All people reason became suspicious. How to get rid of suspiciousness? paranoid personality disorder

Paranoid personality disorder is a character anomaly that manifests itself in excessive suspicion, distrust of others, a tendency to unjustifiably accuse other people and see hostility in their behavior. At the same time, paranoid people often form overvalued ideas that affect their own behavior. Often the first symptoms mental illness make themselves felt even in childhood, taking the form of increased sensitivity to even minor

Failure and excessive resentment.

Persistent signs of psychopathology usually form between the ages of twenty-three and twenty-five. Patients suffer from an allegedly unfair attitude towards them, often provoke conflict situations. The self-esteem of paranoid people is usually overestimated. Since such a disorder in a negative way affects the relationship with other people and the behavior of the patient, to eliminate it requires psychotherapeutic correction and drug treatment.


The exact causes of the development of paranoid personality disorder have not been established, however, scientists are considering several theories that explain the formation of psychopathology. The first of them, psychodynamic or psychoanalytic, suggests that the prerequisites for the development of a mental disorder are formed as early as in early childhood. According to the observations of specialists, pathology is more common in people who, as children, were under the control of overly demanding and strict parents, who were often subjected to physical punishment and humiliation. Overprotection and other forms of inadequate upbringing contribute to the fact that the child's trust in parents is undermined, which leads to the formation of paranoid character traits. Thus, a certain protective mechanism is triggered when the paranoid person projects his own failures onto the people around him.

According to evolutionary theory, distrust and suspicion is a kind of historical pattern that is also inherent in representatives of the animal world, for example, great apes. Here, aggression and distrust also act as a defense, when a person lives according to the principle "only the strongest will survive." In paranoids, thinking that clearly distinguishes others into “us” and “them” creates negative stereotypes and often takes extreme forms.

A number of scientists also believe that paranoid personality disorder has a genetic origin. Studies conducted in this area helped to establish that paranoid traits are equally manifested in both twins, which allows us to speak about a certain role of hereditary predisposition in the development of the considered psychopathology.

Stages of development

As already noted, the formation of the described psychopathology begins in childhood itself, less often from adolescence. Children with a paranoid personality type usually have very one-sided interests, are prone to straightforward judgments and stereotypical thinking. Also, they are often characterized by an overestimation of their own qualities and capabilities.

From childhood and as they grow older, paranoids show excessive resentment, are distinguished by vindictiveness and vindictiveness. Such people show neglect in relations with others. As for the typical overvalued ideas and mechanisms of paranoid behavior, they are finally formed closer to twenty-five years. Rigidity of the psyche and other manifestations of the disease in the absence of adequate treatment continue to increase with age.

Features and manifestations

Paranoid personality disorder has a number of characteristic features reaching the peak of their development in adolescence and young age men and women. The main symptoms of this psychopathology are as follows:

  • excessive suspicion towards others, which has no real and objective grounds;
  • constant dissatisfaction with others;
  • inadequate response to any criticism;
  • unreasonable distrust of a partner, friends, colleagues;
  • excessive susceptibility to their own failures, as well as the failures of other people;
  • vulnerability in terms of psycho-emotional stress, a tendency to psychosis and depression;
  • extreme touchiness and inability to accept apologies;
  • a reduced sense of responsibility in relation to one's own behavior and duties in society;
  • tendency to provocation, focus on conflict;
  • idealization of one's self;
  • negative perception of people around and the structure of the world as a whole;
  • overvalued ideas about their own uniqueness and significance.

You can also highlight the character traits or personal qualities that typical paranoids possess to one degree or another:

Paranoid personality disorder causes a person to develop increased sensitivity to failures and their own shortcomings. Paranoid people do not have a sparkling sense of humor and tend to regard even the most friendly gestures as manifestations of hostility. Many of them lead quite active life but unable to establish normal relationships with other people. This is largely due to the illogical and monotonous thinking of such patients. When high self-esteem is combined with an inability to perceive criticism normally and adequately perceive any failures, it inevitably causes such emotional manifestations as anger, verbal or even physical aggression.

The formation of overvalued ideas is a kind of foundation of the described disorder. They may have different themes, but most often they consist in the belief of paranoids in their own significance or even genius. Also, one of the features of psychopathology can be considered the neglect of patients to their own disease. Having heard the diagnosis from the doctor, they react indifferently and are not even going to follow the recommendations of the specialist. As a rule, the reason for this lies in the same overvalued ideas, the main theme of which is a false negative attitude from others.

Interestingly, paranoid psychopathy can contribute to career success and professional fulfillment. Their interests are usually rather one-sided, and therefore, such a person will throw all the resources to do his job, provided that it is of interest to him. When engaged in a particular activity, paranoids will work hard with their characteristic pedantry and systematicity. However, problems in the professional sphere often begin when the patient throws all his strength into conflicts and enmity with colleagues. Absolutely any trifle can become the cause of such conflicts. At the same time, it is incredibly difficult to conflict with paranoids, because they are distinguished by their ability to remain in volitional tension for a long time, and they will defend their own rights belligerently and stubbornly.

With the transition of a paranoid disorder, the personality enters the stage of decompensation, overvalued ideas are replaced by persistent delusions. In this state, a person can no longer interact in society, his aggression causes serious inconvenience to others, especially close family members. This is where professional help is required as soon as possible.

Classification of paranoids

The topics of overvalued ideas among paranoids can be different, depending on this, such personalities can be conditionally classified as follows:

  • pathological jealous;
  • inventors;
  • querulants;
  • fanatics.

