Experiments with consciousness. An unusual experiment that changes human consciousness E.L .: How contact was established with different races

A very interesting, but obviously not uncensored, interview about time travel with a former intelligence officer (although there are no "former" ones). Not everything should be taken for truth and not everything for falsehood. As always and everywhere, do not forget about barometers. From myself I will add that the described is difficult to imagine in the physical body, but in subtle bodies it is feasible without the slightest problem. With enough knowledge and levels of access, what was said in the interview is more than possible, since any sufficiently advanced technology can seem like magic to those who do not understand how our world works and its real possibilities. Or complete nonsense, if you just believe in words without "material evidence". However, tell people 150 years ago that we would communicate and see each other with a colored box, fly in the sky on iron birds, and you could be burned for blasphemy. If now information about and is becoming available to us, as well as, then for some knowledgeable groups this information has not been a secret for a long time and is used with prejudice. My comments are in italics.

E.L.: I had the incredible fortune of talking with Og Tellez several times. I learned that he remembers his work at MILAB and his time travel experiments. Og considers it important that as many people as possible know about it.

Most survivors of such experiences can rarely remember perceiving such an expanded level of consciousness on many levels of awareness. For most participants in this kind of secret projects, memory returns slowly, usually towards the end of life and not without difficulties in other areas of existence. Almost all “milabovtsy” and those who have been exposed to any kind of MK-Ultra programming are severely traumatized and have problems in their later life in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder, memory suppression, as well as with different levels of influence and “management”.

Excessive influence and control serve as a guarantee of maintaining the security of covert operations and the organizations that lead them. In essence, some groups have become "breakaway civilizations" using advanced technology for decades and manipulating humanity according to their own agendas. Og shares with us awakened memories of working in secret projects, experiments with consciousness, artificial timelines, cloning and teleportation.

He talks about time hopping, artificial timelines, historical timeline interactions, programming techniques, the Solar Guardian space program, synthetic consciousness systems, higher dimensional beings watching over us and protecting us. Og reveals that heavy use and reliance on artificial time travel technologies by some splinter groups is leading to both genetic degeneration of DNA and expansion of DNA, depending on the mind and intent of those using the technology.

Cloning and replication technologies have also been around for decades. They allow deeper exploration of time travel and teleportation. He mentions various extraterrestrial beings, extraterrestrials and advanced humans, as well as human and non-human groups that have descended to vampiric life form, but prevail over other life forms and humanity. He believes that uncovering this secret, advanced technology, and splinter groups that manipulate humanity is the key to shifting our entire reality.

Applying this knowledge and accepting the responsibility to live honestly at all levels of being, as well as not agreeing to be manipulated in this way, has the power to change the course of all life and history on our planet and create a better future.

Do you believe that your heritage and DNA is part of why you were chosen for this project? Or are there other considerations for this?

O.T.: In 2010, I managed to restore my suppressed memory. I met two people and a worker who appeared out of nowhere in a field near where I lived in Maryland. They (part of the splinter group) opened up to show me something to “awaken me”. In the beginning, I made the decision to renounce the memories and asked to be placed in some sort of illusion. This group monitored and protected me regularly for three years and offered memoirs and revivals.

Apparently the Solar Guardian group has been tracking the whole process since I was born. There were meetings at which they tried to tell me that I originally belonged to the Solar Guardian group, and that everything started from there. So either I'm from the Solar Guardian group, or they gave me false memories to make me believe that I remember previous space wars that took place throughout the ancient history of the solar system.

In 2015, I began to come to terms with the inevitable and to gain some memories. In May 2016, I almost completely regained my memory. I think this is important, because the memories gained go back both to ancient history and to the future of Humanity. I was taken on projects as a civil servant and worked in tandem with higher beings and guides. I believe that I was taken away as a child, because they noticed my abilities in the field of lucid dreaming.

When I was 9 years old, in a lucid dream I found myself in an underground base, everyone present saw me and asked how I got there. I believe I was taken into some sort of MK-Ultra program because of this and other factors related to my heritage and spiritual destiny. I showed a penchant for abilities that the secret society wanted to control or copy.

EL: What do you remember about experiences like MILAB in connection with time travel and teleportation?

