How long does the wedding in the church last last and how to withstand the ceremony. Mystery of the wedding: from a to me how much time is the rite of wedding

It was not a church, but a civil act that was committed in a solemn atmosphere and with a large coherence of people. The chin of the sacrament itself also changed significantly and only in the XVI century. Finally rooted in the form in which he knows today.

Preparation for weddings

Certain preparations are accompanied by a wedding and not so much economic. First of all, it concerns the catechisators, which should be held with marriage. It is often believed that this communication is formal, but its function is completely different: to warn young about possible dangers and pitfalls that can be expected in marriage. Thanks to such conversations, you can once again, as if from the side, look at the relationship and your chosen one, and think how much the decision to connect in marriage is weighted.

If after conversations with the priest, there are no oscillations left, the groom and must agree with him about the day.

In addition to this, the blessing of parents becomes married, to post and compete on the eve of the sacrament.

Planning wedding, it is important to know that it is not conducted during the Great, Christmas, Assumption post, on the eve of the environment and Friday throughout the year, as well as in some other days.

How is the mystery of the wedding and how much does it last?

The sacrament of marriage begins with the engagement. It takes place in the very entrance to the temple or in its focus. The priest blesses the bride and the bride with candles, which then gives them; Then read prayers. After that, the priest brings the ring from the altar, consecrated on the throne: one dress the fiance, and the second is the bride, uttering: "The slave of God is engaged (name) ..." and vice versa. Total rings are changed three times, after which special prayers are read again and wedding begins.

Standing in front of the analog, the priest tells newlyweds about the essence and sense of Christian marriage, and always clarifies whether the desire to join it mutual. And the question "didn't you promise another (different?)" It implies not only a direct promise given to someone from the newlyweds, but also other moral obligations that can make a wedding impossible.

When mutual agreement is received, the father makes a wedding consisting of reading prayers, the imposition of crowns, drinking from the total age.

In ancient times, the crowns were filmed only on the 8th day. At the same time, the crowns, of course, did not do from the metal, and from a long non-wing tree so that they were comfortable to wear.

At the end of the wedding rank, the bowl is brought, from which everyone alternately opens three times.

When the bride and the bride drink out of the bowl, the priest connects their right hands and drives newlyweds three times around the aalo. After that, removes the crowns and says the first and, perhaps, the most important part -ile word in their family life, connected not only to people, but also before God.

In each temple, the mystery of the wedding passes in different ways and on average lasts about 45 minutes. If young crowds are a good familiar father, the sermon can take a little longer - then the wedding will last about 1 hour.

Wedding is not only one of the most amazing sacraments, but also deeply symbolic, where each item is of particular importance. For example, the crowns that are imposed on the heads of newlyweds symbolize not only the attributes of the royal power and dignity, but also of martyrdom, self-denial. After all, every marriage (how long he was not) - it is primarily a feat.

The wedding day of the bride and groom is usually always painted literally to minutes. Therefore, you need to know exactly how much the wedding lasts in the church so that this joyful solemn day passed the way you have planned.

The rite of wedding there is a certain goal: you give an oath of loyalty to God and all guests present, get a blessing to your Holy Union, as well as the birth and raising of children.

If you want not only to register your relationship in the registry office, but also to get married, you need to know some moments: what are the requirements for those who want to be married in the church, as this rite passes, how much time it lasts, what needs to be done in advance and how to behave in advance In the temple.

Let's figure it out with all points in order.

Basic Requirements for Warent

  • Those who wish should certainly be baptized in the Orthodox Church. If one or both of the spouse is not baptized, it can be done before the wedding - the main thing is to agree on everything in advance;
  • Marriage must be registered according to the Law of the Russian Federation - before the ceremony you must enter into a civil marriage in the registry office. Also specify whether you need to take a certificate of marriage, because in many temples it is required;
  • Before the ritual is to be confessed and coming.
  • If at the age of newlyweds a significant difference, you need to pre-receive a special permission of the bishop;
  • Single-sex marriages are prohibited, marriages between consolidated relatives, only one-utilized brothers and sisters.
  • According to the prescription of the church calendar, the wedding is not carried out on certain days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), as well as on the eve of the great church holidays and temple days. Do not be wary in the shit, posts.

