Modern girl how to become successful and happy. How to learn to be a successful and happy woman. "Smile and the world will smile at you"

What distinguishes a successful woman? She does not have to have her own business, she can be married, or she can remain single. A successful woman is a happy woman. She knows what she is striving for and goes to her goals. How to become one of these ladies? Let's uncover the secrets of successful women.

Obstacles to Success

First of all, you need to understand what is stopping you from achieving your goals. Most often it is fear and indecision. Many girls and women are familiar with the fear of showing strength, perseverance and perseverance. This is due to the peculiarities of upbringing and socialization, which often impose a passive and led role on girls.

The main deterrents to development are stereotypes and comparisons. Getting rid of imposed ideals is the first step to success. Getting married, having several children and standing at the stove is no longer the standard of female happiness. Also, be careful with comparisons. There is no need to look for enviable traits in girlfriends or acquaintances, and even more so to listen to those who set you as an example of “exemplary”, in his opinion, women.

Before becoming successful, it is important to remember that every girl is unique. Only by accepting yourself for who you are, you will be able to step over your fears and complexes and move on.

What should be a successful woman?

Not everyone has the traits necessary for success, but everyone can develop them in themselves. The following qualities will help you achieve anything:

  • Lack of fear of making mistakes and the ability to act decisively.
  • The ability to accept your failures and move on.
  • The ability to think and evaluate yourself soberly is an adequate self-esteem.
  • Understanding the world around and other people. The desire to change the world or to remake someone is the wrong way.
  • Independence and self-sufficiency. A successful girl is financially independent and feels comfortable being alone.
  • Confidence in yourself and in your abilities. If you don't believe in yourself, no one will.
  • Free thinking, receptivity to everything new, the desire to learn more.

Only having formed in yourself all these qualities, you can count on the successful development and achievement of your goals.

The main secrets of a successful girl

To find out how successful women became successful, it is important to understand the main thing: success and success are not the same thing. Success is an opportunity to evaluate the results of your activities and feel satisfaction. This can be achieved by every woman who is self-confident. However, confidence should not be confused with high self-esteem. Only by evaluating the real achievements and their value, you can understand how to proceed.

Important Ingredients

In addition to the basic qualities that will help in life, there are three more important traits that are part of the secrets of successful women. They can be called the keys to success:

  • The ability to leave the past behind.
  • The ability to take risks.
  • Constant self-improvement.

More recently, it was believed that taking responsibility is a male prerogative. But if you want to become the mistress of your life, you must also learn to be responsible in everything - actions, words and decisions. Often success is hindered by irrationality and impulsiveness in relationships with people, whether it be personal or business ties. All decisions must be made carefully.

Some masculine qualities

Another important quality is the ability to combine family and career. We must not forget about loved ones and push them into the background. This is the golden rule of every woman who wants to be successful not only in her career, but also in her personal life. It is not necessary to make a choice, the main thing is to properly organize your time and prioritize.

Having your own opinion is a mandatory trait that successful women in business have. You have to see the difference between blind stubbornness and the ability to go against the current when necessary. At the same time, it is important to hear not only your own voice, but also to listen to the opinions of other people.

Appearance is important

Taking care of appearance is also an important factor in achieving success. Even with the heaviest schedule, it is important to find time for self-care. You can’t afford to walk around the house in a dirty bathrobe or go out with a dirty head. It is also important to reconsider your views on the wardrobe. It is not necessary to always dress in a strict formal style. But if you want to be taken seriously, you need to decide what impression you are going to create about yourself. A successful lady must look flawless, from hair to manicure and selection of accessories.

The image of a successful woman

The image should be considered separately. The fact that they are greeted by clothes is known to everyone. The image of a successful woman is a business card that will allow others to make an impression of you. That is why attention should be paid not only to internal but also to external improvement. Men should not be imitated. If you want to compete with them, it is important to look feminine and stylish. There are a few simple rules for this:

  • Determine your strengths and weaknesses. Any clothing should hide the first and emphasize the second. With a dense physique or problems with being overweight, tight-fitting things should be discarded. It is important to maintain femininity, but not look defiant. Skirts are preferred, but their length should not exceed the knee. Clothing should not seem frivolous.
  • To make a good wardrobe, it is important to choose things that will be combined with not one set, but with many. It is worth paying attention to color combinations. Remember that black is not for everyone. There are many other shades suitable for business style.
  • With regard to colors, you can opt for dark blue, gray, beige. Brighter colors can be used, but in moderation.
  • An important detail is the choice of jewelry. They should not be too bright or frilly. Conciseness and classic style - the best choice for a successful lady.

role models

How did successful women become successful? If earlier girls could compete for the title of the most beautiful, today they are increasingly making lists of successful young ladies. It is the heroines of such lists that can become a role model and tell the secrets of successful women. Among them are:

  • Hillary Clinton. Direct and purposeful, this woman politician is considered one of the most influential in the world. She can serve as an example of how even a public scandal does not stop on the way to success. Hard work and work on their image made the public forget the story associated with ex-husband and former US President Bill Clinton. Even losing on recent presidential elections does not stop Clinton from working further on her career in politics.
  • Joanne Rowling. A real example that success can be achieved at any age and in any position. This writer is known to the whole world as a housewife who became a millionaire. She was rejected by twelve different publishing houses, but did not stop. Thanks to this woman, the world has acquired the most popular fairy tale of our time - the inspiring story of the wizard Harry Potter. Millions of fans around the world might never recognize her if Rowling broke after the fifth or tenth rejection. In Joan's personal life, everything is also wonderful, which once again proves that success can be achieved in any field.
  • Jennifer Aniston. A real example of a successful woman in the world of cinema. The world-famous actress and Hollywood diva did not immediately become famous. In her youth, she worked as a courier, a waitress, and did not give up her dream of acting in films. Today, Jennifer knows and loves the whole world, and last year she entered the top of the highest paid actresses.

Success should not be confused with luck. This is not luck and not a gift, but the result of constant work. If you want to learn how to become successful, use our tips:

  • Stay open and sincere.
  • Know how to insist on your own and refuse, but do not forget about the ability to forgive.
  • Don't let mistakes lead you astray, successful business women learn their lesson and move on.
  • Define exactly what you want. Set goals in stages: when you reach one, move on to the next.
  • Raise the bar - surround yourself with the same people, purposeful and smart.
  • Consistency in deeds and deeds is one of the most important rules.

The modern world is much more disposed towards female success than in the days of our parents. By following all the tips and rules given here, you can find your secrets of successful women and achieve anything. The main thing is not to stop and not give up.

V modern world many women strive for success, and each of them has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis concept. Someone believes that success lies in the family and children, while others are convinced that the main thing is to have a career and be independent of anyone. Each of the versions, of course, has a chance of life! However, it is hard to argue with the fact that you will become truly successful when you learn how to masterfully combine all this.

