Sports equipment for training. Enumeration and description of sport inventory. Effective improvised equipment for sports at home

On this page of the catalog of the online store, the site can be buy football training equipment, which will help both beginners and advanced athletes in practicing techniques and strikes. This equipment can be used for training at school, sports section or stadium, as well as for amateur games. All football equipment for training at prices affordable and affordable for every customer comes from reliable manufacturers of sports goods.

How to purchase the products offered at SPORTS-TECH?

Everything here is done for the maximum convenience of customers. Each product has a description with characteristics, you can also visually see all the prices, both retail and wholesale. Add all the products you like to the shopping cart, and after placing an order, proceed to checkout. Before you buy training accessories, you can receive a commercial offer on the letterhead of the Sports Technologies Group.

Our range

The catalog contains the following products:

  • Football barriers. Available in sets of 3 or 6 pieces. There are adjustable and non-adjustable models that are made of durable plastic. Football training hurdles are used for jumping and running, helping to tone leg muscles and prepare for games.
  • Football ladders. Necessary for the development of speed and maneuverability, flexibility and agility on the football field, which is necessary for every football player. There are stairs with a length of 2, 4 or 9 m.
  • Training football shirts. They are necessary both in training and in football games. They can be used by both professional athletes and amateurs. The main purpose is to highlight the players of two teams in different colors. In addition, shirt-fronts help protect the form from dirt.
  • Training cones for football. They are used to practice maneuvers with the ball on the field. May differ in height and the presence or absence of holes. Made from soft plastic.
  • Football tactical boards. Such boards with chips are used by the coach to form the tactics of the game, as well as to analyze the mistakes made after the matches. There are tactical boards for football, and there are universal boards suitable for different types of sports games.

In this section you will also find beach football markings, training parachutes, sets of hurdles, ladders, cones and markers, markers for marking, training rings and poles - in a word, everything that will make football training full and varied.

Favorable prices goods

For purchases in small volumes, a retail pricing option is provided. If you want to buy football training equipment in bulk, depending on the total amount of the order, you will be given a discount of 5% or 10% of the retail price.

We look forward to long-term cooperation, and we are waiting for your feedback after the purchase!

Karemat, step platform, fitball, bodybar and other additional sports equipment, in addition to the "standard iron" in fitness clubs, is also quite common. You can find and use it in almost any club, be it economy, standard or luxury. Along with simulators and free weights, it plays an important role in the training process. But which one? And how can they supplement or diversify the training process? In order to understand this, we have compiled this list of sports equipment and inventory.

First of all, I would like to say that most of the equipment below could be attributed to group fitness classes, but since it is increasingly being used in the gym and in functional training, such a statement would be wrong. It can be used in strength and cardio training, when conducting personal and group classes, in the gym, fitness room and just on the street. The simplicity of the designs, along with their effectiveness, allows you to significantly expand the range of exercises performed for any type of training. How exactly, or due to what it is implemented in practice, we will be told by photos and descriptions of sports equipment.

Sports Equipment

Dumbbells. Despite the fact that dumbbells in their classic form are most often found in the gym, this does not prevent manufacturers from releasing them separately for fitness classes and other functional types of it. These differ from the harsh metal dumbbells for the gym in a more cheerful coloring, a monolithic rubberized structure, a multifaceted shape and a small weight step, which, however, does not change the semantic load.

Aquabag. This invention is characterized by the fact that such a bag has a movable center of gravity, therefore, it is excellent for training the overall functionality of the body, for which it is actually designed. Due to the fact that it is rather difficult to balance it in any position due to the liquid filler, stabilizing muscles are included in the work, which during classical strength training may not be involved in work.

Medball. It's also a medicine ball. An extremely popular projectile both in the sports environment and in rehabilitation medicine. It is used in physical education, fitness, functional training, martial arts and more. It has a dense filler (sand, sawdust, gel granules) due to which it does not spring and does not bounce off the surface, but dampens shocks. With it, you can perform exercises for all muscle groups: legs (squats), back (pullover), chest (push-ups), abs and more.

