How to read it correctly in English. English transcription: pronunciation of letters and sounds in English. Expressions to remember

"Harry Potter" in English is not very easy to read, but much more interesting than in Russian. There is nothing to say about "Alice in Wonderland": no matter how many talented translations there are, all puns can be fully appreciated only in the original. In general, reading in English is correct and useful. And we will help you choose a book for your level, so that it is also pleasant.

In contact with

The more that you know, the more places you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss

Any English-speaking child will confirm: Dr. Seuss will not give bad advice. If you love to read, but are afraid to start with a long, full-fledged English novel, don't worry. Especially for educational purposes, publishing houses publish adapted books in English: for beginners, for the intermediate level, and so on. Yes, you will get a complete picture of the work of art a little later, but congratulate yourself on the first reading English book is possible starting from the Elementary level!

1. Reading English increases vocabulary

Reading on foreign language enriches vocabulary even if we ourselves are not aware of it. Of course, in order to assimilate new vocabulary more effectively, it is better to read the book, writing out unfamiliar words and memorizing their translation. When choosing books to read, be guided by your learning goals: if you need spoken language, pay attention to modern "light" prose, but if you want to master special vocabulary, the most obvious advice is to read literature from the sphere of your professional interests.

2. Reading improves spelling

The English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to memorize. And the best way to do this is to read more English-language literature, so that the images of words are deposited in memory.

3. Reading broadens your horizons

E-books and blogs, news sites and social media feeds: Reading is taking it to the next level in the twenty-first century. A single information space makes it possible to learn about what is happening in the most remote corners of the world, to join the world cultural and scientific heritage.

4. Reading in the original language increases self-esteem

Listen to how you feel as you finish the last page of your first novel in English: a delightful feeling. "She reads Orwell in the original" - sounds proudly! Any psychologist will tell you that motivation is important in any task. So do not miss a reason to praise yourself once again, this one is just not superfluous! :)

How to choose a book to read

  • Choose adapted books in English for your level (for a list of recommended books for levels A2-C1, see the article below).
  • Choose works according to your strength: start with short stories, gradually moving on to larger literary forms.
  • The more exciting the training, the more effective it is: try to find books that are interesting for you. Detective stories, thrillers, mysticism - or any other topic that awakens your imagination and makes you finish reading the book to the end will do.

Children's books in English

If you know only a few hundred words in English, pay attention to children's literature: many children's books are interesting for adults as well. In addition, children's literature, as a rule, is generously illustrated with illustrations, which helps to understand the plot.

Fun fact: renowned children's writer Dr. Seuss, discussed earlier in this article, wrote his the best book The cat in the hat("The Cat in the Hat") using just 220 words. This list of the first children's words was compiled by the publisher, obliging the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

Free English-language children's books can be found on the Internet. For example, on the KidsWorldFun resource.

Comics in English

Like children's literature, comics are a great way to start reading in an unfamiliar language. There are a great many genres of comics: there are comics for children, for adults, entertainment and educational.

Film Scripts in English

One of the proven and effective methods learning a new language, recommended by many polyglots - to read books in the target language that are already familiar in translation. The same applies to film adaptations: it is useful to read the scripts of the films watched. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, you can guess the meaning of new words along the way.

Books in English about personal development and professional literature

Reading them, you kill two birds with one stone: you learn the vocabulary that is relevant to you on English language and learn new things on a topic that is important to you. If you are keenly interested in something, why not read about it in English? Another advantage of such literature is that it is easier to read than fiction novels... The style is simpler, the vocabulary is limited to the topic in question.

3 "life hacks" for novice readers of English literature

Understanding every word is optional

Сontext is king(context is king)! If you have grasped the main point of the story, this is enough. Moreover, if you understand everything you have read, most likely you have taken a book of too low a level for yourself. Try to find books where about 70% of the vocabulary will be familiar (the rest will have to be written out and learned).

Read out loud in English

It may seem strange, but reading has proven itself perfectly in the tasks of improving pronunciation and listening - if it is reading aloud. By reading aloud, you tune in to the sound range of the target language. However, it is important to work on pronunciation in addition to reading, otherwise the incorrect "guess" pronunciation of a particular word can annoy you for years later.

