The experience of slavery and its impact on the current incarnation. Regressive hypnosis MI. BBC Russian Service - Information Services Countries of Victorious Democracy


Slavery is historically a system of social organization, where a person (slave) is the property of another person (master, slave owner, master). Previously, captives, criminals and debtors were taken as slaves, and later civilians who were forced to work for their master. Slavery in this form was widespread until the 19th century. During the Second World War, slave labor was widely used in Nazi Germany, but the official international concept slavery did not have. After the war, the United Nations issued a definition of a slave: any person who is not allowed to voluntarily leave a job. Slavery is condemned by a treaty of the League of Nations in 1926 and in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, as well as in all other major documents relating to human rights. In Europe, for example, slavery is prohibited by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

For the past 5,000 years, slavery has existed almost everywhere. Among the most famous slave-owning states are Ancient Greece and Rome; in ancient China, the concept of xi, equivalent to slavery, has been known since the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In a later period, slavery existed in the United States and Brazil. Slavery in the Ancient East had many distinctive features.

1. The essence of slavery and the position of a slave

1.1. The emergence of slavery

The division of labor is vital to achieving efficiency in production. When organizing such a division, hard (primarily physical) labor is the least attractive. At a certain stage in the development of society, prisoners of war who had previously been killed began to be deprived of their liberty and forced to do hard work for the owner. People deprived of their freedom and turned into the property of the master became slaves.

1.2. The position of a slave

According to Varro, a slave is only a “talking instrument”, animated property, beast of burden (in the language of Roman law - res, that is thing). Slaves are usually used as labor force in agricultural and other production, as servants, or to meet other needs of the owner. The material character of a slave is expressed, first of all, in the fact that all products of slave labor become the property of the owner; on the other hand, the concern for feeding and other needs of the slaves lies with the owner. The slave does not have his own property, he can only dispose of what the master wishes to give him. A slave cannot enter into a legal marriage without the permission of the master, the duration of the marriage relationship - if it is allowed - depends on the arbitrariness of the slave owner, to whom the children of the slave also belong. Like any component of property, a slave can become the subject of all kinds of commercial transactions.

The living conditions of a slave are determined only by humanity or the benefit of the slave owner. The first was and remains a rarity; the second makes them act differently depending on how difficult it is to get new slaves. The process of raising slaves from childhood is slow, expensive, requiring a fairly large contingent of “producer” slaves, so even an absolutely inhumane slave owner is forced to provide the slaves with a standard of living sufficient to maintain working capacity and general health; but in places where it is easy to get adult and healthy slaves, their lives are not valued and exhausted with work.

A slave is not a subject of law as a person, as a person. Neither in relation to his master, nor in relation to third parties, the slave enjoys any legal protection as an independent person. The master can treat slaves as he sees fit. The killing of a slave by the master - the legal right of the latter, and by someone else - is regarded as an attempt on the property of the master, and not as a crime against the person. In many cases, the owner of the slave is also liable for the damage caused by the slave to the interests of third parties. Only in the later stages of the existence of a slave-owning society did the slaves receive some rights, but very few.

1.3. Sources of slaves

    At the first stages of development, the only, and later on, a very significant source of slaves for all peoples was war, accompanied by the capture of enemy soldiers and the abduction of people living on its territory. When the institution of slavery was consolidated and became the basis of the economic system, other sources were added to this source, primarily

    Natural growth of the slave population. In addition, laws appeared according to which the debtor, unable to pay his debt, became the slave of the creditor, for some crimes they were punished by slavery, and finally, broad paternal power allowed selling their children and wife into slavery. One of the ways to turn into a slave - a serf in Russia was the opportunity to sell oneself in the presence of witnesses. There was (and continues to be) the practice of converting free people into slavery through direct unreasonable coercion. Whatever, however, the source of slavery, the basic idea that a slave is a captive was always and everywhere preserved - and this view was reflected not only in the fate of individual slaves, but also in the entire history of the development of slavery.

2. Correlation between the position of a slave, a prisoner of war and a prisoner

Sometimes in history, slaves were prisoners who became them either as prisoners of war, or as debtors, or for crimes committed, or for other reasons.

According to some modern authors whom?, in some states a situation is deliberately created when the number of prisoners increases and these prisoners are used as cheap labor, that is, they actually end up in the position of slaves.

However, this analogy is incorrect, since there is a fundamental difference here: a prisoner or prisoner of war remains a member of society, a citizen, his freedom is only to some extent limited for the duration of the sentence, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of using his labor forcibly, in which , indeed, one can see a certain external similarity to slavery; the slave is an instrument of production, on a par with livestock and tools, and in principle does not have freedom as such and cannot have it by definition, as a thing, and his freedom is not limited for a while, but is completely and irrevocably destroyed even if it was at one time existed, and such his position is legitimized, enshrined in law or a custom that replaces it.

That is, what a prisoner used in forced labor and a slave have in common is only forced labor, and their statuses should not be confused with forms of non-economic forced labor and forced labor. generally with real slavery and slaveholding, which are characterized primarily not by the very use of forced labor of a slave (which, generally speaking, is not necessary), but precisely by his slave status, with all the ensuing consequences, mainly - the presence of an owner and his (the owner ) the full right to dispose of a slave as property, a thing - both forced to work, and used for any other purpose.

Prisoners of war at all times were often forced to work without any trial, but by analogy with prisoners, they also cannot be called slaves.

In recent history, the Geneva Convention has appeared, which, although not recognized by all states, still gives certain rights to prisoners of war. According to it, prisoners must be kept in conditions no worse than the military personnel of the side that captured them, and enjoy a number of rights: personal integrity, the right to medical care, to protect their rights and appeal against the actions of representatives of the side that captured them. The use of prisoners at work is limited by a number of conditions.

These norms, however, were very often violated in the past and are violated to the present.

3. History of slavery

3.1. Primitive society

According to modern ideas, in the era of primitive society, slave ownership was completely absent at first, then it appeared, but did not have a mass character. The reason for this was the low level of organization of production, and initially - the acquisition of food and essential items for life, at which a person could not produce more than is necessary to maintain his life. Under such conditions, the conversion of someone into slavery was meaningless, since the slave did not benefit the owner. During this period, in fact, there were no slaves as such, but only prisoners taken in the war. Since ancient times, the captive was considered the property of the one who captured him. This practice, established in primitive society, was the foundation for the emergence of slavery, since it consolidated the idea of ​​the possibility of owning another person.

In intertribal wars, male captives, as a rule, were either not taken at all, or killed (in places where cannibalism was widespread, they were eaten), or accepted into the winning tribe. Of course, there were exceptions when captive men were left alive and forced to work, or used as barter, but this was not a common practice. Few exceptions were male slaves, especially valuable because of some of their personal qualities, abilities, skills. In the mass, captured women were of greater interest, both for childbirth and sexual exploitation, and for household work; especially since it was much easier to guarantee the subordination of women as physically weaker.

3.2. Rise of slavery

Slavery appeared and spread in societies that switched to agricultural production. On the one hand, this production, especially with primitive technology, requires a very significant expenditure of labor, on the other hand, a worker can produce significantly more than is necessary to maintain his life. The use of slave labor became economically justified and, naturally, spread widely. It was then that the slaveholding system was formed, which existed for many centuries - at least from ancient times to the 18th century, and in some places even longer.

In this system, slaves constituted a special class, from which the category of personal or household slaves was usually distinguished. Domestic slaves were always at the house, while others worked outside it: in the field, on construction, went for cattle, and so on. The position of domestic slaves was noticeably better: they were personally known to the master, lived a more or less common life with him, and to a certain extent were part of his family. The situation of other slaves, little personally known to the master, often did not differ much from that of domestic animals, and sometimes it was even worse. The need to keep large masses of slaves in subjection led to the emergence of appropriate legal support for the right to own slaves. In addition to the fact that the owner himself usually had employees whose task it was to supervise the slaves, the laws severely persecuted slaves who tried to flee from the owner or rebel. To pacify such slaves, the most cruel measures were widely used. Despite this, escapes and slave uprisings were not uncommon.

As the culture and education of society grew, another privileged class emerged among domestic slaves - slaves, whose value was determined by their knowledge and abilities in the sciences and arts. There were slave actors, slave teachers and educators, translators, scribes. The level of education and abilities of such slaves often significantly exceeded the level of their masters, which, however, did not always make their life easier.

The position of the slaves gradually, through a very long evolution, changed for the better. A reasonable view of their own economic benefit forced the masters to a thrifty attitude towards slaves and to mitigate their fate; this was also due to security considerations, especially when the slaves outnumbered the free classes of the population. The change in attitudes towards slaves was first reflected in religious prescriptions and customs, and then in written laws (though it can be noted that the law first took domestic animals under protection, and only then - slaves). Of course, there was no question of any equalization of the rights of slaves with free people: for the same offense, a slave was punished incomparably more severely than a free person, he could not complain to the court about the offender, could not own property, marry; as before, the master could sell, give, tyrannize, etc. However, it was no longer possible to kill or maim a slave with impunity. Rules appeared that regulated the emancipation of a slave, the position of a slave who became pregnant from her master, the position of her child; in some cases, custom or law gave the slave the right to change his master. Nevertheless, the slave still remained a thing; the measures that were taken to protect the slave from the arbitrariness of the master were purely police in nature and stemmed from considerations that had nothing to do with recognizing the rights of the individual for the slave.

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  • Signs of the first matrix - the Matrix of Bliss and Peace

    Calm means not worrying about anything. If you wish, you can always find a reason to worry, but the first matrix worked out gives a reason not to worry. Do not confuse a calm person with a self-confident person. Confidence can also manifest itself through tone, excitement, and peace always brings peace. The worked out first matrix allows us to plunge into a state of rest when we need it.

    Anxiety on the contrary, it often comes just when we need to remain calm, as they say, as luck would have it. Often people lack this energy precisely because we have not been taught to pay attention to it. When we hear advice from other people to relax in a stressful situation, we often take it as a joke. This advice is not connected with our upbringing, it is not laid down by our culture deep into the subconscious. And if you get an unfinished first matrix, you will have difficulty maintaining calm where necessary.

    Serenity is a deeper state than peace. This refers to our agreement with our inner content. In other words, this is when we are satisfied with what is in our hearts. In our definition, serenity is the absence of internal rebellion, fragmentation of consciousness, contradictions. Not everyone can live in harmony with oneself, because for this it is necessary to have the first matrix sufficiently filled with energy. Working through the matrix, we gain the ability to control the level of energy in it and achieve the desired states.

    Internal conflicts, as the opposite of serenity, often lead people to mental exhaustion. Constant emotional tension exhausts a person both mentally and physically, especially if you have to behave differently than you would like. That is, on the one hand, we consider ourselves free people, and on the other hand, we are dependent on circumstances even in small things. When it comes to health, the issue of addiction is not discussed at all: we depend on our medicine, pharmacies and weather conditions.

    One of my acquaintances often repeated that he does not depend on the state, he feeds himself and would never work like everyone else. But there was a crisis, and his business was covered, as they say, and, except for a state institution, he could not find a place for himself anywhere. For a whole year he went to work regularly, as the salary allowed him to get rid of some debts. But during this time, this friend of mine began to look five years older, and some chronic diseases also appeared. However, he did not leave this place, because the sick leave was paid by the state, and on free bread, he had to get sick for free, and this is unprofitable.

    Luck, luck is a very desirable quality for you and me, but rarely does anyone think what they really mean. In any case, I have not seen a detailed analysis of these concepts. We have already mentioned more than once that such abilities belong to the first matrix and almost equate to chance. Although this is not at all accidental for a person with a dominant first matrix, his whole life is practically built on what he is lucky in and where luck smiles. This is because in the first matrix, as we know, there is no opportunity to be active, set and achieve goals. But for a well-developed first matrix, activity is not necessary, it is fully compensated by the presence of successful matches that bring the desired results.

    Bad luck sometimes perceived by people as a curse. I sometimes hear people compare the lack of luck in business with damage or the evil eye. This can be considered archaism, an outdated view of life and reality. It is now completely clear to you and me that the lack of energy of the first matrix does not allow many good things to happen in our life, the same applies to luck with luck. It is impossible to regulate randomness, except by creating certain conditions for its penetration into our reality. And these conditions consist in the presence of a sufficient amount of energy of the first matrix.

    Favor surrounding was noted by us as a sign of a good first matrix. And this is not just an assumption, but a conclusion from observations of the behavior of hundreds and thousands of different people and many years of psychological practice. The first matrix filled with energy makes the character soft, the behavior is spontaneous, and the person himself seems so defenseless that a certain category of people is simply attracted to him. Almost everything is forgiven to such a person, because he spreads such a relaxing aura around him that makes being next to him a pleasant experience. Probably every adult has felt this magical influence of the first-matrix people.

