How to make a workout at home for girls. Home workouts for all muscle groups. Program with Reutova, without equipment, for ectomorph, weight loss, for the press. Circuit training program for girls at home

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Performing workouts at home for girls in a comfortable and familiar environment is much more pleasant than going to the gym. It is necessary to give the body an adequate and regular load, and in a couple of months the first results will appear.

The fast pace of life leaves little time for personal space. Home, family, work or school make girls push their dreams of a slim and toned body into the background. Financial difficulties or lack of time does not allow you to go to the gym. But even in such a situation, you should not despair, because you can successfully train at home.

It is only necessary to allocate 30-40 minutes a day to improve your figure, and the result will be an elastic and hardy body. Regularity, adherence to a training plan and rest are important for exercising at home.

What muscle groups to pump?

It is better for overweight girls during training not to focus on certain muscle groups. The muscles of the whole body should be pumped, thus, uniform burning of the fat layer is ensured. Training should begin with a warm-up, in which all muscle groups must be prepared for the load. Then comes the aerobic part, no matter what the exercises are. The main thing is the intensity and preparation of the heart for a power load.

At normal weight, it is recommended to start pumping the muscles of the hands. To do this, you can use an expander and dumbbells for 2 kilograms. And when push-ups in a prone position, the pectoral and spinal muscles are strengthened in parallel. The most difficult thing is to pump the press, for it is important not only a regular load, but also its gradual increase. upper muscles the press swings perfectly by lifting the upper body from a prone position.

An effective exercise for the lower press: lying on the floor, simultaneously raise both legs. In this case, you can not lower your legs to the floor, maintaining the tension of the press. The leg muscles swing the easiest, they are used to being in good shape and ready for serious loads. Therefore, regular squats can be done with weights. And if you still wear a backpack full of books, you can strengthen your back.

What is important for beginners to know?

Training at home should not be treated as exhausting hard labor. It is better to set yourself up in a positive way, and strive to do the exercises with pleasure. After all, playing sports will not only improve appearance, and get rid of extra pounds, but also allow you to feel light and self-confident. Girls who are just starting to get involved in training should not immediately give their muscles an excessive load. You need to start with light exercises, bringing the execution technique to automatism. And only after that do more approaches, increasing the load.

Often beginners make a mistake due to which the possible result of training disappears. It's about about negligent attitude to training. If you have already decided to go in for sports, then the training plan should be followed. In this case, there is no place for laziness and bad mood, which is most often the reason for missing classes.

You should allocate only 3-4 hours a week, productively engage in certain days, and a slender body is provided. Doing sports without proper nutrition and compliance water balance wasted time. For greater self-confidence, beginners are advised to record workouts in a notebook, displaying the exercises done, the number of runs and approaches in it.

Warm-up technique

It is important to warm up the muscles and joints well during the warm-up. Carry out a complex with each part of the body rotational movements. Start with the shoulders, elbows and hands, and end with the knees and feet. Also, do not forget to warm up your back and lower back: tilting to the side and rotating the body.

Example of a training program

You need to have a basic set of dumbbells and a fitness bar

  1. Monday (legs and biceps):
  • - 15 times 3
  • – 20 by 2
  • Dumbbell bench press, in a sitting position - 15 times 3
  • Mahi arms to the sides with dumbbells or weights - 10 times 2
  • Squats with dumbbells - 15 times 3
  1. Wednesday (chest and triceps):
  • - 10 times 3
  • Lifting dumbbells up from a prone position - 30 times 2
  • Push-ups on a chair - 15 times 3
  • – 30 sec. 2-3 times
  • - 15 times 3
  1. Friday (back and abs):
  • – 15 times 3
  • Twisting - 30 times 2
  • Raising the legs in a prone position - 20 times 2
  • Fold - 15 times 3
  • Exercise "superman" - 15 times 3
  1. Sunday (butt and thighs):
  • Squats - 30 reps, 2 sets
  • Exercise "heel to the ceiling" - 30 times on each leg, 2
  • Leg swings in the lateral position - 40 times 2
  • - 15 times 3
  • Deadlift - 25 times 2

After strength training, to reduce body weight, it is necessary to conduct a fat burning workout. At home, step aerobics is best suited.

Read other blog articles.

