Ritual knives - everything you wanted to know about them, but were afraid to ask. Choosing a ritual knife Ritual blades

The weapon is constantly evolving, thanks to new technologies, improved models appear. Knives are no exception, they have stood the test of time. History knows many different forms of knives, and many of them are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

"Kukri", the symbol of the people of Nepal, became famous thanks to the Gurkha regiments. The Nepalese Wars supported the British in the process of establishing control over India during the Indian Rebellion of 1857 with a knife, which was expertly wielded in close combat. The fighting prowess of the Gurkha soldiers ensured them a reputation as formidable and fearless warriors, and thanks to their support of the British troops in the British army, they formed the official regiments of the Nepalese. The Gurkhas and their knives became so famous that the British used posters of warriors sharpening their famous knives as propaganda to strike fear into the Argentine army during the Falklands conflict. Today the soldiers of the Gurkha regiments continue to carry the “kukri” knife with them after their retirement.

Kukri knives were usually 40-46 cm long and looked more like a machete, as they performed a chopping function. From an ordinary farm tool of the Himalayans, the knife turned into a weapon. An interesting feature it is considered to be a groove near the handle, which directed the victim's blood in the opposite direction, as a result, the hand remained dry. The larger the knife was used in sacrifices, the more luck and goodness there will be in the village. If the head of an animal was cut off in one motion, then this is a great success.

9. Dagger for blocking blows (Meng-gosh)

During the 16th and 17th centuries, when firearms began to appear, cold weapons became impractical. Light swords, rapiers, replaced the heavy swords of the knights. Shields also became unnecessary and were replaced with daggers to block blows (men-gosh). The talented fighter skillfully used the man-gosh and the shield interfered with him. In addition, the dagger not only protected, but was itself a weapon. Over time, the daggers themselves and the skill of using them have improved and become more complicated.

There were many different types of men-gosh, but they were all designed to provide security, block enemy strikes, and deliver surprise strikes. The handle was supposed to protect the hand of the warrior. For example, a “sword breaker” dagger had teeth along the blade that could snag an opponent's rapier and rip it out of his hands. Another type was the "trident", with a special mechanism, after pressing which, the blade tripled.

Jambiya is a wide, double-edged knife that was worn as a symbol of belonging to a particular social class of the population of Yemen. Some men said they would rather die than let anyone see them without a dagger. Teenage boys receive their first dagger if circumcised. Nowadays jambia is used more as exhibits, but back in the 60s it was a formidable weapon. The Yemeni wars held their daggers point down and aimed at the base of the enemy's neck in order to rip open his chest in one motion.

Some knives are often decorated with gold. Islam, Yemen's leading religion, prohibits men from wearing gold jewelry, but since the jambiya is a weapon, it is considered an exception. The handles of the dagger are made not only of precious metals, but also of the horn of a rhino, which provokes poaching. Every year 1,500 rhinos are killed in Yemen. Knife handles are made from the horn, and the remains go abroad to Asian countries as materials for non-traditional medicine.

Although sai is associated with Japanese martial art, it appeared during the Ming Dynasty and was brought to Okinawa from China. This thrusting weapon resembles a stiletto without cutting edges. The saia blade is either round or hexagonal with a sharp end. They used it as a blocking blows with the European weapon "men-gosh". Sai was used to block the blows of the Japanese katana sword. In addition, an experienced Sayyutsu master could easily distract the enemy's attention with his help and even strike them. When Okinawa came under the influence of the Japanese government, special permission was required for metal tools and weapons. The sai mastery was banned and faded into the background. Even today, practicing sayyutsu does not like noise around them, and the use of weapons in sparring is prohibited.

The trench knife was especially common during the First and Second World Wars. In close combat, the Germans used the Nakampfmesser combat knife, and the British used their domestic knives. The US Armed Forces produced several types of trench knives. Mark 1 had a flat surface with a double-sided blade of a brass or bronze handle with brass knuckles and spikes, which can also injure the enemy. Knives were used by soldiers who did not have a bayonet in their arsenal, but not only in battle, but also in everyday life.

"Chris", a Javanese dagger, looks like both a weapon and a ritual blade. It was believed that he had magical properties... Several ancient specimens were made from meteorites that fell on the Prambanan temple grounds over 200 years. It is not surprising that it was considered a sacred subject. The curving blade of the knife resembles a snake from mythology, and the patterns that decorate the knife were perceived as a talisman. The alloy of the knife resembled Damascus steel in composition, and the patterns applied by the blacksmith protected the knife and its owner from all sorts of troubles.

