Correction of nutrition. The Most Important Benefits of Breast Milk

Healthy habits. Diet of doctor Ionova Lydia Ionova

Adjustment of diet and diet

After analyzing your first diary entries and compiling two mirrored lists of habits, there are several important changes to make.

1. Establish a diet so that breakfast, lunch and dinner are present daily (not necessarily at the same time). In this case, you need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. In addition to the three main meals, it makes sense to include a couple more snacks. You can snack on fruits, especially if you did not eat them every day before the program.

2. Start changing your drinking regime. The main task here is to gradually, over several weeks, bring the amount of water absorbed per day to the norm - 35 ml per kilogram of weight (therefore, a person weighing, say, 80 kg needs 2.8 liters of liquid). This recommendation is for people with healthy kidneys. If you have any problems with the urinary system, be sure to consult your doctor! If you fall short of your norm, start drinking clean water between meals. In addition, it is worth abandoning sugary drinks and juices (including freshly squeezed ones), replacing the latter with whole fruits, since their glycemic index is much lower than that of fresh juices. For more information on water, see the “Reference Information” section on page 298.

3. Eliminate high-fat foods and sources of simple carbohydrates from the diet.

4. Add fruits and vegetables to the norm: eat at least 300 g of fruits and 400 g of vegetables every day.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Nursing Handbook the author Aishat Kizirovna Dzhambekova

From the book The Nursing Handbook the author Aishat Kizirovna Dzhambekova

From the book Overweight. New dietetics the author Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

From the book Vegetarianism (Riddles and Lessons, Benefits and Harms) the author Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

From the book Diseases of the thyroid gland. Choosing the right treatment, or How to avoid mistakes and not harm your health author Julia Popova

From the book Nutrition for hypertension author Ilya Melnikov

From the book Healing Power of Thought by Emrika Padus

From the book Woman's health during pregnancy the author Valeria Vyacheslavovna Fadeeva

From the book My Slimming Program author Rimma Moysenko

From the book Health begins with the right food. What, how and when to eat to feel and look your best by Dallas Hartwig

It is not uncommon for people to abandon a weight loss program literally a few days after starting it, because they simply do not see the results. The fact is that they are trying to lose weight solely by adjusting their diet. But the diet should be harmoniously combined with physical activity and correspond to the peculiarities of human physiology. A few simple yet very effective dietary advice will help you achieve your goal.

It's no secret that the result of work largely depends on the ability to concentrate on the ultimate goal. A person can lose excess weight only when he is fully aware of the need to lose weight. Therefore, before starting a diet, you should make a list of the reasons why it really needs to be done. There is no need to rush, it is better to think carefully about each point in order to make the motivation more effective.

When you have decided on the goal, it's time to move on to drawing up a plan. It can be very detailed, indicating meal times and calories consumed. But it is better not to focus on the nuances yet, but to concentrate on the main stages. For example, plan a gradual increase in physical activity or the elimination of flour products. The main thing is to clearly follow the points.

The plan in no case should be too strict and difficult to implement, however, excessive simplicity is also unacceptable, nevertheless, for losing weight, restrictions are necessary, the implementation of which will require willpower.

Diet correction is the first step to losing weight

To lose weight, women should eat a balanced diet. At the same time, no more than 2500 calories can be consumed per day. This indicator is the norm that the body requires for normal functioning. Reducing calories is the wrong tactic, leading to the accumulation of nutrients in the body as a result of stress.

To balance the diet, as a rule, it is necessary to remove the most high-calorie foods from it. Sugar and sweets, in which it is contained, as well as flour products, especially from wheat flour, should be abandoned.

Under the strictest prohibition:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes;
  • fried foods;
  • fat meat;
  • porridge with a high glycemic index.

You should be careful with fruits - it is better to use them in limited quantities. Refusal from the products listed above will not affect the well-being and performance of a person in any way.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • dairy products;
  • skim cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • bread made from rye flour or bread made from it;
  • cereals with a low glycemic index;
  • lean meat.

You cannot refuse breakfast and lunch - they give energy for the whole day. Dinner should also be present, but as light as possible and no later than 4 hours before bedtime. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, then at night you can afford a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat. You need to eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions.

