Act of distinction of operational responsibility Sample. Distribution Act of Balance

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Service list Price
Obtaining TU (technical conditions) on technological connection from 10 thousand rubles.
Obtaining an act of execution that contractual
Power supply project - Development and coordination from 20 thousand rubles.
Obtaining an act of technological connection contractual
Obtaining an act of delimitation of the balance sheet from 10 thousand rubles.
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Name Cost of material for 1 m, rub Montage value for 1 m, rub Cost of dismantling wire AC for 1 m, rub
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SIP 3 1x70 from 63. from 180. from 54.
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This document, compiled in the process of technological connection of the power receiving devices (energy plants) of individuals and legal entities to electrical networks, determining the boundaries of the balance sheet.
What does this mean in practice?
This document denotes the border of the section of energy facilities, sharing responsibility for the operation of networks between the network organization and the consumer of electricity. In this case you. The same document identifies the belonging of various equipment and cable lines.

All acts should always be signed on three sides:

  • Network company;
  • Consumer of electricity;
  • The corresponding territorial controlling body.

What includes an act of delimitation of the balance sheet:

  • Detailed consumer power circuit: protection settings, power supply parameters, etc.
  • The degree of category of reliability of the power supply scheme.
  • Data on other subscribers of the electrical installation and their characteristics.
  • A complete list of duties that the consumer takes over in relation to the network company.
  • List of additional conditions.

The act of delimitation of the balance sheet is indefinitely. However, the act can be issued for a period during which the permission to connect the power is valid. This happens in the case of the construction of an object when a temporary connection is required. If you need to renew the act, this does not require reissuing permits and other previously issued documents.

The act of delimitation of the balance sheet - the legal document required for:

  • Obtaining an act on technological connection.
  • Conclusion of an agreement on the power supply of the object.
  • Getting an act of admission.

Also, this act is needed to solve controversial issues, in case of accidents and accidents.
Usually signed, four copies of the act, one of which remains in the network organization, the second in the energy-sales company and two - from the consumer.

When does the act of distinction of the balance sheet apparatus?

The act of distinction of the balance sheet is directly after execution technical Conditions and the end of work on technological connection.

There are cases when renewing an act of a balance sheet:

  • In case of expiration of the previous act.
  • When the consumer changes the volume of connected power.
  • In case of changing the power supply scheme of the object.
  • When changing the value of the reliability of the supply of electrical energy of the object.
  • In case of changing the owner of the power receiving devices.

The procedure for issuing an act for consumers in Moscow Moscow:

  • Sending a consumer to Moscow Cable Applications Application Application Application Application Application Consumer, a coordinated project of power supply and an act on technological connection or permission to connect capacity.
  • Getting and filling the consumer questionnaire.
  • Sending by consumer B. Moscow cable networks The completed consumer questionnaire and the contract for the implementation of technological connection to the power grids.

There is still such a thing as Act of distinction of operational responsibility of the parties:

The document compiled by the network organization and the consumer of services for the transmission of electrical energy in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices, which determines the boundaries of the parties for the operation of the corresponding power drivers and objects of the electric grid economy.
Often these two acts are reduced to one document - Distribution Act of Balance .

In accordance with applicable legislative norms, it is necessary to execute certain documents accordingly. Including the section of the borders.

This issue is allowed by drawing up a distinction act. The formation of it is enshrined by legislative standards defined by standards.

It is necessary if possible to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance. And there are a large number of various nuances.

It is important to remember that such an act is paying close attention to controlling organizations. If it is compiled, it will be improperly - the likelihood of difficulties is great.

Including the imposition of certain fines. The list of situations where the compilation of such an act is strictly limited, is listed in the relevant decrees.


Today, engineering communications are usually divided into certain areas. Most often, this separation passes through switching devices. And concerns it as electrical networksand many different others.

This moment is disclosed in detail in the current legislation in the territory of the Russian Federation. Gas services, heating network Also necessarily make up a similar type of act.