What does it mean to be a successful woman in the 21st century


In the modern world, women pay a lot of attention to their appearance, but it cannot be said that all successful women look about the same. Each tends to a certain style, and, at times, they can be strikingly different. For example, one girl may like strict classics, another prefers Casual style, and so on. However, the level of success for all of them can be about the same. The same applies to appearance in general - haircut, makeup and so on. Although it is worth noting that in Lately more and more modern women prefer naturalness - natural hair color, neat makeup. Also, most successful people take care of their figure, skin quality, go in for sports and find time for caring procedures and proper nutrition. A successful woman loves herself and takes care of appearance natural to her.

social status

As a rule, the social status of an individual is considered to be his position in society, manner of behavior, way of life. A woman who has a successful social status must realize herself in something - it can be both a career and a family. Moreover, if we are still talking about the professional sphere, then it is important for a socially successful woman to be distinguished by some achievements in this field. If a woman is engaged in everyday life, then she should also have it “on top”, as well as in combination with other aspects of life (hobbies, appearance, and so on).


She is thoughtful about her choice of profession, and will not work for years where she does not like it. If a woman is dissatisfied with her position at work, then she will change it - retrain, find another job, try to improve the current situation. A career is an important point in the life of many successful people, but in order to have the status of "successful" it is not at all necessary to be a careerist.


A successful woman manages to combine professional responsibilities with family ones. However, it is often the family that comes first. It is worth noting that if such a person is married, and the husband takes care of all financial issues, a successful woman will still realize herself in something, and not just cook breakfasts and dinners and do housework. It can be a hobby that brings at least a small cash income and does not take too much time. You will feel more confident when you have "personal" money, even if it is small, but earned exclusively by you.

How to become a successful woman in everything

So, if you want to be a successful woman, then remember a few rules of such persons, and also find out the nuances of their psychology.

Rules of a successful woman

Financial "airbag". Such a woman is not afraid that she will suddenly lose her job or her husband will stop supporting the family. The reason for her calmness is in a certain amount of money (for example, for 2-3 months of living the usual level of comfort), on which she can easily live while solving unexpected difficulties.

Time is a valuable asset and should not be wasted. A successful woman won't surf the Internet aimlessly or study all day long. social networks. Yes, she may well visit her pages from time to time, but she devotes an insignificant amount of time to this - she establishes the main contacts in real life. In addition, she has something to do, in addition to constant surveillance of the lives of celebrities and a couple of her former classmates.

She listens to herself, trying to determine what she wants to get from this or that other area of ​​\u200b\u200blife (relationships, career). If something does not suit her, she will not endure for a long time and hope that everything will be resolved by itself - she will solve the problem.

Often successful women find time to read books - psychology manuals, classic masterpieces, and so on. At the same time, this is not at all a tribute to fashion - from each work she draws something for her personal development.

She has at least one hobby (besides work). It may seem to some that the life of such a woman consists only of a career and sleep, but this is not so - she will find time for what really captures her. We can talk about dancing, watching retro movies, beadwork and more.

No matter how bad it is, you need to look good - most successful women prefer to be guided by this rule. That is why, they always look neat and fresh, no matter what emergency happened to them the day before.

Development is an important point for achieving and maintaining success, and that is why it is worth taking some steps in this direction. It can be about learning one or more foreign languages, attending various trainings and much more.

Psychology of a successful woman

A successful woman is very difficult to surprise - she is always ready to go on an important trip or find what she needs at a particular moment. The reason is that she is simply not used to letting things go by themselves - her documents are always ready, things are in order, and, as a rule, have their own places. That is, for such a woman there can be no problem, like: “Where did that blue skirt go” or “How to find a white blouse in these rubble?”

Also, a successful person tries not to depend on anyone, and in case of force majeure she is not lost. If something breaks, she does not panic, and calls the master, and calls him at the time she needs. However, if the matter is urgent, she is also able to quickly think things over and come to an optimal solution.

Planning is a very important aspect of a successful woman's life. This applies to travel, everyday life and other factors. She has a clear idea of ​​​​how she sees her immediate future, and what she should do in case of unforeseen circumstances. Simply put, she used to be the mistress of her life, and not depend on someone's plans or moods.

It should also be noted that such women are very sociable, which does not mean at all that they are talkative, as some may decide - these concepts differ significantly. A successful person may well be an introvert and an uncommunicative person, but at the same time she behaves adequately in society and she knows a sense of tact.

A successful girl is always elegant and educated

It is rather difficult to achieve success for persons who do not shine with education. Yes, they may have fleeting successes, but in general, we are not talking about stable success. The fact is that most people who have achieved a certain position in society are nevertheless educated, and, accordingly, they try to avoid those who do not possess this quality - it is difficult for them to communicate, and no one wants to create additional inconvenience for themselves. Even if in childhood a girl did not have a governess, a teacher of etiquette and many disciplines, this does not mean that in adulthood she can behave as she pleases - many people are well aware of such a concept as “internal education”, when you intuitively feel how not to behave and where it is better to remain silent. It is also worth noting that a successful woman considers self-improvement very important, and, realizing what “gaps” in her upbringing may be, she tries to work on them on her own. To do this, it is not necessary to attend trainings - there is a lot of information on the Web about the rules of etiquette, etiquette and more.

In addition, a successful girl knows very well what elegance is. She does not accept vulgarity in her image and behavior. It is important to clarify that being elegant does not mean that you need to wear clothes exclusively in a classic style. Nevertheless, it is worth paying special attention to accessories and avoiding “excess” in your image - it is better to give preference to simple and concise models, perhaps with some kind of “zest”. However, this is a matter of taste.

I want to become a successful woman from scratch

To be successful means to be confident

It is very difficult to achieve even a minimal level of success if there is no self-confidence. Women who doubt their own abilities and talents end up not taking even justified risks and often do not dare to take important steps. If you feel that self-doubt is a problem that often interferes with your life, then, of course, you need to get rid of this quality as soon as possible. For this, there are very informative and extensive articles, manuals that can be found on the Web, as well as trainings. There is no doubt that people who know what they want and go for it are more likely to achieve success than doubters.

To be more successful - work on yourself

Working on oneself is a mandatory item in the life of any person who is important to succeed in any area. If you regularly devote some period of time to self-development, you will undoubtedly notice that the quality of your life will increase. Think about what you should pay attention to first of all, in what way could you “improve” yourself? Perhaps you are distracted and need to work on your focus and memory skills. It may be that you forget to take care of your appearance, and it would not hurt you to fill this “gap” - go in for sports to improve your figure, tidy up your skin, hair, or work on your style? It is possible that sometimes you feel that you lack eloquence in a given situation - in this case, it makes sense to replenish your vocabulary with the help of reading and various techniques.