How rite is committed

The rite of wedding is divided into several important stages. I'll tell you about every detail.

  • Blessing. Before entering the temple of the newlyweds, the priest is expected in the focus: the groom is standing on the right, and the bride on the left, both facing the altar. The priest is suitable for them, holding two burning candles in her hands as a symbol of purity and chastity. Then he blesses the bride and groom three times, gives them a candle and blesses with a cross-seeing each.
  • Harvesting - this part of the ritual has a goal to transfer the young and the importance of the sacrament of marriage, to awaken in their hearts deep respect and trembles before this event. It was after the blessing that the priest and young people go to the temple itself, where the priestly wores them, after which they put wedding rings three times.
  • The conclusion of marriage in religious canons, during which the bride and groom confirm their voluntary and irrelevant intention to join the marital union. An analogue (special table) is a gospel, crucifixion and crowns. The bride and groom with burning candles in their hands are kneeling in front of this table and give an oath of the inviolability of their union. The priest reads prayers, after which he baptizes the crown of the bride and the bride. Then the young kicked their heads under the crowns, drink wine from a special bowl, and marching the priest around the aalo. This is followed by a ritual connection of two hearts, and the rite of wedding is being completed by the wishes of the multi-family of family life with newlywed and congratulations of those present relatives and guests.

How many wedding lasts in the church

Usually wedding lasts about one hour and creates, as a rule, after the Divine Liturgy - between 11:00 and 13:00.

Preparation for ritual

I highly recommend first acquaintance with the clergy of the temple and decide on the priest who will commit the rite of the mystery of the wedding. Discuss in advance with him all the details of the ceremony, ask the questions that exciting you, check about the possibility of photography.

It is necessary to sign up for the rite of weddings in advance, comprising a date and a specific time with the priest. In different temples and arrival, the number of people wishing to get differently, so somewhere you need to do in 2 months, and somewhere 2-3 weeks before the desired date.

Prepare a wedding outfit: Specify which requirements are presented church standards for the color and crumble dresses.

Find in advance and purchase the attributes necessary to make the rite of wedding: icons, wedding candles, towel, wedding rings, etc. The entire list of necessary accessories also discuss in advance with the priest.

How to behave in the church

In the temple there are unlawful canons of behavior that do not apply to violate. Does not behave defiantly. Laughter and conversations during the ceremony are inappropriate.

Young needs to learn the marriage vows in advance and words that should speak during the rite. So you will show respect for the clergy and to God.

The bride should erase the lipstick before the start of the service. Women enter the church applies with a covered head, skirts and dresses should be lower than the knee. Neighten bright makeup is also inappropriate.

Days for wedding

There are signs regarding the wedding dates. The most successful days for making the wedding are days from Baptism to Maslenitsa, in the period between Petrov and the Assumption post, and on the red hill (the first Sunday after the Easter holiday).

Incorrect will be those marriages that conclude between Merry Christmas and Epiphany. Also brings a wedding wedding in the monastery: such a marriage does not promise many years of living together.

Wedding bell

Good promising is the bell ringing after the wedding. Well, if you can agree with the clergy about the bell tower immediately after the procedure.

If you first refuse it for some reason, pay for it, then everything will be held on wedding rank.

It is said that the bell ringing reports to heaven that a new family has been created on Earth, and the angels rejoice and ask God about the happy marriage, the longevity of newlyweds and the well-being of their future children.

Wedding in the church is not just a beautiful tradition confirming civilian bonds. This sacred ritual enshrines the connection between a man and a woman in the face of God. It should be understood that church marriage is not inspired, in contrast to the civilian union. Accordingly, and consider the wedding implies with all seriousness.

In contact with

And at least the marriage ceremony in the registry office and in the Church, something similar, a much larger number of requirements are presented to the wedding. It is important to all before the smallest detail - from the spiritual mood of the newlyweds, to the color of the nasal handkerchief wrapped around the wedding candle. Starting careful preparation for the rite of wedding will help avoid unnecessary unrest in this bright day. So, what you need to know for the wedding in the Orthodox Church and how everything happens.

