Bad advice - how to create the appearance of hectic activity. How to create the appearance of work and not get caught by the boss

To create the appearance of hectic activity, some employees resort to very clever tricks. Other loafers manage to stay in good standing with their bosses for years and even grow up the career ladder without really doing anything. How can such a person be exposed? The most effective ways to simulate work are discussed by users of the Quora discussion service, which is popular among Silicon Valley residents. We have translated the most interesting statements.

Night letters

Bernard Yu, co-founder of

These idle skills have been honed by analysts at one bank for several years. To look busy, they walked the corridors quickly and swiftly, as if they had some purpose, almost crashing into corners. So they created the appearance that they did not even have time to calmly turn.

They also used Outlook, which sent out letters on their behalf at 4 am. They tried to make these messages meaningful, not just links to interesting articles: no one will believe that you read Bloomberg all night long.

They often sighed tiredly, puffing out their cheeks, carried a pen behind their ear, supposedly because they did not have time to run to the table. And so that no one noticed that they were aimlessly surfing the Internet, they typed some kind of gibberish while surfing online.

Tablet in hand

Russ Davis

Once, when I was a doctor in the army in the 70s, I was transferred to another base. I was assigned to one of the artillery units. There was another medic who liked to imitate violent activities. For example, he never walked the corridors without a tablet with several sheets of paper on it. He explained this by the fact that when you have something in your hands, it seems that you are busy with something. And it really worked: when we walked around the base, he was with a tablet, I - without, everyone gave me tasks, and he just walked by with a busy look.

Electronic media

Anonymous user

At my previous place of work, I used working hours to write term papers, since I was still a student at that time. To hide the true nature of my studies, I never laid out books that were not related to work on the table, but read all the necessary literature in PDF. Since I also needed him for work, I did not arouse the suspicions of my superiors. Moreover, they praised me for my diligent work - despite the fact that I was doing the wrong things for 10-20 hours a week.

Serious look

John Mixon

When I talk to someone at work, I never smile. And it’s not that I’m very preoccupied with business. When you smile, people think you have nothing to do.


Ajay Murali

To create the appearance of work, an employee can put a piece of paper on the table and constantly write something on it, staring intently at the computer screen. In fact, there are some scribbles.

Lunch at the workplace

Kim Moser

If before answering the call, tell the couple business phrases ostensibly to someone in the office and only after that say hello, the person on the other end of the line will think that you are terribly busy.

The imitation of activity is also facilitated by the absence of a screensaver on the computer: people around them see some documents on the screen all the time and think that someone is working hard. Loafers can also eat at their desks, giving the appearance that they don't even have time to go to the cafeteria.

Knock of keys

Anonymous user

I wrote a novel at work one day. No one suspected me of a bum, but all because I was constantly tapping on the keyboard, and everyone thought that I was very busy.

Instruction No. ___

on labor protection
when working at height

1. General labor protection requirements

This instruction on labor protection when working at height was developed on the basis of the "Rules for labor protection when working at height", approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n (as amended on June 17, 2015).

1.1. Work at height includes work in which:

  • there are risks associated with a possible fall of an employee from a height of 1.8 m or more, including:
    • when an employee climbs to a height of more than 5 m or descends from a height of more than 5 m on a ladder, the angle of inclination of which to the horizontal surface is more than 75 °;
    • when carrying out work on sites at a distance of closer than 2 m from unenclosed differences in height more than 1.8 m, as well as if the height of the protective fencing of these sites is less than 1.1 m;
  • there are risks associated with a possible fall of an employee from a height of less than 1.8 m if work is carried out on machines or mechanisms, the surface of a liquid or loose fine materials, protruding objects.

1.2. TO independent work at height, workers are allowed:

  • have reached the age of 18;
  • passed mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations and have no contraindications to work at height;
  • having a qualification corresponding to the nature of the work performed. The qualification level is confirmed by a document on vocational education(training) and (or) qualifications;
  • passed the introductory briefing;
  • those who have passed the initial briefing;
  • trained and trained at the workplace;
  • those who have passed the knowledge test of labor protection requirements and safety rules when working at height;
  • have received admission to the right to perform this work.

1.3. The employer is obliged to organize, before starting work at height, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for workers:

  • admitted to work at height for the first time;
  • transferred from other jobs, if these employees have not previously received appropriate training;
  • having a break in work at an altitude of more than one year.

