The lining for death is a raw egg. If an egg is found in the garden - what is it for. Spells on the egg with envy

Egg spoilage is very common. The inhabitants use it to inflict not too serious negative effects, which are easily removed at home or by a white magician. The same cannot be said about the masters of black magic, who are capable of spoiling with an egg of considerable strength. In the category of hard, the impact through the egg takes one of the leading positions.

How to spoil with an egg

There is a type of egg spoilage that leads to the death of the victim of occult influence. This impact is extremely powerful. Damage through gogu is called. What is goga? It is a protein released egg filled with human urine to be impacted. The hole in the shell is sealed with black wax or toad skin. The gogu prepared in this way is buried in the ground to the depth of the grave. All action is performed under the continuous reading of black conspiracies for the death of the victim. Spoil the egg exactly according to this recipe, only a sorcerer can.

As soon as the egg begins to deteriorate, the condition of the victim of such a harsh ritual of spoiling through the egg deteriorates sharply. A person begins to suffer, hurt, and wither. The vital forces are rapidly leaving him, and through which a person could be fed vital energy... As a result, the person dies.

Is it possible to remove spoilage with an egg made in this way? In principle, it is possible if the patient seeks help on time. The one who brought it in can remove the negative, in any case, this is the easiest way to cure the terrible damage with the help of an egg. To do this, you need to dig up the gog and burn it. When destroying a gogi, there is always a danger that the sorcerer will receive a powerful return blow.

He helped me to cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Protected from the evil eye and damage... It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and the evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it is possible only on the official website

How to spoil a pregnant woman with an egg

Through the egg, you can spoil a pregnant woman by giving her a miscarriage. To carry out such damage with the help of an egg, you need a hen's egg, a photograph of the woman who will be affected, and burial ground. They put a photo in the jar, the earth from the victim's grave, and a chicken egg is broken there.

The contents of the jar are mixed and they say: “Let the inside of the maternity slave (name of the victim) rot. If the fruit ripens, then let the pestilence find it. I conjure with grave earth, grave board. As the red Sun falls to the West, so it will find crop failure on the slave (the name of the victim). May it be so".

A jar with its contents is buried on a dead tree and they say: “As a dry tree without a seed, so your insides are without a burden. Get out! Get out! Get out! "

Watch the video methods of targeting damage to a person

Often, as revenge, people choose targeting damage, which can be done easily and quickly, without having to scandalize with anyone, waste their nerves and time to invent a plan for revenge. Everyone knows that they often check with an egg. But, not everyone knows that you can spoil with the help of an egg.

Why an egg, one can only guess. This was not applied in our days, but everything comes from antiquity. Perhaps the egg, as a symbol of the beginning of life, is still very fragile, pure, unprotected, the easiest material for black magic.

Egg spoilage is one of the strongest

Its effectiveness has long ceased to be doubted. When spoilage is removed with the help of an egg, they are horrified by what they see, when the egg is broken. The essence of such damage with the help of an egg is that the entire negative conspiracy is made on the egg itself and its subsequent owner is doomed to acquire damage with the help of an egg.

Often people, removing damage from themselves, must direct, or rather redirect it to another person. A person, even an outsider, can become a victim of corruption. Sometimes a person is simply indifferent to whom to redirect negative energy. It's just that a person is in the wrong place and at the wrong moment, that's all. Each of us is not immune from. Even walking down the street, a person risks picking up negativity and failure.

In order to protect yourself from damage with the help of an egg, you can create protection.

Black magicians do an excellent job of this. Protection allows the negative not to penetrate into a person's aura and not destroy it. Diseases greatly weaken our defenses and the body simply cannot cope with its functions as it should be. In fact, issues related to the aura and protection of a person are very important. But we don't take them seriously. All this is because we are little knowledgeable in this matter. A person has little faith in what he does not see and cannot touch.

