Interesting facts about Sergei Yesenin briefly. Interesting facts about Yesenin: Yesenin's biography. The last years of life and death

We know Yesenin from school as a hooligan and drunkard, praising blue Russia and women. But there are those that remain outside the scope of the school curriculum. The genius poet always surprised his friends and family with risky actions that lifted him to the top of Olympus and dragged him into the abyss of hopelessness.

From childhood, Yesenin stood out among his peers, he was not particularly eager to be a worker, although he anxiously loved his homeland, he could wander through the fields for hours, enjoying the province. From the age of 5, Titov's grandfather was engaged in the upbringing of the poet, he was distinguished by high intelligence and education. It was he who attracted Yesenin's love of literature, and his grandmother constantly told folk tales... In such an atmosphere, it was impossible not to grow up to be a sensual and loving person. Later he was brought up by his mother.

He went to study at the Parish School, graduated with honors and left for Moscow, to his father. The father worked in a butcher's shop, but the son could not withstand this activity for six months.

An interesting fact about Yesenin: from childhood, the boy believed that he would become a famous Russian poet. He began writing his first poems as a teenager. And now he told his father that he would earn money by rhyming, he would not go on studying, he would not stay in the butcher's shop. Yesenin got a job in a printing house as a worker, closer to publishing, and therefore to writing and Russian poets. At this time, he first read A. Blok's poems and began to consider him his teacher.

Yesenin tried to break into the circles of writers, he got acquainted with everyone who could somehow help him. As a result, he decided not to wait "for the weather by the sea", found out the address of Blok and came to him, declaring himself as a future famous poet. Blok became interested in such insolence, he met him, without lyrical digressions demanded to read poetry. An interesting fact is that Blok was delighted with Yesenin's work - this led the poet to the long-awaited literary circles.

Do not miss! Interesting Facts from the life of Blok. Blok's biography

  • Yesenin was married 4 times (not counting numerous hobbies).

  • Yesenin considered Galina Benislavskaya a friend and companion, and she loved him. After the death of the poet, Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave and was buried near Yesenin.
  • Yesenin had two interesting phobias- a terrible fear of the police and a panic fear of contracting syphilis.

Yesenin biography: interesting facts about Yesenin

  • At one time, Sergei Yesenin was a vegetarian.
  • Isadora Duncan is the most famous woman Yesenina saw in him her son, who died in infancy. Duncan did not speak Russian, Yesenin did not speak English, but in passionate quarrels, their dialogue consisted of a linguistic mixture of swear words. Friends were very amused by this.
  • After Yesenin's death, Isadora died tragically and absurdly: she got out of a taxi, and her long scarf pinched the car door, the car started and strangled the great dancer.
  • Yesenin and Mayakovsky, although in public and showed disdain for each other, in fact, each admired the talent of his opponent. An interesting fact in Yesenin's biography: Mayakovsky, once reading his poems, exclaimed loudly: "Damn talented!" But from everyone in the room, he sternly demanded never to tell anyone about this.

  • Before his death, Yesenin spent a month in a psychiatric clinic, at which time representatives of the Soviet government were looking for him under the pretext of saving Yesenin from alcoholism and sending him to a sanatorium. But they could not find the poet. On December 21, Yesenin left the clinic and settled in Angleterre, where on the 25th he was found dead.

Russian poet Sergei Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. His father was a simple peasant, in his youth he sang in a church choir, and after moving to Moscow he worked as a clerk in a butcher's shop. Yesenin was only 2 years old when his mother left her father and went to Ryazan to earn money, then the maternal grandfather and grandmother were engaged in raising the child. It was from his grandmother that Yesenin learned many folk songs and fairy tales. According to him, they gave impetus to writing his own.

Moving to Moscow and the beginning of the creative path

Immediately after graduating from the church teacher's school, Sergei Yesenin moved to Moscow, where his father lived then. At first, he worked with his father in the same butcher shop, and then joined the Sytin printing house. A year later, Yesenin becomes a free listener at the historical and philosophical department of the Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University.

Yesenin's poems were first published in the children's magazine "Mirok" after moving to Moscow. In 1915, in Petrograd, he met famous Russian poets - Blok and Gorodetsky. In 1916, the first collection of Yesenin's poems was published, which was called "Radunitsa", this edition made the poet truly famous. Radunitsa is called the day of remembrance of the dead, as well as folk songs, which reflects the mood with which the poet's lyrics were imbued in those years.

Personal life

Sergei Yesenin was only 18 years old when he met Anna Romanovna Izryadnova, a proofreader in Sytin. She soon became his first wife. From a short marriage, a son, Yuri, was born, in 1937 he was shot on a false denunciation.

