pronouns) in the 2nd trailer, called IS.

In addition to my best friend and girlfriend, relatives and other friends come to visit me and all with gifts. They mean a lot, choose all plural pronouns ( THEY, WE, YOU ) and put in the 3rd trailer are.

Also here we pay attention that the name of the 3rd trailer is the longest of all, therefore those who are many go there, i.e. plural pronouns.

When children have errors when using the correct form of the verb TO BE , I immediately say: Let's remember our little engine. In which trailer does this subject go? And the guys quickly correct their mistake.

I hope you find it useful.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

English lesson "Present forms of the verb to be" and presentation on the lesson

English lesson "Verb forms to be in the present tense", which takes place in the form of a game lesson, a fairy tale lesson using a presentation ...

English lesson using EI in the didactic system of the activity approach "Verb to be in the present tense" for grade 2

An English lesson using EI in the didactic system of the activity approach "Verb to be in the present tense" for grade 2 is designed for children learning English from the second grade...

1. My name is Katya. 2. I am 14 years old. 3. I am Russian. I'm from St. Petersburg. 4. I am a student. 5. My favorite sport is tennis. 6. I am interested in music. 7. My favorite subject is English. 8. My dad is a programmer. He is not into politics. 9. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen is this? - This is my pen. 12. Whose book is this? - It is your book. 13. Whose table is this? - This is my brother's table. 14. Whose bag is this? - This is my mother's bag. 15. Whose pencil is this? - This is my sister's pencil. 16. Is this your notebook? - Yes. 17. Is this your brother's notebook? - No this is my notebook. 18. Where is your desk? - He is in the middle of the room. 19. Where is your pen? - It's in my pocket. 20. Where is your notebook? - She is on the table. 21. Where is your mother? - She's at work. 22. Where is your brother? - He is at school. 23. Where is your sister? - She is at home. 24. Whose pencil is this? - This is my pencil. - Where's my pencil? - He is on the table. 25. Whose watch is this? - It's my watch. - Where's my watch? - They are on the table. 1. My name is Kate. 2. I am fourteen (years old). 3. I "m Russian. I" m from St. Petersburg. 4. I "m a pupil. I go to school. 5. My favorite sport is tennis. 6. I" m interested in music. 7. My favorite subject is English. 8. My father is a (computer) programmer. He isn "t interested in politics. 9. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen is this? - It is my pen 12. Whose book is this? - It is your book. 13. Whose table is this? - It is my brother "s table. 14. Whose bag is this? - It is my mother's bag. 15. Whose pencil is this? - It is my sister's pencil. 16. Is this your exercise book? - Yes, it is. 17. Is this your brother "s exercise book? - No, it is my exercise book. 18. Where is your table? - It is in the middle of the room. 19. Where is your pen? - It is in my pocket 20. Where is your exercise book?- It is on the table. 21. Where is your mother?- She is at work. 22. Where is your brother?- He is at school. 23. Where is your sister?- She is at home 24. Whose pencil is this?-It is my pencil.-And where is my pencil?-It is on the table. 25. Whose watch is this?-It is my watch.-And where is my watch? - It is on the table.

Exercise 159. Insert the verb to be in Present Simple.

