Tory Ozols addicted part 2 read. Read the online book "Addicted

I was a stupid, lost girl who hated the whole world. Without the support of myself loved one, with a bitter loss in my soul, I wanted to end this torment. At sixteen, we so easily succumb to our emotions, go on about the sadness and get lost in depression, and I, too, have one step to fall. It would seem that nothing holds me on this earth anymore, everything is empty ... until I found my dark anchor. It remains only to reach it, to see it even from afar.

A fragile, angular girl stood in front of the tombstone, shivering from the wind and insane rage. Clenching her fists painfully, she looked at the embossed name - "Caroline Velez, beloved wife and mother." Tears streamed down her weathered cheeks, but she did not notice them. Seething with uncontrollable anger, the girl repeated the phrase "beloved wife" over and over, saturating each letter with hatred and anger.
Exactly a year ago, her mother was buried here, and today her father announced that he was going to marry again. People whispered that his relationship with his future wife had lasted for more than a year, but they did not condemn him. A noble, honest prosecutor, he deserved his happiness, after he did not leave a seriously ill patient and was with her until the last minute. Yeah, of course. Deserved!
While his wife fought steadily with incurable disease he, instead of being close to her and supporting her, tumbled in their family bed with his whore. But for her mother's sake, Sabrina was silent. Even when I caught them red-handed. Even when his father said that it was also hard for him and that Alana meant nothing to him. Even when the doctors threw up their hands and gave the mother at least four months. Even when she was able to live only five, and the heart, unable to withstand the load, stopped. The girl was even silent at the moment when the maroon coffin was lowered into the cold, damp earth. Silent until today.
But when the father with a happy smile on the street announced the imminent wedding, hugging all the same Alana around the waist, she could not keep silent. Enough! Her love and faith in this man was finally extinguished. Scattered like ash in the wind, turning into tiny grains of sand that slowly disappear from sight.
He's a traitor. The man who brought his wife to the grave. A man who shone in front of everyone with his nobility, honesty and integrity is rotten from the inside. And, unfortunately, he was her own father.
How she hated him! How she despised! As if all the anger, anger and rage gathered into one common ball and turned into a living substance inside her soul. And having reached their peak, they burst out.
- You killed her! Not a disease! Not a cure! No! It is your indifference, betrayal and desire to get rid of the burden! Hate you! I despise! You are a freak! Moral freak! - a hysterical girlish scream filled the living room, bouncing off the glass and hitting the frozen man.
Alana was sitting on the sofa, looking directly at the future stepdaughter, without a single drop of guilt or imaginary conscience. Her eyes expressed only regret for another ruined evening. But the woman endured it, showing false support. She didn't have to strain to get rid of the girl. In the end, she herself will succeed very well. Evan, on the other hand, stood opposite his daughter, blushing more and more with her every word. Accustomed to universal adoration, he could not stand reproaches and accusations, in which Sabrina excelled very well.
- You are my daughter and you must respect me! - the man said with steel in his voice, without affecting the enraged girl in the least.
- Yes, fuck you! What kind of father are you to me? I was orphaned the moment I lost my mother! Hate you! I hate it!
And her words sounded clear and truthful. The man overcame the urge to grimace in disappointment by convincing himself that these teenage emotions were caused by the loss of his mother. Not realizing that this was not a simple disappointment in a person who used to be an ideal, but a real, lively emotion.
Evan suddenly waved his hand and gave his daughter a hard slap in the face. She staggered, retreating by inertia, and with wild fury looking at her father. He had never hit her before. On the contrary, Sabrina has always been his little princess. But now this act did not surprise the girl. Everything she knew about her father was false. An illusion created for society.
In fact, this man is dead inside. Emptiness instead of soul, cold instead of warmth. Another woman would even have regretted Sabrina and warned about her choice. But Alana was a match for him. The same soulless snake, going straight ahead to its goal. Perhaps they deserved each other. Perhaps, after a while they will drown each other in mutual poison. But the girl was not going to give them the opportunity to enjoy this process.
After the death of her mother, Sabrina and so went down from excellent grades up to the mark "satisfactory", fell apart in front of the other teachers, skipped classes and made friends with the same abandoned guys. But even this, although it infuriated his father and caused him indignation, could not damage his career and hook him. On the contrary, the man was even more pitied and offered support.
- Asshole!
- Go away! And until you show due respect to my future wife and me, as your father, do not show yourself!
- Maybe it's better to send me to the boarding school right away! You are so fond of threatening me with that!
- So it will be until your behavior changes!
- As if I'm against it! I won't see your disgusting face there!
- To your room! Immediately! Evan yelled, losing his patience.
- Killer! - Sabrina jumped out of the living room and quickly went upstairs.
She slammed the door and stood in the middle of the bedroom, breathing heavily. It was the house that was choking her. Being in the same walls with the person who failed her expectations and brought the dearest person to the grave made the blood boil in her veins. Anger, pure, uncontrollable, ate up from the inside, demanding an exit. Her fingers clenched into fists and bloody, and she could barely hold back a painful cry.
The ringing of the mobile burst into consciousness, dropping the boiling point a little lower. The Marquis blinked brightly in the punk girl's photograph. Sabrina smiled, and immediately accepted the challenge.
- Hey!
- Halla, Sabi! Baby, how are you?
- He's marrying his slut. Announced today! - With undisguised fury said Sabrina, complaining to her friend.
- What a freak! Has he forgotten what day it is?
- He doesn't give a shit! I hate it!
- Baby, you need to get out of there and unwind!
- I do not want! All I want is to set this damn house on fire with them and watch it burn!
The friend whistled.
- And if I say that I got for us fake IDs and flyers for the passage to the "Fallen".
Sabrina froze, breathless at the news. The Fallen was the most popular club in town. Respectable wives collected petitions to close it, and her father now and then looked for leads for a round-up. But behind the owner of this institution stood not only fabulous money, but also dangerous connections. It is not easy to tie such people, but those who succeed have only two roads ahead - either up the career ladder or into the grave from the revenge that has overtaken.
She had never seen that man live, but even from a photograph she could tell that he emanated insane danger, magnetic charisma and the promise of sweet pain. Fallen Angel. Such people just look at you condescendingly from the pages of magazines, saying with their sly, ironic smile that you cannot reach him. The girl understood that she could never get close to this man, but she could not miss the only chance to see him even from afar. Sabrina was magnetically attracted to that place, making her want to breathe in the scent of sin and plunge into the darkness of vicious music. As if this is what can help her forget about the endless pain in her heart and suffering from the loss of the most beloved person.
Now Sabrina felt the loneliness that eats her soul as never before. It was as if she was looking at life, like a detached spectator. From the side. Not participating in its flow. And although they said that time heals, her pain became stronger every day. Perhaps because of the obvious betrayal of his father. Because of giving them the feeling that she became a full-fledged orphan. Alone among the whole world. Looking for that thread, which you can cling to in order to return the desire to live. But the girl was afraid that she would never find her. And at some point, it will simply burn out in search, destroying itself.
- Give me half an hour!
“This is my girl,” the fun was heard in her friend’s voice, and Sabrina knew that she was already tipsy.
With Angelica "Marquise" Rams, the girl met one rainy evening, when she was standing on the edge of the bridge. A month has passed since the death of his mother. Devastated. Broken. Abandoned. Sabrina was indifferent to life, looking at the dark water without fear. One step separated her from the abyss. One small step.
But they say that those who look down for a long time never cross this line. Sabrina had already let go of one hand and raised her leg, when an indifferent voice, without a drop of regret, said:
- And I still can't do it.
- What? - curiosity won out and Sabrina turned her head at the sound and looked at a slender blonde with a pierced nose, bright black makeup and a soft mohawk hairdo with smooth curls at the top and shaved areas on the side. - Why?
- All the time I think about how cold the water is. Brrr. I can't stand the cold.
- Yes? Sabrina looked back into the dark abyss. - Maybe.
- So you jump? The girl asked indifferently, standing behind her.
- Maybe.
In the end, they talked for another half hour, and as a result, Sabrina climbed off the railing. After the "Marquis" she introduced her to her company, treated her to weed and took her under her wing. But until recently, passing that place, Sabrina again wondered if it might be worth taking this step into the abyss. Until that ill-fated club opened a month ago and his manly face with a maniacal smile flashed in all the city newspapers. There was something in the curve of his lips. Something mocking and frightening, but at the same time ominously attractive. Forbidden. It makes her teenage body tremble, and her soul tears there - into the abyss of his hell.
This desire racked her soul, frightened her with its strength, and to the same extent excited her. It became the only living impulse in her body, the rest simply died. And without knowing it, this man made her breathe. One of its kind. And now the girl painfully wanted to know if he corresponded to the fantasies that prompted her in her, or if this was the last attempt of her consciousness to keep the girl alive. Most likely, the fact that she presented only a mirage, a figment of her sick imagination. But until she was completely disappointed in him, did not make sure of her mistake, the girl could not say goodbye to the old world.
After a quick shower, Sabrina pulled on a leather mini-skirt, too short for her age, but perfectly fitting on her elastic ass, a wide silver T-shirt that hung from one shoulder and, with sudden movements, opened a minute view of the young, liquid breasts without a bra. I finished my ensemble with a leather biker jacket and stiletto boots. Then she slipped the money into her pocket, grabbed the phone from the table and opened the window. Looking out, the fugitive went downstairs along the usual path, bending down, walked under the windows and headed from the house to the main street of Clifford.
There, the girl quickly jumped into the caught taxi, ignored the lustful glance of the fat-bellied driver. And when she gave the address she needed, he smirked knowingly. But Sabrina didn't care. Hundreds of creeps of anticipation and hope ran through her body. Of course, there were several reasons why they wouldn't even be able to get inside. The first and most exciting - their fake IDs will be immediately declassified, the second - face control will be closed at the entrance, because only real beauties got there, and the girl did not consider herself to be such, and the third - it is not known what a discount on the entrance even with flyers, because the pass fabulously expensive and the graduates, of course, did not have such money.
The car drove past an empty pedestrian bridge, which beckoned the girl with its dark decision, as if whispering suicidal thoughts to her. Sabrina sucked in a breath and clenched her fists. Not today. Not yet. Soon they turned into the central street, and at its end into a side street called by the townspeople "the alley of sin." The long queue of beautiful girls outside the renovated building with the dark red sign "The Fallen" was not surprising. It was there that Sabrina herself aspired.
After settling accounts with the taxi driver, the girl jumped out of the car looking out in the crowd the face of the "marquise". Fortunately, the friend had already passed the middle and waved to her invitingly. Sabrina quickly ran to her, feeling the envious glances of the other girls pressing on her back. There were practically no guys in this queue, because mostly men who arrived in expensive cars with models under the arm got into this institution. If their eyes caught on some girls in the crowd, they gave the thug in a black T-shirt at the entrance a couple of bucks and they skipped out of line, some they took away immediately, but each knew what would be required of them in return. So Sabrina did not want to get inside.
“Hi, baby,” the “marquise” kissed her on the cheek, pulling the girls behind her and pulling her to her.
- Hey, bitch, where are you out of line! Two overdressed girls shouted to Sabrina.
- Fuck off, beauties, she's with me! - "Marquise" put out her middle finger and hissed menacingly, so that the young ladies fell silent, throwing hateful glances.
Sabrina chuckled. She never understood where such an aggressive mixture came from in this girl, which others feel a mile away and immediately retreat, but the fact that one glance made no competitor tuck her tail between her legs was true.
The girl cast her eyes around her friend, once again wondering how much the image of the punk girl that went. The familiar voluminous mohawk with a smooth top, dark thick eyeliner lines accentuated by neutral lipstick and a set of small earrings in the ears. White, short T-shirt with a deep neckline and red anarchist symbols A-in-a circle under a black leather jacket with sleeves raised to the elbows. Distressed low-rise jeans with a studded belt and matching bracelet on the arm. A black mitt on one hand, in which a cigarette is clamped. With all its appearance, the "marquise" attracted attention. And Sabrina thought with envy that perhaps it was her friend who would be able to attract the cherished look of mocking eyes, but not she.
They stood in a slow-moving line for about half an hour, until they finally came to the pitching on the aisle. The Marquis confidently handed him the flyers and documents, while Sabrina broke out in a nervous sweat. A shaven-headed man in a black T-shirt with a red "Fallen" sign arched an eyebrow and looked at them.
- Well, you are a baby still rolling on twenty-one, and a friend obviously flies, although I do not argue that she is good.
- Hey kid, we just look great, not our age. Don't be mean and let it go, ”the“ marquise ”dragged on with impudence.
- Baby, go home to your respectable parents.
Sabrina's heart sank in her chest and cold began to creep through her veins. Will they fly by today too? Just when she needs it most. Perhaps the darkness that swirled on the bridge is her future. Dark, cold water will close around her body, absorb all the unbearable pain, leaving emptiness and colorless, eternal dreams.

