How to survive on a minimum wage and pension. How to survive on a small salary: the secrets of saving. Rely on the government, but do not make a mistake yourself - how to save money with a small salary

The bill on raising the minimum wage to the subsistence level has passed the first reading. However, the deputies, although they supported him, doubt whether it is possible to live in Russia on 11,163 rubles a month. According to the World Bank, the Russian minimum wage is the least of all, without exception, the countries of the European Union. Even in those EU countries where GDP per capita is lower than in Russia, the minimum wage is still higher. So, in Romania it is about $ 280, in Bulgaria - about $ 240.

Double magnification

The minimum wage will be brought to the level of the subsistence minimum in Russia not from January 1, 2019, as previously planned, but from May 1 of this year. The State Duma deputies considered and adopted the corresponding bill in the first reading.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to quickly bring the minimum wage to the subsistence level after the New Year holidays during a visit to Tver, where he talked with the workers of the carriage plant.

By the end of January, the head of state introduced the draft law for consideration by members of the lower house of parliament.

"Such a legislative initiative was introduced by the president, and it is proposed to set the minimum wage from May 1, 2018 at the level of 11,163 rubles," said the head of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Maxim Topilin. According to the minister, this amount corresponds to 100% of the living wage of the working-age population in the second quarter of 2017.

Despite the fact that the minimum wage will depend on the dynamics of the living wage of the working-age population, if the living wage decreases in a certain year, this will not reduce the minimum wage, Topilin explained.

According to the minister, the implementation of the initiative will require the allocation of 7.5 billion rubles for federal state employees and about 32 billion rubles for regional employees of budgetary institutions.

In addition, by March 1, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of additional financial assistance to the subjects. “We will resolve this issue during February. There are different tools, ”the minister said.

Earlier, the Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Leonid Gornin has already said that the Russian regions have budgeted different levels almost 27 billion rubles out of 32 billion rubles, which are required for the implementation of the initiative.

This will be the second increase in wages in a year. At the end of December, Putin signed a law that would raise the minimum wage. So, since January 1, 2018, the minimum wage since the beginning of the year has increased from 7,800 to 9,489 rubles, which is 85% of the subsistence minimum for the second quarter of last year.

According to Topilin, employers will be held liable if they pay wages below 11,163,000 rubles.

The increase in the minimum wage from May 1 will affect about 3 million people, the minister said. According to him, this is how many Russians continue to receive wages below the subsistence level.

Regions take employees out of staff

During the discussion of the law, the deputies admitted that there is not a single person in the hall who would not have voted positively for the presidential bill. “All positive decisions appear only with the direct instruction of the first person of the state,” the deputy Nikolai Kolomoitsev politely remarked.

True, the initiative will not only lead to positive consequences, others present in the hall objected to him. Thus, the deputy Yuri Volkov is concerned that soon there may not be people left in the budget sector who will receive an increased minimum wage as a result of the president's initiative. The fact is that already now some regions have begun to withdraw staff from the staff. Moreover, the legal responsibility for this is shifted to the municipalities, which are not allocated additional funds for the implementation of the bill.

"The government of the Trans-Baikal Territory at the end of January adopted a resolution in which in the first paragraph it indicates an increase in the minimum wage to the subsistence level, and in the second paragraph it ascribes to budgetary institutions and municipalities to withdraw all technical staff from March 1," Volkov said. Thus, people get up on hourly wages, lose vacation pay, sick leave and other payments.

Give the ministers a ruble

Despite the fact that the bill was supported unanimously, not everyone in the audience was sure that it was possible to live a month on the minimum wage of 11,163 rubles.

According to Nikolai Kolomoitsev, in Rostov-on-Don, housing and communal services for a three-room apartment with an area of ​​64 square meters cost 7.4 thousand rubles.

“Maxim Anatolyevich (Topilin - Gazeta.Ru) and Oreshkin (Maxim Oreshkin - Minister of Economic Development - Gazeta.Ru) should be given 11,163 rubles, they should be closed in a separate room. According to their list (available in the form of a food basket - Gazeta.Ru), buy everything with the remaining money for a month and see how elegant they will be if they survive, ”the deputy suggested.

“The minimum wage should be at least 25 thousand rubles,” he is convinced.

Kolomoitsev also stressed that the minimum wage in Russia is lower than in the Baltic countries, Turkey and other states.

World Bank data indicate that the Russian minimum wage (at the moment it is 7.8 thousand rubles, or about $ 130 - Gazeta.Ru) is indeed the least of all, without exception, the EU countries.

Even in those EU countries where GDP per capita is lower than in Russia, the minimum wage is still higher. So, in Romania it is about $ 280, in Bulgaria - about $ 240. The highest minimum wage is in Luxembourg, over $ 3 thousand. In Belgium and Finland - about $ 2.5 thousand. In Italy, France, Germany - about $ 2 thousand. This amount includes various compensation and incentive payments, which is contrary to global practice.

However, the head of the Ministry of Labor objected that all countries are different. For example, in the countries mentioned above, utilities and tax payments.

Income tax and layoffs

Deputy Oleg Smolin expressed bewilderment why in Russia the rates and salaries of public sector employees are below not only the subsistence level, but also below the minimum wage. As an example, he cited the situation with the dismissal of a technical school teacher from the Rostov region. According to media reports, the Taganrog technical school teacher was suspended from work because of his letter to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in which a team of teachers complained about low salaries - the rate was 8.2 thousand rubles. for 6 years.

“I consider it unacceptable when an honored teacher is fired for an active life position for far-fetched reasons. I hope that the public discussion that has arisen will help to protect and reveal all those problems when, receiving scanty wages, people are forced to remain silent because they are afraid of their bosses, ”commented Oleg Nilov, chairman of the Duma Labor Committee.

According to him, the committee has already sent appeals to the prosecutor's office, labor inspection, the education minister and the governor on this matter.

Deputy Valery Gartung drew attention to the fact that the minimum wage is subject to income tax, and after deducting 13%, the amount will not equal the size of the subsistence minimum.

“How does the government intend to solve this problem so that the actual income after tax is not lower than the subsistence minimum?” The deputy asked the minister.

Topilin admitted that such a problem exists, and today the department is deciding the issue in order to equalize both indicators.

At the same time, the Minister of Labor also decided to "please" those who work part-time. For such workers, the salary will be only half of the minimum wage, he explained.

The number of people who reached retirement age in our country in 2018 exceeded 43 million. The size of social security in Russia is such that the elderly have to use various tricks to survive. But with rational budget planning, you can live with dignity even in retirement.

The average pension in all Russia is 8,500 rubles. It turns out that most of the elderly live on such scanty means. The amount of the accrued benefit depends on the following factors:

  • profession;
  • income level at the last job;
  • length of work experience;
  • length of service;
  • location.

In addition, a similar social payment is provided for orphans left without a breadwinner, Chernobyl veterans, disabled people who have been assigned a pension for schizophrenia or other diseases.

Of course, there are those who are more fortunate, for example, in Moscow the allowance reaches 14,500 rubles. This is due to the fact that in the capital, the level of wages is higher than the national average, and there is also a wide range of additional benefits that a pensioner can receive. In other regions, the situation is as follows:

Regardless of the place of residence, an increased pension is received by:

  • former employees of the public sector;
  • military personnel;
  • combat veterans;
  • citizens who worked in the Far North;
  • workers employed in production with harmful and difficult working conditions.

