The procedure for connecting to the electrical networks of the private house. Connecting to power grids in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region. Where to contact, what documents are needed and how much time will occupy

We will fulfill the complex of power supply services, the result of which will be the successful commissioning of the projects of the external and internal electrification of the region. Our specialists will implement the most complex electrical installation and commissioning in the shortest possible time.

The process of implementing the power supply passes several of the most important and time-consuming stages, from the correctness of which the cost and time of work depends on the execution.

Our specialists will develop the optimal solution to your task, which will save money and the most priceless - time! To order power supply in the Moscow region You can already today.

Electricity Synopation Services:

  • Temporary power supply of the construction site - Design and coordination.
Support of documents and acceleration
Service list Price
Getting TU ( technical conditions) on technological connection from 10 thousand rubles.
Obtaining an act of execution that contractual
Power supply project - Development and coordination from 20 thousand rubles.
Obtaining an act of technological connection contractual
Obtaining an act of delimitation of the balance sheet from 10 thousand rubles.
Obtaining an act of admission to the operation of the subscriber's electrical installation contractual
Conclusion of an energy supply contract with Mosenerosbyt OJSC from 10 thousand rubles.
Approximate Prices for Installation Wire SIP 2
SIP 2 3x16 + 25 from 85. from 100. from 30.
SIP 2 3x35 + 54.6 from 160. from 140. from 42.
SIP 2 3x50 + 54.6 from 190. from 160. from 48.
SIP 2 3x70 + 54.6 from 230. from 180. from 54.
SIP 2 3x95 + 70 from 325. from 200. from 60.
Approximate prices for installation of wire SIP 3
Name Cost of material for 1 m, rub Montage value for 1 m, rub Cost of dismantling wire AC for 1 m, rub
SIP 3 1x50 from 50. from 160. from 48.
SIP 3 1x70 from 63. from 180. from 54.
SIP 3 1x95 from 70. from 200. from 60.
Approximate prices for electrical work in the cottage
Package Type of work Price
Cottage Economy Economy option from 700 rubles. for m2.
Cottage Standard Standard wiring from 1000 rubles. for m2.
Cottage Comfort Complex wiring from 1200 rubles. for m2.
Elite cottage from 2000 rubles. for m2.
Approximate prices for electrical work in the apartment
Package Type of work Price
Apartment Economy Economy option from 800 rubles. for m2.
Apartment Standard Standard wiring from 1200 rubles. for m2.
Apartment Comfort Complex wiring from 1500 rubles. for m2.
Luxury apartment Highest level of complexity of electrical installation from 2000 rubles. for m2.

Electrical installation services:

Interior power supply

Our company employs professionals who are engaged in providing power supply services in Moscow and MO. They will help you significantly save time for the development and registration of all documentation for approval in all necessary services and instances, as well as perform installation, commissioning and testing.

Properly organize interior power supply We can at any facility: in an apartment, a country cottage, an industrial or shopping complex, municipal, administrative building.

Connecting cable lines in Moscow

Process such as connecting cable lines in Moscow, It takes quite a lot of time due to the need to develop a project, receiving all the coordination and performing cases of connection, assembly, commissioning.

It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of time, as well as the budget you can, contacting the qualified help in Masternergoservice today.

Connecting air lines in the Moscow region

Connecting air cable lines in the Moscow region is allowed by controlling instances in the presence of a coherent project. As a licensed organization, we will be able to develop the desired project and get all permits.

If necessary, for the installation of the cable we take into account the installation of supports of different types. The project necessarily calculates the number of columns, the length of the cable spanters, the number of consumables and protective devices.

External power supply

If the object is required to organize external power supplyThe procedure begins with the receipt of that. Next, we help draw up TK, develop a project and implement the work provided by the draft work.

For example, you may need to install a transformer substation, installation of introduction and distribution devices, protection machines, grounding circuit. All events we carry out with the exact compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents operating in the Russian Federation:

  • PUE (rules of electrical installation devices);
  • Yenir (single standards and rates for construction, installation work);
  • TSN (territorial estimated norms);
  • SNiP (building standards and rules).

