What to write to a guy when breaking up to hurt him. Farewell SMS to a guy at parting. What can you write to an ex-boyfriend after a breakup

Hello again!

Are you sure you really want this? Then read my examples of SMS that you can write to your ex-boyfriend so that he wants to return to you.

Be sure to pause in communication for about 2-3 weeks.

What can you write to an ex-boyfriend after a breakup

If you are at fault:

  • My happiness only has your face.
  • With our parting, all the stars in the sky went out for me. Without you, I wander in the dark.
  • I have only one desire left - to return to the past and correct what happened. Alas, it will never come true.
  • Losing you, I lost a piece of myself.
  • Ideal people does not exist. If you could forgive me, I would prove how strong my feelings for you are.
  • Do you remember how we .... (walked in the park, loved to lie on the couch together, rollerbladed). I really miss this.
  • Separation from you is the worst punishment for my actions. I still hope you come back.
  • I realized that I don't want to do 3 things. 1) to be separated from you; 2) fall asleep without you; 3) drink coffee in the morning alone.

I thought that after parting, the love in my heart for you would fade away. But it's the other way around. The flame flared up so that it became difficult to breathe without you.

  • I wish I could take all the pain I've caused you. After all, you are the most precious person in the world to me.

Here, so that he understands what you need.

If the ex-boyfriend is to blame, here is what you can write to him after breaking up:

  • Let's start over, shall we? Without quarrels, tears, insults, omissions and reproaches.
  • Recently I was going through things, and I saw our joint photo. We are so happy with it. Maybe we should try to find happiness again together?
  • I saw your favorite candy in the store. I immediately thought of you and bought them. Would you like to stop by for a cup of tea and discuss a truce?
  • I no longer have the strength to be offended, angry at you. There is only strength for love or friendship. What do you think about that?
  • It turns out that watching a movie lying on the couch alone is not as interesting as with you. We urgently need to reconcile!
  • Do you remember how in childhood? Make up, make up, and don't fight anymore...let's go last time reconcile, and if you mess up, I'll bite you?
  • I love myself the way I was next to you: happy and loved. If there's even a small chance of doing it all again, let me know.
  • I cooked a truce dinner! I also bought a bottle of truce wine, and truce fruit! I propose to bury the hatchet and move on to negotiations at the table. I agree?

If you feel as bad without me as I do without you, call me.

  • They say that there is only one step from love to hate ... But in me there is only love for you, no matter what.

Alternatively, try to touch his heart...

What to write to an ex-boyfriend to hurt him and he returned

Only you can hurt your man with a word. Do you know what a guy will react to immediately? If not, check out my list:

  • You owe me... Return my wounded heart.
  • You forgot to give me... my soul.
  • What a fool (?) you are...if you think I'm still angry with you.
  • I know you still haven't dated anyone. However, one beauty still has warm feelings for you. Guess what's her name?
  • I accidentally threw all your gifts in the trash can. Unfortunately, I can't return them to you. Maybe I can give something in return?

Something makes me feel really sad after the breakup. They must have gone wrong. We need to get back together, and again part as it should.

Our breakup helped me rethink a lot of things in life. Now I'm finally moving on without looking back. Only positive! Call me if you want.

I see no reason to meet with you except for one. (What???) Return our photos to each other (gifts, rings).

  • I'm better without you. Calm down. Happier. You probably would have liked the current me more.
  • Now I understand why we broke up. I'm just irresistible, and you can't stand the competition.
  • You can't forget to return. Put a comma where you see fit.
  • I urgently need an interlocutor. Can I trust you like an old friend? (Either he will be furious: old? Familiar? Or intrigued).
  • If I have offended you in any way, I apologize. I don't want you to be negative towards me. (Further on, logically, he should write about his feelings).
  • Now the reason for our quarrel seems ridiculous to me. And you? (Yes / no - and you can start a dialogue).

How to leave a guy if there is no love already, you are tired of his bad behavior, you met another and so on.

This will be discussed. Faced with such a problem, we do not know what to do so as not to offend a person.

And after all, this is really very important, because, perhaps, he, unlike you, cannot live without you.

So, if you do not want suicidal consequences, tears and prolonged drinking, carefully read our advice.

They should help you dump the guy the right way, not break his heart, and keep your conscience clear.

When should you dump your boyfriend?

Before parting with a person, make sure it is really necessary. It often happens that we are already tired of each other and there is a desire to finish.

