Stories about terrible crimes and maniacs. Scary Stories Real Life Romantic Crime Stories

Crime stories about funny crimes, brutal killers, maniacs and their heinous deeds. Some actions of people are worse than any mystical phenomena and, unfortunately, there is no doubt about their reality.

If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free.

One evening at 18:00 in the month of November, I was walking through a mini park in the city of Dnipro near the station. There were no people that evening. My soul was always out of place, and my heart was beating in alarm. On another path among the trees, I saw a man walking in the distance. He did not inspire confidence or fear, but my soul went to the heels of fear. I began fiddling with my bag anxiously. Suddenly, from behind, he abruptly jumped at me with the words: “Come on, stop!”. At this time, I sharply screamed for help.

A strange thing happened to me as a child. I was 7 years old, after school I went to my aunt's house, she lived near the school, dined, taught lessons and waited for one of the older sisters to pick me up after school. Usually I sat on a bench in the garden, which stood behind the summer kitchen, such a small shed.

And so, I’m sitting on a bench, learning my lessons, suddenly I see a man trying to climb over the fence from the top corner of the garden. I was frightened and shouting “mom, mommy” ran behind the barn down through 4 steps and to the house. She jumped into the house and closed the door on the hook, and then immediately, before she had time to close it with the upper lock, she felt the door being pulled from the outside. I was shocked, since the distance from the shop to the house is very short, and I ran very fast, and the distance from the corner of the garden to the door of the house is quite decent.

“We are not murderers at all, we are only out for blood. During the meal, I slightly incise the body of the “donor” and suck the blood very carefully so as not to stop the vein. There's something in the blood." - Kane Presley (Vampire Woman)

They sleep in their coffins during the day and go hunting at night. They can fly, jump out of mirrors, walk through walls, and often attack in dreams. They are immortal, they are not afraid of either time or space. They have terrible fangs and claws, are afraid of daylight and garlic. You can kill them only by driving an aspen stake into the heart. And most importantly, these monsters drink human blood! Vampires, regulars of horror films and chilling stories!

“They were led to a small platform in front of the chapel of the accursed Idol. They put feathers on the heads of the unfortunate, gave something like fans into their hands, and made them dance. And after they performed the sacrificial dance, they were laid on their backs, their chests were cut open with knives and their beating hearts were taken out. The hearts were offered to the Idol, and the bodies were pushed down the stairs, where the Indian executioners, who were waiting below, cut off the arms, legs, and skinned the faces, preparing it, like leather for gloves, for their holidays. The blood of the victims, at the same time, was collected in a large bowl and smeared the mouth of the Idol with it.

- Dad, where we came, there are a lot of rats, I have never seen so many rats, and they are all very vile, nasty and scary! - Daughter, do not exaggerate, far from all are vile, that one, with a mangy tail, is very personal, but what an affectionate one, everything rubs at your feet, begging for treats. Here's a piece of bread, feed the animal. What, refuses to eat bread? Completely fried! Give her human meat, but not simple, but exclusively bloody villains, on whose conscience hundreds of ruined lives, because these are special rats, Mexican!

When I was twelve years old (it was 1980), my parents and I went to Belarus to visit relatives. My aunt, uncle and two cousins ​​lived in the city. My elder sister was six years older than me, she was then eighteen years old. She told a lot of interesting things about herself, I listened to her attentively.

That evening, she was going to dance with a guy whom she married some time later. There was a portrait hanging on the wall in the room. It was very beautiful, my sister was painted on it. Then we returned home. A couple of years later, we received a letter where we were invited to a wedding. We did not go, our parents did not have the opportunity. Very little time passed, we received a telegram that my beloved sister was no more.

A couple of years ago, a terrible and wild incident occurred in our area. I'll tell you in order.

A guy got married in one of the districts. The daughter-in-law was a feast for the eyes - white-faced, slender and stately. In addition, she was very sociable, got acquainted with all the neighbors, made a very good impression on everyone. A few months later she became pregnant. Her next-door neighbor had a one-year-old daughter at the time. The girl was like a doll, with plump arms and legs. The daughter-in-law adored this girl, squeezed her all the time, kissed her and joked: “Now I’ll eat her!” Well, a lot of people say that, but they don't eat it!

