Wow recommended system requirements. World of Warcraft - System Requirements. Factions and Classes

The specificity of PC gaming is such that before proceeding with the passage, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and correlate with the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. The usual comparison of the main lines of components will be enough.

For example, if the minimum system requirements for a game include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you should not expect it to run on an i3. However, comparing processors from different manufacturers is more difficult, which is why developers often indicate names from two major companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It should be noted that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to get the game up and running from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually need to lower the graphics settings.

World of Warcraft has been breaking all records for the number of players for years. Despite the rather advanced age of the game engine, its grotesque graphics have become a kind of style in this multiplayer universe. And nevertheless, with the release of new additions, system requirements inevitably grow, and they will be discussed in this article.

World of Warcraft System Requirements

World of Warcraft is a world famous role-playing multiplayer computer game. Many, if they did not pass it, they certainly heard about it. The success of this game is due to its complexity, variety of characters, as well as a special world filled with magic and magic. Many gamers are attracted by the opportunity to compete with other users scattered around the world. For those who like to play alone, there are also various options for passing. The opportunity to plunge into an interesting and suitable world for every gamer has determined its worldwide popularity. That is why almost any connoisseur of such entertainment has at least once tried to install it on his computer. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the game are quite high, which makes it not accessible to everyone. How do you determine if your computer supports the World of Warcraft system requirement?

What hardware is needed

The requirements of games for computer hardware have always been the subject of heated debate and discussion among fans. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to buy or assemble a sufficiently powerful computer just to be able to enjoy this game. In particular, in order to use the add-on to the game, called World of Warcraft Draenor, the system requirements listed below are required:

  • Hard disk space of 35 gigabytes.
  • Minimum volume random access memory 2 gigabytes.
  • Intel Core i5 processor or higher.
  • Video adapter GeForce or better.

It is also important what operating system is installed on your personal computer. Windows 7 and 8 work best, however sufficient condition is the presence of such common systems as Windows XP and Vista.

World of Warcraft Legion System Requirements

In order to conveniently and comfortably play World of Warcraft legion, you must first have a specific operating system. As a rule, these are Windows 7, 8, XP and Vista are also possible. A prerequisite can be considered the availability of free memory available on the hard disk in the amount of 35 gigabytes. For the game to function correctly, the RAM must be at least 2 gigabytes, and the video memory must be at least 256 megabytes (although 1 gigabyte is a desirable requirement). Among other things, you need a good high-quality video card (similar and constant high-speed Internet access. In addition to the requirements already listed, do not forget that a high-quality and comfortable keyboard, as well as a special gaming computer mouse can be a significant help for beginners. and for already experienced players.

If the computer does not support the minimum of Warcraft

Theoretically, in this case, you can still install the game. However, remember that such requirements are not an empty phrase. The game can be installed and even launched, but you are unlikely to get pleasure from passing. Often there are cases when the game simply does not load, it may stop working at the most inopportune moment, and the most common option is slowdown in the process, which significantly complicates the passage. Despite the high demands, this game is still very popular. If your computer supports the World of Warcraft system requirement, then you can easily plunge into the magical world of magic, so beloved by many.

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular multiplayer RPG computer games in the world. She appeared about fifteen years ago and almost immediately won the palm. Since then, many similar games have tried to get ahead of her, but none have succeeded. IN last years there were no particular attempts, since the genre of mass multiplayer role play became less popular and was replaced by other multiplayer games, but the project still has its impressive fan base. Moreover, new players are gradually appearing in the project anyway. If you want to try your hand, then you should first of all find out the system requirements of World of Warcraft. It would seem that the game should run on every computer since it was released over ten years ago. However, it turns out that the developers are constantly releasing updates and additions for it. And along with the game, the system requirements of World of Warcraft are also updated, so before downloading the client and purchasing a premium account, you should familiarize yourself with them and make sure that your system is suitable for this game, otherwise you may have problems with this massive multiplayer entertainment.