Immediately after the birth of the child, the poet left his first family, in 1917 his romance with actress Zinaida Reich began, which ended in an official marriage. In this marriage, two were born - Tatiana (1918-1992) and Konstantin (1920-1986). Subsequently, Reich married the famous director V.E. Meyerhold, who adopted her children from a marriage with Yesenin. Being married to Zinaida Reich, Sergei Yesenin met the poetess and translator Nadezhda Volpin, from this connection in 1924 an illegitimate son was born.

Yesenin's romance with Galina Benislavskaya, a graduate of the Preobrazhenskaya Petersburg Gymnasium, ended tragically; she shot herself at the poet's grave exactly one year after his death.

Yesenin's most famous connection is considered to be an affair with the dancer Isadora Duncan. The beloved was 22 years older than the poet, which, however, did not prevent the couple from formalizing their relationship. Living together Duncan and Yesenin were marred by constant quarrels and high-profile scandals.

Tragic death

Historians are still arguing about the death of Sergei Yesenin. According to the official version, the poet hanged himself in his room at the Angleterre Hotel, having written before his death in blood “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...”. However, many believe that he could not hang himself, he was so cheerful that day and never mentioned any experiences. Although the circumstances of the death of the poet give rise to many doubts, the version of the murder has not been proven.

- a talented Russian poet. His poems are very popular to this day. Even young people who are not at all interested in Russian literature have probably heard them in their modern performance - songs.

Films are made about Sergei Yesenin, monuments to him have been erected in many Russian cities. Numismatics, philately ... His name is immortalized everywhere.

It is worth noting that he was not a "typical" poet of his time. Sergei could not decide on the genre for a long time. New peasant poetry, lyrics, imagism ... Neither in life, nor in work, he did not try to adhere to constancy.

Yes, Yesenin is famous not only for his poems, but also for his addiction to alcohol, rowdy and illogical actions. However, all great people behave strangely.

If you like the work of this poet, and would like to know a little more about him, pay attention to our article. We present to you a list of 10 interesting facts about Sergei Yesenin: biography and briefly the most important stories from the life of the writer, who fell in love with the readers for his sincerity.

10. Originally from a peasant family

Yesenin's homeland is the village of Konstantinovka, by the way, a very picturesque place. The boy was born into a peasant family... He had two sisters. Sergei was two years old when his parents had a big fight. For some time they lived separately, Yesenin spent his entire childhood with his grandfather (by his mother), who had a pretty good financial situation... He had three grown sons, "the guys are mischievous and desperate."

They devoted a lot of time to Sergei, and the poet later recalled them more than once. As a child, the boy did not differ in exemplary behavior, he often participated in fights, performed various tricks.

9. First job - in a butcher shop

Sergei's father worked in a butcher shop in Moscow, was a salesman. He did not come to his native village often, even after his marriage. At the age of 17, as soon as he graduated from school, Yesenin also moved to Moscow. He got a job in the same shop as an assistant to his father. He did not work there for long... After a conflict with his father, Yesenin went to the printing house.

8. Alias ​​"Ariston"

The first poem "Birch" was published in 1914. "Mirok" magazine, pseudonym "Ariston"... Yesenin wrote that he very quickly became famous, and he was asked to write under his own name. Until 1955, no one knew that "Birch" was Yesenin's creation.

What did this sonorous pseudonym mean? Many associated it with the name of the "music box". At that time, the mechanical winding instrument was just beginning to spread. However, this version has not been confirmed, this is nothing more than an assumption.

7. Rich personal life: romance and marriage

The poet's personal life was very eventful. His first serious hobby was Anna Izryadnova... They worked and studied together. Civil marriage, after the birth of his son, Yesenin left the family.

He soon married Zinaide Reich... In this marriage, the poet had two children, they also did not become an obstacle to divorce.

Second marriage to an American dancer Isadora Duncan lasted more than a year.

His last wife was Sophia Tolstaya, the granddaughter of Lev Nikolaevich. In this marriage, Yesenin also did not find happiness, it was short-lived.

In addition to official relations, Sergei had many fleeting romances. The list of his loves is pretty impressive. It includes an actress Augusta Miklashevskaya, Nadezhda Volpina, the latter even had a son from Yesenin.

6. Relationship with Isadora Duncan

Perhaps the most striking relationship in Sergei's life was an affair with Isadora Duncan... They met when a dancer from America came on tour to Russia. The language barrier did not become an obstacle. Isadora did not know Russian, Sergei did not know English. They were not embarrassed by the age difference, she was 17 years older than her lover.

After celebrating the wedding, the young went on a tour of Europe and the United States. Isadora worked, and Yesenin dreamed of showing the West, " what is a Russian poet". A little over a year later, they filed for divorce. The reason for the separation is unknown. Two years after the divorce.

5. Articles in newspapers about drunkenness and debauchery of the poet

Yesenin never thought about his moral character. He loved to drink, to have fun, participated in fights and performed many antisocial acts. No wonder soon the first articles about Sergey's inappropriate behavior appeared in the press... After a while, there were even more of them.

