The healer from the future is the king's court physician. Yuri Korchevsky: Witch Doctor from the Future. The king's court physician. Download for free the book "Healer from the future. The court physician of the king "Yuri Korchevsky

If at the height of the war against the Poles during the siege of Smolensk, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich fell seriously ill - who will save him from certain death?

The English court doctor only knows how to bleed.

And then the HEALER FROM THE FUTURE, abandoned in the Moscow Kingdom from our time, comes to the rescue.

But cutting out the king's appendix is ​​not yet the most difficult of the operations for a doctor from the 21st century.

He will have to convince the Church that his gift and medical art are from God.

He needs to avoid the poison that the European "killer doctors" strive to pour on a competitor.

He is destined to enter into an unequal battle with the plague epidemic, which threatens to devastate not only Moscow, but the entire Russian Land...

Yuri Korchevsky

Witch Doctor from the future. King's court physician

Chapter 1


The day started badly. There are days like you try to do everything in at its best, but it turns out somehow according to Chernomyrdin. In the morning, Nikita's girlfriend said that she was tired of living like this: he is always at work, on duty, he does not devote time to her - so beautiful and sexy - at all, like she is a disgusted wife of advanced age. And so she goes to another, who will appreciate her charms. She took two bags, folded ahead of time, threw the keys to the apartment on the table and left.

Nikita looked out the window. Venus - after all, the parents picked up the name - appeared from under the visor of the entrance, a black BMW slowly taxied up to her. A young guy jumped out from behind the wheel, gallantly opened the door, took the bags from Venus, put them in the trunk. The girl slowly, with dignity, got into the car. She didn’t even look at his windows, but she felt that he was looking. Triumph enjoyed! Of course, where is he, Nikita, the surgeon of the district hospital with his salary, up to a black BMW! He works at least for one and a half rates and does not refuse additional duties, but still he will not buy such a car. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries are higher, but they don’t pull him there, although fellow students invited him. Busy cities, even impudent ones.

I went to work, there was nothing at all, ten minutes of a brisk pace, so the car sprayed my trousers. And in the department, the duty officer Leshka Troyan pleased:

- At night, the police brought the guy, a stab wound to the buttocks, they hit him with an awl at a disco in a drunken fight. I took the tests, watch him. PHO carried out.

PHO is the primary surgical treatment of wounds.

Why was he hospitalized? You know there are no empty seats. He treated the wound - let it be observed in the clinic.

- I don't like him.

If Leshka said - he doesn’t like it, then let him lie down. Leshka has intuition - be healthy! He has a nose for trouble like a dog.

“Then let me lie down and watch.” How is Dobrov from the eighteenth?

- I'm on the mend. Yesterday, on an evening round, I caught him smoking in the ward.

- Three days after the operation, he now only smokes.

Doctors had their own signs. As soon as the woman walks away after the operation, she begins to look in the mirror, paint her lips, so she started to recover. The men secretly smoke in the wards, they try to let out the smoke through the open window - for conspiracy. But when the operated patient lies indifferently, this is bad. Wait for complications or overlooked something. It happens that way, in every work there are blunders. A lot depends on the surgeon, but not everything. They operate, even small operations, by a team, in addition to the surgeon, there is also an operating room nurse, an orderly of the operating unit. Suppose the operation is going to the finish line, it remains only to suture the operating wound. The surgeon stops, asks to count. The nurse counts the used napkins in the basin, the operating nurse counts the tools. The number of tools, napkins and other things should converge before and after the operation. If something is missing, it means that it was left in the belly. And it happens that they left, however, not Nikita. It only seems wildly to the uninitiated at first glance, how can you leave a napkin in your belly? She's white! The napkin in the stomach becomes red from the blood, merges with the intestines, which are also in the blood. In addition, the intestines are perestalted, with their loops they can drive the napkin far from the wound. And the incision is only ten or twelve centimeters, you can’t examine the entire abdominal cavity.

Nikita sat down at the table, began to look through the case histories. Perhaps, after the morning round, Mamedov can be discharged from the thirteenth ward. Granny Ovdiyenko after bandaging too. Her condition is already quite, and old people can hardly endure a change of scenery, they feel better at home, especially if they are loved at home and decent care. It just doesn't always happen that way. Last month, my grandfather was operated on, the wound has already healed, the stitches have been removed, but his relatives are not coming for him, they are not picking him up. With difficulty I got through on the phone, asked to be taken home, so my relatives were still dissatisfied. It was felt that grandfather was a burden to them, a burden. After all, a hospital is not a nursing home. And it is not known to people that with age they themselves will be the same. Youth - it passes with time.

The day started badly. There are days when you try to do everything in the best possible way, but it turns out somehow according to Chernomyrdin. In the morning, Nikita's girlfriend said that she was tired of living like this: he is always at work, on duty, he does not devote time to her - so beautiful and sexy - at all, like she is a disgusted wife of advanced age. And so she goes to another, who will appreciate her charms. She took two bags, folded ahead of time, threw the keys to the apartment on the table and left.

