How to remove the evil eye on beauty. Damage aimed at beauty: how to remove. Previous entries from the current section

It is important for any person to look good. Every person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, tries to take care of himself. If suddenly there is any change in appearance, then immediately everyone tries to fix the problem. Fortunately, there are a large number of cosmetic procedures and products that allow you to always look perfect.

The only caveat is that cosmetics can only help if the problem occurs for natural reasons. But, if damage to beauty has been directed at you, then cosmetics are unlikely to help you here. In this case, it is necessary to react quickly and remove damage to beauty.

brief information

This type of magical effect is very powerful. It can manifest itself both in the form of ordinary small acne, and in a strong change in the condition of the skin. Often, damage to beauty brings unpleasant problems that cannot be treated medically.

Damage is easily induced, making the ritual easy on your own at home. That's just in order for the ritual to be of high quality, it is better to seek help from professionals in their field. Especially if you are new to magic. Black magic, which is the progenitor of damage to beauty, can bring you not very pleasant consequences. It harms not only the victim, but also the performer. Sorcerers can and do know how to defend themselves. But inexperienced people may suffer from ignorance of the correctness of the rite.

If you decide to spoil your opponent, then you need to understand several main rules. First, don't worry and panic. Your psychological state affects the result of the ceremony, therefore, before performing the ceremony, it is better to learn how to control your emotions. Secondly, you need to know the exact name of the rival or opponent, and get a photo of the victim.

Definition and signs of spoilage

The most common signs are:

  • the skin of the face grows dull, and the hair deteriorates: the face becomes dull and not beautiful - this sign indicates that magical forces are taking away your beauty;
  • you started to get sick for a long time, and medications are not able to help you;
  • hair loses its beauty and attractiveness: hair loss progresses more and more every day, rapid hair loss indicates negative;
  • wrinkles and pale skin appear.

If you are sure that you have been damaged, then urgently visit the church. You need to read prayers, confess, and receive communion. The only requirement is that you must be baptized. Light candles for your health and the health of your family.

Removing spoilage with chicken eggs

Many victims of the ceremony are wondering how to remove the damage to beauty. There are quite a few options for getting rid of negative energy. You can do them yourself at home. It is only important to remember that you must adhere to all the rules and instructions that are indicated in the ritual. The slightest change in the process can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. If you have been jinxed, then everything must be done to get rid of such magical influence.

Most often, spoilage is removed with the help of a chicken egg. You must prepare an egg that has never been refrigerated. It is advisable to keep the egg fresh. Buy it on the market, there is more likely to meet homemade egg... Before performing the ceremony, you need to take a bath. Next, you need to read prayers that will be addressed to the heavenly powers. Three times you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I want to remove all the negativity that was sent to me. I don't need problems with appearance... I, the servant of God (name), want to grow old and wither for natural reasons, and not because of magic. Now, when the age comes to grow old, I am ready to change. Let them leave me. My face will remain beautiful. Magic will be able to influence more on a person. To be married to me and never divorce. Amen".

The egg must be driven over the naked body. You need to start rolling out a person from the top. Circular movements should occur from left to right. After rolling the whole body, break the egg. The inner part must be thrown into a glass where holy water has already been poured. The shell should be placed on paper, and crushed. The created envelope must be set on fire, and the following hex must be read:

“Let the fire burn away all negative influences on me. I wish my beauty to return and never disappear again. Let all the magic pass me by. No one can ever break this man. Amen".

The contents of the glass must be discarded, and the glass must be thoroughly rinsed so that no trace of eggs and water remains in it.

Removing spoilage with soap

In order to remove spoilage, you must have:

  • paper napkins, in the amount of three pieces;
  • church candle;
  • soap;
  • towel.

Place all items on the table. The candle must be set on fire, and the hex must be read:

“The bird drank water and left a little for me. Water rejuvenates and gives beauty. Let all the negative sent in my direction disappear and return to the performer. Evil thoughts and the evil eye can never affect the servant of God (name). I wish to become beautiful, and the one who caused damage, let him take it for himself. My life should not change for the worse, but only for the better. My words represent a castle that can never be broken. Amen".