Installation of power supply

Already today installation of power supply In the company "Masternergoservice" you can order "turnkey". This service includes absolutely all the activities that your object must be done to connect to the power supply.

Say what you need to do, and we will reply how much it costs!

Build your home - it is still half. It needs to be provided to all what is necessary for normal residence. No construction will be able to be considered in the full sense of housing suitable if there are no water, light, warmth. That is why various engineering communications are laid in the construction process.

But they will start functioning only after their connection to external highways will be made (about autonomous systems, such as generators -).

And here it begins the most unpleasant. For the most part, all these troubles are associated with the fact that people simply do not know where they need to contact which documents will prepare and submit. Pretty vague concept and about the timing of work, and about their value. In order not to depend on the mood of a kinder officer, it is necessary to know which regulatory acts regulate the organization and conducting such events.

Without going into details in which only a profile specialist can understand, we note the main points that you need to know the ordinary consumer when connecting your home to the central power grid.

Everything is determined by the rules No. 861 (the name is long, so we will call the short - "Rules"), which are approved by the Government on December 27, 2007. In particular, all technology of connecting private residential buildings to power grids is described in detail. What do we need to know?

The energy supply organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the owner of the housing for the supply of electricity. Moreover (attention!) Regardless of whether it has such an opportunity at the moment or not.

Here there is a nuance - this is if the power consumption of all applicant devices does not exceed 15 kW. This takes into account all those "objects" that were connected earlier to this place of attachment. That is, 15 kW is the total power for 1 consumer.

If from the boundary of the site to the connection point (transformer, switchgear, and the like) in a straight line does not exceed:

  • for countryside - 500 m
  • for cities, urban villages - 300m,

that power can be increased to 20 kW.

Where to turn

In the organization that is engaged in the supply of electricity to this "territory". The data on it can be obtained or in the local administration, or clarify the neighbors (if they have already been manufactured).

It happens that the site is located on the border of the zones of "responsibility" of 2 different electricity suppliers. In this case, the accession produces one to whose objects (pillars, substation or something else, where the connection will be connected) the border of the site is closer.

How to contact

Apply (in writing). What to specify in it?

  • Name, patronymic, surname.
  • Passport details It is allowed to make them and from another identity document (for example, rights), but this is consistent with the organization.
  • The location of the connection object (at home) is the address.
  • The list and name of the devices that will be connected with the indication of their total power in the "kW".
  • Terms when the design will be completed. In addition, the alleged dates of commissioning the plug-in equipment. But this must be clarified in advance in project and installation organizations.

What to attach (photocopy)?

  • Passports (or other document specified in the application).
  • Certificate of ownership of the house.
  • The list of all aggregates (devices) that will connect, with the power of each of them.
  • Load calculation.
  • Plan of the site indicating the location of the attached objects. In this case, in this scheme, it is necessary to outline not only the territory itself, but also the adjacent area where the object is located where the connection will be made (and on the scale). This is necessary to determine the distances from the land tenure boundary to the object of energy supply.

If the documents do not apply the owner himself, and its representative, then you will also need a power of attorney, certified in a notarial office.

Based on the application, technical conditions are issued for which the project is being developed.


  • For the issuance of technical conditions - no more than a month.
  • Connection based on the submitted statement should be made no later than six months from the date of the conclusion of the contract. This is taking into account the setting of communications (for example, cable, if connecting from the substation), installation of additional columns (air connection).
  • Directly on the installation work on the accession of all devices, it will take about 2 to 3 days by specialists.

It may also be that the distance between the boundary and the connection site is larger than the specified (from 300 or 500 m). In this case, the provider's gasket is given to 2 years, but payment for the temporary connection will be charged at an individual rate (higher). You can accelerate this "construction", but at your own expense. This is solved individually, as in each organization - their own nuances in the provision of services.


It should not exceed 550 rubles, if the calculated power consumption is not more than 15 kW.

Important moment! If in the application the specified power up to 15 kW (inclusive), then no one has the right to demand any surcharges.