Nikita looked out the window. Venus - after all, the parents picked up the name - appeared from under the visor of the entrance, a black BMW slowly taxied up to her. A young guy jumped out from behind the wheel, gallantly opened the door, took the bags from Venus, put them in the trunk. The girl slowly, with dignity, got into the car. She didn’t even look at his windows, but she felt that he was looking. Triumph enjoyed! Of course, where is he, Nikita, the surgeon of the district hospital with his salary, up to a black BMW! He works at least for one and a half rates and does not refuse additional duties, but still he will not buy such a car. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries are higher, but they don’t pull him there, although fellow students invited him. Busy cities, even impudent ones.

I went to work, there was nothing at all, ten minutes of a brisk pace, so the car sprayed my trousers. And in the department, the duty officer Leshka Troyan pleased:

- At night, the police brought the guy, a stab wound to the buttocks, they hit him with an awl at a disco in a drunken fight. I took the tests, watch him. PHO carried out.

PHO is the primary surgical treatment of wounds.

Why was he hospitalized? You know there are no empty seats. He treated the wound - let it be observed in the clinic.

- I don't like him.

If Leshka said - he doesn’t like it, then let him lie down. Leshka has intuition - be healthy! He has a nose for trouble like a dog.

“Then let me lie down and watch.” How is Dobrov from the eighteenth?

- I'm on the mend. Yesterday, on an evening round, I caught him smoking in the ward.

- Three days after the operation, he now only smokes.

Doctors had their own signs. As soon as the woman walks away after the operation, she begins to look in the mirror, paint her lips, so she started to recover. The men secretly smoke in the wards, they try to let out the smoke through the open window - for conspiracy. But when the operated patient lies indifferently, this is bad. Wait for complications or overlooked something. It happens that way, in every work there are blunders. A lot depends on the surgeon, but not everything. They operate, even small operations, by a team, in addition to the surgeon, there is also an operating room nurse, an orderly of the operating unit. Suppose the operation is going to the finish line, it remains only to suture the operating wound. The surgeon stops, asks to count. The nurse counts the used napkins in the basin, the operating nurse counts the tools. The number of tools, napkins and other things should converge before and after the operation. If something is missing, it means that it was left in the belly. And it happens that they left, however, not Nikita. It only seems wildly to the uninitiated at first glance, how can you leave a napkin in your belly? She's white! The napkin in the stomach becomes red from the blood, merges with the intestines, which are also in the blood. In addition, the intestines are perestalted, with their loops they can drive the napkin far from the wound. And the incision is only ten or twelve centimeters, you can’t examine the entire abdominal cavity.

Nikita sat down at the table, began to look through the case histories. Perhaps, after the morning round, Mamedov can be discharged from the thirteenth ward. Granny Ovdiyenko after bandaging too. Her condition is already quite, and old people can hardly endure a change of scenery, they feel better at home, especially if they are loved at home and decent care. It just doesn't always happen that way. Last month, my grandfather was operated on, the wound has already healed, the stitches have been removed, but his relatives are not coming for him, they are not picking him up. With difficulty I got through on the phone, asked to be taken home, so my relatives were still dissatisfied. It was felt that grandfather was a burden to them, a burden. After all, a hospital is not a nursing home. And it is not known to people that with age they themselves will be the same. Youth - it passes with time.

Nikita considered. After all, he missed with Venus, did not see. If she got into the BMW today, it means that she had been preparing a spare airfield for herself for a long time. He is neither ear nor snout! And at the very horn they have long grown. Here's an actress! You come home from work, greets you joyfully, mouth to ear, clear eyes:

- Nikita, I have prepared something delicious for you!

Leshka Troyan had already changed his clothes and was about to run away. He has day duty on the ambulance.

- Lyokha, can't I see horns?

- And what, the temechko itches? It seems not to be seen. What is so thoughtful?

- Venus took the bags in the morning and left.

- What a disaster! A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

- So I'm not a mare.

Do you know what the Chinese say? If the bus departs from the stop, do not catch up: this is not your bus. If the girl left, then it's not your girl, forget it.

- It's a shame. She left in a black BMW.

- Surrendered to you this "BMW"! You won't buy one anyway.

- The second time I step on the same rake. Lech, what do they lack?

- Money, Nikita, money!

- As they agreed, she said - she loves.

- Oh, you are a fool, Nikita! Women's words and tears are not expensive.

- You're probably right.

- No time, Nikita, I'm already late!

The fox ran away. Pogodok Nikita, twenty-nine years old, got a family, two children. On duty, homemade cutlets are bursting, shirts are ironed. Maybe not to catch the bird of happiness by the tail, not to wait for who knows what? To marry a reliable girl, there the operating sister Verochka breathes unevenly towards him, shoots with her eyes. And the girl is pretty and handy, but that's bad luck - there is no spark in the relationship. Joint work and an anecdote at joint gatherings when the patients in the department calm down.

The whole day went badly, the work did not go well. I want to throw this Venus out of my head, but it doesn’t work. Like a splinter stuck. Or hurt pride does not calm down? Even at lunch, in a cafe at the hospital, I only thought about it. There was no such thing. I came to work, disconnected from household chores - it has always been like this, but not today.

I remembered the words of Leshka. We must go and see who the police brought. I read the case history: Alexander Viktorovich Sychev, born in 1994, college student. Blood tests - leukocytosis is high. As if suppuration of the wound did not begin.

