Dmitry morocco rbk biography. A native of NTV headed the RBC channel. What is known about him? “People working at Dozhd firmly believe in what they say, but that’s why this is propaganda”

Passenger on Paris-Marrakech flight tries to open emergency hatch mid-flight ... A passenger of a Boeing 737 operated by Transavia, flying Paris - Marrakesh ( Morocco), tried to open the escape hatch. This is reported by the newspaper Le parisien ..., according to the publication, filed a complaint after the incident. Passengers were sent to Morocco another flight. The flight departing from Moscow to Paris landed in... Morocco extradited to Russia a native of Dagestan who fought on the side of ISIS ... Morocco extradited to Russia a native of Dagestan, Ramazan Salamov, who fought in ... . Later he was put on the international wanted list. A Russian citizen was detained in Morocco. In August 2018, the Prosecutor General's Office sent a request to the kingdom about ... Nearly 100 injured in Morocco train crash ... gravity Incident on railway originated north of the capital Morocco Rabat. The train, which was heading to the city of Kenitra, derailed ... the operator - ONCF - was not reported. train wreck in Morocco The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs went to the scene Morocco Abdeluafi Laftit and Transport Minister Abdelkader Amara... of Alstom. The aim of the project was to connect Tangier in the northern part Morocco with the city of Marrakech, which is considered one of the tourist centers. Artem...

Society, 26 Sep 2018, 00:23

Four people were injured when Moroccan military fired on a boat with migrants ... Members of the Royal navy(KMF) Morocco shelled a speedboat carrying migrants in the Mediterranean. ...the severity of their injuries is not reported. Law enforcement agencies are currently Morocco are investigating the incident.​ Gorky Automobile Plant started sales of commercial vehicles in Morocco ... ") announced the start of sales of GAZelle NEXT light commercial vehicles in Morocco. According to the press service of the GAZ Group, the distribution partner was ... on the basis of which more than 300 types of special equipment can be built. Exit to Morocco is an important stage in our export strategy, which in the future... The Group plans to make GAZ the leading brand in the LCV segment in Morocco. Recall that at the end of last month, GAZ Group signed an agreement with... Football Federation of Morocco wrote to the head of FIFA about refereeing errors ... reached the playoffs following the results of the group stage Football Federation Morocco wrote to FIFA President Gianni Infantino a letter stating refereeing mistakes... posted on the federation's website and on the organization's official Twitter. national team Morocco complained about refereeing during two matches - on game 20 ...

Society, 27 Feb 2018, 14:17

Royal Air Maroc will transfer flights to Morocco from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo ... in the summer of 2018 will continue to operate flights on the route Moscow - Casablanca ( Morocco) in the same volume: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To... support your teams.” Royal Air Maroc is the largest national carrier Morocco and has a fleet of 56 aircraft. In 2016 the company... 15 women killed while distributing humanitarian aid in Morocco ...become the lack of control of the humanitarian organization over the process of distributing aid. King Morocco Mohammed VI offered condolences to the relatives of those killed in the tragedy, ordered... Africans who tried to get into the EU were detained in Leningrad region ... FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. According to the FSB, two citizens Morocco moved to St. Petersburg in early October. There, in one ... detained at the checkpoint of the Spanish enclave of Ceuta on the border with Morocco woman who tried to transport a 19-year-old Gabonese national in a suitcase...

Society, 06 Sep 2017, 15:11

Islamists preparing major terrorist attacks detained in Morocco and Spain ... The National Police of Spain and the General Directorate of Internal Security Morocco neutralized a terrorist cell that was planning to organize large-scale terrorist attacks. About this ... on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain. Five people were detained in the territory Morocco, another - in Melilla, an autonomous city of Spain, located on the Mediterranean ... for minors, where he recruited Islamists. The remaining five detainees are subjects Morocco, one of them has a residence permit in Spain. Police... King of Morocco pardons 400 convicted of terrorism ... King Morocco Mohammed VI pardoned more than 400 people convicted of terrorism, according to ... years in prison. The pardon was timed to coincide with the 64th anniversary of the revolution in Morocco- started freedom movement against French colonial rule in 1953...

