Prayer that no one could refuse. A strong prayer so that nothing is denied On a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster

In search of work, more than one pair of shoes has been trampled? Maybe you should try the power of white magic. Try white conspiracy helping you find a good job. If you have to please the employer, try to time the meeting for Monday. No flashy clothes and excessive makeup! Be extremely restrained and strive to reach a compromise in everything. Before going looking for a good and profitable job, Read this plot to work three times:

I don’t walk, I don’t hurry silently on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.
There was no refusal to me, God's servant(name):
Not on Monday, not on Tuesday, not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday, not on Saturday.
Take the hell out of me.
So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any.
They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me.
Cross with a cross, business with a good end.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Conspiracy to get a job

You need to read a conspiracy to find a good job only in a benevolent mood. Best of all in the morning, at dawn, after "warming up" your hands on it. You need to "warm your hands" on the street (you can on the balcony), but not through the glass and read the plot for employment:
I will get up, praying, go out, crossing myself,
I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around in all four directions.
As on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, restive, wild, but violent.
No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups-reins.
I will tame that horse and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want.
My will is strong, my word is true.


Spell to find a job

Whenever you go to an employer and are unsure whether you will be hired or not, whisper to yourself on your left shoulder the following conspiracy:
And in this place God is with me!
Repeat the spell 3 or 7 times. After each whisper, you should overshadow yourself sign of the cross, saying:
God, send me, your servant (e) (your name), good luck!

To hire a conspiracy before an interview

Before starting a job search, read "Our fire" 5 times, and then the following magic spell:
I'm leaving in the shirt of the Mother of God,
let the vapors of my God overshadow me,
four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they keep me from man and woman,
from lead, from iron, from steel,
no matter how they hurt me,
neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace be to my God!
Next, write down the following words on paper:
There really is, there is in reality, there is in the word, in God, everywhere!
Put the paper in your pocket.

Conspiracy to find a job

Read this plot going to the employer, 3 times:
I go to the bar, not young and not old.
I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner.
My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed.
Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words.
He would not drive away the baptized soul.
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God, have mercy on us at every hour.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to get a good job

To impress the employer, before leaving, kiss the loaf of bread and tell:
As from century to century God's bread is revered,
With a bow it is served and received,
So would me, a servant of God (name),
gladly accepted,
They contracted for honorable work.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Conspiracy for a new job

It is also read at home, before going out, or you can - and on the way:
I go as a hunter, I go in as a merchant.
I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox,
Everywhere I have stairs.
Who is lower than others, and I am always higher than others.
Everyone would love me, revere me,
They were invited to a high position.
All my words, be molded and strong.

The magic of finding a job

When you go out to get a job, wash off the doorknob and tell:
Water - from the face, beauty - on the face.
To whom I go, I go in single file,
And I'll be back as a king.
The sun is behind me, the threshold is in front of me.
And you, chief, be under my foot.
As I say, I will say, so in my opinion it will be.
Amen. Amen. Amen

White conspiracy for a good job

Have you found a suitable job, but doubt that you will be accepted? Heading to the employer read three times:
I'm not walking, I'm not in a hurry
On a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.
There was no refusal to me. God's servant (name):
Not Monday, not Tuesday.
Not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday
And not on Saturday.
Take the hell out of my care.
So that no one knows the words against me,
Neither evil nor anything.
They didn't move their tongues against
Respect and love me.
Cross with a cross, business with a good end.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The magical realism of white magic in job hunting
To find a job to your liking, after the new moon on Friday, go to the forest. On the way, you can not talk to anyone and generally make contact with anyone. Find a place in the forest where two stumps are located side by side. Sit on one of them and tell:
Here I sit and a good place I am looking for myself.
I, the servant of God (name), will sit on another stump"
(in this case, you need to transfer to another stump)
"And I'll get a good seat the next day.
Right, right, right!
After that, without looking back and without talking to anyone, head home in full confidence that good job there is.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • Magic spells and the best conspiracy for beauty It turns out that the phrase is magically beautiful has a real basis for those who were able to read the beauty conspiracy - a strong conspiracy for beauty that you will learn today. Before you start reading a conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, decide on which thing you will cast a spell. It could be a handkerchief, a comb, or something similar. Going on a date, disco, work or study, be sure to take the charmed subject with you. I remind you that no one can talk about it, show it, and even more so - let it be used.

