Healthy sport. The most useful sport: influence on the body, efficiency, reviews. What types of sports are useful for health

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Benefit exercise It has long been known for health: they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, prolong life.

The scientific works of the past, statistics and experience doctors confidently indicate that moving high and medium intensity exercises are best affected by the body.

But which of hundreds of exercises are most effective?

A new study makes it possible to understand what is better to work for health and longevity - tennis!

These results are based on the analysis of a huge data array - 11 annual surveys conducted in England and Scotland from 1994 to 2008 with the participation of 80.3 thousand people.

Each participant reported his physical activity over the past 4 weeks, indicating the type and intensity of work and / or exercises. Average age Respondents amounted to 52 years.

Economic works were included in the analysis (for example, gardening) and most popular sports: swimming, bike, gymnastics / aerobics / dancing, running / jumping, football / rugby, badminton / tennis / squash. They were grouped by the level of load.

In general, only 44% of respondents performed the physical exertion recommended by doctors.

Observation continued on average for 9 years after the first survey. During this time, from 80.3 thousand participants, almost 8.8 thousand died. Among them - 1.9 thousand victims of stroke and heart attack.

What other exercises prolong life?

Taking into account all sorts of concomitant factors, scientists compiled a list of the most useful types of physical activity.

Compared to a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of death of participants from cardiovascular events decreased as follows:

47% of the fans of the racket
- by 28% of swimming lovers
- by 27% when having aerobics
- by 15% from cyclists

No less dispute caused the fact that running, rugby and football turned out to be outsiders ranking. Inexplicable statistics show that these sports almost do not affect the risk of heart attack and stroke.

When the runners were compared with hypodynamic peers, everything looked rosy: risk - 43%!

But as soon as other factors included the analysis (for example, the initial state of health), the prophylactic effect of this sport instantly disappeared.

Simply put, the runners live longer lazy people if they were originally healthier.

As for rugby and football, experts expressed a curious hypothesis. These are seasonal sports that are far from all fans are engaged in winter. Perhaps long seasonal breaks in training have influenced the final results of the study.

How does the intensity affect the benefit of exercises?

When the authors decided to study the influence of the intensity of the exercises, the answer turned out to be obvious.

The higher the intensity of classes, the better for the heart. Up to a certain feature. When the intensity of training reaches this peak, its further increase is harmful to health and longevity.

Thus, the dependence of the benefit from the intensity of the exercises is an inverted U-shaped curve. Little is bad.

Many - also bad.

Truth is somewhere in the middle.

Although the results are very interesting, the authors themselves urge to approach them carefully.

These figures are based on the analysis of a small amount of deaths, so the error is not excluded.

Details of an intriguing study are published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. "

Today we will argue what the same useful view Sports for harmonious and full physical physical development of muscles and human intelligence, two very important points for any sport, and even better than the best sport. In fact, it is the main purpose of sports, and why, after all, 90% of people do them. Therefore, we find out what kind of sport, it is possible to obtain the largest harmonious physical activity on the muscles and ligaments to maximize their strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

And for lovers of "big sizes" will not forget about the large volume of muscles. But only it is necessary to take into account that it is naturally not very bad if the muscles and power go to the harm to the main body modern man, namely his brain. And so that this would avoid us immediately discuss which sports help develop intellect, and which on the contrary lead to gradual degradation.

Harmonious muscle development in sports

The harmonious development of all muscles for humans is unusually important, since for example, shaking only hands many athletes often forget about the legs or vice versa. As a result, it turns out a disproportionate person who in his life can only do a strictly defined function.

As an example, strongly punished people like a guy, which is depicted on our main photo, which I photographed on the beach in Rio, look at what interest the whole beach looks at him, and girls run up to take a picture with him. But there is even more "thrown", which often do not even make themselves tie themselves with shoelaces on shoes, scratch your back and so on. As a result, it is not the most useful sport and a "healthy athlete" and some humanoid and hostage of his own body.