Tory Ozols


© T. Ozols, 2016

© Design. LLC "AST Publishing House", 2016

Chapter 1. Meeting

I never thought that you would appear like this in my life. Looking wary at your beautiful face, I had no idea that someday I would not be able to live a minute without your gaze. Affectionate or cruel. It doesn't matter which one. If only you looked at me.

“Here, take this, this is the material that, thanks to my friend, I got hold of in the archives of the city,” the man handed her a stack of sheets that had turned yellow from time to time. “You can work with them until Monday.

- Thank you, Professor Derrisson, - said the girl, putting in a bag such a precious material for her work. - Then until Monday.

Nodding to the supervisor, the girl took her things and left his office. Walking through the half-empty university, Alex sighed, realizing that she was delayed again. But from the university to the apartment she rented - only a couple of blocks, so the girl did not worry about safety.

Calmly heading home in the twilight of a warm autumn evening, she suddenly remembered that it would be nice to go to the grocery store on the way, because, looking into the refrigerator in the morning, Alex found that, to her regrettable regret, it was practically empty. As a graduate student in history at a local university, she gave all of herself to her scientific work forgetting not only to eat on time, but also to fill your kitchen with at least some products.

Alex never thought that one day she would refuse to follow in her father's footsteps and choose this specialty. Now, being distinguished by persistence, she did not give up, mastering an industry that was not at all interested in her. Yes, sometimes life itself makes adjustments to your plans. This happened to her the day she found her father shot.

Her dad was a military man. Her personal hero and role model. Confident that his daughter would also make a career in the military, he persistently trained her in physical training, teaching martial arts and shooting, despite the fact that my mother was terribly unhappy with this. And, perhaps, his dreams would come true if he stayed alive.

