How to make oil in wows. Combat economy World of Warships. How to get more experience and credits per battle. Fuel to the front

Soviet oil workers made an invaluable contribution to the victory in the Second World War. Without oil, it would have been unthinkable to resist the technically equipped fascist army, so from the very beginning of the war there was a fierce struggle: not to allow the enemy to reach any well, at the same time to provide fuel for the equipment for the Red Army. The entire industry of the USSR was rebuilt on a war footing, and the oil industry played a decisive role in it.

Soviet oil workers made an invaluable contribution to the victory in the Second World War. Without oil, it would have been unthinkable to resist the technically equipped fascist army, so from the very beginning of the war there was a fierce struggle: not to allow the enemy to reach any well, at the same time to provide fuel for the equipment for the Red Army. The entire industry of the USSR was rebuilt on a war footing, and the oil industry played a decisive role in it.

1. War of motors

At the 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in December 1927, JV Stalin noted: "You cannot fight without oil, and whoever has an advantage in the oil business has a chance of winning the coming war."

"Modern war will be a war of motors: motors on the ground, motors in the air, motors on water and under water," he noted, speaking at a meeting of the Main Military Council on January 13, 1941. "In these conditions, the winner is the one with more motors." On the eve of World War II, the appearance of the armed forces was determined by tanks, aircraft, and the navy, which could not work without oil.

2. Oil hike

As the Minister of Armaments and War Industry of the Third Reich Albert Speer recalled, "we invaded Russia because of oil."

“I know,” he admitted in one of his interviews, “that many other reasons were put forward, but I can assure you that Hitler's top priority was to supply us with fuel.”

In 1938, oil production in Germany was scanty - only 550 thousand tons, which did not even cover 10% of domestic needs and amounted to 0.2% of the world indicator. The production of artificial aviation and motor gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricating oils reached 1.6 million tons, which also could not meet the needs of the Third Reich.

On the eve of World War II the main role imports played in the oil balance of Germany. The lion's share of oil and oil products remained imported. In the last pre-war year, the oil imports of the Third Reich amounted to about 5.7 million tons. Moreover, more than 80% of this figure went under the item “from overseas” and was controlled by the heavyweights of the international oil market - mainly American companies and the Anglo-Dutch concern Royal Dutch Shell. With the outbreak of war, it was difficult to count on these supplies. By 1940, oil imports "from overseas" had almost completely ceased. Alternative sources were needed. The possibilities of Romania, which in May 1940 concluded an "oil pact" with Berlin, were limited. The Soviet Union remained, at that time the second in the world and the first on the Eurasian continent oil power: oil production in the USSR in 1940 amounted to 31.1 million tons.

3. Fuhrer's mistake

On June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union. German generals assured: you need to go to Moscow, which is the most important center of communications and communications, the political and industrial center of the country. But Hitler had a different opinion.

“My generals do not understand anything about the war economy,” the Fuehrer first uttered his famous phrase, demanding that the main attack be made in the southern direction. The seizure of the Crimea, Hitler explained, is a reliable supply of oil from Romania, the seizure of the southern territories is blocking the "delivery of oil to the Russians from the Caucasus", the seizure of the Caucasus is oil for the Reich.

After Smolensk, the Fuhrer redistributed his main efforts in favor of the southern direction. The decision was based on the apparent ease of promotion of the "Center" group. In the opinion of the German generals, the transfer of the main efforts of the army to the south in August-September 1941 was a "fatal decision" that led to the disruption of the "lightning-fast" war plan. Later, Hitler nevertheless changed his mind and decided to strike at Moscow, but time was lost.

The Germans reached the suburbs of the Soviet capital only in the middle of autumn 1941 and were stopped by the unprecedented strength and toughness of the resistance of the Red Army and the Moscow people's militia. The situation was aggravated by an acute shortage of fuel. The war had already ceased to be a victorious blitzkrieg and required significant fuel consumption.

4. The main goal of 1942 is oil

Determining plans for 1942, Hitler set the primary task of breaking through to the Caucasus. Directive No. 41 of April 5, 1942 read: "... first of all, all the forces at our disposal should be concentrated for the main operation in the southern sector in order to destroy the enemy west of the Don, in order to then capture the oil-bearing regions in the Caucasus and cross the Caucasian ridge." ... It was also planned that the Caucasus would become the key to the oil Middle East, where General Erwin Rommel was simultaneously making his way through North Africa. The Reich had to take black gold in an iron vice. According to the plan of the German command, 1942 was supposed to be the year of solving the oil problems of Germany and the guarantor of future victory.

5. Not a drop of oil to the enemy

A group of oil specialists and NKVD workers was promptly formed, which left for Krasnodar. In the shortest possible time, a special set of measures was developed to destroy the fields, which was implemented already under enemy fire: first, the oil pumping and compressor stations were liquidated, then the wells, and last of all, the power plants. Having retreated with the partisans in Tuapse, Baybakov's group with the same mission relocated to Grozny, where fierce battles were fought nearby, in the Malgobek area. And from Grozny the specialists went to Baku.

According to archival documents, the main oil nurse was also prepared for destruction.

