KKS: General discussion and questions on the passage. Corsairs to each his own Corsairs to each his own quest a place in the sun

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General discussion and questions about the passage
The elder was a smart fellow. The youngest son and so and so. In general, he was definitely a fool.

Ahoy, brave sailors and lovers of adventurous adventures! Welcome to our little tavern at the end of the world! Grab yourself a pint of selected rum and make yourself comfortable. We will have a long and pleasant evening in the company of port women, gambling, as well as incredible stories about adventures that await us, ordinary corsairs, on the way to legendary treasures! Do not skimp on words! Share your experience with green cabin boys who have not yet sniffed the smells of sweat and gunpowder! Those who have not yet known the joy of a fresh sea breeze after a prolonged calm! Help choose a vessel to commit travel around the world or tell me a couple of tricks that will help a young corsair to become marine legend... Relax, have fun, and remember: after all, the parrot is alive!

Plus, the developers have gone too far with quests during which the GG loses his ship. You have to replay, swing the game, leaving the main ship docked in the port, and sail on some tartan or lugger on a mission.
Compared to other parts, the player is very time-bound. He has practically no time left to engage in piracy, trade and completing side quests for his own pleasure. The success of completing tasks for a while depends on banal luck with a tailwind, plus there is a bug when much less time is spent through the command "swim to ..." than to swim to the same point on the world map.
The only thing that pleased me in this game was trade. It really began to make money on it.

I recently deleted this game, although I also played for several months, then abandoned it, I did not like the too nerdy pumping of fencing, which, along with other skills of the Persian, increases very slowly, respectively, personal abilities are earned less often.

But with ship skills it is more difficult. I still use the skills of navigators. Fortunately, quest officers have high level skills.

In general, the game is unrealistically difficult. Too steep quest restrictions in time, the opponents were awesome at first (only with the help of the forts could smash them), and from the very first minutes of going out to sea at the beginning of the game, you immediately meet with entire enemy squadrons. Natural tin. Moreover, I am enraged by the impossibility at the beginning of the game (until you pump the skill of raising flags or a patent West India Company can not buy) carry out missions to deliver some passengers and ships to the Spanish coast. And almost all the characters met at first (at least in my case) are asked exclusively to the Spanish colonies. But the story dragged on. The plot is good compared to the old parts.

Plus, the developers have gone too far with quests during which the GG loses his ship. You have to replay, swing the game, leaving the main ship docked in the port, and sail on some tartan or lugger on a mission.

Yes, I don't like that either. I know this should be the case as the game progresses. In the same Kaleuche, in my opinion, everything is based on this. But I haven't met yet. I don't know yet if every Luger officer will have to buy to keep them. For from the passage I saw that only one of them survives. I mean Mary or Rumba, depending on who you take. And yes, it's a pity that both can not be taken.

I liked the game, especially the plot. He is beyond praise. So many variations of the passage, literally everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The writers really did a great job, especially when, through dialogue alone, they rewarded all the NPCs with a real, lively character. I think that even Stanislavsky would not have found something to complain about.
Vivid, dynamic battles that make you tense and sweat even at the end of the game. Although for a beginner (such as, for example, me, who previously played only in the first Corsairs), the game will seem too complicated even at an easy level. However, you can adapt, you just need to devote more time to the passage.
However, there were some drawbacks. The storm engine is insidious and merciless, it always starts to malfunction at the most crucial moment. Although, oddly enough, I had fewer sorties than the others.

Personal skills are pumped quickly enough. In general, fencing can be pumped by stupidly making your way overland to a Spanish fort (as long as the noble hidalgo treat the character no better than a piece of the impartial) and knocking out everything and everyone in the way. A couple of real-time clocks, and you already have a hundred skills. It's better not to go to pirates with such things.

On older versions, I remember, this was really possible. In the latest version, they cut off such a freebie. Skills are pumped, but extremely slowly, only on assignments experience drips.

