Let go of the madness to force a person to kill himself conspiracy. Bringing damage to human health, insanity, alcoholism, impotence and loneliness. Preliminary work. Is it possible to completely remove the damage to madness on your own

The strongest damage to madness is an option suitable for many cases. For example, quite economically and practically, turning to a black magician, eliminate a competitor in business. No yellow press, journalists greedy for scandals, sensations and money, no raider takeovers and other labor-intensive and costly operations. All you need is to secretly visit the magician, and the competitor’s affairs will worsen, and he himself will abruptly go to the bottom.

And, since many modern pragmatic people do not believe in witchcraft and its power, then, while the person on whom damage to madness will lose his mind, and with him everything that he had, what he owned, and what he was proud of , while his relatives will take him to the doctors, spend money on futile treatment, black, sticky, like dirt damage to madness will be worked out, and drive the patient to the grave.

And who, tell me, needs a mistress, who is not all right with her head? An ardent lover will soon leave a woman who has been damaged on her head and return to his wife. And the unfortunate woman will remain with her “voices”. A common version of revenge on an opponent! Yes, any enemy can be punished in this way by sending him to a hospital for the mentally ill. He won't be able to do any more harm.

An important point: the degree of guilt of the enemy must be adequate to the degree of his punishment. severe damage madness is a powerful and very dangerous curse. And the punishment for her will be rather big. This is something to remember for those who order such negative influences from a black magician. You can’t run away from damage - that’s for sure. But one way or another, you will have to answer for what you have done.

How to independently diagnose damage to the head

At first, the patient has confusion in the head. He catches himself in strange words, desires arise that are not characteristic of him. A person, spoiled by a sorcerer for madness, at first writes it off as fatigue, insomnia, daytime experiences. But, day after day, a person wearing damage to his head realizes that something incomprehensible, unnatural is happening.

He goes to the doctors. Specialists examine the patient, do tests, carry out the necessary procedures, and everything turns out that the person is healthy. However, the situation is deteriorating, the negative program had time to gain a foothold in the patient's aura, and damage to madness begins to work out. Doctors try to make a diagnosis, but to no avail.

The patient will begin to experience lapses in memory, hallucinations, states of hysteria, fainting. The condition can quickly worsen up to a complete loss of consciousness. It is interesting that at this stage, when everyone around no longer doubts that a person is really not all right with his psyche, the one who has damage to his head is sure that he is normal, and this is the whole world gone crazy.

A way to make your own damage to madness

It is easy to deprive the mind of a healthy person with the help of magic. Takes a photograph of the victim. On the new moon (preferably on the night of Tuesday or Saturday), heat the needles on the fire and stick them in both eyes, saying: “You have no mind, slave (name), no memory.”

Leave the needles stuck in the photograph overnight. The next morning you need to take them out, take the photo to the cemetery, and bury it next to the fresh grave. Give the dead a good ransom. You should wait for the result from 2 weeks to 2 months. This rite has power, damage to madness is very strong. Even a young healthy person will turn into an idiot.

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How to remove black damage to madness for free

Each healer and white witch has his favorite ways to remove damage, so to speak, universal. However, individual treatment methods are also used. Here is a rough plan of how specialists work with strong damage to madness and the evil eye.

To remove the evil eye and damage, including self-damage to madness, the magician will have to work hard. Usually the work takes place in three stages. The first thing a specialist needs to do is to determine if there is damage on a person, and what is its nature.

What could be worse than madness? No wonder many years ago the classic said: God forbid I go crazy, no better staff and scrip". People deprived of reason scare even their closest relatives, and in others they cause hatred, irritation, and sometimes laughter. Of course, no one is to blame for their illness, but society has a special attitude towards the insane.

But sometimes such a disease is a consequence of a negative impact on a person. Such damage is considered one of the most cruel in its influence. Such measures are sometimes resorted to by deceived wives or robbed partners in order to take revenge on a person who does not know how to keep his word of honor. If you are interested in damage to insanity, and how to do it, I will reveal this secret below.