The hex is read seven times. Each time it is necessary to baptize the napkins that are on the table. To remove the negative, you need to wipe the human body with napkins, after which you need to get rid of them. Best to burn. You need to wash with a charmed soap, and wipe off the rest of the water with a towel. The ceremony is held for seven days in a row. Soap must be used until the moment when it is completely consumed. The towel must be burned at the site where the napkins were burned. If the result is not achieved, then it is better to ask an experienced healer for help.

Damage to the lining

With the help of this evil eye on beauty, it is easy to get rid of your rival and take your husband back. Wives often use this method to reduce the beauty of their husband's mistress. Make sure you have the opportunity to pad your opponent. Studying the conspiracy is optional. It is enough that you speak your own wishes. Your hatred and pain caused by betrayal will work with a bang.

On any subject, you must express your thoughts and wishes. It's better to hold it in your hands. So it will be saturated with your energy. Present the lining to your opponent. During the transfer of the lining, in thoughts it is necessary to pronounce the same words that were said on the subject. If it is not possible to carry out these actions, then you can put a load on the house. It is important to do this so that no one can find it.

Corruption: to deprive lovers and rivals of beauty

Based on all of the above, there are several important parameters you should take out for yourself. If you are afraid that you may be spoiled by beauty, then accept gifts only from those in whom you can be one hundred percent confident. Although, sometimes, even the closest friends can bring negativity. You must protect yourself from magic. In order to determine the first signs and understand who brought the negative, it is better to consult a specialist.

Damage to beauty is not uncommon. After all, envy sometimes takes such forms that normal person only wonders where such strange thoughts come from.

This evil feeling can affect any area of ​​life. And the consequences will be very unpleasant, at best.

Let's take a look at the one that envious women use the most. This means damage to beauty.

This kind of influence is not at all so obvious. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine, and a person will suffer greatly.

Does such a thing exist?

Many people generally believe that such an impact does not exist. In vain.

Agree that someone else's beauty is not only admirable. She is often the subject of anger from less naturally gifted competitors.

After all, all women are waging a hidden struggle for the attention of gentlemen. This is completely natural, it is so laid down by nature.

And not everyone understands that the beauty of a woman is not always in a beautiful figure or facial features.

The soul is also worth considering. But it often escapes attention, people think only about appearance. And offended rivals believe that if you make a woman ugly, you can turn the man away from her.

Naturally, no one rushes at an opponent with a knife. But the guidance of damage is a secret matter. There are those who wish.

Beauty taint can work in different directions. It can lead to poor health.

Damage can be targeted, for example, on the hair or skin, on the face, and so on. How do you define it?

Signs and symptoms

Naturally, if damage is directed to beauty, then events should occur that affect the appearance of a woman. After all, it is usually the weaker sex that is exposed to this effect.

It is directed at men much less often.

The most characteristic signs:

  • Hair may fall out all of a sudden.

  • Often, the victim develops an allergy that affects the skin of the face.

  • It has a very strong effect on mood. Despondency is the best state in which a beauty is.

  • The eyes stop shining.

  • All energy literally instantly flows out of a woman. She doesn't want to dress up and take care of herself.

  • Appetite disruptions appear. Either you want to eat all the time, or you can't even take a piece in your mouth. All this leads to either obesity or exhaustion.

  • Another woman who has been spoiled by beauty is aging rapidly. The skin becomes flabby, acquires an earthy tint.

Hovering: an example of a rite

In order to inflict an energy blow and spoil the beauty, photography is used.

If you do it on a different day, then the likelihood that the blow will not reach the target, but will hit the one who performs it, increases.

In general, it is believed that this ritual is very complex. If you do not follow the instructions exactly, then you can damage yourself.

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Larissa(lu ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Larisa and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to change my life for the better and get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new things for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across an article on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Per Last year we made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

So, to spoil it, you need to take four black candles.

  1. Light it at midnight by placing it in four corners.
  2. Put a photo in the middle and read a plot on it:

“The black raven hovers around at night. It is darker than darkness! Let the beauty (name) turn into the disgrace of blackness! Casting a spell on the light! I curse the eye of the dawn! Casting a spell on hair, blood and body! The dark matter will be steadfast! Black crow, fly! Take the beauty (name), take it to the churchyard! Let him stand there in full growth! The word is strong, pour, do not spill! For a century, a man will be scary! "

Now you need to take black paint and with a brush (required) cross out the photo crosswise. When the paint dries, it is placed in a black envelope. Seal.