Activities carried out by the state to support pensioners

Given the miserable existence of Russian pensioners, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a law that, from January 1, 2016, provides for a reduction in utility costs for older people by exempting them from paying contributions for major repairs.

Also, after the onset of retirement age, you can use the right to the following concessions, which are provided on the basis of current legislation:

  • exemption from payment of property tax (house, apartment, summer residence);
  • preferential transport taxation;
  • free connection of the house to gas without a queue;
  • compensation for the costs of housing and communal services (if more than 22% of income is spent on their payment);
  • service in nursing homes for the elderly free of charge;
  • free treatment in boarding houses;
  • reduced fare on public transport.

At the regional level, there are different ways of support:

  • in the presence of special conditions social security bodies distribute funds at their disposal for material assistance to pensioners (having the title of "Veteran of Labor"; persons with the status of "Children of War");
  • free medical care out of turn;
  • preferential purchase of prescription drugs.

The recently discussed draft law developed by the Government of the Russian Federation on raising the retirement age is a new social experiment.

The law provides for an increase in the retirement age for women from 55 to 63 years, for men from 60 to 65. It turns out that if the bill is approved, you will have to work 8 and 5 more years, respectively. In the context of constant reform of the pension system in Russia practical advice people who have already retired will benefit future retirees.

Rethinking costs

Galina Semyonovna lives in the city of Kuznetsk. She retired in 2017. The prescribed old-age allowance of 8,000 rubles was at first sufficient, since there were still savings made during work. But after six months, savings began to come to an end, the woman began to borrow money from friends and relatives. As a result, due to the constant lack of finances and the reluctance to change her usual way of life, the pensioner had to take out a bank loan in order to return the borrowed funds.

By this time, Galina Semyonovna realized that she needed to rethink her monthly expenses and learn how to properly distribute her pension. The pensioner could no longer go back to work, her health was undermined by hard physical labor. I also had to take into account the acquired chronic diseases that influenced the overall well-being.

To draw up her new budget, the woman recorded all of her expenses:

Living in a private house helps Galina Semyonovna to spend less on utility bills. Instead of chain stores, a woman buys products from the market or wholesalers. Having your own small backyard also allows you to reduce your food costs.

The list of products that Galina Semyonovna buys for a month:

The pensioner receives most of the medicines she needs free of charge with a prescription. The woman saves the rest of the thousand rubles for unforeseen expenses.

  • Use the benefits provided by the state.
  • Optimize food costs.
  • Cut down on unnecessary costs.
  • Make preparations for the winter period in the presence of a summer cottage, vegetable garden or garden.
  • Work, if the state of health allows.

How much does an adult need per month to eat properly, tasty and healthy? The minimum wage is definitely not enough. I was convinced of this head of the Chernovsky rural settlement in Leningrad region Vitaly Ovlakhovsky... The official conducted an experiment, within the framework of which he ate only on the minimum wage for a month, which in the Leningrad region is 7800 rubles. During his experiment, Ovlakhovsky lost 15 kg, and for eight days he was sitting only on the water, because he ran out of food. “My weight helped me,” the official is sure. - My own natural reserve allowed me to cut back on my diet. In general, of course, I realized that the consumer basket lacks certain products, and the minimum wage needs to be raised by at least two thousand rubles. I really want my experiment to be successful and bring results. "

The minimum wage was tested on piglets

The idea of ​​experimenting with life on the minimum wage appeared in the spring of last year at Deputy of the Legislative Committee of the Leningrad Region Vladimir Petrov... True, he decided to put his experience on piglets. During the month, piglet Igorok ate at the minimum wage, and piglet Porosenko ate food without taking into account prices, based on the norms of the consumer basket. Already in a week, the experimental Igoryok lost 6 kg of weight, and the well-known Petersburg animal defender Svetlana Los, which stated that such experiments should be carried out on humans. These words served as a guide to action for Petrov. True, the experiment with animals was nevertheless completed. As a result, Porosenko was unable to gain the weight he was supposed to, and Igor completely lost 20% of his weight and was safely eaten.

The deputy did not conduct the experiment on himself and asked the head of the Chernovsky rural settlement Vitaly Ovlakhovsky to become the hero of the experiment. He immediately agreed, and on December 1, the "hunger games" began for the official, as he himself dubbed his experiment. The head of the settlement and the deputy divided the annual norms of the consumer basket by 365 and found out how much food an able-bodied person should eat per day. According to the conditions of the experiment, Ovlakhovsky had to eat for a month, not exceeding the daily norms of the consumer basket, while buying food only for the amount of the minimum wage, which in the Leningrad region is 7800 rubles.

Ovlakhovsky ate according to the norms of the consumer basket. Photo: from personal archive

Tasty, but not enough

Vitaly Ovlakhovsky started the experiment very cheerfully. He immediately created a group on the social network, in which he decided to upload daily photo reports about the progress of the experiment. At the beginning of the experiment, the official's weight was 139 kg, and his waist was 137 cm. At the beginning of the first week, it was not easy to follow the rules. In a month, according to the norms of the grocery basket, a person is supposed to eat 17 eggs. The official calculated that one could eat one egg in about a day, but immediately could not resist and had breakfast with two boiled eggs, thereby reducing their use for the remaining time. Ovlakhovsky dined with two and a half sausages, milk and an orange, and dined with fish and vegetables. According to the representatives of the authorities who make up the consumer basket, this amount of food is enough for an adult to gorge himself, but the official had to go to bed hungry: the dinner was tasty, but very small.

For breakfast, Ovlakhovsky drank milk and ate a small fruit. Photo: from personal archive

A couple of days later, Ovlakhovsky had breakfast with buckwheat and stew in the proportions of 360 g by 170 g, respectively. This meal contained a daily portion of cereals and meat products, according to the norms of the consumer basket. That is, during the day the official could no longer eat anything meat, not even sausages, no cereals, pasta, legumes, bread and other flour products. However, on that day, Ovlakhovsky still did not have time to have lunch due to his busy work schedule, and for dinner he again refreshed himself with fish and vegetables. If it was still possible to put up with cereals and pasta, the official did not have enough fruit at all. “On a day, I got either a small apple, or a tangerine or a small orange,” says Ovlakhovsky. "The body does not get enough vitamins from this amount of fruit."

Dinner was tasty but small. Photo: from personal archive

"I thought I had enough money"

The bureaucrat's diet has become more like a strict diet than a nutritious diet for an able-bodied person. For breakfast, Ovlakhovsky ate yogurt with an apple or tangerine, for lunch - a potato with a few pieces of meat, and for dinner - some fish with vegetables or green peas. Hundreds of people followed the experiment in real time on the social network: some supported the official, others, on the contrary, criticized. “Someone believed that it was necessary to take into account both spending on household goods and on utilities,” recalls Vitaly Ovlakhovsky. - But in this case, it was necessary to take as a basis the subsistence minimum, and not the minimum wage. It would have been even more difficult, because now the cost of living is 9,103 rubles. I pay 3.5 thousand rubles for utilities, and there would be even less money left for food. " The famous boxer showed interest in the experiment, and now member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Nikolai Valuev... The athlete urged the official to show character and endure the experiment to the end.