Operating system

Although the game was released when even Windows 2000 was still active, times have changed, and if you want the game to run on your computer, you should make sure that you have an operating system not older than Windows 7. Yes , even the classic version of XP is not allowed, since it is no longer supported by the developer, so it is not profitable for game developers to use it in their games. Naturally, there are also World of Warcraft recommended system requirements, in which you will find the fact that the developers recommend that you use Windows 10, since it's no secret that this version of the operating system is called the best for PC games. In addition, it is the last in the series, that is, new versions of the system will not be released separately, so you can constantly download updates for this and thus keep your finger on the pulse. Of course, the operating system isn't the only thing you should know when you research the system requirements for World of Warcraft.


If you've ever read World overview of Warcraft, you know it's a massively multiplayer game. What does this mean? This means that it is designed to be played by a large number of gamers at the same time, while they are all in the same game world and can interact with each other. Naturally, the requirements for such a project should be higher than for a conventional single-player game, since the load on the computer is much higher. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that even minimally you need a processor with two cores, the performance of each of which must be above three gigahertz. As for the recommended requirements, here it is worth thinking about purchasing a processor with four cores, since only in this case you can achieve best result... Naturally, in the original version of World of Warcraft, the requirements were significantly lower, but, as mentioned above, constant updates contributed to the gradual increase in requirements.


One of the most important elements the computer is the random access memory. It is it that programs use to function, and if it is not enough, the program will not be able to start, or it will start, but it will "hang" the computer, since the available memory limit will be exceeded. Games are the same programs, but even more demanding. Accordingly, you need to have quite a lot of RAM in order not to think about which game you are buying. Modern projects usually require about eight gigabytes of RAM, although there are already those in which maximum performance can be achieved only if you have as many as sixteen gigabytes of RAM. Fortunately, in the case of World of Warcraft, the requirements are not that high. To just start the game, two gigabytes will be enough for you, while at maximum settings you can play without the slightest problems with four gigabytes. And if you can try to ignore the recommendations in any other game, it is better not to do this in massive multiplayer RPGs.

Video card

If you've watched the World of Warcraft video review, you've seen that latest versions the games have pretty impressive graphics that are dozens of times better than what the game originally had to offer. Accordingly, you should get a quality graphics card if you want to enjoy all the beauties of the gaming world. Minimum requirement- one gigabyte of video memory, however, in order to set the graphic settings to the maximum, you should have at least two gigabytes of video memory.

Disk space

It is impossible to say how much space the game World of Warcraft will take. Free servers, official and paid servers - each of them has its own client, which may differ in "weight". But in most cases, the game will take about 45 gigabytes of space on your hard drive.

Operating system Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
CPU Intel Core i5 2400
RAM 4 Gb
Free hard disk space 35 Gb
Video card Nvidia GeForce GTX 470
DirectX version 9.0c

World of Warcraft requires a lot of computer resources to function properly. Its graphics are at a normal level, but you can enjoy it only with a good video card from the category of Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or better. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the "Options" tab, or it is better to open the system settings of the computer and look at the "Display" tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 9.0c or higher. On Windows XP, versions higher than 9.0 are not supported, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can choose the current version that suits your operating system.

The game is functional in operating rooms Windows systems XP / Vista / 7 / 8. The game will not work on older versions, and on newer versions it will not work correctly.

RAM is an important piece of hardware. The game requires about 2 Gb. The hard disk requires about 35 Gb of memory to install the application. You can find out if there is enough memory on the hard disk using the context menu that is called when you click on the local disk in the My Computer window.

An Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or better processor is capable of adequately handling World of Warcraft data and not overloading.

Ways to check system requirements

1. The system parameters of the computer can be found using the Win + R key combination, after which you must enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, right-click on the icon my computer, in the window that opens, select Properties.

If the computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to the minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of graphics degradation. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.

