Skin rash from dairy products. Dairy products make acne worse: true or false. The connection between milk and milk

Man consists of what he eats. It is the diet that influences the level of physical activity, energy production, mood and desire to do something.

Products support the condition of internal organs, the work of all systems.

When various rashes constantly appear on the face or body, it is worth thinking about what useful and harmful substances the body receives from food.

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  • Health to you and your loved ones!

After all, hardly anyone could have imagined earlier that acne comes from milk, sweets and even coffee.

What foods cause rashes

The main cause of acne is hormonal imbalance.

For example, in adolescents, androgen levels rise during puberty.

  • It is they who provoke the growth of body hair, changes in voice, mood.
  • But they also cause the sebaceous and sweat glands to work at an accelerated rate, which leads to increased production of sebum and sweat.

The skin does not have time to remove harmful substances, which provokes the appearance.

But hormonal disruptions occur in adults and even in a child after overeating or the predominance of junk food in the diet.

Most often, rashes appear from sweets.

  • Sugar promotes the production of additional insulin in the body, which stimulates the increased production of testosterone in the ovaries in women and also in overweight people.
  • Chocolate, butter creams, condensed milk, jams, soda water - all of these cause acne.
  • Foods that contain gluten or gluten can also increase the number of breakouts.

Photo: products - acne provocateurs

  • A lot of substances are found in cereals such as wheat, rye, barley. Therefore, baked goods and bread made from wheat flour, cookies, cakes, pasta are contraindicated for people with acne.
  • Insulin levels are also increased by eating foods with omega 6 fatty acids. These are corn oil, soy, fatty meats of beef, lamb and pork.
  • Subcutaneous acne often pops up from crackers, chips, crackers, fast food, instant coffee. Such food contains many artificial additives: colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings. Fried foods contain carcinogens that are absorbed from the refried oil and cause cancer cells to grow.

All these components can accumulate in the body, poisoning it with toxins from the inside.

First of all, the skin suffers from this.

Nutritionists, one of whom is the famous physician F. Lipman, advise to eat more healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

These include:

  • fresh sea fish and fish oil, nuts and seeds, which are rich in polyunsaturated omega fatty acids that improve the functioning of the epidermis. In the pharmacy you can buy a food supplement "Omega 3-6-9";
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs containing antioxidants, fiber, zinc and a large amount of vitamins;

  • buckwheat, rice groats, oats, bran, which include organic acids, fiber, pectins;
  • lean meats that are high in essential protein.

In addition, you should drink up to 2 liters of mineral or filtered water daily.

This will help the body to cleanse itself of harmful substances and saturate the tissues with additional moisture.

Questions and answers

Many people are afraid to buy milk in stores, mistakenly assuming that all products contain artificial additives.

But this is far from the case. You can also find quality milk on the shelves.

  • You should not buy goods in tetrapacks or bags marked "pasteurized". During production, antibiotics are added to such milk, which can cause allergies and hives. This is done in order to slightly increase its shelf life.
  • But the package that says "ultra-pasteurized" or "sterilized" can be safely bought. Such milk is stored for several months. It is prepared using a special technology, quickly cooling and heating to extreme temperatures, several times in a row. It does not contain artificial additives, medications, or even natural bacteria that can make milk sour.

Can I drink goat

Goat milk contains less lactose, no allergens, so it is absorbed faster.

Photo: goat's milk, unlike cow's milk, does not cause allergies

Many people even note the disappearance of rashes after regular use of the product.

But it is impossible to determine with certainty what reaction a person prone to acne will have. It will be possible to find out only experimentally.

We can only say with confidence that goat milk is very useful as a component of face masks.

Lactic acid rejuvenates skin, unclogs pores and relieves acne.

Can a baby appear

It must be remembered once and for all that cow's milk is intended for feeding calves.

  • Firstly , the infant still has too few enzymes in the intestines to completely digest the product. Diarrhea, dysbiosis often lead to acne.
  • Secondly, the content of calcium and vitamin D in cow's milk is in such proportions that it is simply not absorbed by the child's body. Therefore, it is not of any benefit.
  • Thirdly, the high content of hormones and fats in the drink can provoke the appearance of white acne, acne, inflamed acne or serious allergies in the baby.

