Technique of individual arrangement of programming of the past. What problems do Hellinger constellations solve? Transfer of a resource from a genus, resource constellations

Behind us all the same number of generations, the origin of each lies beyond the memory of Seneca

Each person is a person, and his destiny is unique and unrepeatable. At the same time, the individual is a part, one of the links in the chain connecting ancestors and descendants. He, like a sponge, absorbs the unconscious reactions and signals of the people who raise and educate him. This affects the behavior of a person, and he can repeat the fate of his ancestors, their mistakes. Hellinger's systemic constellations help untie these family knots.

The uniqueness of the Hellinger family constellation method

The relationship between family members is easiest to understand with an example. If a mother treats her own mother badly, her daughter will unconsciously adopt this pattern of behavior. Even in the complete absence of objective reasons for hostility, the daughter will experience subconscious antipathy towards her mother.

Shame and guilt in this case can only aggravate the situation, and it can be resolved with the help of family constellations according to Hellinger.

The example given is the simplest. There are much more complex interactions, because each person lives in a generic field that affects him in the same way as gravitational or electromagnetic.

This field obeys its own laws:

1 The law of belonging. All people are parts of some systems (families, teams, etc.). The more important for an individual the system to which he belongs, the more he is influenced by it. help to understand the motives of behavior due to gender. 2 The law of hierarchy. Respect for elders is the most striking manifestation of the law of hierarchy. Everyone who entered the system earlier has more weight than those who later. This influence can force a person to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors, and such a problem can only be solved on the 3rd Law of Receiving-Giving. Accepting any blessings, people give them more easily. Thanks to this, life becomes brighter, more eventful. But sometimes a mistake creeps into the system, and a person repays the debts of his ancestors. He does not understand the cause of the problems and needs qualified psychological help.

The psychotherapist and theologian Bert Hellinger was sure that the violation of these laws by one of the ancestors could affect the fate of the descendants, who unconsciously try to compensate for the damage. This can lead to the repetition of the same tragic event, the same problems in personal growth, or to "generic" diseases that are caused not genetically, but psychologically.

Who benefits from the Hellinger Method?

People who need high-quality personal training come to constellations in Moscow under the guidance of an experienced psychologist. Thanks to group lessons, they solve a variety of problems:

  • Conflicts between generations, relationships with parents and children. Hellinger's systemic constellations are ideal for solving problems like this. Quite often, severe childhood illnesses, depressions and fears are directly related to the ancestral field.
  • Partner search, . It happens that there are no objective reasons for difficulties in personal life. They are echoes of the unresolved problems of their ancestors. In this case, the arrangements according to Bert Hellinger turn out to be an extremely effective method.
  • Goal setting. People often do not distinguish between their true and imposed goals. Many clients say that after the arrangement they experienced an insight - an insight that solved difficulties at once.
  • Trouble at work. Even highly skilled workers can have serious difficulties. They arise not because of low qualifications, but because of the peculiarities of relations between members of the team. Group psychological training helps to relieve stress and change the situation for the better.
  • Health problems. It has been proven that 80% of diseases are to some extent related to psychological problems, especially diabetes, allergies, infertility, etc. Family constellations help to alleviate the condition if the disease is based on psychosomatics.

Online registration for Hellinger system constellations in Moscow is open all the time. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the unique method and your problems will be solved in the best possible way.

Hellinger constellations are a kind of psychotherapeutic method of group or individual orientation. It designates a person as a part of the system, the source of whose problems is determined by the life and actions of the representatives of his family. Studying information about constellations ​according to ​Hellinger​ ​and about doing them on your own will help you understand the processes of the subconscious and look at various situations in a new way.


The creator of the constellation system is the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, who in his methodology indicated the presence of intra-family patterns that lead to negative, destructive consequences. This psychological direction has become widespread and popular, despite its youth.

The essence of Bert Hellinger's constellations is to find the cause and solution of the problem that has arisen in the human pedigree. It is believed that unresolved life tasks, unlived scenarios, mistakes of the past are reflected in the client's present.