Listen to audiobooks when reading English

When learning English, in which the same combination of letters can be spoken in a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We have already written about the format. When reading an English-language book, you listen to its audio version, voiced by native English speakers. Very handy for learning pronunciation!

Books adapted for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English (A2-C1)

Level A2 - waystage level, elementary level

The Fisherman and His Soul

Oscar Wilde

Level: elementary
Genre: romantic tale
Volume: OK. 30,000 characters
English Option: British

A piercing romantic tale about the mad love of a fisherman dolphin and a mermaid.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 52 minutes, 48 ​​Mb)

Dracula - Dracula

Bram Stoker

Level: elementary
Genre: mysticism, horror
Volume: OK. 50,000 characters
English Option: British

A chilling story of eternal love and eternal damnation: that's where all the vampire sagas of our time came from.

Million Pound Bank Note - The Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain

Level: elementary
Genre: adventure, humor
Volume: OK. 25,000 characters
English Option: American

A witty and instructive story about the adventures of a poor man with a million pounds banknote in his pocket.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 30 minutes, 28 Mb)

Mr. Bean in town - Mr. Bean in town

Level: elementary
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 20,000 characters
English Option: British

Mr. Bean will always find adventure for his wild little head! The eccentric eccentric continues to amaze and amuse the reader.

Download audiobook: mp3 (2 files, 31 minutes, 30 Mb)

B1 level - threshold or intermediate

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: fiction
Volume: OK. 80,000 characters
English Option: British

What is more important, the beauty of the face or the beauty of the soul? An incredible story about a beautiful mask and a terrible human essence. Mr. Gray, are you the prototype for the hero of Fifty Shades of Gray? ..

Appointment With Death

Agatha Christie

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 125,000 characters
English Option: British

Christie, Poirot, detective. Required to read!

Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump

John Escott

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45,000 characters
English Option: American

The book is about a man whose fate makes you believe in the impossible.

Three Men In a Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 50,000 characters
English Option: British

Three cheerful friends decided to go on a trip. What came of this - read in the original.

Intermediate level of English (intermediate, B1-B2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45,000 characters
English Option: American

A fantastic story about a man who “lived the other way around”. But you've probably already watched the movie? ..

George Orwell

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: prose
Volume: OK. 150,000 characters
English Option: British

An iconic work of English literature, which must be included in everyone's arsenal of readers modern man... In order not to have to blush in a decent society.


Dewey Gram

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: historical novel
Volume: OK. 100,000 characters
English Option: American

This book will tell about the difficult fate of the Roman gladiator. Here's who had a really hard job!

Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Richard Curtis

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: romance, humor
Volume: OK. 100,000 characters
English Option: British

The best way to get to know the culture of a people is to study customs. A funny, touching, slightly frivolous book by Richard Curtis tells about the love between a British and an American against the background of four weddings and one, alas, a funeral. Is there any hope for a happy end? Read about it yourself.

Screen adaptation:

Seemed impenetrable jungle since 26 dangerous predators hiding in the wilds. However, now you probably can easily name and arrange all the letters in the correct order, and even shine with several facts that are not known to every philologist.

After reading this article, the topic of English transcription and pronunciation will be moved from the fear room to the laugh room. Today in the program:

Relieving your fear of reading and learning about graphic symbols
... acquaintance, memorization and memorization of diphthongs, vowels and consonants (classification of sounds), designed in unique tables
... pause for downloading and printing English transcriptions in pictures
... a clear and clear explanation of the use of English sounds by comparing them with Russian relatives
... consolidation of the passed material with a 10-minute video about English transcription

Are you still apprehensive? Then we are going to you!

Graphic symbols of transcription in English

Before plunging into the maelstrom English reading with your head, we strongly recommend to heed the advice of experienced divers. Naturally, the child learns first to sit, and then to walk, and not vice versa - the same is for us: first, learn to read the transcription, and then pronounce it (in the head or out loud). You should not get carried away only with reading, otherwise you run the risk of digging into the jungle of theory and breaking away from practice.