In fact, there is an opportunity to take both of them, though not forever, and even then with restrictions.

There is nothing difficult, just replay the entire Pirate Saga.


in order to take Mary back on the second visit to the OS, it is necessary to make sure that the prophecy of the Gypsy woman about whom Helen is speaking does not come true. That is, you must either not return the chest with doubloons, or call Helen by the name of her adoptive father, MacArthur, and not Sharpe. In this case, Mary agrees to board the ship and both girls will travel with the GG on the ship until the end of the Saga. Helen leaves at the end. Naturally, you won't be able to choose between the two, only Mary.

For me personally, there is much more positive in this part than negative. Every aspect of the game shows the work of the developers, which cannot be said about many AAA projects that are driven by commerce, not an idea. The only thing to scold is the engine, which, unfortunately, is not always able to function normally on XP + systems.

The speed of pumping fencing depends directly on the style of play. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly at sea, naval skills will swing. As for me, this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of the quest, be it generator / plot / side, swing faster.

Exactly, there is very little time for a free game, perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if you collect these pesos not through the "Dutch Gambit" quest, but through trade and piracy).

Exactly, there is very little time for a free game, perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if you collect these pesos not through the "Dutch Gambit" quest, but through trade and piracy).

Three months to collect one million pesos is a convention that can be violated several times. Also, after passing Pirate Saga you can freeplay at least ten game years, which will not affect the plot in any way. How much more free?)
If, for example, take the standard system from the GPC, where the player is engaged in free play immediately after respawning, there are certainly differences, but not as critical as they seem at first glance.

Yeah. It is generally not viable, to be honest. Like a zombie. It seems to be moving, but hell knows when something will fall off from him.

The speed of pumping fencing depends directly on the style of play. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly at sea, naval skills will swing. As for me, this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of the quest, be it generator / plot / side, swing faster.

The system not only has the right to life. So she is generally awesome! It is logical and consistent. Just by doing what is supposed to be done, you increase the skill. Truth in Lately I use gypsies more. Because some skills I still do not understand how they are pumped. For example, the same secrecy. And for some quests, this stealth is a necessary skill.

Compared to other parts, story quests have appeared that require completion in time, but this does not mean that you cannot choose the right moment for free play in between these quests

Can. But it's very difficult to be honest. And the plot does not let go.

That's right, that before fencing swayed perfectly during boarding in duels with captains and the enemy team, but now for this you need to generate save / load quests for duels in cities and arrange a hunt for local bandits, and then fencing is barely growing.

Fencing improves faster than other skills. Moreover, local bandits are not so rare. Yes, and I more often try to board the enemy ship than to sink it. Well, during secret visits to the Spanish colonies, I simply cannot refrain from going inside the settlement and not knocking out a couple of noble conquistadors. As a result, my fencing and shooting skills have been fully developed. But with the rest, everything is less rosy. Some have not even grown to 50%.

Gentlemen. As a fan of the series with a 7-year-old (already scared myself now) experience, I read your posts with interest.
First, I'll say a few words about how this game came about. There was (by the way, it still exists today) such a team of enthusiastic players, Black Mark Studio, which made a global modification to "City Lost ships"(the previous game in the series) - mod-pack 1.3.2 Adventure Tales. In parallel with the modification, they made a fan addition to the game - in fact," To each his own. "Some of the add-on ideas (for example, generated quests) were tested on the mod-pack. there were supposed to be three main characters (Charles de Maure, William Paterson, Diego Montoya) with three storylines related to each other. When Akella, as the copyright holder of the series, saw what was the result, she decided to publish this project as a separate game. This is how "Corsairs: To Each His Own" appeared. In the first version of the game, there is a plot only for Charles de Maure, since there was no time to revise the other two. Actually, the entire corsair community is waiting for the remaining two GGs and their lines to be added to the game. So far, the developers have released two relatively small DLS ("Kaleuche" and "Last lesson"), the third is on the way - "Under the black flag".

