Psychosomatics of excess weight in women: how to lose weight by defeating the subconscious. Psychology of diseases: Overweight, obesity Psychological causes of obesity in women

More and more people are becoming overweight every year. The problem of obesity affects both women and men equally. According to statistics, about 1/3 of the population of Russia suffers from overweight, this is a very large figure. Many clinics, nutritionists and other specialists offer expensive therapies, strict diets, run to exhaustion, but the weight returns.

The relationship of many somatic diseases with the human psyche has long been known. Obesity is no exception. The psychosomatics of excess weight in women is under special control by specialists, because. the female gender is more vulnerable and sensitive natures. The causes of many diseases in women can be found by studying the psychomatic properties of the individual.

More and more people are becoming overweight every year.

What is psychosomatics

To understand how the psyche affects the change in body weight, you need to clearly know what the psychosomatics of weight loss is. Emotions and mind are interconnected.

When a person experiences negative emotions, muscle tissue tenses, the heart beats faster, blood pressure rises. During this period, the sympathetic nervous system is in an active state, i.e. the work of the digestive system is oppressed. When the body is relaxed, then, on the contrary, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, the secretion of the upper section increases, and the person feels hunger. Psychosomatic medicine helps in the fight against extra pounds.

stress and obesity

The work of the sympathetic division of the NS activates an excited state and lack of desire to eat, while the parasympathetic division activates a relaxed state and appetite. However, stress is perceived by the body as a likely source of danger.

Because of this, the NS switches the functioning of the autonomic system into a parasympathetic mode in order to remove stress. This is how obesity appears in psychosomatics: experiencing anxiety, a person begins to eat, stress becomes less, the psyche remembers the fastest and most effective method to remove the danger.

stress and obesity

Desire to eat

The human psyche begins to understand that, by eating, it is possible to come to a state of rest in a short time, which means to normalize the activity of the heart and blood pressure, it begins to use this state with every excitement, even if it is insignificant.

Then he uses the proactive method. This is how people become addicted to food. Having studied what psychosomatics is, a person understands the benefits of proper nutrition and has the opportunity to return the body to a slender appearance.

How to get rid of this bad habit? Eating in large quantities is not the only way for a person to come to a state of peace and satisfaction. His psyche is very flexible, any habits can be changed.

To remove excess pounds, reduce the size of the abdomen, you can use other techniques for relaxation. They must be beneficial to health. Hiking, gymnastics, breathing exercises may well block the feeling of hunger, over time, the desire to eat when excitement arises will disappear, as well as extra pounds.

Desire to eat

Deposit localization

Obesity can be different, this is due to where a significant proportion of fat is deposited.

Putting thoughts in order

Psychosomatics in overweight people involves finding the causes of the problem and removing them. It is required to filter thoughts, examine the body, understand where excess kilos accumulate, then change the negative attitude to a positive one. Those. you need to replace the negative impact of thoughts with the opposite setting.

Important! The psychosomatics of weight gain is interconnected with irregular food intake, when a person, being excited, eats a lot, while he has no appetite, he does not feel full. There are no contradictions in the functioning of the systems, this is due to the ability of the body to reduce stress.

Psychosomatics how to lose weight excites many people. How many kilos can you lose in a week, month or year? Does it need to be treated? To get rid of excess weight, you need to be persistent. A great difficulty in the desire to reduce weight is prolonged abstinence from fatty foods. Experts have proven that such food activates the release of the so-called “happiness hormones” in the body.

People who are used to eating large amounts are "food addicts"

People who are used to eating a lot are "food addicts". Because of this, psychologists recommend that if a person wants to remove extra pounds, then it is necessary to call on all willpower to help. Statistics show that one in five of those people who begin to lose weight subsequently refuse to diet and exercise after the initial day of food restriction.

Important! To get the desired result, you need to justify your own goal, for which it is necessary. It is required to determine whether a person is ready to completely change his life. It is necessary to think about proper nutrition and the most active lifestyle.

Conversations with the attending physician

People often forget about visiting a doctor. However, this is a very important step to take at the very beginning of the diet. The doctor can offer cooperation and support in the weight loss process. Contact with him will help a person learn about the latest weight loss techniques, if necessary, he will prescribe treatment.

positive thinking

It is very difficult for a person to force himself to lose weight. Psychologists say that positive thinking is the most effective way to achieve goals. Pleasant words and deeds bring a positive effect, which is the easiest method to lose weight. Losing extra kilos is a procedure that starts with a positive decision.