From the decree of the State Defense Committee No. 2173 of August 14, 1942 "On special preparatory activities on the Baku oil industry ":" In connection with the current military situation, the State Defense Committee decides: to oblige the NKVD of the USSR, together with the People's Commissariat of the Oil Industry, to carry out special measures to prepare for the decommissioning of oil industry facilities (wells, tanks, enterprises and equipment) of the Baku oil industry , which by the time these events start will not be exported. " Fortunately, the dire plan to liquidate Baku's oil industry did not have to be put into motion. The proposals of the allies on the introduction of troops into the Transcaucasus and "assistance" in the destruction of the Baku oil fields were not implemented either. The enemy never broke through to the main oil center of the USSR.

6. Artery of life

The 900-day siege of Leningrad (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944) is one of the most heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War... The city remained undefeated. Its defenders and residents paid a terrible price. At the Nuremberg trials, a figure will be announced - 632 thousand dead. But few people know that there could have been even more victims. Many lives were saved by a top-secret facility - a unique pipeline laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga, which the inhabitants of Leningrad called the "artery of life" for a reason.

According to the approved project, the pipeline was supposed to have a capacity of 400 tons per day, a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 30 km. Small sections were laid on land on both banks, and most of the pipeline (about 21.5 km) had to pass along the bottom of Ladoga, at depths from 1 to 12.5 m. The headworks were decided to be located at the tip of Cape Careggi, which jutted into the lake and thereby slightly reduced the underwater part. To this point should have been laid railroad, to build a station Kosa, a discharge rack for 12 tanks; in case of bombing, locate at a distance from each other backup pumping units, mobile power plants and tanks for storing petroleum products. The end point of the pipeline was the area of ​​the village of Borisova Griva.

Work on the lake section began on May 31, 1942, and was completed by June 14. On June 19, 1942, a government commission signed an act of acceptance of the pipeline into operation. In total, over the 20 months that the Ladoga pipeline was in operation, 40 thousand tons of fuel were transferred through it. The freed up transport delivered food to the blockade. With great difficulties, but still the city services worked. Despite everything, the city survived and survived, including due to the presence of minimal volumes of fuel.

7. Germany's fuel disaster

The fuel disaster for Germany came in May 1944. Albert Speer recalled: “On May 8 I returned to Berlin ... And four days later an event occurred that made me remember this date forever - May 12, 1944. Indeed, it was on this day that the enemy finally won victory in the field of military production. Before that, despite significant losses in armament, we managed, in general, to meet the needs of the Wehrmacht. After a raid of 935 bombers from the US 8th Air Force on artificial fuel factories in central and eastern Germany, a completely new period began ... It marked the beginning of the complete collapse of the German military industry. "

The Germans tried to restore the destroyed factories, urgently implemented a program for the construction of underground facilities. But all this could no longer change the course of events.

8. Each ton of oil is our salvo against Hitler

Meanwhile, Soviet oil workers fought on the oil front under the slogan "Every tone of oil is our salvo at Hitler!" People worked day and night, not getting enough sleep, receiving meager food rations. The men who went to the front were replaced by their wives. The women were not afraid of any work, they even worked in drilling! Those who did not have sufficient physical strength went to the oil production brigades, to tractor bases, oil pumping stations.

Having withstood the most desperate first months and overcoming the critical years of 1942 and 1943, the oilmen managed to stabilize production and reverse the negative trend of decline. It is insignificant in numbers, but the fact itself is remarkable: already in 1944, oil production increased by 300 thousand tons and amounted to 18.3 million tons. In 1945, the growth amounted to almost 1.2 million tons - 19.4 million tons at the end of the year.

Oil production in the USSR million tons

9. Fuel to the front!

During the Great Patriotic War, the consumption of the main types of fuels and lubricants by the armed forces of the USSR amounted to about 13.4 million tons. At the same time, the growth in fuel consumption in major battles is indicative. If for almost 7 months of the battle near Moscow (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942), with all the difficulties associated with the loss of territory and the disruption of economic ties, 294.4 thousand tons of fuel were consumed, then already in 1943, only 1 , 5 months of the battle on the Kursk Bulge (July 5 - August 23, 1943), the consumption of fuels and lubricants amounted to more than 204 thousand tons. That is, if in the first case the average monthly fuel consumption was about 43 thousand tons, then in the second - already about 136 thousand tons. More than double growth.

The fuel factor also affected the technical parameters of domestic military equipment. Soviet designers created the best samples in the absence of significant fuel restrictions. There was an opportunity to lay in a higher power, increase combat equipment, and increase the strength characteristics of military equipment. The famous T-34 tank of the 1940-1941 model had a highway fuel consumption of 140 liters per 100 km. As a result of a number of innovations, the 1942 T-34 consumed 150 liters on highways. And the car produced in 1943 - 155 liters. Parameters such as armor, armament, speed characteristics, maneuverability, power reserve, and so on have been improved.

In the document "From the results of the work of the rear during the Great Patriotic War", drawn up on June 26, 1947, it was emphasized: "The supply of ... the army with diesel fuel, kerosene and naphtha was not limited by production resources." As the shortage of fuel fettered Germany's military might, the Soviet Union, which defended its oil potential in a bloody battle, confidently increased the mobility and technical equipment of its armed forces.

