Top of the Third Reich surname. How the Nazi Establishment Ended Her Life: The Last Conspiracy

THE JEWISH TOP OF THE THIRD REICH. The Zionists advocated the speedy resettlement of the Jews of Europe to the land of Palestine, in which Germany was also interested. On August 27, 1933, between the Ministry of Economy of the Third Reich and the Zionist representatives of Germany and Palestine, an agreement was concluded "Havara" (from Hebrew - "transfer"), under which Jewish emigrants were allowed a direct transfer of their property. The Zionists enjoyed the attention and support of the Nazis. This support was not limited to words, but was expressed in very real material assistance. Hitler was the main organizer of the resettlement of the Jews of Europe to the lands of Palestine - thanks to this, the state of Israel was born, followed by the displacement and expulsion of the Palestinians from their lands. And note, Schicklgruber and his Jewish "companions" (the same top "Reich") did not touch the Jewish bankers. And mind you, Schicklgruber & Co. bypassed Switzerland, the country of Jewish and world banking. ... ADOLF HITLER, real name Schicklgruber, the biological father is Alois Hitler, the son of a Jewish banker, and Clara Schicklgruber. A study of saliva samples from 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler showed that his DNA belongs to the haplogroup E1b1b1, which is observed among speakers of Hamite-Semitic languages ​​HEINRICH HIMMLER is half Jewish. Father - Gebhard Himmler, was a teacher, mother - Anna Maria Himmler (née Geider), daughter of the Munich jeweler Solomon Geider. HESS, RUDOLF, half Jewish, Hess's mother, Sarah Hess, changed her name in 1924. On his mother's side, he had family ties with Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Churchill's mother is Jewish Jenny Jerome, the daughter of a wealthy American businessman. REINHARD TRISTAN JAGEN HEYDRICH. He is three-quarters Jewish: his father is a pure Jew, Sues, changed his surname to Heydrich, his mother is a half-Jewish Elisabeth, nee Kranz. ADOLF EICHMANN, from a Jewish family who converted to Lutheranism. Mother - Maria Eichmann, nee Schefferling, died in 1916. Brother - Emil. In his youth, for the dark color of his hair and eyes, Eichmann received from his peers the nickname "der kleine Jude." ALFRED ROSENBERG was born in Tallinn in the family of an Ostsee Jew-merchant Voldemar Rosenberg, born in 1862 in Riga, and Elfriede Caroline Siré, born in St. Petersburg, who came from a family of French Huguenots who had settled in Estonia. JOSEPH GOEBBELS, three-quarters Jewish. Born in the family of accountant Friedrich Goebbels and his wife Maria, nee Oldenhausen. Maria's father, Jacob Oldenhauser, came from a family of Orthodox Jews in the city of Cologne. Hitler's entourage consisted only of Jews

Messengers of the Devil: First Persons of the Third Reich

Rudolf Hess

In 1987, Rudolf Hess, a former friend and deputy of Hitler in the party, hanged himself in the old prison of the German city of Spandau at the age of 93. Keeping him in custody cost the Allied countries $1,000,000 a year. For the last 10 years, Hess has been the only prisoner of the castle. The circumstances of his death were as mysterious as his whole long and tragic life is mysterious.

It all started in the smoky Munich eatery Sterneckebra, where Lieutenant Rudolf Hess, dismissed from the army after the First World War, saw and heard a hitherto unknown orator of the German Workers' Party. That evening turned his whole life upside down. The orator spoke incendiary about what Hess thought about many times: about the betrayal of the people, about the fact that the Jews are to blame for everything. At the end of the speech, a few visitors to the pub gave the speaker a standing ovation.

Since then, Hess' love for Hitler has become something of a personal addiction. Note that, according to the testimony of people who knew Hess closely, for the sake of the Fuhrer, he was ready to do anything - even things that rebelled against the norms of his decency and honor. He was a unique person - probably the only one in Hitler's entourage who was completely devoid of ambition, on whom one could always rely on, knowing that he would not set up, would not sit up. Hess was the Fuhrer's real alter ego. In the Third Reich they said: "If you want to know what Adolf is thinking, listen to what Rudolf says."

It was he, Hess, who introduced the word "Fuhrer" into circulation, which made every anti-Nazi shudder. It was he who in July 1921 formulated the goals and objectives of the national people's society. It was to him in 1933 that Hitler granted the right to make decisions on all party issues. All military actions in Germany were prepared with his participation. It was he who approved the laws that deprived Jews of the right to vote, and it was him that Hitler in 1939 named his successor, making him the central figure of his inner circle.

By 1941, Rudolf Hess is the second person in the party after the Fuhrer and one of the most influential people in the Third Reich. Only a few weeks remain before the start of the war with the Soviet Union. All the forces of Nazi Germany are mobilized to prepare a terrible blow. It was at this moment that the man whose advice Hitler himself listened to, Reichsleiter and Minister Rudolf Hess, commits an act that made the Fuhrer call his former friend crazy, and plunged Nazi Germany into a severe shock.

In the spring of 1941, Great Britain was shaking under the blows of the Luftwaffe. The city of Coventry is destroyed by a single raid. The Midland region, the center of the country's military industry, is subjected to incessant bombing.

A small island, gaping with the wounds of war and cut off from sources of raw materials, is opposed by the whole of Europe, already working for a single country - Nazi Germany.

On the evening of Saturday, May 10, 1941, the squadron commander of the English air fleet and a member of the British Parliament, Duke Hamilton, was reported: a German Messerschmitt? 110 type aircraft was discovered off the coast of Northumberland. The Duke has no doubt that this is a mistake: never before has the 110th flown so far, for this he would not have had enough fuel. At this moment, a new message arrives: the plane has crashed and is on fire. The pilot is alive, calls himself Alfred Horn, declares that he has arrived in England on a special mission and wants to speak only with the Duke of Hamilton.

As soon as the duke crossed the threshold of the camera, the pilot reminded him that they had known each other since 1936, since the Olympics in Berlin. Finally, seeing Hamilton's bewilderment, the pilot announces that he is Reich Minister Rudolf Hess and has arrived here as a truce envoy on a mission in the name of humanity.

The incredible happened: just a few weeks before the German invasion of the USSR, in absolute secret from everyone, the Reich Minister Hess, dressed in the form of the Luftwaffe, flew in the direction of Great Britain. Twice he had to dive into the rescue fogs over the North Sea to escape RAF interceptors. Then, fearing anti-aircraft batteries, he descended and flew at a strafing flight several hundred meters above the ground. Having reached the place where the estate of the Duke of Hamilton was marked on the map, Hess took to the skies and parachuted out of a brand-new aircraft, which rushed down in a tailspin and crashed on the ground. Almost breaking his neck, the pilot hobbled to the nearest farmhouse and was arrested by representatives of the British authorities. During a search, two business cards with the same last name were found on him: one of them belonged to Karl Haushofer, the famous author of the Lebensraum theory (“living space”), on the basis of which Hitler created his ideology of Nazism; the second - to his son Albert. At one time, these people were included by Hitler in the highest structures of the Third Reich.

Who was he - Rudolf Hess? Parliamentarian - or a traitor?

Back in 1939, shortly before Britain declared war on Germany, Marshal Goering was the first to suggest flying to visit the island nation to clarify the situation. Hitler replied that it was pointless, but you can try if you want. Goering postponed his flight for a while - the situation in the world was painfully confusing then: the European powers could not agree in any way.

He speaks publicist Roy Medvedev: “In the spring of 1941, a paradoxical situation developed in the world, and in Europe in particular, when not a single country waging war knew what to do and what to expect in the future. No one had a plan even for the next two or three months. Not even a plan of action. Because no one knew how the war was going, what to expect.”

His thought continues Oleg Tsarev, in 1970-1992 - foreign intelligence officer: "England was in a very difficult situation, in fact, she alone fought with Germany. Americans didn't go to war Soviet Union has not yet been attacked. It was very difficult for her. Germany generally believed that a war with England was undesirable, England simply kept her word when the Germans invaded Poland and declared war.

On August 21, 1939, the last meeting of the Soviet, British and French military delegations took place in Moscow. However, the main goal - the creation of an anti-Hitler coalition - was not achieved. Britain supported Poland, which did not want to make any concessions to the Soviet Union. In the evening of the same day, Stalin makes a turn in a diametrically opposite direction. He decides to conclude a peace treaty with Hitler and sends him a telegram agreeing to the arrival of German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop. Arriving in Moscow, Ribbentrop signs the famous Non-Aggression Pact. According to a secret protocol, the Soviet Union receives part of Eastern Poland.

Göring's official flight to England has been cancelled. But 20 months later, quite unexpectedly for the whole world, Hess flies to England.

He speaks Herman Graml, professor at the Institute of Contemporary History: “This flight was in the hands of Churchill. It was clear that the Germans were again trying to find allies in the West in order to confidently act against the USSR. There are documents according to which Churchill, through the British ambassador in Moscow, tried to make Stalin suspicious of Hitler. And this flight confirmed that Hitler can play a double game.

One of the largest Soviet intelligence officers of the pre-war and post-war period, Kim Philby, said that, according to the materials he had, Hess had arrived to negotiate with the British ruling circles.

In memories Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, who was next to Hitler at the moment when he was informed of the flight of his deputy, it is said: “Hitler said: “Hess has obviously lost his mind, his brain is not in order. It's clear from the letter he left me, I don't recognize him. You might think that someone else wrote it. He writes that he is going to England to end the war, using his acquaintances with influential Englishmen.

What acquaintances could help Hess make peace? They were provided by two people close to him, the very ones whose business cards were found with him - Dr. Karl Haushofer and his son Albert, who were friends with Lord Hamilton and knew about his relationship with the opposition and sympathies for Nazi Germany.

Let's go back to 1920. Then the demobilized pilot Rudolf Hess entered the University of Munich. During his studies, he wrote a work where he argued that national unity can only be restored under the rule of a people's leader, who, if necessary, does not save before bloodshed - big problems are always solved with blood and iron. The work was approved by professors and students and received a university award. One of those who singled out an outstanding student was his teacher Karl Haushofer, who taught a course in geopolitics at the university and turned out to be, in addition, a great connoisseur of Eastern philosophy, mysticism and theosophy.

It is assumed that in 1905 Haushofer met in Tibet with the famous Russian esotericist Georgy Ivanovich Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff was considered a magician who mastered the method of hypnosis and penetrated the leadership of almost all closed organizations. Some testimonies about his studies in the same theological seminary with Joseph Dzhugashvili and their subsequent meetings are very interesting. One of the theories of the great mystagogue was the theory of "lions", the purpose of which is to lead the herds.

In Germany, Dr. Haushofer publishes a journal in which he presents the reader with his own concept of "blood and soil", where he argues that the survival of the nation requires a policy of expanding living space by occupying countries at a lower stage of development. Student Hess happily picked up the myth of the Hyperboreans and Aryans and, having become familiar with the Lebensraum concept, realized that he had found his spiritual father.

By this time, Hess had already become a member of the Thule Society, interacting with the British Golden Dawn Masonic lodge, a secret association of the high Brotherhood of Light. The founder of this lodge was a British magician and spy Aleister Crowley who repeatedly stated: "I preceded Hitler."