This portion of buckwheat with stew officially contains the daily rate of meat, cereals and bread. Photo: from personal archive

The official was not going to give up: he continued to live on the minimum wage, eat according to the norms of the consumer basket and rapidly lose weight. In two weeks of the experiment, Ovlakhovsky lost 6 kg. For the purity of the experiments, the official bought food in different stores, not paying attention to the promotions and even once had lunch in a cafe with fish and salad. This led to the fact that on December 20 Ovlakhovsky ran out of money: all 7,800 rubles were spent, and there was nothing to buy food for the remaining 11 days. “When the experiment began, Vladimir Stanislavovich Petrov and I thought that the minimum wage would be enough for a month,” the official admits. - But it was not so".

This is how the refrigerator of the head of the settlement looked on the twentieth day of the experiment. Photo: from personal archive

Eight days on the water

For the next eight days, Ovlakhovsky had breakfast, lunch and dinner with water alone, which he collected from the spring. “The first five days were bearable,” says the official. - I have been observing for the sixth year Great post: I think it helped me. But the next three days were already difficult. " According to Ovlakhovsky, he was able to stay on the water for more than a week not only due to the experience of fasting, but also because of his initial weight exceeding 100 kg: the official had much to lose weight. Nevertheless, she was worried about the health of the head of the settlement. TV presenter Elena Malysheva, who stated that prolonged fasting can lead to fatty liver, and asked all those who were not indifferent to chip in and buy the official cabbage with potatoes and legumes, so that he would hold out until the end of the experiment.

On December 27, Ovlakhovsky, who had lost a lot of weight, went fishing to have dinner for the first time in eight days, but the fishing did not work out, because, as the official himself admitted, last time he held a fishing rod thirty years ago. A friend helped out, who shared his catch. In addition, the team of one of the companies in the Slantsevsky district was imbued with compassion for the official and, on the advice of Elena Malysheva, bought potatoes, cabbage and legumes for the official. The experimental official divided the received products into the remaining days. For breakfast, Ovlakhovsky continued to drink water, for lunch he ate potatoes with cabbage and fish, and dined on fish with green peas. IN new year's eve the official prepared a festive dinner for himself from the same products, but did not count their weight anymore: he decided to mark the end of the experiment. However, the head of the settlement did not manage to arrange gastronomic chaos: in a month the stomach got used to a small amount of food, and the official now cannot overpower large portions.

The official's diet began to resemble a strict diet. Photo: from personal archive

"Ready for new experiences"

During his experiment, Vitaly Ovlakhovsky lost 15 kilograms and decreased in volume by 16 centimeters. The official hopes that the higher authorities will pay attention to the results of his experience and change both the minimum wage and the norms of the consumer basket. “There are enough potatoes, cereals and pasta,” says the head of the Chernovsky settlement. - But 50 g of fish products and 160 g of meat products per day is clearly not enough for a person. These positions require significant adjustments. Vegetables and fruits, too, would not hurt to increase. The minimum wage should be raised by at least two thousand, although it is difficult to say, because our prices change very quickly. Back in December, a dozen eggs cost 54 rubles, and now it's already 70 ".

In a month, Ovlakhovsky lost 15 kg. Photo: from personal archive

All checks and documents of the official's experiment have already been transferred to the legislative assembly of the Leningrad region. Vitaly Ovlakhovsky himself understands that changes for the better can take time, but he expects that he will still be heard and his experience will bear fruit. Now the thinner official is well fed, healthy and ready for new experiments - to live a month on a scholarship or pension. “I would like to benefit people,” says Ovlakhovsky. - And therefore - why not? "

The official has decreased in volume by 16 cm.Photo: AIF Collage

Types of pensions in the Russian Federation

    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • due to the loss of the breadwinner.
    • for the length of service;
    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
    • social pension.

What factors determine the size of the pension

  • average monthly earnings;
  • recipient category.

How does the minimum wage affect retirement

The minimum pension level is limited by the minimum subsistence level established for the category of citizens in question, that is, for pensioners. Item 5, Art. 8 of the law "On the federal budget for 2019 ..." set this level for 2019 - 8,846 rubles. If the pension does not reach the specified level, then its recipient is assigned additional payments of a social nature (for example, Article 12.1 of the Law "On State Social Assistance" dated 17.07.1999 No. 178-FZ).

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Time has no power over my neighbor, 72-year-old Alexandra Vitalievna. A youthful, elegant, always tastefully dressed, not discouraged pensioner looks 10 years younger. She is a former doctor and is used to being always in shape.

The main thing is to never lose heart. Believe me, the most valuable thing for a person is health and life. Do not be upset about the lack of money, the inability to buy the thing you like, troubles at work or in the family. I live by the principle “everything will pass, this will also pass”. In any situation, you must save peace of mind... And be able to live according to income.

Alexandra Vitalievna learned to stretch her legs by clothes long ago. After the last indexation, her pension is just over 13 thousand rubles. This money is enough for her for a comfortable life and even for entertainment. My neighbor is an avid theatergoer. Allows himself to go to the theater or museum twice a month. And all this thanks to the rational use of your budget.

She divides her pension into four parts. The first is the compulsory expenses, which include utilities and the Internet. It takes 5 thousand rubles. Tries to save on electricity and water.

In no case should pensioners have debts for services to utilities. If one month is late in payment, then the next month you will have to pay for two. And this will take the whole pension, - warns Alexandra Vitalievna.

The second part is intended for the purchase of long-term storage products and sanitary and hygiene products. With each pension, he replenishes the supply of cereals, sugar, canned food, vegetable oils, cleaning and detergents. Minus one and a half thousand rubles from the budget.

She leaves four thousand rubles for her current expenses: the purchase of meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits for tea.

All that remains, in her words, is money for her own joy. Updates and entertainment. True, to pamper yourself with a new blouse or dress, you have to save money for several months. He buys tickets to the theater by shares, 300-400 rubles each. And in museums it costs 100 rubles, since the payment for such a category of visitors there is purely symbolic.

It’s probably hard to imagine how you can get by with four thousand in operating expenses a month, but my neighbor manages to meet this part of her budget. Thanks to little tricks. Firstly, he does not go to the store every day, but after a day or two, if possible and less often. Secondly, with a list of required products. This insures her against unnecessary and useless purchases. Thirdly, he takes with him a limited amount, no more than 400 rubles. He tries to buy groceries in stores where there are social discounts for retirees. In addition, various promotions are often held in retail chains, which she actively uses. For example, if butter, meat and fish products are on sale at a good discount, he buys more and stores in the freezer. This can reduce the number of trips to the store and save money.

As a doctor, he tries to adhere to healthy way life. Her diet contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, dairy products. In the fall he makes preparations for the winter: he freezes tomatoes, bell peppers, cauliflower, berries. He does not overuse red meat, prefers fish, chicken and seafood. He does not use sausages at all.

Alexandra Vitalievna even has her own emergency reserve. She deposits more than a thousand rubles on the card every month, which the state returns to her as compensation for utilities (if utility bills are 22% of income, the pensioner is entitled to a subsidy). This is money for unforeseen expenses - medicines, gifts for friends or relatives.