This feeling can be imaginary, and after the breakup you will regret it for a very long time. To prevent this from happening, dump the guy if:

  • he doesn't pay enough attention to you;
  • does not find time to work for you;
  • he has constant problems;
  • he uses physical and moral violence;
  • insults and threatens;
  • lying;
  • changes.

These are the obvious facts that you should definitely leave your boyfriend for. Because he is not a man!

As far as attention is concerned, you should not constantly beg for it. Feeling a lack of love, you should think about how to leave a guy and why do you need one.

Here you should not overdo it, because you, too, may not be a gift. Girls in general are often capricious and constantly demand. Any man will avoid.

Make a conclusion based on understanding in relation to the guy. He is also a man and has the right to his affairs.

Yet you should not feel lonely, misunderstood or without support.

Even worse if a young man comes to you only for satisfaction, but not in any way. You definitely need to dump the guy here.

Remember, no matter how busy your boyfriend is, he must find time for you. Otherwise, you just don't need him.

If you hear constant excuses like: the phone is dead or left at home, does not answer SMS, is late for meetings with you or does not show up at all, most likely he is lying to you.

You can also judge your relationship by the little things. If a guy doesn’t walk you home, doesn’t open the car door, doesn’t give you a lift from work, and so on, then he’s not trying to make your life better. You should leave this guy.

It is hardly possible to ever forget this feeling of pain and resentment that overwhelms the soul. But life doesn't end there.

The main thing that needs to be done after parting is not to try to return, not to look for meetings with him, not to call him, not to ask him to stay, not to intimidate, but just take care of yourself. Try to adequately pass this stage in your life. Believe me, what is not being done is being done only for the better. Thanks to this gap, you can seriously take care of yourself - your appearance, figure, self-education, let new people into your life. interesting people. Well, if you want to send a goodbye letter to your ex, but you don’t know what to write to the guy to hurt him, I will help you.

But first of all, try to pull yourself together and start enjoying life. If possible, do everything that gives you exercise, go to gym, buy new things, do a beautiful hairstyle, pedicure and manicure. In no case do not abuse alcohol and do not fall into the arms of the first comer. Do not lock yourself in, but go to people. Meet other girls and guys. The more you communicate and work on yourself, the faster you will forget your ex.

But if the same thought constantly flashes through your head: “I want to return the guy!”, try writing him a farewell letter. Of course, there is no guarantee that he will read it at all, but if you really want this, then it's worth a try. So, let's begin.

What to write to a guy to hurt him?

1. In no case should you write that he is an idiot, a goat and is not even worth your little finger.

2. In the letter, you should simply thank your ex-boyfriend for spending wonderful months (years) with him.

3. It is necessary to mention the mistakes that you made when you met him.

4. You need to complete with words that you really need to leave.

Farewell letter example

You did the right thing by breaking up with me. I didn't really take care of you the way you deserved it, I wasn't a good lover and I didn't even try to understand you. I want to thank you for the happy years (months) that we spent together. I understand that it was not easy for you with me: not loving, you could treat me so beautifully. Let's not talk and meet anymore. Katia

You can improvise. If you have not yet decided what to write to the guy so that he is hurt, do not write anything at all. Remember that if this guy really was your soulmate, he would be with you, no matter what.

I hope that after reading this article, you have drawn the right conclusions for yourself, and to the question of what to write to a guy to hurt him, you firmly answered: “NOTHING!”. Why waste time and energy on a person to whom you were just comfortable at some period of time. Do not doubt that your soulmate will definitely meet on your long journey. life path. Good luck to you and only mutual love!

Hello beloved!

You know. I have never written a letter to a loved one. It really is an unusual way. But I'll try. Just please read to the end.

I do not even know where to start. It's been over two months since we met. And I remember that day. It is impossible to forget him, because he laid the foundation for our relationship with you. Even if they did not last long, about two months, but they were amazing for me. After all, I was the happiest girl in the world, and even despite the fact that we quarreled, cursed, resented each other because of all sorts of petty trifles. These were my best two months of happiness!

I remember how I fell in love with you. This was our second meeting. And for this short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. I caught my breath, my heart stopped and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I couldn't even imagine what it felt like. When I was driving home, there were a lot of different thoughts in my head and I could not concentrate at all. I couldn't believe that all this was happening to me. But, only at home, I began to realize that I was in love with you. In love with your smile, your beautiful eyes, your voice, you the way you are. It was both scary and good at the same time. But in those moments when I saw you, I was filled with happiness, joy, warmth, giving hope for something more.

