Lion cubs learn to read, or books in English for beginners. Lion cubs learn to read, or books in English for beginners For those who are serious. Reading books in English for beginners

short stories on the English language(short English stories) - adapted and in the original. For beginners, continuing and improving. For those who are just starting to learn English or those who do not want to forget it. The best stories by English and American writers with exciting plots are especially suitable for those who study English on their own.

If you have looked at this page, dear reader, then you want to read something in English. You can choose book, story or short work, and at the same time and watch his film adaptation. Let's take a journey through time together, say, to the 18th century, get acquainted with the era, its typical characters, and at the same time with the greatest writers who lived at that time. They speak to us through several centuries, putting words into the mouths of the heroes of their works. A good book is a relative term. After all, we have different tastes, so you will find different works on our site. However, one thing is certain - all the books that we offer are worthy of being read. After all, it's not just best books in English- it classics of English and American literature. So, open the book and go to another world. Don't get lost!

You can make an exciting journey around the world! A huge number of secrets of our planet are hidden on bright and colorful pages with "windows". You will be able to visit the arctic deserts and tropical forests, see with your own eyes the smallest insects and creatures that live on the bottom of the sea, and learn a lot of interesting things about each of the continents. Under each picture is a simple description in English, which will help kids to remember and learn new words faster.

2. See inside history of Britain

See inside history of Britain

If you are interested not so much in the whole planet as a whole, but in its small details, we recommend that you pay attention to the book See inside history of Britain. It will introduce you to the history of Great Britain from the Middle Ages to the present. The exceptional accuracy with which the illustrations are made will make it possible to see even the royal pendant of Mary Tudor in the smallest detail. But we, by right, consider the section devoted to famous people of the United Kingdom to be the most entertaining. There you will find information about the commander Oliver Cromwell, Emmeline Pankhurst and the magnificent four - The Beatles.

3. Children's encyclopedia

Children's encyclopedia

It will be incredibly interesting for curious why-bearers to flip through this book from cover to cover. In it you will find more than 1500 photographs, in the annotations to which there is information about everything in the world: from animals and plants to art and new technologies, without which, by the way, the publication itself could not have done. QR codes provide instant access through mobile phone or a tablet for 150 animal videos and other fun resources. The book will become a real treasure in the collection of any know-it-all and lover of the English language.

4. 1960s fashion

Discover 1960s fashion with this entertaining book. With over 200 stickers to choose from, you can dress the dolls in miniskirts, leather coats or outfits for a walk in the park, shopping in central London or a business trip. Each page contains information about a style or fashion trend, which is accompanied by a colorful illustration, photo or sketch. And for those who want to try their hand at fashion design, there are blank stickers in the book, using which you can create your own style.


Build your own robots sticker book

What to hide, stickers are liked not only by girls, but also by boys. Build your own robots sticker book will be the perfect book for fans of not only stickers, but also robots. The reader's arsenal includes laser guns, paralyzing pistols and other high-tech weapons. Each page has more than just a description specifications each machine, but also its strengths and weaknesses, which will help the young warrior to better prepare for the upcoming battle. Believe me, your boys, and, of any age, will be delighted!


Illustrated stories of princes and princesses

Another edition designed for real girls! On the pages of Illustrated stories of princes and princesses you will find the most romantic stories about princes and princesses, where there is a place for terrible battles with dragons, resisting the spells of an evil sorceress and, of course, great and bright love! The book is ideal for independent reading or reading with parents.

7. Illustrated pirate stories

Illustrated pirate stories

Just as much as girls love stories about princesses, boys probably only love stories about pirates. Give the mooring lines, we go out to the open sea. Together with Illustrated pirate stories, young sea wolves will make an exciting journey through stories about a real pirate life. Simple and clear text will help you easily remember new words and expressions. Suitable for independent reading.

8. Classic stories gift set

classic stories gift set

The gift edition, consisting of 5 books, will keep the little book lover busy for a long time. The collection includes such classic english stories like "Alice in Wonderland", "The Children of the Railroad", "The Secret Garden", "Around the World in 80 Days" and "The Wind in the Willows". The colorfully illustrated hardcover books make a great gift or favorite table book.

We wish you happy reading!