    Strained relations with others are established due to the inability to relax, even in communication with others. This is prevented by a deficit of the corresponding energy, which has arisen due to the undeveloped first matrix. The fact is that we, like the people around us, perceive the intensity of the other in communicating with us as distrust or an attempt to hide a negative attitude towards us. Well, who will like it? In response to our tension, the people with whom we communicate establish their distance in relationships, and the prerequisites for favoring us disappear. As it usually happens, an unspoken conflict in the form of mutual rejection separates once close people at a decent distance from each other. And the reason for this is the insufficient development of the first matrix, which does not allow us to get closer to other people as we would like.

    gifts are usually for many people, an unacceptable luxury, because on this occasion there is an established opinion that a gift needs a reason. Many people usually tie the need to give something to friends or relatives on certain dates. Of course, you can take a small gift with you, just going to visit friends, but this is also an occasion. And only people with a very good first matrix do not count the days left until any holidays on the calendar. As a rule, they are given gifts only for the fact that they are in the world and simply give someone their attention. I have already mentioned that the charm of the people of the first matrix makes those around them supportive towards them. And this attitude is often expressed in the form of presented gifts, you just want to give them to these people!

    Holiday gifts only or their absence at all indicates that the person is not in order with the first matrix. That is, her energy is not enough to make a person to himself so much that he wants to give us something. And this may not necessarily be some kind of chronic condition, just at some point the first matrix may be depleted and we will stop receiving gifts. The situation is easy to correct by filling the matrix with energy by special methods. We must not forget that gifts for the holidays are already part of our cultural tradition, so they can be discarded if you analyze your situation with the energy of the first matrix. Although, even by the generally accepted dates, you can get a very unusual gift, which will indicate that our first matrix is ​​able to work wonders.

    For example, one of my old acquaintances received a new car as a gift every birthday. They were given to her by different men, to which her friends frowned angrily: why do they give her, but they don’t! It cannot be said that that girl was more beautiful than the others, and she did not provide intimate services to gentlemen. Somehow, at the request of one of her friends, this girl asked another boyfriend who gave her, though not a Mercedes, but still an expensive thing - a diamond ring, why he does this. To which he replied: “When I saw this ring, I immediately realized that it was made specifically for your hand.” Later, the same man bought her an apartment in a good area of ​​Moscow, and the girl agreed to marry him.

    So these are the formulations that people around give to the owners of a good first matrix. This does not explain anything to us, but confirms that this matrix has a very powerful effect on those who find themselves in the field of its influence.

    relaxation in the worked out first matrix often brings good results. At the level of the physical body, the ability to relax is a very useful ability. After all, in the course of life we ​​perform a lot of body movements, on which both how others see us and how we feel ourselves depend. But the posture of a person, his facial expressions and gestures can tell us a lot at the subconscious level. We will not even understand why we want to look at someone, and another person repels the look the first time.

    For example, little puppies or kittens can be looked at endlessly, they are so cute and funny, and they are also very relaxed. We do not mark this as a separate attractive moment, but it still has a great influence on us, it attracts our attention.

    tension is the opposite of relaxation in every sense and at all levels of the human being. Tension in the body prevents us from moving freely, restricts our movements and tires our muscles. Emotional tension does not allow us to freely express our emotions, concludes our feelings in some one experience, does not allow us to rejoice with everyone, even if there is a reason for this. Intense thought processes give their results if there is an object of our thoughts when we think about something specific. But it happens that a thought seems to get stuck in the head and does not give us rest without any effort on our part. That is, in our thinking apparatus, our mind, there is simply tension, which is not actually thinking at all. At these moments we do not think, and our mind simply grinds up some information, pouring it from empty to empty.

    Life in pleasure to many people it seems an unattainable luxury, but for the first-matrix person it is his daily reality. Good examples of these manifestations of the first matrix make it very attractive to all of us, but not everyone can afford it. After all, pleasure appears due to the fact that a person is satisfied with everything in his life, without any compromises. Every person is sometimes completely satisfied with himself, for example, when on Sunday morning you can stretch and continue to lie in a warm bed as long as you like. So in the first matrix, seven days a week, such a life continues. In our daily life, this seems unrealistic, but some people are more fortunate with this than others. And he (she) can focus on pleasure, not being distracted by trifles on problems and tasks that someone else solves for him (her). In a sense, a person lives like a child under the care of his adult patron. Some people, by the way, manage to combine these two incarnations, one of which allows him to live in pleasure, and the other provides him with such a life.

    Inability to enjoy sometimes turns into a disaster for a person, spoiling his life and interfering with relationships with people around him. An undeveloped first matrix is ​​the main reason that a person cannot enjoy even when there are all conditions for this. For example, one of my acquaintances does not like massage very much, because it either hurts, or it tickles, or it is unpleasant, etc. Of course, it is very noticeable that this person tenses up as soon as he lies down on the massage table. The specialist is so tormented with him that the next time he sets the price twice as high, because the massage therapist wastes all his efforts, my friend cannot relax, and that's it. Or, for example, colleagues go out to the office balcony to “breathe fresh air”, and immediately take out cigarettes. Well, they cannot relax at this moment, because they are controlled by their nicotine addiction, and this is far from being a pleasure from life, it is rather a slavery to a bad habit.

    Compliance and pliability help a person avoid conflicts, have good and warm relations with everyone. But in the situation with the person of the first matrix, the situation is even cooler, so to speak. After all, the first-matrix person does not try to avoid conflicts, he simply does not provoke them. The characteristic softness in the manifestations of such a person simply does not give a reason to be angry with him, of course, if we ourselves do not try to impose some duties on him. It is not in his competence to be obliged, he cannot be, he simply does not know how, these are completely different energies and vibrations. But on the other hand, he will allow you to be what you want and do everything yourself, as some secretaries do. I myself saw how the boss loaded his assistant with tasks, and then he did everything himself, and the girl smiled embarrassedly and sweetly, so she always got away with everything. And as far as I know, this has been going on for more than a year.

    Conflict nature indicates that the person's first matrix is ​​out of order. Even if the dominant is in a different matrix, we can have a good first. And this allows us to achieve certain success in establishing the right relationship with others. One of my old acquaintances very easily rubbed himself into the trust of people. If he needed to decide something on his affairs, then he very quickly won over someone who immediately turned out to be able to help. Contacts and resources were quickly found, and only later did I realize that his first matrix was in very good condition. Where others worked their way to the goal with sweat and blood, he achieved everything without noise and dust. And his dominant matrix was not the first at all, but he had enough primary-matrix energy to charm even strangers.

    Versions of past lives in the first matrix

    As we already understand with you, the first matrix brings us a lot of benefits if we have enough of its energy in our potential. Concerning the main theme of this book, one can assume what the past life was filled with, if it is the first matrix that dominates in this incarnation.

    All of the qualities listed above clarify the overall picture of life, but each of us is interested in the details, because it is interesting to read your life like a book. Let this book be like our own memoirs, the main thing is not to overdo it in visualizing our “memories”. Many times I came across people who talked about their past lives, as if they were lecturing on the history of mankind in the biographies of the most famous personalities. That is, these people seemed to have been Caesar, Nefertiti, Napoleon, etc. in past incarnations.

    From time to time I will return to this topic and remind the reader that such details are not at all important for our tasks. That is, it does not matter who exactly was the carrier of a part of our consciousness in the distant past. The important thing is in which matrix our past life stopped! After all, this will be the starting point for applying our efforts to work out the matrices in our current life. We will return to this issue and try to reveal it more widely in one of the following chapters, and now we will briefly note the options for past incarnations in the first matrix.

    As I mentioned earlier, even cats have access to the first matrix states, and even more than some people. But how many of us would like to be a cat in a past life, except maybe little girls. However, let's not exaggerate the mental abilities of people with a dominant first matrix and endow them with qualities that are not characteristic of them, such as ambition. It is quite possible that the first-matrix person was a cat in a past life, especially if in this life he behaves as if he “does not understand human language.”

    If we expand the options, then the type of people we are considering could well belong to the royal family, be a prince or princess. Although, if you touch on history, some princes fought more than their commanders, and this character is not from the first matrix at all, so do not rush to conclusions. Our method is based on the fact that we observe the manifestations of a person, his behavior, manners, habits, etc. They should contain hints of what the matrix of a person has preserved up to the present time, carrying it through space and time. When mothers convince their daughters that they are real princesses, they do not take into account one thing: a pink ruffle dress is not enough. And in general, you need to be born a princess, it cannot be invested in the subconscious by education, you can formally follow instructions, have appropriate clothes, but feel differently.

    When we talk about the first matrix, we mean that a person gets everything he has without effort, or a person is taken care of like a beloved child. Without working through this matrix, people are born here again in order to have a chance to grow their consciousness. But by their behavior they betray that they have already been here, have already been such. Not for nothing that kids are all different and with unexpected inclinations even for their parents. For example, in the second grade I began to compose poetry, and later I myself entered a music school. And when I was just a kid, I imagined myself as a scientist and played such a game. No one could teach me this, because my family was from simple workers and peasants. But something always pushed me from within to knowledge, discoveries, and I always felt an increased interest in truth and justice.

    The people of the first matrix are always where they do not need to work, where there is an opportunity to enjoy life without much effort. It can also be the royal court, where the ladies-in-waiting and pages beat their bucks, decorating the retinue of the king and queen. Such types could also wallow under palm trees in Hawaii, eating fruits that themselves fell at their feet. Even in ancient Greece, among the priestesses of religious cults, one could meet first-matrix persons who allowed themselves some kind of activity only on religious holidays. In general, the choice is large, the main thing is who you feel or how the person you are watching behaves.

    I promise to return to this topic in more detail in future chapters.

    Signs of the second matrix - Matrices of Patience and Accumulation

    The turn has come to deal with the signs of the second matrix in more detail. Let me remind you that we are exploring pairs of “development-undevelopment” of matrices, which I noted in the table a little earlier. We need this in order to recognize the manifestations of our current matrices by these signs, which will help us determine in what state we left our matrices in a past life. But the main thing, of course, is how we live now and how to do it in order to live better.

    Patience is one of the main features of the second matrix. Each of us has this quality to varying degrees, but some people show tremendous patience, while others cannot do it at all. This is very noticeable in the queues, which are still not uncommon in our banks and healthcare facilities. So there someone can meekly sit for hours waiting for an appointment, and some cannot even wait five minutes. There are also those who manage to solve all their questions in five minutes, but these people are not from the second matrix. The ability to endure has always been valued among people, because in difficult times it was she who saved both the person himself and those who were close to him.

    I will not give terrible examples of times of war or natural disasters, we often hear about this in the news. Moreover, you do not need to have special skills to understand whether a person is patient or not. Maintaining composure in difficult life situations, it is noticeable to the naked eye and unconditionally welcomed in any case. While panic and hysteria at the first difficulty annoying and give the most impatient person a lot of trouble.

    Fussiness we see as the opposite of patience. I have never met someone who likes fussy people who not only bring chaos to the situation, but also draw attention to themselves, making it difficult to focus on solving the problem. Each of us can be impatient at some point, we can forgive ourselves. But when a person constantly fusses even over trifles, this, one might say, is already a diagnosis that indicates a bad second matrix of a person. An undeveloped matrix cannot provide enough energy to keep oneself in hand when necessary. How to deal with this, we will understand in the practical chapter of this book.

    The right attitude towards pain a very valuable quality and is a sign of a good second matrix. This means that we must understand that pain is not always bad. For example, to get rid of a splinter, you need to endure the pain, otherwise life-threatening inflammation may occur. In another case, when the cause of the pain is unknown, it is not necessary to endure, it is necessary to consult a doctor. These are examples of the right attitude to pain. Pain is a signal to us that we are not all right with our health. Or in a trauma situation, pain should tell us that we need to take urgent action to save ourselves from dire consequences. In this case, pain is a signal about the state of our body, it needs to be listened to in order to maintain health and even life.

    Strong fear of pain not only does it not give us the opportunity to treat it correctly, but also provokes situations that are dangerous for us. For example, since childhood, I remember one neighbor who did not like to go to the doctors, even his teeth had to fall out on their own so as not to remove them in the traditional way. As a result, he got inflammation of the jaw, and he still had an operation that distorted his face. The doctors said that if he had turned earlier, this could have been avoided, but it's a shame that it was not the pain that was to blame for everything, but the fear of experiencing it. Although with all the possibilities of modern medicine, the sensation of pain can be avoided by anesthesia. But, as they say, explain it to my fear.

    Adaptability to the features of the surrounding space allows us to quickly get used to external circumstances. This is very important if we often change our places of residence, for example, on business trips. Such abilities are very useful, especially if we suddenly find ourselves in an unexpected situation, an unfamiliar place. Then we do not waste time and energy trying to persuade ourselves and our body to quickly get used to the changed conditions of life. And we can immediately begin to address the pressing issues that caused or caused the change in our location.

    Lack of adaptive properties causes unpleasant consequences and develops various deviations, for example, fear of closed spaces, or claustrophobia. Once in an unfamiliar place, especially pressing on the psyche, a person without the ability to adapt loses not only orientation in space. He is also lost in those feelings that pile up at a critical moment. It can be said that a person is not so much afraid of small rooms, for example, as of those experiences that arise in his soul. These experiences become larger than the person himself and absorb him completely, as if he disappears into them. There is, of course, no need to talk about patience or adaptation, and even more so about any consciousness. And in this vein, the conversation about working out your matrices becomes not just relevant, but vital. And we will definitely devote a special chapter to this.

    Ability to accumulate resources is undoubtedly a useful and important quality. By resources, we mean not only money, but also knowledge, strength, connections, abilities, etc. You should not consider a miser a person who saves something from his stable income in reserve. According to special studies, which R. Kiyosaki cited in one of his books, we need to have a reserve of at least six months in case of unforeseen circumstances. Here, of course, money savings in the bank were meant. We all need this kind of airbag, After all, you can not foresee everything in life, the world is constantly changing. And the more we accumulate without harming a full daily life, the more stability there will be in our affairs and our development.

