Social protection of the population. Bodies of social protection of the population of the Altai Territory Social protection of the population of the Altai Territory important

Operative information

Planned information

Term: quarterly by the 1st of the month following the reporting month.
Executor: Department of Social Protection of the Population

Agreement of Glavtrudsootszashita and Healthcare: prevention of abandonment of newborn children

Term: quarterly, by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.
Contractor: comprehensive centers of social services for the population, regional rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, regional crisis center for women

Monitoring the organization of individual preventive work

Term: no later than the 1st day of the month following the reporting month (for 2015 no later than 11/01/2016)
Executor: Department of Social Protection of the Population

quarterly, by the 05th of the month following the reporting period
Filled in: complex centers, a crisis center for women, a crisis center for men, social rehabilitation centers.

Term: quarterly, by the 25th of the month ending the reporting period. Cumulative since the beginning of the year
Executor: Department of social protection of the population according to the regional state organizations of social services

Cumulative since the beginning of the year

Term: quarterly by the 1st day of the month following the reporting period
Contractor: integrated centers in the context of the territories served. Cumulative since the beginning of the year

by the end of 2019
Executor: Department of social protection of the population for municipal districts and urban districts (separately for each municipal formation)

Term: at the end of the 1st half of 2019- until July 01, 2019
by the end of 2019- until January 09, 2020
Executor: Regional social and rehabilitation center for minors "Nadezhda", Regional social and rehabilitation center for minors "Solnyshko", Regional social and rehabilitation center for minors "Druzhba", Complex center of social services for the population of the Kamensky district ", Complex center of social services for the population of the city of Rubtsovsk

List of documents for obtaining benefits

List of documents for obtaining subsidies

Compensation is provided to categories of citizens defined by federal regulations and laws of the Altai Territory, specified in article 1 of the law of the Altai Territory of December 27, 2007. No. 156-ЗС, living in the Altai Territory and registered in the prescribed manner at the place of residence.

Compensation can be provided at the place of stay or at the place of actual residence in the Altai Territory for the period of stay or the period of actual residence, provided that citizens do not receive social support measures to pay for housing and utilities at the place of residence.

For the purpose of compensation, the following are submitted:

  • application for the appointment of compensation;
  • a copy of the document proving the identity of the citizen and confirming his registration at the place of residence, place of stay (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized);
  • a copy of the document confirming the right to social support measures to pay for housing and utilities (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • information on non-receipt of social support measures at the place of residence (when exercising the right to social support measures at the place of stay or at the place of actual residence);
  • information on the costs of purchasing solid fuel (in the presence of furnace heating);
  • information about the types of consumed services and organizations that provide them.
When distributed in accordance with federal regulatory legal acts, the laws of the Altai Territory specified in article 1 of the law of the Altai Territory of December 27, 2007. No. 156-ЗС, the right to receive compensation for family members of a citizen who live together with him and are dependent on him or receive an old-age pension and do not enjoy the right to a similar payment on other grounds, documents are additionally submitted confirming the fact that family members are dependent citizen:
  • a copy of the birth certificate or passport (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized) - for minor family members;
  • a certificate of study at an educational institution - for students under the age of 23 who study at educational institutions on a full-time basis;
  • a certificate of receipt of an old-age pension - for persons who have reached retirement age.

To receive a subsidy, citizens specified in paragraph 3 of the Rules for the provision of subsidies for payment of housing and utilities, and family members of citizens specified in paragraph 5 of the Rules (hereinafter referred to as applicants), or persons authorized by them on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the law Russian Federation, submit to the authorized body at the place of permanent residence an application for granting a subsidy with the following documents attached:

  • copies of documents confirming the legal grounds for assigning persons living with the applicant at the place of permanent residence to members of his family (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized). If there are disagreements between the applicant and persons living together with him at the place of permanent residence on the issue of belonging to the same family, the authorized body takes into account persons recognized as such in court as members of the applicant's family;
  • copies of documents confirming the legal grounds for the applicant's ownership and use of the residential premises in which he is registered at the place of permanent residence (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized);
  • documents containing information about persons registered together with the applicant at the place of his permanent residence. If the applicant indicated in the application for the provision of a subsidy as members of his family not all citizens registered with him at his place of permanent residence, he must submit documents confirming the legal grounds for residence in this residential premises of citizens who are not specified in the application;
  • documents confirming the income of the applicant and his family members, taken into account when deciding on the grant of a subsidy. Individual entrepreneurs, in order to confirm the income they receive, submit documents provided for by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation for the taxation system they have chosen, which is certified by a document of the tax authority;
  • documents containing information on payments for housing and utilities accrued for the last month before the application for a subsidy, and on the presence (absence) of arrears in payment for housing and utilities. If the applicant indicated in the application for the provision of a subsidy as members of his family not all citizens registered with him at his place of permanent residence, he is obliged to submit documents confirming the amount of payment made by them for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities;
  • copies of documents confirming the right of the applicant and (or) his family members to benefits, social support measures, compensation for payment for housing and utilities (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is not notarized);
  • copies of documents certifying that the applicant and his family members belong to the citizenship of the Russian Federation and (or) the state with which the Russian Federation has concluded an international agreement, in accordance with which the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities is provided (with the presentation of the original, if the copy is notarized) not certified).
Family members of citizens, in addition to the above documents, submit documents confirming the reason for the retirement of these citizens, as well as the fact of permanent residence in the corresponding dwelling together with these citizens before their retirement.
Documents for assigning a subsidy can be sent to the authorized bodies by mail. In this case, copies of documents sent by mail must be notarized. In this case, the date of receipt of documents by the authorized body is considered the day of applying for a subsidy. The obligation to confirm the fact of sending the documents lies with the applicant.


by the Governor's decree

Altai Territory

dated 11.12.2018 No. 201


on the Ministry of Social Protection of the Altai Territory

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Ministry of Social Protection of the Altai Territory (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry") is the executive body of the Altai Territory, carrying out functions for the implementation of state policy, legal regulation and the provision of public services in the field of social support and social services for the population of the Altai Territory, demographic development of the Altai Territory, overcoming the consequences of the radiation impact on the population of the Altai Territory of nuclear tests and space activities (hereinafter referred to as "the established field of activity"), as well as the functions of managing state property in the established field of activity.

The abbreviated name of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Altai Territory is the Ministry of Social Protection of the Altai Territory.

1.2. In its activities, the Ministry is guided by The Constitution Of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergencies and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, Federal Service for work and employment, The Charter(Basic Law) of the Altai Territory, the laws of the Altai Territory, resolutions of the Altai Territory Legislative Assembly, decrees and orders of the Governor of the Altai Territory, legal acts of the Government of the Altai Territory, other regulatory legal acts, this Regulation.

1.3. The Ministry carries out activities directly and through subordinate regional state institutions(autonomous, budgetary, state-owned) in the established field of activity (hereinafter referred to as "subordinate institutions") in cooperation with federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies, the Government of the Altai Territory, executive authorities of the Altai Territory, local government bodies, public associations, and other organizations , including through electronic document management.

2. Powers

2.1. The Ministry exercises the following powers:

2.1.1. in the field of social support and social services for the population, the demographic development of the Altai Territory, overcoming the consequences of the radiation impact on the population of the Altai Territory of nuclear tests and space activities:

1) carries out work to determine the main directions and priorities of development, monitor, plan and analyze the implementation of state policy on social support and social services for the population, demographic development of the Altai Territory;

2) is the authorized executive body of the Altai Territory:

on the organization of activities for the maintenance of the regional segment of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Register in the Altai Territory;

on the implementation in the Altai Territory of decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure for financial support of social programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to strengthening the material and technical base of social service organizations, providing targeted social assistance to non-working pensioners who are recipients of insurance pensions for old age and disability, and computer literacy training for non-working pensioners;

on the implementation of the powers of the Altai Territory in the field of social services for citizens, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory, including the recognition of citizens in need of social services, drawing up an individual program for the provision of social services;

for sales in the Altai Territory rulings Of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2016 No. 1438 "On approval of the Rules for the payment of a one-time monetary incentive to one of the parents (adoptive parents) upon awarding the Order of Parental Glory" Federation ";

for the appointment and payment of a one-time allowance when transferring a child to a family for raising, a one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript, as well as a monthly allowance for a child of a conscript, in execution orders Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 23.12.2009 No. 1012n "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children";

3) carries out regional state control (supervision) in the field of social services, including state control (supervision) over ensuring the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities for persons with disabilities and provided services in the field of social services in accordance with article 15.1 Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation";

4) implements in the Altai Territory the powers transferred by the Russian Federation within the limits of funds allocated in the form of subventions from the federal budget:

to provide housing for veterans, disabled people and families with disabled children who are registered in need of better housing conditions before 01.01.2005;

to provide housing for citizens dismissed from military service (service), and persons equated to them, registered in need of improving their living conditions before 01.01.2005;

to provide housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, family members of the deceased (deceased) invalids and participants in the Great Patriotic War in accordance with By decree The President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2008 No. 714 "On the provision of housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945";

on the provision of an annual cash payment to persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of Russia";