Social and religious conditions

Primarily it is worth considering the main conditionsnecessary for the exercise of the wedding in the church.


  • The married couple should be official marriage (a marriage certificate is provided).
  • None of the spouses should be officially married with a third party.
  • Spouses must achieve marriage. It corresponds to the official marriage age - 18 years. At certain cases, the age of the bride can be 16 years.
  • Marriages should not consist in close blood relations. The marriages of relatives to the third knee are prohibited.


  • Both spouses must be baptized.
  • In rare cases, marriage is allowed between the Orthodox and Christian non-religious religion (Catholics, Lutherans, etc.). Such an alliance will be approved if children born in it will be brought in Orthodox traditions.
  • The wedding of persons consisting in church relationship (shaggy, gods) is not allowed.
  • Wedding is allowed no more than three times in life. Provided that previous marriages were terminated on all the canons of Orthodoxy or the braveful earlier widow.
  • No wedding is produced, if at least one of the newlywall declares its atheism or coercion for marriage from parents, the future spouse, etc.

When to get married?

If all the main conditions are observed, then you need to pick up the time for the ceremony. Newlyweds can choose one of the four days of the week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday. It is worth remembering that the wedding is not carried out during multi-day posts - Christmas, Great, Petrov and Assumption. Also from the calendar, the shints fall out (July 7-19), a week before the beginning of the Great Post (Maslenitsa) and a week after Easter. You should not count on the dates Great Church Holidays - Speaking (February 15), the Ascension of the Lord, Trinity, the Advisions of the Head of John the Forerunner (September 11), the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 21), the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 28), the cover of the Holy Virgin (September 28) October 13). Under the ban and days on the eve of the above-mentioned dates. Additionally, the days of the temple holidays can fall. These activities are determined individually for each temple, Therefore, in any case, it is better to preliminarily consult with the abbot of the church.

Preparation for weddings

Since the wedding in the Orthodox Church - the rite is rather spiritual than physical, then the preparation for it is largely in the plane of intangible. Prerequisite for wedding is the communion and confession of newlyweds. These rites should be spent 3-4 days before marriage. Optimal will be the observance of two-three-day posts before. It remains to remember that the day of the communion, as well as on the wedding day, it is impossible to eat, eat alcohol and have sex. Additionally, it is necessary to spiritually tune in to the rite, contact God with a good marriage prayer.

But still, when preparing for a wedding, do not forget about the material attributes of the ceremony. Future spouses need to pay attention to the following points.


The native crosses are an indispensable attribute for any person, overpaying the threshold of the Church. This rule concerns both holiday guests and the marriage themselves.


On an ancient tradition, two rings were bought on the wedding - gold and silver. Golden personified sunlight and male strength. BUT silver Imagined the image of the lunar light and, it became, a female start. Nowadays, this tradition has almost deposited in the past. Often they are bought the same gold or silver rings. You can choose models encrusted with precious stones. But it is still better to give preference not to a very clean, screaming option.

Rings need to give the priest to the ceremony. He places them on the throne for consecration.


For rite weddings you will need two consecrated icons - Christ and the Virgin. The images will symbolize the male and women's start. These icons after action certainly depart into the house of newlyweds. It is best to place them in a red corner. These characters are the most powerful faith. In the old days, wedding icons were kept in families for many generations and were transmitted from parents to children.


During the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox church, newlyweds hold church candles in the hands. They can be bought in the local church bench. Usually for wedding you can purchase special festive candles. You should also cook two beautiful small handkerchiefs. They are wrapped in candles, so that the wax did not burn hands during the rite.

Wedding candles are also saved in the dwelling of the young throughout life.

According to popular beliefs, these attributes have strong protective abilities. In particular, the candles are used as an overlap with a serious pregnancy spouse.

Towels, Rushniki

For the ceremony it is necessary to prepare two festive towers. It can be towels, decorated with wedding coated symbols, or elegant white cuts. Sometimes use pieces of white cloth.