At home, exercising is no worse than in the gym. If there is a desire to play sports and keep your body in shape, then the lack of specialized simulators in the apartment will not become an obstacle.

There is no need to buy expensive and bulky treadmills or exercise bikes. It is enough to acquire only a minimal set of equipment or turn on your imagination and use improvised means.

Since, unlike the gym, there are no instructors at home, before undertaking exercises, you should familiarize yourself with the correct technique for their implementation so as not to harm your body.

The atmosphere and appearance will help you tune in to a productive workout. Having put on a comfortable and beautiful sports uniform, freeing up a couple of square meters so that nothing extra is distracting, you can start exercising.

How to make a plan and scheme of training, depending on the goals

Home self-training is good because you can perform them at your own pace and taking into account individual features and preferences. There are a huge number of options for them and everyone will select the necessary complex, but it is worth, first of all, to determine the purpose of the classes.

Target Principles for preparing a training plan Suitable Exercises
Lose weight Cardio training is required with high intensity and the involvement of all muscle groups Raising the knees to the level of the thigh in place
pump up muscles Strength training focused on the desired area Lifting the body, twisting;

Squats, jump squats

improve stamina The program should include cardio classes.

Load buildup

Push-ups, plank
Prevention Do exercises that you like without trying to increase performance Stretching

The best complexes for women

For girls who have not been actively engaged before, the type of cyclic (circular) training is suitable. In this complex, several exercises are repeated several times - 5 exercises for 4 circles. When choosing, you should focus on the capabilities of your body, but it is recommended to increase the load with each new day - the number of repetitions and the time to complete.


  • classic squats - 60 sec;
  • push-ups on the knees - 60 seconds;
  • leg lunges - 45 sec;
  • bar on the elbows - 30.

For the more experienced, exercises using weights are suitable - these can be dumbbells or, if they are not available, sand or water bottles are suitable.


  • squats with dumbbells - 30 times;
  • oblique twisting - 20 times;
  • push-ups on toes - 10 times;
  • "Bicycle" - 60 sec.;
  • lunges with dumbbells - 20 times.

For those who can classify themselves as "advanced" athletes, the following exercises are suitable:

  • slow squats - when the knees are bent, linger for 20 seconds. - 30 times;
  • traction to the belt - taking a weighting agent in your hands, bending your back to the floor, while inhaling, pull your arms towards you - 20 repetitions;
  • twisting - lying down to pump the press 25 times.

Warm up

Workouts at home begin with warming up the muscles. A good warm-up of the joints before classes will protect the body from stretching, and the pain the next day will not be so strong.


  1. You need to start with the cervical region. Standing straight, turn your head 2-3 times clockwise and counterclockwise. Further, head tilts forward and backward, and to the sides.
  2. Arms. Simultaneously perform circular movements with both hands. Further, the same movement in the elbow joint. And finally, in the shoulder. You can do these exercises by counting up to four in one and the other side.
  3. Legs. Similar to the above movements, alternately warm up the legs - feet, in knee joints, further in the hip region. It can be supplemented with rotations of the pelvis - hands on the belt, legs together - smooth circular movements counting.
  4. Back. Having spread the legs as much as the stretch allows, make “springy” tilts to the left leg, in the middle, to the right leg, return to the starting position - straighten the body. With your hands “locked” behind your back, stretch forward, then move your hands in front of you and stretch them forward, and with your back back.

Running in place is a good cardio activity that is great for warming up before an intense workout.

Exercise complexes

To work all muscle groups

The following set of exercises is suitable for both beginners and amateurs.

All muscle groups will be involved in the lesson:

Program with Natalia Reutova

Natalya Reutova is a multiple winner of various all-around competitions and a certified fitness instructor with over 10 years of experience. Together with her husband, she conducts online lessons on strength training. Online training is convenient for those who, without going to the gym, want to watch a trainer who explains the correct execution of exercises.

Strength training with Natalia Reutova:

The best weight loss program

Workouts at home aimed at losing excess weight should be varied and systematic.

Day 1

  • Weighted squats - 15 squats, repeat 3 times, taking a short break;
  • Leg forward lunges - 10 times per leg, 3 repetitions;
  • Lifting the body in the classical way - as many times as there is enough strength;
  • Breeding arms with weighting to the sides - 10 times, 3 repetitions;
  • Body lifts based on socks - 20 times in 2 sets;
  • Standing press with dumbbells (bending the arms at the elbow) - 20 times with 3 repetitions.