Damage on the graveyard

Independently by an ordinary person, this ritual is performed on the first or second night of a new lunar cycle. In this case, you need to choose a day - the best is Tuesday or Saturday.

Take a photo of your enemy; but remember that the image must be no older than 10 years, and go to the churchyard. The time of the ritual is from 12 to 2 am. Stand near the freshest grave and stick new needles in both eyes in the photo with the words:

“Your eyes can look at the light of God, but they don’t see the world, they don’t have memory, they lose their mind. From now on, you have no memory, no mind, slave (name).

And put the photo near the grave and sprinkle a little earth. The next day, at noon sharp, return to this place, remove the needles from the photo and bury the image and needles at the head of the grave.

The result will come within a month. Even the healthiest and youngest person will begin to experience mental health problems.

Ancient ritual for madness

This ritual is quite complex and requires special preparation before performing.

  • During the week do not visit God's temple and do not read any prayers;
  • Do not meet with the person against whom you will perform the ritual;
  • Reduce to a minimum during this time your contact with children;
  • Do not conflict or argue with anyone at this time.

Prepare the image of your enemy, black threads of wool and a vessel of melt water.

The ceremony is performed independently on the 27-28th day of the lunar cycle, always on Friday or Saturday. Before starting magical manipulations, take a slightly warm bath with sea salt, remove all jewelry and the pectoral cross, and cover the icons with clean towels.

After the sun has completely set, lay out all the prepared things on the table and begin the ceremony. Take the thread right hand and with the left, begin to unwind them a little and say:

“I unravel the threads, twist, wrap, I twist the fetters, I twist, I want to confuse affairs and mind.”

Then start winding these threads on the photo in the head area and say again:

“Puta, black devil and puta, black lady of spades, help me, help me do the job, let the slave (name) be buried in three churches and they can’t sing, let him be buried in three cemeteries, but they can’t bury. Let his mind go beyond reason, bring grief and trouble with him. As the threads cannot be untangled, not untied, so the slave (name) cannot be healed, not healed, cannot be brought into the mind. Let 12 devils come to the aid of the way, they will take him with them, they will not let him die and they will not let him live. Amen".

After that, put the photo upside down in a container of melt water and twist it there with the words:

“Into the whirlpool of a melting head, I wash all thoughts, all mind out of you, rinse, confuse, confuse. Amen".

Throw the photo down the drain or, if possible, let it run down the stream, throw the water out of the door of your house, burn the threads, and be sure to take the ashes out of the house. It is impossible to leave at least some traces of black rituals in your home.

You can’t perform such rituals if there is someone other than you in the house.

Signs of spoilage

All corruptions carried out have similar signs, and damage to madness is no exception. If damage to madness was carried out, the following signs will tell you how to determine:

  • There are problems with sleep;
  • Mood changes constantly and very quickly;
  • A person is tormented by headaches that are not removed by anything;
  • There are visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • Doctors find it difficult to diagnose and prescribe treatment.

In this case, it is necessary to act very quickly and try to remove the damage to insanity, but it is very difficult to do it on your own, it is best to seek help from a professional magician or sorcerer.

Of course, these are all only indirect signs, and only an experienced master of magic can accurately say about the presence of negativity. And then, only if protection was not put at work.

Preliminary work. Is it possible to completely remove the damage to madness on your own?

To alleviate the fate of a person who has been subjected to such damage and help the sorcerer in his work, go to church, you can go to more than one, and order several prayers everywhere for the health of the sick person.

Be sure to put on a pectoral cross on a spoiled person, which is the best talisman against someone else's negativity.

Keep your home clean, be sure to put salt in the corners of the house, which absorbs someone else's negativity and cleanses the aura.

Let there be icons and holy water in your house. Ask for help to the Lord God and the patron saint of the sick Panteleimon, as well as to Nikolai Ugodnik. By doing this you will help your close person, which was damaged and make it easier for the magician who will treat your relative.

But more effective rituals for removing damage to the madness of this damage are available only to strong masters of black magic.

ZagovorMaga.ru » Damage and evil eye » Consequences of damage made to madness

Damage to madness belongs to the category of rites of black magic. Apply such rituals in the most different areas. More often it is damage to a business partner, or to a competitor, to lovers, or simply to an enemy.