High expectations

Heightened expectations are most often the motive for stopping a diet. You should not expect a miracle, it is best to keep the main indicators in sight and not get hung up on them. You need to create your own definitions for success. A person will always refer to success, even if it is small, so it will be easier for him to withstand the feeling of hunger.

For example, you can eat a piece of pizza instead of the usual two, this will be a personal assessment of a person’s success. Gradually reducing the number of fatty foods, the level of cholesterol in the blood becomes low.

Heightened expectations are most often the motive for stopping the diet

Goal setting

Clinical studies show that five to ten percent weight loss reduces the likelihood of diseases associated with obesity. If the goals set by a person can be achieved in a short period of time, then he will have more opportunities for their implementation. Regular success will be a great motivator to continue working on your own body. You need to ask your doctor to check your body mass index (BMI).

Important! Weight loss is measured not only on scales, but also by monitoring waist circumference and calculating BMI. When exercising or running, fat mass is replaced by muscle mass without weight loss.

Support for others

Experts say that for people who want to lose weight, the most difficult obstacle is the lack of willpower and the regular feeling of hunger. If a person has decided to go on a diet, then it is best for him to enlist the moral support of the people around him. This will increase his motivation, strengthen willpower and determination. It can be both close people and a doctor, trainer, psychologist, etc.


Planning ahead will help you reach your weight loss goals. It is necessary to draw up a certain scheme of action:

  • a person needs to think in advance about the recipes for the dishes that he will eat during the diet;
  • it is necessary to determine how many kilograms you need to lose weight in a certain period of time;
  • You need to schedule an appointment with a dietitian.

There are many ways to reduce weight. Having understood what psychomatics is, you can easily and without any health problems lose the hated extra pounds. Whatever types of diets a person uses, simple recommendations from experts will help achieve the goal, namely, get rid of excess weight.

Extracts from the book: Brautigam V., Christian P., Rad M. Psychosomatic medicine.

Obesity is the accumulation of adipose tissue with an increase in body weight. This pathology is a consequence of a violation of the assimilation of food and energy expenditure. Can we talk about obesity as a disease? It depends on the definition of the disease in general and on the social assessment. Even the assessment of a fat person as ugly or beautiful depends on social, cultural values ​​and the spirit of the time. Undoubtedly, obesity is a risk factor for the development of many diseases, primarily diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, joint diseases. It not only reduces life expectancy, but also affects its quality.* The initial stage of obesity is usually determined with an increase in body weight of 15-20% of the normal value, and with an increase of 30% it becomes quite obvious. Classical indicators (Brock's recommended body weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100) are today considered too high, the ideal body weight for men is 10% less than these indicators, for women - 5%. Indicators for high and low growth are given in the Geiga tables. Fat deposition can be determined by the thickness of the skin folds. It should also be aware of the influence of age and gender differences.

* A child or teenager who sits in front of the TV for 4 to 8 hours a day and extinguishes his impulses and tension by eating large amounts of high-calorie foods will soon become overweight, and, as experience shows, it is usually difficult for him to change his lifestyle and regain previous weight.

* Psychosomatics pays more attention not to those patients who have a chronic increase in body weight, but to those young people who have a change in phases of voracity and starvation with a sudden increase in body weight. They eat impulsively, in situations of tension and conflict. Psychosomatic or neurotic categories among the obese, i.e. those not on a rudimentary diet account for one-third of all obese people.

* Most obese patients can say about themselves: "Actually, I eat a little, less than others!". They don't lie when they say this. Their mood is often associated with an elementary desire to eat something and often leads to automatic, involuntary absorption of food. Commensurating the amount of food with the internal subjective need, and not with the physical need for calories, they always believe that they have taken it a little more. In this regard, a pathogenetic concept arose, according to which, in obesity, there is no feeling of satiety when eating. There are two characteristic syndromes: 1) night eating syndrome with morning lack of appetite and excessive eating in the evenings, followed by insomnia, which H. Deter found in 10% of obese women; 2) gluttony syndrome with conflicts and simple difficulties with the desire to absorb huge amounts of food, followed by fears, depression and guilt. In both syndromes, an increase in neurotic signs and a tendency to conflicts are noted.

* Energy-wise, obesity is not a mystery. The only question that remains unclear is why an obese person does not feel full and eats more than necessary in accordance with his energy needs, and also moves less than is possible with so many energy substances consumed.