Fitball. Durable inflatable fitness ball. For what kind of exercises it is not intended. It includes push-ups with feet on the floor or feet on the ball, squats, with the ball at outstretched arms or overhead, numerous exercises for the press, such as twisting lying on the floor with the ball in hands, lying leg raises with the ball clamped between the ankles and Not only. Many exercises can also be performed lying down or sitting on the ball.

Board balance. Or a coordination board. Designed to develop a sense of balance, coordination and training of the vestibular apparatus. Such a board improves the sense of balance, promotes the development of static and dynamic balance and strengthens the muscles (both their main groups and smaller stabilizing muscles). It is used in fitness, functional training, as well as in rehabilitation medicine for the development of relevant qualities.

Step platform. Designed to perform exercises such as walking, jumping, jumping, push-ups, squats, lunges, abs and many others. The simplicity of the design allows you to use the platform for both strength and functional training. Replaceable stops allow you to increase or decrease its height, which also allows you to significantly expand the scope of the platform.

Cabinet. It has a fundamentally similar scope and approximately the same list of exercises as the step platform, but a significant difference in height and the inability to regulate it suggest a wider use of the pedestal in functional training, and the use of the step platform mainly in group fitness classes. One way or another, the list of exercises is limited only by the user's imagination.

Karemat. First of all, such a “mat” serves as a heat insulator between the human body and the surface on which it is laid. Secondly, it serves to soften the rigidity of the contact of the body with a hard or uneven floor. Thirdly, of course, these are hygiene considerations so that the body does not come into contact with an aggressive environment (in the case of outdoor activities). It is used in almost all sports: fitness, physical education, strength and functional training and many others.

Slider. The classic name is the sliding track. The invention is used for aerobic training in order to burn calories. It is also used for rehabilitation purposes to restore the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The principle of operation of the mat is in a special surface and shoe covers that allow you to perform sliding movements like in skiing or speed skating.

Coordination ladder. Ingenious in its simplicity sports equipment that develops speed, balance, endurance and coordination. Anyone can practice with it, regardless of the level of training, it is used in any sport to develop the above qualities. Allows you to perform literally any combination of exercises, including squats, jumps, jerks, steps, lunges, both with your own weight and with any weight.

Emphasis for push-ups. As the name says, they are intended by and large, solely for one purpose - to perform push-ups. The very essence of the stops is that a higher position of the hands allows you to lower the body lower, thereby stretching the working muscles more. However, stops are often used to perform other exercises. By placing them on two adjacent hills, you can perform push-ups on the uneven bars, leg lifts, etc.

Press roller. No less unique design than others presented here. Its uniqueness lies in the combination of ease of movement and the large number of muscle groups that it engages during the exercise. It includes the entire upper body - shoulders, arms, chest and back muscles. Fully engages the press - its upper and lower parts. And also slightly involves the buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings.

Beresh loops. Classes in such loops are aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system, due to the fact that the exercises performed involve almost all the muscles of the body. The simplicity of the design and the presence of carbines, firstly, allow you to use them almost anywhere (at home, in the country, at work), and secondly, the flexibility of the design allows you to perform exercises on almost all muscle groups: legs, back, chest, biceps, triceps and muscles press.

Hoop. The hula hoop, familiar to everyone since childhood, is able to use many muscle groups, such as the abs, back, buttocks and calves. It activates and enhances blood flow in areas in contact with the work surface. And due to the fact that the oxygen carried by the blood is a natural fat oxidizer, the effect of losing weight is achieved. In addition, hoop exercises provide a gentle massage of the abdominal cavity and improve bowel function.

Bodybar. In its classic version, it is a metal rod enclosed in a rubber or plastic sheath. This is a kind of analogue of the bar - free weight (rather even a "bar"), only without the possibility of hanging disks. Designed to perform exercises literally on the whole body - squats (legs), bench press (chest), bent over rows (back), curls (biceps), extensions (triceps), twists and oblique turns (abs) and more.

Sledgehammer. Exercises with it have become widespread in martial arts and functional training, but not only. It involves almost the entire body. Tire hitting trains strength, endurance and technique. This exercise targets the arms (shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms), core (lats, psoas, serratus, rectus and obliques), and legs (glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves).

Rope. Another super popular invention, known to everyone, and which has become widespread in almost all sports. Rope exercises develop endurance, coordination, strengthen the cardiovascular system, promote weight loss, strengthen muscles and make the body slim and fit. Rope exercises can be included in strength, cardio or functional training, regardless of your fitness level.

