Utilities from January 1. What are utility bills. Important notes on utility bills

The public utilities sector is one of the most actively developing sectors of the economy. This segment involves a large number of service organizations, including settlement centers and management companies.

Calculation of payments is carried out on the basis of the current federal legislation and regulations in force at the regional level. The utility bills include payment for the supply of electricity, gas, cold and hot water, as well as heat supply and sanitation.

To understand how payments for utilities are accepted, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the established regulatory framework, with the required documentation, with the features of the receipt, with the principle of forming the amount, with the nuances of accrual, with payment options, as well as with the possibility of recalculation in the event of debt obligations.

Normative base

Utility payments are payments made by the population for the consumption of energy resources.

In 2017, in accordance with the norms of Article 155.1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment must be transferred by the owners of the premises on a monthly basis, unless other time frames are determined by the contract.

The corresponding receipt is provided to payers no later than the 1st day of the month immediately following the reporting period.

The utility includes the following services:

  • water supply and sanitation;
  • gasification;
  • supply of electricity;
  • starting heating systems.

It should be noted that if there is stove heating in the residential property, the above list includes the provision of solid fuel. Consumption accounting is carried out on the basis of reading devices. Employees of the management company usually enter up-to-date data into excel.

On the basis of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payments for utilities is determined in direct proportion to the indicators of individual and common house metering devices. If such equipment is not available, local regulations apply. Tariffs are formed by the authorized bodies of the local municipality.

In the event of situations where the supply of resources occurs intermittently, then each interested person can legally demand a change in the tariff. Receiving a refusal is the basis for applying to the competent courts. Within this framework, the main problem is to collect the evidence base of the fault of service providers.

Important notes on utility bills

Required documents

Each specific region of the Russian Federation has its own list of required documentation for obtaining utilities.

However, it is worth considering a list common to the country, which includes the following papers:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • certificates establishing the right to use the premises at the discretion of the owner or responsible tenant;
  • certificate of marriage and the birth of a child - to confirm the fact of kinship of citizens living in the apartment;
  • certificate of a permanent source of income - compiled for each capable family member;
  • pension certificate - provided if there are pensioners in the family.

What is included in the receipt

In all regions of the Russian Federation, a single payment documentation is used, which records accruals for payments that must be repaid on a mandatory basis. In some federal subjects, citizens are forced to make payments for services based on several receipts.

In the vast majority of cases, the payment includes the following sections (the Moscow region is taken as an example):

Information about the owner or tenant of the premises The information on the basis of which the calculation procedure is carried out is included - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and the number of permanent residents. The current details of the payer and service provider are also prescribed. Such information is required to complete a transaction.
Detailed calculation of payments for specific services All utilities are combined into two blocks - for the maintenance of common property (for example, if a new building is being serviced) and a specific dwelling.
Information about the recalculations made This section indicates the determining grounds for the recalculation made for specific services, as well as the amounts that must be reduced.
Calculation of contributions for the implementation of major repairs Produced on the basis of the current rate in a particular locality. Benefits and any government subsidy to which tenants are eligible are taken into account.

The receipt also includes the information necessary to transfer payments to the personal account of the regional operator.

The principle of forming the amount for services

All utilities without exception can be conditionally divided into two groups. It is on them that the final amount of payments is formed.

Services calculated by owners of real estate objects or tenants based on actual consumption volumes include:

As for services related to maintaining the general functional state of the building, the payment includes amounts in the following categories:

  • expenses for the maintenance of lifting equipment - an elevator;
  • cleaning of the surrounding area;
  • removal of household waste;
  • lighting of staircases and platforms;
  • implementation of work on current and major repairs;
  • maintenance of common property.

All the above services are always included in the monthly payment document - receipt.

How is the accrual

It should be noted that the number and composition of payments for employers under social agreements and owners is different. The maximum amount of payments is imposed on the last category of persons.

They are required to:

  • transfer funds for servicing MKD;
  • pay utility bills;
  • make regular contributions to the Capital Improvement Fund.

The amount of payments is used to finance management operations, maintenance and repair. The general payments also include a fee for resource provision. The calculation of utility payments is based on the total number of square meters in the dwelling.

It is important to remember that tenants of property objects are exempted from payments for overhaul. However, the categories of persons under consideration are subject to the obligation to pay the rent. The corresponding payment is calculated taking into account information about the total footage of the premises. Other contributions are determined and paid based on the indicators of special readers.

Payment Options

In 2017, there are a large number of ways to make payments for the consumption of utilities.

Any interested citizen can make a payment in any of the convenient ways, for example, via the Internet, a payment terminal, an ATM or through a cash desk:

Payment by bank card City utility bills can be paid by debit or credit card via the Internet or any stationary payment system. To do this, you need to have a certain amount of funds on your personal account, as well as know all the details of the direct service provider.
Across Personal Area To carry out this operation, you need to contact a home maintenance company with a corresponding application. After establishing the identity of the payer and filling out all the regulated documentation, the details of the payment cabinet will be issued to the applicant. After switching to the system, you can make payments for utilities with particular ease.
Payment by personal account Each provider of certain services assigns individual numbers to citizens, which, in turn, are linked to a personal bank account. Payment for residential premises can be carried out both with the help of a cash desk operator at a bank branch or Posta Rossii, and in other ways, taking into account connection to numerous online services that accept such payments.

In each specific case, it is necessary to indicate or report a ten-digit code. This is necessary so that authorized representatives of the service provider can determine where the funds came from.

Debts and recalculation

Sometimes the amount of debt obligations for utility payments can become quite large. This can lead to the imposition of penalties and interest, which in no way can favorably affect repayment. There can be many reasons for debt. For example, if no one is registered in the premises, but the supplier does not have up-to-date information about this.

It is worth noting that since July 1, 2017, utility tariffs have been increased. It can also affect the amount of debt obligations.

In the event of a temporary absence of residents in the premises, service organizations continue to accrue payment for utility services. That is why all owners are advised to recalculate. Only those categories of citizens who were absent from the premises for a certain period of time have the right to carry out the corresponding operation.

Therefore, such persons could not use the following services:

  • hot water and gas supply;
  • drainage through the sewer;
  • supply of electricity.

Recalculation is made only when a citizen does not live at his place for more than 5 days.

To perform the operation in question, you should follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • collect a set of documents confirming the absence of a person at the scene;
  • apply to the housing company with a statement of the established form, which will fully state the reason for the absence;
  • state a request for a recalculation operation;
  • attach accompanying documentation to the application in the form of certificates that will serve as an evidence base - all together this must be presented to an authorized employee of the organization.