* In England and the USA, obesity is noted more often in women from lower social strata, and severe obesity is found in them 2 times more often. Men also have a relationship between social status and obesity. The situation is quite different in India, where obesity has a different meaning: rich men and women are fatter than their less wealthy compatriots and obesity is a symbol of wealth and is less contrary to the modern ideal of beauty adopted in the Western world.

* The link between socioeconomic status and obesity rates has led many researchers to believe that social options are the most important determinant of obesity.

* It should be assumed that the factors that lead to obesity in one person do not necessarily act on another person. Psychologically, different constellations are also found, which is manifested in the difference in causes.

The most commonly cited reasons are: 1. Frustration at the loss of the object of love. For example, the death of a spouse, separation from a sexual partner, or even leaving the parental home can lead to obesity, more often in women. It is generally recognized that the loss of a loved one can be accompanied by depression and at the same time an increase in appetite. Children often react with increased appetite when the youngest child in the family is born.

2. General depression, anger, fear of being alone, and feelings of emptiness can lead to impulsive eating.

3. Situations that combine danger and activities that require wakefulness and increased stress (eg, studying for exams, a war situation) arouse in many people increased oral desires, which lead to increased eating or smoking.

* In all these revealing situations, food has the value of substitutive satisfaction. It serves to strengthen ties, security, relieves pain, feelings of loss, disappointment, like a child who remembers from childhood that when he was in pain, illness or loss, he was given sweets for comfort. Many obese people have had similar experiences in childhood that have led them to unconscious forms of psychosomatic reactions.

* For most obese patients, it matters that they have always been fat, already in infancy and early childhood were inclined to be overweight. At the same time, it is curious that in frustrating and tough life situations, feeding and excess food can become a stress-regulating factor for both parents and their growing children. Obesity and food as a substitute for satisfaction are thus not a problem of one person, but of the whole family.

* These situational conditions must be associated with the characteristics of the patient's personality and with its processing.

* Food is a substitute for missing maternal care, a defense against depression. For a child, food is more than just nutrition, it is self-affirmation, stress relief, maternal support. Many obese patients have a strong dependence on the mother and fear of separation from her. Since 80% of parents are also overweight, one can think of a predisposition factor, as well as especially intense family ties and adherence to traditions, a style of relationship when direct manifestations of love are rejected, and oral habits and connections take their place.

* Parents with normal body weight have obese children in only 7% of cases; if one of the parents suffers from obesity, then obesity in children is noted in 40% of cases, and if both parents suffer - in 80%. Adopted children are less likely to be obese when parents are obese than half-children.

* Hilde Bruch (N. Bruch) described certain forms of early childhood development and family environment in children with a tendency to obesity. Mothers of such children show hyperprotection and over-attachment. They over-indulge, coddle, coddle and control their children instead of introducing them to a world in which they could find themselves. Parents who allow everything and forbid nothing cannot say “no” and compensate for their remorse and feeling that they do not give enough to their children. Such fathers are weak and helpless. With a free sample of observations, such conflicting family relationships can be detected in at least 25% of cases.

* Oral pampering by parents has often been described by other authors. It is motivated primarily by getting rid of guilt for emotional alienation from them, for indifference and internal rejection on the part of parents. Feeding children is the only possible means of expressing affection for them, which parents are not able to show by talking, touching, playing with them. Oral refusal is the result of different behaviors of both the overprotective and indifferent mothers.

* It is impossible to describe a single personality structure in obesity, including its psychosomatic variants. Among overweight people, there are often people with a decrease in drives. Some authors found among them a large number of survivors of brain injury. But in some cases they are very lively and active people with superficial contacts and infantile pretensions. They are prone to closeness and symbiotic behavior with other people, easily become accustomed to them and allow them to quickly approach themselves. Loss, separation are unbearable for them, as is often the case with people with excessive, poorly differentiated orality.

* The MMPI test often reveals signs of depression, body preoccupation, fears, impulsivity, social introversion, and defensive tendencies. Patients with obesity prefer professions related to nutrition, in contrast to the surveyed control group, who prefer more intellectual professions. Obese children are usually described as immature, receptive, dependent on the mother. Like patients with anorexia, they do not experience a sense of disfigurement of their body.

* Obese patients usually do not take their problems seriously, although they often try to explain them. They believe that a simple intention and willful decision will allow them to regulate their eating and drinking, they just need to gather their strength. In the clinic, they are not considered seriously ill. Their assurances that they eat almost nothing all day long are not seen as a contradiction between their needs and the achieved feeling of satiety, but as a deliberate lie. Countertransferences only lead to a decrease in self-esteem and the social value of the treatment situation. They complicate the working relationship and the treatment situation, which, due to the need to restrict food, is difficult for the patient and leads him to depression. Patients often react with resignation and internal self-reproach, which leads to new sudden onset bouts of overeating.