    Spender and waste throughout the existence of public morality has never been encouraged by it. After all, a person who does not know how to accumulate funds for himself and his family endangers all the people around him. After all, in which case he will be forced to turn to his comrades, who may not refuse to help, but in a sense they will deplete their savings. And this can cause a chain reaction in society, even in some part of it. This undermines not only financial stability, but also established ties in relations between people. Not only does a person not know how and does not want to save himself, he also gets into the accumulated by others and often does not return the debt, in a sense he steals. And no one likes thieves, so the spenders soon lose all their friends, who make it a rule to create their own stabilization fund.

    Caution in conclusions welcomed in business circles, and among ordinary citizens there is an unspoken rule not to rush to conclusions. After all, it often turns out that there is no truth on the surface of any situation, and it is impossible to determine whether a person is good or bad, according to any one trait of his character. Caution here does not mean any fears at all, it is closer to reasonableness. You can understand everything in order only slowly, laying out solitaire happening according to the rules. This can be learned if you understand the value of such an ability by working through your second matrix. But often young people very hastily draw conclusions and rush to embrasure of the conflict at the first opportunity.

    Haste in conclusions, as we have already mentioned, is inherent in young and hot. But even among the elderly you can meet those who do not like to understand the situation if they have already drawn their conclusions and sentenced responsible for their anxiety. Such a character trait only harms its owner, as well as those who depend on the decisions of this person. Many people died with heart attacks in peacetime because some boss jumped to conclusions and named the culprits. In a relationship, everything is no less tragic if people are in a hurry to diagnose the situation. This is especially true for close relationships. A bad second matrix destroyed many marriage bonds and brought a lot of trouble to its owners.

    performance can be viewed as a set of good qualities of the elaborated second matrix. But it is this word that best reflects the essence of this valuable quality. A good worker has always been valuable, no matter what post he occupies. Indeed, in any case, this person will cope with the task, even if he has to work at the limit of his abilities. The fact that in this case a person receives respect, bonuses, time off and other bonuses can be accepted as an integral part of this quality.

    Laziness and lethargy in work, as a rule, they bring disappointment not only in this person, but also in himself. Laziness is not easy non-resource state, it's a resource sink! No matter how much money, connections, knowledge, etc. you have, you will quickly lose it if you surrender to the power of laziness. Apathy means the absence of any interest in what is happening, in your life. And here no resources will save, although it can be said that apathy comes from exhaustion, though emotional. Disappointment in life has a very negative effect on our self-consciousness. A person who is disappointed in himself is very easy to manipulate, among them there are many suicides and maniacs. But this is disappointment turned inside out, the path to hell, to the complete unconsciousness of behavior. And everything can begin very quietly and harmlessly, with simple dissatisfaction with oneself and refusal to change anything in life. But without working out the second matrix, it is impossible to move upward, to the highest achievements of the human spirit, rising above the vanity of this world. In which not only ups and downs are possible, but also falls from the inability to manage the direction of one's life path.

    Versions of past lives in the second matrix

    For the second matrix, we have a huge number of versions of how a person's past life could unfold, but again, its current manifestations are important here. As we have already noted with you, the details of a person's behavior indicate to us the habits that he brought with him into the reality of the present from the distant past. The past is forever imprinted in the depths of our Life Matrices until we work through each one separately and move on to the next level of our development. In the context of our reflections, this means that another matrix, next in the hierarchy, will begin to dominate in our manifestations.

    There are only four matrices, and each has its own special energy. The energies of the matrices replace each other in our living space. And our life is filled with the energy of a particular matrix. This fullness depends on which matrix dominates at the present moment in time, and on the situation in which we are. For example, if our main matrix is ​​− Matrix of Bliss and Peace, and the situation assumes the presence of energy Matrices of Patience and Accumulation, then we need to turn to our second matrix for its energy.

    This means that we will have to move the predominance of energy in the situation to the next level - the level of the second matrix. For a full and conscious life, we must be able to interact with the energies of all matrices.

    Changing the Matrices of Life with each other is a natural process in the development of our life.

    The first matrix is ​​replaced by the second, the second by the third and the third by the fourth.

    A feature of this cycle is that after the fourth matrix, we need to return to the first one. Only there can we fully rest from our labors. Unless we are stuck in the first matrix and our life has not turned into a complete vacation. Then we don’t accumulate experience, we don’t waste our energy, and we don’t have access to the euphoria of victory. And that means we have nothing to rest from.

    The sequence of transition from matrix to matrix is ​​determined by the Laws of the Universe. And we are not able to change this vector, given by an unknown Force. But our knowledge helps us follow the laws, and we go through life, reaching new heights of success. Unless we're stuck in one of the matrices and stopped at a pressing issue.

    But let's continue on about the options for past incarnations in the second matrix. One of the unpleasant versions offers us a past in slavery. That is, from a past life, a person could endure the habit of crawling, servility, unquestioningly obeying and blindly following instructions. But slavery is also different, because you can think all your life that this is how you need to live, only this is right, and nothing else. But it happens that a person does not even look for a way out of a difficult situation, but simply endures. And in this case, he is simply a slave to his own beliefs, which limit his choice and deprive him of the ability to think freely.

    However, do not forget that the second matrix can be very good and people can be very rich without striving for the pinnacle of success, for victories and titles. Some kind of solidity, thrift, are embedded in their nature, and they imperceptibly and gradually become prosperous. And this is also reflected in their thinking and behavior. And the point here is not that their parents could instill in them habits.

    I have met rich people whose ancestors had lived in the countryside for generations, sometimes starving, illiterate and pious. And their offspring achieved impressive success by moving to the city and organizing their own business. Although they could not receive anything through the genetic line, they were controlled by some hidden forces that can only be seen from external manifestations. And often these manifestations indicate with great accuracy the connection between current successes and the experience of past incarnations.

    Signs of the third matrix - the Matrix of Struggle and Incarnation

    The third matrix is ​​a very interesting area for our research, because the power and pressure of its energy can move mountains and bring us to distant planets. This is if you correctly direct this energy. We need the third matrix in order to give dynamics to our life, its energy makes us move forward, towards our dream, our goal. Now a little more about the features of this matrix.

    Active life position is a purely third-matrix quality. We consider activity not just as fuss and running around with posters and protests through the squares of big cities. We note here that a person has life principles, which he actively defends and promotes. For this, of course, it is necessary to have sufficient energy, which is located in the third matrix. Activity primarily refers to how a person himself lives, that is, how his own principles are manifested in his life. It can also be said that such a person is always ready to act, at the first need, which he determines for himself. After all, sitting and waiting for someone to do what he wants for him is not in his rules. And not in his principles. The main thing for such a person is his goal, which is always a reason to use his abilities and resources to achieve it.

    Passive attitude towards life of course points to the unfinished third matrix. Just in this case, people often sit waiting for a miracle or outside help. In a single case, a person can be active, but this does not apply to a lifetime. For example, scolding a child for a deuce or quarreling with a neighbor who interferes with sleep is in his power. But when the question concerns the realization of one's life plans and innermost desires, then such a person is more likely to look for someone to blame for the fact that he cannot achieve this. Each of those who met on the path of life may be to blame and arouse hatred and “just” anger towards themselves. After all, such a person does not attribute his own passivity to his fault, he only justifies it with insurmountable obstacles that have arisen through someone else's fault.

    Finding ways to solve any problems bears fruit, and the problem eventually finds its solution, or rather, the person solves it. Let this sometimes require incredible efforts, especially everything that concerns state institutions of power. The bureaucrats and the nomenklatura are ready to suck all the juice out of the population in order to show them their place. But for a person of the third matrix there are no insurmountable obstacles, and even power is not a decree for him, because Laws are meant to be circumvented(I don’t remember who said, but on topic).

    Our search activity brings us not only the expected results, but also unexpected results. We find new connections and acquaintances, make discoveries and achieve what we never dreamed of. But without the energy of the third matrix, this would hardly have been possible. “Seek and you will find” it is said about such people and for them, because such energy is found only in the third matrix.

    Lack of search activity does not prevent some people from doing well in life. But this is not about the people of the third matrix, other energies contribute to this. However, they will not find anything new in warm places. In addition to what they will bring and put into their hands. You have to be lucky to be content with life, sitting still and getting everything you want. But in most cases, such a position in life does not give any privileges and life rolls along a knurled track. A person of the third matrix will not be able to live long if he has the energy of the third matrix circulating at least to some extent. And for third-matrix people, such a life is a difficult test, they suffer a lot, because the desire to seek the best is in their blood, but there is not enough energy for this. Such a test is not for everyone, so many “surrendered” activists are sitting “on a needle” or “on a glass”.

    purposefulness is a striking distinguishing feature of the people of the third matrix. In order to set goals and set out to realize them, it is necessary to have a good, that is, filled with energy, third matrix. For a stable pursuit of your goals, you also need a well-developed matrix, that is, the ability to control energy flows. The goal-setting process itself is made up of several stages: dream - desire - goal - setting, etc. Only those who have a strong enough pressure of the third-matrix energy can go through all the stages and not turn off before the goal is specified. What can we say about those who, having set a goal, rushed with all their might to achieve it.

    aimless life paints a very different picture. A person who does not have a sufficiently saturated third matrix cannot have goals at all. It's hard to imagine, in any case, once I wondered about this: does it really happen? But my extensive experience in psychological practice confirms the presence of such people among us. As sad as it is to state, there are people who cannot formulate the purpose of their life. And there are not one or two such people, there are thousands of them! And the most amazing discovery is that these people are not to blame for living without a purpose. They simply do not have the very opportunity to set or discover their goal. They don't have the energy to do so. And their undeveloped third matrix does not leave them a chance to gain purposefulness in their lives.

    integrity also not available to everyone. In order to possess the principles, the energy of the third matrix is ​​necessary, especially if a person strives to possess other qualities from the third matrix. I want to separately note that the principles are not just a set of stereotypes of thinking about “how to” live. Principles are born from the very essence of their owner, when the realization of the need to live this way and not otherwise comes. And only a third-matrix person can be saturated with the principles of life accepted by him to the very depths of his being. After all, we know from history many cases when a principle was dearer to a person than life. Take, for example, Giordano Bruno, who was burned at the stake by the medieval Inquisition because of his refusal to recognize his conclusions as erroneous. And he argued that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and does not lie on three whales.

    Lack of principles does not at all prevent some of our contemporaries from holding fairly high positions in the governments of various countries. This may not be a problem at all for someone who is unfamiliar with the smell of freedom and the salty wind of wandering, that is, the smell of the energy of the third matrix. After all, the main thing for such people is not to smell of fried, if something happens. They have their own rules of life, which they follow from year to year and from incarnation to incarnation. The unworked third matrix does not give them enough of the strength that would tear them out of their homes, to which they seem to be stuck. However, I repeat that these people themselves do not consider their situation a problem, quite the contrary. I heard such a phrase from them: "Your principles will bring you to the grave," as if they themselves bypassed it.

    ambition often deprives a person of sleep and peace, if you do not direct its energy in the right direction. Whether our ambitions are rightly directed can be determined by whether they are in line with our life goals and occupation or not. For example, one of my old acquaintances declared his desire to become a famous traveler, but he himself taught some disciplines at the institute. He devoted his free time not to scientific work, but to re-reading books of a geographical orientation. This helped him in teaching, but did not make him a traveler, he simply became a bibliographer of already famous people, a walking encyclopedia. If his ambitions were turned towards his professional activities, he could defend many scientific works.

    Ambition helps us choose a goal, but not achieve it. I wanted to become an astronaut in childhood, I learned the star chart of the sky, studied the features of the structure of the nearest planets. But so far, space travel to other planets remains only plans for the distant future. If I had remained true to my childhood dream, I would not have achieved so much that I have succeeded in life.

    Ambition, with the right approach, creates the necessary pressure on the path of life, which allows you to push through the thick walls of obstacles. But for this we need a well-developed third matrix that will supply us with its energy at the right time and in the right amount.

    Mechanical thinking comes from a preference for boundaries and stereotypes. Ready-made thinking, such as "the seller must sell," does not help us at all to achieve the truth on the other side of the counter. The human factor will not be canceled as long as at least one person is alive. But in our everyday reality, living, as they say, on the machine means losing your humanity. After all, mechanistic is not only repeatability, predictability and stability. It is also limited, and not only in thinking, but also in behavior, desires, feelings and needs.

    People with such characteristics are beneficial in totalitarian societies, they are easier to manage. But even in tough political and social regimes there were always freedom-loving people. For everyday life, it is also more beneficial to be able to always take a broader look at the problem and the person. This is useful both for the person himself and for his environment. But this will require an effort to work out your third matrix, which is not always pleasing to some people.

    persistence requires a lot of effort on our part, because the very situation in which we need to be persistent means that there is an obstacle in our way. The only purpose of perseverance is to get your way, to overcome an obstacle. With the third matrix worked out, perseverance bears fruit quite quickly, although there are such examples when you have to fight for your idea all your life. But if we take the local time periods by which we usually measure our lives - a week, a month, a year, then with sufficient perseverance we can have concrete results. And in personal life, and in business, and in career growth, we can not only defend our interests, but also persistently move towards success. This is the main role of this third-matrix quality.