Paranoid psychopathy can exist in two extremes: expansive (leader) and sensitive (victim). Expansive paranoids are distinguished by activity, somewhat defiant behavior, and a tendency to lie. Such people always note the shortcomings of others, but do not recognize their own flaws, they are prone to conflicts, unreasonable jealousy, aggression, but, nevertheless, they have pronounced leadership qualities.

Sensitive paranoid personalities, on the contrary, are distinguished by isolation, suspiciousness, self-criticism, but at the same time ambition. These victim people often suffer from feelings of inferiority, show resentment and passivity. As a rule, such behavior is explained by the fact that sensitive paranoids set too high standards, far above their objective capabilities.


The diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder is based on the patient's clinical signs. According to ICD 10, the psychopathology under consideration is characterized by such criteria as maladaptive behavior, stereotyped behavior that is contrary to general cultural norms, and one's own subjective suffering, which is reflected in behavior and relationships with others. Such deviations are formed from childhood or adolescence and are not associated with diseases acquired in adulthood.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to the typical signs of disharmony in the behavior and personal positions of the patient, which extend to many areas of his life. These can be characteristic disturbances in emotional response, disturbances in thinking and perception, lack of normal control of one's own motives, inadequate attitude towards others, etc. The specialist also notes the irrational use of defense mechanisms, which are also present in healthy people, but in the case of psychopathology are ineffective and inadequate.

During the diagnostic examination, paranoid disorder must be differentiated from schizophrenia, paranoid psychosis, delusional disorder, as well as conditions caused by the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances.


It is important to understand that the treatment of paranoid personality disorder will be the faster and more effective the sooner the patient
turn to a specialist for help. best result can be achieved with an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease. So, patients are prescribed medication, which involves taking individually selected sedatives and psychotherapy. Often, patients with paranoid personality disorder also show signs of depression, increased anxiety, and phobias. Medications help temporarily alleviate these symptoms, but prescribing a course drug therapy, it must be borne in mind that the patient may violate the regimen of taking medications.

It should be noted that the method of psychoanalysis is especially effective in the correction of paranoid disorders. A psychotherapeutic course can have a different duration, since its effectiveness depends not only on the competence of the specialist, but also on the severity of the mental illness, as well as the participation of the patient himself in the treatment process. It often happens that a paranoid person, in view of his general negative life position, refuses to see a doctor, and in the process of working with a psychotherapist, he projects his own aggression onto him. Here, it is important for the doctor at the first stages to endure such provocations and help the patient to realize the irrationality of his behavior. In the course of a psychotherapeutic course, patients learn to get rid of the craving for generating artificial conflicts through awareness and rethinking, to neutralize aggression and their own overvalued ideas.

15. Constant suspicion of others

How to deal with suspicion of people every day? I meet with her in relations with neighbors, at work. Sometimes I become a victim myself.

The attitude of mistrust and suspicion has its source in many wounds that a person receives in his life. People who have been abused for many years, in childhood and early youth, constantly feel in danger, which leads to the fact that almost everyone who approaches them is perceived as a potential abuser. Mistrust is also linked to the fragility of human existence. We are naturally afraid of what threatens our lives. The initial trust of a child surrounded by the care and love of the closest people stems from the fact that he has not yet experienced real life threats. Deeply wounded children, on the contrary, are very shy and distrustful of every stranger.

Taking our own stand against distrustful and suspicious people requires great caution on our part. For example, if a suspicious person trusts us with a certain unceremoniousness with his assumptions and suspicions, then we must understand that his suspicion can also turn against us. All it takes is a little impoliteness, lack of attention, patience, or some kind of "harmless" slip of the tongue, and we become suspects ourselves. In a conflict with such people, it is necessary, first of all, to recognize the degree of one's own distrust and suspicion regarding other people. The greater our own distrust, the easier it will be to arouse other people's suspicion of us. If we are free from distrust, if we are not easily drawn into other people's problems, it will be easier for us to defend ourselves against the manipulations of suspicious people. Personal inner freedom is the most good weapon against the suspicion of others.

When we meet with human suspicion, we must first of all recognize its size and depth, because the degree of suspicion can be very different: from ordinary distrust, which is inherent in many people, to paranoid suspicion, which has a manic character and is a manifestation of the disease. If a person connected in some way with us is distinguished by morbid suspicion, our attitude towards him should be very attentive and cautious. It is not worth it to force people of this type to “return to earth”, convincing them that their thoughts are purely subjective and manic. Our behavior can hurt them deeply. In such situations, they may feel rejected and humiliated, misunderstood by us. “If I knew that you would not understand this, I would not have said about it” overheard a psychotherapist when he commented a bit tactlessly on a confession from a very suspicious person.

If we do not have much experience of meeting suspicious people, we should limit ourselves to benevolent attentive listening.

Whether we can do more will depend on many circumstances, especially on the trust we can inspire. It is necessary to refrain from any comments about their painful, paranoid thoughts. This will be a manifestation of mercy towards these people and sympathy for them. When talking to suspicious people, we cannot afford the free and spontaneous expression of our thoughts and feelings. Our behavior must be adapted to the needs and abilities of suspicious people. Perhaps it will be difficult for us to gain their trust, to convince them that we do not pose any threat, on the contrary, we are ready to come to their aid.

