Guide and walkthrough for "Port Royale". Walkthrough of the game Port Royale Port Royale 3 types of ships

For absolute beginners of the game Port Royale, I have prepared a guide for passing the game. It contains existing articles, and other articles will be added.

For interesting game choose interesting starting positions. What is an interesting position? - for example, playing for the Spanish patronage in some Veracruz will be of interest only to a merchant, and in general, playing for the Spaniards is interesting only to merchants.

If you are familiar with such a science as Geography, then you should know that you will be surrounded by Spanish cities and that means it will be difficult for you to look for ships to carry out an attack, since you will not be allowed into their own ports for attacking your own.

But attacking trade caravans is one of the most profitable ways to progress through the game. The easy level of passage in this case means playing for any other nation. But if you are interested in the trading path, then Spain is ideal for you.

Let me remind you that the game has the viceroy of the Spanish king, British, Dutch and French governors. These governors, by the way, are not averse to causing trouble for their neighbors. I mean the various missions that the governors give the player.

You will have to sail under the flag of any state until you do something rash. This could be an attack on the ship of one’s own nation, an attack on the city of one’s own nation, constant failure to complete the missions of governors, or clearing one’s cities of food supplies.

As you can see, there are many reasons, but there is only one consequence - the enmity of your patrons. You will not be allowed into the cities of your own nation, unless of course you have hostile relations with other races.

But the main thing for the player is the ship and the sailors; the principle of the game is based on your development as an individual. You don't gain experience for every battle, you gain experience for every experienced battle. This could be a complete defeat due to the destruction of all your ships or partial destruction, fleeing the battlefield, or being boarded.

What is important in completing Port Royal is a systematic and balanced expenditure of funds, as in any strategy with an economic nature, you will be broke if you do not monitor the success of financial transactions. And if you plan to become a trading giant, then you will have to monitor financial transactions very often.

And if you just want to engage in robbery of enemy ships, then this fate is no more difficult than going to the park.

After you have started earning enough money and have collected several caravans, although you can 1. You have money and necessary materials. At this time, you need to find your shelter, how to find it is written in the article on the development of a pirate in Port Royal.

Also at this time you will need to find and destroy the pirate Exmit, who destroyed the entire family of the main character. It will be easy to kill a pirate, but he has many children who are also involved in the pirate craft.

When you have killed at least one Exmit, and there will really be a lot of them. That's when the reflections begin that the game is starting to get boring. When caravels, frigates, galleons will sail faster and faster, and it will seem to you that the grass is not as green as you would like.

It's time to end the company. And for this you need to develop your city to high level. Make sure that the city has enough food and population. Then go to the governor and tell him about the asylum. Now you are the governor of your own city in the service of the king!

German economic strategies were once popular and had a large following. However, this genre has slowly become too niche, few new games are being released, some strategies have become MMOs, and there are almost no truly high-quality single-player projects left.

Company Ascaron was one of the largest developers of these strategies, but the crisis did not spare them. However, the publisher Kalypso Media managed to pick up almost all the main developers and continue to release games in this genre. Came out first Patrician IV who was quite thoughtful and interesting project. The main emphasis in the game was on trade, much more was given to battles. less than value. However, the fans were happy and now we have a continuation of another cult series Port Royale 3 .

We teach economics

Frankly, all games Ascaron Entertainment or current Gaming Minds Studios quite similar in concept. The main thing a player needs is to speculate successfully. Moreover, by playing these games, you can learn the basics of economics, and the thought often slips through that it will be much easier for modern schoolchildren or students to understand the basis of this science after playing games from these developers. Everything is done clearly - you buy goods where they are cheaper and then sell them at a higher price. This way you can understand how many of today's millionaires earned their money. However, if in previous games of the series and the same Patrician IV it was necessary to monitor the situation in cities, plan routes, but now everything is much simpler.

So it turns out that for fans of these strategies now everything has become much simpler, and the game itself is much friendlier to beginners. You can simply build many routes that will make a profit. Actually, more routes mean more profit. Yes, sometimes pirates can attack our ships, but they won’t pose any big problems. We'll talk about battles later, but the developers didn't pay too much attention to them.

The second way to get rich is to build buildings. Everything is simple here - you need to earn a reputation, buy a license and that’s it. Next, you just need to monitor the supply of raw materials and bring workers, and then you can hire a manager and the buildings will generate a lot of income. Once again, everything is done quite simply. Even if there is a shortage of raw materials, the buildings will be profitable, and the population will be happy, because they are working for you. And you won’t see any strikes or dissatisfaction among workers. You don’t even need to keep track of your salary - everything is automated.

You can also carry out various orders from governors to earn a reputation in the country and city, as well as money. Moreover, if you do not complete the tasks, your reputation will not decrease; soon you will be given another chance. And the reputation of the country and city can help you obtain licenses for construction, and you will also have the opportunity to become the governor of the city.

It all looks interesting, but it plays boringly. Too many features have been lost, you can easily trade, build buildings and become rich. There will be practically no one to stop you - countries rarely attack merchants, and pirates can take the cargo and sometimes destroy the convoy.

About fights

Actually, we come to another important component - battles. On the one hand, now you can control not just one ship, as before, but an entire fleet; on the other hand, controlling ships is not very convenient, there are no duels, and many battles are won simply due to the strength or weakness of the fleet. There are no tactical tricks here and quite often it is easier to make the battle end automatically. Victory depends on how many guns and sailors you have. The latter can easily be taken in any city with a high reputation, and guns can be bought for money.