    Shyness and conciliation enslave our consciousness when we do not have enough strength to insist on our own if necessary. These are signs of an undeveloped and weak third matrix. It can be said that a person is simply not confident in his abilities when he is forced to agree with what external forces offer him. But after all, even internal conflicts a person is not able to solve on his own, therefore he agrees with the methods that someone else offers him. One of my neighbors constantly talks at a meeting about what he heard and saw on TV. Most often, his news consists of recommendations from various health or nutrition experts who have appeared on a program. Despite the fact that each time the advice of experts even contradict each other, he perceives everything as an instruction. Moreover, no objections from my side are accepted, because then it will be necessary to doubt the specialists whom he has already got used to trust.

    Leadership inherent in active and strong people, which requires the energy of the third matrix. The elaboration of this matrix allows a person not only to be in the center of events, but also to direct the course of their development, to create history. Many leaders of human communities at the level of communities or states have gone down in history as a significant factor influencing the situation at turning points. The main quality of a leader is the ability to lead people. Here, among the features of a person, his charisma, and special energy, and oratory skills are called, but these are just integral parts of the third-matrix leader.

    Subordination we see as the opposite of leadership. We mean that this characteristic includes not only the temporal aspect, because we can obey even a traffic light, understanding and following the rules of behavior on the road. And this will be a momentary state of submission, which will not be reflected in a general sense on our thinking and our goals. Subordination can also be seen as a way of thinking and a basic character trait. That is, a person in any scenario of the situation always seeks and finds someone to subordinate his will to. And it is in this sense that such a person is directly opposite to the leader.

    romanticism we consider it as the ability to subtly and deeply perceive, feel the world around us and our own internal processes. It should be noted that the world in the view of romance is painted in special colors, it has its own sound and constantly sends impulses calling for contact with it. Romantics hear space with verses, see with pictures and erase the boundaries of ideas about objects, forcing us to see them in a new way. The world for a person in a romantic mood is beautiful, it shines with unique colors. And the romantics themselves are sung by us as an example of an inspired person who works wonders only with his unusual attitude to the world. Of course, in order to be a romantic in the full sense of the word, you need to have a well-developed third matrix. After all, romanticism is not a mechanical repetition of rhymes and melodies, it is always a living process of interaction with the spaces of thoughts, feelings and images.

    Formalism can be called the opposite of romanticism, which in general will be true. After all, formal actions are not filled with feeling, you can just say “Hi” to the column. Formalists often meet among civil servants, bureaucrats, where their function is only to sign or transfer documents. In institutions such as the tax inspectorate, etc., there is no need to talk about the human factor, because there is no smell of humanity there. Although formally people in the workplace do everything according to the instructions, "as it should be." It is noteworthy that after work a person leaves the role and is quite sincere and sympathetic to your problems. Formally, an undeveloped third matrix forces a person to live, because at the same time it is impossible to want something better, dream and strive to realize your dreams.

    Heroism we consider it to be a completely third-matrix feature. In the presence of a well-developed third matrix, a person cannot be broken by any circumstances and threats. It is to the heroes that we owe those feats that entered the history of mankind as examples of courage, willpower and self-sacrifice. A very powerful energy pushes a person forward all the time, this is how the hero lives in life, legends and epics. There is a prejudice that one can only be a hero in a war or emergency. But life proves otherwise, because a hero is not only one who fights with an external enemy, you can find quite a lot of internal obstacles that cannot be overcome without heroism. And there are many legends about it too.

    sacrifice should not be confused with the quality we have assigned to heroes - self-sacrifice. When we talk about the victim, we have such a reflex as pity, because we are used to the fact that the victim is always offended and humiliated. This is how we will consider this character, which is clearly manifested in the undeveloped third matrix. We can say that sacrifice is the willingness to be a victim at any time and in any situation. The inability to find a solution to emerging problems, even the most insignificant, is the main characteristic feature chronic victim. Such a person does not sacrifice himself, by definition he does not belong to himself, others always have power over him: circumstances, people, unconscious impulses, etc. The victim gives up in advance in any situation of any difficulty, because even the slightest study of the matrix is ​​insurmountable let. Years of psychotherapeutic work are needed to bring a person out of the state of sacrifice and instill at least some hope for the best in this life.

    Versions of past lives in the third matrix

    A person who is reborn again in the third matrix did not have time to achieve something in his past incarnations. This is the first thing that comes to mind when we think about the karma of the people of this matrix. As we noted earlier, heroes and warriors, politicians and careerists, scientists with their desire for new discoveries and romantics who conquer mountain peaks easily fall into this category. It doesn't take a complex analysis of your own addictions to make a good guess about who you were in a past incarnation.

    We focus on the extent to which this matrix has been developed. Based on the results of the analysis, we can judge whether a person inherited a good or bad matrix from his past life. After all, even heroes often ended their lives not at the zenith of glory, not all battles were won by warriors, careerists stumbled on the career ladder, and romantics fell into the crevices of the mountains before reaching the top. Here you have the scenarios of the current life, which are followed by different people, our contemporaries, who brought the shortcomings of past incarnations to the present.

    How we will work with this material, I will tell later in this book. The main thing is that you understand the essence of the technique that I call Karmatherapy. We are looking for something in the present that points us to an unresolved problem, and we free our past from it, which lives in our subconscious due to the presence of this problem. Thus, we relieve ourselves of the pressure of the past on our present life, one of the past lives is healed.

    We will return to this topic many times, because it is the main context of our reflections in this book, its red thread. Let's continue with an in-depth study of the features of the matrices. After all, it is these signs that will help us understand the intricacies of this science.

    Signs of the fourth matrix - Matrices of Success and Victory

    In general, the fourth matrix promises us a lot of positive and pleasant things. This matrix creates a sense of celebration, allows us to win with its special energy. Only this matrix creates the conditions for us to feel at the pinnacle of success. Each of us at least occasionally needs to feel like a winner in a way that coincides with reality, and does not force us to invent victories for ourselves. The features of this matrix are also peculiar.

    Bringing what has been started to its logical end for each person, it seems to be an understandable and reasonable thing. Of course, not every person lives like this, because for this it is necessary to have a well-developed fourth matrix and a sufficient amount of its energy. In everyday life, this quality is not as noticeable as in specific planned cases. But even cleaning an apartment is impossible with high quality if the logic of actions is violated. That is, when, starting to clean up, we can stop the process, because we suddenly changed our mind. Like a king from a famous comedy: my word is royal, he wanted - he gave, he wanted - he took it back. It's more like a third-matrix thing - to rush and change the conditions of the game. However, a good fourth matrix allows us to achieve a result, bringing what we started to its logical end.

    Lack of performance is a very frequent visitor among those who have not yet had time to work on their fourth matrix. The lack of this energy prevents a person from completing a task with a concrete result. Some people cheat sometimes, agreeing with what they have at the moment, deciding to accept what has been achieved as intended. But after all, we do not always achieve our plans, and then we really need to either reconcile ourselves or rush with renewed vigor towards our goal. Although the character trait we are considering means not only isolated cases of our failures, but a complete lack of results in anything. Although it is difficult to imagine this, because everyone has small achievements, the fact that we come home after work can also be attributed to the results. That is, we set a goal to come exactly home, and not to visit someone, and we come. But it's easy to get to the point of absurdity. It makes sense to talk only about what we attribute to life goals. For example, I set a goal to write and publish another book. Right now I am implementing this goal, that is, I am writing. Then the publisher must evaluate my work, how it corresponds to the stated topic. If the content and title match, the book will go to print. You are holding a book in your hands, which means that my goal has been achieved. But I could print my text on the printer, arrange it as a book and say to myself: it's done. And this will be true in a certain sense, but do I want to deceive myself? Interesting, but who wants to!

    foresight is not just the ability to distinguish objects at a great distance, it is something more. This is an understanding of what lies ahead for a person, including an analysis of the consequences and real conclusions now. And these conclusions contain recipes in case we have frightening consequences in the long run. So, in the present, we can do something to change the future and have the results as close to what we want as possible. This ability has repeatedly saved the troops of far-sighted generals and subjects of far-sighted rulers. You don't have to be a prophet to exercise this ability. Our daily life is quite conducive to the fact that we can foresee some of the consequences of our own actions. And the behavior of their relatives or friends.

    Myopia of thinking allows people not only to make mistakes, but also to justify themselves without drawing practical conclusions from the events that have occurred. This threatens in the future not only with a repetition of troubles, but also with the accumulation of new layers of negative emotions in our subconscious. The consequences of these processes are described in numerous books on psychology: emotional blocks, bodily clamps, illnesses, additional costs, etc. The worst thing is when short-sightedness of thinking negatively affects other people, especially those who depend on such a person. First of all, loved ones, children, suffer. But if we consider myopia in a person holding a responsible state post, then the consequences are generally difficult to imagine.

    Cheerfulness noticeably distinguishes a person from the background of the rest, especially if he is surrounded by people who are tired of life, unloved work and unfinished relationships. We can enjoy life due to the energy of the fourth matrix, and if our matrix is ​​worked out, then we are downright gushing with happiness. It is impossible to fake joy, even if a person simply depicts joy, then in order to match this emotion, one must, as they say, wind oneself up. And for some fractions of a second, a person will still feel joy, as far as the available volume of this energy allows him. Rejoicing falsely is the same as imitating satiety - the eyes are hungry! Cheerful people are supportive of others, and here the point is not to share their experiences with someone, just a positive attitude is easily transferred to others. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such an attitude, because we know that positive emotions are healing for our mind and body.

    Depressed state and the world in shades of gray come from a lack of four-matrix energy. This means that a person not only does not know how to enjoy life, he simply does not have the opportunity to do so. After all, for example, an airplane needs fuel to take off, and no matter how much we push the plane, it will not fly without kerosene. Similarly, a person needs a special energy to be positive. Some people have not seen this energy in their eyes. Such people are incredibly pressured by the accumulated negative emotions and the thinking formed under their influence. Their corrupted perception paints the world in gloomy sketches, where everything is predetermined precisely in the direction of a negative development of events. The world crisis, natural disasters, apocalypses in different versions are constantly in their vision of the future. The reason for this is the undeveloped fourth matrix, which is quite a common picture for a certain category of people.

    Creative thinking allows us to find non-trivial solutions to everyday problems. Any question becomes interesting if it is subjected to creative processing. In general, creativity is usually understood as the creation of something new. Creative, or creative, approach is now welcome in many industries and growing companies. This ability is also useful in interpersonal relationships, it refreshes them and diversifies life. In order to have access to this type of thinking, we need the energy of the fourth matrix, which will need to be worked through. The efforts made, believe me, will give positive results in different areas of your life.

    Thinking in Stamps appears when the given energy is not enough to think more broadly. Stamps are not a limitation of thinking, they are a consequence of our limitations, which do not arise of our will. We are born not knowing how to think, develop an idea, adhere to logic, we learn this from adults. Our mental potential develops in a certain situation, which dictates to us the rules of behavior and perception of reality. And if there is not enough energy in our fourth matrix from the very beginning, then we have to accept the stamps that our environment dictates to us. For example, the common cliche “all blondes are stupid” immediately sets us up for a condescending attitude as soon as we see a girl with white hair in front of us. Or, believing that the Zhiguli is a bad car, the driver of a foreign car always smiles arrogantly if he is overtaken by a product of the domestic auto industry.

    Wisdom comes with experience, which must be learned from the events happening to us. This process requires a lot of our strength, because we have to not only notice our successes, but also admit our mistakes. Fortunately, this is not a problem for a person of the fourth matrix, but it should be recognized that the development of this matrix is ​​not an easy task. Wisdom has always been regarded as an exceptionally positive achievement in life. But not all people on the planet reach this level of relationship with the energy of the fourth matrix. Thinking broadly and wisely, as we have already noted, allows us to experience, drawn from the events in our lives. One cannot call a wise person who constantly makes mistakes on the path of life and, as they say, steps on the same rake. This comes from a lack of wisdom, which is fed by the energy of the fourth matrix.

    stupidity it is much easier to acquire, especially since it does not make you wait for those who deny responsibility for what is happening in their lives. The stupefying process does not require many resources, rather the opposite, it occurs due to a lack of a resource in the fourth matrix. That is, a person can initially be born with a low potential, and traditional education, as a rule, does not replenish it. Many people can remember their childhood from the stupid things that we adults usually forgive our children. But childhood does not leave us with disappointment or any dire consequences as a result of our stupid actions, because most of the time in childhood is games. The game allows us to learn the world, to develop in a context that is understandable to us, in an understandable form. Another thing is a serious adult life. An adult, as a rule, is ashamed of his deeds, even committed in childhood, and a fool praises his supposedly gone stupidity even at a venerable age.

    success means achieving the right result at the right time, this I repeatedly emphasize in my books. That is, we do not consider the fallen inheritance as the result of our achievements, which is success. The energy of the fourth matrix allows us to have this very valuable quality, the more it is, the more successful a person is. Each person evaluates the volume of his achievements, of course, in his own way. For someone, a house in the village is enough, while someone aims for the royal chambers, while having a huge mansion. But having something else does not mean being successful, and this is the main conclusion of our reflections on this topic. It is necessary to separate the existing result obtained in the past from the ability to achieve results always. After all, success is not just the presence of significant savings, it is generally about a different matrix. The real four-matrix quality is the ability to achieve the result on time exactly as it was intended. And we do not specifically consider the methods of achievement, because they are as different as all people.