1.4. Employees who have mastered the safety requirements for performing work at height and have successfully passed the examination of knowledge and acquired skills are issued a certificate of admission to work at height.

1.5. Workers allowed to work at height without the use of inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, as well as using rope access systems, are divided into the following 3 groups for the safety of work at height:

  • Group 1 - workers admitted to work as part of a team or under the direct supervision of an employee appointed by order of the employer;
  • Group 2 - foremen, foremen, traineeship supervisors, as well as workers appointed by the permit to perform work at height by the responsible performers of work at height;
  • Group 3 - employees appointed by the employer to be responsible for the safe organization and performance of work at height, as well as for conducting briefings; teachers and members of certification commissions created by order of the head of an organization that provides training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height; workers performing maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment (PPE); workers issuing permit work orders; responsible managers of work at height, carried out according to the permit; labor protection specialists; officials whose powers include the approval of the plan for the production of work at height.

1.6. Periodic training of employees of groups 1 and 2 in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, carried out without inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, using rope access systems, is carried out at least once every 3 years.

1.7. Periodic training of employees of the 3rd group in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, carried out without inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, using rope access systems, is carried out at least once every 5 years.

1.8. Employees are required to pass a regular test of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once a year.

1.9. An employee admitted to work at height is obliged:

  • perform only the work that is determined by the work or job description;
  • comply with the internal labor regulations;
  • to use the means of individual and collective protection correctly;
  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction on labor protection, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • undergo mandatory periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) on the employer's referral in cases stipulated by the Labor Code and other federal laws;
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing means.

1.10. When working at height, exposure to the following hazardous and harmful production factors is possible:

  • the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the surface of the ground (floor, overlap) and the associated possible fall of the employee or the falling of objects on the employee;
  • crumbling structures (stairs, stepladders, scaffolding, scaffolding and other auxiliary equipment);
  • increased sliding (due to icing, moisture, oily surfaces of the soil, floor, ladders, ladders, ladders, scaffolding, scaffolds, etc.);
  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • increased wind speed (when working outdoors);
  • an increased voltage value in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • high or low air temperature in the working area;
  • sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
  • insufficient illumination of workplaces;
  • physical overload.

1.11. Depending on the specific conditions of work at height, workers must be provided with the following PPE compatible with fall safety systems:

  • hearing protection;

1.12. Work at height in open places is prohibited:

  • in the event of a thunderstorm or fog, excluding visibility within the work front, as well as in case of ice of icy structures and in cases of an increase in the ice wall on wires, equipment, engineering structures (including supports of power lines), trees;

An exception is allowed when eliminating accidents. In this case, the supervisor is obliged to arrange heating facilities.

1.13. In cases of injury or discomfort, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical institution.

1.14. For failure to comply with this instruction, the perpetrators are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, you should put on overalls, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment necessary for work from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.

2.2. Overalls must be of adequate size, clean and free of movement.

2.3. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare personal protective equipment, inspect them and make sure that they are in full serviceability. Workers admitted to work at height must inspect the personal protective equipment issued to them before and after each use.

2.4. Depending on the specific conditions of work at height, workers must be provided with by the following means personal protection compatible with fall safety systems:

  • special clothing - depending on the influencing harmful production factors;
  • helmets - to protect the head from injuries caused by falling objects or impacts on objects and structures, to protect the upper part of the head from injury by alternating electric current with voltage up to 440 V;
  • goggles, shields, protective screens - to protect against dust, flying particles, bright light or radiation;
  • protective gloves or mittens, protective creams and other means - to protect the hands;
  • special footwear of the appropriate type - when working with a risk of injury to the legs;
  • respiratory protection means - from dust, smoke, vapors and gases;
  • individual oxygen apparatus and other means - when working in conditions of probable oxygen deficiency;
  • hearing protection;
  • protective equipment used in electrical installations;
  • life jackets and belts - in case of danger of falling into the water;
  • signal vests - when performing work in places where vehicles are moving.

2.5. Workers performing work at height must wear safety helmets with a fastened chin strap. The inner harness and chin strap must be removable and have means for attaching to the helmet shell. The chin strap must be adjustable in length, the method of fastening must ensure that it can be quickly detached and prevent the helmet from spontaneously falling or dislodging from the head of the worker.

2.6. Depending on the specific type of work performed at height, appropriate systems for ensuring the safety of work at height (restraint systems, positioning systems, belay systems, rescue and evacuation systems) must be prepared before starting work.