Before proceeding to draw up this kind of document, it is important to study the main legislative norms, all the features and nuances.

The main and most significant questions:

  • necessary terms;
  • what is his role;
  • legal regulation.

Necessary terms

All the most significant questions about this document are disclosed in specialized legislative standards. But for the correct interpretation of such documents, you will need to get acquainted with all the terms used in them.

The main concepts that are most substantial include the following:

  • act of distinction of borders;
  • balance activity;
  • list of consumer duties;
  • building connection circuit;
  • operational responsibility.

The act of delimitation of responsibility or the interpretation act of borders is drawn up in accordance with certain standards.

It is a document used to implement simultaneously several different tasks. First of all, the definition of responsibility for a particular area of \u200b\u200bany engineering communications.

Moreover, such communications can be any. The demarcation itself is carried out between the consumer and the operational company.

The affiliation of the sides is determined in each case strictly individually. Balance activity - this term is indicated by the belonging of a particular section of engineering communications by one of the parties.

The list of consumer responsibilities is a specific list of actions that are obliged to carry out a specific consumer. Under this it is understood as the final point of supply of electricity, gas, other.

The building connection scheme is this scheme should be present in the act under consideration. Since it is on the basis of such a scheme that this document is being generated.

The scheme is implemented in principle, in accordance with the algorithms installed at the legislative level. Operational responsibility - a list of responsibilities of the person operating engineering communications.

In addition to the above, there are also other terminology. But it is less specific, any difficulties with its understanding and decoding are usually absent.

What is his role

The act of distinction of the balance sheet to the power grid in SNT or in other organizations is used to implement various tasks.

The main one includes the following:

That is why the compilation of such a document should be considered with the maximum responsibility. Since if it is invalid for some reason, a large number of difficulties will arise.

Especially if you need to protect your rights - in court or any supervisory authority. Also, such an act can be applied for reporting.

For example, if there is the need to carry out costs on a certain type of action, they should be documented to substantiate, confirm. It is for this purpose that an act of distinction is used.

If there is such an opportunity, it is worth examining the sample before proceeding to the formation. So you can avoid the emergence of a large number of various problems, difficulty.

Legal regulation

Legislative documents For each separate type of acts of delimitation of responsibility differ depending on the type of networks themselves.

For example, in the case of electrical fundamental is

It includes the following regulatory sections:

Basic rules of non-discriminatory access basic provisions;
The procedure for compiling, as well as the subsequent conclusion of a special agreement;
As determined by the procedure for accessing electrical networks, and also limited their throughput;
how the procedure for determining the tariffing for the use of electrical networks is being implemented;
As the procedure for calculating losses in electrical networks is implemented;
the process of granting, disclosing information on the capacity of electrical networks;
Algorithm for consideration of various kinds of complaints of the organization engaged in the supply of electricity
Rules for accessing services regarding operational Dispatch control
Rules for the provision of access to the services of the administrator Trading network

Special attention in this ruling is required to pay exactly the main applications. The main most essential should be attributed primarily:

appendix No. 1. How the act is drawn up in the event of a procedure for technical connection
appendix No. 2. How the act of distinction of the boundaries of the balance sheet
appendix number 3. How is the delimitation of operational responsibility
appendix No. 4. The process of drawing up and submitting a legal entity for carrying out accession to the source of electrical energy
appendix No. 5. Application from legal / individual, IP for temporary connection to a specific source of electrical energy
appendix No. 6. How the application is drawn up if you need to access the source of energy to 15 kW inclusive
appendix No. 7. How is an application for connecting to power receiving devices
appendix number 8. Drawing up a typical agreement on technological connection

The process of drawing up the interpretation act of borders itself is indicated in Appendix No. 2. But the remaining legislative acts presented above are no less important.

Moreover, the compiled act of distinction must necessarily comply with the above regulatory documents. Otherwise, he simply will be invalid.

How to get an act of delimitation of balance

First of all, it is necessary to carefully read all the nuances associated with the compilation of the act. Also decide who issues an act of this type in a particular case.

