Virgo is the zodiac sign of the earth element. Zodiac signs by elements and crosses: what distinguishes them? Virgo water sign

Love compatibility can be assessed not only by the Zodiac Signs themselves, but also by their elements. This will be useful for those who are interested in more detailed information - after all, every nuance is important in feelings.

Many people prefer to find out love compatibility before starting a relationship in order to save their precious time. Of course, situations are not ruled out when ideal couples broke up, but this is already human factor, after all, the Universe has not given everyone the ability to carefully store the gifts of Fate. There are also people who create strong and happy marriages, despite the lack of horoscope compatibility.

Air Sign Compatibility

Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These Signs of the Zodiac are characterized by some windiness. This does not mean that they will constantly change. It's just that people born under the auspices of Air know what freedom is and value it above all else. Freedom does not impose a ban on marriage. This looseness is more of an emotional nature. When you hold back the representatives of the air element, they begin to act in defiance.

You don’t have to agree with them on everything and go on about it - just understand them. Astrologers say that the best compatibility with air is Fire. However, lovers, who represent the union of these elements, must be extremely careful: the combination of fire and air can be explosive. This love will be passionate, but requires a lot of control if you want to get married and create a strong family. big passion requires caution.

Air and Earth This is the perfect combination for creating a family. The emotional component in such a relationship will be reduced, so separation is possible in the early stages. However, if the lovers successfully overcome possible problems, they will create a truly happy union.

Air and Water they can also meet a lot of difficulties on their way, but such a marriage will make the Air "sink", adding to it prudence and prudence.

Air with Air they will be good friends, but the family is unlikely to be strong. Frivolity in family life does not lead to good, so one of the lovers will have to change their principles and character for the sake of such love.

Watermark Compatibility

Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces from the very beginning of their adult lives are looking for a place for mental and physical peace. "Water" people want to find solid ground under their feet, but they cannot come to this on their own. That is why they early years think about marriage and family. Their methods of testing a person's suitability for love and long-term relationships can be difficult and even cruel. They are incredibly demanding, but not to themselves, but to others.

WITH earth Water is easiest, because water seeps into the soil and becomes one with it. Water Signs are always respected and even admired by the Earth Signs, their stamina, wisdom, patience, intelligence and beauty of the soul. This is an ideal union for both one and the other, but even here it is not without reservations. They consist in the fact that Water Signs, when they feel a certain firmament under their feet, begin to relax and change. This frightens those who belong to the Earth element. For Water, everything is cloudless and beautiful.

Water and Water- it's an explosive mixture. Can you imagine how two Scorpios will live together? These people are simply not made for each other, but not everything is so bad. Sometimes such families, on the contrary, become indestructible, successful and successful, but this will require tremendous work on both sides.

Water and Air don't fit together well, but over time the bond gets stronger. That is why the passion that flared up between two such people will persist for decades.

But Fire extinguished with water. In the case of such love or marriage, it is better to give Leo, Sagittarius or Aries more freedom.

Fire Sign Compatibility

Strangely enough, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries go well with all other people under certain conditions. Fire is emotion and sensuality. In love, these qualities can be considered the main ones.

Air Signs are lucky mascots for Fire people. The main thing is to show them their importance to you. They need to feel needed. If the Fire Signs can do this, then they will be very lucky in life, not only in love, but also in their careers.

WITH water It is better for fire not to meet if you do not know how to express your wishes and negotiate. It is better for Fire not to try to defeat the power of Water. Be restrained and build your strategy carefully.

Fire+Fire is something. Such unions almost never last long if there is no control in the relationship. It's like trying to drive a car flying down Mount Everest.

Fire Earth union is exactly what can give two people happiness. If you learn something important from each other, you will never part. Do not ignore what the Earth Sign says, then even some antics will be forgiven for you.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The earth is the firmness of the spirit. This is wisdom and incredible endurance. This is modesty, logic, kindness, as well as adherence to principles, bordering on cruelty. These people do not like to be deceived or commanded without their permission. They know how to admit mistakes, but they hate groundless reproaches.

The earth must control everything and be confident in the future. This desire is satisfied in alliance with water. However, when it comes to marriage, the Earth Signs stop - after all, their half was at first complaisant, and then suddenly became different.

WITH By air Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus have exactly 50/50 chances. To the Earth Signs, the windiness of the Air ones often seems like stupidity and lack of principles. They don't tolerate it. A little control doesn't hurt here.

Terrestrial+Earthly That's true power. The only thing that will suffer in this case is financial well-being. Such couples save and save and save, but they cannot properly invest because they are constantly afraid of something. However, this is not such a strong minus.

The last ones to be discussed are Fiery legion. They can be incredibly difficult for Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn to interact with. Here, unfortunately, everything will depend not on the Earth Signs. If Lions, Sagittarius and Aries can suppress selfishness in themselves and see the virtues of the Earth Signs, then this union will give both happiness.

May luck in love accompany you, regardless of what element you were born under. Love is born from the ability to go forward. The stars and astrology will help you save your own time if you are not ready to make concessions. If you are full of desire to find your true love, let her storm the barriers, fall down and fly up. Trials strengthen the family, so don't be afraid of them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Compatibility horoscope: Virgo zodiac sign earth sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

The main feature of this group is practicality. These three signs are associated with random, relatively passive physical and emotional processes, and their relationship is strongly and closely linked. People of these signs gather to achieve common goals.

Everyone wants to find dependence and constancy in their partner. In this group we find couples who pool their financial and social resources in order to conquer the world together. Their everyday life is free from emotional extremes. Keyword in this group - JOINT, FRIENDLY WORK. The people of this group are voluptuous, but can control their passion well when it comes to their goals. They are the salt of the earth.

From the point of view of sexual relations, they belong to the category of "animal passion", relatively passive. The most important principle for maintaining a relationship is WHAT WILL I GET IN RESPONSE TO WHAT YOU ASK?

People of the zodiac signs of the elements Earth are turned to life with its real deeds and thoughts, far from high ideals. They are characterized by the absence of stunning ideas and designs, they are efficient and understand reality. The zodiacs of the earth elements are truthful and expect the same attitude from others. They believe only in what can be verified with the help of the senses, or when they have irrefutable facts in front of them, excluding all fiction. Many believe that the signs of the zodiac of the elements Earth are devoid of lofty interests, they are occupied only with the everyday, everyday material side of life, and they come to them for advice related to the field of life experience. People of this element actually do business, and not just talk about it with their tongues. Few people know about their inner capabilities, they are overly full of self-esteem in order to discover or show their capabilities.