O.T.: At first, our missions included reconnaissance or research. Later, these two goals evolved into joint operations with simultaneous infiltration and escape missions. At first, people sent for the purpose of reconnaissance / exploration were required to reconnaissance and rescue / escape from the environment, based on the nature of the effect of time travel on consciousness and memory. This is perhaps the most difficult aspect of the experience.

Very knowledgeable people are often found who are able to "acquire", store, transmit or have material or information. Usually these are materials that should have been found or destroyed. Initially, research operations were carried out in places located in geographical proximity to the surface of the planet, as well as in intermediate "dimensions" of space, or absolutely on other planes and in other times. Then scenarios of data retention, good physical shape and survival during many and difficult battles and travels were tested. Through the use of virtual reality stimulator technology, a reality was created that is absolutely indistinguishable from the real thing for a trained eye. This technology has been developed and used for years. The operatives used advanced forms of mind-interface technology, along with spin-off genetic enhancement programs, to expand the functioning of senses and awareness into the spiritual realm or beyond the apparent limitations of information and reality.

EL: So, what did the reverse frames show?

E.L.: How was contact established with different races?

O.T.: I have seen very advanced technology interacting with the mind and body. Stargates, artificial wormholes, underground bases, underwater stargates, time travel, and “gateway” travel * .
*From the interview it is not entirely clear how communication and collection of information was carried out - in subtle bodies or physical ones. In any case, travel "with all bodies" (including physical ones) was previously possible, both with and without "gates". On this topic:
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Hierarchy of advanced races or even cultures on this planet. Interactions with multiple forms of humanoids. Communication with completely non-humanoid entities, with whom it was possible to work only in the time spectrum, but in no way in the physical spectrum. Advanced spaceships and travel abilities. Advanced clairvoyant technology and natural abilities. Operatives actively used this technology. Secret military groups, space fleet. Spiritual results of energy harvesting, mind control and time manipulation. Ancient history and history of the near or distant future. In order to transfer the great Knowledge collected by Humanity and other races, ancient knowledge and symbols were used. Supercomputers and ancient knowledge storage devices capable of transferring knowledge through some kind of scalar interface connected to the mind, depending on the ability and sincerity of the individual operating the knowledge storage devices.

Computers that operate through a scalar mind connection and have no other input characteristics. Computers with no moving parts, working through some kind of chip-embedding technology * , which allows frequencies and polarizations to be used as part of nonlinear computing systems.
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Scalar weapons and beam weapons based on the atmosphere. Earth changes, social changes and natural spiritual ascension. Devices that technologically stimulate ascension and other events. Artificial sensory systems capable of accessing and storing information, sort of like an artificial brain. Cycles of Universal/Omniversal change and spiritual ascension associated or achieved in each cycle.

Even as a child, I was always aware of the different aspects and participation in operations.

E.L.: Did your parents take part in the creation of your “traumas”, which were formed by the programming of MILAB and MK-Ultra? Were they consciously your "trainers"? (Now many Milabovites have injuries received outside the family.)

O.T.: No, my parents have nothing to do with it. But my genetic lineage was marked by interesting special abilities, such as empathy, foresight, higher intelligence, and my inherent ability to lucid dream. I am Puerto Rican and Italian. In the early 1990s, I began to be recruited into operations at the base, which in my case happened through lucid dreaming. As a child, I was able to leave my body easily, thanks not only to my various abilities, but also to spiritual influences. Later I called it astral projection. I woke up in an underground base in my temporary/astral body. The temporary body is more significant than the spiritual body with pure consciousness. All of this happened during and after intense lucid dreaming experiences when I was in another time, another civilization, or another planet.

E.L.: What types of programming injuries were applied specifically to you, by whom and where? Ime l is this place in the astral realms or in other dimensions?

