Vitaly Borzenko: “The vector of development has been chosen correctly. "Aksai passions" - big and small

Political and judicial passions raged in the Aksai district ...

Vitaly Ivanovich Borzenko changed his mind about being elected to the regional Legislative Assembly, what exactly wiped his nose with the new regional authorities.
The head of the district will not speak at the upcoming soon in Aksai primaries of the "Popular Front and United Russia" on the selection of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the RO.
They still remember the past primaries of the summer of 2012, which ended in a big scandal in Aksai.

It is known that Vitaly Ivanovich in some way and somehow did not suit the new regional authorities, since associated with the previous team of Governor V. Chub (who had Borzenko as one of his favorites).

One of the competent sources heard the version that the entire scandal around the previous Aksai primaries was cunningly orchestrated by the regional authorities in order to provoke Borzenko to disrupt the mayor's primaries in order to then make him a reasoned presentation from the team for violating the general rules of conduct.
In order not to go under the press of the collective, Borzenko then agreed to an exchange when he was allowed to lead his man to the post of mayor of Aksai, but in the end Borzenko gave up his entire fiefdom to the region and left the post of head Aksay district.

The recent information that Vitaly Borzenko was included in Goncharov's list as a future single-mandate deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the RO, confirmed the version of Borzenko's wiring with the party primaries for his subsequent departure from the head of the Aksai district.
However, it became known from sources close to the regional administration that just a few days ago Vitaly Ivanovich changed his mind about cooperating with the occupiers, withdrew his statement of regret to run for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the RO, deciding to continue to remain in his place and fight for his power in 2015 (exactly in parallel with possible election of governor) ...

In this regard, it is quite logical to expect a new appearance at the upcoming Aksai primaries A. Proselkov - a young Edros disguised as a Eurasian ...
It is possible that this time the Aksai authorities will not create a new conflict and try to put legal obstacles to its participation. Last time, with the actual disruption of the primaries, the Aksai elite was quite "enough".
The main thing is that on the way to the primaries Proselkov simply should not be shot, but this will already be a scandal of a different order. It's easier, as they say, to outbid ...

In any case, discarding all this pre-election husk with United Russia dances around the Aksai Christmas tree "we see that another center of resistance to the policies of the new regional authorities has appeared in Aksai ...

Oil in the Aksai fire and additional destabilization was brought to the region by the appeal of the Aksai pensioner Klavdia Tokareva, who in her letter addressed to: the President Russian Federation, The Attorney General RF, the Chairman of the party " United Russia", The Chairman of the LDPR party, the Prosecutor of the Rostov region, told how unfairly and mercilessly she was deprived of housing by her own relatives, led by the deputy head of the Aksai district on social issues - Vladimir Ivanovich Chernousov ...

Omitting the lyrical beginning of the letter, I publish the main idea of ​​my grandmother ...

I want to tell you everything in order. She got married in 1950. My husband worked as a driver in Mosgazprovodstroy, the development of a gas pipeline on the Don began, and we were sent to Rostov-on-Don. They settled in a barrack with a shared kitchen for 18 families. This is how they lived, rebuilding what was destroyed, building new housing, schools, building a new life.

My husband and I have earned the honor and respect of our country: we have been repeatedly awarded diplomas and medals. Both are WWII veterans, home front veterans, labor veterans.

Life was very difficult, I had to work from dawn to dawn, my husband went on long business trips around The Soviet Union... It was very difficult for me with small children to work and raise children, so my mother sold a house in the village of Dubovka, Rostov region, and with this money we built our house together.

As time went on, children grew up, grandchildren appeared, we grew old. And still had to do everything ourselves. Other hard times came, perestroika. The children have their own problems, and we supported ourselves as best we could with our small pension. Everything is not eternal. Mom went to another world. And just recently, in February 2011, I buried my husband. Sixty years living together flew by as if in an instant. My defender, my reliable, faithful companion, who took care of me, took care of me, trying to take on all the problems of everyday life, at home, was gone. After the funeral, I was in deep sorrow, sorrow. And, of course, I was glad for the participation and support of my relatives and my own daughters and grandchildren. Well, who else, if not them, I could trust and lean on, and I didn’t want to live anymore, because all my relatives were already there: my mother and sisters, their husbands, and now my Pyotr Ivanovich left me. During these difficult days, my children and grandchildren surrounded me with care and warmth.