2.7. Workers should be aware that a full body harness is used as a harness in harness systems. The use of strapless safety belts is prohibited due to the risk of injury or death due to shock to the worker's spine when stopping a fall, the worker falling out of the safety belt, or the impossibility of a long static stay of the worker in the safety belt in a suspended state.

2.8. Before starting work at a height, you should inspect the place of the upcoming work and put it in order; if it is cluttered with unnecessary objects that interfere with work, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary, unused in work.

2.9. When working at height, it is necessary to ensure the availability of protective, safety and signal fences and determine the boundaries of hazardous areas, based on the current norms and rules, taking into account the largest size of the cargo being moved, the distance from objects or hot metal particles (for example, when welding), the size of moving parts of machinery and equipment. The location of the installation of fences and safety signs is indicated in the technological maps for work or in the PPR at a height in accordance with the current technical regulations, norms and rules.

2.10. When installing and removing fences, the following labor protection requirements must be observed:

  • installation and removal of fences should be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of the performance of the relevant work;
  • installation and removal of fencing and protection equipment should be carried out using safety systems;
  • the installation and removal of fences must be carried out by specially trained workers under the direct supervision of the responsible work performer.

2.11. If it is impossible to use protective fences, it is allowed to work at a height with the use of security systems.

2.12. To restrict the access of workers and unauthorized persons to areas of increased danger, where it is possible to fall from a height, injury by materials falling from a height, tools and other objects, as well as parts of structures in the process of construction, maintenance, repair, installation or disassembly, it is necessary to provide them fencing.

2.13. If it is impossible to install barriers to restrict workers' access to areas of increased danger, the responsible executor (manufacturer) of work must monitor the location of workers and prohibit them from approaching areas of increased danger.

2.14. Openings into which workers may fall are closed, fenced off and marked with safety signs.

2.15. Walkways on sites and workplaces must meet the following requirements:

  • the width of single passages to workplaces and workplaces must be at least 0.6 m, the distance from the floor of the passage to the ceiling elements - at least 1.8 m;
  • ladders or braces used for lifting or lowering workers to workplaces at a height of more than 5 m must be equipped with safety systems.

2.16. When workplaces are located on floors, the impact of loads from the placed materials, equipment, rigging and people should not exceed the design loads on the floor provided for by the project.

2.17. Employees who are allowed to work at heights without the use of inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, with the use of rope access systems, on the instructions of the employer, are issued a work permit issued on a special form.

2.18. In the work permit, the place of work at height, their content, conditions for carrying out work, the time of the beginning and end of work, the composition of the team performing the work, the persons responsible for the performance of these works must be determined. If work at height is carried out simultaneously with other types of work that require a work permit, then one work permit may be issued with the obligatory inclusion of information on the performance of work at height and the appointment of persons responsible for the safe performance of work.

2.19. In exceptional cases (prevention of accidents, elimination of threats to the life of employees, elimination of the consequences of accidents and natural disasters), work at height can be started without issuing a work permit under the guidance of employees appointed by the employer responsible for the safe organization and performance of work at height. If the specified work is performed for more than a day, the registration of a permit-permit must be made without fail.

2.20. When performing work at a height of security zones buildings or communications work permit is issued with the written permission of the owner of this structure or communications.

2.21. Before starting the work on the admission order, in order to identify the risk associated with a possible fall of the employee, it is necessary to inspect the workplace for compliance with the Rules.

2.22. Inspection of the workplace is carried out by the responsible work manager in the presence of the responsible work performer.

2.23. When inspecting the workplace, the reasons for the possible fall of the employee should be identified, including:

  • unreliability of anchor devices;
  • the presence of fragile (destructible) surfaces, open or unclosed hatches, holes in the work area;
  • the presence of a slippery working surface that has not fenced height differences;
  • possible loss of balance by the employee when working from scaffolding, from scaffolding, ladders, ladders, in the cradles of the elevator, violation of their stability, their destruction or overturning;
  • destruction of structures, equipment or their elements when performing work directly on them.

2.24. Ladders and stepladders must be inspected by the responsible person before use.

2.25. When examining wooden ladders and stepladders, you should pay attention to the condition of the wood. Cracks in steps and bowstrings are allowed no more than 100 mm in length and no more than 5 mm in depth. All parts of wooden stairs and stepladders must have a smooth planed surface.

