Interesting board games for youth day. Table competition. "Let's drip from a pipette"

How to make sure that the guests at the anniversary do not stray into groups according to their interests, and do not forget where they ended up. How to fill the anniversary with dynamics, how to intrigue and surprise guests? Hold fun contests for the anniversary.

Competition "To the Touch".
8-10 small items are put into a dark bag of material: scissors, a bottle cap, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. You have to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or thin.

Competition "Couples Reversed".
Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

Competition "whose ball is bigger".
The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. Whoever has the largest balloon wins.

Competition "Match-spear".
Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match like a spear at a distance. The winner can be determined by three throws.

Competition "Dancers".
Hold a dance competition with items to the tunes of "Apple", "Cossack", "Kalinka", etc.
Let the participants dance: 1) with an apple (ball, ball); 2) with chairs and stools; 3) with a glass of wine

Competition "Ode to the birthday man".
This is the familiar game "Burime", when ready-made rhymes are offered, and according to them you need to compose a verse. "Ode to the birthday man" can be composed on the following rhymes:

- fire,
- a gift
- schoolboy
- painter,
- hit,
- case,
- radar.

Prize for the winner: a bottle of champagne and a medal "Best Poet"

Ditty competition.

The contest of funny mischievous ditties is one of the most memorable moments of the anniversary, especially if there is an accordion player in your company. In order for the competition to be held in an organized manner, the host passes a special stick around the circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music subsides, the member of the company, who had a wand in his hands, performs a ditty. If you know that the guests practically do not know ditties, you can write texts on cards and distribute them to those invited in advance.
Winner: the guest whose ditty caused the biggest explosion of laughter
Prize for the winner: medal "The most cheerful guest" and a kiss from the birthday boy

Dance competition.
The host seats the contestants on chairs so that they can be clearly seen by all guests, then turns on the recording. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, letka-enka, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Without getting up from their chairs, guests show their art. The applause of the audience is a reward for the participants of the dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the medal "Best Dancer" and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.
Winner: a guest who received a big applause from the audience
Prize for the winner: medal "Best dancer" and a hug of the hero of the day

Competition "Portrait of the hero of the day"
The host invites all guests to find out how the wife of the birthday man really represents him. To do this, she is blindfolded, and she draws a "Portrait of the hero of the day" on a large sheet of paper. The host demonstrates it to all guests and gives the hero of the occasion as a keepsake. The wife is awarded the medal "the most attentive wife" to applause.

Competition "Attentive hero of the day"
The host offers to check how attentive the hero of the day is. To do this, invite several women. The birthday man should, blindfolded, stroking the woman's hand, determine the hand of his wife. So that the hero of the day does not get into an awkward position, after he is blindfolded, the presenter replaces the women invited to participate in the competition for men. We hope that the hero of the day will be able to distinguish the female hand from the male. The presenter presents the medal "The most attentive husband" to the hero of the occasion for participating in the competition.

Competition "The hottest heart"
All participants are given the same piece of ice to melt. You can do it with your hands, you can rub it on your chest.
Winner: breaking the ice first
Prize for the winner: medal "The Hottest Man" and as a prize for cooling - a glass of cold wine.

Competition "The most dexterous man"
A stick with apples tied to it with rubber bands is placed high above the heads of the contestants. It is necessary without the help of hands, jumping up, bite off an apple.
Winner: first bite of an apple.
Prize for the winner: Apple

Competition "The most persistent man"
Balloons are tied to chair seats. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter, both among the participants and the audience of the competition.
Winner's Prize: Balloons

Game "Confession"
In the hands of the owner of the house are two sets of cards of two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it aloud to everyone present. The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one make you jealous?
2. When do you have to smile?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. How often do you put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcohol?
8. Do you enjoy erotica?
9. Do you remember those who loved you before?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on the feet of others?
12. How often do you fight with your friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character unbearable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like to play the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your hard-earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your left-hand earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in a conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you experience fatigue from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you patient and well-mannered to the best of your ability?

Sample answers.
1. There was not and will not be.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. Had to suffer from it.
11. Only awake and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. And under torture I will not tell.
14. This is my hobby.
15. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
16. It was once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it.
21. If there is no second half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant for me.
24. When my relatives do not see.
25. At night under the covers.
26. Only in thoughts.

Competition "Fishing"
All men of the celebration are invited. The host offers to play fishing. "Let's take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into an imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly imaginary water starts to wet our legs and the presenter offers to roll up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher." The joke is that when everyone's trousers are already pulled up to the limit the host stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs.

Test "Tell me about yourself"
This comic test is designed for couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under the numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles) present at the party married men- of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The producer of the test asks the couple to look at the other side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate like...
Strong like...
Protective like...
Authoritative like...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Loving like...
Bold as...
Handsome as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are called. So, "Your Wife":
In transportation...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In the store like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant...
With the boss...
In friendly company...
Like in bed...
In the doctor's office...