A similar incident happened to me in 2004. I was 14 years old at that time.

I was late at school for only 30 minutes, as I was on duty. I left the school at 1800 hours, it was getting a little dark. As usual, I reached the stop, my bus drove up. I went in without thinking about anything. After 5 minutes I saw a man who looked about 29 years old, maybe a little more. He kept trying to cuddle up to me, at first I decided that it seemed to me, because there were plenty of people in the cabin, and as I thought, he just lets people through, so he inadvertently touches me. But the longer this went on, the more fear woke up in me, and I already realized that something was wrong. I had only one thought in my mind - to get there as soon as possible.

And now, finally, my stop, I look at the exit, and he is also going to leave behind me. I left, he followed me. I went to the left side from the stop, he to the right, I also decided that he probably went in the other direction. In general, I’m walking as if nothing had happened (and from the bus stop to the house, slowly for about 20 minutes), and when I was already a stone’s throw from the entrance, I decided to turn around. I see him walking behind me. Of course, I ran into the entrance in shock, and the fool went up to the mailbox to check, but I had to immediately run upstairs (it was my mistake). Then he wouldn't have caught up with me. In general, I thought that he would no longer enter the entrance. But he dared to do so.

The story happened to me less than an hour ago. There is no mysticism in it, but I was especially struck by one moment in it.

Just half an hour ago, I returned home. On the back of a backpack, in the hands of a box of cereal. There is a playground in front of my house. There are shops. And now everything is remembered as in slow motion filming. I put my backpack on the bench to get the keys to the house. I take them out and out of the corner of my eye I notice that this action of mine is seen by a man in a black coat and hat, maybe a hat. I didn't remember the faces. He sits on a nearby bench and looks at me. I look at him for a moment, a fraction of a second and feel the negativity emanating from him.

It's amazing, but now it seems to me that at this time he realized that I understood something about his intentions. An employee of the housing office passes by smoothly. I take a backpack and walk along the path towards the house. When I reach the entrance, I turn around and see that he is coming. I quickly insert the key into the keyhole. Now I know that I was terribly stupid, going exactly to my entrance, but when I walked, this man was sitting in place there, on a bench in the playground.

Several incredible and funny stories about hapless robbers deserve to be posted here on this site.

Granny "divorced" for an unborn son

A 72-year-old resident of Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, never thought that when she picked up the phone, she would hear a stern male voice that would notify her of a serious accident in which her son got into.

You can still save him from serious liability if you urgently put five thousand rubles on the phone, the number of which was dictated by a stranger with clearly police notes in his voice. The old woman, right in her home slippers, rushed to the nearest "downloader", which was located in a store on the first floor of her house.

Having launched five thousandth bills into the payment terminal and received a slip of paper, the granny suddenly realized that she was somehow very simply "divorced". She never had any son, only her only daughter had two grandchildren ...

She took the statement to the police, of course, on the same evening. But it turned out that a piece of paper, on which she hastily wrote down the phone number of the formidable "policeman", was thrown by her into the trash, which stood near the "downloader". And the receipt was also thrown away. And the store employees regularly put things in order on the trading floor, throwing out garbage from the bin near the terminal ... The telephone "wire" was never found.

Do not distract the robber while eating!

This case is described on one of the American legal portals. One of the most ridiculous robberies of recent years happened in Chicago.

Late in the evening, two raiders broke into a McDonald's that was about to close, demanding the proceeds and six Big Macs. The money was given to them immediately, and in order to warm up the hamburgers, it was necessary to turn on the ovens. Unlucky robbers agreed to wait! When police sirens suddenly flashed in the windows of the restaurant, they rushed to run, taking food, but forgetting about the money. When the police caught them, it turned out that the raiders never tried a single Big Mac.

This American story seemed to be read and adopted by a robber who tried to "take over" a village store in the village of Glebovskoye, Yaroslavl Region.

Running into the trading floor, he demanded money from the cash register and a box of vodka from the saleswoman. The resourceful saleswoman, without much emotion, handed him a box of "fire water", and she herself sedately retired to the back room, allegedly for money. From there, she called the district police officer who lived nearby. The policeman, running to the store, found the following picture: a sweaty man grabbed a box of desired drinks, unable to leave it, and the saleswoman calmly collects bread and canned food for him in a bag, supposedly for a snack. The hungover man even forgot about the money ...