Fuel supplies to the people's commissariats of defense and navy, thousand tons

10. Thanks to the allies

Since the beginning of the war, aviation high-octane gasoline has been a bottleneck in the fuel supply of the armed forces of the USSR. The best aviation gasoline, which was produced in Soviet factories, had a much lower octane number, equal to only 78! On the eve of the war, the USSR made hasty attempts to increase the production of aviation gasoline in general and high-octane fuel in particular, which was part of a large-scale modernization program for domestic oil refining, which was to be completed by the end of the third five-year plan in 1942. However, then the problem could not be solved. The allies in the anti-Hitler coalition came to Moscow's aid.

The scientific literature provides different volumes of supplies of petroleum products under the terms of Lend-Lease. The figures are from 2 to 2.9 million tons. The main types of supplies were aviation gasolines and high-octane components for their production. According to various sources, the volume of allied deliveries of aviation gasoline to the Soviet Union was estimated from 1.2 to 1.5 million tons. In order to assess what these numbers meant, we present the simplest calculations. According to official data, over 4.481 million tons of aviation gasoline was consumed by the Soviet armed forces during the war years. Consequently, if we focus on the figure of 1.2 million tons of allied supplies, it turns out that about 26.7% of aviation gasoline was received by the Soviet armed forces through lend-lease assistance. If we take the figure of 1.5 million tons as a basis for calculations, then we will get an even higher figure. In this case, 33.5% of aviation gasoline in Soviet Air Force were of Lend-Lease origin. Thus, according to these data, almost every fourth or every third aircraft was fueled with fuel that came to the country through allied agreements. It must be admitted that the share looks very significant. And this is only a quantitative indicator that does not take into account the high quality of the fuel supplied by the allies.

As noted by the researcher of oil supplies I. I. Igolkin, “if we imagine a“ virtual reality ”in which these supplies would not exist, then the Red Army would still receive gasoline with octane numbers 74 and 78, for which it would have to redistribute resources and more to increase the production of the R-9 additive more. But The Soviet Union didn't have to do it. The Allies, despite all the disagreements that accompanied the great powers during the Second World War, were able to pool economic resources and act as a united front against a common enemy.

Maria Slavkina, Doctor of Historical Sciences

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All hands on deck! With patch 6.2, a new location will appear in the game. To get there, players will need to build a Dock in their garrison. In addition to the waterway to Tanaan Jungle, the Dock allows you to build Ships, complete Naval missions, and receive various rewards (for example, Iron Fleet Treasure Chests).

We recommend using the addon Master Plan is the best garrison management addon at the moment. The addon can be found and downloaded. For convenient mission management, we recommend using the add-on Garrison Mission Manager... You can find and download it.

After the release of the patch, players will be able to receive / (garrison level 3 required). This quest starts a chain where you will be able to build / Lunarfall Harbor / Frostwall Harbor. To build a Pier 1 level requires 150 garrison resources and 150g. After mastering Tanaan Jungle and completing naval missions, you can upgrade the Dock to levels 2 and 3. It should be noted that the Dock is a separate building that does not occupy existing slots.

The dock will be located on the coast near where the players spawned after the destruction of the Dark Portal at the beginning of the expansion. For the Alliance, the location is called Dusk Wharf, for the Horde, Southwind Shore. In the next section, we will take a closer look at the construction process of the Pier.

1. How to build a Marina

In order to build the Dock and get into Tanaan Jungle, you need to perform simple actions that usually do not cause problems for players. You need character level 100 and 3 levels.

By visiting the garrison, you will receive /. The quest starts a chain during which you can enter Tanaan Jungle and build the Dock.

Below you will find detailed information on the quests for both factions.

1.1. Alliance:

How to build a Marina(paragraph Chasing Buzz Dan)

  • Exarch Nayel.
  • Exarch Yrel in the southeast. The required items are located in the western part of the docks and are displayed on the map. In addition, you can participate in a bonus event to receive 200 garrison resources and some gold.
  • .
  • from Blueprints of Ryrk Marina
  • Garrison Return Stone.
  • - King Varian issues a quest to build Lunarfall / Frostwall Marina. This requires 150 garrison resources and 150g. Turn in the quest to Roark at Dawn Wharf and watch the cutscene about building the Wharf.

( Chasing Buzz Dan)

  • and you can take this task from him. Go to Solog, which stands on the shore east of the pier. After completing this quest, you will receive 200 Oil.
  • - Solog gives
  • - Turn in the task to the nearest shipbuilder,.
  • - Create your first ship. After one minute, you can touch the outline of the ship and watch a short video.
  • - Time for attacks! Travel to the other side of the Wharf and talk to Yrel.
  • , the second -. Turn in the assignment
  • - Go through the gate to the west, avoiding the volleys. Destroy the cannon on the hill. Continue west and turn in the quest to Nayel, who is next to the south wall.
  • “Follow Niell to where your base will be established in Tanaan Jungle, Lion's Watch. After watching the video, you can take several tasks and go explore the area.

, which can be obtained from the Lion's Watch.

