When will wot blitz come out on windows 7. World of Tanks Blitz: secrets and tips for the game. Key Features of World of Tanks Blitz

For many years, World of Tanks Blitz has been a leader in all chats. The game is popular with players of all ages - from young to old. After all, to test yourself in a real military battle is the dream of almost every man, and sometimes even a woman. The old-timer of military battles was replaced by World of tanks blitz, which differs in some moments, but still retains the main meaning - its tank, its battles. And of course, it is more convenient and spectacular to download World of tanks blitz to your computer in order to see with your own eyes all the delights of the game on a large scale.

The meaning of the game is simple and clear - moving on your own device, you need to defeat as many enemy vehicles as possible, destroying them with shots. The action takes place within the framework of World War II, the player can choose which side to fight on, there are 3 opponents in total - the USSR, the USA and Germany. Each country has its own special machines, corresponding to the technology of that era. Gradually, the car and the crew can be improved in various ways.

Video review

Gameplay and features of the game on PC

At first glance, a simple strategy makes you train logic, observation and constantly hone your skills. Tanks don't just shoot randomly with the same result. Hitting the target, and as a result - victory, is achieved only with the correct calculation of the speed of the projectile, the power and type of weapon. In this matter, everything depends even on the tactical location of the tank and the type of map on which the battle is fought.

The car is evolving all the time. Each battle brings bonuses. Upgrades can be set both with the help of personally achieved virtual money, and by investing real money, transferring them to your account and purchasing new devices. Every innovation in the tank - new way development of the car and crew.

Precisely designed tanks add realism to battles. Everything is like in reality. An incorrectly fired projectile will damage not only the enemy device, but it can also destroy your own, and if careless, even destroy the team. All this, of course, can be restored, no one will remove you from the strategy, only it can take a long time to eliminate the damage.

Battles are held in mass battles - up to 14 crews in one battle. By downloading World of tanks blitz to your computer, you get a whole world with real people on the battlefield.

The ease of controlling the game from a computer and the ease of driving a tank are the main advantages of a strategic skirmish. Of course, with the realism of the landscape, it is impossible to drive through a mountain or a tree, you have to go around them, but this is the beauty of control. There is a feeling of complete reality.

Authentic sound throughout and throughout the game created by the developers as realistic as possible. When the gun salvos, a real sound of battle is heard, the background melody does not distract from the strategy, but creates a feeling of solemnity and importance of the event.

Each battle is a unique map and constantly changing users. The game provides for communication between team members by text or voice messages. Maps are constantly updated, new ones are being developed. World of tanks blitz is gradually turning into a real world, on every piece of which there are massive battles.

The entire interface is completely Russified, which is another indisputable advantage.

Game control

Management in the game is as clear as possible. Movement is carried out using the standard combination on the keyboard - WASD. You can shoot with the spacebar, and zoom in with the F key. The view and movement of the tank muzzle is carried out with the mouse. World of tanks blitz on PC is specially designed with ease of control in mind, so as not to be distracted by key combinations at crucial moments. The sniper scope will allow you to see enemy tanks - highlights in red. And special settings allow you to determine the weakest points in the opponent's car and competently attack.

PC Requirements

From the description above, it becomes clear that World of tanks blitz is a complex game system with high-quality graphics and a lot of little things that require high-quality system support.

  • Permanent internet connection. If Wi-Fi is poor, it is recommended to use a wired connection.
  • A large amount of memory. To unpack the archive, you need 3 GB, for installation and trouble-free operation - 12, and random access memory you need at least 2 GB. Otherwise, the program will “hang” or not be installed at all.
  • Emulator version 2.4.44.
  • By downloading World of tanks blitz on Windows 7 or another operating system, before starting the battle you need to create account with a unique username and password. Using this account, it will be possible to get into the game from different PCs where the arcade is installed. After saving the

Meet the legendary tank shooter! Join a community of 100 million players worldwide. Fight in 7 vs 7 format alone or with friends, research and improve armored vehicles, apply different tactics and, of course, win. Choose a tank - and into battle!

