Big horde. Large horde Foundation of the state large horde

K: Appeared in 1433 K: Disappeared in 1502

Big horde (Great Horde, Volga Horde) - a term used in medieval sources and modern historiography to refer to the Tatar Khanate, which was a remnant of the Golden Horde after other khanates separated from it in the middle of the 15th century: Kazan (1438), Crimean (1441), Nogai Horde (1440), etc. Contemporaries The big horde was not separated from the Golden Horde in any way, and the khans considered themselves the supreme rulers within all the Tatar states of the former ulus of Jochi. The territory of the Great Horde included the lands between the Don and the Volga, the Lower Volga region, and the steppes of the North Caucasus. The capital was Saray-Berke (“New Palace” or “Berke Palace”). Sayyid-Ahmad I, the grandson of Tokhtamysh, a descendant of Genghis Khan, is considered the first khan of the Great Horde.


Khans of the Great Horde

  1. Sayyid-Ahmed Khan, son of Kerimberda, Khan of the Great Horde (-)
  2. Ahmad Khan, son of Kichik Muhammad Khan, Khan of the Great Horde (-)
  3. Seyid Ahmed Khan, Khan of the Great Horde ()
  4. Ibak, Khan of the Great Horde ()
  5. Murtaza Khan, Khan of the Great Horde (-)
  6. Seid-Ahmed Khan, Khan of the Great Horde (-)
  7. Ibak, Khan of the Great Horde ()
  8. Murtaza Khan, Khan of the Great Horde (-)
  9. Mengli I Giray, Khan of the Great Horde ()
  10. Ibak, Khan of the Great Horde (1491-1495)
  11. Sheikh Ahmed Khan, Khan of the Great Horde (-)

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  • Grekov I. B. Eastern Europe and the decline of the Golden Horde (at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries). - M., 1975.
  • Safargaliev M. G. The collapse of the Golden Horde. - Saransk, 1960.

An excerpt characterizing the Great Horde

“You see, my dear princess and cousin, Katerina Semyonovna,” continued Prince Vasily, apparently starting to continue his speech not without internal struggle, “at such moments as now, everything must be thought about. We need to think about the future, about you ... I love you all like my children, you know that.
The princess looked at him just as dull and motionless.
“Finally, we need to think about my family,” Prince Vasily continued, angrily pushing the table away from him and not looking at her, “you know, Katish, that you, the three Mammoth sisters, and even my wife, we are the only direct heirs of the count. I know, I know how hard it is for you to talk and think about such things. And it's not easier for me; but, my friend, I'm in my sixties, I have to be ready for anything. Do you know that I sent for Pierre, and that the count, directly pointing to his portrait, demanded him to himself?
Prince Vasily looked inquiringly at the princess, but could not understand whether she understood what he said to her, or simply looked at him ...
“I do not stop praying to God for one thing, mon cousin,” she answered, “that he would have mercy on him and let his beautiful soul leave this one in peace ...
“Yes, it’s true,” Prince Vasily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again angrily pushing the pushed table towards him, “but, finally ... finally, the point is, you yourself know that last winter the count wrote a will, according to which he all the estate , in addition to the direct heirs and us, gave to Pierre.
- Didn't he write wills! the princess said calmly. - But he could not bequeath to Pierre. Pierre is illegal.
“Ma chere,” Prince Vasily suddenly said, pressing the table to him, perking up and starting to talk more quickly, “but what if the letter is written to the sovereign, and the count asks to adopt Pierre? You see, according to the merits of the count, his request will be respected ...
The princess smiled, the way people smile who think they know a thing more than those they talk to.
“I’ll tell you more,” continued Prince Vasily, grabbing her by the hand, “the letter was written, although not sent, and the sovereign knew about it. The only question is whether it is destroyed or not. If not, then how soon everything will end, - Prince Vasily sighed, making it clear that he meant by the words everything will end, - and the count's papers will be opened, the will with the letter will be handed over to the sovereign, and his request will probably be respected. Pierre, as a legitimate son, will receive everything.
What about our unit? asked the princess, smiling ironically as if anything but this could happen.
- Mais, ma pauvre Catiche, c "est clair, comme le jour. [But, my dear Katish, it's clear as day.] He alone then is the rightful heir to everything, and you won't get any of this. You should know, my dear, were the will and letter written and destroyed, and if for some reason they are forgotten, then you should know where they are and find them, because ...
- It just wasn't enough! the princess interrupted him, smiling sardonically and without changing the expression of her eyes. - I am a woman; according to you we are all stupid; but I know so well that an illegitimate son cannot inherit ... Un batard, [Illegal,] - she added, believing that this translation would finally show the prince his groundlessness.
- How can you not understand, finally, Katish! You are so smart: how can you not understand - if the count wrote a letter to the sovereign, in which he asks him to recognize his son as legitimate, then Pierre will no longer be Pierre, but Count Bezukha, and then he will receive everything according to the will? And if the will with the letter is not destroyed, then you, except for the consolation that you were virtuous et tout ce qui s "en suit, [and everything that follows from this] will have nothing left. That's right.
– I know that the will is written; but I also know that it is not valid, and you seem to consider me a complete fool, mon cousin, ”said the princess with that expression with which women speak, believing that they said something witty and insulting.
“You are my dear Princess Katerina Semyonovna,” Prince Vasily spoke impatiently. - I came to you not to quarrel with you, but to talk about your own interests as with my own, good, kind, true relatives. I tell you for the tenth time that if a letter to the sovereign and a will in favor of Pierre are in the papers of the count, then you, my dear, and with your sisters, are not an heiress. If you don’t believe me, then believe people who know: I just spoke with Dmitri Onufriich (he was the lawyer at home), he said the same thing.
Apparently, something suddenly changed in the thoughts of the princess; thin lips turned pale (the eyes remained the same), and her voice, while she spoke, broke through with such peals as she herself apparently did not expect.
“That would be good,” she said. I didn't want anything and don't want to.
She kicked her dog off her knees and straightened the folds of her dress.