She cannot afford large purchases. And there is no need for them. Alexandra Vitalievna prepared for the moment when she would not work. I updated all the equipment, made repairs in the apartment, bought bedding. The same is advised to do to future retirees. People of pre-retirement age need to know that the pension is enough only for the most minimal needs of a person.

The onset of retirement age has its positive aspects, and this period of life can be a joy if you learn to adjust your lifestyle, your needs, and find a hobby for yourself. I do not consider myself an unhappy person. The main thing is that you are dressed and well fed, there are relatives and friends. Just not to get sick and live under a peaceful sky. And so that the pension is paid on time, - says Alexandra Vitalievna.

Faina Svedovaya

The answer to this question is contained in the presented article. What values ​​actually determine the size of the pension and is there a minimum wage among them.

Types of pensions in the Russian Federation

In Russia, there are several types of pensions, depending on the grounds for their appointment, including:

  1. Insurance pension (see Art. 6 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, hereinafter - Law No. 400-FZ):
    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • due to the loss of the breadwinner.
    • for the length of service;
    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
    • social pension.
  2. State pension (see Art. 5 of the Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, hereinafter - Law No. 166-FZ):

The named laws regulate the procedure for calculating the amount of pensions for each of the indicated grounds (see Art. 15 of Law No. 400-FZ, Art. 14-18 of Law No. 166-FZ). It should be noted that in addition to them, the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ is also applied, but only in terms of calculating the amounts of labor and insurance pensions, if the relevant norms do not contradict the provisions of Law No. 166-FZ.

What factors determine the size of the pension

The amount of insurance pensions is calculated on the basis of the following parameters (Article 15 of Law No. 400-FZ):

  • individual pension coefficient, determined depending on the basis for granting a pension;
  • the cost of such a coefficient as at the time of the appointment of the corresponding pension is calculated on an individual basis and depends on a combination of factors, including the amount of accrued and paid insurance premiums, work experience of the recipient, disability group, dependents, etc.

For some types of pensions (for example, for disability), a fixed supplement is also established (Article 16 of Law No. 400-FZ).

The state pension depends on factors such as:

  • average monthly earnings;
  • seniority (for example, civil service);
  • recipient category.

The calculations also take into account regional coefficients.

The rules for calculating the average monthly earnings are given in the "Procedure for calculating ...", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 922 of 24.12.2007. The average monthly earnings in any case, if the employee fully fulfills the labor standards and fulfills the working time standard, cannot be lower than the minimum wage (hereinafter - the minimum wage), in accordance with paragraph 18 of the named Procedure.

How does the minimum wage affect retirement

The level of the minimum wage does not directly affect the size of the pension. A certain dependence of the size of pension payments on the minimum wage is found in situations when the average monthly earnings indicator is used when calculating the pension (as in the case of state pensions), since the named parameter must be compared with the minimum wage in order to comply with the requirements of the law.

The minimum pension level is limited by the minimum subsistence level established for the category of citizens in question, that is, for pensioners (see, for example, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2016 No. 882). If the pension does not reach the specified level, then its recipient is assigned additional payments of a social nature (for example, Article 12.1 of the Law "On State Social Assistance" dated 17.07.1999 No. 178-FZ).

So, the minimum wage does not directly affect the calculation of the amount of the pension. The minimum pension depends on the regulated amount of the subsistence minimum and cannot be lower than it. If this rule is not met, the pensioner is assigned social benefits that allow him to bring the pension to the level of the subsistence minimum.

Putin submitted to the State Duma a project to increase the minimum wage from May 1

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin announced that the President of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on the minimum wage (minimum wage) to the State Duma for consideration. It will be brought to the subsistence level not from January 1, 2019, as previously planned, but from May 1, 2018.

Vladimir Putin announced the introduction of an initiative on this topic on January 10 during a conversation with the workers of the Tver Carriage Works.

At a plenary meeting of the State Duma, Viacheslav Volodin said that amendments on this topic had been made.

This law is very important and requires consideration, our citizens are waiting for the adoption of this decision, - said the head of the lower house.

An extraordinary meeting of the Council of the Duma will be held today in order to put the bill on the agenda.

At the moment, the federal minimum wage is set at 9,489 rubles per month, which is 85% of the subsistence minimum. Some regions have already equated these values, but many constituent entities of the Russian Federation still adhere to federal rules.

You cannot pay salaries below the minimum wage. But the fines from the "minimum wage" were untied.

The State Duma's profile committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs has already scheduled a meeting to discuss the initiative for February 5th. This date was confirmed by the speaker of the State Duma.

The minimum wage from May will rise to 11,163 rubles

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has prepared a bill to increase the minimum wage from May 1 to 11,163 rubles, or 100 percent of the living wage of the working-age population for the second quarter of 2017. There will be funds for this in the budget, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev assured.

The Cabinet intends to fulfill all social obligations in full. “This is exactly how we planned the budget in order to protect pensions, benefits, scholarships and salaries from any leaps in the global economic or political environment,” Dmitry Medvedev said. If possible - and not without the President's instructions - individual decisions will be implemented earlier than planned. So, last week, the head of state, during a visit to the Tver Carriage Works, promised the workers to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum from May 1, 2018, and not from January 1, 2019. “We have all the necessary resources for this,” Medvedev said on Friday.

The Ministry of Labor on Saturday published a corresponding bill. Since the beginning of the year, the minimum wage has been 85 percent of the subsistence minimum. It is assumed that the minimum wage will be set annually at the level of the subsistence minimum, which was relevant in the second quarter of the previous year.

Putin promised to equate the minimum wage to the living wage

The minimum wage in Russia will be equal to the subsistence minimum starting from May 1, 2018.

“And we have the opportunity from May 1 to equalize the minimum wage and the living wage, and we will do it,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin, answering the workers' request during his visit to the Tver Carriage Works.

This affects a very large number of people: about four million, the head of state said. Now the minimum wage is 9489 rubles, and the living wage is 11 136 rubles. “As far back as I can remember, we talked all the time and continue to talk about the need to equalize the minimum wage with the living wage,” the president recalled. “It is quite obvious that this is unfair, distorts the labor market, it must be civilized,” he stressed.

Vladimir Putin noted that we planned to equalize the minimum wage with the subsistence minimum from January 1, 2019. But recently, at a meeting with him, the head of the FNPR Mikhail Shmakov raised the issue of speeding up this process and proposed starting on May 1, 2018. “Just on famous holidays,” the president continued. "I said, let's see as much as possible, based on how the Russian economy will work."

“And yesterday I just met with the finance minister,” Putin said. - We have a positive dynamics of the economy. The Russian economy is on the rise ”. “We have the opportunity from May 1 to equalize the minimum wage and the cost of living. And we will do it, ”he announced.

This will affect not only employees of state and municipal institutions, but also employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, and a part of working pensioners. Also from him is considered an allowance for pregnancy and childbirth and temporary disability.

The authorities also thought about the self-employed: they made contributions to social funds from him. “And these are also people with low incomes,” Putin said. “We made a cut-off,” he said. “Since January 1 of this year, payments to social funds have been“ cut off ”from the minimum wage."

And there will be constant indexing. "From this moment on, the minimum wage will not fall below the subsistence level" - concluded the president.