Sympathy, understood in this way, will be possible only when we ourselves are internally free and learn to maintain a certain natural distance from suspicious people. In such situations, you need to be able to protect your own problems from the problems of these people. Our disordered feelings, even if they are not expressed, arouse anxiety, which is expressed in chaotic reactions and the behavior of suspicious people. Then they can more easily manipulate us, most often using the weapon of distrustful people - accusations. The lack of freedom and distance on our part leads to the fact that we begin to explain, justify, which in turn increases the anxiety of suspicious people and the lack of trust on the part of others. And so the vicious circle closes.

Meetings with suspicious people should be taken as a call: the better we know ourselves, the more free we will be relative to loved ones, the less problem suspicious people will be for us. Our helplessness in relation to this type of people is really helplessness in relation to ourselves. When we have to associate with a person who is distrustful and suspicious, it becomes suffering and a cross. It is worth remembering that we cannot move it without the Cross of Jesus.

In our clinic, paranoia is treated with mild in-patient replacement methods of restorative medicine recommended by the International Medical Ethics Committee. Our doctors approach the treatment of paranoia strictly individually, relying not only on diagnostic data, but also on the characteristics of the development of the organism, the social environment and the nature of work.

Paranoia - A well founded system of overvalued ideas. Based on the main symptomatic manifestations and the true cause of the formation of this mental state, our doctors select the most effective methods of treating paranoia.

Call +7 495 135-44-02. We help in the most difficult situations, even if the previous treatment did not help!

Paranoia - heightened suspicion

Paranoid or suspicious?

The manifestation of suspicion can be very different. Suspicion may be based on real events when a person reasonably suspects someone of committing certain actions directed against him or other people. An example is the investigative actions carried out by law enforcement officers or the investigation of any illegal actions. When suspicions are justified and clear evidence.

Not infrequently, in life, we also encounter unreasonable suspicion, which can be interpreted as an erroneous opinion, or be the result of a person’s painful conditions.

Reasons for paranoia

The causes of the formation of paranoia can be several main factors, these are:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • Use of narcotic and other psychoactive substances;
  • Organic brain damage (trauma, stroke, epilepsy, encephalopathy, etc.);
  • Violations of the metabolic processes of the brain (endogenous mental illness);
  • Brain involution ( age-related changes brain)

In each case, for effective treatment paranoia requires a thorough diagnosis and identification of the leading aspects in the formation of this mental state. In each case, the treatment of paranoia will be radically different both in terms of the methods used and in the composition of drug therapy for paranoia.

The most common complaints that patients present with paranoia

Paranoid behavior is a type of mental state accompanied by impaired thinking. Its main characteristics are: the projection of thoughts, hostility, suspicion, pomposity, fear of loss of independence, the presence of illusions. These manifestations are considered as the main signs of a paranoiac mental state, but are not a criterion for establishing any diagnosis of a mental disorder.

Paranoia is a mental state with persistent non-bizarre delusions that is not due to a toxic or metabolic disorder. Usually, a fairly plausible delusion of persecution is formed when a person begins to believe that he is being deceived, something is being plotted against him. In this case, manifestations of auditory pseudohallucinations are possible, which are rare and not pronounced.

The main feature of all paranoid states

When planning the treatment of paranoia, it is necessary to take into account the main feature of this mental state, this is the presence of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brelationship, i.e. Everything that happens around me has a direct bearing on me. Paranoid states are manifested in the form of distrust, suspicion, concern about their independence. At the same time, there is often an increase in sensitivity to the attitude of others directed towards the patient, for example, to humiliation, neglect of his "I". As a rule, such people try to get away from independence and responsibility, and blame others or fate for their failures. At the heart of character traits may be a sense of inferiority or excessive concern for their capabilities. Irritability, aggressiveness, anger are characteristic, since basically such people believe that best view defense, it's an attack. But, some patients, on the contrary, may seek solitude and a calm lifestyle. A typical manifestation of suspicion, resentment, negativism.

Need for treatment for paranoia

Not infrequently, paranoia may not affect the patient's work activity and his behavior in a certain social environment. At the same time, the paranoid patient exhibits one-sidedly directed superactivity in order to achieve his delusional ideas.

When choosing a treatment for paranoia, it is necessary to take into account the presence of diseases that are similar in sound, but different in meaning and origin. Treatment of paranoia should be based on differential diagnosis data.

Paranoid is an acute mental disorder, accompanied by an acute psychotic state with the manifestation of delirium, often accompanied by auditory hallucinations, pseudohallucinations, illusions, mental automatisms, with a decrease in thinking functions and personality degradation.

Paranoia is an acute psychotic state, a complex psychosis, often of psychogenic origin, with a well-founded system of overvalued ideas. It is characterized by clearly built systems of persecution, relationships, destruction, discovery, reform creativity, jealousy, as well as with love, religious and litigious content, with preserved emotionality and the absence of hallucinations, formal thought disorders and personality degradation.

The symptoms of paranoia presented in this section do not always indicate the presence of an acute psychotic state of a person. Very often, paranoid and paranoid traits can be included in a personality disorder. Therefore, for the treatment of paranoia, the role of diagnostics and the quality of training, the experience of a psychotherapist is very important.

Differential diagnosis in the treatment of paranoia

paranoid personality disorder.

Characterized by:

1. Excessive experience of failures and failures;

2. rancor in relation to the inflicted insults and insults, a tendency to revenge;

3. Suspiciousness, suspicion and a constant tendency to distort the perception of others, and, for example, their neutral and even friendly actions are interpreted as hostile or offensive;

5. Tendency to pathological jealousy, suspicion of their relatives to treason;

6. A tendency to experience exceptional self-importance, expressed in strong selfishness;

7. Over-employment with unsubstantiated "conspiratorial" explanations for events within the immediate or wider environment.