    Backwardness distances a person from life not only from modern reality, but also from what we have already called success. And I do not mean that the person looks old-fashioned and is a follower of retro style. In the context of the Matrix of Life model, you can see how people miss their opportunities for their own growth, which are described in detail in this model. This description can be found in my first book on matrices, Life Matrices. How to achieve what you want with the help of the Matrix of Life. When we lag behind what it is time for us to be able and have, we lag behind the life we ​​do not live. It's like staying for the second year in the same class, but imagine that also in the third and fourth. And we do not reach those heights, that quality of life that we would be worthy if we did not lag behind our own possibilities in self-realization.

    forethought we have already noted as a very useful quality in life, which allows you not only to see your future, but also to design it. That is, a person who can foresee a lot in advance, as they say, takes into account the peculiarities of the development of the situation and contributes in advance to the plan of his actions. Such abilities were possessed by outstanding commanders of all times. The fact that there were not very many of them indicates to us the rarity of those people who fully possess this ability. But there is no need to despair, because not everyone is interested in fighting, and for our lives, many of us have enough energy to be prudent. Although it is clear, after all, that the more energy in the fourth matrix, the further and more accurately we can look into our future.

    Haste to act can be provoked by an urgent need, a need for something. But often people are in a hurry because they do not imagine their immediate future. As if in a hurry they will be able to escape from trouble. However, if you don't know what you're running from, can you run away? Or, not knowing what you are looking for, can you find it, even at modern speeds. The haste of some can make others laugh, but it happens that everyone is not laughing. For example, on highways, a person in a hurry is a threat not only to himself. You understand what I mean. Adults always advise young people not to rush: to get married, have children, borrow, leave college, get divorced, etc. Indeed, from the height of the years lived, much becomes clear, although it turns out that only the events of the past become clearer.

    Versions of past lives in the fourth matrix

    It's nice to discover that we were great, respected and successful in a past life. But I will not tire of repeating that understanding this in a hypnotic session and actually being like this are not the same thing. You don’t need to imagine anything, it’s enough to analyze your life at the moment, because we know better than others what thoughts and feelings we are experiencing. And our experiences should underlie introspection, and the external signs manifested in behavior are available to us in order to diagnose our friends and relatives.

    It is very difficult to see yourself from the outside, to observe yourself with an open mind and aloof. And this is the main problem in self-diagnosis, because we like to attribute to ourselves qualities that are uncharacteristic of us, which elevate us in our own eyes if we overestimate ourselves. Or lowered if we underestimate ourselves.

    As we already know, the fourth matrix is ​​dominated by success, which is why it is so attractive. Many people would like to live in a past life right here, in this matrix, no matter how strange it sounds. After all, it is no longer possible to live in a past life, but after our reasoning, another conclusion suggests itself. Many people on earth are still living their past lives, dragging unresolved problems from one incarnation to another. So, in the fourth matrix, as we have seen, there are plenty of unresolved problems. And from them we can judge what options are possible in our assumptions about who we once were.

    Some signs help us to determine that a person in a past life was very arrogant, as if his mind was blinded by the presence of a high status, an expensive thing, or other circumstances. Reaching heights on the path of self-realization, a person can forget why he does it. And then the result will not be appreciated, and this is a sign of a bad fourth matrix. In his new incarnation, a person will initially demonstrate precisely such signs.

    It happens that, being born into a rich family as a capable child, a person does not realize his talents in the future and even goes to a monastery. He seems to be ashamed of those luxurious conditions that fate has provided him for self-realization. The inability to accept and use this is not accidentally manifested and throws a person even further away from the victorious four-matrix euphoria. Wealth was already once in the history of his incarnations and harmed him. And now this man can't accept him, he sees him as a danger to himself

    Positive aspects can also be included in our assumptions. The version that a person was reborn in order to finish what he did not have time in his past life is quite appropriate here. A successful politician who adequately assesses the situation and his strength might not live to see his triumph, so why not do it in a new life? You may well find active, young and promising surrounded by those in power. They are the future rulers of the world, who transferred their experience to a new incarnation. Perhaps the world will be a better place under their rule.

    First, study the table. It presents signs of elaboration and underdevelopment of matrices. Try to apply these concepts to yourself, which one is more relevant to your everyday manifestations. So far, this is a very superficial primary self-diagnosis in order to set you up, dear reader, for work and open up a space for self-exploration.

    In general, the table reflects the general picture in the Matrices of Life. Some concepts and definitions still need to be explained in more detail, because in the context of our model, ordinary meanings can acquire specific shades. For example, peace in the first matrix means not just external manifestations, a mask of peace, but also the absence of internal, emotional tension. Each matrix has its own signs of elaboration. And each of the signs is the object of our close attention when we begin to improve our personality.

    Let's take a closer look at the features given in the table, based on a comparison of the "development-undevelopment" pairs of matrices. We will use these signs to identify our problems that have stuck to us during our past incarnations. This cannot be done by traditional methods. Only the Matrices of Life will be able to tell us what difficulties we have not been able to overcome and what we still have to face, if we leave everything as it is for the moment.

    Marina now rarely leaves her two-room house in northern Israel. Marina is hiding: the Israeli authorities are looking for her for illegal immigration, and criminal gangs - because they paid a lot of money for her. Marina is not her real name. She was lured here by smugglers who specialize in transporting live goods across the border. It is estimated that at the peak of this wave - from the early 1990s to the early 2000s - each year about 3,000 women were smuggled into Israel illegally with the promise of good jobs and a good life.

    “In Ukraine, life was not easy for me,” says Marina. She arrived in Israel in 1999 at the age of 33, answering a newspaper ad offering the opportunity to study abroad. “I was taken to some apartment in Ashkelon, and other women told me "They said I was a prostitute now. I went into hysterics, and some guy started beating me, and others raped me."

    "And then they took me to the place where they sold me - they just sold me!" - she remembers how she was locked in a basement with no windows, and she sat there for a month, drinking water from the toilet and starving. She managed to escape, but physical and mental scars remained.

    Live lots

    Last year, the UN named Israel as one of the world's top destinations for smuggled women. Israel also features consistently in the US State Department's annual Human Smuggling Report.

    And although this year the authors of this document noted that the Israeli authorities are making "noticeable efforts" to combat smuggling, they nevertheless point out that the country does not "completely meet minimum standards" in this area.

    Some women, like Marina, came here on formally legal grounds. Others were smuggled across the Egyptian border by Bedouins. But in all cases, smugglers (and the chain from "hiring" to selling sometimes consists of 20 links) take away their passports before offering them to pimps.

    Some women are turned into lots at humiliating human auctions where they are stripped, checked and sold for $8,000 to $10,000.

    Crime and Punishment

    Prostitution is legal in Israel, and pimping or running a brothel is a crime. However, the law is not enforced everywhere, and far from all brothels are closed.

    In Tel Aviv's Neve Shaanan neighborhood, for example, a stone's throw from five-star city hotels, small streets are lined with brothels masquerading as massage parlors, saunas, and even internet cafes.

    One of these places works opposite the local police station. There are bars on the windows; heavily stocked men stand at doors that open only to admit or let out a visitor. Inside - sad women, they sit in dimly lit rooms and wait for the next client.

    The highest price is given for foreigners. The women who were brought here illegally are sometimes forced to work 18 hours a day.

    For years, the lack of anti-smuggling legislation in Israel meant that such activities - less risky and often more lucrative than drug or arms trafficking - fell out of the sight of the authorities.

    "During the first 10 years of human smuggling, Israel did absolutely nothing," says Nomi Leverkron of Migrant Workers' Hotline, an NGO that helps women in need and presses the authorities to take action. the case was solved in 1992 - and nothing, in general, happened."

    "From time to time the smugglers were brought to justice, but the victims were also arrested, forced to testify, and then deported," Leverkron adds.

    In 2000, crossing the border for the purpose of sexual exploitation was made a crime, but, as NGOs point out, the punishments were too light - and even they were reluctantly applied.

    It was only after repeated criticism of Israel by the United States - and after the threat of sanctions - that the authorities began to act. The number of investigations into cases of illegal transportation of people has sharply increased, the perpetrators began to receive long prison terms, control on the borders of Israel has tightened.

    Change of tactics

    Activists say the change for the better began in 2004, when the government opened a safe haven in northern Tel Aviv for women who had been smuggled into the country to "get jobs" in prostitution.

    This meant a change in attitude towards them on the part of the state: they are victims of crimes, not accomplices.

    Now there are three dozen women in the Maggan shelter. Most are from the former Soviet republics, but there are five from China.

    “When they arrived here, their condition was useless,” says Rinat Davidovich, the director of the institution. “Most had venereal diseases, some had hepatitis, even tuberculosis. And they couldn’t sleep, because they remembered what happened to them at night ".

    The police say the measures they have taken have resulted in a marked reduction in the number of women now trafficked to Israel for this purpose, now in the hundreds, not thousands, each year. In addition, the authorities claim that the working conditions of such women have also improved.

    “The conditions in which they are kept have become much better,” says Raanan Kaspi, head of a specialized police unit. “In 2003, we found raped, beaten, deprived of liberty women. In 2007, the situation is completely different: in most cases they are paid, the conditions in which they find themselves have become much more humane."

    But the picture is still far from being painted in pink.

    Activists say the police crackdown has partly backfired: instead of operating openly through brothels, the smugglers have gone underground and now trade from private residences and escort agencies, making them harder to spot.

    “We are monitoring certain trends, such as prices for services related to exploitation,” says Yedida Wolfe of the anti-human smuggling organization. “These prices are not increasing, which allows us to conclude that the supply of victims has not decreased at all. government officials say authorities' efforts have led to a significant reduction in the number of victims of human trafficking in the country, non-governmental organizations see no evidence that this is actually happening."

    Israel may have reached a milestone in its war against smugglers, but victory is still a long way off.

    Commentary on the Torah

    Book of Shemot

    Weekly section of Mishpatim

    Chapters 21:1-24:18

    "And here are the laws...".

    In Hebrew, laws are mishpatim.

    Commentary on the Torah

    Book of Shemot

    Weekly section of Mishpatim

    Chapters 21:1-24:18

    "And here are the laws...".

    In Hebrew, laws are mishpatim.

    Rav Shimshon Refael Girsh

    Selected Commentaries on the Weekly Mishpatim

    The terms "slave" and "slavery" are associated by readers with plantations, burning sun and beatings. Jewish slavery is fundamentally different from this ugly picture.

    Chapter 21

    2.IF YOU BUY A SLAVE-JEW. To an unprejudiced mind, nothing can more conclusively prove the authenticity of the Oral Law than these first two sections (vv. 2-6 and 7-11) with which the "legislation of Moses" begins. This is the civil and penal code of the nation; he puts forward the principles and provisions of law and humanity that regulate human relations within the state. As you might expect, the first paragraph deals with personal rights. But where does it begin? With the laws applied when a man sells another man or his own daughter into slavery! How unimaginably monstrous all this would be if this "document" were to be the only "book of the law" of the Jewish people; if only he were the main source of "Jewish public law"! These are, indeed, out of the ordinary situations, and it would be natural to expect that, before considering them, the Law would turn to less strange cases, discussing them, explaining them, and laying down legal principles for their solution. And yet it is with these phrases, which, it would seem, cross out the concept of personal freedom, asserting the restriction of this most sacred human right, that the exposition of the Law begins!

    However, all this will appear to us in a completely different light if we understand that this "book" is not the primary source of Jewish law, if we realize that this is the legal tradition that was preserved by the living word, and the "book" served only as an aid to memory. and source of resolution of doubtful situations.

    Note that, as the text itself confirms, by the time Moshe gave this book to the people shortly before his death, the Law had been known to the Jewish people for more than forty years and had an impact on the lives of the Jews.

    These facts help us to understand why such exceptional court cases are presented at the very beginning: this is done in order to urgently remind us of the ordinary principles of social justice.

    We will then understand that the "book" does not register legal principles in general, but primarily individual, specific cases. And this is done in such an instructive manner that from the consideration of these cases we can easily extract the principles that have been entrusted to the living soul of the people. In general, the language used in this "book" was so skillfully chosen that in many examples one unusual term, one altered construction, even the position of one word or single letter can imply a whole chain of legal concepts. This book was not intended to be the primary source of the Fa. It was full of meaning for those who were already versed in the Fa to use it to preserve and update what is stored in memory. It was intended to be a study guide for teachers of the Fa, a reference for verifying the Oral Fa, so that an attentive student, having the written text in front of him, could easily restore in his mind the knowledge received orally.

    The connection between the Written Teaching and the Oral Law is the same as between the notes taken during a scientific lecture and the lecture itself. Students studying the subject after the lecture need only brief notes to remember the lecture at any time. They often find that an underlined word, a question or exclamation mark, or even just a dot is all it takes. But for those who have not attended the lectures, these notes will be completely useless; trying to reconstruct the lecture on their basis, they will inevitably make mistakes. Words, signs, etc., which serve as extremely useful guiding stars for the student listening to the lecture to preserve the truths revealed by the lecturer, seem completely meaningless to the negligent student. The negligent one who tries to use the same signs to create (as opposed to "recreate") for himself a lecture that he did not attend and could not understand, will stigmatize the most beautiful provisions of the Fa as "baseless gymnastics of the mind and idle reflections leading to nothing."

