How to drive cheat codes in corsairs gpk. Cheats for Corsairs: City of Lost Shipsonly cheat codes, walkthroughs, tips and passwords for games. Ships. We generate a new one, change the characteristics

In engine.ini (which is located in the game folder) change
debugwindow = 0 change to debugwindow = 1. Then go into the game press F5 and enter the codes.



and other characteristics of the character, melee and firearms:

For change
PIRATES, enter in the left column:

Pchar.skill.freespecial- to change the PIRATES points of the GG

Characters [i] .skill.freespecial- for officers and other people / characters (instead of i, we enter the index of the desired
Persian, how to find it is described above)

In the right
column, we get the value 0, change it to any other desired digit -
we get PIRATES points, which can be distributed to any skills as in the beginning
games. For example, entering 6 will get 6 additional PIRATES points. If by
for some reason, we want to lower the values ​​on the contrary, then we also enter, for example
1 in the right column, decrease and then set to zero again.


Characters [i] .chr_ai.charge- how many charges the barrel is charged

Characters [i] .chr_ai.charge_max- maximum number of charges in the barrel

Characters [i] .chr_ai.charge_dlt- barrel charging speed

(make yourself a machine gun from a cheap pistol)

Characters [i] .chr_ai.dmggunmin
- minimal damage from the barrel

Characters [i] .chr_ai.dmggunmax
- maximum damage from the barrel

Characters [i] .chr_ai.dmgbldmin
- minimal damage from the blade

Characters [i] .chr_ai.dmgbldmax
- maximum damage from the blade

Characters [i] .chr_ai.hp_dlt
- health recovery rate

Characters [i] .chr_ai.energymax
- the maximum energy level, BUT due to the fact that this parameter is calculated,
the entered value will work (the energy bar will correspond to
entered value) only until its next calculation (and it is calculated
maximum energy level each time F2 is pressed)

Well, on the right
column after entering cheats, we experiment with increasing digital values, but
do not overdo it

Attention, everyone
parameters set by these codes are reset when changing weapons!



On the left side:

[N] - No.
Ship ... you can recognize it by typing pchar.ship.type ... appear on the right side
ship number.

RealShips [N] .turnrate- agility

RealShips [N] .maxcrew- maximum command with overload

RealShips [N] .mincrew- minimal command

RealShips [N] .capacity- capacity lang = RU "mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"> holds

RealShips [N] .weight- mass of the ship without cargo and crew (affects the inertia calculated by the engine
games) so as not to skid when cornering

RealShips [N] .HP - body

RealShips [N] .optcrew - optimal command (no overload)

RealShips [N] .cannon - maximum type of cannon to be installed on board (see cannon type in
spoiler "Energy, reputation, gun caliber, rank, health, money,

RealShips [N] .maxcaliber - this value will be displayed in the ship's characteristics as the maximum
the caliber of the guns (but you need to enter the previous cheat, otherwise you will install it anyway

RealShips [N] .WindAgainstSpeed- beydewind

RealShips [N] .Stolen - 1 = your ship has a "captured" status, 2 = your ship has
"purchased" status (affects the sale price)

RealShips [N] .Ship.Upgrades.Sails- texture of sails 1-3 (1 = parus_common (regular sails), 2 = parus_pat, 3 =
parus_silk (silk sails))

PChar.Ship.Upgrades.Sails- the same thing only for the GG ship

RealShips [N] .Ship.Upgrades.Hull- hull texture 1-3 (one ship has 3 types of textures from the game folder)

PChar.Ship.Upgrades.Hull- the same thing only for the GG ship

RealShips [N] .SpeedDependWeight - influence of the load of the hold on the speed of the ship (0 = load does not affect
for speed, i.e. speed remains maximum regardless of

RealShips [N] .TurnDependWeight
- the influence of the load in the hold on the ship's maneuverability. (0 = Workload is not
affects maneuverability)

On the right we see
the current value and replace it with the desired one, press Enter, enjoy ...

Degree2Radian (X) - where X is the angle in degrees, we get the angle in radians

realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonf.firezone - angle of impact from bow guns
(entered in radians obtained by the function described above)

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonb.firezone- hit angle of stern guns

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonl.firezone- angle of attack on the port side

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonr.firezone- starboard strike angle

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonf.firedir- the angle of deviation of the affected area (also in radians we count from 0 ie nose
ship clockwise) for bow guns

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonb.firedir - the angle of deviation of the affected area for the stern (here the default angle is
180 degrees = 3.14 in radians i.e. number Pi)

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonl.firedir- the angle of deviation of the affected area for the port side

Realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonr.firedir- - the angle of deviation of the kill zone for the starboard side

And the meaning
deviation of the firing zone in that it is possible to shift the firing zone of airborne
guns towards the nose and thus fire a salvo from two sides and bow
guns. Something like modern naval guns on rotating platforms =)



Pchar.skill.FencingLight- The ability to handle light weapons

Pchar.skill.Fencing- Ability to control sabers

Pchar.skill.FencingHeavy- Mastering heavy broadswords, axes and swords

Pchar.skill.Pistol– Pistols

Pchar.skill.Fortune- Fortune. She is luck.

Pchar.skill.Sneak- Stealth

Pchar.skill.Sailing- Navigation.

Pchar.skill.Accuracy- Accuracy

Pchar.skill.Cannons- Cannons

Pchar.skill.Grappling- Boarding


Pchar.skill.Repair- Repair

Pchar.skill.Commerce- Trade

Pchar.rank –rank

Pchar.Reputation- Reputation

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true) - immortality

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, false) - disable immortality

Pchar.rank-hero level

LAi_SetLevelHP (pchar) - health according to the level of the hero

AddMoneyToCharacter (pchar, amount of money) - money


GiveItem2Character (pchar, "item")

List of some items:

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "blade1-35") - swords

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "topor1-3") - axes

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "toporAZ") - Macuahuitl, the most powerful crap in the game

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "pistol1-6") - pistols

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "mushket") - blunderbuss


GiveItem2Character (pchar, "pistol7") - shotgun

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "cirass1-5") - cuirass

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "spyglass1-5") - telescopes

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "potion1") - Healing Potion

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "potion2") - elixir

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "potion3") - antidote

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "suit_1") - castoff clothes merchant clothes nobleman

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "suit_2") - merchant clothes,

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "suit_3") - nobleman's clothes

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian11") - rat god - rats on the ship don't eat anything else

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "bullet") - bullets

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "ShipyardsMap") - a drawing that is instructed to get at the shipyard

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_LSC") - map> GPC

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "gold") - gold



GiveItem2Character (pchar, "EngTradeLicence") - eng trade license

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "FraTradeLicence") - franc trading license

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "SpaTradeLicence") - isp Trading license

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "HolTradeLicence") - goal trade license

colonies, they will tell us day after day that the license remains to serve only


GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_1")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_2")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_3")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_4")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_5")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_6")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_7")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_8")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_9")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_10")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_11")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_12")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_13")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_14")

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Totem_15")

Totem_1- Totem Shochiketsal. (+ 20 luck)

Totem_2 -Totem Miktlantecutli. (+20 stealth)

Totem_3 -Totem of Quetzalcoatl (+20 defense)

Totem_4 -Totem Mishcoatl. (+20 accuracy)

Totem_5 -Totem Tezcatlipoca. (+20 pistols)

Totem_7 -Totem Huitzilopochtli. (+20 medium weapons)

Totem_8 -Tlaloca Totem. (+20 light weapons)

Totem_9 -Totem Mayauel. (+20 heavy weapons)

Totem_10 -Totem Tonakatecutli. (+20 trade)

Totem_11 -Totem Camastli. Kamastli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Fire maker.

Totem_12 -Totem Sinteotl. (+20 to navigation)

Totem_13 - Totem Tlasolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions

Totem_14 -Totem Tonatiu. Tonatiu, god of the sky and the sun.