  • ; the specified land plot is intended for conducting gardening or horticultural activities, as well as personal farming, and the property located on it is residential or belongs to the category of garages. How to register ownership of a dacha in SNT In 2017, in contrast to the order that existed earlier, the registration procedure suburban area in private ownership can be carried out in a simplified manner, if the above conditions are met. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that the site must be assigned to the person who applied, and at the same time it should not be previously withdrawn from circulation by authorized state bodies. A simplified procedure, in accordance with which the registration of a summer cottage in private ownership, will be carried out, is valid for a limited period of time. In this regard, summer residents should register their rights without postponing the solution of an urgent issue for a long period of time. Submission of documents for registration can be carried out personally or with the help of authorized representatives who must obtain a notarized power of attorney. The current legislation provides for the possibility of issuing a collective application for obtaining several dachas in private ownership at once, but such a document must contain the signatures of each of the privatization participants. The very procedure for registering the territory as private property will look like this: Coordination It is necessary to start registering a summer cottage as private property with the approval of this possibility through the relevant state bodies, since in accordance with the standards specified in Article 252 of the Civil Code, any member of the cooperative has the right to then, to demand the allocation of an allotment to shared ownership, unless this in any way violates the legitimate rights and interests of other members of the cooperative. Filing an application The decision to issue summer cottages to private ownership is made by the territorial administration bodies involved in the resolution of land relations. Consideration of documents The procedure for consideration of the submitted documents is carried out for two weeks, after which a final decision is made, which is notified to the interested person. If a person is denied privatization, he must receive a reasoned refusal, drawn up in writing. Determination of boundaries If a positive decision is made, an appeal is submitted to the Cadastral Chamber to determine the boundaries of the land plot in question in the specified territory. Registration for state registration After surveying, the land plot must be put on cadastral registration without fail, with the subsequent issuance of a cadastral passport to the new owner. The term for issuing a document in accordance with applicable law is five days. Registration in Rosreestr The final stage is the registration of the right of ownership of the applicant through the territorial office of Rosreestr. This procedure is carried out for ten working days, the countdown of which begins from the moment the full list of securities is provided. Is it possible to change the purpose of the land plot and the house If there is a need to change the permitted type of use of the land plot, you can transfer the allotment to another category or change the type of use without changing the category of the allotment. The first option provides for the presence of any options for the permissible use of the allotment, while in the second case it will be necessary to select the category of the site that is provided for a particular territory. Surveying and what documents are needed for this Surveying is a service that is provided exclusively by authorized cadastral engineers working in specialized geodetic organizations or as private entrepreneurs. To do this, you will need the following papers: if the preparation of the boundary plan is carried out by an authorized person, it will be necessary to issue a power of attorney for him, having certified it with a notary, and also provide the specialist with his own passport; further, a cadastral plan is drawn up indicating the technical characteristics and cost of the territory under consideration; title documentation is drawn up, which includes an act confirming the ownership of the land plot in question or a certificate certifying ownership, which was issued later than 2001. After collecting these papers, it will be possible to contact the cadastral engineer and order land surveying."> Dacha 32
  • and No. 211 (03/26/14. A Russian citizen also needs a foreign passport to return to Russia. If, for example, it is lost on the territory of another state, then for an urgent return you will have to contact the consulate and issue a special certificate. The procedure for obtaining a foreign travel document is simple, it will be the same during the initial application and the second one.It is allowed to submit documents not only at the address of permanent residence with a residence permit, but also the actual one, at which temporary registration can be issued.Only an adult capable citizen can apply for a passport, and only in person, if he wants a certificate for himself, his child under the age of 14, or for another person whose guardian he is.The processing time depends precisely on the place of application, although from practice we can say that modern passports take longer.You can get a foreign document at any age. Due to the fact that then it has a limited validity period, then 6-8 months before the end, a new passport form is required, with a different series and number. Up to this point, it is allowed to make a replacement of a passport in the event of certain circumstances: change of personal data; a radical change in appearance, this often concerns young children, but is relevant for adults if they change their gender; unintentional damage to the document, due to which the information in the document becomes unreadable; loss of identity or theft. Existing types When applying for an identity travel document in 2018, a citizen can choose to issue: A biometric passport or a new sample Its validity period is 10 years, which is very convenient. Inside, the passport form has 46 pages for entering specific travel information. This type of passport has more degrees of protection for the owner, because it additionally contains information about it in electronic form on a microchip (personal data, photos, fingerprints. The icon that the form has an embedded chip is located right on the cover. Photo in the document is entered using the laser engraving method, i.e. it is not necessary to paste it as before.The disadvantage of the new passport form is the inability to enter information about minor children.Old-style passport It is valid for 5 years and has 10 pages less for making visa stamps and border crossings.Personal information about the owner is listed on the last page. If the new passport form is made of plastic pages, then in the old one they are made of paper and covered with a thin film. A passport photo is made in the usual way for gluing. In this type of document, parents can enter information about children so as not to issue a separate passport for them. Each passport must contain the following information: type of passport form; code of the state that issued the document; number and series; surname and name of the owner in Latin letters, patronymic in Russian; citizenship; date and place of birth of a person; gender; the date of issue and expiration of the certificate; the name of the authority that issued the passport form; the signature of the owner, it is entered into the biometric passport using laser engraving, and into the old one by the citizen himself. Sample application for an old-style international passport: The main variations of the procedure To obtain a passport, certain conditions must be met, one of them is the absence of a criminal record or the provision of information that it has been cancelled. Often, citizens put a dash in the corresponding line of the application, which is tantamount to hiding information. This can only be done if there has never been a criminal record. In other cases, detailed information is provided. It is better to provide a certificate of expiration of a criminal record separately, but the responsible officer of the migration service can also obtain information online from a special database. For children from birth to 4-5 years old, it is recommended to make a separate old-style passport, because it costs less. Due to the rapid growth of the child and changes in appearance at this age, the document has to be changed 2-3 times. At the age of 6 years, it is quite possible to issue a biometric foreign passport for a child for 10 years. If a new sample is made by a child aged 13-15 years old, he will be able to use it for the entire period of validity; upon reaching the age of 18, reissuance is not required. Men aged 18-27 additionally provide a military ID, where there should be a note that they served in the army or were not called up for a certain reason. A certificate from the military enlistment office does not need to be provided separately, the necessary information is obtained thanks to an interdepartmental request to the military commissariat. It is served by the immigration officers. Regarding those liable for military service who are currently in the service, they need a special permit to issue a foreigner on a special form, it is issued by their command. Due to the fact that the application contains information about labor activity for the last 10 years, entrepreneurs need to inform about this by attaching an IP certificate. Other persons enter information into the application form for a passport on the basis of a work book. If a citizen during this time did not work for some periods, then opposite the location of the employer, he needs to put his home address, where he lived at that moment. Retired applicants who have retired long ago must prove their absence from employment with a pension certificate. For persons who are long-term unemployed and cannot confirm the presence / absence of employment with a work book or an extract from it, they simply indicate their status. The absence of labor activity and supporting documents is not a reason for refusing to issue a passport. Sample application for a new international passport Collection of documentation If an adult citizen draws up a passport for himself, he will need to submit: an application form; a copy and original of a civil passport; receipt of payment of state duty; an old passport that has expired or needs to be replaced. For an old-style international passport, Russians take photographs on the spot at the migration service or at a photo salon. If a biometric document is issued, then the photo will have to be taken only by a specialist in the migration service. There, when submitting documents, fingerprints are handed over. When a passport is replaced due to a change in the personal data of an adult, he brings a marriage certificate or other certificate indicating the reason for the change. Accordingly, a new general passport is submitted, which will have to be issued in advance. The questionnaire is filled out strictly according to the model, you can find it on the Internet. A handwritten version or a form printed on both sides is suitable. But it is recommended to fill out the questionnaire in the presence of a responsible employee. Information should be entered in legible handwriting in capital letters using a blue or black pen. The signature is affixed in a specially designated place. When filling out the questionnaire, the reason for obtaining a passport must be indicated. If this is a change in full name, then an application is drawn up in addition to the questionnaire. Moreover, the owner can reissue the passport within the time that he chooses, even before the trip itself. There are no penalties for this. If you go abroad within a month after changing your surname, then it is quite enough to take with you the old foreigner and your general passport, which has not yet been replaced with a new one. In general, the replacement of an internal document must occur within a month after the change of full name. You can never change your passport if you are not going to travel abroad. When there is not enough space in the specially designated columns to enter information about labor activity, you will also have to issue a separate application. If a biometric passport is issued, then the applicant's signature, as well as fingerprints, is additionally scanned using a special device. A child under the age of 12 may be fingerprinted only with parental permission. Sample passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation The procedure for issuing international passports Citizens can submit documents in several ways: FMS The standard method is to apply to the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service on a first-come, first-served basis. You can also make an appointment by phone, the time and date of the visit is set by the responsible FMS officer. Another option to avoid a live queue is to issue an electronic coupon through the terminal, if it is located at the FMS office. But in this case, you can choose the day for the reception yourself. MFC An excellent opportunity for Russians is the branches of the Multifunctional Centers, which are located today in almost all regions. At the MFC, you can not only submit documents for registration, but also get a ready-made passport. A state duty is also paid on the spot at the department, and copies of documents are made. The centers have convenient working hours. You can get on the electronic queue through the official website of the MFC, but for this you must first register at the State Services. It should be borne in mind that today not every branch of the MFC can issue a biometric passport, you need to ask about this in advance. State Services The State Services Portal is in demand among Russians in relation to various services of state or municipal significance. You need to register on it, get access to your Personal Account, and then you can send an application for registration of a foreigner. When an electronic application is drawn up and a photo is sent in the same form through the State Services, this does not mean that a personal appearance is not needed. On the contrary, a citizen in the Personal Account receives an invitation to appear at the FMS department, which he chooses on his own. For the applicant, the invitation indicates the date and time of the visit to the specialist. Together with the invitation to the Personal Account, an invoice for payment of the state duty comes. On the appointed day, the citizen comes to the office with a printed application, which he previously sent, and all the documents. Sample receipt for payment of state duty for a passport General algorithm In the standard procedure for obtaining a passport, you need to: Decide what type of foreigner to issue. Select a submission method. Pay state duty. This can be done in cash at the cash desk of any bank, rather than a self-service terminal or ATM, from the Personal Account of Internet Banking from the card. If a citizen does not have a receipt or check for payment in his hands, he must have at least the details by which he made the payment. Send the application remotely or bring it in person. Transfer copies and originals of documents to the responsible employee. Pass the procedure of fingerprinting on a new passport form. At the appointed time, come for the finished document. Its readiness can be tracked through the State Services or the official website of the FMS. The applicant receives the passport in person. Child Scheme The legal guardians of the child need to decide before applying whether a separate travel document should be issued for the minor. In general, a child under the age of 18 can travel abroad only if accompanied by an adult or other person for whom legal representatives issue a power of attorney. In the first case, he may not have a separate passport, and in the second, his preliminary registration is mandatory. You can also apply for a child through the official website of the Federal Migration Service or the State Services, by coming in person to the office of the migration service or the MFC. Of the documents for the child, you will need: an application form, which is drawn up by a legal representative; from the applicant - a general passport; birth certificate for a child or his general passport if he is 14 years old; receipt of payment of state duty; an old passport, if it needs to be replaced or if it has expired. On the back of the child's birth certificate, there must be a note indicating that he has Russian citizenship. This stamp will have to be photocopied separately. If there is no such mark, then there should be a separate insert (an application in Russian and / or its translation, in case it was issued by another state. If the application is submitted by a guardian or adoptive parent, then a special document is needed from the guardianship and guardianship authority. When changing the surname or the name of the child, respectively, in the registry office, a new birth certificate is first obtained. When filling out the questionnaire, items 1-18 on the front side are for information about the child, and on the reverse side about the applicant himself. The applicant must pick up the child's ready foreigner. It is necessary for legal representatives to take into account that