In the absence of experience in this direction, it is worth contacting qualified specialists. Typically, such questions are responsible.

Most often it is the energy responsible for the electroreman. Main, mandatory for consideration questions about how to get an act of distinction:

  • electrical networks;
  • thermal networks;
  • plumbing networks;
  • gas networks;
  • sewer networks.

Electrical networks

At the moment for each type engineering networks This act is drawn up according to an individual plan.

In the case of electrical networks, the following must include:

Full name Companies
Legal designation of a specific subscriber His address, as well as contact details
Title object Which will need to provide electrical energy
Power allocated To provide a subscriber with electrical energy
Designated all major parameters Power plants
Denotes borders accessories
Fill a special table with the following sections power transformer power;
voltage class;
account number;
calculation of losses;
Specified responsibility
A special scheme is compiled, which contains the following information. borders of the balance sheet;
borders of operational responsibility

Heat networks

In case of compiling this act for thermal networks, things are somewhat different. The following main sections must be present:

Name of the city Compilation and designation of the document
Date of preparation
Indicated supplier and consumer
Designated in text format Borders accessories of thermal networks
The method of keeping is indicated Commercial Accounting Energy
Designated scheme Which was joined by a specific consumer
You must specify various color notation Specific networks
Sign up signatures of relevant responsible parties Required with decoding

Plumbing networks

The act of distinction of the balance sheet accessory networks should also be drawn up in accordance with certain requirements. But at the same time there is no special unified form.

Usually such an act includes the following:

  • name of the supplier and consumer;
  • name of the document, date and city of compilation;
  • contact details, addresses;
  • reference is made to the contract of providing an appropriate type of service;
  • a special circuit of the consumer attachment is compiled.

Today, such documents are used most often to connect individuals. But at the same time, legal entities also must have in the hands of this type of act. It is used to solve a list of tasks specified above.

Gas networks

The easiest thing is the act of the border section for gas networks. But at the same time there is a large number of most different nuances.

Usually, a document of this type includes in its format:

Name of the act of act
City In which it is drawn up
Date of formation Such a document
The legal names are indicated Service Supplier and Recipient, Consumer
The accurate addresses are designated Supplier and recipient
Required links are made For example, that the supplier's side does not bear any responsibility for gas networks that go beyond the limits of operational responsibility
Signatures of responsible persons of both sides are affordable. consumer (with decoding);
Supplier (with decoding)

Sewage networks

Responsibility for the sewage networks (waterproofing, catchment) lies with water voltage. Thus, the compilation of an act of the type under consideration can be carried out according to the sample for water supply networks.

To such engineering communications, it is often the same requirements that networks for water transport. But with some deviations.

A sample of such a document will not be difficult to find on the Internet. But it is important to use only well-proven sources.

How to get an act of distinction of work during construction

The act of delimitation of liability borders during construction is formed in a standard way. And regardless of the type of specific engineering communications.

The algorithm for obtaining such a document is as follows:

Special Commission is going
Based on the compiled project, a special document is formed. On the basis of which it will be necessary to make an act
In several copies in quantity depending on the type of engineering communications Act is drawn up in accordance with legislative documents
Act is signed by responsible persons. Be sure to have deciphering all signatures, the post is affixed.
Requires seals If such are available at the parties that make up the contract for the supply of services, operation

The compilation of the acts of the type under consideration has a large number of various nuances. With all them will need to be found in advance.

This will avoid the assumptions of major errors in the implementation of various types of documents.

The act of delimitation of balance and operational responsibility is a document that is necessary to regulate the relationship between the company supplier of various resources (electricity, water, gas, heat, etc.) and the consumer.

Objectives and objectives of the act

The main purpose of this act is a clear definition of the borders, followed by the resource-supply organization and consumer responsibility area. At the same time, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of "delimitation of balance and operational responsibility", and explanations on how it should occur, too, are also absent.

More or less to figure out this can only be attentive to study the regulatory documents.