First you need to learn and clarify all the questions regarding each transcription symbol. Then listen to online just as many examples as you need for a clear and clear understanding of how this symbol sounds in live speech. Learn strictly from examples of sounds not taken out of context (like Rian's "uh-uh" in the hit "Umbrella"), but in a specific combination of letters found in words. Then, listen to each new word first and only then check what is caught by the ears with the literal dictionary transcription enclosed in square brackets. By the way, about them and other integral transcription companions:

Square brackets. They signal that transcription is inside.
For example, English is a word and ["ɪŋglɪʃ] is its transcription;

- main stress. Placed BEFORE a stressed vowel: around [əˈraʊnd];

, - secondary stress. Placed BEFORE a vowel: ["hæmˌbɜːgə];

: - vowel length.

The proposed option seems at first glance not the fastest, but the wise will not go up the hill - the wise will bypass the mountain. As a result, the time spent is converted into the comfort of speech perception: you no longer need to painfully strain your hearing, trying to recognize unfamiliar sounds. And soon unfamiliar "zakarlyuchki" will acquire a meaningful sound. Isn't it magical? This is the secret of not only correct pronunciation, but also the ease of listening to speech.

Foundation of English transcription

Since “it's great that we are all here today” about learning transcription, let's take a closer look at it. There are two types of transcription: phonetic and phonemic. You are mistaken if you think that phonetic transcription was / will be taught to a more familiar ear. She, as a rule, interests serious uncles and aunts of linguists, our choice is the study of phonemes (sound linguistic units). Simply put, if two sounds are very similar, but the difference between them can change the meaning of the word, then they form two different phonemes. In Russian it is not so noticeable, because call the cat, even if it is “cat” or even “kooooot”, he will come anyway, and the meaning of the word will not change. One phoneme for two different sounds. In English, the number will not work: "cot", "caught" and "coat" contain different phonemes. Why are there so many "smart letters"? Besides the fact that dictionaries contain phonemic transcriptions, remember this and do not be confused:

Pope(dad, papal):
1) - this is a phonetic transcription, it is emphasized here that the first [p], in contrast to the second, is pronounced with aspiration (aspirated after the consonants p, t, k before the vowels);
2) is a dictionary (phonemic) transcription.

What else do you need to know about transcription? That there is a different syllable in it:

- open
(there is no consonant after the vowel) - New
- closed(there is a consonant after the vowel) - York

- vowel: single - [e], diphthong - [ɔʊ], triphthong - [ɑiə]
- consonant:[d]

English vowel sounds (with online pronunciation)

There are fewer vowels in English than consonants, but more than diphthongs. This picture clearly shows the difference, for example, between the sounds [I] and. Anyone who has even heard of the existence of imagination will distinguish between the words "fish" and "tree", which, like puzzles, contain the mentioned sounds. You can re-read the rules as much as you like, or you can study the transcription in pictures in detail once, which visualizes examples of the use of sounds. For memory training, you can download and even print a picture, this option is provided. For auditors, it is possible to hear every sound online in a word after clicking on the speaker icon.

Consonant sounds of English

Consonants in English are not at all twin brothers to Russians. The articulation of their creation is seriously different. However, we gathered here not to intimidate with clever words, but on the contrary to make life easier for novice Anglomaniacs, so we painted voiced consonants in purple, and deaf ones in blue. When forming the same plural of nouns, it is very important to feel and know the difference. The bonus to the learned sounds is 24 new words. We train visual memory and save the English transcription in pictures for re-appeal as soon as necessary! Audials still click on the speaker icon under each letter to pronounce sounds in online transcription.

Diphthongs (double vowels) of English

And it would be scary from the presence of 8 diphthongs in English, if not for the miraculous pictures, thanks to which the study turns into an entertaining solving of charades. It is enough to look at the picture, hold your gaze, sound the diphthong by pressing the speaker icon under the letter and practice the correct pronunciation. Anyone who appreciates the creative approach to business is allowed to download a picture for a long memory!

From theory to practice
It will take some time, the dictionary will be covered with a thick layer of dust or removed from bookmarks (in the electronic version), because the translation of the necessary words is known, the sound is familiar - what other America can you discover there for yourself? Believe it or not, it is precisely the refinement of the transcription of what seems to you well-known words that is the very untapped field that is worth crossing to improve the sound of speech.