in order to issue a new passport, a child of any age must be present at the department and be photographed. Sample passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation Deadlines and state duty The type of a passport form does not affect the time it is made, therefore: when submitting documents at the place of permanent residence of the applicant, you can get a ready-made foreigner within or after 30 days; when documents are submitted at the address of actual residence, then usually a passport can be obtained after 4 months; when accessed by gender professional activity or military service to classified information earlier or at the moment, the applicant will be able to receive an exit document in 3 months, not earlier; when you need to make a passport urgently, then along with a standard package of documents, special certificates will be required (about the death of a close relative who lived abroad, about the need for urgent treatment in a foreign clinic, etc. The state duty that is paid for the production of a passport depends not only on its type, but also on the age category of the recipient: Children under the age of 14: Old passport form Will cost 1 thousand rubles New biometric sample Can be issued for 1.5 thousand rubles Adults: International passport of the old sample 2 thousand rubles New passport form 3.5 thousand rubles You can make payment of the state duty through the State Services with a 30 percent discount, which will be valid until the beginning of 2019. Next, you will need to ask what percentage the legislator will give for the discount. there may be moments that the legislator has foreseen in advance: valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. To obtain a Russian-style international passport, a child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. When born in Russia, this status is assigned automatically. In other situations, legal representatives will have to receive a confirming mark in advance, as soon as the child becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation. But according to the law, the internal passport of the legal representative can also confirm that the child has citizenship of the Russian Federation, if information about the minor is entered there. To obtain a separate mark, a legal representative must submit an application for registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation to a minor. Parents need to know for what reasons they may not issue a passport to their child. If one of the legal representatives formally draws up a paper on a travel ban before the other submits documents for the manufacture of a children's travel abroad. The photo on the old passport must be of the appropriate format, black and white or color is allowed, but for biometric only in the latter version. In the photo, a citizen should be without a headdress and glasses, if wearing these attributes is not mandatory. Questionnaires with errors, corrections and inaccurate information will not be accepted. Some persons need to inquire in advance whether they can issue an exit document. These include: employees of the FSB or other government agencies who own secret data at the state level; persons suspected of a crime or accused, convicted; citizens liable for military service who are in alternative service; citizens evading the fulfillment of various financial obligations that were appointed by the court. Frequently Asked Questions There is a list of topical issues that concern citizens who decide to issue an exit document: What will be the cost of a re-issued passport? In each case, payment is charged according to the tariffs established by the legislator and is always the same. Can I get an additional second passport? Yes, if a citizen has a valid old-style document, he has the right to receive a biometric one. A second foreign document is also allowed for citizens who cross the border at least once a month, going on business trips. They need the company to submit an application and proof of their frequent travel. The second foreigner will be issued before the expiration of the first. How much does it cost to enter information about a child in an adult's passport? The procedure officially costs 500 rubles. At the request of the legal representative, if he has a valid old-style passport, the name of the child, his date of birth and a photograph will be pasted on a separate page. What should be done if the passport is lost? You will need to write a statement to the police in Russia or while abroad, and on its basis receive a notification coupon. This coupon is attached to the main documents for obtaining a certificate for entry into Russia, or for a new passport on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is necessary to apply for a passport in the standard manner. To some countries with visa-free regime you can enter for a certain period if you have only a biometric passport or an old sample. But others require a visa. There are countries that only pass with biometric passports."> Passport 301
  • : Information about the owner or tenant of the premises Information is included on the basis of which the calculation procedure is carried out - the area of ​​​​the apartment and the number of permanent residents. The current details of the payer and service provider are also prescribed. Such information is required to complete a transaction. Detailed calculation of payments for specific services All utilities are combined into two blocks - for the maintenance of common property (for example, if a new building and a specific residential building are serviced. Information on the recalculations made This section indicates the determining grounds for the recalculation made for specific services, as well as the amounts to be reduced Calculation of contributions for the implementation of capital repairs Based on the rate in force in a particular locality Takes into account benefits and any government subsidy to which residents are entitled Also the receipt includes information necessary to transfer payments to a personal account regional operator Birth certificate sample The principle of forming the amount for services Without exception, utilities can be conditionally divided into two groups.It is on them that the final amount of payments is formed. Real estate property owners or tenants, based on actual consumption volumes, include: Gasification Suppliers are required to provide domestic gas for cooking and space heating around the clock. Electricity A prerequisite for the supply of the energy in question is compliance with the mains voltage and safety. Supply of cold and hot water All service providers, without exception, must guarantee the safety and environmental friendliness of the supplied resource. As for services related to maintaining the general functional state of the building, the payment includes amounts in the following categories: expenses for the maintenance of lifting equipment - an elevator; cleaning of the surrounding area; removal of household waste; lighting of staircases and platforms; implementation of work on current and major repairs; maintenance of common property. All the above services are always included in the monthly payment document - receipt. Salary certificate How accrual works It is worth noting that the number and composition of payments for employers under social agreements and owners is different. The maximum amount of payments is imposed on the last category of persons. They must without fail: transfer funds for servicing MKD; pay utility bills; make regular contributions to the Capital Improvement Fund. The amount of payments is used to finance management operations, maintenance and repair. The general payments also include a fee for resource provision. The calculation of utility payments is based on the total number of square meters in the dwelling. It is important to remember that tenants of property objects are exempted from payments for major repairs. However, the categories of persons under consideration are subject to the obligation to pay the rent. The corresponding payment is calculated taking into account information about the total footage of the premises. Other contributions are determined and paid based on the indicators of special readers. Sample pension certificate Payment options In 2017, there are a large number of ways to make payments for the consumption of utilities. Any interested citizen can make a payment in any of the convenient ways, for example, via the Internet, a payment terminal, an ATM or through an operating cash desk: Payment by bank card City utility bills can be paid by debit or credit card via the Internet or any stationary payment system. To do this, you need to have a certain amount of funds on your personal account, as well as know all the details of the direct service provider. Through a personal account To carry out this operation, you need to contact a company engaged in home maintenance with a corresponding application. After establishing the identity of the payer and filling out all the regulated documentation, the details of the payment cabinet will be issued to the applicant. After switching to the system, you can make payments for utilities with particular ease. Payment by personal account Each provider of certain services assigns individual numbers to citizens, which, in turn, are linked to a personal bank account. Payment for residential premises can be carried out both with the help of a cash desk operator at a bank branch or Posta Rossii, and in other ways, taking into account connection to numerous online services that accept such payments. In each specific case, it is necessary to indicate or report a ten-digit code. This is necessary so that authorized representatives of the service provider can determine where the funds came from. Debts and recalculation Sometimes the amount of debt obligations for utility payments can become quite large. This can lead to the imposition of penalties and interest, which in no way can favorably affect repayment. There can be many reasons for debt. For example, if no one is registered in the premises, but the supplier does not have up-to-date information about this. It is worth noting that since July 1, 2017, utility tariffs have been increased. It can also affect the amount of debt obligations. In the event of a temporary absence of residents in the premises, service organizations continue to accrue payment for utility services. That is why all owners are advised to recalculate. Only those categories of citizens who were absent from the premises for a certain period of time have the right to carry out the corresponding operation. Consequently, such persons could not use the following services: hot water and gas supply; drainage through the sewer; supply of electricity. Recalculation is made only when a citizen does not live at his place for more than 5 days. To perform the operation in question, it is worth following the following algorithm of actions: collect a set of documents confirming the absence of a person at the scene; apply to the housing company with a statement of the established form, which will fully state the reason for the absence; state a request for a recalculation operation; attach accompanying documentation to the application in the form of certificates that will serve as an evidence base - all together this must be presented to an authorized employee of the organization. "> Communal payments90
  • It is necessary for a citizen to have the opportunity to travel abroad. There is an old-style document that has a classic look, and a new one, which differs primarily in the presence of a chip with data about its owner. The second option is called biometric, and it also has a longer validity period (10 years vs. ambassadors and consuls Temporary Issued to citizens for the period while the production of a standard certificate in case of damage, theft or loss of the previous one. laissez-passer A special kind of document that has the functionality of asport, but it is not. Passport of a foreign citizen Issued by foreigners who temporarily reside in the territory of the state. A sample birth certificate The nuances of the system and regulations The passport system functioning in our country performs the following key functions: issuing identity cards to citizens (reaching the age of 14 is a signal to issue a document for the first time, then it changes at 20 and 45 years old , as well as in case of damage or loss, accounting for the number of citizens living in the country, the fight against violators of the law (due to the presence of a certificate, you can easily figure out the identity of the criminal, at the address of registration to find a defaulter of alimony or a debtor on a loan, etc.; regulation of the resettlement of people in the territory countries through registration.All relations provided for by the domestic passport system, each of its objects and subjects are clearly defined and regulated by a number of regulatory and legislative acts, in particular, presidential decree number 232 and government decree number 828 of 1997. A detailed description of the procedures for issuing and ID replacement th person is contained in the administrative regulations of the FMS, approved by order of this service under the number 391 of 2012. Sample certificate of registration at the place of residence Submission of necessary papers In order to become the owner of an identity card, a set of documentation is required, including: an application in form 1P; birth certificate; 4 copies of standard photos sized 35x45 millimeters; a certificate confirming the presence of Russian citizenship; document on registration from the place of residence; check for payment of state duty. When obtaining a passport for the first time, a 14-year-old teenager additionally requires an identity card of one of the parents, who must be present when going to the FMS. In addition to this service, the MFC and the State Services portal deal with the issuance and receipt of the main document of a citizen. The collected documents must be handed over to the FMS employees personally or through a guarantor for whom an appropriate permit has been issued. In addition, the official website of the FMS allows you to do this online. It is advisable to submit documentation to the unit located in accordance with the place of permanent residence of the citizen. In this case, the registration will take a minimum of time, and after 10 days it will be possible to pick up the document. It is important to take into account that there are working days, therefore, if the calendar is December or another month with a large number of days off, then the processing may be delayed. Sample passport photo Overview of the content of the passport An identity card must certainly contain the following data, which cannot be canceled, as their presence is provided for by law: full name of the owner; a series of the document itself with its number; the name with the code of the department where the issue was made; date of receiving. On the page containing the personal data of a citizen, there is a record intended for reading by a machine. This entry includes letters with numbers and signs, and it is necessary in order to make identification of a person easier, and more reliable protection of a document from forgery. Receipt for payment of the state duty for issuing a passport Obtaining and reissuing For the first citizen of the Russian Federation a passport, a package of documents is required, including a birth certificate, four passport-size photos, an application for obtaining, confirmation of Russian citizenship, confirmation of registration. In addition, you need to pay a state fee. After the documents are collected, they are sent to the FMS department, located in the place where the permanent or temporary registration is issued. In the absence of such registration, a certificate can be issued at any department of the Federal Migration Service. Upon receipt of a passport by a foreigner who has acquired Russian citizenship, he must certainly have with him all personal documents in the form of originals and copies with translations into Russian and a notary's signature. In accordance with the norms of domestic legislation, upon reaching the age of 20 and 45, each citizen is obliged to replace his identity cards. This must be done within a 30-day period from the date of the actual occurrence of these events. Other cases requiring replacement of the document include: change of personal data; major change in appearance extreme deterioration of the certificate; loss or theft. To obtain a passport when exchanging by age, the amount of the mandatory state duty is 0.5 thousand rubles, and in case of restoration in case of loss or damage - 1.5 thousand rubles. 349