Leash. It is used in many sports to train strength, speed, endurance, coordination of movements and the skills of interaction and opposition between two athletes. At one end the leash is fastened to the athlete's belt, at the other end it can be fastened both to the movable platform on which the weight is fixed, and to the weight-and-block simulator and to another athlete at the other end for joint pair training.

TRX rip. A device designed to perform exercises on the principle of vector load. By securing the end of the rubber cable with a carabiner, and holding the bar with both hands, you can perform rotational, pulling, pressing and many other movements that are typical for hockey, tennis and other sports with a load on one side of the body. At the same time, by attaching a carabiner to the other end of the neck, you can significantly expand the arsenal of exercises.

loopsTRX. A popular invention today, ingenious in its simplicity and originally developed for army purposes, so that soldiers can perform training for all muscle groups in literally any conditions, be it desert, forest, urban development, and so on. By fixing the straps with a carabiner at a certain height, you can perform many exercises on the legs, back, chest, arms (biceps, triceps, shoulders) and also the press (rectus and oblique abdominal muscles).

Rings. A gymnastic apparatus that came to fitness clubs from the sport of the same name. Often used in physical education and functional training. Ring exercises contribute to the development of strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination. Freely hanging rings greatly complicate the exercise, which in turn greatly increases their effectiveness. Hanging them at different heights, they can serve as a kind of analogue of the TRX loops.

Rope. For its high efficiency, it has earned honor, respect and widespread use not only in school gyms, but also in the fitness industry and even beyond. A rope suspended from the ceiling can be climbed with the whole body, or only with the help of hands. Exercise with a freely suspended projectile, as mentioned above, significantly increases the complexity and effectiveness of the exercises.

Expander with handles. Such a set of expanders includes bundles of various diameters and densities, capable of exerting force from 2 to 43 kg. They are used both for training and for warming up, stretching, warming up and cool down in the training process. Simplicity of design, light weight, small amount of space occupied have provided such an expander with wide popularity in physical education, fitness, bodybuilding, functional training and many other sports.

The expander is ring. The semantic load is similar to the previous representative and is even more simple, since it is a conventional elastic band of an annular shape. Such expanders are also produced with different densities and forces produced, they are also designed for warming up, stretching, hitting and performing exercises directly, therefore they have also gained great popularity in many sports.

Grid roller. This is, without exaggeration, a device for self-massage. It has received the greatest distribution among athletes of all sports, as it allows you to relieve tension after a workout. Rolling such a roller over the body, or under the weight of the body, helps to relax and stretch the muscles and tendons, as well as relieve tension in the soft tissues. Simplicity of a design, ease of operation and the low price have made this massager very popular.


Of course, the sports equipment market is constantly growing, and we are not able to cover it completely, however, here we have considered its most popular representatives. You can use or not use it based on personal preference. You can believe or not in the effectiveness of the above devices, it all depends on you. Be that as it may, it is safe to say that the growth of the market is driven by increased demand and interest from users, which in turn encourages manufacturers to conduct new research and create new products that can make your workouts better and more effective.

Thousands of lines have already been written about the importance of physical activity for health and normal weight, and it is unlikely that any of us will talk about the opposite. However, if you look reality in the eye, then in practice it turns out that there are a lot of empty seats in the gyms, and it’s easy to get into group training.

In that case, where do other people train, or do they not train at all? And at this stage, an interesting thing turns out: most people ignore training not because of great laziness or lack of motivation for sports, but because of a banal lack of free time or a mismatch between the work schedule and the training schedule at the nearest fitness center.

What is the way out in this situation? That's right: the ideal solution to the problem is to start home workouts.

And in order for the classes to be effective and productive, it is worth buying some sports equipment for home workouts.

We have compiled a list of the most popular and productive fitness tools for the home:

1. Dumbbells

Dumbbells are perhaps the most versatile and most common fitness equipment for home workouts.

Dumbbells are not expensive. You can choose dumbbells of any color and the desired weight, and there are dumbbells with stacked weights - they are universal, since their weight can be changed.