Here's the point. The previous game in the series, City of Lost Ships, was mainly focused on freeplay. Actually, the players got a lot of freeplay. The KKS developers decided to shift the focus to the plot component. At the same time, freeplay as such has not gone anywhere - between story quests, you can have fun as the player wants.

Well, this game feature was known again in the GPC.

But this surprised me. It is believed that in the KKS freeplay, the emphasis is on piracy and generated quests. Trading has become more difficult than in the GPC.

In one of the updates, the leveling of the soldiers in the fort was cut. Specifically, in the framework of the fight against stupid. As the developers explained, pumping the hero goes well for itself in the course of side and generated quests - and this reveals the game more fully than the endless massacre for the sake of skill points.

In fact, most of the ship's skills and abilities are objectively unnecessary for the protagonist, because they are overridden by hired officers (key positions are navigator, gunner and boatswain). You definitely need the ability to raise foreign flags (it allows you to penetrate into enemy cities), it is worth pumping the branch of navigational abilities - its final perk allows you to ignore unnecessary skirmishes on the global map.

What pleases me is that the plot of the KKS is organically intertwined with the plots of, perhaps, all the previous games in the series. From the second, third and GPK - for sure.

When are they pirates drowned ships? It's not profitable

It's strange why. Due to unique goods, rich capital is earned by trade in an elementary way. I'm talking specifically about free trade by the player, and not about quests from shops. We take goods where they are exported and sell them where they are considered unique. And if there is still an officer with advanced trade, then in general everything is super. Trade is made more difficult by the fact that there are many diplomatic obstacles in the game.
After completing one story quest, in almost all cases, they immediately give the next one. And if we take into account the fact that the completion of the quest is limited by the time frame, then there is simply no time left for freeplay.