The most compatible signs of the zodiac of the element Earth are with the element of Water, because without it you can become an arid patch of land and, of course, with the signs of the zodiac of your element. Alliances with the element Fire are not excluded, if the earth does not pay attention to its unintentional amusements, as well as an alliance with the signs of the elements Air, if it manages to endure the sometimes dispersed storm.

The positive qualities of the signs of the zodiac of the elements Earth: efficiency, reliability, the ability to manage money wisely, do not expect great indulgences from life, methodical, persistent, hard-working people, if necessary, will provide assistance.

Negative qualities of the signs of the zodiac of the elements Earth: tediousness, lack of imagination, excessive thrift, bordering on greed, a tendency to see only the bad in everything, intransigence, callousness and ruthlessness towards oneself and the people around.

Associations and characteristics of the signs of the zodiac of the elements Earth:

Capricorn - in the full understanding of the word "earth". They adore imperceptibly, being in the shadows, to direct the actions of unsuspecting people;

Taurus is a volcano. You can rely on them, resolute, they are the embodiment of elemental strength, calm and stable like a mountain, until the volcanic nature wakes up;

Virgo - reasonable, thorough and extremely efficient.

The talisman for people of the zodiac signs of the element Earth is the Dwarf.

Zodiac signs.

Elements of the signs of the zodiac

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into four groups according to the elements, as well as into three groups according to qualities or crosses. The elements of the signs of the Zodiac show stable qualities and temperament, and the crosses show the dynamics of manifestation, the type of human behavior. Each cross contains all four elemental characteristics, and each element has its representation in all three crosses. Thus, each sign of the Zodiac is a unique combination of elements and qualities.

Fire Release

The features of this element are warmth and dryness, which are accompanied by metaphysical energy, life and its strength. There are 3 signs in the Zodiac that have these qualities, the so-called. fire trine (triangle): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The fire trine is considered a creative trine. Principle: action, activity, energy.

Fire is the main controlling force of instinct, spirit, thought and mind, forcing you to go forward, to believe, to hope, to defend your convictions. home driving force Fire - ambition. Fire gives zeal, impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, irascibility, impetuosity, arrogance, courage, courage, militancy. In the human body, it maintains life, is responsible for the temperature regime and stimulates the metabolism.

People whose horoscopes highlight the trine of the element of Fire have a choleric temperament. These people will never go unnoticed, they will achieve the recognition of others, especially in the environment that is congenial to them and is ideologically connected with them. These people have a creative spirit and unshakable will, inexhaustible "Martian energy" and outstanding penetrating power. The element of Fire gives organizational talent, a thirst for activity and enterprise.

The peculiarity of the people of this trigon is the ability to be inspired and be devoted to an idea, cause, partner, up to self-sacrifice. They are brave, courageous and courageous. The rise of their soul and their inherent business activity help them reach the heights both in the spiritual and material spheres. They get real pleasure from their activities, are proud of the results of their work and expect universal recognition.

Fire people are innate leaders who love and know how to lead and order. They are, as it were, charged with a cosmic electrical voltage of a certain polarity, which they transmit to others in the form of attraction or repulsion, which keeps the people around them in constant tension and excitement. They try to win personal freedom, independence and independence, which is dearest to them, already in early age. But there is one paradox: they do not like to obey and do not want to, but their ability to adapt to various circumstances is excellently developed.

They have strongly expressed such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, self-affirmation, waywardness, intransigence. Anyone who is associated with a person of the trine of Fire in partnerships knows well that these people always stick to their line. They can be chief conductors, performers of the main roles, but never extras. It is simply impossible to subordinate them to someone else's will, only they will command the parade and lead, although often from behind the scenes. They recognize only wise and just autocracy and most of all hate despotism and tyranny in any of their forms.

The people of the trigon of Fire at first quickly “light up”, are inspired by new ideas and people, without much hesitation, immediately get involved in the matter, involving their entire environment in it to achieve the goal they have set, which comes to them from outside, or is born in them. But they also quickly cool off to an already begun, old business, if they are inspired by a new, more significant idea for them, or if the business takes on a protracted nature and requires constant effort. These are people of a jerk, an impulse, waiting for them is like death. Fire is the one creative power, which can raise them to the "seventh heaven" or "throw into the abyss."

People belonging to the elements of Fire must restrain their negative character traits, especially ardor and impetuosity, militancy and aggressiveness. They must avoid conflict situations and confrontation with the outside world, so as not to harm not their idea, for which they are fighting, not their cause, the implementation of which they dream.

The children of this trigon are difficult to educate, often not amenable to education at all, and in order to have at least the slightest result in working with them, specific methods of education have to be applied. Violence and coercion are categorically excluded, as this causes stubbornness, obstinacy and resistance in them. They can only be approached with love and affection, with warmth and gentleness of the heart, it is very important to be fair with them, never deceive them, never belittle their self-esteem.

earth element

The features of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by an earthly trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.

The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. Earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates a foundation. It has such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, slows down the process of metabolism.

People whose horoscopes express the element of the Earth have a melancholy temperament. These are people of sober mind and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of life for them is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is already planned in their youth. If they deviate from their goal, then very little, and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such a fantasy and vivid, vivid imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they lack utopian ideas, like the signs of Fire, but they stubbornly go towards their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from reaching their intended goal.

People of the elements of the Earth strive for the possession of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of labor delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves, first of all, should bring them benefit and material gain. If most of the planets are in the trine of the Earth, such principles will apply to all areas of life, up to love and marriage.

People with a predominance of the elements of the Earth stand firmly on their feet, prefer stability, moderation, consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of recovery and well-being are replaced by crises, which can be prolonged due to the inertia of the trigon of the Earth. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to the new kind activities or relationships. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone and anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.

People with a pronounced element of the Earth usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. Often they have "golden hands", they are excellent artisans, they can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, while not forgetting about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve their physical existence on earth. There will be care for the soul, but this is on a case-by-case basis. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy does not go to such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Air Release

The features of this element are heat and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to the air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Air trine is considered the trine of ideas and intelligence. Principle: exchange, contact.

Air defines contacts and relationships. The element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, infinity, curiosity. The air is independent, free. He is responsible for the main processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.

People whose horoscopes express the element of Air have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then they pass it all on to other people in a processed form in their own way. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, lability of the psyche, mobility of the mind, they are tireless, as long as they are passionate about some business. Monotony makes them tired.