- With the help of dumbbells, you can pump all the muscles of the body;

- You can choose dumbbells that are comfortable in shape just for you;

– Dumbbells are used both for strength training and for weighting aerobic loads;

- Dumbbells are very convenient to store, they almost do not take up space.


– Incorrect weight of dumbbells can lead to muscle strain;

– Dumbbells will have to be changed from time to time, as the muscles will develop, and the weight will need to be increased.

2. Rod with collapsible pancakes

A barbell with collapsible pancakes will help men in home workouts.
You can buy a rod with a small holder, then it will be much easier and more compact to store it disassembled.


- The bar pumps all types of muscles and is a universal sports equipment;

– The weight of the rod can be adjusted by the number of pancakes;

- The barbell can replace dumbbells and some home exercise equipment.


- The barbell costs more than dumbbells;

– Disproportionate weight can lead to muscle strain.

3. Gymnastic mat

Fitness and yoga lovers can't do without a gymnastic mat at home. It is more convenient and more pleasant to practice on it than on the floor or carpet. On the rug, it is impossible to damage the skin during an intense workout, which cannot be said about a regular carpet or carpet.

The mat softens landings during pumping the press and other similar exercises for the movement of the body or head.


- The mat softens the impact of the feet on the floor when jumping, reduces the load on the joints;

– It is more comfortable to train on the mat than on the floor;

- The rug is inexpensive;

- The rug is easy to store at home in a rolled form.


- The quality of some rugs leaves much to be desired;

– With frequent exercises, thin gymnastic mats wear out quickly.

4. Step platform

If your task is to lose weight as quickly as possible, then the step platform will help you achieve desired goal. The step platform provides excellent opportunities for interval aerobic training and cardio workouts. With its help, you can do step aerobics without leaving your home.


- The step platform can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for push-ups, rocking the press (as a holder for legs at a height) and other exercises;

- The step platform takes up little space;

– The cost of the step platform is affordable for most athletes.


- The step platform weighs quite a lot and is difficult to carry;

- The step platform can be replaced by a low metal stool (children's stool).

5. Fitball

In recent years, fitball has gained great popularity. It is inexpensive, sold in almost all sports stores, you can pick up a ball of the required diameter and any design.

There are children's fitballs that will come in handy in family workouts. For the convenience of training, you can choose a fitball with handles that will help you better balance on the ball and not fall off it.


- When deflated, the fitball takes up very little space;

- Fitball will be indispensable in a calm and safe fitness, as it allows you to train even people in the process of rehabilitation after sports injuries;

- Fitball is safe when training people with problematic joints of the lower extremities, since it almost does not create a load on this part of the body (provided that you exercise while sitting on the fitball);

- Training on the fitball is shown to the elderly and pregnant women;

Fitball trains flexibility, coordination of movements and helps to acquire a beautiful posture.


- When inflated, the fitball takes up a lot of space (especially large diameters), it is difficult to fix it in one state;

– With an incorrect distribution of body weight, it is easy to fall off the fitball during training;

- Moderate exercise on the fitball will help build muscle, develop flexibility, but will have almost no effect on fat burning.

6. Hoop (hula hoop)

The hoop has been a universal means of home training for more than a dozen years.
It used to be that with the help of regular torsion of the hoop, you can lose weight perfectly and get a wasp waist, however, practice has shown that this is not the case.

In stores you can find a huge variety of hoops: plastic, metal or rubber, with or without weighting, with special balls and plates for additional massage of the body and problem areas, of any color and diameter.


- The hoop helps to pump up the oblique muscles of the abdomen, strengthen the muscles of the back and the press;

- The hoop is easy to store, for example, under the bed or behind the closet;

- The hoop is inexpensive.


- If the hoop is very heavy, then it can leave bruises on the body;

- Wrong choice of hoop diameter will make training harder and inconvenient to use;

- The hoop does not help to remove fat from the waist;

- You still need to learn how to twist the hoop.

7. Tubular expander

This is an indispensable equipment for pumping the muscles of the upper body.

It helps to remove sagging arms, tightens the press, strengthens the muscles of the chest and back (girls will especially like the effect of pumping the chest muscles).

And with the help of an expander, you can improve your posture and help strengthen your spine.


- The expander helps to complicate the usual exercises for pumping muscles;

- It takes up very little space and weighs very little;


- Not everyone likes training with an expander.