Were these acquaintances, who sympathized with Nazism, Hess was looking for in the UK, hoping at least that they would listen to him? After all, even before climbing into the cockpit of the Messerschmitt, he knew for sure that it was difficult to negotiate with the government of Prime Minister Churchill. It was necessary to go to his opposition. Recall that, having jumped out on a parachute, Hess asked a simple English farmer how to find the Hamilton estate. That is, he walked purposefully, knowing the address. During the first meeting with Lord Hamilton, Hess demands that negotiations be arranged, bypassing the official authorities of England. He wanted to talk about peace not with the prime minister, but with members of the royal family.

It is known that the Duke of Windsor - the most romantic of all the kings of Britain, Edward VIII, who refused the crown in the name of love - once again dreamed of establishing himself on the throne. He expressed his sympathies for Nazism aloud and fully agreed with the Führer's concept of superior races as set out in Mein Kampf. It was stated there that the Germans and the Britons were kindred nations. Maybe Hess wanted to talk about the alliance with him?

Here's what he thinks about it Roy Medvedev: “In this system of racial privileges, they singled out Swedes, Normans, Norwegians, Baltsas peoples closer to Germany. Russians and Poles must be destroyed as racially inferior peoples. Britain was racially complete. Lower than the Germans, but racially more complete than the French or any Romanians. Therefore, Hitler had certain sympathies for Britain, and he emphasized this several times.

It is known that in 1936 the Duke and his wife Mrs. Simpson paid a private visit to Germany. Hitler's proposals could sound like this: in the event of England's entry into the war, Wehrmacht troops land on the island and the Duke of Windsor becomes the monarch again. The data that for these purposes the Reich allocated 5,000,000 Swiss francs to the future royal couple is confirmed by the head of Nazi intelligence, Walter Schellenberg.

Hess knew for sure: true friends of Germany remained in England, bound not only by political views, but also by bonds of a closer nature. One of these was, in his opinion, a member of the Scottish National Party, which at that time advocated independence from England, Sir Douglas Hamilton-Haushofer, being in full confidence that Douglas was an opponent of the course of the English government, supplied Hess with his coordinates. However, Hamilton preferred to pretend that he had never met Haushofer and had never met Hess, and asked to be spared conversations with an unfamiliar pilot. In a couple of days the English radio company BBC broadcast an ironic message, which was perceived in Berlin as a mockery: “Today, no new Reichsministers flew into the territory of Britain”.

Hitler understands that the best argument in the case of Hess will be a reference to mental illness. He signs an appeal to the party and the German people, where he declares his deputy Rudy crazy. This message is voiced on the radio by the head of Nazi propaganda, Goebbels.

All friends and colleagues disowned Hess. Martin Bormann, who owes Hess a career take-off from an ordinary militant to the Fuhrer's secretary, renames one of his sons, named after Hess Rudolph, - from now on the boy bears the neutral name Helmut. Also, in any case, Bormann claims that neither he nor even the Führer intended such a betrayal of the former Party Genosse. But was it possible?

Could betray Hitler his companion and most close person since the 1920s? Devoted, faithful Rudy, who selflessly loved the Fuhrer and always brought his favorite aphorism to life: "The consignmentthis is the order"?

"We believe that the Fuhrer is called from above to create the German destiny". These words Rudolf Hess repeated many times at rallies and in newspaper articles. And this man, who idolized Hitler, could commit treason, decide on an unauthorized flight to England? Doubtful. Maybe this flight was planned by the Fuhrer, who was afraid to fight on two fronts before the attack on the USSR? Historians have not yet come to a consensus on this matter.

Professor at the Munich Institute for Contemporary History Herman Graml thinks: “We can say with certainty that Hitler certainly did not know anything about this flight. We know about this from a number of documents, from the diaries of Joseph Goebbels. Hitler, in private conversations, said how terrible this stupid invention of Hess was. He was in despair and was forced almost immediately after that to declare Hess crazy. It was a heavy propaganda defeat for the Third Reich. Hitler could imagine what the reaction would be and what the consequences would be."

Historian Natalya Lebedeva disagree with him: “It is clear that this was done with the knowledge of Hitler, because it was almost impossible for an airplane to fly out of Germany, just like from the USSR, without the consent of the leadership. And Hess was not a figure not to be followed. It was a proposal either for neutrality or for an alliance against the USSR.”

He speaks Rainer Schmidt, professor of modern history: “If you analyze everything, you can come to the conclusion: Hitler had nothing to do with the preparation and implementation of the flight. Firstly, if Hitler had known about the intentions of his deputy, then Hess would certainly have taken off not from the airfield near Augsburg, but from the Atlantic coast, where he could return. Secondly, Hess's flight was dangerous, because six weeks before the start of the war against Russia, this whole event could become a first-class propaganda object for the British..

So, did Hess get into the Messerschmitt of his own free will?

It is known that on May 5, 1941, Hess met with Hitler. According to the recollections of an assistant, when Hess left the Fuhrer, he put his hand on his shoulder and said: . It can be assumed that the first persons of the Reich were talking about the future flight, before which there were only five days left. But what does this conversation prove? After all, Hess and Hitler could discuss other ways to assure friendly circles in England of their readiness to stop hostilities - for example, through neutral countries. In other words, this version is not fully confirmed.

Another contradictory fact: it is on May 10, the day of Hess's flight, after a break of several months, German bomber aircraft make a devastating raid on London.

"Hess, you have always been an incorrigible stubborn"

A few days later, in Germany, those responsible for the unauthorized flight of Hess were identified. Astrologers are recognized as such, whose opinion Hess always perceived as a guide to action. One more curious touch can be added to the astrological history: the young energetic officer Ian Fleming was then working in the British Naval Intelligence Service. In the future, he will become famous all over the world as the author of books about the famous "007 agent" James Bond. And in the 40s of the last century, he was known to his colleagues as the author of extraordinary intelligence ideas, which, oddly enough, were successfully implemented. Fleming knew not only about Rudolf Hess's fanatical faith in astrology, but also that Hitler's deputy made responsible decisions only after consulting with the stars. According to one version, British intelligence was developing Hess, so that his arrival did not come as a surprise to Prime Minister Churchill.

Tells Rainer Schmidt: “Sir Ian Fleming claimed that the British intelligence agencies systematically worked with representatives of the occult sciences in Switzerland and Munich, with whom Hess communicated. Thus, they made sure that Hess received horoscopes allowing him to fly from Germany to England.

All of Hess's Nazi associates who were lucky enough to leave their memoirs agree on one thing: Hess adored Hitler. He tremblingly kept this feeling in his heart from the time of his acquaintance with Hitler and their joint stay in the Lansberg prison after the failure of the 1923 coup. Even in letters addressed to the bride - Ilse Prel, Hess does not do without mentioning his dear name. The messages of that time breathe love.

Here's what it claims Rainer Schmidt: “As far as I know, the Hess case, which was filed by the KGB, is marked “Black Berta”it was Hess's nickname in Berlin homosexual circles. British psychiatrists, who had observed Hess for many years and wrote the conclusion of the examination, believed that in 1923 he had a homosexual relationship with Hitler in Lansberg prison. They argued that his attachment to the Fuhrer was based not only on ideology, but also on homosexual relations.

This version is supported by the fact that by 1941 the figure of Hess was relegated from the Fuhrer to the background by Bormann, Goering and Himmler. Hess was very worried about his distance and, in an attempt to return his beloved Fuhrer, decided on such an irresponsible and theatrical act as flying alone to the British shores. In his last word at the Nuremberg Trials, Rudolf Hess again confessed his love for Adolf Hitler - not knowing, in all likelihood, that four years earlier the Führer had ordered the liquidation of the former Party Genosse by SS paratroopers. Fortunately for Hess, that landing was itself destroyed.

The transcripts of the same Nuremberg trials recorded a remarkable fact: at one of the meetings, Hess wished to announce his mission in England. But as soon as he managed to utter the words "in the spring of 1941", he was interrupted by the chairman of the tribunal, the Englishman Lawrence. After that, Rudolf Hess refused to answer the questions of the judges, played an insane man who had lost his memory. What did he want to say - and why was he interrupted?

It can be assumed that Churchill kept Hess as if in reserve. It is even known that the Prime Minister was going to make a statement in the House of Commons - to say: they say, yes, Hess has arrived, but we strongly reject these false attempts to make an alliance with Germany.

He speaks Natalia Lebedeva: “If, as they feared, Russia had held out for only three weeks to three months, then Hess might be needed in order to somehow negotiate with the Germans. But not before the fall of the Soviet Union.”

In all likelihood, Hess was going to say something at the trial that could very much displease the British side and cause a scandal in Nuremberg between the allies in World War II. Perhaps, with his silence, he saved his head from the noose at that moment. Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment.

In Spandau, where Nazi criminals sentenced to various terms were kept, he was a stranger among his own. The captives tried not to have anything to do with him, and Rudolf himself shunned them.

In a personal conversation Tagir Chekushin, attending physician of Hess in 1977-1980, said: “Hess was a peculiar person, he considered himself superior to everyone who was in Spandau. And he considered almost everyone to be his subordinates. This fact is known: when the prisoners were hanged, many of their heads were torn off, there was a lot of blood. Those who were sentenced to long terms or life sentences had to clean up the blood and everything else. Rudolf Hess refused to do this, saying: "Why would I do this when I have admirals and generals, let them clean up."

In the first years of his imprisonment, he did not leave the cell, did not exercise, did not attend church. He kept talking about not feeling well. No one came to see him on a date, and he himself did not ask anyone about it. Known casesat least three trieswhen he tried to commit suicide. He was terrified of being poisoned. He covered the drinking glasses with paper and tied them with threads.

Subsequently, when Hess was the only prisoner in prison, his behavior changed dramatically. He seemed to feel an interest in life, and it should be noted that the attitude of the prison administration towards him was more than amazing. In the history of keeping criminals of this magnitude in the twentieth century, it is difficult to find examples that are at least somewhat similar to this one.

Here's what he said Petr Lipeyko, checking the guard in Spandau in 1985-1987: “For his birthday and Christmas, he demanded grapes and some other products that he liked. From the stories of the head of the prison it follows that there were often cases when a special plane was sent to Europe for provisions.

In prison, Rudolf Hess studied the moon. There is a legend that the Americans, before landing on the moon, allegedly sent a specialist to his cell with the permission of the director, who consulted with Hess on the lunar landscape.

According to eyewitnesses, having spent a total of 46 years in prisons in England and in Spandau, Hess was not broken either mentally or physically. He still hoped to be free. The circumstances seemed to be in his favor - reports were leaked to the press that the Soviet side was ready to consider this issue.

He speaks Roy Medvedev: “Even my good friend Academician Sakharov wrote in one of his journalistic articles that the problem of the unfortunate Hess must be solved. Then the Soviet press attacked Sakharov for allegedly defending a war criminal. I asked him why he does it. “It's a pity, the helpless old man is in prison, he is guarded by four states. Senseless situation. We need to free him."