In the fate of everyone, there are or were present negative events. But this does not mean that everything should be attributed to the presence of damage with the help of an egg or any other magic rites... It is normal that we succeed in something, but not in something. All failures only make us stronger, more persistent, more persistent and more attentive. Many emotions are inherent in us and we need to experience them in order to be able to prevent them in the future. In these cases, the help of magic may simply become irreplaceable.

Often nowadays people, in order to take revenge on the offender, resort to witchcraft methods, and choose damage as retribution and revenge. The punishment is often chosen much more serious than the victim's misconduct, however, the "avengers" who believe that the victim should suffer 100%, this does not stop. Many frivolously believe that damage can be done quickly and easily, and try to do it on their own - a distorted, reckless perception of magic! You do not need to scandalize with anyone, sort things out, prove your innocence and defend your own point of view, you do not need to waste your energy, nerves and time on all this - yes, all this is true. But, when creating a witchcraft spell, you still have to pay.

Corruption can be done using any items. Everyone knows that the presence of spoilage is diagnosed with the help of an egg. But the fact that it is successfully induced , is not known to everyone. Why is this or that damage done with the use of this or that object or substance? This is unknown. One can only guess about this. Rituals were not invented and applied today - everything comes from antiquity. The egg, as a symbol of a new life, fragile, pure, unprotected, is the most unhindered material for black magic.

Egg spoilage is indeed one of the oldest.

When a negative program is removed with the help of an egg, then, breaking and examining the egg, they shudder from what they see. But egg spoilage is extremely effective, powerful, and has tremendous destructive potential. Its essence lies in the fact that the entire negative program is performed on the egg itself, and the person who touches it takes on the entire negative charge. Egg spoilage through the lining is done for severe, poorly diagnosed and untreatable diseases. I am a magician from Partizansk, I warn you when removing damage from one person, the sorcerer must redirect damage to someone else. To whom exactly, the sorcerer does not care. It doesn't really matter, the only question is whether it will be done or not. Even just walking down the street, each of you runs the risk of accepting negativity and failure.

If you find a lining of damage in the garden, vegetable garden or at some distance from the threshold of your own house, then you do not need to step over it, quickly return home without looking back or talking. The lining must be destroyed.

Spoilage through the lining of the egg is eliminated as follows:

The process of destroying the lining should be started as soon as possible, before someone from your loved ones touches it. In the best way is the burning of suspicious objects. Set fire to the lining, step back to a safe distance, and stand on the leeward side so as not to accidentally inhale the smoke. When the lining burns out, dig a hole, sweep the ash into it with a broom and cover the hole with earth. You can also throw a broom, scoop, gloves - all objects in contact with the lining there. You can, however, not throw these things away, but wash them thoroughly with running water, since it is running water that perfectly removes the negative.

Night charm for the egg:

Wash a whole fresh egg with cold running water. Then dry it off with a clean towel or handkerchief and write your name on it with a soft pencil. In the evening, when you go to bed, place the egg in a box by the head of the bed next to your pillow. If it does not crack or break overnight, let it remain in this place for a week. Throw it in the trash after a week. If the egg is cracked or broken before the expiration of the week, replace it with a different one. If after that, after having lain for a week, it remains intact, it means that they are no longer trying to make energy attacks on you.

There are ways to remove spoilage yourself with an egg.

Removing hereditary egg spoilage at home. Preparing to roll out the egg. This is an effective and fairly simple method of removing spoilage through prayer. You will need a fresh white egg. It is preliminarily washed with cold water, preferably melted or taken from a spring. The room where the ceremony will be performed must be light and spacious, the windows must be opened. The spoiled one is seated with his face to the icons, the specialist stands behind him.

Rules for self-removal of damage from a loved one:

Light a church candle, take an egg in your right hand, slowly drive it over the patient's body, never taking it away from the person's body. Start at the head, make a few clockwise circles. Going down the neck, go to the spine, then go through the whole back. Then the right hand, chest, belly, left hand... After the hands, drive the egg along the legs, first along the right, then along the left, up to the ankles. During all this time, read the prayer "Our Father". At the end of the procedure, carefully break the egg, pour it into a container with water and carefully examine the contents.