    IF YOU BUY A SLAVE-JEW. The Oral Law teaches us that the problem discussed here is the case described in Shemot 22:2, which tells us that a thief who did not have the means to make amends to the one he had robbed was to be sold to compensate the victim. (“If he has nothing, he must be sold for his theft.”) Such a sale could have taken place only to make amends for the actual theft, and not to receive the double compensation stipulated in 22:3 as a punishment. . In addition, this method of compensation is applicable only if the thief is a man and not a woman. The written text does not simply say "if he has nothing, then he must be sold", but adds the definition "for this theft of him" [to show that the thief could only be sold to replace the property he stole]. And the fact that the text does not just say "for theft" but "for his theft" indicates that women found guilty of theft are not subject to this article of the law. The situation in which someone voluntarily sells himself into slavery out of severe need is dealt with in Vayikra 25:39 et seq. (“If your brother is impoverished and sells himself to you”). For this reason, we are only told here, where theft is referred to: "If you buy a Jewish slave." The law already made him a slave before you bought him; you can only buy him from the courtroom, But at the same time, as Mekhilta notes: he must remain in your eyes, a fellow citizen; The law calls him a slave only because he has no choice but to describe this person in such terms.

    6.…If we consider this law, which by the Word of G-d is placed at the beginning of public legislation (in the previous verses), we will see that there is hardly any other law so suitable to enable us to penetrate into the purpose of the Divine institutions of social justice and show us how fundamentally different Jewish law is from all other legal systems. Here (in the case of a thief) we have one and only example, when the Divine Law as a punishment (although we will see that in fact this cannot be considered as a punishment) deprives a person of freedom. But how is this punishment carried out? The law specifies that the offender must be placed in a family, just as today we can place a juvenile delinquent in a family environment. Note also the precautions enumerated by the Law, which are designed not to trample on the self-respect of the criminal, so that, despite the disgrace he has brought upon himself, he may feel that he is treated like a brother and respected as a member. a family capable of earning and giving love! Notice how the Law makes it possible for him to maintain contact with his own family and how he ensures that his family does not suffer because of his crime!

    Although the Law deprives the criminal of freedom and, consequently, the opportunity to provide for his loved ones, he obliges those who use the work of the guilty person to take care of them during the entire period of his punishment.

    The punishment of imprisonment, with all the despair and moral humiliation that goes with it, with all the grief and sorrow that imprisonment brings to the wife and children of the criminal, is unknown to the Divine Law. Where the Divine Law reigns, there are no prisons as a place of punishment for criminals. Jewish law only provides for detention pending a court order, and even this detention can only occur in accordance with a well-established legal procedure. Such detention must be of short duration and circumstantial evidence does not warrant it.

    But even this single case, when the law provides for deprivation of liberty as a result of a crime, cannot be considered as a “punishment”. Punishment cannot be the purpose of this Law, because it sentences a thief to six years of work only to pay damages in the amount of the actual value of the stolen goods, and not to collect a fine (double damages) as a punishment for a crime. Hence, the loss of freedom is only a consequence of the duty of the criminal before the Law to compensate for what was stolen. Compensation for damages should not become a punishment for the perpetrator; it's just a way to eliminate the consequences of a crime. It lasts until the illegal or criminal damage caused to the property of the victim is restored. Even if the thief was not convicted by the court, anyone who steals someone else's property automatically becomes obliged to pay for it on their own, by applying their own labor. Therefore, it remains for us to answer only one question: why does the court assess damages in terms of the offender's ability to work only in the case of an unconditionally proven theft, but not in any other case when a person is obliged to pay compensation for the damage caused to him, but does not have the means to pay such compensation? This restriction seems to be determined by the consideration that theft is the most obvious manifestation of disrespect for the sanctity of personal property, especially if the owner believes that his property is safe, because he trustingly believes that all people respect other people's rights to property ... A person's awareness of his place in the world begins with the concept of the right to own property, and it is respect for the property of other people that makes a person truly human. Based on this, it is easy to understand why only in the case of theft is an obligation of reparation imposed on every aspect of the perpetrator's personality.

    However, a sentence of forced labor is so closely linked to the offender's duty to make amends, and nothing more, and the Law is so far from making slavery a punishment, and so respectful of the sanctity of personal liberty, that a court can only sell a thief in if the value of the stolen property is equal to or greater than the value of its working capacity. For only in this case the criminal automatically becomes obliged to pay the consequences of his crime with every aspect of his personality. If his performance exceeds the value of what was stolen, the court (may allow the use of his labor to repair the damage, but) does not have the right to sell it, because then the court would be guilty of infringing on that part of the criminal’s personality that is not subject to such a sentence (Kidushin 18a). By the way, according to Mekhilta, the victim of a robbery has the right to refuse compensation by selling the thief and be satisfied with the promise signed by the robber that he will compensate for the damage as soon as his financial situation improves.

    7. ... Everything that we have learned from our national literature about the respect with which Judaism prescribes to treat a woman, about the attitude of parents towards children and about the considerations that parents should be guided by when choosing suitable spouses for their offspring - all this allows we do not hesitate to conclude that if a Jew sells his young daughter as a servant so that in the future she will become the wife of her master, then only the most bitter, terrible necessity could force him to do this. He had to sell his house and everything in the house, even the last shirt, before he was allowed to take such a step (Kiddushin 20a; Rambam, Slave Laws 4:2).

    10. This is the only passage in which the Written Law discusses the duties of a husband towards his wife. To outline the “basic marital rights of the daughters of his people,” he chooses as an example a woman from the lowest rung of the social ladder, the daughter of a beggar who has already sold her last shirt and, in order to save herself and her child from starvation, sold her as a servant. Then the girl, rejected by her master and probably subjected to insults, becomes the wife of the master's son. If this happens, the Law makes her equal to a woman who enters into marriage, free and rich, and proclaims the greatest principle: the attitude towards one should not differ one iota from the attitude towards the other!

    11. ... Crime and poverty - these are two factors that in ordinary social life, as a rule, nullify respect for the personal dignity of a person. But the Law chose the criminal and the children of contemptible poverty and placed them at the very beginning of public legislation. In this way we learn how much the Law respects human dignity and how it seeks to protect this right, even if a person stands at the lowest rung of society.

    Verses 12-32 contain the laws concerning personal rights: Art. 12-17 tell of crimes against human life and equivalent crimes. Verses 18-26 deal with offenses that are detrimental to health. Verses 27-32 speak of bodily injury and death due to animals.

    15. In order to designate a fatal blow, the participle "hit" should be written "and he will die." By itself, the participle "hit" does not indicate that the victim died as a result of the attack. Alacha teaches that even if the victim died, the perpetrator can only be punished if his actions caused visible damage. (Therefore, when this verse is read in conjunction with v. 12, the law is: Whoever strikes another so hard that the victim dies is liable to death. But he who strikes his own father or mother is subject to death, even if the (visible) injury inflicted on the parent was not fatal in itself.

    16. As in the previous verse, where "partial murder", i.e. injuring a father or mother is declared equal to actual murder and therefore classified as a criminal offence, and here the Law teaches us that personal liberty is property, the theft of which is tantamount to "social murder" and therefore punishable by death. However, the kidnapper of a child is only put to death if the victim is found in the kidnapper's possession and, as Deuteronomy 24:7 adds, "he took advantage of his services and sold him"; in other words, if he treated it like a thing, an "object"...

    17. The kidnapping of a child is the actual destruction of the personal dignity of the victim. But in relation to one's own father or mother, even a curse, a purely verbal wish for their death, is a criminal offense punishable by death. This law does not lose force even if the parent thus cursed is no longer alive.

    18. (quarrel, swearing) primarily means a verbal dispute, in contrast to that used in Art. 22 (if people fight...), which implies a physical fight.

    ... Therefore, in this verse we are told (if people quarrel), and, for strengthening, the letter nun is added at the end of the word to emphasize that the quarrel was only verbal. The two parties had no intention of causing each other physical harm; the blow could have been delivered under the influence of strong emotions. But this in no way reduces the need for the criminal to pay compensation to the victim, because the purpose of compensation is not to punish the criminal, but to compensate - as far as possible - for the damage caused. And since pecuniary compensation is not a punishment for wrong done, reparations can never be complete in cases where the injured person has received bodily harm; in particular, it cannot compensate for pain. Therefore, the offender remains guilty in the eyes of G-d even after he has fully paid the monetary compensation, and only receiving forgiveness from the victim expiates his guilt.

    19. in this context probably cannot mean "staff" or "crutch". If a casualty was previously able to walk independently but is now limping as a result of the injury, compensation for lost time and medical expenses can in no way be considered adequate damages. And it cannot be interpreted as a "staff" or "crutch" that the victim needs during his recovery, for as long as the consequences of the injury persist, the Law cannot say that "he who hit him will be released." means the support that the victim was accustomed to before the injury. Therefore, this implies his complete healing, i.e. achieving the ability to move in the same way as before the injury.

    AND PROVIDE HIS HEALING. The insistence, reinforced by the repetition of the verb form, refutes the erroneous notion that going to the doctors demonstrates a lack of faith in God. Compare: “From this it follows that doctors have been granted by God the sanction to heal” (Bava Kama 85a). The law without reservation accepts the condition that the victim will receive medical care. Indeed, as noted by Tosafot (ibid.), the Law insists that the patient consult a doctor not only in case of bodily injury, but also in case of other illnesses.

    23. YOU MUST GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR LIFE. Only in the case of murder - in the sense that the specific person who is the object of compensation has been killed - should the sentence be carried out on the physical person of the offender. But even in this case, as we have already noted, the expression "you must give" makes it clear that the punishment is actually understood as a form of indemnification, but instead of the physical person of the victim, who would have the first right to claim for this indemnification, a certain " ideal person" of Law, justice and human dignity, whose demands must be satisfied ...

    24 and 25. (lit. "an eye for an eye", etc.). The treatise Bava kama (83b) notes that from the point of view of morality it is absurd to understand this law literally, i.e. “he who has deprived another of an eye must himself be deprived of an eye, etc.” What if, for example, a one-eyed person deprives an eye from someone who had two healthy eyes, and as a result of punishment he loses his only eye, and then dies? In this case, his punishment would not have been fair, since he would have lost his life for a crime in which his victim lost only one of the paired organs (while the other organs remained intact). Moreover, ... the provisions put forward in Art. 18 and 19 above, according to which trauma victims requiring bed rest and medical attention should be compensated for the forced break from work and the cost of treatment, exclude the interpretation (literal) “an eye for an eye”, etc., “a wound for wound”, etc. like ius talionis, since if the same injury were inflicted on a criminal, the latter would also need bed rest and medical attention. From these objective conclusions alone, it should be clear that the halachic explanation of monetary compensation as the only means of compensation provided by the Law for such cases is the only possible explanation consistent with the spirit of Scripture. Moreover, a detailed study of the word (“for”, i.e., “instead of”), on which this whole construction actually rests, will reveal that such an explanation is also the most faithful to the letter of the text.

    In the vast majority of instances when the word occurs in Scripture, it means compensation, not punishment, so (lit. "an eye for an eye"), etc. simply means that the perpetrator must "replace" the eye or any other organ that he has damaged, i.e. pay compensation to the victim. But depriving the criminal of an eye will in no way restore the eye that he took from the victim. Because no one can literally restore someone else's eye, this law can only mean that the perpetrator must provide full monetary compensation for the lost eye.

    Rav Lev Katsin

    Why did you help this brute?

    One day, when Rabbi Yisroel Salanter (1810-1883) was on a train from Kaunas to Vilnius, a young man sat next to him. "Why did you open the window, I'm freezing from the cold!" he suddenly shouted. “I did not open the windows,” Rabbi Yisroel replied, but he got up and closed it anyway. The young man continued to be rude until the train stopped in Vilnius, where a crowd of Jews stood on the platform to meet Grand Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.

    The next morning, the young man found Rabbi Yisroel and asked for his forgiveness, explaining his behavior by being nervous on the way to Vilnius, where he hoped to pass the exam for shochet (kosher meat cutter). Rabbi Yisroel forgave him and asked him to tell him how he would pass the exam. A few days later, the young man returned and said that he had failed the exam and now did not know how to find a job and provide for his family. Then Rabbi Yisroel hired a teacher for him, who prepared him for the exam, and then helped him find a job.

    Why did you help this brute? the disciples asked Rabbi Yisroel. "Isn't it enough that you forgave him the insults?"

    I told him that I had forgiven him, but there was still an unpleasant residue of resentment in my heart. Therefore, I took the advice of the Torah - to help someone towards whom you feel hostility, hatred or anger.

    …The head of the Torah Ve-Daat Yeshiva in Brooklyn, Rabbi Avraham Pam, told this story while explaining to his students the weekly Mishpatim chapter, which is devoted to the laws that govern relationships between people. The fact is that Rav Yisroel Salanter devoted his life to spreading the ethical teachings of the Musar, and it is symbolic that his yorzeit - the day of remembrance - is celebrated at the same time ...

    Where does the Torah tell us to do something good for a person towards whom we feel hostility?