Olya, the eldest granddaughter, tried especially hard. "Granny, I don't work, let me live with you, look after you." I think it was God who sent her to me, how much I took care of her (all the best - Olga, growing up without a father, an orphan), other grandchildren did not get so much, and the eldest daughter always helped more (without a husband, and then she got married, and he is a quitter and a deceiver, sat on his neck and dangled his legs). The apartment, which the husband received from the ATP UGPS, was given to the eldest daughter. So I think it's time for me to collect stones. And Olechka kisses me and sings: “Granny, you can also Andryusha (the granddaughter's husband is the son of Vladimir Ivanovich Chernousov. The person in the Aksai region is well-known) and Nastya will move to you. It will be easier for me, and it’s cramped for us in a one-room apartment. You need to look after the yard, and you need a man's hand around the house. "

Okay, let's live in a big friendly family. - I agreed, not thinking and not suspecting that the care shown to me is just one of the moments of a pre-planned deception. Even in a nightmare, I could not have dreamed that my own granddaughter, whom I raised from the first days of my life and until recently, who considered me her second mother, could betray me so basely in the declining years. Taking advantage of my depressed state after the death of her husband, she persuaded me to issue an annuity, promising that she would keep me and my house in proper condition, paying all my expenses and expenses, which would pay the amount that I could give to my youngest daughter as part of the inheritance of the parental house. ... Realizing that it is difficult for me to live in the house on my own, I agreed to sign this agreement. Having lived all my life with my loved ones and relatives in peace and harmony, not allowing myself any deception, believing in my word, not testing, not expressing mistrust in words and deeds, I did not doubt the good intentions of my granddaughter, my sincere desire to help me, providing me with a decent old age. But in fact, it turned out that instead of an annuity contract, she slipped me a donation contract. By signing it, I thought I was signing an annuity, and at first she created the appearance of fulfilling the agreed terms. She began to pay money to her aunt (my youngest daughter), only at the same time she demanded a receipt, assuring that as soon as she entered the inheritance, she would destroy them.

My health condition did not allow me to stand in lines, go to the authorities and I was forced to issue a power of attorney for Olya to complete all documents and receive funds. After signing the contract, which I was given to sign at the notary office of V.P. Morozova. my granddaughter's attitude towards me changed dramatically. My desires and requests were ignored, and I said: "Olya, I feel like an orphan in my house." The granddaughter did not answer. I went to another room. I asked for a savings book (she once asked to borrow 10 thousand rubles for her - I gave her the book, but then she did not return it) and found that my pension for a year, about 100 thousand rubles, was completely withdrawn and the book turned out to be 600 rubles ... Moreover, my husband and I collected money from our pension for the funeral. This money is also 130 thousand rubles. were removed by her. When I discovered this, I asked for an annuity agreement in order to read to her the conditions that she must fulfill, but she sharply refused to give the contract to me, referring to the fact that she did not have it.

Then I called my youngest daughter from Rostov-on-Don and asked to understand this situation. The eldest daughter, the mother of my granddaughter Olya, did not consider it necessary to reason with her daughter. The granddaughter behaved insolently, making it clear that she was the mistress here, and that she did not need anyone's advice and requirements (meaning me and my youngest daughter). What was left for me to do? I did not fully understand that I was deceived and the only thing that they need now is for me to die faster.

I had to go to the notary's office and get a copy of the contract. And it was here that all the deception was revealed. The annuity contract turned out to be a donation contract. Now everything fell into place and the sugary attitude of the granddaughter, before the paperwork, and a sharp change to me after the transaction.

Realizing that I was misled, I said that such conditions did not suit me, and demanded to return my house back. She did not want to talk, and refused to return the house. I had to go to court, and hoped that justice would prevail, I had no doubt that during the trial, under the influence of moral and ethical norms and rules, my granddaughter would come to the realization of what she had done, that the court would call the granddaughter to account, not to allow mockery and mockery of the patient an old man who has lived his life honestly, having earned his property in an honest way, naively believing that the court will take into account my age, my credulity, the state of my health, and most importantly, deal with deception and forgery and return the property to its owner, i.e. me, who built it, made money.