Nikita went into the ward and said hello. The ward is small, for two beds in total, cramped, you can't turn around. I asked the guy about the circumstances. As always - they went out, gave him a punch in the face, he gave. Then something prickled. The guy blushed, jabbed his finger into the buttock.

I didn't even feel it at first. Then he took hold of his pants, and his palm was wet and bloody. And then the police. They tied me up.

- Does it hurt anywhere?

- A little belly.

Nikita examined and felt his stomach. The tummy is tense, a positive symptom of Shchetkin - Blumberg. Misunderstandings! A prick with an awl or a knitting needle, yes, maybe with a sharpened screwdriver, in the buttock, and the stomach is tense. Oh, Leshka croaked!

Nikita ordered to repeat the blood tests, and waited for the result. Leukocytosis increased, ESR rose slightly. The door swung open, the head of the department, Denis Yuryevich, flew into the staff room. He, in fact, was on vacation, but periodically dropped by. He could not walk, he almost always ran.

- Hello, doctor!

It was one of his favorite nicknames. He called all the doctors in the department that.

Nikita got up and held out his hand in greeting.

- What are you thinking about? How are things in the department?

And a thousand more questions.

- Yes, the boy in my ward is not entirely clear.

Nikita handed over the case history. Denis Yurievich quickly read.

The book "Healer from the future. The court physician of the king” tells about the adventures of a hitman with a medical education. Created such an unusual story Yuri Korchevsky - a writer with a higher medical education. The writer has been writing books for many years, delighting modern readers with the most incredible stories.

The author's works have one thing in common: they are all written in the genre of combat fantasy. Therefore, Korchevsky's books attract readers of various categories, because reading about the amazing adventures that happen to our compatriots in the vast past is always exciting. How will such a story end? It's hard to say. It is better to read the writer's books yourself in order to be able to find out the truth. And start right now with the book “Healer from the Future. The king's court physician.

So in front of you Ancient Russia, the time is complex and turbulent, filled with a variety of events. People in those days were "dark" and poorly educated, distrustful and fearful, they attributed everything incomprehensible to the deeds of Satan. A healer from our world falls into the distant past. However, it will be very difficult for him to live and work in the Moscow Kingdom. After all, in those days the word of the Church was equated with the word of God, and if the servants of the Lord did not like someone, they could take him to the grave. And they did not like the hero from the future. They want to know where the healer has such great knowledge in the field of medicine. They do not accept any arguments, as they are sure that the healer has an agreement with the Devil. And all due to the fact that he famously manages with the most complex diseases.

During a very important battle Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich fell ill. The doctor is trying with all his might to save the emperor. However, saving lives, fighting death, sometimes the most terrible epidemic - the plague, the doctor does not even suspect that church ministers are carefully watching him and drawing their own conclusions. This is how hard it will be for the hero of the book “The Witch Doctor from the Future. The court physician of the tsar” in the vastness of the past. But he needs to survive at all costs. How can he convince the Church of his innocence? What other trials did fate have in store for him? Will he be able to return to his civilization? It is better to read about all this in the adventure novel “The Witch Doctor from the Future. The king's court physician.

Yuri Korchevsky has a pleasant writing style. The book is easy and fast to read. As soon as you open the page, you are completely immersed in the reading, I come off only when another fascinating story has come to an end. Due to the fact that Yuri Korchevsky is tirelessly working on the creation of new literary works, one can go on a journey into the past indefinitely.

On our literary site, you can download the book by Yuri Korchevsky “The Witch Doctor from the Future. The Tsar's Court Physician" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have big choice books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

If at the height of the war against the Poles during the siege of Smolensk, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich fell seriously ill - who will save him from certain death? The English court doctor only knows how to bleed. And then the HEALER FROM THE FUTURE, abandoned in the Moscow Kingdom from our time, comes to the rescue. But cutting out the king's appendix is ​​not yet the most difficult of the operations for a doctor from the 21st century. He will have to convince the Church that his gift and medical art are from God. He needs to avoid the poison that the European "killer doctors" strive to pour on a competitor. He is destined to enter into an unequal battle with the plague epidemic, which threatens to devastate not only Moscow, but the entire Russian Land...

A series: Combat fiction Yu. Korchevsky

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by the LitRes company.


Actually, Nikita spent the weekend and the whole following week in the department. The skill and experience of healing is not only a skillfully performed operation, but also everyday, dreary, sometimes exhausting work in nursing patients.

But Friday came, followed by two whole days of rest, without duty.

He saw faith, but briefly. Although they worked in the same department, they saw each other rarely and in passing. The hospital and the surgical department in particular is not the place where you can chat to your heart's content. Even when Nikita and Vera participated in the operation with the same brigade, the conversations were purely working. “Korntsang, clamp, tampon,” that’s the whole conversation. And after the operation - filling out documents, bypasses, dressings.

Nikita went to the grocery store. Three tipsy guys landed right at the entrance to him. First they asked to smoke, as always, then word for word and into a fight. Nikita knocked one down with a blow, but he himself suffered. He missed twice in the face. The neighbor who came out shouted “Police!” and the guys ran away.