According to constellation psychology, “family weaving” occurs when descendants work through situations that the ancestors did not complete. It is possible to determine such a course of events if there is no reasonable explanation for the troubles that happened in life (a person works hard, but does not add money, follows a healthy lifestyle, but often gets sick, suffers from jealousy in the absence of treason, etc.).

By resorting to the constellation method, the client makes contact with a representative of the clan and resolves his conflict, while helping himself. The work of a psychologist with a person occurs systematically, the sources of negativity and problems are eliminated not only in the present, but also in previous generations.

The constellator, with the help of people who are strangers to the client (“deputies” of his relatives), creates an image of the situation, which is subject to detailed study and elaboration. Individual constellations are used, when using figurines instead of representatives of the genus or playing scenarios in one's own imagination. In these cases, it is possible to independently apply the method, having mastered the necessary skills.

According to Hellinger's research, there are key orders (laws) in the systems of generic constellations, the non-observance of which leads to negative consequences:

  • Give and take balance. It consists in maintaining balance, each element of the system brings and takes something in a relationship (love, care, money, gifts, etc.). Imbalance causes family interweaving (for example, a child becomes its victim when the balance of the parents is disturbed).
  • Law of Hierarchy. It is determined by the order of entry into the system: the first generations have a greater advantage than subsequent ones. Violation of the hierarchy leads to negative consequences. For example, if a child performs the function of a parent, this leads to his overload: he does not study well, gets sick, and later on is unhappy in marriage.
  • System membership. Every member of the family has the right to a place in it. The system does not take into account whether a person is a criminal or a saint, whether he is alive or dead. When order is violated, family interweaving arises (the living with the dead, with relatives with a difficult fate, etc.). At the same time, a person hardly controls his actions, desires, lives someone else's life. It is possible to correct the situation by restoring the order of ownership of those excluded from the system.

What is the danger of the method

It is widely believed that Hellinger constellations are dangerous. This is due to the lack of scientific substantiation of the method, its mystical orientation, the presence of conflicting reviews about the sessions.

There are the following dangers when using constellations:

  • Lack of scientific basis and unequivocal certainty. This is due to the unreliability of the information received, the inability to objectively assess the benefits and harms of the measures taken.
  • Temporary obsession. In this case, we are talking about substitutes trying on other people's personalities. The principle of operation of this phenomenon cannot be explained by constellators. Deputies do not imitate, do not play a role, they really live through the scenarios of strangers, feeling their experiences, worries, connections, and so on. In this case, hypnosis is not used, the person does not lose awareness of himself. Danger is the difficulty in exiting the role, the risk of subsequent communication with the substitute. For this reason, it is not recommended to replace the dead, people with a difficult fate, serious illnesses, and so on. When carrying out the technique, ways out of the role are used; in case of difficulties, one should seek help from the constellator.
  • Own conjectures of deputies. The conclusions of individuals should not be taken into account, the result is determined by evaluating the system as a whole. The substitute should not voice his own opinion, information about the replaced object should come without distortion.
  • Unprofessionalism. Wrong arrangements, incorrect transmission of information can harm the client.
  • Changes in the emotional sphere, the manifestation of hidden, repressed feelings. A person opens up new sides of himself and the world around him, sensations, you have to look into the eyes of fear, experience some situations anew, including psychotraumatic ones. Sometimes this causes a strong emotional outburst, as the entry into the scenario occurs abruptly, without preparation.
  • Negative consequences with frequent constellations. The changes launched after the session continue for a certain period of time (from a day to several months, a year), based on the complexity of the problem. In the case of the imminent application of the next arrangement, the previous process is interrupted, remaining incomplete. The frequency for each person is determined individually.


  • during pregnancy;
  • children;
  • with diseases in the acute stage (bodily and mentally);
  • in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication;
  • with mystical requests for placement.