4. Misericord ("Blade of Mercy")

In the 14th century, the misericord blade became popular among the French knights - a long thin dagger that easily passed between the plates of armor. It was practically useless in combat, not even equipped with a special protection on the handle. It was used to finish off the enemy. The name of the dagger comes from the Latin words "act of mercy". When a knight was knocked down from a horse, and he was seriously wounded, in order to alleviate his suffering, he was finished off with such a dagger. Many used the dagger to intimidate the wounded knight, to persuade him to surrender or demand ransom.

The wrist knife was used by the Turkana people in Africa. Locals believed that domestic animals, such as cows, were a gift from God. Herds of animals often became the cause of tribal conflicts. In addition, each tribe tried to expand its territory. In such conditions, valiant wars carried spears, shields, different kind knives, among which was a wrist knife. In addition, it was forbidden to kill a fellow tribesman with a spear, so internal disputes were resolved cruelly with the help of wrist knives.
It was made of steel or iron, which were heated, and they were shaped by blows of stones. Such knives were most often worn by Turkan men on their right hand, although in other tribes they were worn by both men and women. In addition to being a weapon, the knife was also used for other purposes, for example, for chopping down trees.

The sickle-shaped kuyan from the island of Java was considered a divine gift, a symbol of the harmony of the world and was popular among kings as the governors of God on Earth. Kuyan was primarily used as a farming tool, but King Kudo Lalin stated that he saw a knife in a vision of uniting Java. After the vision, he gathered all the blacksmiths and talked about the shape of the mystical knife. The result was a weapon in the shape of the island of Java, with three holes that symbolized the deities of the Hindu religion. After Islam began to dominate the island, weapons underwent a number of changes. Its shape was changed and became similar to the letter “shin”, and instead of three there were already five holes, as a symbol of the five tenets of Islam.

Keela is a ritual dagger that appeared in ancient India and later became popular in Tibet, where it was called "phurba". Each element of the knife symbolizes something, and all of it symbolizes the embodiment of the Buddhist god Hayagriva, whose three faces are depicted on the handle. At that time, it was believed that the god Hayagriva helps to cope with evil spirits. The handle may have different shapes, with the image of the deity must be required. The triangular blade symbolizes ignorance, greed and aggression. Kila was considered a sacred object of shamans, and some of the specimens were made of wood. It was a ritual weapon against evil forces. The shaman poked the rice with a dagger in front of the patient, reciting the sutras, expelling illness and evil spirits. It is not surprising that the auctions are worth fabulous money.

Knife- the most ancient instrument of mankind, the creation of which our ancestors had to really think about. The knife, perhaps, arose before all religions - for first you need to get a mammoth, and then you can present the most delicious part of the trunk to the gods. And therefore, in addition to its direct purpose, the knife also carries a certain sacred meaning. The knife was used for ritual purposes - as an instrument for sacrifices, the knife has acted and is now an object of worship in many religious rites.

All considered below ritual knives and the tools were created by degenerates of the human race with obvious deviations in the psyche, pursuing as their goal personal financial enrichment and power over the maddened crowd.

  1. Tumi's knife(Tumi). Ritual knife of the Ancient Incas. XI-XVI centuries. Used during sacrifices. Tumi's knife was made by casting from gold, bronze and silver alloys. Decorated precious stones... Represents the figure of the Indian deity Naimlap, standing on a semicircular blade. A blade of this shape carries a solar-lunar semantic load. The size of this sacrificial knife is usually in the range from 30 to 40 cm.Taking into account the size of Tumi, the shape of the blade and the material from which this tool is made, the conclusion suggests itself that the priests of the Incas extracted their internal organs in a still quivering body - to quickly stab or chop off the head tricky with this knife. It is currently the symbol of Peru.
  2. Itztli- ritual knife of the Aztecs. XIV-XVI centuries. Used for human sacrifice to the pagan gods of the Aztecs. These knives were made from obsidian (volcanic glass), resulting in a very hard and sharp cutting edge with a natural microserrator. Ideal for a variety of surgical procedures and excision of internal organs for the fun of the crowd.

  3. Phurbu(kila, phurpa, phurba, phurba) - Tibetan ritual triangular dagger. VII century - present Religion is Lamaism. Phurbu is translated from Tibetan as "nail". It is used to expel evil spirits from the body by applying stabbing blows both to the shadows of spirits, bowls with sacred rice, and to the "patient" himself. The handle is made in the form of the three-faced deity Mahakala. The three edges of the blade are a symbol of the past, present and future. The figure of a snake on the blade symbolizes the kundalini energy, so revered in Tibet.