  • . In addition, redevelopment includes any displacement of walls and partitions, as well as displacement of engineering equipment (transfer of a bathroom, gas stove, other communications. Since redevelopment involves a major intervention with a change in the area of ​​​​rooms, the process requires a new plan, mandatory coordination with utilities and BTI.For the implementation of actions, project documentation is needed, on the basis of which the repair will take place.Reconstruction differs precisely in that it does not imply the demolition of walls, the consolidation of premises and the transfer of communications.That is why this type of repair does not require coordination and can be carried out by the owner independently.A striking example the difference between redevelopment and reorganization can be changes in the bathroom and bathroom... For example, the installation of additional plumbing that requires an individual connection to plumbing equipment (an additional sink or toilet needs a design project). documentation and agreement. This also applies to the demolition of the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. In the event that it is planned to transfer the toilet to another place, but at the same time it does not leave the premises, the process can be carried out without coordination. A prerequisite will be the absence of interventions in the common house sewer system. The same rule applies to the kitchen. By law, it is allowed to move the gas stove no further than 1 meter from the established place (characterized by the length of the soft connections for the gas supply. This will be considered a refurbishment and no permits are required. In case the owner plans to increase the kitchen area by moving the gas stove and sinks in the utility room or a neighboring non-residential premises at a distance of more than 1 meter, then this is already considered a redevelopment and requires project documentation with approval. actions can be carried out during the redevelopment of the apartment.The most common prohibitions include the following: Dismantling of load-bearing walls.Complete integration of non-residential premises with residential (there are some nuances that depend on the type of premises and the desired type of redevelopment. In particular, it is forbidden to combine the kitchen space yours with the living room due to the supporting structure between them. Even if the wall is not load-bearing and can be demolished, the law provides for the obligatory presence of a partition between the two rooms and the zoning of rooms in the form of a separate floor covering. The location of the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen above the living quarters of the neighbors below (an exception is the moment if the lower floor has a similar redevelopment. Increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet due to living space. Before starting repair work, you need to take care of the availability of project documentation. The best option would be to contact specialized companies , where you can order redevelopment both according to individual drawings and according to standard solutions for standard high-rise buildings.What is allowed When redevelopment of an apartment, the following changes are allowed: transfer of plumbing equipment while maintaining the central sewer system; transfer of a bathroom, kitchen and bathroom, if the future location does not contradict legislation; relocation of plumbing and kitchen equipment within the available area; relocation heating equipment without interfering with the central system (it is forbidden to take heating radiators to the loggia or balcony; glazing the balcony space; laying doorways if there is a similar one elsewhere, which does not contradict the redevelopment rules; partial and complete demolition of partitions, including some load-bearing structures, provided that there are no prerequisites for collapse of the building; installation of additional partitions, if they do not exert excessive load on the load-bearing floors; expansion of door and window openings; arrangement of ventilation systems and other structures on the facade of the building, if they do not violate the safety of the building (antennas, air conditioners. Each redevelopment is an individual event depending on the actions taken and the characteristics of the residential building.That is why a project is required that would comply with all safety standards for the owner and neighbors. redevelopment is one of the most important moments of the entire repair. There are several methods of legalization: The easiest and most legal way is to initially draw up a project, agree on it and obtain permission to carry out repair activities. After the end of the process, the commission will accept the redevelopment based on the design data and the activities carried out. If all actions comply with the standards, then the owner only needs to obtain the necessary paperwork for the apartment (a technical passport and a new plan of the apartment. Unauthorized redevelopment - apartment owners often change the sequence of actions, namely, they first make repairs, and then try to legalize it. The process is somewhat more complicated and lengthy , but still possible. In this case, it is necessary to comply with all the same norms of laws. When accepting work, the commission must make sure that there are no violations, but the owner will have to pay a fine for unauthorized redevelopment. It often happens that the owner is not responsible for illegal redevelopment. This is possible when receiving a living space as an inheritance or as a formalization of a donation agreement.The legalization process involves a trial, during which the fact of the involvement of the new owner in the unregistered repair and the legality of the measures taken will be clarified.If the requirements of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation were not violated, then the new government the businessman will receive the relevant documents for an apartment with an existing redevelopment based on a court decision. The best option is to gradually follow the legislative measures, since the commission may not accept unauthorized redevelopment. This threatens with the need to return to its original form and the corresponding costs for new repairs. Necessary papers To carry out redevelopment, a certain package of documents is required: a passport of all owners of housing; application for redevelopment; conclusion on the possible carrying out of repair actions; project documentation; project agreement; registration certificate for the apartment; the consent of the neighbors, if common house needs are affected. In each individual case, the package of documents can be modified, so you need to ask the BTI employees about this. Where and in what order to apply First of all, you need to contact the BTI and ask about a possible redevelopment. If necessary, a special commission will be created, which will issue an opinion on what can and cannot be demolished, which structures are load-bearing, etc. After that, you need to create a project. Documentation is prepared by specialists of the respective company. It should be remembered that the firm providing services for the manufacture of projects must have the approval of the SRO. The finished project is again submitted to the BTI, where it must be agreed upon, after which the owner receives permission to carry out repair work. The end point is considered to be the notification of the BTI employees and the creation of a special commission that will check the compliance of the measures taken with the project documentation. In the absence of violations, the owner of the living space receives new documents for the apartment with the changes made. Is it possible to independently Independent redevelopment is prosecuted by law in the form of a fine and the possible reconstruction of the premises to its original state. It is not uncommon for finished repairs to be legalized through the judiciary, but only in accordance with the current legislation. The owner of the living space has the right to independently make changes to the apartment, if they do not require any permits and do not entail changes in the configuration of the living space. It is also possible to redevelop according to the sketch, which does not require coordination and any other actions. The sketch is prepared by designers, and all actions do not pose any threat to the safety of buildings and are more cosmetic repairs. Responsibility for redevelopment All responsibility for redevelopment in the apartment lies with its owner. In the event of illegal actions, the homeowner is obliged to return the home to its original form at its own expense, as well as pay a fine. In addition, if the redevelopment carried out harms the neighbors or causes any damage due to improper transfer of communications, then the owner of the apartment is again responsible for the actions taken. He is obliged to eliminate the dangerous reconstruction, as well as to compensate for the damage caused to the neighbors. If the redevelopment is not only illegal, but also carries a danger in the form of destruction of the house, then the owner is evicted from the apartment. The measures provided for in Art. 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Terms and prices The cost of redevelopment in the apartment depends on several points, which together make up the total price: Obtaining a technical passport in the BTI 1500-2000 rubles. Technical documentation on the condition of an apartment building About 7,000 rubles. Project documentation The price depends on the complexity of the work, the area of ​​​​the premises and the tariffs of specific organizations, which averages 30,000-50,000 rubles. If the owner applies to the company for a full range of services, which includes support of the process by lawyers without the participation of the owner, then the prices will be higher: Coordination of the BTI project 30,000-50,000 rubles. Obtaining an act of completed actions 15,000-20,000 rubles. Obtaining a new technical passport 8000-10000 rubles. The terms for the development and receipt of documentation are given in the table: Required documentation Deadline for receipt Technical documentation on the status apartment building 2-3 months Development of the project 1 week Coordination of the project 30-45 days Acceptance of work by the commission Within a month Obtaining an act at the BTI 14 days Obtaining a new certificate for an apartment with the changes made 14 days It should be remembered that a redevelopment permit is issued for a period of 1 year, but however, it can be extended every month.">Replanning 171
  • , was subsequently replaced by the concept of registration at the place of stay or residence. Registration involves attaching citizens to a specific living space in which they live, which was issued with the permission of state bodies. Some changes were made to the new propiska law. Now, citizens who do not receive registration within the established time limits are fined. In addition, residents of our country and foreign countries can be held criminally liable for registration carried out using forged documents. Sample certificate of registration at the place of residence Instructions and options Registration in the apartment takes place according to one scheme. To the passport office at the new place of residence (if they are registered permanently or stay (temporarily or at the MFC they submit the documents required to obtain a residence permit. This is the paper confirming the status of the owner of the apartment, or the consent of the owner of the living space. Then they draw up an application and a passport. In the established date, the identity card is taken away with the registration stamp affixed Citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain a residence permit in several ways: In a new apartment received under an agreement First, you need to check out from the previous apartment. for children under 14. Children who have reached this age do it on their own. It indicates the document according to which they register in the new building. In the same application, you can fill out the lower column on deregistration at the previous place of residence. It is accompanied by: Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. birth certificate for children under 14 years of age. A paper confirming the fact of an extract from the previous place of registration. A document according to which the apartment is the property of a citizen. This is an extract from the unified state register of real estate. An agreement according to which the right of ownership was obtained (donation, sale and purchase, etc.. The passport, documents and application will be checked, and the identity card will be taken away, setting the date of its issuance with a stamp affixed. In someone else's privatized and municipal housing In the first case again it is necessary to remove the registration in the previous apartment.Next, the new cohabitant, together with all the owners of the living space, writes applications: the one who registers - for temporary or permanent registration, and the owners - for consent to registration.Both parties submit documents: the owner encloses a passport and an extract from the USRN; an agreement, according to the apartment was registered as a property; the registrant submits a departure sheet, passport or birth certificate (for children under 14 years old. All documents will be returned to persons, but the passport will be taken away from the person registering for a while, announcing the date of receipt. If it was previously issued, then it can be registered in a day. When the old registration is still valid, the new registration will take up to two weeks. To register in a non-privatized apartment, you will need permission from the Department of Property Management and a statement of intent to register an outsider. The wish will be approved if an area equal to the registration rate of the territorial entity is allocated for each registered person. Attached to the application: confirmation of an extract from the previous living space; housing contract; passports and birth certificates for minor children; permission of the municipality (in the case when a person is registered who is not a relative for all residents. If it was decided to privatize the provided apartment, then each citizen registered in it becomes a partial owner. Registration without the owner present There are two ways to register in the absence of the owner, but with his consent: Having received from him a power of attorney in favor of any person, certified by a notary. Such a person, on behalf of the owner, will prepare a statement confirming the consent of the principal to register another person in the apartment. On the basis of a notarized statement. If the owner for some reason cannot sign the paper on your own, then the notary on the spot draws up an application for registration of a new cohabitant.An applicator can be appointed who will personally sign the document on behalf of the owner. Log in to the portal and open your personal account. In it, you fill in the required fields, indicating your data in them. Having ordered registration, you get in line until you receive an alert (up to 3 working days, after which you will need to visit the MFC (3 days are also allotted, filling out an application there and attaching the necessary documents. The plus is that for citizens of the Russian Federation, registration through the State Services is Sample certificate of residence registration Sample page with registration in the passport Procedure for registration, terms and price .Apply for a residence permit. Send all this to the MFC, passport office or FMS. At the end of the registration, pick up a passport, in which there is a mark that the person is really registered in the apartment. Having checked out from the previous apartment, it is necessary to register: within 7 days when applying for a permanent residence permit; A temporary residence permit can be obtained within 90 days. If a person submits an application to the FMS on his own, then he is registered for free. You can also register on the Internet on a single portal of public services. Registration through the State Services also requires the preparation of documents and their submission in electronic form. But still, then you have to visit the local branch in order for you to be stamped in your passport. When registering a newborn child, you will need to prepare a birth certificate for the child. It is issued at the local registry office. Then he is taken to the passport office, filling out an application for registration of a newborn there. It is accompanied by a certificate of marriage, parents' passports, an extract from the house book or the house book itself (depending on whether the child is registered in an apartment or a private house. They also submit a certificate of the state of the housing account in which the baby is registered. For some documents they prepare copies. The child is registered at the place of residence of the mother or father. If they are without the right to housing, then it will not be possible to register the child in the apartment. Parents are assigned a day on which they need to pick up documents proving their identity and the birth of the child. A sample of filling out an application for registration according to place of residence Sample application for temporary registration A foreigner and a citizen of the Russian Federation What is the difference between the registration of foreign citizens and residents of our country?The legislation of our country allows the following types of registration.Foreigners can register only temporarily: in the migration service accounting. Registration at the place of residence for the duration of the temporary residence permit (3 years without the possibility of renewal or residence permit (5 years with the possibility of renewal). For citizens of the Russian Federation: Temporary registration at the place of residence (5 years with the possibility of renewal. Permanent registration at the place of residence. It usually means the concept of propiska.Features for Muscovites You can get a Moscow