Paronoic personality disorder.

According to the ICD-10, it is designated as a paranoid disorder. Signs of this mental disorder are:

1. Excessive sensitivity of a person about the dissatisfaction of his claims, causing damage;

2. Suspicion and the desire to distort the neutral or friendly actions of others, presenting them as harmful, as a manifestation of neglect, humiliation;

3. Militant, accompanied by threats, defending their rights in any situation;

4. Tendency to pathological jealousy, suspicion of treason;

5. Excessive self-confidence, a sense of self-importance;

6. Obsession with the idea that everyone is conspiring against them.

Features of the treatment of paranoia

Features in the treatment of paranoia come from the intricacies of differential diagnosis. When diagnosing these mental disorders, similar in name and in symptoms, the psychotherapist needs to very carefully and deeply analyze not only the mental functions of the patient, but also follow the actual formation of an overvalued idea, the patient’s logical conclusions, and establish the true causes of the manifestation of symptoms. And only after that the doctor will be able to choose a complete treatment for paranoia or another mental condition.

An accurate differential diagnosis by a psychotherapist of these mental disorders is very important, since the methods of treating paranoia and paranoid are significantly different.

With an inaccurate diagnosis of a mental disorder, the main goal - human health and social adaptation, will not be achieved. At the same time, the quality of human life will continue to decline.

In such situations, only a good and experienced psychiatrist, psychotherapist (psychotherapist) can qualitatively help in the treatment of paranoia.

If you notice paranoid or paranoid traits in yourself or in the behavior of your loved ones.

It is best to consult a doctor directly for help.

Treatment for paranoia can be kept private if you go to the Brain Clinic.

A matter of choice

The accused

There was no money

Under the weight of guilt

Vicious circle

role model

My own magnet

The fast pace of modern life has both its positive aspects and problems.

Many people who go to Africa on a mission to get a good veterinary experience there have no idea what they can actually experience there. On the one hand, work.

Recent studies have proven what everyone has known for a long time: the emotions we experience directly affect our health. Hence, if you want to be.

A balanced sense of self-worth is a healthy feeling and a favorable factor for someone who understands that he is worthy of all that he has received and achieved.

Country/City: Russia / Tula

Education: Higher economic

and higher psychological

family status: Married

About me: I have experience in government and commercial structures. Currently I work from home: I write articles, I advise people on the phone. Working from home allowed me to finally start writing my Ph.D. thesis.

What is it called when a person blames everyone but himself?

For example, he will do something, and does not recognize, but blames everyone who is involved and not involved in this.

This is a person of a psychopathic type.))) You can conditionally call him a psychopath.))) He always feels right, in any situation. Never admits his mistakes. It is incredibly difficult for him to do this. It's easier to blame everyone else. The psychopathic type is characterized by top part its body is much wider, larger than the lower one. By the way, Zhirinovsky is a representative of this type.)))

There is also such a kind of conflicting personalities in psychology - this is a rigid type that always blames everyone, grumbles, and drives everyone crazy. It's terribly hard on him. Everyone shied away from him like a leper, because he gets everyone.))

In my opinion, if a person does this with a sincere conviction of his innocence, then this is faith in his own infallibility, which stems from one of the seven biblical sinful passions - pride. About such people, we can say that they suffer from an infallibility complex or a usefulness complex.

If a person does this with the aim of shifting his perceived responsibility (guilt) onto others, then this is simply meanness arising from other sinful passions of this person - vanity and / or greed.

As a result, a person who blames everyone except himself and tries to look infallible is always a sinner: he is either just a proud man suffering from an inferiority complex or a vile, conceited lover of money.

Suspiciousness Suspicious

When you cannot stand a person, you tend to recognize him as suspicious.

Suspicion as a quality of personality is the tendency to deny people trust, unreasonably perceive their hostile intentions, avoid attachments for fear of being deceived, suggest deception in the actions of counterparties.

Suspicion was portrayed as a man full of attention, who, with the end of his staff, opens a trap hidden under the leaves. Only the discovery of this trap does not make a person happy. Suspicion, having become a manifested quality of the personality, destroys the personality, literally eats it up. It is no secret for physicians that suspicion is the path to illness, in conjunction with hatred, anger and cruelty, it, first of all, destroys the heart muscles. In addition, it nullifies family, kinship and friendship relations, for suspicion is hostile to trust, without which it is impossible to put together a good relationship with those around you. Excessive gullibility is not welcomed by anyone, this is an excess, as well as excessive suspicion, which hits goodwill, gives rise to spying, unnecessary curiosity, surveillance, getting into other people's secrets, gossip and slander, biased, through glasses clouded with mistrust, perceiving the world around.

Just as the brain of a genius generates ideas, suspiciousness is an unsurpassed master at generating negative conjectures about one's environment. Most of them are devoid of reasonable grounds, do not correspond to reality and the real state of affairs. F. Bacon wrote: "A person has more suspicions, the less he knows." Assumption bias, negative opinions about people, as attributes of suspicion, have their reasons.