Greenhouse thief has become a cemetery "zombie"

A taxi driver from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, in the middle of the night, drove a summer resident to the Taiga transport center, which is 16 kilometers from the city. It was the end of June, the height of the white nights in the north. You can see everything as in the daytime. When the car drove past the Mironova Gora city cemetery, a naked man jumped out of the bushes right in front of it, looking very similar to a dead man or a zombie from horror films: pale, thin, with red eyes and a club in his hand.

From clothes on it was only a loincloth made of branches and leaves. The driver jerked the steering wheel sharply and managed to go around the monster. An elderly summer resident in the passenger seat fainted. At the fourth speed, having reached the turn from the highway to the SOT, the driver called the police on his mobile phone. And an ambulance to the passenger. The duty unit didn’t really believe in the driver’s inconsistent story, but they still sent an outfit on the UAZ.

When the patrolmen drove up to the cemetery, something almost naked and pale with red eyes jumped out of the bushes right at them with inhuman screams. But the nerves of the policemen turned out to be somewhat stronger than those of the taxi driver who called the police. In the end, it turned out that this is the very "something" - a greenhouse thief, who traded in stealing seedlings from summer cottages. The summer residents caught him, nailed him, undressed him and let him go home. The cucumber-tomato thief walked barefoot from the honeycomb straight to the cemetery, making a loincloth out of foliage along the way.

Bottom line: the thieving "something" was sentenced to administrative arrest and a fine for violating public order on country roads ...

Bank robber made the clerk laugh until colic

It is difficult to agree with the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Well, not stupid Americans, not stupid! .. But cool. In California, an unlucky guy in life made up a brilliant, in his opinion, plan to rob a bank. Everything seems to have been planned. However, going to work, he suddenly forgot the obligatory attribute for a bank robber - a mask! And he found a brilliant, as it seemed to him, way out.

On the way to the bank, he bought a can of whipped cream from a nearby supermarket and smeared his face all over - well, you never know, for sure! The young man quickly entered the premises planned for robbery. When the "disguised" robber, having taken out a pistol, sternly demanded money, the cashier rolled with laughter. The robber was taken aback. There was an unexpected hitch.

Meanwhile, the cream from his face began to slip. He panicked and rushed to the exit. Since the cream climbed into his eyes, the poor fellow confused the glass door with a window and lost consciousness, hitting his forehead against the thick glass with all his might. The police brought him back to himself.

Robbery of alcohol - only after 21 years

A young resident of the Kupchino district in St. Petersburg entered a night shop, took out an object that looked like a gun, and demanded the seller's proceeds. Since there was not much money in the cash register (the seller only accepted the shift), the guy demanded several bottles of expensive cognac. And then the indignant seller balked: they say, it seems to me that you, young man, are not yet 21 years old, I can’t give you alcohol!

The bewildered robber took out a passport and showed it to a trade worker: now, they say, I'm already 23! Having carefully looked through the document, the seller agreed to please the "adult" robber with "drinks for adults." An hour later, the unlucky robber was arrested in his own apartment - the address was suggested to the operatives, of course, by a cunning seller who remembered it when "checking documents."

Andrey Mikhailov

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! “Criminal stories from life: the loss of the gambler” is a real case from life that occurred in the 90s in one of the Ural cities.

Losing the gambler

Rumors have long been circulating in a small Ural town that some crazy gamblers are playing for human lives. The loser had to complete a certain task - to kill someone who walks along such and such a street at such and such a time or takes a certain place at a table in a cafe.

They also talked about a girl whom her lover lost to these nonhumans at cards and she had to walk naked down the street. Otherwise, they promised to kill her.

Residents of the city were in constant fear for themselves and their loved ones. People were afraid to leave the house once again. My friends and I spent all our free time in a student hostel - we were so scared.

A week later, an emergency occurred at our institute. Marina from the third year went on a date with her boyfriend and did not return. On that fateful autumn evening, the girls, worried about their friend, dissuaded her from this trip - it was already getting dark. But she did not listen to anyone - she called a taxi and left. Since then, there has been no news from her.

last date

Marina was the only and beloved daughter of her parents. Father and mother served in the police. And the daughter, ironically, fell in love with the local slob and bully. For about a month they did not see each other, and as soon as the opportunity arose, Marina immediately ran to him on a date.