The shortcomings of the nature of the people of the element of Air include the lack of solidity and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity, they are very unreliable, they cannot be relied upon. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans are constantly fluctuating, changing. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.

No trine has such abilities for diplomacy and a secular lifestyle as the trine of Air. This is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and diverse connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. People of the Air do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, a business routine, most often they do not have a stable profession, unless it is related to information, travel and contacts.

The people of the trine of Air have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of arts, especially literature. And journalism is just their element. The best assistants of these people in their work are their constant striving for more and more new impressions, new experiences, a continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be in the center of all events.

Most often, people of the element of Air do not fit into the generally accepted framework because of the craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, they avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even the usual family life for them, it may seem like a certain "cross" from which they will try to elude, or at least alleviate it.

Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, so crises in the field of love and marriage are a common story for them. Their superficial feelings can quickly ignite and inspire, and close contacts can be made even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until the meeting with the next object of delight and admiration, to a new cause of inspiration and enthusiasm.

Parents and educators of the children of the trigon of Air should pay special attention to their excessive idealism, superficiality of thinking, susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary as early as possible to lay in them that moral core, which will be their support in life. Since the child of this trine is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. With such a child, one must be constantly in contact, participate in his affairs and be close during the holidays, then the spiritual connection between parents and the child will last until the end of life.

The biggest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the biggest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, often causing unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Water Release

The features of this element are cold and humidity, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The trine of water is considered the trine of feelings and sensations. Principle: the constancy of the internal with external variability.

Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. It is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, daydreaming, imaginative thinking, softness of manifestation. In the body, it slows down the metabolism, manages fluids, the work of the endocrine glands.

People whose horoscopes express the element of Water have a phlegmatic temperament. These people have great sensitivity, are very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more of an inner life than an outer one. People of the trine of Water are usually contemplative, they think both about their own good and about the good of their loved ones, however, at times they are indifferent, lethargic, lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. Their external manifestation of feelings is not as pronounced as among the representatives of the trigons of Fire or Air, but they experience internal feelings with great strength and depth.

For people of the trigon of Water, businesslikeness, practicality, sobriety of thought, objectivity are not a strong point, but they do not hold fantasies, they have a rich and lively imagination, great internal and external strength, especially among Scorpios.

Thanks to the richness of their inner world and the refinement of perception, people of the water trine achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of arts, they especially shine as artists and performing musicians. Water signs can also be great workers in service and food related areas. And Scorpios are also great detectives because of their subtle intuition.

The plans and moods of the people of the trigon of Water can change both from external circumstances and from internal state souls. An insignificant detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in business or in a partner.

People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very pretty and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of the Scorpio.

Of the signs of the trigon of Water, Scorpio is the most strong in body and in spirit, the most substantial, the most aggressive, not amenable to undesirable influence from the outside and showing strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are simply amazing.

The weakest of the zodiac signs of the Water trine is Pisces. The middle between hardness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trine - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all the water signs, it is Cancer who most often achieves success in life.

The feelings of all three signs of the trigon of Water are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good of a dear person, as they always have deep and pure feelings towards loved ones and loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is a real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who is worthy of them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance to them in life, especially for women.

An excessive tendency to daydreaming and fantasies, too vivid imagination can lead to an internal contradiction - a collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, addiction to alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, even mental illness can occur.

Virgo zodiac sign earth sign

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Earth element, zodiac signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

Earth element symbol

This element is the personification of physical strength, stability, material well-being, is a symbol of fertility in the broadest sense of the word.

Earth element - zodiac signs Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn

The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. If a person was born under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn, the element will manifest itself most clearly in him. These people are a closed book that not everyone can read. They love and know how to manage others, but they do it implicitly - these are the so-called "gray cardinals". The element of Taurus makes him the embodiment of physical strength, steadfastness, such people are strict, hardworking, hardy and reliable, like a fortress. Having met an obstacle or a problem, they go towards it head-on. This is a rock, inside which an explosive volcano slumbers. Another representatives of this element - Virgo - are hardworking, patient people who know how to wait and are convinced that time is their ally, it will help them solve any problem. They tend not to voice their own ambitions, but “on the sly” they are able to move mountains.

Positive qualities of the representatives of the elements Earth

The element of Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn - Earth - makes them practical realists who do not build utopian plans and do not hover in the clouds. Often, they are reproached for being too prosaic and boring, but if someone needs sensible advice or practical experience is required, they turn to them. They are not ready to take on faith what cannot be seen, heard or felt, they are used to being guided solely by verified facts. Representatives of the elements of the Earth are accustomed to call a spade a spade and expect the same from the rest. In their feelings, affections and dislikes they are constant, they have a rare ability to forgive insults to those they love. The element of the signs of the Zodiac Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo endows them with consistency, perseverance, reliability, they are very hardworking, do not count on someone else's help, preferring to manage on their own. Ready to help those who are weaker or in trouble.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth are usually divided into two categories. One includes extremely practical, stubborn, slow people with an objective and wary attitude towards the world. At the same time, these are talented, gifted people with non-standard thinking; these are those about whom they say that they have “golden hands”. The second category is made up of people who are more temperamental, quick-tempered, “hot”, they can neglect conventions, always have fun, are ready to take part in an adventure - these are real adventurers. They have a wonderful instinct, they are less cautious than other “earthly” representatives, but at the same time they are also ready to bear full responsibility for everything.

Negative qualities of representatives of the earth element

Representatives of the elements of the Earth - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo - can be extremely stubborn, stubborn; breadth of views is not included in the list of their virtues. Some idea can captivate them to the point of obsession. It is difficult for them to change the point of view that has been established in their minds, even on what is obvious and what brings them a certain benefit. The disadvantages can also include the lack of imagination, the denial of the right of others to their own opinions and feelings, the neglect of someone else's point of view. They hide their feelings deeply, which greatly complicates their relationship with others. The callousness, boringness, and sometimes cruelty of these people do not contribute to harmony. Children of Earth do not like to bind themselves with any obligations towards others (but if they do, they will show great responsibility). The sincere sympathy of others in case of failure of these people or other life problems can cause an extremely negative reaction in them. Representatives of these signs of the Zodiac are to varying degrees prone to decadent moods, depression, life pessimism.

Compatibility with other elements

The most suitable for the signs of the Earth in terms of communication in various areas of life are representatives of the elements of Water. The seething, changing Water will feed the Earth so that it does not turn into an arid desert devoid of life. Wet soil is a symbol of fertility. The communication of representatives of the earthly signs of the Zodiac with the fiery ones should be very careful, however, subject to certain security measures, it can be fruitful. The compatibility of the elements of Earth and Air is also ambiguous due to the difference in worldview and the degree of emotionality.