About campaigns

All this will be taught to you in trading and adventure companies, which are not very different from each other. You will be given tasks and at the same time taught the basics of the game. There’s just a problem - they don’t explain to beginners some aspects of the game that were, for example, in Patrician IV. There is no explanation about supply and demand in the training. Moreover, it is not shown that it is necessary to monitor the quantity of goods in the warehouse, which are indicated by lines. There are four bars and the more of them are filled, the more goods there are and vice versa. Also, we must take into account that sometimes the price difference between the previous unit of goods and the next one differs several times. However, all these aspects can be easily understood during the game.

The campaigns fail to get players very interested, in the same Port Royale 2 there were different political situations and different goals for the player. And now everything is simple - two companies, where the emphasis is on trade, and in the other, attention is paid to battles. There is even a small plot that is tied to a small affair, it’s a pity that almost no one worked on the script, so the story looks rather sluggish. But it was possible to come up with a few more short scenarios, set a time limit and different goals - this would diversify the game.

Technically the game has become better than its predecessor, but the battles could look cooler. As it is, the graphics are pretty standard, but that’s good for such strategies. The developers also didn’t do much with the melodies - I would like to hear more pirate romance, some kind of bass in the battles, so that the desire to destroy the enemy appears. But the atmosphere is all right - you feel at first like a simple messenger of happiness, and then a rich merchant with whom other countries must reckon.

But what upset me were various bugs and crashes. Often when leaving the city Port Royale 3 It freezes and you have to re-enter the game. There is also a problem with becoming a city governor - you have completed all the tasks, but you are not appointed. Well, another comical situation. Those who have played previous games in the series or the same Patrician IV from the beginning of the game they will try to build more trade routes in order to get money. However, the game will later explain to you how to do this and offer to create your first trade route much later, when you have done this repeatedly.

In addition to campaigns, there is also a free game where you set your own goals. You can also try multiplayer, but there are very few players there and it will be difficult to find an opponent.


Port Royale 3 came out rather ambiguous. The game will appeal to beginners who have not yet played economic strategies. But for ardent fans or veterans of this genre, simplicity will kill the thrill of the process. Instead of inventing interesting routes, cunning and insidious diplomacy, everything here is automated. There are also few campaigns, and the AI ​​leaves much to be desired. And yet, good graphics, a variety of battles can also attract veterans, who, after familiarization, will continue to play with nostalgia

We'll be lucky, and then we'll discover these lands within ourselves,

And we’ll go ashore and stay there forever!


What's happened Port Royale, you ask? Try to imagine the “Corsairs” who have taken and returned from 3D “dispersion” to an intelligible isometric ancestral home. Here a natural question arises - why? Well, let's answer. To make it easier for developers to merge “Corsairs” with Anno 1503 The New World, which, as we know, is isometric and clearly cannot be converted to 3D format.

In other words, we can now not only travel “across the seas, along the waves,” calling at port settlements for our needs, but also receive Active participation in the life of the latter, to be “on land” respected citizens - owners of factories or other property, and those who are lucky can become governors and lead an entire colony to their heart's content.

In this guide you will find:

* Description of the game's geography (its setting is the Caribbean region "in full" - from Venezuela to Florida).

* Information about nations and settlements in the game.

* Analysis of the “anatomy” and “physiology” of each individual settlement.

* General information about the character and his capabilities.

* Description of trade.

* Description of production.

* Description of battles.

* Information about the main types of ships.

Geographical basis

The player will now have to carry out all the trade and production manipulations required by his status, fight, and also rebuild, not “in some kingdom, in some archipelago,” but on a completely geographically reliable map of the Caribbean region, a map that is quite detailed and quite well executed graphically. Now about what I specifically mean by the somewhat vague phrase “Caribbean region”. The Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), the Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas, and, of course, the coast of the American continent from Florida to Venezuela. On this occasion, fans of Sabatini will be pleased with the city of Maracaibo, exactly in Venezuela and located, so that if desired (and the right course of action), everyone will now be able to repeat the “golden campaign” of Captain Blood. But keep in mind that the narrow exit from the Gulf of Maracaiba has not been widened by the developers - it is exactly the same barely passable neck where angry dons can easily catch you...

Nations and settlements

This map is not only physical, but also (using the standard classification) political and economic. Because it is overly burdened with signs of an intrusive human presence - from cities-settlements to ships of different calibers scurrying between them, equipped with appropriate banners. Not without flags, in fact, and the city. As you might guess, the type of flag indicates that a given settlement (or ship) belongs to one or another national-political community, colloquially referred to as a “state.” There are four of them in the game: England, Holland, France, Spain. In principle, ships “under the guise” of the “Jolly Roger” also move across the seas, that is, pirate ships, but “gentlemen of fortune” are denied their own settlements.

Nations exist in the game not for beauty and ambiance. They really live, declare war, make peace, and enter into trade agreements. Which directly affects your personal destiny. So, if you are English, don't expect to be loved in the Spanish colonies. And during the war, any Spanish captain will consider it his patriotic duty to attack you. So even if you decide not to get involved in politics and adventures, but just trade peacefully, still monitor the actions of the authorities. Wherever you are at the moment - in the city or on the open sea - the "Chronicle" is at your service, a scroll in a circle located in the upper left corner of the screen, next to the current date. Click on the image to see the current international situation.

Note that you can choose not only your nation, but also the start date of your career. There are four of them—the initial dates.

1570 Spain is at the peak of its power. Two thirds of the settlements on the map belong to her. So it’s difficult for citizens of other countries at this time.

