Cupid is the god of love. Myths of ancient Greece in art Cupid in culture

Most often, Cupid is represented as a cute fair-haired boy with wings, a wonderful curly angel. This mischievous boy flies between people and looks out for those whom it is time to hit with arrows of love. In sculpture and painting, Cupid was the favorite character and a vivid example that embodies the brightest human feelings. Cupid was depicted with a smile on his face, in white and gold colors, and in his hands he had an “instrument of love” - a bow and arrows.

Cupid is the son of at least three mythologies: Roman, Greek (Eros), Latin. The theme of love unites these three mythologies. Most of the legends about Cupid are connected with Roman mythology, where he is the son of Venus, the goddess of love, who, ruling, sent him on missions to connect hearts. The essence of the tasks was that an arrow shot by Cupid at any person made him fall in love with the first person he met.

Especially interesting is the legend about the love of Cupid himself and his wife Psyche. He was the son of the Goddess, she was an ordinary laywoman, which she could not come to terms with

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Venus, and the divine beauty of Psyche aggravated the hostility of the goddess.

Psyche and Cupid never saw each other in their married life, because ordinary people are not allowed to see the gods. Cupid asked not to try to find out his name or see his face, because in this case he would have to leave her forever. But the interest and persuasion of the sisters were stronger than the prohibition for Psyche.

One night, Psyche lit a lamp and began to examine her husband, who turned out to be the beautiful Eros; while she, amazed by the beauty of his face, was admiring the sleeping man, a hot drop of oil fell from the lamp on the god’s shoulder and he woke up. Offended by the treachery and frivolity of his wife, he flew away from her, and she, abandoned, went on earth to look for her lover. Psyche was forced to bow before Venus, who, in order to destroy the girl, prepared for her 4 impossible tasks.

1. Venus showed Psyche the seeds of different plants, mixed in one huge pile, and told her to sort them before nightfall. Ants helped Psyche complete this task.

2. The next task was to get the golden fleece from wild and ferocious rams. The reeds near the river, beyond which there was a field where gold-fleeced sheep grazed, prompted the girl to wait for the night, and unnoticed to collect wool from blackberry bushes and tree branches in a grove where sheep grazed.

3. Then Venus gave Psyche a crystal jug and told her to fill it with water from a river that flowed from a high mountain, disappeared into the bowels of the earth, and again rises to the mountain peaks. It was an endless cycle in which the water stream, returning to its source, immediately rolled down, reaching the underworld. This task was completed for the girl by an eagle.

4. The last task was to bring a box of wonderful ointments from the underworld. But Psyche did not know that in the casket, obtained with great difficulty, was the spirit of Sleep, which put her to sleep right on the road.

Cupid, flying by, saw traces of suffering on Psyche's face, remembered his love for her and all her torment, and, driving the spirit of Sleep back into the box, woke Psyche with a gentle kiss. He forgave her, and all the Roman Gods, seeing the power of love, accepted Psyche as a goddess.

The son of Psyche and Cupid was named Delight.

A wonderful Cupid, a sand painting, which is included in the Valentine's Day themed box, a child can give to a friend or grandmother if she knows how to fry delicious pies :)

The box "Valentine's Day" has everything for a happy pastime with children of any age - from 2 to 99 years old :)

1. A set for a themed tea party. 2. Flashlight game "Pigeon mail". 3. Sensory love story with a book. 4. Application "Cupid" 5. Set "PURE love" 6. Set for making heart cards. 7. A set for creating magnets symbolizing love and fidelity.

Everything that you find in the box will please you and your child for more than one day.


The first 10 buyers will receive an additional sensory tale surprise. :)

And to everyone who has read to the end, I suggest that you follow the link and download a set of free print tasks on the theme "Valentine's Day".

Eros, Cupid, Cupid

Cupid in the form of a child (worker Etienne Maurice Falcone, after 1757, Hermitage)

Eros - the world deity, connecting the gods into marriage couples, was considered a product of Chaos ( dark night) and a bright day or Heaven and Earth. He dominates both external nature and the moral world of people and gods, controlling their heart and will. In relation to the phenomena of nature, he is a beneficent god of spring, fertilizing the earth and calling to being new life. He was represented as a beautiful boy, with wings, in more ancient times - with a flower and a lyre, later with arrows of love or a flaming torch.