It is impossible to call it "rule", but sometimes it happens that the applicant reports that this is "this and this" will need to be paid separately. Explanations are different - the complexity of the work, the need to erect additional "structures" or increase the technological capabilities of the equipment and the like. All this is illegal. In other words, it is "not our problem" (if the distance from the site to the connection point and the stated power does not exceed the above limits).

  • The list of documents can be somewhat changed. Therefore, before being prepared, this question must be clarified in a specific supplying organization. The fact is that in the framework of all-Russian legislation, regional authorities can make some additions, given the local conditions. In addition, existing departmental documents specifying individual provisions.
  • If the supply organization does not fit on time (and this is not uncommon), then an official claim should be put in writing. There are many "subtleties", so it is better to turn to a lawyer. Electricity suppliers can lead different arguments (there is no financing, the problem with frames and so on). But the owner has nothing to do with it. There is a contract, and it is not performed by the fault of the other party. By the way, an experienced lawyer will also tell me how to recover compensation for moral damage. And it can be quite decent (in monetary terms).
  • The connection project is more expedient to order from the supplier. All of them are rather zealous to this, and if the documents are developed by a third-party organization, then difficulties may arise. Experts, if desired, will always find, on what to "pick up" the unprofessional. At least it will help save and time, and nerves at. After all, it is clear that no one will find fault to "their" document.

Unauthorized connection is fraught with serious trouble. If this fact appears, the corresponding organization, among other things, will set such an account (and also proves its validity), which will have to pay for a very long time, by court decision.

Light / Connecting to power grids

How to connect to power grids in Moscow? Detailed instructions from the Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK).

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 1.
Application for technological connection or an increase in electrical power.

In the application for technological connection, be sure to specify:

  1. The size maximum power (in kW).
  2. The level of the stress you need (0, 22; 0.38; 6.3; 10 kV and above).
  3. Necessary category of power supply reliability.
  4. Name and location of power drivers.

With regard to the reliability of power supply, electrical receivers are divided into the following three categories.

Electrical Categories of the first category - electrical acceptors, the power break of which can entail a danger to the life of people, a threat to the security of the state, considerable material damage, disorder of a complex technological process, a violation of the functioning important elements Municipal economy, communication and television facilities.

From the cocepters of the first category allocated special group Electrical drivers whose uninterrupted work is necessary for trouble-free stopping in order to prevent the threat of people, explosions and fires.

Electrical drivers of the second category - electrical receivers, the break of the power supply of which leads to a massive bearing of products, mass downtime workers, mechanisms and industrial transport, violation of the normal activity of a significant number of urban and rural residents.

Electrical applicants Third categories - all other electrical receivers.

The electrical receivers of the first category in normal modes should be ensured by electricity from two independent mutually reserving power sources, and the breaking of their power supply during power failure from one of the power sources can be allowed only for the time of automatic power recovery.

For the power supply of a special group of electrical receivers of the first category, additional power from the third independent mutually reserving power source should be provided.

As a third independent power source for a special group of electrical receivers and as a second independent power source for other electrical receivers of the first category, local power plants, power plants of power plant (in particular, the generating tires), intended for these purposes uninterrupted power supply, rechargeable batteries and T.P.

Electrical drivers of the second category in normal modes should be ensured by electricity from two independent mutually reserving power sources.

For the electrical receivers of the second category, during power failure from one of the power sources, power supply breaks are allowed for the time required to include backup power by the actions of the duty personnel or the outbound operational brigade.

For the electrical acceptors of the third category, the power supply can be performed from one source of power, provided that the power breaks needed for repair or replacing the damaged element of the power supply system do not exceed 1 day.

In an application for technological connection, information should be specified and the documents provided for by paragraphs 9, 10, 12-14 of the rules for the technological connection of the power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical equipment facilities belonging to network organizations and other persons, to electrical networks approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861.

The concept of "power receiving device" includes:

  • power receiving device of electrical energy consumers;
  • power receiving device of electrical energy production facilities;
  • the power receiving device of the objects of the electric grid economy belonging to network organizations and other persons.