Do not try to ignore your weaknesses until they become a serious problem for you. If you understand that some aspects of your personality need to be improved, then immediately get down to it! There are many articles on the Web that will help you decide how to get rid of this or that imperfection or wrap it in your dignity. Decide what needs intervention and get to work.

The most successful women in the world - a role model

Secrets of successful business women

Most business women who have managed to achieve enough high level, prefer to take risks if it is justified. In decision-making, she is characterized by balance and thoughtfulness, because she understands that one wrong step can bring a lot of unnecessary problems. However, of course, such women also, at times, have to experience failures or mistakes, but, as a rule, for them this is not a reason for despair, but for learning a lesson.

We also note that Financial independence- one of the main components of the success of a business woman, and is the result of her work. If the financial situation worsens, a successful person begins to look for the sources of these changes, and eliminate them.

Often, women show more attention to various nuances and trifles, which in some cases distinguishes them from men. Of course, this skill contributes to the successful development of a career.

Secrets of great women

So, let's give examples of several women who managed to find success and even become famous all over the world. How did they manage to achieve this?

For example, Madonna, who received the status of "pop queen" states: "My success does not confuse me, because it came as a result of work, and did not fall from heaven."

In turn, the legend of cinema Sophia Loren noted: “Learn to use your brains as deftly as your powder box, and then you may not need a powder box anymore.”

The star of Russian cinema Renata Litvinova, who has become a role model for many women, admits: “My successes are a continuation of failures. It’s just that luck should take time when the minus turns into a plus. ”

And finally, let's mention quite interesting secret success of the famous trendsetter Coco Chanel: “There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left."

10 signs of an ideal woman from the point of view of men

Despite the fact that men are far from gifts in a beautiful package with a satin ribbon, they choose a girl according to the principle “at least ideal”. So, girls, if you don’t want the man you like to sing to you: “I’d rather eat my passport before the registry office, but I will never marry you,” you will have to comply!

So what is it, the dream of modern machos?

Sexy. 90% of men put this factor in first place in the hit parade of feminine virtues. And it is not necessary to be Pamela Anderson or Angelina Jolie to conquer a man with her sexuality. Believe me, even with a weight of 90 kg you can be incredibly sexy. Try to forget about complexes at least sometimes and wear short skirts or tops with a deep neckline for dates. Believe me, any man will appreciate it. "Lazy look" is a "trick" of many seductresses. Why not try yourself as Marilyn Monroe? The main thing is not to be afraid to look stupid and everything will work out!

Sociable. Men on dates love to talk with rapture about their work, mom, favorite car and Labrador friend.

Sometimes it seems that if you do not noticeably get up and leave, he will remain talking to himself without noticing your disappearance. Despite this, men love sociable ladies. Only not those who talk about all their men, starting with Vasya from 1st B, but those who skillfully present all their best qualities on a silver platter. Male ears will listen with rapture to stories about your hobbies, work, how you take care of your younger brother and grandmother from a neighboring entrance. Men are naive, like children, so they will believe everything you say. The main thing is not to blush.

Natural. It is no secret that we all unwittingly put on masks when meeting with unfamiliar people. Many girls think: “With Athanasius I will be an inveterate bitch, with Evkakiy I will be a share girl, and with Euripides I will be a vamp woman.” However, men are not as stupid as they seem and easily “bite through” pretense and affectation. Young people love natural girls and are involuntarily drawn to them.

Independent. Despite the fact that a man, as usual, is a "getter", he will like a girl who sets high goals for herself and boldly goes to their realization. Therefore, even if you are temporarily not working, convince your man that you are in a constant active search for a suitable place, while sitting at home reading Kant and writing a dissertation on the topic “Eurasian Renaissance of Kalmyk Musical Culture”.

Household. Few men like to come home to see their "half" lying on the couch and sipping beer, in
while dirty dishes fall out of the sink, socks and bras are scattered everywhere, a mouse “hung itself” in the refrigerator, and chips and crackers “with bacon” instead of dinner. Without exception, all men love housekeeping ladies to cook borscht, make manti and keep the apartment in perfect cleanliness. And also, when she came home from work, she washed and ironed shirts and shorts with socks. In the first couple of relationships, in no case do not admit to a man that you are not economic, even if you are. Unless, of course, you want him to disappear from your life once and for all.

praising. All men, without exception, love compliments. So, if you want to win the man you like, praise him with or without reason: admire his erudition, erudition and brilliant mind, say that he is the most useful employee at work, and everyone else simply does not understand anything. And don't forget about compliments on looks - your man is the best, and Brad Pitt is already old, wrinkled and not sexy at all.

Non drinker and non smoker. Despite the fact that 90% of Russian men smoke like locomotives and drink like horses, their girlfriend should not smoke, and she can only drink on holidays, and then a couple of glasses of wine - no more. And also should not go to clubs with girlfriends, attend friendly parties and birthdays in the absence of them, darlings. Stepping aside is tantamount to a crime. So choose - a man or a calm, measured life without prohibitions.

Thoughtful. Any man, even a brutal male, loves to be pitied, lulled to sleep, followed like a small child. That is why from time to time you need to indulge him with small pleasant surprises, bring breakfast to bed and feed him with a spoon. And also watch where he scatters his things, because he himself will never remember where he put his wallet or car keys.

smiling. From a smile, not only a rainbow wakes up, as is sung in a famous children's song, but also an irresistible desire of men to see you as often as possible. It has long been proven that smiling girls with a sense of humor attract young people like a magnet, while ladies who are always dissatisfied with life end up grieving about their problems in splendid isolation.

If I had asked myself this question a few years ago, the following associative image would have arisen: a woman “without age”, always smart, always in good shape, stylishly, boldly and expensively dressed, her gaze is always slightly “above…”. And, of course, and of course, this is a woman of business.

The scope of my professional interests is natural cosmetics. And it so happened historically that my “audience” is mostly female. A few years ago, the Classroom opened its doors, and the first group of “students” gathered who wanted to learn how to prepare truly elite cosmetics for themselves. I saw them and thought: “It’s still a question of who will learn from whom…”. And this thought invariably accompanies me for several years, at each new meeting.

The women who come to my classes are completely different. Among them are business representatives and office workers, medical workers and employees of government agencies, housewives and mothers, athletes and young women who have retired prematurely for health reasons. These are women of different age groups and interests. But they all have something in common - they SUCCESSFUL!

Regardless of what each of them does and what challenges fate offers them, these are Personalities. Bright, emotional, enthusiastic, searching. Each of them knows exactly what they want.

And without a shadow of cunning, I confess that I learn a lot from my students.