  • Strong conspiracies from alcoholism on your husband If your husband constantly drinks and does not want or cannot stop drinking, you need to read strong conspiracies from alcohol addiction on your husband, after which any alcoholic with experience becomes a normal person. The husband will stop drinking if you yourself, without telling him, read one of the conspiracies given here to wean yourself from alcohol. We will teach you how to perform a simple ritual to wean yourself from alcohol, and we will also give you a recipe for black strong conspiracy from alcoholism, which can be applied to a drunkard, both male and female. Black magic and conspiracy from alcoholism:

  • CONSPIRACY FOR SALE If you decide to sell any property, but you can’t find a buyer. And in this situation, white magic comes to the rescue. Today We will teach you and consider several conspiracies for the sale of property. This is a magical ritual that can call a real buyer for your product, and even with the maximum benefit for you, no matter what you decide to sell. The article also contains conspiracies to sell an apartment or house with maximum profit, a conspiracy to sell a car or a garage, as well as a conspiracy to quickly and profitably sell a thing. Conspiracy to quickly sell property

  • CONSPIRACY FROM DRUNKNESS. A white conspiracy from drunkenness on a husband A good white conspiracy from drunkenness on a husband or wife that needs to be read on a sick person when he goes to bed in a drunken state will help to cure a drunkard. Conspiracy words from drunkenness:

If you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this plot three times.

I'm not walking, I'm not in a hurry

on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me,

God's servant (name): not on Monday,

neither on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday,

neither Friday nor Saturday.

Take the hell out of me.

So that no one knows the words against me,

neither evil nor anything.

They didn't move their tongues against

respect and love me.

Cross with a cross, business with a good end.

To get hired

From the letter: “Perhaps my problems will seem unimportant to you, but please do not throw away my letter, read it to the end. I am 37 years old, I have two children, no husband and no job. The enterprises were all closed, “thank you” to perestroika.

Previously, everywhere you look, there are ads everywhere: required, required, required.

And now, no matter where you turn, they say everywhere that they accept only up to thirty-five years. Aren't thirty-seven-year-old people already? When you go to an interview, you worry, you will put on what is better, and you leave like spat on!”

* * *

Before you go to get a job, wash your face off the doorknob and say:

Water - from the face, beauty - on the face.

To whom I go, I go in single file,

and I will return as a king.

The sun is behind me, the threshold is in front of me.

And you, chief, be under my foot.

As I say, I say

so I think it will. Amen.

Calling for the help of the Holy Spirit in an important and complex matter

Help me, Lord, Holy Spirit, in my work,

so that my enemies-enemies do not dare

ruin my business.

Lord, don't let the Holy Spirit kill

(briefly state the essence of your case).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Charm for business

From a letter: “... I am one of those people who made their own capital with their honest work. People like me are called “workaholic”. I do not understand those who envy the wealth of others, but do not want to work at the same time. He stares at the telly for days, he will watch all the series. It will die, but it will not work.

People like me are useful. I live on my own and give to others: I pay taxes, help orphanages and all those who really need it. It is very difficult to be rich in our difficult times. Everyone strives to interfere and exhaust the nerves full program. Everyone wants to snatch a piece sweeter. These are firefighters, and a sanitary and epidemiological station, and all kinds of stupid, but in essence, unnecessary checks. They will find something to snatch money from you. And at the same time, they exude such anger and envy that it becomes scary.

Dear friends! We continue to publish your "recipes for happiness" and introduce new winners. The competition continues. We are waiting for new effective "recipes" from you!

Readers who share proven methods of getting rid of problems and attracting good luck, as always, receive MAGIC CRYSTALS from the editors of the "Soviet".