Competition "Light dance"
Couples are invited to participate in the competition.
Condition: before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers.
Music sounds. Couples are dancing.
Winner: the couple that will last the longest burning sparkler.

Rocket flight game
Guests are divided into 2 rooms (2 halves of the table). The host gives the guests two mock-ups of the rocket.
flight rules: at the signal of the host, the first participant says loudly: "Happy anniversary!" and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, says: "Congratulations!", the third: "Happy anniversary!" and so on, until the rocket goes around each guest at his half of the table.
Winner: the team whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.

Contest "Encryption"
Find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen. Guests are given cards attached to a soft toy. Guests must decipher the abbreviation and call what they got.

For example: ATS - we love Valera for a long time.

Attention! I have things belonging to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words addressed to our esteemed birthday man. So the auction is open!
Lot No. 1. This faded canvas is a diaper in which parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and at such a respectable birthday boy, it is hard to even imagine that he was once placed in an envelope folded from such a cloth. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?
A “sale” of the diaper of the hero of the day is being held. The winner and owner of it is the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday man. Further, other things can be "sold" in the same way, in different time belonging to the hero of the day: a toy with which he did not part, shoelaces in which he went to the first grade, a school diary for the fifth grade, the first tie, etc.
After all items are sold, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to say a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday man. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number of epithets, is awarded a prize, which can be used as a paper medal "For Eloquence and Strong Friendship".

Outdoor games for the anniversary ("fun" relay race).
Participants - 2 teams, with an odd number of people.
Props for competitions:
8 glasses (plastic can be used), 2 books (not too heavy);
2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 tablespoons, 2 chairs, 2 bottles of alcohol, snack.
Anniversary Contest 1
Participants compete in jumping on one leg, holding glasses of water in their hands. At the same time, it is desirable that the glasses be full at the finish.
Anniversary Contest 2
Running with the ball on the head, held with one hand. Although it can hardly be called a run.
Anniversary Contest 3
Quickly walk a certain distance with a book on your head, holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other and sweeping the road in front of you.
Anniversary Contest 4
One player from each team runs, while he holds 2 glasses in his hands: one with water, the other empty. At the race, participants pour water from a full glass into an empty glass, and at the finish line they determine who spilled the least amount of water. In addition, the speed of the players is taken into account, that is, who came first.
Anniversary Contest 5
Using tablespoons, fill the glass by transferring water from one glass to another.
Anniversary contest 6
One player runs and at the same time holds the other by the legs, and he moves on his hands, holding a glass with his teeth.
Or the participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands and run to the designated place and return as well
Anniversary contest 7
Stand in a circle, close your eyes, stretch your arms forward and try to catch the hands of another participant. According to the principle of the game "Mom, unravel the thread" must unravel without breaking hands
Anniversary contest 8
"The journey of the ball - the ball."
Give the participants a ball. First, it must be passed by hand from top to back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between the legs. Play three times. You can make it more difficult by alternating the ball over your head, under your feet, etc. The last one left with the ball runs forward and passes the ball again.
9th Anniversary Contest
"Poured, drank, ate." An odd number of participants participate in the competition. The first player runs to a chair on which a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack are placed, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, returns to the team. The second player runs up to the chair, drinks, returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a bite, returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on, until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you do not want the relay race to drag on, put an incomplete bottle.

Competition for the anniversary "What to do if ..."
The host calls three to five volunteers. Participants are invited to find an original way out of non-standard situations. According to their answers, the audience chooses the winner, who receives the main prize. The rest of the participants receive incentive prizes.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What to do if you were carrying a china vase as a gift to a friend and accidentally broke it?
What if your beloved and your best friend do they celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remember that it's your birthday, only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What if several guests (by a surprising coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
What to do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
What to do if a magician in a blue helicopter flew to your birthday and gave you 500 popsicles?
What to do if you were given a live crocodile for your birthday?
But what if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
What to do the day after your birthday?

Competition for the anniversary "Princess Nesmeyana"
The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - “Princess Nesmeyana” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to make the “unsmeaners” laugh one by one or all together. Each smiled "unsmiling" joins the team of mixers. If in a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “unsmiling” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner, if not, the “unsmiling” team is declared the winner. The teams can then switch roles.
To make the “non-smilers” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but touching the “non-smilers” is not allowed.

Competition for the anniversary "Battle of Balloons"
A balloon is tied to each player's right foot (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Competition for the anniversary "Crocodile"
The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses some concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words and sounds. The second team tries three attempts to guess which concept is shown. Then the teams switch roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for guessed words.
You can think of individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictional) people.
Numbers of additional games suitable for this holiday are given in the index of entertainment.
In addition, participants can play sports: football, mini-football, volleyball.