* In general, for obesity, symptom-oriented active psychotherapeutic methods are indicated for rapid weight loss: directive and behavioral therapy, self-help groups focused on the personality, revealing psychodynamic methods. As with alcoholism, it is not necessary to analyze all conflicts if this analysis cannot change the behavior of the patient. It is usually not difficult to quickly achieve weight loss through intensive clinical treatment with a strict diet. But this physical change is also the starting point for a change in self-esteem and a further change in behavior. If a relapse does not occur in a short time, which happens in at least half of the cases, and according to some observations, in almost all patients, it is necessary to develop an established relationship between the doctor and the patient in further outpatient treatment. Only intensive transference to the therapist (through an appropriate setting, self-help group) can give the patient the motivated strength to restrict himself in eating in the future, when he finds himself in the usual work and family conditions. Psychosomatic and neurotic patients with obesity generally respond to therapy worse than individuals without such disorders. How often obesity is associated with family structure, shows the experience of treating obesity in children and young people. Resistance comes not so much from the child himself, but from his parents, who develop a sense of guilt, irrational fears arise that the child will die of starvation if he observes the restrictions.

* There are a large number of sophisticated diets based on limiting calorie-poor food (sufficient in volume and rich in proteins) or changing the caloric balance with increased physical activity while reducing the feeling of hunger. But the first step should be to involve the patient in joint work with the doctor. Unilateral use of the prescribed diet, gymnastics, etc. they help little and often lead to depression, and the pleasures, ideals, and fantasies associated with the process of eating remain unprocessed. The decisive thing is that obese patients who want to enjoy what food is for them need to be given something else: psychosomatic obese patients need contacts, closeness, social satisfaction, help in overcoming frustrations, reinforcement of their "I" .

Obesity is a pathology that causes a malfunction of the body. The main symptom of obesity is overweight. Excess weight brings many problems, and the love of food ends in death. According to statistics, 30% of the world's population is obese and overweight. In recent years, childhood obesity has been on the rise. The reasons for weight gain are not only gluttony and a sedentary lifestyle, but also the perception of the world around us.

Many obese people suffer because they cannot lose weight. Neither dieting, nor exercising, nor changing the diet will help. Nutritionists shrug their shoulders: the hormones are in order, the person is healthy, active, eats wholesome and healthy food, but the weight stands still. The reason for this is psychological factors.

The relationship between somatic diseases and mental disorders has long been established. It occurs in both men and women of all ages.

There are several reasons for overweight:

  1. Weight gain as a form of protection. The body decides that fullness is the best way to protect itself from external threats. The vulnerable human soul and unstable psyche are protected by a layer of fat. Acts as an airbag. The decision to get better comes unconsciously. Children who are prone to overweight have a program on the benefits of being overweight at an unconscious level. Protects from annoying contacts, because they don’t want to play and communicate with full ones. Excess weight cover the shortcomings: a sedentary lifestyle, excessive love for sweets.

  1. Completeness as a consequence of internal conflicts. Dissatisfaction with appearance, personal life leads to a bad mood, depression, and a feeling of anxiety arises. A person engages in self-digging, closes in on himself, stops communicating with friends. It is easier to deal with internal conflicts with the help of food.
  2. Lack of attention from relatives, friends. Loneliness is another reason for food addiction. With the help of food, a person fills the void, replaces live communication. Sweets will not be criticized for failures, give various advice. Therefore, obese people prefer to eat rather than talk with friends.
  3. Stress. The inability to cope with stress and jamming is the main cause of excessive fullness. Failures at work and problems in the family lead to the fact that a person consumes more sweet, fatty foods. A delicious cake cheers up, and life no longer seems bleak. Fat people are very vulnerable, they do not know how to restrain emotions. At the slightest upset, they console themselves with food. Adjusting mood with food is similar to drug or alcohol addiction.

  1. Extra weight as an opportunity to look better. Fat is an essential tissue for the human body. It weighs little, but is energetically capacious. Those places that the owner does not like, the body “decorates” with fat. This is how deposits appear on the stomach, arms and cellulite.

There are many psychological causes of overeating and obesity. Someone eats stress with food, someone is protected by being overweight from the outside world. Fat people believe that fear, hatred of one's body, neurosis is easier to seize than to get rid of. So there is a food addiction, getting rid of which takes place in several stages.