2.26. When inspecting metal ladders and stepladders, you should make sure that there is no deformation of the nodes, cracks in the metal, burrs, sharp edges, and violations of the fastening of steps to the bowstrings.

2.27. When checking the serviceability and stability of ladders, ladders that will be used during operation, remember the following:

  • the design of ladders and ladders should exclude the possibility of shifting and overturning them during operation;
  • ladders and stepladders should be fitted with sharp points on the lower ends for installation on the ground. When using ladders and stepladders on smooth supporting surfaces (parquet, metal, tiles, concrete), shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material should be worn at the lower ends;
  • when installing an extension ladder in conditions where displacement of its upper end is possible, the latter must be securely fastened to stable structures;
  • the upper ends of the ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hooks-grips that prevent the ladder from falling from the pressure of the wind or accidental jolts;
  • Suspended ladders used to work on structures or wires must have devices that ensure that the ladders are firmly attached to structures or wires;
  • it is necessary to install and fix ladders and platforms on the mounted structures before lifting them. The length of the ladder should provide the employee with the ability to work in a standing position on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder;
  • installation of stairs on the steps of flights of staircases is not allowed. To perform work in these conditions, a scaffold should be used;
  • scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be made according to standard designs and taken by the organization for inventory;
  • inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a manufacturer's passport;
  • the use of non-inventory scaffolds is allowed in exceptional cases, and their construction should be carried out according to an individual project with calculations of all main elements for strength, and scaffolding as a whole - for stability; the project must be endorsed by a person appointed in the organization responsible for the safe organization of work at height, and approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization or directly by the head of the organization;
  • near the passages, the paving means are installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the dimensions of the vehicles;
  • scaffolding and scaffolding up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the work manager with a note in the log of reception and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolds;
  • scaffolding with a height of more than 4 m from the ground level, the floor or the site on which the scaffold stands are installed, are allowed for operation after acceptance by a person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height. When performing work by a contractor using the scaffolding it constructs, the latter must be commissioned by a person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height, the contractor in the presence of a person responsible for the safe organization of work at the height of the organization on the territory of which the work is carried out. The results of scaffolding acceptance are approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization accepting scaffolding into operation or directly by the head of the organization. It is allowed to approve the results of acceptance of scaffolding constructed by a contractor for their own needs by the head of the site (workshop) of this organization. Before the approval of the scaffolding acceptance results, work from scaffolds is not allowed;
  • forests from which work has not been performed for a month or more are re-accepted before the resumption of work;
  • when accepting scaffolding and scaffolds, it is checked for compliance with the manufacturer's passport: the presence of ties and fasteners that ensure stability, strength of the attachment points of individual elements; serviceability of working platforms and fences; verticality of the racks; reliability of support sites and availability of grounding (for metal scaffolding);
  • suspended scaffolding, scaffolding and cradles after their installation (assembly, manufacturing) can be approved for operation after appropriate tests;
  • Suspended scaffolding should be attached to the load-bearing parts of the building (structure) or structures to prevent swaying;
  • in places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolds, posters should be posted indicating their layout and the values ​​of permissible loads, as well as the evacuation scheme for workers emergency;
  • before starting work at a height as part of the brigade, each member of the brigade must be instructed and familiar with their specific duties, PPR at height, work permit, technological maps and other regulatory documents in terms of it;
  • before working near live parts that are energized and not protected from accidental contact with them, the voltage must be turned off; In this case, a warning sign should be posted at the switching device: “Do not turn on! Work is underway! ”;
  • before starting work, you need to make sure that there is sufficient lighting for the place of the upcoming work;
  • before starting work, the employee must inspect the tool, fixtures, auxiliary equipment that will be used in the work, and make sure that they are in full serviceability;
  • the employee must personally make sure that all measures necessary to ensure the safety of the work ahead have been taken;
  • an employee should not start work if he has doubts about ensuring the safety of the work ahead.

2.28. Work at height is not allowed:

  • in open places with an air flow (wind) speed of 15 m / s or more;
  • in the event of a thunderstorm or fog, excluding visibility within the work front, as well as in case of ice of icy structures and in cases of an increase in the ice wall on wires, equipment, engineering structures (including supports of power lines), trees;
  • when assembling (dismantling) structures with high windage at a wind speed of 10 m / s or more.

3. Labor protection requirements when carrying out work at height

3.1. It is forbidden to leave the place of work without the permission of the responsible executor of the work, as well as the performance of work not provided for by the work permit.