Fun Question Quiz
As an entertainment, you can hold a fun quiz. The most active participant who responded to largest number questions, wins a prize.
Sample questions:
- When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks her out the window)
How do day and night end? ( soft sign)
- What should be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Remove each boot)
- The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)
- In what month does the talkative Masha speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest)
- When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
- A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")
- What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)
What year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
- What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
- What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)
What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)

A large company can gather for any reason. It can be any event like birthday or housewarming. In any case, for the event to be successful, the organizer, and this one is always present, needs to be well prepared.

Organization of birthday contests and quizzes

To make the holiday a success, it is worth paying attention not only to questions regarding the menu, table setting and musical accompaniment.

All this, of course, is important, but also to achieve the most pleasant effect, you should take care of contests and games. And nothing that the company consists of adults - they are also not averse to having fun and fooling around.

Difficulties may arise in the fact that not the entire company will consist of well-known people, it is quite possible that there will be those whom you have seen only a couple of times or do not know at all. In this case, it is important that communication is equally easy for all participants, and no one feels “out of place”.

Here, games and contests for a birthday at the table are very useful, as they help to defuse the situation. Also, the company can be people of different sexes and ages. This should also be taken into account and strive to ensure that the program contains entertainment that is interesting to all categories of people.

For example, older people will appreciate quizzes, and young people will appreciate funny pranks. Here are some options for contests that your friends and family will love and turn a banal feast into a truly unforgettable holiday.

Fun contests for a large group of adults

Table funny competition “Who thinks about what”

For this competition, you need to prepare well. Pick songs that have funny lines that could pass as someone's thoughts.

The main thing is that there is nothing offensive in them, and make a cut from these lines. For example, such lines as: “I want to get married, I want to get married”, “Natural blond, there is only one in the whole country” will do. Find a hat, the funnier it is, the better.

During the feast, the chosen host announces that he has a mind-reading hat. Then he dresses it in turn on the heads of all the guests. As soon as the hat touches the person's head, the assistant turns on a musical selection with the desired line. The main thing here is that the words of the song are suitable for this guest.

Competition with a glove and water “Glorious milk yield”

stock up medical gloves in the calculation of one piece per guest. In each of the fingers (at the very end), make a tiny hole with a thin needle. Now it remains to conveniently fasten the gloves on the chair and pour water into them.

The task of the guests is to try to milk their glove as quickly as possible. It is especially fun if the guests are completely unfamiliar with village life.

Laughter and joy are guaranteed for everyone, the main thing is to overcome embarrassment. And if the participants have already tasted some alcohol, then watching their efforts is a pleasure.

Funny contest with photos “Can you guess?”

You need to find photos of celebrities on the Internet or in a magazine. The host (better if it's you) chooses any guest and asks him to turn away. Then he explains the rules: “I will now show the guests a photo of an animal, your task is to ask quality questions and guess who is in the photo.” Guests can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Now the host shows a photo of the star, and the player, believing that the photo is an animal, asks ridiculous questions: “Does the animal have a tail?”, “Does it eat grass?” etc. The fun hall (and the player after the end of the competition, when he understands what's the matter) will receive in full.

Competition for those who love movement

Guests are divided into teams of the same number of people. The bigger the team, the better. Each team chooses a color for themselves, and the participants tie a ball of the corresponding color to their leg. You need to tie it with a thread so that the ball lies on the floor (it doesn’t matter how far from the leg).

The host gives a signal, after which each team tries to burst the opponent's ball. The one whose ball failed is out of the game. The team whose player keeps his ball until the end of the match wins. To make it more difficult, each team can choose several colors, but then you need to remember your team exactly so that in the heat of battle the balloon does not burst on your own.

The game is good for stretching between delicious meals. It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

Fun competition for lovers of delicious drinks

It is required to prepare ten disposable glasses and drinks. In front of the guests, different drinks are poured into each glass. Both ordinary and flavored with salt, pepper or other spices can be poured (so that the taste deteriorates, but does not bring harm to health).

Glasses are placed in a tight pile. Those who wish are given a table tennis ball, and everyone throws it into a glass. In which of the glasses the ball will fly, then the player must drink.

These funny contests at the birthday table will make your holiday even more interesting!

Funny games for birthday guests

Blindfold contest “Make a wish come true”

Each of those present puts one item in a bag. A leader is chosen who is blindfolded.

His task is to pull one thing out of the bag and say what its owner should do. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the presenter. He can offer to sing, crow and much more.

Most importantly, the task should be humiliating for the guest, and also contain difficulties in performing.

Competition for art lovers “Modern storytellers”

Each participant of the event has the skills of a certain profession. But, the more a person works in a certain area, the more vocabulary appropriate terminology appears. It can be easily used not only for business, but also for fun. Give each player a piece of paper and a pen.

The task is that the player chooses any fairy tale for himself and tries to write its analogue, but only in professional language, for example, turn the fairy tale into a police report or a medical report. After the specified time has elapsed, all fairy tales are read out and the winner is selected by general voting. It becomes the one whose fairy tale is the funniest.