A picture of the personality of a complete person

Overweight people have similar personality traits. They push a person to eat a lot, gain weight. In obese people, there is an installation in the subconscious that fat is the best remedy for all problems. According to scientists, obese people are neurotic. They eat a huge amount of food to get rid of anxiety, depression. After eating, the mood of neurotics rises.

Factors contributing to obesity:

  1. Infantilism - characteristic of men with a female type of obesity. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, hips, breasts increase. This means that a man is dependent on a powerful woman who controls his life. The wife or mother makes decisions concerning the man's life. A person loses independence, becomes weak and weak-willed. The character leaves an imprint on the appearance, the body takes on a feminine shape.

  1. The desire to take everything on your shoulders. Fat people do not consider themselves attractive, arousing the interest of the opposite sex. They try to prove their importance by caring for others. They grab onto everything at once, taking on the burden of other people's problems. In order not to break under these loads, you need to weigh a lot. There is a need to eat a lot, replenish energy, gain weight.

In recent years, childhood obesity has been on the rise. This is due to the fact that children eat problems rather than talk about them. Weight is gained by the one who cannot throw out anger, anger, express resentment. A child subjected to corporal punishment is forgotten with a piece of cake, pizza or Coke.

The loser syndrome is inherent in most overweight people. Food compensates for the lack of personal life and self-motivation to develop. The patient does not understand the dangers of overeating and weight gain. Does not realize that fullness depends on the perception of the world, character and personality traits. In such a situation, it is advisable not to self-medicate. Only a specialist knows how to help a person with psychological problems that cause obesity.

Psychosomatics of excess weight in women

Women's nature is very different from men's. The way of thinking, mood and behavior - everything is due to the psychological state at a given time. Women need new emotions, impressions, sensations. Ordinary days bring discomfort and dissatisfaction with life. The woman begins to seize negative emotions, quickly gaining weight.

There are several causes of female obesity:

  1. Marriage. Quite often, a woman, having married, begins to recover. This is due to a change in status in society. The image of a young, carefree girl fades into the background. A married woman is the keeper of the hearth, solid and solid. Lush forms help to form the image of the Matrona - the head of the family.

  1. The woman is the breadwinner of the family. When the fair sex takes on men's duties, her weight increases. Fragility is inherent in women who are cared for by a husband or father. Women who perform male functions become big. The body takes care of the hostess, increasing endurance and performance with fat deposits.
  2. Denial of one's own sexuality. It manifests itself in an increase in the fat layer on the abdomen and thighs. Single women consider themselves ugly and unattractive. It does not have the opportunity to be realized as a loving wife and caring mother. The organism consoles the mistress, decorating some parts of the body.
  3. Lack of attention from her husband. The lady needs constant attention and proof of love. If a man does not show signs of attention, he thinks that they do not notice her. Fullness and an increase in volumes will help to become noticeable. Especially if the husband once mentioned that he likes soft, curvy women.
  4. Rest after work. Eating at night is one of the main causes of female obesity. High-calorie food helps to relax at home in front of the TV, take a break from a hard day's work. A delicious dinner distracts from the troubles at work, a piece of chocolate is able to cope with negative emotions. In the evening, metabolism slows down, fat is deposited on the stomach. Therefore, such a vacation is a dubious pleasure.

Female completeness is based on a psychological foundation. Ladies are sensitive to remarks, criticism, minor failures lead out of balance. It solves problems with a tasty, hearty dinner, a snack at work, a hearty lunch. Get rid of the desire to seize problems with the help of psychotherapy.

Obesity Treatment Methods

Obesity is a dangerous disease that the patient cannot cope with on his own. A qualified specialist will help you get rid of psychological problems and lose weight. The fight against excess weight occurs in several stages. First you need to imagine the image of yourself losing weight, visualize it. This will allow you to focus on the desired result. Having diagnosed the psychosomatics of obesity, the psychotherapist will prescribe treatment. However, before choosing a treatment regimen for the disease, it is important to understand what caused it. The cause of obesity is stress, self-doubt, hatred of one's body.

Deposits on different parts of the body indicate the following problems:

  • The fat layer on the lower thigh informs about children's grievances and conflicts with parents.
  • Loose buttocks indicate the presence of debts to society. For example, when a person does not fulfill promises, refuses to help those in need.
  • Deposits on the abdomen indicate a lack of attention and care from the opposite sex.
  • The second chin reports unspoken words, suppression of emotions.