One of the towers is steal to newlyweds under their feet, and their hands are bandaged. These attributes also need to be stored to ensure the happy life of the spouses.

Bride's dress

The wedding of the bride certainly puts on a white dress. The church is not allowed cereal shoulders or chest, so it is worth choosing a closer, discreet model. If a purchased dress does not satisfy this condition, you can use cape, jacket, manto.

Bride must necessarily be in the church with a covered head. It can be a veil, a hat or another headdress. It is worth considering that the rule covered with the head concerns not only the marriage, but also any representative of the beautiful sex of the restricted age barrier at 4 years.

Procedure, order and how much weddings last in the Orthodox Church

Directly the rite of wedding takes 40 minutes to an hour. But, taking into account the expectations, you should tune in to the rite for a duration of up to two hours.

It must be remembered that during the wedding of the bride should always be left of the future spouse.

Couple wedding candles holds in the left hand. Right hand will need to be baptized. Therefore, the bridal wedding bouquet is better to put in the hands of approximate guests. For clarity, you need to be baptized at the same time when the priest does. Pare will be needed witnesses, Schafers. This position should be chosen by a baptized man and a woman. Their obligations in particular include the holding of the crowns over the heads of the marriage.

Originally carried out the rite of engagement. The action takes place before entering the church. The father blesses the newlyweds three times and hands them lit candles. After performing a short prayer, the priest puts the ring on the finger of the groom. Next, the brackets are changing three times. This process symbolizes the transfer of power over himself with a spouse. Now the couple is officially considered the bride and groom. Next comes directly wedding. The priest introduces a couple to the center of the temple, stopping in front of the analog. Almost all the time of the rite will be read by prayers. The most touching point is sacramental phrases "I take you to my husbands (wives)." The father gives newlyweds to kiss the crowns and wedding icons. Also, newlyweds screamed church wine from a special age group three times. This part of the rite symbolizes that from now on the couple will be all in his life in half. In the completion of the new husband and his wife, three times go around the aalo. The priest gives the latest instructions, and guests are already in a hurry with congratulations.

Photo and video shooting during the wedding in the Orthodox Church

It is worth remembering that the wedding in the Orthodox Church is a sacrament. Here are impossible to produce photos. The operator can only shoot in the reporting format. In no case can not be held between newlyweds and royal gates. And in many churches, the shooting is allowed only at the entrance.

The video from how and what rules is the rite of wedding in the Orthodox Church:

Preparing for the rite of wedding in the church, it is undoubtedly worth paying attention to the choice of the necessary accessories, time and place of the ritual itself. But still, behind this whole bustle, the main thing is not to lose the sacral meaning of this ancient ritual. After all, after church marriage, a man and a woman become one in the eyes of the people and God himself.

In contact with

The chin rite of wedding in the form, as it exists now, in the first century of our era, that is, in the origin of Christianity.

But the church marriage was then accomplished after the liturgy - the most important Christian worship service, and in our days the wedding was taken as an independent action.

The goal of the rite is to give an oath of loyalty before God, bless your union by God's blessing and get a blessing for the birth and raising future children.

The first part of the sacrament - the engagement

It is intended to inspire newlyweds all the importance of the sacrament of marriage, cause awe in their hearts and reverence before this event.


Initially, the "newbest" are in the focus - an extension in front of the entrance to the temple, which is usually separated from the temple itself with a doorway. The groom becomes the right, the bride on the left, both turn face to the altar.

Wedding rings are put in advance for the throne in the altar and are there during the liturgy. When the rite of wedding begins, Deacon, following the priest, on a special tray makes them.

The priest, depicting at this moment Jesus Christ, is suitable for newlyweds (those in turn, equal to the pristine progenitors of Adam and Eve, beginning with a new and holy life in a pure marriage), holding two last minute candles - a symbol of purity and chastity.

He blesses the groom three times and three times - the bride, repeating: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (the young at the same time they embarrass each time), transmits them with candles (or does not transmit if someone from marriage is wary Not for the first time).

The blessing is completed by the crosses, which speaks about invisible presence on the sacrament of grace of the Holy Spirit.