“Mr. Hess was already 92 years old, continues the story Tagir Chekushin. – And, of course, he really wanted to be released. Last years when I supervised him, he was very much looking forward to meeting his family.”

On August 17, 1987, at 6:35 p.m., a telephone rang in the house of Hess's son Wolf Rudiger. The administration of the Spandau prison officially informed him of the death of his father. According to the official version, prisoner No. 7, 92-year-old Rudolf Hess, committed suicide. Taking advantage of the fact that the guards left him alone for several minutes in a summer house inside the prison yard, the prisoner ties one end of a flexible cord from an electric lamp to the window, wraps the other tightly around his neck and throws himself on the ground. Death by hanging.

The first to reject the official version lawyer Hess Dr. Seidl, who stated that his client was simply not physically able to end his life in this way: “The elderly prisoner could not even raise his hand above his head and tie his shoelaces or put on a sweater on his own. His desire to free himself was very powerful. And, accordingly, I think that he died a violent death.

Casts doubt on the version of suicide and sensational statement Gennady Savin, Director of the Spandau International Prison in 1978-1983: “The prison protected by four states had a loophole, and someone used it. Hess had his own channels of communication in addition to the official ones. I had no proof, but Hess learned some things bypassing our channels. The statement of the son of Hess caused a scandalan investigation began, during which it turned out that on the day of death, his orderly was not allowed to see Hess. He hardly breaks through to the garden house and sees two strangers above the lifeless body of his ward. One of them began to give Hess artificial respiration, and with such zeal that, as the autopsy showed, he broke nine of his ribs and tore several internal organs.

Here it is necessary to note several points. First: if a person had simply laid hands on himself, that is, suicide had taken place, his ribs would not have been broken. And Hess, as far as I know, had several broken ribs during the autopsy. So he got the injuries that led to this. Second: there were abrasions on the face, on the torso, bruises. It speaks of a physical effect. Thirdly, I think that he received these injuries when he still had normal cardiac activity, there was good blood flow, since bruises do not form in a dead person. These factors suggest that it was a violent death.”

On August 24, the Spandau prison is demolished and the house is burned down. Who benefited? Wolf Rudiger is convinced: to the British intelligence services.

The Institute for Forensic Medicine in Munich, upon re-examination of the body, establishes: Rudolf Hess was strangled twice. What did he throw himself out of his chair twice? So there has been a murder.

“If my father got out of prison,- claimed Wolf Rudiger, – then, to put it mildly, problems would arise, my father was not going to remain silent ".

Hess knew that he had every chance to leave the walls of Spandau, and once told his guard that he would soon make a statement that would make the world shudder. It is possible that he could have made some statements exposing the British, revealing the essence of the negotiations that Hess conducted while in England. Such facts could be a serious blow to the prestige of the country. Thus, the British are the only ones who could be interested in removing Hess after a long stay in Spandau.

When during the investigation it became clear that the official version - suicide - was falling apart before our eyes, attorney general UK Alan Green ordered to close the investigation without explanation. What is this strange solution?

It is known that at the end of May 1941, under pressure from public opinion, Churchill was preparing a report on the purpose of Hess's arrival, which was going to be read out in parliament. However, the report was never read - its text is sent to the archive. In the part of the archive opened today, a draft was found, in the margins of which there is a curious note made by hand Churchill: "Hess also made other statements that it is not in the public interest to disclose.".

Was it not these statements that Hess wanted to report when he was interrupted by the British representative at the Nuremberg Trials? And who shut his mouth before he made another attempt after 46 years in prison? The full archives of the Hess case will only be declassified by the UK in 2017. It is unlikely that until this moment we can count on the full truth. One thing is certain: England did not accept Hitler's proposal through his close friend Rudolf Hess. But if history had decreed otherwise, perhaps the world map would now be dominated by black.

Martin Borman

He was seen in Italy and Spain, Paraguay and Australia. He was searched in Indonesia and Egypt, in Africa and Antarctica. He was met under different names, and various prosecutors issued warrants for his arrest.

His graves are in Italy, in Argentina, and even at the Lefortovo cemetery in Moscow. Date of birth - 1900 - coincides. The name - Martin Bormann - corresponds.

The evidence for his suicide on May 2, 1945 in Berlin seems indisputable, but his long post-war life looks no less indisputable. Bormann was called the shadow of the Fuhrer. During his lifetime, he was known as a cruel pragmatist, and after his disappearance he turned into an elusive mysterious mystical creature, into a ghost, into a mirage, into a legend.

The Fuhrer Bunker, a historical monument of the 20th century, witnessed the historical events of April-May 1945. German writer Felix Kellerhof described this place as follows: “This is the place where the Fuhrer of the German Reich committed suicide. From this place began the most terrible crimes ever committed in Europe, and here the Fuhrer decided to die from responsibility and from a fair trial of the peoples. Here, at this place where the parking lot is now, there is a concrete slab at a depth of eight and a half meters. This is the only thing left of the former Reich Chancellery of the Fuhrer. Over time, this issue has become overgrown with numerous legends and myths, but what actually happened in the bunker is no less interesting and important.”

In the biography of Martin Bormann, who joined the NSDAP in February 1927 (party number 60508), Reichsleiter, SS Gruppenführer, Hitler's secretary, there were indeed many blank spots, conflicting events and facts.

Martin Bormann was born on June 17, 1900. The beginning of his biography is not of particular interest. In fact, it begins in 1924, when Bormann and several landowners from Mecklenburg were arrested for participating in the sadistic murder of the teacher Kadov. All of them, including Kadov, were members of one of the militaristic unions, of which there were dozens in Germany in those years. Such reprisals, the so-called Fehme trials, against former accomplices in these unions were not uncommon. Justice, which did not want to interfere in the affairs of the Feme courts, qualified the murder as unintentional, so the participants in the murder received 10-12 years in prison, and Bormann only a year.

In 1926, a year after his release, Bormann joined the Nazi Party, where he began his activities with small assignments. His diligence, strong-willed qualities, and quick reaction were soon noticed, and Bormann received an influential position as head of the party fund for mutual assistance. Bormann's next step is to marry Gerda Buch.

Bormann's son says Adolf Martin Bormann: “My mother was 19 when she got married. I do not think that she was a convinced Nazi from childhood, although her father was a party judge and in 1933 became the official supreme judge of the Nazi party. But in 1929, by the time of the wedding, at which Hitler was a witness from the side of the groom, that is, my father, my mother was already a fanatical follower of Hitler.

Now Bormann was among the people close to Hitler. A diligent manager, Bormann performed the most routine clerical work, which was refused by the Fuhrer's confidants. Hitler realized that he needed this efficient and dedicated performer. Determined to advance further, Bormann chose a simple tactic: to prove to Hitler that he was indispensable. The method turned out to be correct - in 1933 he already headed the office of Hess.

Hitler created the Chancellery as an apparatus of personal power, a feature of work in this position was the breadth and uncertainty of powers. This gave Bormann the opportunity to interfere in the activities of any services of the Third Reich. His influence grew. He wrote down all the thoughts of Hitler, even those spoken by chance. From his notebook notes, Bormann compiled a card file of Hitler's statements, which laid the foundation for the archive. Then the archive was replenished with dossiers on each of the members of the state and party nomenclature of the Reich, they consisted of a biography, significant and minor life facts, as well as compromising evidence.

Over time, all the Fuhrer's financial affairs passed to Bormann, he managed not only Hitler's fees, his personal finances, but also the amount of 100,000,000 Reichmarks, the contribution of German entrepreneurs to the Hitler German Industry Foundation. Even Hitler's beloved depended on Bormann, because Hitler entrusted her support to him. " I know,- said Adolf Gitler, – that Bormann does everything thoroughly. I am confident that Bormann will carry out my orders, in spite of all obstacles. Bormann's papers are so designed that I only have to answer "yes" or "no". With him, I coordinate a lot of documents in 10 minutes, for which it would take hours with other gentlemen.

Recalls Adolf Martin Bormann: “I asked what National Socialism really was, to which my father replied: “National Socialismit is the will of the Fuhrer." That is, Hitler's will was for him a kind of higher concept, a measure of all things in the National Socialist world order. It was only later that I realized to what extent my father was at the mercy of Hitler.

Soon everyone in Hitler's entourage received a circular marked “Personally. Top secret". It explained that from now on all documents and reports to the Fuhrer should be submitted to Bormann, everyone who wants to get to Hitler must first report to Bormann the purpose of their visit. Bormann achieved power. Now personnel promotions depended on him, the successes of some and the failures of others depended on his reports to Hitler. Once, when asked by Goebbels where his report was, Bormann simply replied that he did not consider it necessary to pass it on to Hitler.

Martin Bormann - Gerde Bormann, December 12, 1943: « It is not good that wins in the world and the universe, but the strong triumphs over the weak. That is why we must cultivate firmness and determination in our people, temper them.”

The elite of the Third Reich did not like Bormann and were afraid. He was called an uncouth hillbilly, a pig in a potato field. A vivid and deadly characterization of Bormann was given by his sworn enemy Hermann Goering: "Little secretary, big schemer and dirty pig". But Bormann did not care about the opinions of others, Hitler loved him and trusted him infinitely. "A few critical words of Hitler, Reichsminister noted Albrecht Speer, – and all Bormann's enemies would have seized him by the throat. But Hitler never tired of Bormann and never uttered these critical words.

Bormann preferred the power of the gray cardinal to all kinds of power. He skillfully manipulated people, using their human weaknesses. He found a young wife for the elderly financial tycoon Hjalmar Schacht, also helped Himmler, and Bormann's wife Gerda became the best friend of the Reichsfuhrer's young mistress. In addition, he provided Himmler with money, giving him a round sum from the party fund. Bormann subjugated Hess to his influence, taking it upon himself to supply the Führer's assistant with partners for non-traditional sexual fun.

Tells Elena Syanova, historian, writer: « He was a master of quarreling everyone, he excelled everyone in this. He quarreled between Hitler's adjutants, he quarreled with people who were to, as we would now put it, participate in the same project, and the project fell apart. He quarreled between husbands and wives, he managed to quarrel Goebbels with Magda when they had already officially reconciled, they decided that after all the conflicts they would live together, pretend that they lived together,and he managed to quarrel them so that it was hardly possible to hush it up. That is, it was a person who had a lot of energy.”

On May 2, 1945, the game ended. Nazi Germany was crushed, ahead of the void. Bormann could not imagine that when his body collapsed onto the rails of the railway bridge near the Lehrter station, one Bormann would suddenly turn into three different people, and for a very long time it would be impossible to understand which of them was real and which was invented - a Nazi criminal who lies with glass on the teeth from a crushed vial of poison, or the great Soviet intelligence agent, quietly living out his days in Moscow, or the elusive head of the worldwide brotherhood of the Nazis, hiding in the South American jungle.