propiska in different ways - both for a fee and for free.This is influenced by such factors as: place of residence and type of housing;registration deadlines;absence of other violations and fines. There is no fixed price for obtaining a residence permit. Registration of all documents will cost 50,000 rubles, in Moscow region - 30,000 rubles. The registration procedure is similar to the general algorithm that is valid throughout the country: First you need to check out from the previous apartment. Then submit an application for registration to the FMS with all the necessary papers. At the end, pick up your passport with a stamp. To register in an apartment owned by relatives, you will need their statements of consent to receive a residence permit. You can only live in municipal housing with the permission of the city administration. Having received a Moscow residence permit, you provide yourself with several benefits: benefits, payments and allowances (for example, to pensions; increased scholarships for students; the poor receive free travel in municipal transport. Consequences for the owner In the case when the owner of housing gives permission for indefinite registration to other persons , he receives a situation in which: It is possible to deregister a citizen of our country with his permission or according to a court decision.A registered person can live in this living space.At least, he retains a residence permit.Temporary residence permit for our and foreign citizens at the place of residence is regulated in the contract on hiring or free use of housing.The agreement allows you to consolidate the relationship between the participants and minimize the risks.You can specify the validity period of registration and residence, distribute the responsibility for repairing the apartment between the parties, pay utility bills, there is also the possibility of early final termination, etc. But it would be a mistake to assume that a temporarily registered cohabitant will be able to appropriate the property to himself. He receives only the right to use (he can live in an apartment and use housing and communal services. The owner remains the owner of the premises. Possible risks First of all, now a citizen can be held administratively liable for living without registering a citizen (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses). the apartment in which the person intends to move in. It must be located at the specified address, in good condition (and not be suitable for emergency housing. It is better to ask what opinion has developed about the owners of the housing. It is necessary to obtain the consent of the owner to register in his apartment. After conducting such actions, you minimize the risks that: the house is within the specified boundaries and has the indicated characteristics; the money for registration of registration will not be spent in vain; the apartment may soon be sold by writing out all tenants forcibly through the courts; you register in the house, who plan to destroy b. "> Registration 216
  • . At the same time, a citizen or legal entity can purchase a plot within the boundaries of a settlement or beyond it. The concept of a site is closer to human activity. If the land as a whole is a natural resource, then the plot is only some part of it, which is real estate, with which various legal actions can be performed. Plots can be indivisible, which cannot be divided so that they do not lose their properties, and divisible. Within the limits of a settlement, for example, one plot can be transferred to one developer, and the other to another. But in general, the land will belong to the municipality, in a separate case, an individual can get permission to buy it from the state, another option is to rent. Overview of the concept and types The land cannot be considered ownerless, if it does not have a specific owner, then it is the state. In fact, it is municipal property. Until 1993, land surveying was not carried out in Russia, but with the release of the Land Code, this became possible, and therefore some plots had owners. The plot is determined by the length and width, has an area. It also has other characteristics - location, soil, the presence of a reservoir, the presence of some objects nearby, etc. The site must have a purpose or type of use that will be legally allowed. Lands are classified into categories based on their properties. But on the same land, one can distinguish different areas where a person will conduct various activities. For example, land has the definition of a rural area, it can be engaged in: agriculture; raising livestock; scientific and research work; hunting and fishing; personal subsidiary farming, which means erecting residential buildings (private houses and non-residential outbuildings; other types of activities. When the land is intended for development, this means what to build in various places (on the plots you can: residential buildings; industrial buildings and workshops; commercial buildings , offices, shopping centers, engineering structures, communication networks, etc. It goes without saying that where there is a site with engineering structures that provide, for example, the city's electricity supply, residential buildings cannot be erected. a certain type, which most often extends to nearby areas.For example, you can distinguish between the following main types of sites where you can: engage in agriculture; ;carried out the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, i.e. in there is a dacha economy without capital construction. Most of these sites are privately owned. If the owner uses the land for other purposes, he cannot avoid penalties from the regulatory authorities. But it is allowed to change the type of use of the site, for this it is necessary to submit an application and other documents, the decision is made by the municipality. Central conditions In order to use a land plot, a person needs to familiarize himself with the provisions of the law, understand the category of land to which it belongs, how it can be considered as a real estate object. Provisions under the law In Russia, jurisprudence in relation to land and land plots is regulated by: the Land Code; various federal laws; the Civil Code; Urban planning code. So, in the Federal Law No. 136 (10.25.01, article 11, various concepts are given that help to figure out how to check a land plot, and what should be understood by this definition: what it is; how it is formed; what characteristics should describe an object; on on what basis it should be considered real estate; how to transfer land from one category to another; what is municipal and private property in relation to land; why put a plot on the cadastral register and what is a cadastre; how to separate, allocate and distribute plots; how property rights are registered per site Other aspects Division into categories The category of land is determined by their intended use. short description properties of specific lands. The legislator formulated these concepts in the Land Code. Chapters 14-18 say in what order, and according to what specific features, land should be disposed of when used for: agricultural land; location of settlements; industrial facilities; defense and security of the country; telecommunications, broadcasting, communications; transport; energy; for other purposes. The issue of water resources and forest zones is considered separately. A complete list of land categories is specified in Order No. 540 (09/01/14, issued by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Based on the category of land and the type of land plot, specific activities can be allowed or prohibited on it. If, for example, a land plot is a protected area, then it is impossible to hunt.Agricultural land must be characterized by fertile soil and located outside or border with the settlement.Use such area can only be for agricultural production.Land as a real estate The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Chapter 11 says that all land in the country belongs to the people. At the same time, it can be the property of: the state, the municipality, a legal entity, a citizen.A plot can be attributed to real estate only from the moment it passes state registration, it will be assigned a unique number.From the moment of registration, when ownership rights are assigned to some person , the plot can about to put into circulation. Then sale, property division, donation, alienation, other legal actions with real estate are possible. When, according to the Constitution, some property is public, this means that certain restrictions are imposed on the rights of the owner, that is, he cannot dispose of it only at his own discretion. The law requires its use only for its intended purpose. In such cases, for example, land belonging to the municipality, located within the city, cannot be given away or sold to any person for the purpose of cultivating subsidiary or farming on it. When a site is intended for the construction of a residential area in a city, it cannot be used for laying a highway, etc. To determine real estate, a site must be characterized by various parameters and values. The identification features of the site as real estate include: cadastral number; numbers of its individual parts, if it is large; location address; the area of ​​the entire site and its individual parts; details of the owner or co-owners; characteristics of structures or other objects located on it, the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach separately; the boundaries of the entire site and its individual parts; purpose of the land; status. In the Civil Code, Art. 130 is defined land plot, as things for which property and other rights may arise, transactions and various activities not of a legal nature. Ownership rights to a plot, like real estate, can be established free of charge or paid. If a citizen already owns a plot, that is, he received it from the state for temporary or perpetual use, then he will no longer be able to refuse it, and he needs, for example, to undergo privatization in 2017. As a result of privatization state property property rights are assigned to the citizen. On the basis of contracts of a different nature, property rights will be transferred from the owner to another person when: the purchase or sale of land; exchange; rent; donation; inheritance; another transaction for the alienation of property. In some cases, real estate (a plot can be purchased from the state at a cadastral value if the municipality gives such permission. What actions are allowed The use of land for personal subsidiary plots is defined in Federal Law No. 112, Article 4. How it can be used will depend on the location of the land. If the household plot that the owner uses for household plots is located within the city, then in fact it becomes similar to land intended for individual residential construction (IZHS. Such a plot can be successfully used by a large family not only for housekeeping, but also for building a house. For families when many relatives live together, this is the most convenient option... You can register in such a residential building (register, and build additional outbuildings, a garage on the ground. Of course, sanitary, fire, urban planning and other standards must be taken into account during construction, then the house without problems will be put into operation. The mole can be used to grow fruits and vegetables, i.e., in fact, it will partially feed a large family. If the site is located outside the city, then it is possible to organize a farm on it, also with permanent residence in a capital residential building. In another case, the site can be used as a summer cottage, where not only recreation in the summer is possible, but also gardening. But not in all cases, the type of land allows the construction of capital residential buildings on it, where the necessary communications will be connected. If it is impossible to live in the house year-round, then it will be impossible to register in it. If the site is located far from the settlement, and belongs to the steppe or field territories, then it can be used for grazing livestock or growing crops, but it is impossible to build a residential building there. Capital construction is prohibited on field plots. Buildings can be economic and temporary. For example, in the field, you can build a bathhouse, but without a foundation, which means that a special building permit is not required. Other clarifications Plots allocated by the state or municipality for the targeted needs of citizens may have a minimum or maximum area, they may have a rectangular shape or square, triangular. It all depends on how the survey was done. In each region, local authorities determine the allowable norms of land that they can allocate from the land fund, for example, for the placement of a garage cooperative, a household plot of a garden partnership, for individual construction. Basically, the norms depend on the amount of land that is listed by the municipality as unused, i.e. not used with benefit. In Federal Law No. 112, p. 4, paragraph 5 says that the maximum area, for example, for private household plots cannot exceed 0.5 hectares. In the future, the owner can increase this amount, but not more than 5 times. The minimum size cannot be less than 2.5 ha. Temporary status Data on each plot is kept in the state cadastre until the rights of ownership are issued to it, i.e. they are only temporary. Such a plot can be bought from the state or municipality, obtained free of charge, rented. From the moment of registration of ownership rights in the cadastre, the information will change to permanent. Temporary status means only that no one has rights to the site, neither private property nor lease. According to the law, if within 2 years no one claims the right to land that has a temporary status, it must be removed from the cadastral register, but in reality the terms are much longer. Cadastral information According to the information that is stored in Cadastral Chamber , the site can be listed as: temporary; previously accounted for; accounted for; archival; canceled. A land plot becomes accounted from the moment someone acquires the right to own it. There are several situations when information about a plot is canceled: If a citizen planned to buy land from the state or go through privatization, arrange a lease, but did not do this within 2 years. This applies to plots that were registered after 2008. For example, a family received an allowance for 3 children and, additionally, at the expense of maternity capital, decided to buy land and start construction, submitted documents, but did not go through the procedure to the end. After 2 years, other citizens will be able to buy the site. Land surveying was denied for various reasons. Many citizens are not even in a hurry to do this, because the procedure is paid, and the owner, for example, plans to sell the land. A site may have the status of a previously recorded site if ownership rights to it arose before March 2008. The cadastre may contain various information, if the site has not passed the land survey, then it may not have borders. In relation to such plots, there are often cases when there are title documents for them, but there is no information in the cadastre. The owner can apply for data entry. In fact, the status previously recorded was given to all plots, the survey of which was completed before 2000 or before the release of the law on the land cadastre. Possible restrictions and encumbrances Restrictions may be imposed on the tradability of the site, ie, the extent to which it is possible to transfer it to another owner or possessor. For example, we can take the reorganization of a legal entity. But sometimes a plot can be excluded from circulation in general and it cannot be obtained into private ownership in any way. These lands include: nature reserves; state-protected park areas; burial sites for military or radioactive waste; territories of location of military bases, troops; areas near the borders. The restriction in circulation is imposed on lands valuable to the state or those where strategically important objects are located, areas that have a cultural heritage for the country. If the site falls under such categories, it is impossible to make alienation transactions with it. The site may be encumbered. It can also be imposed by local authorities, but most often a temporary ban on any operations with land is imposed for the following reasons: renting it out for a fee or free of charge; transfer of land as collateral when applying for a mortgage or other loan; the fact that it is required to satisfy the needs of the state or a private person, the encumbrance imposes an easement, for example, a highway, a power line must pass through a personal plot; litigation when there are several applicants for the land; seizure due to owner's debts; occurrence of other situations. Emerging nuances For citizens, the best option for property is a plot that has the status of private household plots, which cannot be used for commercial purposes. He can purchase it or rent it from local authorities, a private individual. But the farmer needs to know where to go when there is a surplus of products that needs to be sold. A special certificate is issued by the local administration, having it in hand, the owner can sell vegetables and fruits from his garden if they comply with sanitary standards. In this case, the proceeds will not be subject to any taxes."> Plot 462