After the blessing, the priest leads newlyweds to the center of the temple.

Taking ring GroomHe repeats three times: "The slave of God is engaged (the name) of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," the groom's groom every time, and then puts his wedding ring on the Unnamed finger of the right hand. By the way, we are on what hand rings are representatives of various denominations.

The same actions priest performs with ring of the bride, I repeat three times: "The slave of God (name) is engaged in the slave of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Exchange rings

The newlyweds are exchanged three times with their rings, expressing these consent and the unanimity and promising to give each other for life. The priest himself can change the rings.
During the rite, he also appeals several times to the Almighty with a prayer, asking for the Lord to bless young and approve the engagement.

How is the rite of wedding

Conclusion of a natural marriage, or free union

The purpose of this stage is confirmed by the bride and groom of voluntary and irrelevant intention to enter the marriage.

On the analogue (so called a high rectangular table with a low-top riding, which usually stands in front of the iconostasis in the middle of the temple and is applied during worship) lie the Gospel - the symbol of the presence of Christ, Cross is a sign of his love, as well as the crowns. Before analog, the white or pink handkerchief is spread in advance - a symbol of purity and unity of life in marriage.

The bride and groom with burning candles in their hands follow the priest with the cadylcer (just like will follow all commandments of the Lord), become on this boards and in front of the servant of the Church and all those who came to the ceremony confirm that they the decision to enter into a legitimate marriage is voluntary and irrelevant and that previously none of them gave promises to some third party to marry him.

Chin wedding

Most important and responsible moment all the wedding ceremony.

After reading three prayers addressed to Jesus Christ and the Tritian Lord, and asking them all possible everyday and spiritual benefits for young, the father takes crown, baptizes the groom, after which he should kiss the image of Christ, located on the front of the crown.

At the same time, the priest says: "The slave of God (name) is married (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Then also priest blesses the bride, allowing her to make it three times to the image of the Blessed Virgin on the crown and uttering: "The slave of God (name) is married to God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

After the father reads three times secret prayer, every time a blessing of the newlyweds by the Iraiean blessing: "Lord, our God, Gleva and the Cement of the Velchance of them."

Crowns intended for young symbolize the wints of the kingdom of God - The life is eternal, remind of a tern wreath, we are going to be for the heads on the head of Jesus Christ, and also mean that in marriage husband and wife should be one for another as the king and queen.

After reading the fragments of the messages of the Holy Apostles and the Gospels, in which the union of newlyweds compares with the Union of Christ and the Church, the priest calls on the newlyweds and all those present to read the prayer "Our Father".

In token of devotion to the Lord and Submissions Young must kill heads under the crowns.

Total Bowl, or Communication Bowl

The priest brings newlywed wine in one cup.

Red wine symbolizes genuine loveIn which young people in the upcoming family life should turn the truth of their feelings compared with clean fresh water: both the wine becomes from year to year everything is better and love should become deeper and more fully.

A single bowl is symbol of common fate of young. The bride and the bride are trotter and alternately drink wine with small sips.

Procession around Analia

The priest connects the right hands of young, covering them with an epithille - a long ribbon, enveling his neck and both ends descending on the chest. On top he puts his hand as if faces of the Church Transfer to his wife's husband.

Without silent hands, the priest creates young people around the naew.

Then the Batyushka says: "The perceive of the crowns of them in the kingdom of yours" and, reading the solemn prayer "exalted, the faint, Jacques Abraham," removes the crowns from the head of the bride and groom, and they should kiss chascely, testifying the holiness and purity of mutual love.

The royal gate of the groom should kiss the icon of the Savior, and the bride is the image of the Mother of God.

Newlyweds are changing in places and again kiss the icon and crucifix, and the priest hands them with two icons that the relatives of the newlyweds gave it in advance: for the groom - the image of the Savior, for the bride - the image of the Most Holy Virgin.

The wedding is completed by the proclamation of multi-breeding and congratulations to the guests.

How many wedding lasts in the church

The whole rite lasts a total of about 40-50 minutes and is committed, as a rule, after the Divine Liturgy - between 11.00 and 13.00.