1600 France acquired a dozen settlements in the region, and in alliance with England entered into the struggle for dominance in the Caribbean.

1630 England is expanding its possessions - acquiring new cities without losing those already captured.

1660 Spain lost half of its colonies. The region became a paradise for corsairs and adventurers of all stripes.

What's new in international relations?

Each settlement is represented on the map by an icon-image, provided with a name and the above-mentioned symbol of nationality. But not only. Next to the “basic” designations there are also additional ones. Taking a closer look, you will successfully recognize in them the emblem of one or another product that the settlement especially needs at the moment. This means, hurry up, enterprising traders, hurry up to deliver what you need first, because the benefit in this case will be very great for you. However, we will talk in detail about the intricacies of the trade craft in a section specially designated for this. In addition to trademarks, next to the settlement icon you may also find a square with a number. But this is only if the cities in the harbor are in currently your ships. And the number indicates their number. There is an icon indicating an excess or, conversely, a shortage of residents. If you see a crossed out plate near a settlement, it means the city is on the verge of famine. And if somewhere, God forbid, you find a red cross, postpone your visit to this colony: an epidemic is raging there. A completely different matter is a square with a picture of a pickaxe and a block of yellow metal: if you are not a citizen of this city or cannot open your own production there, cry without being embarrassed by those around you. For in the vicinity of the settlement gold mines were discovered, but alas for you! - do not fall to this source...

If you click on the settlement icon, where your ships are not currently located, left mouse button, then you will see a very interesting reference “board” containing a lot of useful data. So, from it you will get information about the last name and first name of the governor (isn’t it absolutely necessary information?), the number of residents, and the attitude of the residents towards you. And also about the production “capacity” of the settlement (what goods the city myself produces in abundance or even in excess), and even about how much of a particular resource a given human anthill consumes daily. And if you are going to capture this city for one reason or another, you will be more interested in information about the composition of the garrison and the cannon equipment of the fort.

The city from the inside

When you start the game, the first thing you see is not general map, and your hometown from a bird's eye view. You can find yourself “inside” another city from the general map mode by clicking on its icon with the left mouse button, if your ships are in its harbor.

All cities, in general, are similar to each other, at least cities of the same nation. But, regardless of under whose jurisdiction the settlement is located, there will in any case be a fort-fortress with those located inside it standard buildings. Standard - that is, their list and functions are the same for all nations, only the appearance(of course, a Dutch Lutheran church cannot look like a Spanish Catholic church). Outside the fortress there are manufactories and residential buildings. The latter can be more or less luxurious, depending on how rich people live in them. Of course, huts and palaces can be adjacent, i.e. the city is not built with identical houses according to the "average rating" of prosperity. By the way, buildings of civil architecture, like municipal buildings, differ in national style of decoration, but manufactories do not.

In this section we will deal with standard, that is, municipal, buildings, since the game is largely based on them, and they are the same everywhere, i.e. their presence or absence does not depend on the player’s personal whim or the commercial interests of other residents of the settlement. We will list and describe manufactories in detail in the section on production and construction.

City Hall. It is also the residence of the governor/vice-governor. The governor lives in the main settlement of a particular state in the region (it is also the player’s “starting city”). In all other cases, please deal with the vice-governors. However, they are not too different - both in their role in the main character’s career, and... in their characters.

Entering the town hall (as well as all other buildings, not only municipal ones) is very simple - by clicking on the image of the building. It is not written anywhere that this is the town hall, but don’t be afraid – you are unlikely to confuse it with a church, market or tavern. “Having knocked”, you find yourself in front of a window, to the left edge of which strips with inscriptions are “pinned” (the same as in all other municipal buildings). There are six bars: “Governor”, ​​“General”, “Architect”, “Treasurer”, “List of Pirates”, “Close”. With the latter, everything is clear, but everything else requires explanation. By the way, you find yourself in the building through Personal Area Governor - whether you like it or not, the building will “open” for you on the activated “Governor” bar. He will either offer you to purchase a patent for the extermination of pirates and representatives of hostile nations, or will offer to carry out this or that mission, or will say that there is nothing new, and this is most often the case. If you are in an audience with the highest authorities of another settlement, he, if the attitude towards you in the city is good, may offer you to purchase a “residence permit”.

The general - the head of the local garrison - will sternly ask you whether you are ready to invest in the defense of your native (or friendly) city, i.e. subsidize the purchase of extra guns or the hiring of a dozen or two soldiers. If you agree, the attitude towards you in the city will improve dramatically.

A visit to the architect makes sense if he is the architect of another settlement, because... its only function is to sell you permission to erect buildings in the city, and in your home village you have it in advance, and completely free of charge. The treasurer will lend you money at an absolutely unimaginable interest rate, sometimes amounting to a quarter of the borrowed amount. Check out the list of pirates - for these are not just pirates, not corsairs in themselves, but entities for whose destruction the city is willing to pay good money at times.

City temple. Here you can, of course, pray, then for a certain amount ask for a blessing from heaven on your (or any of your choice) ships, or donate money for temple decorations. Reputation, gentlemen, reputation... And a little luck in difficult situations.

Shipyard. So what are they doing at the shipyard? That's right, they sell and buy ships. They are also being repaired there. The most interesting thing here is the ability to change the name of your vessel. I highly recommend sailing the seas on a ship with the name of your beloved girl (option for girls - a young man). This adds pathos to the game, and if you are a pirate, it is generally piquant.

City warehouse. This is where you buy and sell goods. There are a lot of subtleties in connection with the warehouse, but more on them in the “trading” section.