They set the bar so high that she wants to live up to it. This motivates me to constantly improve my professional level. This expands my “horizons”, because in the process of communication we share not only culinary recipes, but also our life experience.

So what is she - a successful woman?

Now I will answer this question like this:

This woman, accomplished in what she has chosen for herself as the business of her life. Confident and self-sufficient. She is strong enough to ask for help and has the courage to talk about the innermost. She is always “in flight”, even if the kids do not allow her to leave the house for a long time.

A successful woman literally "manages" not only to capture her attention, but to direct energy simultaneously along several vectors of her interests, while not forgetting about her personal space. Much in this World is done by male hands, but by female energy. And this means that behind the majority of successful men and those who are inspired to take the first steps towards their goal, there is a successful woman.

She can afford to be "different", but she knows exactly what she wants to be tomorrow.

Olga Vanina

Start by getting to know a good stylist and beautician. Studying the cruel laws of business, learn to match clothes, to wear them accurately. Form your image, and you will feel how the attitude of colleagues, partners and management and even clients towards your person is changing. A well-created type is almost half the way to great success. And add good manners, discreet makeup and high-quality accessories - the image turned out to be impeccable. Don't waste your time or money on this.

Wardrobe of successful women

Wardrobe items show the independence and independence, success and prospects of their mistress. It is with the help of a stylish set of clothes that the road to such a desirable world of business people is opened.

Only high quality clothes! These words will become the motto when visiting stores. Let there be few better things, but they are harmoniously combined with each other.

A formal suit should become a must in the wardrobe. Its classic style will highlight your business qualities.

It can consist of a jacket and trousers or a skirt.

A straight-cut wool dress with a leather belt is perfect for the office. Don't get carried away with bright colors. Your colors range from black to dark blue.

The length of the skirt is strictly limited. It doesn't have to be mini. Just below the knee is the best option for a confident woman's skirt. Too long midi is also an inappropriate version.

White is used wisely and appropriately. It attracts interest and draws attention to itself. A few blouses will do their job, reviving the severity of the outfit. This blouse will complement the suit and fitted dress - sundress. The same function is assigned to the scarf.

The choice of outerwear is another significant step for a successful woman. A classic coat or a strict raincoat diversifies the wardrobe. Leather gloves complete this luxury.

The clothing size must be accurate for you. All items look like they are made to order.

Shoes complement the entire outfit and create the integrity of the image. The best solution would be pumps with heels. Heel height is medium. They are comfortable and follow the dress code. Shoes must not be white. It either goes with the suit, or it will be black.

Companions of a confident woman

A short haircut, a charming bob or hair tied with a hairpin always shimmers with brilliance and purity. No bright colors and bouffants. The abundance of varnish on the hair will also spoil general idea. It is inappropriate to buy a lot of accessories, but they will silently tell everything about you. Prefer strict jewelry, allow yourself a diamond ring on your hand with a classic French manicure.

Experimenting with makeup is not worth it. Restraint and accuracy, evenness of lines and calmness of color are your main directions.

Pick up a strict briefcase made of solid leather or a stylish leather-bound diary and boldly go into the environment confident people. Now you are!

Style to follow: Victoria Beckham

A charming socialite who was able to conquer the world, catwalks and the hearts of fans - Victoria Beckham shares her secrets with all women who want to be successful in society, and her bestseller "Another half inch of impeccable style." Only then can you make everyone pay attention to yourself when your image is individual.

1. Before dressing, try to imagine your appearance in this outfit.
Before approaching the closet, stop your gaze on the mirror and look at yourself in today's image: suit, shoes, accessories, underwear, makeup. Only then take things out.
2. Make friends with the classics
A successful woman's wardrobe should consist mostly of classic pieces: a suit, pants, a pencil skirt, your favorites are a little black and stylish comfortable woolen dress, blouses, as well as blue and black jeans, comfortable turtlenecks. Learn to combine things together to always look spectacular.
3. Song of linen
Do not forget: beauty should be in everything, even if something is invisible to others. This primarily applies to underwear. Only expensive, comfortable and beautiful, and not what is left from last season. Force yourself to remember this. Otherwise, having waved today on linen, allow yourself to appear in public or at home with unkempt nails, and tomorrow - with an ugly hairdo. It all starts from the tips of the nails.
4. The perfection of accessories
The smaller the thing, the more expensive it should be. The bag is the best. Then she is able to highlight the hostess and create a decent image even with a modest outfit. The same applies to shoes and jewelry.
5. Sexuality is your trump card
Learn to be sexy. It's not easy, but necessary. A man does not need to reveal all his secrets and charms. They love mystery, and, therefore, want to solve it. Why do you need to know something that is naked and known to everyone?
6. Only your style
Don't try to be like someone else. Even Victoria Beckham is not a role model. Do you want to be someone else's copy? Style-orientation is allowed, but copying is not allowed. Be yourself with your favorite colors, scents, accessories. Only in this way will you become a successful woman.

© Women's magazine - about style, fashion, beautyGalina Mazarchuk

Secrets of Successful Women

Successful people believe in themselves and their work. Unsuccessful people do everything with an eye to the opinions of other people.

My political career she started at 33 with a husband and two small children.

She said that any woman who understands the problems that arise in running a home is able to understand the problems that arise when running a country.

Her words that if you want to discuss something, go to a man, and if you want to really do something, go to a woman, caused a negative reaction from male colleagues. However, her knowledge, self-improvement, determination and intelligence helped her prove that it doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man to achieve success, and have been at the top of the political Olympus for over 10 years.

Usually, if they say about a person that he is successful, then, as a rule, they mean a well-paid job, financial viability, clothes from famous designers, an expensive car, etc.

However, the concept of "successful" is actually much broader than social standards. After all, a successful person is, first of all, a happy person, he is in a state of spiritual harmony with himself and the people around him.

This is a person who managed to realize his abilities, he does what he loves, his life is filled with meaning, and he makes people around him happier.
What character traits are characteristic of successful people, regardless of their gender?

Psychologists have identified several features that distinguish successful people from unsuccessful ones.

  1. A successful person seeks opportunities in order to realize his plan. And the unsuccessful will come up with excuses that allow him to do nothing. For example, if there is a shortage of money, the first one will look for ways that will help him increase income - increase knowledge, learn how to manage money. The second will look for those responsible for their failures.

2. A successful person is used to doing everything at once, while an unsuccessful person postpones everything for later.

3. A successful person always strives for more, an unsuccessful person is satisfied with everything as it is.

4. Successful people go to the goal, even despite failures, and unsuccessful people, faced with problems, stop.

5. A successful person is a motivated person. He knows what he is working for. The unsuccessful person lacks his own motivation - in order for him to achieve something, he needs to be “spurred on” with promises.