Corsairs To each his own Weapon to the hero
You need to correctly calculate and select weapons for your character. So: weapons are divided into types, broadswords / axes, sabers / cleavers, rapiers / swords. The weapon has attack / balance parameters, 84.5 / 1.1, and weight 4.4. The character has an energy parameter. If the weapon is heavy, then you spend more energy on a strike, depending on the type of weapon, your level, the blows can be different in damage, the maximum damage is brought with a piercing weapon by secondary battery, broadswords / axes SKM, sabers LMB. The optimal weight for weapons, again, it all depends on the level of your hero, at level 20 2.5 - 2.9, the higher the level, the harder you can take weapons. If your character gets tired or gets a lot of injuries, you are also charged with penalty points, but it's easy to deal with this, rest in a tavern, a brothel, help a church. Carry out blows PKM, LKM, SCM. For weapon type broadswords / axes best type impact SCM, sabers / cleavers LKM, rapiers / swords PKM.
Corsairs To Each His Own Captive Captains
In order to hand them over to the authorities, go to the governor and hand over the prisoners to the authorities for ransom. But first of all, talk to the captains, maybe you will learn something new. It happens that they offer you a lot of interesting things, use all the dialog boxes.
Corsairs To each his own Artifacts, amulets, charms, talismans
In the game you can find a variety of artifacts. The simplest of them can be taken in a fight or accidentally "found" among other people's property. More rare ones can be found in the cabins of prized ships or in the pockets of storyline opponents. They can also be received in gratitude from the inhabitants of the Archipelago. Often, the most attractive amulets, while enhancing some traits or properties, at the same time have a negative impact, often of the opposite nature.
All artifacts are divided into three groups:
"Cursed" items: have a negative impact on the character, do not require equipment. The power of the spell imposed on them is so great that it is possible to get rid of the effect of the curse only together with the object, by throwing it away or placing it in the locker.
Amulets: artifacts that have an unlimited period are equipped in a separate slot (top left in the character map). These are the rarest and most valuable magical items. You cannot make them yourself.
Amulets: artifacts, of which there are many in the Archipelago, are equipped in specially designated slots. You can even buy them in any settlement. Locals, indigenous people or itinerant monks will gladly sell simple crafts.
With proper luck and ingenuity, you can get hold of an alchemical kit that allows the hero to make all sorts of items, talismans and potions himself. You will also need:
components (consumables);
tools (required for the manufacturing process).
If you can get hold of and study the recipe, the lists of ingredients and tools will become known.
And, of course, all this becomes available only if the protagonist has the "Alchemy" ability.
There are three conventional types of magic in the game:
church (Catholics, Protestants),
native (Indians, Negroes),
household / marine (superstitions of sailors and ordinary people).
Each type of magic is indicated by a stone in the icon in the upper left corner of the artifact icon: turquoise (blue) - church; jade (green) - native, coral (red) - household.
The stones are designed to guide the player in who to sell and from whom to buy the desired artifact (the merchant of his "own" specialty will pay more when buying, but will ask for less).
Monks sell Christian artifacts. They give the maximum price for "turquoise" artifacts, half for "coral", and for "jade" - a penny (they buy to destroy the anathema).
Native handicrafts are sold by peaceful (without war paint) aborigines: they will buy "jade" amulets at the best price, half will appreciate "coral" and "turquoise" amulets for next to nothing (to mock at their leisure).
Household amulets, familiar to most of the colonists, are sold by ordinary merchants. They will buy "coral" products for the maximum price, while the church ones can take them for half the price in order to resell them to the monks. Perhaps the laity will not get involved with the natives at all (mind you, me!).
Despite their origin, artifacts can work together, or they can be antagonistic.
Attacking and protecting magic amulets are incompatible. Auxiliary magic is neutral, and therefore compatible with any of the previous groups.
The functional orientation of the amulet is indicated by a rosette under the stone:
claw necklace: attacking effect;
sun with rays: protective effect;
celtic circle: subsidiary.
As a rule, "auxiliary" amulets neutralize the concomitant negative effect of the main amulet.
In addition to the amulets of the three main groups that can be sold and bought on the streets of cities, there is a fourth display group designed for rare artifacts: talismans, amulets, rare ammunition or equipment. The symbolic stone is lapis lazuli (i.e. blue with gold veins).
The rosette under the stone in the corner of the icon corresponds to the main function, similar to ordinary amulets.
In addition to the symbols listed above, you may come across several more:
black morion in a bone socket means the danger posed by an unactivated object;
white pearls in a bone rosette means that the item has useful nonmagical properties, but you will have to pay something for its use (such an item carries bonuses and a penalty at the same time, for example, Rum or Wine);
yellow amber in the Kolovrat frame means that the object carries information that can be recorded either in the Documents or in the Cartographic Atlas;
a golden star rune on a dark background means that the item is a tool with which you can create new items and that does not disappear after the first use, i.e. is not a component.
Your team members - officers and companions - will not make independent decisions about artifacts, relying entirely on the player's choice.
Corsairs To Each His Own Global Achievements

Baptism of fire. First victory in a naval battle

Scarred Take damage over 10,000 in total

Alchemist. Craft over 200 potions and items

Guest. Spend the night in a tavern 50 times

Home sweet home. Take ownership of the house

Wind of change. Successfully complete the Dutch Gambit story quest with the GVIK

Jedi. Reach maximum reputation
Naval commander. Collect the maximum squadron
Admiral. Develop the "Navigation" skill to 100%
Dealer. Earn trading / reselling products 10,000,000 pesos

In the service of the Empire

Negociant. Develop the "Trade" skill up to 100%

Researcher. Explore 50 dungeons, caves, grottoes and workings

Swordsman. Develop the skill "Rapiers and Epees" to 100%

The usurer. Open deposits with moneylenders for a total of 5,000,000 pesos

The darling of fate. Develop the "Luck" skill to 100%

Dragoon. Raise the skill "Broadswords and Axes" to 100%

Hussar. Develop the skill "Sabers and Cleavers" to 100%

Miser. Make a capital of 10,000,000 pesos

Painful. Reduce the "Health" indicator to the lowest possible

Living legend. Reach Rank 40

Sith. Reach minimum reputation

Death to enemies. Destroy 500 troops

Knowing no fear

Murderer. Lose dead in battles 9999 sailors in the crew of the protagonist's ship