The "owner" of suspicion is spiritually corrupted. “The more honest a person is, the less he suspects others of dishonesty; a low soul always presupposes the lowest motives for noble deeds, ”said Cicero. A suspicious person projects his dirty thoughts, vile soul and embittered heart onto people, considering others to be the same as himself. What's inside, then outside - inside is filth and dirt, which means that suspicion, as in a mirror, sees itself outside, measures itself according to its own standards, according to its own criteria, which are hopelessly far from trust, kindness, gentleness and love. Shakespeare wrote: "Suspicion always lives in the soul of a criminal: every bush seems to be a detective to a thief."

Suspicion, as a rule, has an immoral environment and associates with vicious people. When a person lives in a “moral garbage dump” among scoundrels, hypocrites, sycophants and slanderers, he takes their behavior as the norm and expects only deceit, betrayal, treason, lies and meanness from all people. Ivan the Terrible, who grew up in just such an environment, learned from childhood the habit of walking, looking around and listening. Over the years, an exorbitant suspicion developed in him - everywhere and everywhere he saw treason, conspiracies and betrayal.

Suspicion is the ally of envy, enmity and arrogance. An envious person, saturated with enmity towards people, arrogantly thinks of them, trying to humiliate and trample them in his imagination. At this stage, suspicion is connected to the tripartite alliance, building unfounded assumptions and assuming all sorts of vile deeds that, allegedly, these people are one hundred percent preparing against her. Not believing in the purity of the intentions of others, suspiciousness seeks out and tracks down malicious intent in them. Pursuing the goal - to catch, convict and accuse, she hunts her environment with cat's patience - there is no trust in anyone, everything is in the "development", everything is "under the hood". Expectations, as you know, are justified, and the victim is caught in the web of suspicion. Then she, admiring her foresight and clairvoyance, falls upon her with accusations and denunciations.

Suspicion carefully guards its chambers, keeping track of any possibility of deceit and betrayal, especially from loved ones. She does not believe that someone can love her sincerely, wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Always "on the lookout" in a state of alertness and internal inhibition of emotional sensuality, suspicion is afraid to reveal itself even to the closest person, so that no one could consider it too trusting and simple.

Suspicion and in a dream smiles incredulously. Building connections with self-isolation, hiding, curtailing or minimizing contact with the outside world, she thus tries to hide from her fear of him. Fear, along with incredulity, greed, negativism and pessimism, is the best "fertilizer" for cultivating suspicion. Emperor Paul I during the four-year reign was haunted by a mania of fear, he constantly expected attempts on himself. Paul's suspicion extended not only to the courtiers and nobles, but also to members of his own family. From here - the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, reminiscent of a knight's castle of the Middle Ages. It was erected on an island washed by the Moika and Fontanka and two newly dug canals, with drawbridges and cannons placed on semi-bastions. According to the law of expectations: everything that we expect with desire and faith will materialize. The validity of this truth applies to both positive and negative expectations. Confident expectations "do not disappoint" - despite the castle, fortifications and guards, he was killed in his bedroom by a bunch of conspirators.

The origins of suspicion can also be hypertrophied positive or neutral personality traits, such as prudence, caution, balance. In the skillful hands of suspicion, they are transformed into wariness, a passion for revelations, hypocrisy, avoidance of clear judgments, unambiguous actions, and evasiveness in revealing one's own qualities. Mixing dream and reality, suspiciousness exaggerates people's guilt and delivers an undeservedly harsh verdict.

Excessive suspicion arises, as a rule, in people saturated to the marrow with a false ego. Selfish, sensitive, morbidly selfish people tend to overreact to stimuli from the outside world. It seems to them that everyone is only thinking about how to offend them or plot insidious intrigues. Suspicion as a disease of the soul has practically no contact with the mind, being limited to the interaction of the mind and feelings, saturated with false Ego. Based on the chatter of the mind and unbelted feelings, it only exposes the impotence of the first, who does not understand what he wants to achieve with his suspicion, and the uncontrollability of feelings.

Constantly at the forefront of anticipating maliciousness from other people, suspiciousness involuntarily cultivates a sixth sense in itself - intuition, which allows it to anticipate danger. But intuition helps a lot when it is accompanied by trust and openness. In the case of suspicion, it is distorted by fears, exaggeration of threats and risks, inadequate vision of another person. Therefore, intuition falls under suspicion, which reduces its effectiveness and efficiency.

A person who constantly suspects everyone of lying - he himself loves to lie.

A person who is characterized by envy often thinks that he is envied.

In short, people see in others what is inherent in themselves.

Do you agree with this? I agree. I've been convinced many times.

from a train going nowhere, you need to get off at the first station.

Although I myself am very suspicious, I don’t trust anyone completely (even my parents)

I myself lie with very rare exceptions (more precisely, I try to avoid answering in a roundabout way), because I have repeatedly caught many friends in a lie, both from a harmless trifle, and to more serious situations. I don't trust anyone anymore. I see the trick in many things.

we can only see what our soul is full of

I am very suspicious and incredulous, but I don’t lie and don’t do nasty things myself

success in life

Topics: personal growth, activity, happiness and wealth, freedom, the meaning of life.

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Psychological protection of a person

No matter what happens in our lives, we always try to think positively. This helps us stay afloat, not drown in the whirlpool of modern passions. Any person, no matter who he is in life, always evaluates himself from the best side.

Almost all sane people have positive self-esteem, although their life achievements do not always contribute to this. Helps our self-esteem a special process called psychological protection. Its purpose is to reduce the level of anxiety and fear at the time of internal conflict. In other words, when an internal conflict occurs, a person develops a neurosis that leads to exhaustion. nervous system organism. To avoid this, a person's Psychological Defense is activated, which reduces the level of anxiety, but never eliminates the conflict itself.