Nikita got up and went into the bathroom, to the mirror. Oh my God! It was not Dr. Nikita Alekseevich Savelyev, a surgeon by the grace of God, who was looking at him, but a bum with a hangover. The left eye was swollen with a purplish blue, the lip was swollen, the left cheek was swollen, as if with a flux, the right ear was scratched, and the abrasion was covered with a crust. “Well, good! How can I go to work tomorrow? Patients will scatter from me, employees will not know!” thought Nikita.

He called Vera. When she arrived, she was horrified.

- Do you have a bodyguard?

- Then I'll go to the pharmacy.

The girl returned quickly, put lotions on him. The touch of her hands was pleasant to Nikita. And it was uncomfortable in front of her: her face was like that of a bandit, she could not brush her teeth.

- Maybe in the morning you will call Denis Yuryevich, say you are sick?

“There are not enough doctors in the department.

- What kind of worker are you - one eye swollen completely. How are you going to operate?

- I'll do the dressings.

- Don't be stupid. Call tomorrow, take off from work.

- I will think.

Nikita stared up at the ceiling. Or maybe even call? Erysipelas - only to scare children. And it'll be gone in a week. Vera will go for groceries - it is inconvenient for the neighbors to show themselves in the eyes. Grandmothers have long tongues, in an instant the news will spread around the house.

Vera ran away again.

- I soon.

She returned with a bag full of groceries and began to fiddle around in the kitchen. Soon, delicious smells wafted out. Lip lip, but he is a young man, there is a hunt.

- Go, hero, it's ready to eat.

Nikita went into the kitchen. M-yes, this is not his bachelor's dinner, a woman's hand was felt. Napkins lay beautifully, cutlery was arranged, a salad delighted the eye with bright colors, and cutlets were smoking in the center.

“And when did you have time?”

I had to eat carefully. As soon as you open your mouth wider, the lip gave off with pain and began to tint. Vera watched and sympathized.

While she was washing the dishes after eating, Nikita watched the news on TV. One and the same, only promises to improve, increase, implement. Talking heads are tired.

Nikita turned on the receiver, his favorite "Hit-FM". Verochka came up.

- Disabled, would you like to invite a lady to dance?

“I’m Don Pedro from Brazil, where there are a lot of wild monkeys in the forests, I don’t know how to dance,” Nikita retorted.

- Nikita, are we going to sit like pensioners?

Are you suggesting we go somewhere? Nikita touched his sore lip.

- Oh, sorry, and the truth - she said stupidity. And in other places nothing was recaptured for you, I hope - there you are not disabled?

- Nikita, it's time for me to go home, it will soon get dark.

“Yes, perhaps, because I can’t see you off.”

Verochka got ready quickly.

When you get home, call.

- Good. So don't forget to call the head of the department, tell them you're sick.

Vera kissed him on the cheek and ran away.

Nikita spent the evening watching TV. In the morning I called Denis Yuryevich and said he was sick.

– Are you serious?

- Seriously nowhere.

- Here is the cat! And so there is no one to work in the department, and you are out of order. Okay, get well. If there is no emergency, I will not bother.

However, after lunch, the manager called.

- How are you?

“Sorry, but you have to come to the office.

- What happened? Nikita was worried.

- No, no one died, everything is fine with the patients.

“Then why?”

“Remember that blonde from the administration? So she filed a complaint against you with the head doctor, moreover, she tipped off the administration. We are waiting for a commission with a check.

- Yes, so that it was empty!

- Exactly! However, you must come. You will look at her medical history - did you write everything down correctly. Otherwise, the hour is not even, the head doctor will take her to him for a check.

- I will now.

Nikita shaved, dressed, looked at himself in the mirror. The sight is still the same! If only I could lie down for a couple of days, the swelling would go down, it would look more or less human.

Arriving at the hospital, Nikita darted into the department from the back door, where walking patients were smoking on the stairs. And immediately went to the manager's office. Thank God, did not catch the eye of the staff.

Seeing him, the head of the department was speechless.

- Where is it you so?

- Places to know!

- Did you drink?

- If! Behind the wheel was sober as glass!

What didn't you share?

- They landed on the street.

“Then he got off lightly. Was there a police?

– You were lucky, besides the complaint, you still lacked some kind of criminal case. That would be a trump card for a blonde! Okay, now I'll bring her medical history, check it out!

Denis Yurievich went out and soon returned with a medical history in his hands. The blonde was discharged on Friday. She's smart!

Nikita checked the medical history, or, as they used to say in the old days, “the mournful leaf.” Everything seems to be in order.

- Give it here.

The head of the department took the skinny medical history from Nikita's hands.

“You look at her like an attending physician. And you read through the eyes of the prosecutor.

Denis Yuryevich skimmed through the medical history of the scandalous patient.

- Here, add, and here write: "behaved inappropriately." And in more detail. Maybe she had a psychological shock - post-traumatic.

- Yes, she's just a capricious bitch!

- You can’t write it down in the medical history, it’s a document. By the way, it has been stored for fifty years.

- Yah? Nikita was surprised.

- Okay, it seems that there are no big flaws in the documents, but the commission will still find small ones. Go lick your wounds. If it works out, you'll lie down for a week, but if not... - The manager spread his hands: - Then don't ask.

I managed to sit at home only one more day - Tuesday. And on Wednesday morning, Nikita was called to the department.