It is very important to correctly interpret the meaning of roll-out. All negativity remains in the egg, and does not pass to the one who heals. Simple removal of spoilage with an egg at home can be carried out no more than 7 days in a row. This is usually enough for complete healing. If the egg shows that re-rolling is necessary, then this can be done after a break of 1 month.

After the ceremony, you need to get rid of the egg. It can be poured into the sewer with water, it can be buried in the ground away from human habitation. At the same time, one should say: “Conspiracy, spoilage, illness, clean water, take away (or“ the earth created by God, take away ”, depending on the way you decided to get rid of the used egg). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen". The container cannot be used a second time, it is also thrown away. Wash your hands up to the elbows in cold water and say a prayer of thanks, for example, St. John of Kronstadt.

A gracious prayer from corruption to St. John of Kronstadt:

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the beginningless Father, Alone heal every ailment and every ulcer in people, as if he had mercy on the meat of a sinner and delivered him from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, O Lord, the power to firmly do Thy will for the salvation of my accursed soul and for Thy glory with Thy beginningless Father and Thy consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.z.

Some, so to speak, friends are capable of doing more harm than good. It is difficult to determine who is really the ill-wisher,you can only trust your instinct. Intuition is on guard for our safety, and ignoring its signals is simply stupid, and sometimes deadly. Anyone who truly wishes you harm can be near, you can see him every day, communicate, consult, share secrets. People who know how to listen will learn everything about you, and they will not even need to collect information about you - you yourself will tell everything. An ill-wisher can be anyone: competitors, envious people, neighbors, and even those you trust: friends and relatives. This is not paranoia. be careful, attentive to your life, try to treat people the way you would like people to treat you, but do not forget that you are walking through a minefield.

Strong damage, self-removal of damage by Orthodox prayers.

You can independently remove even the most severe damage from yourself if you make a sincere request to holy Orthodoxy.
Severe damage is capable of manifesting itself with any symptoms, up to an attempt to leave this world.
Loss of appetite, the presence of extraneous voices in the head, apathy, alienation and sudden obsessive aggression are the most common signs of severe spoilage.
To remove severe damage with prayers, you will have to follow these steps:

one). Observe a strict weekly fast. During this time, read Psalm 90 and the Our Father Prayer tirelessly.

2). Try to get rid of bad language, drinking, and anger. Only one titanic will can drive the most terrible corruption back to the sender.

3). Drink holy water in small sips. Wash your face with it.

four). Do not accept anything during the week. Try to retire from the vain world for this time.

five). Give alms whenever possible. Take a closer look at how many disadvantaged and lepers are in need of your help.

6). After seven days of abstinence, visit Orthodox church... Be sure to take communion and confess with Father, writing down all the forgotten sins on paper.

7). Put 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

eight). Submit a certified note of your own Health. Write in a simple note of deceased relatives and put some candles on the eve.

nine). Endure patiently throughout the service.

10). As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Save and preserve me from corruption and evil eye, both now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Pray regularly, observe fasts or elementary abstinence, get rid of anger and envy with fierceness.
Do not forget the Orthodox Church and God's Laws.
And I guarantee you that severe damage, once nesting in your soul, will be independently filmed by the great grace of the Lord God.

One of the most powerful and ubiquitous magical items available is a simple chicken egg. It perfectly accepts both good and negative energies, therefore, both white and black magicians "conjure" with it.

Very often damage, the evil eye is rolled out with an egg, the crown of celibacy is removed, but there are other negative spells that send misfortune to a particular person or a whole family.