Alex was still haunted by childhood nightmares. Waking up, the girl saw the blood of her father on her hands and him lying on the floor in their house. Everything changed that day. The house in which they were so happy, Alex's mother had to sell. The woman believed that in this way she would save herself and her daughter from unpleasant memories and experienced horror, but this cannot be simply forgotten, even after changing her place of residence.

Of course, over the years their pain subsided, but the girl remained traumatized: since then she could not see the blood, even if it was her own. A simple cut in the kitchen could turn into fainting and nausea for her. I had to treat the wound with closed eyes... But not only this became an obstacle on the path of a military career.

From that day on, Alex became fearful of weapons to the point of panic. The old love of shooting grew into disgust. It seemed as soon as she touched the gun - and its cold penetrated the skin, freezing her, depriving her of the ability to pull the trigger. Contempt for those who used it and boasted about it, saying that it was for protection, appeared in my soul. Vile wretched little people at the first opportunity grabbed him, depriving the lives of the innocent, and then calmly walked on the ground. The girl had long believed that people committed the greatest crime by creating weapons and using them against each other.

Therefore, having safely graduated from school, she chose a quiet, calm history faculty, which made her mother very happy. The same one, when she finally made sure that she had fulfilled her parental duty and that her daughter could take care of herself, simply moved to another city. Motivating this by the fact that she could no longer be here, her mother packed her things too quickly and said goodbye, leaving her daughter alone. After that, the gap in their relationship became even greater. Of course, if Alex hadn't resisted, they would have moved immediately, and perhaps they would have been able to preserve a real close relationship. But the girl didn't want to leave hometown... Here she felt at home, even despite the painful memories, because besides them there were so many beautiful moments. Mom could not understand her and soon even stopped trying. All that Alex had left of his mother's love was short phone calls that caused only bitterness in his soul.

For a while, the girl moved to a hostel, which gave her an unforgettable experience of independent living. And when she began to earn extra money, doing tests and coursework for students, she was able to afford to rent an apartment, finding solitude and tranquility for a normal study. In addition, there was still money that my father left, and those that were paid by the state. This allowed the girl not to worry about tomorrow. And after going to graduate school, she got another income: the institute paid her a little money to conduct classes.

Slowly moving along the sidewalk with a small bag of provisions in hand, Alex did not notice how she got home. She decided to enter the apartment by the fire escape, so as not to meet with their annoying concierge (if he could be called that). The apartment was located in a fairly decent area, and the house was in good condition. The only negative is Rod, a man whom the owner left to look after the house and its guests. Rod was a very slippery type, his obscene glances, which he kept throwing at her, penetrated to the bone, so Alex tried to run into him as little as possible.

Turning the corner of the house, the girl stopped abruptly. There was a man leaning against the wall of a building. Bent over, he was breathing heavily, his hand on his side. Feeling inner alertness, Alex was about to hide, but then the man turned his head and stared into her eyes. Suddenly he moved away from the wall and in a split second was in front of her. Squeezing her hand tightly, he abruptly pulled the girl into the alley, making her heart go cold with horror. Alex gasped in surprise and wanted to scream, but a man's hand covered her mouth. Shaking his head, he ordered to be silent with a glance. Looking outside and making sure no one sees them, the man returned his attention to her again and whispered:

- Now I will remove my hand, but you must be silent! His voice was low, but not tolerant of objection. Waiting for her to nod in agreement, he slowly removed his hand.

- What would you like? Alex asked quietly, peering into his focused face. Even fearing for her life, she could not help but notice the beauty of this man.

And then her gaze fell on his hand, which he pressed to his side, and the girl saw blood. She immediately felt sick. As pale as death, and covering her mouth with her hand, she raised her eyes to meet his.

- What, are you afraid of blood? - the man chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise, but at that moment he swayed and began to settle.

Alex had no choice but to quickly grab him by the waist and hold him, while she tried very hard not to look down and not hurt the wound.

- My apartment is on the second floor, can you come up with me? - Unexpectedly, even for herself, the girl asked, realizing how she risked, but unable to resist the impulse and leave the wounded here.

It was very reckless, and she, as always, blamed it on her name, which affects her so much. Still, she helped the man climb the metal stairs, dragged him into the apartment and, carefully sitting him in a chair, went to the bathroom for a first-aid kit.

“Fool, what are you thinking? She dragged an unfamiliar man into the house, and even a wounded one. And if he is a criminal and now thinks how best to kill you? From him, and emanates from danger! Fool, and fool again! "

Alex shook her head, chasing away unwelcome thoughts, and fearfully left the bathroom. The man was still sitting in the chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. Approaching him, trying not to look at the bloody stain on the white shirt, the girl noted that he had already taken off his jacket and hung it on the arm of the chair.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 20 pages) [available passage for reading: 14 pages]

Tory Ozols

© T. Ozols, 2016

© Design. LLC "AST Publishing House", 2016

* * *

Chapter 1. Meeting

I never thought that you would appear like this in my life. Looking warily at your beautiful face, I had no idea that someday I would not be able to live a minute without your gaze. Affectionate or cruel. It doesn't matter which one. If only you looked at me.

“Here, take this, this is the material that, thanks to my friend, I got hold of in the archives of the city,” the man handed her a stack of sheets that had turned yellow from time to time. “You can work with them until Monday.

- Thank you, Professor Derrisson, - said the girl, putting in a bag such a precious material for her work. - Then until Monday.

Nodding to the supervisor, the girl took her things and left his office. Walking through the half-empty university, Alex sighed, realizing that she was delayed again. But from the university to the apartment she rented - only a couple of blocks, so the girl did not worry about safety.

Calmly heading home in the twilight of a warm autumn evening, she suddenly remembered that it would be nice to go to the grocery store on the way, because, looking into the refrigerator in the morning, Alex found that, to her regrettable regret, it was practically empty. As a graduate student of history at a local university, she devoted all of herself to her scientific work, forgetting not only to eat on time, but also to fill her kitchen with at least some products.

Alex never thought that one day she would refuse to follow in her father's footsteps and choose this specialty. Now, being distinguished by persistence, she did not give up, mastering an industry that was not at all interested in her. Yes, sometimes life itself makes adjustments to your plans. This happened to her the day she found her father shot.

Her dad was a military man. Her personal hero and role model. Confident that his daughter would also make a career in the military, he persistently trained her in physical training, teaching martial arts and shooting, despite the fact that my mother was terribly unhappy with this. And, perhaps, his dreams would come true if he stayed alive.

Alex was still haunted by childhood nightmares. Waking up, the girl saw the blood of her father on her hands and him lying on the floor in their house. Everything changed that day. The house in which they were so happy, Alex's mother had to sell. The woman believed that in this way she would save herself and her daughter from unpleasant memories and experienced horror, but this cannot be simply forgotten, even after changing her place of residence.

Of course, over the years their pain subsided, but the girl remained traumatized: since then she could not see the blood, even if it was her own. A simple cut in the kitchen could turn into fainting and nausea for her. I had to treat the wound with my eyes closed. But not only this became an obstacle on the path of a military career.