Suitable conditions for people of the earth element

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo feel most comfortable close to their element - the earth. This gives them a sense of security, which is extremely important to them. The higher the floor where the representative of this element lives, the worse he feels, experiencing subconscious anxiety, which has a devastating effect on the psyche of people of these zodiac signs. They, who experience special sensations from touching nature (both plants and minerals), need to be able to work on the ground from time to time or just be in the bosom of nature. Forests, parks, gardens, meadows - best places for their recreation. A village or the outskirts of a city is more preferable for living than the center of a metropolis. In the dwelling of such a person there must be fresh flowers, it is in their apartments that you can most often find greenery in boxes on the windowsill.

The workplace must be secure and comfortable, the environment must be stable, and they themselves will not disturb this peace. Ideal order should reign around these people - no scattered things and other signs of chaos.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

All zodiac signs can be divided into four groups according to the elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It is on this basis that one can determine the temperament and stable qualities of each representative of the zodiac circle. From this point of view, water signs can be called changeable and dynamic, air - mobile and contact, fire - sparkling and temperamental, and earth - solid and stable. We will talk about the characteristic features of the representatives of each of the above elements and their compatibility in this article.

Characteristics of fire signs

Fire Signs have a truly fiery temperament. The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, personifying metaphysical energy, life and its strength. In the Zodiac, there are three signs that meet these qualities: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They have an inexhaustible creative spirit, unshakable will and extraordinary penetrating power. In addition, the element of Fire gives them enterprise, a constant thirst for activity and organizational talent. They defend their independence, independence and personal freedom from childhood. It is interesting that they do not know how and do not like to obey, but they can adapt to almost any conditions. A flexible mind, a strong will, a creative approach to difficult life situations allow them to cope with any problem.

People whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of Fire are extremely ambitious. They are quick-tempered, impetuous, courageous, self-confident, courageous, warlike, careless, impatient and unceremonious. They love and know how to lead. The business activity inherent in them and the flight of the soul help them to reach serious peaks both in the material and spiritual spheres. They get genuine pleasure from their work, are proud of their own successes and expect universal recognition.


The signs of the fire of the zodiac vary somewhat by month. For example, the character of Sagittarius differs from the explosive temperament of Aries and Leo. His fire does not burn, but seems to smolder peacefully under the ashes. This is the flame of inner passions, securely hidden from prying eyes. Sagittarians have another characteristic feature: like their element, they are uncontrollable. Like fire, they are easily transferred from one object to another and never look back. For them, the most important thing is adventure and action. They are always full of enthusiasm and often go beyond their own capabilities. Representatives of other zodiac signs can keep their energy under control.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so they attract the attention of people around them with their ability to have fun, curiosity, spirituality and good disposition. However, not everyone can get along with them. For example, the signs of Fire and Earth contradict each other in everything. Cautious Taurus, fisted Capricorn and pedantic Virgo can cause a strong attack of irritation in freedom-loving Sagittarius. And the signs of water (Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers) require constancy and reliability from their partners. But any bonds are a serious test for Sagittarius, so he will try his best to avoid them. Representatives of this sign are close to the fire and air elements. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not jealous and love a variety of adventures. They will make an excellent company for Sagittarius in any endeavors. And Lions and Aries have a similar temperament and powerful vitality. They will quickly find mutual understanding with the representative of this zodiac sign and make his life happy.

a lion

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac do not suffer from modesty and strive to make themselves known to the whole world. This quality is especially evident in Leo. In their horoscope, the Sun dominates - the planet, thanks to which all life on Earth appeared. Perhaps that is why the representatives of the "solar" sign consider themselves absolutely irreplaceable and refuse to play second fiddle in any situation. Their fearlessness and strength could be the source of many troubles for them, but they are smart enough to avoid them. With their courage, they win the sincere sympathy of others. They are fair and want to see everyone around them happy. However, their own person is always in the first place for them.

Leo Compatibility

Leos are very attractive and are of interest to all signs of the zodiac. However, find mutual language with them is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For example, many claims to each other have the signs of Fire and Water. The compatibility of these two elements is a big question, because Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers prefer stability and require maximum dedication from partners, while Leo will not subordinate his life to the interests of the second half. He is too proud and independent for that. It is also difficult for people whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of the Earth to find the key to the representatives of the "solar" sign. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are too predictable and stable. Leo's extravagance annoys them, and extravagance makes them think about choosing a more practical partner. Representatives of the fire and air elements are the most suitable companions for Leo. Aries and Sagittarius will give up their leadership for the sake of the "sunny" lover and make his life truly beautiful. And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are able to inspire representatives of the "royal" sign to new exploits and endlessly admire his strong and generous nature.


Fire Signs are aggressive and courageous people. If necessary, they are able to mobilize all their internal forces and fully equipped to meet an opponent, while having remarkable chances of success. All of the above is fully consistent with the character of Aries. Representatives of this sign are able to defend their interests, while possessing extreme egocentrism. They are straightforward, in disputes they fiercely prove their point of view, but they never cause rejection among people, as they have a rare charm. Aries are real hard workers. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. However, they have one drawback. Boldly taking on the implementation of another idea, they are practically unable to bring it to the end.

Aries Compatibility

Water and Fire signs are attracted to each other. This fact is clearly visible in the Aries horoscope. They get along well with Pisces and help them overcome shyness, charm Cancers, find a common language with Scorpios. However, the initial infatuation sometimes ends in bitter disappointment. Too little in common between these two elements. Therefore, in order to get along in a long and happy marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to work on themselves and overcome a serious difference in temperaments.

Of all the representatives of the air element, Aries are most inclined to communicate with Gemini. The pressure from the former will be completely offset by the ingenuity of the latter. But with Libra and Aquarius, more complex relationships can develop. Aries will have to use all their tact in order to keep representatives of these zodiac signs near them.

Aries do not interact well with the earth element. At first they may be fascinated by the restraint of Virgo, the consistency of Capricorn, the confidence of Taurus, but insoluble contradictions in the characters will quickly make themselves felt. The signs of Fire and Earth are opposite in nature.

Representatives of the fire element will be worthy partners for Aries. However, fierce competition in this case cannot be avoided. Lions and Sagittarius will never give up their positions and will not give way to their beloved. But this competition will give partners real pleasure.