  • - Yrel also gives a quest that allows you to access naval missions. Take this quest, return to the garrison, and speak to the dock.
  • - It's time for the first naval mission! After you take on the mission, Merrek will go to the fleet commander's desk and you can begin Behind the Cargo. Execution time - 1 min.
  • - Merrek will give you Ship Blueprint: Destroyer. Use the blueprint to learn how to build destroyers. Go to Yanas and build a destroyer. It will take 1 minute to build, after which you can complete another short mission, Practice Battle.
  • - Oh no! The submarine your ship collided with turned out to be too strong and the destroyer was destroyed. Luckily, Janas can build another one. This time the destroyer will be offered a rare mission. After completing it, he will return with Fel Smokescreen Second Attempt).
  • - Merrek will tell you about the equipment of the ships and send to. To complete this quest, you must take Equipment Blueprint: Crucible
  • - The specialist will give you the Crucible blockade mission, Blockade: South Sea

1.1. Horde

How to build a Marina(paragraph "Everyone on deck" from the achievement Chasing Buzz Dan)

  • - This quest appears automatically when you visit your level 3 garrison after the release of the patch.
  • - Take the air taxi in the garrison and fly to the Iron Docks to find someone who knows how to build the Dock. Turn in the quest to Sammy Five Fingers.
  • - Find explosives and a detonator in the docks, and then travel to the southeast. The required items can be found in the south, on the way to Durotan (they are displayed on the minimap). In addition, you can participate in a bonus event to receive 200 Garrison Resources and some gold.
  • - Place the explosives on the nearest train and use the detonator to free it.
  • Return to the large ogron loading dock in the southwest to find the grappling hook. With the help of the grappling hook you can climb to the balcony, where you will be waiting for you from the Blueprints of the Ryrka Wharf. Take the plans and turn in the task to Roarke, who will appear on the balcony behind you.
  • Return to the garrison. If possible, use the Garrison Return Stone for this.
  • - Vol'jin issues a task to build Lunarfall / Frostwall Marina. This requires 150 garrison resources and 150g. Turn in the mission to Roark at the Southwind Shore and watch the cutscene about the construction of the Dock.

How to create a base in Tanaan Jungle (Invasion of Tanaan item from achievement Chasing Buzz Dan)

  • - After watching the video, you will see the wizard and you will be able to take this task from him. Go to Solog, which stands on the shore under a cliff. After completing this quest, you will receive 200 Oil.
  • - Solog gives Ship Blueprint: Transport Ship. Use the blueprint to learn how to build ships of the first type (infantry transport).
  • - Create your first infantry transport. After one minute, you can touch the outline of the ship and watch a short video.
  • - Time for attacks! Go to the other side of the Wharf and talk to Draka.
  • - Find the necessary items in the buildings of the Iron Horde, which are located on both sides of the road. The first building is guarded, the second -. Turn in the quest that awaits you by the road leading to the north.
  • - Go through the gate to the west, avoiding the volleys. Destroy the cannon on the hill. After that, head west and talk to Mutumba, who is standing under the tree to the west of the cannon.
  • “Follow Mutumba to your base in Tanaan Jungle, Wol'mar. After watching the video, you can take several tasks and go explore the area.

From the point of view of the Pier story line in Tanaan Jungle is over for you. If you want to quickly go to the execution of naval missions, you can leave this location. However, we recommend that you run a short chain to access daily tasks for Apexis Crystals and Oil. The chain starts with, which you can get from in Wol'mar.

How do I access naval missions?

  • - Brawl also gives a quest that allows you to access naval missions. Take this quest, return to the garrison, and speak to the dock.
  • - It's time for the first naval mission! After you take on the mission, Rolosh will go to the fleet commander's desk and you can start Behind the Cargo. Execution time - 1 min.
  • - Rolosh will give you Ship Blueprint: Destroyer. Use the blueprint to learn how to build destroyers. Go to Solog and build a destroyer. It will take 1 minute to build, after which you can complete another short mission, Practice Battle.
  • - Oh no! The submarine your ship collided with turned out to be too strong and the destroyer was destroyed. Fortunately, Solog can build another one. This time the destroyer will be offered a rare mission. After completing this, he will return from the Fel Smoke Screen so that you can use this improvement in the second fight with the submarine (Second Attempt).
  • - Rolosh will tell you about the equipment of the ships and send you to. To complete this task, you must take the Equipment Blueprint: Crucible from the nearest pier and take it to the equipment specialist.
  • - The specialist will give you a Crucible, with which you can improve one of the ships. After that, you will be able to perform the first blockade mission, Blockade: South Sea. The mission lasts 1 hour, however, the task can be completed immediately after the ship goes into battle. As a reward, you will receive 1000 oil and 5 Urgent fulfillment of orders: dock (allow you to instantly complete the construction of the ship).

2. How to improve the Marina

Despite the fact that the Wharf is a garrison and has several levels, the process of improving it is different from the process of improving other buildings. The jetty does not appear in the architect's desk interface.

Rare Elite Mobs in Tanaan Jungle

Tanaan Jungle is home to many rare monsters, four of which pose a particular threat. For killing each elite rare monster (,, and) required for Hellstorm, you will receive 100 oil once a day.

Garrison Missions

For the successful completion of some missions for companions, you can get oil. These missions appear infrequently. The amount of oil obtained can be increased using the Mechanic trait. You can recruit a follower with this trait in the hotel or change the traits of existing followers.
In patch 6.2, the Mechanic trait is guaranteed to have followers /, but in order to hire them, you will have to upgrade your reputation with Hand of the Prophet / Vol'jin's Headhunters to Respect and pay 600g.

