Short fairy tales and stories in English for children. Fairy tales in English with translation Fairy tale about the vowels of the English alphabet

Welcome to the amazing country Letterland - Letterland! The inhabitants of this country are letters, but not the already familiar Russian letters, but the letters of the English alphabet. Look, they came out to greet you!

Do you understand what they say to you? No problem! Having explored the country of Lettering, you will learn to understand their speech, learn how to read English words, learn the alphabet and much, much more.

How did you discover this country? It was, surprisingly enough, an ordinary boy, Petya, who opened it. Do you want to know how it happened? Well listen ...

Once upon a time there was a boy, a boy like a boy, but he just couldn't remember english letters... Therefore, he had problems at school. And his name was Petya. And then one day Petya walked out of school very sad. Still, everyone was released to summer vacation, and they left him to learn the letters!

Petya walked where his eyes were looking. And when you go wherever you look, you will definitely find yourself in a fairy tale. So it happened with Petya. Suddenly he heard someone calling him: "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The story of how Petya enters the country of Bukvilyandia

Hunter Hey (A, a)

Petya looked around and saw a strange little man. The little man had a photographic gun on his side.
- Let's get to know each other, - said the little man. - Hunter Hey.

- Petya, - answered Petya, greatly surprised by the appearance of the little man and his name.

Hey- quite a decent name, - said the little man offended, and Petya realized that he was in a country where they can read other people's thoughts.

- Sorry, Hey, - said Petya, - I think I got into a fairyland.

"Hey" is not worn out "Hey!" , and "Ei" with an emphasis on E and a continuous smooth transition to "and" - Ei, but since these are not two sounds, but one (merged), we will write "Hey".

- Yes! - answered proudly Hey... - And to the most interesting of all the fabulous countries in the world! Brother, Hey, let's sing about our country! - exclaimed Hey, and next to him, as if by magic, appeared Hey small. And also with a camera gun on his back.

And the brothers sang:

Hey-Hey-Hey! Hey-Hey-Hey!

Booklyandia is the land of friends!

Hey-Hey-Hey! Hey-Hey-Hey!

Have fun in the land of friends!

- Lettering, - said the brothers, - it means the country of cheerful letters, you know? Country of fun!
- And I love fun! - said Petya.

- Then let's go and meet the inhabitants of this country! - the brothers hastened Petya.

Aunt Tee's tea house (T, t)

Brothers Hey they led Petya along the path past the brightly painted houses. The doors of the houses were closed, all residents scattered in all directions, about their business. And Petya so wanted to look into at least one house! And suddenly from the wide-open golden-and-brown house one heard: "T ... ti ... ti ..!"

When pronouncing the sound "t", touch the tip of your tongue not to the teeth, but to the tubercles above the upper teeth, pronounce the sound "and ..." drawlingly and smiling.

- Would you like some tea? - the brothers asked Petya Hey... - Do you hear, auntie Tee calling for tea. " Tee”, - she shouts, - which means“ tea ”.

Petya was not very surprised to learn that his aunt's name was also Tee... And on the porch stood, smiling, a tall, slender letter with steaming cups.
Tee! Tee! Tee! She shouted.

- Tea! Tea! Tea! - Petya translated and laughed happily.

Ay yes auntie Tee! What kind, and accepts guests! Petya and brothers Hey went into a tea-colored house, and Petya immediately forgot about tea from surprise. In the middle of the room, despite the summer heat, there was an elegantly decorated Christmas tree. “Everyone celebrates with us New Year when he wants to, ”explained a slender girl, aunt's daughter Tee.

Tay, Tay, Tay.

ta-ta, ta-ta ...

Adults joined their dance Tee, Hey, and Petya finally understood that Bukvlyandiya is a merry country.

About vowels and consonants

Having danced around the tree to their hearts' content, everyone left the aunt's house Tee and went to meet new adventures. But it was so hot that soon everyone wanted to drink, especially since the aunt's tea Tee was very sweet.

- We need to make a faucet with water! - muttered Hey.