Damage to madness

It is difficult to understand that a person is affected by damage to madness. The first symptomatology is not pronounced and at first glance, its manifestations may seem to be a consequence of elementary fatigue.

What is damage to madness, how to do it

As already mentioned, more often the signs of such damage are confused with the symptoms of chronic fatigue. This plays a decisive role in such a rite.

The thing is that the strength of such damage depends on the degree of neglect. The longer a negative program affects a person, the stronger it becomes. And the harder it is to get rid of it. What is damage to insanity and its consequences that are not easy to remove?

To direct damage to dementia, insanity, use the following set magic tool influence on a person

  • photo of the enemy;
  • hair;
  • personal item;
  • black charmed threads;
  • spoken water.

The photo must be taken individually. Threads must be natural. And the liquid is best to take spring or melt.

If it is not possible to get a photo, then you can use the enemy's personal item. But before using such an accessory, make sure that it really belongs to him. Mistakes in such a case are unforgivable.

Ritual of inducing madness

This rite of passage to induce madness has a long history. The first thing worth mentioning is the fact that Voodoo elements are involved here.

The technology of performing the ritual itself does not have any particular difficulties. But the preparation must be done in accordance with all the rules:

  1. For three days before the ceremony, do not visit the church or any other holy places.
  2. Do not quarrel with anyone, especially limit contact with the future victim.
  3. Do not tell anyone that you are preparing a ritual.
  4. On the day of the ceremony, limit communication with children.

When you fulfill all the conditions of preparation, you need to mentally set yourself up to work with dark energy. Think about what this person has done to you.

You must be completely sure that he deserved punishment, for his mental appearance can change irrevocably. It is impossible to regret and ponder, the decision must be firm.

How to perform the rite

In the evening before the ceremony, you need to take a bath and remove all jewelry from yourself. The water in the bathroom should not be hot.

After dark, you can get to work:

  1. Lay out the picture, threads, and a container of melt water on the table.
  2. Now you need to talk threads.
  3. Take the skein left hand, with your right hand, unwind a little thread and say:

I'm not twisting the thread, I'm trying to persuade the put. To confuse things and confuse the mind!

  1. Next, you need to wrap the photo with this thread.
  2. You need to wrap it in the head area while uttering a special slander:

“In a gray field, there is a black church,

Yes, in that church, one priest is an anathema,

Yes, in the church the parish is inferno,

There are 36 devils, yes 4 suits,

Satisfiers like blasphemous deeds minions.

That funerals, razluchniki, ailments helpers,

Undead vorkovniki, death matchmakers,

That tribe of Herod, who drank blood.

So go you blasphemers

From that black church, but across the gray field,

Burials, burial grounds, all who are collected in a well,

Go to * N *, throw his life,

Shuffle, marked day, then lost to the queen of spades,

Measure his flour, deprive him of a good share

Funeral *H* in that black church,

Let's not live, throw it around the world,

Yes, and do not co-own to die,

Even there will be no peace in this abode,

Not in your bakery.

That priest of an anathemist is implored by prayers,

That is 36 devils, 4 suits for the brothers pleasing, agile

Then you are a black fate, pernicious * H * implored by an anathema priest.

Funeral candles, the nameless grave is all sealed,

I rinse out! In the pool of your thoughts, in the pool of your deeds! Sober mind, I'll twist your bright head!

It is imperative to destroy all traces of the ritual, because this is not the providence of God. Do not leave traces of your participation, all things that took part in the ritual must be carefully destroyed.

Damage to insanity and mental disorders, as usual

Damage to insanity and mental disorders - degradation

What are the consequences of damage to insanity

Damage to madness refers to rituals of gradual action. You should not expect that your enemy will show signs of dementia in the first days after the ritual, even if you really want to speed up the action will not work. This does not happen, the first signs, and the consequences of the impact of the negative will be as follows:

  1. Difficulty in expressing thoughts.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. The first signs of anxiety.
  4. Persecution mania.
  5. Groundless fear.