The history of these two late Golden Horde Tatar states is closely connected, moreover, the formation of an independent Astrakhan Khanate became possible only with the decline of the Great Horde.

Big Horde. Being the direct successor of the Golden Horde and named in the Russian chronicles as the "Great Horde", the ethno-political formation in the historical arena appeared as a result of the deconsolidation of the Juchi Ulus, primarily its western part of the Ak Horde. Due to the state of the sources, the process of the formation of this late Golden Horde state, as well as its internal history, has been studied very superficially. But in general, we can conclude that by the isolation in the middle of the XNUMXth century. the central zone of the Horde possessions - the so-called "Takht ile" - led to the formation of the Kazan and Crimean khanates on the territory of the Ak OPdbI, as well as the Kasimov khanate dependent on Moscow Russia. In the Russian chronicles, the new state, called the "Great Horde", was first mentioned in 1460. According to some researchers, this name is a tracing paper from the Turkic "Olug Urda" *, which, after the collapse of the unified state, denoted the headquarters of that khan, who among the rulers - the Jochids was considered rnavny (Gorsky 2000: 151), apparently due to being in domain ownership (<<Тахт иле»). Особое значение этого юрта подчеркивают даже русские источники XVI в. - в «Казанском летописце» (Казанской истории) он назван «отцом искони», давшем начало всей татарской феодальной верхушке (Казанская история 1954: 56). В тюркских источниках встречается ещё одно название Большой Орды - «Намаганов (Номоганов) юрт», восходящее, надо думать, к имени Нумугана, отца

Timur - Kutluga (Zaitsev 2001: 46-47; 2004: 49-50; Trepavlov, 2001: 108-109) - the khans who ruled in the Great Horde descended from the latter.

It can be assumed that it was the beginning of the use in Russian chronicles instead of the concept of "Horde" used to designate the Ulus Jochi of the new term - "Great Horde", and indicates the approximate time of the formation of this late Golden Horde yurt. Although the exact date of its formation is unknown, and given the realities of that time associated with the confrontation of the Tatar yurts for dominance in the territory of the former Ulus of Jochi, it is hardly possible to establish it, it is advisable to date the final time of the formation of the Great Horde to the period between 1452 (the completion of the separation of the Crimean khanate) and 1460 (beginning of mention in Russian chronicles).

The Great Horde was based on the same Karacha-bey system as other later Golden Horde states, as evidenced by the letter of the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey to the Kazan Khan Muhammet-Amin (1490), containing a message about the attack of the Great Horde on the Crimea with such a general formula : “Seid-Ahmet, Shih-Ahmet kings, Mangit Azika is a prince in their heads, from all Karaches ...” (Collection of RIO 1884: 108). But specific information about the ruling clans of this yurt is extremely scarce, therefore, the observation of Y. Shamiloglu, who, relying on sources of Crimean origin, expressed the opinion that the main clans in the Great Horde were Kyyats I, Mangyts, Sidzhiuts (Saljiguts I) and Kongrats (Kourats) *. Beklyaribeks in this confederation were, as it was shown above, Mangygy (see: “Mangyt Azika is a prince in the heads”) (For more details about the role of Mangyts in the Great Horde, see: Trepavlov 2001: 119-126), but perhaps not from the very beginning formation of this yurt.

The capital of the Great Horde was originally the city of Sarai (<<Большие Сараи»). Но временами эта функция переходила и к г. Хаджи- Тархану, особенно после поражения Большой Орды в 1481 г (Зайцев 2001:3940,52-53).