O.T.: Various natural family “conflicts” were used to maintain the status of my memory suppression. The events inspired by MILAB are real, they are superimposed on ordinary problems through symbolism, programming, gas lighting, and so on, in order to ensure that the individual does not wake up completely. People start to suffer from bad sleep, bad days or similar bad events. Basically, from all this, the family absorbs mental trauma.
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In everyday life, almost all "handlers" reverse roles with their parents, and do it in such a way that the person simply thinks that he has a rough upbringing. My family had different problems, and there were more of them than modern Americans because of the separation from nature and the nature of the psyche (subtle body). Over the years, I have projected trauma onto family situations. It was an illusion and a security measure taken to ensure secrecy. Even as a young man, a secret society group offered me the opportunity to leave the family, but I could not do so because of the stress that the family would be subjected to. Be sure that as a result of my being with them and participating in various projects, the parents got even more stress.
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EL: What types of programming were used on you in secret projects? What do you remember?

O.T.: Trauma received through programming is associated with the use of ancient energy symbols, religious symbols, as well as symbols of animals and elementals. In combination with altered states of consciousness and suggestions, this allows you to create a state of consciousness, a basis of perception that contributes to the formation of a personality, which can then be used to perform various tasks. For example, if in the future a person will be involved in dangerous or violent operations, programming will be applied to reduce the sensitivity to brutality. Whatever difficult situations may arise in the future, the individual will be prepared for them through programming or equally traumatic experiences. In such a case, if in the course of future operations the individual encounters similar events, he will be better prepared to actively deal with them.

For example, I went through various torture scenarios where my cloned body was physically destroyed. This was one of the many times I was pushed to the limits of my psyche. During one of the later operations with what could loosely be called a stargate device, one of us was completely disintegrated as a result of the operative's inability to keep the process going. The man did not die, in just a few minutes he was simply returned to a healthy new clone. As a result, we could handle any experience without losing control or panicking.

There are other methods and goals of programming, which will be explained later. Some programs are carried out in stimulators - holographic environments capable of creating any kind of internal or perceptual experience. Such environments serve as platforms for training and simulation of experiences, as well as for testing the mind of the individual and enhancing his abilities.

EL: Could you describe the groups of people involved in your experiments - trainers, programmers and collaborating scientists in the field of time travel, teleportation and other experimental projects in which you were used?

О.Т.: In any operation, one person or a team of individuals is involved, ready to perform the task. There are also soldiers working with these operatives, trained and trained to observe the situation outside of the operation. They provide complete control over the operation. There are also scientists, consultants and high-ranking military observers who follow the whole process and make the appropriate calls.

As discussed more recently, it has been observed that the advanced races are becoming more and more active in conducting such operations. Other races are only partially associated with such operations. Now the advanced races are more interested in the prosperity of mankind than in suffering from deceit and subsequent shocks from not knowing the truth.

EL: What aspect of Tesla's research relates to time travel and teleportation technology? Free energy?

О.Т.: All aspects of this technology are connected with Tesla's discoveries. As a result of the acquisition of Tesla's knowledge and technology, it became possible to use different methods to observe programmed changes in time, space and consciousness. Time and space are intertwined with consciousness, and by influencing one, you can influence the other. There are pulsating Tesla wave generators that are built in a sacred geometric pattern and work through frequency jumps to create a kind of movement in higher space, which is then tuned and directed to cause changes in the spectrum of the spacetime electromagnetic field at a specific location within the fields of the generator.

EL: What about aliens, how do you understand who and what they are? Who is hostile, genetically degraded, and who is friendly?

OT: There are artificially created synthetic creatures. There are also computerized minds. There are people with transferred DNA spectra who can mutate into different forms due to technology and other processes that affect / accelerate DNA. We consider as aliens all those who are not from Earth*.
*Earth is a VERY extensible and multidimensional concept. If beings come from other planes, can they be considered "aliens"?

Such creatures do not require physical bodies to inhabit our space/time, that is, they do not need anything from us. Beings that need the materials or energy of Humans are not extraterrestrials and therefore are not true aliens. I have seen different creatures created through genetic engineering, and creatures that have mutated as a result of being close to such “machines”.

There is a synthetic mind * , who created various forms of mutated synthetic organisms that act as "bouncers" for the abilities of machines that stand in the way of the opposition.
* Synthetic intelligence is mentioned here in passing, but it is worth focusing on it. One of the manifestations of this mind, or rather, its nutrient medium, is. We will talk about this mind separately, because. the topic is very broad.