- The commission has declared, you are required. I said that you fell and had a minor injury, but they don't listen.

- Understood thanks.

Twenty minutes later Nikita was in the department.

As soon as he entered the manager's office, where, besides him, three people were sitting, one of them, a man of an official appearance, sleek, with a tie and suit, immediately asked:

- Saveliev?

- Exactly.

- As long as you sit down.

The head physician of the hospital, who was sitting on the sidelines, shook his head disapprovingly and surreptitiously showed his fist.

- What can you explain about the case?

“Is there already a case filed against me?” - Nikita is stuck.

"I'd be more polite if I were you." If you talk to the commission like that, then I can imagine how you treated a poor wounded woman.

- Didn't the woman accidentally tell that next to her, on a gurney, there were still sick people, moreover, more severe ones? I had to urgently operate on a man who was threatened with death by delay.

The sleek official grimaced.

- Do not take the conversation away, answer to the point.

- I'm speaking to the point. Check the medical records brought to the ward with her.

The second member of the commission entered the conversation.

- What's wrong with your face?

- Slipped in a puddle, fell. I think this can happen to anyone.

- And your behavior with the patient, and the conversation with the commission - defiant, and the fall ...

The official did not continue the proposal, but made it clear that he did not believe in the version of the fall.

“Boris Kirillovich,” the official turned to the head physician, “how would you characterize the work of a doctor… uh…?”

- Savelyeva, - prompted the head of the department.

“Excellent doctor, a lot of operations, experienced. The indicators - mortality, complications after operations - are better than in general for others.

- Yes? the official was surprised. He was clearly expecting a different characteristic.

What about moral character? So, abuse?

“I didn’t use it at work and I wasn’t noticed in this,” the head of the department answered dryly.

- Maybe thanks from the sick?

- Half a book of thanks from patients is written. Can show.

“No, I’m not talking about that, you don’t understand,” the official grimaced in annoyance.

“Ah, are you talking about complaints? No, absolutely not!

The official clearly hinted at monetary thanks.

- Savelyev, write an explanatory note.

The official moved a blank sheet of paper.

Nikita wrote: about a seriously wounded in an accident, about an urgent operation, about how the blonde demanded to help her in the first place, hiding behind her work in the city administration. Then he did everything right - as required by his medical duty, and did not feel guilty.

The official took the explanatory note and read it. When he got almost to the end, his face turned purple.

- You are specifically trying to denigrate our employee! We won't leave it like this!

- Let's all go...

Nikita got up and left.

The manager jumped out of the office and caught up with Nikita.

- Why did you run away like an offended college student? Do you think I enjoy talking to them? Century would not see these sleek faces!

- What is my fault? If I had started to suture her abrasion in the first place, the man with hemothorax could have died.

- Calm down. Both you and I understand this - because doctors are professionals. And who are they? Come back, rewrite the explanatory note, apologize.

- What? Am I supposed to apologize? These snickering bureaucrats?

- Both I and the head physician understand everything perfectly, but these are the conditions of the game.

– I don’t play games, my job is to operate, to save people.

“They kick you out—let’s see who you save.”

But Nikita was already wound up.

- There are many hunters for such a salary, there is a whole line of people who want to work. Then why are there no doctors in the department? If I don't like it, I'll write a statement and leave. I will go to paid medicine, they have been calling me for a long time. There the salary is twice as high, honor and respect.

- Don't get excited, cool down. Go to the staff room, sit, think. But you have ten minutes.

Nikita went into the staff room. Sergei Ignatov was sitting there, writing his case histories. That's what gets stuck on medical work- so this is writing. Almost half of the working time is spent on paperwork. And any planning commission always looks at how these papers are drawn up, whether all the columns are filled in, whether they are beautiful, without blots. Nobody cares about real people. Weird.

Seeing Nikita, Sergei was surprised.

- Well, you have a face, Sharapov! - this is how he greeted Nikita with words from the famous film directed by Govorukhin. - Do you have asphalt disease?

- Fought with guys.

- Yes? I thought you were already past that age.

I myself thought so until recently.

- So the commission came to us about this? And then I look - the manager has collected your case histories.

- If. The patient filed a complaint against me. There, the case is not worth a damn, if she did not work in the city administration.

- O! The case is hopeless! Even if you did everything perfectly, they will still cling to something. At best, they'll give you a reprimand. You know, according to the results of the check, the conclusions must be, and necessarily - the guilty ones. I already have these reprimands, like a dog has fleas.

- Unpleasant.

“I know, I’ve been through it myself, and more than once. Take it as the other side of our work. The main thing - do not worry, step back, look from the side.

“So it’s not my fault.

- You were born yesterday? Do you think there are real criminals in our prisons? Most of them, yes, real criminals. And the rest are those who are not lucky. They stole a sack of potatoes in the village, the district policeman grabbed the first drunkard, who definitely does not remember what he did yesterday, and that's it. Think about what they can do to you. Withdraw wages? Not! Prizes? So we don't have it when it's born. Demoted? So you are already an ordinary doctor, nowhere lower. Although no, they can send to the front - to the most advanced.

Sergei grinned.

- Always you, Seryoga, with jokes. And so cats scratch at the soul.

