Parental Sabbaths in April. In russia, there are certain days that are meant to be remembered for the departed. Official Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

Parents 'Saturday in November is called Demetrius' parental Saturday, it is closest to the day of veneration of the memory of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki. In November 2018, it is celebrated on the 3rd day. In churches on this day, as is customary on parental Saturdays, the clergy will celebrate the funeral Liturgy and panikhida.

The Great Dirge called Parastas will be served on Friday evening. In Greek it means "to intercede." This explains what parental Sabbaths mean for a believer.

Dead Christians are commemorated on parental Saturday in November 2018

Leaving for another world, a person loses the opportunity to change his mind, correct his mistake and repent for the sin he has committed. But all this can be done for them by living people and turn to the Lord for this with prayer - to ask Him to be merciful to the deceased and to forgive all his sins.

On parental Saturday, Orthodox believers remember the Orthodox Christians who have gone to another world, they commemorate their parents. They visit the graves of deceased relatives and perform memorial services there.

Orthodox priests hold a special commemoration on five parental Saturdays:

  • before Great Lent (2 weeks before). This parental Saturday is called the Ecumenical Meat Salad;
  • before the Holy Trinity (49 days after Easter). This parental Saturday is called the universal Trinity Saturday;
  • the second Saturday for Great Lent;
  • fourth Saturday for Great Lent.

Parent's Saturday in November 2018 is historically associated with the Battle of Kulikovo

The commemoration of the dead on Saturdays before November 8, the day of veneration of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, is associated with the bloodshed during the Battle of Kulikovo. This event coincided with the holiday of Christmas Holy Mother of God(1380). At first, it was decided to honor only the memory of those killed in the battle on the Kulikovo field, but over time, Dimitrievskaya Saturday was made a day of remembrance for absolutely all deceased Orthodox Christians.

On parent's Saturday in November 2018 there are some restrictions for believers

On parental Dimitrievskaya Saturday, in no case should one speak badly of the deceased, and even less scold them. It is supposed to say only everything good about them, otherwise the soul of the deceased will be angry. According to church canons, it is impossible to use alcohol as a commemoration. Remembering the dead, no one laughs or sings songs.

Parental memorial Saturday is not just a mourning event, but it is a memory of relatives who are no longer in our world, and it would be completely immoral to have fun at the same time. On parental Saturday, those who have gone to another world are commemorated in a special way - they pray and thereby render an invaluable service to the deceased - they save their souls. For parental Saturdays, there are a number of unwritten rules that any believer should know about.

On November 3, on Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday, you should visit the temple, defend the funeral service to the Lord, a panikhida, light candles, and pray. On this day, any help to a poor person or someone who is in trouble will be a good deed. In Russia, Dimitrievskaya Saturday is considered the day of replacing autumn with winter, so by this day they are trying to finally curtail all work in the yard and on the field and be ready for frost.

Parents' Saturday in November 2018 has its own signs and traditions

One of the traditions of Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday is to visit the bathhouse. Single boys and girls will not marry until the end of the year if they have made it to this day. Folk omen says that a cold snowy day on Demetrius is late and cold spring. If the day turned out to be warm, so the spring will be early and warm.

It has long been a custom to cook kutya at home on parental Saturdays, and all household members should begin their memorial meal with kutya. It is a sweet porridge made from whole wheat grains and seasoned with honey, raisins and nuts.

In Christianity, except church holidays and fasting there is also such a thing as a parent's day. 2020 will not be an exception and all believers will remember the souls of deceased parents and close relatives.

What are the parent days

The days when the closest relatives are remembered are called parental days in Christianity. They usually take place on Saturdays. IN church calendar there are eight such memorial days throughout the year. Each year they take place on different days, as they are tied to the main Christian holiday of Easter. Saturdays are not in vain chosen as memorials. These are the quietest and least busy days of the week. So, in 2020, the Orthodox will have the following parenting days:

22.02.20 The first memorial Saturday is also called Meat-Passing or Universal. On this day, close people are remembered and especially those who died suddenly. Since this memorial day passes before Pancake week, then its distinctive feature is the baking of pancakes. According to custom, the first baked pancake is intended for deceased close relatives. The next pancake, according to religious canons, must be given to the poor and children.
08.03.20, 15.03.20, 22.03.20 Three Saturdays in a row for the Orthodox are dedicated to the commemoration not only of their relatives, but also of all those who died in strict self-restraint. These are the only days when you can remember your relatives during a long fast. Magpies are also prohibited during Lent.
28.04.20 Radonitsa is the main memorial day.
06.06.20 This day is characterized by the fact that it is celebrated just before Trinity. On Trinity Saturday, it is customary to pray for the souls of deceased relatives, so that they find peace and their life becomes eternal.
11.09.20 Orthodox warriors come to mind. This day was legalized by the Russian Orthodox Church, when the Russian-Turkish war was going on. On this day, they also honor John the Baptist, who was beheaded for his true faith.