Let's give an everyday example: the often used word "real" have phonemic transcriptions a), b) or c)?
The first option is fictitious and erroneous, the second and third are British and American pronunciation. What is the moral of this fable?

So that you are not painfully ashamed of your reading, we recommend that you at least briefly familiarize yourself with these tables as follows:
- we read the line from left to right;
- listen to the perfect pronunciation of the sound;
- we take a mirror in our hand and train hard (you will surely like to train [æ] or [ð]).

Table of English sounds similar to Russian
These sounds in English transcription do not have to be explained on the fingers.

[ɑː] car, far, garage Sounds like a long ahh. Remember the cartoon about Mowgli, where the wise Kaa was?
[ʌ] up, but, love A short sonorous "a". Something similar in Russian "ai".
[ɔː] more, board, floor Sounds like a long oo. Show surprise.
[b] book, board, tab Russian energetic "b". When you walk down the corridor in the dark and suddenly stumble
[g] green, grace, agree Russian "g", but not so energetic.
[f] forest, atmosphere, enough Very energetic Russian "f".
[k] kill, cord, school Russian "k". Pronounced aspirated before a stressed vowel (if you put your hand in front of your lips and say "keel", then the palm should feel your fresh breath)
[m] mother, lamb Russian "m".
[n] nine, note, intrusion Russian "n".
[p] pub, gallop, open Russian energetic "p". Before a stressed vowel - aspirated.
[v] vest, vocal, give Russian "v".

Now let's look at some tricky examples in practice:

subtle - subtle
"Suttle" and only so, no "subtle" with a drum "b" in the middle.

palm - Palm
Naturally, everyone wants to be under a palm tree, but there is no smell of it. Not "palm", not "by: lm", but "pa: m", as in "car" and "path". In the company with the palm they find themselves calm- "calm" and balm- "balm".

halt - stop
Drive away the analogy with the German "halt" - correctly pronounced "ho: lt".

won - won, won in the past from "win"
Wonderful if you pronounce "won" like "one" -.

of - preposition of belonging
Only a botanist would dream of checking the sound of a two-letter word? Oh well. "Of" and no nails? Remember: "Of" is pronounced with an "at" at the end. The full form is [ɔv], the reduced form is [əv]. Always.

Table of English sounds that have something in common with Russians
These sounds cause the greatest temptation and at the same time danger: the relative similarity with the usual pronunciation in Russian threatens to sound absolutely wrong. Pay enough attention and understand the differences well.

[i] fit, bit, symbol Average between "s" and "and". Pronounced very shortly, like at the end of "apcho".
cheese, tree, sea What photographers ask us to say to the camera. As in the Russian word "syyyr", but with a sweet smile.
[ɒ] hot, body, rock Average between "o" and "a". That is, by no means the Vologda "o".
[u] cook, foot, woman It looks like a Russian short "u", but it is pronounced easier and the lips are slightly stretched. It turns out like "u" with a half smile. No lips stretched out into a tube.
true, fool, shoes Like the previous sound, but long lasting.
[e] get, bed, head Intelligent "e". As in the Russian word "tin".
[ə] about, until, alias Average between unstressed "e" and "a".
[l] let, laughter, illegal A softened Russian "l". Something in between the sound of the word "la" and "la".
[s] stress, sunday, citizen The muffled Russian "s". He never whistles. Remember the Beatles song "Girl"? Now, if their famous inhalation "sssss" is pronounced with an exhalation and short, you will get beautiful English [s].
[z] zero, cosmonaut, xenon Everything is the same as about the sound [s], only loud.
[t] tree, trunk, receipt Similar to the Russian "t". But the tip of the tongue should not be placed against the teeth, but against the tubercle behind the upper teeth.
[d] drink, ad, diligent Similarly: like the Russian "d", only the tip of the tongue rests on the tubercle just behind the upper teeth.
[ʃ] ship, action, special Between the Russian "sh" and "u". Does not whistle, because the tongue does not rest with force on the teeth, but gently touches them.
[ʒ] pleasure, visual, garage Softened Russian "f". Does not ring or whistle.
jump, jungle, logic We combine English [d] with [ ʒ ] and we get a soft "j".
inch, chance, catch We combine English [t] with [ ʃ ] and we get something similar to the Russian "h". As in the word "kitsch".
[j] yes, yet, you Average between "i" and "i".
[ɪə] hear, fear, beer It looks like the Russian "IE" with an emphasis on "and".
air, hair, care Russian "ea" with emphasis on "e".
make, tray, ace Russian "ei" with an accent on "e". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
hi, sky, bye Russian "ai" with an accent on "a". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
[ɔɪ] boy, joy, coin Russian "oi" with an accent on "a". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
how, cow, hour, our Russian "ay" with an accent on "a". "U" is pronounced very shortly.
fire, wire Russian "aie" with a strong emphasis on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and consistently.
our, flower Russian "aua" with a strong accent on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and consistently.