What is psychological protection person, and how does it manifest itself?

The psychological defense of a person is necessary and often arbitrary. There are 4 main defense mechanisms.

The first mechanism in terms of frequency of occurrence is displacement. There is an elimination from the consciousness of those memories where a person did not appear in the best light and which lower his self-esteem. Simply put, people forget what they don't like. When we lie to justify ourselves, we deceive ourselves.

The second mechanism is called projection. It works when people unconsciously shift their shortcomings onto others. As the old proverb says, we see a speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice a log in our own. If you ask a person who accuses others of all mortal sins how he characterizes himself, he will answer you that he is the most decent and amiable citizen. But you can project not only negative emotions and quality. For example, if a person is happy with everything, not offended by anyone, then other people seem happy to him.

No less common is the third mechanism - fantasizing. Fleeing from his problems, a person hides in a world of dreams and fantasies. In this world, he can do everything - he is successful, handsome, rich and happy. Most often, children fantasize. The danger lies in the fact that a person may cease to understand - where is reality and where is fiction. A person begins to invent his life, to fantasize aloud. Since then, he has been mentally ill.

Another frequently occurring mechanism is rationalization. A person tries to rationally explain his act, even if it defies explanation. For example, the head of the family has a bad day at work. Arriving home, he begins to take out his anger on his wife or child. When asked why you did this, illogical excuses will follow, for example, the wife did not clean the apartment, or the child received a deuce at school. And there is only one reason - an emotional discharge was needed.

Summing up, it can be noted that the psychological protection of a person allows you to maintain your own dignity in your own eyes. They distort and deny reality, a person tries to hide from reality and deceives himself.

what is the name of the person who suspects

2 gaer (2. person who clowns)

3 healthy donkey (a person who works hard, but without a great mind)

4 people who are brainwashed

5 people who command (something)

6 people who pry into other people's business

7 people who are responsible

8 people who make decisions (colloquial)

9 people who post

In the Crimea, I rested on full program- like a white man. I had a vacation in the Crimea with all the trimmings - just like a regular person.

13 Self-confident and frivolous young man who behaves as he wants, not paying attention to the opinions of others

14 just the right person

15 sober person who acts like a drunk

16 people who are always right there and will not miss their own

17 people who can't do anything right

18 people who go on strike but pretend to be injured as soon as the police arrive

19 people who fix things somehow

20 is just the right person

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The family of aspid snakes, or asps - In the first family of aspids, we connect snakes with an elongated body, a small head, a valky, moderately pointed body at the end. It is rounded or appears obtusely triangular in cross-section due to a protruding ridge on the back. Nostrils ... ... Animal life

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Equine family - Horses are of medium size, excellent build, relatively strong limbs and a lean elongated head with large, lively eyes, pointed mobile ears of medium size and wide open nostrils. The neck is thick, with ... Animal life

Mark Tullius Cicero - (BC) statesman, orator, writer I (...) with my valor illuminated the path of my ancestors, so that they, if they were not known before, owe their memory to me. Our tears dry quickly, especially if we pour them over ... ... Consolidated Encyclopedia of Aphorisms

Magical items of the world of Harry Potter - This article about an object of the fictional world describes it only on the basis of the artwork. An article consisting only of information based on the work itself may be removed. You can help the project ... Wikipedia


Suspicion: a harmful trait or a defensive reaction?

221 years ago, France passed the Law on Suspicious Persons. The essence of the decree was that the revolutionary committees had the right to search, arrest and detain anyone who seemed suspicious to them. During the two years that this inhuman law was in force, more people were put behind bars, among whom were even suspicious children.

Probably, this is how we are arranged: in difficult periods of history, during wars and revolutions, people become suspicious - the situation obliges. But why do some people in peacetime treat others extremely distrustfully? What makes us see only the bad in people and look for a catch in every deed and word? And in general, is suspicion an innate or acquired feature? Harmful trait or defensive reaction? Let's figure it out.

Suspicion is a feature of thinking. Such people are not just based on their hunches. They are always looking for proof that their suspicions are correct. And be sure to find them, discarding the information that contradicts their arguments. Even Seneca wrote: "Suspiciousness will never lack arguments." Trying to convince such a person is pointless, and sometimes even dangerous - suspicion may well spread to you.

In my opinion, suspiciousness is the antonym of happiness. Constantly expecting something bad from the people around you, it is difficult to be a calm and happy person. This feeling prevents you from building good relationships with loved ones, friends, work colleagues. It inevitably leads a person to loneliness. How else, if there are "enemies around"?

Let's see what causes suspicion in people? Most often it is based on one of three reasons.