1. Where... you? - I... in the kitchen. 2. Where... Fred? - He... in the garage. 3. Where... Lisa and John? - They .. at college. 4. ... are you busy? - No, I ... not. Mike ... busy. He ... the busiest person I "ve ever met. 5. It ... ten o" clock. She... late again. 6. How ... you? - I... not very well today. - I... sorry to hear that. 7. We ... interested in classical music. 8. Vera... afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother ... not nervous and she ... rarely upset. She ... the kindest person I "ve ever seen. My grandmother ... really wonderful. 10. I ... sorry. They ... not at the office at the moment. 11. Where ... the keys? - In your jacket. 12. What ... the time, please? - Two o "clock. 13. It ... the biggest meal I"ve ever had. 14. Which sport do you think ... the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics ... not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt. 17. The game ... not worth the candle 18. Do you have any idea where he ... 19. Used cars ... cheaper but less reliable than new cars 20. 21. Art ... long, life .. short. 22. You ... the best friend I "ve ever had. 23. I don't remember what his telephone number ... . 24. Two heads ... better than one. 25. You ... right. That ... a lot of money! Coffee ... very expensive this week. 1. Where are you?- I am in the kitchen. 2. Where is Fred?- He is in the garage. 3. Where are Lisa and John?- They are at college. 4. Are you busy?- No , I am not. Mike is busy. He is the busiest person I "ve ever met. 5. It is ten o "clock. She is late again. 6. How are you? - I am not very well today. - I am sorry to hear that. 7. We are interested in classical music. 8. Vera is afraid of snakes 9. My grandmother isn't nervous and she is rarely upset. She is the kindest person I "ve ever seen. My grandmother is really wonderful. 10. I" m sorry. They are not at the office at the moment. 11. Where are the keys? - In your jacket. 12. What is the time, please? - Two o "clock. 13. It is the biggest meal I" ve ever had. 14. Which sport do you think is the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics are not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. 17. The game is not worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he is? 19. Used ears are cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 20. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 21. Art is long, life is short. 22. You are the best friend I "ve ever had. 23. I don't remember what his telephone number is. 24. Two heads are better than one. 25. You are right. That's a lot of money! Coffee is very expensive this week.
Statement Negation Question
I was I wasn't Was I?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We were not Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
they were They weren't Were they?

Past Simple Tense (Past Indefinite Tense)
Was I? Yes, I was. - Yes. No, I was not. - Not.
Was he? Yes, he was. - Yes. No, he wasn't. - Not.
Was she? Yes, she was. - Yes. No, she wasn't. - Not.
Was it? Yes, it was. - Yes. No, it wasn't. - Not.
Were we? Yes, we were. - Yes. No, we were not. - Not.
Were you? Yes, you were. - Yes. No, you were not.
Were they? Yes, they were. - Yes. No, they were not. - Not.

Exercise 160. Insert the verb to be in Past Simple.

My aunt ... very depressed last Sunday. The weather ... terrible. It...cold and rainy. Her husband ... not at home. He ... at hospital because he ... sick. Her children ... not at school. They ... not in the yard, they ... in the living room. The TV ... broken. The children ... not only upset, they ... very angry. The neighbors ... not happy because her children ... too noisy. The house... not clean. The sink ... broken. There ... dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There ... nothing in the fridge. There ... no vegetables for dinner, there ... no juice for her children. There ... not even bread in the house! She... tired and hungry. She... just exhausted. My aunt was very depressed last Sunday. The weather was terrible. It was cold and rainy. Her husband was not at home. He was at hospital because he was sick. Her children were not at school. They were not in the yard, they were in the living room. The TV was broken. The children were not only upset, they were very angry. The neighbors were not happy because her children were too noisy. The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There was nothing in the fridge. There were no vegetables for dinner, there was no juice for her children. There was not even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She was just exhausted.

Exercise 161. Translate into English using the verb to be in Present or Past Simple.