were - were
"Were" is not at all the same as "where" -. Instead of a diphthong, we use a neutral vowel -, an abbreviated form -.

debt - debt and doubt - doubt
Fans of the group "No Doubt" had more than a dozen years left to clarify how the name of their favorite group sounds right. Debt and doubt are not easy to pronounce. In English, there is no such Russian-language phenomenon as stunning or voicing a consonant, but throw out the letter of their words for a sweet soul: and is pronounced.

good - good, book - book and look - look
The double "o" does not turn into a long "y" in these words. Therefore, do not copy the howl of wolves to the moon - speak correctly with a short vowel -,,.

Table of English sounds that have nothing to do with Russian
Practice well in pronouncing these sounds online, at least your speech apparatus should get used to reproducing them correctly.

[ɜː] earn, her, first If the Russian "o" wanted to become "e", it would sound like that. Something like the sound when children tease by sticking out their tongue. But you need to achieve this sound without sticking anything out. To do this, silently prepare your mouth for pronouncing "e", and say "oo" out loud.
[əu] go, joke, own Between the Russian "ou" and "ey" (without the "y") with an emphasis on the first sound. "U" is pronounced very shortly.
[æ] cat, apple, compact It is very important not to confuse this sound with [e], otherwise you will get “bed” instead of “bad”. You need to stretch your lips wide, lower your lower jaw and heartily say "eh".
[h] hot, head, uphill Every Russian man knows how to pronounce this sound. When they ask you “come on, breathe,” all men begin to speak English, because they pronounce [h] exactly the way they should: a slight exhalation, vaguely reminiscent of “x”.
[r] red, random, orange Russian bears are fluent in English [r]. Try to growl with your tongue up.
[w] well, what, windows Roll your lips together and stretch sharply. And now the same thing, but with sound.
[ŋ] strong, sing, sink Children are scolded for talking with their mouths full. But if you listen to the sounds emitted, then many consonants there sound exactly like [ŋ] ... Open your mouth and, without closing it, say "n".
[θ] thanks, ethic Stick your tongue between your teeth and say "s".
[ð] they, there, other Stick your tongue between your teeth and say "h". Best workout is to say the expression "Is this" 100 times. You will never confuse "z" with [ð].

folk - people, folk
The letter "l" has become a victim and is not pronounced at all -.

comb - hairbrush
No "comb" - only "koum". English "m" and "b" are pretty cunning guys who will break the wood more than once. Be on the lookout!

won’t - will not be - short for "will not"
Were tormented by the question of how the cunning English distinguish between “want” and “won’t” in oral speech? You just need to pronounce the negation in the future tense correctly -. That's all the magic.

salmon - salmon
Not "salmon" and certainly not "solomon". Salmon on your mind - as in "cat" and "apple".

Bonus for the most patient

The human brain is the eighth wonder of the world, the deepest possibilities of which we can only guess so far. Something important to us now is known for certain: there is a speech center in the brain. There is no special center responsible for reading, but there is one for speech. This is why we strongly recommend repeating words out loud for the hundredth time. It is out loud, and not to oneself, because in this case muscle memory is also connected. Naturally, words can "live and sound" in your head. The main thing is not to get stuck and not stop at the stage of decoding transcription symbols, choosing the necessary rule for each sound. In this case, only the speed of a snail is ensured.