Totem_15 -Totem Ship-Toteku. (+20 to repair)




GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa1") - White crystal skull

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa2") - Pink crystal skull

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa3") - Blue crystal skull

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian1") - Idol Akamapichtli (+10 authority and stealth, -20

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Indian5") - Koshkoshtly figurine. (+10 stealth)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian10") - Idol of Chuck-Moona (+20 pistols, +10 accuracy, -20 stealth)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian12") - Image of a jaguar warrior (+10 heavy weapons)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian14") - Picture of Yakatekuht-li. (+20 trade, -20

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian19") - Achkuatsin figurine. (+20 accuracy, +10 weapons, -20 stealth)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian22") - Atlantic warrior (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10
authority and luck)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian15") - stone disc (+10 authority and defense, -10 luck)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian18") - Idol of an ancient deity. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian17") - A figurine of a dog. (+10 stealth)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian11") - Rat god (no rats on the ship)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian6") - Drive to Chimalpopoku. (+10 medium weapons)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "indian7") - Idol of the Great Mother (+10 luck)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "statue1") - Stone (+30 repairs)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "jewelry4") - Emerald (+10 authority)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "jewelry8") - Bronze ring (+10 luck

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "jewelry9") - Bronze cross (+10 luck

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "jewelry15") - Emerald pendants (+10 skr


GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx where xxx is:

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Key1" - key for a simple lock (simple key)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Key2" - key for ordinary locks of medium difficulty (normal key)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Key3" - key for complex locks (complex key)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "keyPanama" - key from the chest in the residence of Panama

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "keyQuestLSC" - the key from the chest of the Governor-General of Curacao Peter

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "keyPanama_LSC" - admiral's key (key lost by the admiral)

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "keyQuestLSC_Tizer" - Mysterious key of Dan's Teaser allegedly with
mysterious Island. Why it is needed is unknown.


GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_normal") - normal map

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_LSC") - GPC map

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_Pearl") - pearl craft map

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_beliz") - map of Belize

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_santa") - map of Santa Catolina

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_jam") - map of Jamaica

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_cuba") - map of Cuba

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_hisp") - map of Hispaniola

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_antigua") - map of Antigua

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_barbados") - map of Barbados

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_cayman") - map of Cayman

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_Curacao") - map of Curacao

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_guad") - map of Guadeloupe

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_TORTUGA") - map of Tortuga

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_dominica") - map of Dominica

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_martiniqua") - map of Martinique

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_trinidad") - map of Trinidad and Tobago

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_nevis") - map of Nevis

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_sm") - Martin's map

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_terks") - Turks map

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_maine_1") - map of West Maine

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_maine_2") - map of south Maine

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_panama") - map of Panama

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_maracaibo") - map of the center of Maine

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_cumana") - map of Cumana

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "map_puerto") - Puerto Rico
""" GG Energy

Pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity- ship crew

Pchar.Ship.HP- ship hull

Moral cheat

Pchar.Ship.SP - sails as a percentage of the YG ship;

Pchar.chr_ai.charge- charges of weapons GG (1.0 one barrel fully charged 2.0 two barrels fully
charged) and

Pchar.chr_ai.charge_max- maximum charges maximum value that can be displayed 6 (which
will be if I did not check it anymore);

sailor experience
- pchar.Ship.crew.exp.sailors;

Gunners experience
- pchar.Ship.crew.exp.Cannoners;

Soldier experience -

- team experience


On the left side
write pchar.perks.list.N, where N is the name of the perk you want yourself
add. On the right side, replace "error" with 1.

abilities added in this way take effect only after the change
locations. For example, after going from home to street.

So we write
pchar.perks.list.N, where N is:

Pchar.perks.list.BasicDefense- Basic defense skill

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedDefense- Advanced Defense Skill

Pchar.perks.list.CriticalHit- Critical Hit

Pchar.perks.list.Ciras- Breastplate

Pchar.perks.list.SwordplayProfessional- Professional fencer

Pchar.perks.list.Grus- Additional weight

Pchar.perks.list.Rush- Berserker

Pchar.perks.list.Tireless- Tirelessness

Pchar.perks.list.HardHitter- Heavy hand

Pchar.perks.list.BladeDancer- Saber Dance

Pchar.perks.list.Sliding- Irresistible blow

Pchar.perks.list.Gunman- Shooter

Pchar.perks.list.GunProfessional- Sharpshooter

Pchar.perks.list.IronWill- Iron Will

Pchar.perks.list.SharedExperience- Experience exchange

Pchar.perks.list.Medic- Excellent health

Pchar.perks.list.HPPlus- Growing Life

Pchar.perks.list.EnergyPlus- Growing energy



Pchar.perks.list.Trustworthy- Trustworthy

Pchar.perks.list.ShipEscape- Lifeboat Rescue

Pchar.perks.list.FastReload- Fast Reload

Pchar.perks.list.ImmediateReload- Pre-reload

Pchar.perks.list.HullDamageUp- Increased hull damage

Pchar.perks.list.SailsDamageUp- Increased damage to sails

Pchar.perks.list.CrewDamageUp- Increased team damage

Pchar.perks.list.CriticalShoot- Critical Shot

Pchar.perks.list.LongRangeShoot- Increased firing distance

Pchar.perks.list.CannonProfessional- Professional Gunner

Pchar.perks.list.LongRangeGrappling- Long Range Boarding

Pchar.perks.list.MusketsShoot- Musket salvo

Pchar.perks.list.GrapplingProfessional- Master Boarding

Pchar.perks.list.BasicBattleState- The main defense of the ship

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedBattleState- Advanced ship defense

Pchar.perks.list.ShipDefenseProfessional- Ship Defense Professional

Pchar.perks.list.LightRepair- Easy Repair

Pchar.perks.list.InstantRepair- Quick fix

Pchar.perks.list.ShipSpeedUp- Increase ship speed

Pchar.perks.list.ShipTurnRateUp- Increase ship maneuverability

Pchar.perks.list.StormProfessional- Swimming in storms

Pchar.perks.list.Turn180- Maneuverable turn of the ship

Pchar.perks.list.SandbankManeuver- Shallow water maneuvers

Pchar.perks.list.SailingProfessional- Experienced Seafarer

Pchar.perks.list.FlagPir- Pirate flag

Pchar.perks.list.FlagEng- Flag of England

Pchar.perks.list.FlagFra- Flag of France

Pchar.perks.list.FlagSpa- Flag of Spain

Pchar.perks.list.FlagHol- Flag of Holland

Pchar.perks.list.Brander- Brander

Pchar.perks.list.Troopers- Allied ship landing

Pchar.perks.list.BasicCommerce- Basic Trading

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedCommerce- Advanced Commerce

Pchar.perks.list.Carpenter- Carpenter

Pchar.perks.list.Builder- Shipbuilder

Pchar.perks.list.WindCatcher- Increase dynamics

Pchar.perks.list.SailsMan- Fast Sails

- Doctor

Pchar.perks.list.Doctor2- Life Savior



On the left side
we write:

PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Self- adds personal perk points for distribution

PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Ship -Adds ship perk points to distribution

On the right side
we set the number of points that we want to distribute, i.e. writing for personal
abilities, for example 10 we can get 10 points with which we can take 10
any personal perks / abilities.