In Thespiae, every four years, a festival was held in honor of Eros - Erotidia - accompanied by gymnastic and musical competitions. In addition, Eros, as the god of love and friendship that united young men and men, was revered in gymnasiums, where statues of Eros were placed next to images of Hermes and Hercules. Spartans and Cretans usually sacrificed to Eros before the battle. His altar stood at the entrance to the Academy.

The mutual love of youth found a symbolic image in the group of Eros and Anteroth (otherwise Anterot, Anteros), located in the Eleatic gymnasium: the relief with this group depicted Eros and Anterot, contesting the palm of victory from each other. Ovid mentions "both Eros". The nurses of Eros the Charites went to Delphi to Themis with a question about his small stature.

Eros served as one of the favorite subjects for philosophers, poets and artists, being for them an eternally living image of both a serious world-ruling force and a personal heartfelt feeling that enslaves gods and people. The LVIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him. The emergence of the group of Eros and Psyche (that is, Love and the Soul captivated by it) and the well-known folk tale that developed from this representation belongs to a later time.


  • Hesiod, Theogony
  • Apollodorus, "Mythological Library"



See what "Cupid" is in other dictionaries:

    Lat. Cupido, inis, actually: desire. Roman god of love. Explanation 25000 foreign words that came into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson AD, 1865. CUPID among the Romans is the god of love; depicted as a winged ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Eros, boy, love, handsome man, cupid, handsome, Cupid, Eros Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cupid 1. see Cupid. 2. see handsome c... Synonym dictionary

    - (Cupido). See Eros. (Source: A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities. M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) CUPIDON (from Latin cupido, “strong passion”), in Roman mythology, the deity of love. Corresponds to the Roman Cupid and ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    CUPID, cupid, husband. (from the name of the Roman god of love Cupido, lit. lust). 1. (To uppercase). In mythology and poetry, the god of love, love; the same as cupid (poet. obsolete). "And it happened to me to find out what kind of bird Cupid is." Pushkin. 2. Handsome, ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    For the Latin name of the ancient god of love passion (cupido passion), see Eros. Literary Encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    CUPID, in Roman mythology, the deity of love (compare Cupid and Eros). Cupids were portrayed as playful boys... Modern Encyclopedia

    In Roman mythology, the deity of love, the personification of love passion; the same as Cupid or the Greek Eros. Cupids were portrayed as playful boys... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the myths of the ancient Romans, the deity of love. Corresponds to Roman Cupid and Greek Eros... Historical dictionary

    - (Cupido) Latin name of Eros; sometimes different from Amor. Cicero in Op. De natura deorum distinguishes by euhemeristic method several Cupidines born from different godsEncyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Cupid- a, m. cupidon m. , lat. Cupido cupidus thirsty for love. In ancient Roman mythology, the deity of love passion, unbridled desire. In this he differs from the more restrained and romantic Cupid. Vlasov 2001 4 45. Pink ones played on the ceiling ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Cupid- a, m. 1) In Roman mythology: the son of Venus, the deity of love, the personification of love passion. Cupid is knocking on a good friend, let the tired worker doze! Wake up, young man, reject, he whispers, insensible and sluggish peace (Baratynsky). ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Cupid Cupid - in the myths of the ancient Romans, the deity of love. Corresponds to Roman Cupid and Greek Eros.

According to the legends of ancient Greece, the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, had a younger son. His name was Eros. He personified love passion and the continuation of life on earth.

V Ancient Rome Venus represented beauty and love. Cupid was her son and assistant in love affairs. He always carried arrows with him. At the request of his mother, he shot at girls and young people, inciting passion in them. Sometimes, out of prank, he would shoot at people other than those his mother pointed out to him.

Earth girl Psyche and Cupid fell in love. It was unacceptable. The son of a goddess and an earthly girl of unearthly beauty together. Mother forbade them to meet. But, breaking the will of his mother, Cupid married Psyche. An earthly girl could not look at the gods. She couldn't even look at her husband. Once, unable to bear the ban, Psyche looked at Cupid. She paid for it with her love. She was kicked out of heaven. But there was no happiness for her on earth without a sweetheart. In search of a lost love, she wandered into the temple of Venus. Venus gave her various tasks. Psyche did everything. Venus did not calm down.

She envied the girl, and came up with the most difficult task. Having instructed Psyche to visit the underworld, she wanted her unloved daughter-in-law to take the beauty of Proserpina. Beauty had to be placed in a box. There was one condition. You couldn't look into the box. Curiosity is a bad feeling. It killed a beautiful girl. Violating the prohibition of Venus, the girl died.

