Total war empire encyclopedia. Full stack of line infantry or goodbye cavalry? Diplomacy Menu in Empire Total War

It is important to know how one unit differs from another in different nations.
And in what the nation is stronger, and in what it is weaker. We will not make tables of tactical and technical characteristics (TTX) of units, but simply describe the units and draw some conclusions. So let's get started:

Line Infantry

The usual average line infantry (line) is absolutely the same in the USA, Sweden, Spain, Holland (ordinary dutch ruler). The three worst rulers: Indians (for Maratha), Russians, Bagirians (for Maratha). France has a line slightly better than the average, but the advantage is only in melee, and therefore, in my opinion, an overpayment of even 10 coins is obvious - not a profitable line.
England and Prussia have almost the same line infantry in strength, only the Prussians have faster reloading, while the British have better hand-to-hand combat. The two strongest lines (not counting the elite line infantry, which we will talk about later) are the Swiss (from Holland) and the Sikh infantry. Sikhs are more advantageous - the difference when hiring is 110 coins and stronger in melee. But at the same time, they lose 10 points in reloading and 1 point in morale. Therefore, in a one-on-one shootout, the porters will win, and the Sikhs are more profitable in terms of money.
After the strongest, the Turkish-Scottish group can be distinguished. Turkish and Scottish infantry (from Holland) are almost identical, but after patch 1.5 for Empire total war the Turks are a little more expensive, although they have a slightly faster reload. It should be noted that the Scottish infantry has an important feature - they can conduct platoon fire.
The Austrian infantry, in my opinion, is the fourth from the end after the Bagirians, and not justifiably expensive. Let there be a numerically larger detachment of infantry, but accuracy and reloading are poor. You also need to note the Belkal Janissary shooters, which is a unique unit. In a firefight, this is a heavy-duty line that surpasses the Prussian in strength, and it is also cheaper. But she cannot curl up in a square against the cavalry.
Well, the strongest infantry, which can rather be attributed to the guards, is the elite line infantry: (the Swedes and Prusaks have it). There is great morale, and platoon shooting, and, moreover, a rather low cost (1060 coins).


We can distinguish a group of countries with exactly the same arrows:
France, Holland, Poland, Prussia, Russia, Sweden. These countries have relatively weak shooters.
The three most powerful: Jaegers with blowguns, Ferguson marksmen, long barrels in the USA, although they are certainly weak in spirit. But their strength is that these units are invisible to the enemy unless they are attacking. They also have slightly more accuracy. The next in strength are: the Turkish lower classes of the jiida (the morale parameter is 9), casoderos (their morale is 8), green uniforms - this squad is only stronger than the others in hand-to-hand combat. In general, Spain has the strongest European light infantry.

Infantry Guards:

The first group is the standard guard: Austria, Great Britain, France, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, USA. The strongest guard - Prussia: bodyguards. In second place is Colstream (Britain). On the third - the Dutch guard. The cheapest guard: the black guard.

Light Dragoons:

There are only two types of units of this type in the game: Swedish and regular. There are a quarter more Swedish dragoons in the detachment (for example, if there are 40 ordinary Swedish dragoons, then there are 50 Swedish ones).

Horse Guards:

Apart from the Prussians, Turks and Marathas, the horse guards of all other nations are identical. The strongest free cavalry is the Prussian Guard du Cor. It is also worth noting such units as

Mounted Arrows:

The strongest equestrian shooters are the Turkish horsemen of Delhi. They are almost as strong as mounted regiments in hand-to-hand combat and still shoot, although they cost more.
The next strongest infantry cavalry is french easy cavalry. With its low cost, it has very strong characteristics, and at the same time the greatest accuracy for rifle cavalry (not counting dragoons). The next strongest, perhaps, will be the Cossacks. Good horses, but not very accurate. But they are good in hand-to-hand combat. Then the carabinieri. Pindari (Maratha) cavalry and pioneer raiders are perhaps the worst types of rifle cavalry. Separately, we can say about the camel cavalry with shaturnals. Not bad accuracy, good range, but slow speed and low morale.

European nations cavalry:

Hussars and horse regiments have now become the main type of cavalry used in the network. Cheapness and good combat parameters were the reason for this.
A cavalry regiment is good at acting against other cavalry, it is stronger in hand-to-hand combat than dragoons and can tie up heavy cavalry in battle for a while. But he's slow.
In contrast, hussars are weaker in hand-to-hand combat but faster - especially well suited for hitting enemy arrows.
It should be noted that both the cavalry regiment and the hussars, if the dragoons do not shoot at them, defeat them in hand-to-hand combat. It is necessary to mention the Cossack ataman cavalry among the Russians. The unit is expensive, but it increases the morale of nearby units, has the speed of hussars and is stronger than a cavalry regiment.

In this article, I want to tell you about diplomacy in Empire Total War. About what opportunities diplomacy provides, how to use it in the game, and what its success depends on.

Empire Total War was the first game in the series to take diplomacy to the next level. The differences from previous games, in this aspect, are simply colossal ...

Firstly, the developers have removed the special Diplomat unit, which was in the early games of the series. Diplomacy is now available from a special menu.

The biggest change to diplomacy in Empire Total War is that it has become a really important aspect of the game.

For example, now with the help of skillful diplomatic negotiations, you can ... not fight at all! In theory, you can win the game with a powerful economy by simply buying territories and solving all issues diplomatically. True, this will require a lot of money ...

Of course, this possibility was also present in the early games of the series (Rome 1, Medieval) but, in Empire, this mechanism has become even more effective.