8. Weights for legs and arms

If you have been training for a long time and want to give your muscles an additional load so that the effectiveness of training increases again, then leg and arm weights will come to your aid. They are easy to find on sale in any sports store, or you can make your own.


- Weights help complicate strength and aerobic training;

– They are inexpensive, easy to store;

- You can choose weights with the desired weight or universal, where weight can be added;

- Weights help professional athletes prepare for competitions, since when they are removed, all exercises are much easier;

– Weighting agents help to better work out the problem area.

- Weights are not always appropriate for training;

- The fabric that holds the weights can tear with frequent training, and the fasteners of the weighting agents are also easily torn;

- Weighted fabric absorbs sweat and needs to be cleaned from time to time;

– Weighting agents can leave marks on the body if they are not attached correctly.

9. Skipping rope

The jump rope is great for cardio workouts. It takes up little space and weighs very little.

With the help of a jump rope, you can pump your legs and abs well, get a beautiful posture, improve coordination of leg movements and synchronization of legs and arms.


– It is cheap, sold everywhere, there are options for the design of handles and functionality;

- The rope is easy to adjust to your height (if it is not short initially);

- Skipping rope helps in burning fat and strengthens the cardiovascular system.


- The rope puts a serious strain on the knee joints;

- Jumping rope creates a lot of noise, which is unacceptable in apartment buildings;

- Rope classes require a lot of free space;

- If you swing the rope incorrectly, you can hit yourself or others hard.

10. Press roller

The roller for the press will help complicate the training for pumping the press, will contribute to
burning fat in the abdominal area, strengthens the back muscles.


– Takes up little space;

– Can be used for gentle training of the legs and knees in the process of rehabilitation after injuries.


– Not sold everywhere;

– With strong pressure, it can leave marks on linoleum and laminate.

11. Swedish wall

If you have a place in the apartment, then do not forget about such an invention as the Swedish wall. With its help, you can organize the most versatile workouts. And if you have children at home, then the Swedish wall will definitely come in handy.


- Allows you to pump different muscle groups;

- Compatible with some home fitness equipment (bench for swinging the press, parallel bars, horizontal bar, rope ladder, etc.);

– Allows the whole family to train, including children.


– Requires space and space for attachment and training;

- It is not cheap;

- For children, it is advisable to purchase a small mat so that they do not get injured if they fall from a height.

12. Punching bag

Even if you are not a professional boxer, a punching bag can help you in your home workouts.

It perfectly pumps the muscles of the arms, back and oblique muscles of the press (during turns during impact and twisting).


– Helps relieve stress after a hard day at work;

– Easy to store when not in use.


– Requires enough space for training;

– May tear with intense and regular exercise.

13. Bench for twists

With the help of such a device, it is easy to pump up a beautiful press at home and pump oblique
abdominal muscles, which are pumped the hardest.


- Facilitates training for pumping the press;

- By increasing the angle of the bench, you can increase the range of motion and the load on different muscles of the press and back.


- It is not cheap;

– Takes up a lot of space;

– There is no universality of training.

14. Push-up supports

If you dream of a beautiful chest and pumped triceps, then think about buying push-up supports. They will increase the load during push-ups and accelerate the effect of such training.


- Support handles give a new kind of load to your muscles, which helps them develop;

- On average, such supports can withstand a load of up to 120 kg, which allows them to be used by both women and men;

- Supports for push-ups will help in building muscle mass in the arms;

- Weigh little, take up little space;

– Do not slip during use and do not scratch the floor.


- Except for push-ups they are not suitable, there is no versatility;

- Not sold everywhere.

15. Leg split machine

If you dream of doing the splits, and the time and opportunity to go to the personal
you don’t have a workout in the fitness center, then the leg twine stretcher will be very out of place.

This relatively new device will allow you to systematically stretch your legs for transverse and longitudinal twine.


– Takes up little space, weighs a little, can be folded;

- Allows you to stretch the twine gradually without unnecessary loads;

- Adjustable depending on the stretching of the muscles and your capabilities;

- There are special handles that are comfortable to hold during stretching.


– Not universal in use;

– Not sold everywhere;

- Almost useless when the split muscles are well stretched and the goal is achieved.