Such beings are genetically programmed and enhanced through technology to operate at levels that provoke the required emotional and psychological response to further control the system. These are not aliens either, these are synthetic organisms created with the help of mutations and synthetic intelligence. They use a kind of psychedelic/synthetic altered state or hypnosis to test opposition consciousness and create artificial reactions and visions that put the individual in a position of submission. Some say bad is good and good is bad. From what I understand, the Grays are used* for interdimensional travel. All physical races would like to physically exist on the planet.
* are not just used, they are generated by this mind, at least some of their types. Other species are affected by it, which is manifested in

The ranking of alien and extraterrestrial races according to the spectrum of existence in the higher dimensions can be observed through their movement: from the ability to change and transform spatial and temporal environments to the ability to cross or create an entire timeline and universal passage.

Aliens can create passageways and timelines, "ETs" technically only want power over one or two (or some finite number) of their kind. The means and methods that they use always lead to the fact that they have no power over anyone and become slaves to themselves or others. The only way to “move” in a dimensional perspective is to value yourself and the Universe equally, and not destroy or create an imbalance in the entire pattern.

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We always create the reality around us in accordance with our own beliefs.

Experimenting with his own consciousness, Wilson encountered a phenomenon that is familiar to each of us. Only we do not think about his nature, but he - since he undertook to explain the inexplicable, so as not to believe, but to understand - nevertheless got to the bottom of the cause of this phenomenon. It's about coincidences. It is worth paying special attention to something - a number, a name, an event, a color, a sound; - how these details you noted will haunt you through life. It turns out that this phenomenon is well known to physicists and is called the principle of quantum inseparability - this is when every particle at any point in space affects all other particles. The very fact that something you noted began to haunt you means, according to Wilson, that you were also noted, and you got in touch. “Coincidence-synchronicities don’t just happen. They adjust,” the scientist pointedly clarifies. And for some reason it makes me happy.

Operation Roof Ride

You can conduct an experiment with your loved ones: let's say you "established" that all events in your life are associated with a specific number - for example, seven or a multiple of seven. You share this observation with your friends, acquaintances, employees. Soon you will no longer know what to do with their "sensational" messages that everything in their life, it turns out, rests precisely on this number. What does this mean? And the fact that our brain, like an antenna, captures only the “necessary” information, in this case, associated with the number “seven”. But any other information passes by your consciousness. It is this selective perception (which is also a kind of metaprogramming), according to Wilson, that is one of the main reasons that prevents us from becoming smarter. On the other hand, it turns out that our consciousness is limitless and everything that we are able to imagine has a place in our imagination.

Reality Tunnels

I have lived the lives of Sufi saints, the lives of medieval sorcerers... I have been a primate, a rodent, a larva, a microbe, a fish. I experienced the cycle of death and rebirth as an animal, a man, a void, a Star.

I was "molecular consciousness" vibrating in time... And such a confession comes from a skeptic who does not believe in anything!

Adherents of Eastern teachings would say that by some miracle he "remembered" his former incarnations. But the scientist formulates it differently: it turns out that every living creature on our planet has a neuroatomic memory. There is already a term that denotes the development of an immortal state of consciousness - immortality. Immortalism is achieved through the rite of initiation! Lord, how dense the ball is and how quickly it began to unwind! Initiation, remember, is a rite of passage into higher order knowledge that can only be achieved through near-death experiences. It is in the state of “death” that the human nervous system experiences a quantum leap, and a higher level of perception of the world becomes available to him.

There is a hypothesis that the right hemisphere of the brain, which is still mostly dormant, contains the levels of consciousness to which we evolve. The so-called neurosomatic level will make the multidimensional world accessible to perception. Current generations break through there with the help of tantric techniques. The non-electrical level will make it possible to perceive all parallel worlds and the features of existence in them. The neurogenetic level captures the information that comes from the "dialogue" between RNA and DNA. Those who managed to eavesdrop on it perceive this information as a memory of past lives, reincarnation, it is also called Akashic records or archetypes. And, finally, the neuroatomic level makes available the knowledge that is poured into the Universe. For those who have reached this level of consciousness, space and time disappear. A person seems to get inside the DNA, where everything about everything is concentrated.

