When they begin to celebrate the day of the border guard. What date is the Day of the Border Guard in Russia. Celebrating Border Guard Day, congratulations. Festive demonstration of the power of the Russian army

Quite a lot of people do not know when Border Guard Day is in Russia, they remember that it is in May or June. However, this is a rather important and significant holiday for many generations of military personnel who stood guard over the borders of their homeland. Now we will consider when they began to celebrate the Day of the Border Guard, what date it is celebrated and how, in fact, the celebration takes place.


In official documents, the celebration of the Day of the Border Guard begins in 1958. And here are the troops on duty to guard the border Of the Russian state, were founded in 1918 after a decree issued by the Council of People's Commissars. According to this decree, in order to improve the protection of the state, it was necessary to strengthen the borders with a new special unit of the border guard, which was called the RSFSR. The Border Guard had this name until 1993. Later, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which, from December 30, 1993, the RSFSR was now called the Federal Border Service of Russia. And in 1994, the President of Russia officially established a holiday - the Day of the Border Guard - with the aim of popularizing and reviving the traditions of the border guard troops. So that, like many years ago, the present generations honor and respect the military service and, of course, the border troops.

The origins of the border service

Also in ancient Russia there was a need to defend against the nomads who raided the villages. The princes, who then ruled Russia, decided to create defensive outposts, which were erected on the borders of their possessions. However, starting from the second half of the XIV century, the Tatars began to attack Russia from the east and southeast. Then the former defensive outposts and villages could not withstand such a powerful onslaught from the enemy peoples, and it was decided to create detachments of soldiers to guard the borders.

The first decree describing the stanitsa service was adopted in 1971. It outlined the duties of the then soldiers carrying the border service, and the rules according to which they protected the border from uninvited guests. In connection with trade between the countries in 1754, a customs office was established, which was guarded by dragoon regiments. After Catherine II, an institute for customs guards was established. In 1827, the customs guard became subordinate to the Department of Foreign Trade, and in 1893 it became an independent organization. In the first world war almost all border units became military.

How many days of border guard in a year

In all countries that were part of the USSR, without exception, this solemn holiday is celebrated. However, not all of them take place on May 28th. The border guards of Azerbaijan celebrate the holiday in August on the 18th. Kazakhstani border guards celebrate their holiday in May, but on the 18th. However, the date, which is officially regulated by a state decree, clearly stipulates that the Day of the Border Guard, the date of its solemn celebration, is May 28.

Of course, no one forbids celebrating this day on other dates, especially since for some military personnel, in the conditions of their service, other dates could become much more significant. So you need to understand these fighters, especially if the vicissitudes of a specific date changed their whole life. And the Day of the Border Guard, whatever date it may be, is remembered not by the date, but by the exploits that our soldiers performed. How does it go?

Border Guard Day - celebration

May 28 is officially Border Guard Day. Traditionally, on this date, officers who served or somehow connected with the border service gather in certain places in their cities. In the morning, in all Russian cities, servicemen, both former and active, put on uniforms and go out to celebrate, usually in parks and squares. They put on their vests, their camouflage, green berets, tunics, many of them - with orders, and go for a walk in pre-agreed places in the city. The first toast for border guards is traditionally “For those who are on duty now”. They remember their comrades in arms, those with whom they shared all the hardships of military service. They talk about the operations they carried out defending the borders of their state.

Festive demonstration of the power of the Russian army

On this day, in all large and not so large cities of Russia, the army demonstrates its combat power. Thus, the military popularizes service among the people, pay tribute to the dead soldiers who fought to the last and died, repelling the attacks of enemies on the borders of the state. On this significant day, volleys and salutes show respect for the heroes' exploits and express their respect to them. On Border Guard Day, processions and flower-laying are held at the grave of the unknown soldier. They also organize mass celebrations, where pop stars are invited. In the evening, everyone usually goes to a concert, glorifying military service on the borders of an immense homeland.