Irina from Vladimir, who sent the ritual of getting rid of diseases to the editorial office, receives a ball of agate: this is the stone of Asclepius, the patron saint of healers, he gives his owner good health, protects against diseases.

Galina from the Sverdlovsk region, who shared with the readers of "Soviets" a way to find a job, we are happy to send a wonderful necklace made of malachite: a stone that in Russia has always been considered a talisman for the fulfillment of desires.

Tatyana from Moscow region, who revealed the secret of friendship between her daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law, becomes the owner of an amethyst druse: as you remember, amethyst is a stone of magicians, and it is also a love talisman and a keeper of spiritual purity.

May the Oracle Tips gifts bring you happiness!


For the child to be healthy

Hello dear Councils. I enjoy reading your newspaper. I also have my own recipe for happiness: this ritual helped me save my son from constant colds.

If the child is often sick, pour spring or just clean water into a half-liter jar. Put any silver item on the bottom. Then take the jar with both hands, go to the middle of the room and read the plot in full voice. Remember that at this time you should be alone in the room.

May this water be pure, healing, transparent, to my child, the servant of God (name), kind and transparent. It will wash away all misfortunes, calm all adversities, disperse illnesses, and drive health. So that angels fly to the water, songs would be sung over the baby. And his sores would all wash off, dissolve in the spring water. Forever and ever. Amen.

Sprinkle the room in which the child is located with charmed water. Sprinkle the corners, window sill and threshold especially carefully.

Give the remaining water to the baby three drops every three hours during the day (you can add it to your drink). Also pour the charmed water into the bathing water.

Irina, Vladimir

To get a job

"I don't walk, I don't hurry quietly

On a black cat, a gray dog,

Red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name):

Neither Monday nor Tuesday

And neither Wednesday nor Thursday,

Neither Friday nor Saturday.

Take the hell out of me.

So that no one knows the words against me,

Neither evil nor anything. They didn't move their tongues against

Respect and love me.

Cross with a cross

A case with a happy ending.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Galina I., Sverdlovsk region

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

Hello Oracle Tips. I have a good husband, wonderful children. But my mother-in-law disliked me. I'm already desperate to find her mutual language: lived for several years, as if on a powder keg. But alone elderly woman taught me how to establish peace in the family ... For three years now, we have never quarreled with my mother-in-law. On the contrary, our relations became even friendly.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Elijah the Prophet throws his arrows, sends his army. So let the Lord send out the archangels, and let the archangels send out their angels. The angels of God will descend, they will bring peace. Reconcile, Lord, through the archangels, and the archangels through their angels - native blood, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, a servant of God (name of mother-in-law) with a servant of God (name of daughter-in-law). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Tatyana O., Moscow region

Expert opinion

Rufina, psychic:

The ritual of getting rid of diseases, which Irina from Vladimir spoke about, is really good, but I have tips that will make the ritual much more effective. First: it is better to carry it out not in a room, but in a field or near a tree (if you have a daughter, perform the ritual near a mountain ash, if your son is near an oak). Second: add a few drops of holy water to the charmed water. Third: when you give the child water to drink, say: “This water brought you health. Water in you, sickness out of you!

The way to find a job, described by Galina from the Sverdlovsk region, alas, will not help everyone. Therefore, I will give one piece of advice: on the day when you go to a meeting with the employer, scatter as many coins (of any denomination) as possible on the table, then generously smear both palms with honey and press a pile of money with force in your palms. After that, squeeze your palms into fists with all the sticky coins and say: “Money sticks to my hands! I do not reject them, I collect them in my palms, I put them in my wallet! Wealth clings, but I'm glad! . Wash your hands in a container of water so that every single coin remains in the water. Wash the coins and put them in your wallet. Very soon you will have a money job!