Stanley Milgram's research, conducted in the 60s at Yale University, still causes controversy about the ethics of such experiments. He conducted experiments with the human brain, in which the subjects had to punish other participants with electric shocks for incorrect answers. The voltage was gradually increased from 15 to 450 volts, with the stipulation that one must follow the supervisor's instructions and not interrupt the experiment until the upper voltage limit was reached.

How scientists evaluate experiments with the brain in reality

A voltage much less than 450 volts can kill a person, which was known to the participants in the experiments, but these experiments with the brain were to find out whether information processing processes change depending on the authoritative pressure of another person and why this influence reduces the level of social responsibility for the subject. the consequences of their own actions.

In fact, the role of the victim was played by an actor, no one was electrocuted, and real people were given a setting in the experiment: the connection between pain and memory is being investigated. The trainee had to memorize pairs of words and voice them, and the teacher had to “stimulate” them with electric shocks for incorrect answers, each time increasing the voltage.

The subjects did not see the trainees, as they were in another room. According to the conditions, when the tension became above a certain mark, the “punished” had to knock on the wall, refuse to memorize words and demand, and if the tension was increased, he had to stop making sounds and answer questions. The experimenters demanded that the test be continued until a voltage of 450 volts was reached.

The statistics are surprising: out of 40 people, 26 completed the experiment - voltage 450
volts, when there were no signals from the second participant - signs of life. Only five refused to continue the experiments, after the first signs of dissatisfaction with the actor, four stopped at 315 volts, two - 330 volts, three participants - 345, 360 and 375 volts.

The experiment showed that people can hurt another person, under the pressure of authority, and even against their own will. The authority and pressure of the scientist-experimenter had: if in repeated experiments the “doctor” was replaced by an alleged assistant, 80% refused to continue the experiment.

One of the authors of the methodology, Patrick Haggard, says that the basic sense of responsibility is sharply reduced when we are forced to do something. So, the defendants of the Nuremberg trials, argued that they did not feel responsible, because they carried out the order. Was this said to avoid punishment, or did the order from the authorities really change their level of responsibility, removing the internal prohibition of following cruel orders?

Haggard and his colleagues, in search of answers to this question, measured the "sense of responsibility" (Eng. sense of agency) i.e. the feeling that a perfect deed is the cause of some immediately occurring event. You flip the switch, the lights come on, it's perceived as simultaneous, but in reality, there is a very small time interval between them.

The followers of Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments: the subjects must punish the second participant for wrong actions with a shock or a fine, at the order of the experimenter or by their own decision. They were promised financial incentives for voluntarily performing the procedure. All participants knew for sure how much pain they caused, because during the experiment they switched places.

The researchers found that coercion led to a significant increase in the time interval between the action and the result, in comparison with situations in which an independent decision was made to harm the other participant. As if they were lost in the brain: pressing a button and an electric shock were not perceived as a single action, and a person turned into a passive performer.

The conclusions of the scientists are as follows: the excuses of the accused that they were not responsible for the actions
orders from superiors may correspond to changes in the sense of responsibility and their actions were not an attempt to avoid punishment.

Facts: what brain experiments say

The results of past and current research bring to the fore the complex relationship of interaction between voluntary action and social constructs such as responsibility. These brain experiments show why so many people are easily coerced, and why coercion depresses the action-result mechanisms. Existing examples of such phenomena: military or doctors emotionally distance themselves from the results of their own unpleasant actions.


Is there free will - the ability of our consciousness to spontaneously intervene in physical processes and direct their movement? Philosophy gives different answers to this question, but science adheres to a very definite point of view.

According to neuroscientist Benjamin Libet, any thought is born unconsciously. Consciousness deals with a ready-made result. It is only a lantern, illuminating the processes independent of it. Free will in this case is a pure illusion.

A series of experiments carried out by him confirms this opinion. Benjamin Libet stimulated different parts of people with electrodes. The delay between the brain's response to a stimulus and its awareness averaged half a second. This is what explains the work of unconditioned reflexes - we remove our hand from the hot stove even before we realize the danger and pain.

However, as Libet's study showed, this is not only the mechanism of work of unconditioned reflexes. In principle, a person is always aware of his feelings with some delay. The brain first sees, and only after that we are aware of what is visible, it thinks, but only after a while we discover what kind of thought has appeared. We seem to be living in the past, lagging behind reality by half a second.