Thanks to a separate menu, now there is no need to send cards across the floor to negotiate a Diplomat unit. All negotiations can be conducted at any time with just a few mouse clicks.

Diplomacy menu in Empire Total War.

The menu can be accessed by clicking on the special icon.

The arrow indicates the icon for entering the diplomatic menu.
  • Major states.
  • Secondary States.

Opposite the name of a particular country, you will see the diplomatic status and brief information in the form of icons. So you can find out:

  • The religion of the country (Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, etc.).
  • State system (monarchy, democracy, etc.).
  • The relationship of the country to your faction (sympathy, antipathy, enmity, etc.).
  • Trading information (trading partner, trading is not possible, trading is possible).

With this menu, you can conduct any negotiations.

All this information is displayed in the form of icons that have tooltips, so it's easy to figure it out.

On the right side of the diplomacy menu, you can see the geographic location of any country, as well as its relationship with other factions. This is indicated by different colors:

  • White color - selected faction.
  • Red - enemies of the selected faction.
  • Green - states that are neutral to it.

How to conduct diplomacy with another country?

To do this, select the country in the left column and click on "Start negotiations". After that, you will be taken to the following menu, in which you will have access to such functions as:

  • Suggest a trade.
  • Break the trade agreement.
  • Send a gift.
  • Request an alliance.
  • To declare a war.
  • Claim the right of way.
  • Regions.
  • Technologies.
  • Payments.

The possibilities of this menu are simply amazing!

Now I want to clarify what this or that point means.

"Request Trade" and "Break Trade Relationship". With this I think everything is clear? In order to make money trading, you simply need to have many trading partners. But since the possible number of partners is limited, sometimes you will have to choose between them, so you will also use the Break Trade Relationship option.

Send a gift. An extremely interesting opportunity. By sending a gift to a chosen country, you can change its attitude towards you. With the help of such gifts, you can change the attitude of another faction towards yours, from the "Enmity" state to the "Sympathy" state.

Try to appease the enemy with a gift and your relationship will become better.

The higher the value of the gift, the more the attitude towards your country will improve.

Request an alliance. If you make an alliance with another faction, you can count on their help if someone attacks you. But at the same time, you need to remember that in the event of an attack on your ally, you must also be ready to stand up for him, otherwise the union will be terminated.

To declare a war. With this point, everything is clear. You can declare war through the menu item, or simply by attacking another city or army.

In a war, you or your opponent can be supported by allies ...

Right of passage. If your troops enter the land of another faction, this is war. But if you ask for permission in advance for the right of passage, you may be allowed to send troops into another territory. This is sometimes required if between your opponent and you is the territory of another neutral state. The right of passage can be asked or allowed for a minimum of five moves, and indefinitely.

Specify how many moves you want to ask for or give the right to pass.

Regions. With this option, in the diplomacy menu, you can acquire another faction's area by selecting it on the map. In return, you can offer money, technology, or your field. Then there will be an exchange between you.

Region exchange, a peaceful way to change the territory of the country.

Tip: This is a very interesting opportunity. With this function, you can get a region on the continent you are interested in, completely without a fight, through diplomacy. Thus, with the help of diplomacy, you can significantly expand your territories.

Technologies. This feature allows you to exchange buy and sell technology.

Technology exchange. It is better to offer 2 to 1, then the opponent will definitely agree.

Tip: If you offer two of your technologies, for one you need, the other faction usually agrees. And to make a one-to-one exchange, most often it is almost impossible.

Payments. You can demand or offer a cash payment for something. For example, you offer another faction a peace treaty and agree to pay 1,000 coins in return for one or five turns. Or vice versa, you can demand this amount of money from another state.

financial inquiries.

As you can see, there are many opportunities for diplomacy in Empire Total War, and there can be a huge variety of different combinations of agreements.

What determines the success of diplomacy.

The successful outcome of diplomatic negotiations in Empire depends on many factors, such as:

Difficulty of the game. The higher the level of difficulty, the less accommodating and more aggressive other countries are towards you.

Proximity of religion and political system. Two catholic countries, easier to find mutual language than for example the country of Catholics with Muslims. Also, a country with a parliamentary government system may dislike the faction headed by the monarch.

History and territorial expansion. Diplomatic relations are affected by shared history. For example, France and England, historically irreconcilable rivals, and this fact plays a serious role. In addition, each country has its own goals in the game, its own territorial expansion. For example, Maratha, it is difficult to find a common language with the British, as they want to create their own colonies in India.

Authority or rating. Each country has this setting. Naturally, when a more established faction proposes something to a less established faction, they are more likely to agree. This rating can be viewed on the infographic in the game:

Graphics of the forces of all major factions in the game.

Also, in the diplomacy window, when you hover over a faction, a pop-up window will appear in which you can see in detail what factors currently affect your relationship.

Head of the government. Your government has a Head who can have bonuses, for example: + 3% to diplomatic negotiations, etc.

The head of government influences the success of diplomacy.

From my own experience, I can say that although diplomacy in Empire Total War is often criticized, in fact it did at a very good level and opens up new opportunities and strategies for the player. So be sure to pay attention to this aspect of the game, become a skilled diplomat and this will definitely lead you to victory!

What nation to play? Of course, after acquiring Empire: Total War, for me, as, I think, for many in our country, the choice was obvious - "for RRRRussia"!

