All about the game tempest how to rearrange the ship. korsary4's impressions of Tempest. Minimum system requirements

Every child in childhood dreamed of becoming a pirate and often imagined himself as the captain of a huge ship with big guns, plowing the ocean and living his own life. The opportunity to feel like a real captain of a combat sailing ship has nevertheless appeared, we present to your attention another novelty that has replenished the list of games on Steam - this is a long-awaited project called Tempest. What players will have to do here, what battles to participate in and many other questions, we will try to answer in this review. Let's get to know the game a little closer.


Just recently, a new game called Tempest appeared on Steam. She immediately interested us, because the action takes place on the high seas and you have to manage a small sailing ship, but later, you will be able to purchase a more powerful and dangerous vessel for your enemies in order to conquer all water areas.

To begin with, it should be noted that this is an action of India role-playing game, developed by Lion's Shade, and the publisher is none other than HeroCraft. Note that since December 5, 2015, the game has been in early access and anyone can purchase it and try it out.

Let's start with the main menu. There is nothing remarkable here, you can only notice that there is no multiplayer, that is, you will have to conquer the seas alone, but most likely, in the near future, players will still have the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder with their friends. But so far history is silent about this.

Getting into the game menu, you understand that you should not expect anything beyond the graphic component, but after playing for just a couple of minutes you understand that everything is very well worked out and this style of performance is quite even to your face.

The story begins very tempting, in front of you is a small pirate island and not the most best ship which you have to manage. First of all, you are sent in search of a missing sailor who has sailed to no one knows where, after which you begin to hunt for a huge sea monster "Kraken" and this adventure is just beginning. The game has a plot component and it pleases, but it seems that the developers still forgot a little bit to present all this in a more beautiful way, with some background, small video inserts, etc. Is it really? Perhaps all this will soon appear in the game, because at the moment early access is still running, you say, but we still think we won’t wait for anything.

The gameplay component can be said to be divided into three components. First, it's a rectangular map that allows you to move around. Throughout this territory there are several islands and each island is controlled by a certain faction and only a small part of them belongs to pirates.

In order to move around the map, just click on it with the mouse at different points, and if you hold right button mouse, you can even plot a route along which your ship will sail. Very convenient and simple. It should be noted that only the location of the factions that occupied a certain territory is marked on the map, and you will have to engage in battle in a completely random way. As you move around, you will randomly encounter different situations. For example, you may be attacked by pirates, you may stumble upon a trade route, or, for example, you will be asked to storm a fort, etc.

There is also a choice here, if you come face to face with pirates, then you can simply avoid the attack by retreating, or accept the fight. In addition, if you do not want to waste your time, the developers offer to use the automatic battle function, that is, artificial intelligence will play for you. But I want to warn you right away, if you want huge costs, you can use this function, that is, in this case, your ship will always receive more damage, it will spend a lot more shells, which will hit your treasure chest hard.

In map mode, you can also see the current date, and on the right there is a special window on which a ship's rudder is drawn, by clicking on it you can start the time counter. What does this mean and what is all this for? When you move around the map, the bottom line of the month and year will also change in some missions, for example, when you need to catch the Kraken for the first time, you need to wait for spring and in order not to constantly move around the map, you can simply click on the window located on bottom left corner of the map and the time will run automatically.

Secondly, the marina, where you can replenish supplies, provisions, cannonballs, upgrade your vessel or even purchase new ship. On the map you can see various islands, some of them are merchants where you can only buy provisions, others provide an opportunity to repair after long battles, and others allow you to improve your ship: install more powerful guns, sails, take care of armor, etc.

In addition to all this, in each harbor you can get a team for yourself, who from time to time will die after sea battles. On the original ship, the crew will consist of 16 sailors and 9 officers. If you can just buy sailors, then things are a little more complicated with officers. In order to get officers to your team, you need to complete various tasks.

Let's start with the fact that the crew can be improved and there are only 5 levels of development and they are all divided into three teams. Some are responsible for the assault, the second defend the deck, and the third shoot from the cannons. With the officers, everything is the same, for each team there are 3 officers, and if you have them, then you will receive a significant bonus to a particular team, and if you have already got all 9, then the bonus will be significant.

In order to improve ordinary sailors, you need to earn experience points, which can be obtained by participating in naval battles. That is, it is necessary to take into account the factor that if you prefer to play more from afar, then it is better to lower the team into the hold of the ship in order to focus on the guns. If you like close combat, boarding, then of course it is better to pump the top teams. But as practice shows, it is better to find a balance between the one and the other, because the opponents are constantly changing.