Earth element signs

If the Fire signs welcome changes in their lives, then the Earth signs prefer stability in everything. They are characterized by patience, reliability, practicality, rigor and confidence. People of the elements of the Earth have a melancholic temperament and rare endurance. Often, at an early age, they set a goal for themselves and consistently achieve it throughout their lives. At the same time, they usually prefer the path of least resistance, but if necessary, they can mobilize all their forces and overcome a serious obstacle. The creation of material values ​​is the main occupation in the lives of people in whose horoscopes the elements of the Earth are expressed. They are very practical, but hard to adapt to new living conditions. That is why they do not like to change their place of residence and are very attached to their work and home. Consistency often brings Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus the desired success.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac are not always pleasant to people of the elements of the Earth. Of course, they need warmth. However, with intense interaction of these two elements, friction can occur. Hot earth, as you know, turns into a hot desert. Therefore, a happy marriage between representatives of these two elements rarely develops.

But water signs get along well with earth signs. For example, Pisces and Scorpios can make an excellent match for Capricorns. Unless they have no prospects with Cancers. And the desire of the Virgins to patronize and control everyone will resonate in the hearts of Scorpios and Cancers. However, they will not be able to find a common language with Pisces. Taurus also gets along well with representatives of the elements of Water. He can make Cancers happy, get along with Pisces, but he will fight for the palm with Scorpio all his life.

Air signs can irritate earth signs with their fickle and changeable dispositions, however, some relaxation is also necessary for these consistent bores. That is why a long-term relationship may arise between representatives of these elements, but marriage is unlikely.

Earth signs interact best with each other. Taurus will always find an approach to Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus, because in addition to love and friendship, he will be able to offer them a long and successful cooperation.

Air Signs

Representatives of the air element are responsible for contacts and relationships. They are endowed with mobility, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility and curiosity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius know how to impress the people around them with their intelligence and rare quick wits. They instantly grasp the information and pass it on to others in their own processed form. Then the signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, if they are in the same team, will unite together to solve this or that problem. Of course, one of the signs of Air will give a brilliant idea, leaving its implementation to representatives of other elements. However, he will not stand aside either - he will inspire his partners to carry out the event until the last minute.

Air signs are recognized diplomats. In addition, they can brilliantly prove themselves in science, art and journalism. Talented, bright, sparkling, they attract the attention of all representatives of the zodiac circle. But getting along with them is not easy.

Air signs compatibility

The signs of Air and Fire can create an excellent tandem, in which the first will effectively inspire the second to great achievements. Such an alliance may seem very successful from the outside. However, partners are able to quickly cool off towards each other. The reason may be the excessive assertiveness of the signs of Fire. Actively feeding on the air element, they are able to get carried away and go beyond all boundaries. And pressure, control and constant criticism are extremely undesirable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They prefer freedom in everything, therefore, most likely, they will leave their "fiery" partner. The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, in turn, do not tolerate inconstancy. The very first attack of jealousy will make them think about the expediency of a relationship with their unreliable partner. The breakup can be very painful. What signs of Fire are able to come to terms with the variability of the air element? Only the most devoted and in love! They will be able to tame their soulmate to perseverance and constancy.

The signs of Fire and Air, the compatibility of which was discussed above, are, in fact, antagonistic to each other. And how are things with other representatives of the zodiac circle?

The stable and consistent Earth signs will be resented by the extravagance and superficiality of the Air signs. This tandem can be extremely unsuccessful. The air, of course, is able to spread the seeds that will subsequently fertilize the Earth, but it is also able to raise thick clouds of dust, in which each of the partners will be very uncomfortable. However, everything is not so bad. Incredibly, the signs of Earth and Air also have common features. They are united by a sober and logical mindset. The brilliant intellect of the representatives of the air element and the organizational talents of the earth element can be successfully combined into a fruitful union.

At first, the signs of Water and Air have a very reverent and tender relationship. However, people whose horoscopes are dominated by the water element need attention, stability and boundless devotion. The inconstancy of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can hurt them greatly.

Best of all, Air signs get along with each other. They are very romantic, and physical intimacy is not the main thing for them. Therefore, the relationship between them will be slightly literary, built on fantasies and experiences. In addition, representatives of this element are not jealous. They can part for a long time, but with mutual trust they will unite again, creating an ideal union that all the people around will admire.

Signs of the element of Water

People whose horoscopes are dominated by Water have a rich inner world. For all their external inconstancy, they are extremely stable in their addictions. They are characterized by dreaminess, softness, uncertainty and indecision. They are not able to express their feelings as vividly as other signs of the zodiac. However, their inner experiences are very deep and rich.

There are many successful musicians and artists among the representatives of the water element. They can also excel in areas related to service and catering. And Scorpios, for example, are able to become excellent detectives and investigators.

Water Element Compatibility

The signs of Water are drawn to the representatives of their native element on a subconscious level. They understand each other perfectly, respect the partner's personal space and safely avoid mutual insults. The most successful couples between representatives of the water element are Scorpio and Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Good partners for people of the Water trine will be the signs of the Earth. Any couple consisting of representatives of these elements has a high chance of building a long and fruitful relationship. They can create a strong family and live in it happily ever after. Rare exceptions are due, as a rule, to the personal individual qualities of partners.

Between the signs of Air and Water, everything is much more complicated. They are incredibly easy to converge with each other and are on the same wavelength for some time, but then their relationship also cools rapidly. Passionate and bright love may arise between them, but a beautiful romance is unlikely to end in a happy marriage.

The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, despite their different temperaments, are able to awaken deep passion in their "water" partners. Representatives of these elements have a completely different approach to life. If Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios weigh their every step, then Lions, Sagittarius and Aries are carried away without looking back and just as quickly cool off. However, if the partners take a closer look at each other, they will understand that their relationship has prospects. The signs of Fire, whose compatibility is ambiguous, will certainly appreciate the originality of the judgments of the representatives of the water element, and they, in turn, will be imbued with the ardor and passion of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. So, subject to mutual respect and tolerance, this union has a great chance of success.