Economy, 06 Feb 2017, 15:05

Morocco has threatened to reorient its market from the EU to Russia ... bay. According to Menara, the Ministry Agriculture and fisheries Morocco declared the inadmissibility of attempts by Brussels to prevent the supply of products from this country to the European market. At the same time, the authorities Morocco warned that violations of the agreement on the supply of agricultural products to the European... Morocco detains French bomb suspect ... in France by militants, this statement was made by the Ministry of the Interior Morocco writes Reuters. “While carrying out his mission, the suspect met members of the Islamic State...France via Germany. The department clarified that the detainee was a citizen Morocco who lived in Spain. “When the detainee learned that in France ... a group of suspected terrorists, he went from Turkey to Morocco, where he was detained at the airport as soon as he landed ... The media reported on the passage of "Admiral Kuznetsov" off the coast of Morocco ... led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" is located off the coast Morocco, Interfax reports with reference to the data of the international shipping Automatic Identification ... Two buildings collapse in Morocco injuring 16 people ... another 16 were injured when two buildings collapsed in Casablanca ( Morocco), according to the Associated Press. According to the agency, at least six of...

Society, 30 Mar 2016, 13:02

The Moroccan authorities decided to increase the flow of tourists from Russia by 400% ... Morocco expects to increase tourist flow from Russia by 400% in three... . Tourism brings about 10% of budget revenues Morocco. In 2015, the number of tourists in Morocco decreased by 1% compared to the previous...

Politics, 15 Mar 2016, 16:46

Putin was surprised by the decrease in the supply of Moroccan fruits to Russia ... , according to the press service of the Kremlin. “We have a wonderful relationship with Morocco, but it is surprising that we are seeing a certain decline in trade, including ... for the supply of similar products to Russia from the EU countries. Chapter Morocco in turn, he noted that he was accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture ... exports of Moroccan products to Russia. Earlier, Rosselkhoznadzor stated that Morocco is one of the leaders in counterfeiting phytosanitary certificates (155 cases... Strong earthquake hits the Mediterranean ... strong earthquake happened in the Mediterranean Morocco and Spain. This was reported by the US Geological Survey, reports Sky ... Morocco arrests suspect in Paris attacks ... Authorities Morocco arrested a citizen of Belgium of Moroccan origin, who is “directly connected with the terrorist attacks ... November, reports Reuters. The detainee's name has not been released. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Morocco clarifies that before joining the Islamic State... Police arrest two journalists for blackmailing King of Morocco ... French police detained two journalists for trying to blackmail the king Morocco Mohammed VI, reports the BBC. Journalist Eric Laurent and ... , on August 11, Laurent met with a lawyer representing royal court Morocco. On it, the journalist allegedly voiced his demands. Thereafter... Court in Morocco acquits accused of wearing short skirts girls ... Court in Morocco acquitted two girls accused of indecent behavior for wearing short... The court allowed Elena Baturina to rewrite the lawsuit against Glucose's husband for €97 million ... amendments to the statement of claim in the case of the construction of a resort in Morocco. The wife of the former mayor of Moscow demands from her business partner ... "to conclude an agreement on the development of a number of real estate projects in Morocco by providing incorrect data...”, as a result of which the invested funds were... Rebels shoot down Moroccan F-16 fighter jet in Yemen In Yemen, rebels shot down a Moroccan F-16 fighter, reports Reuters. The aircraft participated in the fighting against the Shia rebels as part of a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. The pilot of the second aircraft of the same squadron could not see the possible ejection of the pilot from the downed aircraft. Against the Shiite rebels conducts an operation... Explosion near Moroccan embassy in Tripoli ... Near the entrance to the embassy building Morocco An explosion occurred in Tripoli, reports Reuters. Witnesses said the victims... Moroccan government minister hit and killed by train ... V Morocco As a result of an accident, Minister of State Abdullah Baha died, reports Sky ... served as First Deputy Secretary General of the Justice and Development Party Morocco. No other details of the incident have been released. Prime Minister... Benkiran, who is now in France on a private visit, is expected to arrive in Morocco to attend the funeral. African Cup of Nations may not take place due to Ebola ... could be delayed due to the Ebola epidemic, Reuters reported. Morocco would like to reschedule the Cup scheduled for January-February 2015 ... from the country of the final decision on Saturday. CAF called alarmist fears Morocco in particular, the fear that the cup will attract tens of thousands of visitors from ... CAF Secretary General Hisham El-Amrani. Minister of Youth and Sports Morocco Mohammed Ouzzin, however, suggests that the public will boycott the tournament, and...