And this bastard lost the bride at cards! They were walking around the city, and the gambler took her to a wasteland. They were already waiting there. Marina was brutally raped and killed. The unfortunate girl died in agony. That night the first snow fell, so the girl's body could not be found for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by what happened. The portrait of the murdered student hung in the foyer of the institute for 40 days. She was a very cheerful and courageous girl, similar to the singer Natalie. This is how she is still remembered, although more than 20 years have passed.

Additionally, on the topic of crime stories from life, this video ↓

Dear readers, tell interesting stories from people's lives in the comments. If you find the article “Criminal stories from life: the loss of a gambler” interesting, share it in the social. networks. See you on the site! 😉 Come, look, run!

This story happened to me personally. I was then a small six-year-old kid, I grew up in the yard among my older friends and girlfriends, as well as grandparents, of whom there was a whole platoon in our provincial courtyard. Our yard consisted of two two-story two-entrance Stalinist houses, standing next to each other with the letter “G”, as well as a block of sheds, one for each apartment of two houses - as a result, an unmerged letter “P” was obtained. Idyll of the nineties. Around are garages, factories, the central street of the city, a small forest park, abandoned garage cooperatives, drug addict enclaves of Brezhnev's five-story buildings and elite high-rises of a modern kind. In general, there was where for me and my friends to turn around in search of adventures on their own heads.

We all see dreams: bright and not very pleasant, funny, sad, sometimes we are tormented by nightmares, sometimes warning dreams. I have "imprint dreams". I have seen them three times in my life. The dream itself is quite everyday, but in it you feel smells, subtle touches, mood, and as if you are in the body of another person, you see him with his eyes, you catch the flow of his thoughts. It can be assumed that a person left an information imprint in space, and I counted it. I want to tell you about one of these dreams, my friends. Dreams are dreams, but this one had a continuation in life that struck me.
The duration of the action is no more than two minutes of real time. I (in a dream) was a girl of about twenty, winter, at eight o'clock in the evening, it was already dark on the street, I returned home from school, went into the entrance.

I heard this story from my old friend, she was not yet married by that time and loved to travel on holiday packages. In Soviet times, they often gave free vouchers, just choose directions. My friend's name was Irina, she was very pretty - ash blonde, very petite, with a thin waist, on vacation she was a success with the opposite sex, which she really liked. On vacation, she liked to dress in all white, but, in fact, in the south it was not uncommon. She had a lot of money, as she served in the Army, and received very large vacation pay. She went on a ticket to Georgia, to a very good boarding house by the sea.

I will tell from the words of a girl I know a case that occurred several years ago in the Krasnodar Territory.

My friend (let's call her Natalya) was on the train in a compartment car. Sitting, bored, then a twenty-seven-year-old guy, hefty, pumped up, asks for her in the compartment. We talked - it turned out that he was either a contract soldier or a former marine (the girl said, but I did not remember).
The guy went to the same city as my friend, in order to relax and see the world. Natalya immediately liked his tattoos, especially the blue anchor on a strong male forearm.

I want to tell you two stories that will make your hair stand on end. Not so much from stories, but from incredible human cruelty and sadism.
I studied then in Yekaterinburg in the first year. Winter was cold there, prickly, snowdrifts up to the knee. I then went home for the weekend on an intercity bus. My stepfather worked as a driver and agreed with a colleague to put me in and take me for free. But he didn't deliver. He wanted to take revenge on his stepfather for past grievances that I did not know about, and pushed me in front of everyone into the snowdrifts on the highway near Khomutovka. Not a single passenger moved, and while I was getting my heavy bag out of the snow, the bus doors closed.

In 2006, I finally moved out from my parents and rented an apartment on Begovaya Street, in an old six-story Stalinist building. It was an amazing two-room apartment, which was located so that it went through the whole house - that is, I had two balconies that went to different sides of the house.

Then the village consisted of several five-story buildings (ten pieces for the whole town), a kindergarten, a military hospital and an officer's house. There was a railway nearby, and the village was surrounded on almost all sides by dense forest, in which, in fact, there was a military base: artillery, tanks and, as my father told me later, rockets.