Changes in the Housing Code (on the transition to new contractual relations between the owners of premises in apartment buildings and resource supply organizations):

"In the cases provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, payment for utilities is paid by the owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or contracts for the rental of residential premises of state or municipal housing stock in this house to the relevant resource supply organization and to the regional operator for handling municipal solid waste."

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Debts in the housing and communal services sector are the main problem in the provision of public services. The most problematic regions are Moscow, Kamchatka Krai and some others. Moreover, the main reason for the appearance of debts is by no means the consumer himself, but management companies. Intermediaries represented by the Criminal Code for various reasons delay deductions. The new bill on direct payments between the consumer and the utility provider will solve this problem.

What are the objectives of the new law?

Many management companies do not cope with the tasks assigned to them. There are many reasons for delays in paying utility bills. And the main one is the corruption component. Previously, the management company (MC) was an intermediary between the consumer and the resource supply organization (RSO). The new legislative document will make it possible to directly conclude an agreement on the supply of services with the RSO.

On March 23, 2018, in the third, final reading, a bill was adopted, on the basis of which it is possible to exclude the UK from the payment chain for the services provided. According to the new law, the owners of an apartment building at a meeting can decide on their own whether to conclude an agreement or to refuse it. You can enter into an agreement with RSO supplying the following utilities:

According to the authors of the project, RNOs supplying electricity and gas to residential buildings have been operating in the Russian Federation under this scheme for many years. Another reason for the adoption of this law is the high rate of debt collection in the presence of a direct contract.
According to the new draft law, RSOs have the right, from the moment it is adopted, to unilaterally terminate agreements with the Criminal Code. The main condition for this is the presence of a debt in the amount of two average monthly charges or more. Many property owners in apartment buildings are wary of receiving double receipts. In order to avoid this, the Goszhilnadzor body is notified of the adoption of the law.

The law itself comes into force on April 1, 2018. But some of the norms indicated in it will be put into effect gradually. The main tasks to be solved by the adopted bill:

  • increase in the rate of collection of funds - the exclusion of the MC from the payment chain will reduce delays in payment;
    reduction of the corruption component - many criminal companies are created with the aim of embezzlement of citizens' funds;
  • simplification of the settlement scheme between the consumer and the resource supplying organization;
  • establishing order in the field of residential property management.

Even before the official publication, it became known about serious penalties in relation to the management companies that do not comply with the requirements for calculations. If there are errors, a penalty of 50% of the amount of the incorrectly indicated amount will be assigned. This bill was proposed personally by Vladimir Putin.