Society, 27 Sep 2013, 12:44

Poor Swiss pensioners are offered to be resettled in Morocco ... Tribune de Geneve. . According to the people's choice, "links" in Morocco will be awarded to poor pensioners who receive support from the state. At the same time, social ... this is an African state, the authorities do not intend to deprive. Just prices in Morocco lower, which means that the budget of Switzerland will leave less money... such a settlement - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Tan-Tan in the southwest Morocco. The MP intends to submit his proposal to a referendum. The politician also says... King of Morocco pardons Spanish pedophile by mistake King Morocco Mohammed VI canceled his own decision to pardon the Spaniard Daniel ... demanded that the decision be canceled and the Spaniard returned to prison. Now the authorities Morocco and Spain are discussing further joint actions regarding the fate of the criminal who ..., the abolition of the pardon by the monarch himself is a unique case in recent history Morocco.

Society, 04 Sep 2012, 15:16

Editor-in-chief Elizaveta Osetinskaya, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Roman Badanin and editor-in-chief of the news agency Maxim Solius left yesterday, the largest Russian media holding RBC. The network was covered by a storm: hundreds of posts on social networks, thousands of comments - some talk about economic reasons, others see it as politically motivated. Everyone agrees on one thing: RBC was the last of the Mohicans, a stronghold of independent and high-quality Russian journalism.

How do these processes take place? There is a media owner and he, let's say, hired a cool editor-in-chief and a team to make a quality media.

Any media that specializes in socio-political topics and has an adequate editorial staff will definitely begin to write about corruption in the highest echelons of power. Simply because it is the most socially important topic that exists now. He will dig about the Putin family, about corruption in government contracts, write about the Panama Papers, write about the real opposition, put it on the air and on the pages of the publication.

People are interested in all this, but there are few places where you can read about it, because the field has been cleared. And now the media begins to grow, and its audience, authority and market value are growing. The staff grows, the editorial staff grows, and journalists write better and better, more and more, dig deeper and deeper.

Then they come to the owner and say that it is necessary to tie up with this matter. The owner sends those who came to the f***.

In a country with a healthy society, that would be the end of it. All over the world, the authorities are unhappy with the actions of journalists and hate their investigations. This is a natural relationship between the authorities and journalists. But the authorities cannot influence them: this is prohibited by law, this is monitored by the courts and government agencies, this is not accepted by society.

But not with us. We have laws, courts and government agencies that make sure that the media writes what is needed. Since we have KGB crooks in power, but still not bandits, they don’t come to the adequate media with baseball bats. But some other processes are starting.

Suddenly, criminal cases are opened against owners or managers, searches come to the media, printing houses refuse to print copies, cable operators suddenly refuse to cooperate for purely economic reasons, the owner of the premises demands to move out immediately. All this is happening, of course, completely regardless of the political will of the crooks of the KGB, who report that there is no pressure on the media, and here we have a dispute between business entities.

Nobody closes RBC. Now they will find a compromise editor-in-chief with a reputation as a non-ghoul (note to Prokhorov - Lesha Vorobyov is just looking for a job, he was in such a role on Kommersant-fm, a decent person in the position of editor-in-chief after the defeat), and he will even publish some kind of investigation, and many will say that it's not all that bad.

Those who have somewhere to go, they will leave, of course. Two people for Medusa, two for Kommersant and one for Rain. For each person who left, there will be three remaining, they will work, say that everything is not so bad, and be offended when someone says about RBC in the past.

But even they will gradually leave, many will leave in six months with a compromise editor-in-chief (he always comes for a short time). And it is clear where they will go - TASS, RIA, VGTRK. There are actually many more jobs for journalists now than five years ago.

This is my cart.