Popularization of the army among the population

Nowadays, when service in the army is not honorable for many young people, this heroic holiday instills love for the homeland, which is very important for modern youth, both conscripted and more younger age... This holiday is intended to increase the moral and combat fervor of the soldiers who serve on the borders of our country. In difficult war days, which sometimes drag on for a very long time, such moral support is important and even necessary. Also, on this day, soldiers feel their involvement in a very important event in the life of their country. Awareness of this greatly raises the military spirit and patriotism of the fighters.

Celebration center in the capital

All of Moscow on the Day of the Russian border guard celebrates this holiday on Poklonnaya Hill. A stone was even laid here, symbolizing the avenue of border guards. This is the most visited place on this day. All former military men are dressed in their own uniforms, by which they recognize each other as a friend. The military greet and congratulate their colleagues. Even if they do not know each other, the form reflects a lot on this day. Many generations of border guards meet here, who seem to be young again and are active officers.

Many of the military on Border Guard Day bring their children to celebrations, so that they know that they need to be a patriot of their country, and instill this immortal tradition in the younger generation. For spectators, soldiers demonstrate the wonders of hand-to-hand combat, exhibitions of military equipment are often held, as well as demonstrations of weapons.

There are a lot of people in our country who served in the border troops, because Russia is the largest state in the world in terms of area. The length of the borders is 60 thousand kilometers. Most of them pass through the water - about 40 thousand kilometers. Therefore, it is natural that it is here that this holiday can be compared in scale with the ninth of May.

Celebration in parts

In units on the day of the border guard celebrations, where the military personnel are congratulated by their commanders-in-chief. Modern weapons are being demonstrated, equipment, material and technical means, as well as rear property and technical support, everything you need for the needs of the border troops. Servicemen are always happy with new ammunition for better service and the ability to defend themselves and their country.

Veterans are often invited to the celebrations, who tell about their service to young soldiers. On this holiday, active servicemen will be given the titles they deserve, and veterans will be given memorable gifts.

Patriotic education of the younger generation

Some units even invite children from schools or colleges, who are told about the upcoming military service. Often there are museums on the territories of the units, where exhibits of weapons used by the border troops are presented. Here you can also look at the personal belongings of soldiers who died in the Great World War II... Also - maps of the terrain of battles that took place a very long time ago. Children are always interested in such details, and when they are told by a veteran who, not from books, but from his own memories, displays all the events, it is doubly interesting.

Congratulations to the border guards

And you can congratulate with these words:

Happy Border Guard Day of a huge country!

And let it be served easily, without tension!

And it will be great always and in everything -

And in friendship, and service, and in personal life!

We respect you immensely

Such a wonderful, bright day!

Border troops, you guys

Do not forget about that!

Border Guard Day is celebrated every year on May 28. This is not a day off, but it is very significant for those people who are related to the defense of the Motherland. Border troops guard territories both on land and along maritime borders. Their work is very important, because it is thanks to these people that violators are delayed, not having time to be on the territory of the country. During the years of armed conflicts, the first blow falls precisely on the border troops, which can hold back the enemy for a long time, as the Soviet people were convinced of at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

history of the holiday

The history of this day begins in the era of the USSR. In 1918, exactly on May 28, by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars, such an important unit as the Border Guard was created. Subsequently, this day will be considered the birthday of the service. During its existence, the unit was under the control of different departments, and with the collapse Soviet Union each country has its own border troops. But the military continued to celebrate the birthday of the service always on the same day. This is the case when the tradition was preserved for a long time, and then it was consolidated at the official level.

In Russia, the date was officially recognized in 1994, in Belarus - in 1995, and in Ukraine - in 2003. And although the holiday is not an official weekend, it is celebrated quite widely, many people know about it. This is due to the military orientation and the fact that a huge number of conscripts serve in the border troops.