- Nikita! Wake up, look around! What's keeping you here? There is no family, they pay pennies at work, and even rinse their brains. Go to some "OOO", and you will receive twice as much for incomparably easier work. You won’t be on duty for days, that’s for sure.

- I'm used to it.

Better yet, move to a big city. There are more prestigious clinics and higher salaries. Probably friends-fellow students called already?

- Not without it.

- Here! – Sergey instructively raised a finger. “Wait, why did you come here, to the staff room?”

- They demand an explanatory rewrite and a written apology.

- So write...

- Be sick.

- Cleansing!

- Exactly. Therefore, I will not write anything.

- As you know.

Sergei took up writing again.

Nikita sat down at the table and stared thoughtlessly at the table top. Then he pulled a sheet of paper towards him, thinking. Maybe write a letter of resignation? And really go to paid structures?

Then he pushed the paper away. No. No, we have to wait until the end of the case. He is not to blame, and why should a quarrelsome official decide whether he should work or not? In the end, he is not for her, does not work for her. How many people from death, from disability, he saved, is it possible that one hysterical woman will outweigh everything? He took what was happening too close to his heart, maybe because a clear injustice was being committed?

Nikita slammed his fist on the table: no, I won't just leave!

- What? Sergey didn't understand.

- Yes, I'm not for you.

“Then don’t be afraid.

Half an hour later the head of the department came.

“Well, I guess I got off lightly. Reprimand - this time. And one more thing: we decided to send you to study, to improve your qualifications.

- So I passed three years ago, I only have to go in two years.

Denis Yurievich spread his hands.

Do you think I want to send you? And who will work in the department? It's good that your performance is excellent, there was nothing to complain about. Well, there, surgical activity, the percentage of complications ...

- So - to the front line, to the penal battalion?

- What are you talking about? The manager didn't understand.

- I'm talking about my own, about women's. When to go?

When the ticket arrives. I don't even know where - to Rostov, Moscow or St. Petersburg. But in principle - you will have a rest, maybe you will learn new methods, you will look after some equipment. There is no bad without good. Rest until the end of the week, otherwise with such a physiognomy you will only scare the children. Baba Yaga and Koschey the Deathless put together and without makeup!

Nikita said goodbye and went home. I lay down on the sofa at home. The soul was tormented by resentment. "Yes, to hell with them all!"

Nikita got up, poured cognac into a glass, drank, stood for a couple of minutes, drank again. It seemed to ease up. He lay down on the couch again and fell asleep unnoticed.

He was woken up by a knock on the door.

Vera was at the door.

- Come in.

Vera took off her cloak and went into the room.

- Oh, there was a commission in the department today!

I know they called.

Is it because of the fight?

- Why is there a fight? Remember, there was a collision between a Gazelle and a truck? Then they called me from home. Denis Yuryevich operated on with Lesha Troyan. So the wench made one absurd complaint against me. Everything would be fine, but she works in the city administration.

- And how did it end?

- A reprimand was announced and sent to study. When and where, I don't know yet.

- Will shift. You go and learn.

Vera went up to him, hugged him, turned her nose.

- You are drunk?

- I drank a little, a couple of glasses. It's a shame. It's not my fault, but they ran into me - as if I were some kind of murderer.

- And the girls from the department told me - the commission came. Everyone ran to the corners. And then they say - Nikita Alekseevich was in the department, all beaten up, scary. And gloomy!

- Why have fun?

– Have you eaten anything today?

- I do not remember.

– I am now.

Vera ran into the kitchen and rattled the dishes.

But Nikita did not want to eat at all. The mood was just disgusting.

- Nikita! Everything is ready, go, let's have dinner.

Nikita reluctantly trudged into the kitchen. Sitting at the table, he listlessly picked at the salad with a fork. But seeing how famously the girl dealt with dinner, he began to eat. As they say, appetite comes with eating.

The mood got better. Either dinner influenced, or a conversation with Vera. Today she was more talkative than ever. Usually Nikita was tired of women's chatter about nothing - as, indeed, and many other men.

And he didn't like shopping for rags either. How can you spend hours wandering through numerous boutiques, asking the price, trying on? If you need a shirt or trousers, I went, tried it on and bought it. Everything!

And from Pink colour he was sick. Why do women like him so much?

Verochka stayed overnight and immediately ran away from him to work. And the morning seemed to him not so gloomy as the day before. No wonder they say: "The morning is wiser than the evening."

Nikita breakfasted on the leftovers from yesterday's dinner, warming it up in the microwave. Sitting in front of the computer, he read the latest medical journals from electronic library. On the one hand, it's not even bad that he will go to advanced courses. In medicine, almost every year something new appears - equipment, medicines, methods of operations. After all, how many years have surgeons operated on stomach ulcers according to Billroth I or later - according to Billroth II. And then new methods appeared, and everyone was amazed at how they managed to stick to the routine for decades.

Medicine is a conservative field in itself. These are not digital technologies, where yesterday they discovered, today they are already producing, and tomorrow they are buying and using. No, it's not enough to invent something, you have to test it on animals - dogs, cats, mice. Then - work in the dissecting room, on corpses, then - clinical trials on volunteers. And all this lasts not one month, but at least a year. And you think it's the end? Ahead of walking through bureaucratic offices, approval, issuance of orders. While you introduce something new, you will grow old.