Adhering to this scheme, you can supply the body with all vitamins and nutrients, while not loading it with extra calories. As a result, everything eaten will be spent on life support, and not remain on the sides and abdomen in the form of fatty deposits. You should not count on a visible effect within a week after the start of the diet, and even more so give it up because of this, because the body must adapt to the new regime.

Water is an important element of weight loss

In the process of losing weight, it is very important to consume enough water, which is about 2 liters per day. It is this volume that will saturate the body with moisture and contribute to the process of dumping extra pounds by removing toxins and toxins. It is believed that drinking too much water can increase weight. The bottom line is that water is retained in fat cells, and this leads to edema, but this phenomenon is temporary.

The most correct solution is to drink water 20 minutes before a meal in order to create the illusion of a full stomach and, accordingly, reduce appetite, but do not dilute the gastric juice.

Get into the habit of drinking a scan of water in the morning on an empty stomach and don't forget about the need to use it during sports. Vigorous exercise removes moisture from the body, which can lead to dehydration, so the water supply needs to be restored. And we are not talking about any liquid, but about pure non-carbonated water. Ideally, it should be at room temperature for better absorption.

People who are not used to drinking such an amount of water should not try to pour in all 2 liters on the very first day. It is better to gradually increase the dose, starting with a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner, increasing the amount over time, remembering to listen to the body.

Sport is a faithful assistant in losing weight

Proper motivation, nutritional adjustments and adequate water intake are not enough to effectively lose weight. Only in combination with physical activity, these methods will really bring results. Of course, you should not immediately start squatting 100 times or running many kilometers of cross, especially if it was difficult to call your lifestyle active before.

In this case, the principle of gradual increase also applies, as with water. Of course, training should be exhausting, otherwise there will be no effect, but you should not be too zealous. A systematic approach is important here - the option with three sessions in a row, followed by a weekly break, will not work.

Exercises should be complex, you cannot pay attention to only one part of the body, for example, the waist, completely ignoring the load on the legs and back.

Very effective in terms of losing extra pounds are sports such as:

  • swimming;
  • aerobics;
  • Pilates.

Of course, the age of a losing weight person should also be taken into account, for example, women after 50 years should not get involved in jogging, otherwise problems with joints may arise. Whichever sport is chosen, you should definitely complement it with walking. If possible, you should stop moving by public transport in favor of a walk, or at least get off 2-3 stops earlier than you need to.

You can go in for sports in the gym or at home, but the latter option will require maximum self-control. Therefore, many people opt for sports centers. The most effective are personal trainings with a trainer, although some are more motivated by training in a group - it all depends on the person himself.

Standard mistakes of people on a diet

Knowing how to lose weight correctly, losing extra pounds is much easier, but sometimes even possession of all the necessary information does not save you from collapse. It's all about the mistakes that people who want to acquire an ideal figure make, among the most common of them are:

  1. Unsystematic physical activity, which prevents the body from adapting to a new rhythm of life.
  2. The confidence that nothing terrible will happen from one candy in the evening at the end of a hard working day - as a rule, it is followed by the next one, etc.
  3. Excessive control of weight loss, often leading to frustration with the chosen method of losing weight. The result is not always noticeable immediately, and when playing sports, fat goes away, but the muscles develop, therefore, they become heavier, which can be seen from the figure, but not from the arrows of the scales.
  4. Eating a lot of salt, not only retains water in the body, but also makes you feel thirsty, which many confuse with hunger. During the diet, the amount of salt should be reduced, and the taste of cooked dishes can be given with the help of spices, which, by the way, are also useful.
  5. Eating in front of the TV or reading a book is not a weight-loss activity. In this case, the satiation process takes place uncontrollably, a person simply "on the machine" swallows food, often without even feeling its taste. As a result, the feeling of hunger does not disappear even after the end of the meal.
  6. Reducing vigilance after the disappearance of several kilograms is a very common mistake. Inspired by the first success, a person ceases to control his diet or takes a break from training, but the lost weight returns very quickly.
  7. Returning to the usual rhythm of life after achieving the desired result is a common situation. Many people forget that maintaining a figure is no less difficult than acquiring it. If, after a diet, you abandon workouts and lean on sweets, then the painfully lost kilograms will definitely return, but getting rid of them will already be more difficult.