3. Additional vocabulary on the topic "Health".

Break - break
call a doctor - call a doctor
chest - chest
cold - cold
cough - cough
examine - examine
fall ill - get sick
flu - influenza
immediately - immediately
lungs - lungs
medicine - medicine
nod - to nod
pain - pain
prescribe - prescribe
recover - get better
regularly - regularly
silly - stupid
sneeze - to sneeze
sore throat - sore throat
swallow - swallow
take blood pressure - measure blood pressure
take one's pulse
take one's temperature - measure the temperature
touch - touch
worry - to worry

Translate into English

1. He has a strong chest.
2. The lungs are the respiratory organ of animals and humans.
3. She has a cold and sneezes and coughs all the time.
4. Does the nurse measure his blood pressure twice a day?
5. Phil fell and broke his leg.
6. Fresh air is good for health.
7. There is nothing to worry about here.
8. The doctor's owl excited the patient.
9. It hurts to swallow.
10. Look, little John just fell off his bike.
11. He nodded his head to show that he understood everything.
12. The doctor examined the child.
13. The baby could not swallow. His throat hurt.
14. The doctor prescribed him a new medicine for a sore throat.
15. As soon as Tom catches a cold, he coughs and sneezes.
16. It hurts to move.
17. He has already recovered and can go outside tomorrow.
18. He suffers from headaches.
19. The doctor prescribed him a medicine for a headache.
20. Is Lily on a diet? Yes, she is on a diet.
21. I don't like scrambled eggs.
22. It hurts me to walk. I think I broke my leg.
23. Cream is made from milk.
24. He only likes soft drinks.
25. Cream is used to make butter.
26. Butter, cream, milk and cottage cheese are dairy products.
27. Russian people often eat cottage cheese for breakfast.
28. This cottage cheese is bad - it tastes bitter.
29. He got on his bike and rode slowly along the road.
30. Where did he break his leg? He was riding and fell off his horse.
31. If you want to be healthy, you must follow a diet.
32. How do you feel? - Not very good.
33. Masha has a sore throat and head.
34. Kolya has a high temperature.
35. The doctor measured Anya's blood pressure, listened to her chest and lungs.
36. The doctor took her pulse.
37. Do you take your temperature every day?
38. The doctor examined the throat and tongue of the boy.
39. It hurts to swallow. I think he has angina.
40. Do you often catch a cold? - Yes.
4. Irregular Verbs for grade 7 - learn 3 forms.

5. Summer reading.
Read any book in English, write out unfamiliar words, answer questions or complete a task after the text.

1. Who is the author of the book?
2. What is the book about?
3. How does the book start?
4. Who is the main character of the book?
5. Which character did you like? Why?
6. Which character did you dislike? Why?
7. How does the book end?
8. Did you like the book? Why?/Why not?


I am sure that health is a very important thing for all people. If you have good health you are in a good mood. I think it is necessary to take care of health. I know a very useful proverb: "Good health is above wealth."
Everyone has one's rules about how to be in good health. First of all one must get up early, do¬ morning exercises all the year round. Usually I wash myself in the morning and in the evening with cold or warm water. I clean my teeth twice a day. To spend a lot of time in the open air is a very important fact for everybody. We must walk a lot, play active games, and spend a lot of time outdoors in the fresh air. It is useful to go for a walk before going to bed. We should keep our flats clean. Every day I sweep up the room.
It is necessary to take care of our food. We must eat fruits and vegetables. They say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. If you are overweight you should keep to a diet. I believe that we have to eat low fat food. We must not eat a lot; we can't eat much sugar or plenty of sweets.
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. In summer we can ride a bicycle, go camping and swimming. In winter one can go sledging, skating, playing hockey or skiing. You can swim in the swimming pool all the year round. I am sure that sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don't catch cold. Sport makes people strong, healthy and cheerful.
There are some facts which have influence on our health. First of all it is bad mood and physical inactivity. Eating a lot can make you fat and not active. Drinking much alcohol is not useful for our health either. It is a terrible fact when we eat at night, don't follow a diet, use high-calorie foods and don't move a lot. Smoking is not useful for our health either. If a person smokes a lot he (she) will be ill. To smoke is to live at the risk of one's life. I suppose that it is necessary to go to bed till 11 o'clock and get up at 7 o'clock.
I like the proverb: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I am sure that our health is connected with our nerves system. I think that we must not be nervous. As people say “A merry heart is a good medicine.” I am sure that children and grown-ups must take care of their health.