Now your home workouts will definitely not be boring and fruitless. Choose fitness tools according to your taste and preference. Good luck with your home workouts!

Was this article helpful to you? Then like us and write in the comments what sports equipment do you use at home?

You may also be interested in the following materials:

A treadmill, an exercise bike and a Swedish wall are also sports equipment, but usually they take up too much space and are used not quite for their intended purpose, but more as a hanger for things. The equipment listed below takes up little space.


The TRX is a very handy functional trainer. In addition, you can take it with you on business trips or even vacations, as it is light, takes up little space and for classes it is enough to find a strong jamb that can withstand your weight. ;)

In details:

Medball is a fairly cheap simulator that does not take up much space, and therefore it can be safely stored even in a small room. The standard weight of a medicine ball is from 1 to 11 kg, but there are options that are heavier: 50, 60 and even 75 kg. The surface is usually made of dense rough rubber, which does not allow the medicine ball to slip out. The "stuffing" usually consists of sawdust, sand or a special gel.

In details:

The gymnastic wheel is considered one of the best tools for working on the press. Also, in addition to the press, the muscles of the back, chest, arms and legs are included in the work.

In addition to the standard version with one wheel, there are other modifications: with two and four wheels, with a return mechanism and with a shifted center of gravity.

Video 1

Video 2

Usually, weights are used for additional load during exercise. These can be leg weights (0.5-10 kg), hand weights (0.5-2 kg), waist weights (3-21 kg), weight vests (4-64 kg) and even gloves with weighting (mainly used to produce a sharp and strong blow).

In cheaper options, the weight is not regulated, the filler is special sand. A more expensive and high-quality option is plate weights, the weight of which can be adjusted by adding special plates (the weight of one plate is 50–400 g).

With weighting agents, they perform standard exercises that were previously performed without additional weight, run and even swim. In this case, the movements should be smooth.

It is desirable to start with a small weight and gradually increase the load. Weight can be added or removed. Reducing the weight increases the load due to the number of approaches performed or due to the distance (if you run) and helps to avoid the habituation effect.

Video 1. Leg weights

Video 2. Leg weights

Video 3. Hand weights

Video 4. Weight vest

With massage rolls, exercises are not performed, but they are the salvation of tired muscles after a workout and your back after a long working day spent at the computer, so we simply could not pass by. They come in different diameters, different hardness, with a smooth or embossed surface.

Video 1. Work with the whole body

Video 2. Working with the spine

Video 3. Get rid of pain in the lower back

Classic dumbbells are solid, that is, their weight does not change. Therefore, to adjust the burden, it is better to buy a set with different weight categories. A more economical option, both in terms of money and in terms of space, are collapsible dumbbells that allow you to adjust the weight by adding or removing removable disks.

In details:

Through the rope, of course, it is better to jump on the street. But if you are confident in the softness of your jumps or live on the ground floor or in a private house, then it may well become your home simulator. ;)

In details:

The isotonic Pilates ring is a universal sports equipment and perfectly works out the whole body. It comes in two diameters: the female version at 35 cm and the version that is more suitable for men at 38 cm.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Sandbag (sand bag)

Sandbag is another sports equipment that fits perfectly into the concept of a home gym. Its weight ranges from 10 to 100 kg, and you can change it yourself by buying a special filler or simply going to the nearest beach for sand. The main feature of this projectile is that the sand inside is constantly moving and in order to stabilize the position of the body, you have to connect all the muscles of the body to work, even those that you might not have known existed before. ;)

Video 1. 26-minute full body workout

Video 2. 15 Sandbag Exercises

Video 3. Women's Sandbag Cardio Workout


An expander is a sports equipment that helps to work out muscles by compressing and stretching it. There are a huge number of expanders (carpal, shoulder, tubular, tourniquets, "butterflies", skier-swimmer-boxer and multifunctional expanders), but we decided to focus on some of the simplest and most versatile - tourniquet and expander tape. It is better to work out the muscles of the arms with a tourniquet, and the tape is ideal for working on the legs.

Video 2. 10-minute workout with an expander

Video 2. Exercises for the whole body

Video 3. Exercises for the lower body

Video 4. Exercises for the upper body

Many of us spend quite a lot of money every month on a gym membership. But it turns out that it is not at all necessary to leave the house in order to always be in good physical shape. After all, many interesting home and office sports equipment.