Arrangement methods

With the development of system constellations, not only classical family constellations, but also their other types began to be used. Methods aimed at resolving human problems in various spheres of life are presented.

Constellations are used to unravel family entanglements, make forecasts, to determine relationships in the work team, to improve them, for the purpose of personal development, stabilization of the emotional background, physical well-being, and so on.


The classical family constellation works with problems in the family, intrapersonal conflicts, and negative family attitudes. More often the session is held in a group. The psychological method is based on the reproduction of a part of a person's system with the help of his relatives' deputies, who at the same time feel and experience emotions that are characteristic of real people. Intra-family relationships, relationships, and influences become visible, which is important for eliminating the “interlacing” and solving the problem.

It is obligatory to observe the correct functioning of the system, where each element occupies a certain place and performs the role imposed on it. Violation of the rules leads to negative consequences.


Arrangements of this type are intended for the study of integral structures consisting of abstract components. The method is usually based on structures from other techniques: 5 elements of the Chinese tradition, Tarot cards, astrology, and so on. The principle of operation of such an arrangement involves 2 tools at the same time.

The method solves problems in structures such as fears, health, work, well-being, and so on. This also includes symptomatic constellations that work with the physical state of the body.


The constellations are designed to resolve conflict situations, evaluate professional relationships, and solve problems in organizations and work collectives. The method can help the client understand his position, role in the system in which he works or manages.

Business constellations allow you to make correct, effective decisions based on many factors: past experience, state, relationship structure, and so on. Ideal method for working with family businesses.


The method is considered part of organizational constellations. It is intended for persons of a certain type of profession who provide assistance to people of various kinds (doctors, social workers, teachers, psychologists, etc.).

The arrangement reveals the relationship between the helping party and the receiving party, evaluates its effectiveness, the need for it, corrects it, sets goals, and more.


The basis of the constellation is the realization that the fate of the client and his family system is driven by the Spirit. Harmony, inner balance come to a person through agreement with him, problems - through rejection of oneself in the Spirit. The method does not use denial, the desire to solve the problem, get rid of failures. However, the connection with the Spirit can manifest itself with precisely such positive effects.

The purpose of the constellator is to create space for the client to determine the movement of the Spirit in his life. When conducting the constellation, a short request of a person is used (or not used at all), the free movement of deputies, sometimes without voicing roles, without searching for a “good solution”.

Ways to conduct

There are several ways to carry out arrangements. The choice is made based on the preferences of the client, his desire and ability to open up to other people, the presence of a group, and so on. At the same time, the basic principles of conducting system constellations in different ways are identical.

In a group

In the most common version, the constellation method is carried out in a group. The facilitator (constellator) interviews the client: finds out the problem, asks to name significant people from different generations for him, important tribal events in their lives. At the same time, the psychotherapist puts forward theories about family relationships, based on the voiced facts and emotions of a person.

For the role of relatives, the client or the constellator chooses deputies from among the group members. After that, they are arranged based on their position in the system. This is how the field in question is designated, the substitutes are immersed in roles. There is a translation of the processes of the family system. Deputies feel the feelings of those being replaced: mother - love for the child, hostile elements - aggression towards each other, sister - longing for the deceased brother, and so on. It is possible to add new roles and their deputies during the process of arrangements, while the changes that have occurred in the system are tracked.

The facilitator asks the relatives about their condition, feelings, the location and relationships between the elements establish violations related to the client's problem. Next, the search for the correct solution is carried out by changing the location of the deputies, rearranging them, pronouncing permissive phrases (helping to bring the client closer to resolving the situation). As a result, the family field changes, the causes of the resulting negative consequences disappear.

In the process of constellations, the client is usually an outside observer and enters the field to perform key actions, work out and consolidate the decision.

On figurines

The method is carried out without the participation of the group. Constellations are performed individually, they involve the constellator and the client. When mastering the skills, it is possible to independently conduct the method.