- Make a crane? How? - Petya was surprised. AND Hey explained that in the country of Bukvlyandiya not only the words "thank you" and "please" are magical. Every word is magical! I managed to compose words from letters - and what it means will appear.

- How, what is the English "crane"? - Petya shouted.

T [æ] n!- said the little letters in chorus.

The sound [æ] is pronounced like "I" in the word "five", if this word is pronounced with your mouth wide open, as if you were showing a throat to a doctor.

T [æ] n, - Petya repeated thoughtfully, - but we have no [æ] , no "n"!

- I can say [æ] if they shut me down, - said Hey.

- Will they close it? Than? - Petya was surprised.

- Hear how I am voicing - uh-uh-uh!

- And I don't know how to pull, - sighed Auntie Tee... - You hear: nothing works - t! t! t!
T [æ] n, - Petya said thoughtfully, - that means we need to find someone who speaks abruptly "P! P! P!".

- This is the Prince Pi! - exclaimed the little men in chorus.
And the friends went to the palace.

You know that there are consonants and vowels. Vowels - A, O, I, U, I, E, E, Yu can be sung. Like this: "A-a-a-a-a-a-a". But the consonants are not at all. Unless just growl "Rrr". And then the air will not last long. English letters are exactly the same. And if you see such an icon, then you should know that this is a vowel, and if such is a consonant.

Prince Pi (P, p)

And the palace, I must tell you guys, stood on a high, high mountain. It was very difficult to climb onto it, especially for the fat man. And it was just the fat man that our friends saw on the mountain. He climbed and puffed: "P-p-p!". "It Pi! " - shouted friends in unison. Prince Pi immediately agreed to help his friends, because he also wanted to drink in such heat. And the magic began!

Friends stood up like this: and, lo and behold !!!
Pi immediately turned into ... a door !!!

At the end of a syllable, the consonant letter turns into a door!

How to break a word into syllables? A simple rule will help: there is only one vowel in each syllable. And all the vowels, pressed against the door, begin to speak in a completely different way. So remember:

If there is a consonant at the end of a syllable, then the vowel in it sounds different!

Hey began to push the door, as if he wanted to leave, the door did not open! Hey whimpered foolishly, as if he was upset that he could not open the door - [æ]! Tee also spoke - [t].
“Quickly read us from left to right,” they shouted to Petya.

And Petya read:

T [æ] n!

Immediately a faucet appeared in front of him, from there clear cool water poured, drops knocking on the ground. Wow, and all the water got drunk! And the drops kept falling and falling!

Granny I (E, e)

- I want to give you all a favorite, - said the prince. Pi.
- Favorite cats, dogs, birds ... - who wants what. But for this you need to lay out the word "Pet".
- What is the English word for "favorite"? - Petya was worried, he had long dreamed of a dog.

Pat,- the little men answered in unison.

- Where do we get the sound "E"? - Petya was worried.

- This is how grandma can speak AND if it is closed, said the prince Pi.

- To grandmother I! - commanded Hey.
Little grandmother And sat on a bench and complained to big grandmother And how her joints hurt from drafts.

And ... And ... And ...(drawn out) - so she cried at the drafts.

- Do you want me to close the door from the drafts? - asked the little one Tee.

- Really want to! - the grandmother was delighted, and they became like this.

What do you think, my friend, what happened immediately to the little Tee? That's right, she became a door!
And the grandmother felt warm, the pain disappeared as if by hand, and the old woman groaned contentedly: “Eh! Eh! Eh! "(abruptly).

In an open syllable, the letter "E" reads "And ...", and in a closed one - "E"!

- Quickly read us from left to right, - puffed Pi.

And Petya read:


Immediately a nice little dog appeared at his feet, just the kind he dreamed of.
Pet! Pet! - shouted other men.

The inhabitants of this country are letters, but not the already familiar Russian letters, but the letters of the English alphabet. Look, they came out to greet you!

Do you understand what they are telling you? No problem! Having explored the country of Buckland, you will learn to understand their speech, learn how to read English words, learn the alphabet and much, much more.