In each harbor, you can store your received things and thereby not drag all the cargo with you, because your ship has its own limitations, and if during the next voyage to robbery your hold is filled and exceeds 100%, then the ship simply will not be able to sail further and you have to get rid of some load that is not good.

Thirdly, these are, of course, battles, something for which it is worth playing this game. This is where all the fun begins naval battles against pirates, merchants, etc. The developers did their best, because the abundance of weapons in the game is enough to really plunge into this incredible world.

Your ship has 3 health bars: sails, crew and ship. What does all this have to do with it, you ask? The answer is simple, the game has several types of guns and various shells for them. For example, let's take an ordinary long gun. It can load a huge amount of projectiles. If you use knippels, you will damage the sails of the enemy, which will significantly weaken their speed of movement, and if the sails are completely destroyed, then the enemy ship will not be able to move at all and will become easy prey for you. There are cores that are designed to destroy the skin of the ship, thereby inflicting the main damage in order to immediately flood the enemy ship. However, you can sink another ship with other shells, for example, hot cannonballs, which set fire to and thereby destroy the crew, if they all burn out, then the ship will also sink. There are various poisonous cores, cores that restore the energy of artifacts, etc.

Speaking about artifacts, I would like to note that you can install 2 additional weapons for killing on your ship: various artifacts (by killing a kraken you will receive a deep stone that allows you to summon a kraken), a flamethrower, a mortar, that is, you will make some additional upgrade.
Management is quite simple and convenient. With help key W,A, S and D you will direct your ship in one direction or another. The mouse is designed to change shells, use the power of artifacts, or, for example, turn on a flamethrower.
The most interesting begins when shooting. There are cannons on each side of the deck, that is, you can shoot either from the starboard side or from the left side (forward or backward is currently impossible). In the lower right corner you can see 3 markings (sights), by choosing a certain one you either improve the accuracy of shooting, but at the same time increase the reload time, or vice versa. Personally, we preferred to wait longer, but hit more efficiently. In order for a salvo to occur, the enemy ship must fall within the cannon's hit radius (shown by the blue bar) and stay there for several seconds, after which the salvo will occur automatically. If you do not press the keys during the salvo, you can see a small but effective insert, as if from the first person.
Surely you have already understood that the most necessary things in the game are gold coins and cannonballs. Sometimes you have to go into battle and help the pirates so that they destroy merchant ships, and you can get gold to buy cannon shells for yourself and sometimes you have to get out so as not to be left with an empty pocket. In addition to these two components, you will need to stock up on first-aid kits to heal the wounded, otherwise, you will simply lose your combat capability.

Graphic component of the game

Considering that the game itself is not very demanding on PC characteristics, it should be noted that the graphics component in Tempest is quite worthy. Well-designed water surface, even the ships for a minute begin to seem realistic. Excellent rendering of textures, good visual effects, weather phenomena, and most importantly - there are no lags. Let's hope that the developers will soon take care of adding multiplayer to the game, because Tempest, we think, will still show its good side.


Let's sum up the Tempest game. We should pay tribute to the Lion's Shade team and give them a big and fat plus for the fact that they managed to create such interesting game, which takes players to the endless expanses of the water world, where each captain of the ship is responsible only for his team. You can feel like a real pirate, sailing the seas and robbing merchant ships. Great gameplay, pretty good graphics. Of course, there is still work to be done, but generally speaking, Tempest has got a great foundation to create something even more mesmerizing.

Imagine Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. Without the action component, assassins and templars, and in general any action on land. Only your ship, map and open sea. Doesn't sound so bad. But it's actually not that good.

General form

The main problem of the game is that it is quite empty, for all its fullness. There are a lot of things here - sea battles, capture of ports, pirates, merchants, mystical artifacts, legendary monsters like the Kraken and Leviathan.

But at the same time, a lot is missing. The main thing missing is motivation. We can fight, trade, improve the ship and crew. But why? There is practically no plot. Most of it takes place at the training stage. And playing for the sake of the game itself does not pull much.

Pee-pee on the tower

Perhaps the whole point is that the developers decided to motivate the player with high difficulty when entering. At the very beginning of the game, anyone can pile on us. Basically anyone. Therefore, at first you carefully build a route, try to carefully move between ports ... until you understand that nothing will happen to you. Nothing at all. When moving around the map, not a single ship will attack itself, ever.