The signs of Water, Fire, Earth and Air have different compatibility. Much depends not only on what element dominates in their horoscopes, but also on the personal qualities of each individual person. However, inexorable statistics suggests that representatives of different elements still have certain preferences. For example, most women trying to find their soul mate on the Internet are Air and Fire signs. Why are Leos, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini looking for their happiness on dating sites? It's simple, because they easily converge with representatives of the same elements, who are also not averse to meeting on the Internet. However, some representatives of these signs are not at all inclined to long-term relationships (Gemini, Sagittarius), sometimes spoiled and capricious (Aries, Lions), and very picky (Libra, Aquarius). So it turns out that the second part of the male population (signs of Earth and Water) practically does not intersect with girls of other elements. Representatives of the fire and air elements consider them boring bores, incapable of great feelings. But in vain! They make the best spouses. Often the signs of Fire in the horoscope (as well as Air) do not guarantee strong family happiness. Therefore, we encourage girls to pay more attention to representatives of the signs of Water and Earth. They can also be very interesting partners and interlocutors.

The earth signs of the zodiac stand firmly on the ground, they are unemotional, heavy, a little inhibited. They love stability, pay great attention to money. For example, Capricorns will feel confident and free only in an embrace with a money bag. Representatives of the earth element, by their nature, are practical, they will never believe in anything until they independently feel, try, examine from all sides. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are not inherent in the spiritual impulses of Air, the sensuality of Water, the passion of Fire, they come out of the Earth, do not conquer sky-high heights, but feel great in a society where everything is decided by money.

General characteristics of the earth element

Among the 12 signs of the zodiac, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are the most realistic and practical. They are constant and dependent, the same qualities they look for in their partners in any area of ​​life. The Earth very rarely goes on about her feelings, she acts with her mind. Representatives of this element often form couples in order to combine social and financial resources with a suitable partner in order to achieve greater success than alone.

Secretly, these signs are ambitious, they cherish the dream of conquering the world, although they will never admit it. By their nature, Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are usurers, they don’t do anything just like that, even to close people. Representatives of these signs want to get at least something in return. Their motto is: “If I do what you want, what will I get in return?” Even in bed, they are passive and will never do more than is required of them.

Distinctive character traits of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earth signs of the zodiac are voluptuaries, but they will never admit it. It costs them nothing to hide their real feelings, to hide their desires deeply, because they can prevent them from achieving their goals and working with full dedication. It costs nothing for the Earth to make a choice between love and success, she will easily choose the latter option.

Representatives of this stubborn and straightforward element stand firmly on their feet, they love and know how to make money, their horoscope also indicates success in the financial sector. Earth signs do not seek to get a star from the sky, but they do not need it. Money is their goal, because they open almost all doors, solve all issues. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus with a condescending smile look at the attempts of other zodiac signs to please someone, because this is alien to the Earth. They will never understand freedom-loving, passionate, romantic people. Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too mundane, devoid of fantasy, petty. And this is their problem.

Positive aspects of earth signs

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are incredibly frugal. They love, and most importantly, know how to manage money. Earth signs of the zodiac never shift their worries and responsibilities onto other people's shoulders. They perfectly manage everything on their own, rely only on themselves. Representatives of the earth element are not afraid of work, they take up any business with great zeal. They make excellent leaders, as well as meticulous, correct subordinates. The Earth is well aware that in order to achieve something in life, it is necessary to work hard, and tirelessly.

Others seem too callous, unemotional, greedy, picky earth signs of the zodiac. The characteristic of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo still indicates that they will never leave relatives and friends in trouble. They are always ready to rush to the rescue, support, help financially, if it is in their power. The earth gives a feeling of security, comfort, therefore, next to a representative of this element, any person will feel like behind a stone wall.

Negative character traits

Earth signs of the zodiac sometimes suffer themselves, and annoy others with their pessimism. In any case, they first see the bad side, and then only the good. Capricorns are especially pessimistic, too much negativity comes from them. Representatives of the earth element need to learn to look at the world more openly, to notice bright colors.

Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns are overly demanding, both to themselves and to others. They are used to working hard, so they demand the same from others. Representatives of other elements do not always like such assertiveness and exactingness of the Earth, so scandals and omissions can arise on this basis. Compatibility of zodiac signs largely depends on the unity of characters, outlook on life. For example, it will be difficult for Fire and Earth to get along, because the first is used to giving and receiving luxurious gifts, making surprises, surprising a partner. The Earth has no fantasy, because the people of this element are realists, the maximum that you can get from them is a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The Earth does not feel comfortable with all people. Stability, constancy, sincerity - these are the qualities that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn so appreciate in others. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is very important, because the Earth will be happy only next to a person who also brings something to the relationship, gives a part of himself. Representatives of the earth element can go to great lengths for the sake of the second half, forgive some offenses. But they will never forgive betrayal, because nothing can be worse than betrayal.

Earth signs get along well with each other, because it is much easier to speak the same language. The only problem is the lack of variety, interesting hobbies. Routine can absorb such a couple, discourage and kill feelings. Therefore, you need to at least occasionally remember about romance.

Earth signs of the zodiac also feel comfortable with Water. The compatibility of these elements is high. Romantic and gentle water signs do not allow the Earth to become stale and bored. With Fire and Air, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will have a hard time. In a marriage with a representative of the fire element, the Earth will need to be condescending to the temporary hobbies of the second half. The air often arranges strong storms, so you will have to be sympathetic to its mental and emotional torment.

General characteristics of Taurus

What are people born at the end of April and in the first two decades of May? The first earth sign zodiac horoscope associated with a volcano. Taurus are calm, balanced, reliable, you can rely on them in any situation. They resemble a mountain that will endure all storms and hardships, but sometimes a volcanic nature wakes up in them. And then no one will say hello.

The most routine work is performed by the earth signs of the zodiac. The characteristic of Taurus in this regard is the best, because he knows how to control his attention, abstract from external stimuli and concentrate on a specific matter. Even in an inappropriate environment, representatives of this sign can perform any work on autopilot, while they themselves are considering future plans.

Taurus prefer stability, they hate change because it disturbs their peace of mind. Any changes should be made gradually and correctly. Welfare for representatives of the earth sign is in the first place, because it is the key to prosperity and success. Taurus like to make plans for the years ahead, while they are slowly but surely moving towards their goals. And, as a rule, achieve significant heights.

Relationships of Taurus with others

Representatives of the first earth sign are considered closed, cold, detached people. They rarely share their secrets and plans for the future with those around them, but if they want to stand out and please someone, then Taurus does not have to transform into a pleasant companion or a grateful listener. Such people never really listen to the opinions of others, they simply do not care. Taurus speak out interesting ideas but sometimes it is difficult to communicate with them. The interlocutors may have the feeling that they are talking to a wall that passes any remarks past their ears.