5) exercises the powers of the executive authority of the Altai Territory, established by decree Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153 "On some issues of the implementation of the main event" Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation "of the state program of the Russian Federation" Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and utilities citizens of the Russian Federation ", in relation to the following categories of citizens:

exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the accident at the production association "Mayak" and persons equated to them;

recognized in the established order as forced migrants;

those who left the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them;

6) exercise the powers provided for in Article 4 of the Law of the Altai Territory dated April 28, 2013 No. 26-ЗС "On the rules for forming lists of citizens entitled to purchase standard housing, and on the procedure for including these citizens in these lists":

maintains a consolidated register of citizens included in the lists of citizens eligible to purchase standard housing (hereinafter - "lists");

maintains a consolidated register of citizens who have exercised their right to purchase standard housing;

determines the procedure for keeping a register of applications of citizens entitled to purchase standard housing;

determines the procedure for maintaining the consolidated and municipal registers of citizens included in the lists, as well as those who have exercised their right to purchase standard housing;

establishes the forms of other documents in order to implement the specified of the law ;

7) is a guardianship and trusteeship body exercising powers in the Altai Territory:

on guardianship and trusteeship of adult citizens recognized by the court as incapable or limited by the court in legal capacity due to mental disorder, addiction to gambling, abuse of alcohol or drugs;

on patronage of adult capable citizens who, for health reasons, cannot independently exercise and defend their rights and fulfill their duties;

by appointment of the manager of the property of missing citizens;

8) organizes and provides social protection, social security, social support and social services for the categories of citizens defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory within the framework of the powers delegated to the subjects of the Russian Federation and the own powers of the Altai Territory, including by providing them with public services;

9) organizes and (or) carries out the registration and (or) issuance to citizens (in terms of the competence of the subject of the Russian Federation):

certificates of the right to social support measures for victims of political repression;

certificates to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;

certificates to participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

certificates to persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

certificates to persons who have received or have had radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or with works to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;

certificates to persons exposed to radiation as a result of the 1957 accident at the Mayak production association and radioactive waste discharges into the Techa River;

certificates of the status of "children of war";

other certificates (certificates, certificates, permits, other documents), the powers to issue and (or) issue which are vested in the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and (or) the Altai Territory;

10) in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory, organizes and carries out:

work on the coordination of subordinate institutions of measures for the implementation individual programs rehabilitation or habilitation of disabled people (disabled children) and providing the necessary assistance to disabled people;

work with public organizations, movements, associations on social support and social services, including with public associations of people with disabilities;

approval of the regulation on the public council for an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by social service organizations;

11) carries out:

functions and powers of the founder of subordinate institutions, coordination and regulation of their activities, control over the observance by subordinate institutions of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory;

fulfillment of the delegated authority of the Russian Federation to make social payments to citizens recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, in terms of financing;

financing of activities carried out by subordinate institutions to promote employment of the population, to assist in the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Altai Territory, other activities, the financing of which is provided for by the law on the regional budget for the corresponding financial year;

centralized financing of social support measures for citizens;

coordination of design assignments in terms of accessibility of social infrastructure facilities located in the Altai Territory for people with limited mobility;

organization of scientific research and implementation of other necessary measures to study the impact of space activities on the population and natural environment Altai Territory;

collection and systematization of information about objects of compact residence of elderly citizens and disabled people, including about objects with an undefined legal status;

introduction into the activities of subordinate institutions modern techniques and work technologies;

analysis and generalization of reports on the use of funds allocated for the implementation of measures of social support of citizens, on the implementation of social programs;

12) organizes and monitors the implementation by local government bodies of the transferred state powers to provide citizens with housing in accordance with by law Altai Territory of 14.09.2006 No. 92-ЗС "On endowing local governments with state powers to provide housing for veterans, disabled people and families with disabled children" by:

conducting inspections of the activities of local self-government bodies in the exercise of state powers;

reclaiming required documents and other information on the exercise of state powers;

hearings of officials of local self-government bodies on the implementation of state powers;

issuance of mandatory written instructions to eliminate the identified violations of the requirements of federal laws and laws of the Altai Territory on the implementation of these state powers by local government bodies or local government officials;

13) organizes work on the formation and maintenance of databases (registers, registers, data banks, etc.) in relation to:

poor citizens living in the Altai Territory;

citizens exposed to radiation;

recipients of social services;

social service providers;