From that day on, Alex became fearful of weapons to the point of panic. The old love of shooting grew into disgust. It seemed as soon as she touched the gun - and its cold penetrated the skin, freezing her, depriving her of the ability to pull the trigger. Contempt for those who used it and boasted about it, saying that it was for protection, appeared in my soul. Vile wretched little people at the first opportunity grabbed him, depriving the lives of the innocent, and then calmly walked on the ground. The girl had long believed that people committed the greatest crime by creating weapons and using them against each other.

Therefore, having safely graduated from school, she chose a quiet, calm history faculty, which made her mother very happy. The same one, when she finally made sure that she had fulfilled her parental duty and that her daughter could take care of herself, simply moved to another city. Motivating this by the fact that she could no longer be here, her mother packed her things too quickly and said goodbye, leaving her daughter alone. After that, the gap in their relationship became even greater. Of course, if Alex hadn't resisted, they would have moved immediately, and perhaps they would have been able to preserve a real close relationship. But the girl did not want to leave her hometown. Here she felt at home, even despite the painful memories, because besides them there were so many beautiful moments. Mom could not understand her and soon even stopped trying. All that Alex had left of his mother's love was short phone calls that caused only bitterness in his soul.

For a while, the girl moved to a hostel, which gave her an unforgettable experience of independent living. And when she began to earn extra money, doing tests and coursework for students, she was able to afford to rent an apartment, finding solitude and tranquility for a normal study. In addition, there was still money that my father left, and those that were paid by the state. This allowed the girl not to worry about tomorrow. And after going to graduate school, she got another income: the institute paid her a little money to conduct classes.

Slowly moving along the sidewalk with a small bag of provisions in hand, Alex did not notice how she got home. She decided to enter the apartment by the fire escape, so as not to meet with their annoying concierge (if he could be called that). The apartment was located in a fairly decent area, and the house was in good condition. The only negative is Rod, a man whom the owner left to look after the house and its guests. Rod was a very slippery type, his obscene glances, which he kept throwing at her, penetrated to the bone, so Alex tried to run into him as little as possible.

Turning the corner of the house, the girl stopped abruptly. There was a man leaning against the wall of a building. Bent over, he was breathing heavily, his hand on his side. Feeling inner alertness, Alex was about to hide, but then the man turned his head and stared into her eyes. Suddenly he moved away from the wall and in a split second was in front of her. Squeezing her hand tightly, he abruptly pulled the girl into the alley, making her heart go cold with horror. Alex gasped in surprise and wanted to scream, but a man's hand covered her mouth. Shaking his head, he ordered to be silent with a glance. Looking outside and making sure no one sees them, the man returned his attention to her again and whispered:

- Now I will remove my hand, but you must be silent! His voice was low, but not tolerant of objection. Waiting for her to nod in agreement, he slowly removed his hand.

- What would you like? Alex asked quietly, peering into his focused face. Even fearing for her life, she could not help but notice the beauty of this man.

And then her gaze fell on his hand, which he pressed to his side, and the girl saw blood. She immediately felt sick. As pale as death, and covering her mouth with her hand, she raised her eyes to meet his.

- What, are you afraid of blood? - the man chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise, but at that moment he swayed and began to settle.

Alex had no choice but to quickly grab him by the waist and hold him, while she tried very hard not to look down and not hurt the wound.

- My apartment is on the second floor, can you come up with me? - Unexpectedly, even for herself, the girl asked, realizing how she risked, but unable to resist the impulse and leave the wounded here.

It was very reckless, and she, as always, blamed it on her name, which affects her so much. Still, she helped the man climb the metal stairs, dragged him into the apartment and, carefully sitting him in a chair, went to the bathroom for a first-aid kit.

“Fool, what are you thinking? She dragged an unfamiliar man into the house, and even a wounded one. And if he is a criminal and now thinks how best to kill you? From him, and emanates from danger! Fool, and fool again! "

Alex shook her head, chasing away unwelcome thoughts, and fearfully left the bathroom. The man was still sitting in the chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. Approaching him, trying not to look at the bloody stain on the white shirt, the girl noted that he had already taken off his jacket and hung it on the arm of the chair.

- Oh, you decided to treat me. I wonder how you are going to do it? Will you close your eyes? He asked sarcastically, lifting his head and looking at her.

The gaze of dark, dangerous eyes pierced the bones. Being in captivity of his magnetic attraction, the girl tried to pull herself together and firmly answered through gritted teeth:

- I can, do not worry!

- What is your name, Angel? The man asked in his thick, hoarse voice.

- Alexa, but everyone calls me Alex.

“The stupid defender of humanity brought a stranger into the house,” he laughed, but immediately grimaced in pain. - Do you always do that?

The girl shuddered when he easily deciphered the meaning of her name. Yes, she was the "protector of humanity." Her father specifically called her that, while her mother was categorically against it, but lost in this dispute. Probably, from that moment, her alienation from her daughter began. Perhaps it was the name that marked her entire fate, bringing so much sadness and sadness.

“I couldn't leave you there. One. Wounded, - Alex said somehow uncertainly, trying not to look at the man.

“You're so reckless.” He shook his head and groaned painfully. The wound made itself felt with every minor movement.

Alex knelt down beside him, took out a bandage and antiseptic. She sighed and finally forced herself to look at his shirt. Sickness came at once, but, overpowering herself, Alex restrained herself, unbuttoned her shirt with trembling hands and, wetting the bandage with alcohol, brought it to the wound. Her hands shook as she tried to calm herself. The girl felt sick at the thought of touching torn flesh. Sensing her doubts, the man sharply ordered:

- Apply! I'm not afraid of pain.

His voice was firm, making me obey. Driven by the power of that voice, she sharply applied the bandage to the wound and looked up. The gaze was blank, not a single muscle twitched on his manly face. Alex continued to cleanse the wound, holding back her nausea. She knew that she could not stand it for long, but still she held out. Having finally finished with this difficult task for her, she put a clean piece of bandage to the wound and bandaged it. Only then did she get up and rush to the bathroom. Her stomach turned out from itself everything that she ate during the day, as soon as the girl bends over the sink.

- You're smart, Angel. She held on, such willpower, ”he scoffed as she left the bathroom.

“You’re doing well too. With such a wound, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible, ”suggested Alex, wiping her face with a towel. - Let me call an ambulance ...

He held out his hand demandingly, and Alex hesitantly gave him the phone.

- Thanks. Tell me your address.

“34 Skrejel Street, Apartment 4,” the girl said wearily, powerless in front of this unexpected guest.

He quickly dialed the number from memory and, without taking his piercing gaze from the girl, waited for the beeps to end.

- It's me. Wounded in the side. Only soft tissues are affected. 34 Scredgel Street, Apartment 4 - when the man spoke, the voice sounded very different.

Alex didn't know how to describe it, but his cruel intonation gave goosebumps. When he finished talking, he put the phone down on the coffee table and leaned his head back against the chair again, relaxing. Although he didn’t show that he was in pain, Alex knew that such a wound could not be tolerated. But the man somehow endured, as if this was not the first time for him. She suddenly remembered her father when he had similar wounds. And she shook her head sharply, driving away the memories.

- You found out my name, but you did not introduce yourself.

"Are you sure you want to know this?" Maybe it's better not? The less you know, the harder you sleep. ”He never opened his eyes. - You have no alcohol?

- Sure. And no, there is not a drop of alcohol in my house.

- Pain reliever then? The man asked hopefully.

- No. I rarely get sick, ”she replied. - You never answered.

