A visa-free entrance to the UK. London: The British capital requires a national visa, transit on special conditions. Public transport in London

21 Aug.

In the UK without a visa? Is that possible? Need to the United Kingdom 🇬🇧, but do not want to spend time to receive a visa? Is it possible to get to the UK without a visa? It exists 2 ways, how to legally get into the country without a visa! ️ Yes, in the country that gives visas with great difficulties, you can get from the "black stroke" 🙂 Learn how:

In the UK without a visa - cruise

✔️ First method - Go to cruise, in the route of which is the British city you are interested in! Regular visa rules do not act for cruise ships, they obey the rules from the Special Marine Convention. Thus, you can get to the UK without a visa! Cruise should not begin and end in the UK and a cruise ship (and you) should not be in the port of more than 24 hours.

In the UK without a visa - Transit visa

✔️ Second way - Get a transit visa. This is a great way to get to get to the UK without a visa. The fact is that the legislation of Great Britain allows tourists to be located in the country without a visa to 48 hours during the docking of flights at any airport. But this requires compliance with the following conditions:
1. You are flying through the UK transit to / from the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
2. You have a valid visa of the country where you are heading.
3. Your next flight flies until 23.59 next day.

If all the conditions are completed, then after a small conversation with a visa officer in your passport will be a stamp with a transit visa and you can enjoy walks around the country! It turns out, you can get to the United Kingdom without a visa! Please note that transit is possible only through airports, so any other transportation (train, ferry) for visa-free visits to the UK is not suitable.

By purchasing a ticket, pay attention to

Interesting and diverse rest you!

Any traveler should know that the visa issued by the Consulate of Great Britain is not a guarantee of entry into the country. The final decision on allowing or refusing in the entrance to this or another foreigner is made by an employee. border Service At the time of passing a foreigner of passport control.

The requirements for foreigners (we are talking about non-EU citizens who enter the United Kingdom, both visa and without it are absolutely identical.

Primary requirements:

  • the presence of a passport acting throughout their stay in the UK;
  • the presence of a valid visa, if necessary;
  • filled migration card (Landing Card).

As a confirmation, the purpose of the visit may be needed:

  • hotel reservation;
  • invitation from relatives or friends;
  • letter from educational institution (if the purpose of the visit is training, the passage of practice, participation in the scientific seminar);
  • letter or employment contract from the employer;
  • invitation to participate in activities of scientific, cultural or sports;
  • tickets to the third country (if the purpose of the visit is transit).

As a confirmation of financial consistency and intentions to leave the UK:

  • check back ticket or ticket to the third country;
  • availability, Traffic checks or bank cards.

How to fill the Landing Card?

Migration cards are issued on the aircraft / ferry / on the bus or they can be taken directly in the arrival hall before passport control racks. Card is filled in English:

  1. Family Name - Surname
  2. First Name (S) - name / names (patronymic do not need to write)
  3. Sex - Pol
  4. Date of Birth - date of birth
  5. TOWN AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - country and city of birth
  6. Nationality - nationality
  7. Occupation - Profession
  8. Contact Address in the UK (in Full) - Contact address in the UK completely
  9. Passport NO - Passport Room
  10. PLACE OF ISSUE - place of issue
  11. Length of Stay In The UK - Duration of stay in United Kingdom
  12. Port of Last Departure - Last Departure Place (Airport / Port / Departure City in United Kingdom)
  13. Arrival Flight / Train Numer / Ship Name - flight number / trains / ship name
  14. Signature - Signature

Special attention should be paid to paragraphs 7, 8 and 11. In paragraph 7, you need to specify the profession clearly. For example, "teacher", "doctor", etc. In the event that something like "boss", "Director", "Administrator", a border service officer may require additional information, so it is necessary to write it in initially, for example, "director of the store".

Item 8 - indicates the name of the hotel and its address. In the case of residence from relatives / friends, as well as when booking accommodation through the kauverterfing or arbnb sites, the name of a private person who has a foreigner and an accurate address will be accomplished. Important! If during the design of a visa you in the questionnaire stated that you will live at the hotel, exactly the hotel should be specified in Landing Card, and not a private person, otherwise it will cause doubts from the border guard relative to the purpose of the visit. This, in turn, can cause refusal to enter the UK.