Astrakhan Khanate. Regarding the time of the formation of the Astrakhan Khanate, a variety of opinions were previously expressed in the literature.

niya, although basically we are talking about the 1450-1460s (especially about 1459 and 1466) (Zaitsev 2001: 32-36). However, recently in a special work on the history of this state, I.V. Zaitsev turned to a detailed substantiation of the point of view already available in the studies about the formation of this yurt only at the beginning of the 16th century. (Zaitsev 2001: 55). It seems that this happened only after the defeat in 1502 by the Crimean troops of the Great Horde, which ceased to exist in its old capacity, and its remnants were transformed into the Astrakhan Khanate, it was after this date that Moscow began to consider this yurt as an independent possession (Zaitsev 2001: 55 However, when making this conclusion, some difficulties of a source nature, nevertheless, remain: sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of the impression that the Astrakhan yurt and its owners had a special status in an earlier period. permanent rule in the Great Horde of several khans (two, at least), a number of which are recorded in the city of Astrakhan.

Undoubtedly, the Astrakhan Khanate was formed on the site of a separate vilayat Ulus Jochi. As far back as 1375, some Russian chronicles mention “Prince Astrakhan Salchey” (PSRL vol. 11-12, 1965: 24), who, in our opinion, was from the Kongrat clan (Iskhakov 2003: 72). The rule here of a special prince, similar to the “prince of Bulgaria, Kazan” or “prince Meshchersky”, clearly indicates the existence of a special administrative-territorial unit Ulus Jochi in the region of Astrakhan (Khadzhi-Tarkhan). For example, Utemish-Khadji in his work “Chinggis-name” in relation to the time of Khan Abd-Kerim (ruled between 1489/90-1504) mentions “vilayat Hadji-Tarkhan” (Ut..emish-Khadzhi 2000: 96), although meaning, rather, the Great Horde (Zaitsev 2001: 51). Around 1469, the same possession, in connection with the city of Khazhdi Tarkhan, was also called a “vilayat” (Zaitsev 2001: 42).

The Astrakhan Khanate based the axis on the already noted system of Karacha Beys. According to the materials of the XVI century. it is known that there were either four or five "Astrakhan princes", in which one should see Karacha-beys, or a few more. It was possible to identify princes from J9IaHoB Kongrat (see above also about Prince Salchey), Alchyn, Mangyt (Tatars 2001: 115)*. Worthy of attention is the information of Utemish-hajio that Khan Abd-Kerim,

almost permanently located in Astrakhan, beklyaribek (<<старшим беком» - «улу беком» и «наибом») бьт Али-Баба бей из клана Китай - Катай (Хытай) (Утемuш-хаджи 2000: 96; Бартольд 1973: 166; Зайцев 2000: 67). Скорее всего, с начала ХУI в. в ханстве усилилось влияние Мангытов (Трепавлов 2001: 120, 134, 169,261), однако, являлисьли они в этом государстве беклярибеками, неизвестно.

The capital of the Astrakhan Khanate was the city of Khadzhi-Tarkhan, which, as already noted, acquired the status of the capital even during the dominance in the area of ​​localization of the Khadzhi-Tarkhan vilayat of the Great Horde.

BIG HORDE(Ulug Ulus, Great Horde), Tatar Khanate. It arose in the 30s of the XV century in the process of the collapse of the Golden Horde in the Black Sea steppes between the rivers Dnieper and Volga. In fact, it was the legal successor of the Golden Horde. The founder is Khan Seid-Ahmad. The capital is Saray al-Jadid.

The main population is Tatars. They were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, agriculture and trade with the countries of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Arab East and other states. The population was divided into nomadic aristocracy (sultans, emirs, beks, murzas) and taxable class (kara halyk).

The administrative-territorial structure and the structure of the authorities were built according to the Golden Horde tradition. The supreme ruler was the khan, who exercised his power through the Karachibeks, who were part of the khan's divan (council). The military service nobility and the clergy had small destinies and income from the service. The state religion is Islam. The khans of the Great Horde established a protectorate over the Astrakhan Khanate, invaded the Crimean Khanate, and made military campaigns on Russian lands. The Great Horde reached its highest power under Khan Ahmad. During his reign, an attempt was made to restore the former power of the Golden Horde, to resume the payment of tribute to the Horde by the Russian princes. The struggle with the Moscow principality and the Crimean Khanate ended with the defeat of the Great Horde. Under Khan Sheikh-Ahmad, the Great Horde was defeated in 1491 by the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey and in 1502 finally liquidated its independence.