Nikita sat at the computer until late at night. He looked at his watch when his eyes began to ripple. Two twenty! The windows in the neighboring houses no longer glowed. Time to sleep!

He slept until almost noon. In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. The bruise under his eye shone purple-yellow, but the swelling from his cheek and lip subsided. True, the bristles added completeness to the bum after a hangover.

Nikita smiled wryly. Now to put on rags and go to church to ask for alms. And no one would recognize him as a surgeon.

For two days he sat at home without getting out until the last pack of dumplings ran out. He searched hopefully all the compartments of the refrigerator. In vain, the unit was empty. You have to shave, get dressed and go to the store. And Vera does not come for the third day. Did something happen? On the other hand, I could call.

Nikita quickly scraped off the stubble from his face, put on a tracksuit, put on a jacket and headed to the store. He's close by, about a hundred meters away.

Having gathered food for several days, he put a bottle of Tuborg beer on top of the bag.

Nikita was never a drunkard, he drank on holidays, sometimes in company. And this should happen - at the pedestrian crossing, he stopped to let the cars through. The green light turned on, and Nikita moved on.

And suddenly, from behind the windshield of a stopped Toyota, he saw the surprised eyes of an official, his former patient, who wrote a complaint against him. The woman even lowered the side window and poked her head into it, obviously wanting to make sure that she hadn't made a mistake, hadn't she mistaken herself?

Nikita turned away and quickened his pace. And he saw himself as if from the outside. Bruises on his face, an old, albeit Adidas, tracksuit, a bag of groceries, and a bottle of beer on top. A degraded former intellectual - that's what he was in the eyes of this absurd woman. Surely she now despised him and approved of her act - she put the presumptuous doctor in his place.

With a quick step Nikita reached the house, ran up the stairs. What an unwelcome meeting!

Already calmed down in the apartment. What was he up to? Bruises - so they will soon pass without a trace, but the mind, skills and ability will remain. Fuck you, you silly wench!

Nikita suddenly came into a good mood, imagining how now in the administration this wench with horror in her eyes, exaggerating, tells the same employees about the meeting. They gasp, are indignant: what kind of doctors work in the hospital, to whom do we entrust our health ... And unanimously approve of the official for the commission sent to the hospital.

Nikita uncorked the bottle and took a sip.

- Here's to you!

He made a three-finger figure and pointed at the window. This unexpected meeting somehow dramatically changed his mood. He called Vera.

"Hey, why don't you come in?" I'm bored.

“If I was bored, I would have called,” Vera answered somehow detachedly.

“Have I done something wrong to you?” Nikita was surprised.

- No, I'm sorry, I just shook; Lots of work. I'll call you later.

Wait, today is Friday. Can we go somewhere with you tomorrow?

- I do not know. Nikita, I'm busy, I can't talk. Till.

Short beeps sounded on the phone.

What the hell? Some tension in his voice, aloofness... And he hasn't visited him for the third day. Had he offended her in some way without even noticing it, without realizing it? Yes, it seems not, they said goodbye in a friendly way when they parted. Well, you don't understand these women. Maybe he didn't give gifts? And how would he go to the store with such a mug? Yes, he would not be allowed into a decent store and the guards would not let him in - what if he steals something?

Nikita called the staff room. Leshka Troyan called back - Nikita recognized him by his voice.

– Surgery.

- Oh, hi! Haven't seen or heard from you in years. Where have you gone?

- I was on vacation, then I managed to work for a week, but I got into history.

- Heard already. Are you talking about the commission?

– And this too.

- Never mind. Well, I got a bad and eccentric woman - so what? It can happen to any of us.

How are you managing without me?

- It's hard, a lot of work. But we're holding on. What did you call?

- Do not know - a ticket came to me?

- No, Nikita. You need to ask the manager about this.

- Then bye, see you soon!

Hmm, therefore, there is a lot of work in the department, Vera was not deceitful. So before, there was always work, but did it break out? No, something is wrong.

Call her again? No, I will not. There is a man's pride, ego, after all. Maybe he didn’t like him or got another one for himself? And what is quite likely. She is a young girl, quite pretty, and they are not husband and wife to be faithful.

Nikita finished his beer and watched TV. Forced idleness unsettled him. He is used to active life: work, communication with friends, if rest - then active. Lying on the couch and watching TV made Nikita feel sick. But even with such a face, he did not want to go out into the street or go on a visit, running into inevitable questions. Enough, went already today. The memory suddenly surfaced from the Beatles: “Well, with such mugs, we’ll take it and snuggle up to Ellis.” Well, right about him.

Somehow he lasted until the evening, reluctantly ate dinner. The landline phone rang, Nikita picked up the receiver.

- Nikita, how are you?

The manager called.

- I'm recovering slowly. And what?

- Before the end of work, the head physician called. I hasten to please - the ticket has arrived.

- Yah? And where?

- To St. Petersburg, the city of Petra. Monthly cycle - "Actual issues of abdominal surgery". Seems like a good cycle. From Monday you go to work, we will draw up the documents, you will receive travel allowances.

- What base?

- Oh, you're lucky. Military-medical Academy.

So I'm not a military doctor.