True love certainly deserves respect. Doubly, such love, which was not destined to make two happy, and unite them. The love of Cupid and Psyche melted the hearts of the gods. They forgave Cupid's beloved and turned her into a goddess.

The Renaissance has arrived. Cupid boy was connected with an angel. Cupid appeared. Handsome naked boy with long curly hair. He has wings behind his back and a dense tender body. Connecting lovers, Cupid always carries a bow and arrows with him. Cupids "settled" in the living rooms and bedrooms. They were painted by artists and sculpted by sculptors. They decorated the facades of rich houses, and they were painted on the best postcards. The famous Italian Renaissance artist Raphael painted a picture based on a mythological plot - “Cupid and the Three Graces”.

Cupid, Cupid, Eros or Eros - no matter who helped your love. If only she were alive! Love is the best thing that can happen to you once, and, God forbid, forever!


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Everything in our life does not make much sense if the event is not accompanied by good emotions. A person is so arranged that he can rejoice, laugh, and most importantly, experience a feeling of love.

Something inside

Sometimes we cannot explain what exactly is happening to us, but the soul seems to sing, and “butterflies fly” in the stomach. This feeling is usually called falling in love or they say: "Cupid's arrows hit me." We are so accustomed to such an expression that we never even think about where it came from, and what meaning was originally invested in it. Let's dig a little history together...

ancient mythology

Even in ancient times, as you know, people worshiped the gods, who were endowed with superpowers and incredible power. Sacrifices were made to the gods and sought their favor. From childhood, people were brought up with a sense of deep reverence and admiration for the gods, because if they are angry, then their disfavor will fall on a person. At least that's how it was thought in ancient times. With special tenderness, the girls treated Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, because it was she who was the personification of everything beautiful on Earth, and it depended on her when old age comes, and the human face becomes covered with wrinkles. But Cupid, Eros, or, as the ancient Romans called him, Cupid, is a deity in whose power were love ensuring the extension of life on Earth.

The myth of love

There is a touching and tender love story between the earthly girl Psyche and the god Cupid, which formed the basis of the legend. Venus was the mother of Cupid, and once sent him to punish Psyche just because she did not like her unearthly beauty. Instead, Cupid fell in love with the beauty and became her husband. However, according to legend, people could not look at the gods, so Psyche had no idea what her lover looked like. Cupid was a lover you can only dream of, a true embodiment of love and tenderness, and the girl was absolutely happy. But the sisters advised her to follow her husband and look at him. This made Cupid very angry, he left Psyche and punished for disobedience: after him, their magical gardens, a wonderful castle and everything that they had previously disappeared.

The girl was left all alone and wept bitterly for her beloved. Tormented by loneliness, she decided on a desperate act and went to the temple of Venus. Begging for help from Cupid's mother, she agreed to the tasks that she had prepared for her. Venus, who did not love Psyche, decided in this way to get rid of the girl and destroy her, so she came up with impossible tasks for her, which turned out to be one more difficult than the other. However, nothing could break the girl in love, for the sake of her beloved, she successfully overcame all the difficulties and intrigues that the insidious Venus had prepared for her. The last task that Psyche had to complete was to deliver Pandora's box to the underworld, which contained the beauty of Pluto's wife. As it should be on such a journey, various difficulties awaited the desperate girl, but she should not, under any circumstances, open the cherished parcel. Unfortunately, caution lost out to curiosity, and Psyche looked into the box. The cunning Venus foresaw this and hid a dead dream there, which struck the girl.

Cupid in love (he was a desperate and determined young man) found his beloved, who was lying on the ground, removed from her the spell and the effect of dead sleep, because love turned out to be stronger, and he forgave her. The gods were delighted with Psyche's love and made her a goddess as a reward.

Cupid in our time

Today, everyone knows that Cupid is We, of course, do not honor him, as the inhabitants of Greece did in ancient times, and do not make sacrifices to him, but it is with him that we associate romantic meetings, dates, first sympathy. We assume that Cupid's arrows hit the heart when we joke about falling in love. It is believed that this god of love always has a bow and arrows in his hands, with which he shoots at hearts so that love visits a person.

cupid image

Most often, Cupid is represented as a cute fair-haired boy with wings, such a wonderful angel. the boy flies between people and looks out for those whom it is time to hit with arrows of love. In sculpture and painting, Cupid was the favorite character and a vivid example that embodies the brightest human feelings. Cupid was depicted with a smile on his face, in white and gold colors, and in his hands he had an “instrument of love” - a bow and arrows.