Tavern. Here you can hire a captain for your second (third, fourth...) ship, if you have one, and also play a lot of dice. Sometimes in a tavern you can stumble upon a pirate who will ask you to use your ship, promising a third of the proceeds in return. Agree or refuse depending on your mood and the state of your financial account.

Market. At the market you can order - at your own expense, of course - a holiday for all residents of a given city. In the early stages of the game, doing this is, of course, not recommended.

Well. By clicking on it, you will get the same help panel that usually opens from the general map mode. The well is needed because it is not possible to open this panel for your city “from the outside”, from the map - clicking on the icon of your city will only lead to the fact that you find yourself “inside”.

We cannot ignore the elements of the “intra-city” interface. On top of the mini-map, which is hard to miss, there are five picture circles. Click on the leftmost circle - and the vast expanse of the general map will open in front of you. A similar action with the adjacent picture - the one with a hammer - “activates” the construction interface. Using the middle button, you can go from the city mini-map to mini-map of the region, staying in the city. The following will provide you with a list of all your ships. And using the last one, that is, the far right one, you can jump to the next day if you do not want to wait for this event to happen naturally.

A little to the left there are two more round buttons, one of which, the left one, depicts an anchor, and the other a steering wheel. By clicking on the anchor button, you will receive a list of ships awaiting your orders, that is, free at the moment from any useful work. Pressing the button with the steering wheel, on the contrary, will provide you with a list of ships that are “in action.”

Well, of course, there is a branded “sign” with the name of the city, the number of residents and the prosperity index.

Man's destiny

Still main character The game was somewhat reminiscent of Gogol's famous Inspector General - all the talk was about him and around him, but where, in fact, was he himself? Now that game world is described in rough form, when the stage is ready, it would be nice for the hero to finally appear on it.

Attention, let's start!

As mentioned above, you can choose the time of your “incarnation” and the nationality of your in-game alter ego. But not only. Continuing with the theatrical metaphor, you may also prefer one role or another. Which fate do you prefer - a merchant or a pirate?

The difference between them is not that great. The trader is simply increasing the indicator reputation And experience due to successful trade deals, and the pirate - by winning naval battles. Both can also choose a fundamental personality trait from the following list - enterprise, charm, accuracy. The latter, of course, can be attributed to personal qualities with great stretch; it is rather a physical advantage, but let’s not quibble. So. An enterprising subject earns 5% more for his goods if he trades himself, and not in the automatic mode of the trade route. A charming character will increase his reputation by the same 5% faster, and a comrade with increased vigilance will aim more effectively in battle... well, who will guess faster?... of course, by 5%. This is the magic number. That is, of course, it will not be him who will be aiming, but the guns of his ship.

And the last thing is start-up capital. You can start the game with a large amount of gold (30,000 pesos) and a small ship - a pinnace (8 guns - its fire "ceiling"), you can, on the contrary, get a 16-gun brig at your disposal, judging that gold (it is highlighted in this version only 12,000) in this situation, it will be easy to loot, or you can, without rushing to extremes, calmly take possession of a 14-gun sloop, knowing that 20,000 gold pieces are lying in the stash.

Yes, lest we forget, you always “incarnate” in the main city of your nation in the region, in the residence city of the governor.

Personal file No....

For anyone who dares to grace the troubled Caribbean region with their presence, or, more simply put, to join the game, a personal file is immediately opened, modestly called a “magazine.” However, only you can familiarize yourself with it, so don’t be alarmed. You can open the magazine by clicking on the circle with the image of a chest to the right of the date. By the way, on the other side of the journal button your current cash is displayed. The magazine has a lot of sections, which we are now moving on to get acquainted with.

News. Here you will store all kinds of personal news - letters from senior management, promissory notes, notes on the purchase and sale of real estate and other business stuff.

Missions. If you manage to shine brilliantly in your chosen field, city governors of all stripes will gain confidence in you and from time to time will issue you assignments. The section exists in case, in the bustle, you accidentally forgot what, in fact, you were assigned.

Review. By looking here, you will find out without much hassle how many ships, buildings and factories you have, and in which cities all this splendor is located. This is especially true for ships - they, you know, have the property of constantly moving.

Production. It’s simple - here you can find information about how much you currently have ready to sell the goods produced by your enterprises.

Balance. A trivial accounting page. Income, expenses, including costs for salaries, maintenance of buildings, repairs, and so on. Whether you like it or not, you will really love this section of the magazine. At least keep it open all the time.

Trade routes. Sooner or later you will have a lot of ships. And driving them from harbor to harbor yourself will become not only laziness, but simply lack of time. You will have to assign automated trade routes to them. Well, in this section you will simply store a list of them.

Personal. The most personal section of a personal file. Here you can always find out how cities and nations treat you, whether you have a wife, and if so, what her name is. Sometimes you can find very useful information here.

Nations. It is not clear what information about the demographic dynamics of the region has to do with you personally. However, you will find very detailed charts (by nation) on this page of your personal file.

Cards. One day a special day will come, and the governor will quietly hand over to you, as a particularly trusted person, a map with which you can find pirate treasures. Well, the manuscript will be pasted in right here.

Sailing as an extreme sport

Learning to operate your sailing vehicle correctly (and most importantly, quickly) is not an easy task. Because to do this you will have to cope with a very non-trivial interface. First, you need to find the ship in the harbor (it is shown as a blue dot on the city mini-map). Find it. Since there are usually countless ships in the harbor - some are sailing, others are arriving - the inscription above the ship will help you distinguish yours among them. The inscription is simply your name. Once you have identified a property, click on it. A blue arrow will appear above the ship, pointing its tip somewhere in the middle of the deck. And in the lower right quarter of the screen something else will appear, which we will move on to study.