Game features

  • Huge world of tanks. Here all the machines fight together - both historically accurate vehicles and models from popular alternative universes. The game features over 300 unique and exclusive cars!
  • Fast-paced 7 vs 7 battles in different modes and in more than 23 gaming locations. Each battle is unpredictable: the outcome depends on you and your team.
  • Well-developed development system. Research vehicles from Tier I tanks to Tier X monstrous vehicles. Change guns, customize equipment, apply camouflage - choose a car for your playing style.
  • Spectacular graphics that are automatically optimized for your device. Manual settings will help you find a balance between a juicy picture and high FPS.
  • Team game. Create squads with friends or join a clan to fight alongside like-minded people in rating battles and participate in tournaments with prizes!

Needed to play at least 3 GB free space and internet connection.

World of Tanks Blitz - grandiose tank battles in PvP mode are now available for Android smartphones and tablets, so now you can arrange a noble war game, as they say, without leaving production, using any free minute for this.

The original game World of Tanks for PC appeared on our open spaces about five years ago and very quickly gained nationwide popularity. The tank theme was to the taste of a very large number of users, and therefore soon the game servers were tightly overloaded with an endless stream of people who wanted to join the game. However, today the entire technical part functions as expected, and therefore fans of both the desktop and mobile versions can join the ranks of World of Tanks players without any problems.

Key Features of World of Tanks Blitz

  • about a hundred legendary tanks in the player's arsenal;
  • more than a dozen gaming locations;
  • incredibly realistic and high-quality graphics;
  • perfectly designed control system;
  • general balance of the game (free and VIP accounts have absolutely equal opportunities in battle).

The main "trick" of World of Tanks Blitz is that in it, as in its computer version, the main emphasis is placed on maximum realism and compliance gameplay real laws of physics. It is also nice that the developers tried to recreate the real look of combat vehicles with maximum accuracy, which turns the game into a kind of encyclopedic guide to armored military vehicles of the middle of the 20th century.

In general, the game World of Tanks Blitz for Android really turned out to be what you need, but unfortunately not everyone will be able to enjoy it to the fullest. The fact is that in order to play it, you can’t do without a good Wi-Fi or 3g connection. So before downloading it, you should take care of connecting to high-speed mobile Internet.

Belarusian company Wargaming pleases fans World games of tanks - developers have released a mobile World version of tanks Blitz, which many people are already talking about. Now you can participate in tank battles from any tablet, smartphone running on android.

What is the secret of such a powerful tank simulator? Firstly, the creators have recreated a truly exciting tank action. When the player enters the battlefield, he feels like a real tanker. In World of tanks Blitz, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, from a realistic playing field to the sounds of shots. And how realistic is the connection between the players?! It's worth a try. Secondly, as a game, the blitz version is luxuriously adapted to mobile realities. An even greater number of fans of tank battles can enjoy military battles from their phone, wherever they are: on a train, in nature, in a summer house, at sea, etc. Therefore, you can safely download the mobile version of blitz, invite friends, and with a friendly crowd you can organize an attack on enemy positions and smash their tanks to smithereens. You can achieve the greatest success in tank battles if you own the secrets of World of tanks Blitz. Therefore, it makes sense to heed the advice of knowledgeable gamers.

Secrets of World of tanks Blitz from experienced tankers

The very first piece of advice: choose and use your tank correctly. Success in tank battles largely depends on this. This applies not only mobile version games. The speed of the vehicle, the power of its weapons, and armor depend on the weight of the tank. Depending on the choice, your role in combat can be very different.

There are 3 types of tanks:

  • Lungs. They are considered the best scouts. Their task is to advance into enemy territory as soon as possible and detect enemy targets. What for? This will help your comrades to identify targets for firing. Important: light tanks must move constantly. This will allow you to avoid hitting the tank. Fast moving will save you from damage better than any armor. What if you still have to shoot back from a powerful enemy? An experienced player will try to "circle" the enemy. Roll around the enemy vehicle and try to get into the rear of the tank. It should be understood that maneuverability in villages and cities is an order of magnitude lower, therefore, without urgent need, it is better not to go there. And most importantly: watch where your brothers in battle are. If you scout a territory where there are no powerful tanks, there will be no point in such reconnaissance.
  • Medium. They are somewhat similar to light tanks. The difference lies in more powerful armor and improved weapons. This allows medium tanks to calmly engage in battle and successfully take a hit. More pumped tanks have an increased speed, so they may well play the role of scouts. The player's task: to carefully monitor the combat position, try to attack enemy tanks exclusively from advantageous places, good directions. The armor of a medium tank is not powerful enough to try to fight heavy vehicles.
  • Heavy. Such tanks are distinguished by powerful armor, the presence of strong weapons. What is their downside? At disgusting speed. It is important to understand that a heavy tank is a command vehicle. Should a heavy tank fall alone under the blow of opponents, it will be destroyed. Due to the low movement speed, he is unable to quickly escape from the trap. The player's task is to carefully monitor the members of his team, let the vehicles that move faster forward, carefully choose a convenient combat position for shelling (a favorable position is considered to be the location of the tank in a large fireable area next to the shelter).

A separate category is anti-tank self-propelled guns (abbreviated as tank destroyers). They are distinguished by good protection, excellent weapons. The gun is guided by the hull, since the tank destroyer does not have a turret. The task of the player: to act in such a way that it is possible to aim at enemies without interference. You need to place tank destroyers in a shelter.

The second tip: as soon as you decide on a tank, don't rush into battle right away. Take the time to study the main characteristics of the combat vehicle, understand how it is strong, what its weaknesses are. All experienced tankers are advised to carefully read the tank manual first. Only having a complete understanding of the capabilities of a combat vehicle, one can hope for victory, receiving medals. You can read reviews of all the machines of interest. If you want to save your personal time, see detailed guides dedicated to the passage of the game.

A list of other tips for the successful conduct of a tank battle:

  1. Playing on a premium account allows you to level up faster.
  2. Remember to break through. Any experienced road player knows that the most powerful part of a tank is its frontal armor. This means that in order to defeat the enemy, it is enough to deftly go to the rear of the enemy, from the side. Such shots will be the most successful.
  3. Know about ricochet. The developers of the game designed battle tanks in such a way that when a projectile flies into a certain part of the armor, it bounces off (this is the ricochet). Therefore, it is not necessary to shoot at oblique angles, it is better to aim at straight planes. Then you will have more chances to get a medal.
  4. Don't fight alone. It is not for nothing that they say: "One man is not a warrior." Experienced expensive players know that going on the attack alone is stupidity, the result of which is a quick death. Without the support of comrades-in-arms, one should not dream of medals.
  5. Don't forget to move. Everyone understands that it is much more difficult to get into moving tanks. When the enemy is in close proximity, do not stand in your already disadvantageous position, change your location, start moving. This will increase the chance of a miss or ricochet. Experience shows that back and forth movements and small turns save from complete defeat.
  6. Use tank destroyer tactics. There is no more powerful technique than an anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount. The player's task: being at a great distance from the opponent, take a height and shoot until the outcome of the battle is a foregone conclusion, then you can go into battle to finish off the enemy. Tank Destroyers can deal massive damage to an enemy unit.
  7. Use the diamond tactic. Do you see that the enemy begins to deliver direct blows? Quickly become a rhombus to him. Then the blows will ricochet and you will stay alive.
  8. Slow down the movement of fast opponents. Nimble enemies can be slowed down by hitting the caterpillar. Thus, you can slow down the enemy tank and deprive the main advantage - speed.
  9. Shoot weak tanks and vehicles with fewer lives.
  10. Try to destroy enemies more, take your time to capture the flag. For the flag they give less money. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of pumping as soon as possible, it makes sense to try to shoot the enemies. Capture the flag can be used as a distraction.
  11. Choose your gun carefully. Victory may depend on the trunk. Not always an expensive weapon may turn out to be the best in battle. Experienced players advise looking not only at the general parameters of the tank, but also at the parameters of the gun (damage, penetration).
  12. Learn to maneuver properly. You can also defeat a serious enemy on a weak tank if you circle around him and shoot in the ass. Powerful tanks that kill with one shot are slow.
  13. Try to stay in the fight for as long as possible. It all depends on your skills, the experience of the combat team, the size of the map. Expensive players cope with this task better than weak ones. So it's worth gaining experience.
  14. Be careful. Take such advantageous places, next to which there would be excellent shelters.
  15. Never shoot at your own. Even in the mobile version, you can destroy the tank of a comrade, but such an act will definitely not bring you victory, but you will earn a fine.
  16. It is advisable to buy reloading equipment, equipment for quick information.
  17. No need to freak out after frequent losses. It happens that at one time only strong tanks (high-level tanks) prevail on the server. Best recommendation: Come back to the game later.