Current page: 1 (total book has 36 pages)


100% +

Valery Karyshev
Russian mafia 1988-2012. Criminal history of new Russia


The meeting was scheduled at the bar of the shopping center "Sadko-Arkada", which is located on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, opposite the hotel "Ukraine". At about five o'clock in the evening, I already drove up there. Near the complex there is a large parking lot, where I left the car. I walked into the bar, which was crowded with customers, and immediately saw a raised hand. At the table sat my clients who wanted to consult with me as a lawyer. I began to study the contract, drawn up on twelve pages. I carefully read the document and did not find any legal flaws. We talked a little, and after about twenty minutes we went out into the street and wanted to say goodbye, when suddenly there was a screech of car brakes. Some man in a dark jacket and a mask jumped out of the Zhiguli that drove up, took out a machine gun, and started shooting at us. We reacted with lightning speed and in our expensive suits immediately fell on the wet pavement. There seemed to be no end to the shooting. Many people who were near the complex also fell to the ground and began to crawl towards their cars. Many cars abruptly pulled away. I heard screams, apparently someone was hurt. Suddenly, several young guys jumped out of the shopping center and started firing pistols at the machine gunner. A shootout ensued. The machine gunner was forced to bend down. Finally, he jumped into the car that was next to him, and she took off. Behind her suddenly rushed several cars. The damaged Lincoln remained on the embankment. I decided to go home. On the same day, late in the evening, the TV news broadcast the details of the shootout at Sadko-Arkada. I learned that there was a showdown between two warring factions. My client was severely wounded and the driver of a black Volga was accidentally killed, and about sixty cartridge cases of various types of weapons, including cartridges of machine guns and pistols, were found at the scene of the shootout. The police who arrived did not detain anyone, because everyone fled. The next day, many newspapers came out with detailed comments about yesterday's incident. Several articles have been devoted to these two groups, the reasons for their conflict. Their leaders were named, including the names of my clients. Such a picture of Moscow in the mid-nineties was not rare, then there were many other events and meetings that can already be told today. But everything is in order.

The idea of ​​creating this book was born in the pre-trial detention center known as Butyrka, when the author of the book, a Moscow lawyer, meeting with his client, a well-known thief in law, became an unwitting witness to his reflections on crime, its role in society and the state. Then the author of the book discovered a lot. And at the end of this long, frank conversation, unexpectedly, the lawyer, turning to the lawyer, said:

- And you take it and write about it without embellishment - let them know about the difficult, cruel life through which we go. Let them know it from the inside! Let the boys and suckers know that we have not only heifers and "geldings" ("Mercedes" - jarg.), but also a pre-trial detention center with press huts, and a control shot in the back of the head.

Based on personal conversations, as well as eyewitness accounts of those criminal events, the author presented all the collected material in this book.

The main experts of the section "How it was" were the former gangsters themselves, criminal authorities. Now many of them are completely tied up with a criminal past, so their names are not called.

This is the fourth edition, expanded and revised.

Year 1988

The harbinger of the emergence of Moscow brigades were youth criminal groups in Kazan. This phenomenon was called the Kazan phenomenon. Since the autumn of 1986, the "Kazan phenomenon" has come to the borders of the capital - in Lyubertsy. The young groups that arose following the example of Kazanians were called "Lubera" or "Lubers". At first, the Lyubertsy specialized in fights with punks and metalheads, then they were reoriented to organized crime.

This time can be conditionally considered the boundary, after which the era of large metropolitan groups began. During this period, fights between Lubers and Muscovites became violent. The main places of their clashes were the Gorky Park of Culture and Kalininsky Prospekt (now Novy Arbat). By 1988, the Lyubertsy had acquired one of the most sinister reputations.

Previously, until the mid-1980s, the state denied the existence of organized crime and said in every possible way that the statistics of criminal crime were declining every year, misleading the population of the entire country.

However, on July 20, 1988, Literaturnaya Gazeta published the first major article on organized crime called "The Lion is preparing to jump," and a little later, "The Lion has jumped." The authors are journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin and a researcher from the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs A. Gurov.