The main advantages of the new law, cons

The adopted bill resolves many complex issues that have accumulated in the field of housing and communal services. It protects the interests of ordinary citizens, as well as resource-supplying organizations. Previously, there were frequent cases of disconnection of entire apartment buildings - due to delays in payments from the Criminal Code. At the same time, the tenants fulfilled their debt obligations on time, without any delays.
In addition, tenants now have the right to choose a service provider. For example, garbage collection can be carried out by different companies. Thanks to the adoption of the new law, today the citizens themselves will have the right to choose a legal entity engaged in waste management. There are certain problems in this segment of housing and communal services. The new bill will create healthy competition in the field of waste disposal.

Many management companies artificially inflated prices for the supplied housing and communal services. Especially often it concerned the supply of hot water. Many residential buildings were completely equipped with their own boiler rooms in the basement and payment was not required. The new law will strengthen the control of tenants over the Criminal Code. Provides a new pressure lever. Management companies will become more responsible for the performance of their immediate duties.

Some problems may arise with the process of recalculation for the low quality of the services provided. At the same time, it will not be difficult to resolve this issue legally. Responsible for the supply of services are RNOs - with which a contract is directly concluded.

Ordinary citizens who decide to use the new right are afraid of the possibility of double receipts. When the Criminal Code, despite the decision taken jointly and severally to refuse its services as an intermediary, still issues invoices. If the agreement with the RNO was concluded within the framework of the law, all the mandatory procedures have been completed, then there is no need to pay receipts from the management company that come after the date of the agreement.

If the owner of the residential premises found two receipts in his mailbox, then it is necessary:

  • notify the Criminal Code in writing of the refusal of its services;
  • keep the receipt of payment (there is no need to transfer funds to the Criminal Code);
  • contact your local housing authority.

Goszhilnadzor is a special organization that inspects housing and communal services. If violations are found, they must be contacted in writing or electronically. Today, all divisions of the inspection have their own websites. You can contact by phone e-mail. The new law comes into force on the day of its official publication.

The Ministry of Construction expressed the opinion that from 30 to 40% of management companies could leave the market after the adoption of the law. Moreover, this will positively affect the industry as a whole. Since it will be left first of all by companies that dishonestly fulfill their obligations to the RSO and consumers of public utilities. The mode of concluding an agreement directly with the RSO is determined by law.

Key changes in the second quarter of 2018

Utility resource providers and regional MSW operators can directly enter into contracts with owners and tenants of housing in apartment buildings. The way the house is run does not matter. In this case, consumers will pay for utilities directly to the supplier or the regional operator.

You can switch to direct contracts at the initiative of the owners. They have the right to decide this issue at the general meeting.

Resource supply companies and regional operators can also initiate the transition by unilaterally refusing to execute the contract with the person managing the MKD. This is permissible if the debt for utility resources or services for the removal of solid waste is two or more average monthly payments. The debt must be recognized or confirmed by a judicial act that has entered into force.

The issue of raising tariffs for housing and communal services in 2017 was considered at a government meeting at the end of 2016, where an average tariff increase of 4.9% was set. About when there was an official increase in prices for housing and communal services and how the tariff table was divided in 2017 - read our article.

With the beginning of each year, Russians expect new increased tariffs in utility bills, and 2017 was no exception. d. In 2017, there was a change in the system of payment for garbage collection, the amount of which is now determined by local authorities in each individual region. As explained in the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the calculation of payment for the provision of this service should be based on the basic tariff for the treatment of MSW and in accordance with the number of people living in an apartment in an apartment building and having a residence registration. At the same time, with the separate collection of household waste, it becomes possible to charge fees for garbage collection, taking into account the actual number and volume of garbage containers. Accordingly, the more waste that is not subject to incineration or disposal, the lower the tariff will be. Until January 1, 2017, all housing organizations with MSW servicing apartment buildings had to conclude agreements with a single regional waste disposal operator, which acquires the ownership of the waste with the possibility of transferring it for recycling. A new line in the receipt for the housing and chemical complex from January 1, 2017 - "Solid municipal waste".

Household expenses - already in bills from the beginning of 2017

Another innovation that residents of apartment buildings encountered in 2017 is a line in the payment document on common house needs, which involves the inclusion in the estimated amount of utility payments of fees for the costs of cold water, hot water, electricity, heat energy consumed in the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, wastewater disposal for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building. It should be noted that the expenses for common household needs will be limited by the standards established before November 01, 2016 by each individual subject of the Russian Federation based on the actual consumption of resources. In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation emphasizes that this line in the payment document will not affect the amount of the payment, since the expenses for general house needs will be included in the total payment for housing and communal services. Thus, according to the Government of the Russian Federation, the rights of trustworthy Russians who pay utility bills in a timely manner will be protected, because they will pay only for themselves, and not for the apartment debts of malicious non-payers.

Utility payments 2017: tariffs for gas, water, heating

The increase in gas prices for Russians in 2017 was increased by almost one and a half times compared to the previous year, and amounted to about 4.9%, while for other consumers, gas prices rose by 2.9% in 2017, according to analysts' forecasts in 2018 - by 2.4%, in 2019 - by 2.1%. It is noteworthy that the previously planned increase in gas prices was no more than 3% for the population and no more than 2% for other categories of consumers. Utility tariffs for heat, which in fact make up more than a third of the total payment of Russian citizens for housing and communal services, will rise again significantly, and the growth in tariffs will again be higher than predicted: in 2017, the increase in tariffs amounted to 4.9% instead of the previously expected 4.1%, in 2018 - 4.4% instead of 3.9%, in 2019 - 4.1% instead of 3.7%. But utility tariffs for water supply will grow noticeably slower than planned, their growth will be respectively in 2017, 2018 and 2019: 4.9%, 4.4% and 4.1% against previously predicted 6.2%, 6% and 4, 7%. It is also worth noting the fact that payments for water supply have increased significantly for those who have not installed meters. And already at the end of January 2017, such tenants received receipts with new amounts. An important point is the fact of issuing penalties for apartment owners who have not installed meters to control water consumption. Since January 2017, the multiplying factor to the water consumption standard has been increased by one and a half times, that is, in the absence of water meters in the apartment, the amount of payment for consumption will increase by 50%. In such cases, only residents of emergency and dilapidated residential premises, where there is no possibility of installing such devices, can count on the absence of penalties.

Utility payments 2017: electricity tariffs 2017

The growth of electricity tariffs for households in 2017 was limited by the level of projected inflation and will be: in 2017 — 7.1%, in 2018 — 5.4-5.9%, in 2019 — 5.1 -5.6%. For other consumers of electricity, except for the population: in 2017 - 3.9% (instead of the expected 6.3%), in 2018 - 3.4% (instead of the expected 4.5%), in 2019 - 3 .1% (instead of the expected 4%).

Important! Since 2017, the overexpenditure of electricity and heating in common building entrances has been paid by management companies.

Utility payments in 2017: tariffs in some regions

The Government of the Russian Federation at a meeting approved the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services for 2017. In each subject of the Russian Federation, benefits are also established for utilities for the disabled and pensioners. So, in 2017, utility bills in Moscow increased by almost 7%, this is the highest increase in prices for housing and communal services in Russia. An equally significant increase in tariffs occurred in the Far East - for residents of the Republic of Yakutia and the Kamchatka Territory, housing and communal services prices rose by 6%. The increase in tariffs in the Republic of Bashkortostan will be slightly less - tariffs rose by 5.6%, in Primorye - by 5%, in the Jewish Autonomy - by 4.8%, in Magadan region- by 4.5% and in the Khabarovsk Territory - by 4.1%. The minimum increase in prices for housing and communal services occurred in Chukotka and Sakhalin - by 3.4%, in Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria - 3.3%, in North Ossetia - 2.5%.

Important! In the event that the share of expenses for housing and communal services in the total family income is more than 22% (average calculation for Russia), such a family has the right to apply for a subsidy for paying utility bills.

Regions can set less than the established threshold, but more - only in exceptional cases. The last word remains with the regional authorities regulating housing and communal services tariffs. The maximum values ​​of tariff growth for each individual region are indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, published on the official portal of legal information.

Important! New tariffs for housing and communal services in Russia came into force on July 1, 2017.

The Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow adopted Resolution No. 432-v “On setting tariffs for drinking water and water disposal for consumers of Mosvodokanal Joint-Stock Company for 2017” December 18, 2015.

Tariffs for drinking water and sanitation that are provided to residents of Moscow are divided into 4 consumer groups:

  • Population.
  • budget organizations.
  • Owners of non-residential premises.
  • Organizations of water supply and sewerage economy of the region.

Tariffs for water and sanitation in Moscow for 2017 (excluding the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts)

As can be seen from the table, the last increase in the price of water tariffs was on July 1, 2016. The price increase is scheduled for July 1, 2017 and adjusted according to the program of social and economic development of Moscow until 2018.