The essence of the arrangement is to use figurines instead of living substitutes, objects symbolizing representatives of the genus. Cups, stationery, tables, chairs and more can be used. On sale there are special sets with figures for constellations. The principle of operation of the method is identical to the classical one. Relationships, connections, emotions are revealed, the solution to the problem is determined by the interaction of the elements of the system.

However, the arrangement differs in the way information is read. In the classical scheme, it is transmitted by living participants, which is not possible with this option. For this reason, special reading methods are used. The most common way to obtain information is through the place of a substitute. The contributor or client alternately takes the position of the thing that translates the processes in the system and transmits the necessary information. It is possible to receive information through touching the figures, through the aura of the field, and so on.

Working in a group is characterized by greater depth and informativeness of the constellation process, however, for some clients, due to personality traits or the nature of the problem, the technique with figures becomes preferable.

in the imagination

This type of constellation is carried out in the client's imagination, while the process involves a person who solves his problem, and a constellator. The advantages of the method are the absence of additional human resources, the reduction of the time of constellations. The session is possible at individual personal meetings, remotely (via Skype) or independently (after mastering the technique).

The arrangement is made before the inner eye of the client. First, a relative is established through whom the problem affects life. The client then creates various images of verbal interaction with a family member in his own imagination until one of them allows contact with him. This is manifested by a sharp emotional outburst, catharsis. Further communication should lead the client to resolving the problem, identifying its essence, to understanding the causes, violations, mistakes that provoked negative consequences.


There are a lot of conflicting reviews on the Internet about Hellinger constellations. In some cases, the method is perceived by people as an exclusively theatrical performance, an unsuccessful experience in solving a problem, in others - as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool, by resolving serious situations.

It is believed that as a result of the attitudes, the psychotherapist eliminates the violation and allows the person to get rid of the “weave”. The client reinforces the image of a “good decision” and gradually it is implemented in his life. The system is being restructured, significant changes are possible on the path of life: breaking old relationships, finding new ones, positive and negative transformations that need to be worked out (gaining independence, responsibility, recovery, reconciliation of warring parties, paying off "old debts", etc.).

After constellations, people often feel an internal unconscious change, they feel the extraordinary importance of what happened. It is recommended after the session not to discuss, not to analyze what happened, try not to leave the process, not to suppress it, but to accept and assimilate it.

Systemic constellations are a relatively new, but already well-established, method of professional assistance. This technique allows you to find solutions to personal internal problems individual person and families in general, to find and eliminate the subconscious conflict that is the cause of chronic or psychosomatic diseases. Also, the method of system constellations allows diagnose problems of relationships and interaction in work teams and any other groups of people. The basis of the method is a common, collective subconscious, discovered by Carl Gustav Jung. Bert Hellinger (the founder of the method) calls this phenomenon the "knowing field".

At present, no one will deny the fact that the actions and motives of a person are controlled, including various unconscious (subconscious) scenarios. The method of systemic family constellations allows us to see these scenarios, work through them in order to get out of those dead ends and traps from which we cannot consciously get out.

Hellinger, creating the method of family constellations, was based on the study and synthesis of various schools of psychotherapy. In particular, he successfully used the findings of the school of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, "primary therapy", traditional family therapy and other areas. Also, the method was based on the scientist's own unique discoveries.

One of the discoveries of Bert Hellinger is the realization of the fact that within this family and clan system there are certain laws. According to these laws, any family system exists, develops and lives (yours too). Understanding these laws, we can explain, at first glance, inexplicable actions of people and events. Also, knowing them, we can correct the situation in our lives. Read more about the four main laws of the family system below. You can see the methods of correcting the situation and "permissive phrases" in the videos below and read in the books of Bert Hellinger.

What are systemic disorders and systemic therapy in psychology? How the constellations are carried out (video):

How Bert Hellinger himself conducts constellations (video from his seminar)

The arrangement is carried out according to the principles of the system-phenomenological approach and is a unique rapid therapy method focused on solution existing problem. It allows not only to diagnose any difficult life situation, but also to find the causes of its occurrence - to see what is actually happening in the depths of the Soul. And knowing the cause of the existing problem, you can eliminate it ...