An important point: the teaching of light. Do not think that the passage of training is a waste of time. No, the patient and balanced win the victory. Develop tactical thinking, gain experience, be cunning - you will succeed! The best medals will be yours.

Where to begin?

1. Maneuverability

Victory depends not only on the power of the gun, but also on the tank's engine, with which you need to implement various maneuvers, thereby increasing your own chances of survival. If you do not know how to dodge enemy attacks - most likely defeat will overtake you. The key point here is the ability to manage equipment. Thanks to the developers, learning this is not difficult. The movement of equipment is realized from one movement of the finger, you just need to get used to different models, because. each of them requires separate attention and development.

2. Know the neighborhood

If you have loaded into a new unfamiliar location, the first thing to do is look around and find cover in case of a shootout, because. during the battle, it will not be possible to search. In the worst case, this will lead to a possible defeat as a result of bad positioning.

3. Do not rush into battle in the forefront

There is no need to rush to break into the battle in the first seconds / minutes. By doing so, you expose your game to unnecessary risks due to defeat. Let more experienced players take the lead and attack while supporting them. Thus, you will gain experience, watch stronger players, which is only a plus for progress in the game.

4. Be Responsible

Responsibility above all to their comrades. Don't abuse the third tip. Don't let your enemies shoot your allies. The more you participate in skirmishes, the more experience you will be given, which can be spent on improving the characteristics of the tank.

5. Do not rush to buy new equipment

At the start of the game, the number of slots is extremely limited. If you purchase something new, be prepared to free up the slot. Basically, the acquisition of tanks takes place for gold - the local game currency, which is not easy to get. Premium tanks for regular currency are also available in the game, but this is more of a choice for collectors models than combat players. The best investment in the opinion of many experienced players is to improve the equipment.

By listening to these unpretentious tips, you will be able to qualitatively raise your gaming level, thereby improving your gaming leisure not only for yourself, but also for your comrades.

Tournaments are where the best teams are revealed. Accordingly, the approach to this event should be serious and thorough. We have prepared tips from experienced World of tanks Blitz players for you:

1. Desire

If you do not have the desire to participate in tournaments: time or effort, then it is better to leave this idea altogether so as not to let your team down. To participate in the tournament, the thirst for victory is of great importance.

2. Gaming skill

The victory directly depends on your game level. If you know about a competent exchange, know how not to be exposed to a blow and, in general, have great experience games - you should definitely try your hand at the battle arena!

3. Teamwork

Winning the tournament is highly dependent on the teamwork of the players. In a tournament, a team must have a connection. Give information to the team about where the enemy is, listen to the leader's commands and play with the focus team.

4. Tactics

Each team player must know where to go and what he will do on that flank. If someone in the team began to act not according to plan, this means that the tactics have not been worked out well.

5. Workouts

Training will allow you to work out many aspects of a successful game: teamwork, skill and tactics. With the help of training, you can analyze the course of the game and identify errors, thereby approaching the prize-winning place in the tournament.

6. Organization

You must be sure that your team will come to the tournament in full force. Be aware of what equipment your teammates have. Figure out which of the three points your team is not good at: tactics, teamwork, or skill, and try to work on that.

World of Tanks Blitz: secrets and tips for the game

In this article, we will reveal some secrets World of Tanks Blitz and tell you how to win this game. Please note that absolutely all the tips that we will give below are perfect for playing regular World of Tanks, as well as the version for the Xbox 360 game console.

Do not hurry

Haste is the main enemy of the player in World of Tanks. The player who rushes forward the very first dies very quickly, and in most cases without bringing any benefit. At the beginning of the match, figure out what tanks are on your team, see who is advancing and where, study the mini-map and the marks that your comrades put on it. If you see that someone is playing in a group, then you should help in their direction, because. such players usually act more cohesively.