Generate a ship with the GenerateShip (N, true) function where N is the template number
ship from the list:

GenerateShip (0,
true) Tartane - Tartana

GenerateShip (1,
true) WarTartane - Barkas

GenerateShip (2,
true) Lugger - Lugger

GenerateShip (3,
true) Sloop - Sloop

GenerateShip (4,
true) Barque - Barque

GenerateShip (5,
true) Schooner - Schooner

GenerateShip (6,
true) Caravel - Caravel

GenerateShip (7,
true) Fleut - Flute

GenerateShip (8,
true) Barkentine - Barkentina

GenerateShip (9,
true) Brigantine - Chestplate

GenerateShip (10, true) Brig - Brig

GenerateShip (11, true) Galeon_l

GenerateShip (12, true) Corvette - Corvette

GenerateShip (13, true) Galeon_h - Heavy galleon

GenerateShip (14, true) Pinnace - Pinas

GenerateShip (15, true) Frigate - Frigate

GenerateShip (16, true) LineShip - Battleship

GenerateShip (17, true) Battleship - Battle ship

GenerateShip (18, true) Warship - Warship

GenerateShip (19, true) Manowar - Mano-var

GenerateShip (20, true) SoleyRu - Royal linear aka Royal Man-o-var

GenerateShip (21, true) BRIGQEEN - Unique brig

GenerateShip (22, true) BRIGSW Brig Sea Wolf

GenerateShip (23, true) XebekVML - Schebek

GenerateShip (24, true) CORVETTE_QUEST - Corvette that cannot be found equal

GenerateShip (25, true) ArabellaShip Frigate Arabella, former Cinco Llagas

GenerateShip (26, true) Flyingdutchman - "Flying Dutchman"

GenerateShip (27, true) NoneBoat - No ship

Then in
on the right side we will receive the unique number of the created ship (remember this number).

2. Now
we will enter pchar.ship.type, and in the right column we will enter the number that we remember in
item 1.

Everything, the ship is at
YY has changed


Everyone had a problem with a shortage of rum, provisions and so on. From today with this
pokocino. Let me introduce you: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N - goods in the hold
ship, where N is the ship's product, for example pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs are bombs.
We write in the left column pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N, and on the right we indicate the quantity
goods (as much as your heart desires). In N you can write:

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Balls- kernels

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Grapes- buckshot

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Knippels- knippels

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Bombs- bombs

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Sailcloth- sails

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Planks- boards

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Slaves- slaves

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Wheat- wheat

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Ebony- black tree

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Chocolate- cocoa

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Sugar- sugar

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Wine- wine

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Linen- canvas


Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Tobacco- tobacco

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Coffee- coffee

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Mahogany- mahogany

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cinnamon- cinnamon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Copra- copra

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Paprika- paprika

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Fruits- fruits

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods. Ale- Ale

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Silk- silk

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Clothes- clothes

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cotton- cotton

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Sandal- sandal

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Leather- leather

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Oil- oil

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Food- food

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Weapon- weapon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Gold- gold

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Silver- silver

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Powder- gunpowder

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Brick- bricks

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Medicament- medicines

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_12- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_16- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_24- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_32- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_42- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_12- Kulevrina

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_16- Kulevrina

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_24- Kulevrina

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_32- Kulevrina


All cheat codes that can be applied to the main character through the pchar command, with the same
can be successfully applied to any officer (including quest), through the team
Characters, but for this we need to find out the unique number of the officer, for this
enter in the left column:

GetPassenger (pchar, N) - the function returns the index of the officer on board the GG trawler where N is the officer's number
starting from 0 (including captives)

GetCompanionIndex (pchar, N) - the function returns the index of the officer assigned by the captain to the incoming ship
to the group of ships YY where N is the ship number starting from 1 (0 will return YY)

Some cheat functions for officers:

Characters [i] .Reputation - on the left side we set the reputation

In the same way, you can increase his loyalty (although it is disabled for Ogle):

Characters [i] .loyality- on the left side we set loyalty, it is set from 0 to 35.
Loyalty 35 is a devoted officer, but in reality it is kept at a level in the game

Or add perks / abilities:

Characters [i] .perks.list.N - where N is the name of the perk (see the spoiler above)

Characters [i] .chr_ai.HP - standard of living

Characters [i] .chr_ai.HP_Max - maximum living standard

Well, for the health bar (which in the parameters of the Persian by F2 varies from
Terrible to Excellent

Characters [i] .health.Hp - current health level

Characters [i] .health.MaxHp - maximum health level

In general, we received a command of the form:

Characters ... where instead of 339 we write the index of any other officer we find, and after
for this, we prescribe any of the cheat commands that were described above, but only there
via the pchar command, and here via Characters

Characters [N] .OfficerWantToGo.DontGo - on the right side, instead of error, set 1, so we get an officer
who will never leave the service, even with zero loyalty (to cancel
we also write cheat and set 0)

How to get an officer to take the right weapon:

If the officer does not want to take the saber / pistol in his inventory, then write in the left

Characters [N] .equip.blade- blade used

Characters [N] .equip.gun- respectively pistol

In the right column
respectively, enter the name of the item from the inventory, for example, to take
cavalry saber we introduce "blade30".

throw points from some thread of characteristics to strength


7 = 32lb; 8 = 42lb; 9 = 48lb - guns per ship

Mummy powder
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "Powder_mummie")

TakeNItems (pchar, "Mineral3", 400) Kind of like candles

TakeNItems (pchar, "Coins", 666) black pearls ...




In the left column:

SetNationRelationBoth (XXX, YYY, ZZZ) - the function sets the ZZZ relationship between the nations XXX and YYY.

0 or ENGLAND - England

1 or FRANCE - France

2 or SPAIN - Spain

3 or HOLLAND - Holland

4 or PIRATE - Pirates


0 or RELATION_FRIEND - Friendly

1 - Trading


Enter without "" or just numbers.

For example:

SetNationRelationBoth (4, 1, 0) will set friendly
relations between pirates and France


teleportation, you need to know the id of the location you want to move to. His
you can look in advance, if you enter pchar.location, then on the right side
the ID of the location in which the YY is now will be displayed. If necessary
move to the previously visited location, you can find the save in it and load it
view ID

You can also
see the IDs of locations in the file at:

\ RESOURCE \ INI \ texts \ russian \ LocLables.txt


DoReloadCharacterToLocation ("location id" goto "," goto1 ")

DoQuestReloadToLocation ("location id", "goto", "goto1", "")

Empty quotes
in the second option at the end are required!

teleportation does not work when trying to move to quest locations,
for example, to the Temple of the Great Vitality ...

I somehow shortened it by 10 pages, if I insert it into Word.

Corsairs City of Lost Ships

Hacking Money.

Start> All Programs> 1s> К: ГПК> Settings
In the settings, uncheck the "Full screen mode" and the column "800 * 600"
Launching the ArtMoney program
Launch the game
We go to the store
We buy any thing
We remember how much money is in the account
Using the Alt + Tab keys, go to ArtMoney, click "Search" in the "value type" column, set the "text"
In the value field, write the amount of money in your account and click search
Then we go back to the game, sell a little of what we bought, remember how much money became after the sale
In ArtMoney, we press "weed out", enter how much money is left after the sale, and restore justice, i.e. we indicate the amount of gold we need.
After sifting, it can give out several values, but as a rule, the number we need is the first, if it did not help, do it with the subsequent numbers.

Hacking Skills / Abilities.

Launching ArtMoney
Minimize the game (Alt + Tab)
Search parameters: Search for "Exact value", Value "write the number of free skills on the account at the moment", Type "Text"
We go into the game, use the skill.

We correct the number of skills to the one we need (for example: 50 (this is quite enough).

Hacking perks.

Launching ArtMoney
Run the game in windowed mode
Minimize the game (Alt + Tab)
In ArtMoney, select the process with the game, click "search"
Search parameters: Search for "Exact value", Value "write the number of perk points on the account at the moment", Type "Text"
We go to the game, pumping the perk ..
We press "Filter" and set a new value.
Add the first one in the list of found addresses (as a rule, this is it), you can try the second one, etc., if it doesn't work out.
We adjust the number of skills to the one we need (maximum - 100)
We return to the game, save.

In principle, any value of the game can be hacked in this way, starting with the number of piastres and ending with the carrying capacity of the ship.

Note: do not hack 2 game parameters at once (that is, 2 duplicate programs are open at once), this threatens to lose information.


Find the engine.ini file in the root directory, open it and look for the line debugwindow = 0, edit it to debugwindow = 1
We go into the game and press F5 (in windowed mode)
A window will appear for introducing cheats, in this window we set a specific function perceived by the game, set

the desired values ​​and we get any item, experience, key, etc.