6. A successful person, unlike an unsuccessful one, is not afraid to take risks.

7. A successful person does not avoid unpleasant communication, difficult conversations and rejections. Unsuccessful they scare and "unsettle".

8. Successful people believe in themselves and their business. Unsuccessful people do everything with an eye to the opinions of other people.

9. People who want to succeed are patient and understand that success takes time. Unsuccessful people want everything at once.

10. Do successful person there is a big dream, and he is not afraid to do everything to make it come true. Unsuccessful people tend to go with the flow.

The essence of the above is expressed by the parable of the sick girl who caught goldfish fulfilling wishes. In response to the requests of the fish to let her go, the girl names three desires: “I want to have big legs, big ears and a big nose!”. Rybka was surprised, but she fulfilled her wishes, but then she could not stand it and asked: “Girl, you are poor, sick and ugly. You could have asked for wealth, health and beauty... Why didn't you do it? "What could have been?" the girl asked.
What separates a successful woman from a successful man?

They say that “Behind every successful man is the love of a woman. Behind every successful woman is a male betrayal." It turns out that not all men like that a successful woman does not have a family in the first place and, in particular, he is her beloved, but work, business, career, politics, etc.

Men's ego begins to suffer, and in the end, some men do not withstand such competition. And a woman who does not have a personal relationship plunges even more into business life in order to forget about her disappointments.

It can be said that it is more difficult to be a successful woman than a successful man, because, being successful at work, she must not forget that she must also be a beautiful woman, a loving and caring wife and mother.
What separates successful women from the rest?

  1. Successful women set goals and strive to achieve them. This applies to both work and personal life. They are active, not afraid to make mistakes in their actions, because they look at possible mistakes as a valuable experience that helps them move forward.

2. Successful women have a point of view on everything. This does not mean that they will do their best to prove their case. Defending their position, they emphasize that they respect someone else's opinion, even if it is the opposite.

Successful women are characterized by flexibility in decision-making - they are persistent, stubborn, but they do not go ahead, but are able to take a detour to insist on their own.

3. They are not inclined to constantly return to the past and do not bear its burden for years. If something did not work out for them, they do not suffer about what has already passed, but seek new opportunities to implement their plans.

Successful women are persistent and persistent, they do not accept failure. Simply put, if the door is closed in front of them, they will climb through the window. Estée Lauder, the well-known owner of a cosmetics corporation, was once denied a booth design at a cosmetics exhibition. But she did not lose her head and, in order to pay attention to the new perfume she created, she allegedly accidentally broke a bottle with this perfume in the exhibition hall.

4. Successful women know how to say “no” regardless of faces if they feel it is necessary. They are used to being responsible for their words and decisions, and therefore achieve high results.

5. They are easy to communicate, because they do not follow their mood, but know how to manage it. As the legendary Coco Chanel said, "Restrain yourself when it hurts, and not make a scene when it hurts - that's what the ideal woman is."

Successful women are positive and radiate optimism, even when cats scratch their hearts. They love life and know how to enjoy it, sympathize and help those who are worse off. Their temperament easily attracts people to them.

6. To achieve success, you need to develop. A successful woman knows this, so she will never be a "read book". She always surprises, because she does not tolerate monotony and predictability. In the words of the same Coco Chanel, "To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time."

Successful women know a lot, they are interested in cultural, social and political events. Such knowledge helps them develop their own intuition.

7. A successful woman is busy with more than just work. Her interests are versatile, and she can keep up the conversation on almost any topic. She has some favorite hobby - yoga or dancing, sports or drawing, etc.

8. A successful woman simply has to look good. She may not be beautiful at all, but she must be well-groomed. Beauty salons will help solve this problem, visiting which, moreover, any woman will cheer up (unless, of course, she has masters whom she can completely trust herself to).

A successful woman should be able to quickly transform and look good even at the end of the working day.

Clean hair, unobtrusive perfume, a little powder, mascara and lip gloss are the necessary minimum that she must adhere to.

9. A successful woman has sexuality, skillfully uses it, but does not abuse it or flaunt it.

10. Successful women are in demand not only in the business sphere, but also in their personal lives or in the family.

History knows many successful women who made themselves, because, despite all the obstacles and hardships, they had faith in themselves and in their special role in life. These are Estee Lauder, Oprah Winfrey, Coco Chanel, Elizabeth Claiborne and many others. Each of them had their own idea, which allowed them to become unique. Moreover, they had to work hard to bring this idea to life, sometimes for more than one year.

When the future "Iron Lady" of England, Margaret Thatcher, won one of the important competitions while studying at college, she was told that she was very lucky, to which she replied: "It's not luck, but my merit."

She began her political career at the age of 33, with a husband and two small children. She said that any woman who understands the problems that arise in running a home is able to understand the problems that arise when running a country.

Her words that if you want to discuss something, go to a man, and if you want to really do something, go to a woman, caused a negative reaction from male colleagues.

However, her knowledge, self-improvement, determination and intelligence helped her prove that it doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man to achieve success, and have been at the top of the political Olympus for over 10 years.

Fuss, lack of time, fear, endless worries fill our lives with stress and tension.

Often there is an irresistible desire to change your life.

We suggest you learn simple ways how to become a successful and happy woman. First, let's define the meaning of the key phrases of this concept.

  • success- this is a human quality that is developed through painstaking work.

To achieve success, only external data is not enough - the competent application of certain knowledge and skills is required. A successful woman appreciates, respects herself, does what she loves, which brings her joy and income.

  • Happiness- this is the most important goal that any woman aspires to.

A happy woman can easily combine her family, caring for her appearance, creative self-realization, her favorite job, while enjoying herself and receiving sufficient monetary rewards. Happiness is a generalizing concept of harmony in the soul and the prevailing life.

Let's take a look at the list important tips that will help you understand how to become a successful woman.

  • Believe in yourself and your strengths.

One of the most important conditions for success is to believe in your strengths, capabilities, ideas. Communicate your thoughts persistently and confidently, because no one else will do it for you.

  • Don't let yourself be lazy.

Remember that laziness is an evil vice that prevents the achievement of the goal. In most cases, success is achieved through painstaking own work, and it is such success that brings the deepest satisfaction and joy of self-affirmation.

The main thing - do not despair if something does not work right away. Everything will come gradually: experience, skill, and success.

  • Against all odds, boldly go to your goal.

Let there be a lot of envious people around, let there be confusion in your head and everything goes wrong - do not abandon your goal halfway! It is important to understand that this is a temporary state, and you should not end the case just because you are in a bad mood or your pencil is broken.

  • Keep in touch with the world.

Lack of time is no reason to distance yourself from what is happening in the world. Whenever possible, try to watch the news, read newspapers. “He who is aware is armed,” says the wise proverb.