It should also be noted that in 1993, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the Federal Border Service was created. Russian Federation(abbreviated - FPS RF). Since 2003, this structure came under the jurisdiction of the FSB, after which it was named the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

In Russia today celebrated the day of the border guard. Traditionally, on this day, border guards walk around the city, bathe in fountains and drink a little. This holiday can only be compared with the day of the Airborne Forces and the last call from schoolchildren.

UPD: as reported mnalex2002 "The holiday ended with a successful one-hundred-on-one fight! They were separated by three platoons. 70 people were detained, 30 people were shoved into ambulances, the rest were released."

The official version: "the holiday is aimed at demonstrating the combat power of this type of troops, as well as raising the morale of soldiers performing their official duty to their homeland and state, but above all, on this day, it is customary to remember the feat of those who did not spare their lives reflecting the invasion from outside to the borders of their country. "

01. The main festivities take place in Gorky Park, at VDNKh and in Victory Park. Unfortunately, the bad weather did not allow to celebrate it with mass bathing in the fountains of the city, there were not so many people today as in previous years.

02. Wait, there are traditions!






08. The police did not interfere with what was happening. Buses with riot police were on duty in the distance, so as not to attract attention. Last year, there was a fight with riot police in the Park of Culture. Sometimes the police checked the drunkards' pulse and left.










These are the pictures that random passers-by could observe, although today they were not.



21. "If only they were afraid" is an excellent motto for our army.






27. Some have not calculated their strength.

28. This man did not get drunk, he showed me somersaults, it turned out to be a funny shot.








36. One of the policemen came up and said:
- Are you Russians?
- Yes.
- And then why are you filming this?
- What's wrong with that?
- Why shame Russia?
- Why do you allow this?
- And what to do with them? We ourselves would have to leave here with whole faces!

We were approached by 2 border guards, who saw what we filmed as a drunken company smashing trash cans.
- Show me what you filmed!
- Here ...
- Bl * What freaks! It is because of these goats that people think that all border guards are like that!
- Do you think it is not necessary to show it?
- No, show me.

37. I also think that this should be shown.




41. So that you do not get the impression that I was specifically looking for drunk border guards, I specifically found (not without difficulty) sober, pleasant people


43. The man won the pink hare to his son in the dash.




47. Unfortunately, by the evening there were almost no adequate people left, each company wanted to beat the photographer or smash the camera. After being from angry border guards chistoprudov - and the riot policemen rescued, we decided not to risk it and go home.

And finally, an opinion from second_sign which I can agree with:
"I want to specifically write a post in defense of graduates, border guards and paratroopers.
The main idea is this: people have the right to one day a year (conditionally), when they can behave as they like (without serious consequences for others). It's like a medieval "masquerade".
And the Moscow authorities are obliged to organize and direct these holidays, create scenarios for them, otherwise everything will revolve around vodka. "

All photos presented in this report belong tophoto agency "28-300" , for questions about the use of pictures, as well as photo shoots, write to email [email protected]

Day of the Border Guard.

On May 28, Russia celebrated the Day of the Border Guard. One of the most revered and untouched by the political conjuncture of military holidays.

May 28, 1918 By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), the Border Guard of the RSFSR border was established. Then it was created.

Officially, the Day of the USSR Border Guard was established in 1958.

IN modern Russia Day of the border guard was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1994 "in order to revive the historical traditions of Russia and its Border Troops."

Federal Border Service(FPS) of the Russian Federation was created by the Decree of the President of Russia dated December 30, 1993, and was directly subordinate to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. By the decree of the President of Russia dated March 11, 2003, the Border Guard Service was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia.

Historical roots.

The history of the Russian Border Guard Service is rooted in the distant past. Fight against steppe nomads forced the Russian principalities to erect heroic outposts on the approaches to their possessions, as well as border fortresses-cities.

In the second half of the XIV century, in connection with the frequent raids of the Tatars on Russian territory, on the southern and southeastern outskirts of the Moscow principality, sentry detachments (watchmen) and villages began to be exhibited, which sent horse observers. Later, serif lines and border fortified lines began to be erected.