There are two windows in front of you. The top one is filled with all sorts of images: barrels, knots, skulls - and numbers. The bottom one contains only the silhouette of your ship in a beautiful frame with rounded corners. There is a green vertical column in the frame. This is the “health” of your ship.

Let's look at the top window. The symbol of an empty barrel on the right side is, of course, an indicator of how full the hold is. Now it is empty and the barrel is transparent. If you buy at least a little product and load it into the hold, the barrel will begin to fill with liquid, for some reason red in color.

It's time to get guns. Visit to the armory.

At the top, next to the blue square, is the captain's name - now this is your name. The small anchor has the name of the colony in whose harbor the ship is currently moored. The number next to the node is the current speed (now it is zero). Next to the image of the guns there is also a zero: the guns still need to be purchased. The minimum required number of sailors on your ship at the beginning of the game is always available, so the number next to the sailor figure is different from zero. Dagger icon - stocks of melee weapons. Also zero, you will also have to purchase.

In short, this panel gives you information about the real state of your ship at the moment. Now click on the silhouette in the lower window, yes, on that very frame. Again, look at the top table. Isn't it true that the picture has changed dramatically? Now you can find out the maximum speed of your boat and its standard displacement. A new click on the lower window will return the upper one to its original form.

There are five more button pictures on the top panel, and they always remain there, regardless of the “window” mode. In order, from left to right... Picture with a barrel (how many barrels there are!) - go to the hold, see how much and what kind of goods are there. A picture with an anchor - a list of ships. Don’t forget that you can get this same list by clicking one of the buttons above the mini-map, I already wrote about this. The picture with the eye is another information board regarding the actual number of weapons on your ship and the crew's consumption of your funds. Picture with a steering wheel - opens the interface for assigning trade routes, detailed description which is impossible due to the limited volume of the journal. And finally, a picture with a cannon - in the menu that opens, you can determine in advance which nation’s ships you should “run into” first.

It seems like we have sorted out the panels and buttons, it will be easier later. By the way, it won’t hurt to get a weapon. And when you buy a new ship, you buy it empty, without a crew, and without it the ship will not leave the harbor. So - everything is in stock! At dedicated ship click on the building city ​​warehouse. A lot of tabs will open, we are now interested in one - “Equipment”. After looking around, you shop. They won’t sell you more guns than your ship’s status requires; take the rest in any quantity, at least all if you have enough money and displacement. To repair (and ships in the game “wear out” even without battles, just during raids), sell or buy a ship, change its name - with the ship selected, click on the shipyard building. Repairs, depending on the severity of the damage received, may last several days.

Hiring a captain for a newly purchased ship is required in the tavern. Be careful - the recruitment panel always indicates which ship the new captain should lead; do not forget to switch between ships, otherwise you will dismiss the old, experienced one. However, we can hire him again right away, but why do we need the extra trouble? Although... My advice to you is that if the ship you bought is better than the previous one, transfer your “sea wolf” there (for reference, captains gain experience in trading, maneuverability and accuracy). And let a newcomer command the old “vessel”.

You cannot see how your ship (ships) move in the harbor roadstead; you can only admire how others do it. Select all your ships (while holding down the Control key; if there is only one ship, the key is not needed) and go to the region map. Don’t forget to also click on the square with a number next to the icon of the city where your ships are located, and which you just (at least visually) left. Let me remind you: the number in the box is the number of your ships. Now everything is finally ready. Click right click mouse anywhere on the map - and your ships will set off. To bring them to any harbor, right-click on the colony icon. It is possible to sail ships in a “flock”, but it is not at all necessary - each of them is quite capable of sailing independently. By the way, the map does not open all at once - on the contrary, at first you only see the immediate surroundings of your “homeland”. Therefore, if you find an extra boat, send it to explore the region.

If in a particular city you are treated poorly, or the settlement belongs to a nation that is at war with yours, be prepared for the fact that you may not be allowed into the harbor. You can buy equipment and hire a crew in any available settlement, but you can sell and buy ships only at the shipyards of particularly friendly colonies. You can repair it anywhere. If you desperately want to fight, right-click on the silhouette of the ship sailing past you, chosen by you as a victim/rival. Your ship will try to catch up with the "target". If he succeeds, the battle will take place. But more on this separately, and in another place.

Expenses are the engine of trade

You will have to trade constantly in the game. And not only because you are such a zealot for the idea of ​​universal prosperity and well-being. It’s just that otherwise you will go broke in the most banal way. “Pure” corsairship, without constant support to the budget through trade (I mean trade not only prey, but also honestly purchased with your own money...) does not pay for itself in any way.

What's the matter? Why, as soon as you find yourself in the game and without having time to really take a look at all the surrounding beauty, should you rush to trade headlong?

How else? Do you maintain a team? Contain. However, it's not about her. It’s just that in addition to the ship you are also rewarded personal warehouse Not the city ones - attention - but your own. Moreover, you cannot refuse the gift - the warehouse is not demolished. It is needed at the very beginning of the game very, very relatively, and yet a lot of money is spent monthly (in automatic mode) to maintain it in decent condition. And if you are not quick, after a while negative values ​​will begin to appear on your account.

Well, well... The city doesn't have enough bricks. We need to take note.