If the mother for some reason does not have lactation, then there are special adapted formulas for babies.

They provide it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the best possible way.


Appear from dry

It has been scientifically proven that the difference in the composition of whole milk and powdered milk is negligible.

Therefore, if acne pops up from ordinary cow's milk in a person, then from dry, most likely, they will also appear.

It is not uncommon today - the appearance of acne on the face from milk. Why is this happening? This phenomenon is associated with the quality of dairy products released to our market. Therefore, when the question arises about whether milk and all its derivatives cause acne, the answer is one - yes, this is not a myth. After taking dairy products, ugly acne, pimples and rashes may appear on the face, which give an unaesthetic appearance and can cause discomfort and pain.

Many people cannot find the reason why a rash occurs on the skin. People often treat acne and blackheads for months, sometimes even years, but they persistently continue to appear. And no one even thought about whether milk can cause acne. Indeed, in the diet of almost any adult, dairy products are present every day, and from childhood everyone has learned that milk is only beneficial and healthy.

What Causes Acne?

The most dangerous product that causes acne is pure milk. Both women and men suffer from facial rashes from dairy products. What is their danger:

  1. Allergy. A lot of people suffer from lactose allergy in the modern world. At the same time, severe rashes are observed on the neck, face, and also the rash can go down the body. A person, more often than not, cannot guess that this is an allergic reaction, so he does not stop using dairy products. Because of this, not only pimples do not go away, even more inflammation is added to them.
  2. The amount of dairy products consumed is too large. For a long time, it is generally accepted that the more milk you drink, the more health benefits you bring. But this, unfortunately, is not the case, each organism reacts to certain substances in its own way.
  3. Poor quality products. Since most of the people in their apartments and houses do not have the opportunity to keep cows or goats, everyone has to buy milk and its derivatives in markets and stores. Basically, these products are of poor quality and may contain antibiotics, hormones, fats and other impurities.

What can be in milk?

One biologically active substance binds milk and acne - a hormone. Since modern large factories that produce dairy products feed their animals not only with grass and hay, but also with chemical compounds: antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, then all these components will definitely enter the human body along with the dairy products they use.

If there is a portion of milk or its derivatives in the daily menu of a person, these are ideal conditions for the formation of epidermal defects:

  1. Steroids and the hormone progesterone are most commonly found in processed milk. By disrupting the hormonal balance in the body, they lead to rashes on the face and body in the form of acne.
  2. Milk and dairy products that contain artificial chemical components affect the pancreas, its work, while the blood sugar level rises, the production of insulin increases, which greatly affects the work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Antibiotics can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora, due to such a failure, the microflora of the skin also changes. In addition, an allergic reaction to antibiotics may occur.
  4. From a large amount of vitamins entering the body, rashes can also begin.

What to do?

Dairy products are essential for the normal functioning of the body. The best option would be to buy homemade milk from a private owner, but on condition that he has all the necessary documents for animals provided by the veterinary service. Such milk will be whole, without additives.

Cheese is most often counterfeited because it is popular, loved and made a lot of money. It is best to abandon the use of purchased cheeses, sour cream, ice cream, since these products are more often counterfeited, and they are also processed with all kinds of drugs. It is better to give preference to kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fresh yogurt, whey and fermented baked milk. Everything should be fresh.

Supermarket milk

In the absence of an opportunity to purchase natural milk, it is best in this case to give preference to "milk" from the store. However, many are afraid to take such milk, mistakenly concluding that all products contain artificial additives. This is absolutely not the case. You can also find quality milk on the shelves. It's just that in this case, you need to choose trusted manufacturers.

You should not purchase goods in tetra packs or packages marked "pasteurized". During production, antibiotics are added to such milk, which cause allergies and hives. This is done in order to slightly increase its shelf life. But the packages that say "sterilized" or "ultra-pasteurized" can be safely taken. Such milk is stored for several months. It is prepared using a special technology: several times in a row it quickly cools and heats up to extreme temperatures. There are no artificial additives in it, as well as drugs and even natural bacteria, due to which the product can turn sour.