But what was my disappointment in the trial. Instead of shaming and exposing the deception, the judge mockingly asked, “Well, what? Do you want to get your home back? " and then "Refuse!" What a farce! And who are the judges? I was immediately given to understand that the court was ordered, the so-called paid. I ask myself: "Who pays?" and now the whole grandiose plan of deception is revealed. It turns out that my section of road is not because it is dear to me, like my whole life, it is EXPENSIVE in the literal sense. It turns out that there is a person in our city who is extremely interested in my home ownership. Painfully in a good and expensive place, it is located - in the center of the city of Aksai, on the street. Tolpinsky, with access to the central city road. And this man's name is Vladimir Ivanovich Chernousov. He is my granddaughter's father-in-law. And he is also the chief education officer in our city, he holds the position of the head of the district education department. What is the head of the education department (such is the education in the district) all residents of the city of Aksai and Aksay district know firsthand, but his hobby is different. Vladimir Ivanovich loves to build cafes, restaurants, probably, here he liked such a wonderful site, and most importantly, you can get it for free, you just need to teach (after all, he is a teacher, after all) a stupid daughter-in-law to deceive his grandmother. And he succeeded. What remains to be done for the granddaughter, who does not work anywhere, so wants to live beautifully. It is not difficult for a psychologist by education to fool a grandmother, to lull her vigilance, all the more knowing that she doesn’t want a soul in her beloved granddaughter and doesn’t doubt a bit. And so it all happened. And they put my vigilance to sleep, and bought justice, because my father-in-law has a lot of money (don't think that the official's budget salary is so great). He bought his youngest son out of prison for the production, sale and distribution of drugs. I illegally took him from Russia to Belarus, bought him a 3-room apartment there. I heard that a place in a kindergarten in Aksai costs up to 60,000.00 (sixty thousand) rubles. A medal at school costs a certain amount. And even about repairs in schools and kindergartens, there are jokes about Aksai, because after the end of budget repairs in schools, the parents of the students jointly repair classes for their money, buy equipment, etc. Even at the jubilee table, he did not hesitate to loudly declared that he had nothing to fear while Vitaly Ivanovich was in power in the Aksai region.

All 2012 was a nightmare for me. The eldest daughter periodically came, one might say burst in at night and demanded that the application be taken from the court, threatened both me and the youngest daughter, who now lives with me, take care of me and protect me. Olga does not show any signs, she saw her only on ships, her eyes are shameless, she is afraid even to raise them. I hope that her conscience torments her, because the Supreme Court is God's court, and there you cannot pay off with bribes.

The bias of the court, its interest in a certain outcome of the case, put my lawyer in a state of shock. He assured me that in our state laws protect citizens from encroachment on their rights and freedom, but when faced with the Aksai court, he doubted the correctness and firmness of his words. He said: "Aksai is a separate state within a state and here, it seems," other "laws are working."

I ask you to protect me, a participant, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a home front worker, just a defenseless, 84-year-old old woman, restore justice, return my home ownership to my property and protect my rights.

I watch TV and cry, the President of Russia approves programs to provide housing for veterans, but here their hard-earned and only housing is taken away, and lawlessness is being done on the ground.

Dear President, Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Every year I receive congratulations from you and from Dmitry Anatolyevich on Victory Day! You give us gifts, thank us for our honest work, wish me good health, but look what they are doing, what an outrage is going on over us, the old people, they are already ready to bury us alive in order to take possession of our good. Help! Get my home back! So that I can live peacefully in it, and not be thrown out into the street or sent to a psychiatric hospital in my old age, because after the entry into force of the court decision I can simply be thrown out into the street.

With respect and hope for justice,
Tokareva Claudia Vasilievna
This is how it is, big and small, Aksay district of Rostov region ...

Looking at our Guarantor many times, I was filled with pride, the point is not even the "totalitarianism" that foreign media ascribe to Putin, but we call "Strong Hand", the point is the inexhaustible concern for the younger generation. It's a pity it turns out like in a fairy tale - the Tsar is good, and the boyars are bad. One such boyar is the head of the Aksaysky district, Borzenko Vitaly Ivanovich, for 20 long years this man has been reigning supreme over his specific principality and skillfully "spits" on everything and everyone. The development of sports in Russia has always been one of the priorities in the activities of our President.