In 1571, the "Code of the village service" appeared, which regulated the rights and obligations of the guard and the procedure for protecting the borders. In 1574, a single chief was appointed over the guard and village service. With the growth of foreign trade in 1754, border customs offices were created. Border protection was carried out by dragoon regiments, scattered across the outposts, and civilian customs patrolmen.

In October 1782, by the decree of Empress Catherine II, the institute of "customs chain and guards" was established to guard the borders and carry out border control. In 1827, the "Regulation on the structure of the border customs guard" came into force, which was subordinate to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

In October 1893, the Border Guard was separated from the Foreign Trade Department into a separate Border Guard Corps of the Ministry of Finance (OKPS). The main tasks of the OKPS were the fight against smuggling and illegal border crossing. With the outbreak of World War I, most of the OKPS units were taken over by the military command and joined the field armies. In 1918, OKPS was disbanded.

On March 30, 1918, under the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard was created, in 1919 transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry. The border guard was responsible for the fight against smuggling and violations of the state border. On November 24, 1920, responsibility for guarding the RSFSR border was transferred to the Special Department of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK).

On September 27, 1922, border protection passed into the jurisdiction of the United State Political Administration (OGPU), a separate border corps of the OGPU troops was formed.

From July 1934, the leadership of the border troops was carried out by the Main Directorate of the Border and Internal Security of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR, from 1937 - by the Main Directorate of the Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR, and from February 1939 - by the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

In 1946, the border troops were transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly created Ministry of State Security of the USSR, and in 1953 - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the USSR.

In 1957, the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR was formed.

Guardians of the borders of the new Russia.

In December 1991, after the reorganization of the KGB of the USSR, the Main Directorate of the Border Troops was abolished and the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR was formed.

In October 1992, the border troops were incorporated into the Ministry of Security.

On December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Service - the Main Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation (FPS - Glavkomat) was created as an independent federal executive body.

In December 1994, the FPS - Glavkomat was renamed into the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (FPS of Russia), since 2003 the Border Service - in the structure of the FSB of Russia.

Border Service today.

Border Service of the FSB of Russia - structural subdivision FSB of Russia, dealing with the organization of the activities of bodies federal service security in the implementation of protection and protection: the state border of Russia; economic and other legitimate interests of Russia within the border territory, the Russian exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, as well as the protection outside the exclusive economic zone of Russia stocks of anadromous fish species formed in Russian rivers.

According to the First Deputy Director of the FSB - Head of the FSB Border Service, Army General Vladimir Pronichev, today one of the main tasks of the Border Service is the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration and smuggling at the state border. If earlier the border guard system was focused on arresting border violators, now the main efforts are aimed at suppressing cross-border illegal activities at the border. More than 100 organized criminal groups engaged in illegal activities on the border are detected and suppressed annually.

In 2009, more than 6 thousand border violators were detained, about 40 thousand violators of the border regime and the regime at checkpoints. Goods and items transported across the border smuggled and in violation of customs regulations were detained for an amount exceeding 900 million rubles. The border authorities examined over 30 thousand vessels, detained more than 180, of which about 1 thousand tons of fishery products were seized.

The units and subdivisions of the Russian border service are armed with modern weapons, military, automotive and special equipment.

Military personnel are no longer recruited to the border authorities by conscription. In 2008, the last conscript was fired. The border troops have been completely transferred to contract service, since special studies by scientists and the situation on the ground have shown that professional service allows more efficiently and with lower economic costs to carry out the task of protecting the state border.

In the future, the leadership of the border service plans to completely abandon the privates and sergeants of the contract service. The initial rank for service at the border will be a warrant officer. For this, the corresponding courses are already being created at the border universities.

In 2008, the border service celebrated its 90th anniversary. A public jubilee medal "90 years of the Border Guard Service" was established by the Commission for awarding public awards and commemorative signs.