Toughie. Develop the skill "Protection" to 100%

Exorcist. Destroy 100 Scum
Red Book. Destroy 35 Crabs
Sniper. Destroy 500 enemies with firearms
Slaver. Sell ​​5000 slaves


At the beginning of the passage of the game Corsairs: Each of you need to go to the sailor and talk to him, and then move inland and go inside the residence in which the governor lives. Walk up to him and chat. After that, you will be arrested and placed in a cell. After a while Philippe de Poissy will visit you. Be sure to talk to him and go free. After you are released from the prison, go out into the street and turn right and go around the building. So you will find yourself in front of the entrance to the dungeon. You can go down and go to the stairs to go down it. Then turn right again and in the right chamber, which is at the very end, you will find your brother. Talk to him.

After that, you will find out that Michel made an advance payment of 5,000 gold, but another 15,000 coins are needed. But that's not all, you will also have to hire a navigator. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to Guadeloupe. Go ashore and start your search for Fadey. After he has paid his debt, you can go to the pier, and then turn left to be near the shipyard. Go inside and chat with Gaspard Blondel. It turns out that you owe him 17,000 gold. He will give time to repay the debt - 3 days. Do not be discouraged, go to the tavern and chat with its owner about the subject of work.

Then again go to the governor's residence and talk to him so that he would give your things.

Rum for the bartender

Keep looking at your watch and try to be near the left pier at 19:00 to board the launch. Your crew will include five more sailors, with whom you need to go to Lamentin to find the Ghost schooner there. Once you board the launch, sail to Le François Port. Come ashore, wander a little, and then return aboard and start moving to the left from the shore. There will be a rock in front of you, go around it and head straight until you have the opportunity to turn left.

As soon as you go around the next rock, take out the compass and start moving north. Look at the clock and at 02:00 press Enter. Now look at the top list and notice the "Ghost" ship icon there, click on it. Then open the menu and select one of the boats to get to this ship on it. After his captain approaches, you have to tell him the password. It is worth noting that in the passage of the game Corsairs: Each of them generates their own passwords randomly, so you will have to choose from the options offered.

I advise you not to put a full stop at the end of the sentence, because the password will not be accepted. You will now receive the rum and can return to the port of Le François. After disembarking, chat with several characters, and then move to the tavern to receive the promised reward.

Call girl

Walking through the streets of the town, you will meet a man dressed in a light brown suit who calls himself Arthur Skalon. He will ask you to help him. You need to get into the brothel, find and chat with Aurora. Then take it off at night. He will also give you 6,000 gold, of which you will have to pay part for the services of a prostitute. You will certainly agree, and you will know one more name -

Head to the brothel and find a pimp named Aurora to place an order for Lutiss. Give her 2,500 gold and find out that the girl will be free around 23:00, and she must be picked up before 24:00. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and wait for the right time to head back to the brothel. Find Lyutiss there and talk to her. Once on the street, head towards the governor's possessions, and then stand to face them and pass into the house that is located on the right. Another landmark is the red roof. Sooner or later she will ask if you are still there. You should answer yes to this question and wait until she hides behind the door. On this, the task will be counted. It is worth noting that for the girl you will need to return the next day, only around 23:00 - 24:00. So you don't have to wait for her to appear that very night.

The manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre

Face the governor's estate and find a church on the left side of them. Go there and talk with the priest who is busy reading prayers. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to proceed with the next task, namely, to find and bring the manuscripts of Father Kapsterville. He can be found on St. Christopher Island. No need to wait long, hurry up to go there immediately.