But, after the first few gaming sessions (still without patches), the game got bored pretty quickly. AI did not attack at all, there are few countries for trade and contacts in principle, it is difficult to develop a fleet. Without going through the game to the end, I had to try to play for France, England and Prussia. There, indeed, the number of countries interacting with you is larger and the theater of hostilities is more extensive.

With the release of patches, the situation has changed. AI has become more aggressive, diplomacy has become more interesting, it has become easier to fight at sea. I returned to the Russian Empire again and was pleasantly surprised by the liveliness of my game campaign.

initial situation

To begin with, in brief, about the difficult Russian geopolitical situation at the beginning of the 18th century (in other respects, as always).

From the north, the country is threatened by Sweden - not a very strong rival, but with a developed economy and fleet, capable of fielding big army against Russia.

Capture St. Petersburg in ETW - task number 1

In the West, for Russia, at first glance, everything is calm. The Allied Polish-Lithuanian State provides cover from Prussia and Austria and is a good trading partner. But don't get too carried away. Troops reach Kiev from Minsk or Lvov in two moves, so it’s better to have a couple of units of archers in Kiev, so as not to provoke an ally.

In the South, Mother Russia has always been burdened with problems. And in Empire: Total War, this is to be experienced to the fullest. The Crimean Khanate is initially at war with Russia, very aggressively (after the latest patches) and will attack resources in Ukraine and Don Cossack Land. The small but proud peoples of Chechnya, Dagestan and Georgia (how relevant!) Are even more viciously disposed towards their Big Neighbor and most likely will provoke a war on the first moves of the game.

As for the old enemy of Russia - the Ottoman Empire, then Russia most likely does not fall into its first circle of concerns at the beginning of the game campaign. However, any attempts to conclude a peace agreement with me were unsuccessful.

Here is a strategic layout. All this is exacerbated by an underdeveloped economy, poor education, and of course, fools and bad roads. Fools sit in the Government - change them immediately and get less negative impacts. And you will have to solve the issues of the economy, education and infrastructure by carving out money from the military budget.

Where to start playing as Russia in ETW

In politics, economics and education

What makes sense to do in the first moves of the game:

  • Set higher taxes for the nobility (4th level). Not for long, for 5-10 moves. This will give more financial freedom at the beginning of the game to develop the economy of the Empire.
  • To exempt developing regions from taxes, primarily Karelia, the Land of the Don Army, Astrakhan, Bashkiria and Komi. It would be better to exempt Karelia from taxes so that the new city of Severomorsk could appear more quickly, in which it would be possible to build a fishing port, designed to solve the food problems of the region. Arkhangelsk may not be exempted from taxes, there are no longer any villages for development. Kazan may not be liberated either - there are agricultural lands there, by developing which you will accelerate the formation of the region.
  • Disperse ineffective ministers. See that all effects from them are neutral or positive.
  • Actively build roads. This will help trade and the transfer of troops.
  • To develop the industry - first of all, workshops in Ukraine and Muscovy.
  • Northern fur trading posts can be developed last, while there are no sea trade routes.
  • Explore or steal "Emperism" and the only school in Nizhny Novgorod turn it into a college.
  • In education, in general, I see the first priorities as follows: Empiricism, Battle formation "square", Baginet, Physiocracy. The latest science is needed for development Agriculture and, accordingly, to be able to return the collection of taxes in the eastern and southern regions.

In military affairs

In general, militarily, my advice is to choose only one direction to attack at the beginning, and defend all other directions. This will simplify both the offensive of the army and its financing.

Watch out for the generals! The Ottoman Empire and Sweden will send their assassin saboteurs to them, and fighting without generals is madness.

It is enough to concentrate the production of military units in 4 cities: Moscow, Kiev, Cherkassk and Astrakhan.

The developers of Empire: Total War have worked out the historical line in the game well, and the arena of hostilities, especially at first, will be close to the real situation at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Most likely, at the beginning of the game, the Swedes will declare war on Russia, or your ally Denmark (why would that be?) will be attacked by them and you will have to choose between loyalty and peace.

In the war with Sweden, first of all, it is necessary to protect Karelia, since the Swedes will constantly make attacks in small detachments on the capital of this region, Petrovsky Sloboda, and on its resource settlements. The weaving workshops in Veliky Novgorod, immediately on the border with Ingermanland, cannot be left without guards.

The relevance of joining St. Petersburg and access to the Baltic Sea is clear to every Russian. Capturing St. Petersburg will not be difficult if you bring in existing and new units from Moscow. But then things will get more complicated - it will be necessary to hold St. Petersburg from the west and north, while repelling raids on Karelia. Therefore, I recommend not to stop the production of units in Moscow, and also to call on troops from Kiev, leaving only generals and archers there.

Only by concentrating a large army in the north will you be able to capture Livonia and Finland, the latter being more interesting in terms of war and economy. Do not hesitate to resolve this issue. Sweden quickly creates units against Russia in Finland.

Only after moving the border away from Moscow in the north is it worth taking up the south. Although, the Crimean Khanate, Dagestan and Georgia are unlikely to give you such freedom of choice and will bother you without waiting for your issues with Sweden to be resolved. Therefore, at the very beginning of the game - form 3-4 Cossack militias in Cherkassk and Astrakhan to protect the southern borders, and also keep Ukraine protected from the south.

However, I do not recommend getting involved in full-scale military campaigns in the south at the same time as the war against Sweden. This is fraught with high costs and a delay in the development of the economy, as well as, in the event of defeat, a loss of credibility. And it is hardly realistic to take Crimea or Dagestan with small forces.