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Game description World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft, made in the online version, is one of the most popular games in the genre. World of Warcraft has a very intense the game world, which successfully combines witchcraft, battles and different races, with their own characteristics. You can choose one of two sides for which you are going to play the game: the Horde or the Alliance. In addition, you choose the class of the hero, each of which has its own characteristics. The game offers different modes gameplay... You can fight opponents in PvP battles, or you can complete missions and fight bots in co-op mode.

All MMO fans are familiar with World of Warcraft. A huge world, dangerous bosses and huge locations - that's what attracts gamers. However, there is another side to the coin. The game is pretty demanding.


The player will face different versions of WoW. System requirements for each version are very different. Changes made by the manufacturer are constantly adding to the weight of the game. Add-ons also require more performance or RAM from the PC. Having decided to install WoW, the player must familiarize himself with the necessary parameters in advance.

Legion expansion

The Legion expansion for WoW is expected in September 2016. The system requirements have already been presented. The novelty will work on any platform, including XP. This is definitely a plus. It's strange to see an outdated OS in the spec list though.

The player will need 45 gigabytes to install new items. Considering the huge world, such a volume is quite justified. The hardware requirements are much stricter than the Windows version. You need at least two gigabytes of RAM to play WoW. System requirements have also increased for the video card. The player will need a GeForse GT 440. HD Graphics 5000 from Intel will do, or a more powerful processor is also needed. The Phenom II X3 720 or its counterpart will do the trick for the minimum salary.

Only OS 10.11 will provide maximum game performance. A video card is also needed more powerful, you can use GeForse 775M, Radeon R9 M290X or analogs with higher power. The amount of disk space occupied is 45 gigabytes, but the RAM is needed for as much as 8 GB. The player will need chips or chips with similar characteristics.

Mist of Pandaria expansion

Legion's predecessors are less demanding. In 2011, the Mists of Pandaria expansion for WoW was released. Minimum system requirements start with a dual-core processor and 1.4 GHz each. Suitable for games, however, the fourth Pentium will not cope with the task.

The disk must have at least 25 gigabytes of free space to install WoW. System requirements for RAM have increased from 1 to 2 GB. As a video card, you need to use at least GeForse FX 6800 or more powerful. Mist of Pandaria runs on XP and Windows 7.

The maximum requirements are a little tighter. The computer must run on a 64-bit 7 or 8. The amount of RAM has grown to four gigabytes. Athlon 64 x2 or Core 2 Duo from Intel are suitable for the role of the processor. The performance should be at least 2.2-2.4 GHz.

Warlords of Draenor expansion

The addon was released in 2014. This is the fifth expansion for WoW. The system requirements for laptop and PC are the same. The computer should run on any Windows or Mac 10.8. From "hardware", for the minimum settings, you need 2 GB of RAM, or 1 - when using Windows XP. The game takes 35 GB of free memory.

GeForse 8800 GT video cards, HD 4850 Radeon model, as well as HD Graphics 3000 from Intel, will provide work at the "minimum". The processor should be no worse than Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or Phenom X3 8750. Recommended performance starts from 2.2-2.4 GHz.

The maximum settings are available only on more powerful hardware. From video cards, GeForse Radeon or similar gadgets are suitable. The processor should provide a performance of 3.6-3.8 GHz. Intel's Core i5-2400 chips or AMD's FX-4100 chips will do. The amount of space required for installation is 25 GB, and the required RAM is 4 GB. You need to run WoW at maximum speed on a 64-bit OS. Windows 7 and 8 will do.

Cataclysm add-on

Released in 2009, Cataclysm is less demanding than its followers. A PC only needs 1.3 GHz performance and 1 GB of RAM to play on minimum settings... Any video card will do. To install, you need 25 GB of free disk space.

Today Cataclysm's demands are pretty ridiculous. The video card must have 256 MB, and the RAM - only 2 GB. Performance requirements are also low. The processor should deliver 2 GHz. In general, the add-on requests are rather modest.


These are the latest and most popular additions to WoW in recent years. There are no sky-high requirements, which means that the game will start on almost any computer. An exception can be considered the still planned addition "Legion", which is quite gluttonous.