1. The weather was beautiful. It was warm and sunny. My children were at school and my husband was at work. I was in a garden. There were a lot of beautiful flowers. It was in May. I was happy. 2. I am a student. 3. He is a pilot. 4. She is a doctor. 5. We are schoolchildren. 6. You are workers. 7. You are a worker. 8. They are students. 9. I am at home. 10. He is at school. 11. Is she in the movies? 12. We are in the park. 13. Are they in the theater? 14. Is she young? 15. He is old. 16. She is not old. 17. They are strong. 18. She is sick. 19. Are you sick? 20. Is he sick? 21. I am not sick. 22. I was sick yesterday. 23. She was not sick. 24. We were at the cinema. Conjugation of the verb to be (to be) in
Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite Tense)
1. The weather was fine. It was warm and sunny. My children were at school and my husband was at work. I was in the garden. There were many beautiful flowers there. It was in May. I was happy. 2. I am a pupil. I go to school. 3. He is a pilot. 4. She is a doctor. 5. We are schoolchildren. 6. You are workers. 7. You are a worker. 8. They are pupils. 9. I am at home. 10. He is at school. 11. Is she at the cinema? 12. We are in the park. 13. Are they at the theatre? 14. Is she young? 15. He is old. 16. She is not old. 17. They are strong. 18. She is ill. 19. Are you ill? 20. Is he ill? 21. I am not ill. 22. I was ill yesterday. 23. She was not ill. 24. We were at the cinema.
Statement Negation Question
I shall (will) be I shall (will) not be Shall (will) I be?
He will be He will not be Will he be?
She will be She will not be Will she be?
It will be It will not be Will it be?
We shall (will) be We shall (will) not be Shall (will) we be?
You will be You will not be Will you be?
They will be They will not be Will they be?
Short answers to questions with the verb to be in
Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite Tense)
Will (shall) I be? Yes, I will (shall). - Yes. No, I won't (shan't). - Not.
Will he be? Yes, he will. - Yes. No, he won't. - No.
Will she be? Yes, she will. - Yes. No, she won't. - No.
Will it be? Yes, it will. - Yes. No, it won't. - No.
Will (shall) we be? Yes, we will (shall). - Yes. No, we won't (shan't). - Not.
Will you be? Yes, you will. - Yes. No, you won't.- No.
Will they be? Yes, they will. - Yes. No, they won't. - No.

Exercise 162. Insert the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. The students ... in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they ... in the Hermitage. There ... an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they ... in the Tretyakov Gallery. They...lucky. 4. My father ... a teacher. 5. He ... a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I ...a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister ... not ... at home tomorrow. 8. She ... at school tomorrow. 9. ... you ... at home tomorrow? 10. ...your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister ...ill last week. 12. She... not ill now. 13. Yesterday we ... at the theatre. 14. Where...your mother now? - She... in the kitchen. 15. Where... you yesterday? - I ... at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home. 17. ...your little sister in bed now? - Yes, she ... 18. ... you ... at school tomorrow? - Yes, I ... . 19. When my granny ... young, she ... an actress. 20. My friend ... in Moscow now. 21. He... in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where... your books now? - They... in my bag. 1. The students are. 2. They were, there was. 3. They will be, they are. 4. My father is. 5. He was. 6. I shall be. 7. My sister will not be. 8. She will be. 9. Will you be. 10. Was your father. 11. My sister was. 12. She is not. 13. We were. 14. Where is your mother, she is. 15. Where were you, I was. 16. My family will be. 17. Is your little sister, she is. 18. Will you be, I shall. 19. My granny was, she was. 20. My friend is. 21. He will be. 22. Where are your books, they are.

Exercise 163 Insert the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Simple.

Ronald Frank ... a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He ... always on a business trip. Yesterday he ... in Geneva. Tomorrow he ... in London. Last week he ... in Chicago. Next week he ... in New Orleans. At the moment he ...in Amsterdam. In two hours he ... in the Hague. Three days ago he ... in Paris. At the end of his trip he ... usually very tired but happy. He ... with his family now. His sons ... so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family... very glad to see him at home again. Ronald Frank is a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He is always on a business trip. Yesterday he was in Geneva. Tomorrow he will be in London. Last week he was in Chicago. Next week he will be in New Orleans. At the moment he is in Amsterdam. In two hours he will be in the Hague. Three days ago he was in Paris. At the end of his trip he is usually very tired but happy. He is with his family now. His sons are so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family is very glad to see him at home again.