For the first time, a triangle of crime was drawn in it, which was led by former athletes, criminal recidivists, shadow guild workers and waiters from restaurants.

This publication in Literaturnaya Gazeta nearly cost A. Gurov his career. But then A. Gurov became a general, later the famous 6th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created. A. Gurov first headed it, then moved to the MGB in the same specialization. Then A. Gurov became a deputy of the State Duma, Yu. Shchekochikhin also recently was a deputy, but in the summer of 2003 he died suddenly.

New bandits - lads

Since the end of the 1980s, Russian organized crime has been enriched by another type of professional criminal - bandits. True, they liked to call themselves brothers. The youth of the 80s, brought up on American action movies, copied the simple plots of movies into their gang life.

Francis Coppola's film The Godfather had a particularly great influence on "young minds". Many future authorities and gang leaders admitted that they stared at the film and built their groups in the image and likeness of the American-Sicilian mafia.

Naturally, banditry was known even before that, but only with the wide and widespread spread of racketeering (organized and systematic extortion) did this “profession” become truly profitable and, in general, not particularly troublesome.

It should be noted that in the criminal world in the past, bandits were considered less, since they were engaged, by the standards of the criminal world, in rough work. In addition, bandits were often killed, and they themselves often committed crimes, and then went to prison. But their ranks filled up as quickly as they thinned out. According to some reports, it was the thieves in law who introduced the concept of "scumbag" - to refer to new bandits and their senseless murders.

But in the changed conditions of the criminal world, thieves in law of the old school began to correspond to authorities in the new gangster environment.

In fact, the authorities are the most influential and successful members of gangster groups who were able to organize around themselves associates - bulls. Some authorities recognized the priority of thieves in law, but most did not, considering themselves independent.

In a short time, the bandits formed their own social stratum in the criminal community. They had a bright and short professional life and the most common result - death under the bullets of competitors. And those who were lucky enough to survive, and there were few of them, became “new Russian” businessmen.

At the same time, law enforcement agencies have come up with a number of other terms used to refer to people related to organized crime. This is primarily organized crime groups, or criminal communities, structures and brigades.

In turn, representatives of criminal communities in everyday speech most often liked to call each other lads.

In May 1987, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government prepare the Law "On Cooperation", which allows private entrepreneurial activity.

In Moscow, like mushrooms, the first cooperative points began to appear - paid toilets, barbecue, small cafes, restaurants. The most famous was Fedorov's first cooperative restaurant, which was located on Kropotkinskaya Street.

The first cooperative stalls and in some places small shops appeared. Rather, these were not shops, but departments in state-owned stores where they traded in cooperative and foreign goods, mainly of Chinese production.

The first cooperators and businessmen with a lot of money appeared.

The first video stores appeared. A flurry of Western-made video films hit Muscovites. Basically, these were films about karate with endless fights, gangster-gangster persuasion about American racketeering. It is no coincidence that the famous film by F. Coppola "The Godfather" has become a visual aid and textbook of the racketeering profession for many. In addition, as many authorities admitted, they took a lot of lessons from this film in criminal psychology in dealing with “non-standard situations”, in the leadership of organized crime groups and relationships with colleagues and enemies.

In 1988, one of the first domestic films dedicated to racketeers, Yuri Kara's film Thieves in Law, was released. True, the action of the film is based on the events of the pre-perestroika period, and the main victims in the film are the then representatives of the shadow economy. But the methods of extracting money were successfully transferred to the end of the 80s. The scene of torture with an iron shown in this film was the first visual aid for beginner racketeers and a frightening tool for cooperators.

The first criminal gangs and brigades then actively engaged in the racketeering of the newly-minted cooperators. It is from this moment that one can count the formation of the first groups and brigades in our country.

Group structure

An organized crime group may consist of one or more brigades. Usually the conditional name is associated with the number of people. Up to 25–30 is a brigade, and above it is a structure. The leadership of the organized crime group is carried out by a leader or a group of leaders (up to 3 people).

A leader is a person who has a strong and powerful character and has good connections in government, law enforcement, business and, no doubt, in the criminal world.