It is important to remember that frequent weight changes associated with adherence to a strict diet, and then a return to the previous diet and physical activity, has a much more destructive effect on the body than the stable presence of extra pounds.

Therefore, the process of losing weight should be treated with full responsibility, realizing that even after receiving the long-awaited result, you cannot go on to the old way of life.

The main goal is to make the habits gained in the process of losing weight permanent. As a rule, to maintain an ideal figure, it is enough:

  • fractional food;
  • refusal of fatty foods;
  • reducing the amount of sugar consumed;
  • drinking enough water;
  • systematic physical activity.

Many women begin to think about losing weight on the eve of the beach season, while actively "eating" kilograms in winter and autumn. This approach negatively affects not only the appearance, but also the state of health, which is much sadder. Of course, it takes willpower to lead a healthy lifestyle, however, only by getting on the path of proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity can you feel all its benefits.

If you approach the issue of losing weight and maintaining a figure with common sense, you can not only improve your appearance, but also heal your body. In fact, the advice of a nutritionist about the correct start of the process of losing weight is not particularly difficult, but it is very effective. Make sure of this from your own experience: get rid of extra pounds easily and with pleasure!

Video - Nutritionist Tips on where to start correct weight loss

Undoubtedly breast milk- the best type of food for children of the first year of life. However, in the modern era of acceleration, children from the first months of life, and especially when feeding with donor milk, need additional administration of mineral salts, vitamins, and sometimes protein.

Mother's milk contains a sufficient amount of iron, zinc, copper, when compared with cow's milk, milk mixtures, etc. With intensive growth of the child during the first year of life, even in the case of breastfeeding, from the 2-3rd month of life, a deficiency of certain mineral substances. Experts have found that the supply of iron that the fetus received during intrauterine development is sufficient for normal hematopoiesis only for 2-3 months of the postpartum period. After that, if iron is not additionally introduced (and it is injected with breast milk, fruit juices, etc.), a deficiency is created in the baby's body. If the baby begins to experience a lack of protein in food, then the iron deficiency is further aggravated.

In order to maintain normal hematopoiesis, you need to additionally administer iron supplements from the 3rd month of life. It was found that the addition of about 10 mg of iron per day to the food intake is quite enough to maintain a normal concentration of hemoglobin in the blood in children of the first year of life.

Children of the first year of life it is recommended to give a 0.1% solution of ferrous sulfate. From about the 10th month of life, when it is possible to significantly expand the diet and enrich food with foods that contain a sufficient amount of iron (fruits, meat, liver, vegetables, etc.), the drugs are canceled.

Children need more copper than adults. On average, this need is approximately 0.1-0.2 mg / kg per day. By about the 3-5th month of a child's life, when feeding him with breast milk, a copper deficiency develops. With fruit and vegetable juices, the child's body receives an additional amount of copper, which, as it were, compensates for the lack of it in breast milk. However, despite this, some children may develop copper deficiency. One of the signs of copper deficiency is a drop in hemoglobin levels. At the first manifestations of copper deficiency, it is necessary to prescribe the child copper preparations in small quantities (0.1% copper sulfate solution, 3-5 drops).

Calcium absorption rate by a child from breast milk is high enough (compared to cow's milk, for example). However, despite this, a baby who is breastfed still needs an additional prescription of calcium supplements. In most cases, glycerophosphate or calcium gluconate is prescribed, the dose of which should be up to 0.5 g per day. An individual dose for each child is prescribed by the doctor. To determine the amount of calcium that must be given to the child, control of calcium excretion in the urine is carried out.