On the reverse side, you need to put a seal from each candle. As soon as it is sealed, you need to go to the intersection, throw a brush there and say:

After that, within seven days, give the beggars the same amount at the same time.

When the damage begins to take effect, the photo must be burned, the ashes must be scattered near the victim's threshold in order to consolidate the effect and cause damage.

How to remove

You will have to work hard to regain your attractive appearance and remove damage. This process is quite long. The most important thing is to be able to tune in correctly.

They begin to remove the corruption from the trip to the Church. You will have to do this every morning.

In total, you need to make as many trips as a person is full years old.

In the Temple, candles are lit for health in front of the Icons of the Theotokos, their Angel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. At the same time, it is necessary to pray to the Saints that they help a person restore the harmony of the soul!

You can also ask about the appearance, but this is not the main thing. It is necessary to talk with the Saints about a harmonious soul, such as the Lord created it.

Only after having gone to the Temple as many times as necessary can a ritual be performed to remove the damage to beauty.

For him you will need:

  • towel;
  • chamomile flowers (if not, then you can use dried ones);
  • scallop.

The ritual is performed outdoors. You can open the windows indoors if there is no way to go to nature.

It is best to do this on a sunny day. It is not advisable to spend it during the rain, and completely prohibited during a thunderstorm.

  1. You need to spread a towel, put a comb on it.
  2. Now you need to walk around and sing (you can sing out loud) like this:

“Holy Heavens! My beauty is gone! The raven has arrived! Pecked out the light! Black took my best dawn! Holy Heaven! Who has my beauty? Let the pigeons fly both in the forest and in the field! May it find my light that sits in captivity! You will return the little eye warmth, the clarity of the face, let it return without screaming! I throw the flower to the leaf, the trouble will turn into joy! As a dove is faithful to a dove, so be a charming smile! As a stream gurgles, so beauty will return to my doorstep! Holy heaven! The beauty has returned! Amen!"

Every time you read it, throw a chamomile flower on the towel. So you have to throw thirty pieces in total. And read the spell exactly the same number of times. Then sprinkle everything with holy water.

Roll up a towel with all the contents and put it under the pillow overnight. Flowers can be thrown away in the morning, and a towel and scallop can be used every morning.

This ritual can be repeated several times to remove damage.

If you think that the first time did not quite work out, then do it again. The towel will last until you wash it. Then the energy of the conspiracy will be erased from him.

It will be possible to repeat the whole process so that the damage to beauty ceases to act.

Removal of damage and evil eye by whispering. Prayers and conspiracies Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

Removal of damage to beauty

Removal of damage to beauty

Our visual appeal is not only about getting enough sleep and a minimum of stress. Energy invasion brings fatigue, appears headache, the complexion deteriorates, the shine in the eyes disappears, the hair becomes dull, and if the leakage of forces is large, you may even lose consciousness.

Try to resist the tense energies that scare away the people you want to attract. You will need the ability to fill yourself with harmony - that is, to tune inwardly to the atmosphere of peace, silence. Make it a rule, while taking your morning shower, to meditate on merging with the whole world. Cherish in yourself a feeling of love for all living things, let it take over your consciousness.

The conspiracy word helps you feel strength and independence in yourself, makes you charming, as if it gives you power over the stronger sex, gives you knowledge about this and the ability to benefit from your external data. Through harmonious rituals, you open your heart, turn to yourself, influence your energy centers, increasing your personal charm and allowing loved ones to perceive you in a different way, in a new way.

This is your chance to achieve beauty in both body and soul. They say that only the owners of wisdom manage to decipher the hidden symbolism of beauty conspiracies and penetrate into the very depths of their meaning.

Conspiracy on the first dew

Morning dew has long been associated with dawn and the sky and was considered a symbol of youth, freshness and purity. Girls washed themselves with flower dew to gain beauty and health. And special attention was paid to the morning dew of St. George's Day (May 6).

At sunrise, the villagers rolled on the grass, on which St. George's (Yuryev's) dew fell - this was considered the most effective way to heal from the evil eye or damage. They believed that this would bring health and well-being. No wonder it is said: "St. George's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments."

Girls and unmarried women in the villages “scooped up the dew” on such a day. To do this, they took a clean tablecloth and a tub, went to the meadow and dragged the tablecloth over the dew-covered grass. The tablecloth was squeezed into a tub and washed with the collected dew to drive away any "pain".