It was all over, Hitler was dead. Goebbels followed his Fuhrer with his wife and children. Goering was declared a traitor. Himmler is convicted of having links with the enemy. Friends, enemies, competitors no longer existed, and in the hands was the will of the Fuhrer, in which he, Bormann, was declared Minister for Party Affairs. The Third Reich survived last hours, and power over the Fourth Reich belonged to him. According to the official version, on the night of May 1-2, Bormann, with a group of SS men, decided on a desperate breakthrough through the location of Soviet troops. Several hours passed and he disappeared. On the morning of May 2, specially created teams from SMERSH units began combing the numerous rooms of the bunker and the surrounding area - step by step, meter by meter. Bormann was neither among the living nor among the dead. Together with Bormann, the party's gold reserves, which amounted to an astronomical amount, also disappeared.

Soon, posters were put up all over Germany with an announcement about the wanted Martin Bormann. For any information about the location of the Reichleiter, the Americans promised a fabulous amount for that time - $ 1,000. Radio Hamburg tirelessly transmitted his special signs. Soviet intelligence about their search for Nazi number 2 preferred to remain silent. She had in her hands those who spent the last days in the bunker, those who, together with Bormann, tried to break through: Hitler's personal chauffeur Erich Kempka, Hitler's personal pilot Bauer, the Fuhrer of the German youth Arthur Axmann, Hitler's adjutant Günsche and others.

But the interrogation of eyewitnesses only confused the picture, out of nine witnesses, eight claimed to have seen how Bormann was killed, only the place and circumstances of his death sounded different each time. One saw Bormann's corpse in the tank, another near the tank, a third on the bridge, and a fourth in the middle of Invalidenstrasse. The investigators who conducted the inquiry were convinced that they were being led by the nose, that the witnesses, who had agreed in advance to convince the Russians that Bormann was dead, for objective reasons, could not agree on the details. Interrogation of the highest ranks of the General Staff and information received from front-line intelligence provided the following information: “Secret. Marshal of the Soviet Union Comrade Stalin. I report: a report by the head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the First Belorussian Front about the fate of Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goering and other statesmen and political figures of Germany, compiled according to the testimony of prisoners of war generals of the German army. Bormann, according to the testimony of the prisoners, is among those who broke through to present the Fuhrer's will to Grand Admiral Doenitz. Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate General Kuznetsov».

Tells historian Konstantin Zalessky: “The Western allies, even after the surrender, did not actively begin to disarm the armed forces of Germany. Entire armed units simply stood in the camps, they could be used at any moment. And in this case, Martin Bormann, and Karl Doenitz, and other leaders could count on being taken for equal partners and, accordingly, not for criminals.

On July 17, 1945, Soviet radio broadcast an official message that Bormann was alive and with the Allies. Montgomery's British staff responded irritably, "We don't have it." “And we don’t have it,” the Americans hastened to respond. Thousands of people were thrown in search of the missing Nazi, they were looking for him in all the occupation zones of Germany, in Italy, in Austria, in Spain and Denmark. For the first time, American and British intelligence experts used technology based on methods of studying the enemy from a distance. This technology was based on the work of a specialist in ancient history Oxford professor Ronald Syme, who could "revive" the Roman emperor through a thorough study of his entourage. The experts' findings stunned US and British leaders. Bormann, experts insisted, had been posing as another person for many years, leading a double life.

He speaks Adolf Martin Bormann: “He was not a tyrant, he tried to be a good father, but since the beginning of the war he was almost never at home, like other fathers. I will add to this that in my father's study in the house on the Obersalzberg hung Kant's dictum, his famous categorical imperative: "Act in such a way that your behavior can serve as a moral law for everyone." The father’s mistake was that he chose Hitler as an example to follow and a moral teacher.”

Martin Bormann - Gerde Bormann, February 4, 1944: « Silenceusually the most reasonable course of action. The truth should be told only when it is really necessary. You can never be completely sure of the people around you.

The impression he made was absolutely inconsistent with the real power of the Reichsleiter. A small stocky man with a decent paunch and a head always drawn into his shoulders. Always hanging in a bag of military uniform. A shapeless briefcase, constantly sticking out from under his arm. An ordinary and harmless provincial accountant. But it was enough to look closely at his face to understand that this impression is deceptive. The head is on a short strong neck, the face of a bulldog with powerful jaws. A tightly compressed mouth, a hard strong-willed look of dark eyes. This man was extremely dangerous, everyone was afraid of him. And no wonder: many fell victim to his intrigues, from Hitler's bodyguards and influential generals to such political heavyweights as Himmler, Goebbels and Goering. It was rumored that Hitler himself was afraid of him. He was surrounded by the total hatred of the generals and the supreme rulers of the Reich. The arch-villain, the evil spirit, Hitler's Lucifer, the archangel of evil, the brown Bolshevik - this is not a complete list of the nicknames that his closest party comrades awarded him. Goebbels, about whom there was a stable opinion as a genius, could not defeat Bormann, this uncouth, unintelligent and dishonest intriguer in the struggle for the favor of the Fuhrer.

Tells Konstantin Zalessky: “He was a mysterious figure for the allies and for us too. That is, they understood that this person had great influence, and such information, of course, reached them through the line of their intelligence. Because the party apparatus knew who Bormann was, and this information was received by them and, accordingly, this caused interestwho is Mr. Bormann, who is Mr. Bormann.

The first months of searching for Bormann did not bring any result, but at the end of July 1945, the German writer Heinrich Lenau claimed that he had met the Reichsleiter on a train from Hamburg to Flensburg. The anti-Nazi writer who spent several years in a concentration camp could hardly be accused of pursuing a cheap sensation. His testimony convinced the judges of the Nuremberg Tribunal that Bormann was alive, and therefore should be tried. He was the only defendant to be tried in absentia.

From the verdict of the International Military Tribunal: “In accordance with the sections of the indictment under which the defendants were found guilty, and in accordance with Article 27 of the Charter, the International Military Tribunal sentenced: Martin Bormannto death by hanging."

When asked where Martin Bormann, one of the defendants of the Nuremberg Tribunal, could be now, Hermann Göring, angrily replied: "I hope he's on fire right now."

This statement of one of the main Nazi criminals looks at least strange. He, like many other leaders of the Third Reich, did not like Bormann, but still he was his party ally. What could give Goering reason to hate Bormann so much? The judges did not share Goering's hope, they were sure that Bormann was somewhere nearby and was closely following the progress of the process, so the tribunal put Bormann on the international wanted list. The price for information on his whereabouts rose to 100,000 marks. And then messages poured in from all over the world. Bormann was seen in Australia, then in Egypt, then in Italy, Bormann was seen by journalists and diplomats, pilots and sailors, the ghost of the parteigenosse appeared at the same time different people in different places. All this resembled a global hoax with the participation of many voluntary false witnesses.

Recalls Andrey Martynov, candidate of philosophical sciences: “Martin Bormann was looked for everywhere, where they were buried, and how many times they were not buried. He was seen in perfect different countries and with completely different names: Manfredo Berg, Kurt Gauch, Van Klouten, José Esero, Luigi Bolivier, Eliazar Goldstein, Josef Yane, Martino Pormaggiore, these are, as it were, his names. Seen in Italy, in Rome, even a specific place was calledthe monastery of San Antonio, a Franciscan monastery; Argentina, Chile, priest in Poland, Spain, Ito city in Paraguay. Years of death: 52nd year, Italy, 59th year, Paraguay, 73rd year, USSR, 75th year, Argentina, 89th year, Great Britain.

Even during the war, the US Office of Strategic Services managed to intercept radio messages exchanged between Moscow and its agents in Switzerland and Germany. Their deciphering took years, but the result justified the effort. It turned out that Moscow received operational, secret and important information from the heart of Nazi Germany. The agent, hiding under the pseudonym Werther, could instantly answer any question about the deployment and movement of Wehrmacht divisions, described in detail their staffing and weapons, and revealed strategic and operational plans.

From the book Spetsnaz GRU: the most complete encyclopedia author Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

Chemists from the Third Reich The fact that in the summer of 1943 the Nazis were going to use chemical weapons against them speaks about the effectiveness of the actions of the partisan detachments created on the basis of reconnaissance and sabotage groups of military intelligence. This was reported to the Center

From the book Occult Secrets of the Third Reich. Dark Forces Unleashed by the Nazis by Ronald Paul

Chapter 4 The Significance of Astrology for the Third Reich “No one believes in arthrology more than Herr Hitler. The best clients of the International University of London are astrologers from Berchtesgaden. Every month they request new astrological data. And all this because

From the book of Otto Skorzeny - saboteur number 1. The Rise and Fall of Hitler's Special Forces author Mader Julius

Otto Skorzeny and saboteurs of the Third Reich A SEARCH FOR THE CRIMINAL Otto SKORZENY, hiding under the names: Muller (1938, Vienna), Dr. Wolf (September - October 1944, Germany and Hungary), Zolyar (November - December 1944) is to be arrested. , Germany and Belgium), Mister

From the book "Boilers" of the 45th author Runov Valentin Alexandrovich

Sabotage services of the Third Reich against the USSR Documentary and fiction published in the USSR did not contain information about the system of special services of the Third Reich, whose reconnaissance and sabotage activities were directed against "the first in the world

From the book World War II. Hell on earth author Hastings Max

Chapter 6 The End of the Third Reich Historical referenceDuring the Seven Years' War on September 28, 1760, the corps of Lieutenant General Zakhar Grigoryevich Chernyshov (1722–1784) captured Berlin. 4,000 Prussians were taken prisoner. But the Russian troops, after staying in Berlin for four days and taking

From the book of the SS Troops. blood trail author Warwall Nick

24. Fall of the Third Reich

From the book Who Helped Hitler? Europe at war against the Soviet Union author Kirsanov Nikolai Andreevich From the book Military secrets of the twentieth century author Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

End of the Third Reich

From the book Russian Victory March across Europe author

Chapter 6 Riddles of the Third Reich: Otto Skorzeny

From the book Hitler. Emperor from darkness author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

Chapter 4 The Mystery of the Third Reich: Otto Skorzeny Double agent Otto Skorzeny is one of the most famous and most mysterious figures in the history of World War II. Officer for Special Assignments of Adolf Hitler, chief saboteur of the Third Reich, the man who kidnapped Mussolini,

From the author's book

The Agony of the Third Reich In mid-March 1945, Soviet troops inflicted several crushing blows on the Nazis at once - in East Prussia, Upper Silesia, and Hungary. The history of these operations varied. The attack on Koenigsberg had been going on since January. First it

From the author's book

12. The Birth of the Third Reich The system of democracy that was imposed on the Germans was so "advanced" that it was convenient only for crooks and political profiteers. It was not suitable for the normal functioning of the state. It would seem that the president instructed

Some of them survived their husbands for decades, some died at the end of the war

The wives of the leaders of the Third Reich had different fates and different beliefs. They were next to those whose names are rightly ostracized today. Some of them survived their husbands for decades, some died at the end of the war.

Magda Goebbels

Magda Goebbels (Ritschel) is considered the most outstanding of the Nazi wives. The blond beauty was born in 1901. She was brought up in the monastery of the Ursulines in Vilvoorde, she loved her Jewish stepfather and kept his last name - Friedländer.

Beliefs changed as easily as men. For the sake of marriage with restaurateur Günter Quandt, she became a Protestant. Then she threw herself into the arms of Khaim Arlozorov and divorced.