“Angel, you'd better not know, but so be it. Devil. Devil Sober.

- I know your name Alex frowned, thinking. - I heard it somewhere, but I don't remember where.

- Yes? Devil wondered, raising an eyebrow. “Angel, you rarely read newspapers, do you?

- Yes. I am a historian and am more interested in the past than in the present.

- Angel, you amaze me more and more, - the man smiled.

She was so naive, so simple. An ordinary girl from good world- the world he gave up. The damn wound ached, and, as a punishment, this Angel did not even have alcohol. But he hoped Walter would be here soon. They couldn't have gone that far. Damn, the day was not going well at all. He suspected that not everything was clear in this meeting, but still decided to take the risk.

A knock on the door distracted Devil from his thoughts, made him tense. Watching the girl walk towards the door with a frightened doe, he slipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket, which he had hung up in advance so that it was easy to grab a weapon, and squeezed the pistol.

- Wait! He ordered quietly. - Ask who is there.

- Eh ... Who's there?

The girl hated the tension in Devil's voice. She never had time to ask how he was injured, but it hardly happened by accident. Alex mentally called herself a fool again for not passing by this dangerous man and being dragged into unnecessary trouble.

- Dr. Collins. You called, ”came the answer.

“Open the door,” Devil ordered, and she slowly opened it.

Three men immediately entered the apartment and quickly closed the door behind them. They looked around the room, then one of them stayed near the door, the other approached Devil and sat down, and the third rushed to the balcony door and began to carefully examine the view from it.

“You're quick, Walter,” Devil said quietly, relaxing.

“We were close,” came the answer. “Sorry boss, they cut us off, this is the first time this has happened.

“You know what to do now.

- Yes, boss.

- By the way, this Angel saved me, - Devil nodded in the direction of the girl, who was dumbfounded looking at them. - Well, protector of humanity, the carriage has arrived for me, I am leaving you.

The man, leaning on Walter, rose from the chair, and they headed for the door. As soon as they approached her, Devil stopped and walked a little away from his friend. Alex couldn't move, looking at him. Running his hand over her face and smiling, the guest said:

- Thank you, Angel! - And then he bent down to her, lightly touching the girl's lips, and then straightened, leaning on the man again, and went to the door. Alex just stared after her.

"And what have you got yourself into this time, protector of humanity?" - thought the girl, touching her lips with her fingers. Recovering herself, she quickly closed the door behind the company that had left her and pressed herself against her. “Calm down, he's gone. You helped him. His people came for him, he will not return. Things are good. You don't care who he is or what happened to him; the main thing is that you will never meet again, ”she repeated to herself, like an incantation. And after a couple of minutes, sighing, she went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Soothing tea will not hurt her at all now.

* * *

As he drove away in his black Jaguar, Devil gazed thoughtfully at Alex's house.

- Boss, Mark managed to escape. We didn't bother too much with him, we were looking for you, - said Walter. - The doctor is already waiting in the mansion.

- And this nit thought out everything well. We relaxed with you, Walter, - said Devil, leaning back in the seat and closing his eyes, enduring unbearable pain in his side. - Tomorrow he should be with me. Connect my boys if necessary.

- Yes, Devil. I didn't think he would cut us off from you. But when we finally managed to get inside, there was no one there.

- Find him for me. Get it out of the ground, ”Devil ordered viciously.

- We'll find him, boss. After they find out that his attempt to kill you was unsuccessful, no one will hide him.

- And also find out to me everything about this girl.

- Interested? Walter looked at the man slyly.

- Yes. She didn't even recognize me. ”A smile appeared on Devil's face. - Walt, she'll be mine.

- I'll do everything.

Chapter 2. Conquest

You were like a prince descended from the pages of a fairy tale. You turned out to be a demon with no pity. You filled my world. You have become my world. What have I become to you? A new toy? Love? Or your slave?

A couple of days passed, Alex, immersed in work and study, began to forget about that incident. And although curiosity was consumed, the question "Who is Devil Sober?" slipped through my thoughts every ten minutes, she forced herself not to think about him.

After finishing today's classes, the girl quickly packed her things, driven by the desire to get home as soon as possible and take a break from a hard day. After all, in the end, she could not learn normally, constantly pondering what happened to her. With a mocking smile to herself, she came to the conclusion that all this could not be reality. This only happens in the movies. Well, if once their roads crossed, then repetition is definitely impossible.

However, she was in for a surprise. At the gates of the university, Alex saw a strange sight: a crowd of students who were about to go home. The guys happily filmed something on the phone, the girls whispered excitedly, groaning and gasping with happiness. It seemed that some celebrity had come to them. Alex began to get closer and suddenly stopped halfway, noticing the object of their attention. Leaning against the hood of a chic and, in which the girl had no doubt, to the madness of an expensive car, in the center of the crowd stood Devil Sober himself. A man who did not leave her thoughts throughout the day. He looked like a movie star. The expensive suit, clearly tailored to order, fitted him perfectly. Dark glasses covered his eyes. And the impeccable smile that sparkled on her face was discouraging and maddening. He radiated such strong magnetism that he seemed to own the whole world. Now it was clear to her why the standing girls were simply mad with admiration. And the attention of the guys, of course, was more focused on the expensive car, which they had obviously never seen in person.

The girl was about to turn around and leave, but he noticed her and walked towards her through the crowd. She froze, unable to move. Everyone closely watched his movement, because grace and power slid in him, as if he were saying with his whole body that this world belongs to him. The girl did not see his gaze behind dark sunglasses, but it seemed to her that he was chained only to her. The bright smile on his face showed disdain for those around him, who simply did not notice this in their admiration. They looked at him like a god who descended to mere mortals. Their gazes instantly crashed into Alex as he stopped right in front of her. Devil slowly removed his glasses and smiled charmingly. And in this smile there was not a single drop of doubt about its omnipotence.

“Hello Angel,” he said, his voice caressing her skin like a warm breeze.

- What are you doing here? - Alex clenched a little from curious looks.

“I need your help again.

- I doubt. I'm sorry, but I have to go. ”The girl walked around him, heading for the gate.

“Only you can help me, Angel, just like then,” he said, not lagging behind her a step.

“Don't call me that,” the girl demanded through clenched teeth and irritated, not knowing how to hide from the prying eyes that were closely watching them. - I repeat, I doubt it. Judging by the reaction of these girls - a wave of the hand in the direction of the whispering students - anyone will be happy to help you, just tell me.

- Angel, only you can help me. At least listen to me! Let me give you a lift home and tell you everything along the way, ”he suggested.

“No thanks,” Alex replied.

At the same moment, losing patience, Devil squeezed her elbow and, bending down, said quietly:

“You don’t know anything about me, Angel?” It's dangerous for me to refuse!

- You are threatening me? - Turning, the girl looked at him anxiously.

- What are you, Angel, I just offer to give you a lift, - an affectionate smile returned to his face. - The sooner you agree, the sooner you can say goodbye to me.

For a minute, Alex looked at this incomprehensible man for her understanding, guessing that he was not used to refusals. And, after thinking about his words, she decided that Devil was right. The sooner she listens to him, the sooner he leaves her behind. He already embarrassed her. Alex didn’t like the whispers behind his back and sizzling looks.

“Okay,” the girl surrendered.