Exercise 164 Translate into English using the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. They were in the library yesterday. 2. They are at school now. 3. Tomorrow they will be at the theater. 4. He is not here at the moment. 5. On Sunday he will be at the concert. 6. Last Saturday he was at the stadium. 7. My brother is at school now. 8. My brother was at the cinema yesterday. 9. My brother will be at home tomorrow. 10. Will you be at home tomorrow? 11. Was she in the park yesterday? 12. Is he in the yard now? 13. Where is dad? 14. Where were you yesterday? 15. Where will he be tomorrow? 16. My books were on the table. Where are they now? 17. My mother was not at work yesterday. She was at home. 18. My friend is not in the park. He is at school. 19. Tomorrow at three o'clock Kolya and Misha will be in the yard. 20. We were not in the south last summer. We were in Moscow. 21. Tomorrow my grandfather will be in the village. 22. When will your sister be at home? 23. Will you be a pilot? - No I'll be a sailor. 24. My sister was a student last year, and now she is a doctor. Are you going to be a doctor too? - No, I will not be a doctor. I will be an engineer. 25. They weren't at the cinema. 26. They are not at school. 27. They are at home. 28. Were you in the park yesterday? 29. Was he at school yesterday? 30. He was a worker. 31. She was a teacher. 1. Yesterday they were at the library. 2. They are at school now. 3. Tomorrow they will be at the theatre. 4. At the moment he is not here. 5. On Sunday he will be at the concert. 6. Last Saturday he was at the stadium. 7. My brother is at school now. 8. My brother was at the cinema yesterday. 9. My brother will be at home tomorrow. 10. Will you be at home tomorrow? 11. Was she in the park yesterday? 12. Is he in the yard now? 13. Where is father? 14. Where were you yesterday? 15. Where will he be tomorrow? 16. My books were on the table. Where are they now? 17. My mother was not at work yesterday. She was at home. 18. My friend is not in the park. He is at school. 19. Tomorrow at three o "clock Nick and Mike will be in the yard. 20. We were not in the south last summer. We were in Moscow. 21. Tomorrow my grandfather will be in the village. 22. When will your sister 23. Will you be a pilot?- No, I shall be a sailor. 24. My sister was a student last year, and now she is a doctor.- Will you be a doctor, too?- No, I shall not be a doctor. I shall be an engineer. 25. They were not at the cinema. 26. They are not at school. 27. They are at home. 28. Were you in the park yesterday? 29. Was he 30. He was a worker.
Conjugation of the verb to work (to work) in

(an action in process, is being done at the moment when it is spoken about)

Statement Negation
I am working
Not working
She is working
It is working

We are working
You are working
They are working

I am not working
He is not working
She is not working
It is not working

We are not working
You are not working
They are not working

Question Short answer - yes The short answer is no
Am I working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?

Are we working?
Are you working?
Are they working?

Yes, I am
Yes, he is
Yes, she is
Yes, it is

Yes, we are
Yes, you are
Yes, they are

No, I am not
No, he isn't
No, she isn't
No, it isn't

No, we aren't
No, you aren't
No, they aren't

Exercise 165

(NOW) 1. Timothy (to feed) his dog.
2. Mr. Jones (to clean) his yard.
3. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen.
4. Our neighbors (to wash) their car.
5. I (to wash) my hair.
6. Who (to fix) your sink?
7. What is she (to do) now? - She (to dance).
8. The children (to brush) their teeth.
9. What did he (do) at the moment? - He (to fix) his bicycle.
10. They (to have) a big dinner together.
11. The boys (to run) about in the garden.
12. I (to do) my homework.
13. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
14. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
15. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette.
16. The old man (to walk) about the room.
17. The dog (to lie) on the floor.
18. You (to have) a break?
19. What language do you (to study)?
20. Who (to lie) on the sofa?
21. What are they (to talk) about?
22. It still (to rain).
23. I (to open) an umbrella.
24. John (to play) computer games. 1. Timothy is feeding. 2. Mr Jones is cleaning. 3. Nancy is painting. 4. Our neighbors are washing. 5. I am washing. 6. Who is fixing. 7. What is she doing, she is dancing. 8. The children are brushing. 9. What is he doing, he is fixing. 10. They are having. 11. The boys are running. 12. I am doing. 13. John and his friends are going. 14. Ann is sitting, she is studying. 15. A young man is standing, he is smoking. 16. The old man is walking. 17. The dog is lying. 18. Are you having. 19. What language are you studying. 20. Who is lying. 21. What are they talking about. 22. It is still raining. 23. I am opening. 24. John is playing.