Day 2

  • Press - as many times as possible, three repetitions;
  • Breeding arms with weighting to the sides, lying on the floor - 10 times, repeating 3 times;
  • Push-ups on the floor.

Day 3

Program for ectomorph

An ectomorph is a human body type with little body fat. Such people are tall, narrow shoulders, long arms and legs. Ectomorph boasts good digestibility of products and easily copes with physical exertion. For people who consider themselves to be of this type, cardio loads are relegated to the background.

Before strength training, it will be enough to warm up or stretch, and the exercises themselves should be basic, with an emphasis on the weight of the weights.

Program without additional inventory

There are plenty of exercises that do not require any means other than your own weight:

  • push-ups classic;
  • reverse push-ups;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • body lifts;
  • lifting the body on socks;
  • stretching;
  • plank;
  • running in place
  • other.

The program for pumping the press

Legs and thighs program

The complex includes exercises:

For shoulder girdle and chest

The complex includes exercises:

For the press and back

The complex includes exercises:

  1. Lifting the body - 30 times.
  2. Plank - 3 min.
  3. "Bicycle", "scissors", "birch".
  4. Leg swings - 20 times.
  5. Twisting on the floor - 30 times.

Top 10 Effective Home Exercises

Home workouts can easily replace going to the gym. All you need is your own body weight, at least additional items and knowledge about what exercises are and how to do them correctly. There are at least 10 ways to bring your body into a toned state.

Push ups

Classic push-ups can be simplified by doing them from the knees: putting your knees on the floor, legs crossed, push-ups as in a regular exercise.

Dumbbell press up

It is better to perform this exercise while sitting on a chair with a back, the legs should rest well on the floor, on a full foot, the knees form a right angle.

When lifting the dumbbells up, the arms are fully extended and the dumbbells are slightly in contact, lowering, bring the dumbbells to the shoulders, the elbows are strictly directed down and are close to the body. Movements should be unhurried and performed in sync with breathing.

Other variations of this exercise:

  • Standing dumbbell raises.
  • Dumbbell press one at a time - one arm rises, the second in its original position.


The starting position is the same as in the classic squat: legs shoulder-width apart, the spine is straightened, arms are lowered. While inhaling, the knees should be smoothly bent until the hips are parallel with the floor, arms extended forward to maintain balance.

Lunges in place

The main points of the correct lunges:

You can do lunges both on the spot and during the step forward, if the space in the house allows. And also this exercise, if desired, is complicated by dumbbells.


Home workouts are not complete without this. simple exercise like a plank. After all, it is extremely effective for all muscle groups.

Implementation options:

Lifting the pelvis with support on the bench

This exercise is also called the “gluteal bridge” and you can perform it at home while leaning on a chair or a strong stool. Lying on the floor, with tightly pressed shoulder blades, you need to put your feet on the "bench", knees bent. Stretch your arms towards the bench and help maintain balance. Raise the pelvis 20 times.

jumping rope

There are several principles for the correct execution of jumps:

In the first week of classes, it is recommended to jump rope no longer than 10 minutes a day, and increase the time and load every week. That is, you should not limit yourself to classic jumps on 2 legs straight up, but alternate jumps on one leg, changing them accordingly or jumping forward / backward, right / left.

Jump squat

This exercise is good because it not only helps to work out the front and back of the thighs, but also improves coordination. But people who are overweight more than 10 kg are not recommended to perform it.

The starting position is standard - put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet slightly turned to the sides. While doing squats, bringing the hips to parallel with the floor, the arms are moved forward in front of you. On exhalation, pushing off the floor with the heels, during the jump, the hands are pulled back behind the back.

Landing, a deep squat is performed, that is, the knees are bent less than 90 ° and you should hold out in static for up to 30 seconds. Optimal number of repetitions: 3-5 times.


Stretching Benefits:

  • The muscles of the body are in good shape.
  • Improves blood flow, which gives energy for the whole day.
  • Girls become more graceful.
  • Less likely to get injured while exercising.