  • Negative experience. Often a person becomes suspicious after having a negative experience. As the saying goes, "Burned by milk, blowing into the water." And this is logical. Even if we are simply cheated in the market, we will be suspicious of all sellers, meticulously counting the change. And if we are talking about much bigger problems: destroyed love, deceit and betrayal? Here the consequences will be more serious. Therefore, it often turns out that girls who have experienced adultery are suspicious of all men. For them, this is a defensive reaction, they thus try to protect themselves from new disappointments. But you will have to learn to trust again - otherwise you will not build strong relationships. As Walter wrote: "Incredulity encourages treason." It turns out vicious circle from which to get out. However, not a single life is complete without a negative experience. Perhaps that is why we all become less trusting with age.
  • Low self-esteem. When a person is not confident in himself, he is constantly afraid that everything will be taken away from him, and begins to suspect others of this intention. A girl who is desperately and unreasonably jealous of her young man may, somewhere deep in her soul, believe that she is unworthy of him, and sooner or later he will finally realize this. A person who is unsure of his own competence at work is always afraid that someone will "hook" him. Etc. If the cause of suspicion is low self-esteem, it is necessary to increase it.
  • own imperfections. There is a point of view that suspicion is a projection of one's own personality onto others. If a person himself is capable of deception, meanness and aggression, then he expects the same behavior from others. Sometimes this is true. After all, most often we judge people by ourselves, think about how we would act in this situation and believe that others will do the same. In addition, suspicion helps such people to justify themselves by the fact that others are no better: "I'm not the only one like that, everyone is like that." It's kind of calming. The same Seneca wrote: "Suspicions give the right to be treacherous." In this case, to change the suspicious world, you have to start with yourself.

Of course, you can’t be too trusting either, you need to maintain a balance. But for me, it’s not so scary if he is biased towards gullibility. Writer Alexander Kruglov said: "To detect evil, do not trust. To see good, trust." And I absolutely agree with him on this.

And you? Do you consider yourself more of a gullible or suspicious person? Have you ever dealt with very suspicious people?

The man who suspects everyone

Whose life does a suspicious person live?

Let's go back to internal state a person suffering from increased suspicion. He, like in the ancient Greek theater, puts on the mask of a judge and suddenly begins to see the meaning of his life in exposing the mistakes and sins of other people.

Why could Abba Dorotheos boldly say that this passion, more than other passions, removes a person from God? The Holy Father emphasized the loss of attention to one's sins, which is inevitable for the suspicious. But more can be said.

A suspicious person generally ceases to notice himself, since all his attention, all his interests are concentrated not in his own soul, not in what really makes up his life, but in others. He is like an insensitive mechanism, working from a wound spring, the only function of which is to look for flaws in people. The life of others, which filled the field of his consciousness, is in fact ephemeral; it cannot replace his own life, which he "slips" without noticing.

Here it is appropriate to recall the deep difference between having and being: as the Savior warns, it is possible to acquire and have the whole world, but not receive any benefit from it (Matt. 16:26). After all, this in itself will not transform the inner being of a person, he remains what he was. The suspicious seeks to dispose of something alien, which will never be his real being. At the same time, he gives up what he really has, what he is - his own inner life. As a result, he loses one and does not gain the other. What remains of a person is, as it were, only a shell that performs external functions, and the soul is not in it, but spread somewhere and scattered in the objects of his interests. The idea of ​​how important it is to live one's own, and not someone else's life, was repeatedly expressed by one of the brightest preachers of today's Christian world, Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh. Vladyka Anthony always emphasizes that "prayer in its essence is a meeting, a meeting of the soul and God; but in order for the meeting to be real, both persons who participate in it must really be themselves."

In our case, suspicion, like no other passion, according to the words of Abba Dorotheus, removes a person from God. A person suffering from it, living someone else's life, and not his own, exactly corresponds to everything that Metropolitan Anthony says about a fictitious, inauthentic relationship with God: "We think that we are turning to God, but in fact we are turning to the image of God, created by our imagination; and we think that we are standing before Him in all truthfulness, when in fact we are putting up in our place someone who is not our true self - an actor, a figurehead, a stage personage.

Unfortunately, it is also obvious that people who are not subject to suspicion to such an extent, still cannot be at peace for themselves, they cannot be sure that they are not lying in thought in something else. “Each of us,” Vladyka Anthony continues, “represents at the same time several different personalities. We are different depending on the circumstances and environment: different people who meet us know us as completely different people, according to a Russian proverb: "Well done against the sheep, but against the well done and the sheep himself. "How often it happens: each of us can remember among our acquaintances a lady who is very courtesy with strangers and a real fury at home, or a formidable boss who in the family circle is the embodiment meekness."

Thus, starting with the mask of the "suspicious judge", we discovered that besides it there are countless other masks that people sometimes try on themselves, and sometimes wear without taking off, so that they themselves no longer remember their true face.

How to help a person who always suspects everyone of something?

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Why do we condemn ourselves?

I have often had to deal with people who felt a strong sense of guilt towards themselves, they condemned themselves, their lives, their actions, everything they touched and did. And it honestly looked terrible, people obsessed with the feeling of being wrong are extremely insecure, they are weak and vulnerable, it is very easy to make them dependent, and a person should not be like that. But what makes a person blame himself, why can we even feel a feeling of hatred towards ourselves, as if two different personalities are in conflict with each other - strong and weak? It's all about the reason for this very feeling of guilt, which comes from our upbringing and becomes part of our weak side, which naturally conflicts with the natural - strong side, the side that does not know pity, remorse and other manifestations of weakness, one might even say kindness. I say this because I have known people and studied their behavior who were not subjected to the social system of education.

These are people who do not know about the moral qualities that guide us in making decisions and evaluating our own actions. I don’t want to say that by nature we are given only anger, indifference to our neighbor, selfishness and the like, these are just our defensive reactions, but our actions cannot be subject to any other assessment than ours, and that’s what makes us obedient and submissive, imposing we artificially feel guilt, which then can have a very negative impact on our psyche. What beliefs are in your head, so you actually evaluate yourself, this is a fact that I think no sane person doubts. From this, one can draw a completely logical conclusion, indicating that it is not a person who blames himself for not meeting generally accepted standards of behavior, but society, represented by its weaker half, which this very society managed to subdue.