The concept of an "power receiving device" is identical to the concept of "power installation" and implies a complex of interconnected equipment and structures, intended for production or transformation, transmission, distribution or energy consumption (GOST 19431-84 "Energy and electrification. Terms and definitions", put into effect by the State Standard USSR from 03/27/1984 No. 1019).

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 2.
Send a decorated application for technological connection in OAO MOESK

Application for technological connection can be sent to a network organization on full-time service consumer services through the client office, located at: Moscow, ul. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 7, or mailing At the address: 115114, Moscow, 2nd Paveletsky passage, d. 3, p. 2.

For the convenience of our clients, the client office time is set from 9:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday without a lunch break.

With forms of applications and a list of documents required for issuing an application for technological connection, you can find

  • on the website of OJSC "MOESK". For individuals. For legal entities
  • or on the information portal of OJSC "MOESK" on technological accessions

In the customer service center at the address: Moscow, ul. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn, d. 7 you can get advice with regard to a decorated application for technological connection, there will also take the documents for registration or explain the causes of the shortcomings in the complete value.

After submitting an application in the client office, you will receive a notification of the established sample in which all documents adopted by the network organization will be indicated, as well as documents that must be further provided in the event of a lack of completeness.

Disadvantages in completeness of the application will need to be eliminated within 30 days.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 3.
Consideration of applicants for technological connection

Consideration of the application at OJSC "MOESK" lasts 30 days. During this time, the Network Organization is verified by the documents submitted as part of the application, their legal expertise on the availability of grounds for entering into an agreement on the implementation of the technological connection of power receiving devices to electrical networks preparations of technical specifications and the contract for the applicant.

Information about the stages of consideration of the application can be obtained:

  • on the Portal of Technological Accession of OAO MOESK
  • by phone hot line (495 ) 668-22-77
  • or an employee of the reference table on the 1st floor of the client office, located at the address: Moscow, ul. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, d. 7.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 4.
Treaty for technological connection and technical specifications

Get at the Customer Service Center at the address: Moscow, ul. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 7 Treaty on technological connection and a copy of the technical conditions and return to the network organization signed agreement.

  • In the event that the applicant did not apply to the Client Office within 3 working days from the date of the preparedness of the documents, the Treaty on Technological Accession and the draft technical provisions will be sent to the address specified in the application through postal service. For prompt interaction, please specify the mailing address correctly.
  • In the event that the applicant did not send a signed agreement to the network organization within 30 days from the date of receipt, the application submitted by the applicant for technological connection is subject to cancellation.
  • In the event that the applicant does not agree with the terms of the contract, within 30 days from the date of its receipt it is necessary to send a motivated refusal to sign up to the network organization.
  • The original technical conditions is issued only after signing the draft treaty.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 5.
That of electricity accounting and power supply project

Get technical conditions for accounting, prepare and coordinate the project of power supply in the area of \u200b\u200bMoscow cable networks (ISS) and the Electricity Transport Department of the ISS - a branch of OAO MOESK.

In terms of technical specifications, the requirements for the organization of settlement accounting of electricity are indicated, which is an integral condition for the implementation of an agreement on technological connection.

One of the requirements for the organization of accounting is to coordinate the power supply project in terms of electricity accounting - in order to determine the types of accounting tools established at the facility, the values \u200b\u200bof the compensated electricity losses, as well as the determination of the compliance of the selected means of accounting for the accounting rules of electricity, the rules of the electrical installation device and other regulatory documents.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 6.
Payment of the Treaty on Technological Accession

It is very important to comply with payment schedules established by the contract for the implementation of the technological connection of power receiving devices to electrical networks. In the absence of payment, the contract will be terminated.

The cost of services under the Agreement is calculated based on the executive authority established by the authorized authority (Regional Energy Commission of Moscow) tariffs.