Goat milk

There is less lactose in goat milk, so it is absorbed faster. And, unlike cow, it does not cause allergies. Many even note that after the constant use of the product, rashes disappear. Of course, it is impossible to determine exactly what reaction a person who is prone to acne will have to him. It will be possible to find out only experimentally.

We can only say one thing with certainty - it is useful, as a component, goat milk in masks for acne. Lactic acid also helps to rejuvenate the skin and cleanse the pores.


If acne from milk appears, you should consult a specialist, an endocrinologist, for help. They will be assigned hormone tests and appropriate therapy. It will be necessary to completely abandon all dairy products for the duration of treatment.

The following list of recommendations will help to bring the skin and your body back to normal faster:

  1. It is necessary to take good care of your skin every day. To do this, it is worthwhile to wash with a disinfectant solution in the morning and evening. It is then recommended to treat the epidermis with creams for problem skin and special lotions.
  2. Necessarily, once a week, the upper layers of the skin must be treated with scrubs. This is done in order to rid the dermis of dead cells. A dermatologist can advise on effective ways to cleanse the skin.
  3. You should also adjust your diet, adhere to a diet that helps cleanse the entire body of toxins, toxins and drug residues.
  4. After the restoration of the body, milk products should be consumed in small quantities, since the harmful components that were consumed in small doses will have time to be excreted and not accumulated until the next intake.
  5. You can also make your own fermented milk products from purchased natural homemade milk, which will be safe and beneficial to health. If there is no opportunity to buy high-quality home products, then it is better to buy products from reputable and trusted manufacturers.


This article helped answer the question of whether there can be acne from milk. We also found out that the most effective way to get rid of rashes is to revise your diet.

According to the latest research, there is indeed a link between dairy consumption and acne. Scientists have concluded that frequent milk consumption and a high glycemic index (GI) diet contribute to acne and acne.


There are several potential reasons why milk and dairy products can cause the appearance.

  1. Insulin boost

Drinking milk can lead to high insulin levels, which further leads to increased cell growth and acne.

  1. Growth factor IGF-1

Dairy products are carbohydrates that stimulate insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which leads to high insulin levels. “Both skim milk and whole milk (but not cheese products) have 3-6 times O higher glycemic load compared to other carbohydrate foods "... Elevated insulin causes an increase in androgens, excessive sebum production, and acne.

Skim milk is more likely to cause acne than whole milk. This may be due to the fact that the amount of androgens in non-fat milk increases after processing, as well as to the fact that whey proteins are added to it to give the desired consistency. By themselves, fat, calcium and vitamin D do not trigger acne.

  1. Hormones in milk

Milk contains hormones that stimulate growth, including IGF-1 and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which increase androgen (male hormone) levels. In most industries, cows are given additional hormones. As a result, the milk sold contains a lot of IGF-1 and DHT.

According to some studies, people who are genetically predisposed to get acne may have a stronger reaction to hormones in dairy products.

It has also been found that people suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa(suppurative hydradenitis), which causes painful and large boils under the skin, symptoms are reduced on a dairy-free diet with a low glycemic index.


Several studies have shown that:

  • in women with a diet often observed b O more dairy products than healthy ones;
  • a diet low in starch and dairy products leads to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and decreased levels in women with (although a small amount of cheese is allowed);
  • the DASH diet, which is recommended for hypertension and which is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low in saturated fat, cholesterol, sweets, refined and dairy products, leads to a decrease, decrease in C-reactive protein and decrease in abdominal fat in overweight women and PCOS.

Some studies show that women with polycystic ovary disease can eat moderate amounts of dairy products and still see metabolic and reproductive improvements if they monitor their diet comprehensively, such as following a low glycemic index.

Milk intake and infertility in women

High consumption of low-fat dairy products can lead to an increased risk of ovulation-related infertility. While addicting b O More dairy products with a high fat content can reduce the risk of infertility.

What dairy products are good for women

Low-fat and low-fat dairy products are most harmful for women with PCOS and acne. Whole milk and fatty dairy products have a higher concentration and lower androgen levels compared to low-fat dairy products. Estrogen can lower IGF-I levels. It is believed that with high insulin and insulin resistance, cheese is the least harmful dairy product.