I have to admit, I have never loved anyone as much as you. Of course, at first I tried to close my eyes to it. But then I realized that you can close your eyes to what you see, but not to what you feel!

I keep asking myself why this is so, why I can’t be with my loved one, why I need such a punishment, such pain, I didn’t deserve it. I am also a person, I am a girl, a girl who fell in love for the first time with all her heart, who once confessed her love, received a knife in the back. Why didn't you ever think of me when you hurt me. After all, each time the pain became stronger and stronger, and the traces of it are deeper and deeper in the soul.

What are your words about love? And I believed in them. Everything happened so realistically. And I completely trusted you, every word you said. Did it turn out to be a game? I am not a toy. I am a girl who has a heart and a soul. And you know, when a man truly loves a woman, he will never let her leave his life! Even if she wants to. He will try to fix something, change, and not only in her, but also in himself! Because, having lost a loved one, you lose an irreplaceable part of your soul, you stop living, you simply begin to exist, without feelings, without emotions. Only with hellish pain.

I don't make sense of my life without you. You are my meaning, my goal, my addiction. The fire that you kindled in me still burns in my heart. I will never be able to forget you. I won't even try. May it be better for everyone else that I become heartless. Because they will never have a place in my heart. You became the first and only one that I allowed to enter my heart, but you did not believe me, I saw it in your eyes, in your smile, in your every gesture. I felt it. I do not want to be unnecessary, annoying, imposed. But I understand that it is.

You will never understand how much you broke me and with what difficulty, now, I am trying to glue myself piece by piece every day, through all the insults, all the pain and tears. I will no longer write, call, I will not look for meetings, I will not nervously run up to the phone when the music starts, why? All this is pointless and stupid.

I hope that the day will come when we will meet somewhere by chance. Let's look into each other's eyes, and there is still the same brilliance, all the same feelings, nothing has changed. Only there will be light sadness in my soul, and we will part as usual, but this time I will try to hold back my tears, I will not cry, but just smile. I will smile for you, so that you don’t have sadness in your soul, so that you don’t get upset. No matter how painful it is for me, I never cease to thank fate for giving me you. I wish you only happiness. I want everything to be fine with you, from this I will be calmer. I want you to finally meet your one true love and was happy with her. I want you to never experience the pain that I experienced. Remember you forever in my heart. I feel you. I love you.

If the offense does not go away, you can try to hurt the person, and maybe return it.

It is very difficult to express everything that has boiled up in a personal meeting. Even on the phone, people often forget words, and then scroll through this moment millions of times in their heads and mentally correct it. It is much easier to pour out your feelings on paper, although it would be more accurate to say - in a message.

Is it worth writing?

We need to think carefully about whether we should even try to return the person who chose to break off the romantic relationship? Perhaps it is better to find a new one who will really appreciate the girl and accept her for who she is? However, sometimes the “accurate” phrase on the fence may interest the ex-chosen one and return the spark to the relationship.

On the verge of a break, there is a chance to save everything. Let's watch the video!

The undeniable fact is that women are much more emotional than men. Guys give meaning to actions, not words. You should not lament and put pressure on pity: this is unlikely to lead to the desired effect. The text of the intended messages should depend on what result needs to be achieved - to return the young man, or to make him really hurt.

Another appeared

If people have been together for a long time, lived together or spent every day with each other, then they know for sure about all the weaknesses of each other. you can thank for the time spent together, but also mention that support is not required, someone has already been found who will cope with this task. You can regard such a message as you like, because you can get consolation from a friend, mother, sister ... A violent fantasy will definitely not let a jealous ex sleep peacefully at night. He may even begin to think about what he has lost.

We continue the conversation

Someone prefers to respond with a message to a question that was often raised during violent quarrels. This theme exists for every couple. The answer may be a little reproachful, mysterious, or a little disappointing. Such a text will make a person feel guilty. And it is possible that the guy will try to somehow make amends for her. Is it necessary to take that much risk? Each word must be carefully thought out so that there are no unnecessary thoughts that can ruin everything irrevocably.


If the guy is not alien to romance, you should come up with a message with a little sad overtones. Rhetorical questions will also fit. Fortunately, there are a lot of them in modern pop songs: any line can be torn out and beaten if the imagination is tight. Most importantly, no accusations. The whole point is to evoke nostalgia. The person himself will remember the good moments and begin to regret the past.

After all, karma always returns debts, you can pay in full for rash acts, if, of course, you believe in fatalism. Otherwise, only conscience will be the judge. It is much easier to wish happiness, to thank for all the good things and… to let go.