Paragraph 11 - the duration of stay specified in the map must match the return departure date. The border guard does not necessarily know that you have the plans to change the ticket and, perhaps, remain another day or two or a week, or even a month. The map needs to write what is at the time of entry.


Fingerprints are filmed in the vast majority of entry points to the UK. The system automatically compares them with prints, which surrendered a foreigner when visa design. The system also issues basic information about this foreigner, received during a visa, as well as its previous entry into the country (if any).

Interview with border service officer

The migration card together with the passport is a border guard employee. The next step will be an interview.

Mandatory issues that are asked for foreigners following:

  • Purpose of the trip?
  • How long are you going to stay in the UK?
  • Where will stop during your stay?

Most likely to ask a few more questions, for example:

  • Where do you fly from?
  • What are you planning to do (watch) during a visit?
  • Are there any friends or relatives in the UK?
  • Who do you work in Russia and when planning to return to work?

How to behave on passport control

General rules are as follows:

  • to behave correctly and calmly. Excessive emotions, gestures, bustle during the interview cause suspicion of the Border Guard Service. From the point of view of formal logic, a person who is in order documents, and there is no intention to break the law, should not be nervous.
  • answers to any questions should be as short as possible and unambiguous to ensure that the border guard employee cannot interpret them in its own way. You do not need to overload your answers with details and details, otherwise the border guard will definitely make a desire to ask many additional refineering issues, which will increase the time costs of passing the border several times.
  • you do not need to be initiated: if the border guard officer does not ask for a return ticket and other documents, you do not need to do this. As a rule, if you are able to adequately answer questions, the border guard will not need anything other than your passport.
  • correctly completed Landing Card will save a tourist about additional questions. At the same time, the information in the card must coincide with your oral responses.
  • the purpose of the visit should correspond to the goal that indicated when the visa is issued. In other words, if initially the foundation for issuing a visa was a tourist trip with a stay at the hotel, then when crossing the border you need to say the same. Important! A trip to relatives and tourism (recreation and stay at the hotel) are different goals of the visit!

How to answer questions

Questions about the purpose of the visit and place of residence during the visit to the UK

If you apply for a visa application, the purpose of the visit "Tourism" in the questionnaire, and the hotel's address and the receiving parties are the hotel, the correct answer: "During the trip I will live at the hotel."

What if the questionnaire was listed in London, and the plans changed, and the tourist decided to go, for example, in Liverpool, or had a replacement for one hotel to another?

From the point of view of immigration rules, there is no violation in this, when passport control, you need to specify the address of the hotel where the tourist will actually live. If there are several hotels, one in which a larger number of days is booked.

Also, instead of the hotel, you can provide a reservation from the site ARBNB (in this case, the answer should sound like that - "housing booked on the ArbNB website," and not "to live a private person").

If the purpose of the visit is to visit friends or relatives, you need to call their names and surnames, degree of kinship or the nature of relationships (friends, for example) and the address.

Additionally, if we are talking about friends, the border guards may ask how long ago you are familiar with whom they work, as long ago and what grounds live in the UK (if we are talking about faces that have no British citizenship).

If a tourist has a transit British visa to a passport, the answer to the question about the purpose of the visit can be only one - "transit".

As a rule, if staying in the UK during transit does not exceed 48 hours, it does not cause suspicion. However, even in this case, additional questions are possible on why this route is selected or why between flights such a temporary gap. Correct answers in this case are such (in accordance with the real situation): "Flights flying to I needed once / twice a week," or "the air carrier offers only this flight option to the destination", or "in my route several types of transport (For example, train and aircraft, ferry and aircraft) and you can only dock them in this way. "

Incorrect answers that can, at a minimum, alert border guard, and often lead to refusal at the entrance:

  • "Goal of our visit to tourism, we will dwell from relatives (friends)"
  • "First we will live at the hotel, then relatives."
  • "When we made a visa, we thought that we would be at the hotel, but then we decided to live with acquaintances."

These answers directly indicate the mismatch of the purpose of the visit with what is indicated in the visa. It may be regarded as an indication of knowingly false information When making a visa.