A real healthy person must have both flexibility and endurance. What is the lot of "stupid strength" if you are strong, but you can not run even 25 meters, pull up 2 times and touch your own socks with your hands.

Naturally, for harmonious development of muscles in sports, it is also necessary to take into account that the development of the speed we usually drop power and endurance, and on the contrary, it is also true that is also not very good. The perfect body for a person is a harmoniously developed body without big distortion..

The most useful sport

About and about our most separate articles, you can read them, and now we are talking about the harmonious and useful sports In the field of muscle growth and physical exertion.

1) Football gives good development of the whole body, Only a bit of losing sight of the development of hands, and stretching 8 balls.

2) OFP If it is only running, will not give the development of the whole body, but only legs at the runners, and these are 6 balls, but taking into account swimming and fitness, let it be 9.

3) Karate. Gives an excellent tone of the whole case and the unusual fortress of muscles and tendons, as well as force and speed, although you do not get 9 balls.

4) MMA pumps most of the necessary muscles during heavy workouts, Usually, not considering only 9 balls stretch.

5) Chess Immediately get the minimum 4 balls for obvious reasons. Just you will have to additionally to chess be sure to visit the sports hall.

6) Acrobatics incredibly pumps the whole body for speed, strength and endurance, and if you add more plastic gymnastics, you can even give 10 balls. The only minus is certainly increased injuries.

7) Bodybuilders, security officials and street "pitchings" often do not develop speed and stretching. Then even shaking perfect muscles, for the disharmony of 8 balls. Although there are many and pleasant exceptions and separately "WORD OUT" as the most useful sport for harmonious muscle growth can easily get more points.

Useful sports

8) here dancing give enough movement and development of musclesTherefore, dancing is easy to rank with useful sports for harmonious development. Naturally, the dances are sweeping most, but not always enough speeds and strength. Although if it is break dance, then 8 balls for the usefulness of dancing we will be easily.

9) Yoga also develops plastic and stretching, but absolutely forgot about speed and dynamics, receiving a maximum of 9 for this disharmony, and even then, for an incredibly healthy body and spine yogin. Although if you do not know there are types of yoga in which muscles swing, but these are more modern approaches.

10) Capoeira trying to pump, develop and develop harmoniously all muscle groups. Most good capoarysts can easily sit down in a twine, become in the bridge, walk on hands and jump complex flips. At the same time often train force, practicing and static power balance. Moreover, some of all this makes up to 50-60 years, it would seem a solid ten.

But for justice we will give 9 balls, because capoeira is not a professional competitive sport and from those engaged not always demanding to be laid out in training at full. Yes, and the types of capoeira are also a lot, and the perfect physical exertion is not given.

Sport and Intellect

But let's talk about sports and intelligence, as muscles muscles, and they are important, and the strength is also important, but no money and sports achievements will unambiguously help you if it is empty in the head. Therefore, let's see what kind of sport from the dozens of the previously selected earlier develops intelligence, or at least does not give it to degrade.

1) Football is not entirely intended for the development of intelligenceBut since this is a team sport he requires constant care and analysis of the behavior of other members of your team and the opponent team. Already not to say the miscalculation of the optimal strategy to win the whole team for this 7 balls.

2) OFP, running and swimming requires the most minor costs and development of intelligence. You can think about something you can only during a long marathon, or jogging around the house, and certainly will not become smarter, running 100 meter distances. Although there are a lot of stupid people there, they know when it is better to overtake the enemy, and when to conceive strength, but still a maximum of 6 balls.

3) Karate is a pretty intelligent sport, It is necessary to analyze the behavior and manner of the opponent. Not to mention the memorization of a lot of blows and the moment when it is appropriate. And also karate is often about spiritual sport implying work on oneself, by his mind and consciousness, so that 8 balls.

4) MMA is very hard to call mixed or sports martial arts by developing intelligence. But still when it starts to live and win, have to analyze opponents and the possible strategy of your behavior, for this 6 balls.