Exercise 166

(NOW) It (not to rain) any more, it (to clear) up and the sun (to shine). The jazz band (to play) in the park. A lot of people (to listen) to the music and they really (to have) a good time. But they (not to dance) yet. There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people (to sit) there, and only five people (to wait) in the queue. Some people (to have) sandwiches and (to drink) coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there (to laugh) and (to make) a lot of noise. They (to play) games and Tom (to take) pictures. So what (to go) on? It is not raining any more, it is clearing up and the sun is shining. The jazz band is playing in the park. A lot of people are listening to the music and they are really having a good time. But they are not dancing yet. There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people are sitting there, and only five people are waiting in the queue. Some people are having sandwiches and drinking coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there are laughing and making a lot of noise. They are playing games and Tom is taking pictures. So what is going on?

Exercise 167. Translate into English using Present Continuous verbs.

(NOW) 1. I sit on a park bench and feed the birds. 2. Mom sits on the sofa in the living room and watches TV. 3. This is a photo of my friends. Tom plays the guitar and Jane sings. 4. And here they are dancing at my birthday party. 5. We are doing the exercise. 6. We don't swim. 7. Do they play in the yard? 8. Nina and Anya are washing the floor. 9. Kolya helps mom. 10. Do you help dad? 11. My sister reads interesting book. 12. They go to school. 13. Do you go to school? 14. Does it work? 15 . Your grandmother is going to the store? 16. He buys sweets. 17. What does your sister do? 18. Where do children play? 19. Why are you laughing? 20. Where are they going? 21. What are these boys carrying? 22. I read. 23. He doesn't write. 24. We don't work. 25. Do you read? 26. Is he sleeping? 27. Kolya and Misha play football. 28. Katya plays the piano. 29. She doesn't sing. 30. My sister is sleeping. 31. Does dad drink tea? 32. Do your parents drink tea? 33. I don't sleep. 34. She is sitting at the table. 1. I am sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds. 2. Mother is sitting on the sofa in the drawing room and watching TV. 3. This is a photo of my friends. Tom is playing the guitar and Jane is singing. 4. And here they are dancing at my birthday party. 5. We are doing an exercise. 6. We are not bathing. 7. Are they playing in the park? 8. Nina and Ann are washing the floor. 9. Nick is helping his mother. 10. Are you helping your father? 11. My sister is reading an interesting book. 12. They are going to school. 13. Are you going to school? 14. Is he working? 15. Is your grandmother going to the shop? 16. He is buying sweets. 17. What is your sister doing? 18. Where are the children playing? 19. Why are you laughing? 20. Where are they going? 21. What are these boys carrying? 22. I am reading. 23. He is not writing. 24. We are not working. 25. Are you reading? 26. Is he sleeping? 27. Nick and Mike are playing football. 28. Kate is playing the piano. 29. She is not singing. 30. My sister is sleeping. 31. Is father drinking tea? 32. Are your parents drinking tea? 33. I am not sleeping. 34. She is sitting at the table.
Verb conjugation (to work) in present simple Tense (Present Indefinite Tense)
(action is performed normally)
Statement Negation
I work
(3 l. units) He works
(3 l. units) She works
(3 l. units) It works
I don't work
(3 l units) He does not work
(3 l units) She does not work
(3 l units) It does not work
We work
You work
They work
We do not work
You don't work
They don't work
Question Short answer - yes The short answer is no
Do I work?
(3 liter units) Does he work?
(3 liter units) Does she work?
(3 l units) Does it work?
Yes, I do
Yes, he does
Yes, she does
Yes, it does
No, I don't
No, he doesn't
No, she doesn't
No, it doesn't
Do we work?
Do you work?
Do they work?
Yes, we do
Yes, you do
Yes, they do
No, we don't
No, you don't
No, they don't

Exercise 168. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o "clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o "clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o "clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk). (USUALLY) 2 . My sister (to get) up at eight o "clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well. 1. My working day begins, I get, switch, do, it takes, we have, my father and I leave, he takes, my mother is, she leaves, we gather, we watch, talk. 2. My sister gets. 3. She is, she goes. 4. Jane is, she does. 5. She has. 6. She goes. 7. It takes. 8. She speaks.