The most dangerous, of course, is the Crimean Khanate and it is worth starting from it in the south. Baffle the Kiev generals with a sufficient number of line infantry with the capture of the Crimea.

Until you capture Crimea, defend the North Caucasus with Cossack militias. Dagestan, using cavalry, can invade deep into Russian soil, up to the Balakovo lands in Astrakhan.

It is worth saying that the Crimea, and Dagestan, and Georgia have line infantry and European types of cavalry, as well as good generals. It's strange, but in Empire: Total War it is. Get ready for difficult, protracted battles.

After the capture of Bakhchisarai, to conduct an active war in the Caucasus, transfer the generals and part of the army from the Crimean campaign there. Your Cossack militias guarding the Caucasian borders will be a good addition, although they are not very effective against line infantry. Dagestan has dangerous hand-to-hand units, Islamic swordsmen who can easily chop up your foot units, so you need to have a couple of cavalry regiments on the Caucasian front.

It seemed to me that you can not be afraid of the Ottomans landing by sea in the Crimea (at least in the current patches), so the defense of the Crimea, after the suppression of resistance to the occupation, can remain minimal.


I have only covered the first steps in the Russian Empire: Total War campaign. Do not treat this article as an attempt to formalize something. Surely each of you will choose your own path. I only hope that my notes will help you on your way to victory!


    29.12.2018 23:37

    Rus. Ivan

    Playing as Russia on the most difficult level of combat and strategy. Astrakhan sold the Dagas, the Donskoy Lands to the Georgians (he entered into a military alliance and trade), thereby saving himself from wasting resources on protecting these lands. First of all, the capture of the Crimea and St. Petersburg. In the Crimea, he built a small fleet and completely blocked all ports to the Ottomans. (The economy of the Ottomans in the pope will not last long without trade). Capture of Moldavia, you can now trade with Austria. He exchanged Karelia for Iceland, a convenient island in terms of creating a merchant fleet. Vyturil Swedish fleet from the Baltic, the landing of troops in Finland. Then he quickly transferred troops to the capital, while the Swedes held the siege again recaptured Finland. He sent troops from St. Petersburg and recaptured Finland. That's all with the loss of two rich areas of the Swedes, it remains only to finish off. The war with the Swedes took 30 moves. He raised the economy and regained Astrakhan and the Donskoy Lands. By this time, the Marathas had reached Georgia. The stupid Hindu made an alliance with the Turks and declared war on me, (well, rich India in your pocket does not hurt), and then the Ottomans grew bolder. Restraining the onslaught of the Marathas on the border, he sent a powerful fleet with a landing force to India. The fleet of the Indians is skinny, immediately went to the bottom and nothing prevented the landing. No one particularly defended India on the move and recaptured rich Mysore and Bijapur. Blockade of ports and further development of the offensive on the Carnatic, covering the east coast and moving towards Hindustan. Interestingly, the stupid Hindu stubbornly broke into Astrakhan, while losing her territories in India.
    With the capture of Hindustan, the pressure on the border weakened. He went on the offensive and squeezed the Indian woman from both sides. And there he took up the Ottomans. The cunning Austrians immediately joined in with the proposal of an alliance and chopped off Greece. Okay, I took everything else. Then he put the Britons under the knife, and then it became no longer interesting. Conquest of Europe and world domination.

    17.12.2018 14:50

    Artur Messer

    Company for Russian empire, The battle mode is "very difficult", the strategy mode is "hard". Unfortunately it didn't work! :) Despite the fact that he won almost all ground battles, even with a small detachment using cunning, tactics and terrain, in the worst cases, armies consisting of almost only generals (appointing a general with bodyguards from one detachment, and so on several times, as long as they allowed finance). Winning everything naval battles, having first destroyed the masts of the attacking strong ships, retreating from them, maneuvering and periodically shooting their masts and sails with knipple, then stood sideways to the bow of the enemy and destroyed him, since he could not move and maneuver. (this trick could be done with only one, but a strong ship!) At the beginning, he acquired territories in India and North America, exchanging technologies and territories with the Iroquois and the Portuguese, and then annexed other neighboring territories by war on these continents. (The campaign was played in "Domination" mode from 1700 to 1899.). Toward the end of the game, all the remaining powers (of which there are very few left. Of the main ones left: England, Maratha, France, Spain, Poland) sharply entered the war with me, and even those with whom I had not fought in general joined. They did not conclude peace with me under any conditions, even on clearly favorable terms for themselves. At the same time, the powers did not fight among themselves, but were even allies. Trade has stopped. Incomes have dropped sharply. In the diplomatic branch, it was shown that relations are damaged from territorial expansion. The conclusion is that you should not have too large territories by the end of the game, so as not to embarrass strategic partners. And in order to fulfill the victory conditions, certain territories must be captured. But, apparently, closer to the very end of the campaign.

    P/S It's a pity that it was not possible to create a fleet on the Caspian Sea!