Why are the days of commemoration of loved ones called parental days?

There are several interpretations of this fact:

  • the first explanation of this name suggests itself. After all, remembering about deceased relatives, we first of all think about the people closest to us - about our parents;
  • another version is that after the deceased person is buried, he, according to the Christians, goes to his closest people, that is, his parents.

The main memorial day

The main memorial day for the Orthodox is Radonitsa. In different regions of Russia, it is celebrated in different time... According to church canons, the main parental memorial day falls on the ninth day after Easter, namely on Tuesday. In 2020 it will be 04/28/20. It should be noted that this day is called differently in different regions of Russia. Somewhere it is called Graves, somewhere Easter of the dead, and somewhere Radovnitsa. However, the essence of this holiday is unchanged. This is a special day for the commemoration of deceased parents and loved ones. It is believed that the name "Radonitsa" came from the verb "to rejoice", since on this day we not only remember the deceased loved ones, but also congratulate them on Easter, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected.

The main feature of this day is the preparation of a special treat, which is intended both for the people living now and for the dead. Eggs are painted again on Radonitsa and cooked with kutya. It should be noted that most of the eggs are colored red. In some regions of Russia, the tradition of "christening with the dead" has been preserved. To do this, red eggs are buried in the ground. In some villages, it is customary to place them in the ground directly at the cemetery, in others, it is enough to dig them in the field or behind the house where the deceased lived. In such an area, as a rule, it is believed that "the dead move underground."

Another constant dish on Radonitsa is kutia. This is what I call wheat or rice porridge mixed with raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruits. Before you start your meal at the memorial table, you must definitely taste kutya.

Some Slavic peoples also kept the tradition of baking pancakes on this day. Some housewives bake thin translucent treats, others prefer lush treats. Regardless of this, it is believed that pancakes are completely cooked according to the rite, if they are well oiled. It is the amount of oil that testifies to how relatives remember the deceased. The first pancakes are traditionally placed in a bundle or basket and carried to the cemetery.

Until now, all relatives come to Radonitsa, to the graves of the deceased, so that they can all remember their loved ones and taste pancakes. In the old days, this was the end of the meal at the cemetery. People went home and for festive table continued to remember the dead.

If the funeral at home was held with the use of alcohol, it was forbidden to clink glasses. It was also unacceptable to use knives and forks. It was forbidden to throw out the remains from the memorial table. It was customary to feed the "birds of heaven" with them.

It is worth noting that during the Soviet era, some traditions have undergone changes. If before the October Revolution of 1917, Radonitsa was considered a holiday, and everyone could visit the cemetery without any problems, then in the Soviet period this became problematic. Despite this, people still came to their deceased relatives, but not on Tuesday, but on Sunday.

Another change was that lavish meals with alcohol began to be arranged next to the graves. And after them, eggs, glasses of vodka, bread and other food were left at the burial sites. The Church considers this unacceptable. Remembering loved ones, it is necessary to pray for their souls and hope that all of us will be resurrected.

The ministers of the church believe that the cakes, eggs, etc., which are left after the commemoration, are a sign of pagan traditions - "to regale the deceased." If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then you should not do this. Watering the graves with alcohol is also unacceptable.

The most correct behavior at the grave of the deceased in Radonitsa is the following order of things:

  • before the holiday, it is necessary to remove the grave and bring it into proper form;
  • when visiting a burial place, you should light a candle and read a prayer;
  • after that, together with other relatives, you need to remember the deceased in a better light;
  • in the end, you can taste pancakes or Easter cake and congratulate the dead on the Bright Resurrection.

In order not to be mistaken with the number of memorial days for Orthodox Christians in 2018, it is best to check the information with the church calendar. Their other name is parental Saturdays. But the days of remembrance fall not only on weekends. Some of them also fall on weekdays.

Why Saturday

The name "Parents' Saturday" is directly related to the number of Christians in the Orthodox calendar commemorating the dead. In 2018, there are ten such days, and they are tied to certain significant dates. The most important of them is the one that comes after Easter. This holiday has been preserved since pagan times. Earlier on the day of remembrance, people turned to the memory of their kind, remembering their ancestors. Hence the old name "Rodonitsa".

With the advent of Christianity, Radonitsa acquired another meaning. Now this Saturday is tied to the celebration of Easter, a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Therefore, visiting the dead at the cemetery, every believer should rejoice, because family and friends are destined for eternal life in paradise. Therefore, the name of the memorial day has changed and now takes its root from the word "joy".