Get up early, take a new clean cotton towel with you without a pattern, and go to "scoop up the dew." Soak a towel with dew before sunrise. Wipe yourself well with a damp towel, and when the sun dries the dewdrops on your skin, start whispering a conspiracy:

I, the servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning,

I will go to the emerald meadows, wash myself there with healing dew, icy,

Wrap myself with silk mosses, bow to the red sun,

To a clear dawn, and I will say to mother dew:

Mother - lands a tear - morning dew,

From my skill, from God's blessing

Wash off me, servants of God (name), old age-fatigue:

From the head, from the temples, from all the hairs,

From the crown, from this time, from this minute.

From the sky - water, from the earth - God's dew.

Bass and beauty in the body. Amen.

The life-giving moisture collected from dewy herbs has great healing power. It is believed that when dew falls on the ground, the Water Spirit descends with it, and the cleansing effect of this is greatly enhanced. Just remember: you need to collect it away from roads, fields, industrial facilities, residential areas.

Melted water conspiracy

For this ceremony, melt water will be needed - everyone knows that it enhances metabolism and relieves fatigue. But something else is important for us: this life-giving moisture has a different structure, a positive charge, removes psychological inhibitions and rejuvenates every cell.

You ask how to get melted water. Pass regular tap water through the filter and place in the freezer. Wait a little until the water begins to freeze, and remove the just formed cloudy crust of ice - it is in it that all harmful compounds accumulate. In winter, if you wish, you can “enchant” the water on the balcony by covering the container with water with a lid.

In the early morning, dip a silver spoon into a glass container of melted water. The water should stand like this for at least 6 hours. Cut a lemon into slices and put in a vessel, drip three drops of aromatic oil, add linden flowers (they must first be boiled with boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes). Place the vessel on a windowsill so that the moonlight permeates it and leave it overnight.

The next evening, on a full moon, fill the tub with lukewarm water and scented foam and slowly pour the contents of the vessel into it. Then sink into the tub, close your eyes and pretend you are swimming in a lake of moonlight.

Imagine that the transparent stream washing you is the purity of your thoughts, and it flows like a waterfall into the endless ocean. For you, the waterfall is a sign of transformation, full of emotional recharge. Let your stream go according to the will of the waves, do not try to direct it against the stream. Feel oneness with the movement of the universal waters of life. Take a mental look into the depths of the river: clear, calm water is a sign of your wisdom. Now return to the light and calm the ripples in the water - you will feel the excitement and emotional instability recede.

Take the foam in your palms and whisper the words of the conspiracy over it:

How soon the soap will wash off your face,

So much my dear would love me.

Let him be happy, warm with me,

There is joy in my soul, light in my heart,

There is fun in the mind, and singing in the tongue. Amen.

Take a bath for at least 20 minutes. When the ceremony comes to an end, you will feel that you have absorbed the lunar energy.

Conspiracy before bed

Our ancestors firmly believed that the fragrances of nature are endowed with magical power, and that this power can be transmitted to man. Scented mixtures were used to raise the tone, awaken vital energy and fighting energy assault.

Magic requires special attention to essential oils... Dip rose quartz into a bottle of oil. Lightness, richness of aroma and transparency, nobility of the crystal will well "remember" your mood for energy cleansing and help remove damage to beauty. Infuse magic spirits one lunar quarter.

Before falling asleep, do the following: at the head of the bed, place a lighted candle, next to it - an open bottle of aromatic oil, cross the pillow and, looking at the flame, whisper seven times:

I lay down a slave (name), praying, and I will rise, blessing,

And I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,

In a clear field, under pure stars, under the heavenly moon.

How a month is young is born

And will go through the heaven of the Lord

In his own way and his path, his own master,

So I, too, a servant of God (name) will go out into an open field,

I'll wash myself with God's dew, wipe myself with a soft cloud,

I will gird myself with a bright month, I will be showered with pure stars.

I, a servant of God (name), will go to a feast-conversation to my girlfriends.

I will appear for this day of the Lord whiter than the light of the good, brighter than the bright month, more beautiful than the red sun, to slaves and slaves, good fellows and girls.