    There are two commandments in the Mishpatim chapter: one is to help load, and the second is to unload the donkey of another person. However, what to do in the first place, if there are two donkeys in front of a person, and one needs to be loaded and the other unloaded? We must first unload the donkey so that the animal does not suffer under the load, the sages of the Talmud say.

    But what if your friend's donkey is under a load of burden and needs to be unloaded, and at the same time your enemy needs help to load his donkey? Which commandment to follow first? We must first help our enemy! - says the Talmud (Baba Metzia, 32). Helping the enemy is more important than preventing the suffering of an animal, because it helps a person overcome a bad inclination in himself - to overcome hatred for another Jew.

    “But if hatred is forbidden, then why does a person consider the owner of a donkey his enemy and hate him? - the wise men ask (Psakhim, 113) and answer: - He has a good reason for hatred: he saw how he commits some kind of crime.

    “But if this hatred of the sinner is allowed, then why should it be overcome?” - Talmud commentators ask (Tosafot, XII century). “As in the water the face (is reflected) to the face, so is the heart of a person to a person,” the Tosafot quotes the words of the wise King Solomon (Proverbs, 27:19). If a person hates a sinner, then the sinner will hate this person, which will cause additional hatred in him, which is not allowed by the Torah and can be a catalyst for a chain reaction of intensifying the conflict. Therefore, the Torah tells a person to do a good deed for his enemy and thus overcome the feeling of hatred towards him.

    Parents tend to love their children more than the children of their parents. And this despite the fact that children have received care from their parents for many years. Moreover, the more strength parents invest in children (for example, in patients), the more love they feel.

    “If you are offended by your wife, then you should not wait until she apologizes to you,” Rav Pam advised his students. “Do something nice for her, buy her a gift, and this will help not only her, but also you to overcome unpleasant feelings.”

    Rav Zeev Meshkov

    Slavery past and present

    “If you buy a Jewish slave, let him serve for six years, and in the seventh let him go free without ransom…” (Exodus 21:1,2).

    The Torah did not abolish slavery, but introduced laws that abolished it de facto. She forbade the sons of Israel to buy and sell their brothers. A Jew could fall into slavery only by a court decision and only because he stole, used the stolen and could not return its value to the owner. A Jewish slave was forbidden to be beaten and insulted, his family had to be taken care of and he was to be released after six years, giving him a gift that would help him settle down in later life. A slave from another nation had to be circumcised, and it was his responsibility not to violate the prohibitions of the Torah and to participate in the Passover meal. He could not be killed or maimed, and when released, he became a full member of society. Economically, slave labor under such laws became unprofitable. And in Israel, neither in the era of the conquest of the earth, nor in the era of judges, nor in the era of kings, was there a slave system. All buildings, much more impressive than the pyramids, were created by free people. This was both in the time of Solomon and in the time of King Herod. The scale of this economic miracle can only be assessed if we imagine a modern developed state that does without oil and oil products.

    Phenomenon of the distant past

    Slavery as a phenomenon is a thing of the past. The laws of countries have become more humane, and in schools children are taught respect for every person. And although society did not become ideal, it rose to a different stage of development compared to the ancient world. And this happened due to the influence of the Torah, which changed the consciousness of the peoples (but not one of them has yet expressed gratitude to the Jewish people for the invaluable help provided to humanity in the ascent to a new stage of development).

    Let us imagine that the Western world would not have learned the values ​​of the Torah, but would have taken the principles of Greek civilization as a basis. Aristotle called a slave an animate tool, and a tool an inanimate slave. And mankind is very lucky that his "Ethics" did not become a canon for the whole world, like his ideas about the universe, which took possession of the minds of people.

    Behind the attitude towards the slave lies an even more serious problem: the attitude towards human life in general. It must not be forgotten that not only in Sparta, but also in Athens, children were killed if they came to the conclusion that the child was not healthy enough to be useful to society. And if the sons of Israel had not survived in the fight against Hellenism, defending the principles of the Torah at the cost of their lives, then there would be no modern society in which equality, respect for man and the duty to take care of saving every life are declared.

    Rest only in our dreams

    The fight for enduring values ​​is not over. It will continue until the world comes to its correction. In the meantime, it only seems that the principle “man is created in the Image and Likeness” does not raise objections from anyone. And evidence of this is the popularity and strength that Islam has gained in the modern world.

    The Ramban also said that, unlike Christians, one should not argue with Muslims. He noted that Christians recognize the truth of the Torah, while Muslims do not. (This does not mean that Christians have realized that everything good they have is taken directly from the Torah, have fallen in love with the Jews, and have become our best friends.)

    Islam claims that the Jews deliberately distorted the text of the Torah, adding to it: they wrote down that a person was created in the Image and Likeness, while "Alla" has neither image nor likeness; added the commandment “love your neighbor as yourself”, and also invented the concept of the sanctity of marriage and respect for a woman. The true commandment of the Torah, written as it was given to Moses, Islam considers "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." And the executioners maim people, because the judges did not take the trouble to figure out that we are talking about monetary compensation for the injury. Corporal punishment and public executions in the squares are an integral part of the life of Muslim countries. And these laws are taught in schools as absolute truth given from Heaven.

    Failing to understand that the Almighty, being present everywhere and managing everything, nevertheless, gives man the freedom of choice, Islam proclaimed: "If God is everything, then man is nothing." And this led them to the assertion that everything is predetermined, and therefore there is no point in saving either your own life or someone else's. Man, from the point of view of Islam, is an incorrigible evil. He can do something good only by obeying a ruler who knows how to carry out the will of G-d. Such representations make it possible to recruit suicide bombers and send them into the crowd with explosives.

    Carthage must be destroyed

    Some European politicians have begun to realize that the struggle for the existence and well-being of Israel is the struggle for the existence of their countries. Israel is beginning to be seen as the front line in the struggle against the "children of the desert", who destroy and turn into a desert everything that surrounds them, everything that they meet in life.

    This is not the first time in history that we have been given the responsibility of solving the world's problems. At one time, the sons of Israel were ordered to destroy the Canaanite tribes, which differed from the surrounding peoples in that they sacrificed children. If their cities and temples had not been destroyed, then the idea of ​​sacrificing children would have spread throughout the world. The proof of this is that the remnants of the Knaani tribes made an attempt to become an empire that determines the fate of the world. They settled on the coast and on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and created one of the most powerful states of the Ancient World. And only in 146 BC. Rome defeated them. But before their capital Carthage was destroyed, its inhabitants sacrificed three hundred children, which horrified even the Romans. By His mercy, the Almighty destroyed the villains with the hands of the villains.

    Sea sand

    It is no coincidence that the Torah compares the sons of Israel to the sand of the sea. The Midrash states: “The Almighty put the boundaries of the sea, and no matter how much his waves try to overwhelm the shore, they run into the sand and roll back.” The waves are the destructive ideas of the peoples of the world, and the sand is us, called upon to prevent them from spreading.

    We are not designed to attack, but we cannot allow the defense to break through. There is no one behind us. Indeed, even after the Almighty promised not to bring a flood into the world, the threat of the destruction of mankind did not disappear. No need to fill the land with water, no need to send fire from heaven: if the sons of Israel do not hold on to the Torah and uphold its ideals, then people will destroy themselves.

    Feeling of self-righteousness

    In this struggle, the most important thing is not to lose confidence in your rightness. But, unfortunately, Israelis, both ordinary people and scientists and artists, as well as politicians, do not understand how important it is for all countries that we defend our ideals.

    Nathan Alterman wrote about it:

    And then Satan said:

    “How can I defeat these people?

    He has courage, and ability, and skill;

    And he has a weapon, and he owns the art of war.

    Satan said: "Do not take my strength from him,

    Don't put a bridle on him

    Do not sow fear in my midst,

    Do not loosen his hands for me, as before.

    This is what I will do: I will cloud his mind,

    And he will forget that the truth is on his side.

    That's what Satan said

    And the heavens trembled with terror,

    when they saw him get up,

    to carry out their evil plan

    Rav Shlomo-Zelig Avrasin

    More about slavery

    Last week's Torah portion told us about the Sinai Revelation, during which the People of Israel received the Ten Sayings inscribed on two stone tablets, five each. The impression of the Revelation was so strong that the Israelites no longer wanted to expose themselves to the risk of direct communication with the Almighty, and asked Moshe Rabbeinu to become their representative before Gd and receive on their behalf all the commandments that the Creator wished them to establish. Our weekly chapter opens a series of chapters that list the very commandments that were given to our people immediately after the Sinai Revelation.

    The first topic that the Torah touches upon immediately after the Ten Sayings is the topic of slavery, and this is not accidental - the Almighty puts the relationship between people in society at the forefront, and only then - the relationship of the individual and Gd. This is how the Mishnah speaks about it in the treatise "Yoma": "Yom Kippurim (Judgment Day) atones only for the sins committed by a person in relation to the Almighty, and does not atone for the sins committed in relation to the neighbor, until the sinner receives forgiveness from the person he offended." The Midrash says that robbery, not idolatry, was the decisive factor that set in motion the sentence to destroy the generation of the Flood. Another example: in the era of the First Temple, when the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judea) existed on the territory of Israel, there was a period when King Ahab ruled the Northern Kingdom. He was married to the Sidonian princess Izebel, who brought to Israel the cult of Baal, alien to the people, and the king himself helped her in planting this pagan belief. Despite this, the Almighty sent Ahab military victories, for he took care of his people and was a good ruler in that which did not concern religion. However, when Ahab appropriated Navot's vineyard, which he had long licked his lips at (and for this, his wife falsely accused Navot of a crime that he did not commit, and Navot was executed, and the property went to the royal treasury), the Almighty turned away from him, and conveyed through the prophet Eliyahu that Ahab would soon die, and his blood would be shed precisely in the vineyard that previously belonged to Navot.

    So, what does the Torah say about slavery, which was then a social norm? "AND THESE ARE THE LAWS YOU WILL EXPLAIN TO THEM: IF YOU BUY A JEWISH SLAVE, HE WILL SERVE FOR SIX YEARS, AND ON THE SEVENTH, WILL BE FREE WITHOUT Ransom" (Shemot 21:1). That is, there is no concept of eternal slavery between fellow tribesmen! At the time, this was a very innovative and progressive approach. In what cases did a person fall into slavery? Jewish law provides for two possibilities for this - either a person who stole property from a neighbor and could not pay the victim the due compensation was sold by a rabbinical court, or a person who found himself in a difficult financial situation could sell himself. But in any case, such slavery cannot last more than six years. And even during this time, the master is obliged to take care of his slave no worse than about himself. For example, he cannot entrust him with shameful work, or work beyond his strength, but he is obliged to feed him as himself.

    It further says: "IF HE COME ALONE, ONE WILL GO OUT, AND IF HE HAD A WIFE, THE WIFE WILL GO OUT WITH HIM." RaSHI (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki) asks the question: "Let's say a man got into slavery one way or another, but how did his wife get there, which follows from the words of the Torah that she also goes free?" The answer is simple - during the entire period of slavery, the master is obliged to feed not only his slave, but also his family! Therefore, our Sages of blessed memory said: "If a person bought himself a slave, it's the same as buying himself a master!"

    The Torah continues: "IF HIS LORD GIVES HIM A WIFE AND SHE BEARS HIM SONS OR DAUGHTERS, THE WIFE AND HER CHILDREN WILL BE WITH THE LORD, AND THE SLAVE WILL GO OUT ALONE. I WILL GO AWAY, LET THE LORD BRING HIM TO THE JUDGES, AND LEAD HIM TO THE DOOR OR TO THE JOB, AND THE LORD PIERCES HIS EAR WITH THE AWL, AND HE REMAINS TO SERVE HIM FOREVER. At least two questions arise here: firstly, what does the ear have to do with it? And secondly - where does the door or jamb? The Midrash answers these questions in this way: The very ear that heard on Mount Sinai the words "I am the Lord your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery" must be pierced, for a person, despite that that now he serves the Almighty, again fell into slavery, this time voluntarily! But the time of a slave belongs to the owner, which means that a person will not be able to devote it sufficiently to fulfill the commandments. And the door and jambs were just witnesses to the fact that Gd brought our people out of Egyptian slavery, because. this was preceded by a commandment to dye them with the blood of the Passover lamb, and now they are called to testify that this man voluntarily renounces his freedom.

    Let's try to figure out why slavery is so attractive? The answer is quite trivial - a slave is free from any liability, including criminal (at least according to Greek slave laws). Remember the legend of Aesop? All his life he dreamed of becoming free, and when, finally, he received freedom from the owner, the owner's wife, wanting Aesop to stay in her house, planted a cup stolen from the pagan temple for him, and herself informed on him. A free man was supposed to die for such a theft - he was thrown into the sea from a high cliff, while the slave simply returned to the owner, and he paid a fine in favor of the temple. Aesop should have recognized himself as a slave, and he would have survived, but he preferred to die as a free man. But Aesop was a wise man, a strong spirit, and weak or weak-willed people, afraid of responsibility, found protection from the outside world in slavery. And one more thing - the subsistence of a slave does not depend on the results of his work. Whether he works or not, the owner is obliged to feed him. This impressed many, as it removed the concern for tomorrow. That is why the Almighty gave the Jews in the desert mana, which could not be accumulated for the future - so that they "squeeze a slave out of themselves" and learn to rely only on the Almighty, and the distance at which mana became available to them varied depending on their spiritual states, i.e. was due to their inner workings. Therefore, a person who voluntarily remains in slavery turns out to be unworthy of the high title of "servant of the Almighty", since he is not able or unwilling to take responsibility for his actions and for his own future. But even this "shelter for the poor in spirit" is not evening - in Hebrew, the word "forever" also has the meaning "for the period until the next jubilee year", i.e. until the fiftieth year comes, which is called "yovel" (hence the Russian word "anniversary"). This year, according to the law of the Torah, all slaves, including voluntary ones, with a pierced ear, became free, and also all fields and lands returned to their original owners - the so-called "public zeroing" was carried out, and yesterday's slave became not just a free person, but in the addition of the owner of the land, and had a chance to start all over again.