On the left side of DebugWindow, enter:
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "blade1") - we get a dusak in our inventory!

In order to add a certain number of an item, in the same way, on the left side of the DebugWindow, enter:
TakeNItems (pchar, "blade1", 5) - we get 5 dusaks!

Hacking All Totems.

On the left side of DebugWindow, enter:

Totem_1 - Totem Shochiketsal. (+20 luck)

Totem_2 - Miktlantecutli's totem. (+20 stealth)

Totem_3 - Quetzalcoatl's Totem (+20 Defense)

Totem_4 - Mishcoatl's Totem. (+20 accuracy)

Totem_5 - Tezcatlipoca's Totem. (+20 pistols)

Totem_6 - Chalchihuitlikue Totem. (+20 authority)

Totem_7 - Huitzilopochtli Totem. (+20 medium weapons)

Totem_8 - Tlaloc Totem. (+20 light weapons)

Totem_9 - Mayahuel Totem. (+20 heavy weapons)

Totem_10 - Totem of Tonakatecuhtli. (+20 trade)

Totem_11 - Totem Kamastli. Kamastli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Fire maker.

Totem_12 - Totem of Sinteotl. (+20 to navigation)

Totem_13 - Totem Tlasolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions

Totem_14 - Totem of Tonatiu. Tonatiu, god of the sky and the sun.

Totem_15 - Totem of the Thorn-Toteku. (+20 to repair)

Important: When we receive the totems in such a dishonest way, they will not be counted for us when completing the Aztec quest, in order to be counted we need to go

Go to a shopkeeper or merchant and sell him all the totems received by the cheat, immediately buying them again - now they have become "playable".

Hacking Skills.

To add experience: AddPartyExp (pchar, amount of experience).

We enter one of the codes below on the left side, while on the right we have the current value - change it to the desired one.

pchar.skill.FencingLight - The ability to handle light weapons

pchar.skill.Fencing - Ability to control sabers

pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - Possession of heavy broadswords, axes and swords

pchar.skill.Pistol - Pistols

pchar.skill.Fortune - Fortune (Luck)

pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth

pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation

pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy

pchar.skill.Cannons - Cannons

pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding

pchar.skill.Defence - Protection

pchar.skill.Repair - Repair

pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade

Hack "Energy, reputation, caliber, rank, money, immortality".

We enter one of the cheats on the left side, on the right we see the current value (for reputation, percent) - change to the desired

pchar.rank - Rank

pchar.Reputation - Reputation

pchar.ship.cannons.type - gun caliber:

value 0 - 12 lbs. coolers;
value 1 - 16 lbs. coolers;
value 2 - 24 lbs. coolers;
value 3 - 32 lbs. coolers;
value 4 - 12 lbs. guns;
value 5 - 16 lbs. guns;
value 6 - 24 lbs. guns;
value 7 - 32 lbs. guns;
value 8 - 42 lbs. guns;
value 9 - 48 lbs. guns.

We enter on the left side

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true) - immortality of both the main character and his ship

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side we enter 1 - the immortality of only the main character

If we want to remove immortality, then we enter accordingly:

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, false) - for the first cheat

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side we enter 0 - for the second cheat

Increase Energy:
On the left side write on the right side indicate the amount of energy. Be careful and do not set an exorbitant value.

On the left side we write pchar.Money, on the right side we set the amount of money.

Hacking goods in the hold.

We write in the left column: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N - goods in the hold of the ship, where N - goods
In the right column, indicate the desired quantity of this product in the hold (as much as you like)

for example
pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs - bombs.

Instead of N we write:

Balls - cores

Grapes - buckshot

Knippels - knippels

Bombs - bombs

Sailcloth - sails

Planks - boards

Slaves - slaves

Wheat - wheat

Ebony - ebony

Chocolate - cocoa

Sugar - sugar

Wine - wine

Linen - canvas

Rum - rum

Tobacco - tobacco

Coffee - coffee

Mahogany - mahogany

Cinnamon - cinnamon

Copra - copra

Paprika - paprika

Fruits - fruits

Ale - ale

Silk - silk

Clothes - clothes

Cotton - cotton

Sandal - sandal

Leather - leather

Oil - oil

Food - provisions

Weapon - weapon

Gold - gold

Silver - silver

Powder - gunpowder

Brick - bricks

Medicamen - medicines

Cannon_12 - Cannon 12ph. (in the hold)
Cannon_16 - Cannon 16ph.
Cannon_24 - Cannon 24f.
Cannon_32 - Cannon 32ft.
Cannon_42 - Cannon 42ft.
Culverine_12 - Kulevrina 12f.
Culverine_16 - Kulevrina 16f.
Culverine_24 - Kulevrina 24f.
Culverine_32 - Kulevrina 32f.

Hacking Ammunition.

In the left column we write:
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

blade1, blade2, blade3 ... blade35 - all swords (to get a specific instance, enter blade and for example 27 and get in this case Morgan's rapier, with the rest as well)

topor1, topor2, topor3 - axes

toporAZ - Macuahuitl, the most powerful weapon in the game

pistol1 ... pistol6 - firearms

pistol7 - Shotgun, the best firearm in the game (quest)

bullet - bullets

mushket - blunderbuss (current for sale)

questMushket - double-barreled musket (quest)

cirass1 ... cirass5 - all cuirass

spyglass1 ... spyglass5 - spotting scopes

suit_1, suit_2, suit_3 - rags, merchant's clothes, nobleman's clothes

potion1 - healing potion

potion2 - elixir

potion3 - antidote

potion4 - potion

potionwine - great wine

Hacking the morale and experience of the team.

pchar.ship.Crew.Morale - the morale of the team, we write the function on the left side, and the current morale will appear in the right side, set 100 - the morale will become "Heroic", if we set 1000, we will get an instant recharge

Similarly with experience - on the left side we write the function, on the right side we get the value in%, set 100 and get the sea wolves:

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.sailors - sailor experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.Cannoners - canoir experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.soldiers - soldier experience

Hacking amulets, etc.

· GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa1") - White crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa2") - Pink crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character (pchar, "sculMa3") - Blue crystal skull

Indian5 - Catfish Statuette. (+10 stealth)

indian10 - Idol of Chak-Moon. (+20 pistols, +10 accuracy, -20 stealth)

indian12 - Image of a jaguar warrior. (+10 heavy weapons)

indian14 - Image of Yakatekukht-li. (+20 trade, -20 authority).

indian19 - Achkuatsin figurine. (+20 accuracy, +10 weapons, -20 stealth)

indian22 - Atlantic warrior. (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10 authority and luck)

indian15 - Large stone disc. (+10 authority and defense, -10 luck)

indian18 - Idol of an ancient deity. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth

indian17 - Dog figurine. (+10 stealth)

indian11 - Rat God (no rats on the ship)

indian6 - Disk Chimalpopoku. (+10 medium weapons)

indian7 - Idol of the Great Mother. (+10 luck)

statue1 - Stone mask (+30 repair).

jewelry8 - Bronze ring (+10 luck)

jewelry9 - Bronze cross (+10 luck)

jewelry15 - Emerald pendants (+10 stealth)

Cracking keys.

GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

Key1 - key for a simple lock (simple key)

Key2 - key for ordinary locks of medium difficulty (normal key)

Key3 - key for complex locks (complex key)

keyPanama - the key to the chest in the Panama residence

keyQuestLSC - Diffindur's key (from the chest of the Governor-General of Curacao Peter Stevesant)

keyPanama_LSC - admiral's key (key lost by the admiral)

keyQuestLSC_Tizer - Mysterious key of Dan's Teaser allegedly from the mysterious Island (from the chest for the Diffindur ships).

Hacking Miscellaneous.

On the left side:

pchar.Ship.HP - hull of the main ship;

pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - crew of the main ship;

pchar.Ship.SP - sails as a percentage of the YY ship;

pchar.chr_ai.charge - charges of the weapon GG (1.0 one barrel is fully charged 2.0 two barrels are fully charged) and

pchar.chr_ai.charge_max - maximum charges the maximum value that can be displayed 6 (what will happen if you set it no longer checked);

pchar.model.animation, in the right column, specify "woman" or "man" to select the animation of your character (useful for those who play for women, because sometimes the animation gets confused)

On the right side, write the desired value ...