A good plot was sent by Tatyana from the Moscow region. Despite its simplicity, it gives very high results and really reconciles mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, even if before that they lived like a cat and a dog. I have one addition: buy flowers that your mother-in-law likes. Can be purchased indoor plant and you can buy a bouquet. Sprinkle them with holy water and whisper over the flowers: “Please my mother-in-law (name), bring joy to her. And as you begin to fade, take our abuse with you, take it out of the house! I will keep you in my memory for this, I will multiply your children around the world! Give a charmed bouquet to your mother-in-law. Be sure to plant at least three times a year in the garden or in the house the flowers that the mother-in-law gave (you promised to multiply them with flowers!), So it’s better not to choose exotic ones!

Friends, send your "recipes of happiness" and get magical prizes from "Oracle Tips"!

Letters can be sent by regular mail to:
127287, Moscow, PO Box 9, newspaper "Advice of the Oracle"
or by e-mail:

Complete collection and description: a prayer that no one could refuse for the spiritual life of a believer.

If you have gathered on an important matter, then before leaving the house, read a special conspiracy. In this case, no one will refuse you any request. The conspiracy is as follows:

Lord, be with me forever and ever. Amen.

First time, God's hour,

Lord God, help me

Bless my work

Praise my cause

There is a golden saucer on God's table,

There is a precious word in the Bible.

“Who will ask in my name,

That My Angel will not forget,

Wraps his wings,

He will put his wings on his shoulders,

It will lead you to God's table."

"No" can't say

And to me, the servant of God (name), no one can

Reject my case.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the request is not denied

Each of us has to address various requests to superiors or officials from time to time. Postpone vacation to a more suitable month, get permission to redevelop an apartment, apply for benefits - but you never know what may be required in life! It’s just that it’s not always possible to get what you want, because not all leaders and officials are sensitive people who are ready to delve into other people’s problems.

Going to meet with important person, you can play it safe and read a special conspiracy so that the request is not denied. White magic will help you break down bureaucratic obstacles and break through the wall of indifference. Of course, provided that your request is fair and proportionate to the needs that have arisen.

What help does a conspiracy provide

In the old days, this spell was read when it was necessary to make a request to the master, clerk or other authorities. As a rule, requests related to everyday issues - arranging firewood for the winter, assisting in the construction of a hut, resolving conflicts with neighbors, etc. Today, an old Slavic conspiracy can be used for the following purposes:

  • Settlement of issues regarding housing and communal services, property;
  • The need to take leave;
  • All kinds of petitions and court cases;
  • Issuing grants or benefits;
  • Employment for work;
  • The need to enlist the support of superiors or colleagues;
  • Discussion of promotions, receiving bonuses, salary increases, other requests to superiors.

For the plot to work, several conditions must be met. First, your request must be lawful and proportionate. For example, a perfectly healthy person will not be able to receive disability benefits with it. Secondly, the request should not infringe on the interests of other people (as an example, an attempt to expand one’s land plot by neighbors).

How to read a plot

This text must be pronounced before you go to a meeting with a person on whom the solution to your problem depends:

A conspiracy so that the request is not denied:

I go to the bar, not young and not old,

I carry with me the requirement that I need more than bread,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, please, intercede,

Pray for me before the Lord!

So that, according to your decree, I would not be denied anything,

Neither in autumn, nor in spring, nor in winter cold, nor in summer heat,

Not under a clear sun, not under a full moon.

I will cross on four sides,

Anyone I turn to will not refuse!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can read the Orthodox prayer Our Father. Light a candle, read a prayer, then turn your request to higher powers. After that, you can go to a meeting - if your need is fully justified, then there will be no refusal.

By the way, the given conspiracy can help even the person who does not believe in magic or does not want to cast the spell out loud. Copy the text by hand on a blank sheet, fold the sheet several times and put it in the pocket of a person going to an interview or meeting with a boss / official. For safety, you can place the resulting bundle in a plastic bag or paste over it with tape.

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Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer for nothing to be denied

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Each modern man dreams of a highly paid and promising job. But in the current conditions, with constant crises and economic upheavals, finding such a place is a real gift of fate. In addition, most people are engaged in an unloved business, constantly complaining about their work and do not know what to do in this situation.