4 laws that are used during constellations

These laws are well explained at her seminar by ELINA ZITSER, family system psychologist, constellator:

More deeply and in detail about what happens in the human soul during constellations.

Just by watching this video, you can understand the causes of problems in your life:

Why is the child always sick?

A visual illustration of the theory of laws discovered by Bert Hellinger:

What are the constellations in the classic format of B. Hellinger? What types of arrangements are there? Where did the splits come from? What were the pioneering methods? What is the difference between the Hellinger constellations and the psychodrama method?

Interview with the founder of the method - Bert Hellinger

family constellation method- how did he appear? What are arrangements? How are they made? Examples from the constellations (why the child did not want to learn, how past relationships of parents influence the behavior of children and what parents need to do to free their children from this influence, how abortions affect living children and what can be done to prevent this influence).

Spiritual aspects of family (systemic) constellations, conscience, orders of love. Where are placements used? How is love between a man and a woman possible?

There are several iconic names in the history of psychology and psychiatry: Freud, Jung, Pavlov, Rogers, Grof... Today Andrey Yermoshin (host of the Adult Games TV show) is visiting a man who is one of the pioneers in the field of psychotherapy. This is a professor from Germany, author of the family constellation method, Bert Hellinger. The interlocutors discuss the spiritual dimensions of his work, those almost mystical phenomena that are observed in the practice of constellations. The conversation also touched upon aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman, why a conflict arises, how to make the relationship really close.

Do I need to do the alignment or use another method? What does the result depend on?

At the very beginning, there is a small consultation with a person about his problem, questions are asked and it turns out how adequate the placement method is for this situation. If the problem is “strange”, its causes are not visible in the current life of a person, then it is better to make an arrangement. Sometimes done diagnostic constellation- to see what is happening in the system. In order for the constellation to go better, the client must have a strong need and personal deep desire to solve a problem. When someone led or pushes a person to do it, then it’s not worth doing the arrangement, it will simply “hang” and be interrupted by the constellator due to the lack of dynamics (energy for changes), the person himself must “ripen”.

What are "permissive phrases" in constellations?

Permissive phrases are phrases aimed at solving the situation in the arrangement, eliminating interweaving. They show what they really are. For example, the daughter's recognition of the hierarchy and her place in the system: “Mom, you are big, and I am small. You give, and I take” (some action may also be performed to secure, in this case there may be a bow). Or: "I'm doing to my son, just like you did to me, dad." Also: “I was born at the cost of your death. I accept and will do something good with my life in memory of you.” Permissive phrases depend on the context, on what is happening in the system. For a therapeutic effect to occur, it is necessary that the phrase is not just said, but felt.

  • Here is a good article with answers to many questions: knigasily.rf/book/268
  • Books by Bert Hellinger (easy to find and download online)

How to learn constellations, subtle spiritual moments, an overview of constellation techniques and principles

This amazing interview by Elena Veselago (a student of B. Hellinger, a highly experienced constellator and the founder of her school) touches not only on "constellation" topics, but also applied ones, presented from the point of view of systemic principles. For example: How psychologists can find clients more efficiently. "People come into psychology when there is something inside that needs healing." Who is a constellator - a shaman or a psychologist? "I use both methods and see no contradiction in it." On problems in some areas of psychotherapy. "Many have forgotten about the soul."

Personal growth trainings, active selling trainings, NLP in its various variations involving adjustment and attachment techniques, Hellinger family constellations are all very effective methods. And it works safely in one case out of 100, or even less often! Because a monkey with a grenade is an order of magnitude more dangerous with a large gathering of people. Without knowing the nature of what is happening, "coaches" inflict irreparable (almost always, because where to go "be saved" is not mentioned) harm to the health of their listeners and clients.

Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger- is nothing but temporary possession. In that very mystical (and in fact - scientifically explainable) version!