How did you discover this country? It was, surprisingly enough, an ordinary boy, Petya, who opened it. Do you want to know how it happened? Well listen ...

Once upon a time there was a boy, a boy like a boy, but he just couldn't remember the English letters. Therefore, he had problems at school. And his name was Petya. And then one day Petya walked out of school very sad. Still, everyone was allowed to go on summer holidays, but they left him to learn the letters!

Petya walked where his eyes were looking. And when you go wherever you look, you will definitely find yourself in a fairy tale. So it happened with Petya. Suddenly he heard someone calling him: "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A year ago I wrote a learning tale for English lessons.
I had not so much to teach kids 5-6 years old to read, but to arouse interest in reading, to learn to distinguish between letters and sounds ... I must say that I did not even expect that everything would work out! Two of the group are now reading very well. The rest are worse, but they are also not afraid to read. Now we are already working on the Rusinova reading simulator, but the first step was taken on this fairy tale. Maybe someone else will come in handy. I would be glad if it comes in handy! And I will also be very grateful if you express critical remarks. Maybe I missed something? Maybe something should be added or removed? Do not hesitate, speak up :) The only request, if you take it somewhere, link to me :)
Yes, and I made the hero Carrot, inspired by the picture Diana Lapshina.

Lesson 1
Lived in the garden bed Mr. Carrot
Once they brought him a letter from his brother from distant gardens:
“Come quickly! Me and my friends are in trouble! "
And he immediately hit the road.
At first he walked along a rocky road and his steps sounded like this:

B b b b b b b b

Then he walked on the sand, and his footsteps began to sound hollow. Like this:

P p p p p p p p

And then he went out onto the path, which was rocky on one side and sandy on the other, and his footsteps sounded like this:

B p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b

Mr. Carrot approached the forest and suddenly heard:

G g g g g g g g g g g

Who is it? - surprised Mr. Carrot, - a goose? Here? He's probably lost.
And then a knock was heard from the depths of the forest:

D d d d d d d d d d

It was a woodpecker knocking. And the goose answered him.
- Why, they are talking! - exclaimed Mr. Carrot, - the goose is probably friends with the woodpecker! What an interesting song they make!

- G g g g g g g g
- D d d d d d d d
- G g g g g g g g
- D d d d d d d d

To Lesson-1
Task for the most attentive:
1. Find the sound that Mr. Carrot heard from the depths of the forest (remember how the woodpecker pounded?) And circle all such sounds in a red circle!

2. Do you remember how Mr. Carrot spanked in the sand? Find these sounds and circle them in a blue circle!

P b d g d p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b d g d g d g d g b d b d b P b d g d p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b d g d g d g d g d g b d b d b b b d g d p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b d g d g b d b d g d

Now let's fantasize with Mr. Carrot, what are our sounds like?
Look: b and d are like a bed!
b _ d
What does it look like
What does it look like
g -?
The artist left this frame especially for you! Imagine!


Mr. Carrot walked out into the clearing. And suddenly he saw a very strange picture: an old woman in a pointed hat was standing in a clearing, and she was holding a piglet on a leash!
The piglet squealed plaintively:

I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

A strange old woman showed the pig to a hole in the ground and said:

Big pig, dig!
Big pig, dig!

And the pig was digging the ground!
- Why does she make the pig to dig? - surprised Mr. Carrot
And the old woman kept repeating:

Big pig, dig! Big pig, dig! Big pig, dig!

The piglet was digging, and the following sounds were heard:

Ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig
Ip ip ip ip ip ip ip ip ip
Ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib
Id id id id id id id id id id

- What could it be, - Mr. Carrot was surprised.
Suddenly, a snake appeared from behind a bush, which hissed like this:

S s s s s s s s s s s

Get out of here quickly, ”she hissed,“ this is an evil sorceress, if she sees you, it will destroy you!