The logic of the border service officer in this case is as follows: "If a person wants to visit relatives or friends in the UK, what is the point of requesting a visa in order to visit" Tourism "? If a person is to live with relatives / friends, it means that he provided the hotel's fictitious reservation. The conclusion suggests itself - this foreigner may have an intention to remain illegally in the UK. "

In the case of transit, the wrong answer sounds like this: "I want to see the country" or "I want to meet with relatives / to solve business questions / pass exams, etc." (inconsistency of the purpose of the visit of the Visa issued).

Questions about the timing of stay and the number of entries

Often, border guard employees cause suspicions too frequent tourist trips to the UK (for example, if a month is held between the trips or less, and the visa is issued for tourist trips). Border guards in this case are interested in how tourist combines trips and work. The answer to such a question may be the following: "I am granted a big vacation, but I can not take it in full and forced to crush" either "one trip falls on holidays, the other is during the holidays. "

If you have a return ticket, however, you intend to stay in the UK for a longer period, it is not necessary to put the border guard about it informant.

Otherwise, you will have to explain why you did not change the ticket to a later date in advance and why they generally bought a ticket, which is not coinciding with the real date of departure.

As a rule, this option may lead to refusal in the entrance - from the point of view of the border guard, an attempt to stay in the country may look like.

Questions regarding the plan of stay and profession of tourist

Most often questions about the plans of a foreigner during their stay in the UK ask those who enter the country not for the first time or rides at the invitation of a private person. In this case, you need to list the main cities / attractions / events, etc., which are planned to be visited.

Also, the answer may sound like that - "I'm going to visit my sister (to a friend, children, parents), with exact plans have not yet decided on, most likely, we will walk, engage in shopping. If there is a mood, let's go on a tour / museum / zoo and etc. Such an answer is logical for those who ride to visit relatives.

Wrong answers:

  • "I will help at the farm", "to care for children / elderly relatives", "help with friends". All this can be regarded as an attempt to work illegally.
  • "I plan to study english"In this case, it is necessary to focus the attention of the border guard that the duration of training is less than 30 days, and training is not the main goal of the visit.

Questions about the work of a foreigner in the country of residence most often asked if this person often visits the United Kingdom. Border guards are interested in:

  • How can a foreigner combine frequent rides with constant work?
  • Are there frequent trips actually workers?
  • Does foreigners have enough amount for so much frequent trips?

In this case, it is necessary to clearly explain where the tourist works, describe the specifics of the working chart: the Watch method, work at home, piecework, work, seasonal work, work implied by a large number of weekends (for example, teacher or teacher).

Important! If the tourist works like a freelancer, it is absolutely not necessary to say a border service employee as follows: "I work always and everywhere, and on the trip too." This answer may be incorrectly understood and is represented as an attempt of illegal work in the UK without an appropriate visa.

How to behave if you are asked to pass additional check

The decision on an additional inspection of a foreigner who wants to enter the UK is made in the event that the border guard employee has doubts about this person. One of the reasons for such an inspection can be the inability of the tourist in mind the full ignorance of the language answer questions from the border service employee.

Additional check is carried out in a separate room and is an extended interview with a foreigner. During it, documents confirming the purpose of the visit (hotel reservation, offering tickets, etc.) are being studied, there is also checked for staying in the country of financial resources (cash, road checks, bank cards - balance is not checked, no account statement is required) . It can also be made to watch personal belongings and baggage.

During all procedures, it is necessary to keep calm, behave correctly, in no case shout, do not threaten and not attack the staff of the border service.

According to the results of such an interview, the final verdict is made - let alien in the country or not. If violations of the entry rules are not detected, a positive decision is made.

What may require a foreigner, which was called for additional checks:

  • invite a translator - it is necessary to make it necessary to all those who do not know English at all either owns the language at the school level, or is greatly worried;
  • contact the Embassy - it needs to be done when the test lasts for a long time, or against a foreigner, any accusations of violation of the legislation of Great Britain are nominated;
  • contact relatives, friends, business partners, the organization, about the invitation of which is a foreigner;
  • call a doctor in case of a sharp deterioration of well-being during the interview.

Why can be denied entry to the UK

The most common causes of refusal in the entrance:

  • missing the real purpose of the visit and the goal specified in the visa. (For example, a foreigner with a visa visa rides actually working);
  • during previous trips, a foreigner violated the country's legislation and a decision was made on a temporary or constant ban on entering the UK;
  • the validity period of the visa has expired or it is canceled;
  • a foreigner is suspected of ties with criminal or terrorist organizations.