Falling Ill
I am sure that health is a very important thing for all people. If you have good health you are in a good mood. I think it is necessary to take care of health.
There are certain laws of keeping health which are so simple that even a little child can learn them.
Fresh air is very important to good health. Besides, every room in the house, especially the bedroom should be properly cleaned. The whole body should be washed regularly. We like to look at someone who is tidy and clean. Some exercises are also necessary to keep us fit. The old and the young should do morning exercises. Rest is also important to the health of both body and mind. Plenty of food rich in vitamins is very useful for our health, too. If one of these rules is broken we may fall ill.
When I have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold or pain in some other parts of my body, I call a doctor and he examines me. He takes my temperature and my pulse. He examines my heart; my lungs, my stomach or the part where I have a pain, and tells me what the matter with me is. The doctor prescribes a medicine, and gives me a prescription. I take it to a chemist's and buy the medicine. If I follow the doctor's orders, I get better.
If some people are seriously ill, they go to hospital by ambulance. When I have a toothache, when a tooth hurts me, I go to a dentist.
Last winter I fell ill. I caught a bad cold. I had a bad cough and was running a high temperature. I had also a cold in my head and a terrible sore throat. It hurt me when I swallowed. I was constantly sneezing.
My mother called the doctor. When the doctor came in she examined my throat and tongue, felt my pulse, listened to my heart and lungs and tested my blood pressure. Then she took my temperature. She said there was no need to worry as it was neither flu nor quinsy. It was just a bad cold.
The doctor told me to stay in bed for a week to avoid complications after the illness. Then she prescribed me some medicine for my headache and told me to drink warm milk with honey and butter. I was to take the medicine twice a day.
I followed all the doctor's advice and in a week I felt much better and soon I recovered.

Summer is the warmest and graceful season for sure. During the summertime Nature lives to the full extent. Trees are green and juicy fruits are ripening on their branches. Flowers are blooming at flowerbeds, woods and meadows. Animals and birds are busy with feeding their offspring. They are living and neither hibernating.

Summer days are blessed for people as well. No one needs clumsy warm clothes and there no need in heating their apartments. During summer there's no frost and ice-crusted ground. Everyone is free for move, walking, running and traveling.

Serene summer day is filled with sunlight and bright clear sky. Every tree is covered with beautiful green leaves. Among their branches there is a quire of birds of all sorts and types. One won't be able to see all hear these magnificent things during cold winter.

Along with the great weather summer brings lots of spare time. One can use it for use or just enjoy leisure time under the sun. It's a great time for active vacations of a part time job. Anyway summer provides plenty of time to spend it in a favorite way.

And summer evenings are exceptionally good. Temperature drops to a comfortable level. Dust of big cities settles and sky gets covered with golden rays of the sunset. Everything becomes quiet and peaceful.

Pleasures of summertime (text translation)

Summer is without a doubt the warmest and most pleasant time of the year. During this period, nature lives in full force. Trees with ripe fruits on their branches are green everywhere. Flowers bloom in flower beds, in forests and meadows. Birds and animals busily scurry around looking for food for their descendants. They live and no one hibernates.

No less blessed summer days and for people. The need for clumsy and bulky warm clothes disappears, as well as the need for heating the home. In summer there are no frosts and ice. People are not limited in their movements, they can walk, run and travel.

The serene summer days are filled with light and the skies are exceptionally clear and bright. All the trees are covered with green foliage, and in it the bird chorus of pichugs of all types and sizes is poured. You won’t be able to see or hear such magnificence in winter.

Along with the beautiful weather, summer brings a lot of free time. It can be used to relax under the summer sun. It is no less suitable for active rest or side jobs. One way or another, summer is a lot of time that you can spend the way you want.

Summer evenings are especially good. The heat subsides, and the city dust settles in the evening. The sky is illuminated by the golden rays of the sunset. Everything around calms down and there is a special peace.

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Poems of Mother Goose

ALAN MILN Alan Miln ‘ Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all

BEATRIX POTTER Beatrix Potter "The Tales of Peter Rabbit" ATTENTION! This template cannot be applied to already finished slides, to use the layout, simply duplicate the slides and make corrections to them. All graphic objects used in the layout can be modified. The butterflies at the bottom are links: Red - ends the slide show Orange - returns to the previous slide Green - goes to the next slide. BEATRIX POTTER

MARK TWAIN Mark Twain ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ w.

PAMELA TRAVERS Pamela Travers ‘Mary Poppins’ ATTENTION! This template cannot be applied to already finished slides, to use the layout, simply duplicate the slides and make corrections to them. All graphic objects used in the layout can be changed. The butterflies at the bottom are links: Red - ends the slide show Orange - returns to the previous slide Green - goes to the next slide.


AGATHA CRISTIE AND ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE , DETECTIVE STORIES Detectives by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle

EDITH NESBIT Edith Nesbit ’Railway Children’

BERNARD SHAW Bernard Shaw ‘Pygmalion’

JEROME K. JEROME Jerome K. Jerome ‘Three men in a boat, not counting the dog’

CHARLES DICKENS Charles Dickens ‘ Oliver Twist ’

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