An interesting competition for guests “Guess what is in the picture”

It is necessary to find some interesting image and prepare an opaque sheet, much larger. A hole is made in the sheet with a diameter of not more than three centimeters. The image and the sheet covering it are installed in a place convenient for all participants. The facilitator must move the sheet with the hole over the mysterious image so that the participants can see small pieces of the drawing.

The winner is the one who guesses faster than others what drawing is hidden behind the sheet.

Entertaining game “Write a funny story”

Participants sit in a circle. Each is provided with a pen and paper. The facilitator asks his first question: “Who?” Participants write on a piece of paper the character they have chosen for their story, then fold the piece of paper so that the word is hidden, and pass it to the person on the right.

The facilitator asks the following question. For example: “Where is it going?” Again, everyone answers (you need to answer with a detailed sentence, and not a few words), bends the sheet and passes it on. And so on until the host runs out of questions.

There are no restrictions on the questions, but they must be asked in such an order that the answers together form a coherent story. As a result, when the story is written, all creativity is read aloud.

Incendiary contests for adult parties

A fun game with clockwork dances and a headscarf

All you need for this game is a small handkerchief and good music. The music should be cheerful, so that the guests would be happy to perform unimaginable pirouettes.

You need to become in a large circle, and choose the first player. For fun, you can do this with the help of lots.

The one who happened to dance is located in the center of the circle, a scarf is tied around his neck, and everyone starts dancing. The central dancer, after a certain number of movements, must give his handkerchief to any other person. To do this, without stopping the dance, he takes it off himself and ties it in a knot around the neck of the chosen guest, after which he kisses him.

The selected guest with a headscarf stands in a circle and dances, and through a short time passes the handkerchief on.

The dancing continues until the host turns off the music. When everything is quiet, the one who is in the circle at that moment should shout something funny, for example, crow.

Funny contest to dress up a friend and speed

Participants are selected and randomly divided into pairs. By the number of pairs, you need to pre-assemble packages with a variety of clothes. The number and difficulty of dressing all sets should be as similar as possible. All players are blindfolded. Within the couple, there is a choice of who will wear and who will wear.

On a signal, the first one starts to get clothes out of the bag and tries to put them on the second participant. Time is given only a minute. The victory is for those who put on more clothes and do it more correctly. You can not limit the time, then those who quickly put on all the things from the bag win. It is especially funny when a couple of two men have to wear only women's clothes.

Hit the target in the "Brave Hunters" contest

Two or three teams of three people are formed. They will be hunters. One of the participants will play the role of a boar. Each hunter receives tightly folded pieces of paper - they will be a kind of cartridges. Hunters strive to hit a wild boar, but not just a wild boar, but a special target.

The target is drawn in advance on a cardboard circle.

At the beginning of the game, this target is fixed on the clothes of the boar, approximately on the lower back. On a signal, the wild boar tries to run fast and dodge, and the hunters aim at the target with all their might. The space for hunting is limited in advance, and the time is clearly defined. You need to engage in such entertainment while still sober. Also, hunters cannot hold a boar by force.

Fun game for greedy people with balloons

Buy and inflate a sufficient number of colorful balloons in advance. Scatter them on the floor before playing. Participants are selected and, as soon as the go-ahead is given and cheerful musical accompaniment is turned on, everyone begins to try to catch and hold the maximum number of balls.

Cool games and competitions for the company of drunk guests

Contest with a bakery product "Guess the poem"

The chosen participant puts so much of the baked product in his mouth that it is very, very difficult to talk.

After that, he is given a sheet with a verse (the main thing is that no one knows this verse).

The second player listens carefully and writes down what they understand, after which they read it. The resulting text is compared with what was actually in the task. You can use not only poetry, but also prose.

Funny competition with chairs and a rope “Obstacle”

Two couples are selected (mandatory guy and girl). Two chairs are placed in an empty place, between which a tight rope is pulled. Each guy must take the girl in his arms and step over the rope. In no case should you touch the rope.

The task is executed in turn. After taking the first height, the rope rises higher and everything repeats until someone can cope with the height.

Pair competition for accuracy “Cigarettes and potatoes”

Two participants are selected. A rope is tied to the belt of each, on the tail of which hangs a large potato. You also need to stock up on two packs of cigarettes, already empty.

The task of the players is to push their pack faster than the opponent with the help of tied potatoes until it reaches the intended finish line.

Free your opponent from clothespins and win

Couples are called to a large free space in the room. 14-20 clothespins are attached to the participants (of course, on clothes). After that, the players' eyes are tied and they must, while the perky music plays, find and remove the maximum number of clothespins from the opponents.

Contests are the best pastime when gathered funny company. To avoid hitches, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, the availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find a pin

The host chooses 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. After that, he randomly attaches pins to the clothes of the players. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, it is impossible to tell. Whoever finds the most wins.