Snake eggs are likely to be found in cold, dark, and isolated places; usually buried under the soil for safety during incubation. Most, like the king of snakes, pine snakes and pythons, lay their eggs. Others, like boas, rattlesnakes and garters, give birth to live young. This means that children develop in the mother. The first group is ovoid, while the last species belongs to the category of ovovavir reptiles. If you meet eggs in wildlife or in your own backyard, you're probably wondering how to tell about reptile eggs other than birds.

If your wife found an egg in the ground or you yourself accidentally found it, then it is better not to pick it up, since the negative charged in it will immediately go to you.

Interpreting dreams is a very complex and controversial science. However, many people believe that what they see in a dream has a very serious effect on real life.

You forget some painful memories to start a new life. You may need to ignore some mistakes made in the past to start a new phase. It is likely that after reading these explanations, you do not feel fully identified with them. Since dream interpretations are subjective, you need to remember certain details or your way of acting while you sleep. For example, he would not have the same sense in dreaming of a treasure as in dreaming of a cemetery in which someone was buried.

What does it mean if you found eggs in a dream

Other interpretations and curiosities often arise when you dream of a funeral that you should know. You are a person who knows how to protect your interests or keep a secret when he dreams of burying. The dream of burial indicates a change in your behavior. For some traumatic experiences, you close yourself off. You may become more introverted, or you may no longer show your thoughts or feelings in a completely natural way.

Since the area of ​​sleep has not yet been fully studied, it is not worth completely denying this possibility. The main thing, when interpreting your dreams, is not to get hung up on definitions, especially negative ones.

Many people know how rolling an egg can get rid of damage and the evil eye. But at the same time, the egg can be a powerful weapon. This article shows the egg spoilage rituals. Forewarned is forearmed.

Dream about a funeral because you have to try to hide certain personal boundaries. You should be more suspicious. Don't you think you'd better keep some of the personal aspects? What reasons lead you to trust the first person you know?

On the other hand, some people who try to hide or hide certain bugs are more likely to want to bury something. Perhaps out of your remorse, you will repeat this type of dream again. What are you trying to hide from others? In addition, many people who know how to keep both their own and others' secrets are likely to want to bury them. Therefore, it is very common to dream that some friend has buried something. You can trust yourself and be sure they don't reveal your most personal secrets.

Egg spoilage is a deadly lining

There are many ways to curse a person to death. One of them is a ritual using an ordinary egg.

Most often we use it and, but any egg can be used as a lining. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then the desired effect will not have to wait long. It will be necessary to prepare any egg, important- it should not be chicken.

Share with your friends what it means to dream of a funeral

You can also write these details of your dreams that caught your eye. What have you buried? Could you finish the action? Dreams are manifestations of the unconscious and do not always make sense. This is a case of visualizing an egg while sleeping. Bright, but not so rare for sleep, the egg is a universal symbol of eternal life and immortality, and also indicates fertility and secrets contained in the niches of the human soul. In general, dreaming with eggs is a good omen, indicating that hopes will be fulfilled and there will be a lot of satisfaction and prosperity in aspects close to personal life, especially in the home.

In addition, arm yourself with pine needles and a container of salt. It is necessary exactly at midnight, on any women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) to go to the intersection, dig a hole there, put an egg, put the needles on it and sprinkle it all with salt. Once this is done, say three times:

Not flying, but on foot, but not alive, but disastrous, but not wondrous, but feisty. Yes, not domestic, but wild, not created by God, but by the old Satanikh herself, but not a bird, but a tall death, but she did not give birth to a child. Yes, she carried an egg in agony, but she threw it around the world, and sewed it to the ghouls, and laid it in a coffin. Yes, the coffin is in the grave, and the grave is in the cradle. Yes, in that egg there is a black power, the power of innumerable sorrow, but in vain destruction, like there, in this egg everything ripens, but the second coming, not God's, but demonic will burst. Amen.

Different ways and situations in which we can dream of eggs

But, like almost every dream, the specific meaning will depend on the situation in which it is found. As mentioned, the egg dream is usually meant for good things that are about to happen, but there can still be bad omens for a partner or in a work environment.