3.2. In the process of work, carry out continuous visual communication, as well as communication by voice or radio, communication with other members of the brigade.

3.3. Materials, products, structures, when receiving and storing at workplaces located at a height, should be accepted in volumes required for current processing, and stacked so as not to clutter workplace and passages to it, based on the bearing capacity of the scaffolding, scaffolds, platforms on which the specified cargo is placed.

3.4. The workplace must be kept clean. Storage of blanks, materials, tools, finished products, production waste should be carried out in accordance with technological and route maps.

3.5. It is not allowed to place and accumulate unused materials, production waste at the workplace, it is forbidden to obstruct the ways of approaching and exiting workplaces.

3.6. At workplaces, the stock of materials containing harmful, fire and explosive substances should not exceed the replacement requirement.

3.7. During breaks in work, technological devices, tools, materials and other small items in the workplace should be fixed or removed.

3.8. For a safe transition at a height from one workplace to another, when it is impossible to construct transition bridges with protective fences, safety systems should be used that use rigid or flexible anchor lines as an anchor device, located horizontally or at an angle of up to 7 ° to the horizon.

3.9. Forests should be used for their intended purpose, technical supervision is established for the conditions of their use in the organization.

3.10. Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be made according to standard designs and taken by the organization for inventory.

3.11. The inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a manufacturer's passport.

3.12. The use of non-inventory scaffolds is allowed in exceptional cases and their construction should be carried out according to an individual project with calculations of all the main elements for strength, and scaffolding as a whole - for stability; the project must be endorsed by a person appointed in the organization responsible for the safe organization of work at height, and approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization or directly by the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur).

3.13. The mass of assembly elements per employee during manual assembly of paving equipment should not exceed:

  • 25 kg - when installing paving means at a height;
  • 50 kg - when installing paving equipment on the ground or overlap (with their subsequent installation in working position with assembly cranes, winches).

Forests and their elements:

  • must ensure the safety of workers during assembly and disassembly;
  • must be prepared and assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's passport, have dimensions, strength and stability corresponding to their purpose;
  • railings and other protective structures, platforms, decks, consoles, supports, crossbars, stairs and ramps must be easy to install and securely fastened;
  • should be maintained and operated in such a way that their destruction and loss of stability are excluded.

3.14. In places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolds, posters should be posted indicating the layout of their placement and the values ​​of permissible loads, as well as the scheme for evacuating workers in case of an emergency.

3.15. To perform work from scaffolding with a height of 6 m and more, there must be at least two decks - a working (upper) and a protective (lower) one, and each workplace on the scaffolding adjacent to a building or structure must, in addition, be protected from above by a deck, located at a distance of no more than 2 m in height from the working platform.

3.16. Work in several tiers along the same vertical without intermediate protective decks between them is not allowed.

3.17. In cases where the performance of work, the movement of people and vehicles under and near the scaffolding is not envisaged, the device of a protective (lower) deck is optional.

3.18. With the multi-tiered nature of the work to protect the platform from falling objects, decks, scaffolds, scaffolding ladders are equipped with protective screens of sufficient size and strength.

3.19. Forests are equipped with ladders or ladders for lifting and lowering people, located at a distance of no more than 40 m from each other. On scaffolding less than 40 m in length, at least two ladders or ladders are installed. The upper end of the ladder or ladder is fixed to the scaffold crossbars.

3.20. The openings in the scaffold flooring for the exit from the stairs are fenced. The angle of inclination of the stairs should be no more than 60 ° to the horizontal surface. The slope of the ladder should be no more than 1: 3.

3.21. To lift the load onto the scaffolding, blocks, jibs and other means of small mechanization are used, which should be fastened at a height.

3.22. Openings for the movement of goods must have all-round barriers.

3.23. Near the driveways, the paving means are installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the dimensions of the vehicles.

3.24. Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m from the ground level, floor or site on which the scaffold racks are installed are allowed for operation after acceptance by the person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height.

3.25. Decks and ladders of scaffolding and scaffolds must be periodically during work and every day after the end of work to be cleaned of debris, and in winter time remove snow and ice and sprinkle with sand if necessary.

3.26. Working with random stands (boxes, barrels) is not allowed

3.27. When organizing a mass passage in the immediate vicinity of the paving means, the places of passage of people are equipped with a continuous protective canopy, and the facade of the scaffolding is closed with a protective mesh with a cell of no more than 5 x 5 mm.