All pins must be clasped. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For such a game, you need the same number of balloons of two colors. On the ground, you need to draw a large circle and divide it in half. Everyone present is divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who threw all their balls into the opponents' territory.


Such a competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal in each team, they begin to kindle a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook faster. The competition can be changed, for example, to the most fast cooking kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into two. Each pair is tied together with two arms and two legs. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is that the "Siamese twins" perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple that completes the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • side by side;
  • between hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, the participants are ridiculous to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

Ate and drank

For the competition you will need: a sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to choose two teams of three people. Everyone moves an equal distance from the table.

First, the participants are offered food. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second pricks it on a fork. The third must eat.

Now the teams have to drink. Now all participants alternately open the bottle, pour into a glass and drink. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

hungry beast

For the game you need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants alternately put food in their mouths and say the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you cannot swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

Looking for treasure

This competition requires preparation. The host needs to hide the treasure in advance - a case of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. With the help of lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest are followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the followers are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams alternately throw the ball. The task of the slaves is to intercept him. If they succeed, the teams switch places.

get me drunk

For such a competition, you need 6 players, 4 glasses and a couple of plastic bottles. In their covers with a nail, one hole must be made. The players are divided into two teams.

The captains, without opening the bottles and without using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the challenge faster than their opponents wins.


This game will require a lot of bags. The host leaves a gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and, on command, begin to jump. Whoever gets to the gift first can keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help to cheer up, but also cool drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The host hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The host can prompt "hot" or "cold". The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed, undress

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, leave a hat, T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes).

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the challenge the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and worksheets. The host draws a "corridor" on the ground.

Participants one at a time take a spoon in their teeth, put an egg on it and go through the "corridor". The rest are trying to distract him, shouting "drop it", "you won't reach it." The player who dropped the egg must complete the task.

chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must be in swimsuits and swimming trunks. The leader ties the blindfolds for the men. He also breaks the chocolate and places them on the girls.

Guys have to find sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone copes with the task, the boys and girls change places.

In such a game, only adults who are not in love relationships. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

save the ball

For such a competition, many balloons will be needed, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. Draw a big circle on the ground. After everything is ready, the host turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop the balls to each other. When the music is turned off, those who could not keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until one winner remains.


This game will continue all the time that the company spends in nature. Near the feast chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, from the bottom of which 40 degrees are written, and zero from the top.

Throughout the feast, each of the participants passes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends over and puts his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Each time passing the test will be more difficult and funnier.

table games

VIDEO: The best board games


TOP 5 fun GAMES for the company at the table

Entrance denied

Such fun is great to start a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It should not be difficult, for example, to say a compliment to the presenter.

drunk couple

For the competition, you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those who wish to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes a bottle, and the second - a glass.

At the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as accurately as possible. But at the same time, it is forbidden to take the bottle with your hands. The victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are selected at the table. Everybody raise right hand clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading "telepath", the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But the participants can try to negotiate in a different way, such as coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The host points to any person present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?”. Assignments should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate passing people on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print a photo of a caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they saw your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at the bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the task can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of teams. Each group must choose a captain. It is he who starts the game and ends it.

At the signal of the facilitator, the group should take turns peeling the orange, divide it into slices and eat. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The host plays a familiar song. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, they are silent. Participants who make a mistake are out of the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the facilitator can use his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he doesn't have to.

The most nimble

For such fun you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be less than the participants. The host pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops playing, the participants take apart the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For a change, the degree of drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when one winner remains.

During the game, remove the excess from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

How would you do if?

The facilitator asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • aliens have stolen you;
  • you spent the entire salary for three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will turn out. The winner can be determined by general vote.


In order to play this game, you need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player takes a small amount of juice into his mouth, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet with a story and offered to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what they heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually such a game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table should stand behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The task of the driver is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will figure out the most drunk of the guests.

After that, the facilitator explains that it is necessary to give the subject he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of response.

At such a moment, the host says the word "water". Usually at such a moment they answer “vodka”. The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “who has reached the required condition” to the general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. Everyone present is divided into two teams.

On a signal, everyone drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next. During the fun, splashing water is not allowed. The first group to scoop out the contents of the bowl wins.

useful item

The leader gives any item to the person sitting next to him. The guest must say how you can use this thing and pass it on to the next. The one who can't figure out what benefits this item brings is the loser.

super cocktail

The host invites all guests to participate in the preparation of a super cocktail. But at the same time, he warns that the one who pours the glass must drain it.

All guests begin to fill the glass with any drinks in turn. Gradually, the place in the glass becomes smaller, and the game becomes more interesting. After its completion, the competition can be repeated again.

How great it is to meet friends, get away from problems and everyday life, having a noisy party! I would like the training camp to take place in a festive atmosphere and be remembered for a long time. However, the evening is banal, uninteresting and boring.

To have fun, you need to prepare funny entertainment. What are the competitions for a small company? How to prepare the best party?