14) forms and maintains a regional register of persons entitled to receive social support measures, on the basis of information provided by subordinate institutions, organizes the work of subordinate institutions for the registration of categories of citizens whose social support is transferred to the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation, for their inclusion in the regional register ;

15) participates in the implementation of a set of measures in the Altai Territory:

to ensure law and order;

on the prevention of terrorism and extremism, countering their ideology;

Drug Abuse Counteraction;

on the prevention of child neglect and delinquency;

to create an accessible environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population;

on social rehabilitation of citizens released from places of imprisonment;

to improve the quality of life of elderly citizens;

16) ensures the activities on the territory of the Altai Territory of the all-Russian children's helpline (emergency services psychological assistance) with a single all-Russian telephone number;

17) participates:

in the implementation of state support for socially oriented non-profit organizations and the development of public-private partnerships;

in cooperation with public charitable and other organizations in resolving issues of humanitarian assistance;

in the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children from low-income families, children in need of special care of the state;

18) exercise other powers in the field of social support and social services for the population, the demographic development of the Altai Territory, overcoming the consequences of the radiation impact on the population of the Altai Territory of nuclear tests and space activities;

2.1.2. in the field of other issues in the established field of activity:

1) develops draft legal acts of the Governor of the Altai Territory, the Government of the Altai Territory;

2) provides:

achievement of target values ​​of indicators determined in the established sphere of activity by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, orders and decrees of the Governor of the Altai Territory, as well as agreements with federal executive authorities;

the priority of goals and objectives to promote the development of competition in the market of social services provided in the field of social services for the population of the Altai Territory;

3) in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory, organizes and carries out:

procurement of goods, works, services, the conclusion of government contracts (agreements) to meet the needs of the Ministry, subordinate institutions;

reception of citizens, consideration of applications from citizens and organizations;

implementation of federal and regional programs in the Altai Territory, as well as other measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, Altai Territory in the established field of activity;

formation and provision of accounting (budget), statistical and other reports in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, Altai Territory;

implementation of measures to protect information constituting a state secret;

planning, organizing and conducting civil defense activities;

mobilization training of Ministry staff and coordination of similar training in subordinate institutions;

completing, storing, recording and using archival documents generated in the course of the Ministry's activities;

4) carries out:

development, implementation and maintenance of software and hardware systems related to the maintenance of information databases in the established field of activity;

monitoring, analysis, planning, forecasting and programming of the socio-economic development of the Altai Territory, investment and exhibition activities;

appointment of an investment commissioner (deputy minister of social protection of the Altai Territory);

work on information support of events in the established field of activity;

information exchange between the Ministry and federal executive bodies, the Government of the Altai Territory, executive bodies of the Altai Territory, local government bodies and other bodies, organizations using telecommunication means;

5) organizes and carries out interagency interaction in connection with the provision of public services and social services, including:

requests on paper and (or) in electronic form from bodies providing public services, bodies providing municipal services, state bodies subordinate to state bodies or local self-government bodies of organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, multifunctional centers and receives from them on paper and (or) in electronic form, documents and information required for the provision by the Ministry of public services and social services;

provides on paper and (or) in electronic form at the request of bodies providing public services, bodies providing municipal services, subordinate to state bodies or local authorities, organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, social services, multifunctional centers at the disposal Ministry documents and information required for the provision of state and municipal services, social services;

6) ensures the organization of the activities and the safe functioning of the subordinate institutions, including the organization of their financing, material and technical support, as well as the organization of compliance by the subordinate institutions with the established norms and requirements of fire safety;

7) in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory, carries out:

internal financial control and internal financial audit;

departmental control in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Altai Territory;

8) participates:

in the development of a mobilization plan for the economy of the Altai Territory for the reporting year;

in the implementation of a set of measures aimed at achieving the values ​​of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the Altai Territory, in the preparation of information on the achieved indicators and their planned values ​​for the period of time established by the current legislation;

in the activities of interregional organizations, holding interregional conferences, seminars, training courses, other events within their competence in the field of cooperation with these organizations;

9) develops proposals for the formation of the regional budget (in sections related to the established scope of activities of the Ministry, subordinate institutions);

10) prepares calculations and justifications, budget applications necessary for the allocation of appropriations from the federal and regional budgets to finance activities in the established area of ​​activity;

11) is the main administrator of the regional budget revenues, the main manager and recipient of the regional budget funds in terms of the appropriations provided for the maintenance of the Ministry, subordinate institutions, as well as for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry;

12) is the main administrator of subsidies for co-financing social programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to strengthening the material and technical base of social service organizations, providing targeted social assistance to non-working pensioners, teaching computer literacy to non-working pensioners;

13) participates in the organization of additional vocational education civil servants of the Ministry, conducting their certification;

14) exercise other powers in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory.