If the language is still alive after the previous exercises, then we bring to your attention a video that is better to see once than hear about it 100 times. All phonetic transcription of the English language in 10 minutes. Clearly, competently and very clearly.

English is one of the most widely spoken and demanded languages ​​in the world. Before starting the training, it is worth noting that "English", in contrast to German, has "pitfalls" that you can stumble upon when reading texts. English has specific rules for reading certain letter combinations. They should be remembered, because without the correct pronunciation, even with the knowledge of a large number of words, a person will not be able to communicate with a native speaker.


Before you can learn to read in English, you will have to master special gymnastics for the language. Then it will be easier to pronounce the sounds of a foreign alphabet. You also need to create the right atmosphere. There should be nothing distracting around the student, it is better to put the phone aside, and turn off the TV and radio. The study room should be tidy and well lit. The fact is that foreign objects and the amount of light in the room affect the learning ability of the individual. And if you ventilate the apartment before class, it will be even easier to concentrate on work.

Before starting the lesson, it is necessary to draw up a small outline, which reflects the topics on which you will work. Otherwise, the result will be low, since the student will unnecessarily linger on each subsection. And with the plan it is more convenient to track the progress of language acquisition.

The most important rules

The most important difference between English and Russian is that the reading of a particular letter (or a group of letters) will be influenced by their environment. It is important to consider this before memorizing the pronunciation rules.

The basis for correct reading in English is the ability to distinguish between 2 types of syllables.

  1. Open - there is a vowel after the consonant (for example: take). In this case, the vowel sound is read as it stands in the alphabet, and the consonant, depending on the environment.
  2. Closed - when there is no sound at all after the vowel or there is another consonant (for example: cut). In this case, the vowel has a different pronunciation, and the consonant also depends on the adjacent letters.

Step-by-step learning plan from scratch

Let's consider in more detail all the points of studying the rules for reading consonants and vowels, starting from the basics.

Like Russian, English has vowels and consonants. Each letter has a specific pronunciation. It occurs in words with open syllables.

LetterPronunciationExample word
A a[Hey]Name - [name]
B b[b]But - [baht]
C c[k] or [s] (before "e")Cup - [cap] or Ice - [ice], since "c" comes before "e")
D d[d]Dog - [Great Dane]
E e[and]Me - [mi]
F f[f]Fox - [fox]
G g[j]Go - [go]
H h[x] with breathHot - [hot] (the sound is read on exhalation, not as rough as in Russian)
I i[ay]Like - [like]
J j[j "]Juice - [juice] (the sound is pronounced softly)
K k[to] with breathKey - [ki] (the sound is pronounced on exhalation, much quieter than in the native language)
L l[l]Like - [like]
M m[m]My - [May]
N n[n]Nest - [nest]
O olong [oh]Box - [box] (a long "o" with rounded lips at the end of the sound, sounds almost like a smooth [oh]).
P p[n] with breathPen - [Peng] (the consonant seems to fly out with a stream of air, pronounced not as loudly as in Russian)
Q q[To"]Qwerty - [quyoty]
R r[p] "American"Rocket - [rockets]
S s[s] or [h] at the end of a wordSun - [san] Rose - [rose]
T t[T]Tip - [type]
U u["Yu]Tune - [tune] (an additional [y] is usually pronounced before [y], as if there is a dividing mark in front of it, reminiscent of the pronunciation of the word "blizzard").
V v[in]Violin - [weylin]
W w[in]Wolf - [wolf]
X x[cop]Box - [box]
Y y[and]My - [May]
Z z[h]Zebra - [zebra]

But not in every case the reading corresponds to what is presented in this table. Let's take a closer look.

In most cases, consonants in English are read as in the table below. There are a number of letters that, at a certain position, will represent a certain sound.

CombinationHow to pronounceUsage example
age[age] in striking position or [ij] in unrestrainedHage - [Paige], Language - [Landwich]
au or aw[oh] long or [oh]Austria - [australia],
Law - [lo]
erIn the struck position, pronounced as [yo], in the unstressed position, as [e]Detter - [bate], Her - [hyo]
ghNot pronounced at allNight - [night]
Ssion, sion, cial, tion[shl]Special - [special], Mission - [mishn], Position - [posishn], Version - [vert].