Another thing is with quests, which are still present in a small part here. The first quest is to meet a friend in the port. Ok, we sail to the place, we are attacked by a couple of small pirates and drowned in a couple of minutes. game over.

Ok, attempt number 2: we sail to the place, we are met by a huge frigate, which immediately attacks. Well, at least the same pirates that sank last time are now attacking him, and not us. The three of us somehow fight back, board the ship ... and die at the same time.

Attempt number 3, correct: we score a meeting with a friend and sail to pump - we attack small lonely ships, slowly upgrade the ship, trade, pump the team. So we play until we get bored, remember that there are still some grains of the plot and quests, we sail to complete.

A couple more seconds and we'll get a dose of buckshot in the side

Those. technically this is what we have Skyrim or No Man's Sky, only about pirates and with a rear view of the ship. And there, and there, and here everything is tied to research and development, and the plot here is present somewhere against the background of a weightless tick.

No wonder I remembered Black Flag at the beginning. The ship feels and behaves almost exactly like there. If you played, then proceed to the maneuvers almost immediately. Is that the ship is not so strong, and is killed much easier and faster. The camera can be adjusted above the ship or brought as close as possible to the deck level, from where it is much easier to aim, but the situation around is absolutely not visible.

So, once I fought against a fairly strong opponent. Despite his advantage, my victory was close. However, I got carried away by the shelling and did not notice how the ship ran into the rocks. However, this happens here regularly and not only with the player. The enemy, too, sometimes seems to be carried away by the battle.

We sail into the sunset. More precisely from sunset

So, another battle was not far from the port. A mighty frigate attacked me. The chances of winning were almost nil. Then I swam behind a huge neutral ship that was anchored here. I wanted the enemy to fire a volley at him and thereby force him to respond. But the enemy stubbornly did not want to wake the titan. In another attempt to scratch me out, he ran into the rocks and received maximum damage. Immediately finishing off, I took him on board.

Boarding even looks ugly

Abortion is worth talking about separately. For this is the most disgustingly done moment in the game. Having done certain damage, you will have the opportunity to board the enemy. To do this, you need to swim up to the flashing dot next to the enemy ship, which will continue to deal heavy damage to you. Then teams with muskets at the ready will sluggishly exchange fire.

You can only concentrate fire on a single enemy, or use special abilities - throw a poisonous bomb, send a couple of your messengers to the enemy deck (where they will quickly distract attention, concentrate fire on themselves, inflict some damage and hoard), etc. But the special abilities will quickly end, but the soldiers will continue to shoot. Until one side kills them all. In about 10 minutes. Well, then either spend the enemy ship on repairs, or recruit sailors from the captives, or ... everything is bad.

Maximum zoom

It's bad in the sense that the game is full of minor flaws and errors. The developers were too quick to withdraw it from early access. Take at least crack. Yes, it is, it is quite suitable for itself, but it is impossible to pass training in Russian. At a certain stage, the bug does not allow you to click the button. The third point does not really work when boarding. Here, in theory, we can take the ship to ourselves. But this item will either be inactive, or the ship will simply disappear. And only in a small number of cases it will really be possible to pick it up. This also applies to other aspects of the game. Cannonballs don't always get out, cannons don't always fire, and cargo can stick to the hold.

The graphic part of claims does not cause. The boats are pretty - and thanks for that. The effects of shots, smoke look great. True, the waves often pass through the ship, but this seems to be in all games about the marine theme. When zoomed in, there are small bugs like poor detail or sloppy animation of the team, but this is a problem with most small indie studios. Motion capture is not cheap these days.

Technically, the game has multiplayer. Well, how it is present ... Approximately at the same level as in No Man's Sky. Those. the developers promised that while traveling, you can stumble upon another player, but, in my opinion, so far no one has succeeded. But there is a co-op for 2-3 players. If you wish, you can build a small fleet with friends. Or drown to hell.


Greetings my beginner sea wolves! My name is Yaroslav Jj_13 and I am a Tempest fan. And finally, I decided to create a detailed guide on how everything works in our game. For clarity, I will season my research with illustrations. But I hasten to remind you that the game is still under development, but since I have already completed a large section of the game, I had the idea to create this guide to help you, my dear readers.

port and you

What's this?
Yes, indeed sir. The first time you enter the port, you will have one question: "A thousand devils! How and what should I do here?" So, let's understand how it works.
At the bottom of the screen, there are a row of icons.