But there is always a way out. To get a profitable, relevant, promising and interesting position, we recommend using the help of the Almighty or other heavenly powers. For this, the prayer “So that there is no refusal in anything” is suitable.

With this divine tool, you will be able to:

  • pass an interview;
  • to achieve career growth;
  • enlist the support of the boss and colleagues;
  • get the desired position;
  • gain authority.

An example of a prayer request:

Lord, be with me forever and ever.

First time, God's hour,

Lord God help me

Bless my work.

Praise my cause

And put everything as I need it.

Eat on God's table

There is a precious word in the Bible.

Who will ask in my name,

That My Angel will not forget,

Wraps his wings,

In the most difficult case will help,

He will put his wings on my shoulders,

For the right and left hand will take

He will bring you to God's table.

On the table is a golden saucer,

And in the Bible on the table the word is expensive.

Not a single person is against that word

"No" cannot say.

And to me, the servant of God (name),

Reject my case.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

May the Lord keep you!

Watch the video from which you will learn strong prayers for good luck in everything:

Prayer so that there is no refusal in anything - we turn to the saints correctly

Prayer so that there is no refusal in anything is a variant of affirmation. That is, the sacred text is a mental message of a person, materializing thoughts and desires. But if typical affirmations are addressed to the Universe, and therefore do not always help, then prayer also carries a deep religious meaning. A person's faith in God greatly enhances the effectiveness of such a request.

We will share the best prayer options that will help bring good luck into your life.

Prayer addressed to the guardian angel

Most better treatment a person for the fulfillment of the desired - to his Guardian Angel. But praying is worth it if you really believe in higher powers, otherwise your attempts will not be successful. And if the mood is right, you can hope for the help and indulgence of an angel guarding you throughout your life.

What is especially important:

  1. Tune in to the right emotions - you must be calm, apply sincerely and believe that the desired result will come
  2. Accurately reproduce the prayer - every word matters, so the text must be spoken clearly and correctly
  3. Leave the negative thoughts and tune in to the fact that everything will work out. Clearly create mental image desired, and then begin to pronounce the cherished words

The text of the prayer is as follows:

Tune in, focus and repeat the sacred text daily, waking up and before going to bed. Subject to all the rules, prayer will begin to act, and good luck will come into your life - everything you wish will begin to come true, as if by magic.

Prayer addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is sacred and revered not only in Russia, but throughout the world. People from all over the world turn to him with prayers so that nothing is denied.

It is believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker patronizes children, men who work long hours away from home, and people running their own businesses.

You should address with such a prayer:

It is advisable to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker in the temple. But you do not need to go straight to the icon with the image of this saint. First you need to bow to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. It is important to be in a calm state of mind. Tune in a positive, peaceful and calm way. Then the Higher Powers will come to the rescue and grant you good luck, money and everything you wish - there will be no refusal in anything.

Prayer addressed to the Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered and famous saints in our country. There is an opinion that thanks to the prayers addressed to her, real miracles happen in people's lives. There were cases of miraculous healings of seriously ill people who earnestly prayed to Matrona.

She is considered the most "popular" saint, so you should turn to her with a prayer for good luck. The sacred text consists of one sentence. You need to contact the Matrona of Moscow with the following words:

“Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!”

After you have spoken the text of the prayer, you need to mentally say everything that should be fulfilled. Wish that you have no refusal in anything, ask to send you good luck and bring luck into your life.

You can also pronounce more specific desires - ask to improve things at work, to bring harmony in relationships in the family. In general, talk about everything that excites you.

How to pray correctly

Sacred prayer has incredible power. But in order for your message to the Higher Forces and God through the saints to come true, you need to follow certain rules.