If the entrance refused, a foreigner receives official confirmation, which indicates the reason for refusal, as well as information on the possibility of appealing this decision, and the deadlines of the deportation of a foreigner from the UK. As a rule, a foreigner must leave the UK territory at the next flight, next to the country, which is the citizen of which is.

In addition, the passport control system, including the process of interviewing, additional checks and deportation is shown in documentary film "UK Border Force".

If you still have questions, ask them on the TRAVEL.RU forum. We will help you understand all the nuances.

Catrion Kopylova

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Links on the topic:Embassy of the United Kingdom in Moscow, visa to England for IP, visa to England for schoolchildren.

If you are planning a trip to Britain with whatever purpose (tourism / study / travel / visit to relatives, etc.), it is necessary to think about the design of a British visa. The fact is that the Russians are not provided for a visa-free entry to the UK, and the border will not work without a visa. However, there are some exceptions and features that we will tell in this article. Previously, I would like to note that, contrary to the erroneous opinion of many travelers, Britain is not among the countries, to visit which is possible on a Schengen visa. Or maybe someone go there without visa permission at all? Under what conditions? Read below.

Features of visiting Britain without a visa in 2019

For passport holders Russian Federation There are only two options to come to the UK, without having a visa. First, if you make a transit stop, but provided that you follow in the USA, New Zealand, Canada or Australia and have a valid visa of the relevant country. In all other situations, it is impossible to leave the transit zone in 2019 even for several hours. There are relaxation for other tourists - from a cruise liner. If this journey begins and ends not in the British port, then a visa-free stay in the UK Russian citizens, but not more than 24 hours. In other cases, you need a visa.

Several years ago, an agreement was signed between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom that some foreign citizens, including Russians, can visit Ireland on a valid British visa. For the first time, the passage is possible only through Britain, and then travel to Dublin and other cities can be directly. Among our compatriots, such an option is very popular. However, this rule is asymmetrically: having received permission to stay from the Irish embassy, \u200b\u200bto enter the UK without a visa Russians are not right. Visa to Ireland allows travel only to the territory of this country.

In general, there is a whole category of citizens who have the opportunity to visit Britain without a visa. We are talking about the holders of passports of the countries of the European Union and some other states (Australia, Monaco, Switzerland, Argentina, etc.). But it is worth noting that this rule applies only to short-term trips that are not related to immigration goals. To visit with the intention of long residence requires a visa. Accordingly, the Russians can enter without a visa to the UK, if they are also citizens of these countries. Please note that the possession of the passport is required, residence permit is not enough.

Leave an application for visa

As you know, the island. Therefore, it is more convenient, and faster moving there by air. But there are lovers to travel by train, bus and ferry. However, in the air, and on earth, and on the water, people are equally awake to save.

By air

Save, flying to England on the plane, can be in several ways. Vacation tour for schoolchildren (learning language or rest). Not only parents, but also tourist and educational companies are planning school trips for vacation time. Tourist firms in advance book special ticket blocks in the partner airlines. Therefore, travel agencies always have guaranteed places in airplanes. Working with children, travel agencies most often form a group, but a group tariff is cheaper than individual. From Moscow, in and back at this rate can be flying for $ 260.
If your child has not yet been 12 years old, then his ticket is about twice as much as an adult. By the children's ticket, you can fly for $ 180.
Significant discounts (about 30%) are provided by the student rate (if you have an ISIC card). These cards give the right to a discount not only in the flight, but in the future (when visiting theaters, museums, restaurants, clubs, etc.). With an ISIC card "Round back" will cost you $ 320.
If you have already come out of gentle age and are hopeless adults, you still have the right to discounts. The preferential adult fare exists at a ticket with rigidly fixed departure and return dates, which you need to buy at least a week before departure and which will cost (before and back) at $ 330-340. Such a ticket, as a rule, cannot be passed.
Another somewhat non-standard way to save on tickets is a cooperation with travel agency. At first glance, the trip costs more, because the agency services need to pay. And in principle, you can, having spent a lot of hours on airline calls and to visit their sites on the Internet (for the use of which you also need to pay), find out what the target is the lowest and beneficial to you. The result is not guaranteed, since the tariff for individuals is often very different from the tariff provided for travel agencies. At the same time, sometimes through the mediation of travel agencies in the fare the fare from the airport to the city center or to the place of your stay in England. Reservation on a ticket, ordered by a travel agency, as a rule, is hard, and nothing will flick it. You can simply be able to take a ticket to the desired flight, since most are already booked.
Not new, but justifying yourself way - charter flights. The only fairly significant inconvenience is tangible, almost 2 times, reducing the cost of the ticket - the impossibility of abandoning it and the exactly fixed date of departure.