Having identified the cause, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

There are several methods of treating overweight:

  • If the food acts as an antidepressant, helps relieve stress, replace it with something else. For example, for a walk in the park, swimming or watching your favorite movies.
  • Before putting another piece of cake into your mouth, ask yourself: “Is this a physical or mental hunger?”. Moral dissatisfaction encourages to eat even on a full stomach. Give up food, switching to something else. Knitting, sewing or drawing relieve stress.
  • Love yourself and those around you. It is not good to seize one's own shortcomings. Realize that there are no perfect people. Acceptance of weaknesses eliminates food addiction. If the reason for overeating lies in the attitude towards others, reconsider the attitude towards people. You may be overreacting to jokes and remarks. Take everything to heart, deal with resentment through food. Any conflict is resolved by talking with a person. A lot of sugary, fatty, high-calorie foods will not make you better.
  • Set your priorities. Write on a piece of paper what is of particular value to you. You will see that family, career, travel are located at the top of the list, and food remains somewhere at the bottom. Answer the question: "Eat to live or live to eat?". Then you will understand what is really important.
  • Learn to say no. This applies to people who want to help everyone around them. Do not take on the problems and worries of loved ones and friends. If you refuse any request, you will not cease to be loved or respected. Do what you can. Do not take on an unnecessary, unnecessary burden of responsibility. Remember that, having found inner harmony, you will get rid of the hated kilograms.

Losing weight is just as hard as keeping it off. Staying slim will help prevent obesity. It consists in a positive attitude, love for yourself and your body, acceptance of the world around you.

The fight against excess kilograms is a whole range of exercises. The help of a psychologist is only one of its components. Only a change in lifestyle, nutrition control and exercise will help to defeat obesity and find the body of your dreams.

The appearance of excess weight, if the cause of its gain is not endocrine diseases and hormonal disorders, is almost always associated with psychological discomfort, negative mental perception of one's own life.

To treat obesity and eliminate extra pounds, it is important to conduct a kind of excursion into the depths of your own subconscious, identify factors that provoke weight gain and try to eradicate them on your own or seek help from a qualified psychologist.

According to the main provisions of psychosomatics, weight gain is almost always associated with certain psychological problems, the most common of which is neglect of one's own body, expressed in the absence of self-criticism.

In addition to the above aspect, the following psychological causes of excess weight are distinguished:

  • Jamming of nervous stress, experiences, negative emotions and thoughts. This factor implies the following: in an effort to forget about experienced unpleasant situations, quarrels, a person consumes a much larger amount of food than usual, while focusing on sweet and fatty foods.
  • Lack of attention from family and friends. In this case, food is a way to fill the inner emptiness, an inadequate replacement for live communication and relationships.

So, the main psychosomatic factor leading to a set of overweight is the absence of an important element in a person’s life, whether it be live emotions, communication, relationships, pride or something else.

Eating large amounts of food, overeating help to distract from existing problems and create the illusion of psychological comfort. In some cases, to start the mechanism of losing weight, it is enough just to fill in the missing element.

Predisposing factors or motives

An excess of unnecessary weight is often associated with certain motives that literally give an obese person the installation of eating a large amount of food, literally pushing the body to develop a disease called obesity.

Factors that are especially often highlighted by practicing psychologists can be the following:

The listed motives are exclusively pushes to launch the mechanism of gaining excess body weight. To lose weight and prevent similar problems in the future, it is important to adjust your own thoughts and life position.

Overweight as a form of protection

Psychological disorders, negative moments in life are often manifested in the deposition of fat masses in certain areas of the body. Age may also be a determining factor. Below is a table of diseases, age and gender problems, which will help to consider the problems in more detail.

Distinctive features Cause
The deposition of fat in men on the hips, tummy. The so-called "female" type of obesity is often detected in men who are in a dependent position from a powerful woman, be it a wife or mother. Gradually, a truly masculine nature acquires feminine features that leave an imprint on external qualities.
Deposition of belly fat in women. The appearance of a fatty layer mainly in the abdomen in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may be evidence of a denial of one's own essence, sexuality, and significance. More often, this type of obesity affects single women who do not have the opportunity to realize themselves as a beloved, mother, wife.
childhood obesity. Obesity is predominantly observed in children and adolescents who are under the overprotection of parents or close relatives from infancy. In addition, children who are regularly subjected to physical or corporal punishment, children who do not have a natural opportunity to splash out negative emotions, anger, and anger can suffer from such a pathology.

In order to lose weight, it is important to take into account all the factors that can provoke a set of excess body weight and work with a psychologist, taking into account the identified problems.