However, Libet did not stop there. In 1973, he conducted an experiment, the purpose of which was to find out what comes first - the activity of the brain or our desire. Intuition tells us that we have a will that commands the brain to act in a certain way.

Libet measured people's brain activity while they were making conscious decisions. The subjects had to look at the dial with a rotating arrow and stop the process at any time by pressing a button. They then had to name the time when they first became aware of the urge to press a key.

The result was amazing. The electrical signal in the brain that sends the decision to press the button appeared 350 milliseconds before the decision was made and 500 milliseconds before the actual action.

The brain prepares for an action long before we make a conscious decision to take that action.

An experimenter observing from the outside can predict a choice of a person that he has not yet made. In modern analogues of the experiment, the prediction of a person's volitional decision can be carried out 6 seconds before the person himself makes it.

Imagine a billiard ball that rolls along a certain trajectory. An experienced billiard player, automatically reading the speed and direction of movement, will indicate its exact location in a couple of seconds. Exactly the same balls we are for neuroscience after Libet's experiment.

The free choice of a person is the result of unconscious processes in the brain, and free will is an illusion.

2. Our "I" is not one


In neuroscience, there is a method for elucidating the functions of a particular part of the brain. It consists in the elimination or lulling of the area under study and in identifying the changes that occur after this in the psyche and intellectual abilities of a person.

Our brain consists of two hemispheres, which are connected by the corpus callosum. For a long time, its significance was unknown to science.

Neuropsychologist Roger Sperry cut fibers of the corpus callosum of an epileptic patient in 1960. The disease was cured, and at first it seemed that the operation did not lead to any negative consequences. However, subsequently, profound changes began to be observed in human behavior, as well as in its cognitive abilities.

Each half of the brain began to work independently. If a person was shown a written word on the right side of his nose, then he could easily read it, since the information is processed by the left hemisphere, which is responsible for speech abilities.

But when the word appeared on the left side, the subject could not pronounce it, but could what the word meant. At the same time, the patient himself said that he did not see anything. Moreover, having drawn an object, he could not determine what he was depicting.

During the observation of patients who underwent callosotomy (dissection of the corpus callosum), even more surprising effects were discovered. So, for example, each of the hemispheres sometimes revealed its own will, independent of the other. One hand tried to put a tie on the patient, and the other tried to take it off. However, the dominant position was occupied by the left hemisphere. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that the speech center is located there, and our consciousness and will have a linguistic nature.

Next to our conscious "I" lives a neighbor who has his own desires, but who is not capable of expressing his will.

When a person with a dissected corpus callosum was shown two words - “sand” and “clock”, he drew an hourglass. His left hemisphere processed the signal from the right side, that is, the word "sand". When asked why he drew an hourglass, because he saw only sand, the subject went into ridiculous explanations of his act.

The real reasons for our actions are often hidden from ourselves. And the reason we call the justification that was constructed by us after the action. Thus, it is not the cause that precedes the effect, but the effect is what constructs the cause.

3. Reading other people's thoughts is possible


Each of us is internally convinced that his is a private area, not accessible to anyone. Thoughts, feelings, perceptions are the most protected property because they exist in consciousness. But is it?

In 1999, the neuroscientist Yang Deng conducted an experiment that showed that the brain is basically the same as a computer. Thus, knowing its encoding, one can easily read the information formed in the brain.

He used a cat as a test subject. Dan fixed the animal on the table and inserted special electrodes into the area of ​​the brain responsible for processing visual information.

The cat was shown various images, while the electrodes recorded the activity of neurons. The information was transmitted to a computer, which converted electrical impulses into a real image. What the cat saw was projected onto the monitor screen.

It is important to understand the specifics of the image translation mechanism. The electrodes are not cameras that capture the image that appears in front of the cat. Dan, with the help of technology, was able to replicate what the brain does - convert an electrical impulse into a visual image.

It is clear that the experiment was carried out only within the framework of the visual channel, but it reflects the principle of the brain and shows the possibilities in this area.

Knowing how information is distributed in the brain and having the key to read it, it is not difficult to imagine a computer that could read the entire state of the human brain.