TakeNItems (pchar, "xxx", n) - for a certain number of any item, where n is the number (see item 1) or GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") - for a single instance, where xxx is :

Mineral10 - bag of salt

Mineral2 - lute

potionwine - wine

potion5 - grapes

coins - black pearls

Hacking Maps.

b> GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

map_normal - normal map

map_LSC - GPC map

map_Pearl - pearl craft map

map_beliz - map of Belize

map_santa - map of Santa Catolina

map_jam - map of Jamaica

map_cuba - map of Cuba

map_hisp - map of Hispaniola

map_antigua - map of Antigua

map_barbados - map of Barbados

map_cayman - map of Cayman

map_Curacao - map of Curacao

map_guad - map of Guadeloupe

map_TORTUGA - map of Tortuga

map_dominica - map of Dominica

map_martiniqua - map of Martinique

map_trinidad - map of Trinidad and Tobago

map_nevis - map of Nevis

map_sm - map of San Martin

map_terks - map of Turks

map_maine_1 - map of West Maine

map_maine_2 - map of South Maine

map_panama - map of Panama

map_maracaibo - map of the center of Maine

map_cumana - map of Cumana

map_puerto - map of Puerto Rico

Printable page:
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We go into the game folder and find the file there engine.ini debugwindow = 0, which we change to debugwindow = 1.

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true)

blade1 - blade35- swords, sabers, rapiers ...
topor1 - topor3- axes
pistol1 - pistol6- pistols
pistol7- shotgun
cirass1 - cirass5- cuirasses
spyglass1 - spyglass5- telescopes
potion1- healing potion
potion2- elixir
potion3- antidote
bullet- bullets
map_LSC- GPK card
gold- gold

You also need to say that you don't need to open the console every time and drive in cheat codes there, everything will be loaded automatically. And this means that if you left an item in the console there, then with each transition to a new location or loading, these items will be added again and again. Therefore, as soon as you have registered the item you need, then immediately erase it from the console. Go to the game folder and find the file there. engine.ini... Then we open it and find the line debugwindow = 0, which we change to debugwindow = 1.

We start, in fact, the game, and already in the game we press the F5 button. The console appears.

We drive in the cheat code into the left line, the list of which is attached below:

LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true)- makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships
LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, false)- actually, it turns off immortality
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx", #) is the number of items #, and xxx is:

blade1 - blade35- swords, sabers, rapiers ...
topor1 - topor3- axes
toporAZ- Macuahuitl, the most powerful melee weapon in the game, and the heaviest
pistol1 - pistol6- pistols
pistol7- shotgun
cirass1 - cirass5- cuirasses
spyglass1 - spyglass5- telescopes
potion1- healing potion
potion2- elixir
potion3- antidote
indian11- Indian rat god, thanks to which you will completely forget about rats
bullet- bullets
ShipyardsMap- a drawing of a ship that asks you to find the owner of the shipyard
MayorsRing- a wedding ring that asks you to find the governor
UserersJew - precious stone who asks you to find a loan shark
map_LSC- GPK card
gold- gold

You also need to say that you don't need to open the console every time and drive in cheat codes, everything will be loaded automatically. And this means that if you left an item in the console there, then with each transition to a new location or loading, these items will be added again and again. Therefore, as soon as you have registered the item you need, then immediately erase it from the console.

There is an engine.ini file in the game folder. Open it with notepad, and find the line: debugwindow = 0 replace it with: debugwindow = 1 During the game, press the button to bring up the console window. Enter one of the following cheat codes in the left line: LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, false) - actually disables immortality AddMoneyToCharacter (pchar,<число>) - get the specified count. money GiveItem2Character (pchar, "ххх") or GiveItem2Character (pchar, "ххх",<число>) - get the specified number of items xxx, where xxx is: blade1 - blade35 - swords, sabers, rapiers ... topor1 - topor3 - axes toporAZ - macuahuitl, the most powerful and heavy edged weapon in the game pistol1 - pistol6 - pistol7 pistols - cirass1 shotgun - cirass5 - cuirass spyglass1 - spyglass5 - telescopes potion1 - healing potion2 - elixir potion3 - antidote indian11 - Indian rat god, thanks to which you will completely forget about rats bullet - bullets ShipyardsMap - ship drawing that asks you to find the owner - shipyard MayorsRing a ring that asks you to find the governor UserersJew - a gem that asks you to find a moneylender map_LSC - GPK card gold - gold or just open the file X: \<папка_с_игрой>\ Resource \ Ini \ texts \ russian \ ItemsDescribe.txt and choose from the descriptions what you need. For example (pchar, "pistol6") Be sure to write in quotes! TakeNItems (pchar, "xxx",<число>) - register the specified number of items where xxx is the name of the item pchar.ship.cannons.type - allows you to put any guns on any ships. after entering the cheat, the number appears in the right column, these are the weapons that are already on your ship. It is necessary to enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pound cannons (fort guns) 8 - 42 pound cannons. pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - the number of the crew of your ship, as you enter the cheat, a number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your crew, change it as needed. Enter one of the following cheat codes, and a number appears in the right column, change it from 1 to 100: pchar.skill.Leadership - authority pchar.skill.FencingLight - light weapon pchar.skill.Fencing - medium weapon pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - heavy weapons pchar.skill.Pistol - pistols pchar.skill.Fortune - luck pchar.skill.Sneak - stealth pchar.skill.Sailing - navigation pchar.skill.Accuracy - accuracy pchar.skill.Cannons - weapons pchar.skill.Grappling - boarding pchar.skill.Defence - protecting pchar.skill.Repair - fixing pchar.skill.Commerce - trading pchar.rank - your level pchar.Reputation - your reputation pchar.Money - money Cheat with perks: Warning: Do not forget to make a backup editable file! In the \ Resource \ Ini \ interfaces \ folder, find the character_all.ini file In it, find the line and two lines below: command = click, event: ExitPerkMenu, replace it with the line: command = click, event: AcceptPerk Now in the game in order to to add any perk to yourself or one of your officers, it will be enough just to select the perk from the menu and in the window that appears, click: "Cancel". The selected perk will be added, but the perk counter will decrease by 1. if it was 0, it will become -1. This is a very interesting cheat, a lot of room for experiment: GenerateShip (xx, true) - where in xx you enter, for example, 20, a certain number appears on the right side. Then, below, enter the next cheat - pchar.ship.type, then a number will appear on the right side - this is the number of your ship. Then we enter the number from the right column, which appeared when writing the previous cheat. From now on you have the Royal Manowar "Soleil Royal". You can also enter other numbers. Just make sure that you don't have a fort instead of a ship, otherwise you won't be able to go out to sea - you will be thrown out of the game.

Attention! Download program ArtMoney You can

Attention! Reading this topic and using the data in it cheats and hacking methods, threatens with loss of interest in the game, violation of the game balance, and if not used carefully, it can damage the game itself. You are reading this topic at your own peril and risk!

And my advice to you is - play fair!

Important: We do not use ArtMoney very often and very carefully, because there is a risk of adding quite a few new and unpleasant bugs to the game

ATTENTION: Patch 1.2 completely removes cheats from the game. If you do not want to part with cheats, then do not install this patch, otherwise you will not even be able to open the debug window

There are two main ways to hack the game, one through ArtMoney (not entirely safe for the game) and one directly on the game script - in the debug window that has existed since the days of K3, to put it simply - with cheats

Hacking Money.