The fee for technological connection in the amount of 550 rubles applies only to the compliance with the legislative limitations:

  • The distance from the borders of the applicant's site to the objects of the electric grid economy of OJSC "MOESK" with a voltage of 0.4 kV less than 300 meters in the cities and towns of urban type.
  • The voltage level specified by the applicant in the application for technological connection is not higher than 0.4 square meters.
  • The power size at the attachment point does not exceed 15 kW. At the same time, the point of attachment is the place of physical connection of the power receiving device (energy installation) of the consumer of services with an electrical network of a network organization.
  • Technological connection is provided for one source of power supply of power receiving devices.

Failure to comply with one or more of the listed conditions gives a network basis for the application of the installed REC of Moscow tariff on general reasons.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 7.
Electrical installation work on the basis of technical conditions

In technical conditions, a list of works that must be executed by the applicant, as well as a list of works that the network organization must do. The applicant is obliged to fulfill work within the borders of his site.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 8.
Transfer to the ISS District Notification of technical specifications

In order to determine the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bMoscow cable networks and find out the address of its location, it is necessary to refer to the Moscow map, which the corresponding digits of the ISS are marked.

Information on the territorial affiliation of your facility to a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe ISS can also be obtained on the information portal of JSC "MOESK" on technological accession

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 9.
Verification of the network organization of the implementation of technical conditions

Employees of the ISS District check the performance of technical conditions both from the applicant and on the part of the Network Organization, and send a service note on the fulfillment of technical conditions in the Customer Service Center

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 10.
Coordination in the cable route service

After approval of the service note on the implementation of technical specifications, it is required to carry out its coordination in the service of cable trails at the address: Moscow, ul. Sadovnicheskaya, d.13.

Coordination in the cable route service is carried out by the applicant independently, having received a concerted service note on the performance of technical conditions in the Customer Service Center and returning it after receiving the approval.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 11.
Act of technological connection

After receiving an agreed service note on the implementation of the technical conditions, the network organization issues the applicant an act of acceptance of the service under the contract, and after its signing - the act of technological connection.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 12.
Consumer Questionnaire and Act of Balance Power

Before serving the voltage, it is necessary to issue a user questionnaire and get an act of distinction balance accessory and operational responsibility. Without an act of distinguishing balance sheet and operational responsibility, the energy sales company does not conclude a permanent contract for the sale of electrical energy.

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 13.
Act tolerance of electrical installation in the exhibition.

If you attach more than 100 kW to power grids with a capacity of more than 100 kW, then it is necessary to get in the Rostekhnjor "Act tolerance of electrical installation"

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 14.
Conclude an energy supply contract with an energy sales company

For this you need:

  • documents to enter into an energy sales company necessary to conclude an energy supply contract on the list in accordance with the requirements of the Energy Sports Company
  • get a power supply contract

Connecting to power grids in Moscow. Step 15.
Connect power

Energy supply company sends a network company "Washing to supply voltage"

After that, the actual supply of voltage and power to the object is carried out by turning on the switching machine (fixing the switching machine in the "Inclusive" position)

The structure cannot be considered a residential if its EN / supply is not organized. The difficulty is not in the joining the electrical networks, but that the owners of a private house are often lost, not knowing where to turn. We'll figure it out what it is - the technical specifications for connecting to electrical networks in relation to the private house, in whose competence it enters and how much is about it.

GOST should be confused with that. Standard is a state of state requirements regarding the specific scope of activity, type of products and so on. Technical conditions are departmental documentation developed on the basis of the same GOST, SNiP, internal regulatory acts. That is, it is just the rules that are mandatory for the performance of both parties that appear in the EL / Energy Supplies Agreement, as well as the main criteria that equipment must be configured and the instruments used.

Where to begin

Definitely contact the local administration. Conduct certificates for neighbors - as a rule, a waste of time. First, they could just buy a house, and it themselves. But this is not the main thing, since there is second. If in a particular area (microdistrict) el / energy in the population supply various organizations (and this is not uncommon), then they have their own zones of responsibility. Where is the border? Which of the power engineers "Networks", and who "supplier"? Neighbors about it can simply not know (and not obliged). But in the relevant structural division of the local administration, such data is certainly there.

The second option is to consult energy directly (if a private house In the course of the settlement). If this is not their territory, they will prompt how to contact the adjoins.