3.28. When operating mobile paving equipment, the following requirements must be met:

  • the slope of the surface on which the paving means are moved in the transverse and longitudinal directions should not exceed the values ​​specified in the passport or manufacturer's instructions for this type of paving means;
  • the movement of paving means at a wind speed of more than 10 m / s is not allowed;
  • before moving the paving means must be free of materials and containers, and there must be no people on them;
  • doors in the enclosure of paving equipment must open inward and have a double-acting locking device that protects them from spontaneous opening.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of accidents and situations that can lead to accidents and accidents, it is necessary:

  • stop work immediately and notify the work manager;
  • under the guidance of the work manager, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that may lead to accidents or accidents.

4.2. In case of fire, smoke:

  • immediately inform the fire department by phone "01", notify the workers, inform the head of the unit, report the fire to the guard post;
  • open emergency exits from the building, de-energize, close windows and close doors;
  • start extinguishing a fire with primary fire extinguishing means, if this does not involve a risk to life;
  • organize a meeting of the fire brigade;
  • leave the building and be in the evacuation zone.

4.3. In case of an accident:

  • immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;
  • take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on others;
  • to preserve the situation as it was at the time of the accident before the investigation of the accident begins, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency, and if it is impossible to preserve it, to fix the current situation (draw up diagrams , hold other events).

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. At the end of the work, you should put in order the workplace, overalls, remove tools, devices, materials, etc.

5.2. Rags, rags and other materials used for cleaning should be put in a specially designated place (for example, a metal box with a lockable lid).

5.3. Inform the person responsible for the performance of the work about all the shortcomings noticed during the work, and the measures taken to eliminate them.

The phenomenon of any office work is that in the end the employee himself calculates his own time resource. Not a boss, not a director, not a leader, but only ourselves. The formula is simple - we have a task and a specific deadline. How you spend this time is really nobody's business. The main thing is that the task is solved on time. However, the first rule of the office plankton code says - do not fall. And this is the very skill that needs to be learned. It must be remembered that out of a large number of your colleagues there will always be one Sherlock Holmes who, by deductive or any other method, will calculate the illusory nature of your work. With the help of the following tips, you can avoid these kinds of troubles, or at least learn to leave less evidence to expose and more room to excuse.

1st tip. The image of a busy person is created from a visual representation of his workplace. Many people advise to fill up the office desk with piles of documents, folders and other waste paper. The option is good, if not for one "but". The boss may get the impression that you are unable to organize your personal space and, as a result, adequately cope with the project. And this can lead to very sad consequences. So we advise you to keep the table in order and cleanliness, transferring the "visualization" of the workflow to things specially invented for this. Keep a whiteboard on the wall - this is a fantastic artifact that will help surround you with a halo of wisdom and Great Knowledge. All you have to do is draw a meaningless but intricate graph on it using the pictograms you only know, and your colleagues will truly respect your experience. You can also add a couple of sharp motivational posters and paste over the monitor with a bunch of paper stickers with cryptic notes: "Somov in two!" or "Grigorovich on Thursday". 2nd tip. A computer in an office is like a dashboard for an astronaut. You can't do without it. The longer they see you, the less you want to be distracted. However, in modern offices, the bosses closely monitor what each employee is doing at his computer, monitoring Internet traffic, the content of network folders and the presence of suspicious software. The utmost care must be taken in this regard. Making the appearance of work, do not get carried away with social networks - for free communication it is better to use your smartphone or laptop. But you should look into the computer more often - let your work mail, some kind of table and something like an organizer (with notes and clever thoughts) be always open there. You need to stuff your personal folder in the public domain with super important files, suggestions, auxiliary material and periodically add something new there. Do not forget about the names of the files. Use universal terms in them that are suitable for almost any activity: "report", "monitoring", "direct", "forms", "cases". Anyway, no one will understand anything, and opening is boring ...

3rd tip. Do not leave the premises for no reason. If you need to leave the office, pretend that they are calling you on your mobile phone, act out a short business conversation. Like: “Alexander Vadimovich, good afternoon! Yes, everything is ready. Yes, of course I remember. Oh, this is a very important point, I will now tell you in detail ... ”And running. But if such drama does not suit you and your acting skills suffer a little, then just take some folders, papers, notebooks with you - this will give the impression that you are going to communicate at work or just brainwash over something very important.