All my girlfriends would be a pool and dearer, everyone would be looking at me and looking: red girls, young young women, elderly men, unmarried. Be my words strong and sculpting. All my words are a key and a lock.

Having uttered a conspiracy in a whisper, immediately cork the bottle with the fragrant mixture with a cork so that the echo of your last words will become its eternal prisoner. Then, seal the bottle by dripping molten wax from the red candle onto the cork. Hide the fragrant vessel in the farthest corner of your bedroom, or place it in a secluded spot on your dressing table. And you can wear a tiny aroma on your chest or use this oil to charge an amulet against the evil eye.

Conspiracy on the beauty of a girl's body

Late evening is a good time to search for love and harmony in the surrounding space. An ancient magic ritual for removing damage to maiden beauty is recommended to be performed on the full moon night, when the moon is especially strong. It's just that all silver objects are the personification of the properties of the moon, a symbol of mysticism and magic.

All alone, cover the table with a silk cloth. Never lay a double-folded piece of cloth for the ceremony, otherwise it will reflect on the duality of the nature of your relationship with the world - both the subtle and the manifested.

Arrange the candles: one in front of you, and two behind your shoulders, right and left. Neither a TV, nor a mobile phone, nor a computer should work - there is absolute silence in the room.

If you want to get an equal return, start the ceremony with the feeling that you are fulfilling a universal mission.

Pour from one crystal glass to another through a silver ring mineral water... Do this seven times, imagine how with each new action silver gains more and more power over the contents of the glass, how a cold and wet substance from the element of Water is transformed into the element of Metal, acquiring strong magnetic qualities. Dip a silver coin into a glass of mineral water and whisper these words:

I got up, blessed, went, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate and into the open field. There is a throne in an open field, on this throne is the angel of the Lord. I approach this throne, reproach and pray: Lord angel, reach the servant of God (your name) and give the servant of God (your name) a white body, a ruddy face and a zealous heart, so that it seems I, the servant of God (your name), to everyone- all whiter than white snow, lighter than the red sun. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy on snow-white skin

On the righteous Maremyana, on the first day of March, the beauties made wishes for clean, snow-white skin, opened the windows and substituted clay jugs under the icicles. Make sure you, too, that the healing water of March eliminates sidelong glances.

Shortly before sunrise, light a red candle, prepare a bottle of aromatic oil charged with attractiveness, an earthen vessel with a March drop, sit comfortably by the window and wait for the first rays of the sun, quickly, as if swiftly whisper the words of the conspiracy seven times:

Aki Marya-zarya, Maremyana-zarya,

And I myself (name) dawn!

Morning dawn, evening dawn!

Give happiness and beauty both for day and night,

And early in the morning, and late in the evening, and in broad daylight.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the first warm rays touch your face, drop an aromatic oil charged for attractiveness onto your left palm and rub it into the skin of your face with light stroking movements, again whispering seven times:

I stroke the skin, stroke it, smooth it out,

And to the servant of God (name)

From the evil eye I speak.

The first time I read it, I blow out the candle.

I will read it a second time - I will remember.

If I read it a third time, I forget it.

Forever and ever. Amen.

With these words, extinguish the candle, wash yourself with March melt water and start a new day with a cheerful smile.

Lush hair conspiracy

The full moon is responsible for the pomp, density, strength and radiance of our curls. Wait for the full moon and loosen your braids to let the strands of hair fall loosely and gently over your shoulders. Before you touch the conspiracy rite, we suggest thinking about how you feel about your cute curls. Comb your hair in a hurry, on hastily or carefully and with pleasure? Try to do it as if your hair is the greatest jewel, you yourself will not notice how it has become thicker and fuller.

Take a herbal bath at midnight. While swimming, imagine a field of flowering herbs and a beautiful wreath in your hair. After the bath, when your hair is dry, put a mirror on the table, with church candles on both sides of it.

Pick up a comb or comb made of unvarnished wood. The magic comb was seven-rayed, and in order to get its support, the girls were instructed to follow unspoken rules: after combing the braid, one should never leave the comb in plain sight (for example, on the dressing table or on the windowsill), but immediately hide it in a secluded place, otherwise " the angel will not sit. " And try to comb your pet with a new comb first, you will see - it will last longer.

So, sit in front of the mirror, light the candles and start combing your hair, slowly whispering a conspiracy:

On the sea-ocean, on the Buyan island

There is a strong tower of black stone,

Stone cold, indestructible.