Start> All Programs> 1s> К: ГПК> Settings
In the settings, uncheck the "Full screen mode" box and the "800 * 600" column
Launching the ArtMoney program
Launch the game
We go to the store
We buy any thing
We remember how much money is in the account
Using the Alt + Tab keys, go to ArtMoney, click "Search" in the "value type" column, set the "text"
In the value field, write the amount of money in your account and click search
Then we go back to the game, sell a little of what we bought, remember how much money became after the sale
In ArtMoney, we press "weed out", enter how much money is left after the sale, and restore justice, i.e. we indicate the amount of gold we need.
After sifting, it can give out several values, but as a rule, the number we need is the first, if it did not help, do it with the subsequent numbers.

Hacking Skills / Abilities.

Launching ArtMoney
Minimize the game (Alt + Tab)
Search parameters: Search for "Exact value", Value "write the number of free skills on the account at the moment", Type "Text"
We go into the game, use the skill.

We correct the number of skills to the one we need (for example: 50 (this is quite enough).

Hacking perks.

Launching ArtMoney
Run the game in windowed mode
Minimize the game (Alt + Tab)
In ArtMoney, select the process with the game, click "search"
Search parameters: Search for "Exact value", Value "write the number of perk points on the account at the moment", Type "Text"
We go into the game, pumping the perk ..
We press "Filter" and set a new value.
Add the first one in the list of found addresses (as a rule, this is it), you can try the second one, etc., if it doesn't work out.
We adjust the number of skills to the one we need (maximum - 100)
We return to the game and save.

In principle, in this way, you can hack any value of the game, starting with the number of piastres and ending with the carrying capacity of the ship. Note: do not hack 2 game parameters at once (that is, 2 duplicate programs are open at once), this threatens with information loss.

How to hack ship characteristics using ArtMoney:

The tool was Artmoney 7.23
The first thing that I was surprised to find out that almost all the variables that I turned to (amount of money, skills, maximum speed of the current ship, etc.), the Engine for some reason stores in zero-terminated strings. On the one hand, this is good - the lion's share of garbage is eliminated, on the other hand ... lines are difficult to process, and this should not have been the best way affect performance. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the main data type for storing such variables in the engine are multi-classes like OleVariant or with other features of the script interpreter.
Well, okay lines, so lines. I will not describe in detail how to modify the amount of money, it is just boring and is described in detail in the manual for the instrument with a correction for the fact that the amount of money is stored in a null-terminated string.
Let's start with a simple one - with the current characteristics of the ship. It would be ideal to start from a pirate settlement in Bermuda, because the local shipbuilder, when requesting a ship upgrade, says the exact characteristics of the ship (on the ships tab, the characteristics are rounded to two significant digits, i.e. 45.13 is actually shown 45.125).

Speed. we will proceed from the fact that we do not know the exact value of this parameter. In this case, only one significant digit after the decimal point should be taken.

In this case, we are looking for "13.2"

The choice of the type of value is carried out by the button indicated by the red arrow The following window will open

Here we need to select the "text" type, because we know only a part of the speed value. The meaning itself is much longer. As a result, in this case, I found three addresses at which the required parameter can be located.

There may be more or less of them (If one is generally great, then the next part can be skipped). Now we need to understand which one is what we need. To find out, you need to look at what is really there in the memory. To do this, by selecting an address from the list, the memory editor is selected either in the context menu or by pressing the Ctrl + M key. The first address, alas, is not what we need.

The second one too. And here is the third

It can be seen that the salient feature of the value we need is its length. More than six significant digits after the decimal point.

Add the address to the table for editing by clicking the button with the red arrow pointed to by the red arrow

Changing the number to something more pleasant

FROM beidwind and agility everything is the same, only when dropping out, it should be borne in mind that the values ​​of pointers to these parameters should be close to each other. At the same time, searching in the same memory block helps (select the value in the table on the right and press Alt + M)
In the same way, you can find hold, body strength and team size, only these values ​​should be searched for as "zero-strings" and if there are several addresses of candidates for storing the desired value, then you can add them to the editing table and assign them different meanings... What is the desired value of such an address.



Important: This method is safe for the game and cannot harm it, but it will happily shit in the gameplay.- it will knock the balance of the game, it can screw up quests, lead to conflicts if you pull out of the game beforehand purely quest items, totems, etc. But for scripts, unlike ArtMoney (which can demolish them), this method is safe - this is the script ...

We do not ask questions about quest items,
for example, how to get a bunch of weapons at the beginning for Blood or mummy powder according to Askold's quest, a quest letter, etc. it is better not to get this quest inventory out of the game so as not to get unnecessary bugs and not disrupt the course of the quest, moreover, most likely you will still not be able to use it for its intended purpose, since most quests are activated only when the item is received in an honest way.
The list will be updated and updated as new cheats from forum users arrive.
We no longer conduct pointless discussions in this thread, we only ask specific questions and get answers to them!

Copyright belongs to Corsairs-Harbor (Corsairs-Harbor)
, it was on our resource that was for the first timementioned(mentioned) this tool for entering cheats, any claims for authorship not accepted and violators will be punished.

Find the engine.ini file in the root directory, open it and look for the line debugwindow = 0, edit it to debugwindow = 1
We go into the game and press F5 (in windowed mode)
A window will appear for introducing cheats, in this window we set a specific function perceived by the game, set the desired values ​​and get an object, experience, key, etc.


On the left side of DebugWindow, enter:
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "blade1") - we get a dusak in our inventory!

In order to add a certain number of an item, in the same way, on the left side of the DebugWindow, enter:
TakeNItems (pchar, "blade1", 5) - we get 5 dusaks!

How to make a certain amount of an item:

Below there will be many cheats for various items with a view function, in this form you will get one unit of the desired item, but if you want to get a certain amount of any item, then we write a format function TakeNItems (pchar, "xxx", n) where instead n we put any number - the desired number of this item, for example, black pearls, but instead xxx, as well as in the first case - the name of the item

Get all totems:

On the left side of DebugWindow, enter:
GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") Where xxx this is:

  • Totem_1- Totem Shochiketsal. (+20 luck)
  • Totem_2- Totem Miktlantecutli. (+20 stealth)
  • Totem_3- Totem of Quetzalcoatl (+20 defense)
  • Totem_4- Totem of Miscoatl. (+20 accuracy)
  • Totem_5- Totem of Tezcatlipoca. (+20 pistols)
  • Totem_6- Totem Chalchihuitlikue. (+20 authority)
  • Totem_7- Totem Huitzilopochtli. (+20 medium weapons)
  • Totem_8- Totem of Tlaloc. (+20 light weapons)
  • Totem_9- Totem Mayahuel. (+20 heavy weapons)
  • Totem_10- Totem of Tonakatecuhtli. (+20 trade)
  • Totem_11 - Totem Kamastli. Kamastli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Fire maker.
  • Totem_12 - Totem of Sinteotl. (+20 to navigation)
  • Totem_13 - Totem Tlasolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions
  • Totem_14 - Totem Tonatiu. Tonatiu, god of the sky and the sun.
  • Totem_15- Totem Shipe-Toteku. (+20 to repair)
Important: When we get totems in this way, in an unfair way, they will not be counted for us during the passage of the Aztec quest, in order to be counted, you need to go to the shopkeeper or merchant and sell him all the totems received by the cheat, immediately buying them again - now they have become "playable"

Skulls, figurines, amulets and more:

Ammunition, clothing, tubes, healers:


Archipelago Maps:

Adding skills (personal and ship):

To add experience: AddPartyExp (pchar, experience)

We enter one of the codes below on the left side, while on the right we have the current value - change it to the desired

  • pchar.skill.Leadership- Authority
  • pchar.skill.FencingLight- Ability to handle light weapons
  • pchar.skill.Fencing- Ability to handle sabers
  • pchar.skill.FencingHeavy- Possession of heavy broadswords, axes and swords
  • pchar.skill.Pistol- Pistols
  • pchar.skill.Fortune- Fortune (Luck)
  • pchar.skill.Sneak- Stealth
  • pchar.skill.Sailing- Navigation
  • pchar.skill.Accuracy- Accuracy
  • pchar.skill.Cannons- Cannons
  • pchar.skill.Grappling- Boarding
  • pchar.skill.Defence- Protection
  • pchar.skill.Repair- Repair
  • pchar.skill.Commerce- Trade
Or there is a second way, on the left side we write:
  • PChar.Skill.Freeskill- adds the desired number of skillpoints for manual distribution
  • Characters [N] .Skill.Freeskill- the same, only for officers (where N- officer's index, look at the spoiler "Everything that concerns officers")
On the right side, write the desired number of skills for distribution, i.e. if we write, for example 100 , then we can manually increase (with the arrows next to the skills) any skill by the number of points within a hundred (i.e., we can, for example, increase navigation by 40, light weapons by 30, authority by 20 and luck by 10, etc.) ), then you can add more skills or remove if there are extra ones.