Treatment Methods

Unfortunately, even if a psychological problem is identified that prompted a person to abuse food, in order to eliminate extra pounds, not only psychological, but also physical methods will have to be used. First of all, it is a constant control over the quality and quantity of food taken. Sports and an active lifestyle are also essential.

As for the most common psychological techniques that will help get rid of excess weight, the common among them are:

  • If food acts as a source of relaxation, you should replace it with something that has a similar effect. For example, you can pay attention to yoga, swimming, active sports. No less useful in this case will be the usual long walk.
  • Before you make another visit to the refrigerator, you should ask yourself if this is a feeling of hunger or a feeling of moral dissatisfaction. It is advisable to start a meal only if a positive answer follows the first question posed.
  • It is important to pay attention to your own personality, to accept and love all the advantages and disadvantages, as for the latter, it is quite possible to fight them without using heavy artillery, namely, a large amount of harmful and tasty food.
  • If the main reason for overeating lies in the environment, it is important to change the attitude towards loved ones and try to correct their attitude towards themselves. It should be remembered that any conflict can be resolved peacefully.

The fight against excess weight, if the main reasons for its set lie in the mental plane, includes a complex combination of material and moral aspects. Losing weight, paying attention to only one side of the existing problem, is almost impossible. If the habit of compensating for dissatisfaction with life with food has been developed over the years, you can correct the situation only if you turn to a competent psychologist, it is extremely difficult to cope on your own in such situations.

It is important to remember that for external transformation it is important to achieve inner harmony and tranquility.

What does the body need for a comfortable existence? Among the components that make up a healthy basis for life, food ranks third after air and water. Often, the main cause of excess weight, in addition to hormonal disruptions, is considered to be excessively abundant food intake. But not everything is as simple and unambiguous as it seems at first glance.

It is true that by overeating we try to compensate for psychological discomfort and emotional instability. Excess weight, the psychosomatics of which has a well-founded basic basis, often becomes a defense for the body in an unfavorable social environment or in a state of frustration.

Psychological prerequisites for obesity

Psychosomatics is an intermediate direction between medicine and psychology. Both doctors and psychologists agree that any disease has two components: somatic (bodily) and mental (emotional). Soul and body are two halves of a single whole. How many times in your life have you heard the phrase that all diseases are from nerves? Diseases that we acquire by tightly clenching a fist with the reins of uncontrolled negative emotions are usually referred to as psychosomatic. Stress, conflicts, scandals provide not only excess weight, but also asthma, hypertension, arthritis, skin diseases and a bunch of all kinds of diseases up to oncology. Each emotion can cause a malfunction in the body as a whole or in any of its systems.

There are cases when excess weight manifests itself in a certain place:

  1. Psychosomatics explains excess weight on the stomach as a loss of life priorities and ambitions, a rejection of one's own sexuality, a weak level of a person's spiritual development;
  2. Lack of parental affection and care or excessive guardianship of children, infringement of the rights to independence and individuality causes excess fat on the hips;
  3. Psychosomatics interprets obesity of the hands as a consequence of unrequited love and rejected feelings.

Addicted to bad habits
people will never admit their bondage to culinary temptation. Food, and even thoughts about food, make a person feel better, feel satisfied, and lower the threshold for perceiving the consequences of stress, resentment, depression, or dejection. And no matter how much you try to shift the blame for being overweight to genes, hormones or constitution, but the volume of body fat will be directly proportional to the kilograms of pies, cakes, meatballs or ice cream eaten.

What is it that makes the body store fat reserves on the abdomen in women? The psychosomatic causes of excess weight have many points and require close attention to each of them:

  • Prolonged depressions and stresses that exhaust the nervous system encourage a person to seize trouble with another portion of high-calorie foods, with the help of which fat reserves are accumulated in well-known places. In addition, a long stay in a state of psychological tension leads to hormonal disorders, which only helps the accumulation of fat cells.
  • An equally significant factor is low self-esteem, rejection of oneself, disgust for one's own body. Such a position in life leads to the fact that three-dimensional forms become an intensifying factor for one's own hatred.
  • The absence of a strong male shoulder, the attitude to rely only on itself, the dragging of male functions and responsibility onto fragile female shoulders, the desire to be strong and “big” is taken literally by the body.
  • The lack of female happiness, love, sex is perceived as a huge spiritual emptiness that needs to be filled. Accordingly, the vacuum is filled with food, which raises the level of serotonin and dopamine.
  • Such strong emotions as fear, anger and resentment provoke a person to feel helpless and insecure. In this situation, obesity acts as a subconscious talisman.
  • The fear of being sexually attractive and becoming a victim of violence makes women gain weight so as not to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Childhood psychological trauma, rape can also become the subconscious basis of obesity.