Over time, the symptoms will become more pronounced, especially if the magician managed to bring everything to completion. The use of traditional medicine at first will only help for a short period of time. But it will not be a cure, it will be a disguise.

When the strength of the impact reaches a certain point, a period of intense manifestation will begin. They will become more frequent, panic attacks, seizures, tantrums may begin, aggression towards others may be clearly manifested.

If the moment of exacerbation is missed, the program will end its destructive effect and then the anti-programming will not work. It should be taken into account the fact that conventional methods of treatment, that is, official medicine, will not be effective. If it is possible to neutralize the work of corruption, this must be done before the impact enters the progression phase.


Damage to madness: signs of damage, consequences

Damage to insanity is considered one of the most sophisticated in terms of the degree of danger and cruelty of a person's magical punishments. Many people dealing with spells have not yet come to a consensus as to what is the more terrible effect on the enemy - the inevitable death that occurred as a result of a slander, or a miserable existence until the end of days with a lost mind.

Such a rite as damage to madness is most often used as a tool of retribution by deceived wives for cheating husbands and their mistresses, as well as people who want to plague their competitors or partners whose views did not agree with their opinion.

In order not to take sin on the soul because of the ritual of inflicting death on their enemy, the offended choose an equally terrible method of reprisal - damage to insanity.

The consequences of this magical effect are even more deplorable for a person than physical illness or imminent death. That is why, if you decide to spoil the madness, weigh the pros and cons of the ritual, as there will be no turning back, and the person will be doomed until the end of his days.

If you have suspicions that you or your loved ones have been subjected to a magic spell, as a result of which damage was inflicted on insanity, then first you need to make sure that your guesses are correct. There are certain signs that will answer the question of how to determine whether a ritual has been performed.

  1. A person who has undergone such a rite will periodically have problems with memory, he will begin to confuse words, change endings, speak nonsense, and will not be able to normally maintain a conversation.
  2. Over time, the victim will begin to have problems sleeping, there will be physical ailment, depression, clouding of the mind, hallucinations, the person will become very absent-minded.
  3. Frequent mood swings will become commonplace.

Unfortunately, these signs are often confused with chronic fatigue, as well as a lack of rest and do not pay due attention to them. Of course, the reasons may be hidden in an irregular work schedule and other factors, but if after a long rehabilitation period there is no improvement, then most likely the person is under magical effect. In this case, you should immediately think about how to remove the damage to madness.

Only magicians and sorcerers can help in solving this problem, since this ritual has a very destructive force and its elimination will require not only a lot of energy, but also the availability of special knowledge and experience in this area magic spells.

Before you spoil your enemy for madness, think about the consequences not only for your offender, but also about how this ceremony will affect your emotional, spiritual and physical condition.


Damage to madness: signs

Everyone behaves differently

Damage to insanity is one of the most dangerous and extremely cruel types of influence. It is still unknown which of the options is more humane - to bring inevitable death to a person or doom him to a miserable existence with a lost mind. This type of ceremony is asked to be carried out, as a rule, by deceived wives against the mistresses of their husbands, unscrupulous competitors in order to remove a more successful rival, people to whom the future victim somehow crossed the road. Without resorting to the most terrible rite of passage for death, envious people choose a no less monstrous option - damage to madness.

Signs of damage to insanity

  1. Intermittent memory problems. A person starts talking, confuses endings in words, cannot adequately support a conversation.
  2. Deterioration of well-being, insomnia. Clouding of consciousness, absent-mindedness, depression.
  3. Causeless emotional swings from sudden hysteria to complete apathy.

Usually, ignorant people associate such signs with chronic fatigue from too intense work, lack of rest, sleep, and age-related health problems. Maybe so. But, if the symptoms do not disappear after a change of environment, active rest and other positive events, most likely this rite was performed against a person.

One of the options for damage to madness

Emotions prevail

It should be remembered that the stronger and more negative the result of the conspiracy, the more severe the consequences will affect the customer himself. This is where the boomerang effect kicks in. Whoever wants to subject another person to such a strong rite must remember that for him this action will not pass without a trace.