Adding abilities / perks (personal and ship):

On the left side we write:

  • PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Self- adds personal perk points for distribution
  • PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Ship-Adds ship perk points to distribution
On the right side, we set the number of points that we want to distribute, i.e. writing for personal aptitude like 10 we can get 10 points with which we can take any 10 personal perks / abilities.

Energy, reputation, gun caliber, rank, health, money, immortality:

We enter one of the cheats on the left side, on the right we see the current value (for reputation, percent) - change to the desired

  • pchar.rank- we set the rank, then we prescribe pchar.chr_ai.HP- sets life according to rank
  • pchar.Reputation- Reputation
  • pchar.ship.cannons.type- gun caliber:
  • value 0 - 12 lbs. coolers;
    value 1 - 16 lbs. coolers;
    value 2 - 24 lbs. coolers;
    value 3 - 32 lbs. coolers;
    value 4 - 12 lbs. guns;
    value 5 - 16 lbs. guns;
    value 6 - 24 lbs. guns;
    value 7 - 32 lbs. guns;
    value 8 - 42 lbs. guns;
    value 9 - 48 lbs. guns.
  • pchar.perks.list.N- where N, the name of the perk (see the "Adding perks" spoiler above)
  • pchar.chr_ai.HP- current standard of living
  • pchar.chr_ai.HP_Max- maximum standard of living
  • current health level
We enter on the left side
  • LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, true)- immortality of both the main character and his ship
  • pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side we enter 1 - immortality of only the main character
If we want to remove immortality, then we enter accordingly:
  • LAi_SetImmortal (pchar, false)- for the first cheat
  • pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side we enter 0 - for the second cheat
Increase Energy:
On the left side write in the right point qty energy. Be careful and do not set an exorbitant value.

On the left side we write pchar.Money, on the right we set the amount of money

Morale and experience of the team:

  • pchar.ship.Crew.Morale- the morale of the team, we write the function on the left side, and the current morale will appear in the right side, set 100 - the morale will become "Heroic", if we set 1000, we will get an instant recharge
Similarly with experience - on the left side we write the function, on the right side we get the value in%, set 100 and get the sea wolves:
  • pchar.Ship.crew.exp.sailors- sailor experience
  • pchar.Ship.crew.exp.Cannoners- canoeing experience
  • pchar.Ship.crew.exp.soldiers- soldier experience

Goods in the hold:

We write in the left column: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N- goods in the hold of the ship, where N- product
In the right column, indicate the desired quantity of this product in the hold (as much as you like)

for example
pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs- bombs.

Substitute N we write:

  • Balls- kernels
  • Grapes- buckshot
  • Knippels- knipples
  • Bombs- bombs
  • Sailcloth- sails
  • Planks- boards
  • Slaves- slaves
  • Wheat- wheat
  • Ebony- ebony
  • Chocolate- cocoa
  • Sugar- sugar
  • Wine- wine
  • Linen- canvas
  • Rum- rum
  • Tobacco- tobacco
  • Coffee- coffee
  • Mahogany- the Red tree
  • Cinnamon- cinnamon
  • Copra- copra
  • Paprika- paprika
  • Fruits- fruits
  • Ale- ale
  • Silk- silk
  • Clothes- clothes
  • Cotton- cotton
  • Sandal- sandal
  • Leather- leather
  • Oil- butter
  • Food- provisions
  • Weapon- weapon
  • Gold- gold
  • Silver- silver
  • Powder- gunpowder
  • Brick- bricks
  • Medicament- medicines
  • Cannon_12- Cannon 12ph. (in the hold)
    Cannon_16- Cannon 16ph.
    Cannon_24- Cannon 24ph.
    Cannon_32- Cannon 32ph.
    Cannon_42- Cannon 42ph.
    Culverine_12- Kulevrina 12f.
    Culverine_16- Kulevrina 16f.
    Culverine_24- Kulevrina 24f.
    Culverine_32- Kulevrina 32f.

Trade licenses (expiration date - infinite):

On the left side we write:

  • GiveItem2Character (pchar, "EngTradeLicence")- English. trade license
  • GiveItem2Character (pchar, "FraTradeLicence")- French. trade license
  • GiveItem2Character (pchar, "SpaTradeLicence")- isp. trade license
  • GiveItem2Character (pchar, "HolTradeLicence")- goal. trade license
P.S. In the colonies, they will tell us day after day that the license has only one day left to serve.


On the left side:

  • pchar.Ship.HP- ship hull GG;
  • pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity- the crew of the ship GG;
  • pchar.Ship.SP- sails as a percentage of the ship YG;
  • pchar.chr_ai.charge- charges of weapons GG (1.0 one barrel is fully charged 2.0 two barrels are fully charged) and
  • pchar.chr_ai.charge_max- maximum charges the maximum value that can be displayed 6 (what will happen if you set it no longer checked);
  • pchar.model.animation, in the right column, indicate "woman" or "man", to select the animation of your hero (useful for those who play as women, because sometimes the animation gets confused)
  • pchar.skill.freeskill- on the right, enter any number greater than zero (for example, 10) now by F2 in the character characteristics window, you can redistribute PIRATES points to the number entered in the right column and add (or redistribute) the pumping of personal or ship skills at your discretion also to the number entered in the right column. Note: add points to the PIRATES system you NOT you can - you can only redistribute already existing glasses, i.e. let's reduce strength, but add luck, etc. At any time, you can return everything as it was or redistribute it in some other way, depending on the situation.
On the right side, write the desired value ...TakeNItems (pchar, "xxx", n) - for a certain number of any item, where n- quantity (see item 1) or GiveItem2Character (pchar, "xxx") - for a single instance, where xxx this is:
  • Mineral10- a bag of salt
  • Mineral2- lute
  • potionwine- wine
  • potion5- grapes
  • coins- black pearls


For teleportation, you need to know the id of the location you want to move to. It can be viewed in advance by entering pchar.location, then on the right side will be displayed ID the location in which the GG is now located. If you need to move to a previously visited location, you can find the save in it and load it to see the ID
You can also see the location IDs in the file at:
<папка с игрой>\ RESOURCE \ INI \ texts \ russian \ LocLables.txt


  • DoReloadCharacterToLocation ("location id", "goto", "goto1")
  • DoQuestReloadToLocation ("location id", "goto", "goto1", "")
Empty quotes in the second option at the end are required!
Note: teleportation does not work when trying to move to quest locations, for example, to the Temple of the Great Life Force ...