Mother's milk contains vitamins A, D, C in significantly higher amounts than cow's milk. Children after the first month of life need additional administration of vitamins. This is due to the fact that the metabolism of children is especially intense. Fruit juices, vegetable juices, fish oil are rich in vitamins, so they can be used to compensate for this deficiency. Juices satisfy the child's body needs mainly for vitamins P, B and C, and fish oil and carrots contain a sufficient amount of vitamin A (vitamin A is contained here either in pure form or in the form of provitamin - carotene). Fruit and vegetable juices should ideally be freshly squeezed. But if it is not possible to make juice from fresh fruits or vegetables, then clarified canned juices can be used for children of 1-2 months of age, and juices with pulp can be given to children from 3 months. And only if such juices are not available, you can resort to synthetic vitamins. It is best if the child is given different juices throughout the day. Each juice contains a certain set of vitamins and microelements, for example, grapefruit and orange juices are rich in ascorbic acid and vitamin P, while apple juice is rich in iron. It has already been said that the juice must be prepared before use, the exception, perhaps, are juices from sea buckthorn and black currant - they can be harvested for future use. In addition to citrus juice, vitamin C is found in large quantities in rosehip and black currant juices.

Juices must be given to the baby. in small portions - this is necessary in order not to cause acute indigestion. As a rule, 2-3 drops are given on the 1st day, 5-6 drops on the 2nd day, gradually increasing the total amount of juice. I must say that the need for vitamins is fully satisfied with 30-50 ml of juice - for children of the 1st half of life and 60-80 ml - for children of the 2nd half of life.

In addition to vitamins, juices also contain a large amount of various substances. Some of these substances can adversely affect the functioning of a child's gastrointestinal tract. There is one rule for the use of some juices: if the baby has a tendency to constipation, then he is given orange and carrot juice, if the baby has a tendency to diarrhea, then it would be more expedient to give him lemon juice. It should also be noted that citrus juices can be allergens.

Children of the 2nd month of life receive vitamins C, B and P along with grated apple and other puree from any fruit. Carrot juice contains provitamin A - carotene, so a child's need for vitamin A cannot be fully satisfied by carrot juice. From the 1st month of life, the child is prescribed fish oil, which contains a certain amount of vitamin A and vitamin D. Fish oil must be started with drops. So, on the 1st day they give 5 drops, on the 2nd day - 10 drops, etc., gradually increasing the dose to 1 tsp. within 7-10 days. From the 3rd month of life, the child must be given 1.5 tsp. fish oil, this amount of fat will provide the baby's need for vitamins A and D.

Fish oil is given to children of the first year of life all the time, regardless of whether there is a vitamin deficiency in the main diet or not. It must be remembered that fish oil is given at the end of a feed, as it inhibits gastric secretion.

Despite the fact that the child's need for vitamin D is satisfied partly due to breast milk, partly due to the use of fish oil, in any case, additional vitamin D intake from 2 months of age is necessary to prevent rickets (throughout the first year of life). Experts have found that the prevention of rickets with vitamin D concentrates in some children can lead to mild symptoms of intoxication (these include nausea, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.). As a rule, the latter is noted in cases where the baby does not receive vitamin A while receiving vitamin D. The most rational appointment of vitamins A and D at the same time - in these cases, the possibility of developing intoxication or hypervitaminosis A and D is practically absent.

Now let's get to the basics correction of protein requirements. Babies who are breastfed do not need protein correction. Sometimes, nevertheless, the correction of protein needs is necessary, for example, in the case of a baby with a large body weight (4 kg or more) or in cases where the protein content in breast milk (found out in laboratory conditions) is low and the baby begins to lag behind in development (for example , small weight gain, etc.). In such cases, the enrichment of mother's milk (and especially donor milk) with cottage cheese is simply necessary. If the baby receives protein less than 2 g / kg and the child's body weight increases slowly, the existing deficit should be filled up to the required need. In this regard, it is necessary to consult a doctor. When the child reaches 5 months of age, nutritional correction is carried out by the introduction of various complementary foods.

With a lack of certain vitamins in the body, malfunctions can occur, which lead to various unpleasant situations. Recommendations for correcting nutrition have always been above all cosmetic products. And, until you learn how to monitor your diet, you should not expect a miracle from cosmetic and hygiene products.

When you go on a diet, it is worth remembering that it can have its consequences. In pursuit of a beautiful figure, you can lose the appearance of hair or nails, which never received the received portion of vitamins. Each season has its own methods of skin, hair and figure care. For example, autumn. Having seasonal fruits and vegetables freely available will help you achieve your best results.