Possessing eggs: you will have a lot of profit in the business soon, seeing a lot of eggs: fortune and wealth are approaching your life. Unexpected news will bring you great joy: egg hunting: this is a sign of betrothal and marriage with couples. Good health for those who are healthy and for those who are sick indicates that they will soon improve. Hard balls: the need for love. Sell ​​a certain amount of eggs: a harbinger of success in life. Broken: A new element will appear in the family. The time has come for the implementation of old projects. Their hopes will soon be realized; searching for eggs in the nest: unexpected profit ;: a great event with pleasant and funny celebrations for you and your loved ones; fresh egg: good news on the way; eggs: profit in general, white eggs: small benefits, chicken surrounded by eggs: near prosperity, looking for an egg: a sign of engagement or marriage. Dark Eggs: A Little Trouble.

  • Great success, prosperity and professional growth come.
  • Getting eggs: there will be birth, Eat them cooked: successful.
  • There will be disappointment for giving attachment to the wrong person.
  • Egg rotting: difficulties at work.
  • Fritos: infidelity between spouses.
  • Seeing a man dirty from eggs: he will be persecuted.
The egg has evoked wonderful feelings in cultures around the world.

Now bury the attributes and go home, on the way do not keep a conversation with anyone and do not turn around. After 4 days, return to the place of the ritual, dig up the egg, then say:

It was ripening in the ground, but it held back the doom inside, and now, if it was dug up, then by the second coming it was prayerful. Yes, this blasphemous power that is imprisoned in an egg by death, go, roll in the direction of the people, but there they will turn into a black bird, and damage from heaven to (name) break out, a white body - as black ashes, darling (name) in a hell twirl, but languish, fade away as a chick without a mother. Amen.

Its smooth and elliptical shell hides the secret of a new life in education. From the sight of a discarded egg and a young creature that emerges from an object of seeming lifelessness, ancient peoples have always prompted to reflect on the creative process. For an ancient man, understanding the creation of the world would have been a very difficult concept, but observing the opening of the egg and associating it with the birth of the world made the idea clearer. For this reason, the egg has become an important symbol in the history of creation. The awakening of nature with its flowering occurs in the spring, so all traditions related to the egg take place this season.

Now the attribute must either be hidden in the apartment where the individual lives, or bury on the site next to the house where he lives. In extreme cases, you need to toss the egg in the place where the person most often happens. Within a week or two, your pad will work.

When performing such a ritual, it is very important to take an egg that you find in a nest on the street. Purchased from your chicken coop will not work. Prepare 7 wax candles (not church candles), black ribbon.

Even during pagan times, in some beliefs, Heaven and Earth were considered two halves of the same egg, and eggs were considered a symbol of the return to life. In fact, the birds prepared a nest of love and filled it with eggs: at that moment everyone knew that the winter and cold were gone. The Greeks, Chinese and Persians exchanged them as a gift for the spring holidays.

You can also use the image of the victim. But if you can imagine her, then you do not need to do this. For 7 days, go out every night with an egg and a new candle, face west and say these words:

As an egg will rot in the ground, so you will start to rot, beauty will go away, strength will go away, health will go away. From now on you will be ugly, no one will love you, men will leave your life, you will be alone. As she said, so be it.

A conspiracy is read as long as the candle is burning. As soon as it goes out, the wax will need to be collected. After a week, wax from all 7 candles and rewind the egg with a black ribbon and take it to the house of your enemy, where you hide them well. Until they are found, it will be impossible to remove your damage.

In order to send a woman a miscarriage, infertility, deprive her of the opportunity to give birth to children, you can use this rite. Prepare any egg, image of the victim, container with grave soil.

Remember, it is better not to touch the grave ground with your own hands. Use gloves and then throw them away.