To whom and when you can not get married

The rite is possible only when some conditions are met:

  • Conducting the mystery of the wedding is allowed only after registration of marriage in the registry office. However, if the church prevents this circumstances recognizes respectful and serious, an exception can be made for people who want to enter into marriage.
  • In Christian wedding ritual, they can take part only believers baptized Orthodox Christians. In the opposite case, a person has no right to be a member of church sacraments.

Other restrictions include the following circumstances:

  • a significant difference in age (in this case, it is necessary to obtain a special permission of the bishop);
  • blood relationship up to the fourth degree;
  • marriage between consolidated relatives, between the only combustion (that is, having a common father) and one-utilized (having a common mother) brother and sister.
  • According to the church calendar, the wedding is not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; in days preceding the two-month and great holidays, as well as the throne temple days; During the densit and multi-day posts (Great, Petrov, Uspensky, Christmas), and in addition, 10, 11, September 26 and 27.

Preparation in wedding

So that the sacrament took place in accordance with all the canons, and certain moments were not for someone surprise, to the rite it is necessary to prepare in advance

  • Pre-acquaintance with the clergy of the temple and the choice of "his" priest. It is better to ask him in advance all the questions exciting you and clarify important details.
  • Stage recording - 2-3 weeks before the wedding. With a priest, you need to discuss not only a date, but also a specific time. Do not forget to include this item in.
  • Vidnal preparation. By this time, it should be accessed particularly responsibly, as church canons impose certain requirements for the color and cutting dresses for the wedding.
  • Purchase attributesrequired for the rite. This includes icons, wedding candles, towel, wedding rings, and others. What icons are needed for wedding and better clarify in advance and then discuss with the priest.
  • Spiritual cooking. The decision to be marred in the church should be suspended and conscious. The bride and groom gathered to go to the altar, it is necessary to prepare morally. First, they should understand that the marriage illuminated in the Church cannot be terminated by an unimprovant, and violation of the vision of loyalty is an unconditional sin. The second, on the eve of the wedding young to be confessing and coming, in advance - for 3-4 days - prepared for these sacraments through the check, that is, through the feat of the post, prayer, repentance and communion. In some cases, confessing and coming up with young permitted on the wedding day immediately before the wedding.

Registration of relations in the registry office is the main step when creating a family. However, a full-fledged union is unthinkable without a wedding. One of the seven major sacraments binds loving hearts by Divine Women's Uzami, a new family gets grace from God. To form a spiritual Union, it is necessary to know how the wedding is held in the Orthodox Church, its features and rules.

After the marriage is concluded, the newlyweds are sent to the wedding in the Orthodox Church. Such a responsible step causes a married couple to think what a wedding need.

The main pretext for the wedding should be the desire to get God's blessing. During the newlyweds, they pronounce oaths.

Their love and family life is blessed by the Lord. God gives an equal spiritual union.

What is needed wedding, it provides:

  • spiritual unity of spouses for love and image of thinking;
  • merge of the soul and body of loved by his wife and husband;
  • creating a strong support and hopes for spouses on each other and the divine start;
  • vaccination and instruction of children and other descendants of Christian morals.

Note!The people believed that after the wedding, the souls of lovers will again meet in the kingdom of heaven.

There is an erroneous view of the wedding value. Often, young people believe that it guarantees irrevocability of marriage. It is incorrect to believe that this will ensure the disappearance of household problems. Due to the sacred spiritual unity, it is unrealistic to achieve material goods.

Initially, the rite is an exam for existing feelings. There is a conditional assessment of love between spouses. The souls of the newlyweds must transfer all the ways in the life path together, only the joint solution of problems gives family happiness.