The psychosomatic causes of excess weight only indicate that a person avoids the opportunity to love himself in various ways. For him, excess weight is more comfortable than a slender, beautiful torso, and he does not intend to lose kilograms of fat reserves without a fight.

The ancient Hawaiians used a method called Hooponopono to heal diseases and neutralize problems. This technique is still popular and successful in many parts of the world. The method also works successfully in the fight against excess weight: you just need to sincerely ask the universe, God, the cosmos to forgive you for allowing obesity to settle in your body and thank you for your help.

This method has recently been widely covered on the Internet. The method is based on the same psychosomatics, which allows thoughts to influence the physical body. Excess weight will go away as soon as you are internally ready for the fact that it is not your fault. Be sure, just as destructive thoughts allow the body to become infected with all sorts of diseases, so internal cleansing gives a stable setting for positive changes. In this way, you allow the released inner love to independently correct the problems with excess weight that have accumulated as a result of the unwise use of your own negative thoughts.

Talk to yourself

World religions extol the all-encompassing and unconditional love as a panacea for many troubles and misfortunes. And no matter how you feel about this postulate, but if you manage to convince your own subconscious that self-love can heal many diseases, consider that you have won a bonus coupon for a free recovery.

In psychosomatics, the technique of talking with oneself is especially actively used. With that half of myself, which is predisposed to being overweight, clumsy, always tired of a heavy fat burden and whining about illusory unrealizable fantasies. And the second component of the personality should talk to her, namely the one who understands the complexity of the situation, striving for lightness and mobility due to the loss of hated kilograms. Love yourself the way you are, thank the body for the work it does every day, supporting many life-supporting processes in difficult conditions for it.

An example text of a conversation with oneself might look like this:

  1. “Thank you, my body, for the fact that we have each other. Forgive me insults, discontent and claims. I am sorry that I voluntarily or involuntarily cause physical inconvenience and nervous shocks. Thank you for the opportunity to breathe, move, think and love.”
  2. This or a similar attitude will make it possible to realize how, with the help of psychosomatics, it is possible to nullify old, well-established programs that for a long time prevent weight loss and increase in success or wealth.

Find a "fat" benefit

Fat people are very impressionable. They try not to notice their body in the mirror, but they can communicate with their inner self for hours, discussing fullness, blaming it for all the troubles and misfortunes. But if you look at the root - excess weight can be a lesser evil than, say, an ulcer, heart attack or death. For example, it may look like this: a person is in a long-term depression and is already trying to find a way out of life.

The only joy is a chic fatty meal, richly seasoned with cream, cream or mayonnaise. Here it becomes a real lifeline, preventing the sufferer from making ends meet with a bleak existence. The only pity is that this circle is inexorably deposited also at the waist in the form of an unpleasantly shaking aspic.

You will never be able to lose weight if you do not get rid of the understanding of the secondary psychosomatic benefit of your fat. Kilograms dropped by overwork will return, taking with them more friends. Consider carefully the reasons why it is beneficial for you to be fat:

If any of the above benefits is a priority for your personality - do not torture yourself with diets and exhausting physical activity, but remain a fat slob who lives off sympathy and pity.

Replace the joy of saturation with the happiness of communication

Clearly and confidently ask yourself what you still want: to lose weight and save bones, joints, blood vessels from a hated burden, and yourself from many concomitant diseases? Or continue to shake the air with constant reproaches and complaints? Or maybe you want to eat everything and stay at the ideal weight? It's a paradox, but many succeed. This is because the psychosomatics of excess weight lies, first of all, in a way of life and way of thinking that is different from yours. In no case can not exclude proper nutrition and physical activity, but you need to radically change the way of thinking and attitude towards yourself. Overeating is a drug, a kind of addiction. If you want to become independent, change yourself or ask for the help of specialists. The effect is achieved when there is purposeful motivation and a conscious mindset for change.

Do you want to be slim and beautiful? Be her! Take your mind off food. Replace snacks with a hike with friends in nature, visiting theaters, museums, salons. Get a new haircut or treat yourself to some shopping. By the way, buy clothes that you really like, but are a bit small. See what an incentive such a trick will be.

Fall in love at last! It is not true that men prefer skinny women. And do not believe that there should be many good people. It's a delusion. A good person should be in moderation. Like everything else in our lives.