The standard of living of the population in the Russian Federation, despite the stable growth in the last decade, is still quite low. More than one million citizens live below the poverty line (or near it). Moreover, some live in such conditions all their lives.

How can you live on the minimum wage, and how you can improve the situation - magazine Reconomica will answer these questions below.

The minimum wage in the Russian Federation is established by Federal Law No. 82-FZ of June 19, 2000. Indexation is carried out 2 times a year: from January 1 and July 1.

The minimum wage standard in Russia from January 1, 2018 is 9489 rubles... This means that the minimum gross salary (rate + bonuses + other allowances in total) for any position, according to the law, cannot be lower than this mark. True, an employee with such an official salary can receive a lower salary - after deducting personal income tax of 13% (and if there is - other fees: alimony, loans).

Since January 1, 2018, the minimum wage has been indexed to 85% of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population - for the 2nd quarter of 2017 it is 11,163 rubles, and from 2019 it is planned to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation.

This is the federal minimum wage, in some regions its size is higher and is established by the laws of the region.

How many Russians actually live below the poverty line?

Director of the Institute for Social Policy High school economics Lilia Ovcharova:

Today, according to Rosstat, we have 5 million people receiving wages below the subsistence level - among employees of large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations, including the public sector. Outside the corporate sector of the economy, about 3 million more people receive wages below the subsistence level, a total of 8 million - a gigantic figure.

At the same time, the regional minimum wage may differ from the state one (of course, only upwards). We've collected the latest news and updates for 2018. Here are specific figures for the regions in which an increased regional minimum wage has been established:


Minimum wage, rubles

Moscow and Moscow region

Komi Republic; Ulyanovsk region - only off-budget sector

Oryol Region

Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region

Kaliningrad region

11,000 (except for federal state employees)

Pskov region

Murmansk Region, Nenets Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Yakutia

14632, 14260, 16299, 16824

Tula region

Yaroslavskaya oblast

For some regions (Sakhalin region, Magadan Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Tomsk Region, Irkutsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zabaikalsky Territory) the minimum wage is higher than the federal one, but is set separately for cities and districts, we did not add them to the table, check the information for your city on the website of the city department of labor.

At the same time it is (according to Rosstat data for the end of 2016) 35,843 rubles. The statistics are incorrect, a significant bias in it is obtained due to high salaries in the North, in some millionaires and in Moscow.() ... In fact, the average salary in the regions is at the level of 20-25 thousand.Also, the salary in the envelope is not taken into account.

According to statistics from Rosstat in the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2017:

    about 5 million citizens receive a minimum wage;

    about 4.1 million unemployed (the maximum allowance is 4,900 rubles);

    about 13 million people with disabilities (as of 2015) who either live on benefits or receive low wages;

    about 30 million non-working pensioners (the average pension in the Russian Federation is about 13 thousand).

Total comes out: 52.1 million (with a total population of 146.5 million).

We can safely say that most of the above citizens live near the poverty line.

There is also a certain statistics of "poverty". According to Rosstat, 22.7 million Russians are below the poverty line(for 2016) - that is, approximately every sixth citizen, or 15.7% of general population countries.

How is the cost of living considered and is it possible to live on it?

In 1997, on October 24, the living wage law (134-FZ)... It provides for the amount of the living wage for various categories of persons.

The subsistence minimum in Russia at the beginning of 2017 is:

    at workable person - 10,524 rubles;

    at pensioner - 8025 rubles lei;

    at child - 9677 rubles lei.

Like the minimum wage, the numbers may differ depending on the region. Also, this amount is regularly (annually) indexed.

Statistics also gives the minimum set of goods that a person needs in the first place. In the Russian Federation, this basket includes 156 items.

For comparison, let us give how many points are used when calculating the subsistence level in other countries:

    UK: 350;

    Germany: 475

    USA: 300.

We can safely say that the consumer basket is outdated, updated out of time, and always underestimated. In addition, the consumer basket contains only goods that a person needs, without taking into account unforeseen circumstances. For example, it does not contain any specialized medicines (which is important for pensioners). It does not include the costs of mobile communications, the Internet, furniture renovation, apartment repairs, car maintenance. According to the minimum consumer basket, a person is allowed one pair of socks per year and one towel that does not change over the years. I wonder what to dry with if this ever-dry towel stinks?

That is, even if a citizen's salary is at the level of the subsistence level, it will be extremely difficult to live on it.

For comparison: the size of the minimum wage in other countries. The rate is a little outdated, but we all know that it still jumps at 20% per year.

The average cost of living for a family is calculated separately. The formula for calculating PM is as follows:

(PM1 * number of adults in the family + PM2 * number of children in the family + PM3 * number of pensioners in the family) / total number of family members, where:

    PM1: living wage per adult (10,524 rubles);

    PM2: living wage per child (9677 rubles);

    PM3: living wage for a pensioner (8025 rubles).

Is it possible to survive on 10,000 rubles a month?

The question of how you can survive on 10,000-12,000 rubles a month is relevant for small towns. Some regions have such a level of wages (real in hand, and not according to Rosstat). Moreover, part-time work in small towns is often impossible - since there are simply no options.

If your salary is at about this level, you probably know what austerity is. However, these funds are quite enough to live on for 1 adult.

The costs will have to be distributed like this:

    Up to 3000 rubles - for utilities. In the warm season, the amount will be less.

    5000-6000 rubles - for meals.

    The remaining amount - for other expenses: transport, mobile communications... Of the leftovers, you will have to save for clothes and any other expenses.

It will be extremely costly to buy some other goods (for example, medicines) from this amount. Therefore, instead of looking for an answer to the question of how to live on a small salary, it is better to make efforts to generate additional income.

How to live on 5000 rubles a month: pensioner's menu

Let's set an extremely difficult task: let's try to figure out how to live on 5,000 a month. Some may say that this is unrealistic. In fact, more than one million Russians own experience knows it. Moreover, some people know how to live on both 4000 and 3000 per month. At first glance, this is an impossible task, but even at current food prices, it is feasible.

The truth is, nobody wants to live like this, but millions have to. Yes, right now, in 2017. A shame!

We will only count food, per person.

First, a few general rules:

    We shop only at the cheapest places... Welcome to Magnit, Pyaterochka, markets, fairs, vegetable stores and wholesalers.

    We try to buy products in large packs... The larger the package, the cheaper the product.

    We forget about food to order, as well as about food in any establishments... Even belyash bought on the market is 40-50 rubles, for which you can take almost 1 kg of buckwheat.

    Getting into the habit of keeping budget in mind... You need to know how much money is left in your wallet, how many days are left until your next paycheck, how much you need to spend at the store, and so on. You can not count a trifle if you need to live on 10,000-12,000 a month. If the funds are strictly limited, then every ruble should be on the account.

    We refuse alcohol, expensive meat, non-seasonal vegetables and fruits.

    In the season - we do the preservation ourselves.

    We draw up a clear menu plan for the coming days(ideally for a week and a month). At the same time, the amount of products should be selected in such a way that nothing remains. If there are leftovers, they should be used in other dishes. When planning the menu, it is recommended to try to make it more varied so that the food does not get bored.

    Learning to garden... Even if you don't have your own suburban area, but there is free space in the apartment (balcony, window sills, just a little space in the room) - it can be used for seedlings.