Cupid's Bow

The association of this character with the most tender and touching feelings has entered our lives so tightly that in various areas you can find names that are somehow associated with this deity. Well, for example, female lips, the shape of which has clear boundaries and resembles the letter "M", are called "Cupid's bow." Men interviewed by sociologists said that they consider such women to be incredibly sexy, and this shape of the upper lip excites them very much. Indeed, well-defined female lips are very beautiful, and many women look with envy at the happy owners of such a sensual mouth.

Valentine's Day

And although among the holidays that have long been present in our calendar, there is no Valentine's Day, in last years this date is becoming more and more popular. The youth enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​the celebration and now every year on February 14 people walk along the streets of any city and happy girls walk with bouquets of flowers. In stores there are various flashing and singing "I love you" red hearts, all kinds of souvenirs and romantic and an endless variety of all kinds of attributes for the holiday. Not to mention that on this day sellers of champagne, chocolates and flowers sell an incredible amount of their goods.

Agree, Cupid's day is another reason to give a sign of attention to your beloved and remind her of your feelings. There is nothing wrong with the fact that another holiday has appeared in our calendar, which, although it is not a red day of the calendar, has become a real celebration, and couples in love spend it cheerfully.

Many are interested in the question, what is the name of the god of love among the Romans, since there are many different versions. In fact, Cupid, Cupid, Eros and Eros are all one deity, which is known not only in Roman culture, but throughout the world. His images are used in various souvenirs, which are especially popular on Valentine's Day. Cupid is a symbol of inevitable and passion. From the Latin language, his name is translated as "lust."

The story of the god of love in ancient Roman mythology

Cupid is the son of Venus and Vulcan. Although some sources have other information, according to which this god appeared from a golden or silver egg. They represented the god of love as young men or a child with a mop of golden hair. He had wings on his back, which allowed him to hit his targets from any convenient place. The god Amur always carried a bow and golden arrows with him, which struck the hearts of people. People who refused own feelings, the god of love forced to suffer. Interestingly, the arrows not only sent, but also killed feelings. Sometimes Cupid was depicted blindfolded, which symbolized the randomness of the choice. There is information that this is where the expression “love is blind” came from.

Cupid was Aphrodite's assistant, and only he enjoyed real divine worship. The arrows of the god of love in Roman mythology could not be resisted not only ordinary people but also the gods. Zeus himself recognized that love is an invincible force. Cupid was revered not only as the god of lovers, but also as the patron of male friendship. V educational institutions it was often placed between the statues of Hermes and Hercules. They made sacrifices to him before the battle in order to rally and reinforce loyalty to each other.

The myth of Cupid and Psyche

Venus envied the unearthly beauty of Psyche, who was mortal. She ordered her son to punish her. Instead, seeing the beauty, the god of love Amur made her his wife. Since mortals could not look at the gods, the girl did not even know exactly what her husband looked like. All was well until Psyche's sisters persuaded her to follow Cupid and look at him. This angered God, and he abandoned her, taking with him all the benefits created for his beloved. The girl suffered for a long time and decided to go to the temple of Venus and turn to the mother of her lover. The goddess said that she would tell about Cupid, but only after Psyche had passed numerous trials. The girl decided to prove her love at all costs, so she accepted the offer. The last task was to deliver Pandora's Box to the underworld. There was an important condition - not to open it. Curiosity still won, and a dead dream broke out of Pandora's Box, and Psyche died. Cupid found his beloved and brought her back to life. The strength of this pair was admired not only by people, but also by the gods.

Roman god of love in art

As already mentioned, the image of Cupid is used in the manufacture of various souvenirs, and they may differ in actions and appearance god. In general, each of the incarnations has a certain meaning that you should know. and take into account. Cupid can be represented in such images:

  1. With a flaming heart in your hands, this is a sign of love, and the heart burns with feelings for the object of adoration.
  2. With a hand covering the fire of a torch, this is an indication that if one neglects the feelings of another person, then love can disappear.
  3. A hammer striking on the heart is a symbol that it is worth moderating your ardor and doing everything meaningfully.
  4. With a fishing rod in hand, this is an indication that a person often swallows love bait and is caught, and this brings many problems and sorrows.