Important: when you collect the earth, you need to collect it from the grave with the same name as your victim. When everything is ready, go outside on the full moon, put a photograph of the victim in a container with earth and break an egg there. Say:

From now on, the inside of the servant of God (name) will rot. If the fruit ripens in the womb, then my curse will pass on to it. From now on you will not have children. I conjure with grave earth, and a grave board. You will meet your old age alone, wash your face with bitter tears. As she said, so be it.

After that, go to the nearest planting or forest, find the oldest dry tree there. Bury a container with earth under it, saying the following words:

From now on, your insides will be without burden, like this tree without seed.

This is a highly suggestive curse. At the market in the morning, buy 2 eggs, go to the cemetery and select a burial with the name of your victim. FROM you need to do this during the day in order to confidently go to the grave at night. After that, at night, armed with 1 black candle and grabbing both eggs, go to this place.

Why was it necessary to find him during the day? Everything is very simple. As soon as you come to the cemetery gates at night, you need to go to the desired grave quickly and confidently, knowing who you are going to. You can't hesitate. Place both eggs on the grave, light a candle and say these words:

Spirit, take the servant of God (name) to you. Torment his (her) soul, torment your heart, do not let go anywhere. As you become attached, you will not become loose again.

Leave everything as it is and go home without turning around. The next night, go back to the cemetery, to the same grave. Take 1 of the eggs and say:

Now, if you agreed to help me, then I will show you the way.

After these words, take the egg to the house of your enemy. It doesn't matter if the victim lives in a private house or in a multi-storey one, it is necessary to bury the attribute nearby, in the yard. On average, in a week, your conspiracy will take effect.

There are many ways of guiding, spoiling and quarreling that can destroy a relationship. Such a conspiracy is no exception. They use it if necessary, to embroil friends, family members - anyone.

The egg symbolizes a problem that will mature and grow. To create a large significant quarrel, choose a large egg, for minor troubles, take a few small ones (quail).

Corruption is considered serious magic. If the actions are followed correctly, serious damage can be caused to a person. But the one who guides will also bear consequences, but to a lesser extent. Egg spoilage is the most common. Consider how you can apply or get rid of it.

Since ancient times, the chicken egg has been revered in magic among knowledgeable people. In Slavic mythology, it is argued that the emergence of the universe was closely related to the "world egg" that traveled across the ocean. The shell served as a symbol of the sky, the squirrel was water, and the yolk was fire.

Experts explain the magical power of this ingredient by the presence of a special natural energy. There is a theory that the protein pulls in negativity. Before resorting to rituals, you should find out exactly if there is damage:

  • Take a jar filled with water (it is better to use a holy one) and an egg.
  • In the evening, before going to bed, read Our Father.
  • Place the container on the headboard.
  • Then break the egg and go to sleep.
  • In the morning, look at the result, if it is spoiled, then draw the appropriate conclusions.

How to spoil with eggs

At the moment, many rituals and ceremonies have been developed, thanks to which you can send a serious curse. Spoilage on eggs, what is it? The presented type of negative impact carries out its work passively. Remember that by doing this you will bring real trouble to the chosen person. If you decide to take this step, know that the one who caused the misfortune will also be responsible for the consequences, but to a lesser extent.

Some rituals do not use chicken eggs... Let's describe how to send damage through one of the rituals:

Hide this ingredient in the apartment or lot where your abuser lives. After 14 days of waiting, you will see the desired result.

To death

The presented type of evil eye is serious magic, prepare to withstand serious consequences. Of course, you can seek help from a specialist, for example, a fortune-teller. But no one will agree to take the consequences upon themselves.

  • It remains to hide the egg from the offender. Bury him in the ground where he lives. It doesn't matter an apartment or a house, use the yard.

The ritual will take effect in a week.

To ugliness

For the ritual, you must use a bird's egg, not purchased, but taken from a street nest. Also take seven candles and a black ribbon from the church.