For a successful ceremony, such wedding rules should be taken into account in the Orthodox Church:

  1. Only baptized people in the Orthodox Church are allowed to the rite: the lack of baptism can be corrected before the sacrament, the priest must paint the ceremony before the rite.
  2. State registration of marriage under the legislation of the Russian Federation is necessary: \u200b\u200blegalization of relations in the registry office is a starting point for the spiritual union, a certificate of marriage is required in separate churches for the rite:
  3. The sacrament is allowed by persons who were afraid of confession and communion.
  4. For a couple with a large age difference, you will need consent to the spiritual marriage of the bishop.
  5. Before the rite, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions: the spiritual union is created once and for all, the dissolution of marriage, blessed by the Lord, is unacceptable.
  6. Join the sacred marriage can exceptionally pure spirit people: spiritual unity gives a new human birth, for a new life a person must be cleaned of sinful thoughts and perfect acts;
  7. Newlyweds should be fast before the rite: it means a 3-day abstinence from rapid food, the condition applies not only to food, but also for intimate proximity, thoughts are allowed only about the spiritual principle;
  8. The bride will need a special cut dress: shoulders, back, hands to elbow bending. The groom is allowed to be in a wedding suit.
  9. The sacrament is carried out on a certain day of the church calendar.
  10. Special attributes will be required: Wedding candles, icons (Mother and Christ of Christ's Christ, Wedding Rings, White Towel.

There are a number of reasons for which the ritual is not carried out.

These include:

  • the desire to marry representatives of the same sex;
  • the union is between the blood (up to 4 degrees) relatives;
  • previous 3-fold wedding of one of the newlyweds;
  • spiritual marriage between atheist and believers;
  • union between baptized and unresolved, which is not going to take Christian religion;
  • divine unity between cohabitation of people;
  • staying one of the future spouses in another active marriage.

It is advisable to find out the exact list of rules in the temple where the sacrament will occur. The list of the desired attributes and accessories may differ. It is recommended to prepare for the rite in advance.

Dates for holding

For what days of the church calendar you can get married:

  • sunday,
  • wednesday,
  • monday,
  • friday.

The service is held in the first half of the day or at lunchtime.

Optimal dates are considered days from the moment of baptism to the carnival.It is also recommended a period from Petrovsky to the Assumption post. It is allowed to appoint a celebration on the day of the red slide, which comes from the first Sunday after the Easter festival.

It is forbidden to conclude spiritual unions:

  • at night;
  • on Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday;
  • for 4 posts (Petrov, Great, Christmas, Assumption);
  • on the Easter (Light) week and the Cheese Sedmice preceding her;
  • in the salty days, namely from the moment of the Nativity of Christ to the Epishetic Christmas tree (the countdown is conducted from December 26 to the old style or January 7 for a new style);
  • in the days of the post in honor of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Adoption of the Head of John the Baptist (taken into account 10, 11, 17, September 26);
  • before the throne temple days;
  • on the eve of the two-month holidays.

Despite the rules taken, there are exceptions to resolve the bishop. If the sacrament was carried out in a prohibited day, the force of marriage is preserved.

How many wedding lasts in the church. It comes from half an hour to an hour, is usually carried out at the end of the Divine Liturgy. It starts around 11 hours of the day and ends at 13 o'clock. On average takes 40 minutes.


The basic requirements of the Altage are presented mainly to the bride.

Note!Not every wedding dress is suitable for wedding.

Choosing a wedding dress, the bride should give preference to a modest, restrained style. For church canons, a deep cutout on his chest and back is unacceptable.

When visiting the temple, it takes to hide the bare arms and shoulders under the cape. During their stay in the church, the bride should be covered.

For this purpose, the handkerchief of light shades is suitable, white veil or hat. Among how you can decorate the hairstyle, the wreath is allowed.

The dress should be long and cover completely legs and shoes. It is considered the longer the dress and the train will be, the more fully and the best life will be happier. The light color of the wedding dress is allowed.

Order of conduct

So that loving hearts could be married in the church, a certain regulation is provided. Among the stages, as can be married in the Orthodox Church, it is allocated:

Getting a blessing:

  • the entrance to the sacred temple is accompanied by the blessing of the priest;
  • the bride and groom are standing near the entrance (one right, the other on the left);
  • the face of the spouses is drawn to the altar;
  • the clergy holder holds 2 wedding candles (symbolize chastity and spiritual purity);
  • newlyweds get a 3-fold blessing and cross-person each of the priest;
  • couple enters the temple, holding candles in hands.