Gleeful, Devil gently took her hand and led her toward a parked black Jaguar. Still fearing if she was doing the right thing, the girl nevertheless got into the car. Devil immediately slammed the door behind her and walked around the car to get behind the wheel. Gently moving from a place, smoothly and confidently turning the steering wheel, the man took her out of the university territory under the open mouths of envious onlookers. Looking at them from behind the tinted windows, the girl noticed that a black jeep was driving next. Security, she guessed.

- So what did you want to talk about? She asked, turning away from the window and looking at Devil.

“Today is a charity evening, and I need a companion,” he said simply.

- What do I have to do with this? - Alex was surprised.

“You're the only girl who knows about my injury.

“Nobody should know about him. But I can't miss the evening either. Therefore, I need a companion who will know from which side I should not be pressed against me, and will be neat.

- And you offer this role to me? You are crazy? - asked Alex, discouraged by such a proposal.

- Long ago, Angel, - the man laughed, - but this idea seems to me very reasonable. All that is required of you is just to be by my side.

- I cant. I have never been to such events, - the girl tried to find an excuse.

“I’m telling you, you don’t have to do anything special.

- All ... Wait, where are we going? My house is on the other side. ”Alex looked out the window, trying to determine their direction.

But when she recognized the street, she no longer had time to explain anything. They stopped abruptly and Devil opened the door for her, holding out a hand. And in her shabby ballet flats, she stepped onto the square of the most prestigious area of ​​the city. Devil led the girl to a glass building, whose top ended somewhere high in the sky, and in which there were the most expensive boutiques of recognized brands in the world.

Alex could hardly restrain herself from opening her mouth in surprise as she contemplated the stunning beauty and rich decoration inside. The man led her confidently across the marble floor to his goal. And when they stopped at the entrance to the evening dresses boutique, where Alex finally came to her senses and balked, staring in horror at the chic dresses in the window, Devil firmly squeezed her hand and led her inside, not giving an opportunity to object. Two smiling girls immediately came out to meet them.

“Hello, Mr. Sober, we've been expecting you,” one of them said happily.

- What do you mean "waited"? - asked Alex, finding her speech again, but her question was simply ignored.

- Pick the best dress for my charming companion. Only not black, on the contrary, something bright, something that would catch the eye.

“Devil, I'm not going to measure anything here,” the girl tried to argue.

- You are already in the store, will you just leave without buying anything? - Raising an eyebrow inquiringly, he asked, as if tempting her with the given opportunity to at least touch such beauty.

- I'm not fixated on outfits, and I don't care what I'm wearing, - biting her lip, the girl lied and was about to leave, but the man did not allow, grabbed her by the elbow, holding her in place. His hand gently but firmly held her, not causing pain, but not letting her escape.

“Angel, just try it on,” he asked quietly, his breath scorching her skin, causing a thrilling chill, and she gave up. Sensing this, Devil immediately turned to the sales girl: “She's yours. Just consider my wishes.

“Of course, Mr. Sober. Come on, - the girl led Alex to the counter with dresses. Devil walked over to the sofa and sat down, waiting for her to come out.

Realizing that it was useless to resist, Alex unquestioningly gave herself into the hands of the saleswoman, who chose three dresses for her on the shelves and took her to the fitting room. Putting on the first dress, a white satin dress with a black belt, floor-length and a slit to the middle of the thigh, she delightedly ran her hand over it, feeling the pleasant smoothness of expensive fabric under her fingers. Gathering her courage, she pulled back the dressing room curtain and headed towards Devil, wondering what she was doing in this place. A place that will never fit.

“You’re beautiful,” the man breathed, walking over her with a fiery look, “but no, it doesn’t fit,” and immediately rejected him.

Alex just raised an eyebrow at such a contrast of abrupt refusal and greedy gaze and looked skeptically at herself in the mirror. The dress fit well, but under the silent onslaught of the waiting Devil, the girl still returned to the fitting room.

The second dress shimmered with gold and seemed too shiny, catchy and not so refined, but no less beautiful. It hugged the body, like a second skin, so that the girl even began to breathe heavily, and its short length made her doubt that she would be able to sit down in it. And she again went to Devil for approval. He carefully examined her, and in his eyes there was no longer a thirst, but a frank fire. Alex had no idea that one day a man would devour her like that, making every cell of her body tremble and reach out to meet her.

“Tempting, but too short. I'm afraid that after you every man will turn his head and burn out with curiosity: is there any underwear under this garment? And I am not in the mood to defend my territory today. Next, ”he said gravely, but the hoarseness in his voice betrayed excitement. Alex returned to the fitting room again, as this time she completely agreed with him.

The third dress, according to the girl, was too bright. She had never allowed herself such intense colors. Poisonous pink, strapless, it still fit her figure perfectly. One side of the chest was decorated with handmade silver binding, and the side of the same fabric was decorated in the form of a large brooch.

Going out to Devil again, exhausted after fittings, the girl was ready to agree even with a bright color, just to finally end this torture. This time, Devil gave her a look so filled with passion that Alex stumbled as she walked towards him. Breath froze in her lungs as she drowned in the depths of the dark male eyes. So sinful, so dangerous, but to the same extent beckoning her to him.

- Yes, it is. Rubies are perfect for him. We take it, ”the man said, standing up. And then Alex shuddered, as if waking up. As quickly as the dress would allow, she turned around and headed back to the fitting room, but his words stopped the girl: - You will go in it.

Devil crept up behind the frozen Alex, and her neck was pricked by his close presence. He gently stroked his rough fingers over her trembling skin, dropped his hand and squeezed her palm, leading her behind him. The agitated girl quickly looked down at her feet to make sure that the dress did not stretch on the floor, and sighed with relief. Her shoes were in stark contrast to the expensive outfit and seemed quite wretched, although before Alex was very proud of them.

The man took her out of the boutique without even going to the checkout, and Alex was surprised when no one rushed after them for money. Did he have an account in this boutique? Then how many women did he buy clothes here like that? The thought stung her unpleasantly, and the girl tensed in his arms. Devil, on the other hand, did not react in any way to her alienation, but confidently led her further up the floor. They walked quite a bit and stopped near another brand boutique "Crystal", in front of which Alex just opened her mouth in amazement. The most expensive jewelry boutique. Yes, she's just scared to look in his direction, let alone go. Indeed, according to rumors, even some celebrities did not buy jewelry here, but only rented it.

“Devil, this is too much,” the girl whispered, startled.

- This dress needs jewelry.

- I cant. Understand me. This is not mine. I'm not used to it. Please leave this stupid idea of ​​a companion aside, ”Alex said quickly, trying to wrest her hand out of his clutches.

“Alex, the wound still bothers me, and I can't risk having some crazy woman hitting her in the hope of getting my attention.

- How do you hide it? After all, someone in the hospital could have told about your injury long ago. And in general, why such secrecy?

- It is better for my ill-wishers not to know that I am weak now, because they can take advantage of this. I just need you! So please don't be stubborn.

“Devil, I don’t…” but he didn’t let her finish, opening the boutique door in front of her, and insistently led her inside.

- Mister Sober. Glad to see you here, ”said the girl who came up to them, smiling.

“Rubies,” he said simply, and she nodded and left at once.

Devil sat Alex on the leather couch next to him, never letting go of her hand. The silence dragged on. The girl at that moment was trying to figure out how to give up all this, and he just enjoyed the fragile girl's palm in his, gently writing circles on it with his thumb. This peace was broken by the returning saleswoman, next to whom was a man carrying dark blue velvet boxes.