The poet was not afraid of criticism, he deliberately gave reasons: quarrels, fights, hooliganism. Maybe he liked "notoriety"? One way or another, Yesenin went too far. Several criminal cases were even brought against him.

4. Themes of the homeland and revolution in creativity

Already in his first poems, the poet touched upon important topics: homeland and revolution... "Birch", "Blacksmith" - although Yesenin wrote a lot about his homeland, he never visited the village in which he grew up.

Of course, Sergei could not ignore the revolution. The events of October 1917 made a deep impression on him. He supported the revolutionaries, but from his peasant side.

The first work on this topic was the poem "Transfiguration". "Jordanian Dove", "Heavenly Drummer" - these works are also dedicated to the revolution.

3. Songs on the verses of the poet

As noted at the beginning of the article, many of Yesenin's poems began to be used for songs... One of the first was the poem "A Letter to Mother". The composer Vasily Lipatov liked it. The romance was performed by more than one Soviet singer.

The composer Grigory Ponomarenko also used Yesenin's lyrics for romances. Alexander Vertinsky, Muslim Magomayev, Yevgeny Martynov ... The list can be continued for a long time. Most of the Soviet performers sang songs based on Yesenin's poetry with pleasure.

His work was in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad: Italy, Poland, Bulgaria. Modern performers also do not ignore his poems. Vika Tsyganova, Stas Mikhailov, Zemfira, Elena Vaenga, Nikita Dzhigurda ... Sergei's works sound even in the genres of rock and rap: "Rock Syndrome", Misha Mavashi, "Path of the Sun".

2. Difficult, expressive character of Yesenin

Sergei had a very difficult character. Its main features: a tendency to rebellion, outrageous behavior, a heightened sense of justice. He did not want to put up with the circumstances and was ready to go against everyone.

Yesenin inherited such a character. His mother and grandfather were also difficult people. Passion for alcohol is also a kind of protest. Yesenin saw what was happening to the country and he did not like it.

1. Controversy about murder and suicide

Sergei tried several times to commit suicide. The first attempt was made in 1913. It is still unknown under what circumstances the poet died: was he killed or he left voluntarily.

In 1925, the poet was found in a room at the Angleterre Hotel. He hanged himself. There was a loop of a torn sheet around his neck. Everyone was sure that Yesenin had committed suicide. His mental state was unstable. A week before this event, he was discharged from a neuropsychiatric hospital.

In the 70s and 80s, another version emerged. Colonel Eduard Khlystalov believed that this was the work of a special political organization, the state security structure of the USSR (OGPU). This version was considered unconvincing, although even the posthumous photos show that the poet was severely beaten. Unfortunately, now it is hardly possible to find out the truth.

What else to see:

Interesting facts about Sergei Yesenin will help you get to know this genius poet even better. During his short life, he was able to write many poems and poems that became classics during his lifetime.

A lot of songs are laid on Yesenin's poems, which are known and sung by both young and old people. In his works, he paid great attention to nature, human qualities and reflection on the meaning of life.

So, here are the most interesting facts about.

  1. When Yesenin was in third grade, he was left for the second year due to terrible behavior.
  2. After graduation, Sergei went to, where he initially worked in a butcher shop. Later he got a job in a printing house.
  3. Yesenin composed his first verse at the age of 8.
  4. An interesting fact is that when Sergei Yesenin was drafted to war, his comrades helped him get an appointment to the military hospital train number 143 with the permission of his wife, Alexandra Fedorovna.
  5. In 1917 Yesenin married the artist Zinaida Reich. But after a few years he decided to leave his pregnant wife. In addition, the poet also left a little daughter.
  6. At the age of 27, Yesenin married the American dancer Isadora Duncan. This family union also soon fell apart.
  7. The third and last wife of Sergei Yesenin was the granddaughter - Sofya Andreevna. Alas, this marriage also failed.
  8. According to Sardanovsky and the letters of the poet himself, Sergei Alexandrovich adhered to vegetarianism.
  9. Yesenin repeatedly violated the law and participated in various fights. So, he was involved in four criminal cases of hooliganism.
  10. An interesting fact is that the Soviet leadership wanted to help him get rid of alcohol addiction. Felix Dzerzhinsky tried to arrange Yesenin in a sanatorium for treatment, but neither he nor his assistants could find the riotous poet.
  11. Sergei Yesenin and his friends were accused of anti-Semitism.
  12. Do you know that only his wife managed to persuade Yesenin to go to a neuropsychiatric hospital. A month after the treatment, he left for Leningrad, having rented a room at the Angleterre Hotel. It was in this place that Sergei Yesenin was found hanged. According to the official version, he committed suicide due to depression.
  13. Close friends of the poet said that Yesenin was most afraid of contracting syphilis. He was also afraid of meeting with the police.
  14. In 1995, a stamp with the image of Sergei Yesenin was published in Albania.
  15. An interesting fact is that, despite the fact that Yesenin s often entered into open conflicts, resorting to mutual insults, both poets recognized each other's talent.
  16. The position for today in