Behind their equanimity and detachment, Taurus often hide real feelings and experiences. This mask is designed for the surrounding people, because relatives do not need to unravel the true mood of a seemingly calm and balanced representative of the earth element. Horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac can tell a lot about a person. For example, Taurus, immune to the opinions of others, fulfill any whims of their beloved. These are caring and gentle partners, for whom the family comes first.

What is a Virgo?

People born at the end of August and in the first two decades of September are the most hardworking of all the signs of the zodiac. Virgos are calm and purposeful, they do not generate ideas at the speed of light, as the Gemini do, they do not show leadership qualities, like the Lions, but they are indispensable as performers, because they are not afraid of any difficulties. Earth signs are incredibly pedantic, taking a thorough approach both in their studies and in their daily tasks. Virgos are incredibly petty, such a character trait very often prevents them from seeing the whole picture and highlighting the main accents.

Virgo at home and in the workplace

Labor, labor and once again labor is the main thing in the life of representatives of the earth element. And do not care what is now outside the window - January, April, July or October. The zodiac sign Virgo cannot live without work. Such people love to bring order to chaos, like to compare before and after, to realize that this beauty is their work. Both at home and at work, Virgos talk about their labor achievements, work dominates everywhere. Despite diligence, representatives of this sign do not know how to save money.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that likes to keep everything under control. That is why such people strive to play the role of commander in chief in the family and fully control the actions of the second half and children. Of course, not everyone likes this, so Virgo should not even get along with Leo and Gemini, or you will need to moderate your ardor.

The main character traits of Capricorn

The last representative of the earth element has perseverance, ambition, diligence. Capricorns make excellent leaders, they also show themselves well as managers, they can manage their own company. They are calm and thorough, moving towards the intended goal slowly but surely, thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Almost all Capricorns dream of leaving a mark in history, somehow standing out from the crowd.

Representatives of the earth sign of the zodiac are divided into two categories: homebodies and fidgets. The first do not depend on the opinion of the crowd, do not have excessive ambition. The latter always go forward, strive to climb to the top.

Capricorns at home and at work

The sign of the zodiac (by date of birth is not at all difficult to determine) can tell a lot about a person. Capricorns are those people who do not know how to separate home and work. In pursuit of some goal, they are ready to work without rest, at the risk of exhausting themselves. Excellent organizers, at work they solve any problems on their own, without shifting them onto other people's shoulders.

Romantic, sensitive Capricorns at the beginning of a relationship show their coldness, but immediately melt as soon as they are convinced of the sincerity of their partner's feelings. These are excellent friends who will never betray and will not leave in difficult times. Capricorns are afraid of old age and helplessness, therefore they are prone to hoarding. The desire to save more money for the future often develops stinginess.

What is worth learning from earth signs?

The Earth is calm, balanced, stands firmly on its feet, knows what it wants, knows how to make money. Representatives of other zodiac signs sometimes lack all these qualities. Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus are clumsy, devoid of imagination, but still they approach their cherished goal with tiny steps without changing course. Welfare, material security for them is the most important thing, so the earth signs will never remain hungry and cold.

What is worth learning the signs of the Earth from representatives of other elements?

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo are too obsessed with work, achieving success, so they forget about romance, tenderness, caring for loved ones, and relaxation. Earth signs should learn to separate work and home, spend more time with family, participate in household chores. Earth should learn lightness from Air, passion from Fire, tenderness from Water.

Why are the signs of the zodiac arranged in this order? What unites them and distinguishes them from each other? On what principle is the Zodiac composed? In this article, we will consider the main schemes of the Zodiac device: elements and crosses.

Zodiac signs by crosses

The signs of the Zodiac are divided into trigons (according to the elements) and crosses or quadruples (according to the type of activity and adaptation to changing circumstances). In addition, the planets are divided according to gender.

The qualities of the signs of the zodiac are associated with the cycle of changing seasons, to which each of us reacts at the level of deep mental processes.

Signs come in three qualities - cardinal, fixed (permanent) and mutable (mobile).

Their alternation is connected with the change of seasons, to which each of us reacts at the level of our internal rhythms.

Three months of each season correspond to the signs of three different qualities: the first - cardinal, the second - fixed, the third - mutable.

It turns out that cardinal signs initiate, fixed ones preserve, and mutable ones change.

The successive change of seasons in the northern hemisphere reflects the correspondence between the strict alternation of signs of different qualities and the change in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun during the year.

After spring comes summer, then autumn and winter. Each of the signs of the Zodiac has one or another quality, divided into three groups of four signs.

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutabular Zodiac Signs

  • Cardinal signs begin, initiate. These include Aries (Fire), Cancer (Water), Libra (Air) and Capricorn (Earth).
  • Fixed (permanent) characters are retained. This cross is made up of Taurus (Earth), Leo (Fire), Scorpio (Water) and Aquarius (Air).
  • Mutable (mobile) signs change. This group includes Gemini (Air), Virgo (Earth), Sagittarius (Fire) and Pisces (Water).

Please note that in all crosses there is one sign of each element. Thus we have the cardinal sign of Fire, the cardinal sign of Water, the cardinal sign of Air, the cardinal sign of Earth. The same goes for fixed and mutable characters.

If the qualities of the signs are compatible, then friction often arises between the signs of the same cross. The qualities of the signs of the Zodiac are different, therefore, signs of different qualities are arranged on the zodiac circle in a certain order so that each group contains one sign of each element.

Cardinal zodiac signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

They are friendly and sociable people who love to start new projects and ideas. However, they often lack the patience to finish what they started.

Mutable zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Their credo is flexibility. The reaction of mutable signs to a new situation lies in the ability to adapt to it. Their disadvantage is that they are unnecessarily volatile or malleable.

Fixed zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

These people resist change and prefer to act in proven ways. They are persistent, but stubborn, they lack flexibility.

Zodiac signs by elements (trigons)

In Western astrology, four elements, or a trine, are distinguished (in contrast to, for example, Chinese, where there are five elements). Let's look at how the signs of the zodiac correlate according to the elements.

What distinguishes people of the zodiac signs of the elements Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

active manifestation. The trine of fire signs is characterized by aggressiveness and leadership abilities.

Aries are distinguished by the ability to launch new projects and ideas.

lions excellent managers, executive directors, they know how to organize other people.

archers often become spiritual and philosophical leaders.

Aries- a symbol of action for the sake of action.

a lion- creative action.

Sagittarius- action through professionalism and outlook.

The energy of Fire splashes in all directions, it captivates and charges with enthusiasm. Signs of the zodiac of the element Fire act spontaneously, quickly, energetically.