Warehouse worker

Go to the prison and find a store near it. Go into it and talk to François Laroux, ask him about the work. However, he will want you to first find Gralam Lavoie, who works in the warehouse. He will also say that you will not find him in the city. So hurry to get into the jungle and follow the path until you find yourself near a fork. Move left and then turn right. I advise you to stick to the left and go to the corsairs' den.

In this village on the right side there is a store, go into it and find Gralam Lavoie there. He will be standing near the counter. After talking with him, you can return to Saint-Pierre and tell the seller that you have found the person. He will pay you and entrust the next task, which is to find another person named François Laroux. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and return to the corsair's lair and go to the tavern. Find the owner and ask him about the workers. Then pay him 1,000 gold to tell you about them.

Wait an hour and go back to the innkeeper. By the way, you can take a break at this time on the second floor of the store where Lavoie was found. When at the right time you find yourself in the tavern, you will see three selected workers. Walk up to them and chat. It is worth noting that they will offer you a bribe in order for you to choose him. After you choose the most suitable one, wait until he leaves the tavern, and then move after him. Climb aboard the ship and travel to Saint-Pierre. Find the seller and return to the shop in an hour to receive the promised 5000 gold.

Stolen jewel

From the Governor's House, go to the fork and turn left. In front of you there will be a gate through which you need to go. This will take you to the jungle. When you find yourself at a fork, turn left and continue. After a while, you will see two foreigners hurrying to get away. No need to chase them. Better pass to the right and approach the lifeless body.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you need to examine him carefully to find earrings. Take them and return to town. Head to the local shopkeeper and sell them for 4,000 gold. But you can also not sell them, but go to the governor and show the find. He will say that these are the jewelry of his wife, thank you for the find and present you with a map of the archipelago.


Now you need to get to the house of the port authority. Once inside, you will see a certain Paul Gerry, with whom you need to communicate. It turns out that his comrade is going to go to war with the Indians who have settled in the jungle. He asks to help him. You can continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and get out of the building, then turn left and meet Prosper Trubal near the gate. Walk up to him and chat. Then go through the gate and head into the jungle to fight the Indians. I advise you not to let them get close to Prosper.

Together with Prosper and head inside the cave. Start shooting the Indians one at a time, and then talk to Trubal again to find out that his daughter is alive. Explore the cave and find a stranger in the same place. This man's name is Dilbert Kursi. Be sure to chat with him and go outside to have another talk with Prosper. Now go to the city to get the well-deserved reward for completing the task.

The Burden of Gasconz. Continuation

So, you should have about 24,000 gold in your pocket right now. Head to the shipbuilder and pay him the debt for the ship. You are now the owner of the schooner. You can head to the tavern and chat with the innkeeper that you have intentions to assemble a team. He will tell you that there is a sailor behind, who is not yet serving. Walk up to him and talk. He will tell you that he agrees to serve you, and together with him 40 sailors will go for it. You only have to fork out for 8,000 gold.

Continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and go to the store to buy food for the ship. Only then return to the sailor and tell them that you agree to his terms and that all the necessary goods, including medicines, are already in stock. Now it remains to hire a navigator.

Go back to the innkeeper and ask him about it. But he can't advise anything, so go outside and go to that man who will have a dark beard and hair. He is also wearing a bandana and a sword in his hands. Get to know him and find out that his name is Appoliner. Tell us that you are looking for a navigator and he will help you by talking about a person who is now behind bars. Be sent to the prison in which you were, and approach the commandant. As soon as you talk to him and ask about Folk, he will refer you to the moneylender. Find him in the bank that is opposite the prison. Talk to him and learn that the prisoner owes him 10,000 gold. But you don't have them, ask if he needs to do something. He will agree and give you a new assignment.

Engineer, originally from Spain

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: Each of you have to win the friend of this engineer from the corsairs. You need to go to Le Maren Bay. Then go to one of the buildings to take a break. After sleeping, head for the jungle and go into their depths. After a while, you will find yourself near the water, where pirates are holding a Spanish engineer captive. Walk up to them and chat.