  4. Mead Moss(Meed-Moh) is the sacred knife of Buddhists in Thailand. VI century BC - n.v. Saves from all the evil that only exists. The handle is made of ivory; any metal can be used on the blade, with the obligatory inclusion of real sacred nails from pagodas.

  5. Kusungobu(kusun-gobu). Japanese ritual knife for seppuku (hara-kiri). 1156 - present Used by the valiant and loyal samurai to their emperor to maintain honor in all slippery situations. Aerobatics in carrying out hara-kiri was ripping open the abdomen with two incisions - horizontal and vertical. Since death did not occur immediately, but after a few hours, in order to alleviate the suffering, it was allowed to involve his friends in this procedure - the samurai sat with an open stomach on his knees, and as soon as his body began to tilt from this position, his comrades-in-arms in this the moment they chopped off their head with a sword. Also for hara-kiri there was a version of "light" - when the belly was not opened by the kusungobu, and the samurai touched himself with a fan and at that moment they cut off his head.

  6. And there(atame, atham, athame) - a ritual dagger of all sorts of "witches" and other Harry Potters. ?? - n.v. Serves as a "magic wand" in mysterious spells and obscure rituals. The main requirement of knowledgeable people to the atam is a black handle. Freely sold on the internet, but not in our knife store.

  7. Bohlin(boline) - a hot commodity in stores selling various isothermal devices. ?? - n.v. It resembles a sickle in shape - apparently for mowing some especially needed grass. A white pen is required. To increase profits comes in a set with atam.

  8. Celtic Ritual Knife... Used as a knife for sacrifices before the outbreak of hostilities. A forged knife with a ram's head on the handle. A kind of symbol of the militancy of the Celts. And the Celts knew a lot about not only blacksmithing, but also fighting. If the weather permitted, then they went into battle without clothes, covering their bodies with blue paint, and their hair with white lime. Even Julius Caesar was once frightened by their appearance. The heads of the defeated enemies were cut off and brought home for collection. For safety, these trophies were kept in containers with cedar oil, and then nailed to the walls of their houses.

  9. Khalaf- Shechita knife used by Jews for ritual kosher slaughter of animals. Using this knife requires a special technique, which Jewish butchers have been learning for four years. The meaning of the Jewish slaughter is that the animal is not stabbed (in the khalaf, contrary to common sense, there is no point, although all hunting weapons from time immemorial had a sharp tip for a quick and fatal defeat), but is cut in a certain cunning way along the longest line. The purpose of this incision is to lose more blood to the animal while its heart is still beating. Many animal welfare organizations are demanding that shechita be banned due to the torture of artiodactyls.

  10. Copy- a double-edged knife used by Orthodox priests to cut prosphora - special buns during worship. It symbolizes the spear, which, according to Christian legends, pierced Jesus hanging on the cross.

  11. Knife, razors, chains used by Shiites for self-flagellation during the Ashura holiday. Thus, they remember one of their imams, part-time grandson of Muhammad. The color of blood is the color of life.

  12. The inhabitants of equatorial Africa, in order to protect them from evil spirits, use a special ritual knife- they put cuts on their body and rub the earth there. The resulting scars, according to their beliefs, are the strongest protection against diseases and life failures.

  13. Well, let's close this damn dozen Cutting knife... Used by God's chosen people and Muslims. The Jews adopted this custom from the Egyptians. As a rule, this knife is uncovered on the eighth day after the birth of the child. The meaning of this sacrament is the elimination of some physical deviations. They try to explain this in their sacred books as a way of connecting with their gods.

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to no less interesting from the point of view of sacred meaning, ritual behavior and more tangible and familiar to us "civilian" knives -

In many occult and pagan traditions, magic knives are used during rituals. A Wiccan witch must have two knives, a bolin and an atam.

"Bolin" is a working knife used to cut plants, tree branches, cut roots for potions and perform other daily witch's work. This knife should have a white or light colored handle.

Athame is a ritual knife. It is he who serves to accumulate the energy of a magician or witch, as well as for the directed action of this energy. This knife should have a black handle, that is, one that absorbs energy.

Both magic knives must be made from natural materials. The blade is steel or copper (for Atam), while the handle is best made of bone, horn, ebonite or stone capable of storing energy.