You can use a photo of the offender, because it is important to clearly draw his image in the head. For the next week, every day after 12 at night, go outside with one candle and the egg you find. Turn towards the west and say:

Repeat these words while the candle is on. Then you need to collect the wax. This ritual should be performed daily at night. When you are done, wrap the wax collected from the seven candles and the egg with black tape. Then hide at the right person... Damage cannot be removed until a throw-away pouch is found.


To send childlessness to your enemy, you need:

  • Collect burial ground, find an egg and a photograph of the victim. Use gloves when collecting the first ingredient. The burial ground must be collected at the tombstone with the name of the offender.
  • Go outside at midnight. In a container (it is better to use a jar), in which the earth lies, put a photo and break an egg there.
  • Then say:
  • Then go to the forest (park), find a tree that has already dried up from old age, and bury this jar.
  • Say:

On relationships

Basically, women resort to this type of curse as a last resort. For example, to take a husband away from his mistress. Instructions:

Removing spoilage with an egg

How to remove spoilage on an egg? Let's describe a powerful ritual that should be performed in the presence of a powerful curse:

  • Needed extra person for help. Both need to undergo strict fasting for 9 days.
  • Prepare 14 pieces. eggs, 7 candles, holy water, an icon of Panteleimon the Healer and the Mother of God.
  • Over the next day, you need to get up before the first sun rays appear. In an empty room, sit more comfortably and turn to the side where the sun rises.
  • The assistant should set the Panteleimon icon on the table, light a candle, put an egg on the sufferer's head, and while supporting him with his hand read the prayer:

  • At this point, both must imagine how the egg is absorbing the trouble. Then it should be taken out and buried.
  • On the same day in the evening, do the same algorithm. But one should pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. Place the icon on the table and read Our Father.
  • At the end, bury the candle and egg outside.

The presented ritual lasts a week, it is important not to interrupt the algorithm of actions and perform it every day. There are also other ways to get rid of spoilage.

How to remove egg spoilage

Rolling out spoilage by an egg should be carried out on its own at the time of the outgoing moon. In the room in which the ceremony will be held, you need to create a small draft - open the window. For the procedure, you will have to use an icon, for example, the Virgin. Place it on the table, light a candle, sit down more comfortably, and then:

  1. Holding the egg in right hand, start circling them over your head. Do it clockwise. Imagine the negativity leaving you.
  2. Pass them over your shoulders and go around your neck.
  3. In a circular motion, lower it down the right side of the body, starting at the shoulder and down.
  4. Do the same on the left side of the body, transferring the egg to the other hand.
  5. Then do this in the area of ​​the abdomen and chest.

The main thing is not to rush and not be distracted. It is advisable to ask for help from a loved one, who will cleanse the back in a circular motion with an egg.

Finally, break it into a cup of water, close it and bury it outside the house. Then you need to read:

The ceremony should be performed every day for a week.

In order to recognize the intentions of your enemy, who decided to resort to such magic, it is recommended to resort to a special decoding. It will help determine the next steps. After breaking the egg, notice what it was like?

  • If it carefully sank to the bottom of a cup of water, and at the same time it was not distorted, then the ceremony went well.
  • If the yolk is covered with a thin film, or it is torn, the ceremony needs to be repeated.
  • Is the yolk cloudy? It means that a loved one has brought on the damage.
  • The presence of a small cobweb, which is noted in the squirrel, is a symbol of poor skills of suggestive corruption. She will return to him in full.
  • The presence of bubbles indicates your strong energy, which was trying to fight unhappiness.
  • In rare situations, drops of blood can be seen, which indicates a powerful corruption. It is impossible to eliminate the magic of such power on your own, you need the help of a specialist.
  • Is the yolk boiled? A curse has been placed on your freedom.

Do not forget to dispose of the egg according to the rules, after the ceremony and decryption.

How to remove from a loved one

Removing spoilage at home is not a laborious process. You can carry out the procedure yourself, not only for yourself, but also for your loved one. Prepare an egg laid by a homemade chicken, a faceted glass, water from a well or spring, candles bought in the church. Procedure.