There are no official guidelines on how much milk you can eat or whether to skip it altogether if you have acne or polycystic ovary disease. In one study the risk of acne increased when 3 or more servings of milk were consumed per day. Because of the direct effect on androgens and insulin, women with PCOS (whether they have acne or not) are advised to limit their dairy intake to 2 servings or less per day and switch to whole, fatty mole. products instead of fat-free.

One serving can mean 1 glass of milk / yogurt or 40 grams of hard cheese. It is desirable that these are natural organic products.

Non-dairy sources of calcium

On average, women need 1000 mg of calcium daily. You can get calcium not only from milk. Alternatives are almond, rice, soy, and coconut milk. Many vegetables (eg cabbage, broccoli, bok choy) are good sources of calcium, as are fish (140 grams of salmon contains more calcium than a glass of milk), seeds (chia, sesame seeds, and flax) and quinoa.

According to dermatological research, acne from dairy products can worsen if low-quality commercial milk is included in the menu. Most often, the rash is caused by a hormonal imbalance if the cows were given an increased amount of steroids to obtain a large volume of production. Natural milk, if a person is not allergic, rarely worsens the condition of the skin. When a rash appears, you need to accurately determine the cause by contacting a dermatologist.

Why do dairy products cause pimples?

Skim milk and ice cream are the most dangerous for the skin of the face. Therefore, with acne, you do not need to buy a product with a fat content of 0.05%.

The American Academy of Dermatology published a study conducted on adolescents with disrupted hormonal levels, which confirmed a direct correlation between the amount of milk consumed and the activity of the rash. The relationship is due to the high content of testosterone in the product, which, when ingested, stimulates the production of subcutaneous fat. But it pours out acne from low-fat milk, while a drink with indicators of more than 3.5% does not have a negative effect. The negative impact of products containing lactose can be triggered by the following reasons:

If the body cannot cope with all the substances in food, a rash appears.

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition. This is the most common cause that causes acne, pimples and inflammatory papules that do not disappear for a long time.
  • Vitamin overdose. Milk and acne are interrelated when the product is abused, as the increased amount of cholecalciferol, retinol and cobalamin worsen the condition of the skin.
  • Consumption of packaged milk with chemical additives. To increase the shelf life of the product and improve the taste, preservatives and enhancers are added that negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A jump in sugar indicators. The protein component leads to an increase in insulin, which stimulates the synthesis of subcutaneous fat. But this reaction is provoked by dairy products sold in stores.
  • Hormonal disturbance. Artificial change in the diet of animals, through the introduction of high doses of steroids and hormones, negatively affects the product. When drinking such milk, hormonal balance is disturbed.

Types of acne from dairy products

The presence of a large number of low-fat foods in the diet is bad for the condition of the skin.

Low-fat milk and acne are linked, and therefore, after consuming a significant amount of products on the face or body, the following types of rashes may appear:

  • acne;
  • subcutaneous pimples;
  • inflammatory papules;
  • abscesses;
  • allergic red rashes.

Ways to get rid of the rash

If it is not possible to completely abandon milk, then it is better to use homemade fermented milk products, in which the content of substances harmful to the skin is minimal. An additional plus is the normalization of the digestive tract.

The following treatments are helpful for inflammatory acne and acne caused by dairy products:

It is recommended to drink twice the daily amount of pure water without additives.

  • Shows regular washing up to 3 times a day using pharmacy products for disinfecting the skin. It is important to destroy pathogens that contribute to the spread and intensification of the inflammatory rash.
  • The total amount of fluid consumed increases to quickly cleanse the body. You need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day.
  • The amount of dairy products is reduced, but you can drink natural goat milk for acne, as it is rich in nutrients, saturates the body, boosts natural immune defenses and helps to improve skin condition. But the remedy is contraindicated if hypervitaminosis is observed.
  • Using specialized cosmetics for the face for acne. It is recommended to select funds together with a beautician, using an individual approach, as well as taking into account the type of skin.
  • Scrubbing is necessary to remove dead cells from the epidermis that clog pores and increase inflammation.
  • On the menu, you need to include foods for acne - avocado, figs, oysters, brown rice, oatmeal and pumpkin seeds. But if the rash intensifies after the inclusion of a certain dish in the diet, then it must be discarded.
  • Food is added to the menu that accelerates the elimination of toxic substances - asparagus, blueberries, watermelon, pineapple and apples. It is also recommended to drink green and white tea to accelerate the release of toxins and improve skin tone.