Exactly one thing surprises me in the story with RBC: why they started to flatten them only now. I Molibogu predicted such a development of events more than a year and a half ago, when the setting of the new editorial board for complete and categorical fearlessness, in the spirit of the original Vedomosti, became obvious to anyone, even the most detached and distant observer. Today, in Russia, no one will tolerate this, they will disperse you, I said to Molibogu, after reading another report from those that were already in no Kommersant and no Newspaper.Ru at that time could not appear due to understandable self-censorship restrictions. I will not give Nikolai's answer here, since the conversation was private. But I also shared my fears with the readers of this LiveJournal, and it was in October 2014.

They crushed RBC in a hurry. They did not wait for the sale of the holding, stimulated by searches and criminal cases. The last straw seems to have been a report that a special oyster breeding enterprise is being organized opposite the "Putin's palace" in Gelendzhik. Although they had more serious investigations - about the personal affairs of Putin, his daughters and his friends.

So basically it's to be expected. Of course, there are still a few - two or three - living islands in the dead swamp of the Russian media. Do not rely on their prospects. The rotten swamp slurry will close over them in the foreseeable future.

By RBC. It is very bad that the European-representative, professional media are closing down. But even more disgusting is the situation with how the public reacts to it. Regardless of what can potentially be written about the state of Russian society today, and especially about its prospects, a sane citizen understands the absolute hopelessness of the current (Putin's) political situation and life within it.

Therefore, fixation on external informational occasions, as on essential ones, is also meaningless.

Closing the borders, closing the newspapers - everything that is called - white noise for white zombies.

We are in a situation of absolute political stagnation, hopeless static.

What can break it? Only a different, independent, independent force that has arisen and exists outside and in addition to the imposed construct, including the information one.

During Putin's rule, the Russian media market has lost many publications and entire journalistic teams: all major media have either come under the control of the state and become a weapon of propaganda, or have ended up in the hands of obedient businessmen who impose restrictions on the publication of materials critical of the authorities. RBC looked like an exception against this background.

****, first they slammed Lenta, now they are finishing off the last decent news site - RBC. Freaks - no words. Totalitarianism on the march.

There is no politics in dispersing RBC.

Russian athletes do not take doping.

Russian television is true.

Chechnya is an example of democracy.

The broken handle of the UAZ Patriot does not indicate its poor quality.

Navalny is associated with ISIS.

This is not why the house of Kadyrov's critic in Chechnya burned down.

Storage of all Runet traffic for 3 years is needed to fight terrorism, and not to spy on citizens.

Hostels and mini-hotels are closed because there are many complaints from the residents of the houses.

Damn, what a pity that RBC seems to have been "sorted out". It was one of the few companies able to voice not only the official point of view. But anyway, thanks to them. They did a great job.

Back to the past?

Program "Time" on all channels?

Do we all want this?

The ruthless old days were somewhat more honest. Destruction of magazines or theaters was preceded by the Decrees of the Central Committee with claims and accusations. Now, those who are objectionable are dispersed so as not to leave traces, and those who give orders get the opportunity to pretend ignorance and make vile promises to figure it out.

RBC yesterday: The ruble collapsed against the dollar

RBC tomorrow: The ruble rose sharply against the tenge

The only indicator of the success and professionalism of modern Russian media is overclocking. If they don’t overclock, it means that somewhere they didn’t twist something, didn’t work it out, didn’t finish it.

I have a girlfriend - Sveta Reiter, first special correspondent for Lenta, then RBC. This is the second acceleration in her career - it is difficult to come up with a more worthy journalistic biography in the current foul time.

Still, I really want to live until the time when they will not disperse us, but we will disperse them.

When you don't know what to put - "Super" or "Sorry". Still, "Super", because it was a great story, this is not the dispersal of NTV, when there was only darkness ahead, this is the moment when "they destroyed you, but you still won, because they had already lost."

Shares of the RBC holding jumped 7% on Friday evening on the news that a number of top managers left the company.

On the Moscow Exchange, RBC shares rose to 6 rubles per share by 17:00 (+6.9%), the trading volume amounted to 3.469 million rubles.