The most intelligent sport

5) Chess Clear case 10 balls. it really right the smartest and even wise sport, In addition to the incredible workout of intelligence when choosing a right course, you still train the wisdom to predict your opponent's behavior by 5-10 or even 20 steps forward.

What is worthy of the best strategists in the world. Plus Possible by-effect In a dozen of the other years, in the form of photographic memory, when you can remember by heart the sheet of printed text in a few seconds, which makes chess in the most useful sport for the development of intellectual abilities.

6) Acrobatics is far from the smartest sport And does not require large intellectual costs, in addition to memorizing many dozens of complex elements and the methods of their implementation, for which 7 balls.

7) Bodybuilding opposite is very often associated with increased intellectual activities.because it requires reading an incredible mountain literature with different ways To pump out. A plus many pitchings know chemistry and medicine on a very advanced level, dealing in the effect on their body dozens of drugs and all muscles on the human body By names and functionality.

Yes, and frankly philosophers and politicians in this sport a lot. Therefore, if you do not really with the mind and for thoughtful sports systems, you can safely get 8 balls.

8) In dancing, it is not necessary to wise very much, they are unlikely to develop the mind significantlyAlthough the stupid dancers are also a bit, let it be 6 balls.

9) Yoga also works more in the plane of spirituality than intelligencebut at the same time there are types and purely intellectual yoga, and in class it is often discussed a very large list of problems from healthy nutrition, to the place and role of a person in this world.

Yes, and among yogis and religious figures, the famous people of the planet meet, and the Vedas contain many references to such knowledge that only now began to approach modern science 9 balls.

10) Capoeira is not the most intellectual sportBut at the same time, it is also often necessary to keep the tradition of different groups in the head, dozens, if not hundreds of songs in Portuguese, to predict the movements of the enemy and attempt to deceive the game on time. And the slow traditional capoeira (Angola) is generally similar every time unique physical chess and most likely is the most intellectual combat martial art., 8 points.

Sport develops intellect

I will tell you more than one in Middle Sport really develops intelligence or at least contributes to thisTherefore, usually people who do not play sports at all or at least creativity like poems, drawing, music or singing, on average less intellectually developed, and almost not ready to improvise and create something new.

therefore i advise you to pay attention to the sport, even if your main goal is smarter, after all In the wise body, the wise mind is harmonious. Moreover, now most athletes become political and business elite, and some have no one higher education. And in antiquity, the wise athletes were generally the elite of all society, and a significant part of famous philosophers in ancient Greece Received medals at the Olympic Games.

Highlights of the article: Today we discussed ten previously selected sports in our categories. Namely, we evaluated the Condidates on the most useful sport on two major criteria.

2) Sport Giving Maximum Development of Intelligence

The results we received such: Football 8, 7; OFP 9, 6; Karate 9, 8; MMA 9, 8; Chess 4, 10; Acrobatics 10, 7; Bodybuilding 8, 8; Dancing 8, 6; Yoga 9, 9; Capoeira 9, 8.

I hope to read this story will help you understand that the development of intelligence or physical characteristics of your body is more important for you, and you can determine for yourself the most healthy sport. But for further life, read in the next part of this story. Also, read about, and, and I have, if you are interested in this topic, I am very advised to read.

Moscow, November 30 - RIA Novosti. Swimming, cycling, aerobics and tennis turned out to be the most healthy sports according to Australian scientists, the article published in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

"Our observations have shown that it is important not only how often and how much you are engaged in sports, but also, in fact, the sport itself. It seems that classes of different sports can affect human health in different ways. These observations and conclusions of our Colleagues should help sports facilities formulate new types of exercises that would most effectively improve the health of people, "Emmanuel Stamatakis (Emmanuel Stamatakis) said from Sydney University (Australia).

Stamatakis and her colleagues came to this conclusion, having studied the data that the Social Services of the United Kingdom and Australia was collected from 1994 to 2006, watching the health of about 80,000 elderly British engaged in sports.