    Learning the rules of healthy nutrition... Since the budget is minimal, you should use each calorie rationally. It is not necessary to understand the intricacies, but knowing about the calorie content of foods, the required amount of calories for your weight and the consumption of BJU is very useful.

If you plan to live on 5000-6000 for a long time (for example, several months in a row), you should take care not only about saving. It is necessary to calculate both the calorie content and the content of nutrients in foods - so as not to harm health.

Now let's list the main budget products.

Sources of carbohydrates:



    Pearl barley.



Sources of protein:

    Chicken eggs.

    Chicken meat.

    Cottage cheese.

    Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk.

Fruit (sources of vitamins and carbohydrates):



An approximate list of products for 3000 rubles. Prices may vary depending on the region.

Vegetables (sources of vitamins, fiber) - any seasonal.

You will also need daily:




    Vegetable oil.

Lack of vitamins (from fruits and vegetables) and healthy fats (from fish) can be replenished by taking cheap pharmaceutical preparations. You can buy the cheapest multivitamin complex and fish oil. At prices it will be released:

    Complivit, 30 vitamins (for a month) - about 150 rubles.

    Fish oil, 100 capsules (for almost 2 months) - about 70 rubles.

Lard can also be a source of fat. You can buy it in large quantities at once and store it in the freezer.

Since a person, even in the most difficult conditions, wants to pamper himself with something - you can take the cheapest biscuits or dryers for tea.

The main part of the diet with such an economical regime should be porridge.

Sample family menu: super-economy option

If one person can eat 5,000 rubles a month, then such an amount will be a real challenge for the family.

Let's try to make an approximate menu for a month for a family of 4 with recipes and a list of products:

    2 kg of carrots: about 70-80 rubles.

    2 kg of onions: about 60-70 rubles.

    Seasonings, salt: 50-70 rubles.

    5 kg of potatoes at a vegetable warehouse, or according to an action in an inexpensive store: 60-80 rubles.

    4 packs of the cheapest butter: about 350-400 rubles.

    4-5 liters vegetable oil: about 500 rubles.

    3-4 kg of rice: 200-250 rubles.

    3-4 kg of buckwheat: 300-350 rubles.

    8-10 packs of pasta (total weight - 5-7 kg): 500-600 rubles.

    4-5 kg ​​of sugar: 250 rubles.

    Tea by weight, 500 grams: 250-300 rubles.

    3 kg of flour: 200 rubles.

    5 dozen chicken eggs: 250-300 rubles.

    Bread: 300-400 rubles, divided into equal parts for a month (for example, spend no more than 100 rubles on bread per week).

    3 kg of millet: 150-200 rubles.

    Chicken, 6 carcasses: 800 rubles.

Life in Moscow is not only the brightest, but also the most expensive. Pensioners also feel the high cost of living in the capital.

As in other regions, Moscow residents retire at the age of 55-60. (for the "indigenous": those who were born in Moscow, or have lived here for more than 10 years). If someone, according to the official calculation, gets a smaller amount, social protection will compensate the difference, and the pensioner is paid a regular supplement to the pension so that the aforementioned 17,500 are received.

The social pension is less: only 8300 rubles. Non-indigenous pensioners (who have lived in the capital for less than 10 years) will also receive less: 11561 rubles.

Despite the fact that the level of Moscow pensions is higher than payments to pensioners in the regions, these funds are still not enough at a stretch. It would seem that the question of how to live on 18,000 a month (or rather, 17,500) in Moscow is rather humorous, because for the capital this amount is extremely small. However, according to reviews, Moscow pensioners live quite well on it. True, this is only relevant for those who are in order with their health. Frequent promotions at Pyaterochka and cheap groceries at Magnet allow you to buy basic products. Well, if there are various benefits (for example, a preferential travel pass), then this further simplifies life.

The task becomes more difficult for those who have health problems. For treatment and medicine (and this is often required by pensioners), the mentioned pension is already enough at a stretch.

Many Moscow pensioners live thanks to the help of their relatives. ... If both husband and wife work in the family, and both receive an approximately average salary, then from the amount received it is quite possible to allocate 5-10 thousand to help elderly parents.

We made a sample survey among Moscow pensioners on the topic “how to survive on retirement in Moscow”. From their answers, the following most common tips can be distinguished:

    Garden... If a pensioner has his own 6 acres, this gives him a regular lesson and an opportunity to save a lot by getting his vegetables and fruits. Some use the vegetable garden to grow food for themselves, and some grow something for sale.

    Part-time job... Albeit reluctantly, but "young" pensioners are hired as watchmen and watchmen.

    Renting an apartment... The real wealth of a Moscow pensioner is living space. Capital real estate, even on the outskirts, costs more than one million rubles, and is rented for at least 30 thousand. If a pensioner has a spacious living space (not a one-room apartment), he can rent out a separate room, or even an entire apartment, and he himself can move either to his relatives, or to another city, or to a smaller and cheaper apartment.

Irina, a pensioner from the Moscow region:

I work in a budgetary institution, all the time waiting for me to be fired or the whole company will be dispersed. The budget is being cut and cut for us. The award was last seen last year, one bare salary. You have to travel to the end of Moscow for a measly 20 thousand rubles. Of these, I spend half on travel and lunch, 4 hours a day on the road. And I'm not the only one, everyone lives like that. And they'll be kicked out of work - I don't know how to live at all: the pension is 12 thousand, and the bill for the communal apartment is 8.

Is it worth controlling expenses or is it time to increase income?

In complex situations when items of expenditure equal or exceed items of income - you have to either accept and endure, or act. There are two options:

    Tight control and cut costs... Suitable for those who really have a lot of extra costs. Otherwise (if you only spend money on the most important things and still don't fit), if prices rise, you will still not fit into the budget.

    Increase income... More preferred solution.

Control and cost reduction are also relevant for those who do not have acute financial problems. The challenge is to clearly assess the current state and to "clean up": the rejection of unnecessary cost items.

The options for earning additional income are as follows:

    Evening part-time job- suitable for students and citizens who have a stable work schedule during the day.

    Home work- suitable for all people who regularly have free time. This option is especially relevant for those who know how to do something with their own hands (for example, for seamstresses).

    Finding a new job- with a higher salary and more interesting prospects.

    Development at your own place of work... Suitable for those who have a growth perspective, and whose salary depends on the results of work.

For those who have a very bad time, or who live in small settlementsah - there is an opportunity to master online work. This option allows you to work at any time of the day and from anywhere. Some of the specialties (for example, copywriters, editors, SMM- specialists) are mastered easily and quickly. Others (designers, programmers, layout designers) - require more time to study.

Rely on the government, but do not make a mistake yourself - how to save money with a small salary?

For those who are interested in how people live on the minimum wage: magazine Reconomica collected in one place the most useful rules of economy. They can be conditionally divided into several categories - by type of expenses.

Expenses for transport, leisure, addictions:

    We give up bad habits... Smoking and alcohol harm not only the body, but also the wallet.

    We refuse completely (or cut to certain limits) from going to clubs, cinema, cafes and other entertainment establishments.

    Reviewing transport costs... If you drive a private car, calculate how much money is spent per month (for gasoline, parking, minor repairs). Most likely, public transport will cost much less.