Exercise 169. Open the brackets using verbs in Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. Andrea Schatzmann, an exchange student from Switzerland, (to live) with the Connor family in San Francisco. She (to get) up at 7 am and (to take) a shower. She normally (not to have) breakfast. At half past seven she (to catch) the bus. Her first class (to start) at a quarter past eight. She always (to have) lunch at 12 o "clock in the cafeteria. The cafeteria food (to be) OK and it (to be) cheap too. Her afternoon classes (to be) from 1.15 till 3.00 pm, so she (to be) at school all day. She usually (to have) dinner with the Connors at about 8.00. On Saturdays she (to have) lunch at the restaurant. Once a week, usually on Sunday mornings, she (to go) swimming. A few friends usually (to go) along, too. has got a car, so he (to pick) them up and then he (to drive) them home. After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza. On Saturday evenings she sometimes (to go) out with friends to a party or maybe to a concert. Sometimes she (to invite) friends to her house and they (to listen) to music and (to talk). Mr. and Mrs. Connor often (to take) them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains. From time to time she (to call) her family in Switzerland. They never (to talk) for very long because it (to be) expensive. She usually (to call) on Sundays because it (to be) cheaper then. 2. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3. When she (to catch) the bus? 4. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 5. She (to go) home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How did she (to get) to the pool? 8. What did she (to do) on Saturday evenings? 1. Andrea Schatzmann lives, she gets, takes, she doesn't normally have, she catches, her first class starts, she always has, the cafeteria food is, it is, her afternoon classes are, she is, she usually has, she has, she goes, a few friends usually go, he picks, he drives, they often go, she sometimes goes, she invites, they listen, talk, Mr and Mrs Connor often take, she calls, they never talk, it is , she usually calls, it is. 2. What time does Andrea usually get up? 3. When does she catch the bus? 4. Does she take a shower in the morning? 5. Does she go home for lunch? 6. When 7. How does she get to the pool?

Exercise 170. Translate into English, used verbs in Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. I work. 2. We are working. 3. They don't work. 4. Are you working? - Yes. 5. Does it work? - Not. He is studying. 6. My brother does not study. He works. 7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you help people? 9. Does he like to read fairy tales? 10. Does she like to play the violin? 11. My sister does not read books. 12. Our grandmother loves to sleep on the sofa. 13. Do you like to relax in an armchair? 14. We eat and drink in the kitchen. 15. My brother does not like to read newspapers. 16. We sleep in the bedroom. 17. My brother sleeps on the sofa in the living room. 18. My sister dresses while standing in front of a mirror. 19. My uncle writes books. 20. We write exercises at school. 21. I spend my pocket money on ice cream. 22. He reads all the time and doesn't like to watch TV. 1. I work. 2. We work. 3. They don't work. 4. Do you work? - Yes, I do. 5. Does he work? - No, he doesn't. He studies. 6. My brother does not study. He works. 7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you help people? 9. Does he like to read fairy tales? 10. Does she 11. My sister does not read books 12. Our grandmother likes to sleep on the sofa 13. Do you like to rest in the armchair 14. We eat and drink in the kitchen 15. My brother does not like to read newspapers 16. We sleep in the bedroom 17. My brother sleeps on the sofa in the living room 18. My sister dresses before the mirror 19. My uncle writes book 20. We write exercises at school 21. I spend my pocket money on ice cream 22. He reads all the time and does not like to watch TV.

Exercise 171. Translate into English using the verbs in Present Simple.