– And they have a faculty of postgraduate education for civilian doctors. The clinic is strong - professors, academicians. There is something to learn. Classes begin on the thirtieth of November. I think on Thursday, at the latest - on Friday we should leave. By train to Moscow, then to St. Petersburg. The plane is faster, but the accounting department will not pay.

“Understood,” Nikita drawled, “they made me so happy. I thought, closer somewhere, say - in Rostov.

- There is a ticket only from January. You understand, the head physician in the administration must report. You need to be identified soon.

- Yes, I do not mind. I have not been to St. Petersburg, I look like museums, I will look at the city.

- Come on, doctor.

The manager was clearly good mood. In a bad situation, he would call him by his first name and patronymic. And what? St. Petersburg is not bad at all: the cultural capital, not the vain Moscow.

Nikita, in order to kill time, selected things for the trip. St. Petersburg is not the Caucasus, it is colder there. Prepared documents. He went to the courses. You must first take a bunch of copies of documents, all sorts of certificates that he really works in a position ... But in principle - everywhere is the same. If you want to study, go to lectures, sit in the medical library, visit the operations of the luminaries from surgery. If you don’t want to, show up sometimes so that you won’t be forgotten, and the rest of the time someone gets drunk, someone visits exhibitions, concerts, museums. Will you join the centers of culture in the provinces? And in the capitals, every day, performances of world stars. The money would be enough. After the holidays, it was always tight with them.

But Nikita was not born yesterday either. In the numerous courses already passed, he immediately got a part-time job - at the ambulance or on duty. Doctors were always in short supply.

On Monday, clean-shaven, with a black eye already barely noticeable, Nikita came to the department. The manager immediately sent him to the office.

- Go ahead, fill out the paperwork. If you don’t make it in time for the cycle, the head physician will give you a scolding, and then I’ll be thrashed.

Nikita ran the whole first half of the day, and when he returned to the department, he immediately went to the operating block.

Where is faith? he asked the ward nurse who turned up.

- Don't you know? Oh yeah, you were gone for a week. So she quit.

- How did you quit? Well, in more detail.

- On the third day, her ex-husband came to her - they were divorced. He persuaded them to get together, to live together.

- Well, Nikita Alekseevich! Once she quit, therefore, she persuaded her. Yes, they will live nearby, with her husband former apartment in Krasnodar.

Nikita was dumbfounded. He didn't show it, went into the staff room, sat down at his desk.

- Why are you so pissed off? Sergey asked.

- Yes, I’m running around, collecting documents - I’ve come to improve.

“Yes, you run more,” the colleague sympathized.

God be with her, with running around. How could Vera do this? Well, there was no love yet - but there was sympathy, and it could develop into something more. And then, Vera could call, come, explain herself. Not stupid, I would understand. Maybe she loved ex-husband? Lawless Heart. But it turned out - she left Nikita as an unnecessary thing. Which times have him bad luck with women. Windy fools! Or maybe it's the reason?

After languishing for half an hour and not finding an answer, Nikita continued to collect documents.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Witch Doctor from the future. The court physician of the tsar (Yu. G. Korchevsky, 2016) provided by our book partner -

Witch Doctor from the future. King's court physician Yuri Korchevsky

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Title: Witch Doctor from the Future. King's court physician

About the book "Healer from the Future. The court physician of the king "Yuri Korchevsky

Yuri Korchevsky is a fairly well-known writer in narrow circles. Almost all of his works, and there are more than 50 of them, are written in the genre of "fighting fantasy" and alternative history. His books enjoy some success among readers. Reading them is for those who are not yet familiar with the work of the author, but are interested in such literature.

The novel “Healer from the future. The Tsar's Court Physician tells about the times of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the struggle against the Poles near Smolensk. In the midst of the battle, the king fell ill with an unknown disease and he needed urgent medical attention. Main character comes from modern world in those days in order to save the monarch from certain death. After all, his English doctor is engaged only in useless bloodletting.

Yuri Korchevsky almost from the first pages of the book makes it clear that the hero will have to face many obstacles. It will be very difficult for him to adapt to the realities of those distant times. He will almost immediately understand what is the reason for the king's illness. It will help him and even prevent more serious illnesses that haunt the entire population of Russia. But even the plague may not be such a terrible threat to him as the attacks of the church. After all, the priests still have to figure out where the stranger came from, capable of performing miracles. In the novel "The Witch Doctor from the Future. The court physician of the king” has a lot of secrets and mysteries that the author reveals gradually, drawing readers into his game.

When the life of the protagonist is in danger, he will be able to rely only on his knowledge and talents. After he managed to save the king, the problems had just begun. He is required to confirm that his incredible gift is divine, and not diabolical.

Will the healer, who has overcome hundreds of years and thousands of kilometers of unknown space, be able to convince the priests that he is right? Or will he have to fall prey to medieval prejudices? Yuri Korchevsky in his book “The Witch Doctor from the Future. The court physician of the king ”will give answers to many questions related to the character and fate of the protagonist.

In the book "The Witch Doctor from the Future. The court physician of the king” describes many professional medical skills. Some of them may even be useful in life situations. Reading this work is, first of all, for those who want to completely plunge into the world invented by the author, where the future is incredibly connected with the past.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Healer from the future. The Tsar's Court Physician" by Yuri Korchevsky in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

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