In 1928, she heard the speeches of Joseph Goebbels and was carried away by him. It was the union of beauty and the beast: Goebbels was not distinguished by health and beauty, he was a clubfoot. Hitler insisted on the marriage, who believed that the appearance of the “true Aryan” would become the hallmark of the Third Reich.

The marriage was concluded on December 19, 1931. The couple were united by a lust for power, ambition and ... children. There were seven of them, and all of them were named after Hitler with the letter "H": Harold, Helga, Hilda, Helmut, Holda, Hedda and Haida.

In 1938, Magda received the German Mothers' Cross of Honor. She personified the "ideal Aryan" and made speeches on the radio.

She did not share her husband's ideas to exterminate the Jews, but remained faithful to him and the Fuhrer.

On May 1, 1945, when the collapse was obvious, she dressed all the children in cold blood, and then the doctor gave them lethal injections. Goebbels chose not to see this. Then he shot himself, and Magda poisoned herself. Why she did not leave the children alive is still a mystery.

Elsa Hess

Elsa Hess (Pröl) was the daughter of a wealthy doctor. Born in 1900. She became one of the first students at the University of Munich. Studied German philology. In 1920, she was fond of the Nazi Rudolf Hess, joined the NSDAP.

Hitler also played a major role in concluding the marriage. The marriage took place on December 20, 1927 in Munich. 10 years later, the Fuhrer became the godfather of the Hesses' son, Wolf.

She was a real companion. Visited Hitler and Hess in prison, took out and reprinted "Mein Kampf." She was not left without the support of the Fuhrer after her husband's escape to Scotland, she received a pension. In 1947 she was arrested and placed in a camp in Augsburg. A year later, being at large, she moved to Allgäu, where she opened a boarding house. Until her death in 1995, she remained a staunch fascist.

Emma Goering

Emma Goering (Sonnemann) was born in 1894 in the family of a chocolate magnate. In her youth, she became interested in theater, married the actor Karl Kestlin, and divorced. Until the age of 38, she played in the theater in Weimar.

She met Gestapo founder Hermann Goering in 1932. Thanks to him, she transferred to the Berlin theater. In 1936, Goering married her on the orders of Hitler, who believed that there were "too many bachelors" among his associates. He drowned his wife in stolen luxury after she gave birth to his daughter Edda.

A member of the party, Emma justified her husband in every possible way, but continued to be friends with the Jews and some of them owe her their lives.

After the defeat of the Nazis, Goering was convicted and committed suicide by taking cyanide. Emma was arrested in 1947 and charged with genocide, but was released in the courtroom. In 1967, she wrote the book Life with My Husband. She died in 1973.

Elsa Koch

Elsa Koch (Köhler), the wife of the commandant of the Buchenwald and Majdanek concentration camps, Karl Koch, was called the "Buchenwald Witch" and "Frau Lampshade".

Born in a Dresden worker's family, after school she worked as a librarian. Member of the NSDAP since 1932. In 1936 she married Koch, became a guard in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, then a senior warden. She was cruel to prisoners, poisoned them with dogs, and beat them. It is believed that on her orders, prisoners with tattoos were killed, from the skin of which bindings and lampshades were made.

In 1943 the Kochs were arrested by the SS. Koch was accused of murdering a doctor, corruption and executed, Elsa was acquitted.

In 1947, she was arrested by the Americans, but was soon released. She was re-arrested in 1951, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. She hanged herself in 1967 in the Eichach prison in Bavaria.

Gerda Bormann

Hitler's personal secretary Martin Bormann's wife, Gerda Bormann, was the daughter of
Chairman of the Supreme Party Court of the NSDAP, Walter Buch, and she was brought up on the ideas of Nazism. She was a head taller than her husband.

I met him at the age of 19. A year later, she got married, and at the same time joined the party. Witnesses at the wedding were Hitler and Hess. She gave birth to 9 children. She put forward the idea of ​​polygamous marriage in the interests of the state and called for several marriages at once. She did not pay attention to her husband's intrigues and gave advice on how best to turn novels.

Before the collapse of the Nazis, she fled to South Tyrol, where she contracted cancer and died from mercury poisoning, which was used in chemotherapy. The children were adopted by a priest.

Margaret Himmler

Margaret Himmler (von Boden) was a Prussian aristocrat who in 1928 had a share in a homeopathic clinic. Having married Heinrich Himmler, who was 8 years younger than her, she was forced to sell the business. Himmler bought a farm, chickens and tried to force his wife to live in subsistence farming, but it did not work out. A year later, their daughter Gudrun was born.

Himmler's career ended with a prison cell in which he committed suicide in 1945.
His widow married neo-Nazi Wulf-Dieter Burwitz and gave birth to two more "Aryans". Neither she nor her daughter renounced the ideas of fascism. In 1952, Gudrun participated in the creation of the Viking Youth organization, which was banned in 1994.

Eva Brown

The stately blonde Eva Braun was the wife of the Fuhrer for only 40 hours and had an age difference with him of 23 years. Born in the family of a school teacher in 1912. She graduated from the monastery school, went in for athletics. At the Institute of English ladies-in-waiting, she studied French and accounting. I quickly mastered the camera. Acquaintance with the Fuhrer happened in 1929 in a photo studio.

Became Hitler's mistress in 1931. Twice she tried to commit suicide - once by shooting herself in the neck, the second time - by poisoning herself with pills. In 1936 she became Hitler's personal secretary. Seriously engaged in photography and filming. In June 1944, British intelligence still considered her to be just a secretary.

She married Hitler on April 29, 1945 in a bunker in Berlin. Bormann and Goebbels became witnesses. The charred bodies of the "newlyweds" fell into the hands of the Soviet administration. The remains were finally destroyed in 1970, during the operation "Archive".

Today it is "The Mysterious Disappearance of the Leaders of the Third Reich". The Second World War was coming to an end, the highest German officials realized that the defeat of Germany was inevitable. Then, in 1945, the Organization of Former SS Servicemen appeared. The task of this structure was to provide assistance to high-ranking German war criminals, the organization had enough material resources. Values ​​stolen in countries conquered during the war and others material resources the Nazis now spent on preparing and carrying out the illegal transfer of SS men away from retribution, for example, to Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

SS-Sturmbannführer Fritz Paul Schwend

It should be emphasized that the former fascist leaders not only had the opportunity to escape punishment for their crimes. They also had chances to open their own business and become successful businessmen, because in many banks of the world they had opened secret deposits in advance. An example is the post-war life of SS-Sturmbannführer Fritz Paul Schwend. The track record of this criminal is mass executions of civilians. They searched for him vigorously, but in vain. Even during the war, P. Schwend organized a successfully functioning group in the economic department of the VI department of the RSHA. The basis of its activity was the sale of counterfeit money. Having acquired a solid account, P. Schwend also obtained forged documents. There were several of them: in the name of Vendich, Turi, Berkter and others. P. Schwend settled in Peru in the spring of 1945 and became the owner of a prosperous company.

However, not all German military officials managed to arrange their future fate so safely. Many of them were taken prisoner. For example, SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann was sent to an American transit camp. Nevertheless, he prepared to escape, and, it must be admitted, very successfully. Somehow (the circumstances of the escape remained unclear) he ended up in Latin America and lived there secretly for a long time. However, in the late 1950s. Israeli intelligence Mossad, or rather, first Khanokmin (punishing angels), a special Jewish unit, came on his trail. The fact is that even before the outbreak of World War II, A. Eichmann acted as an expert on Jewish issues of the Imperial Main Security Directorate. He (among other figures of the Third Reich) had the idea to turn Auschwitz into a place of the “final solution of the Jewish question”, that is, a place where people were massacred.

"Punishing Angels" specialized in searching for Nazi criminals who killed Jews in concentration camps. The Israeli secret services got on the trail of A. Eichmann quite by accident. One L. Herman, an Argentinean of Jewish origin who lived in Buenos Aires, said that his daughter's young man boasted that his father had great services to Germany during the Second World War. After checking, it turned out that the “honored Nazi” was none other than A. Eichmann. However, all data had to be carefully checked to make sure the identity of the perpetrator was genuine. But while decisions were being made in the intelligence structure on how best to deliver A. Eichmann (if this is the same Nazi) to Israel to do justice, A. Eichmann disappeared. Then several Mossad employees arrived in Argentina, and one of them, E. Elrom, was especially eager to catch the criminal, since all his relatives died in a concentration camp. Mossad agents had all the necessary information on A. Eichmann. They were aware of all his family holidays (birthdays, weddings, etc.), had a detailed verbal portrait. The agents did not have only A. Eichmann's photograph.

It should be said that Eichmann was ready to cooperate with Israeli agents, he frankly answered the questions asked of him, which were necessary for the subsequent trial of him. He was frightened and confused, kept repeating that he would either be shot or poisoned.
The search for A. Eichmann was crowned with success in 1959. The agents managed to establish that, under the guise of a bankrupt laundry owner, Eichmann lived in the same Buenos Aires, but already under the name of Ricardo Clement. Again, in order to obtain irrefutable evidence, R. Clement's house was monitored around the clock. The work of the agents was eventually crowned with success. Once R. Clement came home with a huge flower bouquet, as it turned out later, on the day of his silver wedding. The scouts checked their data and were finally convinced that this was the Nazi who managed to escape immediately after the war.

Mossad developed a plan of operation to capture A. Eichmann and deliver him to Israel. Israeli intelligence chief I. Harel flew to the capital of Argentina. The plan of the operation was thought out to the smallest detail, up to the organization of a special travel agency to deliver to Argentina under the guise of tourists a group of intelligence officers consisting of 30 people. Documents were prepared in advance for A. Eichmann. For the duration of the operation, a fleet of cars and other vehicles was specially rented.

One of the main points of the operation was the question of transporting A. Eichmann. The special services considered two options: by sea (but it took at least two months) and by the plane of the Israeli airline El Al, which was supposed to deliver the Israeli delegation to their homeland, who attended the celebrations on the occasion of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Argentina's independence.

The beginning of the operation was scheduled for May 11, 1960. In the evening, on the street where Signor R. Clement lived, two cars stopped at some distance from each other. Their drivers began to fiddle with the motor. They were waiting for the bus in which A. Eichmann was supposed to arrive home. The former Nazi got off only the fourth bus, causing the scouts to get pretty worried. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. And Eichmann did not even have time to open his mouth, as he was dragged into the back seat. At the safe house, the scouts first of all checked the presence of A. Eichmann's personal number on his shoulder. In its place was a scar. However, A. Eichmann immediately confessed, explaining that he was the one they were looking for, and that he had destroyed his number while still in the American camp.

A. Eichmann signed a document confirming that he agreed to leave for Israel. The haughty and domineering SS man turned into a miserable and depressed person. Israeli intelligence could not be afraid that A. Eichmann would be searched for by his relatives: it was dangerous for them to contact the police, because then they had to admit that the wanted person was living on forged documents. Still, the scouts decided to play it safe. One of the crew members of the plane (of course, a dummy) was taken to the hospital with a "concussion." When he was discharged, a photo of A. Eichmann was pasted into the document. For the departure of other agents also prepared fake passports.