There are several types of stretching, but for beginners, the most suitable are: dynamic and static:

  • Calm breathing. It should not be delayed, it is important that oxygen actively enters the body.
  • Increase the load gradually. If the body has become comfortable in the application, this is a signal that it is time to increase the amplitude or time spent in static.
  • Muscles must be warmed up before stretching.
  • It is best to perform exercises that contribute to the development of all muscle groups, for harmonious development, alternately focusing on different zones.

Stretching the gluteal muscles:

Exercise for the back and press:

  • From a lying position on your stomach, leaning on straight arms, lift the upper part of the body. The shoulders should be as straight as possible, the head should be pulled back, slightly arching.
  • Standing on all fours, slowly, backbends are made - up and down. At the same time, head movements are respectively opposite: back up - head lowered to the floor, back down - look at the ceiling.

Hull lift

If the feet rise during the swing of the press, you can put them under the sofa or clamp something heavy with them.

Body lift classic:

The number of repetitions depends on the initial preparation. From 20 to 40, you can perform 3 or 4 repetitions.

How to use the legs:

  • In this exercise, the body rises simultaneously with straight legs and arms extended, so that they become perpendicular to the floor. Repeat 15-25 times.
  • You can also do it alternately - raising your left leg, try to reach it with your right hand, and vice versa.

How to end a workout the right way

How much time do you need to practice per day, week

Study sports training every day is the wrong approach, the body needs time to recover.

It is enough for novice athletes to train a couple of times every 7 days, evenly distributing the load. Over time, when the body gets used to it, you can increase the number of classes up to 4-5 times. But these recommendations apply specifically to training - strength or cardio. It is useful to do ordinary exercises after waking up every day.

There is no ideal time of the day for sports, here everyone chooses based on their preferences and biorhythms.

Tips from experts on organizing physical activity

Each coach has his own approach to organizing loads, but there are general principles, relying on which, you can count on a positive result by exercising at home.

  • Warm-up is required before class.
  • The load should not be to the point of exhaustion.
  • You should start with exercises for speed, agility and accuracy of movements.
  • Only then on strength and endurance.
  • Increase the load gradually.
  • After the end of the workout, do exercises to calm the heart rhythm.

Workouts need to be tracked, at home it is very easy to do. You can start a regular notebook or application, the main thing is to write down the planned and done exercises.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: workout at home

Workouts at home for girls:

Despite the fact that every girl dreams of a perfect figure, due to various circumstances, not all women have the opportunity to regularly visit a fitness club, paying for expensive classes with a personal trainer. But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon your goal, forgetting about the dream of acquiring a slender, elastic and attractive body. You can train, and no less effectively, at home, with minimal adaptation, or with nothing at all, except your desire.

In the article I will talk about some exercises for girls, doing which at home you will look 100!

What do you need?

A set of exercises for girls at home can be compiled without taking into account additional equipment. That is, you can do it without having anything other than gender and your desire. The ideal option would be to buy dumbbells and jump rope.

Dumbbells are needed in order to work out more efficiently, jump rope - to reduce the amount of fat in the body. But, again, if for some reason there is no opportunity to buy equipment, you can effectively train without various fitness attributes, which, with the right approach to training, can be completely abandoned.

Let's face it: there is no perfect training complex suitable for every girl.

Training gives results only when the training program is individually designed for you. Therefore, decide on your goals by choosing the exercises that you need in the first place. The ideal workout involves working out the whole body. But at the same time, you need to prioritize, focusing on your problem areas.

We train the buttocks and legs

Most often, by driving something like “exercise for girls at home” into the search engine, the fair sex wants to improve the shape of the buttocks and legs. Cellulite is a common problem even among those women who are overweight, in general, do not differ. And cellulite, like flabby buttocks or sagging skin on the legs, can be corrected with some effective lower body exercises. Here are the most effective of them:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • jumping out
  • Alternate hill climbs
  • Rises on socks

Perhaps the following statement will not be appreciated by many girls, but we still dare to tell you that the exercise itself is not as important as the muscle volume that is included in the work when performing the movement. Here are five of the most voluminous and effective movements that you need to use depending on the problem that has arisen. You can either forget about the rest of the exercises, or perform them in addition to this complex. You should not expect a special effect from the rest of the exercises, since they load our muscles much less.