1. Generate a ship using the GenerateShip (N, true) function where N is the ship template number from the list:
0 Tartane - Tartane
1 WarTartane - Barkas
2 Lugger - Lugger
3 Sloop - Sloop
4 Barque - Barque
5 Schooner - Schooner
6 Caravel - Caravel
7 Fleut - Flutes
8 Barkentine - Barkentina
9 Brigantine - Chestplate
10 Brig - Brig
11 Galeon_l - Galleon
12 Corvette - Corvette
13 Galeon_h - Heavy Galleon
14 Pinnace - Pinas
15 Frigate - Frigate
16 LineShip - Warship
17 Battleship
18 Warship - Ship of the Line
19 Manowar - Man-o-var
20 SoleyRu - Royal Linear aka Royal Man-o-Var
21 BRIGQEEN - Unique brig
22 BRIGSW Brig - "Sea Wolf"
23 XebekVML - Schebek
24 CORVETTE_QUEST - Corvette, equal to which is impossible to find
25 ArabellaShip Frigate - "Arabella", former "Cinco Llagas"
26 Flyingdutchman - "The Flying Dutchman"
27 NoneBoat - No ship

After that, on the right side, we get the unique number of the created ship (remember this number).
2. Now we will enter pchar.ship.type, and in the right column we will enter the number that we memorized in step 1.
Everything, the ship at GG has changed

How to change the main character during the game:

In the left column:
- in the right column " Name"
pchar.Lastname- in the right column " surname" in the right column " man" or " woman"
pchar.model- in the right column " model name"from (game folder) \ RESOURCE \ MODELS \ Characters
pchar.model.animation- in the right column " man" or " woman"
To change the portrait and icons of the Hero in the F2 interface:
pchar.FaceId- in the right column we indicate "xxx" where "xxx"- the number of the portrait of the new Hero from
(game folder) \ RESOURCE \ Textures \ INTERFACES \ PORTRAITS \ 256,
It is better not to use cuirasses - it does not work correctly yet
Important: in the right column we write everything in quotes, as indicated above
After all the changes, you need to change the location or reboot, after that the GG will become a new one

Everything regarding officers:

All cheat codes that can be applied to the main character through the command pchar, with the same success can be applied to any officer (including quest), through the command Characters, but for this we need to find out the unique number of the officer, to do this, enter in the left column:

  • GetPassenger (pchar, N)- the function returns the index of the officer on board the ship GG where N officer number starting from 0 (including prisoners)
  • GetCompanionIndex (pchar, N)- the function returns the index of the officer assigned by the captain to the ship included in the group of ships GG where N ship number starting from 1 (0 will return YY)
Some cheat functions for officers:
  • Characters [i] .Reputation- on the left side we set the reputation
In the same way, you can increase his loyalty (although it is disabled for Ogle):
  • Characters [i] .loyality- on the left side we set loyalty, it is set from 0 to 35. Loyalty 35 is a devoted officer, but in reality it is kept at the level of 33-34 in the game
  • characters [i] .alignment- if you enter in the right column good, then the loyalty of the officer grows when the GG does good / good / positive things, if you enter bad, then it will rise on the contrary, when it does bad
Or add perks / abilities:
  • Characters [i] .perks.list.N- where N, the name of the perk (see spoiler above)
  • Characters [i] .chr_ai.HP- current standard of living
  • Characters [i] .chr_ai.HP_Max- maximum standard of living
  • Well, for the health bar (which in the parameters of the Persian by F2 changes from "Terrible" to "Excellent")
  • Characters [i] .health.Hp- current health level
  • Characters [i] .health.MaxHp- maximum health level
  • Characters [N] .OfficerWantToGo.DontGo- on the right side instead error exhibiting 1 , thus we get an officer who will never leave the service, even with zero loyalty (to cancel, we also write a cheat and expose 0 )
In general, we received a command of the form:
  • Characters .... where instead 339 we write the index of any other officer we find, and after that we prescribe any of the cheat commands that were described above, but only there through the command pchar, and here through Characters

How to get an officer to take the right weapon

If the officer does not want to take the saber / pistol in his inventory, then write on the left side:
Characters [N] .equip.blade- used blade
Characters [N] .equip.gun- respectively a pistol
IN right column respectively, enter the name of the item from the inventory, for example, to take a cavalry saber, enter "blade30"... Do not forget that the item should already be in the officer's inventory. The name of the saber / pistol can be viewed in ItemsDescribe.txt, in the game folder

How to change an officer:

If they took an officer, but he did not come out with a mug and you want to replace him with another model, then:
We introduce:

  • Characters [i] .ID- xxx - the number of the officer to be changed
  • Characters [i] .name- "xxx"
  • Characters [i] .Lastmame- "xxx"
  • Characters [i] .faceid- xxx
  • Characters [i] .sex- "xxx"
  • Characters [i] .model- "xxx"
  • Characters [i] .model.animation- "xxx"
xxx write to right side and in quotes everywhere except faceid
For more details on what and how to enter, see above under the spoiler "How to change GG during the game", only instead pchar set naturally Characters

P.I.R.A.T.E.S. and other characteristics of the character, melee and firearms:

To change PIRATES, in the left column, enter:

  • pchar.skill.freespecial- to change the PIRATES points of the GG
  • characters [i] .skill.freespecial- for officers and other people / characters (instead i enter the index of the desired Persian, how to find it is described above)
In the right column we get the value 0 , we change it to any other desired number - we get PIRATES points, which can be distributed to any skills as at the beginning of the game. For example by entering 6 get 6 extra PIRATES points. If for some reason we want to lower the values ​​on the contrary, then we also enter, for example 1 in the right column, decrease and then set to zero again.

miscellanea :

  • characters [i] .chr_ai.charge- how many charges the barrel is charged
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.charge_max- the maximum number of charges in the barrel
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.charge_dlt- barrel charging speed
  • (make yourself a machine gun from a cheap pistol)
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.dmggunmin- minimal damage from the barrel
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.dmggunmax- maximum damage from the barrel
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.dmgbldmin- minimal damage from the blade
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.dmgbldmax- maximum damage from the blade
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.hp_dlt- health recovery rate
  • characters [i] .chr_ai.energymax- the maximum energy level, BUT, due to the fact that this parameter is calculated, the entered value will work (the energy bar will correspond to the entered value) only until its next calculation (and the maximum energy level is calculated each time F2 is pressed)
Well, in the right column, after entering the cheats, we experiment with increasing the numerical values, but do not overdo it
Attention, all parameters set by these codes are reset when changing weapons!

Changing the characteristics of the ship:

On the left side:

  • realships [N] .turnrate- maneuverability
  • realships [N] .maxcrew- maximum command with overload
  • realships [N] .mincrew- minimal team
  • realships [N] .capacity- hold capacity
  • realships [N] .weight- the mass of the ship without cargo and crew (affects the inertia calculated by the game engine) so that it does not skid when cornering
  • realships [N] .HP- body
  • realships [N] .optcrew- optimal team (no overload)
  • realships [N] .cannon- the maximum type of weapons for installation on board (see the type of weapons in the spoiler) "Energy, reputation, gun caliber, rank, health, money, immortality:")
  • realships [N] .maxcaliber- this value will be displayed in the characteristics of the ship as the maximum caliber of guns (but you need to enter the previous cheat, otherwise you will not be able to install it anyway)
  • RealShips [N] .WindAgainstSpeed- beydewind
  • RealShips [N] .Stolen- 1 = your ship has a "captured" status, 2 = your ship has a "bought" status (affects the sale price)
  • RealShips [N] .Ship.Upgrades.Sails- texture of sails 1-3 (1 = parus_common (regular sails), 2 = parus_pat, 3 = parus_silk (silk sails))
  • RealShips [N] .Ship.Upgrades.Hull- hull texture 1-3 (one ship has 3 types of textures from the game folder)
    PChar.Ship.Upgrades.Hull- the same only for the GG ship
  • RealShips [N] .SpeedDependWeight- the influence of the load in the hold on the speed of the ship (0 = the load does not affect the speed, i.e. the speed remains maximum regardless of the load in the hold)
  • RealShips [N] .TurnDependWeight- the influence of the load in the hold on the ship's maneuverability. (0 = Workload does not affect maneuverability)
On the right we see the current value and replace it with the desired one, press Enter, enjoy ...

Degree2Radian (X)- where X is the angle in degrees, we get the angle in radians
Now realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonf.firezone- angle of defeat from bow guns (enter in radians obtained by the function described above)

  • realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonb.firezone- the angle of destruction of stern guns
  • realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonl.firezone- the angle of defeat of the left side
  • realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonr.firezone- the angle of defeat of the starboard side
  • realships [N] .cannons.borts.cannonf.firedir- the angle of deviation of the affected area (also in radians we count from 0 i.e. nose to