4th tip. Let's connect psychology. Some characters will have to act out. For example, to permanently cement your status as an extremely busy person, resort to emotions such as nervousness and irritability. Answer the questions quickly, briefly, and slightly boldly. Such intonations will easily get away with you, since you will really make gentle colleagues believe in the enormous responsibility that rests on your shoulders. And the manner of communication is just an annoying necessity caused by such a huge amount of work.

5th tip. Knowing a certain number of buzzwords is pretty helpful. Of course, as a specialist, you know professional terminology well (at least we hope). But some percentage of your vocabulary should consist of more abstract, streamlined expressions: “this is a too speculative method”, “it is necessary to expand the boundaries more conceptually”, “this format does not imply plastic variability”. And stuff like that. Just by saying aloud a couple of such airy phrases, you add up the style of your own interested speech.

The next tips are blitz.

6th tip. The more calls to your mobile, the better. Naturally, this does not imply a half-hour conversation with mom and discussion of a new steamer in the presence of colleagues. This tip also includes a recommendation for work mail. Send letters! A lot of mail. For any reason, every little thing and every detail. This will not ruin your reputation (on the contrary, you will be remembered as a person who scrupulously studies every element of his work), but the amount of visible activity will only increase.

7th tip. Classic and win-win. Get yourself an office jacket. To always hang on the back of the chair. You came out - and it hangs. And, as it were, it reminds you that you are, alive, healthy, and are about to be back.

8th tip. Stay at work for a few days. For a short time, about 40 minutes. This is quite enough for most of the colleagues to scatter home, and the rest would feel sorry for you unfortunate, and over morning work coffee and the rest would tell. How does he work! Plows for three - will not get home!

9th tip. It would be nice to have a beautiful presentation on hand. And preferably on the topic of the project, of course. A couple of suggestions, a few nice pictures, a good background - and you have a recipe for how to distract your boss from unnecessary questions.

10th tip. But you should still communicate with your boss more often. Just because he is the boss. He needs to see your work. The more questions and clarifications to it, the better the effect. Get him out with questions, suggestions, project details and remember the word "stage". You should always know at what "stage" your project is.

All of the above tips can only be considered harmful if you completely refuse to meet deadlines, solve problems and do good. Otherwise, with their help, a competent employee can easily find a few hours a day to "breathe". Everything else, of course, is already on your conscience ...

Create visibility of active work not difficult. Recommended create the appearance of active work before the eyes of the boss and do it, sincerely believing in the usefulness of your occupation.

There should always be some kind of business paper in your hands.

An employee with such paper gives the impression of a hardworking and dedicated employee rushing to an important meeting. The empty-handed employee leaves the impression of a bum. In addition, when leaving home at the end of the working day, it is worth taking more papers with you in order to supposedly work at night, this will create the deceptive impression that she works more than she actually does.

The computer will help create the appearance of active work

If you use a computer, the casual observer will get the impression that you are working. You can exchange personal messages by e-mail, chatting, and at the same time looking very busy, even if such an activity is not remotely related to work. When you are caught by the boss, you can justify yourself by the fact that you were busy with self-training, independently mastering new software and thus saving a significant part of the company's funds spent on training employees.

The mess on the desktop

Senior executives can afford to leave, leaving behind a clean desk. For us, this is impermissible, as it creates the impression that we are not working at full capacity. Cover your workplace with piles of papers from all sides. For a casual observer, last year's securities look exactly the same as today's ones, the main thing is the quantity. Make the piles of papers taller and wider. If someone has to come up to you for something, stuff the paper you need in the middle of a bale and pretend you're looking for it when he (or she) comes up.

Restless appearance

A conscientious and hardworking employee should always have a restless appearance so that her superiors feel like she is busy all the time.

Staying at work after the end of the day

Always stay late at the office, especially if the boss hasn't left yet. You can flip through magazines or books that you always wanted to read and for which there was never enough time, while sitting up late. When leaving the office, be sure to pass by the chief's office.

Tragic sighs of weariness

You need to sigh as loudly and tragically as possible, especially when there are many other employees nearby, to show that you are experiencing the greatest stress.

As many books as possible

It is not enough just to fill the work table with stacks of paper. It is also necessary to pile more books on the floor.

Clever words

Find more technical terms in a computer magazine and memorize them. Use these terms freely when talking to your boss. Remember that he will hardly understand what you are saying, but the desired effect will certainly be achieved.

Last but not least, don't let your boss read these guidelines.