1. Where do you live? - I live in Moscow. 2. When are your holidays? - In January. 3. What do you like most about school? 4. My brother works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He gets up at twenty minutes past seven. He works in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening it did not work. In the evening he rests. 5. Does your sister speak French? - Not. She speaks German and her husband speaks English. 6. When do you get up? - I get up at a quarter to seven. 7. When does your brother get up? - He gets up at twenty-eight. “Does your sister also get up at twenty minutes to eight?” - Not. My brother goes to school and my sister doesn't go to school. She is not yet a student. She gets up at nine o'clock. 8. He doesn't wash his hands before eating. 9. This boy whistles in class. 10. He does not play any musical instrument. 11. But the boy plays football and likes to watch cartoon films. 12. He loves school break especially summer holidays. 13. The boy's birthday is December 31st. 14. That's why he gets a lot of presents. 1. Where do you live? - I live in Moscow. 2. When do you have your holidays? - In January. 3. What do you like best at school? 4. My brother works at a hospital. He is a doctor. He gets up at twenty minutes past seven. He works in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening he does not work. In the evening he rests. 5. Does your sister speak French? - No, she doesn't. She speaks German, and her husband speaks English. 6. When do you get up? - I get up at a quarter to seven. 7. When does your brother get up? - He gets up at twenty minutes to eight. - And does your sister also get up at twenty minutes to eight? - No, she doesn't. My brother goes to school, and my sister does not go to school. She is not a pupil yet. She gets up at nine o "clock. 8. He doesn't wash his hands before meals. 9. This boy whistles in class. 10. He doesn't play any musical instrument. 11. But he plays football and likes to watch cartoons. 12. He likes his school holidays, especially the summer holidays. 13. The boy's birthday is on the thirty-first of December (in December on the thirty first). 14. That's why he gets a lot of presents.

Exercise 172. Translate into English using the verbs in Present Simple.

My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His working day starts early in the morning. He gets up at seven o'clock. He washes, dresses and eats breakfast. After having a breakfast he's going to work. He works at the Institute. He loves his job. He is married. His wife is a doctor. She works in a hospital. In the evening she studies French. She attends French courses. My uncle does not speak French. He speaks Russian and German. He is studying English. In the evening he attends English courses. My uncle's son is a student. He goes to school. At school he studies English. Compare the use of Present Continuous and Present Simple My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His working day begins early in the morning. He gets up at seven o "clock. He washes, dresses and has breakfast. After breakfast he goes to work. He works at an institute. He likes his work. He is married. His wife is a doctor. She works at a hospital . In the evening she studies French. She attends French classes. My uncle does not speak French. He speaks Russian and German. He studies English. In the evening he attends English classes. My uncle's son is a pupil. He goes to school. At school he studies English.

Exercise 173. Open the brackets using verbs in Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I am taking - I take. 2. He is helping - he helps. 3. They are going - they go. 4. She is playing - she plays. 5. I am reading - I read. 6. He is sleeping - he sleeps. 7. We are drinking - we drink. 8. They are going - they go. 9. I am not sleeping - I do not sleep. 10. She is not drinking - she does not drink. 11. We are not watching - we do not watch. 12. They are not eating - they do not eat. 13. My mother is not working - my mother does not work. 14. Are you working - do you work. 15. Is he playing - does he play. 16. Are they eating - do they eat. 17. Is your sister resting - does your sister rest. 18. What are you doing - what do you do. 19. What are you reading - what do you read. 20. What are they eating - what do they eat. 21. What is your brother drinking - what does your brother drink. 22. Is everybody having - does everybody have. 23. Is she taking - how often does she take. 24. Where are they going - where do they go. 25. Are they speaking - what language do they usually speak.
1. I (to take) my sister to school now. I (to take) her to school every day.
2. He (to help) his father now. He (to help) his father very often.
3. At the moment they (to go) to the river for a swim. They usually (to go) to the river for a swim.
4. She (to play) the violin now. She (to play) the violin every day.
5. I (to read) now. I (to read) every day.
6. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night.
7. We (to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning.
8. They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning.
9. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
10. She (not to drink) coffee now. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.
11. We (not to watch) TV now. We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
12. They (not to eat) now. They (not to eat) at the lesson.
13. My mother (not to work) now. My mother (not to work) at an office.
14. You (to work) now?
You (to work) every day?
15. He (to play) now? He (to play) in the afternoon?
16. They (to eat) now? They (to eat) at school?
17. Your sister (to rest) now? Your sister (to rest) after school?
18. What are you (to do) now? What do you (to do) every morning?
19. What are you (to read) now? What do you (to read) after dinner?
20. What they (to eat) now? What are they (to eat) at breakfast?
21. What's your brother (to drink) now? What is your brother (to drink) in the evening?
22. Everybody (to have) a good time now? Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday?
23. She (to take) medicine now? How often did she (to take) medicine?
24. Where are they (to go) now? Where they (to go) on Sunday?
25. They (to speak) English now? What language do they usually (to speak)?