RBC CEO Nikolai Molibog said on Friday that RBC Chief Editor Elizaveta Osetinskaya, RBC News Agency Chief Editor Roman Badanin and newspaper editor-in-chief Maxim Solius are leaving the holding.

Of course, the “opposition public” has its own opinion on this matter. Ever since reported that Mikhail Prokhorov plans to sell the media holding, there has been talk of pressure on "independent media" represented by RBC. Say, now "people in gray" came for them. The seething only intensified when it became known about the investigative actions against persons and companies, most likely associated with RBC. And now - a loud dismissal. Which, of course, will already become reasons to talk about the "links of the fucking chain."

In reality, as it often happens, everything is much more prosaic than "the struggle of free media against totalitarianism and censorship."

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the upheavals inside and around the media holding should be connected not with politics, but with purely economic reasons. According to Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexei Volin, "the owner of RBC had every reason to be dissatisfied with the activities of his company's management for many years."

Following the management, other employees began to leave - for example, editor Petr Mironenko: “It's like an official announcement. I remain working at RBC until June 30, and after that I quit. Everything will be fine!".

The layoffs were preceded by a chain of events during which public pressure was exerted on RBC. The most recent of these is a check by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Molibog in the case of fraud, which was reported by Rambler News Service on May 11.

From an interview with Elizaveta Osetinskaya, already a former chief editor of RBC:

“It seems to me that we already have something to present, and I would put it this way: we have filled RBC with new meanings that were not there before. These are new genres, sections (business, economics, politics), research. In the newspaper, we simultaneously changed the format, design, process ... The newspaper began to look cool, and the site - modern. But it's not just about design. Behind this was a huge reform - the unification of all editions into one, not legally, but organizationally.

This does not happen, but we also launched a new "admin panel" (content management system. - Slon) in parallel - this is the environment in which the united editorial office works and, one might say, lives. Before we had five of them, and we realized that we would not be able to release a new site on them. Developers and editorial people killed themselves to get it all up and running. And I myself perceive it as a miracle that it all “flies”.

The team of the RBC TV channel will quit after the managing director Elmar Murtazaev, Meduza, citing sources in the holding. On the eve of Vedomosti, it was reported that the managing director Elmar Murtazaev would leave the channel. " New Newspaper”, citing sources, announced the departure of key employees on paid leave until October. So far, there has not been a single letter of resignation, a source close to the leadership of the TV channel told Dozhd. This was also confirmed by some of the employees mentioned in the Meduza publication.

According to Meduza, General Producer Alexander Bogomolov and Product Director Igor Sadreev will leave RBC. The source of the publication also said that the head of the channel will leave information service Alfiya Zivere, correspondents Roman Super and Rodion Chepel. Host Stanislav Kucher is also thinking about leaving, said a source in the holding.

Plans to quit were confirmed by the creative producer of the TV channel Alexander Urzhanov. “We had a common channel development strategy, and without him [Murtazaev] it is difficult to continue implementing it,” he said.

On the eve of the possible departure of part of the RBC team, the sources of the Vedomosti newspaper also spoke.

A source of Rain, close to the leadership of the RBC TV channel, said that now there is not a single letter of resignation. According to the interlocutor, employees who work on several programs, including Zivere, Super, Chepel and Elena Tofanyuk, have gone on vacation. Urzhanov and Sadreev did not go on vacation and continue to work on the TV channel - none of them wrote a statement, the source said.

Sam Urzhanov wrote on Facebook that journalists are discussing formats for further cooperation with the TV channel.

Bogomolov, in a conversation with Rain, said that he is now on vacation. “So I’m definitely not leaving for the next month,” he said. Zivere only confirmed that she was going on vacation.

Earlier, Vedomosti, citing two employees of the holding and a source familiar with the owners of the holding, said Elmar Murtazaev, managing director of the RBC television channel, would leave the company. This information was confirmed to Dozhd by a source close to the leadership of the TV channel.

However, later, Nikolay Molibog, the general director of the RBC holding, in a conversation with Vedomosti, said that Murtazaev had announced a desire to leave journalism several months ago. “But we agreed to postpone this departure until the completion of the transaction for the sale of RBC. Now we have returned to this issue, but there is no final decision, it will be in the coming weeks, ”he said.