Bonus events for apexis crystals

Bonus events occur in accordance with a cyclical schedule and provide advantages when performing some game actions. The event associated with the apexis crystals is called. You will receive 1000 oil as a reward. To complete, you need to organize three attacks in specific areas. Don't forget to check your calendar so you don't miss this event.

Drilling rig

Ships are much easier to control than teammates. Unlike companions belonging to certain classes and specializations, ships are five types: warships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, submarines and infantry transport. The type of the ship determines its type, construction cost, durability and starting ability. Ships of the same type have the same ability. In addition to the ability, each ship has Team, chosen at random during the construction of the ship. The crew is a kind of feature of the ship. Each team gives a certain bonus (for example, eliminates one of the threats or reduces the time it takes to complete a mission). The ship's ability and crew composition cannot be changed.

Each ship has two slots for equipment... Equipment can be used to repel threats or gain other benefits. The first slot opens after the ship is pumped to a rare quality, the second - to an excellent one. When opened, the slot is filled with random equipment, but you can replace it with another at any time. The equipment is described in detail in the corresponding section.

Like companions, ships gain experience for completing missions. However, they do not have a level, and the experience gained is used to improve the quality. In most cases, the ship has an unusual quality when crafted. With a bit of luck, you can build a ship of rare or superior quality. To upgrade from Uncommon to Rare quality, 5000 units are required. experience, from rare to excellent - 40,000 units. experience, which is significantly less than for associates. After upgrading to superior quality, the ship no longer needs experience.

As mentioned above, ships have no tiers, which only underlines their temporary status.

How to build ships

All ships can be built at Lunarfall / Frostwall Marina / Lunarfall Marina / Frostwall Marina. You will receive the first ship immediately after building the Dock. With the task / you will be able to build a transport ship. In addition, you will receive 200 oil (the first mission requires 25 garrison resources and 50 oil). It takes 1 minute to build ships. At this time, you will see their transparent models in the docks. Upon completion of construction, the vessel becomes fully visible and can be interacted with. After that, a short video is shown to the player.

By building your first transport ship, you can travel to Tanaan Jungle and fully explore the area. However, before starting to complete the missions, you need to go through the chain of tasks. Once you have established your base in Tanaan Jungle, you can return to The Dock (/), complete several tutorial missions and expand your fleet.

How to create and manage your own fleet

A few weak ships cannot deal with all threats. Luckily, the workers at the Dock are always ready to build additional ships for your fleet. Each order is made with a shipbuilder, for the Alliance, and for the Horde. The shipbuilder can be found at the Wharf (it was he who created your first ship).

Building new ships requires garrison resources and oil (the amount depends on the type of ship). Everyone new ship has a certain quality. In the course of completing the training tasks at the Dock, construction takes only 1 minute, but later the time costs will be determined by the type of ship (from 30 minutes to 2 hours). You can track your progress in the Garrison Report interface. If you are in a hurry, you can use the Urgent Order Fulfillment: Dock, which can be purchased from Equipment Specialists (/) for 500 Garrison Resources.

Having a Pier 1 level, you can build 5 ships. By upgrading the Dock to level 2, you will receive 2 additional slots. The pier of level 3 allows you to manage a fleet of 10 ships.

Because of these restrictions, you will often have to get rid of unnecessary ships. This process is called write-off, i.e. you can destroy any ship to make room for a new ship. Ships are written off using the fleet commander's desk. Just right-click on the desired ship and select the appropriate item from the list. Operation irreversible so you have to plan your actions.

Ship types

There are 5 types of ships: warships, aircraft carriers, infantry vehicles, destroyers, and submarines. In addition to appearance, ships differ from each other in abilities, cost and construction time. For example, aircraft carriers have the Aircraft Carrier ability and submarines have the Submarine ability. Initially, you can only build one transport ship. Blueprints for other types of ships are issued during the quest chain related to the Dock.

Ships different types appear at various points in the Dock. Models are displayed in the appropriate place if you have at least one ship of the required type (even if it was sent into battle).

Below is a list of types, indicating abilities, cost, build time, and how the blueprint was obtained.

A type: Ability: Price: Build time: Unlocking:
Battle shipBattleship50 Garrison Resources
100 oil
1 hourHand of the Prophet - Honored
Vol'jin's Headhunters - Honored
Aircraft carrierAircraft carrier
DestroyerDestroyer25 Garrison Resources
75 oil
30 minutes
SubmarineSubmarine50 Garrison Resources
75 oil
2 hours
Infantry transportMarines
25 Garrison Resources
50 oil
30 minutes

Ship names

Each ship has a name. Companions in Warlords of Draenor have fixed names (for example, Nat Pagle). This rule does not apply to ships, because they cannot be found while traveling the world, or received as a reward. When building a ship, the name is chosen at random in accordance with a template defined for its type. Templates include names of locations, names of historical characters, etc. The process is a lot like choosing a companion in Lunarfall Tavern / Frostwall Tavern.

You can rename your ships, unlike companions. Use the Fleet Commander's desk by right-clicking on the ship, as in decommissioning.

Alliance Horde

There is one exception to this rule. After receiving the Exalted Order of the Awakened, go to your faction's base in Tanaan Jungle. He sells a consumable with which you can get a ship (cost - 200g). It is currently the only ship with a Crew of Arakkoa capable of countering submarines and warships at the same time. The Awakener is unique, so you cannot add two or more copies to your fleet.