In that tower the dungeon is cold


The maiden-beauty sits in that dungeon,

Unprecedented beauty, unwritten.

Three dogs guard the dungeon, fierce beasts,

Gray, with glowing eyes.

They do not allow the maiden to go out, to show her beauty.

You, the first dog, calm down, cool down!

You, the second dog, fall asleep as a dead sleep!

You, third dog, go out!

Come out, maiden-beauty, from the dungeon into the light of God,

Through the night-midnight, across the sea-ocean,

Through the dope fire

Speak through the mirror.

Fall on the hair of the servant of God (name),

Give her youth-beauty

Give her the strength of the word,

So that everyone is loving and good

This minute, now, everlastingly, and forever and ever.

When you finish whispering the plot, wait until the candles burn out. Turn the charmed mirror over with the reflective part down and do not look into it for three days. Place the comb that you used during the conspiracy ritual under your pillow - it should keep you awake for a week.

Braid conspiracy

According to Slavic belief, it was customary to remove damage to the thickness and splendor of the hair after sunset or before sunrise - "the sun is crying", when a girl shows up with her head uncovered, "shines with her hair."

Place a bowl of melt water on the table, and a lighted candle in front of it. Wipe the mirror with a towel and place it in the basin on the bottom. Now you should look in the mirror and whisper a conspiracy twenty-one times, pouring water on your head from a basin:

My hair, my hair, grow like a spike in a field,

Fill up with strength, do not break from dryness,

Sit in the nest, swarm in the nest,

And I have God's servants (name), baptized, do not have sex,

Brace yourself like a sack.

In you, hair, all my magic power,

No hard water will spoil you,

Neither a sore head, nor a thought thought.

Grow, hair, fall off your shoulders, hair,

Strengthen yourself with the sun,

Cleanse yourself with the wind

I, the servant of God (name), protect the hair,

Like a ripe ear

Not for people, but for yourself,

Not for a moment, not for an hour, for a whole century.

Holy Mother of God circle with your spirit,

Protect my hair from the envious,

From a purring eye, from the evil eye, looking behind.

Words agreed, negotiated,

For the servant of God (name) are spoken. Amen.

A conspiracy will help get rid of all the worries of the day, shake them off. Imagine all anxieties and fears flowing down your hair into the water. You begin to radiate more subtle energy vibrations, higher energy centers will open, which will allow you to feel Nature as it really is. Then even the simplest cosmetic procedures will produce a magical effect.

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REMOVING DAMAGE FROM HOME If there is damage to the house, then you feel good outside the house, but when you come home, your head starts to ache, you cannot concentrate on anything. There is no joy in the house, members of the same family are constantly quarreling among themselves. A sure sign that damage has been brought to the house is

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Removing wedding damage If the damage was done at a wedding, then to get rid of it, do the following. As you see that somewhere a wedding is being played, go to that place and say: The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Most Holy Mother of God Herself, All Heavenly

the author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

Removing Corruption (1) Corruption is even worse magical effect than the evil eye. Because of damage, families collapse, people disperse, illness and suffering arise, destinies break. No psychological, religious or medicinal effect removes damage. Damage can

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Removal of spoilage (2) The fox is walking through the forest. Looks around. A bear is approaching her. The fox ran away. I wanted to hunt, but I almost became a victim myself. So people with animal heads think that they are hunting, but they themselves are helpless and cowardly.

author Luzina Lada

Conspiracies to remove damage Our venerable Fathers, Saint Fedosey, help me Most Pure Mother of God in our life by goodness hear the morning prayer, hear the prayer in heaven, where marble stones, under a stone stone, there the Mother of God rests and every disease

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Removal of damage during burial At the moment when people throw the earth into the grave on the coffin, you need to mentally say: Where is the earth, there

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 32 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Damage to beauty - one of the varieties of black magic, has a destructive negative influence for the sacrifice.

Traditionally, women are the objects of this witchcraft. This black magic has a powerful force that can be fatal.

Such witchcraft is popular among women who find themselves in a desperate romantic situation. Usually, such an evil eye as damage to beauty is induced on a rival (the husband's mistress, the new passion of the beloved).