Let's move on to how exactly to use these exercises.
Squats are the best and must-have option for working out the buttocks, hamstrings, quads, and inner thighs. At the same time, lunges give a more accentuated load on the buttocks, removing part of the load from the quadriceps. The ideal option is to use squats and lunges on an ongoing basis, alternating between them.

Jumping - an exercise that focuses on the quadriceps and inner thighs, removing some of the load from the hamstrings and buttocks. Use it to eliminate the fat fold on the inside of the leg.

Alternate hill climbs- exercises for the buttocks. Can be added to squats and lunges. Calf raises work your calves. Use for those who are dissatisfied with the condition of this muscle.

Your EXAMPLE lower body workout plan should look like this:

  1. Squats (lunges).
  2. Alternate rises to a hill (every 2 workouts).
  3. Jumping out.
  4. Toe raises.

This is for working the entire lower body. Adjust the plan based on your own goals. The number of sets and repetitions is also a purely individual factor.

A set of exercises for girls at home should also include several upper body exercises. Of course, for girls, in most cases, the bottom is more important than the top, but you still need to work on problem areas. The most problematic areas are the press and triceps. We will work on them by choosing the following exercises:

  • Twisting
  • Hanging leg raise
  • French Triceps Press

Triceps - the second problem area, the best exercise to work out which is the French bench press with one hand while standing. And here a similar problem arises - there is nothing to press if we do not have a dumbbell. However, in this case, any weight will do. You can simply fill a bottle with water and train with it, since girls do not need to take more than 5 kilograms in this exercise.

Another thing is that this can cause certain inconveniences, in connection with which the French bench press can be replaced with banal push-ups. If you don’t know how to do push-ups, in this case you can change the exercise, leaning on the floor not with your toes, but with your knees, and also learn. This will make the movement much easier.

Other muscle groups can also be trained. In the absence of equipment and the desire, you can train the biceps with any weight that you can hold while doing curls. You can train your shoulders by doing dumbbell presses (with a bottle, a cat - whatever).

Your EXAMPLE upper body workout should look like this:

  1. French bench press (or push-ups).
  2. Hanging leg raises (or crunches).

If you can do both, alternate. Optionally, you can add standing bicep curls and seated shoulder presses. If there is a crossbar, you can.

Video with a set of exercises for a girl at home

Watch this wonderful video with another effective and interesting set of exercises at home. Add some exercises to your program and perform in training.

How to achieve success?

And now let's talk about the main thing. Let's talk about why the vast majority of girls do not achieve success, despite the fact that exercises for girls at home are effective and affordable.

We are talking about the progression of loads, without which even the most effective exercise won't give any result.

If in today's workout you performed 5 sets of squats, completing 20 reps in each set, then through the workout you need to add at least one set or one rep to each exercise. And so on until you are completely satisfied with the result. And so in all exercises without exception. This is something most publications that reprint each other's articles won't tell you.

Everything that we talked about today works mega-efficiently, but only on the condition that you increase the load at each lesson. Neglecting this condition, you make it impossible to achieve success when using any, the most effective training complex.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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This workout program for girls at home will help you lose weight excess weight and build a beautiful figure. Isn't this the dream of every second girl? Let's start training.

What can you do at home

The body of a girl is slightly different from a man's. And not at all what you think. We are talking about biochemical metabolic processes.

In the body, testosterone is responsible for muscle anabolism, and some estrogens are responsible for fat anabolism. When a man loses his masculinity through drinking beer, a passive lifestyle, testosterone levels in his body fall and estrogen levels rise. A beer belly appears, fat begins to be deposited on the hips and buttocks. The figure is rebuilt according to the female type.

When there is a lot of testosterone, the body keeps in good muscular shape.

Girls also have their own level of male hormone, but it is 20 times lower than that of a normal man. This level is not enough to build up a huge muscle mass, but it is quite enough to tone the muscles and develop strength (albeit not to the male level).

And therefore, the training of a girl is different from a man's. Maybe it contains the same exercises (although there are many that men do not do), but they are performed with different weights and a different number of times. Both in the gym and at home, the training programs will be similar.

At home for girls, a fat burning workout may consist of the following elements:

  • Aerobics.
  • Classic cardio.
  • Circuit training with or without light weights through gymnastic exercises.
  • Yoga, by the way, also helps to burn fat and achieve harmony!