- S s s s s s s s s s s

Mr. Carrot tried to get away from this strange clearing as quickly as possible. The railway station was visible at the edge of the forest. A train was already standing on the platform and puffing importantly:

T t t t t t t t t t t t t t

Mr. Carrot set off as fast as he could to the train, he was in such a hurry that he could hardly breathe and even coughed:

K k k k k k k k k k k k k k

But, fortunately, Mr. Carrot still managed to jump into the carriage, and soon the train began to move, and the wheels rattled:

Ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk
Ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk ptk

Mr. Carrot sat down in the carriage and prepared for a pleasant journey, but suddenly there was a knock in his compartment:

Tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk

The door opened, and it entered ... who do you think? The same evil witch, but without a pig!


She sat down opposite Mr. Carrot. At first Mr. Carrot got scared and wanted to run away, but the old woman said to him menacingly:

Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!

After some time, he decided to ask:
- Why did you force the pig to dig?
- What pig? I don’t know those!
But Mr. Carrot noticed where she hid her pig. Help me find him!
Find a pig among these words (there are six pigs!)

Big dig tip pig pit big pit pig dig it tip pig big dig tip it pit big dig pig tip it big pig dig pit dig pig big

Here is a pig! - Mr. Carrot pointed to the ponytail sticking out of the bag.
Then the old woman held out two fists to Mr. Carrot and said:

- Tip it! Tip it! Tip it! Tip it!

This meant that he had to guess in which fist something was hidden.
Mr. Carrot pointed to his right fist, the old woman opened it and ... O HORROR! A huge hare jumped out of there!
(Do not forget that Mr. Carrot was terribly afraid of hares! He was a carrot!)


The hare rushed at Mr. Carrot, and he jumped up and ran away! Just at that moment, the train pulled up to the station and opened the doors:

M m m m m m m

Mr. Carrot jumped out onto the platform, the hare was also about to jump out, but the old woman called him:

Tim! Tim! Tim! Tim! Tim!

The hare reluctantly turned around and ran back to the old woman. And the train closed the doors and left.
Mr. Carrot was very happy that he had managed to get rid of the hare, so he walked down the path, humming merrily:

N n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Mr. Carrot walked and wondered how he could now get to the distant vegetable gardens where his brother lives
Suddenly a noise was heard from behind. Mr. Carrot looked back and saw a truck driving along the road:

R r r r r r r r r r

A badger was driving. Then Mr. Carrot came up with a great idea, and he said:

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Lesson 6

Mr. Carrot asked Badger to take him to the distant gardens. And Badger agreed! But Mr. Carrot was so tired that he quickly got seasick, and he sniffled:

H h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

While he sleeps in Badger's truck, try reading these words!
After all very soon Mr. Carrot will need your help!


While Mr. Carrot slept, Badger hummed to himself:

L l l l l l l l l l l l l

From this song, Mister Carrot woke up, it got very hot in the car, and Mister Carrot said:

Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Lesson 7

Badger had a small pot of honey in the car, which he every now and then feasted on.

Pot pot pot pot pot pot

And over the pot, flies and bees circled in a cloud and buzzed annoyingly:

Z z z z z z z z z z z

There were a lot of flies and bees:

Lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots

Mr. Carrot was very tired of flies and bees, from the heat, and then, as luck would have it, Badger's truck stopped because a family of hedgehogs was crossing the road.

Dad - the hedgehog walked slowly and puffed like this:

F f f f f f f f f f f f

Mom - a hedgehog ran behind and puffed like this:

V v v v v v v v v

And 6 hedgehogs ran after her and tortured like this:

F v f v f v f v f v f v f v

Draw how hedgehogs cross the road:


Fortunately, Badger's truck was already approaching the distant vegetable gardens. Mr. Carrot thanked the driver and got out of the truck. A large red dog ran up to him, barking:

Dog dog dog dog dog dog

Mr. Carrot asked her if she had seen his brother, but the dog replied that he was not there.

Not not not not not not

Then a frog jumped out from behind a bump:

Frog frog frog frog frog

Mr. Carrot also asked her about her brother, but she did not answer, and galloped on:

Hop hop hop hop hop

Mr. Carrot shouted to her:

Stop stop stop stop

but she didn't stop




Mr. Carrot finally made it to the garden bed where his brother had always lived. Oh God! In the garden bed everything was turned upside down: the earth was dug up, grass and roots were scattered everywhere. In the midst of this debacle, Mr. Carrot suddenly noticed a note. Here's what was on it (help Mr. Carrot read):

Big pig, dig!