  • in a closed syllable - [in]

  • in an open syllable - [wei]

Want - [wont], Wake - [wake]
wh[NS]Who - [hu]
kn[n]Know [know]
sh[NS]She [shea]
ch, tch[h]Catch [[catch], Champagne [champion]
thSomething in between [s] and [f]Think [finck] or [sync]
ph[f]Photo [photo]

It's more difficult with vowels. For each position and for different environments, there are certain rules for reading vowels. There are 6 vowels in English. Let's analyze each one.

LetterPronunciation optionsExamples of
A[hey] - in an open syllableLake - [lake]
[e] - in a closed syllable (called a frog, because the mouth opens like a frog)Map - [map]
[a] short - in a closed syllable that ends in rCar - [ka]
[o] - in combination with "ll" and "u"Tall - [tol]
O[oh] - in an open syllableHome - [home]
[o] short - in a closed syllableBoss - [boss]
[o] - in combination with "r"Horse - [хос]
[y] - in combination "oo"Food - [food]
[ay] - in combinations with "w"Now - [naw]
[oops] - in combination with "y"Boy - [fight]
U[yu] - in an open syllableBlue - [blue]
[ʌ] - in a closed syllableCup - [cap]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Hurt - [het]
E[and] long - in an open syllable, as well as in combinations with "e" and "a"He - [hee], meet - [mit]
[e] - in a closed syllableLeaf - [bodice]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Her - [hyo]
I[ah] - in an open syllableFine - [fine]
[and] - in a closed syllableBig - [big]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Girl - [gol]
Y[ay] - at the end of a wordCry - [edge]
[e] - at the beginning of a wordYellow - [elow]

In order not to memorize the pronunciation of each word, you need to learn how sounds in a certain position are recorded in transcription. Then, upon further study, it will be possible to look into the dictionary without any problems and find out the correct pronunciation.

Video tutorial

Which authors' manuals to use

Ideally, of course, it is better to buy foreign literature from publishers such as Cambridge or Oxford. You can use Russian authors, but with caution. Most often, there are many mistakes in Russian textbooks. You should not use Soviet training manuals, as there are a lot of inaccuracies in pronunciation.

When learning to pronounce words correctly, do not memorize their translation right away, otherwise the load on the brain will be too great, which will not be useful. In the process of mastering the language, it is recommended to use various Internet resources for listening English speech aurally.

This article presents only the basics, the most elementary rules for reading English words. The further result depends on what methodology the student will apply. On the Internet, there are many detailed pronunciation instructions at home. But don't forget that you won't be able to find the perfect one. Better to stick with one of the popular or proven methods and do your best to understand it. Then the result will not be long in coming.

Teaching preschoolers (and children in grades 1-2) to read is a topic that raises so many questions that I decided not to write about it in about preschoolers, but to highlight it in a separate article. So, today about the most pressing issues of teaching reading in English.

Very often, parents, remembering how they once learned the language, ask this, already almost classical, question:

What about transcription?

First, transcription does not teach you to read.... And she never taught. Those who have studied transcription, admit it: when reading a text in English, do you imagine it written in transcription symbols? Of course not. In order to read, no transcription is needed.

Transcription helps you learn how to pronounce an unfamiliar word. Previously, almost the only way to find out when the teacher was not around was a paper dictionary. Therefore, studying the rules of reading (in the fifth, by the way, grade), they immediately took transcription icons so that children could use the dictionary at home. Again, not for reading, for using the dictionary! But now we have a lot of all kinds of resources at our disposal. There is also a textbook with an audio application, where new words, texts, songs, etc. are voiced; there is a computer, smartphone or tablet with voiced dictionaries, and in extreme cases, almost any online dictionary provides an opportunity to listen to a new word. Children look into the paper dictionary less and less. And that's okay. This is progress.