Damage to beauty: features of the ritual

In most cases, for such a ceremony, women ask for help from specialists (magicians, sorcerers), since it requires a lot of energy. The first task of the sorcerer is to weaken the victim's energy and its protective barriers. Only then are special rituals and ceremonies performed.

The waning moon is the perfect time for the ritual.

The ceremony can be performed at other times too, but more effort and energy will have to be expended to achieve the result. The chances of getting a "kickback" are high, so when performing occult rituals, it is important to be careful and know exactly what, why and how is done. Kick back, in case of incorrect execution, will overtake the customer and the contractor.

How to identify damage to beauty

Poor skin or hair condition may be due to deterioration

The damage to beauty is revealed simply - the sacrifice that she has suffered begins to very quickly lose its former attractiveness. It can be a general fading of beauty, youth; sudden aging; very fast weight jump.

The condition of the skin can deteriorate very strongly and sharply: rashes, acne and acne will appear. Eyes usually grow dull, there is no shine, joy and cheerfulness in them. Changes also take place with hair: from silky, shiny, well-groomed and beautiful, they turn into thin, unkempt, rapidly falling out.

With the weight of the victim of damage to beauty, changes can also occur: an excessively sharp jump towards obesity or, on the contrary, exhaustion, the forms lose their attractiveness and pleasant sophisticated curves. There is an unpleasant odor from the body due to a slowdown in metabolism.

How to get rid of the evil eye

You can try to remove damage to beauty yourself. A good time for the ritual is when the moon is waning. During sunset, you must light a consecrated candle. You will need four cotton napkins, next to it, put soap and a towel (new, not previously used).

With this kind of evil eye, as damage to beauty, you must first start reading the prayer "Blessed Mother Theotokos"; Our Father and the Holy Spirit. And then move on to the words of a special conspiracy:

“Lessons are terrible tracts, the bumps of other people's bites, no matter who you are, melt like foam melts on water, wax on a candle, dew on the grass, and let all the dirt get off my face and body, and it will go to the wind-blowing sore. It will burn in fire, lose its strength, fly back to the one who sent it. Amen".

During each reading, it is necessary to put a cross over the napkin. After you finish reading the conspiracy, use all three napkins in turn to wipe them all over the body from head to toe. Fold the napkins in a bag or bag, then go with it to the intersection, after which it must be burned along with the contents (so that it burns better, you can use flammable substances). It is necessary to stay at the intersection until the contents of the package and it itself are burned to ashes. It is important that the smoke does not fall on the person performing the ceremony.

For the next twelve days, the victim of beauty damage must be washed using the soap and towels that took part in the ceremony. Then, after the twelfth day, the towel should also be burned at that intersection.

Three important factors:

strong energy;

  • knowledge of black magic;
  • confidence in action.

A ritual performed without these components can harm - aggravate the effect of damage on beauty. In the case when the victim is not entirely confident in their skills in this area, you should resort to the help of professionals.

Damage to the face

Human life is a raging ocean of passions, which not everyone can cope with. Especially frequent.

Quarrels, betrayals, divorces - someone is going through these difficulties on their own, clenching their teeth from mental pain and torment, and someone is looking for help from otherworldly forces.

Most often, women with broken hearts turn to magicians and sorcerers. One wants, another to beat off a beloved man from a rival, the third has other problems on the love front, and the fourth chosen one of her son did not like it. Facial spoilage is the method often used by black magicians to help women solve their problems.

Damage to the face, what does it give?

The effect of such damage is aimed at the loss of beauty. A person who has undergone its influence has a face change, a variety of problems that spoil the appearance appear:

Acne, age spots, papillomas, warts, acne may appear;
The skin may take on an earthy tint;
The eyes may become dull lifeless;
Wrinkles may appear.

If you do not remove the damage to the face, gradually the person will lose their external attractiveness.

How is the ritual performed?

Damage to the face is directed to the waning moon. This is the most favorable period for the ceremony.

To begin with, the magician conducts a ritual, the purpose of which is to weaken the protective aura of the person who is targeted by the damage. Only then damage is induced on the face.

Who is the ritual performed by?

They are in great demand among the fair sex. Often women, girls try to damage them on their own.

Conducting any occult rituals carries a risk for an uninformed person, therefore all activities should be carried out exclusively by masters who know how, when and what to do. If necessary, they will put up a defense, and if a problem arises, they will "take the blow".