- Unique model. Perfect with the dress, ”she said and opened them.

Alex froze, looking at this splendor, not considering that she knew about the evening dress they bought. Not one of those girls who can be bribed by giving jewelry, she was still a woman and could not help but admire such beauty.

- Yes, you are right, they are perfect. I take it, put it on my account, ”Devil said, picking up the necklace in his hands. - Turn around!

Purely reflexively, the girl turned her back on him and at the same moment felt a weight on her neck precious stones... She slowly reached up to her neck and touched the necklace. It was an unusual feeling. She was immediately offered to wear earrings to make the set seem one-piece. Devil got up, lifting Alex with him and pulling her toward the exit. Everything happened again in the shoe boutique. The same treatment, the same non-objectionable view and full understanding of the situation by the employee of this department. And their last stop was, of course, the elite beauty salon "Diva".

- I won't go there. Enough, Devil! It's time to end this farce, ”the girl exclaimed angrily. People passing by turned at her voice, and Alex blushed, feeling that she was putting on a show.

I never thought that you would appear like this in my life. Looking warily at your beautiful face, I had no idea that someday I would not be able to live a minute without your gaze. Affectionate or cruel. It doesn't matter which one. If only you looked at me.

“Here, take this, this is the material that, thanks to my friend, I got hold of in the archives of the city,” the man handed her a stack of sheets that had turned yellow from time to time. “You can work with them until Monday.

- Thank you, Professor Derrisson, - said the girl, putting in a bag such a precious material for her work. - Then until Monday.

Nodding to the supervisor, the girl took her things and left his office. Walking through the half-empty university, Alex sighed, realizing that she was delayed again. But from the university to the apartment she rented - only a couple of blocks, so the girl did not worry about safety.

Calmly heading home in the twilight of a warm autumn evening, she suddenly remembered that it would be nice to go to the grocery store on the way, because, looking into the refrigerator in the morning, Alex found that, to her regrettable regret, it was practically empty. As a graduate student of history at a local university, she devoted all of herself to her scientific work, forgetting not only to eat on time, but also to fill her kitchen with at least some products.

Alex never thought that one day she would refuse to follow in her father's footsteps and choose this specialty. Now, being distinguished by persistence, she did not give up, mastering an industry that was not at all interested in her. Yes, sometimes life itself makes adjustments to your plans. This happened to her the day she found her father shot.

Her dad was a military man. Her personal hero and role model. Confident that his daughter would also make a career in the military, he persistently trained her in physical training, teaching martial arts and shooting, despite the fact that my mother was terribly unhappy with this. And, perhaps, his dreams would come true if he stayed alive.

Alex was still haunted by childhood nightmares. Waking up, the girl saw the blood of her father on her hands and him lying on the floor in their house. Everything changed that day. The house in which they were so happy, Alex's mother had to sell. The woman believed that in this way she would save herself and her daughter from unpleasant memories and experienced horror, but this cannot be simply forgotten, even after changing her place of residence.

Of course, over the years their pain subsided, but the girl remained traumatized: since then she could not see the blood, even if it was her own. A simple cut in the kitchen could turn into fainting and nausea for her. I had to treat the wound with my eyes closed. But not only this became an obstacle on the path of a military career.

From that day on, Alex became fearful of weapons to the point of panic. The old love of shooting grew into disgust. It seemed as soon as she touched the gun - and its cold penetrated the skin, freezing her, depriving her of the ability to pull the trigger. Contempt for those who used it and boasted about it, saying that it was for protection, appeared in my soul. Vile wretched little people at the first opportunity grabbed him, depriving the lives of the innocent, and then calmly walked on the ground. The girl had long believed that people committed the greatest crime by creating weapons and using them against each other.

Therefore, having safely graduated from school, she chose a quiet, calm history faculty, which made her mother very happy. The same one, when she finally made sure that she had fulfilled her parental duty and that her daughter could take care of herself, simply moved to another city. Motivating this by the fact that she could no longer be here, her mother packed her things too quickly and said goodbye, leaving her daughter alone. After that, the gap in their relationship became even greater. Of course, if Alex hadn't resisted, they would have moved immediately, and perhaps they would have been able to preserve a real close relationship. But the girl did not want to leave her hometown. Here she felt at home, even despite the painful memories, because besides them there were so many beautiful moments. Mom could not understand her and soon even stopped trying. All that Alex had left of his mother's love was short phone calls that caused only bitterness in his soul.

For a while, the girl moved to a hostel, which gave her an unforgettable experience of independent living. And when she began to earn extra money, doing tests and coursework for students, she was able to afford to rent an apartment, finding solitude and tranquility for a normal study. In addition, there was still money that my father left, and those that were paid by the state. This allowed the girl not to worry about tomorrow. And after going to graduate school, she got another income: the institute paid her a little money to conduct classes.

Slowly moving along the sidewalk with a small bag of provisions in hand, Alex did not notice how she got home. She decided to enter the apartment by the fire escape, so as not to meet with their annoying concierge (if he could be called that). The apartment was located in a fairly decent area, and the house was in good condition. The only negative is Rod, a man whom the owner left to look after the house and its guests. Rod was a very slippery type, his obscene glances, which he kept throwing at her, penetrated to the bone, so Alex tried to run into him as little as possible.

Turning the corner of the house, the girl stopped abruptly. There was a man leaning against the wall of a building. Bent over, he was breathing heavily, his hand on his side. Feeling inner alertness, Alex was about to hide, but then the man turned his head and stared into her eyes. Suddenly he moved away from the wall and in a split second was in front of her. Squeezing her hand tightly, he abruptly pulled the girl into the alley, making her heart go cold with horror. Alex gasped in surprise and wanted to scream, but a man's hand covered her mouth. Shaking his head, he ordered to be silent with a glance. Looking outside and making sure no one sees them, the man returned his attention to her again and whispered:

- Now I will remove my hand, but you must be silent! His voice was low, but not tolerant of objection. Waiting for her to nod in agreement, he slowly removed his hand.

- What would you like? Alex asked quietly, peering into his focused face. Even fearing for her life, she could not help but notice the beauty of this man.

And then her gaze fell on his hand, which he pressed to his side, and the girl saw blood. She immediately felt sick. As pale as death, and covering her mouth with her hand, she raised her eyes to meet his.

- What, are you afraid of blood? - the man chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise, but at that moment he swayed and began to settle.

Alex had no choice but to quickly grab him by the waist and hold him, while she tried very hard not to look down and not hurt the wound.

- My apartment is on the second floor, can you come up with me? - Unexpectedly, even for herself, the girl asked, realizing how she risked, but unable to resist the impulse and leave the wounded here.

It was very reckless, and she, as always, blamed it on her name, which affects her so much. Still, she helped the man climb the metal stairs, dragged him into the apartment and, carefully sitting him in a chair, went to the bathroom for a first-aid kit.

“Fool, what are you thinking? She dragged an unfamiliar man into the house, and even a wounded one. And if he is a criminal and now thinks how best to kill you? From him, and emanates from danger! Fool, and fool again! "

Alex shook her head, chasing away unwelcome thoughts, and fearfully left the bathroom. The man was still sitting in the chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. Approaching him, trying not to look at the bloody stain on the white shirt, the girl noted that he had already taken off his jacket and hung it on the arm of the chair.