Deputies of the leader (other authorities - partners) specialize in areas, for example: looking after racketeering, counterintelligence, internal security and personnel responsible for shooters with other organized crime groups and power actions. The advisers to the leaders of the organized crime groups were responsible for the economic and banking areas, and there was a person responsible for the common fund.

The second level in the organized criminal group is the foremen responsible for small mobile groups of 5-10 people. They, like the leaders, are engaged in organizational work, most often they themselves participate in shooters and go with their brigade to a specific crime.

Fighters, bulls (soldiers) - the bulk of organized crime groups, intended for power actions. A special separate unit of the organized crime group is squires, explosives, killers, however, recently the leaders prefer to call specially selected people from other cities and regions as killers. Such a practice, in their words, is justified - there is less opportunity to light up and, accordingly, it is easier to confuse the traces of a crime. In addition to killers, there may be a cleaner in a regular position in an organized criminal group. This is a killer-liquidator for his guilty militants. Such actions are practiced against traitors, foremen-conspirators, militants-drug addicts and in cases of "downsizing".

Individuals who stand outside the organized crime group, but who work closely with them, are the accountants, administrators, advisers and bodyguards of the leader.

In addition, the majority of organized crime groups are characterized by the following common features: hierarchy and strict discipline, closeness of membership based on community (city, district), autonomy of units and secrecy, widespread use of violence and threats in work.

Who is the group made up of? Differently. For the most part, today it is grouped from former athletes, sometimes the group is made up of street punks. Often the group also includes former criminals, who had mostly short sentences - for theft, fraud, car theft. The new wave of groups includes former and current employees of law enforcement agencies (the 2003 case of werewolf policemen), various special services, and military personnel.

Groups that included former Afghans have had a very serious influence recently. But in the capital, they stood apart and did not actively participate in criminal life, with the exception of showdowns among themselves in the division of profits from the benefits received for the import of alcohol and cigarettes.

My experience of working with them as a lawyer says that the lads do not like to be called bandits. On the contrary, they often say at meetings:

We are not bandits.

- And who are you? I ask them in surprise.

We are structure. After all, mafia. But - never bandits.

Although, as I said above, they most definitely call their competitors or enemies bandits.

What do they call themselves? Basically, groups are named after the name of the region, city, where their leaders come from or where their main backbone is recruited. Very rarely, with the exception of individual cases, groups bear the name of their leader.

From the dossier

The Lyubertsy group became widely known in Moscow in the mid-1980s. At that time, there was no officially organized crime yet, but Luberas did not present themselves as representatives of a youth group. They had their own image - they were all short-haired, muscular guys, in boots, camouflage uniforms. Many wore plaid trousers.

And as a badge of distinction, the Luber wore the usual river fleet badge.

Several times a week, Luberas made trips to the capital, wandering the streets all day long, looking for fights with punks. In a word, the Luberas took on a kind of struggle for the purity of Soviet society and called themselves a system. But in the early 90s, the Lyubertsy brigade abandoned its ideological ambitions and moved into the category of ordinary organized criminal groups. The main direction of their activity is the control of prostitution, illegal games and illegal currency circulation. By the 91st year, the group consisted of about three hundred people and was divided into about 20 brigades. But the most interesting thing is that several dozen former young officers became their leaders and organizers. In criminal Moscow, there were rumors that the Lyubertsy group in the early 90s took an active part in the war with the "blacks" to oust the Caucasian bandits from the capital. Close contacts with the Lyubertsy were also maintained by the authority of Amiran Kvantrishvili, who died later, as well as Fedya Ishin (nicknamed Fedya Besheny).

The first raids on the cooperators by the bandits were quite spontaneous and sometimes led to conflicts between both sides. Some of the cooperators tried to resist, refusing to pay tribute to the racketeers, so the main tools of the latter at that time were a red-hot iron and other torture instruments.

The theme of “racketeers running over” cooperators has become fashionable and popular for many newspapers and magazines. But in fact, the press itself promoted a new image of a cruel racketeer with an iron or a soldering iron turned on. Tellingly, it was the journalists who then introduced the foreign term "racketeer" instead of the domestic "extortionist". The cooperator was very intimidated.

As a result, according to official statistics, in 1988, 600 cases of racketeering were revealed in the USSR, but only 139 applications from cooperators were received by the police.