At home for girls, all the conditions for classes are created - the only obstacle is your laziness!

Consider the most interesting options separately.

Circuit training for girls

One of the best options is workout for girls for weight loss. People like to say fat burning workout at home. Few people understand what it is to burn fat, how it generally happens. Most people rely on exercise. First you need to have willpower and put a lock on the refrigerator! This is the main rule!

Circuit workouts at home for weight loss may contain a mixture of crossfit and dance, for example. Here are some exercise options that you can use to train.

Jump Squats

Do 10 squats with your arms outstretched in front of you. At the top point, when your legs are already straight, jump up. Use the springy effect at the bottom point, do not extinguish it. It is very comfortable.

You can do these squats in the morning every day, increasing their number to 30.

A more difficult option is jumping out of a squatting position, hands on the floor. When moving up, raise your arms above your head.

Throw knees to the chest lying

Stand on your hands as if you are going to do push-ups. Don't worry, it's not about push-ups!

Spread your legs wide, lift your pelvis up. Take turns pulling one or the other knee towards your chin or chest. Do everything at your pace. You can do this exercise immediately after jumping squats.

Do 10-30 intense movements for each leg.

The main remark: we work with a cross - the right knee goes to the left side of the chest, the left knee - to the right.

Skipping rope or jumping on toes

If you have high ceilings and a jump rope, use it. If the conditions are not so good - just jump on your toes. Alternate right and left foot, do 3-5 jumps on each leg in turn.

Put a stopwatch in front of you and jump for 60 seconds. This can be done after the previous exercise.

Back fold

After the jumps, we bring the heartbeat back to normal and lie down on our back (lay some comfortable rug). And we perform the simultaneous lifting of the body and legs. You can bend your knees and touch them to your chest. Do this 10-30 times.

For those who find it difficult to make a fold, you can perform a body lift paired with a leg raise:

  • We raise the body once - we lower it.
  • Immediately after this, we raise our legs - we lower them.
  • We raise the body with a simultaneous turn of the elbows and torso to the right knee, lower it.
  • We raise our legs.
  • Repeat lifting the body with a turn to the other knee.

From these 4 elements, an exercise will be formed, which we will call “complex twisting”.

Lying pelvic lift

This exercise is also called the glute bridge. We lie on our back, arms along the body are extended and lie on the floor with palms down. The legs are bent at the knees. Raise your pelvis as high as you can, then lower it back down. Do this 10-30 times.

Lifting the pelvis upside down

Now turn over on your stomach, stand on your elbows and socks. With the effort of the pelvic muscles, we lift it high up and lower it to a straight line with the rest of the body. 10-30 times.

Pulling the leg back

We stand on our elbows, like last time, and on our knees. Take turns moving back and up each leg. 10-30 times for both legs. Then you can put weights on your legs.

Scissors from a prone position

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. The second hand rests on the floor in front of you. Raise your leg up. We do this 10-30 times and turn over to the other side.

There are many more exercises and their options, which can consist of a workout program for weight loss at home. But you can try these first.

If you can do all these exercises in one cycle, starting with 10 repetitions, and repeat 2-3 such cycles with a rest of 120 seconds, you will burn a decent amount of calories.

The workout program for girls at home does not have to include all of these exercises, and it is not necessary to do them in the form of a superset or a circle. You can take a break of 30 seconds between each exercise. It is important that you sweat, get tired. If you didn't break a drop of sweat during a workout, it's a bad workout. Moreover, you definitely will not be able to burn fat from such training. To lose weight, you need to sweat.


The jump rope indicated in the last section is also a cardio element. But classic cardio is an exercise bike, Treadmill, ellipsoid, possibly a stepper.

Do you have anything from this house? Fine! 40 minutes of work on a heart rate of 120-125 beats.

Do you really want to lose weight? Try interval elements.

Interval training at home is a good weight loss option for girls.

For example, you are pedaling on an exercise bike. Set a bigger load, accelerate to the maximum possible rhythm and keep this speed for 20-30 seconds, then reduce the load and continue pedaling at a slow pace, restoring breathing and heart rate.