Each ship needs a crew to stay afloat. As a rule, the crews of ships belong to the races of your faction, each of which has a certain advantage. From time to time, ships appear with teams belonging to non-playable races from the Warcraft universe. In terms of advantages, the races of both factions are equivalent (compare teams of draenei and orcs).

When building a ship, the race of the team is determined randomly, and it cannot be changed.

Alliance Teams:

Team: Description:
Dwarven Crew
Draenei CrewReflects the threat of Dense Mist.
Dwarf crew
Human Crew
Night Elf Crew
Pandaren CrewIncreases the chance of completing a long (> 1d) naval mission by 10%.
Worgen Crew

Horde Teams:

Team: Description:
Blood Elf CrewReduces mission time in half.
Goblin CrewIncreases the amount of experience gained from completing naval missions by 100%.
Orc CrewReflects the threat of Ice Water.
Pandaren CrewIncreases the chance of completing a long (> 1d) naval mission by 10%.
Tauren CrewIncreases the amount of experience by 50% for all ships participating in the mission.
Troll crewAllows you to receive equipment for ships for successfully completing naval missions.
Forsaken CrewIncreases the chance of completing a naval mission by 10%.

Other commands:


Each new ship has two equipment slots. The first of them opens after you upgrade the ship to a rare quality, the second to excellent. You can upgrade your ship using various devices that will help it in battle. Equipment allows you to repel certain threats or strengthen the ship in a different way.

When opened, the slot is filled with random equipment, however you can replace it at any time by right-clicking on the corresponding item in the bag and applying it to the desired slot. The equipment can be changed endlessly and without additional restrictions. Thus, you can always correct the mistake made.

How to get equipment(in test game worlds the mechanism is partially implemented)

You can get equipment using blueprints. Each blueprint is an item that allows you to receive a task that must be turned in to the equipment specialist (for the Alliance and for the Horde). Each item costs 500 garrison resources.

The first blueprint is learned when completing the quest at the Wharf (/). All other blueprints can be obtained in Tanaan Jungle (mostly from rare mobs). A detailed list is presented below.

In addition, you can get equipment by completing naval missions. Dwarf Crew / Troll Crew if available you can get equipment for successfully completing a mission.

Below is a list of available equipment with an indication of the purpose and method of obtaining.

Reflection of threats:

Equipment: A source: You can get it: Description:
Bilge pumpequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources
The blueprint is dropped from (Redoubt of the Iron Warrior).Reflects the threat of Stormy weather.
Crucibleequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources

Reflects the threat of Swiftness.
Fel Smoke Screenequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources
Blueprint dropped from (Fel Forge).Reflects the threat First strike.
Ghostly Spyglass - Not yet released.No information available.Blueprint drops from (Zrammop).Deflects the threat Cursed Crew.
Gyroscopic internal stabilizerequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources
The blueprint is dropped in Hellfire Citadel.Reflects the threat of Chaotic Maelstroms.
Powerful fog lampequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources
Blueprint drops from (Throne of Kil'jaeden).Reflects the threat of Dense Mist.
Icebreakerequipment specialist,
500 Garrison Resources
Blueprint drops from (Iron Fortress Harbor).Reflects the threat


On November 14 at 16:00 (Moscow time) a new large-scale quest starts, in which anyone can take part! Join Project "Oil" - help get fuel for World of Warships ships and get the opportunity to moor them in your Port. At stake are the Tier V cruiser Krasny Krym, the Tier III battleship König Albert and ships modification Arpeggio... Help get them back into service, and you can get these ships to your account for free!

The Oil project starts on November 14 at 16:00 (Moscow time). A link to the Project website will appear in this newsletter simultaneously with its launch. Do not miss!

Oil production promises many pleasant minutes, because at each of its stages new opportunities and bonuses will open up for you! This includes a Premium Account, Signal Flags, and increased XP per battle!

  • ARP Kirishima
  • ARP Haruna
  • ARP Haguro
  • König Albert
  • "Red Crimea"

Oil project

Join the project

Complete combat missions

Win prizes

The task of the project participants is to extract oil by performing special combat missions. Each extracted barrel replenishes your personal piggy bank, and is also added to the general progress bar. By gradually filling it, you will unlock more and more ships, which, if you wish, you can purchase for the collected oil.

And remember: the more barrels of oil you personally earn, the faster the general scale will be filled to the end, and all the ships of the project will be open!

Combat missions

Complete combat missions and get rewards in the form of oil barrels for completing them! You will be presented with a variety of tasks of different categories and difficulty levels to choose from. Choose tasks to your liking!

Please note that some tasks can be completed again every week until the completion of the project.

Production stages

The scale of the overall progress of oil production is divided into several stages. Upon reaching each of them, you will have access to all new ships and game values, which you can receive to your account by spending part of the collected oil.

The Oil project will start very soon. Do not miss!

"Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it’s no surprise that they’re giving none away "
- Pink Floyd, Money

The time has come for another mini-article devoted to the elements of the game mechanics of World of Warships. At the official forum, we have already discussed the work of air defense, felt the mechanics of fires and even analyzed the levels of battles that Poseidon can throw at us. Well, today we will talk about the combat economy. This topic, of course, interests everyone, regardless of the favorite class, preferred caliber and life position. For what and how do we get experience? What actions in battle earn us credits? We will now consider these and other important issues.