Utility bills:

    We are revising tariffs for the Internet and mobile communications. It is quite possible that you will be able to find a cheaper package, the conditions of which will still be normal for you.

    We try to start washing at night when there is a cheaper tariff.

    We replace bulbs in the house with energy-saving ones.

    We get rid of the habit of keeping the TV turned on for the background.

    Replacing bathroom tricks with a quick shower.

Food costs:

    Getting used to clearly plan a shopping list... If you go to the store to buy "something for lunch", then you will surely take at least something extra. But if you go shopping with a specific list, then the likelihood of unnecessary spending will be lower.

    We purchase from wholesalers... They can be loaded with various products of long storage (like pasta, canned food, tea, sugar, and so on). In bulk, they are cheaper.

    We plan (at least approximately) the menu for a week / month in advance... This will allow you to accurately plan the list and quantity of the products you need.

    We try to cook less often, but more, at once for 2-3 days at least... Firstly, it will save time (which can be spent on work), and secondly, it will allow you to spend less on gas (or electricity, if there is an electric stove).

Announcement: the magazine offers a part-time job for those in need, no experience required

Dear Readers!

If you find this article, as you are in a difficult life situation, and even a hundred rubles will not be superfluous for you, you can read the magazine's vacancies. We are looking for freelancers with no work experience. We don’t promise much money, but the job is simple.

The money is small, but it can help someone, share the link if you have acquaintances who need a part-time job.

Why is the number of “working poor” growing in Russia?

The mass media hear vigorous releases from the authorities about the imminent victory over the crisis. But citizens do not seem to trust them, but trust their own wallets, which are getting thinner and thinner.

And for the third month in a row, the VTsIOM polls call low salaries the most acute problem. Sociologists have even coined a new term - "the working poor."

"The authorities have no time for us now"

While the daughter of an oligarch from the pages of a glossy magazine teaches how to correctly calculate the number of servants for a mansion in the Moscow region, thousands of women across Russia become champions in a completely different "sport" - survival games.

3 chickens per month

Do you know how to live on a salary of 10 thousand rubles. in a city where there is no vegetable garden? And there is no husband either, but there are two children - 5 and 9 years old. I'll tell you now, - says the postman from Chelyabinsk Svetlana Zaitseva. - The total income (together with alimony and grandmother's pension) is 30 thousand rubles. For housing and communal services in the summer you need to pay 8,000 rubles. In winter - 10,000 rubles. But it rarely turns out to pay for "communal" in full - sometimes they collect money in the kindergarten for windows, then at school they ask to hand it over to prepare the class for the arrival of the commission, then to a new board. And small children are often sick ...

I teach children to eat everything that is given in kindergarten and school, so that they do not make hungry raids on the refrigerator at home. In the evening, a light dinner at home. I usually eat 2 times a day and drink a lot of water - both useful for the figure, and more economical. My children also know the rule of healthy eating: if you drink a glass of water before a meal, you will eat less. Meat - chicken. Calculation: 3 chickens per month. One day a week without meat: scrambled eggs, buckwheat, sandwiches, salads, pancakes on the water. Cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, fish are too expensive. Bread - 1 loaf per week.

The girls have braids, and I use coupons for 150 rubles. Clothes are second-hand. A long dress allows you to save on tights. Payment for the kindergarten is made from maternity capital.

If the situation gets worse and the money ceases to be enough even with such strict savings, then I am considering the option of putting the children in an orphanage for six months. Because finding another job is very difficult. I consider all options - from a janitor to a posting ad. But the interviews end as soon as the employer finds out about the children: "You cannot stay late at work, you will have sick leave, you cannot be fired." And nobody is interested in my desire to earn a decent life for myself and my children.

"That's how we live"

The mayor's office of Yekaterinburg recently announced that the average salary in the city is 42 thousand rubles, - shrugs his shoulders Alexander Khvostenko, accordion music teacher.- My wife and I work as teachers in the municipal leisure center, both are state employees, both have higher musical education. My salary is 12 thousand, my wife's - 8 thousand. Be happy, as they say, and do not deny yourself anything. And we have three children! One third of the budget is spent on paying for "communal", the rest - on food and the most urgent needs. So we saw the resorts only on TV. True, there is almost no time to watch it - you have to earn extra money. I carry furniture, play at weddings - take on any job. That's how we live.

Honored forester of Russia, head of the Kaibitsky forestry Ilgiz Khaffazov argues: “The salary of the forester is 14 thousand rubles. (the average salary in Tatarstan is 30 thousand rubles). Well, is this a worthy payment for our work? The forester goes to work every day at 6 in the morning: so that the forest can live, without which there will be no water, no oxygen on the earth - nothing! In order to maintain their 8,000 hectares of land, they have to work until late at night. And we don't even have enough gasoline for cars. At the state expense we can refuel at 7 liters per day. Where can you take them?

After work "second shift": a vegetable garden, a cow, a horse. We also started a subsidiary farm in the forestry: 70 horses, 100 sheep, 200 heads of cattle, an apiary, we grow grain. With the money we earn, we buy gasoline, meat and vegetables go to the canteen of the forestry enterprise, we pay extra 1,5-2 thousand rubles to the foresters so that we can make ends meet. Probably, the authorities do not get their hands on our troubles yet. But the situation in forestry as it is today cannot last long. "

"Without land would have disappeared"

It was in the USSR that the salaries of workers were sometimes envied by engineers and scientific workers. Crane operator Yana Ryabykh, who works at a plant in Lipetsk, hardly anyone will envy. Hard work, three shifts. No lunch break. For 8 hours on my feet, there is no time to sit down. Payment - 69 rubles. in an hour. Together with bonuses and surcharges for harm, length of service, night shifts, it turns out 25-27 thousand rubles. per month. “We are told that the average salary in metallurgy is 45-48 thousand,” says Yana. - But making that kind of money is unrealistic. I don’t go on vacation anymore, and I don’t take sick leave. At one time I wanted to leave, but there is nowhere to go - in other places the conditions are even worse, and the salary is lower. My main task is to give a good education a child so that he does not have to plow like me. "

They are trying to solve the problem of low wages in the Vologda Oblast in an original way. Anna Petrovna(name has been changed - Ed.) For 22 years he has been working as a resuscitation nurse in Vozhega. At the end of last year, she was transferred to the position of a cleaner - this allows her to pay a minimum wage of 7-8 thousand rubles, and not a nurse's salary of 14 thousand. But all the duties of a nurse still remain. And this is the care and nursing of resuscitated patients (usually they are heart attackers-stroke sufferers) - to feed, change clothes, change them. It happens that there is not even time to take a sip of tea. The husband works as a furniture assembler for 15 thousand rubles. They get out as best they can - it's good to have a vegetable garden.

Elena- a civilian employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. In fact, she works in the authorities, she has a ban on traveling abroad, but she has no titles and, as a result, there are no allowances. After paying taxes, she gets 20 thousand rubles in hand. “In fact, all our income with my husband goes to pay for utility services and food,” says Elena. - We bypass the shelves with cottage cheese, fish, meat. I can't even buy winter boots - these 5 thousand will make a hole in the family budget. It is interesting that with my earnings I cannot issue an invitation to Russia for foreign friends - for this you need to have an income of two minimum wages. But the law allows to keep a 13-year-old teenager on one minimum wage ”.