Use the chosen tank correctly

There are three types of tanks in World of Tanks - light, medium and heavy - as well as anti-tank self-propelled guns (PT-ACS). The "weight" of tanks affects their main characteristics - speed, armor and weapon power - therefore, depending on them, you should choose your role in battle.

Make it a rule - after reseeding on a new tank, do not rush into battle, but read manuals on it, study the characteristics, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle. Try to get this knowledge for all the tanks you meet on the battlefield.

Light tanks are the best scouts at the initial stage of the game, while playing for them, try to move quickly into enemy territory and open targets for more powerful comrades. During reconnaissance, try to constantly move, because. the speed that prevents you from hitting you is better than any armor in this case. If you still had to engage in battle with a more powerful enemy, then try to “circle” him by riding in circles around the enemy’s car and shooting at her stern. In any case, try not to drive into towns and cities if necessary - your tank's maneuverability (and hence protection) will be much lower there. Also, do not forget to keep an eye on your team - it is pointless to conduct reconnaissance in the direction where there are no more powerful comrades.

Medium tanks are in many ways similar to light tanks, but they have weapons and armor of such power that they can engage in battle and hold the blow for a long time. closer to high levels the speed of medium tanks increases so much that they completely take over the role of scouts from light tanks. In any case, when fighting on a medium tank, carefully monitor the position, trying to attack the enemy only from a favorable direction. Still, your armor is not strong enough to withstand a head-on fight with a heavy vehicle.

Heavy tanks are powerful weapons, excellent armor, but disgusting speed. A heavy tank is able to hold out for a long time even against several opponents, but, nevertheless, it is a mistake to consider it suitable for playing alone. On the contrary, we have before us a purely command vehicle, because a heavy tank will not be able to quickly escape from a difficult situation, and left alone, it will die sooner or later. Keep an eye on your comrades, let faster vehicles pass ahead, and choose a convenient position for shooting yourself (cover nearby, but at the same time a large area to be shot through).

Anti-tank self-propelled guns are well protected, have excellent weapons, which, however, are very difficult to use. Because the self-propelled gun does not have a turret, then you have to aim the gun with the hull, and this is very slow. In open combat, you are likely to be overwhelmed by any tank, so try to act in such a way that you can always calmly aim at the enemy. That is, you are at the very end of the battle formations and always take cover, from where you work on the enemy.

Forget about auto-aim

It makes sense to use automatic sight only on the go, and even then - try to minimize such situations. From the very beginning of the game, learn to aim, train yourself to wait for the full aiming of the gun, practice taking the lead and finding weak spots on the body of the enemy tank.

Position your tank correctly

The forehead is the most protected place of the tank, but on the sides and stern the armor is already much weaker. This suggests a logical idea to turn your forehead to the enemy, but it is not completely true. In fact, the tank should be placed "diamond", so that the forehead and one of the sides of the vehicle are turned towards the enemy - so it is more likely that the projectile will ricochet without causing damage to the vehicle.

Use Covers Properly

The first simple rule - try not to stop the tank in an open area (you can break it only when you can shoot from a comfortable position). Always take cover before stopping.

Don't forget to use cover while moving - for example, if the terrain is hilly, then you can approach the enemy by moving along the reverse slope of the hill. And when you drive around the city, then "cut off" the turns in such a way that from around the corner your tank leaves not sideways, but in a rhombus. It is also worth placing a tank in the event that you want to take cover around the corner.

Learn to hide in the hills

The gun of any tank deviates vertically both up and down - the second is called the reverse angle of declination. Try to place your tank on a hillside (near the very top, of course) in such a way that only top part body, but you at the same time

Maneuver correctly in close combat

If the enemy is trying to twist, then one simple trick can help - turn the turret and hull in the same direction. In this way, you will accelerate the rotation of the gun barrel.

attack together

If a major battle is planned somewhere, then you should know that it is better to attack with the whole group, and in a fairly simple formation. The math is simple: if your group has even one more tank, then it will most likely win due to additional weapons and additional armor that will take enemy damage. But if this extra tank remains somewhere in the shelter, then at the most important moment of the battle, it simply may not have time to work on the enemy.