Just before the flight, A. Eichmann was injected with a tranquilizer, picked up by the arms and dragged on board the plane. The guard, who watched as the whole trio, laughing loudly and waving their arms, headed towards the plane, was quite surprised, but they explained to him that this was supposedly a reserve crew that would not take part in the flight and therefore allowed himself to drink pretty much. Since all three were indeed wearing El Al uniforms, no one bothered to check their documents. On May 11, 1961, the trial of the Nazi criminal A. Eichmann took place in Jerusalem. He was accused of mass extermination of people and sentenced to death by hanging.

SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Eduard Roschmann

Another Nazi, SS-Sturmbannführer Eduard Roshman, nicknamed the Butcher, decided to fake his own death at the end of the war. When the Americans started looking for him, they found a mutilated corpse, which they recognized as E. Roshman, the killer of more than 40,000 people. Meanwhile, the "corpse" was in the Bavarian Alps, where, at the expense of the Organization, other similar criminals were waiting in a secluded shelter for the right moment to be sent to safe places. I must say that staying in the cold mountains did not benefit E. Roshman. He had frostbite on his toes and had to be amputated. An attempt to establish the identity of the doctor who operated on Roshman did not produce any results. But after the amputation, he had a special sign - a waddling gait, which later helped with his identification.

For some time E. Roshman (about three years) lived in one of the European countries. Since he was considered dead, no one was looking for him. Perhaps not only because they believed in his death - the considerable sums in the accounts of the Organization could well slow down any search. Then E. Roshman received false documents and went to Latin America. He lived in Argentina for a year under the guise of a Swiss citizen Fritz Werner, then the “Swissman” suddenly disappeared. E. Roshman was reborn under the name of Federico Bernardo Wegner, an Argentine citizen. After some time, someone sent E. Roshman a check for a fabulous amount at that time - $ 50,000, and the sender could not be found. Needless to say, this was the work of the same Organization, which carefully took care of former colleagues.

With the money received from the Organization, E. Roshman went into business. His company "Stenler and Wegner" sent precious wood to European countries. It should be noted that the Argentine authorities were not too curious about the personality of E. Roshman - again due to the fact that the Organization protected its wards from the police of those countries in which they were hiding from the international court. So E. Roshman lived comfortably in Argentina for about 20 years. However, in the 1970s he was identified by one of the witnesses of the brutal reprisals of E. Roshman with his victims. This became known to the German authorities. Anti-fascist organizations stepped up their activities, and Argentina had to agree to the extradition of a war criminal to Germany: in the face of the world community, it was impossible to continue to shelter the German executioner.

E. Roshman undoubtedly knew that they were going to extradite him to Germany for trial (most likely, he was warned about this in advance). Further events developed according to the classic detective story. E. Roshman was visited by an unknown person and ordered to move to Paraguay. The instructions Roshman received were very clear and precise: to get on the bus in the evening, to arrive at the designated place to the owner of the Pes-Mar bar and wait for further instructions from him. E. Roshman did just that. He was settled in a secluded boarding house. For several months he lived in a new place, trying not to draw attention to himself. However, one day he felt bad - it looks like something with his heart. He was placed in one of the hospitals. Some time later he died there. When the police began to study the documents of the deceased, they discovered that this was not the gentleman he claimed to be. The Paraguayan police contacted the Argentinean, and the latter confirmed that the deceased was a war criminal to be extradited to Germany.

The ending of this story is not quite usual: the body of E. Roshman was suddenly somehow stolen from the morgue. This suggests that Roshman's death is the work of the Organization. And the autopsy could somehow put the police on the trail of the one who followed the instructions of the Organization and ended E. Roshman in the hospital.

Martin Borman

Another Nazi criminal who managed to avoid the International Tribunal is Martin Bormann. He was the head of the party office and the second person in Nazi Germany after A. Hitler. About how he managed to get out of the surrounded Soviet troops Berlin (and did it succeed at all?), When the Banner of Victory was already fluttering over the Reichstag, very little is known. Official information says: in order to bring up to date the new head of the German government - Grand Admiral K. Deinitz, M. Bormann got out of the capital, where the fighting was already on the streets. Together with him, in the group that tried to get out of the encirclement, there were: part of the SS division "Nordland", the remnants of the Berensfenger unit, which defended the Reich Chancellery, A. Hitler's personal pilot X. Bauer, his adjutant O. Günsche and driver E. Kempke. On the banks of the Spree, Soviet artillerymen fired on the group. The adjutant and the pilot were captured, the driver and one of the leaders of the youth fascist movement A. Oksman managed to escape from the encirclement.

Witnesses gave directly opposite testimonies about whether M. Bormann was able to get out of Berlin. Whether this was done unconsciously or with a well-defined purpose is also a question. The main version is that M. Borman was wounded, but he did not stop, but continued to walk, but in the end he was still killed. Whether this happened on the outskirts of the capital, or even in the central part of the city, no one could definitely say. At the International Tribunal in Nuremberg, M. Bormann was sentenced to death in absentia, since the Nazi criminal himself was not present at the trial.

After some time, information began to leak into the press that M. Bormann did not die after all, but safely got out of Berlin. Regarding the further fate of M. Bormann, there are several versions. According to one of them, M. Bormann got a good job in Latin America.

According to other sources, M. Bormann made himself a plastic surgery and there was no need for him to hide in Latin America. There were witnesses who claimed that he moved freely around Europe. Other assumptions are based on the fact that M. Bormann was in fact none other than a Soviet intelligence officer. According to this version, in the 1920s. on the initiative of the German communist Ernst Thalmann, M. Bormann was sent to Leningrad under the name Karl. This action was known to a very narrow circle of people. Later, M. Bormann returned to Germany and gained so much confidence in the Fuhrer that he became his right hand.

Former member of the Reichstag Paul Heisslen claimed that M. Bormann showed up in Chile with documents in the name of Juan Gomez. This statement was disputed by the former Spanish diplomat in the UK, Ángel de Velasco. Allegedly, he helped M. Bormann get to Argentina. Along with Chile and Argentina, according to other sources, Paraguay appears.
When, on May 2, 1945, M. Bormann handed over to the Soviet Union a coded message in which he asked for help, he was rescued as a "Soviet intelligence officer" by the commander of the tank corps, General I. A. Serov. M. Borman lived in the Soviet Union for 27 years after the war, and after his death he was buried in the cemetery in Lefortovo. The author of the publication of the above facts was a certain B. Tartakovsky. However, he does not provide any serious and significant evidence.

More truthful is the assumption that M. Bormann committed suicide even when he was in surrounded Berlin. When he realized that there was no hope of salvation, he took potassium cyanide. This version is supported by a number of facts. Firstly, workers who in 1972 carried out construction work in one of the districts of Berlin discovered a skeleton. Traces of poison were found in the oral cavity of the deceased. M. Borman's personal dentist identified the denture, which was made by him personally. Secondly, the genetic examination carried out unambiguously confirmed that the remains belong to M. Bormann. Consequently, he died in Berlin on May 2, 1945.

SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller

The fate of M. Bormann is to a certain extent reminiscent of the post-war vicissitudes of SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller. And here, as in the investigations in the case of M. Bormann, the main question is whether G. Muller survived? In this case, but still with a certain degree of caution, you can give an affirmative answer. First of all, history keeps numerous testimonies in this regard. In addition, it is documented that at the end of April 1945 one of the planes of Hitler's squadron delivered Muller to the area bordering Switzerland. Nothing prevented him from doing plastic surgery on himself in the future and living on the funds that were on numerous secret accounts.

Subsequently, specialists from the CIA came to G. Muler. They first established surveillance of Willi Kriechbaumann, who during the war was a subordinate of G. Müller, and found out that they meet periodically. After the war, V. Krichbauman was recruited by the West German intelligence - the BND, which was led by R. Gehlen. There is evidence that SS-Standartenführer Friedrich Panzinger, one of Müller's employees, began working in Gehlen's department after the war. During the Second World War, F. Panzinger was looking for Soviet intelligence officers and their German informants both in Germany itself and abroad. Thus, the exposure of Soviet agents in France and Belgium in 1942 was directly related to the activities of F. Panzinger, who was a very valuable personnel for Gehlen.

There is evidence that Gehlen wanted to get Muller himself into his department, since he knew very, very much. However, the CIA also became interested in G. Muller, and, most likely, it made him a more attractive offer. In any case, the American journalist Gregory Douglas found documents that indicate that contact was established between Mueller and one of the CIA employees.

The CIA, having previously made sure that G. Muller is perfectly versed in everything related to Soviet intelligence, and that the secret archives that he took out of Germany are of great value, made G. Muller an offer to become a CIA officer. G. Douglas believes that Muller agreed to this proposal, and as evidence of his version he cites the diaries of G. Muller allegedly found by him. In them, the former SS Gruppenfuehrer describes his marriage to an American from high society, his meetings with E. Hoover (CIA chief), Senator P. Macartney, and President G. Truman.

You can either believe or not believe the testimony of an American journalist, but the fact that American intelligence knew about the whereabouts of G. Muller is obvious. Moreover, some employees of the CIA, in the order, so to speak, of personal initiative, carried out their own searches. In the same time top management American intelligence kept all information about Muller strictly secret and prevented attempts by mid-level officers to get on his trail.

Another version concerning the life of G. Muller after the end of the war is based on the assumption that Muller collaborated with Soviet intelligence. SS Brigadeführer W. Schellenberg, head of SD foreign intelligence, claimed that Müller was recruited by the Soviets in the middle of World War II, and after the end of the war he joined the Communist Party, and that in 1948 he was seen in Moscow. There is no concrete evidence for any of these claims.

However, W. Schellenberg's statements are to a certain extent confirmed by the story of Rudolf Barak, who at that time (1950s) was in charge of Czechoslovak intelligence. On the instructions of the then head of the KGB, I. A. Serov, he and his employees carried out an operation to secretly transport G. Muller from Argentina to Moscow. Soviet scouts established and then conveyed to their Czechoslovak colleagues that Muller lives in Cordoba and, apparently, periodically changes his place of residence.

It turned out that he did not know Spanish very well. There was no exact information about his activities in Argentina. He could be in business, but there was no evidence to support this. R. Barak's employees managed to win the trust of G. Muller. When they made sure that in front of them was really the person they were looking for (according to the photo of Muller, one former Nazi), they mixed G. Muller with sleeping pills in a glass of wine and took him by plane to Prague. Then he was sent to Moscow.

R. Barak was sure that Muller began to cooperate with the KGB. However, the Czech does not provide specific facts. True, there was one nuance that deserves attention: when G. Muller was still in Prague, he exchanged a barely noticeable nod with A. Korotkov, the former resident of Soviet intelligence in Berlin before the war. It is noteworthy that R. Barak, after the operation to take Muller to Moscow, met with both A. Korotkov and N. Khrushchev (this was in 1958). But neither one nor the other said a word about the operation, which was carried out two years earlier.

Returning to the question of whether G. Müller really died in Berlin in May 1945, it should be noted that there is no definite answer. First of all, because, although the grave in which G. Müller was supposedly buried was found in Berlin, when it was dug up in 1963, not one, but three whole skeletons were found. Analyzes carried out by experts showed that none of them could belong to G. Müller. Therefore, the question of Muller's death in Berlin surrounded by Soviet troops remains without a definite answer.