Parental Saturdays are called memorial days because of the Jewish roots of the faith. In Hebrew, the name of the weekend is translated as "peace and tranquility." Every week for a day, Jews postpone their affairs in order to devote themselves to spiritual development. And in Orthodoxy, they began to appoint memorial days on Saturday so that the laity could visit their loved ones who had found peace.

Also, in the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the word "Ecumenical" is added to the name of some parental Saturdays. It means that on this day it is customary for all believers to postpone their deeds and the whole world spend several hours to pray for the peace of all those who have gone to another world.

Memorial calendar

In 2018, each believer can choose what date to visit the cemetery. Memorial days in the Orthodox calendar are arranged as follows:

  1. February 10. The Ecumenical Meat Saturday is celebrated before the start of the week dedicated to the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, before the symbolic resurrection, the laity should visit all the dead in the cemetery.
  2. March 3,10,17. Parents' Saturdays are timed to coincide with the weeks of Great Lent. This is done so that the dead can also join in the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ even while in heaven.
  3. 14th of April. Radonitsa is celebrated as a memorial day, coming exactly one week after Orthodox Easter.
  4. 26 of May. On the day before the great feast of the Holy Trinity, there comes another Ecumenical parental Saturday. This memorial day has been celebrated since the dawn of Christianity, recalling the future Kingdom of God, anticipating the Apostolic Fast.
  5. June 2, August 11, November 22. Before Petrov, Assumption and Christmas fasting, it is customary to visit the cemetery, remembering the dead.
  6. the 3rd of November. Dmitrievskaya Saturday or Archangel's Choke is not an official funeral day. But the laity visit the cemetery that day.

On May 9, on Victory Day, it is also customary to visit the cemetery and commemorate all those who died in the war. Although this is not a church holiday, services are held in all churches. Clergy and laity pray for the peace of all victims of World War II.

How to remember correctly

People are accustomed to a certain order of visiting the cemetery, which has become a tradition. On Parents' Saturdays, it is customary not only to clean up the graves. Usually people put on a glass of alcoholic drink and a treat, which is subsequently picked up by birds and the poor. Laymen prefer to remember the dead while sitting at a table abundantly filled with food and alcohol. And Saturday ends for a person with a restless sleep in a state of strong intoxication.

The Church is against such an attitude towards the dead. From a Christian point of view, millions of people commit a great sin every year. According to the spirit of the creed, it is not the worldly that matters. To help a soul that has left this world, one must not drink alcoholic beverages and succumb to the sin of gluttony. It is much better to spend the day in prayer.

There is a clear order of remembrance that the church offers to the laity:

  1. It is worth starting with a visit to the temple. After praying and putting a candle for peace, it is important to mentally ask for the deceased before God.
  2. Arriving at the cemetery, you need to clean up. The sacred meaning of this is to prepare for the Second Coming.
  3. The next step is to invite a priest. The Holy Father must come to the grave and pray for the deceased, turning to the Lord with a request to grant forgiveness to the deceased.
  4. Parental Saturday must be completed in church. Evening prayer should be addressed to the Lord with gratitude for a great gift eternal life that is waiting for every Christian.

This is the only way to help your deceased loved ones. It is prayers, and not food or alcohol, that can give peace to the soul of the deceased.

Special commemoration of the departed according to the canons of the Orthodox Church in 2018, parental Saturdays, and not only, by day. Features of each day of remembrance, what to do on Parent's Saturday.

Most days of special commemoration of the dead are shifted relative to Easter, there are memorial days that are not tied to the Celebration of Easter of Christ - all numbers for 2018, their features and traditions.

Parents' Saturday is the traditional name for the day when the Church prays especially for the dead. Since ancient times, Saturday has been considered a day of rest, so we pray on this day for the repose of our loved ones and all Orthodox Christians who have died since centuries. Almost all days of special commemoration of deceased relatives and loved ones are established in the church calendar in early Christian times. All dates in the article are in the new style.

First, let's pay attention to the days tied in the annual circle of services to the Bright Feast of Christ's Resurrection.

UNIVERSAL PARENTAL SATURDAY (MEAT) in 2018 falls on February 10. Ecumenical commemoration on this day is established on the basis that the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ are remembered on the following Sunday. In addition, the meat-eating Parental Saturday takes place in preparation for Great Lent, on this day Christians are called to remember that we are with the departed in the one Body of Christ, since everyone is alive with God.

The memorials on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th SATURDAYS of LAST, fall in 2018 on March 3, March 10 and March 17, respectively.

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

In addition to the ecumenical commemoration of the departed, which takes place on special days of parental Saturdays, the Church celebrates ecumenical requiems during the second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent. On these Sabbath days, the Church prays for the abandonment of Orthodox Christians "voluntary and involuntary sins ... and their eternal rest with the Saints."