Important: World of Warships is in the OBT stage, which means that the information in this article may become outdated over time.

For what?

World of Warships has two essential resources for leveling up and developing a player - experience and credits. Both in battle are awarded as active actions.

At the moment, such actions mean:

inflicting damage on enemy ships ("damage");
destruction of enemy ships ("frags");
destruction of enemy aircraft;
capture and protection of control points.

There is no other award given for anything. For all of these actions, players receive both experience and credits, but in slightly different proportions. These values ​​do not differ too much, so we will further summarize the earnings of experience and silver with the word "reward".

Damage. A fundamentally important feature of our game is the huge difference in HP between ship classes. For example, at Tier X of the American branch, the distribution will be as follows: aircraft carrier - 67,600 points, battleship - 96,300, cruiser - 50,600, and destroyer - 19,400 HP. But is it always easier to destroy the relatively flimsy Gearing than the more durable Des Moines? But no, try to catch up first and get into it! Is it always more important to take Montana out of action than Midway? Not at all: when they see an aircraft carrier, many players will immediately open fire on it - it is usually not easy to get to it, and it can create a lot of problems in battle. The mechanism for calculating damage rewards has been tuned taking into account all the features of the game. The key to the economy is not "net" damage, but its relationship to the base HP of the enemy ship.

In fact, from the point of view of the game economy, taking 50% of the HP from a battleship is roughly the same as knocking out 50% of a destroyer, although the “pure” damage can be strikingly different.

Of course, the more damage you deal, the more impressive your reward will be. To hit the ship once and take away 5% of its combat effectiveness is much less profitable than to consistently fire at it and, as a result, "fill it up" by all 80%. In addition, the following features affect the value of the award:

When firing at battleships, their ability to restore combat effectiveness is taken into account.
The calculation of the reward also takes into account the damage from fires and floods.
Damage to modules and their critical damage are NOT taken into account.

Destruction of the enemy's unfinished ships, or, more laconically, “theft of frags,” is, in principle, useful, but not very profitable. One destroyed enemy is economically equal to approximately 15% of the damage dealt. Why 15% and not 1%, you ask? Well, after all, taking the enemy ship out of the game is a serious help to the team and quite an achievement for itself. However, inflicting most of the damage on him is a much more significant achievement. So everything is fair here. Of course, the ideal reward for a destroyed ship requires the player to deal the full 100% damage against it.

Destruction of enemy aircraft: any downed enemy aircraft brings a reward. If very, very roughly to count, then 40 downed aircraft launched from an aircraft carrier a certain level, in terms of reward, they are approximately equal to the destruction of a ship of the same level with 100% damage inflicted on it. And, of course, there are some interesting nuances:

The planes must be shot down in the air. If you destroy an aircraft carrier, there will be no rewards for the aircraft destroyed in its hangar.
In the current version of the economic model, only the level of the ship from which the plane was launched matters. The type (torpedo bomber, fighter, ejection fighter, ejection spotter) does not matter.

And finally, one more important note on these three components of the economy: the reward for damage, destruction of ships and the destruction of aircraft changes depending on the difference in levels. For example:

Fuso (Tier VI battleship) sank Phoenix (Tier IV cruiser)? Well done, but you are capable of more! Keep the reduced reward so you don't get relaxed.
Fuso sank Mutsuki (Tier VI destroyer)? This is an equal opponent. The reward will be fair, but there is still room to strive for.
Fuso sunk Iowa (Tier IX battleship)? But now you are definitely a fine fellow, a hero and you will be generously rewarded.
Capture and defense of the base. At the moment, the reward for them is given only in the modes "Standard battle" and "Encounter battle", but "Superiority" is still in operation. Everything is quite simple here: the more points for capturing the base we bring to the team (provided that the base was eventually captured), the greater the reward. Or, conversely, the more capture points we bring down to the enemy, the higher the result.

And now an important note for all experienced commanders: the rules of the game are such that the reward does not increase in a strictly linear way depending on your success. Roughly speaking, they destroyed one Chester - they got a whole pie. Destroyed two - got a whole pie and a half. Destroyed three cruisers - have already received two pies.

And no less important, though slightly obvious remark: the reward grows with the level. On average, the values ​​of experience gained in a battle can differ by two times (between levels I and X), earnings of credits - even more. However, costs are also growing, they will be discussed below. And now we will finally deal with accounting. After all calculations and calculations, the reward changes with various modifiers:

If the team wins, we get x1.5 to experience.
If we have a premium account, then we get x1.5 to experience and x1.5 to credits.
At the very end, we get the summed up modifiers from stocks, including x1.5 to experience for the first win of the day, as well as bonuses from signals.
Let's take an example. The reward for the battle is 1000 experience points. We won, we have our first victory of the day, we bought a premium account, and even today the campaign "Smelt could", which says "+ 50% to experience". The calculation will be as follows:

[Experience per battle] x 1.5 for a victory x 1.5 for a premium x (1 + 50% for the first victory + 50% per share) = 1000 x 1.5 x 1.5 x (1 + 0.5 + 0.5) = 1000 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 = 4500 units.

In general, winning with a premium account for the first time of the day during promotions is the path to success.

But ... how ...?