Secondly, transcription will only confuse a small child.... It can be given from early adolescence. In the same fifth grade it is quite possible, although now it is no longer necessary. Imagine, a preschooler or first grader who has just recently learned the Russian alphabet, is studying english alphabet- these are already two sign systems that he must keep in mind. And here some introduce a third sign system, which is needed to decipher the second. Doesn't it sound complicated? Now imagine how difficult it is for a child. No, a child with a good memory, of course, will master this. But why? Everything has its time.

Why can't I sign words with Russian letters?

Sometimes I see that some parents and even (oh horror!) Colleagues sign the child under the word as it is read in Russian letters. You can't do that. Never. Generally.

Firstly, Russian letters cannot be conveyed english sounds... By writing words in Russian letters, you yourself spoil the child's pronunciation. Which, by the way, in childhood is formed most naturally.

Secondly, if the word is signed in Russian, what will the child do? That's right, he will read it. Not to memorize how it is written in English, but to read these very Russian letters. He will remember how the word sounds, but, having met this word in a new text, most likely he will not recognize it.

With preschoolers and younger students, learning to read begins with alphabet and sounds... AND the main role it is not the alphabet that plays, but the sounds. It is very easy to memorize the alphabet - it is enough to regularly turn on the child's alphabet songs, which are on YouTube great multitude... But to start reading, the child must learn which letter of the alphabet gives which sound. To do this, we and the students (using games with cards, videos, TPR - about him) for each letter of the alphabet we memorize its sound and one or two words that begin with this sound. For example, seeing the letter Bb, children immediately remember the ball - ball, and hence the sound / b /. At home you can additionally listen to such phonics songs.

There are two ways to teach children to read. And the best effect will be if you use both methods at the same time.

Whole word method.

This method of teaching reading is suggested by the authors of most children's textbooks. According to this method, new words are given as follows: picture + word. Children look in the textbook at pictures with the words signed to them, listen, repeat after the announcer, play with cards. Typically, the teacher uses two sets of cards: picture cards and word cards. In special educational games with these cards, children remember which word matches which picture.

That is, the mechanism is as follows - the child does not parse a word into sounds, he correlates the visual image of a whole word with its sound (thanks to this, the method of whole words can be used in parallel with the study of the alphabet and sounds, without waiting until all the letters are studied). Then, seeing the learned word in the text, the child remembers how it sounds and can read it. This method is good because in English, almost half of the words are exceptions that are not read according to the rules and there is simply no other way to learn these words how to remember.

Phonics teaching method.

The whole word method alone is not enough. In order for your child to read really well, it is best to reinforce the textbook with its whole word method with learning to read by rules. To do this, with kids from 6 years old, phonics are used - these are manuals where words are collected in groups, depending on what rule it is read. By listening to and reading these groups of words, the child deduces reading patterns. For example, after listening, repeating after the announcer and, possibly, playing the words cat-fat-mat-bat in games, most children themselves will be able to read the word sat and the like.

Usually, phonics are beautiful books with pictures, audio and sometimes video applications (from those that I like - Oxford Phonics World for preschoolers and Sounds great to get started, both in 5 parts), there are also interactive programs (Starfall, Teach Your Monster to Read) and video courses (for example, an amazing course Hooked on Phonics). Some authors give phonics right in the textbook, for example, there are phonics in the Family and Friends textbook, but they are stretched over several years (!) Of study. In fact, one school year is enough for kids to learn all the rules of reading.

Gradually, when the children learn how to put letters into words, you can start picking up simple books for children who are 4-5 years old, in which on each page there is a huge picture and one small sentence. In many of them, the vocabulary is simple and already 80 percent familiar to students, but there is a lot of delight from such books - still, to read a whole book in English!

So, even from kindergarten, you can cheerfully and interestingly teach a child to read, without discouraging the desire to learn transcription incomprehensible to him, and instill a love of reading.

Hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions or additions, please write in the comments. Good luck with your English!

Sound Word makes it easy to learn transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click "Search". After short pause it issues transcription english word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, there are two options: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphical recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphical recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be separately recorded in the recording. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

What is the transcription of English words for?

Knowing the English transcription is helpful. This makes it easy to read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without any assistance. It is enough to look into the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on "folding" words from letters, but rather on converting letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to learn the correct pronunciation of the English word, and, accordingly, its reading.