It is not so important when such a computer will be created. The important thing is whether people are ready for the fact that their thoughts, memories, character, personality as a whole are just one of the pages of a book in an unknown language that can be read by others.

In the 60s of the last century, when Eastern religions began to take over the minds of the widest sections of the American intelligentsia, the physicist and staunch Buddhist Alexander Holdstat published a voluminous article designed to convince readers of the truth of Buddhist teaching and its consistent unity with the latest scientific discoveries. It is obvious that Buddhism, as a practice of personal liberation, does not need any scientific or any other justification, but Holdstat, apparently, was well aware that Western man, accustomed from childhood to blind faith in the power of scientific knowledge, needs the usual and understandable terminology to explain the essence of Buddhist teachings. In addition, the Buddha himself encouraged his followers to preach the Dharma in languages ​​understandable to people: the essence of the message should prevail over its form, since understanding is the best coin that the listener can repay the speaker.

In his article, Holdstatt described several thought experiments that have become classics today, although their original source is now little known and interesting. Holdstat's experiments are divided into three parts: analytical, spatial and temporal, however, such a classification is very conditional and does not fully reflect their essence, therefore, in this article they will be described in semantic order without any fictitious gradations. Like many Dharma preachers, Holdstat began his explanations with an analysis of the human self itself, which in Buddhism is recognized as illusory and not possessing a true nature. As an illustration of this thought, the scientist proposed to conduct thought experiment No. 1.

Holdstat's first experiment

Imagine that your brain has been safely removed from your head and divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is in London and the right hemisphere is sent to Sydney. Communication between the hemispheres is provided by a cable laid under water. Your body in Los Angeles still sees the world through your eyes. Communication with it is also provided by electrical cables. Where, then, is your consciousness located: London, Sydney, or Los Angeles? Or maybe in one of the wires at the bottom of the ocean?

Having analyzed in detail all the possible options, Holdstat comes to the conclusion that consciousness retains its integrity, despite the dismemberment of its carrier: no matter how many parts we divide the human brain into, while ensuring the connection between its individual elements, consciousness will remain unchanged. Thus, the integrity of a person is just a bodily fiction familiar to our mind.

Holdstat's second experiment

Your split brain is still in London and Sydney, only now each half has its own pair of eyes, ears, and mouths. You are receiving conflicting information about your whereabouts: one pair of eyes sees a rainy English autumn, and the other a hot Australian spring. It turns out that you, like a bodhisattva, are in two places at the same time, but if you speak, then both of your mouths will say the same thing. If we mentally increase the number of your eyes in different places on the planet to a thousand or even a million, this will in no way affect the integrity of your very consciousness.

True, Holdstat wonders what will happen if the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is temporarily disconnected. Will both “halves” of a person say the same thing (most likely not, although Holdstat suggested the possibility of some kind of synchronization between them at the quantum level) and, more importantly, will the integrity of consciousness be preserved or will we get two different consciousnesses through ordinary division? Here Holdstat, contrary to Western common sense, argued that the integrity of consciousness would be preserved, although there would be no exchange of visual information between the hemispheres of the brain. The scientist explained his position as follows: if we leave the brain divided for a year or ten years and as a result two independent consciousnesses arise, then when the connection between the hemispheres is switched back on, we will have to get two personalities with slightly different experiences that exist in one person at the same time, but at the same time, the consciousness, for the right to possess which they will fight, will remain united and identical to itself. Due to the fact that no one has yet been able to verify these conclusions empirically, this consequence from the second experiment has received the not entirely correct name "Holdshtat's paradox".

Holdstat's third experiment

Now Holdstat invites us to mentally divide the brain into a million separate particles and scatter them all over the planet, providing each of them with a personal set of sensory organs and a constant channel of communication with the rest of the parts. Not only that, we don't need to put pieces of the brain into robots, as suggested by the scientist in the previous experiment. Suppose we have learned how to transplant them into other living beings, and now your brain particles are in the bodies of wolves, bees, ants, birds, fish and other living beings. You look at the world through their eyes and perceive the whole picture in your unsplit consciousness. What will you feel if one of the ants with a grain of your brain is suddenly crushed to death by a stone? How would you feel if a hunter maliciously shot a hare, killing a piece of your mind?