Vladimir Vladimirovich has repeatedly demanded that regional and local officials develop and support children's and youth sports, raise their champions, so to speak. Billions of taxpayers' money were allocated from the Russian budget and directed to the regions for the construction of stadiums, swimming pools, ice palaces, children's sports grounds. Part of the taxpayers' money ended up in the Aksay region and a year-round ice skating rink was erected in the city of Aksai.
The skating rink is beautiful and for two years the regional officials have been finding funds to maintain the ice miracle. During this time, the skating rink has become a favorite place for recreation and training for young winter sports enthusiasts and not only. Two hockey teams were created, figure skaters trained, but any winter fairy tale melts like April snow when faced with the indifference and indifference of officials. From September 1, 2014, all exorbitant expenses will fall on the shoulders of the parents of young figure skaters and hockey players, every month the representatives of the Skating Rink (yes, with a capital letter) will collect bribes from the parents of the growing champions. The rink administration does not give any explanations, for what, to whom and why they are going to collect funds, it does not explain, and most importantly, it is not clear why funding from the budget stopped. Perhaps it still continues, but enterprising local officials traditionally decided to earn extra money.
Repeated appeals to Borzenko and his assistants with a request to preserve the financing of the skating rink did not receive an intelligible answer, but in behind-the-scenes conversations it became clear "There are funding cuts, Crimea is ours, etc."

It is not clear how the moment of Unity and Triumph of the Russian people interferes with the Russian children's sports? Why are the officials hiding behind the small difficulties of reuniting Crimea with Russia in matters of the future of Russia! Children are our future, and people like Borzenko want to continue to carry the bitterness of the defeat of the hockey team at the future Olympics!

Dear Vitaly Ivanovich, do not dishonor our national leader! Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has many tasks and problems that arise with external sworn friends! Do not add to him problems with the internal "well-wishers" of the future of Russia!

Today, on August 25, the head of the Aksai District Administration held an extraordinary meeting of the Commission for Prevention and Elimination emergencies and prevention of fire safety on the territory of the Aksai region.

Vitaly Borzenko emphasized that a critical situation with fires has developed on the territory of the Rostov region, because of the hot and windy weather, fires occur almost every day and it is difficult to cope with the fire. With difficulty, it was possible to extinguish a multi-day fire in the Ust-Donetsk region, 118 residential buildings burned down in the center of Rostov. In order to prevent such a tragedy in the Aksai region, Vitaly Ivanovich demanded to mobilize all forces and means, reminded that all services should work as clearly and harmoniously as possible.

The head of the district department for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations Valery Matveychuk told in detail that at the beginning of the year, 53 household fires and 48 grass and reeds were lit on the territory of the district. In all cases, the perpetrators were identified, and 124 protocols were drawn up. The participants of the meeting analyzed in detail the biggest fires - their reasons, how the work of the fire extinguishing services was organized, analyzed the measures taken for their new fires.

As statistics show, the cause of fires, as a rule, is an elementary violation of fire safety rules: an abandoned cigarette butt, making a fire. In such hot and windy weather, any spark can cause a fire. And although information and explanatory work is constantly being carried out with the population about the fact that a special fire regime has been established, special fire safety requirements, some still carelessly neglect them, and as a result, a fire starts.

Vitaly Borzenko instructed the responsible services to strengthen explanatory work with citizens, and also work with the leaders of gardening associations. The heads of the settlements should strengthen the work on land control, because it is garbage and dry weeds that are potential sources of fires.

It is necessary to use all services as much as possible, to involve volunteers, vigilantes, Vitaly Ivanovich emphasized. - It is very important to notice the fire in time and stop the fire in time. And for this it is necessary to constantly monitor the situation, bypassing the territory of the settlements by observers.

The head of the district administration proposed to create a single fire extinguishing center on the territory of the Aksai district, to hold another training seminar on the actions of responsible persons in the event of a fire within a week, as well as a meeting of the commission for the prevention of emergencies in the district settlements.

Andrey Temernitsky 08/15/2010

Two months ago, the official inauguration of the new governor of the Rostov region, Vasily Golubev, took place. In this post, Golubev replaced the former governor Vladimir Chub, who ruled the region undividedly for nineteen years.