  • Problem 1. Nutrition correction - Dandruff.

In the fall, by the way, you can enjoy fresh berries and herbs. If you are overtaken by such a problem as dandruff, pay attention to fruits containing vitamin C. Such are currants, onions, herbs, lemon. Eating these foods will help deal with the problem. If you have tried a lot of remedies, and none of them helped, then the problem is a lack of vitamin C. Feel free to make yourself lemonades. Dilute the juice of one lemon with half a liter of boiled water. This drink should be taken in a glass a day. Dandruff can also appear from a lack of vitamin A. Carrots contain carotene, which then breaks down and turns into vitamin A. Only oil or sour cream should be added to carrots for better digestibility. Also, vitamin A is found in apricots, red peppers, broccoli and lettuce leaves.Reconsider your diet, remove salty and fatty foods. Eat more salads seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.

  • Problem 2. Bags under the eyes.

The eyes have always needed special care. But, if bags under the eyes have been bothering you more and more often lately, it is better to consult a doctor. The existence of such puffiness may indicate a lack of vitamins A and B. Vitamin B is present in tropical and citrus fruits, and tomato is also considered the record holder for its content. Oddly enough, but with swelling of the eyelids, it is recommended to use coarse porridge. Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, arnautka - this is not the whole list of cereals rich in vitamins that your body needs so much. A kefir diet will also help, which will improve the work of your intestines, remove toxins and toxins.

It is an independent food that first complements and then replaces breastfeeding. Complementary foods include: · vegetable puree; · porridge; · kefir. Complementary feeding rules: 1. It is given before breastfeeding with the child's strongest food arousal. 2. Complementary foods are introduced gradually, starting with a small amount (1-2 teaspoons), completely replacing one breastfeeding for 7-10 days. 3. Gradually complicate the consistency of the introduced food (from liquid to thick). 4. The introduction of a new complementary food is possible only after the child gets used to the previous one. 5. Do not give the same type of food 2 or more times a day. ü First feeding it is recommended to enter from 4.5-5.5 months in the form of vegetable puree or milk porridge. Vegetable puree is especially useful for premature babies; children suffering from allergic diathesis, anemia, rickets. Porridge is shown to excitable children. Vegetable puree is prepared from one product, after getting used to it, they give a mixed one of 2-3 vegetables that do not contain coarse fiber (from zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, green peas, beets, potatoes). Potatoes should not be more than ½ the volume, as they are poor in calcium and contain a lot of starch. Add 1-6 g of vegetable oil to the finished dish (by 1 year). ü Second complementary food administered 2-4 weeks after the first (from 5.5-6.5 months). If vegetable puree was introduced first, porridge is given as a second complementary food; or vice versa. Porridge is prepared from cereals or dietary flour - buckwheat, oatmeal (oatmeal), rice. Semolina contains phytin, which binds Fe, Ca. Its frequent use contributes to the occurrence of anemia and rickets. Enter first in the form of (5%) 7%, and later 10% semolina, first in vegetable broth or in water with the addition of 50% milk. After 2 weeks, you can cook other cereals in whole milk. For children suffering from rickets, milk intolerance, porridge is prepared in vegetable broth. ü From 7.5-8 months they introduce third lure- baby kefir or adapted baby milk formula. Complementary foods are given with crackers or cookies. Introducing whole milk is not advisable, as this leads to sensitization of the child's body to cow's milk proteins. ü Expansion of the first complementary foods- this is the appointment of meat puree to a child in addition to vegetable puree, i.e. formation of lunch. From 7 months, they introduce into the diet chopped meat no more than 5-30 g per day, increasing by the year its amount to 60-70 g. Initially, it is recommended to give homogenized meat puree of industrial production, then boiled meat can be introduced into the diet (from beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken, lean pork , horse meat), twice passed through a meat grinder and beaten with a mixer (rubbed through a sieve). It is useful to give once a week minced by-products (liver, tongue, brains), 2 times a week - minced sea fish. At 10 months, minced meat is replaced with meatballs, at 12 months - with steam cutlets. It is recommended to keep breastfeeding as much as possible (up to 2 years).