There is an ordinary (repeatedly described in the literature and shown in the cinema) possession, which is a stable state of the psyche, and a temporary possession, which, at the same time, has serious consequences in the future. In the process of family constellations, a textbook possession of the body of the victim by another person takes place.

Psychologists are like children. Some areas of human knowledge are very inertial. And if at the beginning of the 20th century Jung, Freud and others like them were very relevant, then a hundred years later the nature of Man has changed significantly! In addition to social manifestations, other “introductory” ones that lie outside the boundaries of interpersonal physical and social relations begin to play a fundamental role. Humanity (in some part) has matured. What used to be possible to “play”, gaining invaluable experience, today becomes unacceptable procedures that are dangerous not only for health, but in some cases for human life! Everything was quiet until thousands of psychology graduates en masse took up such dangerous undertakings as rebirthing, deep hypnosis and meditative practices. That is, they reached areas that lie outside the physical body and logical thinking.

We, as specialists in bio-informatics, already encountered something similar in the 90s, “pulling out” people from transcendental psycho-energetic defeats received in totalitarian sects and at mass “healing” sessions that were held on television, on stadiums and houses of culture. This horror (together with most of the "healers") came to naught, and now we have what we have - a new misfortune. Ready or not, here I come!

Historical fact: before the revolution of 1917, esoteric amusements - spiritualism and other applied obscurantism - were very common among the metropolitan Russian intelligentsia. “Luminous crystals” also came into fashion, which were prestigious to exhibit in living rooms and bedrooms ... And it doesn’t matter that it was uranium ore and similar radioactive joys. Today the same story turns out: what I do not see (radioactive radiation), that does not exist! And cheerfully, with songs, “specialists”, who have four generations of atheists in their genetic family, climb to high levels of the existence of matter, completely without thinking about how from there, firstly, to return back to the body, and secondly, what will happen , if one suddenly collapses from thin plans into the “solid world”. It is guaranteed that getting into “the same body” with family constellations does not work. Safety precautions you need to know!

In a commercialized society, spiritual practices become weapons of mass destruction. And not only spiritual ones. Few people know what the actual consequences (on the subtle planes of the master's existence) are of plastic surgery. So, for example, breast implants completely block the higher parts of a woman's emotional sphere. Her emotions become much more rough, hysteria is provoked, which are manifestations of this very emotional hunger. Equal as the "mirror of the soul" - the face becomes absolutely "dead" for an outside observer after the implantation of gold threads. Beautiful skin? Yes! But the face just “doesn’t work” anymore… We, as social ecologists, are forced to talk about it, but you won’t hear this from representatives of the huge beauty industry – too much money is at stake to worry about side (not obvious) effects. We read Karl Marx: “There is no such crime that a capitalist would not commit if the profit of an enterprise leaves 300 percent or more.”

Let's get back to family constellations. It's cool, but very dangerous. Not only that, in the process of training, a person encounters his own high-frequency problems of the past, the solution of which is offered at the lowest, bodily level of physiological sensations (in fact, astral ones). So after all, inevitably a comrade who “climbed into the channel of the family” receives a lot of undischarged problems of his genetic relatives that have matured by this time - living, and most importantly, already dead! This is why he needs such “happiness” in a concentrated version ?!

So after all no one warns!

The bottom line is that all these "games" are remembered at the macromolecular level of body fluids, at the level of DNA, by each cell. It is known (thanks to the experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto) that the word charges the water molecule. In the case of energy-information interactions, first of all, blood macromolecules are charged from the activity of any operator. That is, blood can be considered as a random access memory for the multiprocessor system "human body".

By the way, that is why nature provides a procedure for cleaning the female body. Menstruation is getting rid of the energy-informational waste of the body, designed to bear a healthy fetus. "Right hemispheric", sensual women gather in the world a very rich harvest of negative programs. And the more painful the menstruation, the greater the degree of energy-informational lesions can be discussed.