By tradition, on Border Guard Day, all those serving in the border troops wear a uniform, always a green cap, and gather in parks. these are Sokolniki, Izmailovo, Gorky Park and Poklonnaya Gora.

On the Day of the Border Guard, festive fireworks are held in the hero cities and in the cities where the border districts and groups of border troops are located.

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The history of the Russian border service is rooted in the distant past. The struggle with the steppe nomads forced the Russian principalities to erect heroic outposts on the approaches to their possessions, as well as border fortresses. In the second half of the XIV century, in connection with the frequent raids of the Tatars on Russian territory, on the outskirts of the Moscow principality, sentry detachments (watchmen) and villages began to be exhibited, which sent horse observers. Later, serif lines and border fortified lines began to be erected.

In 1571, the "Code of the village service" appeared, which regulated the rights and obligations of the guard and the procedure for protecting the borders. In 1574, a single chief was appointed over the guard and village service. With the growth of foreign trade in 1754, border customs offices were created. Border protection was carried out by dragoon regiments, scattered across the outposts, and civilian customs patrolmen. In October 1782, by the decree of Empress Catherine II, the institute of "customs chain and guards" was established to guard the borders and carry out border control.

In 1827, the "Regulation on the structure of the border customs guard" came into force, which was subordinate to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. In October 1893, the Border Guard was separated from the Foreign Trade Department into a separate Border Guard Corps of the Ministry of Finance (OKPS). The main tasks of the OKPS were the fight against smuggling and illegal border crossing.

With the outbreak of World War I, most of the OKPS units were taken over by the military command and joined the field armies. In 1918, OKPS was disbanded.

On March 30, 1918, under the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard was created, in 1919 transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry. The border guard was responsible for the fight against smuggling and violations of the state border. On November 24, 1920, responsibility for guarding the RSFSR border was transferred to the Special Department of the Cheka. On September 27, 1922, border protection passed into the jurisdiction of the OGPU, a separate border corps of the OGPU troops was formed.

The leadership of the border troops was carried out by the Main Directorate of the Border and Internal Security of the NKVD of the USSR (from 1934), the Main Directorate of the Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR (from 1937), and the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR (from 1939). In 1946, the border troops were transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly created Ministry of State Security of the USSR, and in 1953 - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1957, the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR was formed.

In December 1991, after the reorganization of the KGB of the USSR, the Main Directorate of the Border Troops was abolished and the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR was formed. In October 1992, the Border Troops were incorporated into the Ministry of Security. On December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Service - the Main Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation (FPS - Glavkomat) was created as an independent federal executive body. In December 1994, the FPS - Glavkomat was renamed into the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (FPS of Russia), since 2003 the Border Service - in the structure of the FSB of Russia.

On the establishment of the Border Guard.

The Council of People's Commissars decided:

The Border Guard is established in the department of the People's Commissariat for Financial Affairs.

The Border Guard is responsible for protecting the border interests of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, and within the border strip - protecting the identity and property of citizens, in particular:

a) obstruction of the secret transportation of goods and the secret passage of persons across the land and sea borders of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic;

b) protection against plundering of water resources in our border and territorial waters;

c) supervision over the observance of the rules of international navigation on border rivers;

d) protection of our fishermen and industrialists in the border seas, lakes and rivers;

e) protecting our border villages from attacks by robbers and nomadic tribes;

f) implementation, if necessary, of border quarantine, etc.

The Border Guard is located in one or more lines. The People's Commissioner for Financial Affairs is given permission, at his discretion, to locate Border Guard outposts and railway stations.

The space from the border line to the location of the outposts of the first line and the seven-mile space from these outposts to the interior of the Republic is considered a border strip.

The area of ​​water twelve nautical miles from the low tide line of the seacoasts of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic both on the mainland and on the islands is recognized as a maritime customs strip, within which all both Russian and foreign ships are subject to supervision by the Border Guard.

The Border Guard must observe that along the entire border there is a free passage of 6 arshins wide, why all buildings, arable land and vegetable gardens should be at a certain distance from the border.