Entertainment "Crocodile"

This one is suitable for a small company, and although it comes from childhood, any adult will be happy to fool around. To do this, you need to make a word to a friend and ask him to portray it using pantomime. It is impossible to prompt in a whisper or moving the lips. Whoever guesses is given the right to guess a new word and choose a performer.

Game "Surprise"

Requires little preparation. If you are planning contests for a small company, you can buy some comical accessories in the store. It can be glasses with a nose, funny big ears, a cap or huge bloomers. These items must be placed in a closed cardboard box.

At the beginning of the game to the music, all guests must pass the box, and when the melody stops, you need to quickly pull out the first thing that comes across from it and put it on yourself. This game is very noisy and fun, because everyone wants to get rid of the box faster, and new item and its rapid pulling causes an explosion of laughter.

Competition "The fastest"

This game requires stools and bananas. Two participants are selected, whose hands are tied behind their backs. Then you need to kneel in front of a stool on which lies an unpeeled banana. Without the help of hands, you need to extract the pulp and eat it completely. For the one who loses, you need to come up with a "punishment" in the form of fulfilling a wish.

Fanta game

Funny contests for a small company are not difficult to prepare. To play forfeits, you need to write funny wishes on small leaves. For example, dance "macarena", depict a kangaroo or a rabid fly. Desires must be original and light, otherwise guests may refuse to fulfill them. On each leaf you need to indicate the time of the fulfillment of the desire.

Tasks and their completion time must be kept secret. It turns out very funny when neighbor Vasya, after a toast, starts spinning without words, depicting a fly in flight, or starts a dance of the natives. The main thing is that guests remember their time and willingly join the competition.

Entertainment "Find a couple"

What can you do to cheer up the party? Of course, come up with original ones. For a small company of 4-6 people, this entertainment is a win-win option.

On small leaves, the names of animals are written in pairs. Put everything written in a prepared hat or plate and mix well. Participants are invited to take a piece of paper, read to themselves which animal is hidden there, and find their mate among other guests. To search, you can only use the sounds that this beast makes, or its movements.

To make the competition more comical, you should write the names, for example, koalas, marmots, gophers. This will confuse the participants and make it difficult for them to find their mate.

Game "Think up a toast"

Competitions for a small company can be not only active. Some of them can be carried out without getting up from the table.

Guests are invited to say toasts in turn, only they need to start with a certain letter of the alphabet.

For example, the first participant begins his speech with the letter “a”, the next guest also needs to say something, but already starting with the letter “b”. And so on until the end of the alphabet. The funniest thing happens when toasts begin in an unusual way, for example, with the letter “u” or “s”.

Entertainment "Quick Cucumber"

will give good mood, as well as cool competitions for a small company will bring guests together. Such entertainment causes a lot of laughter and contributes to the emergence of comical situations.

This game is good because all guests can participate in it at once, regardless of age and gender. First you need to stand in a tight circle, preferably shoulder to shoulder, and bring your arms back. There is also one participant in the center of the ring.

A long cucumber is taken to keep the game going as long as possible. Participants must pass it from hand to hand, very deftly and imperceptibly. The guest inside the circle must guess who has this vegetable. The task of the players is to quickly give the cucumber to the next one, biting off a piece of it.

You need to act very carefully so that the central participant does not see the process of transferring or chewing one of the guests. The game will end when the whole cucumber is eaten.

Game "Chairs"

For a small group of adults, they will decorate the party and enliven the boring atmosphere. Entertainment with chairs is very popular in children's circles. However, if men are placed on chairs, around which ladies will run, the game will turn into an “adult”.

During the groovy music, the girls dance, and when the melody breaks, they quickly sit on the knees of the men. Participants who did not have time to take a place are eliminated. At the same time, one chair with a man is also removed.

The funniest moments in the contest are when the ladies push each other away to sit on the man's lap. These situations cause an explosion of laughter and give the game participants a great mood.

Entertainment "Part of the body"

To conduct the competition, you need to choose a leader. He leads the circle around the table. The host takes his neighbor by the ear, hand, nose or other. All guests in turn must repeat his movement. When the circle reaches the end, the leader shows another part of the body. The goal of this competition is not to stray, to repeat the movement correctly and not to laugh.

Game "Pass the ring"

All guests should sit in a row and hold a match between their teeth. A ring is hung at its end. During the game, you need to pass it to the participant who is nearby, without resorting to the help of hands. The ring must reach the last participant and not fall to the ground. Whoever drops it must grant a ridiculous wish.

Parties are fun and laughter

So that your guests do not get bored and remember the feast for a long time, be sure to prepare contests. For a small company, you can come up with a huge number of them. The main thing is that games should not offend or dirty the participants and be safe. Then all the guests will have fun from the heart and will remember your incendiary party with pleasure.

Throughout the year we have many different holidays. Often we celebrate them according to the same scenario, take these cool table contests for your birthday and you will remember the cool atmosphere around for a whole year.