But let us return to the consideration of the issue of joining the body of the participant in the “arrangement” to the personality of a character unknown to him. The body, tuned to the incarnation program of another person, begins to work for it, and first of all, a strong outflow of vitality occurs from the body of the training participant. If the role of a deceased relative is played, the outflow of energy increases significantly! It is easy to feel it by the way the limbs get cold and sudden weakness sets in. This is well known from the participants in spiritualistic seances: it blew cold, the hands cramped (the brains cramped a long time ago), the candle even trembled ... Such are the "horrors of our town" begin.

The more professionally they “connected” the training participants to the missing characters, the more difficult it is to disconnect from them later. In fact, without special technologies it is simply impossible! The connection remains forever!!!

Those who do not understand anything at all about the processes that they launch are akin to those physicists who argued before the explosion of the 300 megaton hydrogen bomb on Novaya Zemlya. They were interested in whether the entire supply of hydrogen on Earth would blow up as a result of the detonation or not. It was very interesting. After the bomb exploded there, thermonuclear fusion lasted as much as 30 minutes, and the seismic wave went around the planet seven times! There was, to put it mildly, a big commotion at the command post, and since then, nuclear charges more powerful than 300 megatons have not been produced anywhere. It became clear that - a little more, and the Apocalypse is guaranteed.

What is fundamentally not taken into account with hypnotic influences and any trance technologies, and, in particular, with the so-called "Hellinger family constellations"? - It's already been mentioned. content bodies of a systemic family constellation participant someone else's body through synchronization (CO-FEELING) of personalities. And from this very "foreign body" the participants of family constellations leave either with great losses in quality his life, or not even come out at all! They become chronically "infected" alien personalities. In this case, the same consequences are possible as with direct blood transfusion. In particular, type “B” hepatitis, in which liver cells are polarized in the “social plane”.

"Systemic constellation" is a complete analogue of creating the same connections that arise during sexual contact. The energy shells of people are connected just as strongly. One thing is insulting: the victims have never even seen their “partner”! And it works the first law of interaction of living systems, which reads:

Long range law:

"The strength of the interaction of the receiver and the emitter of the signal does not depend on the distance between them, but depends only on the degree of their coordination."

This is if the roles of living people are played.

Rice. 1. The law of long-range action.

If, in the course of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger, it is proposed to “try on” the role of the personality of a person who has already died, then in this case it works second basic law physics of interaction of living systems:

Law of memory:

"The strength of the interaction between the receiver and the emitter of the signal does not depend on the time elapsed from the time the signal was emitted to its reception, but depends only on the degree of matching between the receiver and the source."

Rice. 2. Law of memory.

Hence the miracles: sometimes the participants in family constellations speak on behalf of other people, sometimes they do strange things. And so on and so forth. And all this is due to the fact that at the moment of the session the body of the participant is completely subordinate to the incarnation structure according to the vector to which it is set by the leader. In any way: trance technology, hypnosis, collective therapy, methods of systemic family constellations according to Hellinger - there is no difference. During such connections, the brain of the body works according to the induced program, and due to its activity.

Blood macromolecules are polarized, forming and fixing the initiation of communication with a foreign object. If the connection is not broken in a special way, then the person who “visited” on this body now receives energy access to this body at any time. The "guest" merges both the creative potential and the vitality of the "possessed" body.

Speaking in terms of ontopsychology, after Hellinger family constellations or hypnosis sessions, the already active so-called “deviation monitor” is activated or modified. This procedure looks like this: a person wants to do something, but it doesn’t work! Either there is no motivation, or the behavior does not correspond to the circumstances, or suddenly the reverse may even turn on in a step to the result ...

We encounter similar situations with graduates of widely advertised business schools and trainings, who brilliantly solve managerial tasks in a playful, “learning” mode, but, facing reality, demonstrate complete incapacity in command posts. For example, they turn on the "gene of poverty", and the company they run inevitably falls apart! This inclusion always happens when an unprepared, especially a “played” (and frustrated, to be honest) “like a professional” collides with real energy flows. His intuition turns off, and the accumulated "logic" simply does not keep up with the speed of real life. How much does $800,000 (really) weigh? How is this amount converted into cars and yachts?... People go crazy, it happens. After all, the body is included in real energy-informational processes when the truth comes out! And those who are accustomed to illusions are not viable.