Residents of the region had high hopes that the “new broom” would sweep away the regional elite, mired in corruption and family ties. It seems that the hopes of Rostovites are not destined to come true.

Vasily Golubev - the former head of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, a politically young politician powerfully entered the Rostov region. He entered against the forecasts and expectations of almost all serious analysts and experts, against the will of Governor Chub, and hence the will of the entire regional elite.

Whatever versions and guesses were put forward by the local press as to who was behind the new governor, the interests of which of the interested groups he would promote in the Rostov region, one thing was clear - Golubev came to the Don to carry out a global reorganization of regional power, to implement large-scale personnel and structural changes in the region.

It is logical that the majority of the Don population enthusiastically accepted the news of the arrival of a new, young governor to replace Vladimir Chub, who had already been overdue. But time goes by, and there are no tangible changes yet, and the personnel appointments that new governor, even in some ways demonstrate the continuity of the previous course.

Not good continuity

They say in Rostov that the new governor has arrived thoroughly and for a long time. Why else would he have bought himself a piece of land in one of the so-called "fashionable corners" near the Don capital. They also say that a plot of land in the village of Kamyshevakha, Aksai district, cost the new governor very ridiculous money, and that the acquired plot is being successfully built new house for the new governor.

It is only worth reminding the reader that the house of the former governor of the region, Vladimir Chub, and the house of the head of the regional department of the FSB and the houses of other very respected people are located in the same village. One of the experts we interviewed expressed doubt that the governor would lead any new political line - "If you want to work independently of all the exes, why are you buying land and building a house next to them?" - sums up the expert.

Even more alarming is the fact that the land for the new governor was allocated precisely in the Aksai district of the Rostov region, the head of which was considered almost the closest associate of the old governor.

Good neighbors

They say that at one time Vasily Golubev was introduced to Vitaliev Borzenko by the director of Mostransgaz LLC. Mostransgaz probably has its own interests in Aksai, in any case it also owns a land plot in a picturesque corner of the Aksai district.

They also claim that upon the arrival of the new governor at his place of appointment, the old acquaintance grew almost into friendly relations. They say that the governor often visits the mayor's house, and that officials are practically friends with families.

Based on the information presented above, it turns out to be completely logical and appropriate for a new governor to settle in the area where a new house is being built for him.

"Moscow smog" in the Aksai district

They say that if the new governor knew all the problems of the Aksai district, he would hardly want to build a house there. Recently, a group of summer residents, whose plots are located near the village of Kovalevka, sent to the head of the Office Federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management, a copy to the regional prosecutor and the governor of the letter. In their letter, summer residents inform high officials about - "numerous and constant facts of violation of the requirements of environmental protection during the operation of the landfill for the disposal of solid domestic waste (MSW), located near the village of Kovalevka."

Almost at the same time when the governor Golubev demands from the heads of the cities and districts of the region to introduce a special fire regime and ensure its implementation, summer residents from the Aksai district inform the governor that - “On the territory of the landfill, which is operated by LLC Sigma and the director A.A. Nazarov, solid waste incineration is carried out systematically at intervals of 1-2 weeks. The landfill constantly smokes, all adjacent forest belts and summer cottages are covered with soot, it is impossible to breathe within a radius of 1-2 km. The management of the landfill not only does not take measures to prevent the fire of solid waste, but, apparently, such incineration is purposefully organized in order to increase the capacity of the spent working maps of the landfill. As a result, there is a terrible stench on the territory adjacent to the landfill, all permissible standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere have been exceeded "...

What is a natural disaster for Moscow has become a sad everyday life for the residents of the dachas in the village of Kavalevka.

And if the letter of the summer residents has not yet reached the governor's table, then the summer residents have only one hope: Kovalevka is not so far from the Kamyshevakh farm, where the new house of the regional chief is being built. And it is possible that with a good gust of wind, breathing in “fresh air” deeply, the governor will pay attention to the problem of the landfill.

"Sigma" can do anything

It so happened that waste incineration was not the only area of ​​work of Sigma LLC and its director Andrei Anatolyevich Nazarov. Some time ago, "Sigma" was allocated land for the construction of a residential building in the city of Aksai. They say that the representatives of the company dashingly got down to business, announced the construction site, dug a pit and began to collect money from the equity holders for construction.