Very often, festive events take place in the usual way. Real hospitable hosts try to create an unusual atmosphere during the holiday. They want to take care not only of a chic table with original snacks, but also of a festive mood.

Such a feast will remain in the memory of all guests for a long time. Therefore, people are trying to come up with various cool board games for adults' birthdays that can not only amuse guests, but also train their brains.

Cool competition at the table called "Spy Passions"

These contests are based on solving mysterious stories with a lack of information.

All people, despite the number of years, love secrets, especially when a gift awaits the winner at the end of the competition.

We determine the subject in an interesting competition with forks

This game is as follows: you need to identify the object without seeing it. The participant is blindfolded. He holds in his hands only two forks, with which he must guess as many objects as possible within two minutes. You can't touch things!

Things can be very diverse, for example: a scarf, a banana, a wallet, a comb, an apple, a candy, and so on.

To make the task easier for the participant, he can pose leading questions to the facilitator. Such as: “Is this made of plastic?”, “Is this edible?”, “Is this a household cleaner?” and another set of questions to help identify the subject.

The answer can only be "No" or "Yes". Whoever guesses the most and correctly, he becomes the winner. This game will bring a big charge of good mood.

Imagination game "Guess who I am"

This is a fun adult birthday board game with questions and answers.

All participants of the competition are pasted paper with an inscription on their foreheads. It can be: an object, an animal, a character from a movie or cartoon, a popular person.

People taking part in the game see all the inscriptions, except for their own. All players in turn ask questions. For example: "Is this a vegetable?" or "I am a man." The answers to them will be "Yes" or "No".

The first person to name their character will be the winner.

If a person does not guess correctly, then he leaves the game or he is given some kind of punishment. If the game seems too difficult, then you can give extended answers, with a more complete description.

Magic ball with riddles on the sheets

For this game, you need to prepare a small surprise, riddles of varying complexity and foil. Write riddles on paper.

The surprise is wrapped with the first layer of foil, a leaf with a riddle is glued to it. This manipulation is done about 7 times. On top are easy riddles, and closer to the surprise are more complex ones. The facilitator reads the inscription.

The one who guessed the riddle removes the foil and reads the next riddle. This process is repeated until the last layer of foil is removed.

The winner is the participant who guesses the most difficult riddle and accordingly removes the last layer of foil. He also gets a gift.

What is the prize in the bag?

This contest is perfect for a birthday. The name of the birthday boy is taken as a basis. It will be great if it is long and almost corresponds to the number of guests. For example, the name Michael. It consists of 6 letters.

In a special bag we put 6 gifts for each letter. For example: M - soap; I - figs; X - halvah; A - orange; I - toffee; L is a lemon. Players are given little hints. The player who guesses the item is the winner.

Game without additional details "Sentry"

This is a simple game, no props are needed here, it will bring a lot of unforgettable emotions in every company.

  • Players are divided into pairs;
  • Each is given a piece of paper and a pencil. A word is written on a leaf, any noun. In total, you can make up to 20 words;
  • Leaves are folded into an opaque container or bag. One participant holds a bag and takes out leaflets in turn. He explains to his partner an object written on paper without saying its name aloud. For example, "orange" means "it is a round edible fruit."
    If the partner guesses the word, then the turn of the next piece of paper comes.

Each pair of participants has only 20 seconds to solve, then the capacity passes to the next pair of players.

The task is complicated by the fact that in this short time it is necessary to solve as many words as possible. Players gesticulate, stutter, stutter, this creates a lot of laughter.

Funny contests held on the name day of "Nonsense"

These fun birthday drinking contests are based on a random match of words that can reveal all the secrets of the players.

The sudden “truth” can not only amuse everyone, but also reveal the secrets that are deep in the subconscious.

Ask a question and get an answer on the sheets

The terms of the game are clear from its name. Questions and answers are written on pieces of paper, and laid out text down into two piles. The first participant takes out a piece of paper with a question and appoints another player who takes out a piece of paper with an answer and reads it aloud. Then everything repeats from the beginning.

During this competition you will find out the most unexpected secrets of your friends.

Making history with the alphabet

In front of the participants of this game, cards are laid out on which all the letters of the alphabet are written. The first participant takes out one card with a letter, and the remaining players call this letter by word, but this must be done in such a way that the result is a funny story.

For example, on the letter "K": "Kuzma rolled steeply towards the cat when someone threw a ladle." The more fun and resourceful the players are, the funnier the game will be.

Find the missing words in the guest story

The host of the competition writes a story in advance, in which all the characters are guests of the holiday. However, some words are missing in this narrative, their participants must come up with themselves.

Each player in turn says the word that is not in the text. It can be: verb, noun or adjective.

The most unusual combinations and turns will successfully fit here. The main thing is to have fun! When the words are all inserted, the general work is read aloud.

Noun and adjective in play

In this game, the principle is the same as in the previous one. The last participant in the row names the word, saying what gender it is (female or male). For example, "Servant". Then all the players, in turn, say adjectives-epithets. The last player calls the hidden word.