Of course, the ideal condition is when Atam is made by the magician himself, however, modern witches prefer to buy suitable knives in the store. Naturally, purchased knives or daggers go through a lot of hands, so before you include them in your magical practice, you need to cleanse and tame them.

Cleaning magic knives

They cleanse any magic items that have been not only in your hands. They are usually cleaned with salt or salt water. Salt has the ability to reset any energy program that items receive from their previous owners.

In addition, you should prepare a decoction that will allow you to tie your knife to you. Such a decoction is prepared from equal parts of nettle, milkweed and onions. For example, for 500 milliliters of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of nettle, milkweed and onions. Then boil it all for 20 minutes and cool. You will need to add a drop of your blood to the cooled broth. A decoction is prepared for the growing moon, and its amount should be such that the blade can be completely immersed in it. The broth is placed in a cold place and stored until the first full moon, when it is used to bind a magic knife to its owner.

Also, for the ritual of purification and initiation, you will need a brazier with sand, on which you can light a charcoal tablet. Incense is placed on the coal, which cleans the magic knife of negative information and energy. If you do not have incense in the form of a resin that can be smoked over charcoal, then you can use sandalwood incense as a symbol of air. In addition, you will need salt water, a candle (preferably natural wax), salt to build a protective circle, a magnet and linen cloth without a pattern.

It is best to consecrate Atam at night, on a full moon. Choose a day that is not related to religious holidays. It would be ideal if you perform the ritual on a day, but you can choose any full moon.

Decorating a place for a ritual using a magic knife

We decorate the altar as it should be for most magical rituals. Of course, there are special altars made for the rituals of witches, on which sectors are indicated for all attributes and there are magical symbols. However, any table, bookcase or stool can become an altar. The altar is placed so that it is oriented to the cardinal points and around it it is possible to make a protective circle with salt. Most often, the altar is placed so that when performing the ritual, you can face to the east. You can cover it with a blanket with a pentacle in the center, if you have one. If there is no such blanket or pentacle, then you can make the pentacle yourself. Just take a flat ceramic or earthenware dish 15-20 cm in diameter (it is important that there are no other drawings on it) and draw a pentagram on it with acrylic paint, inscribing it in the sides of the circle (that is, in the edges of the plate).

So, we put the altar facing east. A bedspread with a pentacle or a pentacle made should be oriented with the upper ray of the pentacle to the east. In the east, above the upper ray, a symbol of air is placed: either an incense burner with a lit coal (burn incense crystals on it), or a stand with a smoking aroma stick (sandalwood). In the west, the symbol of water is a bowl of water. In the south, the symbol of fire is a candle (white or wax). In the north, the earth symbol is a bowl of earth or coarse salt. In the center, on the pentacle, a deep vessel with the prepared broth is placed. At the end of the ritual, you will need to immerse a knife in it so that the blade enters completely. To the left of us on the altar we put a bottle of salt water, to the right we put the future ritual knife. In a circle, you can put matches or a lighter, a magnet and a white dry napkin or towel on the floor near the altar. Now it remains to create a protective circle around yourself and the altar for the ritual. Traditionally, this is done with coarse unrefined salt. However, some people practice soaking a white linen thread, rope or strip of cloth in salt water, which is then (after drying) tied in a large circle with a conspiracy to protect from spirits. This protective rope is kept in a leather or linen bag with protective runes and is used in place of a protective circle around an altar or ritual site. You can traditionally draw a circle around the altar with salt so that you can stand or walk freely in it. Do not neglect protection when you are performing rituals, especially in your home. This will save you from unnecessary hooking of small and large spirits. Indeed, more often they feed on the energy of the one who called them or lives in the room where the ritual was performed incorrectly. Well, now the place for cleaning and charging the knife is ready.

Performing a ritual with a magic knife

Before the ritual, for a day, it is better not to eat meat. You should also take a herbal bath with sea salt or mint. Clothing should be worn only for the ritual. It can be any clothing in which you feel free and comfortable, it is not necessary to buy a robe. However, these clothes should be intended only for magical rituals, they do not need to be worn in everyday life. Ideally, if you can afford to enter the circle without any clothes at all, so that when you leave the circle, it does not carry any information on itself. Then you can just take a shower to wash off all excess energy from yourself with running water.

Entering the circle, you need to activate the defense. We set fire to the aroma stick or throw incense on the charcoal set on fire in the brazier. In this case, you need to say out loud or mentally: "The spirits of the east, I call you as defenders and witnesses." Next we light a candle, saying the same thing, but for the spirits of the south. Then we dip our fingertips in water and say the same for the spirits of the west. We place our palms above the bowl with earth and say the words of the call for the spirits of the north. Then we say: "Spirits of the elements greet you, close the circle of protection!"