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On November 20, 1945, the International Tribunal began its work in Nuremberg, trying the main Nazi war criminals. Prior to this, for several months, representatives of the victorious powers in World War II (the USSR, the USA, England and France) carefully studied the documents of the German departments, interviewed witnesses of Nazi crimes.

And now the accused were brought into the courtroom ...

The man who took the far left seat in the front row of the dock did not bear much resemblance to his former images in the ceremonial portraits. Once upon a time, his chest, hung with orders, was compared to a jewelry store window. Now he appeared before the international tribunal greatly emaciated, without shoulder straps and orders. For many years he was the second person in the Nazi hierarchy after Hitler, his official successor. called

this man Hermann Wilhelm Göring, former Reichsmarschall, former President of the Nazi Reichstag, former Commander of the German Air Force.

Goering was very firm before the tribunal. “I protect my face, not my head,” he once said. The chance of avoiding the death sentence was so small that "number two" apparently only really cared about what kind of memory he would leave about himself in history.

Goering differed from the other defendants in his biography. He was born in 1893 in Bavaria in the family of the former governor of the largest German colony - German South-West Africa. The Goerings were wealthy people who owned two castles in Bavaria and Austria.

Goering met World War I with the rank of infantry lieutenant, then moved to aviation, flew a reconnaissance aircraft, a bomber, and became a fighter pilot. For military merit and courage he was awarded many awards, including the highest German orders of that time. As one of the best pilots of Kaiser Germany, he was entrusted with the command of the famous Richthofen squadron at that time.

Then he was very popular in Germany, his photographs did not leave the pages of illustrated magazines. But in 1918 the war ended, and the "handsome Herman" was entered by the victorious powers into the list of war criminals. It turned out that his squadron dropped bombs on peaceful cities.

Like many front-line officers, Goering did not accept the revolution in Germany (November 1918), which overthrew Kaiser Wilhelm II and proclaimed a bourgeois-democratic republic. He declared the surrender of the new German Social Democratic government to the Entente a shameful act of betrayal. Goering categorically refused to serve in the Republican German army (Reichswehr) and left for Denmark, and from there to Sweden, where he earned a living by demonstration flights on orders from German aircraft manufacturing companies.

In 1921 Goering returned to Germany. In Munich, he met and became close friends with Hitler, who instructed him to lead the formation of assault troops. Goering was very successful in this field. During the Hitler putsch in Munich on November 8-9, 1923, he led one of the coup columns and was seriously wounded in a clash with the police. He managed to avoid arrest - his wife and friends managed to take him to Austria. There he spent a month and a half in the hospital. To relieve the severe pain that the wound caused him, the doctors had to inject him with morphine, as a result of which Goering developed a need for drugs, which he had to get rid of in the future with great effort.

Accused of high treason, Goering decided not to return to Germany. However, when in the fall of 1927 Hindenburg, who had been shortly elected President of Germany, announced a political amnesty, Goering immediately went to Bavaria and again established close contact with Hitler. He instructed him to provide the party with the support of leading industrial and political circles and sent him to Berlin.

In the capital Goering developed vigorous activity. Unlike other Nazis who tried to "conquer Berlin" at rallies and street fights, he acted at receptions and in salons. Origin, upbringing, erudition, connections - all this favorably distinguished him from other Nazi leaders. Goering managed to establish close relations with leading industrialists and bankers and use these connections in the interests of Hitler and the NSDAP.

In 1928 he was elected to the Reichstag from the Nazi Party. Skillful organizer, good

an orator, a skilled tactician, he made a huge contribution to the Nazi conquest of power and the establishment of the dictatorship of the NSDAP. Very quickly pushing back all his political competitors in the party, Goering soon becomes Hitler's right hand.

Many dark pages in the history of the Nazi regime are associated with the name of Goering. Litigation against the communists in connection with the burning of the Reichstag, the creation of concentration camps and the Nazi security service, the physical destruction of the leadership of the storm troopers in the summer of 1934, the confiscation of Jewish property, the taxation of the Jewish population of Germany with indemnities after the pogroms that occurred in November 1938, the management of economic preparations for war , the command of German aviation, which criminally destroyed peaceful cities, the robbery of occupied countries - Goering was personally responsible for all this and much more.

Unlike many of the figures who made up Hitler's entourage, Goering was not a die-hard Nazi dogmatist. This, however, did not prevent him from always unquestioningly carrying out the will of the Fuhrer. And Hitler highly appreciated his merits. On September 1, 1939, on the day Germany declared war on Poland, he appointed him his official successor, and on July 19, 1940, for the contribution made by Goering's aviation to the defeat of France, he awarded him the highest military rank of Reichsmarschall introduced especially for him.

However, then Goering's position in the Nazi leadership began to gradually weaken, mainly due to the military failures of the air force led by him.

In addition, Goebbels, Himmler and Bormann were increasingly weaving intrigues against Goering, each of whom aimed at the place of the Fuhrer's successor. As a result, his prestige in the eyes of Hitler, party members and the country's population began to decline. Goering increasingly gave rise to criticism in his address. The Reichsmarschall again began to use drugs, which could not but affect his qualities as a politician and personality. The craving for luxury, which was inherent in him before, took on more and more ugly forms. Rich villas stuffed with looted works of art, incredible toilets that were changed three times a day, buying up jewelry - all this looked monstrous against the backdrop of the disasters that “total war” brought to the German people. The former ace turned into a greedy money-grubber, and his rivals, no longer embarrassed, declared that he was dishonoring the National Socialist movement with his moral decay.

At the end of April 1945, when Berlin was surrounded by the Red Army and fighting took place on its streets, Goering flew to Bavaria and from there made an attempt to enter into negotiations with the Americans. The Reichsmarschall had a crazy idea that he could achieve a separate peace with the Western powers and, together with them, strike at the Red Army. But Goering's plans were thwarted not by the Americans, but by Hitler, who ordered the SS men to arrest the traitor. The Reichsmarschall was saved from the SS massacre by Luftwaffe officers loyal to him, to whom he turned for help. On May 9, he voluntarily surrendered to the American command.

Next to Goering in the dock sat another loyal paladin of the Fuhrer - Rudolf Hess. The behavior of this Nazi leader in court did not fit in with his appearance. Tall, athletically built, with a heavy gaze of deep-set eyes, he either pretended to be a mentally ill person and defiantly tried to commit suicide, then he referred to a complete loss of memory. At the request of the court, the doctors carefully examined the defendant and concluded that his actions were of a "consciously-intentional simulative nature." After that, Hess had no choice but to abandon the version of insanity.

Hess was born in 1894 in Alexandria in the family of a German merchant. He spent his childhood in Egypt, then studied at commercial schools in Switzerland and Germany. During the First World War, he volunteered for the front and served in the same regiment with Hitler, was wounded several times and rose to the rank of infantry lieutenant. At the end of the war he went to serve in aviation.

After the war, Hess decided to continue his commercial education and for this he moved to Munich. Here he fell under the influence of right-wing circles and again met with Hitler. In 1920 he joined the NSDAP. He sincerely admired Hitler and already in the early 20s. began to create around him the cult of the "great leader of the German nation."

Hess played an active role in the putsch of 1923 (see article "Adolf Hitler"). He was entrusted with the capture as hostages of several leaders of the Bavarian Republic. After the suppression of the putsch, he fled to Austria, but soon returned and was arrested. He was placed in the Landsberg prison, where Hitler was also kept. In prison, Hess, who had the skills of shorthand, wrote the manuscript of his future book“My struggle” (“Mein Kampf”), it included many of the thoughts of Hess himself. From that time on, he began to perform under Hitler, in fact, the duties of a personal secretary.

In 1932, the Fuhrer entrusted his faithful assistant and follower with the leadership of the newly created central party commission of the NSDAP, and in 1933 appointed him his deputy in the party. As head of the party office, Hess received the portfolio of a minister the same year.

In Nazi Germany, the power of Hess, Nazi number three, Hitler's official successor (after Goering), was enormous. On behalf of Hitler, Hess ran all the affairs of the Nazi Party. By a special decree of Hitler, he was entrusted with control over all the activities of the fascist government and other state bodies. Not a single order of the government, not a single law of the Reich was valid until they were signed by Hitler or Hess. Hess was entrusted with making decisions on behalf of the Fuhrer, he was declared "the absolute representative of the Fuhrer", and his office - "the office of the Fuhrer himself." With him, Hitler discussed all issues related to both domestic and foreign policy, and for all the crimes of Nazism, Hess was responsible to the same extent as Hitler and Goering.

Hitler completely trusted Hess. Therefore, preparing for an attack on the USSR, he entrusted him with a secret mission of particular importance - to achieve a truce with the British. On May 10, 1941, Hess secretly flew to Great Britain in a specially equipped fighter plane. However, this mission failed. The British rejected the German proposals, and the world community became aware of the arrival of Hess in England. Hitler had no choice but to declare his deputy in the party insane. In England, Hess was arrested, and after the end of the war, in the autumn of 1945, he was taken to Nuremberg, where he appeared before the International Tribunal that tried the main Nazi criminals.

Next on the list of defendants at Nuremberg was Joachim von Ribbentrop, the former Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany.

At the meetings of the International Tribunal, Ribbentrop behaved very modestly and even ingratiatingly, he was the first to jump up from his seat when the judges entered the hall. With all his appearance, he showed how crushed by the scale of suffering that befell mankind because of the criminal policy of Nazism. But as soon as the accuser reminded the former minister of his personal responsibility, he immediately assumed the pose of an innocently slandered person.

Ribbentrop was born in 1893 in the Rhineland into the family of an officer. After his father's resignation in 1908, the future Reich Minister lived in Switzerland and worked in England, the USA and Canada. This gave him a certain outlook, life experience and excellent knowledge of French and English which Hitler later appreciated so much in him.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Ribbentrop left all his business in America, where he headed a small export-import wine trade enterprise, and returned to Germany. He volunteered for the hussar regiment, participated in the battles in the East and Western fronts, was wounded, awarded the Iron Cross First Class and rose to the rank of Oberleutnant. At the end of the war, Ribbentrop was briefly used in the diplomatic service.

In 1919 Ribbentrop went into business. A profitable marriage with the daughter of the largest German champagne producer Otto Henkel opened up wide prospects for him. By 1925 Ribbentrop was already a successful businessman. Industrialists, politicians, journalists and cultural figures willingly visited his luxurious Berlin mansion. Until 1930, Ribbentrop was not involved in politics, although he sympathized with conservative parties. However, as the economy worsens

German Foreign Minister

Ribbentrop and Foreign Minister

Affairs of Italy Ciano. 1939

The economic and political crisis that had engulfed Germany since the late 1920s, he began to lean more and more towards the NSDAP. Since 1930, Hitler, Goering, Himmler and other Nazi leaders became frequent guests in Ribbentrop's house, and in May 1932 he himself joined the NSDAP. In January 1933, Ribbentrop played exclusively important role in bringing the Nazis to power. Negotiations were held in his house on the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor between the leaders of the NSDAP, on the one hand, and representatives of President Hindenburg and the right-wing bourgeois parties, on the other. Ribbentrop himself often took on the role of mediator in these complex negotiations.