Riga market - the birthplace of racketeering

Perhaps the most famous symbol of Moscow cooperators in the mid-eighties was the Riga market, located in the middle of Mira Avenue, near the Rizhskaya metro station.

Rizhskaya Square has always been the quietest and most deserted square in Moscow.

The Riga market was opened at the insistence of the then leadership of the Moscow City Council. It was conceived as an island of civilized cooperation.

One day, small wooden tents appeared here. Riga Square seethed. Usually the market worked on Saturdays and Sundays, and the metro station, empty on weekdays, could barely cope with the load on weekends. For many, a trip to the Riga market was not just a shopping trip. People went there to stare at an exotic corner of Soviet cooperation.

What was not on the stalls of the Riga market!

A schematic map of Moscow with the largest stores, exotic stickers with the designations of various well-known and unknown companies, some of which were sewn on, and some were glued to the fabric with a hot iron; the first homemade denim jeans and much more. The Riga market on weekends resembled a huge railway station. People from all over Moscow came there: some to buy something, others just to stare at the curiosity.

The Riga market can rightly be considered the birthplace of racketeering. Brigades of racketeers from different parts of the city began to come here. Here their first criminal parties began and a new, previously unknown word “strelka” appeared, meaning a meeting of colleagues in the racketeering craft.

It was on the Riga market that the first racketeer brigades and groups met, and their leaders began to acquire and defend the status of authorities.

In law enforcement

By the autumn of 1988, major personnel changes had taken place in the law enforcement system. Vladimir Kryuchkov became the new chairman of the KGB of the USSR instead of V. Chebrikov. Vadim Bakatin, the former first secretary of the Kemerovo regional party committee, was appointed minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And although the new minister was a builder by profession, he decided to start with the reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The first step of the new minister was the declassification and publication of criminal statistics. For the first time, the population learned the truth about crime. For many citizens, the discovery of criminal statistics came as a shock.

In the Moscow region at that time, 25 thieves in law lived and actively stood out, which could conditionally be divided into two groups: “Slavs”, they included Aksen, Zakhar, Tsirul, Pynka, Hobot, Shishkan, Plum, Painting, Prickly, Fly , and "peak", Caucasians - Hussein Slepoy, Dato Tashkentsky, Sultan, Jamal, Ruslan, Vakho Sukhumsky, Shakro Sr. and Shakro Young.

First shooters

Arrow (arrow) - in those years, the term in the criminal world, denoting a meeting of representatives of brigades and organized criminal groups to discuss various controversial issues.

Most of the conversations were peaceful: hello, guys - hello, lads; Where are you from? And we are from there. Who do you know? And we are that, and we are that. That's the whole conversation. It all ended with a pat on the shoulder - okay, they say, the guys made a mistake, they were to blame, who knew! Then no one fired, realizing that there would be enough for all the cooperators. So the connections and acquaintances of the group gradually grew. So the first Moscow groups, or rather, still brigades, acquired names.

Who were the brigades?

In most cases, racketeering was done either by former sportsmen, or by swindlers and gamblers, sometimes there were former Afghans. But there were no professional criminals who were rewinding their sentences in the camps.

Then the criminal world, living according to thieves' concepts, was squeamish about the new profession of an extortionist-robber, the "blue" believed that extortion bulls were much lower than their suit. The "Blues" even began to call the new bandits "thugs", "lawlessness", "Makhnovists" and a more neutral term - "sportsmen". The latter, in turn, do not recognize thieves' concepts and do not want to allocate money to thieves' obshchak, also did not favor the "blue". Their conflicts were still far away, but the contradictions between them were growing.

The first groupings rapidly and actively captured the geographical and economic expanses of the capital. They were fixed on the arrows between them - this is how the criminal map of Moscow was created.

The streets, avenues and districts of the city have already been gradually divided. Then the lads had a main principle - the principle of the first night, that is, whoever came first or ran over, he became the master of the situation. The lads liked to say at that time: there are enough merchants for everyone. Or: we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up our own.

But, nevertheless, the first controversial situations arose. Most often, when dividing merchants trading on the Riga market. There were, for example, such cases when one businessman accepted one grouping as a roof, and his business partner was "served" by another grouping. And if a commercial dispute arose between them, then it was resolved with the help of their roofs.