In the end, never forget that you are a woman, so allow yourself at least a few times a week to immerse yourself in the plot of your favorite book, visit a beauty salon or swim in the pool.

successful and beautiful woman will always be at the center of events.

  • Use your weaknesses as your strengths.

Remember: no ideal people. Everyone has their shortcomings, but only those who can correctly turn them into virtues can become successful and happy.

Are you too emotional and sensitive? Then find a place and people who value precisely these qualities. There you will be welcomed.

An example is the story of the famous American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey, who managed to achieve success only after a grandiose failure on television. She was a political news anchor but was fired because she was too emotional.

This did not stop her from creating her own program, where such a disadvantage turned into the highlight of the show.

Secrets of successful and happy

  • Be a part of what you believe in.

Happy people always do what they love and strongly believe in. Some accept Active participation in the social life of the city, others find themselves in religion, someone wants to become a member political party, and it is enough for someone to plant a tree and experience satisfaction from this. In any case, the result is the same - a person receives happiness and the meaning of life.

  • Leave time for family and friends.

A happy life also includes good relationships with family and friends. To maintain strong friendships, it is necessary to find time for joint meetings, dinners, hikes in the forest. Paying all attention to a career, you can lose the most precious thing - family and friends.

  • Remember the benefits

Often people remember only the negative aspects, forgetting about the positive ones. In an effort to correct bad and unpleasant situations or qualities, it is necessary to think exclusively about positive results. If you constantly pay attention to your daily successes and achievements, you will be much more likely to feel a happy and harmonious person.

  • Use all your strength to reach your goal.

Each of us has a unique feature, talent, skill. Emotional happiness can only be felt by those who use all their strengths and best sides to achieve their goal.

The feeling of achievement is always created by the state of completion. The feeling of satisfaction and physiological reward will be truly priceless if the goal is achieved precisely because of your talent or skill.

  • Experience happiness from simple pleasures.

Wisdom has long been known: all the best in life is free! The simplest pleasures are in front of us at different moments and in different places: a bright sunset, a walk with a loved one in the fresh air, a game with a child, birdsong. It is important to learn to notice such moments, and then life will reward you with bursts of satisfaction and happiness.

Keeping a diary is an essential part of being successful.

For all the fair sex who are wondering how to become a successful business lady and at the same time a happy woman, we suggest creating a personal data bank.

You can name it as you wish: "Magic Diary", "Notebook of Success", "My Happy Life".

What should be written in this diary?

This should not be a detailed account of the past week or another splash of negative emotions and resentment. Not!

Notes of a successful woman are a description of their achievements, success and joy. This is a kind of accumulator of the best aspects of personality and successful ideas.

To get started, get a beautiful notebook or notepad. On the cover, you can create a visual wish card from pictures and magazine clippings that embody your desires and dreams.

As soon as you take your diary to make a note, your mood will immediately improve and a feeling of stimulus for life will appear.

Steps to create a diary of a successful woman:

  1. Creating a wish map (visualize your dreams and desires on paper).
  2. A detailed description of your immediate and long-term goals (write down your goals in the form of affirmations).
  3. A step-by-step description of the steps that will be taken to achieve the goals (write down what you will do to make your dream come true. For example, the affirmation “every day my figure is getting better” implies regular exercise in a sports club, diet, exercise, etc.).
  4. Creating a section called “Gratitude” (on this page, write down your gratitude for what you already had, have or will have. You can thank God, life, relatives, yourself).
  5. Creating a praise page (learn to praise yourself for positive character traits, achievements, see the dignity of your appearance).
  6. Making a list of important things (write down your important plans and things that must be done).
  7. Create a page of joy (here write down any daily observations and events that made you happy, fix your brilliant ideas and insights. All this will cause self-respect and will stimulate action).
  8. Summing up (in this section, draw conclusions from the life lessons that you received that day, write down everything that prevented you from doing the planned things).

The diary of a successful woman will become best friend and a faithful assistant on the path to success and happiness. By filling it out, you will become more confident in yourself every day.

The main condition on the path to success and happiness is not to forget that there are always people nearby who believe in you, love and need warmth, care and affection. These tips will help you become a successful woman!

Live in harmony with yourself! Be lucky and happy on the way to success! Author: Alexandra Kolotova

Lana Turner

All people want to be successful, no matter who in question about a man or a woman. The need for success is one of the most significant needs of a healthy, full-fledged person. Speaking of women's success, one should not lose sight of her natural destiny, which largely determines how happy a woman will feel. And the feeling of happiness, in turn, is, in fact, success. According to the idea of ​​nature, a woman is a mother, and in order to become a mother, she needs a man, so a man and children for a woman have great importance. But, of course, not only the presence of children and good relations with a worthy, loving, caring man make a woman successful. In no case should we forget about the realization by a woman of her abilities, her creative potential and business qualities.

Therefore, in our time, in most cases, we associate a successful woman mainly with a woman who has achieved a lot and made a good career, that is, she is a strong, independent woman. Does this contradict its natural purpose? Not at all. Because success in business is also a natural need for a woman. And in this article I will talk about how to become a successful woman in everything that is important and valuable for most women. I think a man’s opinion on this matter will help many of you, dear women, to gain inspiration and self-confidence to achieve absolutely any success in this life, no matter what you see it in.

First of all, let's pay attention to one common problem in our lives that prevents us from achieving success in various areas. Namely, the choice that a person, in our case a woman, has to make between different values, mainly between family and career. So many women do not succeed in life just because they cannot choose what to devote their lives to, what kind of business. And if they make such a choice, then later they doubt its correctness, so they feel unhappy, even if they really achieve a lot. And if there is no happiness, there is no success. It is believed that it is impossible to succeed in everything, both at work or in business and in personal life, that you have to choose what to devote your life to. Because of this choice, it is difficult for women to become successful, either in creating a good family, or successful in career and business. And you know that, in most cases, this is true, one interferes with the other. Therefore, a choice has to be made. And some women simply do not know how well they could succeed in this or that business if they did not, for example, do household chores, but devote themselves to work that is interesting to them. However, if you take a creative approach to solving this problem, it turns out that you don’t need to make any choice - you can successfully combine a career with family activities and succeed in everything. How to do it? It's all about interest.

You see, my dear readers, work or business can be such that it will not interfere with your family. The main thing is that you are interested in doing something, and that all your needs are satisfied. Usually, we strive to become successful in what we are interested in, this is in terms of our desire. If we talk about our unwillingness, then in this case we strive to succeed in what we consider important for ourselves, taking into account our problems and unmet needs. Well, let's say you have lived in poverty all your life and therefore you have a desire to get rich, and no matter how, just to earn a lot of money, just to stop feeling poor. That is, this desire originates from your unwillingness to be poor, so you want to earn a lot of money and become a rich person. Discomfort and dissatisfaction, as well as a sense of fear, are in this case the source of a woman's desire to become successful.