So again - everything to the warehouse! In the city, of course, yours is empty anyway, and there’s nothing to do there. With the ship selected, click on the already known building. In addition to the “Equipment” tab, which we have already used, the city warehouse menu contains three more headings: “City - ship”, “City - warehouse”, “Warehouse - ship”. Let me explain. By “city” here we mean a city warehouse, by “warehouse” - your personal one, and a ship - it is a ship. It is clear that in the "City - Ship" section you move goods from the city warehouse to your hold and back, in the "Warehouse - Ship" section - the same thing, only instead of the city warehouse, your warehouse is filled and emptied, and in the "Warehouse - Ship" section, City - warehouse" storage facilities exchange valuables among themselves.

We are now interested in the trade exchange point between the ship and the city warehouse. I will not describe the interface through which the act of buying and selling is carried out - it is simple. I would only advise you to set up the “movement” of goods in large quantities in advance, since “carrying” them one by one takes a long time, but in the game, after all, real time...

There are a lot of types of goods: from banal potatoes to super-elite cocoa and tobacco. Prices, of course, are not fixed - they depend on local conditions and your reputation. It is clear that in a city where there are many cotton factories, you cannot sell cotton at a high price.

Before purchasing, go to the general map and see what goods are missing in the nearest colonies. Buy them from the one you are currently in. Benefits are guaranteed. True, it is possible that while you are sailing, others will have time to bring the shortage to the destination city, but here, as they say, half the battle is luck and luck, and the rest is fate. Note that the closer the goal of the voyage, the less likely such an incident-lapse can occur.

And don’t forget - you will have to trade the entire game: from the beginning to the very end. When you have a lot of ships, distribute tested trade routes to the “obsolete” ones: a certain constant structure of supply and demand for some types of goods still takes place and can be traced. Sail on the largest ship yourself, and don’t forget to equip it with at least some weapons - when you transport large quantities of cargo, pirate attacks are almost guaranteed to you.

In addition to goods, you can bring settlers to cities where there is a shortage of inhabitants. People will be grateful to you, which will improve your reputation, and they will also pay you some money for the journey: nothing, but nice.

Manufactory, or how to go broke without any problems

Build factories on early stage gaming is tantamount to bankruptcy. And irrevocable and quick. Like a warehouse, each manufactory will withdraw a certain amount from your budget to maintain itself in efficient and decent condition. Don't forget about workers' wages, which are oh so great. Moreover, while your popularity indicator is not that high, you will not be able to reduce workers’ wages: the enterprise will stop working instantly.

In a word, first accumulate some money and charm - and only then become an industrialist. The construction of each enterprise will require a certain amount from you, which again depends on your popularity. In addition to the money in your account, for construction you need to have the appropriate materials in the warehouse of the colony, where this whole adventure is being started. If there is no wood or stone in the city storehouses, don’t be lazy and take a ship to the neighboring city to get them.

There are manufactories that require for work raw materials already in your warehouse, and requiring them constantly. There is no choice here - either maintain the entire production chain yourself by building an additional manufactory, or constantly purchase what is required from hometown.

The manufactured products will arrive at your warehouse, and then you’ll figure out what to do with them. Either hand over the goods on the spot, or load them onto a ship and take them to another city. At your discretion - how profitable it is, and how lazy you are.

By the way, you can also build residential buildings in order to rent them out. Your apartment buildings will grow in level themselves - as already mentioned, their rank depends on general level welfare of the colony. The richer your tenants become, the higher rent you will receive from them.

Manufactures are also able to grow in rank, thereby beginning to produce more products and, accordingly, require more workers and raw materials. At the 1st level manufactory, 30 people work hard, at the 2nd level - 60, at the 3rd level - 90, and so on.

There you are full list manufactories available for construction.

Grain farming

Produces: grain

Potato farm

Produces: potatoes

Requires additional raw materials: none


Produces: salt

Requires additional raw materials: wood

Fisherman's house

Produces: fish

Requires additional raw materials: none

Rum distillery

Produces: rum

Requires additional raw materials: wood, sugar

Cotton plantation

Produces: cotton

Requires additional raw materials: none

weaving factory

Produces: fabric

Requires additional raw materials: cotton, dyes


Produces: wood

Requires additional raw materials: none

Cocoa plantation

Produces: cocoa

Requires additional raw materials: none

Hemp plantation

Produces: hemp

Requires additional raw materials: none

On the question of experience

Unlike all games of this kind, the number of experience points received is hidden from the player. Sometimes a non-marking inscription appears in the lower left corner of the screen indicating that you have reached the next level. Nobody offers you to upgrade your skills - the computer does it itself, and the program doesn’t even bother to tell you exactly how it distributes your hard-earned points among skills. Meanwhile, how “advanced” a ship you can purchase at the shipyard depends precisely on the experience gained. Therefore, every time a new ship model appears at the shipyard, it will be a complete surprise for you.

However, when you receive a new rank (mate, cabin boy, captain), you are always informed about it. The titles, as you can see, are all naval ones, although you can get them without ever having been to sea - for example, by setting up five manufactories. By the way, receiving a title does not affect the appearance of new ships at the shipyard in any way.

In Flint's footsteps

The military component of the game is almost entirely taken from the unforgettable "Corsairs" - the similarities will amaze you. The same three types of charges - cannonballs, cannonballs and buckshot, the same switching between them, the same boarding, but without a “personal duel”. Victory during boarding depends mainly on the number of sailors on your and the opposite side and the stock of melee weapons. True, now by pressing a certain button with the image of a grappling hook, you can put your ship into automatic approach mode with a hostile ship, rather than maneuvering manually. In a word, “Corsairs” in isometry - you can’t say anything else.