If examinations have shown that a person develops acne from lactose, since the body has an individual intolerance to this carbohydrate, then milk must be completely abandoned. But, if there is no allergic reaction, then you should only reduce the amount of products consumed. It is better to use goat milk and yoghurts with probiotic microorganisms, which improve the condition of the epithelium and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cheese of varying fat content can also be left in the diet. There is no research to confirm that the rash is caused by this food.

In various studies, including at Harvard Medical School, scientists have found a link between dairy consumption and acne in adolescent boys and girls. The effect of dairy products on skin condition and acne has been proven.

For example, a study called The Harvard Nurses Health Study , published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, demonstrated that the link between dairy products and acne in adolescents is more common with the consumption of skim milk than other forms of milk. Why skim milk? Perhaps because it contains so much more estrogen. Researchers found fifteen sex steroid hormones in regular store milk, with the highest levels in skim milk, not 2% and whole cow's milk.

In another study, Harvard researchers found a consistent link between milk consumption and acne in girls between the ages of 9 and 15. The study, which involved 6 thousand girls, continued for several years. The likelihood remained that this problem only concerned girls.

Finally, they examined milk consumption and acne in adolescent boys - and again, scientists found that milk triggers acne.

The study concluded, "We hypothesize that milk acne may be associated with hormones and biologically active molecules in milk." But contrary to popular belief, this does not appear to be related to injections of growth hormone or the addition of steroids to cattle food. Milk contains these substances naturally. After all, after all, cow's milk is specifically designed to grow those who drink it - calves, not children and adults. So when pimples and blackheads from dairy products appear on your face or body, you shouldn't be surprised.

2. How does goat's milk affect the skin?

Some people with lactose intolerance can drink goat or sheep milk because it contains less lactose than cow's milk. I try to buy goat milk only from private producers.

It is believed that goat's milk may currently be an effective alternative for acne treatment. Therefore, the answer to the question "can there be acne from goat milk?" Is obviously negative. On the contrary, it can help you to improve your skin and well-being in general. This is primarily because goat milk has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the growth of microorganisms that stimulate the spread of acne. Drinking goat milk helps the body to better absorb iron, it is richer in calcium. and in its chemical composition it is closer to that of a human than that of a cow. In this regard, it is easier for our body to assimilate.

Also, unlike cow's milk, goat's milk does not form mucus and irritation in the digestive tract and does not cause allergies.

3. Should we completely give up dairy products?

I do not drink cow's milk and regularly advise readers of my blog to give it up. several reasons why I am doing this.

The fact that milk and dairy products cause acne is just one of them. It contains lactose and casein (elements that are difficult to digest), increases acidity in the body, and may contain antibiotics and hormones. It is unfortunate that the opinion that milk is still one of the most common myths about nutrition.

Alternatives to cow's milk are nut milk (such as almond, coconut, or hazelnut milk), as well as rice and hemp milk. I prefer almond milk, which you can buy or make yourself at home. It can also be milk from cereals or seeds. They all have their own characteristics and are useful in their own way, and acne from dairy products will not threaten you. Cashew milk contains iron and sunflower milk contains vitamin E. And almost all plant-based milk contains protein, although the amount is lower than in cow's milk.

Another alternative, especially for lovers of cheese, kefir and yoghurts, may be goat dairy products, the benefits of which we talked about above. And I am more than satisfied with the numerous herbal options. Go to a supermarket (in Russia, plant milk is usually located - for reasons I don't understand - in the section for diabetics). Or search the internet. It will be a worthy replacement that you will feel and see in the mirror after a while. Now that you know the direct link between health, milk and acne, you have a good reason to rethink your diet and opt for alternative foods.