The stages of greed and theft

"Raising salaries is not profitable for businessmen",- thinks the scientific director of the All-Russian Center for Living Standards, Chief Researcher of the PRUE. Plekhanov Vyacheslav Bobkov.

Who benefits from this?

The main reason for low wages in Russia is that it is profitable for our oligarchs and businesses to keep cheap labor. Back in 2012 Vladimir Putin set a task - to increase labor productivity by 1.4 times, but this instruction of the president was not fulfilled.

The people at the helm of the business are not interested in increasing labor productivity. After all, firstly, to increase this productivity, you will have to spend money on technical re-equipment. And secondly, skilled workers need to be paid more.

The state, which is also the largest employer and could motivate and sometimes force businesses to raise wages, is essentially a lobbyist for big business. Private interests in our country, regrettably, are higher than those of the state, so we still have the minimum wage below the subsistence level. This is absurd! Or take the existence of a huge gray sector of the economy, where people not only work for a penny, but also do not have any labor and social guarantees and rights. In spite of decisions taken on the legalization of employment, the problem is being solved very slowly and incompletely. There are also private interests behind this.

Nowhere to work?

Likewise, the problems of regional imbalance in the labor market are not being addressed. In Russia there are several specific points (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan. Krasnodar - 20-25 large cities) where the economy is developing, where there is a demand for labor, competition and, as a result, more or less normal wages. But in most regions there are simply no jobs, and a person has to agree to any salary in order to have at least some job.

In developed countries, difficult work (doctor, teacher, scientist, etc.) is highly paid. In our country, it is devalued - both materially and morally. Russian capitalism is in the stage of greed and theft. Low salaries of the overwhelming majority of the country's population (92% of us are hired workers) make it possible to redistribute income in favor of a narrow group: oligarchs, top managers of state-owned companies and corrupt officials.

We calculated that in order to go beyond the poverty line, to more or less modest satisfactory consumption, the per capita income in a family should be 3-4 living wages, or 40 thousand rubles. This means that the salary of an employee who has a complete family with 1-2 children should be 60-80 thousand rubles. This is the real, acceptable level of salary. To cross the lower border of the middle class in a family with 2 children, adults must earn at least 90 thousand rubles. everyone. This budget of the average income of a family allows not to save on food, buy clothes and shoes, go on vacation, and invest in the education of children.

Let me remind you that in Russia today the minimum wage is 7.8 thousand rubles, and the average salary is 35 thousand rubles.

Don't let go

In our country there have never been "professional unemployed", - says Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Alexander Safonov.- The allowance that we give out does not allow this. Just as it does not allow it to look for work, forcing a person to agree to the first offer that comes along (as a rule, with a lower salary). We have not retained the connection between the amount of the allowance and the deductions that the employee previously made from the salary (it was before the introduction of the unified social tax). And, even worse, the size of this ever-decreasing benefit has nothing to do with the subsistence level today.

The industrial sector cuts up to 100 thousand jobs annually. It is almost impossible to find a job in a crisis. The specificity of our market is such that moving in search of work to another region is very difficult and associated with high material costs. So the Western experience of combating unemployment through population mobility does not suit us. This means that the unemployment benefit, at least for the first three months, should be equal to the income that a person has lost - in order to help him not start dying socially. But, unfortunately, our story is completely different: our allowance is comparable to alms. Many unemployed, especially in rural areas, do not even register - travel will be more expensive.

"Who Didn't Steal a Million"

“Today only the one who has not stolen a million is yearning” - these lines from Nekrasov's poem are relevant in today's Russia. Our social inequality is great and, most likely, will continue to grow. Unless, of course, the socio-economic policy changes radically ", - I'm sure the famous Soviet and Russian scientist Vasily Simchera.

They even have richer homeless people

Factors of inequality are divided into surmountable and insurmountable. There are insurmountable factors in Russia - a harsher climate than most countries and vast distances. This predetermines a lower profit rate of enterprises and, accordingly, lower incomes of the majority of the population (the elite will not offend themselves anywhere). We will not make 300 sunny days in Russia, as in America. This is also why even American homeless people feel better than some Russian working citizens, and incomes in Russia and the United States differ by an order of magnitude.

However, at the current level of technology development, it is precisely the surmountable factors that are decisive. This is the dominance of foreign capital in the country, the accelerated growth of profits of banks and state monopolies, the growth of taxes and levies from low-income groups of the population, low and falling labor productivity.

The last factor, which the "privatizers" - oligarchs and pseudo-liberal economists love to talk about, is caused not by the laziness or ineptitude of the working people, but by the low level of investment in the development of production, personnel training and the payroll - almost everything is taken offshore.

When will it explode?

The most serious problem in modern Russia- the actual inequality of various social groups. Here the gap reaches 50 times: many simply do not have the money to implement human rights from the UN Declaration. How big is income inequality? Contrary to official statistics, the difference between the minimum and maximum income in our country is not 16, but 47 times. Income is not the same as salary. Although it is the salary that is the basis of the income of the poor residents of the country (the majority of the population), while the rich have a significant part of their income (at least 50%) so-called “unaccounted for”, including corruption (bribes and kickbacks), as a rule, withdrawn to offshores.

The average salary, the growth of which officials are so fond of talking about, is calculated here by combining the salaries of corporate executives and cleaning ladies. The result is beautiful figures of 36-40 thousand rubles. depending on the region. But if we exclude from the study that minority whose average salary is over 1 million rubles, then the average salary in Russia will be 20 thousand rubles. And after deductions - 12 thousand. Such a salary is received by 70% of workers and employees - 50 million out of 75 million workers. Here, however, it must be added that today up to 25% of salaries are gray, that is, semi-official, when the figure in the statement is much less than the actual payment. Because of the popularity of this tax evasion scheme, one must speak of a large category of “impoverished”.

However, it is also true that the people in Russia are poor. The salary, which is the basis of the income of the "working poor", is greatly underestimated. The share of wages (without deducting taxes and insurance premiums) is one third (taking into account wages in envelopes - 45%) of Russia's GDP, while in the whole world - 60%. In addition, with the help of taxes and levies (including indirect ones) they take another 13-15% of the salary from people. As a result, a person gets less than a third of the product he has created.

With a further rise in prices and tariffs, a fall in income, the threat of a social explosion may reach its maximum values ​​in 3-5 years.

Readers of "AiF" Doctor of Technical Sciences Lev Zaitsev and Deputy Yaroslav Vikulin from Dubna propose a new mechanism for the indexation of salaries and pensions, which would help in the fight against poverty.

Instead of indexing as a percentage, everyone, without exception, regardless of personal income, needs to accrue the same ruble increase. To determine its value, it is proposed to multiply the average monthly income in the region by the average indicator of the Rosstat consumer price index (inflation).

With the existing indexing mechanism, there is a glaring injustice, the authors of the concept are sure. For example, with a salary or pension of 8 thousand rubles. with an indexation of 5%, the increase will be only 400 rubles. per month, and with a salary of 60 thousand rubles. - 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, the rise in price of the consumer kit (food, utilities, travel, etc.) is the same for everyone. It turns out that the one who earns 60 thousand rubles, having received indexation, will cope with inflation at the very least, and the one who receives 8 thousand rubles will become even poorer.