Sergei Yesenin is a wonderful Russian poet who in early period creativity was one of the key figures in the new peasant lyrics, and in the later - Imagism. Interesting facts about Yesenin prove that it is unthinkable to impose any restrictions and frameworks on such a large-scale personality. He was outside the literary trends of the beginning of the last century. His lyrics are a Russian soul wide open, passionate, rebellious and incredibly responsive.

Interesting facts from the life and work of Yesenin

  • Not much is known about Yesenin's childhood and youth. One thing is certain that fate suggested that the famous poet choose a different path - to devote his life to pedagogy. In 1909, the training of Sergei Yesenin at the Konstantinovsky Zemsky School came to an end. Excellent grades allowed him to enter a church teacher's school. But after a year and a half, he left the orderly boring school walls, because he could not imagine himself in the role of a teacher.
  • Anna Izryadnova became the poet's first muse. They met when Sergei, an ardent self-confident youth of seventeen, came to conquer the capital. He had many plans and one goal - to become the brightest "servant of the muses" in immense Russia. This marriage was not happy. Esenin's wife and little son were a burden. Very soon he left them and went in search of fame in Petrograd.
  • In 1918, a new publishing house appeared in Moscow - the Labor Artel of Word Artists.

    It was organized by the beginning poets of Soviet Russia - Lev Povitsky, Andrei Bely, Pyotr Oreshin, Sergei Klychkov and Sergei Yesenin. One thing was sorely lacking for successful work - paper. At that difficult time she was on strict account, but Yesenin promised to get it. Having changed into simple clothes and combed his hair in a peasant manner, he went straight to the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet. Exclusively for " peasant poets»The paper is highlighted.

  • In Yesenin's life there were many beautiful women... The famous actress Zinaida Reich was one of them. She was so beautiful and charming that the poet could not resist and asked for her hand in 1917. In this marriage, Sergei Alexandrovich had two children - Tatiana and Konstantin. Three years later, the couple separated due to the endless betrayals of the head of the family. The wonderful poem "Letter to a Woman" is dedicated to the beautiful Zinaida.
  • The poet also had many fears. One of the unknown to the general public is the horror of the police. Wolf Ehrlich recalled that one day he and Sergei were walking down the street, at the end of which the figure of a law enforcement officer appeared. The poet turned pale, then turned yellow, breathed heavily, asked to leave as soon as possible and not tell anyone about the panic that had suddenly gripped him.
  • In the 20s, Yesenin's personal life was chaotic and somewhat disheveled. He drank a lot, often got involved in ugly stories and endless fights. Not without casual connections. But fate extended a helping hand to him in the person of Isadora Duncan, a brilliant American dancer. It was love at first sight, which stepped over many conventions. She was eighteen years older than him and did not speak Russian, and he did not speak English. But they got married, combining their names and their great feelings into one whole. From now on, they both signed Duncan-Yesenin.
  • However, the marriage with Isadora Duncan was not entirely successful. They often quarreled, quarreled, dispersed and again met passionately. The final break was inevitable. In the poem “Rash, harmonica!

    Boredom ... Boredom ... "Yesenin conveyed what was happening in his soul at that time. Two years after the tragic death of the poet, Duncan died, suffocating herself with her own scarf.

  • FROM short biography and the work of Yesenin, students get acquainted in the 5th grade. There is a widespread misconception about the alleged mutual hatred between Yesenin and Mayakovsky. Indeed, the poets often and passionately argued, reproached each other. Often it came to open skirmishes during public speaking... But this did not mean that they did not recognize each other's talent. On the contrary, they praised and admired. Once even Mayakovsky said that "darling Yesenin" was "terribly talented", while he asked not to pass these words to him.
  • The last wife of the poet was Sophia Tolstaya - the granddaughter of the great Russian writer. She strove to be the ideal companion of the famous poet: she surrounded him with care, attention and helped him with the publication of his own collected works. But she never became his muse. He did not love her, and at the same time her aristocratic origin caused confusion and timidity in him. And yet Sophia's disgraceful heart fell grief to remain the widow of a shocking poet.
  • The body of the dead Yesenin was found on December 25, 1925 in a room at the Angleterre Hotel. It is interesting to note that the day before he wrote a poem in blood "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...". There were two versions of his tragic departure. Officially, he ended his life by suicide, while writing a farewell verse-message. According to the other, it was a political murder, and the poem was written in blood, because there was no ink in the issue.
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