When storming enemy cities, you will be offered a choice - attack the city from land or from the sea. If from the sea, then everything is standard, again like in “Corsairs” - loom in front of the harbor, methodically shooting at enemy forts. If you decide to take the settlement from land, you will be offered a wild-looking menu, somewhat reminiscent of the same one in Civilization: Call to Power. Only you will be given the opportunity to choose a combat formation. But to be honest, the success of the assault will depend on the number of your soldiers and the supply of now firearms.

In general, war in the game is an activity for rich people who don’t know what to do now. It is impossible to earn extra money in it - rather, on the contrary. Moreover, there are no in-game incentives to play it, other than boredom that begins at a certain point. And this, of course, is a significant minus of the game.

Marriage and other celebrations of life

I think you already understand how much in the game depends on your popularity. What should you do to grow it? I will summarize the recommendations scattered throughout the text and add a few new ones that have not yet been mentioned.

So. You can carry out certain missions, invest in the defense of your (and not only) city, destroy pirates whose names are on the “black” list, help your state in the war, transport settlers, lend money to cities (yes, when you will become rich, not you will borrow from the city budget, but you yourself will become a creditor). You can donate a hospital building to one city or another, you can plant trees. But the main thing is to regularly organize holidays. More about this.

They will ask you for money to organize the holiday. This is normal and nothing unexpected about it. But you will also be asked to deliver some goods necessary for the celebration - at your own expense. Don't skimp, deliver. Otherwise, on the day of the holiday, you will be told that the celebration was terrible, and you, on the contrary, will receive a minus to your reputation.

It's the same with your marriage. When the governor offers you the hand of his daughter, and you agree, a similar demand will follow for the delivery of goods for the festivities for this occasion. If you don’t deliver them, there won’t be a breakup with your fiancée, but, firstly, the governor will never talk to you again, and secondly, it’s still the same minus, even more serious...

By the way, I advise you to get married. Your wife will discover the talents of an extraordinary informant - in particular, she will periodically tell you at which city’s shipyard you can buy the best ship in the region. It’s very, you know, conducive... You can talk with your wife in the same building of the governor’s residence, where a corresponding tab will be added about this.

Ships in the game

There are military and merchant ships. As a matter of fact, the difference between them is purely nominal, since a merchant ship armed with cannons is also such a joy... In a word, here is a complete list of available ships with all parameters.

Merchant ships


Displacement: 50

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 6/11

Maneuverability: 98%

Resilience: 50%

Number of masts: 1

Minimum team: 6

Number of guns: 14


Displacement: 50

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 6/10

Maneuverability: 100%

Resilience: 50%

Number of masts: 2

Minimum team: 4

Number of guns: 8


Displacement: 200

Maneuverability: 86%

Resilience: 200%

Number of masts: 3

Minimum team: 10

Number of guns: 36

Heavy flutes

Displacement: 200

Maneuverability: 74%

Resilience: 200%

Number of masts: 3

Minimum team: 6

Number of guns: 10


Displacement: 120

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 4/10

Maneuverability: 82%

Resilience: 120%

Number of masts: 3

Minimum team: 8

Number of guns: 16



Displacement: 80

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 5/12

Maneuverability: 90%

Resilience: 80%

Number of masts: 3

Minimum team: 8

Number of guns: 20


Displacement: 80

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 5/11

Maneuverability: 92%

Resilience: 80%

Number of masts: 2

Minimum team: 6

Number of guns: 16


Displacement: 180

Maximum/minimum speed (in knots): 5/11

Maneuverability: 80%

Resilience: 180%

Number of masts: 3

Minimum team: 10

Number of guns: 28

The third part of the game Port Royale After its publication, it fell in love with many fans of economic strategies. Thanks to it, you can immerse yourself in the virtual world and feel like a real conqueror of sea space.

general description

The plot takes place in the 17th century. The gameplay meets all the requirements of the genre. The player chooses his type independently, taking either the side of the merchant or the side of the adventurer. There are plenty of differences in this case. If the user makes his character an adventurer, then he will have to take part in a large number of naval battles. This will require him to create a powerful fleet, but this has its own charm.

As for the merchant, by choosing him, the player will be forced to understand the ways of seeing the gaming business. In particular, you will have to buy individual goods at low prices and then sell them in those cities where they are more expensive. The developers took into account that the game is an economic strategy, so they made the interface for trading very convenient. However, this does not mean that playing as an adventurer is any less interesting. In this case, the gameplay is comprehensively developed, therefore, no matter who the chosen character is, the user will equally enjoy both participating in hostilities and the trading process.

Economic component

If we focus on the main value in, then it is, of course, money. Only having solid reserves of gold will the player be able to purchase ships, spending money on their maintenance and modernization.

The game offers only one way to earn money – trading. Another thing is that there are two ways to run a business. The first of them involves the independent acquisition of goods and their subsequent resale. If you give preference to it, then you will need to look at the icons with images of certain products located above the cities. They indicate that townspeople are ready to buy the specified type of resource. An additional convenience is that to sell the products the player does not need to stop in the city itself, but can make a deal at a nearby port or tavern. To do this, you need to click on a special button in the form of a triangle. The essence of the second method is that the user has the ability to create trade routes. His ships then sail along them, and their crew members are busy doing business.

Combat system

If we talk about the military component of Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants, it is almost completely copied from the previous part. The types of ships are still the same, but the developers have slightly changed them. Now some ships have more spacious holds, which makes them optimal for transporting valuable cargo, while others move at a slower speed, but are equipped with a larger number of military weapons.