    People born in the USSR had to become especially familiar with slavery, but their spiritual feat is the greater when they begin to behave like free people, which often requires daily application of strength. As a recipe for the rudiments of slave psychology, I can offer the statement of our Sages - "Truly free is only one who has devoted himself (or part of his time - author's note) to the study of the Torah."

    Moshe Abelets

    Translation by Anna Fine

    Laws of Jewish life

    In the weekly section "Itro" G-d gave the children of Israel the Torah. This weekly section tells how Moshe received an impressive list of laws of Jewish life. For example, laws regarding the treatment of slaves, laws for the return of lost property, laws for resolving conflicts between people.

    Compared with the sublime Revelation of Sinai, all these laws seem completely earthly. During the Sinai Revelation, the children of Israel felt the presence of the Most High. Unusual things happened, miracles, revelations. The children of Israel felt themselves "a kingdom of priests and a holy people." It was to be expected that they would now receive more detailed instructions on how to sanctify their existence, how to serve G-d, how to build a kingdom of priests in the Holy Land.

    Instead, the Almighty gives them a long list of instructions regarding simple everyday affairs and concerns. There is nothing "Divine" about these instructions. Most likely, there are similar laws in other societies and other peoples.

    However, the Torah insists precisely on the fact that the union of Gd and Israel should be secured through earthly, everyday affairs. Holiness is not achieved by seclusion in the house of study, not by long prayer, and not even by scrupulous observance of the ritual. On the contrary, it can be achieved only through full inclusion in the life of society, in relations between people. And relations between people are impossible without conflicts. The Torah requires a fair resolution of disputes, no matter what social level their participants stand on.

    It is no coincidence that the list of laws begins with those relating to slaves. The Jews had just been liberated "from the house of slavery." They well understand how hard the lot of a slave is. People who stand on the lowest rung of society should be treated fairly. They deserve the protection of dignity and honor.

    Also, people involved in litigation deserve to be treated fairly by a just judge. Both animals and those who are hated need protection, not to mention widows, orphans and aliens.

    We can be just only by participating in the affairs of society. Only in this way can we achieve holiness. Only in this way will we learn to treat our neighbor as he himself would like to be treated. And this is the true fulfillment of the Sinai covenant.

    Moshe Abelets

    Note that each of these cases has its own characteristics: In one case, the mother and offspring are killed on the same day; in another, the offspring are killed in front of the mother; finally, in the third, mother's milk, a symbol of fertility, is used to prepare food from offspring.

    However, there are also common points. Firstly, in all these laws we are talking about actions that are allowed, in principle: you can slaughter a calf, kill a bird (not on the same day), boil milk or goats. However, the same idea is emphasized in all three laws: to kill a cow and a calf on the same day, to take eggs and kill a bird on the same day, to breed a goat in its mother's milk - all this is a manifestation of cruelty towards animals. Therefore, by forbidding the mixing of meat and milk, Judaism teaches us to show compassion not only to people, but also to animals.

    Now let's try to understand why the Torah, referring to all animals and any milk, chose goats as an example. The answer to this question we will find in the Book of Proverbs: "And goat's milk is sufficient for your food, for the food of your household, and for the food of your maidservants" (Mishlei, 27:27).

    That is, in biblical times, people drank mostly goat's milk, not cow's. Accordingly, the Torah uses an example that was as clear as possible for the people of that time. However, the sages explain that this prohibition applies to any milk and any meat.

    Rav Nahum Purer

    Immediately after the Ten Commandments, Jews receive at Mount Sinai a code of laws governing human behavior in society. The 53 commandments of this section cover the following topics: the duties of a husband to his wife; punishments for those who insulted their parents or raised a hand against them; respect for Jewish judges and leaders of the nation; monetary liability for causing damage to someone else's property (taking into account the “source” of damage: a person, his animate or inanimate property, pit, fire, etc.); compensation and fines for theft; responsibility of the "watchman" for property not returned to the owner; the right to self-defense in case of robbery; prohibitions - on the seduction of an unmarried woman, witchcraft, bestiality and sacrifice to idols. The Torah requires to treat proselytes, widows and orphans well, to avoid lying; forbids giving money on interest to fellow tribesmen; limits the rights of the lender to confiscate the pledge; commands not to delay temple sacrifices and to sanctify even such everyday actions as food; teaches the proper conduct of court cases; formulates the commandments to observe the Sabbath and the Sabbath year; commands three times a year - on Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot - to make a pilgrimage to the Temple; informs the main principle of kashrut: do not mix meat and dairy products. Gd promises to bring the Jews to the Land of Israel, to help them conquer it and expel the local pagans, guarantees success and victory, provided that His laws are observed. Moshe writes the Book of the Covenant, seals the agreement with G-d with a sacrifice, and reads this Book to the Jews. The people promise to "do and hear all that G-d has said." Moses goes to receive the Torah on Mount Sinai, where he will stay for 40 days.

    With and without witnesses

    “When you lend money to My people, the poor who are with you…” (22:24).

    In the treatise Bava Metzia of the Babylonian Talmud, three people are named whose complaints G-d ignores. One of them is the one who lent money to another Jew without witnesses. Witnesses must be present at the transfer of the loan. Otherwise, an unscrupulous recipient may claim that he did not take any money when the lender demands repayment.

    Another thing is “tzedaka”, almsgiving, more precisely, monetary assistance that does not require a return. It should be given to the needy, if possible, secretly, so that no one sees and does not know. As it says in Mishlei (Proverbs of King Solomo): “A gift given in secret extinguishes anger…” (21:14).

    The verse above contains a direct allusion to this distinction between a loan and a gift of money. “When you lend money to my people…” - the issuance of a loan should be made “publicly”, in the presence of other people. But when you donate money to the “poor”, let this act be “with you” - done in private, and no one else should be a witness to it.

    Commandment for Altruists

    “If you see that the donkey of your enemy is lying under your burden, will you leave him without help? Help without fail: together with the owner” (23:5).

    Donkeys used to carry bags of sand and stones for building purposes. How much the significance of this commandment increases, said Chafetz-Chaim, the spiritual leader of European Jewry at the beginning of the last century, if there is bread in the bags for the starving inhabitants of a city robbed by bandits. It is even more important to help the owner (even if he is your enemy) if his donkey is carrying medicines to the hospital or oxygen tanks for the seriously ill.

    Let's go up one more step, Chafetz-Chaim continued. Let us assume that under a heavy load of medicines it is not a pack animal that bends, but a person: helping a person, and even more so a Jew, is immeasurably more important than helping an animal. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this double mitzvah - to relieve the torment of the Jewish porter and alleviate the suffering of the sick, for whom every minute of delay can turn into a tragedy.

    And what if we have before us not a simple Jew languishing under the weight of a material burden, but a “rosh yeshiva”, the head of a yeshiva, carrying the burden of the Torah on his shoulders, providing for the needs not only of his students, but of the entire Jewish people? After all, without the Torah, we are all like the dead. The book "Devarim" directly says: "For this is your life and your longevity." When a wise rabbi gives all his strength to his yeshiva and supports young people who study Torah day and night, can other Jews stay away?

    Contrary to popular belief, yeshivas in Israel receive only a minor part of their funds from the state treasury. In many of them, plaques with the names of private donors, religious and secular, hang in a conspicuous place. All of them carry an invaluable load - together with its "owner".

    When Shabbat Becomes Saturday

    “Six days be busy with your work, and on the seventh day be at rest; let your bull and your donkey rest, and let the son of your handmaid and the stranger rest” (23:12).

    Among the laws of Sabbath observance, perhaps the most frequently violated is the provision of “amira le-Akum”, which stipulates the conditions for when and how you can tell or hint to a non-Jew to do some action that is forbidden to a Jew on Shabbat.

    There are many restrictions in this position, the main purpose of which is to preserve the elevated atmosphere of the seventh day. After all, it is so easy to hire a non-Jew to continue everyday activities on Shabbat - let him work for you, and you yourself have a rest - you do not violate any laws of the Torah. As a result, the holy Shabbat turns into an everyday Saturday.

    Let's take this example. Many believe that if the circuit breaker goes off and the lights go out in the middle of the evening meal, then you can ask a non-Jew to turn the electricity back on. Not properly. Except in special cases, a Jew may not benefit directly from "melakhah" (forbidden work) performed by a non-Jew on the Sabbath.

    Many scrutinize the kosher stamp on a food package before putting it in their mouths, but they won't hesitate to ask a foreign nanny caring for an elderly neighbor to pop in for a minute on Shabbat and flip the switch.

    Yes, such a ban exists, and neglecting it can lead to serious consequences, and not only in the world to come...

    About two hundred years ago, a great fire broke out in the Prussian town of Märkisch-Fridland, destroying most of the Jewish quarter. Many houses had to be rebuilt. The city's chief rabbi, Rabbi Akiva Yeager, urged Jews in need of new housing to include a special clause in their contracts with building contractors prohibiting work on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

    The entire community supported this appeal, with the exception of its chairman. He was a very rich man, and he passionately desired to restore his burnt mansion as soon as possible. Therefore, he ordered non-Jewish workers to work without respite, including the Sabbath and holidays.

    No protests from the members of the community and from Rabbi Iger himself had no effect on him. Construction went on continuously. Rabbi Iger was unspeakably saddened by such a demonstrative trampling of Halakha. He once said that a house built with such egregious violations would not last long.

    Needless to say, the mansion of the chairman of the community was completed much earlier than other houses under construction. It was not just a house, but a real palace, the pride of its owner.

    However, an emergency occurred very soon: one of the floors of the mansion collapsed, almost crushing its inhabitants. An inspection showed that this beam was made of rotten wood. Then it turned out that almost the entire wooden frame of the building was affected by rotting. I had to demolish this beautiful palace and start building again.

    Building inspectors then checked all the other houses built, but not a single rotting beam or support was found in any of them. Engineers have long and unsuccessfully puzzled over the question why, of all the houses built in the same period and from materials from the same warehouse, only one turned out to be hopelessly defective.

    But the Jews of Märkish-Fridland knew the answer to this riddle well.


    No more and no less

    “The rich no more and the poor no less than half a shekel should give as an offering to G-d - for the redemption of your souls” (Shemot, 30:15).

    The sages say that all our delusions, mistakes and sins come down to three vices: envy, lust and pride.

    On the coming Shabbat, the synagogues will read the Shekalim section, the first of four special passages that are included in the Saturday morning prayer in preparation for the two spring holidays - Purim and Pesach. These passages set the tone for the spiritual cleansing that must take place in the heart of every Jew if he is to be worthy of the right to "come out of Egypt." In order to earn the title of “Am Kadosh”, a holy people close to Gd, we must first get rid of envy, sexual promiscuity and arrogance.

    The “Shekalim” section contains a formula for neutralizing envy. It was envy that prompted the sons of Jacob to sell their young brother Yosef into slavery for twenty pieces of silver. The tradition of allocating half a shekel for the needs of the Temple service helps to correct this grave sin.

    The order of the half-shekel collection established by the Torah differs from other donations to the Temple in that all people give the same amount: "The rich no more and the poor no less." This clearly demonstrates the universal equality of the Jews before Gd, and equality, as you know, is the best cure for envy.

    Rav Menachem-Michael Giti

    At the time of adding

    Slavery - a relic of the past or an actual problem? December 2 is celebrated annually as International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. On this day in 1949, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of Others. And yet slavery remains one of the global problems of our time.

    Slaves also worked in the city craft workshops. Usually here they were entrusted with the hardest and dirtiest work. In the pottery workshops, they dragged and kneaded clay, and free artisans were engaged in sculpting and painting vessels. On the estates of slave owners, slaves crushed grapes, squeezed oil from olives. There were fewer slaves in agriculture than in crafts.

    In Athens and other Greek states, there were many domestic slaves. They were cooks, grooms, teachers. They clothed and fed the slave owners and taught their children. A slave was not considered a person. He was given a nickname like an animal. The owner could always beat the slave for some fault or just out of a whim, taking out his bad mood on him.

    Cruel treatment, backbreaking labor pushed the slaves to fight with their masters. Sometimes, being unable to endure captivity, in fear of punishment, the slave tried to escape. Slaves fled both alone and in whole groups of several tens or even hundreds of people.

    Whether or not a person is a slave is determined on the basis of three main criteria: 1. a person's activity is controlled by violence or the threat of violence; 2. a person is in this place and is engaged in this type of activity against his will and cannot change the situation of his own free will; 3. He receives little or no pay for his work.