For his services, he expected to receive a high post in the German Foreign Office. And he got it. Some time after coming to power, Hitler created a special foreign policy body of the NSDAP, which was supposed to operate in parallel with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He put Ribbentrop at its head, and this body itself received the name "Ribbentrop's bureau." The bureau was gradually filled with people from the SS, and Ribbentrop himself, who was close friends with Himmler, eventually received the very high rank of Obergruppenführer (general) of the SS.

In 1936, Ribbentrop was appointed German Ambassador to Great Britain, and in February 1938, German Foreign Minister. Since that time, he played an important role in the implementation of the aggressive plans of the "Third Reich". There was not a single criminal action of the German military, in the preparation and assistance of which, by means of diplomacy, Ribbentrop would not take part. The accession of Austria and the Czech Republic to the German Empire, the attack on Poland, the occupation of Denmark and Norway, Belgium and Holland, the defeat of France, the attack on Yugoslavia and Greece, the aggression against the USSR, the forging of aggressive blocs, the economic robbery of the occupied countries - the measure of Ribbentrop's personal responsibility for all these the crime was huge.

The ministry headed by him played a grim role in the extermination of Jews in the countries occupied and allied with Nazi Germany. In particular, in the spring of 1943, Ribbentrop insistently demanded that the Hungarian regent Horthy "complete" the anti-Jewish measures in Hungary. "Jews must be exterminated or exiled to concentration camps- there is no other option, ”Ribbentrop emphasized.

No less criminal were other, purely SS, affairs of the German Foreign Minister. For example, he reprimanded the Italian ambassador for insufficient cruelty in the fight against partisans and persistently advised without exception "to destroy gangs, including men, women and children, whose existence threatens the lives of Germans and Italians." Ribbentrop did not hesitate in the question of the fate of the British and American pilots shot down in the skies of Germany. He categorically insisted that they all be lynched on the spot.

In the first days of May 1945, Ribbentrop managed to escape. He went to Hamburg, where he took a room in an unremarkable house under the nose of the English military headquarters and led the life of a harmless layman. A former companion of Ribbentrop lived in Hamburg, and with his help the fugitive Reich Minister hoped to secure a safe hiding place for himself. However, the companion's son informed the occupying authorities of his appearance in the city, and on June 14, 1945, Ribbentrop was arrested.

On the dock in Nuremberg, in addition to Goering, Hess and Ribbentrop, there were about two dozen more Nazi politicians, diplomats and military men who played a key role in the life of the "Third Reich".

Here, next to Ribbentrop, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel is a typical representative of the Prussian military, the chief of staff of the German high command. It was he who gave orders to the troops not to stand on ceremony with the civilian population of the countries attacked by the Wehrmacht, to shoot on the spot everyone who offered resistance, as well as commissars and Jews.

Following him is Ernst Kaltenbrunner, SS Obergruppenführer, head of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) and the Security Police, Himmler's closest aide. From his office came directives on the extermination of millions of people in death camps, on the persecution of all opponents of Nazism.

Behind Kaltenbrunner is Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler's deputy for the "spiritual and ideological training" of members of the Nazi Party, the Imperial Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, one of the "ideological pillars" of National Socialism.

Next to him is Hans Frank, the Reichsleiter of the NSDAP on legal issues, the Imperial Minister of Justice, and the Governor General of Poland. At one time he was Hitler's lawyer at the trial in Munich after the failure of the putsch of 1923.

Side by side with Frank - Wilhelm Frick, one of the oldest figures in the Nazi Party, the head of its faction in the Reichstag even before Hitler seized power, then the Minister of the Interior of the Nazi government. He led the development of barbaric racial laws, which served as the "legal" basis for the persecution and destruction of entire peoples.

Behind Frick is Julius Streicher, Gauleiter, one of the founders of the NSDAP, an ideologue of anti-Semitism.

Further, Walter Funk is the Reich Minister of Economics, President of the Reichsbank and Plenipotentiary General for the War Economy. Under his leadership, weapons for the Wehrmacht were forged, and his Reichsbank accepted for storage gold rings and dental crowns taken from concentration camp victims.

Next to him is Hjalmar Schacht, the political representative of the German monopolies and banks under Hitler. Without the money that German industrialists and bankers transferred through this person to the cashier of the NSDAP, there would, perhaps, have been no Nazi dictatorship, no Wehrmacht armed to the teeth, no World War II.

No less representative is the second row of defendants.

Here are the grand admirals Karl Doenitz and Erich Raeder - state pirates who violated all maritime laws and customs, giving orders to sink civilian ships.

Beside them is Baldur von Schirach, organizer and leader of the Nazi youth organization "Hitler Youth", Gauleiter of the NSDAP and imperial governor in Vienna.

Following him is Fritz Sauckel, SS Obergruppenführer, General Commissioner for the Use of Manpower, who drove millions of people from the occupied countries to forced labor in Germany and did everything so that almost every one of those driven was worked out to death.

Behind him - Alfred Jodl, Colonel General, Chief of Staff of the Operational Command of the High Command armed forces, and Franz von Papen, the former Reich Chancellor, who opened the way to power for Hitler, and then the German ambassador to Austria and Turkey.

Next to Papen is Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a prominent figure in the Nazi Party, the imperial governor in Austria, deputy governor-general of Poland, imperial commissioner for the occupied Netherlands, a man who drowned the Polish and Dutch liberation movements in blood.

Behind him is Albert Speer, a close friend of Hitler, the Imperial Minister of Armaments and Ammunition, who created new types of weapons for the German army and supervised the development of rocket and nuclear weapons.

And two more - Konstantin von Neurath and Hans Fritsche. The first until 1938 was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany and helped Hitler take the very first steps in his aggressive foreign policy, and then was the Nazi protector of Bohemia and Moravia. The second served as Deputy Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, led radio propaganda in the "Third Reich".

But not all Nazi figures who could be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity were in the hall. Hitler and Goebbels committed suicide in a bunker under the Reich Chancellery, the first on April 30, the second on May 1, 1945. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS, one of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime, escaped trial by poisoning himself with potassium cyanide on May 23, 1945. During the investigation in the Nuremberg prison, Robert Ley, one of the leaders of the NSDAP, the head of the Nazi "labor front", hanged himself.

Martin Bormann, Hitler's secretary and closest adviser, who headed the NSDAP party office after Hess's flight to England, was not in the dock either. Bormann was sentenced in absentia. For many years it was believed that he managed to escape from Germany and hide somewhere abroad. Only in the early 70s. convincing evidence was obtained that he could not escape from encircled Berlin and on May 2, 1945 committed suicide (as

Many Nazi leaders, using potassium cyanide) under the Bridge of the Invalids in Berlin.

On October 1, 1946, the International Tribunal in Nuremberg finished its work and pronounced a sentence on the defendants. 12 of them were sentenced to death by hanging (Göring, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Sauckel, Jodl, Seyss-Inquart, Bormann), 3 to life imprisonment (Hess, Funk, Raeder) . Doenitz, Schirach, Speer and Neurath received 10 to 20 years in prison, while Schacht, Papen, Fritsche, despite the objections of the Soviet judges, were acquitted.

An exceptional role in justifying Schacht was played by his close ties with American industrialists and bankers, as well as the desire of Western judges to exonerate the "captains of industry" of responsibility for the outbreak of war. If Schacht had been convicted, in retaliation he would certainly have told the public about the role of American capital in arming Germany on the eve of the war and about the connections maintained by the German and American monopolies during its years.

As for Fritsche and Papen, in comparison with other defendants, their guilt was much less, and they could not be charged with the gravest war crimes and conspiracy against peace and humanity. Fritsche was, in general, a small fry in the Nazi political apparatus, and Papen, a representative of the conservative Prussian elite, was not a member of the NSDAP. An important role in the justification of Papen was apparently also played by his close ties with industrial circles and the Catholic Church. It is known, in particular, that before the start of the Nuremberg trials, the Pope petitioned the American judge for Papen.

On October 16 of the same year, the death sentences handed down by the International Tribunal were carried out. Only Goering escaped hanging. Two hours before the execution, he committed suicide with the help of potassium cyanide, unknown by whom and how it was transferred to him in prison.

The convicts who escaped the death sentence were placed in the Spandau prison in Berlin. However, already in 1954, Neurath was pardoned, and in 1957-1958. Funk and Raeder sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1956, Doenitz was released after serving his term, and in 1966 Speer and Schirach were released. Only Rudolf Hess remained in prison. In subsequent years, a sharp political struggle unfolded around him. Right-wing forces in Germany and other Western countries began to insistently demand his pardon. However, the victorious powers refused to commute the sentence. Hess remained in prison until his death on August 17, 1987. With his death, the last page of the life of the political leaders of the "Third Reich" was closed.


At 9 pm on February 27, 1933, the 24-year-old Dutch anarchist Marinus van der Lubbe entered the Reichstag and, using special incendiary devices, set fire to a large meeting room in several places. The fire quickly engulfed the room, and the firefighters who arrived at the scene half an hour later could no longer cope with the flames that shot up to the very dome of the building. Hitler and other Nazi leaders immediately declared the burning of the Reichstag to be the work of the Communists, who allegedly wanted to give this action a signal for an uprising against the Nazi government. According to pre-prepared lists, about 4 thousand leading figures of the Communist Party of Germany were immediately arrested, and the KKE itself was deprived of all deputy mandates in the Reichstag. This was followed by mass arrests of ordinary communists. The KKE was almost completely destroyed. Those of its members who survived and did not come to terms with Nazism went underground and fought underground.

Who benefited from the burning of the Reichstag? The systematic defeat of the Communist Party after him - the main opponent of the NSDAP - suggests that he was primarily in the interests of the Nazi leadership. The opinion has been repeatedly expressed that the Nazis themselves staged this arson, using van der Lubbe only as a figurehead. This is also supported by the fact that an underground passage led from Goering's residence to the Reichstag, which could be used for provocation. And it's hard to imagine that one person could set fire to such a huge building. However, during the trial of the Reichstag fire, which took place in Leipzig in September-December 1933, neither the Nazi leaders nor the communists who were in the dock could provide convincing evidence that van der Lubbe did not act alone: ​​the Nazis could not to prove the involvement of the communists, the communists - the participation of the Nazis. After the war, the issue of the Reichstag fire was carefully investigated by an international commission headed by the famous Swiss historian Hofer, but even she failed to refute the version of the sole responsibility of the Dutch anarchist.

The Nazi elite tried to turn the trial of the Reichstag fire into a show trial of German communists and leaders of the Communist International, who were in Germany at that time (Georgy Dimitrov and others). Goering was the main witness at this trial. However, the plans of the Nazis failed. Dimitrov and his comrades not only refuted all the accusations against them, but also used the court session to expose Nazism. The court was forced to fully acquit them.

Van der Lubbe was sentenced to death. On January 10, 1934, the Nazis carried it out. In the post-war period, the van der Lubbe case was considered several times by West German courts. In 1967, it was finally recognized that the punishment was too harsh.