Unfortunately, the construction was not destined to be completed. Either the financial crisis, or the usual Russian theft, but having collected from equity holders about 44 million rubles for the construction of one third of the house, the developer left his ambitions at the level of the foundation pit.

Considering that the foundation pit is costing them dearly, people hurry to court. The court satisfied the claims, but it turned out to be impossible to collect money from the developer due to the lack of any property. An arrested truck crane and several wheeled units will in no way recoup the developer's obligations to the investors - the failed owners.

What was the reaction of the local authorities to this situation? The reaction of the head of the district Vitaly Ivanovich Borzenko, under whose nose the act was committed on the basis of composition, very well suited to the articles of the Criminal Code on fraud, misappropriation and embezzlement in particular large sizes... There was no reaction, no.

"Tender relationship"

What is the secret of such a tender attitude of the head of the district to such not petty pranks of the leadership of one of the economic entities operating in the Aksai district.

How did the deputy of the district assembly of deputies, as well as the owner of the construction company "Sigma" Andrei Anatolyevich Nazarov "take" the head of the district?

Could it be that he built another interesting object in Aksay on Sadovaya street 31?

The very object in which the property of the family of the head of the district Vitaly Ivanovich Borzenko is present. Namely, the premises in which the best beauty salon "Persona" is located in Aksai, the director of which is none other than the first lady of the region, Natalya Vasilievna Borzenko, the wife of Vitaly Ivanovich.

New land acquisition

Passions have not yet cooled down to the end, after a large-scale prosecutor's inspection on issues related to illegal land acquisition took place in the area, and a new corruption scandal is being laid in the area.

There is another picturesque place in Aksai - the left bank of the Don with the Mezhonka channel. This place is so picturesque that many connoisseurs of natural beauty considered it their duty to acquire land there. Among the owners of land plots, we will find here State Duma Deputy Alexander Popov, and former Deputy Mayor of Rostov Anatoly Labusov, and Mrs. Dimitrova, the wife of former Deputy Plenipotentiary Envoy Viktor Anpilogov, and many other respected entrepreneurs. What will all these people say to the head of the district after the prosecutor's office checks the legality of the allotment of land for their summer cottages?

A large plot of land in this place is also owned by Agrosoyuz Yug Rusi; a new hippodrome is supposed to be built here. Literally across the street from the supposed hippodrome, on the bank of the Mezhonka channel, the same known to us Sigma LLC rents land.

It is known that the land is still owned by the municipality, but it is also known that Sigma LLC has already put this land up for sale.

The scheme of land alienation, voiced by a confidential source, looks like this: a hectare of land leased from Sigma LLC undergoes an "independent" appraisal from the only appraiser accredited in the administration - VF Mogila, who appraises the land and the buildings located on it in the amount equivalent to 1.5 million rubles. For this money, Sigma buys the land from the municipality. At the same time, Sigma is looking for a buyer for this land plot, offering to buy it for already NINE million rubles.

Seven and a half million rubles from the bounty of the municipality is a good deal.

Friendship or business?

This raises a number of questions - is there a connection between the allocation of land for the construction of this "Sigme" facility and the property acquired by the Borzenko family in a new house? - Is there a connection between the acquisition of the same property and the administration's failure to notice the problems of the burning landfill and the problems of defrauded equity holders?

And if you look a little deeper, is not the business of Sigma LLC the business of Vitaly Borzenko himself, together with director Nazarov, who is covering his interests? And the most serious question is whether all of the above circumstances will become a reason for the further institution of a criminal case on the fact of abuse of office and illegal participation in entrepreneurial activities against the still acting head of the Aksai district, Vitaly Borzenko. The heads of the district, in which it has long been decided: for whom to build, who to "cut", and who to poison.

At the same time in Rostov

And in Rostov, opposite the building of the regional administration, just the other day, a rally of residents of the same Aksai district took place. According to them, the district administration takes the land from them in order to transfer it for the construction of another summer cottage settlement.

Hence another question - will the governor pay attention to the lawlessness that is happening on the territory of the Aksai region? Where is the governor looking?

And the governor in the Aksai district is building a new dacha for himself. And he is also close friends with the head of the Aksai district. And it is very likely that in relation to the head of the Aksai region, even under the new governor, the old principle will operate - "There is no extradition from the Don" ...