There is another one (third) solution. To find out where the neighbors are calculated on electricity bills, and contact the point of receiving payments. There will probably tell me how to act further.

Example of technical conditions

Each resource-supplying organization can set its shape of the forms to connect to electrical networks. They may differ alternating points, their number and number of other signs. But in any case, in the technical specifications, the following items must be indicated.

  1. Connection diagram (power reception). It is applied to it:
  • list of EN / host devices located in a private house;
  • their maximum total power (kW);
  • consumed voltage (B);
  • reliability category (degree of worn out) devices (installations);
  • data on the timing of the input of each of the samples into operation (for the use of used).

  1. Power sources (indicating characteristics) - the main and backup (if it is provided), connected voltage (kV).
  1. Connection points to the electrical network (with the designation of the switch and load tires).
  1. Voltage rates at attachment places.
  1. Responsibilities of the EL / Energy Supplier (the deadlines for the development of project documentation, its coordination, installation work; as well as to resolve issues, if necessary, with third parties).
  1. The obligations of the owner of the private building (within the site) in terms of connecting to electrical networks.
  1. Term of the TU (up to ... - number, month, year).

What to prepare

The application from the owner of a private house to connect to electrical networks will not be taken if the document package will not be attached to it. In order to save time, you need to take the following (for the first three - originals and photocopies).

  • Passport.
  • A document confirming the ownership of the house and the plot.
  • Plan of the site (in any performance, at least by hand). It should be marked by all EL / Energy users, as well as an adjacent territory with an object (transformer, substation) on which a connection will be made (indicating the distance to it).
  • A list of all technical devices (electrical energy consumers) with the calculation of total power.

If the application does not submit the owner himself, and another person at his request (order), then the power of attachment is additionally applied to the implementation of such actions.

What to consider

The total capacity of all the electrical energy in the house of consumers should not exceed 15 kW. This is stipulated in the rules No. 861 of 2007 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation). But it can be increased to 20 if the distance from the point of connection to the border of the site does not exceed (in m): 500 - Countryside, 300 - within the settlement.

A typical treaty establishes that its validity period is from 2 to 5 years (no less and no more). But in each administrative division, there may be their own rules that are not in direct contradiction with senior documents. This question should be immediately clarified.

Regardless of whether the available capacity is allowed or not, the resource-supplying organization is obliged to conclude an agreement for the supply of EL / Energy with the owner of a private residential building. If she does not have such an opportunity in currently, I will have to solve the problem for precisely energy.

It is better to order project documentation for connecting to electrical networks from the Supplier of this service. This is a guarantee that it will not arise conflict situations. If a project for technical conditions is to develop a third-party organization, then the energy sector will find something to find face, verified. At least for the fact that they took the "piece of bread". And to its, departmental designers, they will definitely not be complaints.

Energy is obliged to issue technical specifications within a month. Regardless of the time of year, climatic factors, the lack of specialists, they must make the installation of everything that is necessary for the organization of an En / supply a private house, not more than six months. In some cases (for example, a large distance from the place of attachment to the site) the term increases, but not more than two years.

If the energy sector does not fit in the agreed period, they can not only "fit" the claim to the claim, but also to receive monetary compensation. It is enough just to turn to a profile lawyer, and he himself will find justifications, and at the same time will determine the approximate amount for recovery.

Cost of work

The maximum price for connecting to power grids, which can designate EL / Energy suppliers (if the power does not exceed 15 kW) - 550 rubles. Supplement may only be if the owner wants to speed up this process. But only with his personal consent, without any coercion.

Often, energy, using our incompetence, go to various tricks to increase the board for connecting to electrical networks. Arguments are different - the complexity of work, the lack of capacity and so on. It is illegal! And in morestally, there are their problems, and not the consumer who are trying to solve at his expense.

The article marked the highlights, which you need to know each owner of the private house. More information can be obtained only in the resource-feeding organization itself, which will issue technical specifications for connecting to electrical networks. As already noted, each is its own rules. Therefore, to solve all the nuances to clarify all the nuances in the local subdivision to clarify all the nuances.