To complete the ceremony, you must take a photograph of the victim. On the new moon, heat two needles on a candle flame and stick them in the eyes of the victim, repeating to yourself:

"You have no mind, slave (name), no memory."

Leave the photo with the needles on all night. In the morning, remove the needles, and bury the photograph in the cemetery next to the fresh grave. Be sure to leave a valuable thing on the grave, as a thank you to the deceased for his assistance. The result usually happens within two weeks to a couple of months.

Removing damage to madness

Only specialists can help in this matter, trying to remove it yourself is useless. Damage has such destructive power that removing it is an incredibly time-consuming process and requires colossal energy costs that are beyond the control of ordinary person.


Damage to the head - very strong magic

It leads to dementia: a person gradually loses memory, problems with the psyche and behavior begin. The enemy, no matter how hateful he may be, has the right to atonement for his guilt and to forgiveness. The consequences of damage are so terrible that before using it, you need to weigh everything very well: a person will be physically alive, but he will cease to be himself, people close to him will suffer.

When applying damage to the head, there is a danger of a mirror lapel: the magician who cast the spell is “attached” to the victim, and if a person strong in such matters comes to her aid, then the magic can return to the one who cast it. The one who has done evil can himself accept it, that is, he can become imbecile himself.

Destruction of the mind by photography

On the night of Tuesday or Saturday, on the new moon, prepare a photograph of the victim (one where she is captured alone), 2 needles, a candle and a ransom for otherworldly forces that will deprive this person of reason.

Prepare the room: close all windows and doors, you should be left alone with your thoughts and magical attributes.

Light a candle and glow both needles on it. Take a photo of the victim. Look at her carefully. Ready to ruin her life and deprive her mind? If you are sure that you are right, pierce the human eyes in the photograph with red-hot needles, and say:

You have no mind, slave (name), no memory.

Go to bed, and the next morning, when you wake up, go to the cemetery, look for a fresh burial. Bury the photograph in the grave, and leave the richer for the services of the deceased.

In a few weeks (within 3 months) your enemy will become crazy.

potato field

Very strong, tested by practicing magicians, damage to the head is performed in a potato field through a photograph of an object.

On the 20th lunar day, go to the potato field. Need the most extreme bush in the left corner. Carefully dig it up, take a tuber and, without tearing it from the plant, name it three times with the name of the victim and cut a cross on it, saying:

I cut it with a cross, I remove the cross from you.

Place the card face up in the place where the tuber lay, and press it with it. Cover with earth. Now you need to make sure that the bush does not dry out: water it - it will still come in handy.

As the full moon comes, go back to the field to the potato bush. Dig up the same tuber, cut it with a cross again, but do not break the connection with the plant. Place a pea in fresh cuts and sprinkle earth on top. Let the potato be like a whole. Bury it with the words:

I put it on you, I leave it on you. I stick a tumor to your head. Grow, grow, stay with (name).

Now you have to wait 40 days and 40 nights. The bush all this time needs to be fertilized and watered.

On day 41, dig up the photo and the tuber. Place them in a jar and sprinkle with salt. Magic can be made even more brutal by piercing a photo with a needle, pouring vinegar over it, and so on. All actions must be accompanied by a mention of the grievances caused to you by the enemy.

After some time, the object will begin to suffer very much: at first, unbearable headaches will begin ...

Manifestations of magical intervention

Determining the presence of damage to the head is easy. Its symptoms are as follows: sudden clouding of consciousness, hallucinations, fainting, tantrums and mental disorder against the background of an ideal clinical picture. Doctors cannot make a diagnosis, all tests and examination results are within the normal range.

How to restore clarity of thought

To neutralize harmful magic, boil porridge from five types of cereals. You will cook it - read “Hail to the Virgin Mary ...”, “Our Father!”, And then:

Crown of glory of Jesus Christ, Keep the mind clean, Remove ruin and devastation, Numbness and stupefaction, Unconsciousness and mutilation, Misunderstanding and illness, All head suffering. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bring that porridge to the birds at 12 pedestrian intersections. Let them peck a treat, but save them from misfortune.