So, the hopes of the Donetsk people for the new governor, and for changes for the better, are not destined to come true.

The head of the Aksai district told how his district lives

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The Aksai district is constantly being heard, as they say: here are located the largest shopping centers, here it is planned to build one of the mega-projects of the Rostov region called the "Southern Hub", and the other day the head of the district Vitaly Borzenko received a diploma from the hands of the governor Vasily Golubev for the 2nd place in efficiency municipal districts... In a word, some solid pluses.

We decided to meet with Vitaly Borzenko to find out the secrets that have allowed him to keep the region in the lead for many years in a row.


Vitaly Ivanovich, you are, one might say, one of the "elders" among the heads of districts of the Rostov region: how long have you been at the helm for seventeen years? - Yes, since 1994, when he was first appointed to the post (before that he worked as deputy head for two years, and even earlier worked in the executive committee of the district council people's deputies), then he was reelected four more times, and the next - in 2010. - How does your area live today? What do you think was the most important thing that happened in the most recent times? - And almost every day, in general, we have significant moments. Just a few days ago, for example, a big, very important event took place: we put gas into the village. Kamyshevakha - there are more than a hundred households, people were happy, and that's great. You know, this is probably the whole, as you say, "secret": both I and my subordinates - we all try to full program“To be included” in what the people live by, what worries them, what problems they put in the first place. It is not we, the officials, that is, who determine, but the people themselves.

- I agree. But what is needed is, as they say, a "communication channel" between the authorities and the people ...- And he is. These are personal receptions and field visits. For example, in our country, by analogy with the regional government (this idea was submitted by the head of the region), there are information groups that periodically, according to a compiled schedule, travel to settlements, meet with people, listen to everything that is painful for them and requires a solution. Something really needs and has to be decided now, this minute, otherwise it will be too late later. Recently, for example, I went to the head of the information group No. 1 in Art. Starocherkasskaya - to talk with its residents, almost a hundred people came to a rather frank conversation.


- By the way, is your district considered one of the largest in terms of population?- Today - almost 103 thousand, according to the latest census. Most of all, of course, live in Aksai, almost half. In terms of wages, we exceeded the regional average of 15,918 rubles, ours - 16,576 rubles. In general, I must say, the main attention is paid to the social direction in the Aksai district: 80 percent of the budget (and according to the data for nine months, its income amounted to 466.3 million rubles - with an increase against last year's indicators of 38 million) is spent specifically on solving social issues. - Tell me, Vitaly Ivanovich, frankly - how do you treat criticism? This is me to the fact that once the governor Vasily Golubev, as part of his acquaintance in the region, having visited Aksai, said approximately the following: “The district is one of the leaders in attracting investments, developing logistics, transport infrastructure. However, there are a number of serious problems with the state of social facilities, provision of the population with preschool institutions. The field of activity of the local authorities is very large and it is too early to stop at what has been achieved ”. - It was like that, really. And I take constructive criticism quite calmly. It was a fair remark. We have worked in this direction, and there are results. Over 7 million rubles were spent on the overhaul of an educational institution. These are kindergartens in Leninsky, Olginsky, Rassvetovsky settlements plus schools in Mishkinsky, Istominsky and Schepkinsky settlements, the center additional education in Aksai. And we are making every effort to resolve the issue of the shortage of places in kindergartens - last year, for example, the “Solnyshko” kindergarten in the regional center was commissioned after reconstruction. And at a meeting of the regional government held on November 16, Vasily Yuryevich (Golubev) announced that in accordance with the regional target program "Development of education in the region for 2011 - 2015", five more kindergartens will be built in our district for more than a thousand places.