I've heard it somewhere! - exclaimed Mr. Carrot and suddenly jumped up -
BUT! ABOUT! The witch said that! So….
So she was here! And her little pig was digging this bed! And that means…. Mr. Carrot suddenly understood everything. Have you guessed?
(So, Mr. Carrot guessed that the witch, with the help of the piglet, dug his brother and his friends out of the garden and took him to the clearing, where Mr. Carrot met her for the first time)
- That's why the witch ordered the pig to dig! She dug a hole and hid my brother and his friends there! We urgently need to save them. Back! Into the clearing!
- How can I get to the clearing faster?
Suddenly, the sound of hooves was heard from behind. A donkey ran along the road, carrying a cart in which the old Fox was sitting.
The donkey ran and shouted cheerfully:

E e e e e e e e e e e e

A red cross was painted on the cart:

Red red red red red red

since the Fox is an animal doctor, a veterinarian.

Vet vet vet vet vet vet vet

Mr. Carrot told everything and asked Fox to give him a lift to the clearing, but Fox said that he was going to treat the bear named

Ted Ted Ted Ted Ted Ted

He agreed to lend Mr. Carrot the donkey cart as soon as they got to the bear den.
Mr. Carrot sat down on the cart. The donkey ran and sang merrily all the way:

E e e e e e e e e e e e

And Mr. Carrot, to pass the time, sat and thought up words with the sound of a Donkey:



At the Bear's Den, the Fox jumped off, and Mr. Carrot moved on to the clearing, where he first met the Witch.
Suddenly, a Bat appeared over the cart and shouted from above:

A a a a a a a a a a a a

Which, of course, in her language meant:

Stop stop stop stop stop

Mr. Carrot stopped the donkey, and the Bat handed the following note:
(Drawn Carrot's brother screaming HELP!)

Mr. Carrot again chased the donkey as best he could, and the Bat flew away.

Bat bat bat bat bat

When Mr. Carrot was almost approaching the clearing, a rat suddenly jumped onto the cart:

Rat rat rat rat rat rat rat

The rat told him this story:
- The sorceress runs through all the gardens, with the help of her pig, she digs carrots there and dumps them into a huge hole in the clearing! She's stocking up for the winter for her terrible Hare! We must hurry!


Lesson 11

Mr. Carrot on a donkey drove up to the clearing itself, but did not recognize it!
The whole clearing was partitioned off by walls that could not be bypassed. What to do?
Suddenly someone bitten Mr. Carrot's leg painfully. He bent down and saw a tiny ant:

Ant ant ant ant ant ant

Sorry to bite you, otherwise you wouldn't have paid attention to me! Do you see these walls? They were conjured by a witch so that you could not find your brother. There is an inscription on every wall. It must be read, and then the wall will disappear!
“What a nightmare,” exclaimed Mr. Carrot, “I can't read at all!
- But we have guys! They will definitely help us! Truth?
Guys, let's help Mr. Carrot disenchant the clearing and quickly free his brother. And the pictures will help you.

1 Wall: Fox is on (a) mat.
2 wall: Pet is in bed.
Wall 3: Frog sent big pills.
4 wall: Sad dad had (a) bat.
5 wall: Big frog had (a) tank.
6 wall: Red pot is hot.
7 wall: Frogs hop on (a) log.
8 wall: Frogs can hop.
9 wall: Dog ran.
10 wall: Flat hat is red.