They may appear self-centered or too impartial. They are passionate, courageous, with high self-esteem and great willpower, thirsting for self-expression and in need of freedom.

Often they are impatient, especially with the signs of Earth and Water, afraid that the water will put out their raging flames, and the earth will hold it back with its pragmatism.

Best of all, the signs of the zodiac of the elements Fire get along with the signs of Air, which only stirs up the flame, disperses its sparks and feeds the active mind of the fire signs with new ideas.

However, Fire can get tired of the endless reasonings and thoughts of Air, if they are not immediately put into action.

in Aries the energy of Fire manifests itself most clearly: it is fast, impulsive, impatient, active.

In Leo the energy of Fire is more stable: this is a creative, prone to majestic gestures and drama, an ardent person.

In Sagittarius the energy of Fire becomes more mental and objective: he is looking for something new, learns and willingly shares his knowledge.

What distinguishes people of the zodiac signs of the elements Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Concentration. Practicality is the creed of earthly signs. The earth is secure and stable, a little inert, always extremely concrete.

All earth signs can be attributed to the yin element (passive principle, female energy). In those houses ruled by earth signs, pragmatism prevails.

For Taurus practicality is expressed in the ability to accumulate and manage material resources.

Virgin realize this ability in the intellectual sphere, using material resources in practice.

Capricorn perfectly organize and manage financial and material resources.

Taurus- focus on your feelings and needs.

Virgo- focus on duty and work.

Capricorn- focus on your experience and achievements.

The energy of the Earth is solid and stable, firmly connected with the material world and the senses. Known for their sober pragmatism, the signs of the zodiac elements of the Earth strive for the result and are ready to show patience and work on themselves for the sake of it.

They have an intuitive understanding of the world in all forms of its manifestation and endurance, which allows them to stubbornly move forward towards the desired goal.

They are hard to lift, but if they take on something, they bring it to the end, no matter how many obstacles stand in their way.

The signs of the zodiac of the elements of the Earth easily communicate with the signs of Water.

The signs of the zodiac of Fire are less close to them, but attract them, but the signs of the zodiac of Air generally seem to be alien creatures. Earth and Air rarely understand each other.

Taurus- the most typical representative of this element: an absolute materialist, owner, phlegmatic, stubborn, adamant rock.

In Virgo the energy of the Earth becomes more mental and less oppressive: people born under this sign are also pragmatic and not prone to daydreaming, but at the same time they are thinkers.

in Capricorn all the energy of the Earth is concentrated in one direction: people born under this sign become leaders, generals, heads of companies - in other words, they are initiators, a driving force.

What distinguishes people of the zodiac signs of the element Air

Interaction. Air signs are associated with mental abilities and the way of thinking.

Air is light, sociable, abstract, it needs interaction. All air signs are yang.

Twins easily receive, use and transmit information.

scales think about, collate and compare information.

Aquarius correlate their knowledge with global principles.

Twins interact, dumping on others all the information that they own - indiscriminately and sorting.

scales they know how to conduct a constructive dialogue, there is already diplomacy, which means competent sorting of information.

Aquarius doesn't talk too much, but his timely words can turn the world upside down ( new information contributing to change and renewal of the world).

The energy of Air is ephemeral, changeable, like the wind. Air governs the mind, free from any restrictions.

His sphere is the non-material world, in which any idea is still only speculative, but no less convincing for that. The physical embodiment must necessarily be preceded by a mental model.

Each building was at first just an idea in the head of the architect, nothing more than a drawing on short-lived paper, and only then the idea was embodied in stone, brick and cement.

The signs of the zodiac of the elements of Air attach special importance to theories and concepts, which is why they express themselves most often verbally, through abstract reasoning.

Air keeps aloof from the hustle and bustle of human emotions, preferring to talk about feelings rather than experience them.

Best of all, the children of the Air get along with each other, but together they will never achieve a practical result.

They are easy with the signs of Fire, the signs of the zodiac of Water are incomprehensible to them, but attractive. With the Earth devoid of the ability to empathize, Air is bored.

Twins- the most typical of the signs of Air: his thinking is the most abstract, he feeds on any information, like a bird - and insects, and berries, and seeds.

In Libra the energy of Air is manifested in the desire for balance in everything: this person weighs everything, ponders, correlates.

In Aquarius Air energy reaches its most stable state: it comes up with ideas and turns them into real projects.

What distinguishes people of the zodiac signs of the element Water

Feel. The focus of the water trine is emotions and feelings, intuition and sensations at a subconscious level.

Water is impressionable, emotional, receptive, connected with everything elusive, with intuition, the unknown. All water signs belong to the yin element.

crayfish embody these qualities at home and in the family.

Scorpions they address issues related to death, union of forces, sexuality, and metaphysics.

For Pisces characterized by a deep connection with the unconscious.

In addition, water signs are characterized by high productivity, as they are associated with fertility.

Crayfish- an attempt to deal with personal deep emotions.

Scorpion- putting things in order in feelings and emotions after a collision with the real world.

Fishes- receiving emotions and deep experiences from other worlds.

The energy of Water flows smoothly, slipping out of hands in a strange way, and in the life of people born under the signs of this element, everything that is intangible and incomprehensible plays an important role.

The signs of the zodiac of the elements of Water are sensitive, receptive, possessing a rich imagination, they easily tune in to their own and other people's experiences.

Their feelings are deep, and their emotional reaction can range from penetrating compassion to overwhelming self-pity.

Children of the water element are aware of what is happening in their subconscious, even if it remains an incomprehensible mystery for those around them. They just know. They may not be aware of where this knowledge comes from, but they trust their instincts and follow them.

Dreamers and mystics, they feel a connection with the sphere of subtle matters, even if they cannot prove it. Invisible flows of internal mental processes carry them through life.

The signs of the zodiac of the elements of Water are drawn to Water, but when there is too much of it, the island is separated from the mainland.

It is easy for her to communicate with the Earth, but it is difficult with Air, but he attracts her. Fire brings Water to a boil, she is uncomfortable in his presence, and, in addition, she can extinguish his dangerous flame.

Crayfish- this is the embodiment of the eternal maternal principle: he cares, protects and envelops with his protection.

In Scorpio The water is deep and incomprehensible, mysterious and full of uncertainty. From its dark depths, strange creatures arise, created by the subconscious.

In Pisces Water energy - manifests itself most clearly.

Ruled by Neptune, the king of the seas, they feel at home in the element of feelings, in an endless series of ebb and flow of the inner world.