    01.02.2018 00:54

    thanks for the advice

    15.07.2016 11:03

    15.07.2016 11:03

    At the beginning of the game for Russia, it is best to start hiring Cossack infantry on the lands of the Don Army and in Astrakhan. You don’t need to hire a lot. 4 detachments and a general and place them on the border with the Dagistani and build forts from the north and from the west this is enough to weaken the Dags and prepare a full-scale offensive. As for Georgia, they do not attack while the Dagestan exists, and as soon as you capture it, Georgia will rather remain neutral than dare to go to russia

    21.03.2016 14:04

    IMHO, as always in TW, it is necessary to press immediately and wherever possible, until the neighboring natives have spawned heaps of troops. St. Petersburg, Crimea - taken on 2-3 moves, Crimea without problems by the Ukrainian army, for St. Petersburg it would be necessary to pull up what is in Moscow, Georgia and Dagestan will create a real trouble, they will probably declare war on you on the 3-4th move, trouble in that it is very far and inconvenient to go to them - there are mountains and you will have to make as many as 2 armies, separately against Georgians and Dags, plus AI cheats and produces 2 or even 3 units per turn in one city - so go to Tbilisi with a small army risky - until you reach the AI ​​will spawn. Buy nothing but archers, foot bases of all armies, a couple of elective cavalry per army. The reasons are simple - 1) the speed of foot archers is like that of cavalry units! 2) archers are 2 times cheaper than linear infantry, respectively, you can have an army 2 times larger for the same money 3) shooting infantry at the beginning of the game is useless - our task is to minimize losses with a minimum of invested money, and losses in skirmishes will be higher than with a friendly onslaught reeds. Only foot artillery can really strengthen the army at the first stage of the game, and it can be very much strengthened against stupid AI - the conclusion is the first technology to study - buckshot + we immediately build an arsenal above the level and supply all armies with a couple of batteries capable of moving artillery - it simply demolishes cavalry and artillery like a sniper enemy.

    03.02.2016 10:38

    Vladimir, in order for the "square" to work, you need to increase the number of units. This can be done in the graphics settings.

    07.11.2015 22:16


    why is the "square" not revealed? although it has been investigated .. squads are not being built .. the button is off .. dim

    29.10.2015 17:14

    I play for Russia on the hardest level. Peace was made with the Ottoman Empire from the first move, the Crimean Khanate was destroyed on the 2nd move, there are 2 armies filled to 100%, the wealth of the treasury for each move is 10,000+ rubles. it's up to 20 moves.
    I think the described tactics are completely ineffective and counterproductive. Under no circumstances should taxes be increased to such a level, and especially the regions should not be exempted from taxes.
    I have the following tax rate in the game: for the lower class for min. for the highest in the middle.
    If you understand all aspects of the game and are aware of all the rules you should be able to play any difficulty perfectly. If you can't do it, study the rules of the game and all the functions that the company has.

    27.07.2015 14:47

    A few tips for beginners.
    1. Pay attention to ministers, change them so that there are no fools in your government.
    2. Trade right of way with neighbors. for 5 passage moves, you can completely gain 1 kilo of coins. In general - trade everything that can be traded in the game: territories, technologies, the right of passage, the possibility of concluding a peace or a trade agreement. You will need money.
    3. Hire generals in bulk, where reinforcements are urgently needed. Once I happened to fight off the Indians with the general's army. There were 19 generals in the army + a detachment of archers. Autoboy showed the victory of Russia, and the Indians were unable to capture important territory.
    4. Throw generals into the attack at the turning point of the battle. The enemy panicked, but is not running yet - the general's cavalry will finally tip the scales in our favor. And the general will receive experience (asterisks) for bravery and active participation in the battle. Finish off the retreating enemy with the general's cavalry.
    5. Lure enemies out of the city you want to conquer. Having lured the enemy troops with one detachment, capture the city with your other detachment.
    6. When storming cities, you can only put howitzers with a general as stormers, and the rest of the nearby army will act as reinforcements. Why is this needed? If you capture the city with the whole army, the soldiers will trample, and the destruction in the city will be great. And if only artillery, then only artillery will enter the captured city, and there will be less destruction.
    7. Keep 1-2 galleys or sloops in each of your port cities. This will be useful for the transfer of troops. The troops enter the port, sit on the galley. The galley is carrying troops to a nearby port, the troops are disembarking from the galley. The galley that brought the troops is being withdrawn from the port. The troops in the port board the next galley and move on to another port. Etc. Thus, you can transfer troops in one turn from Malmö (Sweden) to Piraeus (Greece), in general - in any direction you need. And if the Spaniards suddenly declared war on you, when your army in the Crimea is sunbathing, we can use our existing ports in the Mediterranean. The Crimean army, to the chagrin of the Spaniards, landed somewhere near Madrid in one move.

    These are just a few of your options that are included in the game. Good luck!

    12.02.2015 06:55


    And why doesn’t anyone write that after the capture of St. Petersburg, the seaport must be destroyed in favor of the trade, this is + money, since ship technologies are not soon and it doesn’t need up to 30 years for sure.

    19.12.2014 19:37

    As for me, it's better to immediately attack the South and to the last deny the war in the north, I used to do that. But now I decided to do it differently and, by the way, almost like in this advice. I gathered the entire central army and led it to the border with St. Petersburg, literally on turn 3, Denmark asks for help. Intervened immediately and the first attack went to St. Petersburg. Because of the best Russian roads, a couple of meters were not enough to St. Petersburg. Naturally, the Swedes attacked me. And they were one and a half times more. And I, by the way, on the highest difficulty for battles and campaign. As a result, my artillery saved the entire army, and the general stopped the fleeing "wars" as many as 3 times. Yes, this is from the guide, and yes, it really works, but sometimes. The Swedes did not retreat, they were completely defeated, and the general was killed. Peter surrendered without a fight. And here I am at the Baltic. But I didn't have to be embarrassed. Because the army of the Swedes was defeated, I saved up my strength and sent them to the barn. Riga, similarly to Peter, capitulated. Slightly sat in it and moved the army back to St. Petersburg. The North calmed down, and the Swedes, ahuev from such pressure, switched to Denmark.