Scientists advise sports, and not sit on a diet for weight lossSports I. sports active image Life affects the speed of weight loss and efficiency of diets more than the composition itself diets, features of human metabolism and the microflora device of its intestines.

The purpose of these observations was the verification of whether intense affected physical exercise For lifespan and predisposition to various diseases, including infarction, strokes and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

For example, football, running, weightlifting and many other sports did not affect the life expectancy and the likelihood of death due to health problems. Other disciplines more positively influenced human health and extended life.

For example, badminton, tennis and the so-called squash (a game of tennis with the wall) turned out to be the most useful sports for the elderly British - they reduced the likelihood of premature death on any possible reasons approximately 47%, and 56% due to heart problems and vessels.

Scientists: To do sports for healthy old age is never lateRegular sports in adulthood seven times increase the chances of good physical and mental health in old age, they say British scientists who are published in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Similarly, swimming and aerobics lessons lowered the chances of death by 27-28% as a whole, and by 36-41% - from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, cycling reduced the probability of death by 15% and at the same time did not affect heart and vessels.

Scientists believe that such differences suggest that certain sports disciplines affect human health with different ways, strengthening the health of certain organs or parts of the body. This, in turn, indicates the need to develop combined sports that would help strengthen the health of the body as a whole.

And recovery. Lack of movement - degradation and threat to health. But far from always physical exercises benefit health. People came up with a lot of unnatural and unknown classes, which are unusual for our body and often bring only harm. We often hear that health is useful for health, but this is not the whole truth. Most of the sports are harmful to health.

Courish excess

All teams of sports and martial arts can be searched immediately due to their high trauma. As you know, football on this parameter ranks first. For the same reason, we will leave various skis and boards aside. We will also throw off the row with tennis, as unevenly developing the body sports. We are interested in individual non-aggressive sports, harmoniously developing the entire body with moderate loads. Important I. the combination of aerobic loads with anaerobic For comprehensive recovery. If aerobic exercises develop endurance and cardiovascular system, then anaerobic - power and muscle. An additional advantage is to improve the figure, if you have such a problem.

In general, for consideration of such a topic, I am more impressed by the concept of physical education, as the sport is associated with some kind of records harmful to health. In my opinion, doing a professionally any sport, we harm themselves more than we bring benefits. So, from power sports only a health fitness suitable for us, because Powerlifting, bodybuilding and weightlifting by definition are not a health physical education, but at high achievements.

Top Sports For Health


Dances are different - some more gentle and less traumatic, others - on the contrary. They differ from aerobics more sharp and unnatural movements. In dancing, a large load goes to your feet, so good sneakers With soft soles will help protect your feet and spine. Wellness dances will allow you to develop the right technique of breathing, straighten the spine and improve posture. Of course, muscles develop. Unlike aerobics, there are much more diverse movements in dancing, so the classes are probably more pleasant for the soul. Often, dancing is significantly improved - jogging; Thursday - anaerobic exercises on the development of muscles of the hands and legs; Friday - Swimming; Saturday - anaerobic exercises for the development of the shoulder muscles and muscles of the press.

Monday, as you know, the day is heavy, so a small load from anaerobic walking on such a day will suit. After a two-day rest from the power exercises, on Tuesday, you can pull a relatively difficult bar. After that, to run on Wednesday, on Thursday - to shake hands and legs, and on Friday - to swim. On the weekend Saturday, work on the muscles shoulders and press. You can vary different options at your own discretion - as it is convenient for you.

Make the first step!