From left to right, the list is:

  • Shipyard - here you can choose one of the courts presented in the game. At the very beginning of the game, you only have the Runaway ship.
  • Ship detailing - here you can create the ship of your dreams. Choose a latrine figure (a figure attached to the bow of the ship), hull coloring, a flag, sail decor and attachments to the hull
  • Mail - an icon used only in quests so far, in the future it will most likely be used to communicate with players in the world.
  • Artifacts - summon a mosquito monster on an enemy ship, burn an enemy team to the bone or reload guns in a second, everything is possible thanks to magic. This is where you can install all the artifacts you have.
  • Crew - here you control the crew of your ship. We'll talk more about this later.
  • The store is where you buy most of your stuff, from new ships to tobacco.

And in order to hire sailors from the tavern, simply click on the icon of the sailor you need.
In order to disembark a crew, simply drag the required number of people to the tavern (the number is indicated in the bar under the icon).

Flip the screen to the left.

So you got acquainted with the basics of marine life. Bon voyage and seven feet under the keel!

Sea adventure lovers will appreciate the new Tempest game about the life of sea wolves.

The genre is an action role-playing game. The developer is the Russian-Ukrainian studio Lion's Shade, previously known for the FootLOL sports toy.

Battle against other pirates, merchants, and followers of secret cults awaits you in Tempest

The action of the game takes us to the expanses of an open window - a place where pirates rule. The sea has prepared more than one surprise for the player: you will have to fight not only with other sailors, but also with fellow pirates, merchants, followers of secret cults. From the seabed, a sea monster can suddenly attack you - Leviathan, Kraken, etc.

Tempest is a game that has many features, including:

  • Using the map is not necessary at all - the world is open to you!
  • You will never be bored, because the game has three regions, many islands and various quests.
  • Two of your friends can become your companions or, on the contrary, enemies - invite them.
  • The ships that are available to you can be improved, changed, decorated.
  • There are both trade and robbery in the game - depending on what you like.
  • In addition to guns, there is also magic here, which can also be used in battles.
  • Your team members require leveling to reach higher levels.

Pirate weapons - cannons, mortars, flamethrowers, and other ship equipment that can be upgraded to overcome any difficulties. Also, after successfully overcoming the next quest, you can become the owner of the most valuable artifacts - "Rain from Fire", "Summon the Octopus", etc.

Tempest Walkthrough

Like any pirate, your sea adventures begin in the port where you find yourself after starting the game.

Initially, you should familiarize yourself with the bottom column of icons, where there are all the features of the game:

  • Shipyard - an icon that allows you to select an available ship. At the entry level, there is the Fugitive ship, which is not the best, but not completely terrible either.
  • Ship detailing - allows you to make your ship the way you want it to be.
  • Mail - used only in quests.
  • Artifacts - after completing quests, various skills become available to you, which you can view and use by selecting this icon.
  • Crew - allows you to see and evaluate the status of your crew. All the wounded will be in the hold, and the healthy ones will be on deck. There is also a "Tavern", where, depending on the level of the city, sailors will be located, the level of which will be higher if the city is large, and lower if it is small. They can be hired to serve you.
  • The shop allows you to buy upgrades and new ships.

Initially, the player has 16 sailors and 9 officers at his disposal. You can expand the team by completing various quests, agreeing to all sorts of adventures and participating in battles that will undoubtedly appear during the game.

Team management screen

When a member of your crew is injured, you will need medical supplies. In order to heal the wounded, you should click on the cross above him (and he is in the hold, as mentioned earlier). With each level, the amount of required medicines for a cure increases. Medicines can be purchased in three-star cities.

Tempest: ships in the game

The ship is your pride. Regardless of its size, speed and strength, you must take good care of it. Each ship is drawn, detailed, equipped differently, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There are currently 19 types of warships in Tempest.

When you start the game, only one is available - the Fugitive ship. It has not so many advantages and is intended more for study: you also need to learn how to manage a sailing ship, sailing among the depths of the sea. Waves, wind - all this affects your ship, therefore, you need to constantly monitor the sail, and in which case, adjust it as needed.

As you progress through the game and earn money, more and more advanced versions of the ships become available. They will allow you to become a real thunderstorm of the seas, conquer new territories and capture other people's ships.

Of course, you need to equip your ship for combat - three types of guns and three types of shells are available for this.

During the battle, your ship may be damaged. Therefore, it needs to be repaired from time to time. Repairs take place in the city, and the status of the ship can be checked in the corresponding icon.

Of course, the game is worth buying, as it allows you to plunge into the incredible world of pirate adventures.