Stronger than all other types of damage - damage to madness. This is the most dangerous type of damage, which is used in many cases and is, in fact, universal. In this way, you can eliminate an opponent in any business - be it business, stage or family. Since in our time people do not often believe in the power of witchcraft, no one will think about the source of the problem, and a long and useless treatment will sooner or later bring a person to the grave. Thus, a jealous wife can get rid of her husband's mistress - after all, why does he need an insane woman? Or, a not very successful businessman in this way will remove the main competitor from the road, because along with the mind, the affairs of this person will go to the bottom.

In a person who is induced by this type of damage, at first causeless fatigue, problems with sleep and concentration are observed. A person catches himself on strange thoughts and desires that arise out of nowhere, on a complete confusion in his head. Initially, a person may not pay due attention to this, because everyone can have a slight clouding of their mind due to heavy workloads, emotional experiences. But until attention is paid to the problem, it only gets more complicated. Later, the victim of damage to insanity may suspect something strange and turn to doctors, but they will not be able to detect the disease. By all indications, the person seems to be absolutely healthy, and it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis. At the same time, the situation worsens significantly, memory lapses, loss of consciousness, hysteria and fainting begin.

Removal of spoilage

Removing the evil eye of damage to madness is a very complex process and not every magician can do it. Strong damage to madness is the great secret of magic. Its implementation implies the observance of many details and high energy costs. The most dangerous result of such damage can be a severe form of schizophrenia and the complete rejection of a person by society.

Such rituals are very dangerous to carry out on your own. Bringing damage takes a lot of strength and energy, and any mistake can cost you health, or even life. It is best to contact experienced magician which you are sure of. Professional knowledge and many years of experience, passed down to me by inheritance, allow me to master the rite of any complexity. Here you can order damage, and do not worry that the victim will determine the source of its origin. Under no pretext I do not give out the data of the people who contacted me, everything is confidential. By contacting me, you can also not be afraid of the return of damage.

You can contact me:

+380 094 501 0 530 (Viber, WhatsApp)

Damage to madness

The basic rules for conducting such a ritual as damage to madness:

Any action and assistance from the dark forces require a certain fee from the performer, and this fee is by no means measured in money;

When conducting the ceremony, it is necessary to take into account the rules related directly to this ceremony, and the general rules, the so-called "safety precautions".

Safety precautions when pointing damage

Before the ritual is carried out, a “diagnostics” of the victim must be carried out in order to determine if she has any protection, this must be taken into account;

If it is desirable to use it - this way you guarantee yourself that in case of any “failure” in the conduct of the ritual, the response will pass you by;

Do not "grab" every "recipe" you find - think about "whether it will work" this species damage to a specific victim. Better - consult with a specialist. Even better - order a job for him, it's safer;

Not all victims are "dumb" and do not feel anything, so in addition to diagnosing the victim, first pick up a beautiful defense for yourself. Even if you are not going to do the work yourself;

A good master, when conducting such rituals, takes risks instead of you, which means he costs money, you need to be prepared for this. Do not be stingy - a living enemy costs more. And damage to madness completely neutralizes it.

Damage to madness. Examples.

Damage to madness - to the shadow of the church

The plot is read standing in the shadow of the church, located under the left foot. The text is read 3 times. Then the photo must be burned. Leave silently, without looking back. Observe safety precautions. (Take the ransom after the ceremony). There are a variety of repayment options, read the literature, select the appropriate option.

Damage to madness - through becoming
Damage to insanity through the application of a certain Stav causes mental deviations, aggressive manic-depressive psychosis, and with serious effort, even death.

Rule 1 - you need to apply becoming on the day of the exact new moon immediately after dawn (not during it, but after).

Rule 2 - it is better to entrust this type of damage to an experienced specialist, because. it "breaks through" the protection of the object.

Rule 3 - when ordering a similar bet on madness from a specialist, you order yourself Becoming on defense, because. you are prudent, and you have something to live for. Therefore, before the "attack" - we select for ourselves - beautiful and durable "armor". After all, you are worth it!

I have great experience this area, so if you want to get a safe job with an excellent result, feel free to contact me!