So some women have to provide for themselves when they simply do not have a decent man who can take care of them. A woman wants to feel protected - this is one of her basic needs, she wants to live in human conditions and have everything necessary for a normal life. Therefore, when there is no such man next to her who can take care of her properly, she has to take care of herself. This is how a woman’s desire arises - to be successful in those areas that run counter to her need to have good family to which she could devote herself. She simply does not have this normal family, there is no man with whom she could feel protected and provided with everything necessary. And if he was, a woman would not strive to devote herself completely to work, business, making money, or rather, she would be engaged in such work, such a business that would not harm her family. To solve this problem, a woman needs to figure out what is easier and more important for her - to find a normal man who can take care of her, with whom you can create a good happy family, and living with whom she can do such work that will not interfere her to take care of her family, or take care of herself all her life. The choice, as you can see, still needs to be made, but not as difficult as the choice between career and family. It all depends on what efforts a woman is ready to make to achieve success in life, taking into account her natural feminine needs. If a woman believes that she cannot afford to find a worthy man and is going to devote herself only to work, then we can say that her success will be incomplete. Rather, everything will depend on her feeling happy. If career success makes a woman completely happy, then she will have no problems. But I warn you that nature haunts those people who do not follow its goals, so success in business, while failing in your personal life, most likely will not allow you to feel truly successful. True, a woman can devote herself to her children if, say, she doesn’t have a relationship with a man, but she has children, and at the same time making a career is better, much better than just a career. Raising and raising a child is no doubt a great success that brings a person, especially a woman, great satisfaction. After all, our children are our future.

If we talk about our desires, which are related to our interest, then they can be any, absolutely any. When nothing puts pressure on a person, no problems, obligations, dissatisfaction - he can wish for anything, and he will be happy to realize his desire, even if it consists in simply doing some little significant business for other people. That is, you see, if you save a person from all internal problems and help him become interested in something, then he can be happy from any success, no matter what it is. It is the interest in success in this or that business that allows a woman to devote herself, in addition to her family, to such a cause that will give her great joy and satisfaction, without interfering with her taking care of her family.

So what should be the success of a woman so as not to interfere with her being a mother and having a happy family and at the same time fulfilling herself? Yes, there are a lot of options here. What, isn't it possible, say, to sit at home with the children and engage in writing? This is a great area for self-realization. Or is it possible to do business via the Internet, again, not to the detriment of family relationships, not to the detriment of your role as a mother? Yes, even work outside the home may well be combined with family values ​​and at the same time be quite significant and well paid. Suitable Options can always be found, taking into account your abilities. Do you agree that this is possible, dear women? I'm sure you agree. So why do we, or rather you, have trouble choosing between different values, between the need for a family and children, and the need for a career? It is obvious that, firstly, many women do not see other opportunities for self-realization that would not harm their personal lives, but, on the contrary, would complement it, and secondly, the interest of some women is not the same, they want to succeed in those areas they don't really need. Sometimes, however, a woman has a choice between success in her personal life and success in her career, in some business, because her family is not very happy, and she is unhappy because, how would it be more correct to say - the wrong second half. Well, I already wrote about this - some women are forced to succeed only in those areas in which they are able, from their point of view, to achieve it. But still, do not rush, dear women, with the choice of what to devote your life to - do not drive your basic needs under the carpet, do not put an end to areas of life that are important to you - look for opportunities to succeed in them - do not hide from life at work , in business, in other activities that give you only partial satisfaction with your life. For happiness, I believe, you need to fight, and not just hope that it will someday come to you.

Some women go into business or work with their heads only because they simply do not have a normal, satisfying relationship with a man, there is no such family that would give them great joy. Therefore, although they can achieve great success in their business, due to the fact that they will devote all their time only to him, they, alas, do not feel complete happiness because of this. You can't fool nature. I don't want to say that every woman has to get married, give birth and raise children to be considered successful, because in some cases this is not possible, for various reasons. I want to say that in some cases, some women deprive themselves of the opportunity to be successful in everything that is important to them, according to the right priorities and their natural desires, because they do not solve their problems, but prefer to hide from them. Thinking about how to become a rich and successful woman, they do not consider it possible for themselves to be both a happy mother and wife. But it's possible, trust me. Just think about what kind of woman can be called successful - one who, say, has made a good career for herself, or one who feels happy? And a woman can feel happy herself from many things, and from a successful career, and from realizing herself in some business, and of course, from a happy family. Another thing is that her life priorities should be correctly placed and the woman should be interested in what she does. And his, this interest, if desired and if you try, you can instill in everything. In any case, the needs that are important for a woman, she must strive to satisfy with all her might. So a man, children, family, some interesting business with which a woman will realize herself - all this goes well with each other.

So here is the answer to the question - how to become a successful woman. You just need to interest yourself in such a business that will be perfectly combined with your need to have a family and children, and strive for success in it. No need to strive for stereotyped success, for what other women have achieved - go your own way. If you have a good husband, there are children who need your attention and, in general, a wonderful family, and your career harms it - give it up, do something else - you can realize yourself in many areas that do not harm family values. A person can love everything, the main thing is that his basic needs are satisfied. There is no need to look at other people, other women - they have their own life, their own problems, their own life experience, which largely determines their value system. There are women for whom a career is more important than anything else - this is also good, but good for them, for their life situation, for their values. If they are happy that they have succeeded in some business, in some area, then no matter what they do, one can only be happy for them - they have found themselves in this life and this is no doubt a success. But you need to think with your head about what is important and valuable to you. Do not follow the example of others - live your values.

Let me give you a good example from my own life. Although I am not a woman, I can still show you, using the example of my life, how you can achieve success in what is important for each of us. That's when I was very young and didn't know much about life, so I didn't fully understand what was really important and valuable to me. And what I did not do, dreaming, like many other people - about big money, about fame, about high status in society, and so on. My desires and goals were not much different from the desires and goals of many other men who want to take place in this life. But when I had a family, I began to rethink a lot in my life. I worked a lot with people, while not paying enough attention to my family. And it was not very good, both for my family and for me. And it's not even that my family was dissatisfied with this, although this, of course, is important, but that I myself was dissatisfied with this. I believe that spouses should spend as much time as possible together in order to live the same life and adhere to many of the same values. I also believe that parents should actively participate in the education and upbringing of their children so that their children are their children, and not someone else's. You cannot trust your children to other people, those who will fill them with certain knowledge, instill in them certain values ​​and goals, shape their worldview while they grow up. For me it was important. And it would seem that this is a conflict, you cannot be successful at work and at the same time devote a lot of time to your family. And this is true if success in work is associated with some particular type of activity to which a person devotes the lion's share of his attention. But this conflict will not happen if a person decides to do another thing, another job that will not harm his family, will not harm himself, because he does not pay enough attention to people dear to him and his children, who, according to in fact, are its future. What did I do? I made my choice. I just changed the type of activity, I took up another job in order to become successful in what, firstly, is as interesting to me as my previous job, and secondly, and this is especially important, in what is very important and valuable for me. And at the same time, this type of activity does not tear me away from my family, it complements my value system, and does not kill it. And now my tongue will not rise to say that I am not happy, and therefore not successful. Everything suits me, I'm happy with everything. In my opinion, this is a success. Yes, maybe if I continued to do the work that I did before, I would be much richer, I would get a certain fame, I would become a more significant person, but would that make me a happy person? Judging by the inner discomfort that I experienced, not being able to spend enough time with people dear to me, definitely not. Then what would it be a success, for whom would it be a success? No, I don't need that kind of success.