Tory Ozols


© T. Ozols, 2016

© Design. LLC "AST Publishing House", 2016

* * *

Chapter 1. Meeting

I never thought that you would appear like this in my life. Looking warily at your beautiful face, I had no idea that someday I would not be able to live a minute without your gaze. Affectionate or cruel. It doesn't matter which one. If only you looked at me.

“Here, take this, this is the material that, thanks to my friend, I got hold of in the archives of the city,” the man handed her a stack of sheets that had turned yellow from time to time. “You can work with them until Monday.

- Thank you, Professor Derrisson, - said the girl, putting in a bag such a precious material for her work. - Then until Monday.

Nodding to the supervisor, the girl took her things and left his office. Walking through the half-empty university, Alex sighed, realizing that she was delayed again. But from the university to the apartment she rented - only a couple of blocks, so the girl did not worry about safety.

Calmly heading home in the twilight of a warm autumn evening, she suddenly remembered that it would be nice to go to the grocery store on the way, because, looking into the refrigerator in the morning, Alex found that, to her regrettable regret, it was practically empty. As a graduate student of history at a local university, she devoted all of herself to her scientific work, forgetting not only to eat on time, but also to fill her kitchen with at least some products.

Alex never thought that one day she would refuse to follow in her father's footsteps and choose this specialty. Now, being distinguished by persistence, she did not give up, mastering an industry that was not at all interested in her. Yes, sometimes life itself makes adjustments to your plans. This happened to her the day she found her father shot.

Her dad was a military man. Her personal hero and role model. Confident that his daughter would also make a career in the military, he persistently trained her in physical training, teaching martial arts and shooting, despite the fact that my mother was terribly unhappy with this. And, perhaps, his dreams would come true if he stayed alive.

Alex was still haunted by childhood nightmares. Waking up, the girl saw the blood of her father on her hands and him lying on the floor in their house. Everything changed that day. The house in which they were so happy, Alex's mother had to sell. The woman believed that in this way she would save herself and her daughter from unpleasant memories and experienced horror, but this cannot be simply forgotten, even after changing her place of residence.

Of course, over the years their pain subsided, but the girl remained traumatized: since then she could not see the blood, even if it was her own. A simple cut in the kitchen could turn into fainting and nausea for her. I had to treat the wound with my eyes closed. But not only this became an obstacle on the path of a military career.

From that day on, Alex became fearful of weapons to the point of panic. The old love of shooting grew into disgust. It seemed as soon as she touched the gun - and its cold penetrated the skin, freezing her, depriving her of the ability to pull the trigger. Contempt for those who used it and boasted about it, saying that it was for protection, appeared in my soul. Vile wretched little people at the first opportunity grabbed him, depriving the lives of the innocent, and then calmly walked on the ground. The girl had long believed that people committed the greatest crime by creating weapons and using them against each other.

Therefore, having safely graduated from school, she chose a quiet, calm history faculty, which made her mother very happy. The same one, when she finally made sure that she had fulfilled her parental duty and that her daughter could take care of herself, simply moved to another city. Motivating this by the fact that she could no longer be here, her mother packed her things too quickly and said goodbye, leaving her daughter alone. After that, the gap in their relationship became even greater. Of course, if Alex hadn't resisted, they would have moved immediately, and perhaps they would have been able to preserve a real close relationship. But the girl did not want to leave her hometown. Here she felt at home, even despite the painful memories, because besides them there were so many beautiful moments. Mom could not understand her and soon even stopped trying. All that Alex had left of his mother's love was short phone calls that caused only bitterness in his soul.

For a while, the girl moved to a hostel, which gave her an unforgettable experience of independent living. And when she began to earn extra money, doing tests and coursework for students, she was able to afford to rent an apartment, finding solitude and tranquility for a normal study. In addition, there was still money that my father left, and those that were paid by the state. This allowed the girl not to worry about tomorrow. And after going to graduate school, she got another income: the institute paid her a little money to conduct classes.

Slowly moving along the sidewalk with a small bag of provisions in hand, Alex did not notice how she got home. She decided to enter the apartment by the fire escape, so as not to meet with their annoying concierge (if he could be called that). The apartment was located in a fairly decent area, and the house was in good condition. The only negative is Rod, a man whom the owner left to look after the house and its guests. Rod was a very slippery type, his obscene glances, which he kept throwing at her, penetrated to the bone, so Alex tried to run into him as little as possible.

Turning the corner of the house, the girl stopped abruptly. There was a man leaning against the wall of a building. Bent over, he was breathing heavily, his hand on his side. Feeling inner alertness, Alex was about to hide, but then the man turned his head and stared into her eyes. Suddenly he moved away from the wall and in a split second was in front of her. Squeezing her hand tightly, he abruptly pulled the girl into the alley, making her heart go cold with horror. Alex gasped in surprise and wanted to scream, but a man's hand covered her mouth. Shaking his head, he ordered to be silent with a glance. Looking outside and making sure no one sees them, the man returned his attention to her again and whispered:

- Now I will remove my hand, but you must be silent! His voice was low, but not tolerant of objection. Waiting for her to nod in agreement, he slowly removed his hand.

- What would you like? Alex asked quietly, peering into his focused face. Even fearing for her life, she could not help but notice the beauty of this man.

And then her gaze fell on his hand, which he pressed to his side, and the girl saw blood. She immediately felt sick. As pale as death, and covering her mouth with her hand, she raised her eyes to meet his.

- What, are you afraid of blood? - the man chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise, but at that moment he swayed and began to settle.

Alex had no choice but to quickly grab him by the waist and hold him, while she tried very hard not to look down and not hurt the wound.

- My apartment is on the second floor, can you come up with me? - Unexpectedly, even for herself, the girl asked, realizing how she risked, but unable to resist the impulse and leave the wounded here.

It was very reckless, and she, as always, blamed it on her name, which affects her so much. Still, she helped the man climb the metal stairs, dragged him into the apartment and, carefully sitting him in a chair, went to the bathroom for a first-aid kit.

“Fool, what are you thinking? She dragged an unfamiliar man into the house, and even a wounded one. And if he is a criminal and now thinks how best to kill you? From him, and emanates from danger! Fool, and fool again! "

Alex shook her head, chasing away unwelcome thoughts, and fearfully left the bathroom. The man was still sitting in the chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. Approaching him, trying not to look at the bloody stain on the white shirt, the girl noted that he had already taken off his jacket and hung it on the arm of the chair.

- Oh, you decided to treat me. I wonder how you are going to do it? Will you close your eyes? He asked sarcastically, lifting his head and looking at her.

The gaze of dark, dangerous eyes pierced the bones. Being in captivity of his magnetic attraction, the girl tried to pull herself together and firmly answered through gritted teeth:

- I can, do not worry!

- What is your name, Angel? The man asked in his thick, hoarse voice.

- Alexa, but everyone calls me Alex.

“The stupid defender of humanity brought a stranger into the house,” he laughed, but immediately grimaced in pain. - Do you always do that?

The girl shuddered when he easily deciphered the meaning of her name. Yes, she was the "protector of humanity." Her father specifically called her that, while her mother was categorically against it, but lost in this dispute. Probably, from that moment, her alienation from her daughter began. Perhaps it was the name that marked her entire fate, bringing so much sadness and sadness.