When all the walls collapsed, Mr. Carrot found himself near a huge pit that was filled with carrots. Suddenly he heard:
-Dear brother! You came! Rather save us. The witch is about to return!
And, as soon as he said this, a witch really appeared out of nowhere.
- Ha ha ha! - she laughed, - And you got caught at last! Now you can't get away from me! Now I will cast a spell, and you will find yourself in this pit! Now, just find the spell I need ...
The sorceress began to rummage in her pockets and took out a whole heap of notes with spells. But suddenly a strong wind blew. Like this:

W w w w w w w w
Wind wind wind wind

All the notes of the sorceress scattered across the field. And she rushed to collect them.
Several pieces of paper also fell beside Mr. Carrot. He grabbed them, but he can't read ... Can we help?

Big pig, tap!

And do you know what happened to the little pig when you read this note?
He started to tap dance !!!
Let's try again?

Tim! Sit in fog!

Do you know what happened to the witch hare?
A thick fog enveloped him and did not allow him to go outside.
Let's try again?

Ten frogs, seven bats, ten rats, drag!

Out of nowhere frogs appeared the bats and the rats, grabbed the witch and dragged her away!
That's how you guys helped Mister Carrot to save his brother a lot!
Thank you!!!

On this page you will find the kindest, most informative and interesting fairy tales on English language for kids... Learning English by reading fairy tales in English is a great pleasure. After all, a fairy tale is a journey, and a fairy tale in English is a journey into the world of the English language. Thanks to fairy tales in English, you will make learning English fun and interesting for your child.

The Sleeping Beauty fairy tale in English will tell you about a kind, cheerful princess who at one moment, due to circumstances, falls asleep for the rest of her life. In a fairy tale there are a lot of useful phrases in English that can be used in real life... Also, the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" will help you hone your pronunciation of your English.

Story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" in English is a popular English fairy tale for children. The tale tells about a girl who went into the forest and got lost, and then the events fluttered more and more interestingly. The tale in English is adapted and easy to read. You get a great deal of vocabulary and good English practice.

Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood in English will tell you about an interesting and informative story that is easy to read in English and carries many useful words in English that are very often found in the modern world.

Tale "Three Little Pigs" in English in English is one of the most popular fairy tales. From the fairy tale, you will learn that you always need to be prudent in solving issues and not be careless. And after reading the fairy tale Three Little Pigs in English, you will learn a lot of new vocabulary and perfectly practice your English.

Cinderella's tale in English will tell you about one of the kindest and cutest girls-heroines in the world of fairy tales. The moral of the tale is very simple and accessible even to children. In the fairy tale, you will meet many new English words.

Sections: Foreign languages

Explanatory note

This methodological development is intended for teaching the rules of reading for students in grades 5 (subject to learning English in primary school). It is assumed that students have already mastered 26 letters of the English alphabet before. The development is based on the method of teaching the reading rules of the author of the English textbook for the 5th grade, Starkov, who classified the vowels by I (open), II (closed) and III (in combination with the letter r) syllables. While working on the introduction of the rules for reading vowels in phrases, I noticed a certain pattern, namely: in the letter combinations ai / ay, ea, oa, the first vowels are read, the second are “silent”. In order to simplify the process of mastering the rules of reading, and most importantly, to make it interesting, exciting for students, encouraging them to be creative, I came up with a fairy tale in which all the letters of the alphabet are represented by living beings:

  • vowels: a, o, e, i / y, u, - girls who love to sing, because they have a very beautiful voice. (These letters are read in an open syllable as they are called in the alphabet). They “cry” and “whine” when they are closed. (These letters are read briefly in a closed syllable). The same letters can marry “knights” (the letter Rr is read as [r]) and can even have children (type IV);
  • letters (vowels) can visit each other;
  • consonants s - humpbacked man, and w - fat, t - rake, and k - pitchfork, ll - two slender gentlemen admiring the "first lady" of the alphabet with the letter a;
  • troublemakers - sister letters i and y (read the same);
  • "Modest" - the letter e, which is not read at the end of the word, preferring to listen to others.

The entire learning process is divided into four fairy tales and one “opera” according to the principle of four types of syllables, and letter combinations “from another opera”.

Children easily, without compulsion, memorize “fairy tales” and very often refer to them.

The Tale of Letters No. 1

Lived in English alphabet six girls - beauties who loved to sing. Every morning you could hear them singing.