Swimming La Mans on the ferry, you save not a lot of money. But before you spend a lot of time and strength. You have to go by bus through Poland, Germany, France - it will take about three days, including tedious night crossings. In addition, the passage of Europe will require additional transit visa (And it's not so easy to get a Schengen visa). As a result, this trip called "bus to you can easily give up about $ 100.
If Europe is crossing the train, you will have to buy a ticket to the ferry, however, with a discount up to 50%.

Underground railway

According to Eurotonnnel, laid under La Mansha in 1994 at the fifty-meter depth, the speed trains Eurostar and Le Shuttle go to both sides. From to Paris or Brussels can be reached in 3 hours. Daily between countries runs about three tens of trains. All tickets for them are strictly ranked, the price immediately depends on several factors: the time of departure, class, etc. The ticket to the premium carriage in one direction will cost 240 pounds, in the first class - 190 pounds. In general, the fare in Eurostar exceeds the cost of the airfare. However, here there is also a discount system that allows you to travel more economically than on the plane. There are children's, student and youth tickets. In general, the trip by train Eurostar takes much less time than the flight, since the time for preset procedures is significantly reduced.

What is ISIC card?

At the initiative of UNESCO in 1949, an international confederation of ISTC student tourism (International Student Travel Confederation) was established, promoting the development of student tourism, educational and cultural exchanges.
One of the five associations included in ISTC is the Association of Owners of the International Student Identify Card. The ISIC card is the only official international student identity card, which is at the same time a discount card providing over 17 thousand discounts and benefits around the world (from 5% to 100%). Discounts are distributed literally to all: for accommodation in hotels and hostels, air and railway transportation and urban transport, to visit museums, theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, telephone calls and much more. The card can acquire students of almost any educational institutions. For its design, a student or student ticket is needed (or a certificate from the school) and the photo 3x4. The cost of the certificate in Russia is established by the International Confederation of Student Tourism and is $ 7.

What is ITIC card?

Since 1984, the ISTC Confederation is manufactured by the International Teacher Identity Card (International Teacher Identity Card), similar to student. The cost of the card is $ 7. List of benefits for teachers is less than for students, but slightly. The ITIC card allows you to significantly save on travel around the world. To make a map you need to submit a document (certificate from the place of work), confirming that you are a teacher of this educational institution, and a photo of 3x4.

How to reduce the price of a ticket

Plan a flight in advance. Most preferential tariffs work if the passenger buys a ticket for 2 or 3 weeks before the trip.
Determine the date and timing of the trip. Often, ticket discounts are valid at a certain time (the beginning of the month, the end of the season, minimum or maximum stay). Planning the trip in accordance with these provisions, you can save a lot.
Plan a route as you can "straight" and easier. The cost of the ticket depends on the distance range. If your route passes through 2-3 cities, do not "hook".
Ask the operator. It may be just for you and have the most significant discounts and the most successful special offers.

How to visit the UK without a visa?

If you fly to the end item in transit through the UK, then under certain circumstances you can visit Britain without a visa. What is needed for this?

To visit the UK without a British visa formally, you will need:

1. Flights that confirm that you will leave the United Kingdom within 24 hours;
2. The visa of the country - the final destination (if it is necessary);
3. Confirmation of hotel armor, if docking is expected at night (better paid reservation).

The main thing is transit through different airports in London.
An example of a good docking: departure from Moscow in 20-55, arriving in London (Heathrow) at 22-55. Departure from Gatwick Airport on Jamaica at 12-10. Consequently, we have 12 hours to watch London. This is the most common visa-free transit (flight data are taken from the British Airways airlines site). But it is not necessary to be the same airline. An example of another good and widespread practice of visiting London without a visa is a flight to Ireland. For example: Moscow (departure at 6-30) - London Heathrow (arrival at 7-50), BMI airline, then London - Dublin Airlines Ryanair at 17-40 from Luton Airport.