In mid-June, the head of the ESN, Grigory Berezkin, the RBC media holding. Since July 2010, a controlling stake in RBC has belonged to the ONEXIM group of Mikhail Prokhorov.

The deal took place after Prokhorov had problems with RBC in 2016. According to Dozhd, the Kremlin was dissatisfied with the publications of the publication, which concerned the family of the head of state and his inner circle. Searches were carried out in the ONEXIM office, and the media close to the authorities criticized the businessman a lot. According to, the businessman received highest level» an instruction to sell the holding. However, then Prokhorov limited himself to changing the leadership - instead of Elizaveta Osetinskaya and Roman Badanin, the holding was headed by Igor Trosnikov and Elizaveta Golikova.

The source of Rain, close to the negotiations on the sale of RBC, that the new leaders of the holding were to make it more loyal. According to him, after the change in the leadership of the holding, the Kremlin was dissatisfied with the policy of the publication. Against this background, it became known about Prokhorov's plans to sell the holding.

Image copyright Prokofiev Vyacheslav/TASS Image caption Igor Poletaev at the premiere of the series "Hunting the Devil" in February 2017

NTV presenter Igor Poletaev, who headed the editorial office of the business broadcasting of the television company, became the managing director of the RBC television channel, taking the place of Elmar Murtazaev, who resigned the day before. The BBC Russian service asked former colleagues what kind of person this was.

Poletaev was not previously named to RBC employees as a possible new head of the TV channel. His name was first announced to them on Friday morning.

For Poletaev himself, this is not the first experience of working at RBC: it was here that in 2000 he began his professional career - first in a news agency, and then on a TV channel.

"Immersed in the topic for three years as a reporter (and then as an editor), I decided to try to realize my old dream - to become a TV news anchor," Poletaev's profile on the NTV website says.

"On September 2, 2003, the first live broadcast of RBC-TV took place. It was also my first day on the air of the information service, which can be described in one word - delight!" he recalled.

Poletaev began working at NTV in 2006. He came there as a business news anchor, and later became one of the presenters of the news program "Today".

Dozhd TV host Pavel Lobkov, who left NTV in 2011, speaks of Poletaev as "always correct" and "very neat, tidy" colleague.

"[Poletaev] gave the impression of a broker or a bank trader who suddenly went to television to work," Lobkov said.

According to one of Poletaev’s former colleagues at NTV, he owes his career success in the first years of his work to Tatyana Mitkova, who in 2014 became the deputy general director and head of the channel’s information broadcasting directorate.

The BBC interlocutor was skeptical about Poletaev's abilities as a leader. Andrey Shilyaev, the former host of the RBC TV channel, did not agree with this assessment: "Igor Poletaev is a smart, experienced person, he has been cooking in the television kitchen for a very long time."

"The work of a manager is not some kind of special profession or special education, it is a job for a person with common sense," Shilyaev said.

Shilyaev calls his former colleague "on the one hand a maestro, on the other a mathematician." "This is the person who can bring some music, revive the RBC channel, which in last years was in search," the former host of the channel added.

NTV Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Kosterina called Poletaev a professional and wished him success in his position as head of the RBC television channel.

Who was before Poletaev

The fact that this post has become vacant, it became known yesterday. On Thursday, Elmar Murtazaev, who has been managing director of the RBC channel since 2016, announced his resignation. And on Friday, Meduza reported that many of the channel's leading employees would allegedly leave after him.

So far, no one has written a letter of resignation, several employees of the channel, who wished to remain anonymous, told the BBC Russian Service. It's about about planned holidays, the press service of RBC said.

Stories of the Day and Prime Time staff are going on paid leave until October. "We really slightly increased the planned summer holidays for RBC TV employees," Nikolay Molibog, general director of the RBC holding, confirmed to Vedomosti.

That part of the TV channel team that came with Murtazaev is going on a long vacation: former editor-in-chief Alexander Bogomolov (Murtazaev was previously the editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, ex-employees of the Central Television program on NTV Alexander Urzhanov and Igor Sadreev (both came to RBC at the end of 2016), presenter Stanislav Kucher (he has been broadcasting special broadcasts on RBC since 2017), Elena Tofanyuk, former editor of the Finance department of RBC, correspondents Roman Super and Rodion Chepel.