- the letter A a sang melodiously,

- the letter E e sang along to her in the neighborhood,

- sang the letters I i and Y y in unison,

Fairy tale number 2

But, unfortunately, not everyone liked such discordant singing. The evil wizard heard about them, caught up with them an evil storm, which carried all the beauties to the distant kingdom to the thirtieth state, locked them in a high tower, putting a consonant letter to each "guard". The poor “singers” lost their voice from fear, they were not up to songs.

[?,?] - sobbed A a,

- whimpered E e,

[i, i] - twin sisters I i and Y y were not appeased,

- moaned O o,

- lamented the letter U u.

Fairy tale number 3

The brave knights of the kingdom heard their groans and cries and decided to free the beautiful girls. The knights (letter R r) galloped up on their black horses and freed all six. And having released, each knight said: “I freed you? And now, my soul-maiden, I want to marry you ”. Of course, each married couple had their own surnames:

- surname

- surname

The rest (with the exception of the letter y) had surnames F e dorova (the sound is pronounced like the sound [yo] in the word “Fedorovs”).

Fairy tale number 4

And they began to live, live and make good. And they had children - (ere), (ire / yre), (ure), and a married couple ar even have two: a boy and a girl (are, air). Oh, and mothers loved - the vowels of their babies. They recalled their youth, their songs. True, now they sang not quite as they did in their youth, but something was similar.

[E q] - the letter A a sang a lullaby to her crumbs;

[i q] - letter E e;

- letters I i and Y y;

- the letter U u.

And now I will tell you how the vowels lived in their kingdom when their children grew up. Once the letters-sisters I i and Y y decided to visit the first lady of the alphabet - the letter Aa. I must say that the letter A a was very proud of the fact that she was so called - “the first lady”.

When the letters I i and Y y wanted to talk to her, to remember their youth, then A a did not let them open their mouths. Only and could hear her yes. The letters were offended and went to her neighbor, the letter Ee, with whom the letter O o was staying, and told her how inhospitable the letter A had greeted them: “You know, the letter E, how boastful it is, all yes (the combination“ ai / ay, ei / ey "Read)". We decided the letters O and E to punish the letter A a.

Oh, and got the same braggart A a! And rightly so. Now she could not utter a sound in her defense. The letter E e scolded her in its own way (the combination ea is read), followed by the letter O o (the combination oa is read). The letter A a understood how badly she had done with the sisters I i and Y y. And when she saw that the letter U with her fat aunt W was going to her house, she grabbed her head and screamed in despair. (The combination au, aw is read). Believe me, since then the letter A a has become a very modest, respected lady. She was especially admired by two slender gentlemen - twin brothers l l: “what a woman!” - they usually said (the letter "A a" before two "l l" is read). And the letter sometimes quietly wondered at the size of the thick letter W. “, - said the letter A a. - Indeed, she is fat, I would not want to be like that. (The letter "A a" after "W" is read as).

And here is what once happened to the letter A a when she was returning home late at night. It was dark and scary. The letter looked around, and behind it were three terrible pairs: two humped S S, a humpback with a pitchfork S K and a humpback with a rake S T. The letter got scared and screamed out of fear: “A-a-a”. (The letter “A a” before “ss, st, sk” is read as).

But not only with the letter A a there were various troubles. Remember how it all began? Yes, yes, from visiting her letters - sisters I i and Y y. Once they decided to visit the letter O o. Seeing them in the window, the letter O o got scared and shouted: “Oh, what will happen to me now. (the combination of letters “oi, oy” is read). She came out to meet them and said: "Excuse me, but with the letters U and W I am going into the forest to pick mushrooms." The letter O o went to them and invited them into the forest. But she was punished for her lie: the letters ou and ow got lost. (ou ow) What do we scream when we get lost? That's right, "ay!" (The combination of letters ou, ow in the middle of the word is read). Aunt W was not taken aback and began to look for a way out of the forest. And imagine, I found, with a sigh of relief “Oh!”. (The letter combination “ow” at the end of the word is read as).

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!