Popular among students of Work & Travel, who fly to the United States through London, to dock their flights through different airports and with sufficient time to walk along the capital of Britain. If you have an airport arrival and departure one and the same, there is a chance that you will be denied in a 24-hour transit.

Some airlines can resist badly before making a landing on the flight to London. In practice, there was a sad situation when airlines refuse to plant passengers flying through London to Europe. This flight requires a Schengen multivisa. Bad fame at Easyjet, Wizzair, AirBaltic, Ryanair at some airports. A number of airlines write directly that you can only get on the flight to London only if there is a British visa. Wizzair and writes on his site (even in Russian), which does not carry out transit through London (it concerns the flight Kiev - London Luton). In this case, the airline is customized, as they risk subjected to fines if you are deported back.

For Ryanair flights from Tampere (Finland) to London ordinary situationWhen Russians with multivisas fly, for example, in Spain or Portugal, so besides much cheaper. But to get to the flight to London, let's say, from Riga or Gdansk - almost impossible. You need to stock major patience to clarify the airline's representatives of their situation. To do this, it is recommended to come to the reception earlier. Good English and knowledge of laws is desirable.

You can warn the airline that fly through London, the airline response to print.
Print is also recommended part of the laws: (and link 2). You can also make an excerpt from timatics.

Remember, no hour can leave for the analysis of the situation.

Suppose you put on the flight and you fly to London. Now it remains the last - convince the immigration officerWhat your goal is only transit that you do not want to stay in England. The decision to resolve transit is accepted by them, and, theoretically, in the entrance can be denied. But in practice they are allowed almost all. In order for the officer to be more favorable, you need to have tickets all over your route, answer simple questions, "Why and why, where and for a long time fly". If the visa-free transit denied, the immigration officer can offer a paid transit with police accompaniment to another airport. But it will cost you not one hundred pounds sterling. In this case, there will be no choice: paid transit or deportation. There are such cases.

When talking with an immigration officer, it looks neat and communicate calmly. You will ask a lot of questions (where, why were we, where we work, etc.) - answer with confidence. A positive decision on visa-free transit depends on this. Your passport will carefully study at the same time. They are interested in British and Irish visas. About them they can also ask questions.

Also, it is also impossible to miss the most important thing - in the airports of Great Britain there is no transit zone. That is, theoretically, the visa is necessary even with the usual docking in the same terminal. At the same time, if the docking within one terminal of London-Heathrow Airport, then you can hardly see border control. Another thing is, if you are supposed to transfer from a flight to a flight with a change of terminal. In this case, you cannot avoid communicating with the UK immigration service, similar to the usual visa-free transit. At the same time, permission is also requested for a visa-free transit, but without exiting the city. The reservation of the hotel is not needed and they are not released to the city. Although, of course, there are ways to go out from the airport even in this case, because the stamp "24 hours transit" is obtained. We do not consider all these methods for ethical considerations.

The procedure for obtaining permission for visa-free entry is usually this:

1. Fill in advance in the plane or in passport control Landing Card (Migration Card).
2. We approach the passport control rack and submit documents.
3. Explain that we want to go out into the city (while talking about the goal of entering the city).
4. The immigration officer asks to wait 15 minutes and goes to the authorities for making a decision.
5. The immigration officer returns with documents and stamp "24 hours transit".

Unsuccessful examples of docking

Many fall into unpleasant situations, we describe them:

Flights from Europe to Europe through London. It's one thing, if you fly through London from Finland to Spain, and another thing when you are trying to fly along the route Berlin - London - Amsterdam. Europeans are incomprehensible to such movements, this is an illogical route. This is not recommended.

Do not fly with fundamental airlines that do not put on flights to London transit passengers. For example, EasyJet airlines easily destroyed the plans of people who flew along the Munich - London route and Istanbul - London - Cuba.

If you have a docking at one airport, do not despair. You do not need to say a visa officer that you have always dreamed of seeing the Tower Bridge and drink a couple of Pint in the present English pub. May not understand. The argument can serve - a long docking, fatigue, a wish to sleep, a good bonus would look like a hotel reservation (which is extremely needed at night docking). As a rule, a little more chances if the night docking.

If you are all done correctly and logical, there will be no problems, and you will be allowed to transit to the UK without a visa.