In June, the RBC holding changed its owner - now it belongs to the owner of the ESN group, Grigory Berezkin. He has not yet met with the team and did not tell them about his plans to develop the channel, two employees of the holding told the BBC Russian Service. But for Murtazaev and RBC employees it was obvious that the new owner would not leave the old team on the channel.

Paid leave for three months is a kind of "parachute" for employees, two employees of the RBC TV channel say. Murtazaev had long ago made it clear to his employees that he would not remain working under the new owner, and that, most likely, the management of the TV channel would change. Until new plans are announced, employees are encouraged to go on vacation.

No one has announced any specific plans to change the editorial policy of the channel, but the staff is confident that television will show less political news.

The team of the RBC TV channel will quit after the managing director Elmar Murtazaev, Meduza, citing sources in the holding. On the eve of Vedomosti, it was reported that the managing director Elmar Murtazaev would leave the channel. Novaya Gazeta, citing sources, announced the departure of key employees on paid leave until October. So far, there has not been a single letter of resignation, a source close to the leadership of the TV channel told Dozhd. This was also confirmed by some of the employees mentioned in the Meduza publication.

According to Meduza, General Producer Alexander Bogomolov and Product Director Igor Sadreev will leave RBC. The source of the publication also said that the head of the information service Alfiya Zivere, correspondents Roman Super and Rodion Chepel will leave the channel. Host Stanislav Kucher is also thinking about leaving, said a source in the holding.

Plans to quit were confirmed by the creative producer of the TV channel Alexander Urzhanov. “We had a common channel development strategy, and without him [Murtazaev] it is difficult to continue implementing it,” he said.

On the eve of the possible departure of part of the RBC team, the sources of the Vedomosti newspaper also spoke.

A source of Rain, close to the leadership of the RBC TV channel, said that now there is not a single letter of resignation. According to the interlocutor, employees who work on several programs, including Zivere, Super, Chepel and Elena Tofanyuk, have gone on vacation. Urzhanov and Sadreev did not go on vacation and continue to work on the TV channel - none of them wrote a statement, the source said.

Sam Urzhanov wrote on Facebook that journalists are discussing formats for further cooperation with the TV channel.

Bogomolov, in a conversation with Rain, said that he is now on vacation. “So I’m definitely not leaving for the next month,” he said. Zivere only confirmed that she was going on vacation.

Earlier, Vedomosti, citing two employees of the holding and a source familiar with the owners of the holding, said Elmar Murtazaev, managing director of the RBC television channel, would leave the company. This information was confirmed to Dozhd by a source close to the leadership of the TV channel.

However, later, Nikolay Molibog, the general director of the RBC holding, in a conversation with Vedomosti, said that Murtazaev had announced a desire to leave journalism several months ago. “But we agreed to postpone this departure until the completion of the transaction for the sale of RBC. Now we have returned to this issue, but there is no final decision, it will be in the coming weeks, ”he said.

In mid-June, the head of the ESN, Grigory Berezkin, the RBC media holding. Since July 2010, a controlling stake in RBC has belonged to the ONEXIM group of Mikhail Prokhorov.

The deal took place after Prokhorov had problems with RBC in 2016. According to Dozhd, the Kremlin was dissatisfied with the publications of the publication, which concerned the family of the head of state and his inner circle. Searches were carried out in the ONEXIM office, and the media close to the authorities criticized the businessman a lot. According to, the businessman was ordered "at the highest level" to sell the holding. However, then Prokhorov limited himself to changing the leadership - instead of Elizaveta Osetinskaya and Roman Badanin, the holding was headed by Igor Trosnikov and Elizaveta Golikova.

The source of Rain, close to the negotiations on the sale of RBC, that the new leaders of the holding were to make it more loyal. According to him, after the change in the leadership of the holding, the Kremlin was dissatisfied with the policy of the publication. Against this background, it became known about Prokhorov's plans to sell the holding.