Tariffs for water and sanitation in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts

Name of centralized water supply and sanitation systems in the territories of intracity municipalities of the city of Moscow

Name of consumers

Tariffs (rub/m3)
from 01.01.2017 to 06.30.2017

Cold water Drainage
1 Shcherbinka urban district Population (with VAT) 19,59 23,80
Other consumers** 16,60 20,27
2 Settlements Moscow, Vnukovskoye, Voskresenskoye, Desenovskoye, Mosrentgen, Sosenskoye, Filimonkovskoye Population (with VAT) 34,17 34,21
Other consumers** 28,96 28,99
3 Settlements Shchapovskoe, Klenovskoe Population (with VAT) 25,17 32,41
Other consumers** 21,33 27,47
4 Settlements of Voronovskoye, Krasnopakhorskoye (with the exception of the village of Minzag), Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, Rogovskoye Population (with VAT) 20,58 33,61
Other consumers** 17,44 28,48
5 Subsistence farm settlement Minzag of Krasnopakhorskoye settlement Population (with VAT) 21,83 24,58
Other consumers** 18,50 20,83
6 Settlement Ryazanovskoe Population (with VAT) 18,87 24,90
Other consumers** 15,99 21,10
7 Troitsk city district Population (with VAT) 21,58 25,79
Other consumers** 18,29 21,86
8 Settlements Kievsky, Pervomayskoye, Novofedorovskoye, Kokoshkino, Marushkinskoe Population (with VAT) 29,75 24,79

* - Decree of the Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow dated December 20, 2016 No. 432-v came into force on January 1, 2017.

The tariff for hot water was adopted by Decree No. 545-gv “On setting tariffs for hot water (hot water supply) supplied by the Joint-Stock Company Main Department of Housing and Communal Services to consumers using closed hot water supply systems for 2017”

Tariffs for hot water in the city of Moscow, with the exception of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city

As can be seen from the table, the price of hot water in Moscow is higher than in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts. It can be noted that since January 1, 2017, there has been no rise in prices for hot water.

Tariffs for hot water in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts

Name of the centralized hot water supply system Period Tariffs for other consumers, rub./cu.m. Tariffs for the population, rub./cu.m.
Settlement "Mosrentgen" (v. Mamyri) from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 76,01 89,69
Settlement "Mosrentgen" (settlement of the Mosrentgen plant) from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 94,85 111,92
Shchapovskoye settlement from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 82,17 96,96
Settlement Krasnopakhorskoe from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 83,84 98,93
Settlement Pervomayskoe from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 104,81 123,68
Settlement Desenovskoye from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017 75,56 89,16

Service water tariffs for consumers of Mosvodokanal JSC

* - Decree of the Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow dated December 20, 2016 No. 432-v came into force on January 1, 2017;

** — tariffs do not include value added tax

The Ministry of Economic Development notes that the increase in tariffs will not exceed the level of projected inflation. Meanwhile, consumers consider the indexation of tariffs as an unjustified measure. For each region, the percentage of indexation will be different. For example, for St. Petersburg and Yakutia it will be higher - tariffs in these subjects of the Federation will increase by 6%, and in Moscow tariffs will increase by 7%.

Rates of payment for the use of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow for tenants of residential premises under a contract for social rental of residential premises and a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises ...

Rates of payment for the use of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow for tenants of residential premises under a social rental agreement for residential premises and a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises (rates of payment for social rental of residential premises and hiring of specialized residential premises)


Payment rates for social rental of residential premises and rental of specialized residential premises (in rubles per 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​residential premises per month)

Residential buildings with all amenities, regardless of the material of the walls and the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute, located in the I zone



Residential buildings with all amenities, regardless of the material of the walls and the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute, located in zone II



Prices for the maintenance of residential premises for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided for use under a contract for social rental of residential premises, a contract for hiring a specialized ...

Prices for the maintenance of residential premises for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided for use under a social rental agreement for residential premises, an agreement for the rental of specialized residential premises and an agreement for the rental of residential premises of the housing stock for commercial use; for citizens-users of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided for use under a contract for gratuitous use; for citizens-owners of residential premises in apartment buildings located on the territory of the city of Moscow, if at the general meeting of owners of premises of an apartment building in the prescribed manner a decision was not made to establish the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises, with the exception of the population living in residential premises located in municipal property and property of citizens, on the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow (prices for the maintenance of residential premises)


for residential premises located on the second and subsequent floors of the house

for residential premises located on the ground floor of the house

Apartment buildings:



























Residential buildings with all amenities, no elevator, no garbage chute


Prices for the maintenance of residential premises
from July 1, 2017


for the area occupied within the established norms, for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided under a social tenancy agreement or a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises, for citizens - users of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided for use under a contract for gratuitous use and for citizens - owners of residential premises who have a single residential premises and are registered in it (in rubles per 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises per month, including VAT)

for the area occupied in excess of the established norms, for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided under a social tenancy agreement or a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises, for citizens - users of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided for use under gratuitous use agreement, for citizens - owners of residential premises who have a single residential premises and are registered in it, citizens - owners of residential premises who have more than one residential premises or are not registered in it, and for tenants under a tenancy agreement for residential premises of a housing stock for commercial use ( in rubles per 1 sq.m of the total living area per month, including VAT)

for residential premises located on the second and subsequent floors of the house

for residential premises located on the ground floor of the house

for residential premises located on the second and subsequent floors of the house

for residential premises located on the ground floor of the house

Apartment buildings:


Residential buildings with all amenities, with an elevator and a garbage chute






Residential buildings with all amenities, with an elevator, without a garbage chute






Residential buildings with all amenities, no elevator, with a garbage chute






Residential buildings with all amenities, no elevator, no garbage chute






Residential buildings without one or more types of amenities or with wear and tear of 60 percent or more, as well as residential premises (apartments) recognized in the prescribed manner as unfit for habitation





Low-rise buildings of the housing stock of the city of Moscow:


Residential buildings with all amenities, no elevator, no garbage chute


Housing and communal services tariffs from July 1, 2017 in Moscow, table

Tariffs for cold water and water disposal for the population of the city of Moscow, with the exception of the population living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts of the city of Moscow


Name of company

Tariffs including VAT (rubles/m3)

Joint Stock Company "Mosvodokanal"





Tariffs for hot water for the population of the city of Moscow, with the exception of the population living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts of the city of Moscow


Name of company

from January 1, 2017

Hot water tariffs including VAT (rubles/m3)
from July 1, 2017

Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow United Energy Company", other organizations (except for the Public Joint Stock Company of Energy and Electrification "Mosenergo")



Public Joint Stock Company of Energy and Electrification "Mosenergo"


Tariffs for thermal energy (heating) for the population of the city of Moscow, with the exception of the population living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow


Name of company

from January 1, 2017

Tariffs for thermal energy for the population of the city of Moscow, including VAT (rubles/Gcal)
from July 1, 2017

Public Joint Stock Company of Energy and Electrification "Mosenergo" - Tariff for the production of thermal energy



Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow United Energy Company" - tariff for services for the transmission of heat energy through the main networks



Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow United Energy Company" and other organizations - tariff for thermal energy (purchase, production, transmission of thermal energy through thermal networks, taking into account the costs of maintaining thermal networks (central heating points, thermal inputs, pumping stations)



Tariffs for electric energy (electricity) supplied by energy sales organizations to the population of the city of Moscow, with the exception of the population living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts of the city of Moscow


Indicator (groups of consumers with a breakdown by rates and differentiation by day zones)

unit of measurement

Population (tariffs include VAT)


Population other than those specified in paragraph 2 of this Annex


One-part tariff





day zone




night zone





peak zone




semi-peak zone




night zone




Population living in urban areas in houses equipped in accordance with the established procedure with stationary electric stoves and (or) electric heating installations (tariffs are indicated including VAT)


One-part tariff





Tariff differentiated by two zones of the day

day zone




night zone





Tariff differentiated by three zones of the day

peak zone




semi-peak zone




night zone




Retail prices for natural gas for settlements with the population of the city of Moscow living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow


Directions of use natural gas

from January 1, 2017

Retail price including VAT (rubles/cubic meters)
from July 1, 2017

Cooking and heating water using a gas stove if available central heating and central hot water supply



Cooking and heating water using a gas stove and a gas water heater in the absence of a central hot water supply



Cooking and heating water using a gas stove in the absence of a gas water heater and central hot water supply



Water heating using a gas water heater



The retail price for solid fuel (coal) supplied within the established norms for the domestic needs of the population of the city of Moscow living in houses with stove heating, with the exception of the population living on the territory of Troitsky and ...


from January 1, 2017

Retail price for solid fuel (coal) including VAT (rubles per ton)
from July 1, 2017

Solid fuel (coal) supplied within the established norms for domestic needs of the population of the city of Moscow living in houses with stove heating



Rates of planned and standard expenditure for calculating the amount of subsidies provided to organizations that manage apartment buildings from the budget of the city of Moscow for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in ...

Rates of planned and standard expenditure for calculating the amount of subsidies provided to organizations that manage apartment buildings from the budget of the city of Moscow for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, with the exception of apartment buildings located on the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow, residential premises in which are owned by the municipality or the property of citizens


from January 1, 2017

Rates of planned and standard consumption (rubles per month per 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​​​a dwelling)
from July 1, 2017

Residential buildings with elevator and garbage chute



Residential buildings with an elevator, without a garbage chute



Residential buildings without an elevator, with a garbage chute



Residential buildings without an elevator, without a garbage chute



Mark Goykhman, a leading analyst at Teletrade Group, notes that Russians' expenses for housing and communal services have long become a painful item in family budgets. On average, 12% of people's expenses are spent on these purposes. And in households with low incomes - up to 33%. After all, real incomes of the population have been steadily declining since 2014. Their decrease in January-May 2017 alone amounted to 1.8% compared to the same period in 2016, according to Rosstat. At the beginning of 2017, residents' debts for housing and communal services amounted to approximately 275 billion rubles, according to the Association of Real Estate Companies (AKON).