- By the way, how are you solving another, one might say, all-Russian problem - with the roads?- We are doing our best within the limits of the money that can be directed to this business. This year, for example, more than 60 million rubles have been spent on roads - maintenance, overhaul and construction of new ones. - Let's talk about investments, named by the leadership of the country and the region as one of the key ones. In this matter, as far as I know, you are, as they say, "ahead of the rest of the planet" - in the sense, in the Rostov region. - Yes, there is something to be proud of, it's true. Active attraction of investments not only allowed us to create new jobs and increase production volumes, but also reflected on financial indicators: in the past ten years, it has exceeded budget revenues targets annually. Priority is given to logistics and trade. For example, a logistics warehouse complex has been put into operation, and another one is scheduled to open in December - at the exit from Aksai in the direction of Aleksandrovka. The volume of investments is over 50 million rubles, more than 120 people will be employed. In the near future, it is planned to complete the construction of the Fort fruit and vegetable terminal, next year the first stage of the logistics complex for the sale of deep-frozen vegetables is to be launched, and Toyota, Infinity and Lexus dealerships will open. The world brands Nissan, Ford, and Honda also come to us. This is more than 1.1 billion rubles of investments! 530 jobs!

- Plus, the shopping centers "Mega", "Leroy Merlin", "Auchan" are still working ...- ... And "World of repair" and "Lenta". To make it clear, the turnover for public food products amounted to more than 400 million rubles. - And that's not all, is it?- In the district, a register of investment projects of 28 objects with a total investment of 37.7 billion rubles has been approved. Six of them are included in the "governor's hundred", that is, they are supervised personally by the head of the region, including the project of the "Southern Hub" - the largest air hub in southern Russia, which will be located near the station. Grushevskaya. This year, financing of another serious project is also continuing - the Northern bypass of Rostov, a bypass road, a furniture factory is also being built in the Grushevsky settlement, the first three stages of the Griffon auto complex were commissioned in Leninsky. Dawn, a dormitory building is being built for students of the Aksai Cadet Corps named after Danila Efremov, next year it is planned to put into production the first stage of the trade and logistics center "Mercury".


In the Rostov region, a Strategy-2020 has been developed, which predetermines the vectors of the region's socio-economic development. What are the priorities of the Aksai district? - The strategic directions are the trade and logistics I have already mentioned, then tourism and recreation, as well as low-rise housing construction. And, of course, a further increase in the standard of living of the population.

- And what is being done in the region for the development of the last of what you said?- A lot. Specifically - well, let's say, on December 1, it is planned to open a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in Aksai, which should and must significantly facilitate the life of the residents of the region in terms of registration of various rights, subsidies and other documents. - I can't help but ask about the next moment. Aksay region, despite all investments and projects, still remains an agrarian center. What are the successes in this area? - We really have a significant potential for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The harvesting area of ​​early grain, for example, in the whole district was over 18 thousand hectares, more than 53 thousand tons of grain were harvested. Considering this aspect, we pay special attention to attracting young personnel to the village. As part of the implementation of the federal target program "Social development of the village until 2012", starting in 2006, that is, in five years, 49 families were provided with housing (about 40 million rubles were spent on this), seven families received certificates in nine months of this year ... - What would you like to wish the residents of the district?- Work and strive by our common efforts to make your life even better. We, in turn, will try to make everything that has been planned work out.

BUSINESS CARD Aksaysky district is located in the southwestern part of the Rostov region and borders on the eastern side with the city of Rostov-on-Don. The area of ​​the district is 1,156 sq. km The population is almost 103 thousand people. The first documentary evidence of the existence of a Cossack settlement within the current Aksai dates back to 1570: in a letter from Ambassador I.P. Novosiltsev Ivan the Terrible is told about a meeting with the envoy of the Turkish Sultan at the "Aksai mouth" near the Kobyakov settlement. Here in 1720 - 1740 there was first a tsarist, and then a customs outpost, next to which there was a small settlement.

In 1742 this Cossack settlement was mapped as "Ust-Aksaysky Stan". In 1791 it was renamed into the village of Aksayskaya, which in 1957 received the status of a city. During the Azov campaigns of Peter I and later, the village served as a sentry post on the outskirts of Cherkassk, the capital of the Oblast of the Don army. In the winter of 1783 - 1784, A.V. Suvorov, then commander of the Kuban corps.

As an administrative unit in the modern sense, the Aksay region has existed since 1924. It is subdivided into 11 territories: the city of Aksai and ten rural settlements. The main focus is Agriculture... This is a large industrial and agrarian structural formation of the Rostov region, where more than a thousand enterprises and individual entrepreneurs operate. The area is attractive from the point of view of tourism: in Aksai there is a museum of local lore, museum complexes "Customs Outpost", "Postal Station", which were mentioned in his works by Pushkin.