Exercise 174

1. Not (to work) in the center of Chicago. 2. He (to work) in the center of Chicago? 3. He (not to work) in the center of Chicago. 4. They (to read) many books. 5. They (to read) many books? 6. They (not to read) many books. 7. The children (to eat) soup now. 8. The children (to eat) soup now? 9. The children (not to eat) soup now. 10. You (to play) volleyball well? 11. When you (to play) volleyball? 12. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 13. He (to go) to the cinema in the evening? 14. We (not to dance) every day. 15 Look! Kate (to dance). 16. Kate (to sing) well? 17. Where did he (to go) in the morning? 18. He (not to sleep) after dinner. 19. My granny (to sleep) after dinner. 20. When you (to sleep)? 21. Nina (not to sleep) now. 22. Where John (to live)? - He (to live) in England. 23. My friends from Switzerland (to speak) four languages. 24. Elvire (to speak) English, German and French? Yes, she .... 25. She only (not to speak) Italian. 1. He works. 2. Does he work. 3. He doesn't work. 4. They read. 5. Do they read. 6. They do not read. 7. The children are eating. 8. Are the children eating. 9. The children are not eating. 10. Do you play 11. When do you play 12. What does Nick do 13. Does he go 14. We do not dance 15. Kate is dancing 16. Does Kate sing 17. Where does he go 18 19. My granny sleeps 20. When do you sleep 21. Nina is not sleeping 22. Where does John live, he lives 23. My friends from Switzerland speak 24. Does Elvire speak. 25. She doesn't only speak (She doesn't speak only) Italian.

Exercise 175. Open the brackets using verbs in Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. Tom (to play) football on Saturday. 2. He (not to play) football every day. 3. I (to wear) a suit now. 4. I (not to wear) jeans now. 5. My friend (not to like) to play football. 6. I (not to read) now. 7. He (to sleep) now? 8. We (not to go) to the country in winter. 9. My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 10. She (not to eat) sweets now. 11. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 12. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 13. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 14. He (to work) every day. 15. I (to read) books in the evening. 16. I (not to read) books in the morning. 17. I (to write) an exercise now. 18. I (not to write) a letter now. 19. They (to play) in the yard now. 20. They (not to play) in the street now. 21. They (to play) in the room now? 22. He (to help) his mother every day. 23. He (to help) his mother every day? 24. He (not to help) his mother every day. 25. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 26. She (to work) in a shop now? 27. He (to deliver) letters now? 28. You (to go) to the opera with your friends? 1. Tom plays. 2. He doesn't play. 3. I am wearing. 4. I am not wearing. 5. My friend does not like. 6. I am not reading. 7. Is he sleeping. 8. We do not go. 9 10. She is not eating 11. They do 12. They do not go 13. My father does not work 14. He works 15. I read 16. I do not read 17 18. I am not writing. 19. They are playing. 20. They are not playing. 21. Are they playing. 22. He helps. 23. Does he help. 24. He does not help. 25 26. Is she working 27. Is he delivering 28. Do you go.