Yes Yes, naval battles- this is a costly business. There are several items of expenses that the player pays after each battle. The economy is set up in such a way that as the level of the ship grows, so does the cost of maintaining it, and at some level (it depends on the skills of the player) the costs on average will begin to catch up and overtake income. Anyway, without a premium account. So what are we paying for after the fight ends?

Ammunition: fired shells of the main caliber and torpedoes, and in the case of aircraft carriers - downed aircraft. We do not pay for the work of secondary armament and air defense, as well as for the use of free types of equipment. In addition, credits are not spent on aircraft that went to the bottom while in the hangar of a destroyed aircraft carrier.
Repair costs: proportional to the HP remaining at the end of the battle. Note to battleship commanders: use the "Repair and restoration work" consumable, even if half a step is left before the victory - you can save money. There are no expenses for the repair of modules, as well as an additional penalty for the complete destruction of the ship.
Maintenance costs - a fixed amount for each ship for going into battle. Its value increases with level. For aircraft carriers, it is usually slightly higher than for other ship classes.
These were compulsory expenses. In addition to them, there are optional ones:

Camouflage - if automatic replenishment is available and enabled, we pay its full cost, since this is a “one-time” type of equipment.
Equipment - if there is a paid version and automatic replenishment is enabled, then we pay its full cost. The number of activations of equipment during the battle does not affect the cost in any way.
These are all the basic mechanisms in the game economy. And finally, a few words about plans for the future.

For the near future, we have the following items at the top of our list of economic priorities:

Deal with the reward for the "Supremacy" mode - so that capturing points is not only a necessary condition for victory, but also a directly beneficial action.
Introduce additional awards for support in battle. For example, for intelligence.
Implement penalties for hyper-passive behavior in combat, or simply for AFK.

Today we'll talk about such an important thing as earning gold in WoW BFA... The economy in World of Warcraft is very developed, and you can buy almost everything for virtual currency - from equipment to game time (using a token). And so, how can you earn a lot and have a constant gold income, so as not to deny yourself anything?

Please note that this is not an easy task. Much depends on your merchant skills, the ability to use addons for the auction, the amount of free time and, of course, luck. The guide is relevant mainly for supplements Battle For Azeroth, but players of other versions will also be able to learn something new for themselves.

Ways to earn gold in World of Warcraft

# 1. Quests

Yes, yes, be that as it may, while pumping, you can earn a little. As you level up your character from first to last, you will find a good amount of money in your account. They are quite enough for initial needs - sockets, flasks, food, symbols, etc.

No. 2. Professions

Gathering Profs

One of the most lucrative pursuits in WoW is professions. Moreover, both collective and producing. In Battle for Azeroth, grasses and ores are especially prized at the auction. Anchor grass, for example, is generally very expensive. By purposefully looking for and collecting it, some players have amassed a good fortune. But the lands of Kul Tiras and Zandalar are not rich in anchor grass alone. Many other types of herbs and ores are available for players to collect. To do this, you will have to learn, and, preferably, pump such professions as Herbalism and Mining. There is also Skinning, but at the moment the price for skinning at the auction is far from the desired one and remains at a low level, so we do not recommend taking it for gold farming. Buy special bags for professions, so as not to clog up the place in the usual ones. But the gathering professions are only a fraction of the wow earning opportunities.

Equipment crafting

Such goods are always in use by players. The most expensive of these three options is Rocket, because to purchase it, three Orbs are required, each of which costs 20,000 gold. But judging by own experience Having invested in this, in the end I earned 15,000 net gold from the sale. A bit, but still not bad.

Number 3. Pharma tissue

Unlike the extraction of leather, ore and grass, cloth does not require a learned profession. It drops randomly from almost all creatures in the world of Warcraft. The demand for it at the auction is always consistently high. During pumping, you will already have accumulated several stacks of fabric, for which you can gain several thousand gold.

Also be aware that the amount of cloth obtained from mobs can be increased. This is done by studying Tailoring and additionally Gathering Cloth. We talked about how much tissue will fall out in one of our articles, we advise you to familiarize yourself.

No. 4. Farm combat and rare mounts in Kul Tiras and Zandalar

The essence of the method is that from each mob in the locations of Kul Tiras and Zandalar there is a chance to get equipment high level, which is not personalized upon receipt and can be sold at auction. To do this, you need to gather a group of like-minded people in one of the zones and go to kill mobs. This business is rather boring and monotonous, but it can bear fruit. There are special spots, places where mobs respawn almost instantly. The developers will fix these spots from time to time, but you can try to find information about active spots at the moment, and go there.

In addition to equipment, ordinary green gear, various junk (which can also be sold and raised some money) and mounts will fall from mobs. These mounts are different for each location. In Drustvar, for example, you can catch a Mule. And then sell at auction, the demand for them is also consistently high. The chance of prey is not high, but it can lead.

No. 5. Auction

Playing at the auction is one of the most important and difficult ways to make money, since you need to constantly monitor the prices of various items. Its essence is to buy a thing that is exposed for a deliberately low price and sell it at a higher price. People often make mistakes or simply expose an expensive item very cheaply out of ignorance. In the game with the auction, be sure to get, such as Auctioneer, Auctionator, etc. They greatly facilitate the task and take over the routine work.

As new ones appear ways to earn gold in WoW, the article will be updated and supplemented to always keep you updated.