  • implies awakening in the hearts of the wedding respect for the rite;
  • the significance of the sacrament is coming;
  • accompanied by 3-fold putting on wedding rings.

Conclusion of a spiritual marriage:

  • weddring confirmed by the unreal and absolutely voluntary decision on the entry into the union;
  • be sure to read the oath about the unshakable solution;
  • the bride / groom becomes an analog where the crucifixion, the gospel and the crowns are located;
  • after reading the priest of the prayer, the newlyweds are baptized by a crown;
  • spouses bow the heads under the crowns, perfect church wine and pass for the priest around the aalo.

Permissible number

The church adheres to a categorical opinion on repeated spiritual marriages, but life circumstances generate a question how many times can be marred in the church. Typically indicates a 3-fold value. For the third time, it is allowed to carry out the sacrament to prevent the treason of one of the spouses. Conducting a ritual for the fourth time is unacceptable.

It is permissible to be revealed in the case of:

  • death of one of the spouses;
  • adultery of one of the spouses.

The church is given permission to terminate the spiritual union as a result:

  • the killing of the child who is not born by an abortive method without the consent of the spouse and in the absence of medical testimony;
  • replacement of religion;
  • ugasania or the complete absence of a childbearing function of one of the spouses;
  • diagnosing serious pathologies and diseases that create a threat to children's life and health (AIDS, venereal diseases);
  • narcotic or alcohol dependence;
  • marriage conclusions between juvenile or blood relatives;
  • mental disorder representing the danger to the health and life of the spouse;
  • long stay of spouses separately.

Places for ceremonial

The decision to get married is a fateful for a couple. With this event, all positive emotions should be associated with the newlyweds, so it is important to study in advance and choose beautiful places for the ceremony.

List of beautiful churches for wedding includes:

  • Church of Christ the Savior (city of Moscow);
  • Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Belgorod city);
  • Novodevichy Monastery (city of St. Petersburg);
  • Kazan Cathedral (Moscow, Red Square);
  • Church of the Nativity of John Preports (Moscow, Presnya);
  • Church of John the Warrior (Moscow, Yakimanka);
  • Temple George Victorious (Moscow, Poklonnaya Mountain);
  • Epiphany Cathedral (city of Moscow, Elokhov);
  • Church of Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow (city Moscow, Meshchanskaya Sloboda).

Wedding in the Church of Christ the Savior is one of the first in the choice of ceremonies. The building is located in the city of Moscow on the left side of the Moscow River. The construction of the church was carried out in the Russian-Byzantine style. Painting and gilding was used to decorate the building.


When preparing for the sacrament, the conditional value of the ritual should be taken into account. It is important to understand that the wedding in the Orthodox Church does not have a single understanding of the cost. The price of the rite seems to be donations. The amount of funds for the services of the clergyman is determined by the location of the temple, the size of the established tariffs, the individuality of the rite. Dumping size ranges from 600 to 50,000 rubles.

In the temples there are such amounts of donations for wedding:

  1. Temple of the Sacred Martyr Clement Pope Pope (Moscow): 50,000 rubles.
  2. The church is a large ascension (city Moscow, Nikitsky Gate); 5,000 rubles.
  3. Church of St. Nicholas (city Moscow, Tolmachi): 4 000 rubles.
  4. The Church of Antipia (city of Moscow. Calm courtyard): There is no fixed value, free fee is provided.
  5. Epiphany Cathedral (Moscow, Elokhov): 7,000 rubles.
  6. The church of the Saints of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia (Moscow): 4 000 rubles.
  7. Temple of the Prophet of God Elijah (city Moscow): 8,000 rubles.
  8. Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (city Moscow, Kolomenskoye): 12,000 rubles.

Many young couples are interested in the wedding in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the established price. The cost is 12,000 rubles.

Useful video: Holding a wedding rite


Wedding pair is a major step to create a full-fledged union. Spouse's spiritual unity gives rise to life in Christian beliefs. Following the church rules will allow to successfully pass the sacred rite.

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