  • Seid-Ahmad (1430s - early 1460s)
  • Ahmad (early 1460s - 1481)
  • Sheikh Ahmad (1481-early 1500s)

Links from the article


- Medieval Tatar feudal state. In the early 1460s, it separated from the Golden Horde. The founder was Khan Mahmud. The territory covered the steppe regions of the right bank of the lower Volga and the northwestern Caspian. Capital Khajitarkhan. The main population is Tatars and Nogais

BIG HORDE, Ulug Ulus, a khanate that arose in the early 30s. 15th c. in the process of the disintegration of the Golden Horde in the Northern Black Sea region and the Lower Volga region. The capital is the city of Novy Saray. The main occupation of the population is nomadic cattle breeding. Khan Akhmat's campaign against Moscow "Standing on the Ugra" 1480) was unsuccessful. In 1502 it was defeated by the Crimean Khanate. On a part of the lands, the Astrakhan Khanate was formed.

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

  • - 1) among the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, initially a military-administrative organization, then a camp of nomads, in the Middle Ages - the headquarters of the ruler of the state ...

    Encyclopedia of cultural studies

  • - a Turkic word with a very wide range of meanings, including the headquarters, the palace of the ruler, the territory occupied by a certain tribal or political formation, an army, an army, a place of periodic gatherings ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - The Great Horde, - the name in Russian. Tat sources. state-va in the lower reaches of the Volga, formed in the 2nd quarter. 15th c. in the course of the feud. fragmentation in the Golden Horde. In 1434-59, Sayyid Ahmed, the son of Tokhtamysh, was the khan of B.O.
  • - 1) The Turks. and mong. peoples military-adm. organization, encampment, camp of nomads. In the Middle Ages - headquarters, the capital of the rulers of the state-in. Hence the designation of large Turks. and Mongolian feuds. gos-in and...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - among the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, the initial military-administrative organization, then - the camp of nomads, in the Middle Ages - the headquarters of the ruler of the state ...

    Big Law Dictionary

  • - see Kirghiz-kaisaki ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - The Great Horde, a Tatar feudal state that arose in 1433 on the Black Sea lands between the Don and the Dnieper in the process of the collapse of the Golden Horde ...
  • - 1) the Turkic and Mongolian peoples have a military-administrative organization, a camp, a camp of nomads. In the Middle Ages - headquarters, the capital of the rulers of states ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Tatar state in 1433-1502 in the North. Black Sea region and N. Volga region. Distinguished from the Golden Horde. Defeated by the Crimean Khanate ...
  • - ....

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - I ́ I, Ukrainian eh, blr. ́ "disorder, noise", other Russian. "camp, camp", Orda, adj., gram. 1362–1389; see Chess, Essay 186. Borrowed. from Turkic; cf. chagat., azerb., tar., kazakh...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - Borrowed by the Old Russian language from the Turkic. In Tatar, for example, - "camp, camp" ...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

  • - D n. see _Appendix II hordes pl. hordes of hordes of hordes And as if the dark forest came to life with a horde of horrors and wonders...

    Dictionary of Russian accents

  • - e.g.: Gold, White...
  • - ; pl. o/rdy, R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - Where is the Khan, here is the Horde...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"GREAT HORDE" in books

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The Great Horde, the Great Horde, a Tatar feudal state that arose in 1433 on the Black Sea lands between the Don and the Dnieper in the process of the collapse of the Golden Horde. At the head of the state at its foundation was Khan Seyid Ahmed, one of the descendants of Genghis Khan. The population of B. O. was engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, as well as agriculture; state the device was worn by the paramilitary. character. Military and adm. positions in B.O., as a rule, were not divided. B. O. could put up numerous. (up to 100 thousand) horse and foot troops, military. the organization and tactics of which were the same as those of the Mongol-Tatars. Relying on the army, B. O. pursued a policy of violence and robbery against neighboring peoples and states. In the middle of the 15th century B. O. played an important role in the political. life Vost. Europe. However, like the Golden Horde, it was torn apart by internal. contradictions. After the defeat in 1455-56, B.O. suffered from the Crimean Khan Khadzhi Giray (see Crimean Khanate), its center moved to the banks of the Volga. In 1465, Astrakhan fell away from B. O., and the independent Astrakhan Khanate was formed. Under Khan Akhmat (ruled 1459-1481), the B. O. somewhat intensified, an alliance was concluded with Poland (1472) and friendships were established. relations with Turkey (1476). However, Akhmat's attempts to again impose on the strengthened Moscow. state vassalage failed (see "Standing on the Ugra" 1480). In 1486-91, the Bolshoi Oblast was defeated by the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray and in 1502 lost its independence.

Used material from the Soviet military encyclopedia


Grekov I. B. Eastern Europe and the decline of the Golden Horde (at the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries). M., 1975;

Safargaliev M. G. The collapse of the Golden Horde. Saransk, 1960.