Citizens of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic are admitted to the Border Guard on free recruitment on the same grounds as are established for admission to the Red Army. The reception of border guards is carried out by commissions organized by the order of the Border Guard Council, which include one representative of the local Soviets of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies with the right to vote on each commission.

The direct management of the Border Guard in all respects rests with the General Directorate of the Border Guard. Under him, the Border Guard Council is formed, consisting of two commissars and one military leader.

The equipment and uniforms of the Border Guard officers, as well as the provision of medical and sanitary assistance to them, is carried out on the grounds adopted for the Red Army. The release from the stocks of the military department to the officers of the Border Guard of weapons, equipment, items of uniform and food, as well as engineering and medical and sanitary means is carried out according to the requirements of the Main Directorate of the Border Guard, sent by it to the relevant institutions of the military districts

Signed by: Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin).

Head of the Council of People's Commissars V. Bonch-Bruevich.

Published in No. 123 of Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets dated June 18 (5), 1918.


In the conditions of a lack of information about the general state of affairs on the Soviet-German front, the lack of communication with their own and the army command in the first days of the war, border guards solved the following tasks: fighting with reconnaissance and forward units of the enemy directly on the line of the state border; performed the role of combat guard of units and formations of the first echelon of covering armies; with the transition to operational subordination to the military command, they participated in battles as part of units and formations of covering forces during retreat; carried out reconnaissance and sabotage activities in the rear of the enemy and on the routes of his movement; they identified and destroyed enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, small airborne assault forces in battle formations and in the immediate rear of the retreating and defending troops. In addition, in the northern sector of the front, the border guards independently covered the gaps between the areas in which active hostilities were being conducted.

The most difficult fate went to those units and subunits of the border troops that found themselves in the directions of the enemy's main attacks: to Kiev and Donbass, to Minsk and Moscow, to Leningrad. These strikes were taken over by the border detachments of the Ukrainian, Western and Baltic districts, in particular, the 90th (Vladimir-Volynsky), 91st (Rava-Russkaya), 92nd (Przemysl), 17th (Brest), 86 (Augustov), ​​88th (Shepetovo), 105th (Kretinga), 106th (Taurage), 107th (Marijampole), 12th (Liepaja).

It is known that border outposts, headquarters buildings of border commandant's offices and detachments were included by the enemy among the priority targets for destruction by artillery, tanks and aircraft.

The border guards knew that they did not have enough strength to detain the enemy. However, following their military duty and the Oath, they defended the borders of the Fatherland to the last opportunity, to the last man. And thus, in June-July 1941, the Victory was nearer. For the first battles on the border, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 26, 1941, for the exemplary fulfillment of the command assignments on the front of the fight against German fascism and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to border guards I.D. Buzytskov, K.F. Vetchinkin, N.F. Kaymanov, A.K. Konstantinov, M.F. Mikhal'kov, A.V. Ryzhikov. Many years later, for the exploits performed also in the first days of the war, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to A.V. Lopatin (1957), A.M. Kizhevatov, F.V. Morin, V.V. Petrov, V.M. Usov (all in 1965). This is the lot of the first heroes. The war swept through the combat positions of their units twice: first from west to east, then from east to west, taking away both memories and witnesses of those battles. It is no coincidence that the feats of arms of many and many border guards in the first days and hours of the war became known only years and decades later. “People defended the border until their last breath, and we know little about them, unfortunately, sometimes nothing,” retired Major General Ya.D. Small (former head of the 91st Rava-Russian border detachment). - Completely unknown remained, for example, the details of the death of personnel of three line outposts - 9, 12, 18, two outposts of the mobile group - 5 and 7. We only know that they fought stubborn battles, held back the enemy to the last opportunity, and not a single border guard survived. A month and a half later, I signed 560 notifications to relatives about the dead and missing - we suffered these losses mainly in the first hours and minutes of the war. "