The border of the balance sheet is a line that shares the total network from the network of a particular owner.

That is, for example, if it comes to an apartment building, then there is a section of networks related to the list of common property and the rest.

Documented distinction is made by signing the relevant agreement between the parties, as well as the compilation of a special act. It happens that the agreements cannot achieve (as a rule, due to the fact that the provider of resources is unreasonably expanding the client's responsibility zone) - in this case, the distinction occurs in court.

So, on the basis of the above, it is possible that the separation is necessary in order for each party to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwho it is serves one or another plot of communication networks, as well as in case of establishing the fact of damage or wear of networks, it was precisely able to understand who is responsible for her Repair and recovery. In addition, the act becomes a point in the process of connecting newly constructed objects to communication networks.

If for any reason it is not possible to determine the operational responsibility, the balanced activity is established - it usually corresponds to the line of the outer wall of the building or structure.

By mutual agreement of the parties, other ways of determining boundaries are also possible.

What you need to compile an act

As it becomes clear from the purpose of the document, it is equally necessary for both parties relationships.

If the interpretation act is not compiled by the resource-supplying organization itself, then it is not so difficult to get it. To do this, we need to send a copy of the certificate of ownership, permits for the construction, documents on the commissioning of the facility and the like. At the prescribed period, the act can be obtained in hand.

Features of the drawing of the act, general moments

If you have a task to form an act of delimitation of balance and operational responsibility, and you can not imagine how to do it well, we recommend carefully read the tips below. Get acquainted with a sample document - on the basis of it, you will certainly be able to make your own form.

Today there is no single unified form of an act. This suggests that employees of resource-supplying companies have the opportunity to write it in an arbitrary form or if the organization has an approved document template - by its type.

Regardless of what kind of registration method is selected, when writing an act, you must consider several general points characteristic of all this kind of securities. For example, it is necessary to ensure that the structure and content of the form meet some standards of office work.

In other words, the act should be divided into three parts:

  1. the so-called "cap" where data is made about the document itself;
  2. the main unit - includes data on supplier and consumer services, address and some individual specifications object, etc. Quite often, the graphically decorated scheme of the arrangement of communications is also included in this (however, it can be attached as a separate document);
  3. conclusion is the fact of approval of the delimitation of responsibility.

Act is permissible to make any convenient format on a regular clean sheet (generally accepted A4), from hand or dial on a computer - in determining its legality, these values \u200b\u200bare not played. It is only important that the act is made up without mistakes and blots, and if any, they still have happened, it is better not to correct them, but to make a new form.

In addition, the document should be rooted with the help of seals (provided that their application is enshrined in the Company's accounting policy).

The statement is drawn up in three identical copies.

  • One is sent to the consumer of services,
  • the second is to a controlled supervisory structure,
  • the third - remains in the resource-supplying organization.

Act must be signed by representatives of both parties: a resource supplier and recipient.

Sample document

At the beginning of the document is written:

  • its full name;
  • number and date of compilation;
  • name of companies, positions and pho of their representatives;
  • the address where the building or construction is located.

After that, the technical characteristics of the object are given (they can be issued in the form of a table or list), the boundaries of the balance sheet and operational responsibility are established.

If necessary, the form can be supplemented by any other information (depending on individual circumstances). All additional paper attached to the act should be noted by a separate item.

At the end, the document is signed by representatives of the parties.

Light / Connecting to power grids

Engaged in one of its customers and helping him to solve the problem with power grid objects, the author of this material recently met with the so-called act of delimiting the balance sheet of electrical networks (this is how it was called), which, most likely, should be called an agreement on the indentation (although And so, of course, it is also impossible to call it).

In this, the so-called separation act, only the fact that one side is recognized that there has no property claims on electric grid property and confirms that this property belongs to the other party that signed the act. Nothing more, which is required to reflect in acts, was not.

Naturally, it was necessary to immediately clarify the client an absolute inconsistency of the content of this document by the requirements that they are presented to the acts of distinction of the balance sheet of electrical networks that have a completely different purpose.