Now we proceed to the ritual of cleaning the magic knife

Sprinkle the blade of the magic knife with salt water from the bottle. We mentally imagine how light energy spreads along the blade from drops of salt water, expelling darkness from it. Next, we fumigate with incense or sandalwood, depending on which we have chosen as the symbol of air. Imagine how, together with the fragrant smoke, all the dark and negative leaves the knife. Now we move the blade over the flame of the candle, imagining how all the negative is burned up in the cleansing flame of fire. You can enhance your mood or effect by visualizing the cleansing process in words. For example, say: "I cleanse with salt, incense and fire - I drive out the negative." After warming up the blade on the fire, we lower it into the herbal decoction. Imagine, lowering the knife into the broth, that the energy of fire emanates from it, which combines with the energy of the decoction and the energy of your blood and returns back to atam. Pronounce the conspiracy: “Blade of steel give me the will to subdue the forces of nature! My will is strong! Let it be so!" For about 5 minutes we meditate on a magic knife dipped into a decoction, imagining how the brightness of the energy in it and the strength that it absorbs from the elements increases. Then we take it out and wipe it with a dry white napkin, which we stored in advance near the altar in a circle. Now we take the knife in left hand and in right hand take a magnet and begin to magnetize it. The magnet above the knife moves in a circle, clockwise, 33 times.

The ritual is almost finished, and therefore we put the magic knife flat on the vessel, with the blade to the north (left).

Now we deactivate the protective circle by turning our face, alternately, in each direction of the world, which corresponds to the element that is guarding your circle. We move counterclockwise. We start with the North and the Spirit of Water. We turn to face north, without leaving the circle, arms crossed at chest level, palms rest on shoulders (right palm on left shoulder, left palm on right). This pose can be seen on the figurines of the gods and priests of Ancient Egypt. We say mentally or by ear: “Spirits of the North, thank you for coming to my aid. You are free!". Then we repeat the same for the spirits of the west, south and, finally, east. After that, the circle is deactivated, you can sweep the salt, only it should not be thrown into the trash can. Better to bury it in the ground or, at worst, wash it off in running water.

Now we take a magic knife and bury it in the ground for three days. You can collect land in a bucket in advance if you live in a city apartment and you do not have your own plot. After staying in the ground, the knife setting will be considered completely complete. Now it needs to be wrapped in linen, which is pre-washed in salt water, dried and fumigated with incense or sandalwood.

Now this is your magic knife, it will be magic only for you. Having such a knife tuned to you, you will feel how easy it is, by concentrating your energy through it, to achieve the desired result. You will no longer feel like a squeezed lemon after complicated rituals. However, binding to a magic knife is a double-edged sword. Now you are just as attached to it. Therefore, treat it with care. Try not to be picked up by anyone else. Evil and negativity directed at the knife can ricochet at you. Having lost your magic knife, you can lose your power or part of it. Especially if many rituals have been performed with him and you have invested a lot of your own energy in him.

Watch the video how to make a magic knife

Hello everyone, Sargas is with you. In one of the videos, I suggested talking about magic tools. And this idea was vividly supported. Therefore, today I want to talk about one of the most important magical attributes. About the magic knife. It is called in different traditions in different ways. Why, even within the framework of one magical tradition, there are often no clear rules. Atame, atam, atham. Generally, the less magic a tradition has, the more complex and ornate terms it uses. My favorite term is magic knife. In my opinion, it is quite difficult and mysterious. And already variations of athame or atam, I mainly use exclusively to diversify speech. Agree, if it is mentioned a hundred times in the text, you don’t want to repeat the same term every time. I think everyone was taught this in school. At the lessons of the Russian language.

So. The magic knife is the first tool that I recommend for the acquisition of an apprentice. Schools of Practical Light Magic. Despite the fact that on my site you can buy a knife to order. And the master will make it to you in almost any shape and from any materials, I do not impose them on anyone. In magic, everything should be expedient. Including acquisition magic tools... The knife, as a rule, is picked up once, for the whole life. But this is not a reason to spend the entire salary on him. In any hunting store, you will find many good and relatively inexpensive options. If you live in a large city, then in almost every mall there will be a small pavilion selling knives, air pistols, crossbows and other paraphernalia of adult children. I'm a big fan of all this myself, but I hope none of my viewers hope to seriously defend themselves on the street with a pneumatic pistol, crossbow, or knife. The latter must be able to use. But now it's not about that, I will not breed holivars. And then self-defense gurus will run up with a katana.