    But in the south, things were, so to speak, not so hot. The Cossacks did not have time to form, into battle, they died, new ones were formed and again into battle. And so constantly. The money that I received from the north and the center of my mother, all went to the FUCKING SOUTH.
    My advice is to immediately subdue Crimea, otherwise these arrogant creatures will be in charge in (in) Ukraine, the Land of the Don Army and even in Kazan. Because of Sweden, I captured Crimea very late, but not really, of course, but by the standards of the game, very late. In 1719, having spent a ton of gold and nerves, and most importantly courageous warriors and one general, I took Bakhchisarai. Joy knew no bounds, everyone thought, right now, Georgia and Dagestan will fall behind. FUCK THERE!!! They, realizing that a powerful ally has been destroyed, SUCH raids are arranged that you are only surprised how 16 people can be considered a regiment. Another decent pack of nerves went to Georgia, I wanted to pacify them and make them a protectorate, but they won’t. I had to capture.
    One more piece of advice - do not capture Georgia and Chechnya, but make it a protectorate, even if they hate you, they will not be able to attack. And in addition, you will receive 50% of their budget. And the most important PLUS - the countries bordering them will not attack you, but they too. That is, by conquering, but not capturing, you will ensure the full protection of the South from the Caucasus. But unfortunately, in the war with the Marathas, you will, indeed, have to interfere. But this war will take place, not on your territory, which means you won’t have to be heroic and tear your ass to defend that village or this town. And spending will not be with you, but with your wards. And this, already, is their problem.
    The result will be that by spending a lot of money on the south, you will secure it and be sure - it will pay off for you, oh how.

    Now back to the north. The clouds are gathering again. If the Poles, after all, dominate Europe, then no one opposes the Swedes, except for the poor Danes and the petty revolutionaries of Norway. And the Swede, again gained strength. A trip to the megarashka is new, but now the first goal is Finland. Everything will be there, depending on Europe. If in Europe there is a symbiosis in terms of the balance of power among Austria, Prussia and Poland, then the Swedes will, oh how, difficult and a full-fledged invasion will not happen. And, if Poland tears and mosques, then no one will stop the Swedes and they will turn all their strength on you.
    Well, the third, but unlikely variak is, if Poland was bent over by the Aryan representatives, then the Swedes will have enough problems and they won’t even get to you.

    The overall result - I did it for the first time, but I was damn interested, the maneuvers are sharper and more dangerous, which makes the campaign more interesting, because you worry and plan everything sooooo carefully. Regarding the capture of the Crimea, I was in the heat of the moment and exaggerated a bit: D. I took it in 1712, in the winter. As for the West, representatives of European apples betray at the first serious danger. When France, Spain and England started chasing me about Croatia, Rumelia and Greece. The Poles immediately fled, like they don't know me and I was left alone. Having defeated the Spaniards and the French at Athens, I, nevertheless, got out of the situation. And in this I see a huge PLUS. Do you know why? Because our legal territories, in the form of Belarus, Lithuania, Courland (present-day Latvia), and, in a sense, Lviv territory, are located with the Poles. And they, by their betrayal, untied my hands. It is now 1721 and I plan to send battle-hardened regiments from the north and south to Poland. Money is average - about 50 - 60k. And you know, everything is just beginning;)

Many are convinced that it is difficult to conquer the world in Empire: Total War. In fact, this is quite an achievable goal if you choose the right strategy, plan well and enter into promising alliances. In this article, you will learn how to become the most feared emperor by progressing in the "Main Campaign" mode.


Resource Creation

  1. Create a new campaign. State selection is vital to winning the game. If you want to get ahead at the start, the best choice there will be Great Britain, because this country is located on an island and has great naval power.

    • This empire on the island will remain intact until the enemy state can build strong battleships.
  2. Make trade agreements and alliances. Early trade agreements and alliances will give you an advantage in the game. This will increase your annual income and strengthen your relationship with the state with which you want to cooperate.

    • There is a chance that your ally will terminate the agreement, so it is better to use it while the opportunity exists.
    • Build trading ports. The more trading ports you have, the more trading partners you will have.
    • You can trade with neighboring countries by land.
    • If you're playing as the UK, you'll need to have a trading port for your exports and resources from a trading partner.
    • Piracy - good way to reduce your opponent's resources. To do this, block the enemy's trade route with your brig.
  3. Upgrade farms and production. The development of the economy requires the construction and modernization of farms, as well as the production of fur, cotton, sugar and coffee.

    • Don't forget to destroy church schools and replace them with universities so that you can do research. Research is carried out at universities. The better you upgrade the universities and fill them with nobles, the faster the research will be.
    • If you have multiple universities, you can research different technologies at the same time.
    • Universities cannot team up to research the same technology.
    • Researching a new technology costs a certain amount of research points. Research points are produced by universities per turn. The higher the level of your university, the more points it produces.
    • Nobles also provide points and reduce the time it takes to complete research, so try to place your nobles inside the university to get this bonus.

    Build strong naval and army units

    1. Improve technology. In order to get stronger units, research military technologies such as "Bayonet Attachment", "Ring Bayonet", "Formations", etc. Your soldiers will become stronger on the battlefield.