I don’t know if you share my views on life, dear women, but I believe that the question posed in this article about how to become a successful woman is a consequence of the answer to another question - what should be considered success? In other words, you need to decide on your value system before you think about success. As for your capabilities, on which your success largely depends, their limit is sometimes very difficult to determine. Sometimes it seems to a woman that, except in one thing that she is used to doing, she will not be able to be successful anywhere else. But it is worth drawing her attention to other opportunities that she has, which she herself did not know about or which she ignored, as her picture of the world immediately changes, and she begins to build completely different plans for life, to a much greater extent meeting her interests. It is very, very important to understand what you really need and what you can really do. There can be no success in a person's life if he connects him with goals that are far from his real desires and needs. Thus, in order to become a successful woman, you need to decide on your values, and then find an interest in what does not contradict these values ​​and start actively working in this direction. You yourself will perfectly guess what exactly needs to be done in order to succeed in a particular business, because a sincere interest in a particular business will help you find all the necessary answers to your questions. I can’t write down detailed instructions for you to achieve success in this or that business, because each of you has your own values, your goals, your desires, and therefore your own deeds. Therefore, I will only talk about what is important for the vast majority of women - about relationships with men, without which you cannot start a family and have children. Success in this business will definitely make you happy, even if you cannot realize yourself in something else.

So, with regard to men, it is very important to understand one very important truth here, and not only for you, but also for men - your goals, values ​​and interests should coincide with the goals, values ​​and interests of your partner, as much as possible. If you want to succeed in some business, say, in business, then your man must be somehow connected with him, or, you must involve him, involve him in this business, or in a similar business, in order to move along with him in one direction. No need to mess with a slacker who will play the fool all day and spend the money you earn, this will inevitably lead to conflicts. But even if you have found yourself such a husband, then try to involve him in your activities so that he becomes a part of it, even the smallest one. In other words - connect your relationship with a man, your family - with your business, your business, your goals, desires, dreams. Nothing brings people together like a common cause, common goals and values, a common passion for something. And then you will have an excellent reason to make every effort to achieve success in your business, which will be in harmony with your other values, including family values. The ideal option is when the whole family is engaged in one common thing. It's just wonderful. In this case, everyone will be satisfied with their lives, because everyone will receive the necessary attention to themselves during cooperation. You could single out, and perhaps even see, how people live together and happily when they are all doing one common thing that they all love, which they are all interested in. It is clear that not every business can be shared with all members of your family, at least with your soulmate, but you can find such a business. I wrote about this above - it all depends on the interest that can be instilled in everything.

Of course, success in a woman's life depends on many other factors that I have not mentioned here. We will talk about them in other articles in order to properly consider them. In this article, I showed you how important it is to stick to right system values ​​and strive to succeed in life within those values. I will say just a few more words about motivation, which is also very important for success in life.

Motivation, I believe, ideally should also be based primarily on cognitive interest, as well as on passion, vanity, the desire for self-realization and reasonable greed, and not on the need caused by fear. Although it must be admitted that fear can very well motivate a person to action, but at the same time it seriously limits his creative abilities. If you begin to be motivated by fear, which will awaken in you the need to achieve something, then you will be set to work hard, plow a lot, and not to invent, create something, as is the case in those cases. when interest is the motivation.

It is also very important to properly encourage yourself so as not to dampen your motivation. You don’t need to buy anything for yourself, to please yourself with something, to have fun, just because you want it - link your desires with your achievements in order to always demand more and more from yourself. best results. Let's say you want to buy a new dress for yourself and you have money for it that you honestly earned. It would seem that nothing prevents you from realizing your desire. But do not rush to do this - the desire must be tied to some new achievement of yours. You must set a condition for yourself - I will buy this dress for myself if I do this and that in the near future, if I achieve some goal. And since the dress is not such a big desire, the goal can and should be short-term, that is, achievable in the very near future, but nevertheless requiring some effort from you. It doesn't matter if it's a job where you need to achieve some result, or about relationships with people, for example, with the same man, in which you need to put things in order - just do something that needs to be done, achieve in something, albeit small, but success, to deserve a new dress. If you have done the job - you can encourage yourself, if you haven’t done it - don’t buy anything for yourself, don’t please yourself with anything. Treat yourself the way trainers treat animals, which they reward only when they successfully perform some trick. This is very good way motivation, I myself often use it. I have money for something that I need, that I want to acquire, but I do not buy anything for myself until I achieve some new result in this or that business that I am in currently do. And so I am always perfectly motivated to work. For success, the right motivation is everything. Without it, sometimes even good knowledge and skills will not help to succeed. We are such creatures that, either because of great interest in something, we do something, or out of necessity, when, as they say, life itself makes us move. I prefer to use my interest in something as a motivation, although I sometimes use fear to keep myself from relaxing.

Thus, I believe that a successful woman is a woman who knows what and why she wants and succeeds in precisely those areas that are important to her, which correspond to her value system, and also, and this is the most important - this is a woman who not only feels happy herself, but also makes other people happy. I sincerely apologize to those of you, dear women, who hold different points of view on this issue. I respect your opinion very much, therefore, in no case do I insist that my point of view on women's happiness and the way to achieve it is the ultimate truth. But if you agree with me, then I will be infinitely happy if you follow my advice and thanks to them, but to a greater extent, of course, thanks to yourself, you will achieve the success you need.

Please decide on your goals, values, desires, realize your needs, evaluate your capabilities - and make sure that everything you need from life harmonizes with each other and complements each other. And then just start doing what you have to, and everything will work out for you - you will become a successful woman, I promise. If you don’t know how to deal with all this, how to understand what you want and how to link what you want with each other so that nothing conflicts with anything, you can ask me for help. I have good experience in solving such problems, and, as you now know, thanks, among other things, to my own life experience. My opinion is that if you become happy, you will be successful. And if you are successful and yet unhappy, then that is not real success.