The result is: "Handsome, charming, nasty, cute, extravagant sideboard." The competition goes pretty fast. All participants change places.

"I'm in my pants right now..."

The idea of ​​the game is not revealed until the last. All players sit in a circle. Each participant tells the person sitting on the left the name of any series, movie or cartoon. The participant remembers, but the next player calls a different name, and so on.

Then the host of the competition tells each player to say "In my pants ..." and name the film, the name of which was heard from a neighbor.

Imagine how much laughter the guests will have when they hear that “Cat Leopold” or “Friends” is hiding in the indicated place.

Creative contests for friends "Discover your talents"

The games presented below will help to reveal the talent, artistic and creative abilities of its participants.

As a result, they will be able to determine the funniest and most talented.

Dance sitting and have fun

Participants in this competition sit on chairs in the center of the room. The groovy music turns on, and they start dancing while sitting. The host calls those parts of the body that should be dancing at the moment.

For example, “Now we are dancing with our eyes, lips, then with our eyebrows, then with our feet” and so on. The audience determines who danced better on a chair.

Try to make the unsmiling princesses laugh

Some time is given for this competition. If all the unsmiling princesses were made laugh, then their rivals win, and if not, then the unsmiled ones become the winners.

Become a real sculptor and create a masterpiece

For this competition you will need plasticine. One player calls any letter of the alphabet, and the other players must mold an object from plasticine to a given letter.

Funny game "Mouth full of sweets"

This game is quite popular. She needs some candy. Players put candy in their mouths and say, "Happy birthday!"

Then the turn of the next candy comes and the same congratulation is repeated. The winner is the participant who, with a large number of sweets, pronounces this phrase most clearly and legibly.

Keep coordination in the mindfulness game "Tower"

This game is not for the faint of heart. The most favorable moment for it to start is when the guests have drunk a little, but they can still maintain coordination.

A “tower” is made from domino plates. They should be marked with the letter "P". Then the second, third floor is built, and so on. All participants put on one plate.

The player who accidentally broke the "tower" is poured an additional portion of alcohol.

Who will quickly collect the puzzles

For this competition, you will need puzzles for 54 pieces, you can choose a larger version. Players are divided into two teams and collect a picture for speed. A very long collection of puzzles can tire players. So the main thing here is not to overdo it.

The most common game for adults "Pantomime"

This game is very common, everyone knows and loves it since childhood. It is suitable for different age groups. Her other names are "Cow", "Crocodile". You can play both in a team and alone.

The facilitator chooses one person from each group and gives him a word. At first, these are simple names of objects or animals.

Then the tasks become more difficult. Words are more complex. Such as: "deposit"; "reality"; "hatred"; "London"; "Africa". Each player must show his friends what it is without making a sound. For the guessed word, the team gets a point.

Whose toast is better at a party

No celebration, especially a birthday, is complete without toasts. However, not everyone is able and willing to speak them. Usually, greetings come down to banal wishes for “health, happiness and love.” In order for the wishes to become original, it is necessary to say toasts on the following conditions:

  • Say wishes to the birthday man in thematic style. It all depends on the contingent of the assembled company. There may be congratulations in the style of "Alice in Wonderland", "lads" with a thieves' vocabulary or using Tolkien's works;
  • Congratulations that say about food: "Let everything be in chocolate";
  • Composition of poetic congratulations;
  • Congratulations related to the animal world "Fast as a doe!";
  • Make a toast in a foreign language;
  • Congratulate the birthday man using various words taken from the ceiling. For example, moon, book, shoes, director, plane, etc.;

Assignments are written on paper and distributed to all those present. The list can be big.

Magic fairy tale about a birthday boy

Participants are divided into two teams of the same composition. Everyone writes words on paper. The latter should be dedicated to some topic.

So, one group writes down the words associated with "Birthday". Another team describes the character of the hero of the occasion, the events of his life, comes up with associations associated with him.

Guests can be divided into women's and men's teams. Then women describe men (courage, bravery, gentleman). And the men of their companions (grace, beauty, femininity).

Then the players change notes. The sheets are turned clean side up. Players, in turn, take out leaves and come up with a sentence with a given word. The team should be able to related story. Then it's the turn of the other team.

Guess what's on the plate

This competition is held during meals. The host says the letter of the alphabet, and each participant must quickly name the product that is on his plate.

In this game, you cannot name the letters: “i”, “ё”, “ь”, “ъ”, “ы”. The player who guessed first becomes the leader.

If no one calls the word for this letter, then he receives a gift. For holding celebratory event it takes a long time to prepare. You need to buy a lot of products, cook a lot of different food from them.

Guests can be asked to help prepare the competition program. They can bring props or crafts with them. But just do not dedicate them to the plan.

Let it be a surprise for them. Any celebration will become original and memorable if you approach its preparation with all your heart.