      • By researching on the Troops tab, your units will receive new and improved weapons, as well as drill barracks that will provide access to more powerful soldiers.
      • The same goes for naval development. In addition to fast-paced buildings and cheaper ships, highly advanced naval technology increases your battleship's range of motion, allowing you to move much faster.
      • Cannon explosives can be upgraded.
      • A high level of naval development gives greater accuracy when using ship cannons.
      • Army units can be loaded onto ships. This allows you to conquer the lands across the ocean, just make sure you have enough soldiers to invade the capital.
    2. Help your allies. Once you have a stable economy and strong units, feel free to help your allies when they ask for help. This will strengthen your relationship and also give you a chance to conquer new lands.

      • Allies can help you invade other countries.
      • To wage war against a specific state, click on the "Diplomatic Relations" icon, and then find the name of the country in the list and click on it. Make sure your future enemy is not part of your allied group to prevent this peace agreement from being broken. Now click on the "Open Negotiations" window and then "Declare War".
      • If you declare war on your ally, the alliance will automatically be terminated.
      • If you have declared war on the same enemy you are fighting union state you can ask him for help. This is useful in suppressing the states that constantly come across on your way.
      • If you reject an ally's request for help, he can (if he wants) cancel your alliance.
      • By helping an ally defeat an enemy state, you increase the chance of obtaining new lands. With their military help, there is no need to send many troops to capture the city.
    3. Use the fortress garrison. The fortress garrison has a zone of control, which acts in the same way as an army unit. This makes forts ideal for guarding some of the places that enemy units will try to take over in order to get inside.

      • By stationing your unit in a fort, you greatly increase the defense, giving you enough time to call in reinforcements to quell the invaders.
      • With the help of generals or admirals, you can hire units directly.

    Command and Conquer

    1. Plan ahead. Plan which state to deal with first. Make sure that this state is close to your main city and within reach or close to your ally.

      • Most players choose to target nations that are already in the war. Joining the fight is a little shameless, but it is a very good strategy.
      • In the "Diplomatic Relations" window, you can see the status of each state and their relationship with other states.
      • Find a state that you can choose as a common enemy, and then form alliances with those who you think can provide assistance during an attack.
      • Create enough units, call or recruit elite, and then move the army closer to your target.
      • When the troops gather right at the border of your target, open the Diplomatic Relations window to declare war or simply invade their territory.
      • A window will appear asking if you want to ask your allies for help. Remember to only select those that are close to you so they can quickly provide reinforcements.
    2. Penetrate new lands. Taking over Europe is just the beginning. Use your strength Navy, load your army on it and scout the other part of the world.

      • Conquering America is much better than conquering India, as America has a lot of resources and trading ports that will come in handy.
      • If you're playing as the UK, you can start conquering America from your base in Nassau and Port Royal. If the thirteen colonies are still under your protection, you can request their help in conquering the Indian tribes.
      • You will have to fight France if you attack her; but better try to avoid unnecessary confrontation until you subdue the Native Americans.
    3. Build and expand. After sending troops to America and capturing the city of Native Americans, build and expand your empire. Upgrade resources, upgrade drill barracks, and call on soldiers to deploy in newly conquered lands to defend against any invaders.