After you cut the throats of two corsairs, you will need to engage in a fight with an engineer who will not immediately believe that you are positively disposed towards him. Try not to inflict much damage on him, and after you defeat him, chat. Remember that you should not appear in the city closer to the night. Because there are guards at the gate. So hurry to the tavern and rent a room for a day. As soon as the clock shows 00:40, head out of St. Pierre. I advise you to avoid meeting with officers who are walking the streets of the city at this time. After you get to the moneylender, talk to him and make him write a receipt to Folke.

Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Stolen jewel
From the magazine: In the jungle I came across the corpse of either a pirate or a bandit. On the body, among other things, I was able to find magnificent earrings. It is worth asking around in the city who they might have belonged to. I think I can make good money for them.
From the magazine: It turns out that the earrings belonged to the governor's wife, Jacques Dil Du Parquet was very glad that the jewel was returned to the family, and gave me a map of the archipelago.
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Cannibals
From the magazine: At the port office, I learned that a man named Prosper Trubal needs help, and immediately. I will hasten to find him. As I was told, he should be at the well, not far from the city gates.
Not far from the gate to the jungle is the port control house. Go inside and talk to Paul Gerry. His friend was going to fight alone with the Indians in the jungle. He needs help. Exit the port office, go left and near the gate you will see Prosper Trubal - talk to him.
From the magazine: I don’t know how much I’ll be able to earn on this, and whether I’ll succeed at all, but I could not refuse a man whose daughter is in mortal danger. I go with Prosper Trubal into the jungle to eliminate the gang of Indians who are kidnapping the townspeople of Saint-Pierre. Exit through the gate, move along the forks like this - to the left, to the left, to the right (near the transition to the location with the cave, Prosper will stop you and inform you that you are already nearby). Go to the location, attack the Indians, trying to keep them away from Prosper, who will kill them with accurate shots. Talk to Prosper, enter the cave and rush at the Indians. The passage to the compartment on the left is narrow, you can stand behind it and repulse the attack of the Indians one by one. After killing everyone, talk to Prosper - his daughter is alive!
From the magazine: Prosper and I have successfully destroyed, red-skinned villains who really turned out to be cannibals. We must take another prisoner out of the cave and go back to the city.
Find Dilbert Kursi in the far part of the cave and talk to him. Exit the cave, talk to Prosper again. Return to town and receive rewards from Prosper and Gilbert, 8,000 pesos and 30 doubloons.
From the magazine: Everything ended well. Selina and her father returned to the city, and I received a worthy reward for their help.
Give the money to the shipyard and the ship is yours.
From the magazine: Well, Michel's wish came true: I became a captain! Ha, would see me now Pula, proudly pacing the deck of this nutshell! I am the captain ... I just can't get used to it. Although, damn it, it's funny - well, who would have thought? Okay. It's time for the newly minted captain to take care of hiring a team. My brother said that the tavern owner could help me with this. Now I am almost a real captain - I have my own team! I'm just bursting with pride. Damn it my brother ... Now it's time to look for a navigator for my ship - I myself can hardly even go out to sea from the harbor, let alone get to Guadeloupe. I'll ask the bartender again - since I helped with the team, it means that I will certainly help with the navigator.
From the magazine: At the port, I managed to find out about a certain navigator named Folke Delluk, who was imprisoned for debts. I have no other option - I have to try to get this person out of the bars.
I'm going to the commandant. The commandant will advise you to contact the moneylender, if you have this amount, then you immediately pay off the debt, if you do not perform the task of the moneylender.
From the magazine: As payment for the debt of Folke Delluca, the usurer offered me a rather dangerous business: to go to the Bay of Le Maren in the evening, to recapture from the pirates a Spanish prisoner intended to be handed over to the British and deliver him to him. To go to the "rendezvous" should be on foot through the jungle