So. I think everyone who wants to buy a magic knife has a question about what it should be.

In fact, there are not many strict requirements. First and foremost, all knife materials must be natural. Plastic, polyethylene and polymers in general block the flow of energy. Therefore, the knife should be with a standard wooden handle, without plastic inserts and artificial laces. As a last resort, a solid metal knife will do. But this is not for everybody. They usually do not look very presentable. In my opinion. Bone, stone, horn, mammoth tusk. All this is allowed, but you must be clearly aware of how you will use the knife. If, for example, you want to use it to heal people, then bones and horns are unlikely to suit you. Since such a knife will carry a certain amount of necroenergy. That in difficult situations can finish off your patient. Although, it is unlikely to affect ordinary magical work. If you use a stone, then you also need to choose wisely. But here the master must individually select the material for your energy. Since stones, of course, have a certain set of universal characteristics. But, say, two balls of turquoise may not suit the same person. Relatively speaking, one was lying at the bottom of the river, the other at the cemetery. The example is exaggerated, but I think you get the idea.

And the most important thing. The knife must be new. If your grandfather left you with his army landing knife, with which he cut out a company of Fritzes, then this is certainly wonderful, this is a memory. But you shouldn't use it as a magic one. In general, any product that is charged as an amulet, or a magical instrument, it is highly desirable to charge a new one. Just so that different types of energy do not clash. Of course, everything can be cleaned. But, as a rule, there are always some nuances. It's not worth the risk.

And yes. The knife, like any magical tool, the magician charges for himself. Therefore, if you see an ad somewhere in the store, they say I sell magic knives. Charged, sanctified, ready to use. Either this is a very self-confident specialist. Who believes that his magic tools, charged by him, are absolutely universal. And will suit everyone. Or is it a scammer who simply sells souvenirs to people. Disguised as magical instruments.

If we are talking about an amulet, then it should be charged for a specific person. No one can bless a thousand bracelets to raise money and send them to stores. You need a photo of a specific owner, you need to feel his energy, see how it works and how exactly you can help him magical effect.

If we are talking about a magic instrument, then the master can clean it, make it, deliver it. But it must be charged by the end user. You don't use other people's tarot decks. You do not then give your magic knife into the wrong hands. I hope...

I would also like to say about those who like to get confused and do everything with their own hands.

I have nothing against creating magic instruments on my own. Why not sew a magical outfit. If you are a seamstress? Or not sharpen a magic knife. If you are a sixth grade locksmith. But if you are a middle manager. And you think that for the sake of interest it is quite possible to master a new profession for yourself. This is probably not so bad. But, alas, such cutting and sewing circles, as a rule, replace true magic. And a person does not supplement normal, full-fledged magical practices with needlework. And gradually forgets about real magic doing some nonsense. If you do not live in the forest. And, having spent even two or three hours, on a trip to the nearest store. But rather ten minutes to order a product on the Internet. You can purchase any magical attribute. And then charge it yourself. Or buy it already charged. Any attempts to do something on their own are at least inappropriate. Alas, experience shows that almost everyone who tried to forge knives, sew robes, and glue magic books on their own. Burned out very quickly. And, not seeing the forest behind the trees, they quickly said goodbye to magic. The only exceptions are those who are already doing this - a seamstress, a locksmith, a carpenter, and so on. And then, due to the specifics, it may be impractical.

So. Let's go over the main criteria for choosing a magic knife

  1. Preferably double-edged. Not necessary. But it is desirable.
  2. Not foldable. Energy must flow through it freely, at any time. That is, there should not be any moving mechanisms in it. Or at least it should always be decomposed.
  3. Strictly natural materials. In this case, the scabbard can be anything. But in the first month, it is desirable that the noya be saturated with your energy, so you should not hide it in plastic.
  4. Extra patterns are very undesirable. The inscription is made in Russia, the name of the company, or some kind of neutral drawing is not so critical. But there definitely shouldn't be any runes, stars, pentagrams and magic symbols. Pure blade, pure karma.
  5. The material of the handle is preferably dark. Since it absorbs energy well. In some rituals, two knives are used, or a knife with a white handle, but these are already special cases.
  6. And of course, you should like him. It is most important.

Thank you for attention. Sargas was with you. Subscribe to my channel, go to my site site, apply for magic help, join the school of practical light Magic, buy my books, amulets and artifacts in the magic shop. See you.