Start practicing sports right now! Cut off the monitor, stand up and make charging, dance for your favorite music, shake. And do it daily, gradually moving to physical education and wellness sports. Do not postpone the ones with thoughts "I'll do when there is more energy." You will have more energy when you will play sports! It is absolutely not difficult, and requires minimal effort, but the health gained in return will pay off half an hour-hour spent on the exercises. Start from the simplest and usual, but the most useful - walk through your favorite or unfamiliar place for you, devote yourself a tour. Around us so much beautiful and interesting, you just need to open your eyes

  • Sport - Health and Beauty - Wider Selection of Sports
  • Sport - this is life - General recommendations for sports for health
  • Millions of people around the world, including about 60% of Americans, Australians and Europeans, are regularly engaged in sports. Review of 2015 provided data on long-term health benefits for specific sports disciplines, but a new study has evidence that some common types of sports are associated with a significant decrease in the risk of premature death.

    How does human physical activity affect the human body

    It is believed that insufficient physical activity causes more than 5 million premature deaths per year. In order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, sugar diabetes 2nd type, cancer and row of others chronic diseasesThe World Health Organization recommends adult and older people at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

    These estimates and recommendations are mainly based on studies on the results of people's participation in any physical activity of moderate or high intensity. But does this mean that for our health there is a difference in what kind of sport do we choose?

    What is interest to researchers?

    IN last years There is an increase in the interest of researchers as specific factors (for example, work, transport, domestic and free time) and different types Physical activity (walking, cycling), which affect our health. While, for example, walking and cycling has been associated with a reduction in the risk of premature death, physical activity in the areas of leisure and everyday life seems to bring more benefits than professional and transport activities.

    What types of sports are good for health?

    Adults taking active participation In sports, by 34% reduce the risk of early death, compared with those people who never do this or are engaged in sports very rarely. These general data, however, do not mean that all kinds of sports are equally affected by health.

    In the 2015 review, which we mentioned earlier, there are generalized data on health benefits from participating in 26 sports disciplines. Conditional moderately convincing evidence that running and football improve the function of the heart, aerobic ability, metabolism, balance and body weight were established. Football additionally showed favor for muscle performance. There was little evidence for other sports, or they were contradictory.

    How helpful are the most common sports disciplines?

    To confirm the actual data on the health benefits of six common sports disciplines - aerobics, cycling, football, tennis rides, running and swimming - scientists analyzed the data 80,306 adults of the British. The study showed 27%, 15%, 47% and 28% reduction in the risk of premature death for people engaged in aerobics, cycling, tennis and swimming, respectively.

    Although previous scientists have observed a decrease in the risk of early death related to football and running (18% and 13%, respectively), the data of the new research do not allow to draw conclusions about these effects among the entire population. Nevertheless, such data should not be incorrectly interpreted as "proof of the lack of effect" or evidence that such an effect is minimal. Scientists simply do not know whether the observed effects happened by chance and were characteristic of people participating in the study, or they will be fair for the entire population.

    Previous studies conducted among Americans, Chinese and Danes showed a significant reduction in the risk of early death (27-40%) associated with running. In 2015 review, a number of health-related health benefits were revealed.

    Should you play sports at all?

    Annual level of injury among professional athletes and amateurs is about 6%, but the incidence, types and severity of injuries differ significantly depending on sports. Fortunately, experts believe that about 50% of sports injuries can be prevented. The risk can be minimized if you follow the recommendations of coaches and doctors, as well as pay attention even to minor injuries, since without the necessary treatment they can turn into a serious problem.

    Over 50 years ago, Winston Churchill was asked to reveal his secret of longevity. "Sport," he said. "I have never been playing sports in my life."

    Should we follow the example of Sir Winston, or better act in accordance with the latest research testifying to the health benefits? Although the possibility of sports injury or other negative health consequences related to sports (for example, sudden death during exercise) will never be excluded, the potential benefits of it significantly outweigh the risks.

    What kind of sport choose?

    A few decades can pass until scientists have reached certain conclusions about the benefits for the health of all sports. Do you want to sit in front of the TV and wait until the researchers decide the final results? Not. Follow your own preferences and choose accessible sports activities that you like, and try to minimize the risk of injury.

    This will increase the likelihood that you do not lose the motivation and will be engaged long enough to get significant health benefits.