If we talk about creating a flotilla, then it can include ships obtained in two ways. In the first case, they are simply bought, and in the second, they are captured during battles. In addition, each frigate has a counter. It displays the total number of battles in which the ship took part. It is easy to guess that the most valuable vessels are those with extensive experience.

As for additional weapons, they are presented:
- Sabers;
- Muskets;
- Artillery shells;
- Powder barrels.

You can buy everything you need in any city. Barrels of gunpowder are the most effective. This was reflected in their cost, which amounts to several thousand gold. Meanwhile, it’s not worth saving on their purchase, because this will make the battle less exciting.

Ships are controlled using the mouse. In this case, the player must set a fighting style, which can be standard, aggressive or defensive. The user independently directs his fleet to enemy troops, but if desired, it will not be difficult to conduct the battle in automatic mode.

In Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants you can capture cities. The idea is good, but clearly unfinished. To invade the territory of a populated area, you first need to destroy the fortress towers and only after that put the sailors ashore. From the outside it looks like chaos. In addition, if the city that the player plans to capture is controlled by pirates, then there are almost always several times more of them. This requires repeating the assault many times.

It should be mentioned that attacking other people's ships and cities for no apparent reason can lead to a deterioration in reputation. If its indicator is less than 25%, then the markets of individual countries will become inaccessible to the user. Of course, if your character is a pirate, then this rule can be easily broken, but if you play as a merchant or adventurer, then your reputation should be protected. Attacks on ships and populated areas are only permitted in case of war, but the player will need to purchase a special permit.

Additional missions

You most likely already understood that the main things in the game are naval battles and trade, but in addition to them, the developers have come up with third-party quests. You can get these tasks:
— In a tavern with a random acquaintance who will offer to kill a specific pirate or find a lost relative and provide part of a treasure map as a reward;
- At the mayor's office of a certain city, where you will be asked to deliver and/or sell some goods in exchange for a bag of gold and improved reputation.
The quests are quite simple, so everyone should be able to complete them.

As for the subtleties, be especially careful when visiting a tavern. This place is always full of people. Here you can find a person who will provide a piece of a secret map for a small material reward, or a group of pirates who have captured a merchant ship and are now selling the contents of its hold for next to nothing.

List of features

Speaking about Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants, it should be noted that in this game:
— The user is given complete freedom of action;
— There are two campaigns, during which it will not be difficult to understand the controls;
— There are dozens of types of ships, so the player can purchase both a small schooner and a combat frigate;
— The range of goods intended for resale is huge.

A little about the graphics and a brief conclusion

The artists and designers did their best. Seas, bays, cities, ships, nature - all this looks beautiful and realistic. The good news is that settlements belonging to different countries are noticeably different from each other. In addition, it is clear that significant attention was paid to even the smallest details. For example, in the sky above the ocean you can see seagulls flying or notice how sunny weather gives way to a storm. This is definitely a huge plus.

Thus, it is fascinating. It will appeal to both experienced gamers who are familiar with the Port Royale series, and ordinary users.

He began to slowly but surely lose popularity. Very few new games are presented, but the company’s developers Kalypso Media decided not to give up and continued working on this genre. One of the results is Port Royale 3, a game that combines economic development and exciting combat.

Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants - understanding the economy

If in the old ones, like or even you had to constantly monitor cities, plot routes and control all trade routes yourself, then in Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants these tasks are simplified. Here it is enough to pay attention to differences goods produced in cities, and build trade schemes in such a way as to make money by selling scarce products. Somewhere, the cost of producing a certain thing will be a pittance, and if you find a place where such a product is not available, you can sell it there for a huge profit.

Much simplified and trading routes. Now there is no need to manually process the delivery each time. Thanks to the automation of this process, the player simply needs to create a route and give the captain instructions, for example, to ensure maximum profit or stock up on raw materials. AI will do the rest for you, no routine.

As a result, Port Royale 3 has become much easier to play, especially for beginners who tend to enjoy simple games. The user can simply create more routes and receive a stable income. Despite the fact that ships are not immune from attacks by pirates, this will not cause large losses.

Another way to get rich in Pirates and Merchants is to build buildings that can then grow to the size of an entire city. To do this you just need to earn money glasses reputation, purchase license and start studying production. We control the availability of raw materials and labor - we receive income. Production will be automated, as will trade routes. To increase your reputation, you will need to complete tasks for the governor, this will also bring the coveted money. Working for someone is a completely expected moment that anyone can never do without.

Combat system and solo campaigns in Port Royale 3

The combat system has also undergone changes, control is now available immediately whole fleet, and not by one ship, as in previous parts. But the control itself is not entirely convenient. Tactics in combat have been suppressed, now the outcome of the battle is decided by the number of guns and sailors. Therefore, many players immediately switch to automatic mode.

You can learn all the intricacies of Port Royale 3 by playing trading or adventure campaign. The campaign game training can hardly be called complete; the admins still missed some nuances. For example, supply and demand, tracking the number of goods in warehouses - players will need to figure this out on their own. The plot is not particularly interesting; gamers are offered two campaigns: one aimed at trade and economics, the other at battles.

In addition to campaigns there are single a game, where you can choose your own goals, and multiplayer. With the second, things are worse: due to low online, it will not be easy to find an enemy.

Video about the game Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants:

Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants will most likely appeal to beginners who prefer the genre of economic strategies, because everything here is as simplified and automated as possible. But experienced strategists may find this gameplay too simple and boring. Graphically the game looks standard and neat, but the AI ​​could be better.