It was then that the author had an understanding that, apparently, there really, there is an urgent need for a detailed explanation here on the site and the role of this document for its proper understanding of all those who are far from the electric power industry, but forced with these acts to directly collide with them work.

Act of the Balance Act: Legal basis

For the first time in modern regulatory legal acts, the acts of distinction (we will be so called to refer to the convenience of perception) were mentioned in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442, which made changes to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861, approved A number of rules, including the "Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers, electrical energy facilities, as well as electrical equipment facilities belonging to network organizations and other persons, to electrical networks" (hereinafter referred to .

In particular, in subparagraph "D" of clause 7 of the technological connection rules, it is indicated that the responsibility of the network organization includes compilation of other acts of distinction of the balance sheet and the act of distinguishing operational responsibility of the parties. The concept of these acts themselves is disclosed in paragraph 2 approved by the same decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and providing these services". According to this legal norm, under the act of delimitation of the balance sheet, the power grid is understood as "the document compiled in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices (energy plants) of individuals and legal entities to electrical networks ...., defining the boundaries of the balance sheet."

According to the same norm, under the act of delimitation of the operating responsibility of the Parties, it is necessary to understand the "Document compiled between the network organization and the consumer of electrical energy transmission services in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices, which determines the boundaries of the parties for the operation of the respective power receivers and objects of the electric grid economy."

Apparently, for a better understanding and more correct law enforcement, the same 2 point of the rules of non-discriminatory access is also given to the definition of the balance of the balance sheet, which is the "line of the section of the electric power facilities between the owners on the basis of ownership or possession on another basis by federal laws, which determines the border of operational responsibility Between the network organization and the consumer of services for the transmission of electrical energy .... For the condition and maintenance of electrical installations. "

It should also be added that in subparagraph "g" of clause 16 of the rules of technological connection as a substantial condition for the contract of technological connection, the obligation of the electric grid organization should provide in the contract to distinguish between the balance sheet accessory of electrical networks and the operational responsibility of the parties.

Act of the Balance Act: Pue and Soviet Heritage

Prior to the release of the above decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the legal regulation of the use of acts of distinction was contained in the rules of the device of electrical installations (PUE), approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of July 8, 2002 No. 204. But, unfortunately, nor in Pue, nor, actually, in the ruling The Government of the Russian Federation information available to understand the persons who are unreleased in electrical specificity is practically no.

There is no doubt that it is the absence of sufficiently intelligible and detailed methodological provisions that in regulatory acts entails such a widespread misconception in the wide masses of people from the electric power industry forced to be included in the process of design and receiving acts of distinction.

At the same time, the poverty of the available information about these acts gives grounds with greater confidence to assert that this is still not the result of imperfection legislative base, but only one more convincing confirmation of the actual role and status of distinction acts. That is, the fact that the acts of distinction are documencies of narrow processing and are not legally meaningful (although there are some changes in this matter and will be told about them below).

If you start analyzing acts from their name, and they got it back in the Soviet period, that is, during the times of the pre-events, then from this name "acts of distinction of the balance sheet of electrical networks and operational responsibility of the parties" can be determined by its inconsistency, so to speak , market realities.

The balanced activity is defining in this name, that is, not a sign of the right of ownership in its modern understanding. In the pre-events, when a practically overwhelming part of all organizations and enterprises in the country was state (only some of the cooperative, collective farm, etc.), all of them (enterprises and organizations) property was in state ownership. Enterprises (organizations) who did not have ownership of property, thus performed only the functions of the "balance holders" of this property. Therefore, they could accompany these acts of distinction.

This practice was ubiquitous and she also spread to public, cooperative and other similar organizations (no one was interested in any time that the property, for example, the cooperative organizations were not just "on the balance sheet", but in the property).