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Scarce goods
One of the guards guarding the entrance to the French port asks Charles to bring him a bottle of European wine. The guard can be handed over to the head of the fort for 1000 pesos, the quest is then closed. Wine can be bought from any hawker for 700 pesos. The next morning we find the quest giver and hand over the wine, we get 1000 pesos. The guard asks Charles to get more wine, no less than 10 bottles, and no more than 60. 1000 pesos are offered for each bottle, the wine must be brought within a week. We turn to the shopkeeper and talk about wine. He replies that he does not have large batches, but for a reward of 1000 pesos he advises to contact the store owner. The merchant is silent and does not speak of any guilt. We return to the shopkeeper again. Don't be rude to him! We ask politely how it happened. For another 2000 pesos we receive a letter, with which we again go to the merchant. Now he agrees to sell us wine. Important! To buy 60 bottles, you need to collect 30,000 pesos, so it's best to complete this quest before going to the shipyard and buying a lugger.
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Spanish engineer
Ask what needs to be done - to persuade the pirates to hand over the Spanish engineer, who is a friend of the moneylender. Pirates need to wait in Le Maren Bay from 21-00 to 24-00. Follow the following path through the jungle - left, right, right, straight along the only path. Go to the water, on the right there will be pirates with a Spanish engineer. Talk to them, kill two pirates, then fight the distrustful Spaniard. After defeating him, talk to him again.
From the magazine: The pirates really turned out to be intractable, and I had to deal with them. The Spaniard tried to get rid of me by removing the saber from the pirate's corpse and engaging in battle with me, but I quickly pacified him. Strange, but the Spaniard claims that he does not know the usurer ... However, this does not concern me. Now you need to take the prisoner to Saint-Pierre.
In the city, you should avoid meeting with the guards until I take the Spaniard to the house of the moneylender, otherwise trouble will not escape. You cannot go to the city until nightfall, because there will be guards at the gate. Follow the pirate town, go to the tavern and rent a room until nightfall. Or just wait until after midnight. Go to Saint Pierre, enter the city - the gate is not guarded. Nevertheless, officers are walking along the street - avoid meeting with them, get to the moneylender. Talk to him, get Folke's receipts. Go to the prison, show the commandant the receipt Volke. Your navigator will be brought to you. Talk to him, leave the prison, hoping to get on the deck of a new ship. At the city gates you will be greeted by a certain funny type - Walter Kutcher. He informed me that Cesare Craig, the owner of the Le François pirate tavern, wants to use the hold of my ship to transport a consignment of wine to Guadeloupe, and is willing to pay ten thousand pesos for this. It would be foolish in my position to scatter such proposals. After equipping the ship, I will immediately set off for Le François. Agreeing, go to the deck of the ship, press Enter and go to the cabin. Folke Delluk is on my team. We need to take him to my ship and hold a meeting in the cabin - perhaps Folke can tell me something sensible. Talk to Folke, disembark. It is necessary to purchase for my ship at least 100 pieces of cannonballs, knipples and bombs, 100 portions of buckshot and gunpowder for 200 rounds. Having done this, go up to the deck of the ship. Enter the cabin, talk to Folke, he will say that you need to buy 50 pieces of weapons. Go to the same store and buy a weapon. Talk to Folke again, buy 10 barrels of rum and 100 servings of food in the store. Follow the port of Le François, disembark, go to another location and enter the pirate village. Talk to the innkeeper, he will say that he did not send anyone to you. Apparently you have been lured into a trap. Go back to your ship and pirates will attack you. Shoot them by clicking LMB. On the keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 you can change the shells. Use the "TAB" key to aim the guns until you change the sight and shoot. To fight more quickly, press the R key, and then several times on the + key. Sooner or later the pirates will board - defeat them in battle. Having captured the ship, reload all the goods on your own. The fight was not easy, but I managed to win it. I think what happened will serve good lesson for me. Well, now you can breathe easy and go, finally, to Guadeloupe.