If you are praying in a temple:

  • Before entering a sacred place, you must cross yourself and bow three times, turning your gaze to the dome of the church
  • Women must cover their heads with a scarf. And it is better to wear a long dress to the floor or a skirt - the legs should be covered. You can’t open your shoulders either - try to come to the temple in the most closed outfit
  • All negative thoughts and bad moods should be left outside the temple. One should enter God's place with pure thoughts and a pure soul. Therefore, if anger, resentment or other bad emotions fill you, it is better to refrain from visiting the temple on this day.
  • The best time to address the saints and visit the temple is early in the morning. At this time, there is no fatigue, and negative emotions do not have time to accumulate during the day.
  • Before visiting the temple, you need to take a shower, come not only with a clean soul, but also with a clean body

If you want to increase the power of prayer, you can make a donation to the church or give alms to the poor, who are usually located outside the temple. But you need to share kindly, give money with with a pure heart not expecting the Lord to send something in return

If you pray at home:

  • It is better to pronounce the sacred text, referring to the icon of the saint to whom the words of prayer are intended
  • You can light wax candles next to the icon, and then start praying
  • While reading the prayer, there should not be other people or pets in the room. Make sure that there is silence around and no one will disturb you
  • Be calm and focused, relaxed in body, but concentrated in thoughts on what you want to ask the saints

See in the video what other prayers are aimed at good luck and success in life:

And it is very important that a person who turns to the saints should not lead a sinful lifestyle. If you want prayers to work, live in a way that is not ashamed. Eliminate rude, swear words from your vocabulary. Do not quarrel with loved ones and do not offend other people you meet on your way. Don't break the commandments. Don't have bad habits.

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A conspiracy so that you do not refuse

A conspiracy so that you do not refuse

“I don’t walk, I don’t hurry silently on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name):

Not on Monday, not on Tuesday, not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday, not on Saturday.

Take the hell out of me.

So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any.

They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me.

Cross with a cross, business with a good end.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

I will test and write a review

And before you (name), I pray for good:

I'm up to you from holy paska,

"I'm not going, I'm going to witches, I'm filthy,

And before you (name), I’m saying shit rich:

(state the essence of the wish - what a person should do according to your plan)

I'm going across the sea, I'll throw a poppy at the sea,

What am I going to say - so that everything was like that,

I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,

And before me, be a good caress."

Copyright © 2017 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

A conspiracy not to refuse a request.

If you are going to an official with a request, then prepare for this in advance. Read the plot so that your request is not denied.

I assure you that the person you need will treat you and your request favorably and will not dare to refuse you. The plot is read before leaving the house. Cross yourself and say the words of the conspiracy three times.

So, a conspiracy so that the request is not denied.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will rise, the servant of God (name), early,

I will wash myself white at dawn.

I'll go out the gate, I'll go out the fields,

Where the winds blow.

I will pray to the east.

I will look at the royal house.

Kings and kings go there,

And boyars, priests and nobles

Old and young.

Everyone respects them, they are afraid,

Orders are quickly fulfilled.

Same with my request

Let there be no rejection.

Accept (name) my petition

And pour your will upon him.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Here is another conspiracy that they read so that the request is not denied. Read it before entering the office.

“Jesus Christ has Mother Mary,

He cannot Beloved Mother

No request to be denied.

So let me, everyone who is behind this door

They sit, they could not refuse me anything,

They did not dare to refuse my request.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Work takes important place in the life of every working person. It's no secret that a lot.

Not all people are lucky, not all work is a holiday. Very often this is due to bad people, .

The love and respect of others can be achieved through conspiracies. You must understand that.

Login to write a review.

In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of the conspiracy used to stop.

Voodoo rituals and corruptions have long ceased to be plots in films. .

Very often, our knowledge is not enough to successfully pass the exam. For instance, .

In our life sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

With spring comes Easter. Many who are interested.

Losing weight is always painstaking work, even if it is carried out.

The standard of beauty changes every era. Previously, white was valued in Russia.

Hanging moles can cause a lot of inconvenience. Elementary, .

It's no secret that extra sweets and buns in the form of fat are deposited.

Sometimes a too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

Dandruff can ruin the look of even the most beautiful hair. Sometimes.