2.2. In order to exercise these powers, the Ministry has the right to:

2.2.1. organize the necessary research;

2.2.2. monitor the provision of public services;

2.2.3. involve, in the prescribed manner, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists, representatives of local self-government bodies municipal districts and urban districts of the Altai Territory (as agreed) to work out issues related to the competence of the Ministry;

2.2.4. request information (documents) necessary (necessary) to make decisions on issues within the competence of the Ministry, as well as provide information (documents) upon requests in accordance with applicable law, including in electronic form;

2.2.5. hold conferences, seminars, competitions, meetings and other events on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

2.2.6. to participate, within the limits of their competence, in the implementation of interregional programs, to carry out interregional cooperation;

2.2.7. send their representatives to committees, commissions, collegia, councils, other public and advisory bodies in case of consideration of issues related to the activities of the Ministry;

2.2.8. create collegia, as well as other coordinating, advisory and expert bodies (commissions, groups, councils);

2.2.9. convene meetings to consider issues within the competence of the Ministry, with the invitation of heads and specialists of the executive authorities of the Altai Territory, structural divisions of the Governor's Administration and the Government of the Altai Territory, local government bodies (as agreed), interested organizations (as agreed);

2.2.10. apply to judicial and law enforcement agencies in order to protect state interests;

2.2.11. give explanations to legal entities and individuals on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

2.2.12. adopt normative and other legal acts in the form of orders on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

2.2.13. exercise other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory.

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Social Protection of the Altai Territory (hereinafter - the "Minister"), appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the Altai Territory, taking into account the opinion of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory, coordinating the activities of the Ministry.

3.2. The Minister has deputies appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the Altai Territory on the recommendation of the Minister, taking into account the opinion of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory, coordinating the activities of the Ministry.

The maximum staffing of civil servants and employees of the Ministry, including the number of Deputy Ministers, is established by an order of the Government of the Altai Territory.

3.3. Minister:

3.3.1. directs the activities of the Ministry;

3.3.2. bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry and for the implementation of state policy in the established area of ​​activity;

3.3.3. represents the Ministry before other legal and individuals, in court and other bodies without a power of attorney, issues powers of attorney, signs contracts, agreements, and other documents on behalf of the Ministry;

3.3.4. distributes responsibilities between his deputies in accordance with their job regulations, approved in the prescribed manner;

3.3.5. disposes in accordance with the current legislation of the property assigned to the Ministry and the financial resources received in accordance with the procedure established by law, opens and closes personal accounts with the federal treasury on behalf of the Ministry, performs transactions on them, signs financial documents;

3.3.6. ensures the observance of financial, accounting and service (labor) discipline in the Ministry;

3.3.7. determines the maximum staffing of subordinate institutions (for state institutions);

3.3.8. according to established order:

approves the staffing table of the Ministry, cost estimates for its maintenance, regulations on structural units Ministries within the established number and wage fund, charters of subordinate institutions;

appoints and dismisses from office civil servants and employees of the Ministry (except for persons appointed by the Governor of the Altai Territory), heads of subordinate institutions, concludes, changes and terminates service contracts and labor contracts with them, approves job regulations and instructions;

coordinates the appointment and dismissal of deputy heads of subordinate institutions;

3.3.9. makes decisions, gives instructions that are binding on civil servants and employees of the Ministry, heads of subordinate institutions, on issues related to the established field of activity;

3.3.10. makes decisions:

on the encouragement (reward) by the Ministry of public civil servants, other employees of the Ministry, subordinate institutions, local government bodies, other organizations for impeccable and effective work in the established field of activity;

on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on state civil servants, other employees of the Ministry, heads of subordinate institutions;

3.3.11. exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory.

3.4. A collegium operates under the Ministry, which makes decisions of a recommendatory nature on the most significant issues of the Ministry's activities. The composition and procedure for the work of the collegium are approved by the Minister.

3.5. The Ministry has the rights of a legal entity, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, other seals and stamps, letterheads with its name, accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.6. Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the Ministry is carried out at the expense of the regional budget.

3.7. The property of the Ministry is assigned to him on the basis of the right of operational management and is the state property of the Altai Territory.

3.8. Reorganization, liquidation of the Ministry is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory.

3.9. The location of the Ministry is the Altai Territory, Barnaul.