Ligaments on the press

Use the following basic ab moves as supersets:

  • Lifting the body lying down with legs bent at the knees.
  • Alternate leg raises.
  • Simultaneous leg raises.
  • Raising the body with legs raised up.
  • Twisting lying.
  • lying down - stretch your arms and try to get them to the heel, twisting in the lower back. Right hand trying to get the right heel, the left - the left.


Open the Internet, enter "aerobics video course" and carefully repeat what is happening on the screen.

What is good aerobics:

  • You are positive, make rhythmic movements to the music
  • You sweat, your heart speeds up to 120-130 beats per minute
  • You lose weight and get leaner with every workout!

Aerobics is great for burning fat at home. It lasts about an hour, during which time up to 400 calories are consumed. Do not be too lazy to get to the pool - water aerobics burns up to 700 or more calories during the same time. Almost 2 times more.

For more variety, buy a fitness hoop - you will twist it on your belt. You can also take a step platform. Then you can do step aerobics.

Using dumbbells and weights

Training at home is difficult to imagine without dumbbells or weights. They lie in a corner, pleasing to the eye. I want to take them and work with them. And if there are no dumbbells, then you won’t force yourself to do it.

You can do aerobics with dumbbells. You can systematically do various exercises, such as breeding, bench presses, squats, lunges with dumbbells.

A weight loss training program for girls with dumbbells, for example, may look like this (circular version):

  1. Dumbbell bench press for 15 reps.
  2. , you need to do the same in 15 repetitions
  3. Dumbbell bench press from behind the head, the same number of times.
  4. Bending arms with dumbbells stand - the same amount.

Rest until the pulse is restored.

  1. Squats with dumbbells - 1 set of 15 reps
  2. Lunges with them, the same number of times
  3. Incline with dumbbells and Romanian or deadlift 15 times.
  4. - also 15.

Rest until the pulse is fully restored

Well, after the press. You can do a bunch of 7-8 exercises, where every 2 will be connected in a superset. We have already talked about this above.

As for weights, you can put them on your arms and legs and perform any exercises that you did without weight. Thus, the load on the muscles will be greater, and, therefore, the training is more effective.

Programming principles

Workouts for girls at home should consist of different exercises.

Any weight loss program should include cardio before and after the main workout. After cardio, the most difficult exercises should go, for example, on the legs. Then come the chest-back and arms-shoulders. You can complete the workout with a press.

It is more difficult for men to work out at home - they need weights. But for girls, small dumbbells and intensive work of 7 sweats are enough to lose weight. female body slightly different from men.

You can do the same complex several times a week. You can separate workouts by muscle groups - but this is more suitable for gaining mass and creating a good relief. To lose weight, it is better to use circular training.

In the simplest case, for weight loss for women, in general, the usual cardio and diet are enough. But with this training regimen, fat will simply go away, and the shape of the muscles will practically not change. If you want to not only lose weight, but also pump up, use cardio in a dosed manner, be sure to perform exercises for specific muscle groups.

For more complex purposes - you need to make individual program in each specific case.

We take into account nutrition

Many begin to practice, a month passes - there is no result. And even worse - the weight is growing!

What's the matter? What about food, have you changed your diet in any way? No. And that is exactly what needs to be done! Eat less fast carbohydrates and fats, replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones, eat a balanced diet and do not overeat. Here lies the magic key to success.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! Often the girls I know complain that they don’t have time to visit at all. gym. I try to calm them right away, saying that this is an easily solved problem. After all, you can train at home, spending a maximum of 40 minutes on it.

In order for your body to look fit, you need to strengthen your muscles. Best for this. And what power training at home for girls are best suited - you will find out today.

In order for the training to have a result, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules. I will tell about them now.

Thorough warm-up and hitch

The first and most important thing in absolutely any physical activity! The warm-up can be done in a dance style to make it more fun. Watch, for example, the video of Natalia Reutova. As a hitch.

Strength training aims to develop your strength qualities. Therefore, you should choose exercises that. Only as a result of stress will the muscles be stimulated to grow.

I ask the ladies not to be frightened and not to imagine how your muscles grow uncontrollably to enormous sizes. Not a single woman has yet pumped over from a power load.

What was stressful in the last workout may no longer be stressful in the current one. The human body is very good at adapting to external factors. Workouts are no exception. So try to surprise him. Even if next time you do one more repetition in any exercise, this will already be progress.