As a good computer scientist, who at one time participated in very specific developments for the USSR military-industrial complex, I tell you where the “dog rummaged”! We, as modern psychoecologists, were able to achieve real success only because we considered the human brain as a personal on-board computer capable of functioning in heterogeneous physical environments. It turns out to be useful to know that when debugging computer software, the work of the main program stops until the subroutine has completed. On the diagram it looks like this:

Rice. 4. Destructive distortion of a person's personal program in the process of switching to the execution of someone else's subprogram in the process of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

It can be seen that at the end of work on the subroutine, the processor returns to the starting point - the one at which the command was given to start servicing the subroutine. It is clear that the running time of the main program does not correspond to the line of linear time expansion.

In the case of “obsession” on the mental body of a person (Fig. 5), (in his past) a fragment of personal “non-existence” is formed, because no one intends to return his physiology to the point of primary docking with another personality at the end of the session.

Rice. 5. Change in the structure of the body of the 4th dimension (memory) of a person after the introduction of alien personal-corporeal components into it according to the method of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

Moreover: what if it happens that the “personality”, whose role is proposed to be played by the training participant, is shifted into the past by as much as two generations? What kind of abyss, with such an “inochronal” introduction, forms between a “living person” - his body, manifested to the world at a given moment in time, and his health genome, the primary configuration of the DNA molecule located at the point of his conception? Hey health, where are you? - Silence in the answer!

By the way, the same thing happens with actors who do not leave the role. It is no coincidence that Chaliapin, after singing the aria of Mephistopheles, immediately went to church to receive communion, and then went to a tavern, where he got drunk to the extreme in order to activate the natural processes of the body and thereby erase the destructive programs received from the image of the role. Moreover, if a certain role is played by several actors in different places and at different times, then their bodies of subtle dimensions are stitched together, as in group sex!

We have been talking about all this for a long time and clearly: “Guys, after you have played a role, at some point you must remember yourself, your beloved!”. And do not leave in yourself other people's programming modules. If there are too many of them, then the law of Dialectical Materialism will work about the transition of quantity into quality! An example is Vladislav Galkin, who “burned out” even before the critical age.

The degree of brainwashing can vary. Active sales training is no different in essence from a "young rapist course" if there were one. The only difference is that it is not the body that is raped, but the brain and wallet of the buyer. But the consequences are not long in coming. Either the seller-rapist shows defeats caused by a person’s betrayal of the tasks of incarnating his own Spirit, or, which happens more often, an “experienced manipulator” “receives an energy-informational face” from a buyer who fundamentally does not like being raped in monetary terms. Results - sinusitis, vision problems, accidents ... The force of action inevitably equals the force of opposition. The personality must be whole. Sometimes we have to restore it in the most serious way.

We are talking about how Hellinger family constellations are a good way to show a person's capabilities. But you can’t tell people that this is another panacea for solving their problems! Someone wants to find the source of their fears in this way, to solve problems in interpersonal communication, someone is just interested. But you have to pay for all the pleasures, and the real price is usually unknown to the participants!

On the other hand, everyone is told that it is not necessary to play with “thimblers” in the markets and train stations - you still won’t be able to win. But you look - very often there are those who want to "measure their tails" all the time. There is a rule of a serious researcher: “ Don't get involved in a game where you don't know the rules!»

Two decades of work in the field of energy-informatics of the brain and body give us, specialists in psycho-ecology, the right to expertly indicate how dangerous such “games” are for life in general, as well as for career and creativity in particular. It is necessary to understand at least minimally the nature of things and phenomena with which the consumer of paid services interacts. And in order to understand, one must at least ask.

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