      • The newly captured city will have a very unstable economy due to the dissatisfaction of the inhabitants.
      • Whenever you annex or capture a city, the happiness of the inhabitants will drop dramatically. There will be uprisings, protests and other manifestations of discontent. To deal with this, attack any rebels that appear near the captured city.
      • After capturing the city, do not forget to repair it. The city must be in good condition in order to modernize it and call on more soldiers.
      • Free the area from taxes, if necessary - this will increase the happiness of the inhabitants. When they calm down, you can remove the privileges to start earning an annual income.
      • Build, increase resources, hire and then expand. Repeat. With a high amount of resources, you don't have to worry about annual income. Just focus on conquest, then head to India to continue your world domination.
  1. The game does not allow you to rename or create new cities, in connection with which in the 1700th year St. Petersburg was already on the map, but it is the capital of the Ingria region and is controlled by Sweden.
  2. Historically, the first steamboat sailed in 1807 of the 19th century. However, in Empire, if the technology is properly researched, it is possible to build steamships as early as the 18th century.
  3. The capital of Russia is Moscow, not St. Petersburg, and the Winter Palace can be built in Moscow.
  4. In Empire: Total War, the Winter Palace and the Kunstkamera can be built in Moscow, but not in St. Petersburg.
  5. In Empire: Total War, the capital of Russia is Moscow, not St. Petersburg.
  6. Although historically the first steamboat made its voyage in 1807, the player, by consistently developing technologies, may be able to create steamboats as early as the 18th century.
  7. In the province of "Land of the Don Army" (this territory corresponds to the southern federal district of the Russian Federation) there is a settlement of Maykop, this city was founded in 1857 and, moreover, was originally not a peaceful settlement, but a fortress.
  8. In the province of Tataria, there is a settlement of Tolyatti, although the settlement on this site was founded only in 1737, and until 1964 it was called Stavropol.
  9. In the province of Ingria there is a settlement called Kingisepp, although initially this fortress was called Yama (Yam), and from 1703 to 1922 it was Yamburg.
  10. The game engine does not allow you to rename or create cities, therefore, in 1700, St. Petersburg is already present in the game, but it is the capital of the Ingria region and is controlled by Sweden.
  11. Another 14 types of troops were released in the Elite Units of the West paid add-on, this add-on includes the Russian Horse Guards and the Semyonov Life Guards Regiment.
  12. In patch 1.3, 14 new types of troops were added to the game.
  13. Special covers and unique additional troops were created for various American online stores.
  14. In the Russian collector's version, only the book with illustrations from the game is missing, everything else is in place.
  15. In the collector's version of the game, in addition to the campaign map and the book about the game, there are also in-game gifts - six additional types of troops. This HMS Victory- Admiral Nelson's flagship, Rogers' elite infantry Rangers, Ottoman Organ Cannon, Nepalese Gurkhas, Corso Terreste guerrillas, and the Irish mercenary corps Buckelli Regiment.
  16. For the first time in the Total War series, the developers have abandoned the GameSpy service for the multiplayer game mode.
  17. Noble gentlemen who challenge each other to a duel exist only in European countries. In the states of the East, their role is played by priests and they cannot fight among themselves.
  18. The map in Empire: Total War is not single, but divided into four regions - Europe, India, North and Central America.
  19. In Empire: Total War, you can't choose between day and night, you can't view the ruling dynasty's family tree, and you can't become the Pope
  20. Ground battles are accompanied by musicians. You can hear the sounds of bagpipes, drums, flutes and trumpets.
  21. Only after version 1.5, the developers completely corrected the artificial intelligence of the game from errors.
  22. The game was very warmly received by critics - on average, it was given 9 out of 10.
  23. The game sold 810,000 copies.
  24. After the release of the game for the first time in a year and a half, the first line of the charts was taken by a game published exclusively on PC.
  25. The game holds the highest selling record in the series.
  26. The game has nine different cover versions. Gift for gaming magazines.
  27. To increase the authenticity of what is happening, the developers introduced duels into the game.
  28. A full demo version of the game was released on Steam on February 20, 2009. It included two battles - at Brandywine and at Lagos. In the demo, Britain, France and the United States fought during the War of Independence.
  29. The first trailer for the game appeared in July 2008, and later, at E3 in Los Angeles a demo version of naval battles was shown.
  30. The announcement of the game in 2007 in Leipzig was "paper". In principle, there was no visual series of Empire: Total War.
  31. The game uses new engine- Warscape.
  32. Empire: Total War was originally supposed to be released a month earlier, but Creative Assembly pushed back the release to complete the code for full-fledged online games. In fact, before that, Total War could only be fought in real time.
  33. The game features a full online campaign for the first time in the series.
  34. In battles on the water, the player can control up to 20 ships of different classes and sizes at the same time.
  35. The historical story campaign is called "Road to Independence".
  36. The game features more than 50 factions, but you can only play for 11 of them.
  37. In addition to the traditional sale option - on discs, the game is also sold digitally - through Steam.
  38. In addition to the regular campaign, the game has a special campaign that reflects the formation of the United States and the battle for Independence.
  39. For the first time in the series, real-time water battles appeared.
  40. The game takes place in the early 18th century.
  41. The game has become the fifth part in the series, although the name does not betray it.
  42. The game received excellent grades- an average of 90 out of 100.
  43. The music for the game was composed by Richard Beddow.
  44. The game's lead designer is James Russell.
  45. In the province of "Land of the Don Army" (this territory corresponds to the southern federal district of the Russian Federation) there is a settlement of Maykop, this city was founded in 1857 and, moreover, was originally not a peaceful settlement, but a fortress.
  46. In June 2009, patch 1.3 was released, which added an additional 14 types of troops to the game in order to diversify the type and quality of troops between factions. Another set of 14 new types of troops was also released, this time not for free.
  47. On February 20, 2009, a demo version of Empire: Total War was released on the Steam digital distribution service.
  48. The game was announced on August 22, 2007 at the Leipzig Games Convention.
  49. In Russia, the collector's edition is called the Special Forces Edition and does not contain an artbook.
  50. In addition to the standard version of the game, Sega also releases a "Collector's Edition", which includes a campaign map and a book about the game's graphics in the box. In addition, this edition includes six types of troops.
  51. For the first time in the Total War series, the developers have abandoned the GameSpy service for the multiplayer game mode. In Empire: Total War, online connection is made through the Steam program. Like the campaign, the multiplayer mode features sea and land battles.
  52. Besides common card world, the game also includes a story campaign called "Road to Independence", where the player controls the British colonization of America. In the first part of the campaign, the player creates and develops the Jamestown colony. The second part focuses on the French and Indian War.
  53. The recruitment of troops differs from the system of previous games in the series, where troops were recruited in settlements and then transferred to the general's army. In Empire, the general can personally recruit troops from settlements.
  54. Unlike previous games in the series, provinces are no longer completely centralized into cities. Although the city is still the center of the province, there are other buildings that deal with trade and recruitment.
  55. The campaign map is no longer limited to one Europe and the Middle East. It will also cover the territories of America, Africa and India.
  56. In land battles, martial music is played with bagpipes, drums, flutes, and trumpets.
  57. There are three types of population in every province: nobles, bourgeoisie, and poor, but only two matter in every government system. The bourgeoisie is not present in an absolute monarchy, the poor are not present in a constitutional monarchy, and the nobles are not present in a republic.
  58. In addition to the main three parts of the world (Europe, North America and India), the game also has four so-called trading regions: the East Indies, the Ivory Coast, the Madagascar Straits and the Brazilian coast. These regions cannot be settled or conquered.
  59. Although over 50 factions are in the game, only a few of them will be available to the player.
  60. For the first time in the series, the player can personally take part in naval battles.
  61. The game describes a period of fierce imperialism, colonization, peace exploration and distant wars.
  62. The game begins in 1700 and ends in 1799, one move is equal to half a year.
  63. The game engine is called Warscape.
  64. Empire: Total War - the fifth game in the Total War series, is dedicated to the period of modern times in the 18th century.