Execution technique

If you squat incorrectly, you can get problems with the spine. If you do push-ups incorrectly, you can damage your shoulders. See how much trouble bad technique causes? In addition, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, the muscles will not receive even half of the load that they could receive. How will they develop then?

Feeling the muscles

You will achieve a much greater effect if you feel the working muscle during the exercise. Often, trainees make the main goal of performing a certain number of repetitions. Moreover, the pace of execution and muscle contraction fade into the background. Well, I'll upset you. This approach is wrong.

Muscle sensations are not easy to achieve. This usually comes with experience. But you can speed up the process. For example, if you are doing a press, put your hand on it and think about contracting it. This technique can be done with any muscle group. Another way is an additional reduction. At the moment when your muscle is tense, try to contract it even more. Do this carefully, as the muscles can be brought out of habit.

Do cardio

It is advisable to set aside separate days for cardio training and strength training. These two physical activities have different effects on the body and, when combined, can negatively affect each other. Cardio (aerobic) training is useful in that it trains the cardiovascular system. And the more trained your motor, the more it will travel.

I tried to lay out for you all the life hacks that allow you to quickly achieve results and not fill cones at the same time.

Training program

Strength exercises do not have to be monotonous and monotonous. You can accompany your workout with energetic and rhythmic music. And if climatic and living conditions allow, then it is better to conduct training outdoors!

Strength training. But you can find other uses for it. For example, use for weight loss by reducing rest intervals. In this case, the program should be built according to the fullbody scheme. That is, the whole body is loaded for training. Let's look at full body training with an example.

Training program for all muscle groups:

Jump Squats

The exercise is similar to classic squats. Only the final part of the movement differs. After you crouched (B), you need to get up powerfully and make a low jump. Instead of jumping, you can stand on your toes. Attention! The exercise is performed without stopping. And after the jump, you need to land on slightly bent legs (A). Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.


For women, well-developed buttocks are important. . Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (A). From this position, take a step forward. back leg should stay in place (B). Squat on the front (supporting) leg to a right angle at the knee. The back leg should also be bent to a right angle and the knee should almost touch the floor. Return to starting position and change legs. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Raising the pelvis lying on your back

Again, it aims at the buttocks and extensors of the back. Lie on your back and bend your legs. Raise your pelvis up until top part torso and hips do not line up. For weighting, you can put a small weight on the lower abdomen. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Push-ups with rotation

Chest, shoulders and back work. Starting position, as with regular push-ups. But after doing push-ups, move your hand up while turning your torso. Do 2-3 sets of 12 reps.

Plank with leg curl

Bend one leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then switch legs and do the same. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps on each leg.

Lying twists

When performing it, you should not try to pull your chest up to your knees. Your job is to move chest to the pelvis (B). Only in this case, the abdominal press will work as it should! Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 twists.

In addition, I will give you a couple more exercises with dumbbells. If you don’t have dumbbells, bottles filled with water may well be suitable. Remember that the main thing is desire, and there will always be opportunities.

Dumbbell row in inclination to the belt

Do not be afraid to train your back, as a strong back is the key to good posture and a healthy spine!
Take dumbbells in your hands and lean forward. In this case, the back should be flat, and the stomach should be pulled in (A). Pull the dumbbells towards your waist (B). At the top point of the amplitude, bring the shoulder blades together. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Pulling dumbbells to the sides

The movement aims at your shoulders. Again, this exercise will not make you a broad-shouldered swimmer. It will strengthen the deltas and make their shape more expressive.
Stand up straight. Lean the dumbbells to your hips from the sides. As you exhale, take your arms to the sides to the horizontal. On an inhale, return the dumbbells to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 leads.

I did not describe in the exercises how to breathe. So now I will talk about it in general terms. Finding the right breath is very easy. With muscle contraction, that is, when you do the main work, you need to exhale. And breathe in when you relax. For example, if you are doing squats, then when lowering, inhale; while standing up, exhale.

The number of repetitions from 12 to 15 was not chosen by chance. Girls naturally have more slow muscle fibers. And they respond better to multi-repetitive training.

When exercising, wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement. And try to keep it from natural materials and allow your skin to breathe! That's all for me. Be athletic and cheerful. Train with a smile and good mood. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and share information with friends and girlfriends! See you soon.

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