With the help of this experiment, Holdstat tried to explain the principle adopted in Buddhism of not causing malicious harm to other living beings, but he did not stop there and boldly stepped further. Imagine that as a result of a technical failure, the connection between the particles of your brain is lost forever. Where are you now? Where is your consciousness? Your illusory "I" has disappeared without a trace, but your consciousness has retained its integrity - it is still the same for all beings participating in the experiment, only now it does not know it. Since all living beings on Earth originated from one cell, we have a single consciousness for all, and only our stubborn faith in the illusory significance of our own "I" prevents us from breaking out of the fetters of ignorance about our true nature - this is the conclusion from the third experiment. Another conclusion is that if you systematically replace the particles of your brain, united in a common network, with particles from another person, this will in no way affect your consciousness, only your personality will change.

Holdstat's fourth experiment

Having played enough with space, Holdstat moves on to the question of time. As you know, the speed of information transfer is limited by the speed of light. Imagine that your brain has grown to the size of the solar system, and now the signal from one neuron can go to another for several seconds. You are still aware of what is happening around you (with the help of the same pair of eyes in Los Angeles), but now your thought processes have slowed down several times, which makes it seem to you that the world has begun to move faster. If your brain processes information 24 times slower, then a day for you will last only one hour of subjective time, and so on.

Imagine that every neuron in your brain is at the edge of the universe, and the signals between them go for billions and billions of years. Thus, your perception of time will slow down just enough that the entire existence of the universe from its birth to its death will fit in just one single moment of awareness.

Holdstat tries to explain that the perception of space and time is subjective and determined by causal relationships, but for consciousness, billions of years can last no longer than one heartbeat of a frightened mouse looking at the Universe. The paradoxical conclusion of Holdstat is as follows: consciousness does not exist in space and time, this space and time exist in consciousness.

Fifth experiment of Holdstat

From the previous experiment, it follows that the past, present and future can "exist" in the mind at the same time. A signal sent by a part of the brain from one end of the Universe will reach the other part in a billion years, as a result, two slices of data will appear in your mind at once: the events of the present moment and what happened a billion years ago, but both of them will exist simultaneously. The past and the present will merge, and you will perceive a billion years as the finest line between the past and the future, because we do not perceive the time required for the neurons of our brain to exchange information as significant, even if it lasts billions of years. However, since many causal chains fit into this face, you can easily predict the development of events in the future. Strictly speaking, the future for you has already come in the third part of the brain, to which the signal from the first two will reach another billion years.

Holdstat's sixth experiment

Let's go back and reduce our brain just enough so that the exchange of data between neurons becomes instantaneous and unhindered. Simply put, let's compress our brain into a point with an almost zero radius. Since our thought processes will be faster, outer time will slow down. If the brain is compressed to a state of zero radius, Holdstat argues, time will stop for us altogether. Given a question, we can read every book in the library of Congress in a hundred subjective years to give the best possible answer, but from the point of view of an outside observer, we will answer almost instantly. The questioner will most likely decide that we have the omniscience of the Buddha and, in some sense, we do. Eternity is contained in every moment, therefore, from the point of view of an enlightened consciousness, cleansed of the habits of human perception, this moment is no different from a billion years. Spatial and temporal restrictions are significant only for the human body, but not for consciousness, which does not occupy space at all and does not keep track of time using wristwatches.

Of course, today these mental experiments look largely naive, and some of Holdstat's conclusions are scientifically dubious, but they can still be considered a useful basis for the practice of analytical meditation and, in general, a good reason to reflect at your leisure on something more important than the next political one. scandal or TV show. In the roaring 1960s that followed, a few additional Holdstatian thought experiments appeared, but they should be considered nothing more than additional food for thought. Pure analytical meditation, to my knowledge, was not particularly popular during the psychedelic revolution. The Holdstat paradox has not yet been resolved for obvious reasons, although the development of the Internet and neurosurgery allows us to remain optimistic in this matter. As for Holdstat himself, his body was cremated in 2001, and his consciousness belongs to all of us exactly to the same extent that ours belonged to him, while he walked the Earth and breathed the air common to all its inhabitants.