Let it sound too selfish, but a person should not blame himself for doing something that he considered necessary to do, and that one way or another was beneficial to him, we are not obliged by anyone to be responsible for others, even our victims own interests. That is why we are so actively re-educating overly ambitious people, equalizing them with social standards of acceptable behavior, not paying attention to the interests of the individual, which still live inside us, in the form of our strong part, given to us by nature. It turns out that our weak part, the one that society managed to comply with the generally accepted norms of behavior through education and suggestion, condemns us for this discrepancy, and the strong side hates it for this, because it contradicts our personal interests?

I can’t come to any other conclusion, although, of course, there are situations when people go on about their weak side, as a result of which they very often do socially useful deeds, thereby trying to atone for guilt, which as such does not even exist. I repeat once again, we are not monsters by nature, but we are born to be responsible exclusively for ourselves and follow our own interests exclusively. Only weak people, physically or mentally, can deny this, because they feel the need to bind themselves to some group that will suit their interests, since they themselves are unable to do this. It is weak people with a depressed psyche who most often experience guilt, and this is not surprising, because by admitting their own wrong, they thereby demonstrate their openness to society, showing it that they do not go against it, they want to be with it.

I met people who, without a drop of regret, could kill any person, at least from their words, including women, children, the elderly, they had no brakes that would make them feel doubtful about the correctness of their actions, and yet these are the same people in terms of physiology. But they were brought up differently, they do not have a conflict with their inner beings, or rather they do not have a weak side, and most of us have one and it makes us vulnerable to such predators. And the point is not that we should be ready to kill any person, including those who are weaker than us and who pose no threat to us. No, we do not need it, we are not savages. But we must be ready and able to resist those who are capable of it, who can harm us and our loved ones. We must be able to survive in an aggressive environment. And if we do not know how to do this, no matter for what reasons, then something is wrong with us.

A person is born to survive at any cost, and he can only blame himself for not being able to do this, because it is inherent in him by nature itself. In everything else, he is accused only by society in the person of others like him, who have their own interests, which we should not care about, we just live the way we see fit to live in order to survive, and if we have this it turns out - well, if you do not accept this concept, your will, you can blame yourself as much as you like and for anything, only now you are not to blame for anything, to anyone.

A distrustful person constantly doubts the people around him, it seems to him that everyone deceives and betrays him. Over time, the nature of incredulous people changes: they become extremely suspicious, secretive and even deceitful. Senile diseases are often accompanied by exaggerated mistrust and suspicion. Distrust is a doubt about the veracity, suspicion. As a result, a person who painfully distrusts others becomes a hermit. The gloomy isolation of such people and the lack of communication can provoke aggression towards others or severe depression.

How does distrust arise?

A newborn is completely dependent on the people around him. He announces any inconvenience by shouting. The child gradually learns to trust adults, he waits for the person who cares for him to cook food and play with him. Next to such a person, he feels safe. It is very important not to deceive the hopes of the child. If a child, especially in the first years of life, is often disappointed, then he develops the first distrust of others, which then manifests itself throughout his life. According to Erickson's theory, in early childhood, a person develops a global trust/distrust in the world. And if this is distrust, then in the future he will face many problems in communication and relationships with others. The degree to which a child develops a sense of trust depends on the degree of maternal care he receives, the ability of the mother to convey to the baby a sense of constancy and stability. During this period, the child needs the caress and care of the mother.

Is distrust a disease?

However, exaggerated distrust is not always due to childhood impressions. It may be a manifestation of mental illness. Many people with depression assume that others are watching them. They are seized by suspicion and fear. They feel like they are being robbed, deceived, or spied on. Exaggerated distrust is a symptom of depression. On the early stage Alcoholism people usually become very distrustful. Elderly people become extremely suspicious and often do not trust their loved ones. Suspicion forces them to hide their belongings, money, complain about poor care.


Distrust and insecurity are intertwined. If a person feels insecure, then he does not trust others. Conversely, a distrustful person feels safe only by controlling others, especially loved ones. People who live by the principle of "safety first" often show their exaggerated distrust. They always require strict adherence to the "rules of the game": it is easier for them to control others. It is difficult for them to change their way of life and attitude to the world.


“I only trust her/him when I see her/him.” Distrust of one partner to another is usually a manifestation of jealousy. For example, a jealous wife often tries to completely control her husband's life, she eavesdrops on his phone calls, reads his private letters, checks his pockets, and sometimes even monitors her husband. Over time, this behavior and exaggerated suspicion can lead to divorce.

A person, having gained bitter experience (for example, the betrayal of a loved one), becomes more cautious, realizing that one cannot unconditionally trust everyone. Trust must be earned.

Distrust in relationships

Any person considers himself insulted if he does not trust close person. Every person feels persecuted and controlled if a husband or wife reads his letters, eavesdrops on telephone conversations, checks pockets. Often a frank conversation is very difficult. Mutual distrust of the spouses can lead to divorce.

Trust is an important link in the relationship of partners. Sometimes an ambiguous situation or actions cause the first wave of incredulity. When suspicions arise, a frank conversation is necessary. This is the only way to avoid many misunderstandings.

For some people, for example, with mental disorders or with progressive dementia, control is necessary: ​​by their actions they can harm themselves and others. In such cases, a little caution won't hurt. This is the only case where healthy distrust is justified.