Of course, not every home can have a ping-pong table. For some, the living space itself takes up less space than this type of sports equipment. But there is a very unusual version of this accessory, which can easily fit even in a small apartment and the most modest-sized office.

We are talking about a ping-pong table that is built into the door. It is enough just to make a few simple movements, and it will turn into sports equipment. The main thing is not to break the furniture in the room in the heat of the fight.
In principle, to perform physical exercises, you do not need to get up from your chair at all. Unless, of course, we are talking about. This office chair is a multifunctional simulator that allows a person to develop muscles right at his desk.

The GymyGym chair will immediately replace sixteen different simulators from the gym, which will allow you to develop almost all muscle groups of the human body. And with such office furniture, the phrase “sedentary work” will be perceived in a completely different way.

Recently, home and office simulators, which are a climbing wall, have become increasingly popular. If earlier, to practice this sport, one had to go to nature or to special gyms, now everyone can install the system at home or in the office for very little money.

An example is a private three-story house called 3 Way House in Tokyo, where the climbing wall is one of three alternative ways to climb from the bottom floor to the top. The other two are an ordinary ladder and an attached one.

But the above example is just one of many. Similar options for decorating walls in rooms can increasingly be found in extraordinary homes and offices.

Czech designer Lucie Koldova has designed an entire set of dual-use home furniture dubbed Home Fitness. An uninitiated person will see in it an ordinary wardrobe, table and chair. But each of these items can be used as sports equipment.

For example, a wardrobe from a set turns into a Swedish wall, and a table into bars.

SKIGYM is one of the most unusual in the whole world. After all, this device allows the user to feel all the charm of skiing on a mountain slope without leaving home.

Moreover, SKIGYM is not just a device for entertainment, it is a full-fledged home trainer that allows you to maintain and hone your skiing skills. It comes with software that simulates on a computer the conditions and panoramas of thirty-two of the best ski slopes from around the world. The owner of SKIGYM can ride them at any convenient time of the day and year right at home or in the office.

Another home simulator of a real, big sport. The set called Championship was created so that golf lovers, even at home, have the opportunity to fully play this game.

The Championship consists of a shock-absorbing sensitive screen that, when connected to a computer with special software, shows the golf course in excellent resolution and how the ball flies over it after being hit by a real club.

In order to deploy the Championship system, you need to have a few free square meters at home. But thanks to realistic computer simulations, they turn into hundreds of hectares of golf courses where you can play your favorite game even without an expensive membership in a prestigious club.
Another way to exercise right in the office. Recently, the option of organizing the workspace in such a way as to engage in exercises without leaving the computer, for example, walking on a treadmill while performing work duties, is gaining more and more popularity.

Of course, it is impossible to spend all eight hours of the working day right on the treadmill. But you can do it for an hour or two every day. Moreover, some managers even pay extra to their employees who agreed to combine office work with sports exercises.

Office chair Fitball is designed for those people who are attentive to their posture. After all, eight to ten hours spent daily at the computer have a very negative effect on the back. And Fitball is a great way to prevent osteochondrosis and strengthen your back muscles.

The Fitball chair is based on a fitness ball. The creators of this unusual office furniture offer people to sit on it throughout the working day. This will force them to keep their back straight from the first to the last minute, and even give them the opportunity to relax their muscles from time to time while lying on the ball.

is a fun home toy for kids and adults that brings a sporty element to even the laziest and mundane activity of sitting in a chair. We are talking about a chair with a long knitted back, on top of which there is a basketball hoop.

Thanks to this chair, you can even play basketball directly while sitting on the bench. True, while constantly having to dodge the ball falling from above. So it's better to get up and move a few meters to the side.

But the most interesting and promising option for arranging a gym at home is to turn a children's room into it. Adults, even with exercise equipment at home, will still ignore fitness. What can not be said about children - they can do exercises day and night, such is their nature.

The most popular sports equipment for children's rooms in our time are a rope ladder, a rope, a Swedish wall, a punching bag and a climbing wall already mentioned above. Children run, jump, climb and fight with equal joy - they have no time and no reason to sit still.