The act of balanced distinction is the problem of delimitation

After carrying out the balance sheet, the question of the so-called operational responsibility of the parties is automatically arising. It is explained by the fact that with a certain frequency there was a situation where the physical boundary between the networks of the acts of the act could not coincide with the so-called border of the operational responsibility of the same parties. Simply put, due to technological reasons for some of the parties, the act was charged (and, consequently, the responsibility) of the maintenance of power grid property that was not on the balance of this part. At that time, this was considered quite permissible and natural. For state-owned enterprises and organizations, the issue of incomprehension of these borders was non-attributable. Therefore, they agreed to bear the operational responsibility for the technical condition of the enterprise that is not belonging (that is, which is not in its balance sheet) of the electrical networks.

It was most serious to determine the responsible and specific guilty persons (it can be assumed that it was most likely for such goals for such purposes.

If this was considered quite normal and natural in this time, it is unlikely to be recognized as appropriate now. Rarely, who may at the present period agree with the voluntary adoption of the maintenance costs of someone else's power grid property. It would be very difficult to imagine and understand such an owner of a private enterprise consonant voluntarily to serve the power grid property belonging to it. Although, theoretically, this may be possible, but, apparently, subject to compensation for the other party of the cost of the cost of this owner for maintenance of someone else's property. At least, the author of this material during his long-term practice has not met such cases.

At the same time, despite all the seeming inappropriateness of the preservation and use of such acts, this practice continues to remain and, most likely, it will remain, (this confirms the above decree of the Government of the Russian Federation). First of all, because state (municipal) unitary enterprises and budgetary institutions will not disappear anywhere, in the activities of which the use of such acts is completely legitimate.

Of course, these acts in the eyes of individuals who are on the right of ownership of transformer substations and power lines look quite inappropriate and ridiculous. After all, what else can they have a balance? And their questions on the relevant sites and forums are found.

There is nothing more, as they say, do not hurt, since the main thing in this situation is still not an expression of doubt and indignation, but only the correct understanding of the essence and appointment of acts of distinction from all participants involved in the sphere of relations in the electric power industry.

Act on Balance Affiliation in litigation legal disputes

Thus, the main conclusion of all the above is the technical purpose of the distinction acts, the purpose of which is the establishment of the exact place of the physical border between the electrical equipment owned by various owners connected into a single network.

Therefore, the acts of distinction in any way should not be attributed to negotactive, no more guidelines. They (acts of distinction) themselves may be decorated (must, in any case) parties only if the parties have the necessary guidelines (trial) documents to their objects.

Of course, it is possible to assume that in some controversial situations, distinction acts can be used as evidence of accessories (and not only accessories) of power grid objects. Such cases are in practice, for example, an act of distinction can be fully used as proper proof of the previously allocated side of an electric power act in a certain amount.

But in disputes on the establishment of the belonging of power grid property, the acts of distinction can be used (and admitted by the court) only as indirect proof. Believe that this is the main document confirming the ownership of an object will be delusion. All the more wrong it is to consider that the acts of distinction can possibly resolve the issues of the transfer of rights to the power grid property (as in the case of an attempt to compile an agreement on the compensation) as told by the author at the very beginning of this material.

Act on the balance sheet and technological connection to the power grids

True, it should be noted that with the release of the aforementioned decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the role of acts of distinction has changed somewhat, and it is more correct to say, it has increased, since they now act (along with other documents) also as evidence confirming the fact of completion of technological connection procedures.

A number of persons who received in power grid organizations such acts of distinction, but who have not been able to bring the process of technological connection to the completion or who have not entered into electricity supply agreements with an energy sales organization, these acts may be brought to the court as appropriate evidence to confirm their claims. .

At the same time, there is no reason to believe that the importance and the role of acts of distinction will remain unchanged and that they will not increase them (or vice versa, decline) in the future. Everything will depend on the dynamics of relations developing in the electric power industry between power grid organizations and consumers of their services. Given the current state of these relationships to make some kind of definite forecast is extremely difficult. In any case, the author did not ask this goal at all (since this is an ungrateful occupation), but was only intended to explain the narrow question of the actual value of the acts of distinction.