On the days of commemoration, which fall on the cold season, the Orthodox try to visit the church, to commemorate the deceased loved ones at home. With the onset of warmth, people go to cemeteries - to put in order the resting places. The first large flow of those who commemorate it happens shortly after the Bright Feast of Easter, to Radonitsa.

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

Radonitsa occupies a special place in the annual cycle of church holidays - this day is located immediately after Bright Week. The Church calls on Christians not to suffer over the death of loved ones, but to rejoice at their birth into eternal life.

On this day, the same funeral service is performed as on the Universal Parental Sabbath on meat-and-mouth week. The similarity of these days of remembrance is also in the fact that they are located in the church circle a week before the fast. Trinity parental Saturday is placed on the calendar a week before the start of the Apostolic (Peter's) Lent, while the Meat Saturday is a week before Great Lent.

Several days of special commemoration do not correspond to the Easter of Christ.

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

This is DIMITRIEV SATURDAY, which in 2018 falls on November 3. This day of remembrance was established by the Russian Orthodox Church on the Saturday preceding the day of remembrance of Demetrius of Thessaloniki.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday was introduced into the church circle of services at the request of Dmitry Donskoy after the Battle of Kulikovo. On this day, the Church traditionally remembers all the departed Orthodox soldiers.

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

IN last years another day of commemoration became widespread, which is of particular importance. This is MAY 9 - commemoration of the memory of those who suffered in the dashing years of the Great Patriotic War... This day is not approved by the Church, the tradition is just being formed.

Some Eastern Christians have a tradition of another memorial Saturday - before the Day of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos - Pokrovskaya SATURDAY. In 2018, it falls on October 13.

On all days of church commemoration, it is desirable to commemorate the deceased who was baptized during the life of the deceased during the divine liturgy. For this purpose, special notes are submitted in advance, colloquially called "LUNCH ABOUT RESTORATION".

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

It has long been considered a great charity for a departed soul to read the INCREDIBLE PSALTY. This requirement can be ordered in many Orthodox monasteries.

There is also a custom to order PANIHIDS, which can be served not only in temples, but also in cemeteries.

It is possible to perform a memorial service with a lay rite, without the invitation of a priest. This is the so-called FORMAL LITHIUM, can be performed by a layman in a cemetery or at home.

There is an ancient tradition of consecration of KUTYA - specially prepared cereals with dried fruits and honey. After consecration in the church, this memorial dish is eaten at home with prayer.

All parental Saturdays, memorial days in 2018

In addition, it is widespread among Orthodox Christians to commemorate the departed, giving them ALMOST. Special place it is occupied by the supply of products "ON CANON" - the offerings of products by the laity to the temple. What is brought goes to the kliros meal, in support of the families of the clergy, as well as the workers in the temple and all those in need.

Christianity contains certain days commemoration of the departed, they are called Parental Saturdays. For what reason these days were named so, no one knows for sure. There are several versions of the origin of the name, the first says that on the day when the departed people are remembered, a person first of all remembers the most dear ones.

If the parents are no longer alive, then naturally they are remembered first. The second theory says that when a Christian leaves for another world, that is, dies, he returns to his forefathers. In other words, after death on Earth, he meets his departed father and mother, grandfathers and grandmothers. Saturday was chosen for a reason, it was always considered the most unloaded among the rest of the days of the week.

Parent's day in 2018 what date, 5 Parental Saturdays

There are 5 Parental Saturdays in the Orthodox Church. Meatless universal Parental Saturday, on this day Orthodox believers ask God for mercy to all departed Christians. Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday - before the day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter.

Private parent's day, this Saturday, according to Christian tradition, they commemorate deceased parents in Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian Orthodox churches... Such days include Mikhailovskaya, Dmitrievskaya and Pokrovskaya Saturdays.

Parental 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays during Great Lent exist in order not to deprive the deceased of prayers for their repose throughout Great Lent, since during this period, according to Christian regulations, the usual commemoration of the departed is canceled.

Parent's day in 2018 what date, exact dates

According to Christian customs, the graves of deceased relatives must be kept in order and cleanliness. This is a show of respect. But it is not permissible to leave food and alcoholic drinks on the graves. In Orthodoxy, such actions are considered a desecration of the souls of departed Christians. It is recommended to give food to the poor or to distribute it with a request to remember a certain person who is no longer alive.

Parental Saturday dates in 2018:

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to take care of the souls of deceased loved ones. This I phenomenon is an integral part of Christianity in general, since this religion is one of the spiritual teachings that preach life after death and spiritual immortality in general.

It is also known that in Christianity there is a ban on the commemoration of departed suicides. This means that they are not buried as the dead not of their own free will, and the ministers of the church do not have the right to perform memorial prayers for them. With the blessing of a clergyman, relatives of suicides can pray for them on their own.

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